
by CalloftheWildMagic

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Race: Yeti

Yeti are a hulking race of humanoids who live in cold climates with snow white skin and fur to help them blend in. They are taller and much heavier than humans, ranging from 6.5 to 8.5ft tall and tend to weigh 300lbs or more.

Yeti are naturally suited to the cold, much of their body covered with fur. They have thickly skinned soles for walking in the cold snow. Their hands are tough like their feet and have thick nails on their fingers and toes. Their eyes tend from ice blue to deep indigo. Yeti mature around 10 years of age, and live around 150 years.

Due to Yeti physiology, their language favors labial and velar effects. Yeti names are non-gendered: Apok, Baruq, Cupo, Eefi, Hakeeq, Faruq, Kimmiq, Panuk, Uqsuk, Yuka.

Yeti History

Yeti have long existed in the frosty terrains of high altitudes and snowy crags. According to their lore, they were once hairless creatures living in small bands who roamed a land without cold. Their hairless ancestors' communities were destroyed by the ravages of wars and so they fled to the mountains and tundra. To avoid freezing to death, they pleaded to the great spirits and were transformed.

In ages past, Yeti have been feared, as stories were told of monstrous hulks with razor sharp claws and hideous faces. In truth Yeti are, while solitary, generally indifferent or even friendly to those who bear no threat. Most Yeti prefer to avoid the problems outside of their own small communities, and find that easiest by simply staying hidden.

Yeti form tribes of few individuals that move as a unit. Tribes claim portions of mountains as their own to roam, and can be territorial. They often occupy frigid caves as homes, and individual space is valued over social cohesion. When roaming, they look for food among the snows, eating lichens and vegetation from the lower tundras, or hunt for animals. In the direst of times, they may resort to raiding local settlements under the cover of darkness or snowstorms.

As their population has grown, and grand wars have largely ceased over the past centuries, some Yeti have become less secluded. Yeti that venture out into the world among "outsiders" tend to adopt a descriptive nickname.


  • Ability Scores: Choose any +2 and any other +1 OR Choose three different +1
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 30 ft

Creature type

You are humanoid.


You have Darkvision up to 60ft.


The great spirits granted Yeti abilities that would aid them in distracting interlopers and remaining hidden. You know the Minor Illusion cantrip.

By 3rd level, you can cast the Silent Image spell once with this trait; you regain the ability to cast it when you finish a long rest. At 5th level, you can also cast the Invisibility spell once with this trait; you regain the ability to cast it when you finish a long rest.

When casting these spells with this trait, they have no verbal component. You can also cast these spells with any slots you have of the appropriate level, with all components. Your spellcasting ability for these spells can be selected from Charisma or Intelligence at character creation.

Ice Veins

Yeti are singularly suited to the cold and snow. You are resistant to cold damage.

Blizzard Born

Due to their white fur and their familiarity with the environment, Yeti have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in snowy terrain, and are not affected by difficult terrain due to snow or ice. Yeti also do not suffer from visual obscurement due to snowfall of ice storms.

Of the Wilds

You can choose one proficiency from Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Stealth, or Survival.


You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for your character.


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