Way of the Dynasty Monk Subclass

by SumtimesImFunny

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Way of the Dynasty Monk

Way of the Dynasty Monk

Through years of devoted service, you have become a warrior of unparalleled skill and determination. As a guardian of your dynasty, your unwavering loyalty and unmatched combat prowess have safeguarded your ruler from countless threats. With your disciplined spirit and indomitable will, the battlefield bends to your will.

Aura of Leadership

Starting at 3rd level, you rose through the ranks of the royal army, proving your innate leadership skills to your peers. You gain an aura around you. Its size is equal to half your Unarmored Movement (rounded down). As a reaction, you can spend 1 Ki point to give an ally within your aura Advantage on their attack roll, Saving Throw, or ability check.

Dynastic Training

Also at 3rd level, your training amongst the dynasty's strongest has concluded, with you on top. You are proficient with light armor, as well as Glaives and Halberds.

Armored Guardian

Finally at 3rd level, when wearing light armor, you can add both your Dexterity and your Wisdom Modifiers to your AC, instead of just your Dexterity. You still gain all the monk benefits of NOT wearing armor while wearing light armor. Additionally, when wearing light armor, Halberds and Glaives count as Monk Weapons for you. You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength when making attack and damage rolls with these weapons.


Starting at 6th level, when you take the Movement action, you can spend 1 Ki point to move an adjacent willing creature with you. You can decide to stop moving them at any point of your movement as a free action. Additionally, when you spend a Ki point to use this feature, you and the creature you move cannot be targeted by Opportunity Attacks.

Dynastic Mastery

Also at 6th level, when you take the Attack Action with a Glaive or Halberd, you can make one more attack with the same weapon as a bonus action. Additionally, all allies within your Aura of Leadership cannot be targeted by Opportunity Attacks.

Rallying Evasion

Starting at 11th level, when you are subjected to an area effect that qualifies for the Evasion feature, all allies within your aura also gain the effects of Evasion.

Commander's Defense

Also at 11th level, your Opportunity Attacks with Glaives and Halberds can target creatures within the weapons range instead of just adjacent to you. Also, you can target creature with Opportunity Attacks even if they took the Disengage Action. Additionally, when you hit a creature with an Opportunity Attack with a Glaive or Halberd, their speed is reduced to zero until the start of their next turn.

Chosen of the Dynasty

Starting at 17th level, no attack against you can be done at Advantage as long as you are not Incapacitated. Additionally, attacks against allies within your aura that are not you are done at Disadvantage. Finally, while wielding a Glaive or a Halberd, Opportunity Attacks and the Deflect Missiles feature do not consume Reactions anymore.


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