Autera: Cryptids

by Zakarizero

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Autera: Cryptids


Welcome, aspiring cryptid hunter, to the realm of hidden wonders and untamed mysteries. In the world of Autera, where every rustle in the underbrush and every distant howl carries a tale of the unknown, we embark on a journey to explore the enigmatic creatures known as cryptids.

A cryptid is not your ordinary beast, nor is it a mere figment of imagination. It is a creature that defies the boundaries of our understanding, often lurking at the crossroads of reality and myth. These elusive beings reside in the shadows, often remaining hidden from the prying eyes of the world, yet their presence is felt in the hearts of those who dare to seek them out.

What sets cryptids apart from common creatures are the whispers of their existence—stories passed down through generations, shared around campfires, and etched into ancient scrolls. Cryptids defy conventional knowledge, existing on the fringes of what is accepted by the masses. They are the embodiment of the extraordinary, the beings that prompt us to question the limitations of our understanding.

History tells us that tales of cryptids have existed for centuries, transcending cultures and civilizations. In the quiet corners of history books, we find accounts of sailors who swore by the sightings of sea serpents and mariners who recounted tales of colossal creatures lurking in the depths. On distant shores, travelers have encountered beings that defy explanation, leaving behind footprints in the sand that speak of creatures unlike any recorded in the natural world.

Lore weaves cryptids into the tapestry of our world, revealing the symbiotic dance they perform with nature. Our perception of these creatures has evolved over time—once feared as harbingers of doom, cryptids have transformed into enigmatic symbols of coexistence. Rupert, the visionary behind the Cryptid Conservatory, teaches us that not all monsters are malevolent. Beneath the surface of their fearsome exterior, some cryptids seek only to fulfill their primal instincts, their survival woven into the delicate threads of our ecosystem.

As we delve deeper into the chapters of this book, remember that the path of a cryptid hunter is not one of conquest, but of connection. It is a quest to understand the language of the wild, to decipher the mysteries that remain locked within the heart of nature. Armed with knowledge, respect, and a keen eye, you embark on a journey that will unveil the hidden wonders of our world.

So gather your courage and sharpen your wits, for the realm of cryptids awaits your discovery. Let us journey together into the heart of Autera's wilderness, where the untamed and the unknown intertwine, and where the line between myth and reality fades into obscurity.


Cryptid Conservatory

The Cryptid Conservatory

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Enigmatic

Nestled within the heart of Autera, amid lush forests and enigmatic landscapes, stands the remarkable institution known as the Cryptid Conservatory. More than an academic establishment, it is a living testament to the boundless curiosity and compassion of its founder, Dr. Rupert Friedrich Von Braun. The Conservatory is a place where the enigmatic creatures of the world, often misunderstood and maligned as monsters, find sanctuary and understanding.

A Wish for Goodness:

The story of the Cryptid Conservatory begins with a chance encounter that forever altered Rupert's life. A young, kind-hearted Rupert encountered a Cryptid whose monstrous appearance belied its true nature. Moved by compassion, he chose to assist the creature instead of resorting to violence, even at the risk of his own life. This pivotal moment left an indelible mark on him, and it was this profound lesson that inspired his selfless wish for boundless resources. His wish was a beacon of hope, a commitment to protect good Cryptids and contain those with malevolent intent.

The Birth of Understanding:

Under Rupert's unwavering dedication, the Cryptid Conservatory was established, a place where researchers and seekers of the unknown could gather to study and teach about these mysterious creatures. What began as a singular institution soon multiplied, spreading like wildfire throughout Autera. The Conservatory's growth was a testament to the shared vision of those who sought to unveil the secrets of Cryptids and to promote coexistence over conflict.

Teaching Respect and Study over Killing:

At the heart of the Cryptid Conservatory's ethos lies a profound understanding: that appearances can be deceptive, and true understanding transcends preconceived notions of monstrosity. Here, the study of Cryptids extends beyond the mere collection of knowledge; it champions respect for these creatures and values their intrinsic worth. The Conservatory teaches its students that evil is a state of intention, not a state of being, and that not all Cryptids should be hunted and slain. Some are meant to be studied, learned from, and cherished.

Guardians of the Elder Isles:

In an extraordinary effort to protect both Cryptids and the world, the Cryptid Conservatory relocates extremely dangerous creatures to the Elder Isles. This remote sanctuary provides a safe haven where even the most perilous Cryptids can live without posing a threat to others.

Fostering Knowledge and Compassion:

The Cryptid Conservatory, operating primarily on charity and donations, stands as the vanguard of knowledge and research in the field of Cryptozoology. Its vast network of researchers, led by the incomparable Dr. Rupert Friedrich Von Braun, tirelessly works to unveil the mysteries of Cryptids and deepen humanity's understanding of these enigmatic creatures.

Students of the Unseen:

Central to the Conservatory's mission is its role as an educational institution. Here, students are welcomed into the fold and taught the art of studying, respecting, and coexisting with Cryptids. They are instilled with a profound appreciation for the true essence of these creatures, guiding them to value the being over appearances.

The Cryptid Conservatory is not merely a place of learning; it is a haven for Cryptids and a beacon of hope for those who believe in the possibility of understanding the unknown. It is a testament to the power of knowledge, compassion, and the unyielding spirit of Dr. Rupert Friedrich Von Braun and the countless others who walk the path of understanding and coexistence.

Conservatory Members

Dr. Rupert Friedrich Von Braun

Father of Cryptozoology

Dr. Rupert Friedrich Von Braun, the visionary founder of the Cryptid Conservatory and the undisputed pioneer of Cryptozoology, was a genius-level Cryptid researcher whose remarkable life's work forever reshaped the world's understanding of enigmatic creatures. Born into a world of mystery and wonder, Rupert's destiny was irrevocably altered by a chance encounter that would define his purpose and leave an indelible mark on the world of Autera.

A Fateful Encounter:

At a young age, Rupert had a life-altering encounter with a Cryptid that defied all expectations. Instead of a terrifying confrontation, he found himself face to face with a creature whose monstrous appearance belied its true nature. This benevolent Cryptid needed assistance, and Rupert, armed with unwavering courage, stepped forward to help, even at the risk of his own life. In this defining moment, he learned a profound lesson: it was not a creature's appearance or instinctual behavior that rendered it monstrous but rather its intent to inflict harm, suffering, and needless pain.

A Wish for Goodness:

Rupert, inspired by this transformative experience, made a selfless wish that would shape the course of his life. He wished for endless resources to aid good Cryptids and to contain those with malicious intent. Miraculously, his wish was granted, and he embarked on a lifelong mission to fulfill this noble purpose.

The Birth of Cryptozoology:

Dedicating himself to the relentless pursuit of knowledge, Rupert dedicated his life to tracking, studying, and cataloging as many Cryptids as he could find. He soon established the first Cryptid Conservatory, a groundbreaking institution that welcomed like-minded researchers to explore, learn, and teach about these mysterious creatures. Under his visionary leadership, these conservatories spread like wildfire throughout Autera, uniting scholars and seekers of the unknown in their common quest.

The Sword Of The Sea:

Rupert's ceaseless pursuit of Cryptids led him to the helm of a technological marvel, the "Sword Of The Sea." This colossal submarine, over 150 feet in length, became his mobile command center, enabling him to circle the globe in pursuit of familiar and elusive Cryptids. As an artificer, he crafted ingenious gadgets, detectors, trackers, and scanners to aid his quest. His Ranger skills, honed by a deep connection with the natural world, allowed him to track, study, and understand Cryptids like no one else. Meanwhile, his Rogue talents bestowed upon him superhuman intelligence and wisdom, vital for commanding the vast network of Cryptid Conservatories.

Legacy and Impact:

Dr. Rupert Friedrich Von Braun's pioneering work transformed the once-obscure field of Cryptozoology into a respected discipline, sparking a worldwide fascination with enigmatic creatures. His Cryptid Conservatories, with over 2,500 members, continue to further his vision, illuminating the secrets of Cryptids and their place in the world. Despite his far-reaching influence, Rupert himself remains a perpetual wanderer, ever on the move, hunting, and organizing his institutions, his unwavering dedication to the Cryptids of Autera burning brighter with each passing day.

Dr. Rupert Friedrich Von Braun's life is not merely a biography but a testament to the power of compassion, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to protecting and understanding the cryptic wonders that inhabit our world.

Dr. Eleanor Thorne

"The Enigma Tracker"

Dr. Eleanor Thorne's contributions to Cryptid research have made her a revered figure among Cryptid hunters and scholars alike. Her unwavering dedication to unraveling the mysteries of these enigmatic beings has advanced the field of Cryptid research in ways that will continue to benefit humanity's coexistence with these remarkable creatures for generations to come.


Dr. Eleanor Thorne is a striking figure in the world of Cryptid research. She is a tall, lean woman in her early forties with an air of quiet confidence. Her ash-blonde hair is typically tied back in a functional bun, and her piercing green eyes seem to hold the mysteries of the world. Dr. Thorne's attire is practical, often donning a sturdy brown leather jacket and cargo pants suitable for the field. Her face is marked with a few faint scars, testament to the many encounters she's had with Cryptids.


Discovery of the Lost Cryptid Codex: Dr. Eleanor Thorne's most celebrated achievement is the discovery of the fabled "Cryptid Codex," a collection of ancient manuscripts hidden deep within the heart of an uncharted jungle. These cryptic texts, believed to be written by a reclusive order of ancient Cryptid trackers, contained invaluable knowledge about the habits, behaviors, and even the language of various Cryptid species. Dr. Thorne's meticulous translation and interpretation of the Codex have since provided a treasure trove of insights into the world of Cryptids, revolutionizing the way researchers approach their study.

The Beast of Atemis Expedition: Dr. Thorne led a groundbreaking expedition into the heart of the Atemis Mountains, a treacherous and uncharted region rumored to be the lair of a legendary Cryptid known as "The Beast of Atemis." After months of perilous trekking, Dr. Thorne and her team successfully documented the elusive creature's behavior and interaction with its environment. This expedition resulted in a profound understanding of Cryptid territorial patterns and led to the establishment of protected zones to preserve the creature's habitat.

Professor Isabella Nightshade

"The Cryptid Scholar"

Professor Isabella Nightshade's unwavering commitment to the scholarly pursuit of Cryptid knowledge has elevated her to legendary status within the Cryptid Conservatory. Her meticulous research and groundbreaking discoveries continue to inspire a new generation of researchers and Cryptid enthusiasts, shaping the future of Cryptid conservation and understanding.


Professor Isabella Nightshade is an elderly woman who commands immense respect in the world of Cryptid research. With silver hair pulled back into a neat bun and sharp, inquisitive hazel eyes, she possesses an air of wisdom that belies her age. Professor Nightshade typically wears tweed jackets and flowing skirts, reflecting her academic background. Her slender frame carries the grace of a lifetime dedicated to the study of Cryptids.


The Comprehensive Catalog of Cryptids: Professor Nightshade's magnum opus, the "Comprehensive Catalog of Cryptids," is considered the definitive tome on Cryptid classification and taxonomy. Over decades of meticulous work, she assembled a compendium that cataloged and classified over a thousand known Cryptid species, complete with detailed descriptions, anatomical sketches, and geographic distributions. Her catalog serves as the foundation for modern Cryptid research, enabling scholars and hunters to navigate the complex world of Cryptid diversity.

The Parley with the Eldertide Kraken: In a daring expedition to the heart of the Eldertide Ocean, Professor Nightshade orchestrated a groundbreaking encounter with a reclusive Eldertide Kraken, a Cryptid of colossal proportions. Through a combination of diplomacy and a deep understanding of Cryptid behavior, she established communication with the creature, revealing astonishing insights into its intelligence, social structure, and migratory patterns. This achievement paved the way for more peaceful interactions with Cryptids of similar magnitude.

Archmage Valeria Stormweaver

"The Arcane Cryptarch"

Archmage Valeria Stormweaver's mastery of the arcane arts and her pioneering work in the realm of Cryptid interaction have made her an unparalleled legend in the Conservatory. Her contributions to magical methods for understanding and coexisting with Cryptids have reshaped the way Cryptid hunters and researchers approach their work, fostering a new era of collaboration between magic and science in the pursuit of Cryptid knowledge.


Archmage Valeria Stormweaver is a commanding presence, with long, flowing silver hair and piercing sapphire eyes that seem to shimmer with arcane energy. She typically wears flowing, deep-blue robes adorned with intricate patterns of magical sigils and symbols. Around her neck, a pendant containing a captured wisp of ethereal energy serves as a testament to her mastery over the arcane. Her ageless visage reflects centuries of study and mastery.


The Arcane Codex of Cryptid Control: Archmage Stormweaver authored the "Arcane Codex of Cryptid Control," a tome renowned throughout the Conservatory for its groundbreaking insights into using magic to interact with Cryptids. This codex contains spells, rituals, and enchantments that allow Cryptid hunters to establish connections with, control, or pacify Cryptids, promoting non-lethal methods of interaction.

The Subjugation of the Etherial Serpent: In a legendary display of her magical prowess, Archmage Stormweaver single-handedly subdued the enigmatic Ethereal Serpent, a colossal and highly elusive Cryptid known for its ability to phase in and out of reality. Through a masterful display of spells and intricate wards, she temporarily anchored the creature in the material plane, enabling Conservatory researchers to study it in unprecedented detail.

Lord Cedric Ironclad

"Master of Martial Arts"

Lord Cedric Ironclad's unparalleled expertise in martial combat, weapon mastery, and battlefield tactics makes him an iconic figure within the Cryptid Conservatory. His dedication to training the next generation of warriors ensures that Cryptid hunters and defenders are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to face the relentless challenges of the field.


Lord Cedric Ironclad is a towering figure, standing at over six and a half feet tall with a broad and imposing build. His close-cropped gray beard and stern blue eyes reveal the experiences of countless battles. He is often seen clad in a suit of gleaming, intricately crafted full plate armor adorned with ancient engravings and scars from countless encounters. A massive greatsword, known as "Baneblade," rests on his back, its blade etched with runes of power.


The Battle of the Crimson Gorge: Lord Cedric Ironclad's name became legendary after leading the defense of the Cryptid Conservatory during the Battle of the Crimson Gorge. Against overwhelming odds, he held the line against a horde of marauding Cryptids, protecting the Conservatory's knowledge and scholars. His strategic brilliance and unmatched martial prowess turned the tide of the battle, earning him the respect of all who witnessed his valor.

The Martial Techniques Compendium: Lord Ironclad authored the "Martial Techniques Compendium," a comprehensive tome that details a vast array of combat techniques, weapon styles, and battlefield strategies. This invaluable resource serves as the cornerstone of martial training within the Conservatory, offering a wealth of knowledge to warriors of all backgrounds seeking to master the art of combat.

New Cryptids

Frostbite Sylph


A delicate, ice-winged creature resembling a humanoid with ethereal frost-covered features.

Feeding Habits:

Consumes frost and cold energy from the environment, feeding off freezing temperatures.


Can create blizzards and control ice, rendering opponents immobilized.


Vulnerable to fire and heat-based attacks.

Lurking Shadowcat


A sleek, shadowy feline with piercing eyes that thrives in darkness.

Feeding Habits:

Hunts nocturnal creatures, absorbing their life force through shadows.


Can meld with shadows for stealth and has night vision.


Sensitive to bright light and sunlight.

Grove Guardian


A towering, ancient tree with eyes and limbs formed from its bark.

Feeding Habits:

Draws sustenance from sunlight, absorbing energy through photosynthesis.


Manipulates plant life and can summon thorns and entangling roots.


Vulnerable to fire and susceptible to diseases affecting plants.

Mistral Serpent


A serpentine creature with translucent, iridescent scales that control the wind.

Feeding Habits:

Feeds on atmospheric currents and high-altitude creatures.


Can create powerful gusts of wind and fly effortlessly.


Struggles in confined spaces and susceptible to electricity-based attacks.

Crystaline Behemoth


A colossal creature covered in crystalline formations, exuding an otherworldly glow.

Feeding Habits:

Absorbs minerals and geothermal energy from the earth's core.


Possesses impenetrable crystal armor and can launch devastating crystal shards.


Brittle under sustained heavy impacts and vulnerable to sonic vibrations.

Nebula Wisp


A shimmering, ethereal entity that resembles a swirling cloud of stardust.

Feeding Habits:

Gathers cosmic energy from celestial phenomena.


Manipulates cosmic forces, creating dazzling illusions and disorienting foes.


Diminishes in strength during lunar eclipses and when exposed to anti-magic fields.

Abyssal Leviathan


A massive, dark aquatic creature with bioluminescent markings and multiple tentacles.

Feeding Habits:

Feasts on deep-sea organisms and absorbs the energy of submerged minerals.


Commands water and can summon powerful whirlpools.


Susceptible to pressure changes and weakened when away from aquatic environments.

Volcanic Emberkin


A fiery humanoid figure with molten skin and an aura of intense heat. Feeding Habits: Absorbs thermal energy from volcanic activity.


Controls fire and lava, able to create eruptions and pyroclastic flows.


Vulnerable to water-based attacks and struggles in freezing temperatures.

Echoing Banshee


An ethereal, sorrowful figure that emanates haunting cries and spectral mist.

Feeding Habits:

Draws energy from emotional distress and lingering regrets.


Possesses sonic attacks that disorient and induce fear in opponents.


Disperses in strong winds and repelled by positive emotions.

Celestial Gryphalon


A majestic, winged creature with iridescent feathers and a radiant aura.

Feeding Habits:

Gains power from celestial events and starlight.


Can manipulate light and celestial energy for healing and protection.


Sensitive to dark magic and weakened during solar eclipses.

Folklore Cryptids



A small, reptilian creature with spikes along its back and a thirst for livestock blood.

Feeding Habits:

Prefers the blood of livestock like goats and chickens.


Can drain life force through bites and has enhanced agility.


Sensitive to bright light and vulnerable to silver.



A winged figure with large, glowing red eyes and a foreboding presence.

Feeding Habits:

Draws energy from human emotions and sightings of disaster.


Possesses limited precognitive abilities and can fly at high speeds.


Susceptible to psychic interference and repelled by bright light.



A massive sea creature with tentacles that emerge from the depths to ensnare ships.

Feeding Habits:

Preys on large aquatic animals and sailors.


Powerful tentacle attacks and can create whirlpools.


Vulnerable to attacks on its eyes and tentacles.



A towering, hairy humanoid figure often sighted in remote wilderness areas.

Feeding Habits:

Primarily herbivorous, consuming plants and small animals.


Enhanced strength and stealth, able to elude capture.


Sensitive to loud noises and fire.

Nessie (Loch Ness Monster)


A long-necked aquatic creature said to inhabit Scotland's Loch Ness.

Feeding Habits:

Feasts on fish and other aquatic organisms.


Elusive in the water and can dive to great depths.


Sensitive to disturbances in its environment and dependent on aquatic habitat.

Mongolian Death Worm


A large, red worm-like creature found in the Gobi Desert.

Feeding Habits:

Consumes organic material and small desert creatures.


Can produce acidic secretions and deliver electric shocks.


Susceptible to extreme temperatures and dehydration.

Jersey Devil


A winged creature with hooves and a devilish appearance, often seen in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.

Feeding Habits:

Hunts small animals and livestock.


Flies with agility and emits eerie cries.


Sensitive to silver and repelled by religious symbols.



A malevolent spirit or creature associated with cannibalism and insatiable hunger.

Feeding Habits:

Driven by an insatiable craving for human flesh.


Can manipulate fear and possess individuals, enhancing physical abilities.


Vulnerable to fire and purification rituals.



A massive bird-like creature with wingspans that darken the sky, prominent in Native American mythology.

Feeding Habits:

Hunts large prey, including deer and other animals.


Can control storms and produce thunder, has incredible flight abilities.


Sensitive to disturbances in its territory and energy depletion after using thunder-based abilities.



A water-dwelling creature from Japanese folklore, resembling a turtle-like humanoid.

Feeding Habits:

Consumes aquatic life and occasionally crops from fields.


Possesses supernatural strength and water-related abilities.


Sensitive to politeness and manners, loses power if its water dish is spilled.

Forgotten Realms Cryptids



Resembling a massive armadillo with powerful claws, this creature burrows through the earth and surprises its prey.

Feeding Habits:

Hunts and devours small animals and creatures.

Displacer Beast


A sleek, predatory creature with the ability to project illusionary images to confuse attackers.

Feeding Habits:

Hunts using its darkvision and eldritch abilities to surprise prey.



A fearsome amalgamation of an owl and a bear, with razor-sharp beak and claws.

Feeding Habits:

Preys on animals and creatures in its territory.

Rust Monster


A metallic insect-like creature that corrodes metal with its antennae and feeds on the rust.

Feeding Habits:

Consumes rust and corroded metal.



A hybrid creature with the body of a lion, a goat's head on its back, and a serpent's tail.

Feeding Habits:

Hunts various prey with its diverse abilities.



A reptilian creature with the ability to turn its victims to stone with a single gaze.

Feeding Habits:

Hunts animals and creatures while petrifying them as a defense mechanism.



A monstrous creature with a lion's body, bat-like wings, and a humanoid face with sharp teeth.

Feeding Habits:

Hunts animals and creatures with its spiked tail and projectile spines.



A metallic creature with the body of a bull, the wings of a dragon, and the ability to exhale a petrifying gas.

Feeding Habits:

Consumes vegetation and minerals.



A multi-headed serpentine creature with regenerative abilities, capable of growing more heads if severed.

Feeding Habits:

Consumes animals and creatures in its environment.


Description: A majestic creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. Feeding Habits: Hunts small animals and creatures with its talons and beak.



Insectoid creatures resembling a mix between ants and scorpions, with sharp pincers and burrowing abilities.

Feeding Habits:

Consumes plant matter and preys on other creatures with its powerful mandibles.



A small creature resembling a mix between a rooster and a reptile, with a petrifying gaze.

Feeding Habits:

Consumes insects and small animals.



A floating aberration with tentacles and a beak, known for its intelligence and hunger for flesh.

Feeding Habits:

Hunts animals and creatures using its tentacles and beak.



Greetings, intrepid seekers of cryptid knowledge and guardians of the wild. As we continue our journey into the realm of cryptids, let us turn our attention to a crucial aspect of the cryptid hunter's path—protection. In the heart of Autera's untamed wilderness, where the line between the known and the unknown blurs, safeguarding oneself against the mysteries that lie in wait is of paramount importance.

Protection for cryptid hunters takes on myriad forms, each imbued with the power to ward off danger, enhance capabilities, and forge a connection with the creatures that roam the shadows. From humble amulets that bear ancient symbols to mighty weapons that sing with ethereal energies, our journey now leads us through a catalog of the tools that will aid you on your quest.


Like alchemical elixirs, potions hold the potential to grant you temporary boons, whether it be heightened senses, enhanced resilience, or even the power to communicate with the very beasts you seek. These concoctions are the secret recipes that empower cryptid hunters to navigate the hidden realms and emerge victorious from the shadows.


As you adorn yourself with intricate amulets, you become a conduit between the natural world and the enigmatic forces that shape it. These talismans, often infused with cryptid energies, lend you the ability to forge bonds with creatures beyond the ordinary, unlocking insights and strengths hidden beneath the surface.

Bladed Weapons:

The clashing of steel against hide, the rhythm of combat—the bladed weapons of a cryptid hunter are more than tools of battle; they are conduits of purpose. Each swing, each thrust, channels the essence of cryptids, offering unique abilities that can turn the tide against even the most formidable of foes.


he crackling reports of firearms echo through the forests, a testament to the harmony between technology and nature. Firearms wielded by cryptid hunters are more than instruments of destruction; they are extensions of resolve and protection, loaded with the power to strike down danger from afar.

Longbows and Shortbows:

The resonance of a taut bowstring, the release of an arrow—the archery of a cryptid hunter is a dance of precision. These bows are not only tools for bringing down quarry from a distance but also vessels for channeling ancient energies, allowing hunters to weave their intent into each arrow's flight.


Amidst the rustling leaves and the howling winds, armor becomes the guardian of your mortal form. Crafted with wisdom and insight, these protective ensembles are imbued with properties that deflect blows, resist curses, and empower you to face adversaries head-on.

In the chapters that follow, we will unveil the intricacies of each category of protection, providing detailed insights into the properties, origins, and lore that surround these tools of the trade. Whether you are a seasoned cryptid hunter or a fledgling initiate, these sections will equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the dangers and delights that await.

So, fellow guardian of the unknown, let us continue our exploration, arming ourselves not only with steel and sorcery but also with a deeper understanding of the delicate balance between cryptid and seeker. Through this arsenal of protection, may we forge a harmonious connection with the world's enigmatic inhabitants, safeguarding the wonders that lie just beyond our understanding.



Potion of Hunter's Insight


This potion is a rich green color and has a scent of pine and earth. It's known to grant heightened senses.


When consumed, the drinker gains advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks and Intelligence (Investigation) checks related to tracking and researching cryptids.

Elixir of Swift Pursuit


This potion is a shimmering blue liquid that gives off a faint breeze. It's often used to catch elusive quarry.


The drinker's speed increases, granting them an additional 10 feet of movement for 1 hour.

Brew of Enchanted Traps


This potion appears as a swirling mix of colors. It's favored by hunters who set traps for their prey.


After consuming the brew, the hunter gains advantage on Dexterity checks to set traps and on Intelligence (Investigation) checks to determine the best locations for traps.

Phantom Elixir


This potion has an ethereal, faintly glowing appearance. It's used to improve stealth and surprise attacks.


When consumed, the drinker gains advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and the ability to make a single ranged attack without revealing their position.

Elixir of Bestial Vigor


This potion is a vibrant orange hue and has a musky scent. It's favored by those who seek to emulate the resilience of cryptids.


The drinker gains temporary hit points equal to their Constitution modifier for 1 hour.

Draught of Elemental Resistance


This potion has swirling colors that represent different elements. It's used to defend against elemental attacks.


When consumed, the drinker gains resistance to a specific type of elemental damage for 1 hour.

Potion of Focused Study


This potion is a clear liquid that sparkles with specks of light. It's a favorite of researchers and scholars.


After consuming the potion, the drinker gains advantage on Intelligence checks related to researching cryptids and recalling relevant information.

Elixir of Swift Recovery


This potion is a pale blue and has a refreshing, minty taste. It's known for its rejuvenating properties.


When consumed, the drinker can spend Hit Dice to regain hit points as if they had taken a short rest.

Chameleon Brew


This potion has a shifting, iridescent hue. It's sought after by those who wish to blend into their surroundings.


After consuming the brew, the hunter gains the ability to cast the Pass without Trace spell once for the next hour.

Elixir of Precision Strikes


This potion is a deep crimson color and exudes an aura of determination. It's treasured by hunters seeking to make their attacks count.


After consuming the elixir, the drinker gains advantage on attack rolls for their next three attacks.


Amulet of Beast Speech

An amulet adorned with animal totems. When worn, it grants the wearer the ability to communicate with beasts and cryptids through gestures and empathetic understanding.

Hunter's Eye Pendant

A polished gemstone pendant that enhances the wearer's perception. It grants advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks related to tracking, spotting, and observing creatures.

Charm of Shadow Cloak

A small charm that can be attached to clothing. It allows the wearer to cast the Pass without Trace spell once per day, aiding in stealthy approaches to cryptids.

Lifeseeker Crystal

A crystal pendant containing swirling mist. It grants the wearer the ability to detect the presence of nearby creatures and cryptids, helping locate elusive beings.

Amulet of Elemental Warding

An amulet with elemental engravings. It provides resistance to a specific type of elemental damage, aiding the wearer in encounters with creatures that wield elemental powers.

Scentmask Bead

A small bead that emits a pleasant aroma when crushed. When worn, it grants advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track creatures by scent.

Cryptid Warding Talisman

A talisman engraved with cryptid symbols. It provides advantage on saving throws against abilities or effects used by cryptids to manipulate the mind.

Echolocation Earrings

Ornate earrings that emit faint pulses of sound. They grant the wearer the ability to use echolocation, allowing them to "see" their surroundings through sound waves.

Amulet of Ethereal Sight

A translucent amulet that grants the wearer temporary ability to see into the ethereal plane, revealing hidden creatures and spirits.

Harmony Stone

A smooth stone set in a necklace that resonates with the wearer's emotions. It has a calming effect on animals and cryptids, reducing the likelihood of hostile encounters.

Charm of Warding Glyphs

A small charm inscribed with protective glyphs. When activated, it creates a magical ward that grants resistance to a specific type of damage for a limited time.

Talisman of Beast Mastery

A carved wooden talisman depicting various animals. It grants the wearer the ability to attempt to temporarily calm and influence the behavior of nearby beasts and cryptids.

Ethereal Beacon Pendant

A pendant with a faintly glowing crystal. It emits a subtle light that cryptids find intriguing, potentially making them more open to non-hostile interactions.

Stonebound Amulet

A pendant containing a small earthy gem. It grants the wearer increased resistance to being knocked prone or grappled by larger creatures.

Charm of Focused Sight

A delicate charm that enhances the wearer's visual acuity. It provides advantage on ranged attacks against distant targets, aiding in precise shots.



Cryptbane Longsword


A sleek longsword with a hilt adorned with cryptid imagery.


On a successful hit against a cryptid, the wielder deals an additional 1d6 radiant damage.

Mystic Blade


A longsword with an ethereal, translucent blade.


Once per day, the wielder can cast the Detect Magic spell as a bonus action.


Cryptstalker Rapier


A rapier with an engraved guard depicting hunting scenes.


The wielder gains advantage on attack rolls against cryptids that are in dim light or darkness.

Warder's épée


An elegant rapier with a hilt wrapped in protective runes.


Once per day, the wielder can cast the Shield spell as a reaction.


Hunter's Edge Greatsword


A massive greatsword with intricate etchings of cryptid tracks.


When fighting a cryptid that is Large or larger, the wielder gains advantage on attack rolls.


Viperfang Dagger


A slender dagger with a venomous green hue on the blade.


Once per day, the wielder can apply poison to the dagger's blade, dealing an additional 2d6 poison damage on a hit.

Shadowstrike Dirk


A small dagger with a blackened blade that seems to swallow light.


The wielder gains advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in dim light or darkness.


Feywild Scimitar


A curved blade with enchanting fey designs etched into the metal.


Once per day, the wielder can cast the Charm Person spell as a bonus action.

Whispering Saber


A finely-crafted scimitar with a blade that seems to hum with otherworldly energy.


Once per day, the wielder can cast the Message spell as a bonus action.

Firearms & Explosives


Cryptic Carbine


A specialized rifle with an engraved stock featuring cryptid motifs.


Grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against creatures with the "cryptid" type.

Etherflame Revolver


A revolver with intricate etchings and a barrel that glows with ethereal fire.


Rounds fired from this revolver have a chance to deal additional fire damage equal to the wielder's Dexterity modifier.

Beastcaller Blunderbuss


A blunderbuss with a carved stock depicting various cryptid creatures.


Can be loaded with specialized ammunition to inflict extra damage against beasts and cryptids.


Serrated Shot


Ammunition with serrated edges, designed to cause deep wounds.


Adds an additional 1d4 slashing damage to each hit.

Elemental Rounds


Bullets infused with elemental energy, ready to unleash upon foes.


Can be selected for fire, cold, or lightning damage, adding an extra 1d6 of the chosen elemental damage type.

Silvered Shells


Shotgun shells coated with silver, effective against creatures vulnerable to silver.


Provides advantage on attack rolls against lycanthropes, shapechangers, and other creatures vulnerable to silver.


Thunderburst Grenade


A small explosive that creates a concussive blast upon detonation.


Creatures caught within the blast radius must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Frostbite Bomb


A glass orb filled with a mixture that creates a chilling frost upon shattering.


Explodes upon impact, dealing cold damage to creatures in the area and potentially slowing their movement.

Smokeflare Canister


A canister that, when ignited, releases a cloud of thick smoke.


Creates a heavily obscured area that grants cover and can be used to obscure vision during retreats or escapes.

Entangle Charge


An explosive device that releases a burst of vines upon detonation.


Creates a difficult terrain area filled with thorny vines, restraining creatures and hindering movement.

Concussion Mine


A small mine that releases a concussive wave when triggered.


Creatures within the blast radius must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 round.



Cryptseeker Longbow


A sturdy longbow with intricate cryptid engravings on the limbs.


Once per day, the wielder can cast the Hunter's Mark spell as a bonus action without expending a spell slot.

Whisperwood Longbow


A longbow made from the wood of ancient, whispering trees.


Arrows fired from this longbow have a chance to silence targets on a critical hit, preventing them from casting spells for 1 round.

Ethereal Longbow


A translucent longbow with an otherworldly glow.


The wielder can use their bonus action to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space they can see within range after making an attack with this bow.


Shadowswift Shortbow


A shortbow made from the dark wood of shadow-touched trees.


When in dim light or darkness, the wielder gains advantage on attack rolls made with this shortbow.

Nature's Grace Shortbow


A shortbow adorned with leaves and vines.


Once per day, the wielder can cast the Entangle spell centered on a target point within 60 feet.

Arcane Focus Shortbow


A shortbow with runes etched into the grip, channeling magic.


Arrows fired from this shortbow can be imbued with a cantrip spell, dealing an additional 1d6 damage of the spell's type.


Beastbane Crossbow


A crossbow with engravings depicting cryptid battles.


Bolts fired from this crossbow deal extra damage to creatures classified as beasts or cryptids.

Thunderbolt Crossbow


A crossbow with intricate lightning patterns etched into the frame.


Bolts fired from this crossbow have a chance to deal lightning damage and impose the Shocked condition on a critical hit.

Aetherwind Repeater


A repeating crossbow that hums with ethereal energy.


The wielder can use a bonus action to make an additional ranged attack with this crossbow, provided they have already taken the Attack action this turn.


Studded Leather:

Cryptic Camouflage Armor


Studded leather armor crafted with patches of fur and hide from various cryptids.


The wearer gains advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in natural environments and gains a +1 bonus to AC against attacks from beasts or cryptids.

Whispering Shadowsuit


Dark leather armor that seems to absorb light, making the wearer blend into shadows.


When in dim light or darkness, the wearer has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Half Plate:

Warden's Plate


Half plate armor adorned with intricate forest motifs.


The wearer gains advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track or navigate through natural environments.

Elemental Ward Half Plate


Half plate armor etched with elemental symbols.


Once per day, the wearer can choose to gain resistance to a specific type of elemental damage until the start of their next turn.


Cryptweave Mail


Chainmail interwoven with cryptid fur and scales.


Provides resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.

Echoing Chainmail


Chainmail that resonates with echoes of the wild.


The wearer gains advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect hidden creatures or threats.


Guardian's Heartplate


A breastplate adorned with a heart-shaped cryptid motif.


The wearer gains advantage on saving throws against charm and fear effects.

Sylvan Defender Breastplate


Breastplate engraved with symbols of nature and growth.


Once per day, the wearer can cast the Barkskin spell on themselves without expending a spell slot.

Full Plate:

Mystic Wardplate


Full plate armor inscribed with protective glyphs.


Provides advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects cast by cryptids.

Ethereal Enforcer Plate


Full plate armor that shimmers with an otherworldly glow.


Once per day, the wearer can cast the Banishment spell as an action.


Cryptward Bulwark


A sturdy shield with cryptid sigils engraved on its surface.


Provides a +2 bonus to AC against attacks from beasts or cryptids.

Warding Ward


A magical shield adorned with protective runes.


Once per day, the wielder can use a reaction to cast the Shield spell when targeted by an attack.


Hunter's Sight Helm


A helm with a visor carved to resemble predatory cryptid eyes.


Once per day, the wearer can cast the Hunter's Mark spell as a bonus action without expending a spell slot.

Lorekeeper's Circlet


A circlet with gemstones that shimmer with ancient wisdom.


Provides advantage on Intelligence (History) checks to recall information about cryptids and their habits.


Cryptid Tracker


Gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track cryptids, and you can identify specific cryptids by examining their tracks and signs.


You must have proficiency in the Survival skill. You learn this feat through extensive training and experience in tracking cryptids.

Beast Whisperer


Gain the ability to cast the Speak with Animals spell once per day without expending a spell slot, allowing you to communicate with creatures related to cryptids.


You must have proficiency in the Animal Handling skill. This feat reflects your deep understanding of the natural world and your connection to cryptid-associated creatures.

Evasive Maneuver


When you are targeted by an opportunity attack while moving away from a creature, you can use your reaction to move an additional 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.


You must have a Dexterity score of 13 or higher. This feat reflects your training in evasive techniques to avoid the strikes of swift and dangerous cryptids.

Cryptid Lorekeeper


Gain advantage on Intelligence (History) checks related to cryptids and their legends. You also gain proficiency in the Nature skill if you don't already have it.


You must have an Intelligence score of 13 or higher. This feat represents your extensive research and study of cryptid lore.

Elemental Hunter


Choose an elemental type (fire, cold, lightning, acid, or poison). Your attacks deal an additional 1d6 damage of the chosen elemental type to cryptids vulnerable to that element.


You must have dealt elemental damage to at least three different cryptid creatures. This feat reflects your mastery in targeting cryptids' vulnerabilities.

Tactical Trapper


Gain proficiency with the tinker's tools and the ability to create simple traps during a short rest. These traps can be set to trigger in response to specific conditions you determine.


You must have proficiency in the Survival skill and the ability to create and disarm traps. This feat represents your skill in devising and utilizing traps against cryptids.

Cryptid Conduit


Once per day, you can cast a divination spell (such as Detect Magic or Identify) without expending a spell slot, focusing it specifically on cryptid-related phenomena.


You must have the ability to cast at least one divination spell. This feat reflects your innate connection to the mysteries surrounding cryptids.

Stalwart Resilience


Gain advantage on saving throws against disease, poison, and the frightened condition. You also have resistance to poison damage.


You must have a Constitution score of 13 or higher. This feat represents your hardiness and resilience in the face of the dangers posed by cryptids.


Naturalist Scholar


You are a dedicated scholar of the natural world, focusing on the study of creatures and their habitats. Your understanding of cryptids and their behavior makes you a valuable asset to the Conservatory's research efforts.

Skill Proficiencies:

Nature, Investigation

Tool Proficiencies:

Herbalism Kit


Naturalist's Insight - You can use your expertise to gain insights into cryptid behavior and habitats. When encountering cryptids, you can roll a Wisdom (Nature) check to glean useful information about their habits.

Urban Infiltrator


You are a skilled operative who excels in navigating urban landscapes and gathering information. Your role within the Conservatory involves investigating cryptid sightings within cities and uncovering the truth behind urban legends.

Skill Proficiencies:

Stealth, Investigation

Tool Proficiencies:

Thieves' Tools


Urban Informant - You have a network of contacts in various cities who can provide you with information about cryptid activity in urban areas. You can spend time gathering information and making connections during downtime.

Ethereal Medium


You possess a connection to the ethereal realm, allowing you to communicate with spirits and otherworldly entities. Your unique abilities aid the Conservatory in understanding cryptids' mystical aspects.

Skill Proficiencies:

Arcana, Religion

Tool Proficiencies:

Occult Kit


Spirit Insight - You can communicate with spirits related to cryptids, gaining insights into their history, motives, and the ethereal forces that influence them.

Tribal Guardian


You hail from a tribal society that reveres the balance of nature and honors the spirits of cryptids. As a guardian of your tribe's sacred lands, you bring your intimate knowledge of cryptids to the Conservatory's cause.

Skill Proficiencies:

Survival, Animal Handling

Tool Proficiencies:

Herbalism Kit


Tribal Connections - Your connections within your tribe grant you assistance and insights related to cryptids and their interactions with the natural world.

Haunted Survivor


You have endured encounters with malevolent supernatural forces, gaining an uncanny awareness of the cryptid world's darker aspects. Your insights into cryptids' sinister nature assist the Conservatory in facing these threats.

Skill Proficiencies:

Insight, Intimidation

Tool Proficiencies:

Occult Kit


Haunted Insights - Your experiences with malevolent entities grant you unique insights into cryptids tainted by darkness. You can roll a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine if a cryptid has been influenced by malevolent forces.

Wanderlust Cartographer


As an adventurous cartographer, you've explored uncharted territories and mapped out cryptid habitats. Your skills in mapping and navigation contribute to the Conservatory's understanding of cryptid territories.

Skill Proficiencies:

Survival, Cartographer's Tools

Tool Proficiencies:

Navigator's Tools


Trailblazer - Your expertise in mapping and navigation allows you to create detailed maps of cryptid territories. You can provide accurate maps to the Conservatory's expeditions.



The Artificer is a fascinating and versatile class that revolves around crafting, invention, and mastering magical devices. Artificers are ingenious inventors, imbuing their creations with magical properties and using their mechanical prowess to solve problems. They specialize in crafting magical items, concocting potions, and developing gadgets to aid them and their allies in various situations.

Key aspects of the Artificer class include:

Infusions: Artificers possess the unique ability to infuse non-magical items with magical properties. They can enchant weapons and armor, create magical gadgets, and craft potent elixirs. These infusions provide a wide range of benefits, from enhancing combat capabilities to aiding in exploration.

Spellcasting: Artificers are spellcasters, but they have their own spellcasting system known as "Infusions" and "Spellcasting Focus." They can cast spells that often revolve around crafting, utility, and support, making them versatile casters who can adapt to various roles within a party.

Tool Proficiency: Artificers are proficient with various tools, enabling them to craft items, brew potions, and maintain and repair mechanical devices. They often have a unique tool, the "Artificer's Tool," which allows them to perform their magical infusions and other class features.

Magical Tinkering: Artificers can imbue objects with magical effects temporarily. This ability allows them to create devices with various functions, such as creating a light source, playing recorded messages, or enchanting objects for specific purposes.

Specializations: Artificers choose from different subclasses known as "Specializations" or "Specialist Fields." These specializations define their focus and grant unique abilities. For example, the "Alchemist" specialization allows Artificers to create powerful potions, while the "Battle Smith" specializes in combat alongside a magical construct companion.

Benefits of playing an Artificer:

Gadgetry: Artificers are master inventors, making them ideal for creating gadgets and tools tailored for tracking cryptids. They can fashion specialized devices for detecting magical auras, analyzing footprints, or even setting traps.

Utility Spells: Artificers have access to spells that aid in exploration and investigation. Spells like "Detect Magic," "Identify," and "Locate Object" can be invaluable for tracking cryptids and uncovering their secrets.

Infusions: Artificers can infuse their gear with unique magical properties, enhancing their tracking abilities. They can create boots that leave no tracks, goggles that grant night vision, or a compass that always points toward the nearest cryptid.

Adaptive Playstyle: Artificers are versatile, able to switch between combat, support, and utility roles as needed. This adaptability makes them valuable assets in a party focused on tracking cryptids.

Crafting Proficiency: Artificers are skilled crafters, allowing them to create specialized tools and magical items specifically designed for cryptid hunting. They can make silvered weapons, anti-venom potions, and more.

Blood Hunter

Blood Hunters are known for their uncanny ability to harness their own life force, or blood, to fuel potent combat abilities and dark magic. These individuals specialize in tracking, hunting, and ultimately defeating creatures of darkness, such as undead, fiends, and other supernatural threats.

Key aspects of a Blood Hunter include:

Blood Magic: Blood Hunters possess a unique resource known as "Hemocraft Points," which they can expend to activate powerful abilities and cast specialized spells. These abilities can enhance their weapons, heal themselves, or curse their enemies, making them formidable in combat.

Dark Hunter: Blood Hunters are experts at tracking and hunting supernatural creatures, making them ideal for campaigns with a strong focus on battling undead, fiends, and other malevolent entities. They excel at detecting hidden threats and are skilled at survival in harsh environments.

Versatile Archetypes: Blood Hunters can choose from different subclasses, known as "Orders," each offering a distinct playstyle. For example, the "Order of the Ghostslayer" specializes in hunting ghosts and spirits, while the "Order of the Lycan" allows Blood Hunters to embrace lycanthropy for unique shape-shifting abilities.

Sacrificial Abilities: Blood Hunters can voluntarily inflict damage on themselves to gain benefits, reflecting their willingness to sacrifice their own well-being for the greater good. This can involve taking risks to deal more damage or regain resources.

Dark Arts: Blood Hunters gain access to a unique spellcasting system based on their Hemocraft Points, allowing them to cast spells with a dark and often necromantic flavor. These spells complement their combat abilities and tracking skills.

Benefits of playing a Blood Hunter:

Versatility: Blood Hunters can adapt to various combat situations, from dealing with hordes of undead to confronting powerful fiends. Their versatility allows them to contribute effectively to a party's success.

Survivability: Blood Hunters have access to self-healing abilities, which can help them withstand the rigors of combat and maintain their offensive capabilities.

Role-Playing Opportunities: Blood Hunters often have intriguing backstories and motivations tied to their choice to hunt supernatural creatures. This can lead to rich role-playing experiences and character development.

Dark Magic: The class introduces unique and thematic spells that can add depth to a character's magical abilities and combat tactics.

For complete information regarding Blood Hunters, visit D&D Beyond by clicking the Blood Hunter title.


The Druid embodies the harmony between the natural world and its mystical forces. Druids are spellcasters who draw power from the natural world, commune with animals, and possess shape-shifting abilities. They specialize in preserving and protecting the environment while wielding powerful nature-based magic.

Key aspects of the Druid class include:

Spellcasting: Druids are full spellcasters, relying on the power of nature to cast spells that harness the elements, control animals, and manipulate the terrain. They have a unique spell list that includes spells like "Entangle," "Speak with Animals," and "Cure Wounds."

Wild Shape: Druids have the unique ability to transform into animals and other creatures, a feature known as "Wild Shape." This grants them new abilities, increased mobility, and the ability to adapt to various challenges.

Bond: Druids often have a strong connection to a specific aspect of nature, such as the moon, the forest, or the elements. This connection influences their spells and abilities, allowing them to specialize in certain aspects of nature.

Circle Subclasses: Druids choose from different subclasses known as "Circles." These circles determine their focus and grant unique abilities. For example, the "Circle of the Moon" enhances their Wild Shape abilities, while the "Circle of the Land" grants them additional spellcasting versatility.

Commune with Nature: Druids can communicate with animals, plants, and even the elements themselves. They can gather information from the natural world, making them skilled trackers and guardians of the wilderness.

Benefits of playing a Druid for tracking cryptids:

Nature's Senses: Druids have a deep understanding of the natural world, making them excellent trackers. They can sense disturbances in the environment, detect the presence of creatures, and decipher cryptid behaviors based on their connection to nature.

Shape-Shifting: Wild Shape allows Druids to transform into animals, granting them enhanced mobility and the ability to track cryptids in their own habitats. They can become birds for aerial surveillance or wolves for ground tracking.

Tracking Spells: Druid spells like "Locate Animals or Plants" and "Detect Poison and Disease" are invaluable for tracking cryptids. They can also use spells like "Pass without Trace" to move stealthily and avoid leaving traces.

Animal Companions: Druids can form bonds with animals, allowing them to have animal companions that assist in tracking cryptids and provide additional abilities.

Survival Skills: Druids are skilled in survival, enabling them to thrive in the wilderness. They can find food and water, create shelter, and navigate challenging terrains.

Nature's Wrath: Druid spells and abilities often have natural themes, making them effective against supernatural creatures like cryptids. They can summon natural disasters, control the weather, and manipulate the elements to their advantage.


The Fighter is a classic and straightforward class. Fighters are skilled warriors who specialize in combat and martial prowess. They excel in wielding weapons and armor, engaging in melee and ranged combat, and mastering various combat techniques. Fighters are versatile, capable of adapting to different combat situations, and are known for their resilience and physical prowess.

Key aspects of the Fighter class include:

Fighting Styles: Fighters choose a fighting style at 1st level, which grants them specific combat benefits. These styles include archery, dueling, great weapon fighting, and more, allowing Fighters to specialize in different types of weapons and combat approaches.

Extra Attacks: Fighters gain multiple attacks as they level up, making them exceptional at dealing damage in combat. This feature allows them to strike more than once per turn, particularly when making melee attacks.

Martial Archetypes: Fighters select a Martial Archetype at 3rd level, which defines their combat focus and grants unique abilities. Archetypes include the Champion, Battle Master, and Eldritch Knight, each offering distinct combat styles and techniques.

Indomitable: At higher levels, Fighters become exceptionally resilient, gaining the ability to re-roll failed saving throws and resist certain effects. This feature reflects their unwavering determination and physical prowess.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Fighters are proficient with a wide range of weapons and armor, making them versatile combatants capable of adapting to different combat situations.

Benefits of playing a Fighter for tracking cryptids:

Combat Proficiency: Fighters are masters of combat, making them highly effective at dealing with cryptids that may pose a physical threat. Their combat skills, multiple attacks, and fighting styles make them formidable adversaries.

Weapon Versatility: Fighters can specialize in various weapons, allowing them to choose the most effective tools for tracking and dealing with cryptids. Whether it's a bow for ranged attacks or a versatile sword for close combat, Fighters can adapt to the situation.

Resilience: Fighters have high hit points and access to features like Second Wind and Indomitable, making them durable and capable of surviving encounters with dangerous cryptids.

Tactical Combat: Certain Fighter archetypes, like the Battle Master, excel at tactical combat and can employ maneuvers and techniques that aid in tracking and defeating cryptids. These maneuvers can include disarming foes, tripping them, or intimidating them.

Survival Skills: Fighters often have proficiency in skills like Survival, which is valuable for tracking cryptids in the wilderness. Their physical prowess and endurance make them capable of enduring challenging tracking expeditions.

Role-Playing Opportunities: Fighters can have diverse backgrounds and motivations for tracking cryptids. They might be knights on a quest, mercenaries seeking bounties, or noble warriors protecting their lands from cryptid threats.


A Paladin is a noble and resilient class in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Paladins are renowned for their unwavering devotion to a cause, often bound by an oath, and their ability to channel divine energy to smite evil, protect the innocent, and heal the wounded. These stalwart champions are known for their moral compass, which guides their actions on the path of righteousness. In the world of Autera, Paladins of the Cryptid Conservatory swear oaths to protect Cryptids and ensure their well-being.

In the Cryptid Conservatory, Paladins are revered for their unwavering dedication to the protection of Cryptids and the preservation of the natural world. Their divine powers and steadfast resolve make them valuable allies in the ongoing mission to study, safeguard, and coexist with the enigmatic creatures of Autera.

Key aspects of a Paladin include:

Divine Oaths: Paladins swear sacred oaths that define their character and powers. These oaths can encompass a wide range of values and principles, from the protection of Cryptids to the preservation of the natural world. Oaths grant unique abilities and spells, reinforcing the Paladin's commitment to their cause.

Divine Smite: Paladins can channel divine energy through their weapon strikes, delivering powerful smites to their foes. This feature allows them to deal extra damage to evil creatures and Cryptids that threaten the balance of nature.

Lay on Hands: Paladins possess the ability to heal wounds with a touch. This feature can be a lifesaver for party members and Cryptids alike, mending injuries and alleviating suffering.

Aura of Protection: Paladins radiate an aura of courage and protection, granting themselves and nearby allies bonuses to saving throws. This ability reflects their unwavering resolve to safeguard those around them.

Divine Mount: At higher levels, Paladins can summon a loyal steed, often a celestial or Cryptid-inspired creature, to aid them in battle and exploration.

Benefits Of playing a Paladin when tracking Cryptids:

Oath Tenets: A Paladin's oath can be tailored to focus on Cryptid protection. Their tenets may include vows to defend Cryptids from harm, uphold the natural order, and seek peaceful resolutions before resorting to combat.

Divine Smite: When facing particularly malevolent Cryptids or otherworldly creatures that threaten the balance of Autera, a Paladin can harness their Divine Smite to deal devastating damage and banish evil entities.

Lay on Hands: Paladins can use Lay on Hands to heal injured Cryptids, mend wounds inflicted by hostile hunters, or even soothe a frightened Cryptid, earning their trust.

Aura of Protection: In the heat of battle, a Paladin's Aura of Protection can shield their allies, including fellow hunters, from the Cryptid's supernatural effects and resistances.

Divine Mount: Paladins can call upon their divine mount to aid in tracking and transportation through rugged terrains, ensuring they can keep pace with elusive Cryptids.


Rangers are skilled hunters, trackers, and wilderness experts who have honed their abilities to survive and thrive in the natural world. They specialize in navigating forests, jungles, deserts, and other terrains while also serving as protectors of the wilderness.

Key aspects of a Ranger include:

Favored Enemy: Rangers excel at hunting specific types of creatures, known as their "Favored Enemies." These can include beasts, humanoids, undead, and more. Rangers gain bonuses when tracking, attacking, and dealing with their chosen enemies.

Natural Explorer: Rangers have an innate understanding of the natural world. They are adept at surviving in various environments and can guide their party through treacherous terrains without fear of becoming lost. They also gain advantages in tracking and avoiding threats.

Archetypes: Rangers can choose from different subclasses, known as "Archetypes" or "Conclaves." These subclasses provide unique abilities and playstyles. For example, the "Hunter" archetype focuses on combat abilities, while the "Beast Master" allows Rangers to form bonds with animal companions.

Spellcasting: Rangers possess a limited form of spellcasting, known as "Ranger Spells." These spells typically revolve around nature, survival, and enhancing their abilities. They can cast spells like "Hunter's Mark" to increase their damage output or "Pass Without Trace" to move stealthily.

Weapon Proficiency: Rangers are proficient with a wide range of weapons, making them versatile combatants. They often use ranged weapons like bows and crossbows but can also excel in melee combat with swords and other melee weapons.

Benefits of playing a Ranger:

Survival Skills: Rangers are masters of survival in the wilderness, making them invaluable for wilderness adventures and exploration. They can provide food, water, and shelter for their party and navigate challenging terrains with ease.

Tracking and Scouting: Rangers excel at tracking creatures and detecting hidden threats. Their skills are essential for uncovering clues, following leads, and scouting ahead to ensure the safety of their party.

Versatile Combat: Rangers can adapt to various combat scenarios. They can excel as ranged or melee combatants, and their Favored Enemy feature makes them highly effective against specific types of foes.

Animal Companions: Some Ranger archetypes allow players to form bonds with animal companions, adding a unique dynamic to the party and enhancing their combat capabilities.

Role-Playing Opportunities: Rangers often have strong ties to nature, unique backstories, and motivations that can lead to engaging role-playing experiences.

For complete information regarding Rangers, visit D&D Beyond by clicking the Ranger title.


Wizards are scholarly spellcasters who specialize in harnessing arcane magic through rigorous study and intellectual pursuit. They are masters of the arcane arts, delving into ancient tomes and arcane secrets to wield powerful spells. Wizards are known for their versatility, as they can prepare and cast a diverse range of spells, manipulate reality, and solve problems with their magical abilities.

Key aspects of the Wizard class include:

Arcane Spellcasting: Wizards excel in the art of spellcasting, with a broad selection of spells they can prepare and cast. This versatility allows them to adapt to various situations and challenges.

Spellbook: Wizards maintain a spellbook where they record and organize their spells. This book is a vital resource for preparing and casting spells, and it can be expanded over time as the wizard learns more magic.

Arcane Traditions: Wizards choose one of several arcane traditions, such as Evocation, Abjuration, or Divination. Each tradition grants unique abilities and spells, allowing players to tailor their character's focus and abilities to their preferred playstyle.

Ritual Casting: Wizards can ritually cast certain spells without expending spell slots. This feature allows them to perform complex magical rituals for utility purposes without depleting their magical resources.

Arcane Recovery: Wizards have the Arcane Recovery feature, enabling them to recover spell slots during short rests. This ability enhances their spellcasting longevity and adaptability during extended adventures.

Scribing Spells: Wizards can copy spells into their spellbooks from scrolls or other spellbooks they find. This allows them to expand their magical repertoire and tailor their spells to the challenges they face.

Intelligence-based Spellcasting: Wizards use their Intelligence modifier for spellcasting, making Intelligence a primary attribute. This emphasizes their scholarly and analytical nature.

Benefits of playing a Wizard for tracking cryptids:

Spell Versatility: Wizards can prepare spells that are highly effective against Cryptids, such as divination spells for tracking, protective spells for defense, and utility spells for gathering information about Cryptid habitats.

Divination Spells: Wizards can use spells like "Detect Magic," "Locate Creature," and "Scrying" to track Cryptids, discover their weaknesses, and observe their behavior from a distance.

Utility Magic: Wizards are adept at creating magical solutions for challenges they encounter during Cryptid hunts. Spells like "Invisibility," "Web," and "Fly" can assist in various situations.

Ritual Casting: Wizards can perform ritualistic spells like "Identify" and "Comprehend Languages" to gain insights into Cryptid artifacts or decipher Cryptid languages, aiding in understanding and tracking these creatures.

Arcane Traditions: Certain arcane traditions, such as the School of Divination, provide unique abilities that enhance Cryptid hunting, such as gaining glimpses of future encounters with Cryptids.

Scribing Cryptid Knowledge: Wizards can document their findings and experiences with Cryptids in their spellbooks, creating a repository of valuable information for future hunts.

Arcane Recovery: Wizards can recover spell slots during rests, ensuring they have the magical resources needed to deal with unexpected Cryptid encounters.

Adaptability: Wizards can adapt to different Cryptid species and their abilities by preparing spells that counter specific threats or capitalize on their vulnerabilities.



Monstrosity Hunter

An Artificer subclass designed around tracking Monstrosities, crafting specialized tools and items to combat them, and enhancing the overall utility of the Artificer

Monstrosity Tracking:

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills if you don't already have them. Additionally, you gain the ability to track Monstrosities with uncanny precision. You can add your Intelligence modifier to checks made to track and identify Monstrosities.

Monstrosity Crafting:

At 3rd level, your knowledge of Monstrosities allows you to craft specialized items and gadgets tailored to hunting them. You can create the following Monstrosity Hunting Tools:

  • Beastcaller's Lure: You can craft a lure that emits sounds and scents enticing to Monstrosities, making them easier to lure and track. This tool grants advantage on checks to lure Monstrosities or set up ambushes against them.

  • Venom-Resistant Gear: You develop protective gear that provides resistance to poison and disease, common traits of Monstrosities. When wearing this gear, you have advantage on saving throws against the poison and disease conditions.

  • Trapper's Toolkit: You craft a toolkit that assists in setting traps and snares for Monstrosities. When using this toolkit, you gain a bonus to checks made to set traps and snares equal to your proficiency bonus.

Monstrosity Analysis:

At 5th level, your understanding of Monstrosities deepens. You can spend 10 minutes studying a Monstrosity's tracks, remains, or other evidence of its presence to gain the following benefits:

  • You gain advantage on attack rolls against that specific type of Monstrosity for 1 hour.
  • You can communicate with creatures of the same type as the studied Monstrosity, as per the "Speak with Animals" spell, but limited to that specific type of Monstrosity.

Adaptive Hunter:

Starting at 9th level, your adaptability as a Monstrosity Hunter reaches its peak. You can attune to one additional magical item, for a total of four attuned items. This allows you to carry a variety of tools and equipment to better handle different Monstrosity encounters.

Monstrosity Slayer:

At 15th level, you become the ultimate Monstrosity Hunter. You can choose one type of Monstrosity (e.g., aberrations, undead, fiends) as your favored enemy, as per the Ranger's Favored Enemy feature. When tracking or dealing with Monstrosities of that type, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track Monstrosities of your favored enemy type.
  • You deal extra damage equal to your Intelligence modifier on weapon attacks against Monstrosities of your favored enemy type.
  • You can't be charmed or frightened by Monstrosities of your favored enemy type.

Blood Hunter:

Cryptid Stalker

A Blood Hunter subclass that adds Monstrosities to the list of creatures they track and introduces a unique ability to interact with cryptids

Blood Hunter's Quarry:

At 3rd level, you've expanded your expertise to include Monstrosities in your list of tracked creatures, in addition to undead, fiends, and other supernatural threats. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track Monstrosities and cryptids. Additionally, when you deal Crimson Rite damage to Monstrosities, it increases by an additional 1d6 damage.

Cryptid Interaction:

At 7th level, your connection to the supernatural allows you to communicate with cryptids on a deeper level. Once per short rest, you can cast "Speak with Cryptids" as a ritual, allowing you to communicate with cryptids as though under the effects of the "Speak with Animals" spell. This ability lasts for 10 minutes and can be used to gather information, seek their assistance, or negotiate with cryptids.

Monstrosity Slayer Techniques:

Starting at 11th level, you've honed your abilities to be especially deadly against Monstrosities. When you use your Blood Maledict on a Monstrosity, you can expend an additional hit point to infuse it with Monstrosity Hunter's Mark. This Mark grants you the following benefits:

  • Your attacks against the marked Monstrosity deal an additional 1d6 damage.
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) and Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks made to track, control, or communicate with the marked Monstrosity.
  • The marked Monstrosity has disadvantage on saving throws against your Blood Maledicts.

Cryptid's Secret:

At 15th level, you've gained a deeper understanding of cryptids' hidden natures. You can cast "Detect Cryptid" once per short rest without expending a spell slot. This ability allows you to sense the presence of cryptids within a 1-mile radius and discern their general direction. Additionally, you can use your Blood Hunter's Quarry ability to deal an extra 1d8 damage to cryptids.

Cryptid Dominance:

At 18th level, your mastery over cryptids reaches its zenith. Once per long rest, you can attempt to dominate the will of a cryptid you've successfully communicated with using your Cryptid Interaction ability. The cryptid must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Blood Hunter spell save DC. If it fails, it becomes charmed by you for 1 hour and follows your commands to the best of its ability. This ability can be used for various purposes, such as gaining a cryptid ally, convincing a cryptid to reveal hidden secrets, or aiding in tracking other cryptids.


Circle of the Cryptic Wilds

The Circle of the Cryptic Wilds Druid subclass is a nature-based archetype specializing in tracking and connecting with cryptids, elusive and enigmatic creatures. Druids of this circle can form bonds with cryptid companions, harness their keen senses to track elusive beings, assume cryptid-like forms for enhanced abilities, and even embody the legendary traits of these mysterious creatures. This subclass offers a unique blend of wilderness tracking, thematic Wild Shape transformations, and a deep connection to the world of cryptids, making it ideal for players drawn to the intrigue of hunting and understanding elusive creatures in Autera.

Cryptid Tracker:

At 2nd level, your connection to cryptids allows you to track them with heightened precision. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill if you don't already have it. When you use your Wild Shape ability to transform into an animal, you can choose to gain the keen senses of cryptids, granting advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track cryptids and other elusive creatures.

Cryptid Companion:

At 2nd level, you can choose to form a bond with a cryptid as your companion. This cryptid acts as an animal companion, similar to the Beast Master archetype. It obeys your commands and gains abilities based on its type (e.g., flying, aquatic, or terrestrial). The cryptid can also use your Wild Shape improvements when it accompanies you in combat.

Cryptid Form:

Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to Wild Shape into cryptid-like forms, allowing you to take on the characteristics of elusive creatures. Choose one cryptid type (e.g., forest cryptids, aquatic cryptids, desert cryptids). When you use your Wild Shape ability, you can choose to assume a form inspired by cryptids of your chosen type. This form grants you thematic abilities related to tracking, stealth, or mimicry, as determined by your DM.

Cryptid Resilience:

At 10th level, you've adapted to the challenges of hunting cryptids. When you're in your Wild Shape form, you gain resistance to damage from attacks made by cryptids. Additionally, you can cast "Protection from Cryptids" once per short rest without expending a spell slot. This spell grants you and your allies within range protection from the abilities of cryptids, making it harder for them to track or sense you.

Cryptid Master:

At 14th level, you've become a master of cryptid lore and abilities. You can use your Wild Shape ability to assume the form of a legendary cryptid once per long rest. This form grants you extraordinary abilities, such as the ability to become invisible, phase through obstacles, or mimic the calls and cries of cryptids to confuse enemies. The specific abilities depend on the legendary cryptid you choose, and they should be determined in collaboration with your DM.


Cryptid Hunter

The Cryptid Hunter Fighter subclass is a combat specialist designed to excel in hunting and confronting cryptids, enigmatic and supernatural creatures. Fighters of this subclass gain expertise in tracking cryptids, deal extra damage to their chosen "Favored Prey," and develop unique combat techniques for hunting elusive beings. With abilities ranging from heightened tracking skills to resilience against cryptid abilities, this subclass is ideal for players who relish the thrill of pursuing and facing cryptids in the world of Autera.

Cryptid Expertise:

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills if you don't already have them. Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track cryptids and other supernatural creatures.

Favored Prey:

Also at 3rd level, you can choose a type of creature as your "Favored Prey." This represents your specialization in hunting specific types of cryptids or supernatural beings, such as undead, fiends, aberrations, or shape-shifters. You gain the following benefits when dealing with your Favored Prey:

  • You deal an additional 1d6 damage on weapon attacks against your Favored Prey.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against spells and abilities used by your Favored Prey.
  • You gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track and locate your Favored Prey.

Cryptid Slayer Techniques:

Starting at 7th level, you've developed unique combat techniques tailored for hunting cryptids. You can choose one of the following techniques:

Lethal Precision: When you score a critical hit against a cryptid or your Favored Prey, you can roll one additional damage die for the attack.

Cryptid Ward: You can spend a use of your Second Wind feature to gain temporary hit points equal to your fighter level when you enter combat with a cryptid or your Favored Prey. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.

Cryptid Resilience: When you succeed on a saving throw against a cryptid's ability or spell, you can choose to have no effect on a failed save instead of the usual half effect.

Track the Unseen:

At 10th level, you've honed your tracking abilities to find even the most elusive cryptids. You can use your Wisdom (Survival) checks to track invisible or ethereal creatures. Additionally, you can cast "See Invisibility" without expending a spell slot once per short rest.

Cryptid Mastery:

At 15th level, you've become a master of cryptid hunting. When you attack a cryptid or your Favored Prey with a weapon, you can choose to make one additional attack as a bonus action after the first attack hits. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses after a long rest.

Cryptid Slayer:

At 18th level, you've reached the pinnacle of cryptid hunting. You can choose one type of cryptid (e.g., forest cryptids, aquatic cryptids, celestial cryptids). When you encounter cryptids of that type, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your attacks against the chosen type of cryptid deal an additional 1d8 damage.
  • You have resistance to damage from attacks made by the chosen type of cryptid.
  • You gain advantage on saving throws against the abilities and spells of the chosen type of cryptid.


Oath of the Cryptid Conservator

The Oath of the Cryptid Conservator Paladin subclass is dedicated to understanding and protecting Cryptids, fostering peaceful interactions, and advocating for their coexistence with the civilized world. Paladins who swear this oath are not bound by a deity but by a deep reverence for the mysteries of the natural world and a commitment to conservation and understanding in the face of the unknown.

Tenets of the Cryptid Conservator:

Understanding Over Prejudice: Seek to understand Cryptids, their nature, and their role in the world. Do not prejudge them as inherently evil or hostile.

Protection Over Destruction: Protect Cryptids from harm whenever possible. Avoid causing unnecessary harm to them unless they pose an immediate threat to others.

Knowledge Over Ignorance: Strive to learn from Cryptids. Collect data, study behaviors, and expand your understanding of these enigmatic creatures.

Coexistence Over Conflict: Advocate for peaceful coexistence between Cryptids and civilized societies, promoting harmony rather than violence.

Channel Divinity: Cryptid's Aura

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to channel the essence of Cryptids to create an aura of calm and understanding. As an action, you can emit a 30-foot aura of tranquility for 1 minute. During this time, Cryptids and creatures you deem non-hostile within the aura are less likely to attack. Cryptids will not perceive you as an immediate threat, making it easier to approach and interact with them peacefully.

Cryptid Sense

Starting at 3rd level, you gain an innate sense for the presence of Cryptids. You can detect the presence of Cryptids within 60 feet of you, even if they are hidden or ethereal. You also have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track Cryptids.

Conservation of Life

At 7th level, you learn to channel your divine energy to heal Cryptids and other creatures alike. When you use your Lay on Hands feature to heal a creature, you can choose to expend an additional number of hit points to heal Cryptids as well, if they are willing to accept your aid.

Harmony Strike

At 15th level, your strikes carry the essence of harmony and coexistence. When you hit a Cryptid with a weapon attack, you can choose to forgo dealing damage and instead attempt to calm the Cryptid's aggression. The Cryptid must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Paladin spell save DC. On a failed save, the Cryptid becomes non-hostile for 1 minute, during which time it will not attack and may be more willing to communicate.

Cryptid Guardian

At 20th level, you become a true Cryptid Guardian, embodying the principles of the Cryptid Conservatory. You can cast the "Summon Cryptid Guardian" spell once per long rest, summoning a powerful guardian that embodies the spirit of Cryptids. The guardian aids you and your allies, defending against threats and promoting peaceful coexistence with Cryptids. This guardian persists for 1 hour and can be dismissed at will.


Cryptid Stalker

The Cryptid Stalker Ranger subclass is a master tracker and hunter specialized in pursuing and understanding cryptids, enigmatic and elusive creatures of the wilderness. Rangers of this subclass excel in tracking and communicating with their chosen "Favored Cryptid," gaining unique insights, resistances, and thematic tracking techniques. With the ability to form bonds with cryptids and employ magical means to track hidden creatures, this subclass offers players an immersive and thrilling experience in the pursuit of cryptids in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.

Cryptid Hunter's Expertise:

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills if you don't already have them. Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track cryptids and other elusive creatures. When tracking cryptids, you can also sense if they are in the vicinity, even without obvious signs.

Favored Cryptid:

Also at 3rd level, you choose a specific type of cryptid as your "Favored Cryptid." This represents your specialization in hunting and understanding this particular type of cryptid, whether it's forest cryptids, aquatic cryptids, or celestial cryptids. You gain the following benefits when dealing with your Favored Cryptid:

  • You gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track and locate your Favored Cryptid.
  • You can communicate with your Favored Cryptid as though under the effects of the "Speak with Animals" spell, allowing you to gather information or negotiate with them.
  • You gain resistance to damage from attacks made by your Favored Cryptid.

Cryptid Tracking Techniques:

Starting at 7th level, you've developed unique tracking techniques specific to cryptids. You can choose one of the following techniques:

Cryptid Camouflage: You can use your action to blend into your surroundings like a cryptid, becoming invisible until you move or take an action. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier before needing a long rest to regain uses.

Cryptid Insights: When tracking your Favored Cryptid, you can use your Wisdom (Survival) checks to gain insights into their behavior and weaknesses. This allows you to learn vulnerabilities and resistances of your Favored Cryptid.

Cryptid's Bane: Your attacks against your Favored Cryptid deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Additionally, you can expend a spell slot to deal extra damage to your Favored Cryptid equal to your Ranger level when you hit them with an attack.

Master Cryptid Tracker:

At 11th level, your tracking abilities have reached their zenith. You can use your Wisdom (Survival) checks to track cryptids through magical means, allowing you to find cryptids that are hidden using invisibility, illusions, or other magical effects. Additionally, you can cast "Hunter's Sense" once per short rest without expending a spell slot. This spell allows you to detect cryptids within a 1-mile radius and discern their general direction.

Cryptid's Bond:

At 15th level, your connection with cryptids deepens. You can form a special bond with your Favored Cryptid, allowing it to become your companion and assist you in combat and tracking. The cryptid companion acts as an animal companion, following your commands and gaining abilities based on its type. This bond represents a deep understanding and kinship with your chosen cryptid.


Cryptid Arcanist

The Cryptid Arcanist Wizard subclass is dedicated to mastering the arcane arts for the purpose of understanding, controlling, and, when necessary, dealing with Cryptids. Wizards who choose this path are often scholars and researchers who believe that unlocking the secrets of Cryptids is crucial to maintaining the balance between the mundane and the mystical in the world of Autera.

Arcane Cryptid Researcher:

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature skill and the Cryptid Knowledge skill. The Cryptid Knowledge skill represents your expertise in the lore and behaviors of Cryptids. When you make an Intelligence (Cryptid Knowledge) check, you can add your Intelligence modifier twice, instead of once, to the roll.

Cryptid Familiar:

Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to summon a Cryptid Familiar, an arcane companion that assists you in your Cryptid research and control. The Cryptid Familiar can take on the form of a small Cryptid or mimic the appearance of a known Cryptid. It has the statistics of a familiar (as per the Find Familiar spell) but with the following modifications:

  • The Cryptid Familiar has advantage on Intelligence (Cryptid Knowledge) checks and Wisdom (Insight) checks when dealing with Cryptids.
  • It can communicate telepathically with you and can share its knowledge of Cryptids with you.
  • When you cast spells that target Cryptids or have effects on Cryptids, you can deliver the spells through your Cryptid Familiar as if it were your own touch.

Control Cryptid Magic:

At 6th level, you gain the ability to manipulate Cryptid Magic to control and influence Cryptids. You can cast the "Dominate Cryptid" spell once per long rest without expending a spell slot. This spell allows you to take control of a Cryptid, forcing it to obey your commands for a limited time.

Arcane Warding:

At 10th level, you develop arcane wards and barriers specifically designed to protect against Cryptids. You have advantage on saving throws against abilities and spells cast by Cryptids, and you can use your reaction to gain resistance to damage from Cryptid attacks until the start of your next turn.

Cryptid Master:

At 14th level, you become a Cryptid Master, gaining the ability to summon and control powerful Cryptids. You can cast the "Summon Cryptid" spell once per long rest, allowing you to summon a Cryptid of your choice to aid you in battle. The summoned Cryptid is under your control for the duration and will follow your commands to the best of its abilities.

New Techniques

Crimson Rites:

Unleashing the Hidden Power

For centuries, the enigmatic Blood Hunters have wielded an ancient and arcane practice known as Crimson Rites. These formidable hunters, dedicated to tracking and vanquishing the creatures of darkness that haunt our world, have drawn upon the potent forces of their own life essence to empower their weapons, creating a legacy steeped in both peril and valor.

In the shadows of history, Blood Hunters have been known to harness the primal forces of their own blood, marking their blades with otherworldly energies. This crimson sacrifice has granted them extraordinary abilities, allowing them to strike down the supernatural foes that lurk in the night.

But times are changing. The knowledge and teachings of the Cryptid Conservatory, a bastion of Cryptid hunters, have evolved to encompass more than just the exclusive domain of Blood Hunters. As the world faces new and ever-evolving threats from Cryptids and the unknown, the secrets of the Crimson Rites are no longer confined to a single class.

Today, the Conservatory opens its doors to all who seek to understand and confront the enigmatic beings that dwell in the shadows. Hunters, scholars, and spellcasters alike are drawn to the Conservatory, eager to embrace the teachings that will empower them to face Cryptids with newfound vigor and resilience.

The art of the Crimson Rites, once shrouded in mystery and known to only a select few, has become a symbol of unity among those who dare to tread where others fear to venture. Cryptid hunters from all walks of life now share in the legacy of the Blood Hunters, wielding the power of the Crimson Rites to safeguard our world from the lurking terrors that threaten to tip the balance between light and darkness.

In the hallowed halls of the Cryptid Conservatory, the tradition of the Crimson Rites continues to evolve, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of Cryptid hunting. Together, we stand ready to face the challenges that emerge from the depths of myth and legend, armed with the ancient knowledge that binds us as Cryptid hunters.

Blood Maledicts:

Unleashing Cursed Power

The sinister art of Blood Maledicts, once the jealously guarded secret of Blood Hunters, has long been a source of fascination and dread among those who hunt and study the elusive Cryptids. In the annals of history, Blood Hunters alone delved into the forbidden depths of their own essence, unleashing curses and hexes upon the supernatural forces they pursued.

For generations, the knowledge of Blood Maledicts was a closely held legacy, passed down through the esoteric teachings of the Cryptid Conservatory, a refuge for hunters and researchers of the unknown. These curses, drawn from the very lifeblood of the Blood Hunter, granted them an edge against their enigmatic adversaries, but they were held as a well-kept secret within the Conservatory's walls.

Yet, the ever-present evolution of Cryptid hunting calls for new methods and broader understanding. As the Conservatory's teachings expand, so too do the boundaries of knowledge. Today, the Cryptid Conservatory has recognized that the power of Blood Maledicts is not exclusive to Blood Hunters alone.

Cryptid hunters, researchers, and spellcasters who share in the Conservatory's pursuit of enlightenment are now welcomed into the fold. The once veiled secrets of Blood Maledicts are unveiled to those who dare to confront the unknown. These ancient and potent curses, harnessed from the very essence of life itself, can now be wielded by a diverse array of hunters and scholars.

As the legacy of Blood Maledicts grows, it binds hunters from every walk of life together. The power to hex and curse Cryptids becomes a symbol of unity among those who dare to seek out the hidden truths of our world. The Cryptid Conservatory serves as the crucible where the art of Blood Maledicts evolves, adapting to the challenges posed by the eldritch creatures that lurk in the shadows.

In the Cryptid Conservatory's hallowed halls, the tradition of Blood Maledicts expands, transcending the confines of class or background. Together, we confront the mysteries that emerge from the heart of darkness, wielding the cursed power that binds us as Cryptid hunters and researchers.

Crimson Rites

Vampiric Rite:

The Blood Hunter channels their inner vampiric essence, allowing them to siphon the life force of their foes. When they hit a creature with a weapon infused with this rite, they regain a portion of the damage dealt as temporary hit points.

Frostbite Rite:

The Blood Hunter imbues their weapon with the chilling power of frost. When they hit a creature with a weapon infused with this rite, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be slowed, reducing their movement speed and imposing disadvantage on their next attack.

Inferno Rite:

This rite bathes the weapon in searing flames. When the Blood Hunter hits a creature with a weapon infused with this rite, the target must make a Dexterity saving throw or take additional fire damage over time as they continue to burn.

Blinding Rite:

The Blood Hunter can infuse their weapon with blinding energy. When they hit a creature with a weapon infused with this rite, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be temporarily blinded, imposing disadvantage on attack rolls and perception checks.

Venomous Rite:

This rite infuses the weapon with deadly poison. When the Blood Hunter hits a creature with a weapon infused with this rite, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or take poison damage over time and suffer from poison-related conditions.

Lycanthropic Rite:

The Blood Hunter taps into the essence of lycanthropy, enhancing their weapon with the traits of a werebeast. When they hit a creature with a weapon infused with this rite, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted with a random lycanthropic curse.

Soulbound Rite:

The Blood Hunter forges a connection with the soul of their weapon, allowing it to strike true against creatures immune to non-magical attacks. When they hit a creature with a weapon infused with this rite, it bypasses damage resistance and immunities as if it were magical.

Blood Maledicts

Mark of Frailty:

The Blood Hunter marks a target with a symbol of weakness. The cursed creature's Strength is reduced for a duration, making them less effective in physical combat and easier to overpower.

Hex of Confusion:

The Blood Hunter inflicts mental turmoil on the target. The cursed creature suffers from confusion, causing them to occasionally attack random targets, including their allies.

Severed Connection:

The Blood Hunter severs the magical connection of a spellcaster. The cursed spellcaster loses concentration on one of their ongoing spells, potentially disrupting their plans and defenses.

Wail of Despair:

The Blood Hunter curses the target with a haunting wail. The cursed creature is overwhelmed by despair and suffers disadvantage on saving throws against fear effects and spells.

Blood Pact Bond:

The Blood Hunter forges a connection between themselves and the target. Any damage the cursed creature inflicts on the Blood Hunter is partially redirected back to them, making the attacker think twice about harming the Blood Hunter.

Soulbound Curse:

The Blood Hunter binds the target's soul, making them vulnerable to divine magic. The cursed creature becomes more susceptible to radiant and holy damage, making them easier to smite.

Mark of the Betrayer:

The Blood Hunter marks the target as a traitor to their own kind. Allies of the cursed creature become distrustful, making them less likely to receive aid or cooperation from their companions.

Bane of Arcane:

The Blood Hunter disrupts the target's arcane abilities. The cursed creature has a chance to fail in casting spells, causing their spells to fizzle or misfire.

Pact of Pain:

The Blood Hunter forces a pact of shared pain. Any damage the Blood Hunter receives is mirrored onto the cursed creature for a limited duration, encouraging the attacker to reconsider their actions.

Curse of Silence:

The Blood Hunter robs the target of their voice and ability to communicate. The cursed creature is silenced, preventing them from using verbal components in spells and rendering them unable to shout for help.



These cantrips are designed to enhance the Cryptid hunter's tracking and interaction with cryptids while also providing some tactical advantages in their pursuit of elusive creatures.

Cryptid Insight

School: Divination

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You briefly attune your senses to the cryptids nearby. For the duration of the spell, you gain an intuitive sense of the presence of cryptids within 30 feet of you. You don't learn their exact location or identity, but you can sense if cryptids are nearby, allowing you to prepare or take caution accordingly.

Cryptid Whispers

School: Divination

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 round

You send a faint, whispered message to a cryptid within range, mimicking the sounds and calls of its kind. Make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check contested by the cryptid's Wisdom (Perception) check. If you succeed, you can communicate simple concepts or requests to the cryptid for the duration of the spell.

Camouflage Veil

School: Illusion

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 minute

You weave a temporary illusion around yourself, mimicking the appearance of nearby natural surroundings like rocks, foliage, or even cryptid habitats. This illusion grants you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in terrain similar to your illusion. However, the illusion doesn't make you invisible, and close examination may reveal its deceptive nature.

1st Level

These 1st-level spells are tailored to assist Cryptid hunters in various aspects of their work, from tracking and detection to capturing and pacifying elusive creatures. They provide versatile tools for managing encounters with Cryptids in the wild.

Cryptid's Mark

School: Divination

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 90 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You choose a Cryptid within range and mark it with a magical sigil only you can see. For the duration, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track the marked Cryptid.
  • You can detect the presence of the marked Cryptid within 1 mile, even through obstacles.
  • You deal an extra 1d6 damage on weapon attacks against the marked Cryptid.

Cryptid's Sanctuary

School: Abjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a tuft of fur or a feather from a cryptid)

Duration: 1 hour

You create a protective sanctuary for yourself and your allies against hostile Cryptids. For the duration, a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on you is warded. Cryptids must make a Wisdom saving throw or be unable to enter the area or target creatures within it with harmful abilities or attacks. Cryptids that fail the saving throw can still enter the area, but they must end their turn immediately upon doing so. The sanctuary doesn't affect non-Cryptid creatures.

Cryptid's Lullaby

School: Enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a soft tune played on a musical instrument)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a soothing, mesmerizing melody that calms Cryptids in the area. Choose a point within range. Cryptids within a 30-foot radius of that point must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the Cryptid becomes charmed and has disadvantage on attack rolls for the duration. The affected Cryptid can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

2nd Level

These 2nd-level spells are focused on dealing damage and immobilizing evil Cryptids, providing effective tools for combating malevolent and dangerous creatures in the world of Cryptid hunting in Autera.

Cryptid's Bane

School: Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a silvered weapon or a holy symbol)

Duration: Instantaneous

You summon the power of righteousness to target a Cryptid within range. The Cryptid must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 4d6 radiant damage and is paralyzed for 1 minute. The Cryptid can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the paralysis on a success. Evil-aligned Cryptids have disadvantage on this saving throw.

Cryptid's Ward

School: Abjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a piece of silvered mirror)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You surround yourself with a shimmering protective aura that repels evil Cryptids. For the duration, you gain resistance to all damage from attacks and abilities of Cryptids with an evil alignment. Additionally, when an evil Cryptid makes a melee attack against you, it takes 2d6 radiant damage as a result of the protective ward.

Cryptid's Bindings

School: Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a piece of silvered chain)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You conjure spectral chains to immobilize an evil Cryptid within range. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it is restrained by spectral chains for the duration. While restrained, the Cryptid takes 2d8 force damage at the start of each of its turns. The restrained Cryptid can make a Strength saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the restraint on a success.

3rd Level

These 3rd-level spells offer powerful support and protection for Cryptid hunters and their allies, allowing them to resist Cryptid damage, gain advantages against Cryptid effects, and receive healing and assistance in their encounters with these elusive creatures in Autera.

Cryptid Ward

School: Abjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a vial of blessed water)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You create an aura of protection against Cryptid attacks. For the duration, you and willing creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you gain resistance to all damage from attacks and abilities of Cryptids. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and abilities used by Cryptids.

Cryptid's Respite

School: Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a handful of healing herbs)

Duration: Instantaneous

You summon the essence of the wild to provide healing and respite to your allies. Choose a point within range. A number of creatures of your choice within a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point regain hit points equal to 3d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Additionally, they gain temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on Cryptids.

Cryptid's Aid

School: Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a vial of cryptid's blood)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You call upon the spirits of friendly cryptids to aid your allies in battle. For the duration, creatures of your choice within range gain the following benefits:

  • They have resistance to damage from attacks and abilities of hostile Cryptids.
  • They have advantage on attack rolls and saving throws against effects and spells cast by hostile Cryptids.
  • They can use their reaction to make an opportunity attack against a Cryptid that enters their reach or attempts to move out of their reach.

"The Enigma of Whispering Pines"

The Town

Town of Whispering Pines: Nestled at the edge of the dense Autera Forest, the quiet town of Whispering Pines is known for its tranquility and the harmonious coexistence of humans and Cryptids. Its people, primarily farmers and foresters, have long lived in harmony with the creatures of the woods. That is, until the recent arrival of a malevolent Cryptid known as the "Gloomhowler." With the fate of Whispering Pines and the Gloomhowler hanging in the balance, your party embarks on a quest that will test your abilities and your understanding of the intricate relationship between humanity and Cryptids in the world of Autera.

The Gloomhowler:

The Gloomhowler is a twisted, shadowy being, a disturbing fusion of a wolf and a wraith. Standing as tall as a horse, its fur is a pitch-black void, and its eyes shine with a malevolent crimson glow. It has taken to prowling the outskirts of Whispering Pines, shrouding the town in an eerie darkness and emanating sinister, mournful howls that have struck fear into the hearts of the villagers. It has become apparent that the Gloomhowler must be dealt with before Whispering Pines falls into despair.

Tracking the Creature

The Cryptid Conservatory dispatches your party to Whispering Pines, where you'll begin your investigation. Local rumors and survivor accounts suggest the Gloomhowler has a lair deep within the Autera Forest. To track the creature, you'll need to gather information from the villagers, who may have witnessed its recent attacks.

Side Objective:

While in Whispering Pines, help the villagers secure their homes and tend to wounded livestock, earning their trust and additional supplies for your quest.

Facing the Gloomhowler

As you delve deeper into the Autera Forest, you encounter signs of the Gloomhowler's presence—ominous claw marks on trees, eerie howling in the distance, and the oppressive darkness that seems to follow it. Eventually, you locate its lair, a sinister den in a secluded part of the forest.

Options for the Party:

Elimination: Confront the Gloomhowler in battle, seeking to end its reign of terror by defeating the creature in combat. Be wary; its shadowy nature makes it a formidable adversary.

Capture: Use your knowledge of Cryptids to capture the Gloomhowler alive. This option may require crafting specialized traps or employing magical restraints. Bringing the creature back to the Conservatory could yield valuable insights.

Negotiation: Seek to communicate with the Gloomhowler, uncovering the reason behind its malevolence. It might be possible to broker a peaceful resolution, easing the tension between the Cryptid and the villagers.

Side Objective:

Discover a mysterious, radiant flower growing near the Gloomhowler's lair. The locals believe it has unique healing properties. Gather some for additional rewards and the villagers' gratitude.

"The Leviathan's Fury"

Your party receives a summons from the Cryptid Conservatory, their reputation preceding them as seasoned Cryptid hunters. They are briefed by a Council of Scholars on an urgent matter—an enormous, predatory sea Cryptid known as the "Abyssal Leviathan" has emerged from the depths, endangering both seafarers and coastal settlements. The Conservatory seeks your expertise to investigate, and if necessary, neutralize this dire threat.

Acquiring a Ship and Sailing to the Abyss

To confront the Abyssal Leviathan, you must secure a seaworthy vessel capable of withstanding the deep ocean currents and the Cryptid's ferocious attacks. The Conservatory provides a trusted ship captain to guide you.

Side Objective 1: Mapping the Ocean Route Engage a skilled cartographer or explore uncharted waters to create a detailed map of the Leviathan's territory. This knowledge can be invaluable for future expeditions and may help you navigate treacherous underwater currents.

Side Objective 2: Gathering Information Interview survivors of the Abyssal Leviathan's attacks. Collect firsthand accounts to better understand the Cryptid's behavior and habits, enhancing your chances of a successful encounter.

The Battle with the Abyssal Leviathan

Upon reaching the Leviathan's hunting grounds, the monstrous sea Cryptid emerges from the depths, its massive form casting a shadow over your ship. The battle that ensues is a grueling test of your abilities, as the Abyssal Leviathan seeks to devour you and your vessel.

Options for the Party:

Subdue and Contain: Utilize your knowledge of Cryptids to pacify the Abyssal Leviathan temporarily. Safely secure it, enabling the Conservatory to study the creature without causing further harm.

Defeat in Combat: Engage the Abyssal Leviathan in a fierce battle. Defeat the creature to protect the waters and coastal communities from its terror. Be prepared for a colossal fight.

Negotiation: Attempt to communicate with the Abyssal Leviathan and understand the reason behind its aggression. Seek a peaceful resolution to avoid needless bloodshed.

Side Objective 3: Cryptid Relics During the battle, retrieve unique scales or fangs from the Abyssal Leviathan. These rare materials possess potent magical properties and are highly sought after by collectors and scholars. Safeguarding them could yield substantial rewards.

Side Objective 4: Cryptid Conservation As you confront the Abyssal Leviathan, notice smaller Cryptids fleeing from its path. Consider diverting your efforts to protect these endangered creatures, ensuring they are not caught in the crossfire of the battle.

The quest to face the Abyssal Leviathan is a perilous undertaking, one that will push your skills to the limit. As you navigate the unpredictable waters and confront the wrath of this colossal sea Cryptid, your actions will determine not only the safety of coastal settlements but also the fate of a majestic and enigmatic creature of the deep.

Your Journey Begins

As we conclude our journey through the captivating world of Autera and the Cryptids that inhabit it, we are reminded that our exploration has merely scratched the surface of the unknown. The enigmatic creatures, the hidden mysteries, and the boundless wonders of this world beckon you to embark on your own adventures, to uncover the secrets that await in the shadows, and to make your mark on both the natural and unnatural realms.

The Cryptid Conservatory stands as a beacon of knowledge, compassion, and understanding. It invites you to delve deeper, to become a part of this remarkable community, and to embrace the spirit of Cryptozoology. It is your opportunity to step into the shoes of those who champion the study and respect of Cryptids, to become an advocate for the misunderstood, and to discover the true essence of these enigmatic beings.

Autera calls out to you, daring you to play a Cryptid-related character, to explore the uncharted territories of this world, and to join the ranks of those who seek not to conquer, but to comprehend. Your adventure has only just begun, and the possibilities are as limitless as your imagination.

Welcome to the Cryptid Conservatory, where your journey continues, and where the mysteries of Autera await your exploration. Embrace the unknown, protect the misunderstood, and become a legend in the annals of Cryptozoology. Your path is illuminated, and your destiny is yours to shape.




Dear reader, what you've glimpsed within these pages is but a fraction of the world that awaits the valiant under the shroud of darkness. As you stand on the threshold of knowledge and mystery, my earnest wish is that if nothing else resonates from these words, let this truth echo within you: Amidst the diverse tapestry of creatures, not all that seem monstrous are truly so.

In your pursuits, heed this lesson: Cast not swift judgments solely on appearances, for within a cryptid's intentions and actions lies the essence of its character. Feral instincts may drive some creatures to enact their primal rituals, yet such actions do not necessarily equate to malevolence. It is the deliberate infliction of suffering, the callous disregard for life, that truly marks a monstrous heart.


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