Fun Common Magic Items

by Hyperdrift

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Fun Common Magic Items

Fun Common Magic Items

Bag of Chucking

Wondrous item, common

Provided there are small stones in this bag, as a bonus action, the bearer can open the bag, activating the spell magic stone. The spell is effective on the first 3 stones removed from the bag after the spell is cast. The bag holds up to 4 charges and regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn.

Bag of Mulching

Wondrous item, common

This magical bag instantly mulches food waste into rich soil. As an action, the bearer can load up to 3 gallons of food waste into the bag, whereupon it becomes a similar amount of soil that can be scooped or dumped out. The bag has no effect on living creatures.

Bag of Mending

Wondrous item, common

This bag receives objects of up to 2 feet on a side. When an object is placed in the bag and a command word spoke as an action, the spell mending is cast on the object. The bag holds up to 4 charges and regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn.

Bag of Mystery

Wondrous item, common

As an action, the bearer can reach into the bag and pull an object out. The object will be a tiny-sized piece of random junk (with no apparent monetary value).

Basket of Bungling

Wondrous item, common

After carrying one or more items in this basket 30 feet, and every 30 feet thereafter, the bearer must attempt a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, the basket tips, spilling its contents. If the creature’s saving throw total is 7 or less, they also fall prone.

Bedclothes of Warning

Wondrous item, common

At night, these bedclothes wake a sleeping wearer with a sharp prickling sensation if a creature comes within 15 feet that was not within 25 feet when the wearer fell asleep.

Bleeding Blouse

Wondrous item, common

As a bonus action you can place your hand on the blouse/shirt and activate its magical ability to produce an illusory blood stain that spreads under the hand, as if from a stab wound. The stain lasts for one hour. Passive Investigation of 14 or DC 10 Medicine check can determine that this is not real blood.

Bubble Bounce Token

Wondrous item, common

This flexible rubber token activates when the bearer falls more than 10 feet, enclosing the bearer in a flexible bubble that protects the bearer from fall damage. After a fall the bearer bounces to land in an unoccupied space a random horizontal direction and a random distance up to ½ of the fall height, whereupon the bubble bursts and the token becomes mundane.

Clip of hair billowing

Wondrous item, common

As a bonus action while you wear this clip, you can cause your hair to billow as if windblown.

Clip of hair taming

Wondrous item, common

While you wear this hairclip, your hair never gets hair in your eyes, and after a disturbance your hair returns to whatever style it held when you put the hairclip in.

Earrings of Burning

Wondrous item, common

If a creature within 60 feet speaks of you aloud, the earrings become noticeably warmer. If you spend an action you can find the creature that is speaking about you as the earrings get warmer the closer your gaze gets to the speaker.

Everbuzzing Bottle

Wondrous item, common

This variant of the eversmoking bottle releases a cloud of insects that is released, grows, and is dispersed the same as the smoke of the the eversmoking bottle, but only lightly obscures the area. The insects are harmless fae spirits and the type is random (1d4): (1) bees, (2) flying crickets, (3) flies, or (4) mosquitoes While corked, the everbuzzing bottle gives off a faint buzzing sound and its hazy interior is filled with tiny agitated specks.

Fan of Wintry Wind

Wondrous item, common

As a bonus action you can wave this fan at yourself or another creature within 5 feet, which produces a cool and pleasant breeze.

Girdle of Homeliness

Wondrous item, common

This girdle alters your appearance in subtle ways to make you less attractive and generally uninteresting. You suffer a -1d4 penalty to Wisdom Persuasion checks and gain +1d4 to Stealth checks when moving in a room with at least 2 other creatures.

Glasses of winking

Wondrous item, common

While wearing these enchanted glasses, you can wink at whatever creature you are looking at, but to all other creatures you do not appear to wink.

Goblet of Dribbling

Wondrous item, common

This goblet appears normal, but will magically spill some its liquid contents on whomever attempts to drink from it.

Goblet of Screams

Wondrous item, common

This glass goblet, when dropped at least 3 feet, will shatter and release a loud shriek or Wilhelm scream audible to a range of 100 feet, whereupon it becomes mundane shards of glass.

Hair Gummies

Wondrous item, common

When you eat one of these chewy edible treats, your hair color changes to to the color of the gummy for 10 minutes. This item either contains 4 gummies with standard colors: black, blond, red, and brown, or a pack of 8 which adds white, grey, clear (bald), and purple.

Honey Comb

Wondrous item, common

This comb leaves honey in the hair of whomever uses it. Once used, it recovers its magic at dawn.

Mirror of Hiding

Wondrous item, common

When activated by a creature pressing against it for five seconds, this mirror opens as a door into a hidden extraplanar space as in the spell rope trick and functions identically. If the mirror is broken, the spell ends and any creatures inside appear in the nearest unoccupied space. If unbroken, the mirror can be activated again at the next dawn.

Mirror of the Fashionista

Wondrous item, common

When a creature within 5 feet of the mirror gazes into the mirror as an action, the mirror provides useful fashion tips and suggestions verbally which are audible to a range of 15 feet.

Mirror of Flattery

Wondrous item, common

When a creature within 5 feet of the mirror gazes into the mirror as an action, the mirror speaks flattering praise for one round, which is audible to a range of 30 feet.

Mirror of Insults

Wondrous item, common

When a creature within 5 feet of the mirror gazes into the mirror as an action, the mirror shouts scathing insults for one round, which are audible to a range of 60 feet.

Mirrors of Hearing

Wondrous item, common

This pair of mirrors has a magical function when the two mirrors are within 100 feet of each of other. As an action, a creature within 10 feet of at least one of the mirrors can activate the mirrors with a word of command. For the next 10 minutes sound travels between the mirrors as if the mirror were an open window connecting the spaces. A creature can also speak the word of command again as an action (or readied action) to deactivate the mirrors of hearing.

The command word is not audible through the mirror.
The mirrors’ function recharges daily at dawn.

Mirrors of Seeing

Wondrous item, common

This pair of mirrors has a magical function when the two mirrors are within 100 feet of each other. As an action, a creature within 10 feet of at least one of the mirrors can activate the mirrors with a word of command. For the next 10 minutes, each mirror shows the other space as if the mirrors were windows connecting their respective spaces. A creature can also speak the word of command again as an action (or readied action) to deactivate the mirrors of seeing. The mirrors’ function recharges daily at dawn.

Mood ring

Wondrous item, common

This ring changes color based on the mood of the bearer.

Moth of Messaging

Wondrous item, common

As an action the bearer can active this moth-shaped broach by unpinning it, cupping it in their hands and whispering a message of 25 words or less and specifying a creature they know and have seen. If the creature is within 1000 feet and can be reached by a tiny creature, the broach will fly at a speed of 30 feet per round until it reaches the creature and whispers the message in their ear, or it will attempt to do so for 8 hours, whereupon it deactivates and becomes a mundane moth-shaped broach.

Nail of Annoyance

Wondrous item, common

Run this item over a hard surface (such as a rock) as an action and it magically generates the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard. Until the beginning of your next turn, creatures within 30 feet have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks except to find the source of the screeching, and suffer -3 to passive Perception. This nail can take the form of a long fingernail that attaches to a finger, or a metal carpentry nail.

Ring of Prestidigitation

Wondrous item, common

This ring allows the bearer to cast the spell prestidigitation. It has 4 charges and regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn.

Wand of Poking and Nudging

Wondrous item, common

This wand allows the bearer to poke or nudge any object they point the wand at as an action. It will move an object within 30 ft. that is 10 pounds or less up to 1 foot. Creatures feel a noticeable poke, though creatures larger than tiny are not moved.

Purse of “Pursistence”

Wondrous item, common

This purse grants the bearer advantage on Constitution saving throws to avoid exhaustion while shopping. The bearer must withdraw money and add a newly-purchased item to the bag at least once per hour in order for the bag to determine that the bearer is still shopping.

Purse of Walloping

Wondrous item, common

The bearer cast the spell shillelagh on this purse using the spellcasting ability (Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma) of their choice. The purse can hold 4 charges, and regains 1d4 charges per day.

Sandals of the Surfer

Wondrous item, common

When you are wet and put on these sandals, you and your clothes immediately dry and your hair takes on a rugged, yet dreamy windswept, wet look. After the magic is used, you gain advantage on your next Charisma check toward a beach-going local. The magic effects renews daily at dawn.

Sending Papers

Wondrous item, common

These two sheets of paper or parchment are magically connected. Writing on either page appears on both pages. Once the pages are full, the magic is exhausted. The connection exists as long as the papers are on the same plane.

Slippers of Sneaking

Wondrous item, common

This item is the same as the more famous boots of elvenkind, but the slippers only work indoors on finished floors such as carpet, wood, or stone.

Swimsuit of the Sunbather

Wondrous item, common

While wearing this swimsuit and no other clothing or armor, you gain +1 to AC and have advantage on Constitution saving throws to avoid sunburn.

Thigh-highs of the Satyr

Wondrous item, common

While wearing these stylish thigh-high fur boots, the covered portion of your legs become the furred digitigrade form of a satyr's legs and you gain a matching goat's tail. Your jumping distance is doubled. You have advantage on Animal Handling checks toward goats. If you wear these boots for longer than one hour, you gain goat horns as well. When you remove these boots, the horns and tail remain until you complete a long rest or receive the benefits of a lesser restoration spell or the magic is dispelled.

Wand of False Fire

Wondrous item, common

As an action while holding this wand you can produce a flicker or gust of harmless bright flame from your body. The flame lasts until the start of your next turn and sheds bright light for 10 feet and dim light for an additional 10 feet.

Wand of "Psst"

Wondrous item, common

When you wave this wand as a bonus action at a creature within 30 feet, the creature hears the attention-getting “psst” sound and they recognize the sound came from you. The sound is inaudible to other creatures.

Wand of Shipping (aka Wand of Wooing)

Wondrous item, common

This item can affect other creatures engaged in conversation or looking at each other. As an action, aim the wand at one of the creatures to cause a subtle temporary enhancement of their physique, such as dramatically billowing or voluminous hair, temptingly pursed lips, bulging biceps or bosoms, or an occasional attractive sigh or giggle. A creature aware of the wand's affect (DC set by DM based on egregiousness of the wand's effects) can end an affect of the wand with a successful Constitution saving throw of DC 12 or by engaging in conversation with a different creature.

The wand can create up to 3 temporary effects which last for up to one hour, or until an effect is replaced with another. The wand cannot affect the wielder or a creature in conversation with the wielder.

Wand of Zapping

Wondrous item, common

When you press the tip of this prank wand against a creature within reach as an action, the creature must succeed on a DC 8 Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 lightning damage. Insects have disadvantage on the saving throw. Regardless, the creature experiences a painful zap. If you use this effect 3 times within a 1-minute period, the wand will cease to function for 10 minutes as it recharges.

Wicker Chair of Wisdom

Wondrous item, common

While seated in this chair, you have the appearance and voice of a wise old person and you gain advantage on Charisma Persuasion checks toward creatures who are unaware of your true identity or the chair's magical properties.

You also gain +1d4 to Intelligence checks to answer questions posed to you, provide those questions relate to trivial matters.

A creature with a passive Investigation or passive Insight of 14 or higher immediately notices this effect as an illusion or your answers as trumped up fluff and thereafter you gain no advantage on Charisma checks toward that creature or to Intelligence checks for questions from that creature.

Woodchuck Token

Wondrous item, common

As an action, when you bury in the ground this carved wooden token bearing the visage of a fat groundhog, a small fae spirit in the form of a woodchuck (groundhog) appears in the space. The woodchuck (speed 20) will follow you around for up to one hour and takes its turn after your turn. The woodchuck takes no other actions or movement besides the dodge or dash action, and movement to follow you, until it reaches a pile of cut wood, at which point the woodchuck will begin chucking (throwing) wood as its action at any creature within 20 feet at random.

A creature targeted by the woodchuck must attempt a Dexterity saving throw of DC 12. On a fail, the creature has disadvantage on their next attack roll before the beginning of the woodchuck’s next turn. Once the woodchuck starts chucking wood, it ignores your movement and continues chucking for one minute, or until this magical conjuring is dispelled, at which point the woodchuck vanishes. The woodchuck has an AC of 12, and 1 HP. If the woodchuck is forced to make a saving throw, it fails. If two or more of these conjured woodchucks are within sight of each other, they target each other exclusively.


All artwork is original (Midjourney tool v5). This homebrew was created for the Royal Academy campaign. (More soon!)

Version History

Date Version Change
2023.08.11 1.0 Initial release
2023.09.12 1.1 Clerical fixes, sandals, swimsuit, thigh-highs, wand of shipping, and wicker chair

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