Umbral Weavers

by Pezz

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Umbral Weavers

Faction: Umbral Weavers

1. How it was formed:

  • The Umbral Weavers emerged as a faction of dark elves who found solace and kinship in the shadows. Over time, they developed a close bond with the Arachnid Enclave, sharing similar values and a mutual respect for the power of darkness and manipulation.

2. Purpose:

  • The Umbral Weavers' purpose is to embrace the darkness within and use it as a tool for power and control. They seek to maintain the delicate balance between light and shadow, using their mastery of illusions, shadow magic, and subterfuge to further their own ambitions and protect their interests.

3. Location:

  • The Umbral Weavers establish their presence primarily within the hidden corners of Haven, where shadows reign supreme. They reside in secluded underground cities, intricate cavern systems, and shadowed enclaves concealed from prying eyes.

4. Kingdom:

  • The kingdom of the Umbral Weavers is a realm of perpetual twilight, characterized by dimly lit chambers, graceful architecture, and intricate webs of shadowy magic. The structures are crafted from obsidian and shadow-infused materials, blending seamlessly with the darkness that envelops their realm.

5. Social Structure:

  • The Umbral Weavers follow a hierarchical social structure, led by High Matron Seraphina Nightshade. Their society is organized into noble houses, each with its own responsibilities and areas of expertise. Loyalty and cunning are highly valued within their ranks.

6. Leaders:

  • High Matron Seraphina Nightshade: The esteemed leader of the Umbral Weavers, High Matron Seraphina is a charismatic and formidable figure. She possesses a deep understanding of shadow magic and the art of manipulation. Seraphina maintains close ties with the Arachnid Enclave, fostering a strong alliance between their factions.

7. Specialties among the Faction:

  • The Umbral Weavers excel in shadow magic and illusionary arts, using their abilities to create powerful illusions, manipulate perceptions, and cloak themselves in darkness.
  • They possess heightened senses in low-light conditions, allowing them to navigate the shadows with ease and detect hidden enemies.
  • The Umbral Weavers are skilled in espionage, infiltration, and gathering intelligence. They utilize their mastery of subterfuge to gather information, sow discord, and manipulate events from the shadows.

8. Player Character Benefits for Joining the Faction:

  • Joining the Umbral Weavers grants characters access to advanced shadow magic and illusionary abilities. They gain proficiency in stealth, deception, and manipulation, enabling them to move undetected, deceive their enemies, and sow chaos in their wake. Additionally, they receive training in the arts of shadow combat, utilizing darkness as a weapon against their foes.

9. Proving Loyalty to the Faction:

  • Loyalty to the Umbral Weavers is proven through a display of cunning, loyalty, and the ability to navigate the intricate webs of shadow magic. Members must demonstrate their skill in illusionary arts, their willingness to act in the best interest of the faction, and their ability to keep the secrets of the Umbral Weavers.

10. Common Members in the Faction:

  • The Umbral Weavers consist predominantly of dark elves, known for their pale skin, silver hair, and affinity for shadows. They possess a natural affinity for shadow magic and are skilled in various forms of combat, favoring agility, finesse, and precision. Within their ranks, members are divided into noble houses, each contributing unique talents and abilities to the faction's overall power and influence.

Faction Benefits (Background replacer)

Rank 0: Shadow Initiate

  1. Shadow Affinity: Shadow Initiates gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity checks and saving throws, enhancing their agility and nimbleness in combat and stealth.
  2. Illusionary Arts: Initiates gain proficiency in the Deception and Stealth skill.
  3. Shadow Veil: Once per short rest, Initiates can cast the "Shadow Veil" spell, which grants them temporary invisibility for a duration of one minute.
  4. Keen Senses: Initiates gain advantage on perception checks made in low-light or dark conditions, allowing them to detect hidden enemies and navigate through shadowed environments.
  5. Shadow Strike: When attacking from a hidden position or while benefiting from the "Shadow Veil" spell, Initiates deal an additional 1d6 damage on a successful hit.

Rank 1: Shadow Weaver

  1. Shadowforged Weapons: Your character possesses the knowledge and skill to wield special grade weapons infused with the essence of shadows, granting them unique and powerful abilities. These abilities can be used equal to the player's Proficency bonous, per short rest.
  • Shadowblade: The character can summon a shadowy blade, forged from dark magic, that cuts through enemies with enhanced precision and lethality. After hitting a target with this weapon, you may choose to reduce the target's AC by 1 per hit. This effect stacks to a total of 5, and will last a total of 5 minutes.

  • Shadowstrike: With a swift and precise strike, the character can imbue their weapon with a surge of shadow energy, causing it to increased damage caused. You may choose to increase your damage equal to half the damage rolled on 1 attack. This effect may only be used once per long rest.

  • Shadowbound: The character can temporarily bind their essence to their weapon, infusing it with shadow magic. This grants the weapon to become magical. If the weapon is already magical, the player may choose to change the damage type to poison or necrotic.

  1. Shadowmeld: Once per short rest, Shadow Weavers can merge with the shadows and become invisible for up to 10 minutes, allowing them to move unnoticed and gain advantage on Stealth checks.
  2. Shadow Step: Shadow Weavers gain the ability to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space in dim light or darkness as a bonus action once per short rest.
  3. Umbral Resilience: Shadow Weavers have resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on saving throws against spells and effects that cause fear.

Changelog (Replacer for Backgrounds)

Oct 3

  • Added Faction Benefits
  • Fixxed Copyright page on last page

Reclaiming Haven Series. A Homebrewed Addition for Anyone!

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