Race - Dullahan

by NightofKnight

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In Irish mythology, the Dullahan is a sinister supernatural being who is the messenger of death. He is known to ride a black horse with eyes of fire, carrying its severed head in one hand. His head is described as spectral, with eyes that glow like lanterns, illuminating the darkness of the night.

When the Dullahan arrives at a location, he raises his head and proclaims the name of the person who is destined to die. The simple act of uttering that name is enough to bring a person to immediate death. It is said that all doors and windows open when the Dullahan announces his arrival, making it impossible to hide or escape his gaze.

The Dullahan does not like to be seen or watched while on the prowl, and those who do are punished with blindness in one eye. He also carries with him a whip made from a corpse's spine, which he uses to ward off any curious or nosy people who might cross his path.

Your Dullahan character has the following traits.

Ability score increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age. Dullahans mature at about the same rate as humans, reaching adulthood in their late teens. They live a little longer than two centuries.

Size. Dullahans are, on average, taller than humans and relatively thin. Its size is Medium.

Speed. Your body has a base walking speed of 30 feet and your head can only roll at a walking speed of 3 feet and you cannot get dizzy from turning.

Darkvision. Accustomed to riding in the dark, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in the dark, only shades of gray.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Wild.

Don't Look. As a bonus action, you can blind so that one creature of your choice that is looking at you is blinded until the end of your next turn. You can only use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per short or long rest.

Fey. Your creature type is fey rather than humanoid. This gives you advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and the spell cannot put you to sleep.

Magic Life. You cannot be killed by being decapitated. Additionally, you don't need to drink, eat, or breathe

Premonition. You walk beside death and warn when someone is going to die. whenever a creature is below half its hit points, it is within 30 feet of you and can see you. It must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or become afraid of you for 1 minute on a failed one, creatures that succeed on the save are immune to this feature for 1 minute.

Dark Forest Magic. You know the Toll The Dead cheat. After reaching 3rd level, you can cast Find Steed once per long rest. The conjured mount is considered a fey creature.

Separate Parts. The Dullahan are beings who carry their heads separate from their bodies, they can place their heads where they would normally be. but they cannot rotate it using their neck. you take damage from both parties.

while carrying your head:

  • You cannot carry two-handed weapons or shields.

While your head is away from your body:

  • Only your head can cast spells that require verbal components. However, only his body can use sorcery component spells.
  • You can teleport her head to your free hand as a bonus action if she can see your body. Your head will teleport directly to your body if you are unconscious or if your head takes critical damage.
  • Attack rolls have advantage against your head if no one is carrying or protecting it.
  • Your body gains Blind Combat (TCE) if your head is blinded or incapacitated.
  • You gain the same benefits as the Alert feat if your head observes your own body from afar. In addition to having advantage on Dexterity and Wisdom saving throws, you have +1 to AC against ranged attacks.
  • Your body is immune to effects such as blindness, fear, or psychic damage unless aimed directly at your head.
  • Your head has disadvantage on Dexterity checks, but advantage on Stealth checks.