part 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum scelerisque est eget blandit pretium. In ullamcorper ac elit aliquet dapibus. Maecenas bibendum lacus vel augue faucibus dapibus ut sed arcu. Quisque mollis ultrices posuere. Nam tincidunt magna sem, nec scelerisque neque facilisis sed. Nunc vestibulum dui sed faucibus aliquam. Etiam et molestie sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam gravida eros id risus aliquet bibendum. Sed mattis, erat eget pharetra laoreet, nibh odio commodo purus, in faucibus lorem nulla eu diam. Nam scelerisque congue auctor. Vivamus laoreet turpis sit amet ex hendrerit finibus. Nunc efficitur augue varius accumsan accumsan. Cras sit amet urna nibh. Duis magna augue, porttitor in tellus non, cursus blandit eros.
Suspendisse potenti. Donec commodo massa felis, ac ultrices justo pulvinar non. Vestibulum faucibus lectus ex, vitae pellentesque tortor suscipit vitae. Proin suscipit felis massa, et luctus elit maximus ut. Curabitur porttitor pretium eros vitae rutrum. Curabitur fringilla facilisis dapibus. Nullam laoreet suscipit tellus ut aliquet. Duis cursus egestas odio eu congue. Praesent at mi metus. Donec cursus tincidunt sapien, vel cursus nibh. Morbi sed condimentum risus. In commodo libero vitae mauris consectetur, nec venenatis magna facilisis. Aliquam eget tincidunt dui. Nulla accumsan nulla varius, feugiat eros vitae, finibus ligula.
Memos For GM Binder
An alternative box to add some more text in!
When copying the styling between the tags, you don't absolutely need the
background for it to work. Perfect for adding bits of flavor or pencil drawings
to your doc, or even use it for meta purposes.
This memo? memo1-top
This little folded paper is best used in the top left corner, which is why you don't get the positioning style tag.
This is memo1-top. You can't put that much on here, but it is enough . You have to be careful not too put in too much text, as it will keep going outside this memo.
Want this memo? memo2-top
This memo, like its left neighbour, is best used at the top, but this one has the horizontal positioning in the div itself. This allows you to change the default right:20px;
, or even positioned relative to the left page edge. This note also overflows if you have too much text.
Need a flexible memo? memo3
This snippet will automagically correct the height of this little memo so you can fill this up with a lot of nonsense. You can't overdo it and make it too long, but for most purposes this note should do just fine automatically adjusting its height. If you'd want the height to be static, you could do so by adding height:XYZpx;
in the div style tag.
In the div style tag, you can also choose where you want to position this note, and if you'd want to rotate it.
This memo? memo1-bottom
This little folded paper is best used in the bottom right corner, which is why you don't get the positioning style tag but a snippet variant. You can't put that much on here, even less, as you have can't put in too much text, as it will be outside this memo and off page.
This is: memo2-bottom
This memo, like its right neighbour, is best used at the bottom, but this one has the horizontal positioning in the div itself. This allows you to change the default left:150px;
or even positioned relative to the right page edge. This note also overflows if you have too much text.
This: memo2-left
This memo, like its side neighbour, is best used at the vertical edge, but this one has the vertical positioning in the div itself. This allows you to change the default top:400px;
or even positioned relative to the bottom page edge. This note also overflows if you have too much text. In contrast to the other memo2's, this one can take a bit more text.
This: memo2-left w/ Clip
This is a handwritten memo with a paper clip! Just follow the instructions you find on other memos and adjust height:180px;
to adjust the memo size.
This: memo2-right
This memo, like its side neighbour, is best used at the vertical edge, but this one has the vertical positioning in the div itself. This allows you to change the default top:400px;
or even positioned relative to the bottom page edge. This note also overflows if you have too much text. In contrast to the other memo2's, this one can take a bit more text.
When using a memo, replace the "${#: field description}
" with the value of your choosing! First make sure to copy the above styling.
Code Snippet Memo1
<div class="memo1-${1:Position(top/bottom)}">
${2:Memo Title and Text}
Code Snippet Memo2
<div class="memo2-${1:Position(top/bottom/left/right)}"
style="${2:Page edge}:${3:Spacing from page edge};">
${4:Memo Title and Text}
Code Snippet Memo3
<div class="memo3"
style="top:${1:Spacing from top}px;left:${2:Spacing from left}px;rotate(${3:Rotation}deg);">
${4:Memo Title and Text}
Code Snippet Paperclip
<div class="memo2-${1:Position(top/bottom/left/right)}"
style="${2:Page edge}:${3:Spacing from page edge};">
${4:Memo Title and Text}
<img src='' style='position:absolute; top:920px; left:-20px; width:110px; transform:rotate(40deg)scaleX(1)scaleY(1); z-index:1;'>