Ardent Revised

by SwordMeow

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Level Proficiency
Features Empathic
Spell Slots Slot Level
1st +2 Empathic Aura (30 ft.), Piercing Gaze, Psychic Magic 1d4 1 1st
2nd +2 Mystic Thought (1), Psychic Mantle 1d4 2 1st
3rd +2 Fighting Style 1d6 2 2nd
4th +2 Ability Score improvement 1d6 2 2nd
5th +3 Empathic Aura (60 ft.), Psychic Mantle feature 1d6 2 3rd
6th +3 Piercing Gaze, Mystic Thought (2) 1d6 2 3rd
7th +3 Coordinate Consciousness 1d8 2 4th
8th +3 Ability Score improvement 1d8 2 4th
9th +4 Empathic Aura (90 ft.) 1d8 2 5th
10th +4 Aura of Lucidity 1d8 2 5th
11th +4 Psychic Mantle feature 1d10 3 5th
12th +4 Ability Score improvement 1d10 3 5th
13th +5 Empathic Aura (120 ft.), Mindflower 1d10 3 5th
14th +5 Ability Score improvement 1d10 3 5th
15th +5 Legendary Will 1d12 3 5th
16th +5 Ability Score improvement 1d12 3 5th
17th +6 Psychic Mantle feature, Empathic Aura (150 ft.) 1d12 4 5th
18th +6 Mystic Thought (3) 1d12 4 5th
19th +6 Ability Score improvement 1d12 4 5th
20th +6 Multiform Consciousness 1d12 4 5th

Class Features

As an ardent, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 2d6 per ardent level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d6 (or 8) + your
    Constitution modifier per ardent level after 1st


  • Armor: All armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose any two


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
  • (a) two spears or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a mystic's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • (a) scale mail or (b) chain mail

Mystic's Pack (30 gp)
Includes a basket, a bedroll, a blanket, a book of spirit, 10 candles, common clothes, a healer's kit, a mess kit, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, 5 sheets of paper, 5 days rations, 2 soaps, and a waterskin.

Empathic Aura

As an ardent, you can feel and influence the consciousnesses around you. You have an Empathic Die, which starts as 1d4 and increases as shown on the Ardent table.

When a creature makes an Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma check rolled against you, you can expend and roll an Empathic Die to subtract it from the creature's roll. You can do so after you know if it succeeds or fails. The creature must be within 30 feet of you, which increases as shown on the Ardent table.

You have a number of Empathic Die equal to the lowest of your Wisdom and Charisma modifiers (minimum of 1), and regain any expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Piercing Gaze

The ability of your empathy gives you a hold over other's consciousness. You become proficient in two of any Wisdom or Charisma skills of your choice. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses those skills.

Once per turn when you beat a creature with one of these skills you chose, you can spend a hit die to regain hitpoints equal to the result + your Constitution modifier.

At 6th level, you can choose another two skill proficiencies to gain this benefit.

Psychic Magic

Your psychic growth gives you supernatural power, fueling your magic to reimagine the world how you envision.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Ardent table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your ardent spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.

You prepare the list of ardent spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the ardent spell list. When you do so, choose a number of ardent spells equal to the lower of your Wisdom and Charisma modifiers + half your ardent level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). You can’t choose a spell higher than the slot level on the Ardent table.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a short or long rest. Preparing a new list of ardent spells requires time spent in ceremony, prayer, and ritual: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom and Charisma are your spellcasting abilities for your ardent spells, so you use the lower of your Wisdom and Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom and Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an ardent spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

lowest of your Wisdom and Charisma modifiers

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

lowest of your Wisdom and Charisma modifiers

Mental Focus

You can ignore verbal, somatic and material components for spells you cast unless they have a value, in which case the material components are required.

Mystic Thought

Starting at 2nd level, your empathic abilities extend you powers to your foes and allies alike. You start with one power, Uplifting Grasp, and an effect determiend by your Psychic Mantle.

When you use your Mystic Thought, you choose which effect to create. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Mystic Thought again.

Some Mystic Thought effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your Ardent spell save DC. You can use a Mystic Thought twice between rests at 6th level, and 3 times at 18th.

Mystic Thought: Uplifting Grasp

You call a creature's basic instincts of survival and recovery to their mind. As a bonus action, you can roll an Empathic Die and heal a creature within your empathic range for the amount rolled (without expending). The target can make a saving throw against one effect they are under.

Psychic Mantle

At 2nd level, you create for yourself a mantle, which is a state of mind you keep consistent as a way of practice for your psychic abilities. Some characters mimic habits, thoughts, and feelings of those under a desired mantle for a while, finalizing that process at 3rd level. You choose from the Mantle of Clarity, Mantle of Elation or Mantle of Fury, detailed at the end of the class description.

Your choice grants you mantle spells, an additional Mystic Thought effect, and other features when you choose it at 2nd level and again at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.

Fighting Style

At 3rd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with
ranged weapons.


When you a wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no weapon in the other, you gain a +2 to bonus to damage rolls with that weapon, and a +4 bonus if the other hand is empty.

Great Weapon Fighting

When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a two-handed or versatile melee weapon, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if it is a 1 or a 2.


When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

Grid++ Variant
With Grid++ at 3rd level, you learn one specialization feat of your choice instead of a fighting style.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Coordinate Consciousness

Beginning at 7th level, you can coordinate conscious as an action. You and friendly creatures within your Empathic Aura add all of your current hitpoints together into one pool, and add your maximum hitpoints together for that pool's max.

You all share damage resistances, immunities, and reductions. You all still take damage as if you were all separated; if two coordinated creatures are affected by a dragon's breath, you take the damage twice.

If the pooled hitpoints are reduced to 0, friendly creatures regain their own hitpoints with half their maximum remaining. You regain your own but are reduced to 0 hitpoints.

Once you are reduced to 0 hitpoints from this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Aura of Lucidity

Staring at 10th level, you and friendly creatures within your Empathic Aura can't be charmed or driven to madness while you are conscious unless you allow it. You can surpress charming and insanity in creatures within your Empathic Aura (no action required).


At 13th level, you see the beginnings of uniting consciousness. You can cast dominate person without expending a spell slot targetting any number of humanoids within your Empathic Aura. You can use your action to take total and precise control of all targets instead of one, and causing them to use reactions doesn't require yours. They don't have advantage on the saving throw if you or creatures friendly to you are fighting them.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Legendary Will

Beginning at 15th level, you can resist any power of the mind. When you fail an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead.

You can use this feature three times, and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Multiform Consciousness

At 20th level, you can glimpse the multiform consciousness. When you use your Coordinate Consciousness feature, you and friendly creatures can take turns in any order you choose. Creatures under the control of your Mindflower feature count as friendly to you and can't repeat their save against it.

Psychic Mantles

At 2nd level, you choose for yourself a mantle, a set of psionic perceptions of the truths of the world and your course.

Mantle of Clarity

Yours is a mantle of pragmatism, understanding clearly your emotions at play and those of others to protect them.

Mantle Spell List

The Mantle of Clarity grants you additional spells you gain at the ardent levels noted below. Once you gain one of these spells you always have it prepared, it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare and is an ardent spell for you.

Clarity Mantle Spells
Level Spells
1 bless
3 aid
5 beacon of hope
7 aura of purity
9 greater restoration

Clarity's Affect

At 2nd level when you choose this mantle, you and allies within your empathic aura have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened and add your Empathic Die to initiative rolls (without expending).

Mystic Thought: Clear Psyche

As a bonus action, you can clear the psyche of a creature within your empathic range. Until the end of its turn, that creature automatically hits attacks, can't be controlled with a spell or effect, and has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Psychic Attack

Starting at 11th level, if you cast a spell on your turn or begin your turn concentrating on one, you can immediately make one weapon attack.

Ideal Form of Clarity

At 17th level, you and friendly creatures within your Empathic Aura have advantage on rolls against enchantment and illusion spells and other mind controlling or influencing effects.

Mantle of Elation

Yours is a mantle of flow, the state of mind of peace amongst chaos and happiness in any conditions you find yourself in.

Mantle Spell List

The Mantle of Elation grants you additional spells you gain at the ardent levels noted below. Once you gain one of these spells you always have it prepared, it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare and is an ardent spell for you.

Elation Mantle Spells
Level Spells
1 longstrider
3 hold person
5 haste
7 freedom of movement
9 hold monster

Elation's Affect

At 2nd level when you choose this mantle, you and allies within your empathic aura draw opportunity attacks at disadvantage from enemies and make them with advantage.

Mystic Thought: Remove Purpose

As a bonus action, you can remove the purpose of a creature within your empathic range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw or be incapacitated with a speed of 0 until the end of its next turn.

Sentinel Attack

Beginning at 5th level, creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you if they enter or leave your reach, even if they take the Disengage action. Your melee attacks of opportunity reduce their speed to 0 on a hit.

Extra Sentinel Attack

At 11th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you make an opportunity attack.

Ideal Form of Elation

At 17th level, you and friendly creatures within your Empathic Aura are always under the effects of a freedom of movement spell.

Mantle of Fury

Yours is a mantle of rage, the state of mind of angry energy against the world and those in your way.

Mantle Spell List

The Mantle of Fury grants you additional spells you gain at the ardent levels noted below. Once you gain one of these spells you always have it prepared, it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare and is an ardent spell for you.

Fury Mantle Spells
Level Spells
1 compelled duel
3 branding smite
5 fireball
7 blight
9 destructive wave

Fury's Affect

At 2nd level when you choose this mantle, you and allies within your empathic aura can turn an attack you hit on the first round of combat into a critical hit.

Mystic Thought: Achieve Alacrity

As a bonus action, you can allow an ally within your empathic range to achieve alacrity. On their next turn, they can take one additional action on top of their regular action and possible bonus action.

Avenging Attack

Beginning at 5th level, when an attack hits you, you fail a saving throw, or you fail an ability check that requires an attack or an action, you can make a weapon attack against any creature within range as a reaction.

Extra Avenging Attack

At 11th level, you can make two weapon attacks as part of your Avenging Attack reaction.

Ideal Form of Fury

At 17th level, you and friendly creatures within your Empathic Aura only spend 1 foot of movement for every 2 feet they move directly toward a hostile creature.

Mantle of Madness

Yours is a mantle of unbridled instinct, a wild-like consciousness you submerge yourself beneath.

Mantle Spell List

The Mantle of Fury grants you additional spells you gain at the ardent levels noted below. Once you gain one of these spells you always have it prepared, it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare and is an ardent spell for you.

Fury Mantle Spells
Level Spells
1 dissonant whispers
3 darkness
5 bestow curse
7 phantasmal killer
9 synaptic static

Madness's Affect

At 2nd level when you choose this mantle, you and allies within your empathic aura can make an additional attack with the Attack action against a creature if you miss one. The creature must have half or fewer of its hitpoints remaining.

Mystic Thought: Cursed Conscious

As a bonus action, you can permeate the conscious of a creature within your empathic range. For each curse and madness it is under the effect of, it gains temporary hitpoints equal to your spellcasting modifier. These temporary hitpoints disappear early if the target hasn't attacked or targeted a creature with a harmful effect by the end of each of their turns. While they last, the target can make one additional attack with the Attack action against a creature if they miss one.

Chasing Attack

Beginning at 5th level, when a creature you have hit an attack against this combat moves away from you, you can move up to your speed toward it as a reaction. If it is within the reach of your weapon, you can make one attack as part of this reaction.

Extra Chasing Attack

At 11th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, as part of your Chasing Attack reaction.

Ideal Form of Madness

At 17th level, you and friendly creatures within your Empathic Aura can release the madness within by spending all of their movement. The creature's space and the space within its reach falls under a maddening darkness spell.

You and friendly creatures are immune to the spell's harmful effects but aren't granted any ability to see through it. It dissipates at the start of that creature's next turn. A creature can't release the madness again this combat until they slay a rival creature.

Ardent Spells

Below is the spell list for you to choose your ardent spells from. A spell marked with * is contained in this document, and a spell marked with + is contained in meow magic.

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Blade Ward
  • Create Bonfire
  • Encode Thoughts
  • Friends
  • Gloves of Ember+
  • Light
  • Mage Hand
  • Message
  • Mind Sliver
  • Minor Illusion
  • Sweet Dreams+
  • Resistance
  • Vicious Mockery
1st Level
  • Bane
  • Catapult
  • Cause Fear
  • Charm Person
  • Command
  • Cure Wounds
  • Detect Magic
  • Disguise Self
  • Dissonant Whispers
  • Enchanting Gaze+
  • Expeditious Retreat
  • Faerie Fire
  • Fog Cloud
  • Healing Word
  • Heroism
  • Identify
  • Illusory Script
  • Inflict Wounds
  • Ironbinds+
  • Jump
  • Psychic Lock*
  • Shield
  • Sleep
  • Unseen Servant
  • Zephyr's Strike
2nd Level
  • Blindness/Deafness
  • Calm Emotions
  • Creeping Frost+
  • Crown of Madness
  • Detect Thoughts
  • Enthrall
  • Fiery Leap+
  • Find Traps
  • Gust of Wind
  • Invisibility
  • Lesser Mislead+
  • Mindlink+
  • Mind Spike
  • Mirror Image
  • Misty Step
  • Moonbeam
  • Opposing Force+
  • See Invisibility
  • Shadow Blade
  • Silence
  • Suggestion
  • Vortex Warp
  • Zone of Lies+
  • Zone of Truth
3rd Level
  • Beacon for the Deluded+
  • Beacon of Hope
  • Bestow Curse
  • Blink
  • Cold Iron Strike+
  • Counterspell
  • Crusader's Mantle
  • Dispel Magic
  • Fear
  • Glass Ring+
  • Hypnotic Pattern
  • Implant Phobia+
  • Ravenous Solitude+
  • Slow
  • Spiteful Swing+
4th Level
  • Aberrant Aura+
  • Arcane Eye
  • Banishment
  • Burning Wheel+
  • Charm Monster
  • Compulsion
  • Confusion
  • Eolian Blow+
  • Greater Invisibility
  • Hallucinatory Terrain
  • Phantasmal Killer
  • Pride's Bane+
  • Spellcrush+
5th Level
  • Antilife Shell
  • Ascendant Flames+
  • Awaken
  • Contact Other Plane
  • Cover of Moonlight+
  • Deface+
  • Dominate Person
  • Eclipse Locale+
  • Field of Chains+
  • Flame Strike
  • Geas
  • Immolation
  • Iron Whirlwind+
  • Legend Lore
  • Mass Cure Wounds
  • Mind Shatter+
  • Mislead
  • Modify Memory
  • Seeming
  • Steel Wind Strike
  • Synaptic Static
  • Telekinesis
  • Wall of Force

Psychic Lock

1st-level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You choose a creature you can see within range and psychically lock onto it. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack, and you have advantage on any Wisdom (Insight) check you make against it. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to lock a new creature.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.


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