Barbarian Path: Hellfire

by OrangeOcean

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Path of Hellfire

There is no shortage of rage within the fires of the Nine Hells. Poor souls who land within those flames are forever changed by the horrid landscape. Barbarians who walk this path can pull that rage from the hellfire. As these barbarians grow, their constitution tames the inferno within.

Fiendish Rage

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, whenever you enter a rage your body flickers with hellfire that improves as you cultivate the burning rage within your soul.

You gain charges equal to your barbarian level that you can spend to cast hellfire spells without the need of material components. The charge cost of a spell is equal to that spell's level. You may upcast your hellfire spells as you manifest spells of that level.

(Ex: at level 10 you can upcast Hellish Rebuke to a max of 3rd level at the cost of 3 charges instead of at 1st level at the cost of 1 charge).

You can cast the cantrip firebolt at no charge cost. You lose access to this spell casting feature, magical effects, and any concentration you have on your spells when your rage ends. You regain all your charges when you finish a long rest.

Your spell casting ability is constitution.

  • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier

  • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier

See the following table for spells manifested.

Barbarian Level
Hellfire Spells Manifested
3 Firebolt, Hellish Rebuke, Searing Smite
6 Scorching Ray, Hold Person
10 Fireball, Flame Stride
14 Wall of Fire, Fire Shield

Magical Defiance

Like the magic resistance of fiends, your rage protects you from the arcane.

Starting at 6th level, while raging, your hellfire flares outward from you to burn away magic. When you are hit by a spell or magical effect that requires a spell save DC, you can add your constitution modifier to your saving throw. You can do this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest.

Hellish Combatant

You have become adept at using your hellfire in the heat of combat.

Starting at level 10 you can now cast a hellfire spell as one of your extra attacks whenever you take the attack action.

Lord’s Spite

Your hellfire now crackles and burns across your entire being.

At level 14, while raging all your melee attacks deal extra fire damage equal to 1d6 plus your rage bonus.

Furthermore you gain immunity to fire damage.




I'd like to thank this copypasta cookbook for my image formatting. Thank you for helping people make wonderful formats for their homebrew!

Thank you for reading! Go launch a fireball as an devilish barbar! Don't forget to rage and enjoy! The inspiration for this was when my players adopted a fiend mini boss and when they took her back with them to the material plain, this is the class and subclass she became. She is their daughter now and joins them on all their adventures.

Super special thanks to Cinderblock Sally for reviewing and giving feedback to help me finalize the piece!

Lava Cracked Background royalty-free stock illustration


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