
by SwordMeow

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Class Features

As a Mancer, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d12 per mancer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your
    Constitution modifier


Armor: light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Smith's tools

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Stealth, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a hammer or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) leather armor or (b) scale mail
  • Any two weapons
  • A dungeoneer's pack, four light hammers, and smith's tools

Ideal Form

At 1st level, you learn to manifest a specific form from its ideal. Choose from the Form of the Saber, the Form of the Grail, the Form of the Gauntlet, and the Form of the Arcrown, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your form choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 6th, 10th, 13th, and 18th level.

Trick Weapons

Also at 1st level, you know the secret of crafting trick weapons. Over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a rest, you can use smith's tools to combine any two weapons into one trick weapon. The weapon can be in one or another of the original weapons' forms, and you can change the form of the weapon as an object interaction. A creature without this feature must use their action to change the form of the weapon.

With the same process you can carefully separate the combined weapons again. A creature without this feature must make a check with smith's tools to do so successfully or else break the weapons.

Ghost Movement

Finally at 1st level, you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if your end your turn inside an object.

At 14th level, you can move through creatures and objects as if they were simple terrain and only take 1 force damage if you end your turn inside an object.

Level Proficiency
Features Ghost
1st +2 Ideal Form, Trick Weapons,
Ghost Movement
2nd +2 Mancer's Crown (two uses), Mancer's Hand -
3rd +2 Ghost Attack 1d12
4th +2 Ability Score improvement 1d12
5th +3 Trick Attack,
Mancer's Hand improvement
6th +3 Ideal Form feature 2d12
7th +3 Master of Weapons 2d12
8th +3 Ability Score improvement 2d12
9th +4 Mancer's Eye,
Mancer's Hand improvement
10th +4 Spectral Recovery 3d12
11th +4 Ideal Form feature 3d12
12th +4 Ability Score improvement 3d12
13th +5 Mancer's Hand improvement 4d12
14th +5 Ghost Movement improvement 4d12
15th +5 Ghost Sense 4d12
16th +5 Ability Score improvement 4d12
17th +6 Mancer's Crown (four uses),
Mancer's Hand improvement
18th +6 Ideal Form feature 5d12
19th +6 Ability Score improvement 5d12
20th +6 Allghost 5d12

Mancer's Crown

At 2nd level, you learn to pull your mancer's crown into reality. You can don this crown as an object interaction, and it lasts until the end of your next turn.

While it lasts, attacks against you automatically miss and you still deal half as much ghost attack damage on a missed attack if you would have dealt all of it on a hit starting at 3rd level.

You can don the mancer's crown twice and must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it four times before a rest.

Mancer's Hand

Also at 2nd level, your hand becomes able to grasp the very soul. As an action you can target a creature within 30 feet of you while your hands are unbound.

A target can make a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this save is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. On a failed save, you end one ongoing effect on the target that isn't a spell, transformation, or poison. If the target is an illusion, it cannot make a save and is instantly destroyed.

When you reach 5th level as a mancer, you can end a spell effect. A 9th-level mancer can end transformations and poisons, a 13th-level mancer can break one of the target's attunements and bar them from using magic items for the rest of the combat, and a 17th-level mancer can do any of these effects at once.

You have a number of uses of Mancer's Hand equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain them when you finish a long rest. At 9th level, you regain them on a short or long rest.

Grid++ Variant
With Grid++ at 2nd level, you can learn one specialization feat of your choice.

Ghost Attack

Beginning at 3rd level, you know how to target the spirit of a creature when they are alone. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d12 force damage to a creature you hit with an attack. The creature must not have any of its allies within 5 feet of it, or you must have advantage on the attack. The attack must use a trick weapon in any of its forms.

The amount of extra damage increases as you gain levels, as shown in the Ghost Attack column of the Mancer table.

If you move through a creature with your Ghost Movement, you can give yourself advantage on your next attack made against it this turn as a bonus action.

The Ideal Form you choose gives you ways to give up your Ghost Attack dice in order to perform a unique offense, called your Ghost Maneuver.

Grid++ Variant
With this system, your ghost attack doesn't need advantage on the attack roll if that creature is exposed to that attack.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Trick Attack

At 5th level when you would make an opportunity attack, you can take one object interaction as a reaction instead, even if you have already taken an object interaction this round. If you change the form of a trick weapon with this object interaction, you can make one weapon attack with it. Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you if they enter or leave your reach, even if they take the Disengage action.

Master of Weapons

At 7th level, you can attune to any magic weapon as a bonus action and can combine any three weapons into one trick weapon. When you combine magic weapons into a trick weapon, the trick weapon carries all of their magical effects.

Spectral Recovery

Starting at 10th level, you can roll your ghost attack dice at the start of your turn and regain hitpoints equal to the result. You can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Ghost Sense

At 15th level, you gain a +10 to initiative, you can't be surprised, and you can always see creatures that can move through other creatures and objects.

Incorporeal Being

At 20th level, you gain the true power of the incorporeal. You can possess a creature within 30 feet of your as an action or a reaction when you fall to 0 hitpoints. An unwilling creature can make a Charisma saving throw against your Mancer's Hand DC.

While possessing a creature, you take your turn on its turn, and it can take its turn as normal if you allow it. You retain all of your features and can act as normal, as long as the creature has the requisite limbs to perform your acts.

If the creature you are possessing dies, you die with it. An unwilling creature cannot repeat the save against your possession unless it is targeted with another Mancer's Hand.

Once you possess a creature, you can possess it for however long you wish, potentially possessing another creature or repossessing your body if it isn't dead. But you can't attempt to possess another creature (besides your body) after you possess one until you finish a long rest.

Ideal Form

Mancers share abilities, but vary greatly from one to the other. They use different weapons, have different aesthetics and can manifest different ideals. No two mancers are the same and no overarching code binds them together. Your choice of ideal form reflects your specific road, but even this road has many paths.

Form of the Saber

Revolutionary Girl Saber

At 1st level, you know how to draw the sword from the hearts of your allies. You can stow a trick weapon in the heart of yourself or a willing creature or draw it later as an object interaction. If you draw and make a melee attack with a weapon from the heart on the same turn, it gains a +12 bonus to the attack roll. You can use Charisma for your attack and damage rolls of the weapons you draw from the heart.

Once you draw a weapon from the heart, you can't draw another until you finish a short or long rest. You can stow it in the same creature you drew from or a different one.

Ghost Maneuver

At 3rd level, you know the length of your blade. At the start of your turn, you can give up 1d12 from your ghost attack damage. If you move in a line, you can attack each creature you move through with your ghost movement. You can't attack a higher number of creatures than your Charisma modifier.

Self Saber

At 6th level, you gain proficiency with Strength and Dexterity saving throws.

Attune to the Heart

Beginning at 11th level, you take on the spirit of the magic weapon. A creature can attune to you, if you are willing, as if you were a magical item.

A creature attuned to you gains your Ghost Attack, but can't use it on the same turn you do.

Call Godsaber

Starting at 18th level, you can draw the godsaber from your heart with your Revolutionary Girl Saber feature, instead of a trick weapon you stored.

The godsaber is a magical trick weapon and deals 7d12 + your Strength, Dexterity or Charisma modifier in force damage. The godsaber is a trick weapon of all weapon forms. It breaks into innumerable pieces after two hits with the weapon.

Once you call the godsaber, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Form of the Grail

Goblet of Life

At 1st level, you know how to draw the grail into the world. When you would be reduced to 0 hitpoints, you can instead regain hitpoints up to half your hitpoint maximum as a reaction without taking any damage. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Ghost Manuever

At 3rd level, you know how to protect others with your grail. You can grant creatures behind you half-cover from ranged attacks, area effects that don't spread around corners, and the like by giving up the first 1d12 ghost attack damage you would deal until the end of your next turn.

Drink Deep

At 6th level, you are immune to poison damage and being poisoned.

Defender of Life

Beginning at 11th level, when you grant half-cover to a target from a creature with your ghost maneuver, you can attack the creature as a reaction.

The Holy Grail of Life

Starting at 18th level, you can draw the holy grail of life into the world as an action, and dismiss it it as one later.

A creature that drinks from the grail as an action is cured of all diseases and poisons and gain your Drink Deep feature until they finish a long rest. Additionally during that time, if they are reduced to 0 hitpoints, they can regain all of their hitpoints without taking any damage once.

Once a minute passes, it disappears. You can't summon it again until you finish a long rest. A creature can't benefit from more than one drink between long rests.

Form of the Gauntlet

Challenger's Gauntlet

At 1st level, you know how to cast down the gauntlet. As an object interaction, you can draw an ethereal gauntlet from your hand and cast it at the feet of a creature within 30 feet of you. Until the start of your next turn, all creatures except you have resistance to the damage it deals from attacks.

Once you cast a gauntlet down twice, you can't cast another until you finish a short or long rest.

Ghost Maneuver

At 3rd level, you know the challenger's defense. At the start of your turn, you can give up 1d12 from your ghost attack damage. If you take damage from a creature you cast at with your gauntlet, you can reduce it once by 1d12.

Ethereal Armor

At 6th level, when you draw an ethereal gauntlet you can also gain ethereal armor over any armor you currently have. Until combat ends you have resistance to one damage type of your choice, which you can change when you draw another gauntlet.

Challenger's Strike

Beginning at 11th level, you can attack a creature you've drawn an ethereal gauntlet toward as a reaction if it attacks you. If it attacks another creature and is within your weapon's reach, you can attack as a reaction with advantage.

Immortal's Gauntlet

Starting at 18th level, you can draw the immortal's gauntlet instead of an ethereal one for your Challenger's Gauntlet feature. Until you or the creature you challenge dies, all creatures except you have immunity to the damage it deals from attacks.

After one of you dies, you must finish a long rest before you can draw the immortal's gauntlet again.

Form of the Arcrown

Arcrown of the West Wind

At 1st level, you know how to don the arcrown. You can don it when you end your turn, and it lasts until the start of your next. You gain temporary hitpoints equal to your Charisma modifier. If you take damage, the creature that dealt the damage takes the same damage you do, and the crown shatters.

Once you don the arcrown twice, you can't don another until you finish a short or long rest.

Ghost Maneuver

At 3rd level, you know how to move between the wind. At the start of your turn, you can give up 1d12 from your ghost attack damage. For the rest of the turn you can forfeit any amount of your speed in order to teleport that same distance to an unoccupied location you can see.

Unbreakable Will

At 6th level, you gain proficiency with Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws.

Royal Vengeance

Beginning at 11th level, you can command a creature to kneel on your turn, becoming prone. It can do so or refuse. If it refuses and is within the reach of your weapon, you can attack it as a reaction.

Emperor's True Arcrown

Starting at 18th level, you can don the emperor's true arcrown with your 1st level feature. It lasts for up to 1 minute, grants you temporary hitpoints equal to your hitpoint maximum, and the crown doesn't shatter when you take damage.

Once you don the emperor's true arcrown, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Form of the Gloves

Gloves of Nyx Immaterial

At 1st level, you know how to don the gloves. You can don a pair of immaterial gloves as an object interaction. They last for up to 10 minutes or until you doff them early. While they last, you gain a number of benefits:

  • You have advantage on attack rolls to disarm creatures when you have two empty hands and targets of your disarm can't make attacks of opportunity if you fail to disarm.
  • Your unarmed strikes change to 1d12 necrotic damage. You can use Intelligence for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes while wearing these immaterial gloves.
  • You can use Intelligence instead of Dexterity for calculating your Armor Class and initiative checks.

Once you don these gloves twice, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Ghost Maneuver

At 3rd level when combat starts, you can don your immaterial gloves and roll initiative by giving up 1d12 from the first ghost attack damage you deal until the end of your turn.

Immaterial Girl

Starting at 6th level, on your turn when you haven't expended any movement, you can expend all your movement to gain half cover until the start of your next turn. You can’t do so while on difficult terrain, or when your speed is 0.

Creeping Death

Beginning at 11th level, your gloves begin to sap the life they touch. Whenever you attack a creature without scoring a critical hit, your next attack scores a critical on a roll on the d20 one lower than it needed before. Each attack you make lowers the number by one until you score a critical hit.

Invincibility Gloves

Starting at 18th level, you can don the invincibility gloves with your 1st level feature. While they last or until you lose concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), you are immune to all damage.

Once you don the invincibility gloves, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Form of the Greaves

Form of the Ring

Form of the Masquerade


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