The Oath of Fortune

by Candurill

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Paladin Oath:

Oath of Fortune

"I swear, it's like she knew the roof was going to give way. That madwoman didn’t hesitate—just charged in, straight over the collapsing beams like it was nothing. I thought for sure she’d fall through, but no. She even smiled while the ground crumbled under her boots! Next thing I know, she’s in the middle of us, sword blazing like she had any bussiness being there. Didn’t flinch, didn’t falter. She made it look easy, like luck itself danced with her!!"

--A bewildered mercenary recounting a battle

The Oath of Fortune paladins are champions of boldness, trusting in the whims of fate to guide their steps. They stride into the heart of chaos without hesitation, knowing that every roll of the dice—whether it leads to triumph or disaster—is part of destiny’s grand design. Chosen by Lady Luck herself, these paladins embrace every moment, wielding courage as their greatest weapon. Through their unwavering faith in fortune’s favor, they take the greatest risks, knowing that fate, fickle though it may be, will always reward the bold.

Tenets of Fortune

  • Fortune Favors the Bold: Embrace the unknown and face danger head-on; take bold action to shape your destiny..
  • Two Sides of the Coin: Accept both joy and misfortune with grace—luck’s favor can shift at any moment.
  • Follow Your Heart: Pursue worthy goals with purpose, trusting that fate will guide you through life’s chaos.
  • Share Your Fortune: Be generous with your blessings, for fortune’s touch is meant to be shared with those in need.

Oath spells

Paladin level Spells
3rd Silvery barbs, Heroism
5th Fortune's favor, Kinetic Jaunt
9th Antagonize, Spirit guardians
13th Death ward, Freedom of movement
17th Circle of power, Far step

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options:

Overwhelming odds. Even when outnumbered, the odds are ever in your favor. You may use a bonus action to kiss your holy symbol and cover yourself in a golden veil. For one minute, at the end of each of your turns, you gain a bonus to AC equal to the number of enemies that are within a 10ft radius around you.

Leap of Fate. Fate has rarely led you astray, and your unwavering trust in destiny allows you to step blindly into the unknown with confidence. You can invoke this divine power in one of two ways:

When making a skill check, you may use your Channel Divinity to replace the normal skill check with a Charisma check, adding half your proficiency bonus (rounded down, minimum +1). If the check succeeds, your Channel Divinity is not expended. If the check fails, you expend your Channel Divinity as normal and face the consequences of failure.

When faced with a situation that doesn’t rely on a specific skill check but which does have a clear and possible succesful outcome (such as guessing a combination, or choosing the right path), you can expend your Channel Divinity to let fate steer you. Roll a d20:

  • 10 or up: Fate smiles upon you, and the DM steers the situation toward a favorable outcome or provides a helpful hint.
  • 9 or lower: Fate plays a trick, and you face a setback or complication.

Aura of Luck

Beginning at 7th level, you eminate an aura that fills you and your companions with a spark of luck. All friendly creatures within a 10ft radius around you can critically succeed on a 19 and a 20.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Twist of Destiny

At 15th level, you unlock the ability to subtly influence the course of fate for better or worse. Whenever a creature you can see within 30 feet rolls the highest or lowest possible result on a die roll, you can use your reaction to invoke the power of fortune and alter the outcome. You can choose to turn a critical success into a critical failure or a critical failure into a critical success. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all uses when you finish a long rest.

Avatar of Fortune

At 20th level, you become a living embodiment of fortune’s power. As an action, you can transform into an Avatar of Fortune for 1 minute. While transformed, you shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. You gain the following benefits:

Lucky Strike: While transformed, all allied creatures within the range of your Aura of Luck feature score a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19, or 20. Whenever a creature scores a critical hit within its effect range, it can make an additional weapon attack against the same target. If this additional attack also results in a critical hit, the creature can repeat this process, making another attack. This continues as long as critical hits are rolled.

Gamble of Fate: At the start of each of your turns, the winds of fate swirl around you, affecting all creatures (allies and enemies) within 15 feet of you. Roll a d6 and apply the following effect:

  • 1-2: All enemies within 15 feet of you have disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until the start of your next turn.
  • 3-4: No additional effects occur this turn.
  • 5-6: All allies within 15 feet of you have advantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until the start of your next turn.

Art credit

First page top: Dong Jianhua

Second page right: Valerian


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