Warlock Patron: The Fallen

by OrangeOcean

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Warlock Subclass:

Pact of the Fallen

You have a made pact with a fallen angel, an erinyes. Hailing originally from the celestial plains but now a denizen of the Nine Hells. In freedom from their celestial shackles, they found new purpose. Make no mistake, your patron is a warrior with conviction too strong to be subservient. Perhaps you are kindred spirits. As your patron freely moves from plain to plain, they have granted you power that will grow as you both rise from the chains you were born.

Expanded Spell List

The fallen lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level Spells
1st Wrathful Smite, Featherfall
2nd Branding Smite, Aid
3rd Fireball, Sending
4th Locate Creature, Divination
5th Destructive Wave, Dispel Evil and Good

Armor of Angels

Starting 1st level, if you are not wearing armor, as an action you can conjure magical armor around your body that grants you AC 13 + your charisma modifier for a minute. While this armor is active you can cast eldrige blast as a melee attack without imposing disadvantage.

Once conjured you cannot use this feature until you complete a short or long rest.

Unnatural Potency

Additionally at 1st level, as a bonus action you can pick a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus. Poison attacks you deal ignore resistance, immunity, and immunity to the poisoned condition of your targets for one minute. After you use this feature you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Caustic Strike

Starting at 6th level, your eldritch blast and any attacks made with Pact of the Blade weapon or Pact of Chain familiar deals an extra poison damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Additionally, when you hit a creature this way, you can use a bonus action to invoke the poisoned condition. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. Targets must make a constitution saving throw or become poisoned for a minute. If a target succeeds in the saving throw they cannot be poisoned this way for the next 24 hours. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Patron's Parry

Starting at 10th level, once per short or long rest you can use your reaction to add 4 to your AC against one melee or spell attack that would hit you. The parry takes the form of a flash of light that emanates from you.

Transcendence Intervention

Starting at level 14, your patron deems you worthy for them to transcend the plains of existence to assist you regularly.

At dusk you can request your patron to trade your pact boon and eldritch invocations with another. You can switch out a number of eldritch invocations equal to your charisma modifier. If you have invocations that require the old pact boon, it must be swapped out for one that fits the new pact boon. These forced swaps count towards your number of invocations you can trade.

"Shall we free ourselves from the cages we were born?"

- Vazreth, the first fallen

Additional Eldritch Invocations

Whip of the fallen
Prerequisite: Pact of the Fallen; Pact of the Blade feature.

You can create a Rope of Entanglement in the form of a whip using your pact of the blade feature. The rope regenerates upon destruction back into your inventory.

Improved Armor of Angels
Prerequisite: Pact of the Fallen; Level 15

As an action you can conjure magical armor around your body that grants you AC 14 + your charisma modifier once per short or long rest for a minute. The armor can take any form of your choice.

Once conjured the user can use a bonus action to summon black wings from the armor and gain a flying speed of 60 ft. While the wings are out you gain advantage on dexterity saving throws.




I really want to thank user gameboy350 for being my biggest inspiration! Especally their Poison Expansion. Please check them out! And better yet, use them in game! They synergize very well with my matron! Fume Form FTW!

I'd like to thank this copypasta cookbook for my image formatting. Thank you for helping people make wonderful formats for their homebrew!

This started out when I was writing a completely homebrew D&D one shot about a warlock who made a pact with a fiend needing help defeating his erinyes matron, Vazreth. But... I commited to this prompt before actually looking at the fiend patron. So I did what I do best, and I went overboard. I made an entire homebrew subclass to fit what I imagined. After researching I set out to do five things: 1. I wanted to make poison a viable option and not venomous animal themed. 2. I wanted to make a consistent front line and de-buffing warlock to contend with Hexblade and even some martial classes. 3. I wanted it to have a strong sense of flavor that really reflects the patron and their abilities. 4. I wanted to help warlock get a better place in utility. 5. I wanted it to be fun like other magic classes while still being undoubtedly a warlock. I hope you enjoyed! Thank you!

More Credits

Abstract pattern of red feathers on a black background.

Erinyes Photo


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