Faerie Court of the Enchanted Glade

by Pezz

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Fae Court of the Enchanted Glade

Faerie Court of the Enchanted Glade

  1. Formation: The Faerie Court of the Enchanted Glade originated from the ancient alliance between powerful fey entities within Haven. Over time, they established their court in the heart of a mystical glade, binding themselves to the natural energies and enchantments of the surrounding area.

  2. Purpose: The Faerie Court serves as the epitome of fae power and influence, seeking to weave their magic throughout Haven. While their actions may seem malevolent to mortals, they maintain a delicate balance in the realm by guarding the ancient secrets and magic of the fae.

  3. Location: The Faerie Court's kingdom lies within the ethereal beauty of the Enchanted Glade, a realm of shimmering flora, sparkling waterfalls, and enchanted mists. Mortals who stumble upon it often find themselves lost within its ever-changing labyrinthine pathways.

  4. Kingdom: The kingdom of the Faerie Court is a realm of otherworldly beauty and mystic wonders. It is adorned with magnificent, crystalline structures, vibrant gardens, and ethereal palaces, all radiating an otherworldly glow. The court's enchantments protect the realm from intruders and keep its true nature hidden from prying eyes.

  5. Social Structure: Within the Faerie Court, Morgathra, the Veiled Enchantress, reigns as the supreme leader. Under her rule, the court is divided into subfactions, each led by a powerful and influential leader who aids Morgathra in her schemes. These leaders command their respective groups, maintaining the hierarchy and ensuring the Faerie Court's unity.

6.** Leaders:**

  • Morgathra "The Veiled Enchantress" - Leader of the Faerie Court of the Enchanted Glade and the Whispering Coven.

  • Grand Witch Matilda Shadowthorn - Leader of the Coven of Eternal Night, a subfaction of the Faerie Court.

  • Bloodlord Draven Blackwing - Leader of the Crimson Brotherhood, a vampire subfaction bound by a contract to Morgathra.

  • Murdreth "The Shadow Master" - Leader of the Shadow Coven, a subfaction specializing in shadow manipulation and soul magic.

  1. Specialties among the Faction:
  • The Faerie Court excels in illusion, enchantment, and manipulation of natural forces.

  • The Coven of Eternal Night specializes in shadow magic, illusions, and hexes.

  • The Crimson Brotherhood is skilled in seduction, blood magic, and manipulation of life energy.

  • The Shadow Coven is proficient in shadow manipulation, soul magic, and espionage.

  1. Player Character Benefits for Joining the Faction: Joining the Faerie Court of the Enchanted Glade grants access to ancient fae magic, increased affinity with nature, and the ability to harness illusions and manipulazste enchantments. Members gain the support and protection of the Court, access to hidden knowledge, and the opportunity to partake in secretive rituals and ceremonies.

  2. Proving Loyalty to the Faction: To prove loyalty, members may undertake quests to recover lost artifacts, eliminate threats to the Court's power, or demonstrate unwavering commitment to the Faerie Court's cause. Each subfaction may have its own types of tests and trials to determine loyalty and dedication.

  3. Common Members in the Faction: Common members within the Faerie Court of the Enchanted Glade include various fey creatures such as pixies, sprites, enchanted creatures, and mortals who have pledged themselves to service to pay off debts.

Faction Benefits (Background replacer)

Rank 0: Fae Aspirant

  1. Fae Aspirant: Aspirants who have recently joined the Faerie Court and are undergoing training to harness their innate fae abilities. They are assigned basic tasks and duties within the Court, assisting in various rituals and ceremonies, gaining advantage in all checks to identify rituals and ceremonies.

  2. Fae Magic Affinity: Aspirants gain access to the ancient fae magic of the Enchanted Glade, allowing them to manipulate natural forces. Players learn** Minor Illusion**, and gain advantage when using to trick creatures.

  3. Nature's Blessing: Fae Aspirants develop a heightened affinity with nature. Players learn Speak With Animals, and gain advanagte to survival checks when navigating through forests.

  4. Court's Protection: Joining the Faerie Court grants Aspirants the support and protection of the Court's enchantments. They become immune against charm and sleep spells.

  5. Ability score increase. Player's Charisma is increased by +2.

Rank 1: Enchanted Guardian

  1. Arcane Veil: The character can weave a shimmering arcane veil around themselves, granting protection from magical attacks. Once per short rest, as a bonus action, the character can activate this ability, causing their body to become partially translucent. The arcane veil grants them advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects for the next minute. Additionally, any spell or magical effect that targets the character directly has disadvantage on its attack roll or saving throw DC.

  2. Illusionary Veil: The character possesses a unique talent for creating and manipulating illusions. With the use of Illusionary Veil, they can create highly convincing and intricate illusions that fool the senses of others.

When activated, Illusionary Veil allows the character to create illusory duplicates of themselves. These duplicates can be controlled by the character and mimic their movements perfectly, making it difficult for enemies to discern the real character from the illusions.

  1. Ability Score Increase: Enchanted Guardians experience a significant increase in their magical prowess, with a particular focus on their Charisma and Dexterity scores. Players may choose to increase one of these 2 by +2.

  2. Carnival Connection: Enchanted Guardians connected with the Scout's Carnival gain the detect when the carnival is close.

Please note that as characters progress and reach higher ranks, the benefits and opportunities available to them within the Faerie Court will increase. Additional abilities, spells, and enchantments can be obtained through further advancements and specialization within the Court.


Oct 3

  • Fixxed bolding on 2nd page
  • Added Faction bonuses
  • Fixxed Credits

Reclaiming Haven Series. A Homebrewed Addition for Anyone!

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