College of Resonant Riffs - Bard Subclass

by ZeusMayCry

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College of Resonant Riffs

Bard College

College of Resonant Riffs

"In the heart of the grand hall, I watched in awe as a bard from the College of Resonant Riffs took the stage. With an electric guitar in hand, they summoned a tempest of sound that seemed to materialize from the arcane itself. The strings became conduits for magic, each note a spell, each riff a revelation. The air pulsed with energy, enchantment woven seamlessly with melody. As the performance reached its crescendo, a shockwave of power rippled through the audience, leaving us spellbound. This was no mere concert; it was a harmonious invocation, an alchemical fusion of music and mystic artistry.."

~ Dakota Ky

Within the venerable halls of the College of Resonant Riffs, bards transcend mere performances, wielding electric guitars as conduits for both melodies and magic. Amidst a captivated assembly, a bard emerges, fingers a blur upon the strings, intertwining spells seamlessly with harmonies, crafting an auditory tapestry that resonates in heart and spirit. Yet, this is no ordinary recital; the air itself becomes a canvas for mystical effects, a visual dance harmonizing with the bard's riffs, unveiling a multisensory spectacle that defies description. The College of Resonant Riffs not only redefines bardic expression but reshapes the very fabric of artistic possibility, where music and magic become one, ensnaring audiences in harmonious enchantments beyond imagination.

Shredder's Arcane Resonance

Starting at 3rd level, imbue your Bardic Inspiration with arcane might. Those inspired add the die to attack, damage, or saving throws, gaining temp hit points equal to the roll plus your Charisma modifier. Moreover, once per rest, conjure a 10-ft sonic wave, unleashing 2d6 thunder damage and pushing foes upon a failed save. This infusion encapsulates the harmonious fusion of music and magic that defines your Resonant Riffs mastery.**

Funeral Rites

Also starting at 4rd level, admidst the aftermath of battle, your electric guitar becomes a conduit for the "Elegy of Harmonious Ascendance." As mournful chords fill the air, fallen bodies within 120 feet gently ignite, fading to ashes in 10 minutes. This somber serenade extends beyond the corporeal, guiding the emotions of those connected to the fallen, enveloping them in an enduring aura of tranquility reminiscent of the calm emotions spell. The symphonic interplay of music and magic echoes your mastery within the Resonant Riffs, a testament to the unique power you wield.

Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Resonant Guardian's Aria

From the heart of battle to the brink of oblivion, your music takes on a new dimension with the "Resonant Guardian's Aria." The harmonious union of your electric guitar's shredding prowess and reassuring lyrics envelops those graced by your Bardic Inspiration die. These inspired companions find themselves endowed with resistance against fire and psychic onslaughts, while their minds become fortified against charms and fears, gaining advantage on saving throws. This powerful symphony of protection and empowerment embodies the very essence of Resonant Riffs' mastery, allowing you to wield an overpowered crescendo of support.

Mort du faucheur lui-même

Transcending mortal limits, the "Mort du faucheur lui-même" unfurls your electric guitar's strings as conduits of cataclysmic might. In this spectral symphony, you become an ethereal harbinger of devastation, embodying the Grim Reaper's essence. For a minute, each chord's overpowered sonic waves deal double damage to the undead, shattering bones, sundering spectral forms, and disrupting necrotic essence. The symphony also empowers you, granting temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt. This crescendo of power reaps souls and rends reality, epitomizing Resonant Riffs' pinnacle mastery. This feature recharges after completing a long rest.

You can use this feature once and regain all uses upon finishing a long rest.


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