Ithaca - Fighter

by XScorpion

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The Fighter

The Fighter

The young guard quietly slipped past his comrades out the back door of the armory where the townsfolk were hiding. A bandit gang had come upon their village suddenly that morning, and their leader had issued a challenge. If a warrior from the town could best him in single combat, his gang of bandits would leave peacefully. Even though the young human had only joined the town guard one season ago, he could already best every other guard with the sword. To the surprise of the townsfolk, he drew his sword, muttered a prayer, and stepped forward to defend his home.

A graying dwarf surveyed the enemy camp as the sun began to set. Along with three of her best soldiers, she had made her way to the enemy general's tent with the intent to rout the army or die in the attempt. In a fully pitched battle, the small band of dwarves under her command wouldn't stand a chance against this great host. However, if her group of elite soldiers followed her orders to the letter, they had a chance to cut off the head of the army before it came to battle. For what could be her final mission, she gripped her battleaxe and gave the order to move out.

The flamboyant elven gladiator paused for a brief moment, basking in the cheers of the crowd. He remembered his first gladiatorial match in the underground arena, surrounded by drunken pirates and slavers. Now he performed for the king and queen amidst the bustle of the largest metropolis in the kingdom. After savoring the moment, he whirled about and plunged his gilded spear into his opponent's heart, ending what would be his final fight and earning him his freedom.

Masters of the Battlefield

Not every city guardsman, mercenary, or professional soldier is considered to be a true fighter. Born with the innate talent for war and keen battle instincts, a born fighter cannot resist the call of the battlefield. Hailing from the ranks of military officers, elite bodyguards, veteran mercenaries, and anointed knights, fighters are known for their masterful skill in battle.

Dungeon delving, monster slaying, and other dangerous work common amongst adventurers is second nature for a fighter. Something deep within them compels them to seek out conflict and throw themselves into the midst of it. Often champions of fair competition, fighters make for loyal allies.

The Armaments of War

Every fighter can swing an axe, fence with a rapier, cut down a foe with a longsword, and use a bow with a high degree of skill. Likewise, a fighter is adept with shields and every form of armor. Fighters wield their weapons and armor of choice as an extension of their very self, transforming into beautiful yet deadly whirls of sharpened steel on the battlefield.

While they all have skill in battle, the nature of a fighter's training can greatly vary. Some cultivate immense physical might, crushing their foes with overwhelming blows. Some prefer to strike from afar, slaying their enemies before they are aware of their presence. Others use tactical insights to coordinate their allies. And a rare few augment their martial abilities with limited, but potent, arcane spells.

Creating your Fighter

When creating a fighter, the most important thing to consider is where they gained their skill with the armaments of war. Are you the scion of a noble house, trained from birth by the best warriors in your family's employ? Are you a gladiator who fought for sport, forced to learn to fight or perish? Did you come from nothing and earn food, shelter, and coin at the tip of your sword as a member of a mercenary company?

Also, consider your fighter's style of combat and how the way you fight sets you apart from other warriors. Are you a artist with your weapons, gracefully flowing about the field of battle? Are you especially ruthless, reveling in the chaos and carnage of war? Or, do you fight with honor and respect, only challenging those that you deem your equal with the sword?

Level Proficiency
Features Strikes
1st +2 Weapon Strikes, Fighting Style, Second Wind 2 - - -
2nd +2 Martial Exploits, Opportunist 2 2 d6 3
3rd +2 Warrior Paragon 3 3 d6 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 3 d6 4
5th +3 Extra Attack (1) 3 4 d8 4
6th +3 Action Surge 3 4 d8 4
7th +3 Paragon Feature 4 5 d8 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 5 d8 5
9th +4 Indomitable 4 6 d8 5
10th +4 Paragon Feature, Extra Attack (2) 4 6 d8 6

Class features

As a fighter, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Fighter level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 10 + your Constitution modifier per Fighter level after 1st

  • Armor: All armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution

  • Skills: Choose two of the following: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth, or Survival

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) chain mail or (b) leather armor and a longbow
  • (a) martial weapon and shield or (b) two martial weapons
  • (a) light crossbow or (b) two handaxes
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack

Weapon Strikes

At 1st level, you master intricacies of weapon skill that other characters can’t match. Unlike other classes, fighters choose a Weapon Strike to use every time they make a weapon attack on their turn.

Strikes Known

You know two Strikes of your choice from the list at the end of this class. The Strikes Known column of the Fighter table shows when you learn more Strikes of your choice. To learn a Strike you must meet any prerequisites it may have. Whenever you gain a fighter level, you can replace one of the Strikes you know with another Strike of your choice.

Fighting Style

At 1st level, choose the Fighting Style from the options below that best reflect your martial training and skill with weapons. You cannot select a Fighting Style more than once, even if a feature allows you to select an additional Fighting Style.

Whenever you gain a level, you can switch your Fighting Style for another Fighting Style of your choice.


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with ranged weapons.

Classical Swordplay

While wielding a finesse weapon and no other weapons, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls and a +1 to your Armor Class so long as you are not using heavy armor or a shield.

Defensive Fighting

While wearing armor or wielding a shield, you gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.

Dual Wielding

When you take the Attack action while two-weapon fighting, you can make a single additional attack with your off-hand weapon as part of your action instead of your bonus action, adding your ability modifier to the damage of this attack.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with it.

Featherweight Fighting

While you are wielding only light weapons, and nothing else, your speed increases by 10 feet. You also gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with light weapons, so long as you are not wearing medium or heavy armor, or wielding a shield.

Great Weapon Fighting

When you attack with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can take a penalty to hit equal to your proficiency bonus. If you do, add double your proficiency bonus to your damage roll.

The weapon must have the heavy, versatile, or two-handed property to gain this benefit.

Improvised Fighting

You gain proficiency with improvised weapons. Once per turn, when you hit with a improvised weapon attack, you can roll the damage die twice and take the higher roll. When you do this, the improvised weapon is destroyed and cannot be used for further attacks. You can't use this feature to destroy magical objects.

Melee Marksman

Having a hostile creature within 5 feet of you does not impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attacks, so long as you are attacking a creature within 5 feet.

When you make a ranged weapon attack against a creature within 5 feet, you can use your bonus action to make a melee attack against it with your ranged weapon. On hit, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.

Pit Fighting

Your have trained to fight with weapons typically associated with gladiators, granting you the following benefits:

  • For you, tridents deal 1d8 (1d10) piercing damage on hit.
  • When making an attack roll with a net against a creature within 5 feet, you do not have disadvantage on the roll.
  • When you take the Attack action on your turn, making an attack with a net only takes the place of one attack.


When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you for the first time on a turn, the attacker gets disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a melee weapon or a shield to use this ability.

Shield Warrior

You gain proficiency with shields as a martial melee weapon, and on a hit, your shield deals 2d4 bludgeoning damage. If you are wielding two shields, you gain a +1 bonus to your shield attack damage rolls and to your Armor Class (for a total of +3 to your AC).

Standard Bearer

Once on your turn, when a creature within 5 feet of you makes a weapon attack against a creature that you can see, you can grant them advantage on their attack roll. You must be carrying a banner, flag, or standard in your hand to use this ability.


You can use your Strength modifier, in place of Dexterity, for your attack and damage rolls with longbows and shortbows.

Thrown Weapon Fighting

You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. Moreover, when you hit with a ranged weapon attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll of that attack.

Unarmed Fighting

Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you have two free hands when you make the attack roll, the d6 becomes a d8.

At the beginning of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to one creature you are grappling.

Versatile Fighting

While wielding a single versatile weapon and no shield, you can choose to wield your weapon one or two-handed until the start of your next turn. When wielding it one-handed you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and to your Armor Class. Wielding it two-handed you gain a +2 bonus to your damage rolls.


When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can attempt to grapple that creature as a bonus action on that turn, so long as you have a free hand to do so. Also, you can drag grappled creatures without any movement penalty.

Second Wind

Starting at 1st level, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you do so, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.

Martial Exploits

At 2nd level, you have begun to master unique techniques to enhance your martial skill, both on and off the field of battle.

Exploit Dice

The Fighter table shows how many Exploit Dice you have to perform the Exploits you know. To use an Exploit, you must expend one of these Dice. You can only use one Exploit per attack, ability check, or saving throw, and you regain your expended Exploit Dice when you finish a short or long rest.

Your Exploit Dice begin as d6s, and increase in size as you gain levels in this class, as indicated in the Fighter table.

Exploits Known

You know two Exploits of your choice from the list at the end of this class. The Exploits Known column of the Fighter table shows when you learn more Exploits of your choice. To learn an Exploit you must meet any prerequisites it may have, like a minimum Ability Score or a minimum fighter level.

Whenever you gain a fighter level, you can replace one of the Exploits you know with another Exploit of your choice.

Exploit Attacks

If one of your exploits attacks a creature's defenses, your attack bonus is calculated as follows:

Exploit Attack Bonus = your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is greater).


At 2nd level, you can quickly attack foes that leave an opening in their defenses. The first time an enemy within your reach moves more than 5 feet on their turn, you automatically attack them with your weapon. This ability can only be used once per round, and you must be holding a melee weapon.

Warrior Paragon

At 3rd level, choose one of the following Warrior Paragons that best represents your skills and training: Arcane Knight, Champion, Crusader, Guardian, Guerrilla, Marksman, Master at Arms, Swordsage, or Witch Knight.

The Warrior Paragon you choose grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th and 10th level.

Paragon Exploits

Some Paragons have a list of Paragon Exploits you learn at the fighter levels noted in your Archetype's description. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched out for other Exploits. If you don't meet an Paragon Exploit's prerequisites, you learn it regardless.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

When you reach level 10, the number of attacks increases to three times.

Action Surge

Starting at 6th level, you can push yourself past your limits, if only for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action on that current turn. Once you do so, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.


Your fighting spirit allows you to grasp success from the jaws of defeat. Beginning at 9th level, when you fail a saving throw on your turn, you can choose to succeed instead. Once you use this feature you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Warrior Paragons

At 3rd level, a fighter chooses one of the following Paragons that best represents their training and skills: Arcane Knight, Champion, Crusader, Guardian, Guerrilla, Marksman, Master at Arms, Swordsage, or Witch Knight.

Arcane Knight

Arcane Knights supplement their skill with the armaments of war with arcane knowledge. Compared to mages who study only magic, Arcane Knights can only produce minor spells, but, when combined with their deadly skill with the weapons of warfare, these minor spells become potent enhancements.

Weapon Bond

3rd-level Arcane Knight feature

You can magically bond yourself to your weapon. At the end of a short or long rest, you can touch a weapon, forging a magical bond between you and that weapon.

You cannot be disarmed of a bonded weapon unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can use a bonus action to instantly summon it to you. It can be used as a spellcasting focus for your Arcane Knight spells.

You can have up to two bonded weapons at any one time, though, they must be summoned one at a time. If you bond a third weapon, you break the bond with one of the other two.


3rd-level Arcane Knight feature

When you choose the Arcane Knight Paragon, you learn to cast minor arcane spells, much like a wizard.

Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Arcane spell list, and you learn an additional cantrip at 10th level.

Spell Slots. The Arcane Knight Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st-tier and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's tier or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st-tier spell shield and have a 1st-tier and a 2nd-tier spell slot available, you can cast shield using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three 1st-tier Arcane spells. The Spells Known column of your Spellcasting table shows when you learn more spells of 1st-tier or higher, of a tier for which you have spell slots.

When you gain a level, you can replace one of your Spells Known with another spell from the Arcane spell list. The spell must be of a tier for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your spells. You use Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. You also use your Intelligence modifier when making a spell attack roll for a spell.

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Arcane Knight Spellcasting
1st Tier
2nd Tier
3rd 3 2
4th 4 3
5th 5 3
6th 5 3
7th 6 4 2
8th 6 4 2
9th 7 4 2
10th 7 4 3

War Magic

7th-level Arcane Knight feature

You can seamlessly weave minor spells with weapon attacks. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can cast a cantrip in place of one of your attacks.

Enchanted Strikes

10th-level Arcane Knight feature

Your weapons weaken a creature's resistance to your magic. Starting at 10th level, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you have advantage to hit it with the first spell cast by you, before the end of your next turn.


Champions forgo all other forms of improvement to focus on enhancing their raw physical might. These immense figures strive to maintain peak physical condition through relentless training. In battle, Champions perform supernatural feats of athleticism and overwhelm their foes with their raw power.

Champion Exploits

3rd-level Champion feature

You learn certain Exploits at the fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.

Fighter Level Exploit
3rd feat of strength, mighty leap
5th concussive blow, heroic will
9th mythic athleticism

Mighty Warrior

3rd-level Champion feature

The raw physical might that you have cultivated enhances your attacks. Your weapon attacks now score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Remarkable Athlete

7th-level Champion feature

You can regularly perform feats of athleticism that would be impossible for most mortals. Whenever you use either feat of strength or mighty leap, you can roll a d6 and use it instead of expending an Exploit Die.

Brutal Critical

10th-level Champion feature

You roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit.


Many warriors swear Oaths to gods of battle and war, but not all are blessed with the divine power of paladins or clerics. Those who fight for the gods without their explicit blessing are known as Crusaders. These zealots stand as champions of divine causes, their fervent belief fueling their battle fury.

Crusaders serve many gods and causes, but they all have one thing in common; their fanatical devotion to what they believe is right. Their belief is forged in the fires of devotion, and a dedicated Crusader will often snap rather than bend.

Crusader Exploits

3rd-level Crusader feature

You learn certain Exploits at the fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.

Fighter Level Exploit
3rd commander's presence, disarm
5th execute, intimidating command
9th inspirational speech

Crusader's Ire

3rd-level Crusader feature

You can mark your foes for divine judgment. As a bonus action, you can Mark a creature within 60 feet as the target of your Crusader's Ire, granting you the following benefits:

  • Once per turn when you miss the creature with a weapon attack, you can immediately make another weapon attack against that creature using the same weapon.
  • Once per turn when the creature is within your reach and casts a spell or makes an attack against a creature other then you, you make an opportunity attack against it.
  • When the creature forces you to make a saving throw, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Exploit Die.

Your Mark lasts for 1 minute, or until the creature is slain. Once you use this feature you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. When you have no uses remaining, you can expend an Exploit Die to use this feature again.

Fanatical Disciple

3rd-level Crusader feature

You gain proficiency in Religion, and whenever you make an Religion check related to the god or cause you serve you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Exploit Die.

Renewed Fervor

7th-level Crusader feature

Your fanaticism grants you bursts of fervor in battle. When you use Second Wind you regain the use of Crusader's Ire.

In addition, when you Mark a creature as the target of your Crusader's Ire, you can move up to 30 feet toward it as part of the same bonus action without expending your movement.

Zealous Fury

10th-level Crusader feature

Your conviction allows you to survive blows that would slay those of lesser faith. When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you drop to 1 hit point instead, and immediately make one weapon attack against your attacker.

Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Echo Knight

A mysterious and feared frontline warrior lost in time, the Echo Knight has mastered the art of using chronomancy to summon the fading shades of unrealized timelines to aid them in battle. Surrounded by echoes of their own might, they charge into the fray as a cycling swarm of shadows and strikes.

Echo Knight Exploits

3rd-level Echo Knight feature

You learn certain Exploits at the fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.

Fighter Level Exploit
3rd feint, scholar's insight
5th heroic will, whirlwind attack
9th heroic focus

Manifest Echo

3rd-level Echo Knight feature

At 3rd level, you can use a bonus action to magically manifest an echo of yourself in an unoccupied space you can see within 15 feet of you. This echo is a magical, translucent, gray image of you that lasts until it is destroyed, until you dismiss it as a bonus action, until you manifest another echo, or until you're incapacitated.

Your echo has AC 14 + your Charisma modifier, 1 hit point, and immunity to all conditions. If it has to make a saving throw, it uses your saving throw bonus. It is the same size as you, and it occupies its space. On your turn, you can mentally command the echo to move up to 30 feet in any direction. If your echo is ever more than 30 feet from you at the end of your turn, it is destroyed.

  • As a bonus action, you can teleport, magically swapping places with your echo at a cost of 15 feet of your movement, regardless of the distance between the two of you.
  • When you take the Attack action on your turn, any melee attack you make with that action can originate from your space or the echo's space. You make this choice for each attack.
  • Your Exploits can originate from yourself or your Echo.

Unleash Incarnation

3rd-level Echo Knight feature

At 3rd level, you can heighten your echo's fury. Whenever you take the Attack action, you can make one additional melee attack from the echo's position.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Echo Avatar

7th-level Echo Knight feature

Starting at 7th level, you can temporarily transfer your consciousness to your echo. As an action, you can see through your echo's eyes and hear through its ears. During this time, you are deafened and blinded. You can sustain this effect for up to 10 minutes, and you can end it at any time (requires no action). While your echo is being used in this way, it can be up to 1,000 feet away from you without being destroyed.

Reclaim Potential

10th-level Echo Knight feature

By 10th level, you've learned to absorb the fleeting magic of your echo. When an echo of yours is destroyed by taking damage, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your Charisma modifier, provided you don't already have temporary hit points.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


Guardians are elite defensive warriors whose strengths shine while fighting side by side with their allies. Though trained to use weapons of all types, Guardians are especially effective when using a protective style of fighting with a weapon and shield. Alone, a Guardian is a small threat, but when fighting alongside their allies they are impenetrable walls of steel.

Guardian Exploits

3rd-level Guardian feature

You learn certain Exploits at the fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.

Fighter Level Exploit
3rd brace up, reposition
5th immovable stance, suppressing blow
9th resilient body

Warrior Smith

3rd-level Guardian feature

You gain the skills to maintain your arms and armor so that you may defend your allies to the best of your ability. During a long rest, you can spend 1 hour to reinforce a shield or a set of armor you touch. The object grants its wearer an additional +1 bonus to their Armor Class that lasts until the end of your next long rest.

Guardian Stance

3rd-level Guardian feature

While you are wielding a shield, you can use a bonus action to enter a Guardian Stance which lasts indefinitely. It ends if you are incapacitated, you doff your shield, or you end it as a free action. Your Stance grants you the following features:

  • Your speed is reduced by 10 feet.
  • Creatures of your choice within 5 feet that are also wielding a shield gain a +1 bonus to their Armor Class.
  • The first time on a turn, when a creature within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack, you become the target of the attack, taking the damage of the attack if it would hit you.
  • You can make a Shove attack as a bonus action.

Rallying Wind

7th-level Guardian feature

You inspire your allies to hold their position against all odds. When you use Second Wind while in your Guardian Stance, creatures of your choice within 5 feet of you that can see or hear you gain temporary hit points equal to your fighter level.

Stalwart Defender

10th-level Guardian feature

You are strongest when standing side by side, and shield by shield, with your allies. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class for each friendly creature within 5 feet of you that is wielding a shield.
  • You cannot be moved against your will while conscious.
  • Both you, and friendly creatures within 5 feet of you, have advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws.
  • When you roll initiative you can immediately enter your Guardian Stance as long as you are not surprised.


No matter the mission, a Guerrilla will execute it with utmost perfection. Sometimes known as commandos, these warriors are marked by their determination and adaptability. Whether harsh terrain, vicious monsters, enemy soldiers, or powerful spellcasters, nothing short of death will cause the willpower of a Guerrilla warrior to waver in the pursuit of their goals.

Adaptable Exploits

3rd-level Guerrilla feature

You can adjust your skills to meet any challenge. At the end of each long rest, you can replace one Exploit you know with another Exploit for which you meet the prerequisites.

When you reach 10th level in this class, you can use this feature at the end of a short rest.

Guerrilla Exploits

3rd-level Guerrilla feature

You learn certain Exploits at the fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.

Fighter Level Exploit
3rd mighty leap, survivalist's craft
5th improvised skill, take cover
9th gather information


3rd-level Guerrilla feature

You are an expert at overcoming natural obstacles. Choose two of the following skills: Athletics, Perception, Stealth, or Survival. Whenever you make an ability check with that skill you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Exploit Die.

Upon reaching 7th level in this class, you gain the same benefit with all four of the skills from the list above.

By Land or Sea

7th-level Guerrilla feature

You have trained to succeed in any environment. At 7th level you gain one of the following features:

Alpine Combatant. You have trained for battle at great heights. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and when you fall for the first time on a turn, you reduce any falling damage by an amount equal to your fighter level.

Marine Combatant. You prepare for amphibious combat. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and you can hold your breath for up to 1 hour underwater.

Adaptable Fighting Style

10th-level Guerrilla feature

You can adapt your style of fighting to better counter your enemies. When you finish a long rest, you can replace one Fighting Style you know with another Style of your choice.


While all fighters learn to draw a bow or hurl a javelin, those who train as Marksmen dedicate themselves to mastering ranged weapons of all types. Often, their deadly skills are backed up with an unmistakable swagger and unshakable confidence. Relying on their innate talents and signature grit, there are few challenges a true Marksman cannot overcome.

Marksman Exploits

3rd-level Marksman feature

You learn certain Exploits at the fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.

Fighter Level Exploit
3rd crippling blow, keen observation
5th flaming shot, volley
9th thunderous shot

Elite Training

3rd-level Marksman feature

Your training has enhanced your reaction times. Once a turn when you make a Dexterity check or saving throw, you add a bonus equal to your exploit die.

Marksman's Focus

3rd-level Marksman feature

You can quiet your body so as to fire with deadly accuracy. When you start your turn and are not surprised or incapacitated, you can choose to Focus, granting you the following benefits until the end of your current turn:

  • Your speed is reduced to 0 feet.
  • Until you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you have advantage on all ranged weapon attack rolls.
  • When you attack with a ranged weapon, you can take a penalty to hit equal to your proficiency bonus. If you do, add double your proficiency bonus to your damage roll.

Cunning Sniper

7th-level Marksman feature

You react to danger at a moment's notice. You add your proficiency bonus to your Initiative rolls.

Also, your elite marksmanship allows you to exploit even the smallest weakness in your enemy's defenses. Your ranged weapon attacks ignore any resistance to piercing damage.


10th-level Marksman feature

When you use your Second Wind, your speed increases by 10 feet and any opportunity attacks targeting you have disadvantage until the end of your turn.

Master at Arms

While most fighters master one specific martial discipline, a Master at Arms is the rare warrior who is able to truly master multiple styles of combat. Whether through grit, dedication, or extraordinary skill, these elite fighters learn all they can about the theory of combat. A Master at Arms is always on the lookout for a new weapon or style of fighting to master

Master at Arms Exploits

3rd-level Master at Arms feature

You learn certain Exploits at the fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.

Fighter Level Exploit
3rd lightstep, riposte
5th defensive stance, warrior's challenge
9th heroic focus

Advanced Technique

3rd-level Master at Arms feature

Your ability to learn and utilize martial techniques exceeds most other warriors. Your total number of Exploit Dice increases by 2.

Your training has also made your Exploits more potent than the average fighter. Your Exploit Dice become d8s. They increase again at 5th level to become d10s.

Fluid Stances

3rd-level Master at Arms feature

Whether by talent or training, you are a master of multiple combat styles. You learn an additional Fighting Style of your choice. However, you can only benefit from one Fighting Style at a time. You can use a bonus action to switch your Fighting Style to another Fighting Style you know.

You learn an additional Fighting Style of your choice at 7th level.

Consistent Skill

7th-level Master at Arms feature

You are able to fight at your peak capability for longer than most other warriors. When you use your Second Wind, you regain one of your expended Exploit Dice.

Master of Forms

7th-level Master at Arms feature

Your technical skill with the weapons of war has grown, allowing you to learn exotic techniques from a variety of disciplines. Choose two Exploits from any class, including this one. If the Exploit has a prerequisite level, you can learn it as long as your fighter level meets that number.

These Exploits count as Martial Exploits for you, but they don't count against your total number of Exploits Known.

Masterful Flourish

10th-level Master at Arms feature

You can draw on your techniques as a reflex in times of great need. You can benefit from two of Fighting Styles you know at once. You can still only switch one per bonus action.

In addition, when you use your Action Surge, you gain a single Exploit Die that must be used as part of the additional action granted to you by your Action Surge. If not used, it disappears at the end of your additional action.


Swordsage, blade master, sword saints; expert warriors who dedicate their lives to the art of battle have had many names throughout history. Only drawing their weapon when they are prepared to kill, a Swordsage will only slay another creature when necessary. A master Swordsage will only take a single apprentice, teaching everything they know to a single warrior.

Student of the Blade

3rd-level Swordsage feature

In your studies you have mastered other skills adjacent to swordplay. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Intimidation, or Performance.

Whenever you make an ability check with the chosen skill you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Exploit Die.

Swordsage Exploits

3rd-level Swordsage feature

You learn certain Exploits at the fighter levels noted in the table below. They don't count against your total number of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.

Fighter Level Exploit
3rd lightstep, mighty leap
5th whirlwind attack, zephyr slash
9th gale force slash

Battle Trance

3rd-level Swordsage feature

So long as you are not wearing heavy armor or a shield, you can use a bonus action to enter a Battle Trance. Your Battle Trance grants you the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • You can take the Dash action as a bonus action.
  • You gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.
  • You have advantage on Acrobatics checks.
  • Once per turn when you use a Swordsage Exploit, you can roll a d4 instead of expending one of your Exploit Dice.

Your Battle Trance ends early if you are incapacitated, or you don a shield or heavy armor. Once you enter your Battle Trance you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. If you have no uses of this feature remaining, you can expend an Exploit Die to enter a Battle Trance again.

Reflexes of the Sage

7th-level Swordsage feature

You have honed your reflexes to a point in pursuit of martial perfection. You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws, and you add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls.

Also, while you are in your Battle Trance, the bonus to your Armor Class increases by 1, for a total bonus of +2.

Masterful Trance

10th-level Swordsage feature

You have mastered the Battle Trance of the Swordsage. When you roll initiative, so long as you are not surprised, you can enter a Battle Trance without expending any resources.

Witch Knight

Those who walk the dark path of the Witch Knight are driven by an overwhelming desire to destroy the great evils of the world. Those especially dedicated, those willing to give up anything, are often approached by Eldritch Powers, beings of otherworldly might. These benefactors offer power in return for a fraction of the warrior's soul or unquestioning fealty.

Pact Magic

3rd-level Witch Knight feature

The bargain you have struck with your Patron has granted you the ability to cast spells, much like a witch does.

Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Occult spell list, and you learn an additional cantrip at 10th level.

Spell Slots. The Witch Knight Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have, and the tier of those spell slots. All of your spell slots from this feature are the same tier. To cast one of your Occult spells of 1st-tier or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.

Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You learn two 1st-tier spells of your choice from the Occult spell list. The Spells Known column of the Witch Knight Spellcasting table shows when you learn more Occult spells of 1st-tier or higher. A spell you choose must be of a tier no higher than what's shown in the table's Slot Level column for your level.

When you gain a level, you can choose an Occult spell you know and replace it with another spell from the Occult spell list, which must be of a tier for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your spells. You use Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. You also use your Intelligence modifier when making a spell attack roll for a spell.

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Witch Knight Spellcasting
3rd 2 1 1st
4th 2 2 1st
5th 3 2 1st
6th 3 2 1st
7th 4 2 2nd
8th 4 2 2nd
9th 5 2 2nd
10th 5 2 2nd

Sanguine Offering

3rd-level Witch Knight feature

Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one of your fighter Hit Dice as part of the attack to deal an additional 2d6 necrotic damage to the target, in addition to the normal damage of your weapon.

Otherworldly Step

7th-level Witch Knight feature

You can use Eldritch power to slip through cracks in reality. When you use Second Wind, you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. If you appear within 5 feet of a creature, you can make one weapon attack against it.

Enchanted Strikes

10th-level Witch Knight feature

The Eldritch magic within your blood seeps into your weapon strikes. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you have advantage on the next spell attack you make against it before the end of your next turn.

Martial Exploits

Below are the Exploits available to the fighter. If an Exploit has a prerequisite, like a minimum Ability Score or level, you can learn it at the same time you meet the prerequisites.

1st-Degree Exploits

Exploits of the 1st-degree are minor techniques slightly more complicated then swinging a weapon. They can be learned by warriors with modest training and have no level prerequisite.

Aggressive Sprint

As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend an Exploit Die to draw upon your battle fury and move up to your full speed toward a hostile creature you can see.

Aristocratic Education

Prerequisite: Intelligence of 11

When you make a History, Religion, or Persuasion check, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to the roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.

Blinding Debris

As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and make an Exploit attack against the Fortitude of a creature within 10 feet. On a hit, it takes piercing damage equal to your Exploit Die and is blinded until the start of your next turn.

Brace Up

Prerequisites: Constitution of 11

You steel yourself for combat, preparing to take incoming blows. As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to gain temporary hit points equal to 1 + your Exploit Die.

Charlatan's Guile

Prerequisites: Dexterity or Charisma of 11

Whenever you make a Sleight of Hand, Deception, or a Performance check, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to the result of your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.

Commander's Presence

Prerequisites: Intelligence or Charisma of 11

Whenever you make an Intimidation, Persuasion, or History check, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.

Crippling Blow

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and make an Exploit attack against its Reflex. On a hit, it takes additional damage equal to your Exploit Die and its speed is 0 until the start of your next turn.

Destructive Blow

Prerequisites: Strength of 11

When you hit a nonmagical object with an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die, adding it to the damage roll of that attack, and causing that attack to deal maximum damage.


When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to make an Exploit attack against its Fortitude. On a hit, it takes additional damage equal to your Exploit Die, and it drops an item of your choice it is holding.

Feat of Strength

Prerequisites: Strength or Constitution of 11

Whenever you make a Strength or Constitution-based ability check or saving throw on your turn, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to the result of your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.


When you make a melee weapon attack against a creature that can see you, you can expend an Exploit Die to attempt a feint as part of that attack. Make an Exploit attack against the target's Will - on a hit, you add your Exploit Die to both your attack roll and damage roll for your next weapon attack against that creature.

First Aid

As an action, you can touch a conscious and willing creature and expend an Exploit Die to heal them. The target can expend a Hit Die to regain hit points equal to its Hit Die + its Constitution modifier + your Exploit Die.

Heroic Fortitude

Whenever you fail a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw on your turn, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to the result of your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.


Prerequisites: Strength of 11

In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to throw an object you are holding at a target you can see within 60 feet, making an Exploit attack against its Reflex. On a hit, both the object and target take bludgeoning damage equal to your Exploit Die + your Strength modifier.

Keen Observation

Prerequisites: Intelligence or Wisdom of 11

Whenever you make a Survival, Insight, or a Perception check you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.


Prerequisites: Dexterity of 11

Whenever you make an Acrobatics or Stealth check, or roll initiative, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.


When you make a melee weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to increase the range of that attack by 5 feet. On hit, you add your Exploit Die to the damage roll of the attack.

Menacing Shout

As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and make an Exploit attack against the Will of a creature within 30 feet that can see or hear you. On a hit, it is frightened of you for one minute, until it ends its turn out of your line of sight, or until it takes any damage.

Mighty Leap

Prerequisites: Strength of 11

When you make a running or standing jump, you can expend an Exploit Die to increase your jump distance by a number of feet equal to 5 times the Exploit Die roll (minimum of 5 feet), even if this distance would exceed your remaining speed.

Mighty Thrust

Prerequisites: Strength of 11

In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to make an Exploit attack against the Fortitude of a creature within reach. On a hit, it is pushed away from you a number of feet equal to 5 times your Strength modifier. You have disadvantage on the Exploit attack against creatures more than one size larger than you.


As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to switch places with a conscious and willing creature within 5 feet of you.

Moreover, the first one of you that gets hit with an attack before the beginning of your next turn gains a bonus to their Armor Class against that attack equal to your Exploit Die.


Prerequisites: Dexterity of 11

You can expend an Exploit Die and add it to your Armor Class against the next melee attack made against you before your next turn. If the attack misses, you immediately make a single weapon attack against the attacker.

Ruthless Blow

Prerequisites: Strength of 11

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to the damage of the attack. You can use this Exploit after you know if your attack hits.

Scholar's Insight

Prerequisites: Intelligence of 11

Whenever you make an Arcana, Lore, or Religion check, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.

Survivalist's Craft

Prerequisites: Wisdom of 11

Whenever you make a Nature, Medicine, or Survival check, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.

Sweeping Blow

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to make an Exploit attack against its Reflex. On a hit, it falls prone and takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Exploit Die. Your Exploit attack has disadvantage against creatures more than one size larger than you.

Take Down

Prerequisites: Strength of 11

Without spending an action, you can expend an Exploit Die to Shove or Grapple a creature within reach.

2nd-Degree Exploits

Exploits of the second degree represent the peak martial skill achievable by a warrior without dedicated training. These Exploits can be learned by any fighter of 5th level or higher.

Concussive Blow

Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13

When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to empower your attack, and make an Exploit attack against its Fortitude. On a hit, the target suffers the following effects until the beginning of your next turn:

  • Its speed is reduced to 0.
  • It can speak only falteringly.
  • It cannot take actions or bonus actions.
  • It has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.

Crushing Blow

Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and make an Exploit attack against its Fortitude. On a hit, it takes extra damage equal to your Exploit Die, and its Armor Class is reduced by 1 until its defenses are repaired, or it finishes a short or long rest.

Defensive Stance

Prerequisites: 5th level

As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to enter a defensive stance which lasts until the start of your next turn. Each time a creature that you can see attacks while you are in your defensive stance, you roll your Exploit Die and add it to your Armor Class against the attack.


Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13

In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to try to execute an incapacitated or prone creature within 5 feet of you. Make an attack roll with a melee weapon and add your Exploit die to the attack roll. If your attack roll exceeds the target's remaining hit points, its hit points are reduced to 0.

Flaming Shot

Prerequisites: 5th level

When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to light the ammunition aflame. On hit, the target takes additional fire damage equal to your Exploit Die.

If your target is a flammable object that is not being worn or carried, you can ignite it in place of dealing damage.

Heroic Will

Prerequisites: 5th level

Whenever you fail an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw on your turn, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to the result of your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.

Immovable Stance

Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength or Constitution of 13

As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and plant your feet in an immovable stance. Until you move from that space, a creature that would move you, or move through your space, must succeed on a Strength saving throw to do so.

Improvised Skill

Prerequisites: 5th level

When you make an ability check that doesn't include your proficiency bonus, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it to your roll. You can use this Exploit after you roll.

Intimidating Command

Prerequisite: 5th level, Charisma of 13

As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and shout a one-word command at a creature that can hear you within 30 feet, and make an Exploit attack against its Will. On a hit, it is affected as if by the Command spell.

Martial Focus

Prerequisites: 5th level

When you make a weapon attack and miss, you can expend an Exploit Die and reroll the d20. You must take the second roll.

Shattering Slam

Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13

In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to slam the ground at your feet, making an Exploit attack against the Reflex of creatures within 5 feet of you. On a hit, a creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Exploit Die + your Strength modifier and is knocked prone. On a miss, a creature takes half damage and does not fall prone.

If the area you slam is loose earth or stone, it becomes difficult terrain until a creature uses its action to clear it.

Suppressing Blow

Prerequisites: 5th level

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and make an Exploit attack against its Fortitude. On a hit, it takes additional damage equal to your Exploit Die, and it is blinded, deafened, or muted (your choice) until the start of your next turn.

Thunderous Blow

Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and make an Exploit attack against its Fortitude. On a hit, it takes additional bludgeoning damage equal to your Exploit Die and is pushed away from you a number of feet equal to 5 times your Strength modifier. You have disadvantage to hit a creature larger than you.

Take Cover

Prerequisites: 5th level

As a bonus action, you can amplify the benefit of your cover. Until the start of your next turn, half-cover for you is treated as three-quarters cover, and three-quarters cover is treated as total cover.

Trick Shot

Prerequisites: 5th level, Dexterity or Intelligence of 13

As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to make a ranged weapon attack with a finesse and thrown weapon.

This ranged attack ignores the benefits of cover, so long as it can ricochet off one surface and hit a target within range. If this attack would normally have disadvantage, it does not. On hit, you add your Exploit Die to the damage roll of the attack.


Prerequisites: 5th level, Dexterity of 13

As an action, you can expend an Exploit Die to fire a volley of ammunition at a point you can see within the normal range of your weapon. Make an Exploit attack against creatures of your choice within 5 feet of that point. On a hit, they take piercing damage equal to your Exploit Die + your Dexterity modifier, and half as much damage on a miss.

Warrior's Challenge

Prerequisites: 5th level

As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and make an Exploit attack against the Will of a creature within 30 feet that can see or hear you. On a hit, it has disadvantage on any attack roll it makes against targets other than you for one minute. This effect ends early if you attack a creature other then the target.

Whirlwind Attack

Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength or Dexterity of 13

In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and make an Exploit attack against the Reflex of each creature within range of a melee weapon you are wielding. They take damage equal to your Exploit Die + either your Strength or Dexterity modifier on a hit, and half as much on a miss.

Zephyr Slash

Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength or Dexterity of 13

As an action, you can expend an Exploit Die and flourish your melee weapon then instantly move up to 30 feet in a straight line. Make an Exploit attack against the Reflex of creatures you pass through, dealing damage equal to twice your Exploit Die + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice) on a hit.

This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

3rd-Degree Exploits

Exploits of this degree are only able to be mastered by elite warriors who dedicate their lives to training. They can only be learned by fighters of 9th level or higher. Each 3rd-degree Exploit can only be used once per short or long rest.

Daring Rescue

Prerequisite: 9th level

On the turn after a creature within 30 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can expend an Exploit Die and attempt to save it. You can immediately move up to twice your speed, so long as you end your movement within 5 feet of the downed ally.

Your ally can then expend one of its Hit Dice to instantly regain hit points equal to its Hit Die roll + its Constitution modifier + temporary hit points equal to one roll of your Exploit Die for each opportunity attack you provoked.

Destructive Slam

Prerequisites: 9th level, Strength of 15

In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to slam the ground at your feet, making an Exploit attack against the Reflex of creatures in an adjacent 20-foot cube. On a hit, creatures take bludgeoning damage equal to two rolls of your Exploit Die + your Strength modifier and fall prone. On a miss, they take half damage and don't fall prone. Objects within this area take the maximum amount of damage.

The area of the 20-foot cube becomes difficult terrain until a creature takes 1 minute to clear it.

Disorienting Blow

Prerequisites: 9th level, Strength of 15

When you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to strike with overwhelming force. The creature takes additional damage equal to twice your Exploit Die and it suffers the following effects for 1 minute:

  • Its speed is halved.
  • Its Armor Class is reduced by 2.
  • Its Dexterity saving throw bonus is reduced by 2.
  • On its turn it can only take an action or a bonus action.
  • It cannot make more then one attack during its turn.

This Exploit's effects do not stack with the slow spell.

Gale Force Slash

Prerequisites: 9th level, Strength or Dexterity of 15

In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to rend the air in front of you with a melee weapon. Make an Exploit attack against the Fortitude of creatures in an adjacent 20-foot cone. Targets take slashing damage equal to twice your Exploit Die + either your Strength or your Dexterity modifier (your choice), on a hit, and half as much on a miss.

Gather Information

Prerequisites: 9th level, Wisdom or Charisma of 15

You can expend an Exploit Die and spend 1 hour gathering information on up to 1 square mile of a dungeon or region that you currently occupy. At the end of the hour, you gain knowledge about three of the following as they relate to the area:

  • Any active factions and faction outposts within the area.
  • Prominent locations including ruins, gathering places, cultural sites, or natural formations.
  • Powerful creatures that reside within, or have passed through the area within the last 24 hours.
  • Loyalties, beliefs, and fears of the local populace.
  • Native plants, animals, weather, and ecosystems.

Once you use this Exploit to you must finish a long rest before you can use it in the same location again.

Heroic Focus

Prerequisites: 9th level

As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to enter a heightened state of combat focus which you must concentrate on as if you were concentrating on a spell. For the next minute, or until you lose your concentration, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your speed is doubled.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  • You gain an additional action on each of your turns. It can only be used to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, Search, or Use an Object action.

When the effect ends, you can’t move or take actions until after your next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over you.

This Exploit's effects do not stack with the haste spell.

Inspirational Speech

Prerequisites: 9th level, Charisma of 15

You can expend an Exploit Die and spend 1 minute giving an inspirational speech to a number of creatures that can hear you equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. At the end of this speech, targets gain temporary hit points equal to your level.

While the temporary hit points from this Exploit last, the creatures have advantage on Wisdom saving throws.

Mythic Athleticism

Prerequisites: 9th level, Strength or Constitution of 15

As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to enter a heightened state of physical performance which you must concentrate on as if you were concentrating on a spell. For the next 10 minutes, you gain the benefits listed below:

  • Whenever you make a Strength or Constitution check, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10.
  • Your speed increases by a number of feet equal to 5 times your Strength modifier (minimum of 5 feet).
  • You count as one size larger for the purposes of carrying capacity and the size of creatures that you can grapple.
  • Both your long and high jump distances double, even if that distance would exceed your remaining movement.

When the effects of this Exploit would end you can expend one of your Hit Dice to increase the duration by 10 minutes.

Resilient Body

Prerequisites: 9th level, Constitution of 15

The first time you take damage, you automatically expend an Exploit Die to reduce the damage by twice your Exploit Die + your Constitution modifier. Any excess damage reduction becomes temporary hit points.

Thunderous Shot

Prerequisites: 9th level, Dexterity of 15

In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and fire a piece of ammunition in a straight line, making an Exploit attack against the Reflex of creatures in that line out to the normal range of the weapon. Creatures take your weapon's normal damage plus piercing damage equal to twice your Exploit Die on a hit, and half as much damage on a miss.

War Cry

Prerequisites: 9th level

As an action, you can expend an Exploit Die and issue a mighty war cry, making an Exploit attack against the Will of any creatures in an adjacent 30 foot cone that can hear you. On a hit, creatures drop whatever they are holding and are frightened of you for one minute. If a creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t have line of sight to you, the effect ends.

Weapon Strikes

Below are the Strikes available to the fighter. If a Strike has a prerequisite, you can learn it at the same time you meet the prerequisites.


You move up to 10 feet in a straight line before making the attack.


On a hit with a melee attack, you deal damage equal to your Strength to an adjacent enemy other than the one you attacked.

Exacting Strike

If you miss your attack roll, you have advantage on your next weapon attack.

Parrying Strike

You gain +2 to your AC against melee attacks from your target until the start of your next turn.

Power Attack

You reduce your attack bonus by an amount up to your proficiency bonus, and deal additional damage on a hit equal to twice that number.

Wind Up

You roll damage twice and choose the higher number. You may not move on a turn that you Wind Up.

Advantageous Assault

Prerequisites: 3rd level

If your target is grappled, prone, or restrained, you deal an additional weapon die of damage.


Prerequisites: 3rd level

On a hit with a slashing weapon, if the target has blood, it begins to bleed, suffering 2 slashing damage at the start of each of its turns for 2 turns.

Piercing Strike

Prerequisites: 3rd level

On a hit with a piercing weapon, if the target has blood, suffers gaping wounds, dealing 2 piercing damage each time it takes weapon damage for 2 turns.

Shatter Defenses

Prerequisites: 3rd level

On a hit, if your target is Frightened, you and your allies have advantage to attack it until the end of your next turn.

Tenacious Strike

Prerequisites: 3rd level

On a miss with a bludgeoning weapon, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier.

United Assault

Prerequisites: 3rd level

You gain a bonus to your damage equal to the number of allies adjacent to you.

Weakening Strike

Prerequisites: 3rd level

On a hit, if the target is holding a weapon, they have disadvantage on their weapon attacks for 2 turns.

Blind Strike

Prerequisites: 7th level

You ignore disadvantage from not being able to see your target.


Prerequisites: 7th level

On a hit, you reduce the target's speed by half for 2 turns.

Positioning Assault

Prerequisites: 7th level

On a hit, if your target is no more than one size larger than you, you move it 5 feet in any direction. You may then move 5 feet without spending any movement.

Brash Strike

Prerequisites: 7th level

On a hit with a bludgeoning weapon, you deal additional damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

Wicked Strike

Prerequisites: 7th level

On a hit with a piercing weapon, you add both your Dexterity and Strength modifiers to your damage.


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