Autera: Unique Items

by Zakarizero

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Autera: Unique Items

Bloodshed Blade

Weapon (Any Sword), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

The hilt of this sword bears a carnelian engraved with the blood rune.

You can add your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1) to the damage rolls of attacks made with this weapon.

Invoking the Rune. When you target a creature with an attack using this weapon, you can invoke the sword’s rune, causing it to flare with crimson light and infusing your attack with bloodthirsty precision. You then spend and roll one of your unspent Hit Dice and add the number rolled to the attack roll. You can choose to invoke the rune after rolling the d20.

If this attack hits, you can also spend and roll any number of your unspent Hit Dice and add the total rolled to the weapon’s damage.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Crown of the Wrath Bringer

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)

This jagged iron circlet bears ornaments in the shape of the enemy rune. When worn, the crown glows with pale light as it draws upon the wearer’s fury to strike opponents with vicious terror.

When you make an attack roll against a creature and hit it while wearing this crown, you can spend and roll one of your unspent Hit Dice. The creature takes extra psychic damage equal to the number rolled.

Invoking the Rune. As an action, you can invoke the crown’s rune to cast the fear spell (save DC 15) with it; the spell has a duration of 1 minute and doesn’t require concentration. Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Delver’s Claws

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)

The back of this weatherworn leather glove is adorned with three large metal hooks shaped like a mole’s claws. Stitched into the glove’s palm is the mountain rune.

The glove is considered a simple melee weapon with the finesse and light properties, and it deals 1d4 slashing damage on a hit. While attuned to the glove, you gain a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed and blindsight to 15 feet.

Invoking the Rune. As an action, you can invoke the glove’s rune to bolster yourself with the sturdiness of the earth. Spend and roll a number of your unspent Hit Dice up to a maximum equal to your proficiency bonus. You then regain a number of hit points equal to the total roll plus your Constitution modifier.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Glowrune Pigment

Wondrous Item, Rare

This set of 1d4 + 2 small paint pots contains pigments mixed from crushed luminescent gemstones. This magical paint bestows temporary magical gifts on creatures with runes drawn on their skin with this paint.

One paint pot contains enough pigment to paint one rune. A creature can spend 10 minutes to paint one of the following runes onto itself or another creature:

Journey Rune.

Difficult terrain doesn’t cost the painted creature extra movement.

Life Rune.

The painted creature gains 10 temporary hit points and has advantage on death saving throws.

Light Rune.

The painted creature gains darkvision to a range of 30 feet. If the painted creature already has darkvision from another source, the range of its darkvision increases by 30 feet.

Mountain Rune.

The painted creature is immune to being knocked prone and has advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws.

Shield Rune.

The painted creature has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that deal damage.

A creature can benefit from only one painted rune at a time, so a new rune painted on a creature has no effect unless the old one is removed first. The rune’s benefits last for 8 hours or until the painted creature uses its action to wipe away the rune.

Lash of Immolation

Weapon (Whip), Rare

The handle of this dark leather whip bears the fire rune, and embers dance around the whip’s tail.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, and on a hit, the whip deals an extra 1d6 fire damage. When you score a critical hit with an attack using this whip, the target also has the restrained condition until the start of your next turn, as fiery bands lash around the target.

Invoking the Rune.

When you make an attack with the whip and hit, you can use your reaction to invoke the whip’s rune. Doing so increases the extra fire damage dealt by the whip to 2d6.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Longbow of the Healing Hearth

Weapon (Longbow), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

This ivory longbow is inscribed with a prayer to the god Hiatea, the runes of which are entwined with gilded engravings of wheat stalks and deer antlers.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. If you load no ammunition in the weapon, it produces its own, automatically creating one magic arrow when you pull back the string. The arrow created by the bow vanishes the instant after it hits or misses a target.

The bow has 8 charges for the following properties, which you can use while wielding the bow. The bow regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn.

Curative Arrow.

When you take the Attack action using the bow, you can expend 1 charge to replace one of your attacks with a blazing arrow of curative magic, which automatically hits one creature you can see within 150 feet of you. The target can then immediately spend and roll one of its unspent Hit Dice and regain a number of hit points equal to the roll plus your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1). If the target has no unspent Hit Dice remaining, nothing happens. You can use a curative arrow only once per turn.


While holding the bow, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it (save DC 18): create food and water (1 charge), warding bond (2 charges), guardian of faith (3 charges).

Lucent Destroyer

Weapon (Musket), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

This magic weapon is a triple-barreled bronze musket. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It requires no ammunition, its damage is radiant instead of piercing, and it doesn’t have the loading property. The base of the weapon is emblazoned with the light rune.

Additionally, while attuned to the weapon, you can cast dancing lights from the musket at will.

Invoking the Rune.

As an action, you can invoke the weapon’s rune to cast the sunbeam spell (save DC 17) with it. Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Mistral Mantle

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

This thick, fur-lined cloak has the frost rune stitched on the hem in silvery blue thread. Frigid wind swirls around the cloak, regardless of the weather.

While wearing this cloak, you have resistance to cold damage. Additionally, when you move within 5 feet of a creature, you can cause the cloak’s cold wind to buffet the creature. The creature must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 cold damage and have the prone condition. A creature can be affected by the mantle only once during a turn.

Invoking the Rune.

As an action, you can invoke the mantle’s rune to cast the sleet storm spell (save DC 14) with it. When you use the mantle to cast the spell, the area of the spell isn’t difficult terrain for you, and you can see through the storm, ignoring the normal penalties of a heavily obscured area.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Wyrmreaver Gauntlets

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

Originally crafted for ground-bound giant brawlers to fight against dragons and other enormous predators of the sky, these studded gauntlets are engraved with the dragon rune.

While you are wearing these gauntlets, your unarmed strike deals an additional 1d6 force damage on a hit. Additionally, whenever you finish a long rest, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. You have resistance to the chosen damage type until you finish another long rest.

Invoking the Runes.

As a bonus action, you can invoke the gauntlets’ runes and summon two enormous spectral fists that envelop the gauntlets and mimic your hand motions. The fists can also launch themselves to strike distant opponents, returning immediately to your space after they hit or miss.

The fists last for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated. While the spectral fists are active, unarmed strikes you make on your turn have a reach of 30 feet, and when you hit a creature with an opportunity attack made with your unarmed strike, the creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or have the prone condition.

Once the runes have been invoked, they can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Ring of Amity

Ring, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

This ring is carved from hematite and bears an engraving of the friend rune.

When you first attune to this ring, you can touch one willing creature and form a magical bond between the two of you. While this bond lasts, whenever you are subjected to a spell or magical effect that restores hit points, the bonded creature also receives the benefits of the spell or effect.

You can bond with a different creature whenever you finish a long rest, provided that you can touch the creature and the creature is willing.

A creature can benefit from only one ring of amity’s bond at a time. The bond ends if either you or the creature travels to a different plane of existence, if you bond with a different creature at the end of a long rest, or if you sever the bond as a bonus action.

Invoking the Rune.

When the bonded creature hits a target with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to invoke the ring’s rune if you are within 60 feet of the bonded creature. The bonded creature’s attack is then turned into a critical hit.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Sanctum Amulet

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

A black opal pendant hangs at the base of this pearlescent chain. The sacred rune is inscribed on the back of the pendant.

While wearing this item, you have resistance to necrotic damage. Additionally, you can cast the spare the dying cantrip using either an action or a bonus action.

Invoking the Rune.

When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage, you can use your reaction to invoke the item’s rune, causing the pendant to flash with pale light. The creature then instead drops to 1 hit point.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Shield of the Blazing Dreadnought

Armor (Shield), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

Modeled after the formidable spiked tower shields wielded by some fire giants, this iron shield emanates a constant warmth.

You can use a bonus action to activate the shield, causing glowing lava to flow through the shield’s grooves for 1 minute. While the shield is active, you gain the following benefits:

Blazing Soul.

You have immunity to fire damage.

Cleansing Fire.

As an action, you can cause the shield to flare with the cleansing fire of the god Surtur. Choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of yourself (you can choose yourself). One disease or condition of your choice affecting this creature ends immediately; the condition can be blinded, charmed, deafened, or poisoned.

Shield Bash.

When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one of your attacks with a shield bash, targeting one creature you can see within 5 feet of yourself. The target must make a Strength saving throw (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failed save, the target takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage plus 3d6 fire damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage only. You can use Shield Bash only once per turn.

Once the shield has been activated, it can’t be activated again until the next dawn.

Staff of the Rooted Hills

Staff, Rare (Requires Attunement)

The hill rune is carved into this gnarled wooden staff. The staff magically resizes to match the height of any creature that attunes to it.

The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The first time you hit any creature with the staff on your turn, the creature must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be restrained by spectral vines until the start of your next turn.

Invoking the Rune.

As an action, you can invoke the staff’s rune to cast either hold person (save DC 12) or speak with plants with the staff. When you cast hold person using the staff, the target is wreathed in spectral vines.

Once the rune has been invoked to cast either spell, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Wayfarer’s Boots

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)

This pair of boots is made of durable cloth, with the journey rune stitched in golden thread above each heel. While you are wearing this item, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks.

Invoking the Runes.

As a bonus action, you can invoke the boots’ runes to cast the expeditious retreat spell with them. Once the runes have been invoked, they can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

War Horn of Valor

Wondrous Item, Rare

This brass war horn is engraved with the war rune, which glows purple when the horn is blown.

You can blow the horn as a bonus action. When you do, if you have the frightened condition, you immediately end that condition on yourself. You also have advantage on saving throws against being frightened until the start of your next turn.

Invoking the Rune.

When you blow the horn, you can also invoke the rune, imbuing the horn’s deep call with protective magic that affects creatures of your choice within 30 feet of yourself. You and all affected creatures gain a +1 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Zephyr Armor

Armor (Light), Rare (Requires Attunement)

This fine set of white-and-silver armor bears the wind rune upon its chest.

While wearing this armor, you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and Dexterity saving throws as your movements are bolstered by gentle currents of wind.

Invoking the Rune.

As an action, you can invoke the armor’s rune to cast the wind wall spell (save DC 15) with it. Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Stonebreaker’s Breastplate

Armor (Breastplate), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

This breastplate is made from marbled granite, though it feels no heavier than a typical metal breastplate. Its chest is emblazoned with the stone rune.

While wearing this breastplate, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and are immune to being knocked prone.

Invoking the Rune.

As an action, you can invoke the breastplate’s rune to cast the wall of stone spell (save DC 14) with it. When you cast the spell in this way, you have advantage on saving throws made to maintain concentration on the spell.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.


Weapon (Pistol), Very Rare

This magic ranged weapon is a flared pistol with the storm rune engraved along the barrel. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It requires no ammunition, its damage is thunder instead of piercing, and it doesn’t have the loading property.

Invoking the Rune.

As a bonus action, you can invoke the weapon’s rune to launch a ball of energy to a point you can see within 30 feet of yourself. The energy then detonates into a 10-foot-radius sphere of turbulent wind and thunder centered on that point, and each creature in that sphere must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d6 thunder damage, and it can’t take reactions until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage only.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.

Card Decks

Deck Of Cosmic Power

Card of Celestial Convergence:

This card shimmers with a radiant light, displaying a celestial alignment of stars and planets.


The character is instantly granted the favor of a powerful celestial being, gaining temporary divine powers and blessings for a limited time. They gain immunity to damage from evil-aligned creatures, the ability to heal wounds with a touch, and the power to cast a selection of potent divine spells.

Card of Abyssal Revelation:

This card exudes an aura of ominous darkness, showing swirling voids and abyssal landscapes.


The character temporarily taps into the dark forces of the Abyss, gaining the power to summon and command demonic entities. They can call forth a horde of lesser demons to aid them, have their wishes answered by a demon lord, and become resistant to physical and magical attacks.

Card of Eternity's Embrace:

This card depicts an ethereal figure embracing the concept of time itself.


The character transcends time and space, gaining the ability to manipulate time to their advantage. They can rewind time to undo recent events, glimpse into the future to anticipate opponents' actions, and gain immunity to spells and effects that manipulate time.

Card of Elemental Ascendance:

This card shows the four primal elements swirling in harmony around a central figure.


The character becomes an embodiment of elemental power, gaining control over the forces of fire, water, earth, and air. They can summon elemental allies, wield elemental magic with unrivaled mastery, and become immune to elemental damage and environmental effects.

Card of Cosmic Genesis:

This card displays the birth of galaxies and the birth of stars in a breathtaking cosmic display.


The character gains the ability to manipulate the very fabric of the universe. They can create and destroy celestial bodies, reshape landscapes, and alter the laws of physics within a limited area.

Card of Astral Nexus:

This card shows an intricate network of interstellar pathways connecting distant realms.


The character gains the ability to traverse the multiverse, instantly teleporting themselves and others across planes of existence. They can visit other worlds, gather knowledge from alternate realities, and communicate with extraplanar beings.

Card of Divine Paragon:

This card displays a figure adorned with divine radiance, surrounded by adoring followers.


The character is elevated to the status of a demigod, gaining incredible divine powers. They can grant blessings and boons to their followers, smite foes with divine wrath, and reshape reality in accordance with their divine will.

Card of Void's Embrace:

This card portrays a swirling vortex of nothingness, drawing everything into its depths.


The character gains control over the void, becoming a master of entropy and nothingness. They can erase creatures from existence, collapse matter into singularities, and nullify magic and supernatural abilities.

Card of Planar Weaving:

This card shows interlocking threads connecting different planes of reality.


The character gains the ability to manipulate the boundaries between planes, altering the nature of reality itself. They can merge planes together, create new planes of existence, and traverse the planes effortlessly.

Card of Cosmic Ascendancy:

This card displays an individual transcending into a higher form of existence, surrounded by cosmic energy.


The character achieves a state of cosmic enlightenment, becoming a near-omnipotent entity. They gain godlike powers, the ability to reshape the cosmos, and the potential to become a patron deity for future generations.

Deck Of Benefits & Bonuses

Card of Enhanced Agility:

This card depicts a figure in graceful motion, surrounded by swirling winds.


The character's agility and reflexes are enhanced, granting them advantage on Dexterity saving throws and checks for a limited time.

Card of Inspired Insight:

Description: This card shows a figure surrounded by glowing symbols, representing knowledge and wisdom.


The character gains inspiration, allowing them to roll a d6 and add the result to an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.

Card of Swift Healing:

This card displays a figure bathed in soothing light, surrounded by gentle healing energy.


The character rapidly recovers from injuries, regaining hit points equal to their hit dice rolled plus their Constitution modifier.

Card of Resilient Fortitude:

This card shows a character standing strong against a storm, their body covered in protective energy.


The character gains temporary hit points equal to their level plus their Constitution modifier.

Card of Charmed Fortune:

This card depicts a smiling figure with lucky charms and symbols all around.


The character gains advantage on the next two saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

Card of Elemental Resistance:

This card displays the four elements surrounding the character, forming a shield of elemental energy.


The character gains resistance to a randomly determined type of elemental damage (fire, cold, acid, lightning) for a limited time.

Card of Silver Tongue:

This card shows a character speaking eloquently, surrounded by a radiant aura.


The character gains advantage on Charisma checks and Charisma-based saving throws for the next hour.

Card of Skillful Mastery:

This card depicts a figure mastering various skills, each skill symbolized by a different tool or instrument.


The character gains proficiency in a skill or tool of their choice for the next day.

Card of Sustaining Feast:

This card displays a lavish banquet, surrounded by mouthwatering aromas.


The character partakes in a magically conjured feast, providing enough food and drink to nourish them and up to five companions for a day.

Card of Enchanted Gear:

This card shows the character's equipment radiating with magical energy.


The character's weapons and armor gain a temporary +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, as well as a +1 bonus to AC, for the next combat encounter.

Deck Of Temptations

Card of Boundless Strength:


The character gains immense physical strength, doubling their carrying capacity and adding a bonus to their Strength-based attacks.


The character's recklessness and arrogance rise, causing them to make impulsive decisions in combat that could put them or their allies in danger.

Card of Arcane Dominion:


The character gains unparalleled mastery over magic, allowing them to cast spells without expending spell slots for a limited time.


The character's magical power becomes overwhelming, attracting the attention of malevolent entities from other planes that seek to exploit their magical prowess.

Card of Time's Grace:


The character gains the ability to manipulate time, allowing them to reverse recent events or take an additional turn in combat.


The character's connection to the flow of time becomes unstable, causing them to experience moments of disorientation and confusion in battle.

Card of Endless Wealth:

Benefit: The character gains a vast fortune in gold and precious gems, making them immensely wealthy. Detriment: The character's newfound wealth attracts the envy and greed of powerful individuals and organizations, leading to schemes, thefts, and attempts on their life.

Card of Absolute Knowledge:


The character gains access to all knowledge in the world, allowing them to instantly comprehend any subject or skill.


The character's mind becomes overwhelmed by the flood of information, causing them to suffer from frequent migraines, memory lapses, and moments of distraction.

Card of Immortal Vitality:


The character becomes nearly immortal, ceasing to age and gaining resistance to physical and magical harm.


The character's attachment to mortality weakens their emotional connections to others, making it difficult for them to form meaningful relationships or feel empathy.

Card of Celestial Favor:


The character gains the favor of a celestial entity, receiving divine guidance and protection.


The character's growing devotion to the celestial being alienates them from their mortal companions, causing tension and mistrust within the party.

Card of Unquenchable Desires:


The character's desires are instantly fulfilled, granting them whatever they crave most at the moment.


The character's insatiable desires become all-consuming, leading to an inability to focus on tasks, make rational decisions, or prioritize long-term goals.

Card of Perfect Transformation:


The character gains a perfect physical form, granting them exceptional beauty, strength, and charisma.


The character's obsession with their own appearance and perfection leads to vanity and arrogance, causing them to disregard the needs and feelings of others.

Card of Eternal Echoes:


The character gains the ability to manipulate the echoes of past events, altering outcomes in their favor.


The character's meddling with time's echoes disrupts the natural balance, causing unpredictable and unintended consequences to ripple through the fabric of reality.


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