Star Wars: Will of the Force D&D 5e

by Saltyspitoon

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  • Star Wars: Will of the Force

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Chapter 1: Races


The people of Arkania believed they were the most advanced beings and were often very proud. They had been skilled at changing their own genes for thousands of years, so by the time of the Mandalorian Wars, there were many variations of Arkanians, making it difficult to define a typical Arkanian. Most looked like humans, but the purest Arkanians had completely white eyes and four clawed fingers on each hand.

Superior Arrogance

The Arkanian species was known for their strong sense of arrogance, which came from their belief that they were the most evolved beings. This made them seem haughty and distant to others, as they considered themselves superior to all other species. Even those with a more balanced perspective tended to view themselves as some of the most intelligent beings in the galaxy. Because of this, they had great confidence in their own abilities.

Arkanian Names

Male: Ulonok Farkalis, Dornian Barold, Taloj Odajon Female: Rassa Dulor, Ehinna Sulus, Zodira Abros

Arkanian Traits

Arkanians, even those who were not particularly fast learners, had an exceptional ability to remember vast amounts of information and solve complex problems that even the most advanced supercomputers of the Galactic Empire found challenging.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Intelligence
  • Age: Matured much like humans and had an Average lifespan of 100 years. Although some could live longer.
  • Alignment: Typically tended to be good natured, but we’re more malice when it came to the treatment of other “inferior species” and experimenting on other species genetically.
  • Size: Height tended to be around 1.7-2 meters (5’6-6’6 feet tall) your size is Medium and weigh around 75-91 kg (165-200 lbs) your size is Medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Arkanian and Basic

Pure Blood

The Arkanians were a group of people who were very similar to humans and lived mainly on the icy planet of Arkania in the Perave system, which is located in the Colonies region of the galaxy.

  • Ability Score Increase: +1 to Intellegence
  • Proficiency: History or Medicine (pick one)
  • Dark Vision: 60ft


The Arkanian Offshoots were a group of beings that were created as a result of genetic manipulation by renowned Arkanian scientists. They were a distinct subgroup of the Arkanian race and were created by combining Arkanian DNA with that of various other species, resulting in a wide range of experimental combinations. These offshoots were often used as slaves and were viewed unfavorably by the broader Arkanian society, who did not consider them to be genuine Arkanians. Unlike the typical tan skin of pure-blooded Arkanians, the offshoots had white skin.

  • Ability Score Improvement: +1 to any Attribute of your choice
  • Proficiency Bonus: any skill of your choice


The Asogians, also called the Children of the Green Planet and Brodo Asogians, were a peaceful humanoid species from Brodo Asogi in the Asogi system. They were well adapted to a sophisticated, high-tech way of life and could be found throughout the galaxy in various roles such as scientists, explorers, intellectuals, consultants, and musicians. They had the ability to communicate secretly using their advanced brains, which were slightly more developed than those of humans. Asogians were easily identifiable by their large blue eyes, elongated necks and legs, and glowing chests and fingers. They typically went about without clothing, used grub-sticks for eating, and some of them ate meat.

Children of the Green Planet

Asogians originate from a planet called Brodo Asogi, which is nicknamed the Green Planet because its abundant plant life gives it a green appearance when seen from space. Their close relationship with plant life provides them with a deep understanding of botany and its benefits.

Asogian Names

Male: Nevets Grebleips, Braxas Hitms, Rotciv Arreug Female: Ahsas Noskcaj, Aleakim Serrot, Yma Serolf

Asogian Traits

Similar to many other intelligent species in the galaxy, Asogians had a body with a torso, two legs, two arms, and one head, making them humanoid. Their heads featured two large, blue eyes, a nose for breathing and smelling, and a lipless mouth for eating, breathing, and communicating. Asogian arms had three-fingered hands for manipulation, while their legs had three-toed feet. They also had two sexes, male and female. Unlike most humanoids, they had the unique ability to control glowing fingers and chests, which brought them widespread recognition across the galaxy. Asogians were known for having a significant number of individuals sensitive to the Force, and in their culture, it was considered unusual not to possess this ability from birth.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Wisdom, +1 to any attribute of your choice

  • Age: Could live up to 130 years

  • Alignment: They tended to have Good Alignments most being Lawful Good

  • Size: Average Height was 0.9-1 meter (2’9-3’2 feet tall) and weighed around 18-24 kg (40-55 lbs) your size is small

  • Speed: 20ft

  • Languages: Asogian, Basic

Helping Hand

Since most Asogians are born force sensitive and are incredibly kind start off with 24 force points and the force Ability “Heal” regardless of class


Originating from Bothawui and various colonies, Bothans possessed diverse facial appearances and body structures, often combining characteristics of canines, felines, and equines. They gained a reputation for excelling in the realms of politics and espionage, displaying a natural inclination towards intrigue and covert activities.

The Bothan culture was heavily influenced by a set of philosophical principles outlined in a ancient text called The Way, written by Golm Fervse'dra. This "Bothan Way" placed great emphasis on the pursuit of power and influence. As a result, individual Bothans prioritized their own political and economic success above all else, and as a species, they focused on their own advancement over other intergalactic interests, although many did support the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Bothan society was known for its high level of backstabbing, subtle character assassination, and political maneuvering, leading to the widespread perception of Bothans as untrustworthy by other species. In reality, most Bothans were habitually paranoid, believing that anyone not working with them was working against them.

Political Interest

“You have to understand that Bothans think in terms of political and persuasive influence, not military power. The typical Bothans goal is to go through life getting more and more people to listen to what he has to say.” -Sean Leikvold Midanyl

  • Proficiency bonus: Persuasion or Deception (pick one)

Bothan Names

Male: Gek Kra’kuti, Mathenn Kef’les, Trobrak Lohov, Gom Nai’kar

Female: Iath Gru'leso, Virc Litere, Yin Fod'hoho, Hin Bwaquno

Bothan Traits

The Bothans were a small, furry humanoid species with an average height of 1.5 to 1.6 meters. Their fur would ripple in response to their emotions, a trait called Wrendui, which inadvertently gave away their deceitful intentions. Bothan individuals had pointed ears and both males and females could have beards. They could interbreed with other species, resulting in hybrids that looked somewhat like humans but with additional animal-like features such as hooves, fur, pointed ears, and a long tail.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Charisma, +1 to Dexterity

  • Age: They age similarly to humans and have an average lifespan of 85 years but could live longer

  • Alignment: Typically tended to align neutral

  • Size: Average height of 1.5-1.6 meters (4’9-5’2 feet) and weighed around 50-60 kg (110-132 lbs) your size is medium

  • Speed: 40ft

  • Languages: Bothan and Basic


The Chiss origins are shrouded in mystery, even to the Chiss themselves. Some scientists speculate that they may have descended from a long-lost Human colony, although this theory is not universally accepted. Both Chiss historians and scientists in the New Republic believe that this possible colony existed before the formation of the Old Republic. Information about Chiss history is scarce because their records are closely protected on their home planet. Nevertheless, various scholars have suggested that the Chiss might be the descendants of a forgotten attempt at colonization, primarily due to their similarities to humans.

According to Chiss legend, their home planet used to be warm and tropical. However, it later entered an ice age, causing widespread glaciation. This forced the Chiss ancestors to migrate to the temperate regions as the glaciers spread. Despite this difficult period, the Chiss were already technologically advanced, which enabled them to adapt and survive. It's believed that this glaciation took a long time, and it happened when the Chiss were already advanced, suggesting that they were on Csilla before the ice age. By about 5000 BBY, Csilla was nearly uninhabitable, and the Chiss only survived by living underground. These challenging events also contributed to genetic changes, particularly in their skin tone and eyes.

Lost Colony

Scientists used genetic analysis to verify that the Chiss were indeed a branch of Human settlers who tried to colonize other areas. They theorized that a group of these early Humans ended up on the planet Csilla in the Unknown Regions before 27,000 BBY. Chiss males and females are generally stronger than humans, but they still show similar physical differences between genders as humanoids do.

  • Proficiency Bonus: Athletic or Survival (pick one)

Chiss Names

In the past, Chiss names typically had three parts. The first and last parts were family names, while the middle part was the given name. For instance, Grand Admiral Thrawn's full name is Mitth’raw’nuruodo. In this name, "Mitth" represents his family, "Raw" is his given name, and "nuruodo" describes his relationship to his family. So, the structure of a Chiss name includes family names at the beginning and end, with the given name in the middle.

Male: Chaf'orm'bintrano (formbi), Sev'eere'nuruodo (veeren), Mitt'ren'talsi (Trent)

Female: Anath'ar'iameps (Tharia), Laht'al'ikran (Tali), Leid'olor'enevah (dolore)

Chiss Traits

The Chiss matured much faster than humans, reaching physical maturity at the age of 10, when they were the equivalent of a 20-year-old human. This accelerated growth also led to them developing emotionally much faster than humans. Chiss could live up to 80 years old, with childhood spanning from ages 1 to 10, a rapid growth spurt bringing them to full adulthood, middle age occurring between 51 and 62, and old age starting at 63 and lasting until 79.

  • Resistance: resistant to harsh cold environments/weapons
  • Ability score increase: +2 to Intelligence, + 1 to Constitution
  • Age: On average they live around 80 years
  • Alignment: The Chiss were usually lawful no matter if they were good or evil
  • Size: Chiss could be 1.6- 2.1 meters in height (5’2-6’6 feet tall) and weigh around 68-90.7 kg (150-200 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Cheunh, Basic


Dathomirians live on the planet Dathomir and are categorized as either Dathomiri or Dathomirian Zabraks. A lot of them had the ability to use the Force, especially the females who lived on the planet. While most male Dathomirians had some basic Force abilities, a select few, like Savage Opress and Maul, were exceptionally skilled due to their intense training. The Dathomirians were known for being secretive and hiding dark truths. They had a ritual called the Selection, in which females would choose a mate by making males undergo difficult trials. The winner would then become the mate and servant of the Nightsisters.

Dathomirian Names

Male: Savage Opress, Maul Viscus, Brutus Freff, Havok Despir

Female: Sai Sircu, Ros Lai, Merrin Chalo, Lelli Hi

Dathomiri Traits

The women of Dathomir had skin that could be white, blue, or gray, and their hair came in different styles. Their eyes could be teal, silver, green, brown, yellow, red, violet, gold, or black in color.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Dexterity
  • Age: up to 100 years old
  • Alignment: generally neutral despite being good or evil (an enemy of anyone who would harm her fellow nightsisters)
  • Size: Average height of 1.6-1.8 meters (5’3-6’2 feet) and weigh around 49-63 kg (110-140 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 35 feet
  • Languages: Dathomirian, Basic

Dathomirian Zabraks Traits

Men on Dathomir typically had peach or yellow skin, with only a few having red skin. Male Dathomirians also had horns, whereas females did not. Their eye colors could be teal, silver, green, brown, yellow, red, violet, gold, or black.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Strength
  • Age: Lived up to 80 years old
  • Alignment: Tended to be Chaotic regardless of being good or evil
  • Size: Average height of 1.8-2.1 meters (5’10-6’9 feet) and weighed between 68-113 kg (150-250 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Dathomirian, Basic


The Dathomiri also known as Nightsisters were known for practicing witchcraft and lived in a society where women held a dominant role. The Nightsisters, who were highly skilled in dark magic and voodoo, referred to their leaders as "Mother." They had very unique and powerful abilities such as raising the dead and making themselves or others invisible using their dark powers.

  • Ability score improvement: +1 to Wisdom
  • Proficiency Bonus: Acrobatics or Stealth (pick one)
  • Faction: Nightsister Faction is available


Dathomirian Zabraks, known as the Nightbrothers, were a marginalized group in their society and lived apart from the females. They had a tribal lifestyle, often engaging in violent and harsh activities. As part of their traditions, they adorned their faces with intricate dark tattoos as a rite of passage. The bravest among them underwent another rite by facing formidable beasts called chirodactyls in battle. Those who survived these encounters were highly respected and considered worthy in their community.

  • Ability Score Improvement: +1 to Constitution
  • Proficiency Bonus: Survival or Athletics (pick one)
  • Dathomirian Rage: When your hit points would drop to 0 stay at 1 hit point


The Devaronians were a distinctive species in the galaxy known for their striking physical and behavioral differences between males and females. The males were naturally aggressive, often described as bold or stubborn, with red-tinted skin and prominent horns on their heads that they took great pride in and groomed regularly. Their appearance often made other species uneasy, as they bore a resemblance to mythical devils. Devaronians had unique biology, with black blood and a silver-based composition due to their special blood filtration system involving two livers, which constantly cleansed their bodies of toxins and made them highly resistant to poisons. Additionally, their skin was impervious to fire and extreme heat, and they could consume foods that were toxic to other species.

Born Adventurers

In their home world, Devaronians had a matriarchal government where females often held positions of power. Although males could hold power too, not many wanted to. This reflected the species' biological differences, with females being more focused and settled, while males were more inclined to explore the galaxy. Even though Devaronian males were drawn to travel, they remained devoted to their families and would send the money they earned while traveling back home to support their loved ones.

  • Males proficiency bonus: Investigation or Persuasion (pick one)
  • Female proficiency bonus: History or Insight (pick one)

Devaronian Traits

The species had two distinct genders, male and female, and they looked different from each other. The males had short horns on their heads, while the females did not have horns but had small bumps on their foreheads and a full head of hair. Some female Devaronians also had a thin coat of gray fur on their bodies. The males were usually bald, but some grew sideburns and beards. Their skin color could be brown, green, pink, or red, and their hair could be brown, dark green, pink, purple, silver, or white. Additionally, they had a variety of eye colors including black, blue, brown, dark brown, green, pink, red, and yellow.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Dexterity, +1 to Wisdom
  • Age: The average lifespan was 70, but powerful force sensitives could live up to 200 years old
  • Alignment: Females tended to be docile and lawful, males tended to be more chaotic
  • Resistance: Poison
  • Size: 1.6 to 1.8 meters on average (5’2-5’10) and weighed around 70-90 kg (154-200 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Devaronese, Basic
  • Racial Traits: Immune to fire, and resistance to really hot temperatures

Devaronian Names

Male: Hehr Grev, Gus Mammus, Tan D'rahk

Female: Loh Dheq, Sun G'vozow, Mul Vihk

Force Sensitive

Devaronians were more likely to be Force-sensitive compared to other species, but they didn't develop a strong tradition of using the Force. The Jedi Order built the Temple of Eedit on Devaron to train Force-sensitive children, and more female students attended because many males preferred to travel, which conflicted with the Jedi way of life.

  • Start off with 15 force points and 1 universal ability


The Duros were an early spacefaring culture known for being one of the first to develop their hyperdrive technology, allowing them to explore and settle various planets across the galaxy. When the Galactic Empire rose to power, their home planet, Duro, fell under Imperial control, leading many Duros to flee and join the Rebel Alliance in an effort to restore freedom to the galaxy. This made the Duros known for their adventurous spirit and their resistance against Imperial rule.

Traveling storytellers

The Duros were typically quiet, but they loved sharing stories about their journeys. They were known for having an exceptional memory when it came to recounting tales and adventures. Many Duros were pilots and explorers, and they were often daring, although their actions could sometimes be impulsive. They were among the first to develop hyperdrive spacecraft, and some believe they might have been the very first. The trade routes they mapped out were some of the oldest hyperspace routes still in use during the time of the Galactic Empire. Duros were highly skilled at navigating through space, and they were often called "Travelers" as a sign of respect, regardless of their actual profession. Addressing them with this title was seen as good manners.

  • Proficiency bonus: History or Performance (pick one)
  • Born to Fly: Can Pilot small ships without Pilot class (Does not gain pilot class skills)

Duros Names

Male: Nam Zhoks, Uzan Haan, Cad Bane

Female: Racho Stes, Zaadwei Zhazul, Hili Joom

Duros Traits

The Duros were a humanoid species with smooth, blue-green skin, red eyes, and lipless mouths. They had long, thin faces without noses and green blood. When under high stress, they secreted a smelly and bad-tasting oil from sacs along their ribs, a leftover defense mechanism from when they were preyed upon by various creatures on their home planet, Duro. Both male and female Duros were bald, but they could be easily differentiated. Their large red eyes had slit pupils, and the females laid eggs due to their ancient reptilian ancestry.

  • Ability score increase:+2 to Dexterity, +1 to Intelligence, +1 to Charisma
  • Age: Lived on average to be 70 years old
  • Alignment: Could be any alignment
  • Size: 1.7-2 meters on average (5’6- 6’6 feet) and weigh around 70-80 kg (154-176 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Durese, Basic


Ewoks were small creatures who lived on the forest moon of Endor. They used spears, slings, and knives as weapons, and even had hang gliders for transportation. Despite being skilled at living in the forest and making basic tools, they hadn't progressed beyond using stone-age technology when the Empire found them. However, they were able to learn quickly when they were introduced to more advanced technology with simple mechanical principles.


Despite their limited technology and living on a remote planet, the Ewoks were not completely unknown in the wider galaxy. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, they had developed a level of civilization where they participated in religious, artistic, medical, and political activities, and communicated using their own language, Ewokese. However, their primary focus remained on providing food for their community. They had knowledge of pottery, hunting, building complex wooden structures, and creating fire. While they spent most of their time in the treetops, some members of their tribe needed to venture to the forest floor to gather food such as berries and herbs, as well as hunt.

  • Proficiency bonus: Survival or Nature (pick one)
  • Ewok Hunt: +5 to initiative and you can't be surprised while conscious. When 10 feet next to an ally you gain advantage

Ewok Names

Male: Yckal Mirlima, Cherrac Zirren, Krackyl Graastrarla Female: Ile Kreranli, Meki Tanret, Gyzzy Kinrilaa

Ewok Traits

Ewoks were a species of small, furry humanoids that were about one meter tall on average. They were omnivores and had fur covering their bodies, with brown and black being the most common colors. Most Ewoks had fur of a single color, but some had stripes. They had large, bright eyes, small noses, and hands with two fingers and an opposable thumb. Despite their size, Ewoks were surprisingly strong and could overpower even trained human fighters.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Strength, + 1 to Dexterity
  • Age: Could live up to 60 years old
  • Alignment: Could Align anywhere
  • Size: 0.8-1 meter in height (2’7-3’3 feet tall) and weighed around 25-30 kg (56-66 lbs) your size is small
  • Speed: 25 feet
  • Languages: Ewokese


The Gamorreans had a society based on clans. Each clan was led by a female leader, called the Clan Matron, and a male leader, known as the Warlord. Even though the female members focused on farming and hunting while the males engaged in warfare, the Gamorrean society was actually a matriarchy. The Warlord's position was determined through marriage to a Matron rather than by force, although Matrons did consider the boars' combat skills when choosing a partner. Gamorreans admired war and often had violent conflicts between clans. Due to their limited intelligence, they tended to be stubborn and loyal. Their philosophy centered around solving problems through brute force.

Pig Brutes

In terms of technology, the Gamorreans were not advanced, and they preferred using close combat weapons such as vibro-axes, vibro-lances, and Gamorrean battle-axes instead of blasters.

  • Power Swing: Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee attack you can move it 5ft into an unoccupied space provided that the target is no more than one size larger than you. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack rolls against that creature are made with advantage until the start of your next turn

Gamorrean Names

Male: Uterp Oss, Eghog Gragzet, Snass Slissooss

Female: Jomreb Heutt, Greebnaz Zafbrirq, Trashris Kez

Gamorrean Traits

The Gamorreans are a type of sturdy, two-legged creatures with physical characteristics resembling those of pigs. They have large, upturned noses with big nostrils, as well as jowls and upward-pointing tusks. Their large bodies are covered in green or occasionally pink, thick and smooth skin without hair. They possess five fingers on each hand and foot, each equipped with a tough nail. Their hands have an opposable thumb, enabling them to grip and manipulate objects easily. Gamorreans are divided into two sexes: males, known as boars, and females, known as sows.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Strength, +2 to Constitution, -2 to Intelligence, -2 to Wisdom
  • Age: Biologically they were capable of living beyond the age of 45 but the violent nature of their existence meant that very few boars reached that age.
  • Alignment: Tended to be Chaotic
  • Size: 1.8-2 meters in height (5’10- 6’6 feet) and weighed around 100-110 kg (220-242 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 25 feet
  • Languages: Gamorrean, Can understand Basic cannot speak it


The Gungans were a type of intelligent, amphibious beings who lived on the planet Naboo. They could thrive in both water and on land, but they typically resided in underwater cities like Otoh Gunga.


Even though the Gungans were closely connected to water and originally lived near fresh water on the planet Naboo, they were adaptable and could live in places far from it. They were even able to survive in salt water, like the seas of Mon Cala, despite their primary association with fresh water.

  • Proficiency bonus: Acrobatics
  • Expert Swimmer: A Gungan may choose to reroll any Swim check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
  • Strong Legs: Could jump up to 15 feet

Gungan Names

Male: Broel-Broel Caub, Yep-Yep Woopig, Creb-Creb Wig Female: Tha Kodeem, Ja-Ja Jor, Be-Be Slorm

Gungan Traits

Gungans were a tall and humanoid species well-adapted to living in the waters of Naboo. They had flexible bodies, powerful leg muscles, sturdy bills, and muscular tongues. These physical traits were specifically suited for their aquatic lifestyle. Additionally, Gungans were known for seldom venturing beyond their home planet of Naboo.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Dexterity, +1 to Constitution
  • Age: Had a life expectancy of 65 years although could live longer
  • Alignment: could align anywhere
  • Size: 1.8-2 meters in height (5’9-6’6 feet) and weighed around 60-70 kg (130-154 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet (60 ft. in water)
  • Languages: Gunganese, Basic
  • Strong Lungs: Gungans can hold their breathe for 1 hour


The Houks were known for being a strong and quick-tempered people, famous for their immense physical strength from their muscular build. They were one of the largest and mightiest humanoid beings, comparable in power only to species like the Wookiees. While their tempers weren't as intense as those of Wookiees, the Houks had a reputation for resorting to violence to solve problems. Despite originating from a culture marked by corruption and violence, many Houks were diligent individuals who had adapted to coexisting with other sentient beings.

Galactic Bullies

In the realm of politics, the Houk were known for frequently starting conflicts without official announcements, acting dishonestly during negotiations, and disregarding agreements. Although this aggressive approach made it difficult for the Houk to interact with other societies, it often allowed them to achieve their goals. Interestingly, when it came to one-on-one fights, the Houk preferred to rely on sneakiness rather than facing their opponents directly. This led to them being seen as deceptive and cowardly. Nevertheless, just like each Houk colony had its own unique culture and government, individual Houk had diverse personalities.

  • Proficiency bonus: Athletics or Stealth (pick one)
  • Cowardly Strike: When you land an Attack of Opportunity it’s a critical hit

Houk Names

Male: Boytte Vogirn, Skurog Cadge, Dragaz Bid

Female: Baynette Taliun, Gwin Surna, Tian Givre

Houk Traits

The Houk were a type of intelligent, human-like creatures known for their strong, muscular bodies and large, four-fingered hands. They had small eyes that were deeply set in their thick, bony skulls.

  • Ability Score Improvement: +2 to Strength, +1 to Constitution
  • Age: could live up to 80 years
  • Alignment: tended to be chaotic
  • Size 2.2-2.5 meters (7’2-8’2) and weighed around 120-140 kg (264-308 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Houkese, Basic


Humans were a type of intelligent, two-legged mammals with symmetrical bodies and were thought to have originated from the planet Coruscant. They were the most influential species across the galaxy and could be found on many inhabited planets, such as Naboo and Tatooine. Humans were known for being involved in a wide range of activities, including politics and bounty hunting. Other species that shared similar physical features, like walking on two legs and having two arms and two legs with opposable thumbs, were called "humanoids."

Highly Adaptable

While humans often see their ability to adapt to different environments as a positive trait, some aliens criticize them for expanding throughout the galaxy and imposing themselves on ecosystems where they don't naturally fit in.

  • Terrain Advantage: have resistance to a biome of your choice
  • Proficiency bonus: one skill of your choice

Human Names

You’d have to be alien to want examples, but here are some Human name examples from the Star Wars Universe

Male: Quintris Caupri, Jesadon Darbow, Lantate Kittnau

Female: Ajaayl Meaeas, Chriansl Warmor, Aleabail Burdpear

Human Traits

Throughout history, humans have been highly effective at settling in new environments and adjusting to become the dominant species. This has led to the development of various human groups on different planets, each with their own unique cultures, like the Alderaanians and the Pamarthens.

  • Ability score increase: +1 to all Ability scores
  • Age: on average 100 years
  • Alignment: Could have any alignment
  • Size: 1.5-1.9 meters on average (4’9-6’2 feet) and weighed around 55-80 kg (121-176 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Basic


Jawas are a diminutive, desert-dwelling species known for their scavenging prowess and mechanical aptitude. Clad in hooded robes and glowing yellow eyes peering out from beneath their hoods, Jawas are often underestimated due to their small stature. However, their resourcefulness and expertise in salvaging and repairing droids and other technology make them indispensable in the harsh environments of their homeworld, Tatooine, and beyond. Despite their insular nature and mysterious language, Jawas are renowned traders and are always on the lookout for the next valuable find in the vast expanses of the galaxy.

Scavenging Thieves

Jawas were enthusiastic scavengers who searched the deserts of Tatooine for droids and scraps to sell to locals, creating a mutually dependent trading relationship. Despite this, they were known for tricking people by selling hastily fixed gear and defective droids. As a result, moisture farmers were cautious about buying from them, but often had no choice but to do so because of the limited options available in their isolated areas.

  • Proficiency bonus: Insight or Investigation (pick one)
  • Swindlers: were able to sell items higher than their worth as well as buy them at a cheaper price. advantage in persuasion and deception rolls when negotiating item prices.

Jawa Names

Male: Tsonk M'edik, Kre Q'ukavud, Keeg D'nagekth Female: Plelo K'is, Tsitet Limi, Lewos Asaca

Jawa Traits

Many settlers on Tatooine wondered what the Jawas concealed beneath their bulky robes, sparking rumors that they might be hiding giant rodents or primitive humans. Despite being generally small, some Jawas were unusually tall, with one even reaching a height close to that of a 3PO-series protocol droid, which measures 1.71 meters.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Charisma, +1 to intelligence
  • Age: could live to about 80 years
  • Alignment: tended to be neutral
  • Size: on average between 0.8-1 meter in height (2’7-3’3 feet) and weighed around 20-25 kg (44-55 lbs) your size is small
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Jawanese
  • Tinkerer: A Jawa can choose to reroll any Mechanics check, but must keep the second result, even if it is worse.


The Kaminoans were a tall, thin amphibious species from the aquatic planet of Kamino, located beyond the Outer Rim. They lived in tall domed cities above the ocean and were generally isolated from outsiders, only interacting with them if it benefited them financially. This behavior stemmed from a historical flood that led them to prioritize adapting themselves and their planet rather than seeking help from the Galactic Republic. As a result, they developed a lingering distrust of offworld assistance. While the Kaminoans did not consider themselves superior to other species, they viewed other planets as distractions and believed that everything they needed could be found on Kamino.

Genetic Engineers

The Kaminoans were experts in the fields of cloning, genetic engineering, and technology development. They were known for their pioneering work in these areas and provided their services to a variety of clients, including the Galactic Republic.

  • Proficiency bonus: Investigation or Insight (pick one)
  • Genetic Genius: Advantage rolls when it comes to researching the genetics of a species.
  • Innate Brilliance: Complex ideals aren’t so complex. Add +3 to rolls involving Intelligence.

Kaminoan Names

Males: Ci Mir, Tem Kair, Pol Morono

Females: Nulle Dramne, Yaha Hianuo, Lerlil Wer

Kaminoan Traits

The Kaminoans were a species with elongated, oblong heads and long necks that restricted their movement. They had large, almond-shaped black eyes with white pupils that allowed them to see in the ultraviolet spectrum. Males had fin-like crests on their heads, whereas females were bald and wore distinct head crescents. Their long, delicate limbs gave them a graceful, gliding walk, and their small feet were suited for their home planet's firm seabeds and later hard flooring. Kaminoans matured by the age of 11.

  • Ability Score Improvement: +2 to Intelligence, +1 to Wisdom
  • Age: Could live up to 80 years old
  • Alignment: Tended to be Neutral
  • Size: 2.3-2.7 meters in height (7’5-8’8 feet) and weighed around 65-70 kg (143-154 lbs) Your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Kaminoan, Basic

Kel Dor

Kel Dors are a type of intelligent beings from the planet Dorin who have to wear special masks to survive in places with a lot of oxygen. These masks cover their eyes and nostrils and help filter the air, as oxygen is harmful to them. Additionally, they wear goggles to prevent their eye fluids from drying out when they are away from their home planet.


You have the ability to withstand many things including atmospheric pressure that would kill many.

  • Proficiency Bonus: Survival
  • Thick Skin: Natural armor +1 to AC
  • You can survive being in space for 20 minutes

Kel Dor Names

Male: Gnoln Okre, Xo Gataaszu, Sho Hekazz

Female: Ga Mundo, Si Tlagirvan, Dri Aguzz

Kel Dor Traits

The Kel Dor were a tall, human-like alien species with three fingers and a thumb on each hand. They had a thick, leathery skin that helped them survive in the vacuum of space for a limited period.

  • Ability Score Improvement: +2 to Constitution, +1 to Dexterity
  • Age: Lived an average of 65 years those keenly attuned with the force could live up to 250 years of age
  • Alignment: Could be any alignment
  • Size: 1.6-2 meters in height (5’2-6’5) and weighed around 70-85 kg (154-187 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Kel Dorian, Basic


The Miraluka were a species known for their thoughtful and cautious nature. They were not driven by personal gain or glory and often concealed their appearance with headwear for social reasons. They had a strong sense of unity among their kind, referring to themselves as "brothers" and feeling like members of a large family. As Force users, they were deeply connected to the Force and were surprised by life forms that had no connection to it. The Miraluka living on Katarr were particularly strong in the Force, to the extent that they could sense events such as the Battle of Malachor V.

Unity with the Force

Having to rely on the force to see you’ve built quite the connection with it. Being able to sense all living beings since all life is connected to the force. You are incredibly gifted in using it.

  • Proficiency Bonus: Perception
  • Force Sensitive: Start off with 10 force points, and a universal force ability of your choice.

Miraluka Names

Male: Hercak, Fisoc, Uodoith

Female: Moyraohl, Rowbuok, Xappuip

Miraluka Traits

The Miraluka were a human-like species who didn't have functional eyes, only small eye sockets, and they perceived the world around them through the Force instead of normal vision. Their connection to the Force was strong enough that they could "see" the Force aura of Jedi or Sith when looking at them. Each Miraluka had a different level of connection to the Force. Because they were similar to humans, Miraluka could have children with humans, like Krynda and Lucien Draay, but it was believed that this could cause problems for the children.

  • Ability Score Improvement + 2 to Wisdom, +1 to Dexterity
  • Age: On average lived to about
  • Alignment: Tended to be neutral
  • Size: 1.7-1.8 meters in height (5’5-5’9 feet) and weighed around 60-75 kg (132-165 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Miralukese, Basic
  • Force Sight: you can see the world around you except not physically, but through the force. You can also feel those who are strong in the force (force sensitives)
  • Telepathy: can communicate telepathically to any willing creature they can see with their force sight

Mon Calamari

The Mon Calamari, also known by several names such as Calamari, Calamarians, Mon Cal, or Mon Calamarians, hailed from the planet Dac and were a highly advanced and cultured species. Their literature portrayed stars as islands in a vast galactic sea, reflecting their deep desire to venture into space and encounter other societies. Known for their gentle and soft-spoken nature, they were remarkably patient and slow to anger, able to maintain focus without being swayed by emotional reactions.

Cultural Arts

Art, music, literature, and science displayed an exceptional level of creativity that was rarely matched in the galaxy. One specific example of Mon Calamari's artistic expression was the Squid Lake Ballet, a performance that took place at the Galaxies Opera House on Coruscant in 19 BBY. This ballet showcased the unique artistry of the Mon Calamari people.

  • Proficiency bonus: Performance
  • Can reroll for any skills that use charisma, but must take second roll even if it’s lower

Mon Calamari Names

Male: Grit Vrorrihb, Mos Hackbooli, Yaic Agohb

Female: Chu Duthols, Ve Waarrirtun, Kli Numga

Mon Calamari Traits

The Mon Calamari were an amphibious humanoid species with fish-like characteristics, such as webbed hands, high-domed heads, and large, fish-like eyes. Their skin came in a variety of colors, including brown, cyan, blue, gold, green, grey, orange, pink, red, reddish brown, and salmon white. They had the unique ability to breathe both on land and in water, making them equally comfortable in either environment. Additionally, male Mon Calamari developed chin protrusions called "barbels," which increased in number as they aged.

  • Ability Score Improvement: +2 to Charisma, +1 to Wisdom
  • Age: Lived an average of 80 years
  • Alignment: Tended to be good
  • Size: 1.6-1.8 meters in height (5’2-5’9 feet) and weighed around 60-72 kg (132-158 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet (60 feet swimming)
  • Languages: Mon Calamarian, Basic
  • Ocean Born: Can Breathe underwater
  • Dark vision: 60 feet


The Nautolans were a peaceful people who avoided violence whenever possible. However, they were also highly capable fighters when the need arose. They held a deep reverence for the "ocean spirit," which they believed played a vital role in preserving the natural balance on their homeworld of Glee Anselm. Nautolan society thrived, and they were known for their generosity in sharing resources with others. Their preferred environment was underwater, where they felt most at home.


One interesting feature about them was the long, sensitive tendrils that grew from their heads. These tendrils had special smell receptors that could detect chemicals, especially pheromones, which helped them sense emotions and subtle changes in the body. Nautolans could interpret the pheromones given off by other beings to understand their emotional state. These head tendrils could be cut off, and although they wouldn't grow back, there were only minor long-term effects.

  • Proficiency bonus: Perception
  • Pheromonal Sensor: A Nautolan can reroll any Perception check made to Sense Deception or Sense Influence, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse.(If underwater, the Nautolan can take the better of the two results instead.)

Nautolan Names

Male: Shreng Gezec, Jorof Zod, Feze Ruchma

Female: Fras Gewchill, Dhes Vent, Ghiro Zienrun

Nautolan Traits

Nautolans were a species that could live both on land and in water, thanks to their amphibious nature. They were able to survive in harsh conditions and had a variety of skin colors and blood types. Their most distinctive characteristic was their large, dark eyes, which evolved to help them see clearly in the dark depths of the oceans.

  • Ability Score Improvement: + 2 to Wisdom, +1 to Charisma
  • Age: Could live up to 70 years on average
  • Alignment: Tended to be Good
  • Size: 1.6-1.8 meters in height (5’2-5’9 feet) and weighed around 65-75 kg (142-165 lbs) your size is Medium
  • Speed: 30 feet (40ft Swimming)
  • Languages: Nautila, Basic
  • Breathe Underwater: Can Breathe underwater
  • Rubbery Skin: Natural armor +1 to AC


The Talz were a basic society that didn't rely much on technology and lived in a tough environment. They lived in tribes with leaders and used native creatures called narglatches for transportation and defense. They had their own language called Talzzi, but couldn't speak the common Galactic Basic Standard language.

Abominable Snowman

Adapted to snowy environments your size means nothing when it comes to camouflage. You’re also capable of withstanding harsh cold environments. Specially adapted eyes sight for snow filled environments

  • Advantage Rolls: in Perception, Stealth, Survival, Nature, Investigation while in Environments filled with snow
  • Navigation: Can navigate through blizzards
  • Blizzard Ready: Does not suffer Blizzard penalties

Talz Names

Male: Lou Wun, Kurk Nelo, Drirk Sou Damtoc

Female: Rotu Mat, Hertun Mad, Uthod Win

Talz Traits

The Talz are big creatures with thick, shaggy white fur and sharp claws on their hands. They have four eyes, with small ones for seeing during the day and larger ones for seeing at night, as well as a small mouthpart for eating and communicating. Their furry coat helps them stay warm in their icy and snowy home.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity
  • Age: on average 55 years
  • Alignment: tended to be any alignment Neutral
  • Size: 2-2.5 meters on height (6’6-8’3 feet) and weighed around 90-110 kg (198-242 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Talzzi
  • Dark Vision: 60 feet
  • Racial Trait: Cold Resistance


The Thisspiasians were a reptilian species from the planet Thisspias, known for their long snake-like bodies, thick beards, and four arms, although they often kept a pair of arms hidden under their clothing. They typically slept for a few hours each day, but their main form of rest involved entering a trance-like state that could last for minutes or even hours, providing essential neurological repair. Missing this trance could lead to emotional and irritable behavior. Their tails allowed them to move easily across the rocky terrain of their natural environment, while their thick beards served as protection against swarms of biting cygnats.

Capable Warriors

The Thisspiasians were surprisingly fast and nimble for their large size, and they possessed a robust tail that they could use for both balance and as a weapon when necessary. With four hands, they were able to handle multiple weapons simultaneously, making them formidable in combat against multiple foes.

  • Proficiency bonus: Dexterity saving throws
  • Natural Weapons: A Thisspiasian has Natural Weapons, in the form of their powerful tail. When a Thisspiasian makes an Grapple attack, it may choose to use its Natural Weapons, dealing 1d6 points of Bludgeoning damage with the attack instead of normal Unarmed damage. Thisspiasians are always considered armed with their Natural Weapons.

Thisspiasian Names

Male: Dal Jassano, Oppo Rancisis, Kenko Sarapas, Female: Tersis Shanhadi, Mandi Bengtel, Ram Serpen

Thisspiasian Traits

The Thisspiasians are a type of reptilian humanoid known for their distinguishing features, such as their large tails and the absence of traditional legs. Their skin can be either green or orange, and their hair comes in various colors like white, brown, and orange. Additionally, they are recognized by their blue, orange, or yellow eyes.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Dexterity, +1 to Strength
  • Age: On average 90 years
  • Alignment: Tend to be neutral
  • Size: 2-2.5 meters on average (6’5-8’2 feet) and weighed around 75-105 kg (165-231 lbs)
  • Speed: 40 feet
  • Languages: Thisspiasian, Basic
  • Second set of Hands: Can Carry 2 light weapons or 1 heavy


The Togruta are a species of intelligent humanoids originally from the planet Shili in the Expansion Region. They have skin that comes in various colors like orange, green, red, white, and yellow, which helps them blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators as a part of their evolutionary adaptation. While they originated in the Expansion Region, Togruta have been found in different parts of the galaxy as well.

Keen Senses

Togruta are able to use their head-tails, called montrals, to sense the movement of objects around them using echolocation, and they can detect objects up to a distance of 82 feet.

  • Proficiency bonus: Perception
  • Spatial Awareness: Togrutas can sense their surroundings using passive echolocation. Togrutas ignore all Cover and Concealment when making Perception checks to Notice Targets within 82 feet

Togruta Names

Male: Uvobee Marnur, Aruzo Kivraar, Carhy Nasua Female: Ahashlaa Dashaaks, Corlo Messaa, Zerash Tyzas

Togruta Traits

Togrutas, unlike most human-like creatures, are known for having more than one stomach. However, their most distinctive characteristics are the large organic head formations on their heads: two cone-shaped horns called montrals and three headtails known as lekku that hang down. Both the lekku and montrals of a Togruta typically grow until they reach maturity, with females usually having longer lekku than males. The males' montrals, on the other hand, have more branches than those of the females.

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Wisdom, + 1 to Constitution
  • Age: Could live 95 years on average
  • Alignment: Tended to be good
  • Size: 1.6-1.9 meters in height (5’2-6’2 feet) and weigh around 65-80 kg (143-176 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Togruti, Basic


Toydarians are a winged species from the planet Toydaria. They can fly, have long snouts and webbed feet, and are resistant to mind control by the Force. King Katuunko ruled over them during the Clone Wars. Initially, they stayed neutral in the conflict, but later they decided to support the Galactic Republic.

Smooth Talkers

Toydarians are a proud and faithful species, but they can also be overly flattering at times. Unfortunately, some untrustworthy Toydarians use their intelligence to deceive business partners and trick unsuspecting people into falling for Toydarian confidence tricks.

  • Proficiency bonus: Persuasion or Deception (Pick one)

Toydarian Names

Males: Relg Keb, Von Monte, Zoyrpolg Zelg

Females: Lusgi Satli, Qurza Mam, Wulbo Seffle

Toydarian Traits

Toydarians are a humanoid species that resembled flies, with wings, a snout, and webbed feet. Their wings enabled them to hover over the muddy terrain of their home planet. Similar to other creatures in the galaxy, Toydarians began as babies and grew bigger as they aged. They had blue and green skin and tusks on their faces below their trunk-like snouts. Toydarians were recognized for their strong determination and their ability to resist mental influence through the Force.

  • Ability Score Improvement: +2 to Charisma, +1 to Wisdom
  • Age: Could live up to 90 years of age
  • Alignment: tended to be neutral
  • Size: 1-1.2 meters (3’3-3’11) and weigh around 40-45 kg (88-99 lbs)
  • Speed: 20 feet (40 flying)
  • Languages: Toydarian, Basic
  • Force Resistance: Toydarians receive a +3 to Wisdom saving throws against mind altering force abilities


Trandoshans, also known as T'doshok, were a species of large, bipedal reptilian humanoids from the planet Trandosha. They were highly skilled hunters who enjoyed the excitement of the hunt and often undertook hunting-related rites of passage. Trandoshans were famous for their remarkable ability to regenerate lost limbs and heal quickly. They were often characterized as violent and aggressive, driven by primal instincts such as rage and fury, but they were also capable of compassion and mercy when the situation called for it. Despite their base urges, Trandoshans could rise above their aggressive tendencies, although a rare condition called Magrak Syndrome could cause these instincts to resurface over time.

Natural Born Hunters

Trandoshans are a type of reptilian beings known for being very strong and having a natural inclination toward warfare. Many of them focus on honing their combat skills, while others become hunters on their home planet. Some Trandoshans have gained widespread recognition, or notoriety, as bounty hunters in the larger galactic community. Additionally, Trandoshans possess highly sensitive eyes that enable them to see in the infrared spectrum.

  • Proficiency bonus: Perception
  • Savage Attacker: You can reroll melee weapon attack damage once per turn.
  • Infrared: Darkvision 80 feet

Trandoshan Names

Male: Grrukss Veamse, Aad Treesss, Xob Hursurs Female: Vi Jhykkagh, Prokse Zisch, Lalsiff Bedrist

Trandoshan Traits

Trandoshans were a type of intelligent humanoid with smooth, scaly skin. They came in various sizes and shapes, from tall and thin to short and more rounded. Trandoshans were strong creatures with long, thin arms that ended in either three thick digits or four thin digits, including a thumb. They had a pointed skull with a pair of set-back eyes and a jaw filled with pointed teeth. Some Trandoshans also sported a crown of feathers on their heads. The color of a Trandoshan's skin could vary widely, including shades of green, red, orange, brown, or yellow. For example, one named Smug had brownish-orange skin with red stripes on his face. Trandoshans used their sharp claws to climb tall trees in the forests or jungles where they naturally lived.

  • Ability Score Improvement: + 2 to Constitution, +1 to Strength
  • Age: On average lived to about 60 years
  • Alignment: Tended to be Chaotic
  • Size: 1.9-2.1 meters in height (6’2-6’8) and weighed around 80-90 kg (176-198 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet (30ft Climbing)
  • Languages: Dosh, Basic
  • Thick Scales: Natural Armor +1 to AC
  • Limb Regeneration: A Trandoshan regrows a lost limb in 1d10 days. At the end of that time, all Persistent Conditions associated with the loss of the limb are removed.


Twi'leks, also known as Tail-Heads or Twi's in a derogatory manner, and sometimes referred to as Rylothians, were a tall humanoid species with a distinctive feature: long appendages called lekku that protruded from their skulls. They originated from the planet Ryloth in the Outer Rim Territories. Unfortunately, female Twi'leks were often taken offworld and sold as slaves. They were a common species in the galaxy and could easily blend into crowds without attracting much attention, unlike rarer species such as Togrutas. Because of this ability to blend in, some military forces used Twi'leks as undercover agents.


Twi'leks are clever and careful individuals who generally try to stay out of trouble and wait for the right moment to take action without putting themselves at risk. They often have a business-oriented mindset that helps them attain influential roles, so it's not unusual to find Twi'leks in positions such as corporate executives and ambassadors. However, some Twi'leks may also engage in less reputable activities, such as being freighter captains or crime bosses.

  • Proficiency bonus: Persuasion or Deception (pick one)
  • May choose to reroll any skill that uses charisma, but must take second roll even if it’s lower

Twi’lek Names

Male: Joj'ketil, Jon'veraz, Oifoh'mijet

Female: Shur'woce, Auyum'dar, Ecel'teju

Twi’lek Traits

Twi'leks were a humanoid species known for their tall stature and diverse skin colors, which could range from white to red and many shades in between. One of their most notable traits was the pair of flexible appendages called lekku, or head-tails, which grew from the top or back of their heads. While most Twi'leks had two lekku, some had four. These lekku were highly sensitive and could grasp objects and respond to even the lightest touch. If a Twi'lek's lekku were injured, it could seriously affect their health.

  • Ability Score Improvement: + 2 to Charisma, +1 to any ability
  • Age: Could live up to 75 years on average those strong in the force could live up to 200 years
  • Alignment: Can be any alignment
  • Size: 1.6-1.8 meters in height (5’2-5’9 feet) and weighed around 45-55 kg (99-121 lbs) your size is medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Ryl, Basic


The Wookiees, known as the People of the Trees in their own language, were a tall and hairy humanoid species living on the planet Kashyyyk. They were famous across the galaxy for their immense strength, intelligence, loyalty, and tendency to get easily angered. Because of their looks, some people called them "walking carpets."

Honor Code

Wookiees had retractable claws that they primarily used for climbing. It was considered dishonorable for them to use their claws for anything else. Although Wookiees looked fierce and could be quick to anger, they were known for their intelligence, sophistication, loyalty, and trustworthiness. When provoked, Wookiees were capable of entering a state of uncontrollable rage.

  • Proficiency bonus: Athletics or Survival (pick one)
  • Weapon Proficiency: Bowcaster, Ryyk Blades

Wookiee Names

Male: Leeoppakk, Eniyyrk, Uwih

Female: Ircim, Bressti, Parrrekkeu

Wookiee Traits

Wookiees are a type of species that are skilled at climbing trees. They have strong backs, nimble hands, and thick calf muscles, which all evolved to help them climb. They also have retractable claws that come out of hidden sheaths in their fingertips when they flex their muscles, which helps them with climbing. Their eyes are located in the front of their faces and can range in color from blue to brown, with some individuals having green, yellow, golden, or red irises. Wookiees have a keen sense of smell, especially when it comes to detecting meat, and their mouths are filled with sharp teeth capable of piercing even the tough skin of their ancestral enemies, the Trandoshans. Additionally, they are good swimmers, which is evident in their powerful thigh muscles.

  • Ability Score Improvement: +2 to Strength, +1 to Constitution
  • Age: Could live up to 400 years of age
  • Alignment: Can be any alignment tended to be chaotic
  • Size: 2.2-2.5 meters in height (7.2-8’2 feet) and weighed between 100-125 kg (220-275 lbs)
  • Speed: 30 feet (30 climbing, 30 swimming)
  • Languages: Could only speak Shyriiwook (but could understand other languages as well as read and write them)

Chapter 2: Non-Force Wielding Classes

Introduction into non-force wielding classes. We've adapted some Star Wars inspired classes for your D&D experience. Hopefully you enjoy using them, and We'll add some brief descriptions about them on this page. Thank you for reading and enjoy.


These berserkers, different as they might be, are defined by their rage: unbridled, unquenchable, and unthinking fury. More than a mere emotion, their anger is the ferocity of a cornered predator, the unrelenting assault of a storm, the churning turmoil of the sea. For every berserker, rage is a power that fuels not just a battle frenzy but also uncanny reflexes, resilience, and feats of strength.

  • Highest Ability should be Strength and Constitution


Skilled fighters for hire they tend to work for whoever pays best. Renowned for their versatility on the battlefield with some possessing the capability to go toe-to-toe with force-users.

  • Highest Ability should be Dexterity


For small starships the pilot might have been in charge of all aspects of the vehicle including navigation, sensors, communications, and weapons. For larger ships, a pilot may have been assisted by other crew members to handle different ship systems. The term "pilot" applied across vehicles used on land or in water, air, and/or space.

  • Highest Ability should be Dexterity


You have always had a way with people. You can tease out their heart’s desires after a few minutes of conversation, and with a few leading questions you can read them like they were children’s books. It’s a useful talent, and one that you’re perfectly willing to use for your advantage. You know what people want and you promise to deliver, coaxing people into otherwise foolish decisions. You make the improbable sound plausible, and come ahead on every deal.

  • Highest Ability should be Charisma


Scouts are the first on the trail and the last to lose it, tracking their quarry for miles unimpeded. They are adaptable, wielding both tech powers and their weaponry to overcome their foes. Warriors in their own right, scouts specialize in tracking and hunting various targets from monsters to criminals.

  • Highest Ability should be Dexterity and Wisdom


Were individuals who represented the many planets of the galaxy in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. Some senators were genuine in their desire to make improvements, while others were entirely corrupt and sought only personal gain.

  • Highest Ability Should be Charisma


Soldiers could be trained and organized to fight as part of an army or militia, whereas others served as special units. Infantries were army branches made up of soldiers. Soldiers could serve in more roles than front-line fighters, as they could be stationed at an installation or serve as guards.

  • Highest Ability should be Dexterity and Strength


Level Proficiency Bonus Features Rages
1st +2 Rage, Unarmored Defense 2
2nd +2 Reckless Attack, Primal Instinct 2
3rd +2 Path Selection 2
4th +2 Ability Score Increase 2
5th +3 Extra Attack 3
6th +3 Path Feature 3
7th +3 Feral Instinct 3
8th +3 Ability Score Increase 3
9th +4 Brutal Critical ( 1 die) 4
10th +4 Path Feature 4
11th +4 Relentless Rage 4
12th +4 Ability Score Increase 4
13th +5 Brutal Critical (2 die) 5
14th +5 Path Feature 5
15th +5 Persistent Rage 5
16th +5 Ability Score Increase 5
17th +6 Brutal Critical (three dice) 6
18th +6 Indomitable Might 6
19th +6 Ability Score Increase 6
20th +6 Primal Champion Unlimited

Class Features

As a Berserker, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d12 per Berserker level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per Berserker level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, Medium armor
  • Weapons: All vibro-weapons, simple blasters
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: (a) Two Vibroswords or (b) One Vibroaxe


Berseker level: 1st

In battle, you fight with primal ferocity. On your turn, you can enter a rage as a bonus action if you aren’t wearing heavy armor.

While raging, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls.
  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

If you are able to cast powers, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging.

Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious, you don heavy armor, or if your turn ends and you haven’t taken a hostile action or taken damage since your last turn. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action.

You can enter a rage a number of times as shown in the Rages column of the berserker table. You regain all expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Unarmored Defense

Berserker Level: 1st

While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Reckless Attack

Berserker level: 2nd

You can throw aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.

Primal Instinct

Berserker Level: 2nd

You gain an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren’t as they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge away from danger. While not engaged in Battle you can choose to reroll a saving throw, but must take second roll even if its lower.

Ability Score Improvement

Berserker: 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level

You can increase one ability score by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Berseker level: 5th.

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Feral Instinct

Berseker level: 7th

Your instincts are so honed that you have advantage on initiative rolls.

Additionally, if you are surprised at the beginning of combat and aren’t incapacitated, you can act normally on your first turn, but only if you enter your rage before doing anything else on that turn.

Brutal Critical

Berserker level: 9th, 13th, 17th

You can roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee attack.

Relentless Rage

Berserker level: 11th

Your rage can keep you fighting despite grievous wounds. If you drop to 0 hit points while you’re raging and don’t die outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead. Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, the DC resets to 10.

Persistant Rage

Berserker level: 15th

Your rage is so fierce that it ends early only if you fall unconscious or if you choose to end it.

Indomitable Might

Berserker level: 18th

If your total for a Strength check is less than your Strength score, you can use that score in place of the total.

Primal Champion

Berserker level: 20th

You embody the power of the wilds. Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 2. Your maximum for those scores increases by 2.

Additionally, you can enter rage an unlimited number of times, and entering rage no longer requires your bonus action on your turn.

Berserker Paths

Path of the Krayt Dragon

Followers of this path have sharpened their senses to the point of perfection as well as knowing where to strike an opponent while leaving their possessions with minimal damage.

Krayt Dragon Instinct

Starting at level 3 when using Perception rolls enemies using stealth rolls, roll them with disadvantage against your keen senses.

Krayt Pearl

Starting at level 6 after killing an opponent/creature when looting you know what’s valuable and how to take it with minimal damage to the valuables. When looting roll with advantage.

Krayt Venom

starting at level 10 when using a weapon that deals Slashing damage and you land a critical hit your opponent must make a constitution saving throw of 15 or they start to bleed. If they fail they take 2d4-1 at the end of their turn for 1d8 turns or until healed.

Krayt Dragon Cry

Starting at level 14 when you engage in battle you let out a loud cry all enemies engaged in battle must make a charisma saving throw against your intimidation roll. On a fail no matter what round it is an opponent's first attack against you is rolled with disadvantage.

Path of the Rancor

Followers of this path have honed their strength in order to maximize damage to unfortunate foes.

Rancor Instinct

Starting at level 3 while you’re raging, any creature within 5 feet of you that’s hostile to you has disadvantage on attack rolls against other targets other than you or another creature with this feature. An enemy is immune to this effect if it can see or hear you or it can’t be frightened.

Cruel Nature

Starting at level 6 when you get a critical strike with a melee weapon, or bring down an opponents health to 0 you can make another attack right after using the same action.

Rancor Strike

Starting at level 10 whenever you make an attack with a heavy weapon you are proficient in you can choose to take a -5 penalty to attack rolls. If the attack hits, add +10 to damage at the end of damage calculations.

Brutal Crush

Starting at level 14 as an action you can grapple your opponent if they are your size or smaller. If you were able to grapple an opponent their speed becomes 0, and are forced to escape. They must make an Athletics or Acrobatics roll against your Athletics check. Until they escape you are stuck in place crushing them dealing 1d8 per action.

Path of the Terentatek

Followers of this path have learned how to overcome their shortcomings. Fed up with the power of force sensitive rivals they've learned how to overcome them.

Terentatek Instinct

Starting at level 3 you gain mental resistance against mind affecting force abilities. You can reroll a saving throw against a mind affecting ability and must take the second roll even if it’s lower.

Force Hunter

Starting at level 6 if you succeed a saving throw against any force ability, you can immediately use a reaction and move up to half of your movement speed towards the opponent who used said ability. If you end this movement speed within 5 feet of the target you can immediately use one melee weapon attack against the target as part of the reaction.

Mindless Chaos

Starting at level 10 you’ve learned to clear you mind to a state of almost mindlessness. You can use it once before you have to take a long rest. For 3 turns you are immune to mind affecting abilities and can attack with +4 to attack rolls. However in this mindless state you drop your defenses -2 to AC until the end of mindless state.

Force Slayer

Starting at level 14 you can add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls against force sensitives.

Path of the Zillo Beast

Followers of this path have trained their bodies resistances to a point of withstanding damage as they rush the battlefield.

Zillo Instinct

Starting at level 3 while not in combat add +10 to your movement speed, and climbing speed equal to your movement speed.

Zillo Scales

Starting at level 6 you gain +1 to AC while not wearing Armor and resistance to radiant damage.

Zillo Resistance

Starting at level 10 when an attack pushes you back you can roll your save with advantage. On a pass you can attack your opponent with a reaction.

Zillo Determination

Starting at level 14 at the start of a battle you can pick an opponent to focus on. All attacks against said target are rolled with advantage. Determination ends if you attack another opponent or if you kill your target.


Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Profession Selection, Predator
2nd +2 Fighting Style
3rd +2 Profession Feature
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack (2)
6th +3 Profession Feature, Second Chance
7th +3 Observant
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Sharpshooter
10th +4 Profession Feature
11th +4 Heavily Armored
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Extra Attack (3)
14th +5 Profession Feature
15th +5 Agile
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Adaptable
18th +6 Infamous
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Born to Kill

Class Features

As a Mercenary, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Mercenary level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Mercenary level after 1st


  • Armor: Light and medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Martial Blasters, Vibrosword
  • Tools: One Gadget of your choice

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
  • Skills: Choose four skills from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Security, Stealth, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a Vibrosword or (b) Blaster Rifle
  • a Combat Suit


Mercenary level: 1st

When hunting for your target of your specialized profession you gain advantage rolls on Investigation and Stealth.

Fighting Style

Mercenary level: 2nd

Choose a fighting style from hand to hand combat list in the later chapters.

Ability Score Improvement

Mercenary level: 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level

You can increase one ability score by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Mercenary level: 5th, 13th

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Second Chance

Mercenary level: 6th

When a creature you can see hits you with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to force that creature to reroll. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you roll initiative at the start of combat or until you finish a short or long rest.


Mercenary level: 7th

If you can see a creature's mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it's saying by reading its lips. You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.


Mercenary level: 9th

Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls. Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover. Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If that attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.

Heavily Armored

Mercenary level: 11th

You gain proficiency with heavy armor.


Mercenary level: 15th

Your speed increases by 10 feet. When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement on that turn.


When in enemy from your profession attacks you with the same attack twice in a row it's rolled with disadvantage


You've gained quite the reputation. Your skills are highly valued and are highly sought after. You now get paid double for Missions in your profession.

Born to Kill

Mercenary level: 20th

You become an unparalleled hunter of your enemies. Once on each of your turns, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll or the damage roll of an attack you make against one of your favored enemies. You can choose to use this feature before or after the roll, but before any effects of the roll are applied.

Mercenary Professions

Big Game Hunter

Are individuals who found business in aiding towns and villages against troublesome and unwanted wildlife.

Favored Enemy: Beasts

Starting at level 1 as a Big Game Hunter, your specialty is in hunting down beasts. You gain a +2 to damage rolls with weapon attacks against creatures of that favored type. You also gain advantage on wisdom (survival) checks to track your favored enemies, and also on intelligence checks on recalling information on your favored enemies.

Beastly Knowledge

Starting at level 3 you have gained a wide knowledge of everything wild and monstrous. As of level 3, you have the ability to learn about one creature you can see within 120 feet of you that is considered a beast. As a bonus action you immediately learn the target’s vulnerabilities, immunities, and resistances. You also learn any special abilities triggered when it takes damage; such as fire damage halting regeneration.

Animal Handler

Starting at 6th level you are quite adept at how to deal with animals. You can +5 to Animal Handling rolls, and roll with advantage when its an animal you've interacted with before.

Hunting Companion

Starting at 10th level you can have a beast as a companion to help you on your hunts choose from the following: Corellian Banshee Bird, Saber Cat, or a Raquor'daan.

Apex Predator

Starting at level 14 you've mastered the art of hunting beast. When fighting Beast add proficiency to damage rolls

Corellian Banshee Bird

Medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
  • Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Perception +4
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages Understands one language its master does, but can't speak
  • Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)


Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Screech. The banshee bird emits a high-pitched screech. Each creature within 30 feet of the bird must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start of the banshee bird's next turn. On a successful save, the creature is immune to the banshee bird's screech for 24 hours.

Dive Attack (Recharge 5-6). The banshee bird makes a swooping dive attack. It flies up to its maximum flying speed and then makes a beak attack against a target. If the attack hits, it deals an additional 1d6 piercing damage.

Saber Cat

Large beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12)
  • Speed 40 ft.

16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages Understands one language its master does, but can't speak
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)


Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Pounce. If the saber cat moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the saber cat can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.


Medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
  • Speed 40 ft.

16 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages understands Basic (cannot speak)
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Poisonous Claws. Whenever the Raquor'daan hits a creature with a melee attack, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take an additional 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Paralyzing Stinger. When the Raquor'daan hits a creature with its stinger attack, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Keen Hearing and Smell. The Raquor'daan has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.


Multiattack. The Raquor'daan makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its stinger.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw (see Paralyzing Stinger).

Loyal Companion. The Raquor'daan has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened while its master is within 30 feet of it.

Bounty Hunter

Individuals who could be hired to capture or kill a designated target. The target would have a price or bounty on their heads that would be collected by the bounty hunter upon successful capture or proof of death.

Favored Enemy: Humanoids

Starting at level 1 as a Bounty Hunter your specialty is in hunting down non-force sensitive humanoids as long as they have a good price on their head. As a bounty hunter you gain a +2 to damage rolls with weapon attacks made against creatures of that favored type. You also gain advantage on Wisdom (survival) checks to track your favored enemies, and also on intelligence checks on recalling information on your favored enemies.

Secret Network

Starting at level 3 you’ve made connections with individuals on various worlds to help your find your bounty’s location. Any roll that involves finding your targets location is rolled with advantage.

Incapacitating Strike

Beginning at level 6 sometimes your experience comes in handy you know where to shoot while missing vitals. When an attack that would bring a humanoid opponents hit points to 0 it stays at 1 and they’re incapacitated.

They want you dead

Starting at level 10 When you take up a bounty your employer just wants them dead. This only applies when fighting a bounty critical hits are now on 19 and 20 rolls.

You’re Just Another Target

Starting at level 14 once per round you gain advantage on an attack against non-force sensitive humanoid opponents.

Jedi Slayer

Many people have problems with the Jedi and their interference to certain businesses. Many hire Mercenaries who specialize in dealing with them.

Favored Enemy: Force Sensitives

Starting at level 1 you gain force sensitives as a favored enemy. You gain a +2 to damage rolls with weapon attacks against creatures of that favored type. You also gain advantage on wisdom (survival) checks to track your favored enemies, and also on intelligence checks on recalling information on your favored enemies.

Trained in the Jedi Arts

Beginning at level 3 you’ve learned to fight a Jedi at their own game. You gain proficiency with lightsabers and can pick one of the Following lightsaber forms: Form I, or Form II at Mastered level.

Mental Resistance

Starting at level 6th you can add +3 to saving throws against mind affecting force abilities with.

Trained Reflexes

Beginning at level 10 once per round whenever you hit a favored enemy with an attack you can apply one of the following:

  • Roll damage with advantage against said target
  • Their next basic lightsaber attack is with disadvantage

The Force Can't Protect You

Starting at level 14 when you get a critical hit you can choose to add +10 at the end of damage calculations. if you add the +10 then the next attack against you is rolled with advantage.


Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Vehicle Proficiency (small)
2nd +2 Evasive Maneuver (1)
3rd +2 Pilot Training, Auxiliary Power
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack (2), Fighting Style
6th +3 Pilot Training
7th +3 Vehicle Proficiency (Medium)
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Quick Reactions
10th +4 Pilot Training, Evasive Maneuver (2)
11th +4 Prevail
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Vehicle Proficiency (Large)
14th +5 Pilot Training
15th +5 Evasive Maneuver (3)
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Hold On
18th +6 Natural Born Pilot
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Master Pilot

Class Features

As a Pilot, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Pilot level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Pilot level after 1st


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
  • Weapons: Simple Blasters, Vibroblades
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity
  • Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a Blaster Pistol or (b) Vibroblade

Vehicle Proficiency (small)

Pilot level: 1st

You are now proficient at piloting 1 small vehicle. In order to become proficient with a new vehicle, a pilot must spend one week piloting the new type of vehicle to become proficient with it.

Evasive Maneuver

Pilot level: 2nd, 10th, 15th

You have 1 charge as a reaction while piloting when you roll a Dexterity saving throw you can roll with advantage. Add a second charge at level 10, and a third at level 15.

Auxiliary Power

Pilot level: 3rd

A pilot learns how to transfer power to other systems as a bonus action. Auxiliary power is only available if you are piloting a starship. You must be proficient with the class of starship you are using in order to use Auxiliary Power. You can only use each Auxiliary Power system once, but you regain all expended uses upon finishing repairs while docked. In addition, once you have used Auxiliary Power, you must wait one round before you can use it again. When auxiliary power is shifted to a system, the following applies: Engines: Your starship gains an additional 1000ft movement for the rest of your turn Shields: Your starship immediately gains 25 SP Targeting: You gain advantage on your next attack roll Weapons: You take a -5 penalty to the next attack roll made this turn, but add 10 to the total damage roll if the attack lands (before any multipliers).

Ability Score Improvement

Pilot level: 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 19th

You can increase one ability score by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Pilot level: 5th

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fighting Style

Pilot level: 5th

Choose a fighting style from the hand to hand combat list in the later chapters

Vehicle Proficiency (Medium)

Pilot Level: 7th

You can now Pilot 1 Medium sized vehicle. In order to become proficient with a new vehicle, a pilot must spend two weeks piloting the new type of vehicle to become proficient with it. Some medium ships require a crew, but while you're in control of the vehicle your party gains basic understanding.

Quick Reactions

Pilot level: 9th

You gain +1 reaction


Pilot level: 11th

When your Vehicle is at less than half hit points and you have more than 1 opponent left you you gain +1 to AC and you gain +2 to attack rolls

Vehicle Proficiency (Large)

Pilot level: 13th

You can now command 1 large vehicle. In order to become proficient with a new vehicle, a pilot must spend four weeks commanding the new type of vehicle to become proficient with it. Large Vehicles can’t be piloted by one person. However you can command it with the right amount of crew members.

Hold On

Pilot level: 17th

When an attack that would bring your vehicles hit points to 0 as a reaction you can use the same for your opponent used to reduce damage taken do not add modifier. If you roll higher then damage taken you don’t take any, do not add hit points.

Natural Born Pilot

Pilot level: 18th

Pick one one the following skills and apply them to yourself while piloting a vehicle

  • Increase your movement speed by half
  • Add +3 to Dexterity saving throws
  • Roll perception checks with advantage

Master Pilot

Pilot level: 20th

Very few people can master the ability to pilot at all. You can now learn to pilot new vehicles at half the time. While piloting and you roll a natural one you can reroll it. This applies to skills, saving throws, and attack rolls.

Pilot Training


Combat Pilots are trained to be the most skilled when it comes to fighting in vehicles in space, on land, and even in the seas. These pilots were trained to maximize damage and finish a battle as quick as possible.

Combat Skills

Starting at level 3 once per battle you can roll one attack with advantage

Hope This Hits

Starting at level 6 you when attacking if you -5 to your attack roll if it hits add +10 to damage rolls.

It’s a Trap

Starting at level 10 when ambushed you don’t get surprised and gain +3 to saving throws in the first round of combat.

War Machine

Starting at level 14 add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls.


Pilots who trained as engineers are experts when it comes to making repairs as well as upgrading vehicles. No one knows their vehicles better the pilot engineers.

Scrap Metal

Starting at level 3 you can make repairs to your vehicles with scrap parts.

I Know a Guy

Starting at level 6 you know who to go to for certain parts. You can now buy parts for your vehicles at a discounted price. (Up to the DM to decide)

This Goes Here

Starting at level 10 you now make repair (Intelligence) rolls with advantage on vehicles.

Engineering Genius

Starting at level 14 you can now improve any part of your vehicle and gain the following. (Pick 2)

  • Improved Targeting System: when rolling to attack add +5 to attack rolls.
  • Improved Shield Generators: Increase the points your current shield generator gives by half.
  • Improved Radar: Add +5 to Perception rolls
  • Improved Canons: Add +4 to damage rolls
  • Improved Engines: Increase movement speed by a quarter.


Recon pilots specialized in staying out of enemies sight. While they aren't as good in battle as combat pilots. Recon pilots were meant to remain hidden and spy on enemies to gain intel and gain the upper hand. They are also good for getting past enemy lines undetected.

Out of Sight

Starting at level 3 when you pass a stealth check. If you choose to attack it’s with advantage.

Lost Opportunity

Starting at level 6 when an enemy has an attack of opportunity against you they roll with Disadvantage.

Watch Me Disappear

Starting at level 10 when you’re in combat you can escape and avoid being followed. However your opponent gets an attack of opportunity if hit, it's critical, but you still manage to escape.


Starting at level 14 you’ve learned to be undetectable. You’ve learned how to install cloaking devices on Medium and Small ships making them invisible. Add +10 to Stealth rolls while Piloting


Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Fighting Style
2nd +2 Expertise
3rd +2 Path Selection
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Fighting Style
6th +3 Reliable
7th +3 Path Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Foul Mouthed
10th +4 Silver Tongue
11th +4 Extra Attack
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Missed Me
14th +5 Path Feature
15th +5 I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Let Me Explain
18th +6 Path Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Scoundrel’s Luck

Class Features

As a Scoundrel, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Scoundrel level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Scoundrel level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons
  • Tools: Pazaak playing cards

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity and Charisma
  • Skills: Choose any 3 skills


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a Blaster Pistol & 5 Concussion Grenades or (b) a Vibrosword & 5 Concussion Grenades

Fighting Style

Scoundrel level 1st, 5th

Choose a fighting style from hand to hand combat list in the later chapters.


Scoundrel level 2nd

Choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.

Ability Score Improvement

Scoundrel level: 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th

You can increase one ability score by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.


Scoundrel level: 6th

When an opponent targets an ally as a reaction if the opponent is within range of your weapon you can attack him first. If your attack hits he rolls his attack with disadvantage against your ally. Can only use once per round.

Foul Mouthed

Scoundrel level: 9th

When in combat you taunt your opponents with such vulgar insults they just want to put a blaster to your head. When used, opponents must make a Charisma saving throw against your Charisma ability score if failed; they can only target you until the start of your next turn.

Silver Tongue

Scoundrel level: 10th

You gain proficiency in the Deception skill. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one attack with an attempt to deceive one humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you that can see and hear you. Make a Charisma (Deception) check contested by the target's Wisdom (Insight) check. If your check succeeds, your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks from the target and your attack rolls against it have advantage; both benefits last until the end of your next turn or until you use this ability on a different target. If your check fails, the target can't be deceived by you in this way for 1 hour.

Extra Attack

Scoundrel level: 11th

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Missed Me

Scoundrel level: 13th

You have incredible luck when it comes to not getting shot. Has three charges whenever an opponent attacks you with a ranged weapon you can add +3 to your AC in an attempt to avoid getting hit. Must use before the opponent rolls for attack. If the attack still hits they add +5 to their damage roll.

I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This

Scoundrel level: 15th

If you say I got a bad feeling about this you and 3 other members with you gain +2 to any one saving throw. You gain +2 for the total of 1 hour and has one use. Must take a short/long rest before you can use it again.

Let Me Explain

Scoundrel level: 17th

You are adept at convincing people something is not what it seems. Whenever you make a deception roll the person you are trying to fool rolls with disadvantage when trying to see if you’re lying.

Scoundrel’s Luck

Scoundrel level: 20th

You can roll any Saving throw, Skill, and Attack with advantage. It has 3 charges and must take a long rest before you can use it again

Scoundrel Paths


Gamblers know when to keep playing and when to call it quits. They seem to have never ending luck to the outside viewer, but they just know how to play their cards right.

Beginners Luck

Beginning at level 3 whenever Playing a game that is new to you, you have can reroll 3 rolls at any given time during the game. Take the better roll.

Fast Hands

Starting at level 7 you can add +5 to Slight of Hand rolls


Starting at level 14 whenever you win a game or bet you win an extra 200 Credits

Jack of all Trades

Starting at level 18 pick two skills of your choice you aren't already proficient in and become proficient in them. Your Expertise feature also applies.

Intelligence Agent

When it comes to collecting intelligence these are the best of the best. Adept at disguises and infiltration these agents know how to put up an act that can fool even the most keen people.

Strong Will

Beginning at level 3 add +3 to Wisdom Saving throws.

Master of Disguise

Starting at level 7 you are talented when it comes to disguises. While disguised you gain +5 to deception and performance rolls.

Reconnaissance King

Starting at level 14 Add +5 to stealth and perception rolls and may reroll for both skills, but must take second roll even if it's lower. You can also roll with advantage when trying to gain access into enemy data (datapads, computers, etc...)

Two Faced

Starting at level 18 you have an innate ability to get people to let their guard down around you. While around people who trust you their AC is -5 lower to you only and first hit is a critical hit. Their AC remains -5 until battle ends. If they survived this will no longer apply.


A smuggler was an individual who dealt with the secret exchanged shipment of goods to evade restrictions or tax fees. The items shipped were often considered contraband, and highly illegal. Smugglers would sort all kinds of illegal merchandise into forbidden areas, breaking any law that stood in their way regardless of who made it.

Ain't She a Beauty

Beginning at level 3 as a smuggler you have a ship. You are proficient in the XS stock light freighter a medium sized ship.


Starting at level 7 your travel times are cut in half while piloting your ship.

It's Not What You Think

Starting at level 14 you become adept at convincing or lying to the authorities you gain +5 to deception or persuasion rolls when fooling the Authorities (Pick one)

Pirate King

Starting at level 18 you've built up a reputation as one of the best smugglers in the galaxy. You can now ask for double the credits offered for jobs. You can also appraise items and estimate their values. You gain +3 to Perception or Insight (Pick One)


Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Favored Enemy, Natural Explorer
2nd +2 Fighting Style
3rd +2 Scout Corps, Primeval Awareness
4th +2 Ability Score Increase
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer Improvements
7th +3 Scout Corps Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Increase, Land’s Stride
9th +4
10th +4 Natural Explorer Improvement, Hide in Plain Sight
11th +4 Scout Corps Feature
12th +4 Ability Score Increase
13th +5
14th +5 Vanish, Favored Enemy Improvement
15th +5 Scout Corps Feature
16th +5 Ability Score Increase
17th +6
18th +6 Feral Senses
19th +6 Ability Score Increase
20th +6 Foe Slayer

Class Features

As a Scout, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Scout level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Scout level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
  • Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Combat Armor or (b) Light Battle Armor
  • (a) Two Vibroblades or (b) One Vibrosword
  • (a) a E-11s sniper rifle or (b) IQA-11 Blaster Rifle

Favored Enemy

Scout Level: 1st

You have significant experience studying, tracking, hunting, and even talking to a certain type of enemy.

Choose a type of favored enemy: Beasts, Jedi, Sith, Mandolorian, Crime Syndicates: The Black Suns, The Pyke Syndicate, The Hutt Clan, The Crymorah Syndicate, and the Crimson Dawn.

You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track your favored enemies, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them.

Natural Explorer

Scout Level: 1st

You are particularly familiar with one type of natural environment and are adept at traveling and surviving in such regions. Choose one type of favored terrain: arctic, city, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, or swamp. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to your favored terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you're proficient in.

While traveling for an hour or more in your favored terrain, you gain the following benefits:

  • Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group’s travel.
  • Your group can’t become lost except by force induced means.
  • Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.
  • If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
  • When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would.
  • While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.
  • You choose additional favored terrain types at 6th and 10th level

Fighting Style

Scout Level: 2nd

You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options from the fighting style list.

Primeval Awareness

Scout Level: 3rd

Beginning at 3rd level, you can use your action and expend one ranger spell slot to focus your awareness on the region around you. For 1 minute per level of the spell slot you expend, you can sense whether the following types of creatures are present within 1 mile of you (or within up to 6 miles if you are in your favored terrain): aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

Ability Score Improvement

Scout level: 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 19th

You can increase one ability score by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Scout level: 5th

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Land’s Stride

Scout level: 8th

Moving through difficult terrain costs you no extra movement. You can also pass through plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard. Unless controlled by the force as a weapon.

Hide in Plain Sight

Scout level: 10th

You can spend 1 minute creating camouflage for yourself. You must have access to fresh mud, dirt, plants, soot, and other naturally occurring materials with which to create your camouflage.

Once you are camouflaged in this way, you can try to hide by pressing yourself up against a solid surface, such as a tree or wall, that is at least as tall and wide as you are. You gain a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks as long as you remain there without moving or taking actions. Once you move or take an action or a reaction, you must camouflage yourself again to gain this benefit.


Scout level: 14th

You can use the Hide action as a bonus action on your turn. Also, you can’t be tracked by nonmagical means, unless you choose to leave a trail.

Feral Senses

Scout level: 18th

You gain preternatural senses that help you fight creatures you can’t see. When you attack a creature you can’t see, your inability to see it doesn’t impose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it.

You are also aware of the location of any invisible creature within 30 feet of you, provided that the creature isn’t hidden from you and you aren’t blinded or deafened.

Foe Slayer

Scout level:20

You become an unparalleled hunter of your enemies. Once on each of your turns, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll or the damage roll of an attack you make against one of your favored enemies. You can choose to use this feature before or after the roll, but before any effects of the roll are applied.

Scout Corps


Survivors Intuition

Starting at level 3 add +3 to 2 of the following skills: Nature, Survival, Medicine, Stealth.

Trust Your Gut

Starting at Level 7 add +2 to one of the following skills: Insight, Perception, Investigation. When I’m combat once per turn you can add +2 to attack or damage rolls. Must decide before rolling.


Starting at level 11 your persistence to survive pays off when hit by a critical hit, roll a d10 and deduct what you roll from the total damage your opponent rolls. Can only be used twice then must take a long rest.

Born to Survive

Starting at level 15 your AC increases by +1 permanently. When hit by an attack that would drop your hit points to 0 you stay at 1hp and can only be used once until you’ve taken a long rest.


Map Maker

Starting at level 3 add + 2 to 2 of the following: Perception, Nature, History. You’re are able to make maps for your personal use or for anyone else’s.

Terrain Expert

Starting at level 7 When Traveling somewhere you’ve already mapped or have a map of no matter the terrain you don’t suffer travel penalty’s on movement speed.

Fast Traveler

Starting at level 11 when not in combat you gain +10 movement speed , and when leading a party your teammates match your speed.

Who Needs a Map

Starting at level 15 you no longer need maps to travel to places you’ve been to, or have studied a map of for at least 2 hours. Add +2 to History skill. You no longer get lost.


Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Persuasive Being, Senators Aides
2nd +2 Inspiring Words
3rd +2 Senators Ethics
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3
6th +3 Senators Aides Improvement
7th +3 Ethics Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4
10th +4 Aggressive Negotiations
11th +4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Ethics Feature
14th +5
15th +5 Senators Aides Improvement
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6
18th +6 Ethics Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Renowned

Class Features

As a Senator, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per Senator level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6+ Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Senator level after 1st


  • Armor: Light Armor
  • Weapons: Simple Blasters.
  • Tools: Holoprojector

  • Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose three from Intimidation, Perception, Insight, History, Deception, or Persuasion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) two Blaster Pistols or (b) a Blaster Rifle

Persuasive Being

Senator level: 1 You have a way with words and you just seem to get better as time passes. Add half of your Senator level to your Persuasion or Deception. When level is an odd number round down. Ex. At level 7 you add +3.

Senators Aides

Senator level:1st, 6th, 15th

As a Senator you’re usually traveling to various places on diplomatic missions making yourself a political target for many. At level 1 you travel with two companions who are paid by your government to make sure you're safe. Your companions are a pilot and soldier who will protect you with their life. If either is killed they will be replaced in a week time given you inform your government of their passing. In combat they take their turn on your initiative. On your turn you can command them verbally (No action required by you) to Attack, Disengage, Dash, Help action. They won't do anything or change their actions until verbally instructed to. At level 6 they gain an extra attack. At level 15 with your growing influence so do your number of threats you gain an extra soldier to defend you.

Inspiring Words

Senator level: 2

No matter the odds when you speak, people listen. Your rallying words inspire them to keep going. Allies within 50 feet of you gain temporary hit points equal to your Senator level. Must take a short rest before you can use again.

Aggressive Negotiations

Senator level: 10th

Sometime negotiations don’t go as planned. Whenever you’re in combat you and your Allies within 15 feet of you add +5 to their total damage rolled after a successful attack.


Senator level: 20

You are easily one of the most recognizable and influential figures in the galaxy. Your reputation comes with its perks your ability scores for Charisma and Wisdom have a new cap of 22 and add +2 to both.

Senator Ethics


Noble Senators are genuine in their desire to make improvements to the people of the Galaxy.

Monthly Income

A noble Senator isn’t in it for the money, but with a job comes pay roll a D12 and add three zeros after that will be your monthly pay. Can reroll and must the higher number. Ex: you roll a 3 your monthly pay will be 3,000 credits.

For the People

Beginning at level 7 The people admire the work you do to improve their lives. You gain the following advantages:

  • Citizens of good and neutral alignments will grant you housing when needed.
  • You can rally citizens of good alignments to help you fight.


At level 13 is a Senator you like to keep things diplomatic. As long as you don't attack personally you and your aides AC is increased by +2. Once you attack your AC goes back to normal until the end of combat.

Famous Diplomat

At level 18 you have made several connections in your duties and have many friends. you can call upon a Jedi knights to accompany you on missions (Details on the jedi are up to the DM)


Corrupt Senators as the name implies are entirely corrupt and seek only personal gain. Even at the expense of the populace.

Monthly Income

A corrupt Senator doesn’t care about the people and will make every decision for personal gain. Your People starve, but your pockets are full. You roll a D20 and add three zeros. Can reroll but must take second roll even if it’s lower. Ex: you roll a 3 your monthly pay will be 3,000 credits.

At the Expense of Others

Beginning at level 7 People don’t care much for you as your actions have caused the people suffer while you benefit. You gain the following Advantage:

  • You can use your political powers for personal gain your aides can commandeer civilian property for your use.


At level 13 if you were the one to initiate combat you and your aides gain +2 to both attack and damage rolls.

Infamous Diplomat

At level 18 you have made several allies that help advance mutual political and financial gain. You can call in favors with mercenaries, sith, and other corrupt senators. (Details up to the DM)


Medium Humanoid, Your Alignment

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 38 (5d8 + 15)
  • Speed 30ft

16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Languages Basic, and one other language you speak


Blaster Rifle. To Hit +6|Range 50ft|Damage 1d4+dex radiant|Ammunition 60 shots/d6

Vibrosword. To Hit +6| Range 5ft| Damage 1d8 slashing|


Medium sized Humanoid, Your Alignment

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 17 (3d8 + 3)
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws saving_throws
  • Senses Spassive Perception 12
  • Languages Basic, and one other language you speak


Blaster Pistol. To Hit +4|Range 30ft|Damage 1d4 Radiant|


Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Rigorous Training
2nd +2 Fighting Style
3rd +2 Regiment
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Ranged Weapons Expert
7th +3 Regiment Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Fighting Style
10th +4 Sharpshooter
11th +4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Regiment Feature
14th +5 Weapon Master
15th +5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Regiment Feature
18th +6 Extra Attack
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Super Soldier

Class Features

As a Soilder, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Soilder level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Soldier level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Strength
  • Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a Blaster Pistol or (b) Blaster Rifle
  • (a) Combat Suit or (b) Powered Light Battle Armor

Rigorous Training

Soldier level: 1st

Soldiers train vigorously and constantly, and endure it thanks to sheer willpower. Increase your lowest ability score by +1 permanently if tied you pick one.

Fighting Style

Soldier Level: 2nd, 9th

You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options from the fighting style list.

Extra Attack

Soldier Level: 5th, 18th

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Ranged Weapons Expert

Soldier level: 6th

Soldiers are well trained in using ranged weapons; it takes them almost no time to learn how to use one they've never seen. Takes half the time to become proficient with a ranged weapon and add +2 to ranged weapon damage rolls.


Soldier level; 10th

Your ranged attacks ignore some cover, no disadvantage at long range, and possibility to take -5 to hit for +10 on ranged damage.

Weapon Master

Soilder level: 14th

You gain proficiency with four weapons (excluding Lightsabers), and you gain a +1 in either you Strength or Dexterity Ability score (can’t exceed 20)

Super Soldier

Soldier level: 20th

Trained and ready for combat at a moments notice your prowess in battle surpasses what most could never dream of. Increase any 1 ability score by +2 if the ability score is already at 20 it gets a new maximum increase of 22. Critical hits with ranged weapons are now at rolls 19 and 20. After a successful critical hit you can attack the same opponent again as a free action. Add +1 to your AC permanently.


Stealth Trooper

Stealth Troopers, as the name implies, are specially trained to remain unseen. They specialize in Stealth missions and ambushes.


At level 3 as a Stealth trooper once per day depending on the terrain you're in you can change your Armor to match it. Add +3 to Stealth Rolls. (Armor Class remains the same)

Cunning Action

At level 7 your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.


Starting at 13th level, if you are able to hear, you are aware of the location of any hidden or invisible creature within 10 feet of you.


Beginning at 17th level, you are so evasive that attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. No attack roll has advantage against you while you aren’t incapacitated.


Every Squad needs someone who knows how to tend a wound. Thats where medics come in you have varies skills that help keep your team alive.

First Aid

Starting at level 3 you know enough about medicine and can preform a healing action that heals a 2d6 + Half your level (rounded down)


At level 7, You've learned how to craft Basic Medkits. A Medkit heals 4d4+4.

Poison & Disease Specialist

at level 13, your skills in medicine allow you to create poisons as well as treat them along with diseases. When treating a poison or disease you've never encountered you must have a sample to study in order to create a vaccine or antidote. Amount needed to create on depends on the DM.

Life Support

At level 17 when a teammates Hitpoints reach zero and you are within treating distance they can roll their death saving throws with advantage.

Force Fighter

The Jedi were formidable fighters who many feared as a threat. Some Soldiers were trained as a precaution to be able to fight Jedi or any opponent trained in the Jedi arts.

Slippery Mind

By 3rd level, you have acquired greater mental strength. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.

Jedi Fighter

At level 13, You can use a reaction to make a melee attack against Force Sensitive Opponents and advantage on saving throws against force sensitive attacks.

Jedi Oppressor

At Level 17, You Learn Form 2 of lightsaber combat at mastered level and can be applied to any of your finesse melee weapons (including lightsabers if you have one)


when someone needs protection your the one for the job. Guards specialize in defensive tactics to keep allies safe from harm.


At level 3, Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points.


At level 7, Choose one ability score. You gain the following benefits: • Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a maximum of 20. • You gain proficiency in saving throws using the chosen ability.

Heavily Armored

You have trained to master the use of heavy armor, gaining the following benefits: • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20. • You gain proficiency with heavy armor.


You have mastered techniques to take advantage of every drop in any enemy's guard, gaining the following benefits: • When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. • Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach. • When a creature within 5 feet of you makes an attack against a target other than you (and that target doesn't have this feat), you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.

Chapter 3: Force Wielding Classes

Jedi Consular: Guardians of Peace

Consulars are the serene negotiators, preferring to wield words as their weapons to spread peace and understanding across the galaxy. Only when all peaceful options are exhausted do they draw their lightsabers, instead focusing their efforts on unraveling the deeper mysteries of the Force. As a Consular, your journey will be one of wisdom, patience, and the pursuit of harmony.

Jedi Guardian: Defenders of Justice

Guardians dedicate themselves to honing their martial prowess, standing as vigilant defenders of the weak and bastions of justice. They are more frequently found in the heart of battle, lightsaber in hand, protecting the innocent and maintaining peace through strength. As a Guardian, you will master the art of combat and become a symbol of hope against the darkness.

Jedi Sentinel: Keepers of Balance

Sentinels strike a balance between the scholarly pursuits of the Consulars and the martial focus of the Guardians. They are pragmatic, understanding that the Force has its limits and that sometimes a situation requires a more worldly touch. Sentinels excel in blending Force abilities with practical skills, such as investigation, mechanics, and stealth, to overcome obstacles in unique and clever ways.

Sith Assassin: Shadows of the Sith

Assassins are the dark mirrors of the Jedi Sentinels, masters of subterfuge and stealth. They strike from the darkness, using advanced technology and the rare skill of Force camouflage to launch deadly surprise attacks. As an Assassin, you will learn to harness the Force presence of your prey, growing more potent as you confront stronger adversaries.

Sith Sorcerer: Masters of Dark Arcana

Sorcerers delve into the forbidden knowledge of Sith alchemy and arcane rituals, tapping into the dark side of the Force through spells and dark artifacts. As a wielder of such sinister might, you command terrifying powers that can bend the will of others, conjure storms of malevolent energy, and curse your enemies with ancient hexes.

Sith Warrior: Instruments of Power

Sith Warriors are the fierce enforcers of the Sith, living weapons fueled by their emotions and the dark side of the Force. They are unyielding in their quest for power and dominance, using their rage to crush all opposition. Players who become Sith Warriors will revel in the raw power of the dark side, channeling their emotions to unleash devastating attacks and fortify their resolve against any who dare to oppose them.

Jedi Consular

Jedi Consular
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Force Points (FP) Force Abilities Known Lightsaber Fighting Styles (LFS) Points
1st +2 Jedi Training 12 + Wis modifier 1 1
2nd +2 Last to Strike 1d12 + Wis modifier 1 1
3rd +2 Specialized Path 1d12 + Wis modifier 2 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 2 2
5th +3 Jedi Reflexes 1d12 + Wis modifier 3 2
6th +3 Path Feature 1d12 + Wis modifier 3 2
7th +3 1d12 + Wis modifier 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 4 3
9th +4 Jedi Knight (Consular) 1d12 + Wis modifier 5 3
10th +4 Path Feature 1d12 + Wis modifier 5 4
11th +4 1d12 + Wis modifier 6 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 6 4
13th +5 1d12 + Wis modifier 7 4
14th +5 Path Feature 1d12 + Wis modifier 7 5
15th +5 1d12 + Wis modifier 8 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 8 5
17th +6 1d12 + Wis modifier 9 6
18th +6 1d12 + Wis modifier 10 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 11 6
20th +6 Master Jedi (Consular) 1d12 + Wis modifier 12 6

Class Features

As a Jedi Consular, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Jedi Consular level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + you Constitution modifier per Jedi Consular level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light Armor
  • Weapons: Lightsabers
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose 4 Skills from the following History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Persuasion, Religion, Arcana


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Lightsaber(Green) and Jedi Robes

Jedi Training

Consular level: 1st

Jedi training was the action of teaching an apprentice the ways of the Force in the Jedi Order amongst other things. Jedi training grants the following:

  • Telekinesis (See Universal Force Abilities)
  • No fall damage while conscious (A Force Point is spent for every 30 meters/100 feet of descent)
  • You can now jump a distance or height equal to your movement speed (cost 1 FP)

Last to Strike

Consular level: 2nd

A Jedi Consular tries to avoid combat unless necessary. When rolling for initiative if you are last, you gain +3 to your AC until the start of your first turn.

Jedi Reflexes

Consular level: 5th

During combat once per round you can add your Dexterity Modifier to you AC against a blaster attack that hits. It becomes twice per round at level 10, 3 at level 15 and 4 at level 20. Does not work on critical hits.

Jedi Knight (Consular)

Consular level: 9th

Being Knighted means the end of your apprenticeship. As a full Jedi knight (Consular) you gain the following:

  • Increase Wisdom +1 and increase Wisdom Ability Score cap from 20 to 22
  • Meditation: When Meditating you can recover 1d12 FP per Hour.

Master Jedi (Consular)

Consular level: 20th

A Master Consular has mastered their use of the force. Whenever you're using a light side ability You roll your hit with advantage.

Specialized Paths (Consular)

Jedi Healer

Healers were drawn to this specialization by their compassion for others and a desire to cure the infirm and stop the spread of disease. Taking a more holistic approach to healing than the average physician, healers used the Force to accelerate the natural healing abilities of living flesh. Healers drew upon the Living Force to preserve life and cleanse impurities and wounds.

Natural Healer

Beginning at level 3, Add your proficiency bonus to your medicine skill. If you are already proficient in it, add it again.

Force Healer

Starting at level 6, you can use your force points to heal others without the Light Side Ability “Force Heal”. For Every 10 FP used, you can roll a 2d4 to heal someone’s Hit Points as an action. You add an other d4 at 10th level (3d4) 14th level (4d4) 18th level (5d4)

Force Regeneration

At level 10, your constant use of the force repairs your very cells naturally. When In combat you regain +2 health points at the end of every round you’re in combat.

Force Blessing

At level 14, you are resistant to poison and disease. The Force Naturally filters all toxins from your body. Your life expectancy is also increased an extra 150 years thanks to the Force’s blessing.

Jedi Seer

Highly attuned to the Unifying Force, the Seers of the Jedi Order were gifted with pre- and postcognition, the Force granting them glimpses of things to come and things which have already transpired. Jedi Prophets were a rarity amongst the Seers, and were able to divine such things as the Prophecy of the Chosen One.

Force Intuition

Beginning at level 3, add +2 to both your Insight and Investigation Skills. While using Investigation you can use 15 FP to use the force to see glimpses of the past or future (up to your DM what gets revealed if they reveal anything). While using Insight you can use 10FP to sense what a living creature is feeling from happiness to murderous intent.

Force Dream

Starting at level 6, while sleeping the force might bring you visions of the past or what’s to come. The jumbled visions of force dreams are up to you to interpret.

Battle Foresight

At level 10, As an action you use battle foresight to either attack 1 opponent with advantage or when attacked by an opponent make them roll with disadvantage. At level 15 you can make 2, and at level 20 you can make 3.


At level 14, At the expense of 20FP you start receiving clear visions of the future from tomorrow to hundreds of years. When in combat you gain a temporary +1 to your AC if you’ve seen it in a vision. You also gain the Alert feature you gain the following benefits:

  • You can't be surprised while you are conscious.
  • You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
  • Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you.

Jedi Sage

Jedi Sages were highly attuned in the Force, manipulating it to the extent they could rip apart foes and distort reality.

Inner Strength

Beginning at level 3, you can add your Wisdom modifier to damage roll when using force abilities.

Force Armor

Starting at level 6, You use the force to surround your body as armor. You have temporary hit points equal to your Consular Level. Hit points regenerate after a long rest.

Force Illusion’s

At level 10, Force illusion was a very powerful Force ability, a subset of the various mind trick powers. The user projected an image into the minds of beings within range, of anything from a pillar of fire to a horde of snarling monsters to a fleet of warships, depending on the range. The user uses 5 FP per minute to maintain illusion. Opponents must make a saving throw of 13 + Users Wisdom modifier to avoid seeing the illusions. As an Action your illusions can attack opponents fooling them into thinking they’ve been hurt. When attacked by illusions they take 2D10 psychic damage. illusions do not work on inorganic beings (droids).

Force Revival

At level 14, Force Revival was a Force Power which allowed a Force-sensitive user to revive the deceased. This Force power allowed the user to revive the dead whether it was a single individual or a multitude of the deceased individuals. If the original corporeal vessel of the deceased was destroyed or lost, then the user could then perform a Spiritual Transference technique, which would allow them to place the spirit/consciousness of any person or being into another vessel or an inanimate object. It Costs 100 FP to perform and in order to restore a body it must be in good condition and have been dead no longer than a week. If the body is in bad condition (severed or destroyed) you can transfer the soul into inanimate objects (droids). Each time you use the ability you gain a point of exhaustion.

Jedi Guardian

Jedi Guardian
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Force Points (FP) Force Abilities Known Lightsaber Fighting Styles (LFS) Points
1st +2 Jedi Training 8 + Wis modifier 1 1
2nd +2 1d8 + Wis modifier 1 2
3rd +2 Specialized Path 1d8 + Wis modifier 1 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 2 3
5th +3 Jedi Reflexes 1d8 + Wis modifier 2 4
6th +3 Path Feature 1d8 + Wis modifier 2 5
7th +3 Force Counter 1d8 + Wis modifier 3 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 3 6
9th +4 Jedi Knight (Guardian) 1d8 + Wis modifier 3 7
10th +4 Path Feature 1d8 + Wis modifier 3 7
11th +4 1d8 + Wis modifier 4 8
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 4 8
13th +5 1d8 + Wis modifier 4 9
14th +5 Path Feature 1d8 + Wis modifier 5 9
15th +5 1d8 + Wis modifier 5 10
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 6 10
17th +6 1d8 + Wis modifier 6 11
18th +6 1d8 + Wis modifier 6 11
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 6 12
20th +6 Master Jedi (Guardian) 1d8 + Wis modifier 7 12

Class Features

As a Jedi Guardian, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d12 per Jedi Guardian level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per Jedi Guardian level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light Armor
  • Weapons: Lightsabers
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose 4 Skills from the following Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Lightsaber(Blue) and Jedi Robes

Jedi Training

Guardian level: 1st

Jedi training was the action of teaching an apprentice the ways of the Force in the Jedi Order amongst other things. Jedi training grants the following:

  • Telekinesis (See Universal Force Abilities)
  • No fall damage while conscious (A Force Point is spent for every 30 meters/100 feet of descent)
  • You can now jump a distance or height equal to your movement speed (cost 1 FP)

Jedi Reflexes

Guardian level: 5th

During combat once per round you can add your Dexterity Modifier to your AC against a blaster attack that hits. It becomes twice per round at level 10, 3 at level 15 and 4 at level 20. Does not work on critical hits.

Force Counter

Guardian level: 7th

You have practiced techniques useful in melee combat against other Force Users, gaining the following benefits:

• When a creature within 5 feet of you uses a force ability, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.

• When you damage a creature that is concentrating on a force ability that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration.

• You have advantage on saving throws against force abilities cast by creatures within 5 feet of you.

Jedi Knight (Guardian)

Guardian level: 9th

Being Knighted means the end of your apprenticeship. As a full Jedi knight (Guardian) you gain the following:

  • Increase Dexterity +1 and increase Dexterity Ability Score cap from 20 to 22
  • Add another die when rolling for lightsaber damage.

Master Jedi (Guardian)

Guardian level: 20th

A Master Guardian has mastered their martial skills and honed their lightsaber skills to the point almost no one can match them.You use precision when in combat knowing where and when to strike. When wielding a lightsaber to attack critical hits are now rolled at 19 and 20.

Specialized Paths (Guardian)

Jedi Ace

Organized under the Jedi Starfighter Corps, the Jedi aces were highly adept pilots and dogfighters. Piloting a variety of different starfighter models over the Order's history, those specializing as Aces used their battle awareness to increase their firing accuracy and precision far beyond what a non-Force-sensitive pilot could achieve.

Jedi Fighter

Beginning at level 3, you are now proficient at piloting a Jedi fighter (small vehicle).

Force Maneuvers

Starting at level 6, once per round while piloting your Jedi Fighter you gain advantage on saving throws or attack rolls. Becomes 2 at level 12, 3 at level 18, 4 at level 20.

Mind Deception

At level 10, you can use the Force to influence an opponent's thoughts in the middle of a dog fight causing them to be confused or to lose concentration. Can be used once per round and used 3 times per battle then must take a long rest to use them again. You can use mind deception to make an opponent roll an attack or saving throw with disadvantage.

Master of the Sky

At level 14, Your prowess in the sky is matched by few when in combat and while piloting your Fighter you gain +1 to your Fighters AC.

Jedi Peacekeepers

The Jedi Peacekeepers were specialists in the art of policing the galaxy and ensuring that laws are enforced along the Outer Rim. Probably the most recognized branch of the Guardian class, these individuals served alongside Sector police and local militias to ensure peace was kept amongst the stars.


Beginning at level 3, Choose one ability score. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in saving throws using the chosen ability.

Martial Expert

Starting at level 6, when disarmed or missing your lightsaber you aren’t defenseless. Your unarmed strikes deal double damage and critical hits are doubled as well.

Extra Attack

At level 10, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Dueling Prodigy

At level 14, you gain proficiency in both Athletics and Acrobatics skills. If you are already proficient in it, then double it. As well as rolling one or the other with advantage twice per day.

Jedi Sentinel

Jedi Sentinel
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Force Points (FP) Force Abilities Known Lightsaber Fighting Styles (LFS) Points
1st +2 Jedi Training 10 + Wis modifier 1 1
2nd +2 Dual Wielder 1d10 + Wis modifier 1 1
3rd +2 Specialized Path 1d10 + Wis modifier 1 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 2 2
5th +3 Jedi Reflexes 1d10 + Wis modifier 2 2
6th +3 Path Feature 1d10 + Wis modifier 2 3
7th +3 1d10 + Wis modifier 3 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 3 4
9th +4 Jedi Knight (Sentinel) 1d10 + Wis modifier 3 4
10th +4 Path Feature 1d10 + Wis modifier 3 5
11th +4 1d10 + Wis modifier 4 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 4 6
13th +5 1d10 + Wis modifier 4 6
14th +5 Path Feature 1d10 + Wis modifier 5 7
15th +5 1d10 + Wis modifier 5 7
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 6 8
17th +6 1d10 + Wis modifier 7 8
18th +6 1d10 + Wis modifier 8 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 8 9
20th +6 Master Jedi (Sentinel) 1d10 + Wis modifier 9 9

Class Features

As a Jedi Sentinel, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Jedi Sentinel level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Jedi Sentinel level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light Armor
  • Weapons: Lightsabers
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose 4 Skills from the following Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Investigation, Deception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Two Lightsabers (Yellow) and Jedi Robes or (b) Double Bladed lightsaber(Yellow) and Jedi Robes

Jedi Training

Sentinel level: 1st

Jedi training was the action of teaching an apprentice the ways of the Force in the Jedi Order amongst other things. Jedi training grants the following:

  • Telekinesis (See Universal Force Abilities)
  • No fall damage while conscious (A Force Point is spent for every 30 meters/100 feet of descent)
  • You can now jump a distance or height equal to your movement speed (cost 1 FP)

Dual Wielder

Sentinel level: 2nd

You master fighting with two Lightsabers or 1 double-bladed lightsaber, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a separate lightsaber in each hand or one double-bladed one.
  • You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are wielding aren't light.
  • You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.

Jedi Reflexes

Sentinel level: 5th

During combat once per round you can add your Dexterity Modifier to your AC against a blaster attack that hits. It becomes twice per round at level 10, 3 at level 15 and 4 at level 20. Does not work on critical hits.

Jedi Knight (Sentinel)

Guardian level: 9th

Being Knighted means the end of your apprenticeship. As a full Jedi knight (Sentinel) you gain the following:

  • Increase Intelligence +1 and increase Intelligence Ability Score cap from 20 to 22
  • 4 times per day can make any roll that requires intelligence with advantage

Master Jedi (Sentinel)

Guardian level: 20th

A Master Sentinel has mastered their Worldly skills and honed their mind to where few can outwit them. You become proficient in all tools and gain expertise in all Intelligence skills.

Specialized Paths (Sentinel)

Jedi Shadow

A highly respected and secretive group of Jedi, the Shadows went farther than the Investigators in their hunt for the truth. Working closely with the Council of First Knowledge, the Shadows sought and destroyed all traces of the Dark side of the Force, and its adepts. While not always present at the Temple, the Shadows were based in the Temple Precinct and reported back as frequently as their mission allowed. Additionally, they were permitted to study and wield Dark Side Force Powers beyond what was normal for a Jedi Knight.


Beginning at level 3, You are exceptionally speedy and agile. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your speed increases by 10 feet.
  • When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement on that turn.
  • When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.

Force Cloak

Starting at level 6, You gain the force ability Force Cloak see universal force abilities.

Skill Expert

At level 10, You have honed your proficiency with particular skills, granting you the following benefits:

  • Increase one ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
  • Choose one skill in which you have proficiency. You gain expertise with that skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The skill you choose must be one that isn't already benefiting from a feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus.

Shadow Strike

At level 14, you’ve become a master of striking from the shadows. When vou attack and hit a creature that is surprised, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, double the damage of your attack against the creature.

Jedi Investigator

Working as specialized trackers and even spies, the Jedi Investigators worked closely with law enforcement to track down criminals and discover the truth behind crimes. Going undercover for long stretches of time, investigators should not be confused with their Shadow cousins, as the role of an investigator focused mainly on crime.

Official Documentation

Beginning at level 3, You're experienced at gaining access to people and places to get the information you need. Through a combination of fast-talking, determination, and official-looking documentation, you can gain access to a place or an individual related to a crime you're investigating. Those who aren't involved in your investigation avoid impeding you or pass along your requests. Additionally, local law enforcement has firm opinions about you, viewing you as either a nuisance or one of their own.


Starting at level 6, You have studied languages and codes, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You learn three languages of your choice.
  • You can ably create written ciphers. Others can't decipher a code you create unless you teach them, they succeed on an Intelligence check (DC equal to your Intelligence score + your proficiency bonus), or they use magic to decipher it.

Keen Mind

At level 10, You have a mind that can track time, direction, and detail with uncanny precision. You gain the following benefits.

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You always know which way is north.
  • You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset.
  • You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month.


At level 14, Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • If you can see a creature's mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it's saying by reading its lips.
  • You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.

Sith Sorcerer

Sith Sorcerer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Force Points (FP) Force Abilities Known Lightsaber Fighting Styles (LFS) Points
1st +2 Jedi Training 12 + Wis modifier 1 1
2nd +2 Dark Devotion 1d12 + Wis modifier 1 1
3rd +2 Specialized Path 1d12 + Wis modifier 2 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 2 2
5th +3 Jedi Reflexes 1d12 + Wis modifier 3 2
6th +3 Path Feature 1d12 + Wis modifier 3 2
7th +3 1d12 + Wis modifier 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 4 3
9th +4 Sith Lord (Sorcerer) 1d12 + Wis modifier 5 3
10th +4 Path Feature 1d12 + Wis modifier 5 4
11th +4 1d12 + Wis modifier 6 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 6 4
13th +5 1d12 + Wis modifier 7 4
14th +5 Path Feature 1d12 + Wis modifier 7 5
15th +5 1d12 + Wis modifier 8 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 8 5
17th +6 1d12 + Wis modifier 9 6
18th +6 1d12 + Wis modifier 10 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 + Wis modifier 11 6
20th +6 Sith Master (Sorcerer) 1d12 + Wis modifier 12 6

Class Features

As a Sith Sorcerer, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Sith Sorcerer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + you Constitution modifier per Sith Sorcerer level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light Armor
  • Weapons: Lightsabers
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose 4 Skills from the following History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Persuasion, Religion, Arcana


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Lightsaber(Red) and Sith Robes

Jedi Training

Sorcerer level: 1st

Jedi training was the action of teaching an apprentice the ways of the Force in the Sith Order amongst other things. Jedi training grants the following:

  • Telekinesis (See Universal Force Abilities)
  • No fall damage while conscious (A Force Point is spent for every 30 meters/100 feet of descent)
  • You can now jump a distance or height equal to your movement speed (cost 1 FP)

Dark Devotion

Your devotion to the dark side gives you abilities some consider to be unnatural. You can spend 30 minutes and 10FP to perform a sith ritual. After completion you become resistant to other dark side force abilities for the next 8 hours.

Jedi Reflexes

Consular level: 5th

During combat once per round you can add your Dexterity Modifier to you AC against a blaster attack that hits. It becomes twice per round at level 10, 3 at level 15 and 4 at level 20. Does not work on critical hits.

Sith Lord (Sorcerer)

Sorcerer level: 9th Becoming a Sith lord grants you the following:

  • Increase Wisdom +1 and increase Wisdom Ability Score cap from 20 to 22
  • Receive Darth title
  • Meditation: When Meditating you can recover 1d12 FP per Hour.

Sith Master (Sorcerer)

Sorcerer level: 20th

A Master Sorcerer has mastered their use of the force. Whenever you're using a dark side ability You roll your hit with advantage.

Specialized Paths (Sorcerer)

Sith Heretic

Sith only worry about themselves and have no need to heal others. They specialize in draining the life force of others and taking it for themselves. Unlike the Jedi Healers, Sith Heretics could cause plagues and enjoyed inflicting pain onto others.

Unnatural Healer

Beginning at level 3, When injured you can use Sith rituals to heal yourself. Ritual takes 10 minutes to complete. You can make an Arcana roll and regain half the roll as recovered HP.

Life Stealer

Starting at level 6, you can use your force points to heal yourself without the Dark Side Ability “Force Drain”. For every 15 FP used, you can steal 2d4 from a living creature as an action. Dealing damage while healing yourself. Being must make a Con save of 10+ your spell modifier. On a save they resist and take half damage. You add another d4 at 10th level (3d4) 14th level (4d4) 18th level (5d4) .

Force Regeneration

At level 10, your constant use of the force repairs your very cells naturally. When In combat you regain +2 health points at the end of every round you’re in combat.

Force Plague

At Level 14, You are able to Curse beings with Force Plague. Force Plague is a more powerful ability used to slow and weaken opponents. Plague worked like a fast-acting toxin, horribly debilitating its victims. The effects of force plague worsened over time and may cause death if the user is strong enough in the Force. Cost 20FP to induce force plague on an opponent and it last a total of 3 turns. Opponents must make a con saving throw of 13+ your spell modifier to avoid being infected. During those 3 turns the following occurs:

  • Take 1d10 + Wisdom modifier Necrotic Damage
  • Movement speed is halved
  • Saving throws are rolled with disadvantage

Sith Seer

Highly attuned to the Unifying Force, the Seers of the Sith Order were gifted with pre- and postcognition, stealing glimpses from the Force of things to come and things which have already transpired. Sith would use such gifts to try and change and shape the future to their benefit.

Force Intuition

Beginning at level 3, add +2 to both your Insight and Investigation Skills. While using Investigation you can use 15 FP to use the force to see glimpses of the past or future (up to your DM what gets revealed if they reveal anything). You can also sense what other living beings are feeling from happiness to murder intent. You can also spend 10FP to read any surface level thoughts but if you want to dig deeper the creature makes a wisdom saving throw of 12 + your Spell Modifier .

Force Dream

Starting at level 6, while sleeping the force might bring you visions of the past or what’s to come. Glimpses of the future begin to press in on your awareness. When you finish a long rest, roll two d20s and record the numbers rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with one of these foretelling rolls. You must choose to do so before the roll, and you can replace a roll in this way only once per turn.

Each foretelling roll can be used only once. When you finish a long rest, you lose any unused foretelling rolls.

Battle Foresight

At level 10, As an action you use battle foresight to either attack 1 opponent with advantage or when attacked by an opponent make them roll with disadvantage. At level 15 you can make 2, and at level 20 you can make 3.


At level 14, At the expense of 20FP you start receiving clear visions of the future from tomorrow to hundreds of years. When in combat you gain a temporary +1 to your AC if you’ve seen it in a vision. You also gain the Alert feature you gain the following benefits:

  • You can't be surprised while you are conscious.
  • You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
  • Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you.

Sith Dark Sage

Sith Dark Sages were highly attuned in the Force, manipulating it to the extent they could rip apart foes and distort reality.

Inner Strength

Beginning at level 3, you can add your Wisdom modifier to damage roll when using force abilities.

Force Armor

Starting at level 6, You use the force to surround your body as armor. You have temporary hit points equal to your Consular Level. Hit points regenerate after a long rest.

Force Quake

The power required a great amount of force to use. When the power was used, the force user would build up a large mass of dark Force energy under a certain area of the ground. When it got to a critical point, the power was released causing a massive ground explosion that destroyed or severely damaged anything in range. Cost 30 FP to use and everyone (including Allies) within 100 feet of you must roll a con save of 15 on a save they take half damage. For damage you roll 5d10 + wisdom modifier. You gain a point of exhaustion per use.

Force Destruction

When used, a massive amount of energy was stored up within the user, drawn from the dark side of the Force, and with incredible concentration, the energy could be discharged using the user's own body as a conduit. Usually fired through the arm or hand, it could blast a large radius vaporizing anyone who got too close to it. Even those who escaped direct contact with the blast would be pushed asunder by the power's backlash. Using Force Destruction was a very exhausting power requiring a great deal of focus and concentration and could only be used a few times without requiring the user to rest. Cost 60 FP you must roll to hit. On a successful hit the opponent takes 10d10 + Wisdom modifier in damage. On a miss opponent must roll a dex save of 10 to avoid being knocked prone from explosion. Area of explosion is 25 feet. Everyone inside must roll a dex saving throw. On a fail, everyone knocked prone takes 2d10 damage. You gain a point of exhaustion per use.

Sith Warrior

Sith Warrior
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Force Points (FP) Force Abilities Known Lightsaber Fighting Styles (LFS) Points
1st +2 Jedi Training 8 + Wis modifier 1 1
2nd +2 1d8 + Wis modifier 1 2
3rd +2 Specialized Path 1d8 + Wis modifier 1 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 2 3
5th +3 Jedi Reflexes 1d8 + Wis modifier 2 4
6th +3 Path Feature 1d8 + Wis modifier 2 5
7th +3 Force Counter 1d8 + Wis modifier 3 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 3 6
9th +4 Sith Lord (Warrior) 1d8 + Wis modifier 3 7
10th +4 Path Feature 1d8 + Wis modifier 3 7
11th +4 1d8 + Wis modifier 4 8
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 4 8
13th +5 1d8 + Wis modifier 4 8
14th +5 Path Feature 1d8 + Wis modifier 5 9
15th +5 1d8 + Wis modifier 5 9
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 6 10
17th +6 1d8 + Wis modifier 6 10
18th +6 1d8 + Wis modifier 6 11
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 + Wis modifier 6 11
20th +6 Sith Master (Warrior) 1d8 + Wis modifier 7 12

Class Features

As a Sith Warrior, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d12 per Sith Warrior level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per Sith Warrior level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium armor
  • Weapons: Lightsabers
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose 4 Skills from the following Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Lightsaber(Red) and Sith Robes

Jedi Training

Warrior level: 1st

Jedi training was the action of teaching an apprentice the ways of the Force in the Jedi Order amongst other things. Jedi training grants the following:

  • Telekinesis (See Universal Force Abilities)
  • No fall damage while conscious (A Force Point is spent for every 30 meters/100 feet of descent)
  • You can now jump a distance or height equal to your movement speed (cost 1 FP)

Jedi Reflexes

Warrior level: 5th

During combat once per round you can add your Dexterity Modifier to your AC against a blaster attack that hits. It becomes twice per round at level 10, 3 at level 15 and 4 at level 20. Does not work on critical hits.

Force Counter

Warrior level: 7th

You have practiced techniques useful in melee combat against other Force Users, gaining the following benefits:

• When a creature within 5 feet of you uses a force ability, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.

• When you damage a creature that is concentrating on a force ability that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration.

• You have advantage on saving throws against force abilities cast by creatures within 5 feet of you.

Sith Lord (Warrior)

Warrior level: 9th Becoming a Sith lord grants you the following:

  • Increase Strength +1 and increase Strength Ability Score cap from 20 to 22
  • Receive Darth title
  • Add another die when rolling for lightsaber damage.

Sith Master (Warrior)

Warrior level: 20th

A Master Warrior has mastered their combat skills and honed their lightsaber skills to the point almost no one can match them.You use powerful and lethal strikes when in combat. When wielding a lightsaber to attack, critical hits are brutal. Damage for critical hits are doubled.

Specialized Paths (Warrior)

Sith Ace

Organized under the Sith Starfighter Corps, the Sith aces were highly adept pilots and dogfighters. Piloting a variety of different starfighter models over the Empire's history, those specializing as Aces used their battle awareness to increase their firing accuracy and precision far beyond what a non-Force-sensitive pilot could achieve.

Sith Fighter

Beginning at level 3, you are now proficient at piloting a Sith fighter (small vehicle).

Force Maneuvers

Starting at level 6, once per round while piloting your Jedi Fighter you gain advantage on saving throws or attack rolls. Becomes 2 at level 12, 3 at level 18, 4 at level 20.

Mind Deception

At level 10, you can use the Force to influence an opponent's thoughts in the middle of a dog fight causing them to be confused or to lose concentration. Can be used once per round and used 3 times per battle then must take a long rest to use them again. You can use mind deception to make an opponent roll an attack or saving throw with disadvantage.

Master of the Sky

At level 14, Your prowess in the sky is matched by few when in combat and while piloting your Fighter you gain +1 to your Fighters AC.

Sith Juggernaut

These Sith specialized in combat endurance and were known for wearing armor that provided them special protection in battle. Sith Juggernauts usually had an intense muscle build, which helped them physically when using a lightsaber or in combat.


Beginning at level 3, Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points.

Savage Attacker

Starting at level 6, Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon's damage dice and use either total

Extra Attack

At level 10, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Dueling Prodigy

At level 14, you gain proficiency in both Athletics and Acrobatics skills. If you are already proficient in it, then double it. As well as rolling one or the other with advantage twice per day.

Sith Assassin

Sith Assassin
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Force Points (FP) Force Abilities Known Lightsaber Fighting Styles (LFS) Points
1st +2 Jedi Training 10 + Wis modifier 1 1
2nd +2 Dual Wielder 1d10 + Wis modifier 1 1
3rd +2 Specialized Path 1d10 + Wis modifier 1 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 2 2
5th +3 Jedi Reflexes 1d10 + Wis modifier 2 2
6th +3 Path Feature 1d10 + Wis modifier 2 3
7th +3 1d10 + Wis modifier 3 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 3 4
9th +4 Sith Lord (Assassin) 1d10 + Wis modifier 3 4
10th +4 Path Feature 1d10 + Wis modifier 3 5
11th +4 1d10 + Wis modifier 4 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 4 6
13th +5 1d10 + Wis modifier 4 6
14th +5 Path Feature 1d10 + Wis modifier 5 7
15th +5 1d10 + Wis modifier 5 7
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 6 8
17th +6 1d10 + Wis modifier 7 8
18th +6 1d10 + Wis modifier 8 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 + Wis modifier 8 9
20th +6 Sith Master (Assassin) 1d10 + Wis modifier 9 9

Class Features

As a Sith Assassin, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Sith Assassin level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Sith Assassin level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light Armor
  • Weapons: Lightsabers
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose 4 Skills from the following Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Investigation, Deception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: (a) Two Lightsabers (Red) and Sith Robes or (b) Double Bladed lightsaber(Red) and Sith Robes

Jedi Training

Assassin level: 1st

Jedi training was the action of teaching an apprentice the ways of the Force in the Jedi Order amongst other things. Jedi training grants the following:

  • Telekinesis (See Universal Force Abilities)
  • No fall damage while conscious (A Force Point is spent for every 30 meters/100 feet of descent)
  • You can now jump a distance or height equal to your movement speed (cost 1 FP)

Dual Wielder

Assassin level: 2nd

You master fighting with two Lightsabers or 1 double-bladed lightsaber, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a separate lightsaber in each hand or one double-bladed one.
  • You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are wielding aren't light.
  • You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.

Jedi Reflexes

Assassin level: 5th

During combat once per round you can add your Dexterity Modifier to your AC against a blaster attack that hits. It becomes twice per round at level 10, 3 at level 15 and 4 at level 20. Does not work on critical hits.

Sith Lord (Assassin)

Warrior level: 9th Becoming a Sith lord grants you the following:

  • Increase Charisma +1 and increase Charisma Ability Score cap from 20 to 22
  • Receive Darth title
  • 4 times per day can make any roll that requires Charisma with advantage

Sith Master (Assassin)

Warrior level: 20th

A Master Assassin has mastered their Worldly skills and honed their charisma skills to where few can realize they’re being used or deceived. You become proficient in all tools and gain expertise in all Charisma skills.

Specialized Paths (Assassin)

Sith Inquisitor

Similar to the Jedi investigator, these Sith excelled at extracting information they needed. Due to their manipulative genius, Inquisitors were skilled at exploiting both their enemies and their allies to further their own personal agendas.

Unofficial Documentation

Beginning at level 3, You can forge documents at the expense of 200 credits. These documents look official and are extremely difficult to tell apart from real ones. You are able to infiltrate and pose as various people of various positions in order to obtain information.


Starting at level 6, Skilled at mimicry and dramatics, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20
  • You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Performance) checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person.
  • You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.

Keen Mind

At level 10, You have a mind that can track time, direction, and detail with uncanny precision. You gain the following benefits.

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You always know which way is north.
  • You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset.
  • You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month.


At level 14, Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • If you can see a creature's mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it's saying by reading its lips.
  • You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.

Dark Hand

The Dark Hand is an Elite group of Sith assassins that work directly under the Dark Lord of the Sith. Known for their loyalty and determination when tasked with a mission.


Beginning at level 3, You are exceptionally speedy and agile. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your speed increases by 10 feet.
  • When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement on that turn.
  • When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.

Force Cloak

Starting at level 6, You gain the force ability Force Cloak see universal force abilities.

Skill Expert

At level 10, You have honed your proficiency with particular skills, granting you the following benefits:

  • Increase one ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
  • Choose one skill in which you have proficiency. You gain expertise with that skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The skill you choose must be one that isn't already benefiting from a feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus.

Shadow Strike

At level 14, you’ve become a master of striking from the shadows. When vou attack and hit a creature that is surprised, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, double the damage of your attack against the creature.

Chapter 4: Lightsabers

The lightsaber, also referred to as a laser sword by those who were unfamiliar with it, was a weapon usually used by the Jedi, the Sith, and other Force-sensitives. Lightsabers consisted of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that was emitted from a usually metal hilt and could be shut off at will. It was a weapon that required skill and training, and was greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with the Force. Though also used by the Sith, the lightsaber was synonymous with the Jedi, with some in the galaxy believing only Jedi could use lightsabers. Lightsabers were generally used for both offense and defense. A lightsaber could cut through virtually anything, from flesh to blast doors. The only ways to block the incoming attack of a lightsaber was with a weapon made with material that conducted energy, such as an electrostaff, Vibroweapons, some rare metals like beskar, or another lightsaber. When used defensively, a Force-sensitive could deflect blaster bolts with a lightsaber, and with skill, could even reflect the shots back toward the shooter or some other target. Experienced Jedi could even employ their lightsabers to absorb Force lightning. Most practitioners used one single-bladed lightsaber, though some used double-bladed lightsabers or even multiple lightsabers at once.


Lightsabers aren't manufactured they are created by the Jedi who wield it. In a sense Lightsabers were uniquely made by their wielders so for Jedi and Sith Classes can custom make their lightsabers here with the info on this chapter.

Lightsaber Bonuses

Bonuses only apply to force sensitives who are attuned to their lightsaber. when wielding multiple lightsaber choose 1 to attune too. non force sensitives cant attune to lightsabers, but can wield them without bonus.

To Obtain by Other Means

If you are not a force sensitive class and wish to obtain one you have a couple options. You can buy one from a black market. You can steal one from a jedi/sith, you can kill also a jedi/sith for their lightsaber.


Lightsabers are rare and a wonder to be hold by those who are lucky enough to see one. Thus starts many illegal lightsaber trades for those who wish to obtain one. They can be worth a fortune depending on the hilt, kyber crystal, and most importantly the wielder. lightsaber prices can vary from 2,000-50,000 Gold Credits (20,000- 500,000 sc)

Lightsaber Creation

To create a lightsaber you need a couple things the materials for the hilt you choose and the kyber crystal


Nearly every lightsaber hilt was unique in its construction, born of the Force-user who created it and using whatever materials were at hand; typically, such weapons were created over a span of months. Ideally, the Jedi or Sith who created it would go into deep Meditation, poring over each individual component to be added and thus forging a connection with it through the Force.

Lightsabers Damage Properties
Single blade 1d8 Radiant Finesse, light, versatile 1d10
Double bladed 1d12 Radiant Two-Handed, Finesse

Adept Hilt

The Adept was a type of lightsaber hilt that was commonly used by Jedi initiates and Knights who served with the New Jedi Order. It was designed to be used by beings with multiple fingers and an opposable thumb on the operating hand. Extra protection to the user was given by a guard below the emitter.

  • Weight: 6lb

Adjudicator Hilt

Adjudicator was a basic design of lightsaber hilt that was used by members of the New Jedi Order as of 14 ABY.

  • Weight: 7lb

Arbiter Hilt

Arbiter was a basic lightsaber hilt used in the New Jedi Order by 14 ABY.

  • Weight: 8lb

Avenger Hilt

Avenger was a double-bladed lightsaber hilt used in the New Jedi Order by 14 ABY.

  • Weight: 12lb


Champion was a double-bladed lightsaber hilt used in the New Jedi Order by 14 ABY.

  • Weight: 12lb


Collapsible Hilts were able to fold and lock in place to be more convenient to carry around for the user.

  • Weight: 11lb

Consul Hilt

The Consul was a basic design that was used as a pattern for constructing lightsaber hilts. It is a short hilt with bronze markings around the hilt.

  • Weight: 6lb

Defender Hilt

Defender was a basic tapered lightsaber hilt

  • Weight: 6lb

Electrum Hilt

Electrum was a rare metal once used in lightsaber construction as a sign of Force mastery. This lightsaber modification was called an Electrum Detail or Electrum Detailing. A purely cosmetic accessory, this feature was only allowed to high-ranking Jedi, an honor bestowed on Masters at their promotions, after having demonstrated their skill. It was a rarity among Force-users, both Jedi and Sith.

  • Weight: 5lb

Firebrand Hilt

The Firebrand was a basic design of lightsaber hilt that was used by Jedi Initiates as well as Knights of the New Jedi Order as of 14 ABY. An all black hilt, it was known to have a stable grip and was equipped with a thin deflector ring to protect the wielder from energy backlash.

  • Weight: 7lb

Guardian Hilt

Guardian was a double-bladed lightsaber hilt used in the New Jedi Order by 14 ABY. At either end were wide emitter shrouds, giving the hilt the appearance of a two-bladed dagger when inactive.

  • Weight: 10lb

Praetor Hilt

Praetor was a basic lightsaber hilt. This type of hilt was quite common at the start of the New Jedi Order. This type of hilt was longer than most single-bladed designs, and followed a simple design.

  • Weight: 6lb

Retaliator Hilt

Retaliator was a basic lightsaber hilt

  • Weight: 8lb

Sentinel Hilt

The Sentinel was a basic lightsaber hilt

  • Weight: 7lb

Vanquisher Hilt

The Vanquisher double-bladed lightsaber hilt was occasionally used by the students of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order, although it resembled the weapons of Exar Kun and Darth Maul. Unlike the Guardian, Champion, and Vindicator hilts, Vanquisher was forged as a single unit, with the main body thicker than the ends in order to give the wielder more stability.

  • Weight: 10lb


The Vindicator hilt was created from two identical hilts forged together.

  • Weight: 12lb

Other Hilts

Feel free to use other lightsaber hilts not listed or shown if its okay with your DM.

Kyber Crystals

A kyber crystal, simply known as a kyber and described as a lightsaber crystal or the living crystal, was a rare, Force-attuned crystal that grew naturally and was found on various planets across the galaxy. Known in ancient times as a kaiburr crystal, it was used by both the Jedi and the Sith in the construction of their lightsabers. As part of their Jedi training, younglings were sent to the Crystal Cave of the ice planet of Ilum to seek their own lightsaber crystals. The crystal's mix of unique luster was called "the water of the kyber" by the Jedi. There were also larger, rarer crystals of great power and that, according to legends, were used at the heart of ancient superweapons by the Sith.


Prerequisite: Jedi

Jedi Knights who were skilled in the Force like the Guardians could utilize their talent during battle to throw objects and trip up their opponents. The Jedi who were ready for the fight on the frontline generally used the blue lightsaber blade to denote their place as Guardians.

  • Bonus: + 2 on attack rolls while wielding your lightsaber


Prerequisite: Jedi

While green lightsabers were also frequently seen on the field of battle alongside blue blades, they denoted a different quality. Green lightsabers were often wielded by Jedi Consulars, deep thinkers who studied the inner workings of the Force.

  • Bonus: + 2 on attack rolls with Force abilities


Prerequisite: Sith

Unlike the Jedi, who share a connection with their Kyber crystals, the Sith are unable to forge this unseen bond and thus have to steal their Kybers or employ other methods to build their lightsabers. The process is known as “bleeding” and consists of pouring all their hate, fear, and other negative emotions into the crystal, causing it to “bleed” and turn red. using ancient dark rituals on Jedi crystals that tainted them to make the energy "bleed." or they would create synthetic crystals that emitted the iconic red hue.

  • Bonus: + 2 to damage rolls


Prerequisite: Jedi or Sith

The purple blade represented a perfect balance between the blue and red lightsabers, which equally represented the Jedi's understanding of the light and dark sides of the Force.

  • Bonus: + 1 to both attack and damage rolls


Prerequisite: Jedi

A Jedi Sentinel blended the different schools of thought used by the Guardians and the Consulars. This resulted in a new faction that chose to use yellow-bladed lightsabers. Jedi Sentinels sometimes relied on skills other than their mastery of the Force to work closely with the people who needed them. Jedi Temples were often guarded by Sentinels, who wielded yellow double-bladed lightsabers.

  • Bonus: Increase any 3 skills that require Intelligence or Wisdom by +1


Prerequisite: Anyone not affiliated with Jedi or Sith order

orange crystals were most often wielded by Force-sensitives who identified as Gray Jedi. Rather than the Knights of the traditional Jedi Order, Gray Jedi had a foot in both sides of the Force and hadn't committed fully to either the light or the dark.

  • Bonus: + 2 on force abilities damage rolls


Prerequisite: Must Purify Red Crystal

Are obtained by purifying Red crystals of all the negative emotions like hatred and fear imbued into them. They represent a status as an autonomous individual, as no longer affiliated to the light and had no affinity to the dark side.

  • Bonus: + 1 to all saving throws against light and dark side abilities


Prerequisite: Ask DM

The rarest of all Kyber crystals black can mean absence, darkness, death, power, and or mystery. Such a color might be expected to be seen with the Sith, certainly not the Jedi. However despite that the only known black crystal belonged to the first Mandalorian Jedi Tarre Vizsla.

  • Bonus: + 3 to both attack and damage rolls

Chapter 5: The Force

The Force was a metaphysical, spiritual, binding, and ubiquitous power that held enormous importance for both the Jedi and Sith monastic orders. Known as the Way in ancient times, the Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the Light side of the Force, the Dark side of the Force, the Living Force, the Unifying Force, the Cosmic Force and the Physical Force. The first two aspects were concerned with the moral compass of the Force, as manifested by the conduct and emotions of living creatures who were themselves part of the fabric of the Force. The light side of the Force was the facet aligned with compassion, selflessness, self-knowledge and enlightenment, healing, mercy and benevolence, while the dark side of the Force was aligned with hatred, fear, covetousness, anger, aggression, jealousy and malevolence.

Force Points (FP)

For force abilities we kinda wanted the same feel as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Where as long as you had points to spend you can keep using force powers. Depending on your Force sensitive class you will roll the die for the amount of force points you get per level just like you do for Hit points. That way you get a more unique character with others of the same class varying in FP like most Jedi do in midichlorians. So as long as you have Force points feel free to use them. However if your force points reach 0 your character will fall unconscious.

Force Abilities Known

For "Force Abilities known" column on force sensitive classes is the total amount of Force abilities your character should know at that level. (excluding abilities given to you due to your class those are free abilities)

Force Point (FP) Recovery

The only way to recover force points beside certain class features is rest. For a short rest (1 hour) you recover a d10 + your Wisdom modifier, and 6 d20 + your Wisdom modifier for a long rest(8 hours).

Force Abilities

Force powers were the manifestations of a Force-sensitive being's connection with the Force, an energy field that surrounded and bound together everything in existence. The nature and practice of such abilities were usually taught to learners by experienced practioners, such as the Jedi and the Sith. Some techniques required a deep connection with either the light side or the dark side of the Force, but many were not specific to either affinity. The Force was practiced as a form of magic by some groups, such as the Witches of Dathomir, Nightsisters, Mind-witches, and users of Sith magic and Sith alchemy.

Learning Abilities

Usually one can make the connection that Light side abilities are more on the Good Alignment, and Dark side with Evil. However any Force Sensitive can learn any force ability despite it. The only difference is how people react to it. A Jedi using dark side abilities would be frowned upon and NPC could begin to fear you. The Jedi Council many even punish those depending on the ability. Sith using light side abilities will be seen as weak by other Sith or NPC could stop fearing you. Universal abilities can be learned by any order. (up to DM to decide if you can learn any ability outside your alignment or Force Order)

Universal Force Abilities

Battle Meditation

  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes
  • Range: 100 Feet
  • Duration: Concentration
  • Force Point Cost: 5 FP per minute

You use the Force to manipulate the outcome of coming events. For the duration, you, and up to 3 creatures of your choosing have a +2 bonus to their AC, and their attack rolls. They are also given 1d6 + your Wisdom Modifier temporary hit points for the duration.

Force Cloak

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration Up to 1 Hour
  • Force Point Cost: 3 FP

Yourself or a creature you touch and everything worn or carried becomes invisible. If the target drops an item or removes it, the item is no longer invisible, and if the target tries to attack or cast a spell, the spell ends early. This cloak conceals a target's scent, however it does not cover up noises made by the target. For stealth checks, this ability also adds a +3 to your roll.

Force Push

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 Feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Force Point Cost: 4FP (max: 12FP)

You concentrate the Force into a blast in front of you, all enemies in a 30 feet cone must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, on failure take 1d8 + Wisdom Modifier force damage and are pushed back 10 feet, taking half damage and not being pushed back on success. Every extra 4 FP used, the target takes another d8 of damage, and are pushed backward another 10 feet. If they are slammed into an object/structure, you deal an additional 1d10 bludgeoning damage. If the target is grappling you, and you can put your hand on them, the target has a disadvantage in the saving throw, and do an additional 1d8 damage.

Force Shield

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action/Reaction
  • Range: 5 Feet
  • Duration: 1 Round
  • Force Point Cost: 5 FP(Max:15FP)

You concentrate the force around you, or an allied creature creating a weak barrier against attacks. The target gets a +3 bonus AC until the end of their next turn. Every extra 5FP used, you gain an extra +1 bonus to AC. If used as a Reaction, you roll 2d10 + Wisdom Modifier to negate the damage of an attack, for the same cost as the bonus action. You roll an additional d10 per 5 FP spent.

Force Sight

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 5 Hours
  • Force Point Cost: 10 FP(max:N/A)

You touch yourself or a willing creature to grant it the ability to see in the dark. For the duration, that creature has can see through both magical and non-magical darkness up to 60 feet, as well as see through invisibility. For an extra 4 FP, you may grant a creature True Sight up to 30 feet.

Force Speed

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 Feet
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • Force Point Cost: 10 FP(max:N/A)

You can choose yourself or a willing creature you can see. Its speed is doubled, it has advantage on Dexterity saves, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. The action can be used to attack (one weapon attack only), dash, disengage, hide, or use an object. For every extra 10 FP used, you can choose another creature to activate the effect on. Spending an extra 2 points allows you to grant the target an additional Reaction.

Force Weapon

  • Casting Time:1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration
  • Force Point Cost: 4 FP(max:N/A)

You concentrate pure Force energy around a weapon that you are holding. The weapon this was cast on now deals an extra 1d8+ your Wis Modifier Magical Force Damage for the duration. For every extra 4 FP used, you increase the extra damage by 1d8. If used on another person's weapon, the extra damage bonus is 1d6, with no modifier bonus. At 14th level, your understanding of the Force allows you to empower Unarmed Strikes with the Force, but for half the Duration.

Lightsaber Control

  • Casting Time:1 action
  • Range:60ft
  • Duraction:concentration
  • Force point cost: 3 FP per turn per saber (max: 4 sabers)

You use the force to control Lightsabers. You can move them at will, moving them freely throughout the air. You can use one lightsaber starting at level 5 and add another at level 10,15,20. When hit you have to make a con saving throw of 12 per lightsaber. Lightsabers have an AC of 20, and 45 hit points. When 0 they are broken and cannot be used until repaired. Damage is your lightsaber damage + 1d6 Force damage.

Lightsaber Throw

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 50 Feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Force Point Cost: 8FP

You throw your Lightsaber at an enemy from a distance. You make an attack roll using your Force Attack Modifier, on a hit, you deal your Lightsaber's damage + 1d4 Force Damage (Note, you do not use your normal damage modifier for this attack, but your Charisma modifier, fighting styles/Lightsaber Forms still apply). At the end of your turn, the Lightsaber returns to you. For every 4FP, you can target another creature before your Lightsaber returns to you.

Mind Trick

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 Feet
  • Duration: Conc. Up to 8 hours
  • Force Point Cost:10FP (Max:30FP)

You suggest an activity to a creature of your choice that you can see and that can hear and understand you. Creatures that can't be charmed are immune. The suggestion must be worded to make the action sound reasonable. Asking the creature to do something obviously self-harmful ends the spell. The target makes a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC. On failure, it performs the action. The action can continue for the entire duration. If the activity can be completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do. You can also specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. If the condition isn't met before the spell expires, the activity isn't performed. For every 10FP, you can increase the DC by 1.


  • Casting Time:1 action
  • Range: 60 ft
  • Duration: concentration when manipulating/ Instantaneous when creating a flame for attack.
  • Force Point Cost: 15 FP
  • Can create and manipulate fire

The power was neutral in nature, with both Jedi and Sith showing equal ability in its use. User can manipulate flames up to 60 feet, and as well as create and extinguish them. When used as attack target takes 1d10 fire damage. When manipulating a flame and left on a target they take 1d10 fire damage until fire is extinguished or user loses concentration. If user loses concentration fire runs wild.


  • Casting Time: 1 Action/Reaction
  • Range: 10 Feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Force Point Cost:6FP(max:18FP)

You use the force around you, to push every creature in a 10 foot radius away from you. All creatures in a 10-foot radius must roll a Strength Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC, on a failure, they take 1d8 + your Charisma Modifier Force damage and are pushed back 5 feet. On a successful saving throw, the damage is halved, and they are not pushed back. For every 6FP, the damage is increased by 1d8, and the creatures are pushed an additional 5 feet.


  • Casting Time:1 Action
  • Range:Sight/Force
  • Duration:Instantaneous
  • Force Point cost:25 FP

Shatterpoint is a Force ability which allows the user to sense the weak points in an object or person, enabling the Force user to easily exploit that weakness. When used on desired opponent your next hit against them is rolled with advantage and damage is doubled. When used on an object you can find its weak points (Can break doors, into vehicles, and destroy objects, etc... with advantage)


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 15 Feet
  • Duration: Conc. Up to 3 rounds
  • Force Point Cost: 5 FP

You use the force to manipulate a creature's body, paralyzing them for a short time. Your target must roll a Constitution Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, on a failure, they are Paralyzed for the next three rounds, being able to move at the end of your turn in the third round. If they succeed, their speed is halved until the end of your next turn. For every extra 5 FP used, you can target another creature. You must be 17th level or higher to use this power.


  • Casting Time: 1 action each movement
  • Range: 50 Feet
  • Duration: Conc. Up to 1 minute
  • Force Point Cost: 3 FP (Max:N/A)

You concentrate the Force in your hands to manipulate the movement of an object or creature. You can lift an object of at most 110 pounds, and move it 20 feet using your action. (You can use these objects as weapons, if it isn't a weapon, it deals 5 + Wisdom modifier, or, if it is a weapon, it deals the normal damage of the weapon, except, it adds your Wisdom modifier to damage). For every extra 3 FP used, you can pick up multiple objects, however the object's total weight must be less than the max limit. Every extra 10 FP used, the weight limit becomes another 110 pounds, and you can move it another 20 feet. Alternatively you can lift a creature of large or smaller size, the target must make a Strength Save in Throw or be moved as an object, if it collides with a creature or structure, the target and the obstacle takes 1d6 bashing damage for every 5 feet moved. For the extra 3 fp the category of the affected target goes up by 1. If you are using this to retrieve your Lightsaber, it comes back to you immediately. At 14th level, you are able to use this ability without hand movements as long as you are conscious and aware of your surroundings.

Dark Side Abilities


  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range as area spell:50ft area effect (caster as center)
  • Range as single target use:20ft
  • Duration:Concentration(area effect)/instant(single use)
  • Force Point cost:4fp as single use/8fp as area effect

Cryokinesis was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to draw heat away from the object, causing its temperature to drop rapidly. This arcane technique caused the heat vitality of the victim to hemorrhage, but it was impossible for the caster to channel that vitality into their own body or manipulate ice despite its name. But the object becomes cold to the touch and more fragile. As an area effect, as long as it's active the temperature continues to drop. Every turn everyone in the area gains a disadvantage: starting 1st turn everyone in area's movement speed is halved, 2nd turn everyone in area attacks with disadvantage, and 3rd turn everyone in area takes 2d8 ice damage. The effects stack every turn until the user loses concentration. As a single target, the opponent must roll a Wisdom saving throw or take a d10 frost damage.

Deadly Sight

  • Casting Time:1 Action
  • Range: Line of sight
  • Duration: concentration
  • Force Point Cost: 8 FP per turn its active or until concentration is broke

Darksiders could inflict pain and injury upon their foes merely by looking at them, causing victims' bodies to burn and smoke as they died(deals 1d4 fire damage per level [capped at 10] on everyone in users line of sight). The user of Deadly Sight could damage entire groups of foes within their field of vision. Tiring to sustain, it was inefficient in terms of the strain caused on the user's Force reserves, but was nevertheless effective in the right situation. Deadly Sight injured everyone that the user looked at, including allies and civilians; it is unknown whether it could be refined, especially because of its dark nature.


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 40 Feet
  • Duration: 1 Round
  • Force Points Cost: 3FP (Max:N/A)

You use pure dark Force energy around a creature, attempting to frighten them. The target must roll a Charisma Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC, on a failure, they are Frightened until the power ends. For every 3FP, you can target another creature.

Force Choke

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 15 Feet
  • Duration: Conc. Up to 3 rounds
  • Force Point Cost: 3 FP

You use the Force to concentrate the air around a creature's throat. The enemy rolls a Constitution Saving Throw against your Force Save DC, on a failure, they become incapacitated and take 1d10 + your Wisdom Modifier Force damage at the end of each of your turns, on a success, nothing happens. At the end of their turn, they can reroll the Saving Throw. For every extra 2 FP used, you can increase the damage by 1d10. You can use this attack as long as your hands can move into the shape of a choking grip. At level 16, you can use this power without the hand movement.

Force Drain

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 15 Feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Force points cost: 8FP (max:N/A)

You shoot a bolt of dark force energy at a creature. The target makes a Constitution Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC, on a failure, they take 1d6 + Wisdom Modifier necrotic damage, on a successful Saving Throw, the damage is halved. You heal the damage dealt. For every 8FP, you can target another creature,or add another dice roll to the same one.

Force Rage

  • Casting Time: 1 Action/Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • Force Point Cost: 5 FP

You use the force to gather your negative emotions, and channel them for power. You gain a bonus to damage of 1d6, may add proficiency bonus to damage once per hit (stacks with other sources of this effect), and may attack an addtional time per attack action. You also gain bonus speed equal to your character level, and a damage reduction of 3. you gain a bonus to hit equal to your proficiency bonus (additive), You gain proficiency in Constitution and Strength saves, your crit range becomes one higher (20>19-20>18-20 etc), and you cannot roll a natural one on any attack, instead treating them instead as nat 2s. You may extend the duration of this power by spending more force points, increasing the duration by one minute per 5FP spent. at the end of this period, make a dc 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion. You may use dexterity, instead of strength, when determining jump height regardless of if this power is active or not. You must be Sith level 20 to use this power.

Force Scream

  • Casting Time: 1 action/Bonus action
  • Range: 50ft
  • Duration: Until start of next turn
  • Force Point cost: 8 FP

This power creates a wave of sound that does sonic damage (1d4 per wisdom modifier point) and reduces attributes causing all opponents stat modifiers to be 0. A successful Wisdom save of 2+ your level reduces damage by half and negates the attribute penalties. Saving throws must be made by everyone in Range, friend and foe alike.


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 20 Feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Force Point Cost: 15FP (max:30FP)

You concentrate the Force into your fingertips, and shoot it out as jolts of lightning. Make an attack roll against a creature using your Spell Attack Modifier, on a hit, you deal 1d10 + Charisma Modifier Lightning damage. For every 10FP spent, you can shoot out another bolt to target another creature, or the same one again for an extra 1d10.

Mind Probe

  • Casting Time:1 Action
  • Range:1 ft (hand over target's head)
  • Duration:concentration
  • Force Point Cost: 10FP

By utilizing a Mind Probe, the Force user can forcibly, and many times violently, penetrate an individual's mind to extract information. While this may result in the successful acquisition of the desired information, it can leave the recipient's mind fractured and damaged(1d12 psychic damage). The damage can be too much for many, leaving some people comatose and or unable to mentally function. Given the severity of the technique, it is almost exclusively performed by Sith Force users.

Transfer Essence

  • Casting time:1 Action
  • Range:10 ft
  • Duration: if successful its permanent
  • Force Point cost: 100 FP

Essence transfer is the secret of eternal life. The physical body will always weaken and fail, yet it is nothing but a shell or vessel. When it is time, it is possible to transfer your consciousness—your spirit—into a new vessel…a radical dark side Force power used to transfer a person's consciousness into another body, or in some cases an inanimate object. Ancient Sith Lords and other powerful darksiders used this technique to cheat death again and again, haunting their tombs and possessing those who stumbled across their sarcophagi in order to continue their reign of terror. In more recent eras, masters of this dark side art had used advanced cloning technology to assure their immortality. When used your body is sacrificed and your spirit seeks the vessel of your choosing. If used on a living being they must make a Wisdom saving throw of 8 +your wisdom modifier. On a Save your spirit is repelled and destroyed. On a failure your soul takes over the opponent's body and their spirit becomes one with the Force. When used on a non-organic being or object. No roll must be made. However if transferred into a wearable object such as a necklace or mask. Anywhere where it must make a Wisdom saving throw of 10 + your wisdom modifier. On a fail you take over their body for a short while, on a pass you failed to take control of them, but your soul remains in the object.

Light Side Abilities

Battle Precognition

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Force point cost: 15FP(max 45FP)

You use the Force to look into the short term future, predicting what will happen. Upon activation, you gain a +2 bonus to all Saving Throws made. For every 15FP, you can increase the bonus by 1.


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Force Point Cost: 10 FP

You mold the force into a bright light, blinding your enemies. everyone within a 120 foot radius must make a con saving throw against spell DC or go blind for 1d4+Wisdom modifier rounds. This effect can be nullified by Force Sight(Universal).


  • Casting time:1 Action
  • Range:60 ft
  • Duration: 3 turns
  • Force Point cost: 15FP per use

Primarily a Light Side ability which allows the Force user to alter the pain threshold of its target. For example, the Jedi could lower a victim’s pain tolerance, making a minor scratch feel like a massive wound. They could also do the opposite for their allies, making the pain from a severe or fatal injury disappear.(can double or half damage on target of users choice)

Electric Judgement

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 20 Feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Force Point Cost: 10 FP (Max 30 FP)

You concentrate the Force into your fingertips, and shoot it out as a brilliant beam of electricity. Make an attack roll against a creature using your Force Attack Modifier, on a hit, you deal 1d6 + Wisdom Modifier Lightning damage. For every extra 5 FP used, You deal an extra 1d6+Wisdom of damage, and may add any on hit bonuses as if each extra die was a separate hit. If you spend a max of 15 FP as a total, the target is forced to make a Constitution Saving throw, and on a fail, is paralyzed on next turn

Force Valor

  • Casting Time: 1 Action/Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • Force Point Cost: 20 FP

You focus the force into your body, boosting your physical capabilities. You gain a bonus to damage equal to 1d4+Wisdom modifier (stacks with other Force abilities) on all attacks, and can dash as a bonus action, as well as jump 2 times higher, and gain move speed equal to half your level rounded up. You also gain a bonus to hit equal to your proficiency bonus on all attacks, which stacks with Other sources of this effect. Your crit range becomes one higher, and you cannot roll a natural one on attack rolls, counting them instead as nat 2s. You may extend the duration of this power by spending more force points, increasing the duration by one minute per 10FP spent. You may use dexterity, instead of strength, when determining jump height regardless of if this power is active or not. You must be Jedi level 20 to use this power.


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range:10 Feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Force Point Cost:12 FP (max:N/A)

You concentrate the Force around a person, attempting to heal their wounds by speeding up the healing process. A target of your choice within 10 Feet of you recovers 1d12 + spell Casting modifier .

Advance Heal

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range:20 Feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Force Point Cost:36 FP (max:N/A)

On Advance heals the FP cost Is doubled compared to Heal, but everyone (yourself included) within the range (Allies) gets healed a 1d12 + spell Casting modifier. Must have Heal prior to learning Advance Heal.


  • Casting time:1 action
  • Range:Touch
  • Duration:Instantaneous
  • Force Point Cost: 5FP

This ability allows its user to gain insight and valuable information by touching inanimate objects. Essentially, the Force user can pick up impressions, memories, and even emotions from the object's past and the beings who came into contact with the item.

Sever Force

  • Casting Time:2 actions
  • Range:5 ft
  • Duration:Instantaneous
  • Force Point cost:150 FP (points can be contributed by one person or several)

Severe Force is a technique used predominantly by Light Side practitioners to shield an individual's connection to the Force. While the connotation of the technique makes it seem that the targeted individual is having their powers removed, in actuality you are bathing them in a wall of light that for all intents and purposes blocks their connection. Opponent must make a Wisdom saving throw 18 or be severed from the force. (User must be level 15)

Force Artifacts

In a galaxy far, far away, where the cosmic energies of the Force intertwine with the destinies of countless beings, legends are forged, and ancient relics hold unimaginable power. Welcome to the realm of Force artifacts, a chapter of the Star Wars universe that unveils the mystique and significance of these extraordinary objects.

Within this book, we embark on a journey through the annals of history, exploring the tales of legendary Jedi and Sith, heroes and villains, and the artifacts that shaped their destinies. From lightsabers that have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, to holocrons that guard the secrets of forgotten masters, we delve into the rich tapestry of the Force and uncover the hidden gems that lie within.

As you turn these pages, prepare to encounter artifacts imbued with the very essence of the Force. Each relic possesses its own unique story, whispering of battles fought, sacrifices made, and the eternal struggle between the light and dark sides. The Force artifacts are more than mere objects; they are conduits of power, repositories of wisdom, and keys to unlocking untold potential.

Whether you are a Jedi Knight seeking to unlock the secrets of ancient masters, a Sith Lord hungry for dominion over the galaxy, or a neophyte adventurer, drawn to the mysteries that lie beyond, this compendium will serve as your guide. Within its pages, you will find descriptions, histories, and rules for incorporating these Force artifacts into your Star Wars-themed Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, enabling you and your fellow players to harness their might or experience the consequences of their untamed power.

Remember, however, that these artifacts are not to be taken lightly. The Force flows through them, and their true power can be both awe-inspiring and treacherous. Choose your path wisely, for the lure of the Force can be seductive, and the consequences of wielding these artifacts may alter the course of your journey forever.

Prepare to unlock the secrets of the Force artifacts and embark on an adventure that will transcend the boundaries of the known galaxy. May the Force be with you.

Altar of Mortis

Description: The Altar of Mortis is a mystifying stone artifact of profound antiquity, standing at 4 feet in height and 3 feet wide at its base. Its origins are shrouded in enigma, surpassing the age of the Galactic Republic itself, dating back over 30,000 years to a time lost in the mists of history. This ancient altar possesses an aura of mystery, drawing the curious and the wise to decipher its purpose and unlock the secrets it holds.


  1. Gateway to the Beyond: The Altar of Mortis serves as a conduit between the mortal realm and the ethereal plane. Those who approach it with reverence and understanding can communicate with the enigmatic beings that dwell beyond the veil of existence. Be they spirits, ancient entities, or celestial forces, the altar opens a channel for communion and exchange of knowledge.

  2. Veiled Purpose: Despite the countless theories and conjectures, the true purpose of the Altar of Mortis remains obscured. It is a relic that raises more questions than answers, enticing scholars, sages, and seekers of truth to unravel its mysteries. Its enigmatic nature invites those who dare to delve into its depths to uncover secrets that may shape the course of destinies.


The Altar of Mortis, with its age and unknown purpose, carries a sense of both awe and caution. Its powers, while offering the potential for enlightenment and connection, also harbor the risk of encountering forces beyond mortal comprehension. Approach the altar with care and respect, for the ethereal beings it channels may hold their own intentions and demands, and their wisdom may come at a price.

Artusian Crystal

Description: The Artusian crystal is a very unique and rare crystal believed to be nothing but legend. It is said to be imbued with the very essence of the Force, granting incredible power to those who possess it. Its shimmering surface emits a soft, ethereal glow, reflecting the mystical nature of the Force.


  1. Force Sensitivity: When a non-Force-sensitive character holds the Artusian crystal, they become attuned to the Force and gain Force sensitivity. They can now access and use Force powers as if they were Force-sensitive individuals.

  2. Force Reserve: If the user is already Force-sensitive, the Artusian crystal can be used as a reserve of Force Points (FP). The crystal provides an additional 500 FP that can be tapped into when the user's own Force reserves are depleted.

  3. Transfer of Force Energy: The Artusian crystal has the ability to absorb and store Force energy. Whenever a Force-sensitive being channels their own Force energy into the crystal, it replenishes its FP reserve. This transfer can occur voluntarily or automatically when the user's own FP pool is full.

Caveats: Permanent Depletion: Once the Artusian crystal's FP reserve is completely depleted, it loses its connection to the Force and becomes inert. The crystal can no longer be used to access or store Force energy.

Circlet of Saresh

Description: The Circlet of Saresh is an ancient Jedi artifact, believed to be the only one of its kind. Its origin has long been forgotten by the Jedi, adding an air of mystique and reverence to the artifact. When worn, the circlet bestows its wearer with enhanced abilities in the Force, serving as a symbol of wisdom and strength.


  1. Force Regeneration: The Circlet of Saresh amplifies the Force Point regeneration of its wearer. When worn by a Force-sensitive individual with a good alignment, the Force Point regeneration rate is doubled, allowing for quicker replenishment of expended Force energy.

  2. Enhanced Force Attacks: Twice per day, the wearer of the Circlet of Saresh gains a significant advantage (+2) in Force-based attacks. This advantage heightens their accuracy and effectiveness when utilizing the Force as a weapon, increasing the likelihood of successfully overcoming adversaries.

  3. Wisdom Saving Throw Advantage: The Circlet of Saresh provides an inherent advantage to the wearer's wisdom saving throws. This heightened resistance to mental manipulation and control strengthens the wearer's mental fortitude, making them more resilient against external influences and ensuring their mind remains steadfast in the face of temptation or coercion.


Alignment Restriction: The Circlet of Saresh can only be worn by individuals with a good alignment. It resonates with the purity of their intentions and is inaccessible to those who have strayed from the path of righteousness.

Cloak of Hate

Description: The Cloak of Hate is a sinister garment infused with the dark side of the Force. Its origins and creators remain shrouded in darkness, but its malevolent power is undeniable. When draped upon the wearer, it bestows a range of formidable abilities, enabling them to withstand extreme temperatures and augment their combat prowess.


  1. Resistance to Elemental Extremes: The Cloak of Hate grants the wearer resistance to both frost and fire damage. It acts as a shield against the scorching flames and bone-chilling cold, allowing the wearer to navigate hazardous environments unscathed.

  2. Unyielding Adaptability: With the Cloak of Hate, the wearer can endure and survive in terrains with severe cold or extreme heat without the need for additional gear. The cloak regulates the wearer's body temperature, ensuring their comfort and survival in hostile environments.

  3. Empowered Strikes: When worn over armors (excluding other robes), the cloak augments the wearer's attacks. It adds +2 to attack rolls and damage rolls, enhancing the wearer's precision and potency in combat.

  4. Darkened Swiftness: The Cloak of Hate imbues the wearer with increased speed and agility. It adds +10 to the wearer's movement speed, allowing them to dart across the battlefield with unnatural celerity.

  5. Forcebane Aura: The dark energies within the cloak create a malevolent aura that disrupts Force-based attacks. When the wearer is targeted by a force attack, the opponent rolls damage with disadvantage, weakened by the cloak's insidious presence.


It is vital to remember that the Cloak of Hate is steeped in the dark side of the Force. Its use carries inherent risks, tempting the wearer with the allure of power and malevolence. The cloak's influence on the wearer's psyche should not be underestimated, as prolonged exposure to its dark energies may lead to corruption and moral degradation.

Dagger of Mortis

Description: The Dagger of Mortis is a mystical artifact of unknown origin, shrouded in the mystery of its creation. Legend has it that it was forged by the very essence of the Force itself. Its purpose, however, remains a tantalizing enigma, lost to the annals of time.


  1. Force Ward: When attuned to the Dagger of Mortis, you gain advantage on all saving throws against force abilities. The dagger acts as a protective conduit, shielding its wielder from the manipulative powers of the Force.

  2. Deadly Precision: As a weapon, the Dagger of Mortis deals 1d10 + Strength modifier piercing damage when used in combat. Its finely honed edge and supernatural balance make it a formidable tool of destruction.

  3. Forcebane: The true power of the Dagger of Mortis is unleashed when it is employed against force-sensitive individuals. When used against such beings, the dagger's damage is doubled, piercing through their defenses with lethal efficiency. Even immortal entities can be slain by the Dagger of Mortis, defying their supposed invulnerability.


It is crucial to note that the Dagger of Mortis, despite its extraordinary abilities, carries inherent risks and moral implications. Wielding such power requires caution and responsibility. The consequences of using the dagger's deadly force must be carefully considered, as it may have unforeseen ramifications on the balance of the Force and the destiny of those involved.

Fell Star

Description: The Fell Star, a relic born in the depths of ancient history, is an ominous and potent Force artifact. Its creation predates the very formation of the Galactic Republic, and its origins are intertwined with the enigmatic tales of the Sith. This artifact, rumored to have once been a Sith talisman, emanates an aura of darkness that both fascinates and unnerves those who behold it. Crafted from a rare obsidian-black crystal, etched with arcane Sith symbols, the Fell Star exudes an unsettling radiance, hinting at the formidable power it contains.


  1. Dark Side Dominance: The Fell Star amplifies the malevolent energies of the dark side of the Force. When wielded by a Force user who embraces the dark side, their dark side Force abilities inflict double the usual damage upon their targets. The unleashed power of the dark side courses through the wielder, empowering their strikes with devastating force.

  2. Eclipse of Fortune: With the Fell Star in hand, critical hits struck by the wielder's dark side abilities are now determined on rolls of 19 and 20. The artifact distorts the fabric of fate, aligning the cosmic forces to favor the wielder's malevolent intent. This increased chance of critical success grants a profound advantage in combat, bringing ruin to their adversaries.


However, the Fell Star's dark influence carries a dangerous vulnerability, exposing its wielder to the radiant power of the light side.

Light's Retribution: The Fell Star invites the wrath of the light side. Against the bearer of the artifact, those wielding light side abilities roll with advantage, their connection to the harmonious energies of the Force piercing through the darkness and finding their mark with greater accuracy. The very artifact that bolsters the wielder's malevolence becomes their own bane, a beacon attracting the righteous and empowering their righteous cause.

Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger

Description: The Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger, a legendary artifact steeped in mystery and whispered tales, is a formidable piece of armor that transcends mere physical protection. Composed of five interlocking oval plates made from an enigmatic black material, each adorned with a red gem encased in intricate gold filigree, the gauntlet emanates an aura of ancient power. From the middle three plates dangle delicate golden tassels, further hinting at the craftsmanship and significance of this artifact.


  1. Unyielding Barrier: When worn, the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger forms an impenetrable shield around the wearer. Nothing can make physical contact with the wearer without their explicit consent. This extraordinary ability grants the wearer unparalleled control over their personal space, ensuring that no harm can befall them unless they allow it.


However, the Gauntlet's power exacts a grave toll, gradually eroding the wearer's very essence.

Dark Pact: Each time the Gauntlet's protective barrier is invoked, the wearer is shielded from harm, taking no damage from the external source. However, for each use of the Gauntlet's power, the wearer suffers a necrotic wound, inflicting 1 point of irreparable damage to their life force. This necrotic damage cannot be healed by any means, resulting in a permanent reduction of their maximum Hit Points. As the wearer continually succumbs to the darkness within, they gradually lose an irreplaceable fragment of their vitality, inching ever closer to their ultimate demise.

Infant of Shaa

Description: The Infant of Shaa is a legendary artifact of immense power and dark origins. It is a small idol, intricately crafted from an unknown black material, giving off an eerie aura. The idol depicts an ancient and sinister deity, its form twisted and contorted into a grotesque representation of evil.


  1. Cataclysmic Burst: When filled with 100,000 force points, the Infant of Shaa has the ability to unleash a cataclysmic burst of energy. This burst is so devastating that it possesses the potential to obliterate an entire planet's surface, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.
  2. Controlled Explosion: When attuned to a person, the wielder gains the ability to control the artifact's explosive power at will. This grants them the ability to regulate the intensity and focus of the release, ensuring that the destructive force is directed with precision.
  3. Force Absorption: Unlike other artifacts, the Infant of Shaa can absorb force energy from any individual, not just its owner. This allows others to offer their own force energy to the artifact, fueling its power and potential for devastation.


The Infant of Shaa's power comes at a great cost and with significant risks:

  • The artifact's cataclysmic burst should be handled with extreme caution, as the consequences of misusing or mishandling the power can be catastrophic.
  • The sinister nature of the artifact may corrupt the wielder, tainting their thoughts and actions with malevolence.
  • The Infant of Shaa's immense power makes it a highly sought-after artifact, attracting the attention of powerful and dangerous individuals who will stop at nothing to obtain it.
  • The disturbance in the Force caused by the artifact's release can attract the attention of Jedi, Sith, and other Force-sensitive beings, potentially leading to confrontations and conflicts of epic proportions.

The Mortis Gods (The Ones)

Deep within the mysterious realm known as Mortis exists a trio of immensely powerful Force entities known as The Ones. These enigmatic beings, composed of the Daughter, the Son, and the Father, hold tremendous influence over the balance of the Force and the fate of the galaxy itself.

The Father

At the heart of Mortis stands the Father, the embodiment of balance and neutrality. He is a powerful Force user, capable of maintaining equilibrium between the light and dark sides of the Force. The Father's primary role is to govern and keep his two children, the Daughter and the Son, in check, preventing them from tipping the scales towards chaos and destruction.

Described as a wise and ancient figure, the Father possesses unparalleled knowledge of the Force and its intricate workings. His connection to Mortis grants him extraordinary abilities, including the power to control time, space, and even life itself. The Father's primary objective is to maintain harmony and prevent his children from escaping Mortis, as their freedom could have dire consequences for the galaxy.


Encountering the Father, the enigmatic being of immense power, holds endless possibilities within the cosmic realm. There are multiple avenues through which one may cross paths with him, each presenting a unique and captivating experience. Engaging in a solemn communion with the mystical Altar of Mortis, you may strive to establish a connection with the Father, beseeching his wisdom and guidance. Alternatively, the Father, in his unfathomable wisdom, may choose to manifest before you unprompted, gracing you with his profound presence.

In his benevolence, the Father bestows the gift of the Force upon worthy individuals, unlocking their latent potential and illuminating the path ahead. Furthermore, he may entrust you with revered Force artifacts, imbued with ancient energies, serving as invaluable allies in your perilous journey through the cosmos.

Beyond the bestowal of power and artifacts, the Father may also task you with quests of great significance. These quests, shrouded in mystery and steeped in destiny, will test your resolve, courage, and wisdom. By embarking upon these sacred missions, you shall unravel the intricate tapestry of fate and forge a legacy that resonates through the annals of the Force.

Prepare yourself, for the encounter with the Father holds the promise of transcendence, granting you the opportunity to leave an indelible mark upon the galaxy that shall echo throughout the ages.

Sword of Dominion

Description: The Sword of Dominion emanates an awe-inspiring aura of power. Legend has it that The Father himself forged this artifact to suppress the dominance of his children over the Galaxy, ensuring the delicate balance of the Force remains intact. The weapon boasts a resplendent platinum blade resting upon a magnificent golden hilt, adorned with ancient symbols that speak of its divine origin.

Damage: The Sword of Dominion deals 1d12 Radiant Damage


Balance Bringer: Crafted with unparalleled potency, the Sword of Dominion possesses the ability to subdue even the most untamed wielders of both the Light and Dark sides of the Force. Consequently, this weapon inflicts double damage upon Force-sensitive beings, serving as a formidable equalizer between opposing forces.

Nullifying Presence: With every successful strike against a Force-sensitive being, the Sword of Dominion exerts its nullifying influence. Such is its power that the target loses 1d10 Force Points, effectively hindering their ability to draw upon the Force.


While the Sword of Dominion may be wielded by anyone, this very fact renders it a perilous possession. The Father bestows this weapon upon individuals deemed worthy, yet its existence inevitably attracts numerous factions and individuals who covet its might. The allure of possessing such a weapon of unparalleled power can incite both allies and adversaries to vie for control of it, making the Sword of Dominion a coveted and potentially dangerous artifact to possess.

Bracelet of Absolute Immunity

Certainly! Here's an enhanced description of the Bracelet of Absolute Immunity, incorporating the elements you provided:

Description: Crafted by the enigmatic Father from an otherworldly metal and adorned with a resplendent gem, the Bracelet of Absolute Immunity stands as a magnificent and potent Force artifact.


Absolute Immunity: True to its name, the Bracelet bestows unparalleled protection upon its wearer, granting absolute immunity against damage and negative effects caused by all Force Abilities. Concealed within an invisible force veil, the Bracelet lies dormant until a Force Ability is directed towards the wearer. In that moment, the veil springs to life, shielding the wearer from any harm or adverse consequences that may befall them.

Caveats: However, one must be mindful of the Bracelet's unique limitations:

Following each instance of safeguarding the user, the Bracelet absorbs 10 Force Points from its wearer, ensuring a delicate balance. Once the wearer's reservoir of Force Points is depleted, the Bracelet relinquishes its protective prowess, ceasing to block or grant immunity against Force Abilities.

The Father

Medium, Neutral

  • Armor Class 30 (Divine Armor)
  • Hit Points 750 (50d10+500)
  • Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft.

30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10)

  • Saving Throws Str +23, Dex +23, Con +23, Int +23, Wis +23, Cha +23
  • Skills None
  • Damage Vulnerabilities None
  • Damage Resistances All damage types
  • Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
  • Senses Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 30
  • Languages All languages
  • Challenge 25 (75,000 XP)


Divine Aura. The Father emits an aura of divine power within a 120-foot radius. All allies within the aura gain advantage on saving throws and resistance to all damage types. All enemies within the aura have disadvantage on saving throws and vulnerability to all damage types.

Divine Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4d12 radiant damage. This weapon ignores all resistances and immunities.

Divine Magic. The Father can cast spells as a 20th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 30, +22 to hit with spell attacks). The Father can cast any spell from the cleric, druid, and wizard spell lists, as well as any spell from the Mortis God spell list.

Legendary Actions

Divine Strike. The Father makes one attack with his divine weapon.

Divine Magic. The Father casts a spell from his divine magic repertoire.

Divine Presence. The Father calls upon his divine power to force all creatures within a 60-foot radius to make a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for one round.

The Daughter

The Daughter, an embodiment of the light side of the Force, represents compassion, serenity, and selflessness. She possesses immense strength and agility, allowing her to engage in combat with unparalleled grace. The Daughter's primary role is to counterbalance her brother's dark nature and protect the balance of Mortis.

Gifted with the ability to heal wounds and rejuvenate life, the Daughter is a beacon of hope within Mortis. She is often depicted as a winged creature, soaring through the skies with elegance and grace. The Daughter's unwavering dedication to preserving balance makes her a formidable ally to those who seek to uphold harmony in the galaxy.


The ethereal presence of the Daughter, a radiant embodiment of purity and compassion, can manifest in myriad ways, imparting profound experiences upon those who seek her grace. To commune with her, one may approach the sacred Shrine of Mortis, where the boundaries between the mortal realm and the transcendent plane blur. Through fervent prayers and a heart open to the light, whispers of harmony may reach the Daughter's ears, beckoning her benevolence.

Yet, the Daughter, guided by her innate wisdom, may choose to reveal herself spontaneously, gracing selected individuals with her serene countenance and celestial aura. In her divine presence, a sense of tranquility envelops all who behold her, and the burdens of the galaxy momentarily fade away.

Moved by her boundless compassion, the Daughter may bestow upon worthy souls a fragment of her own immense power, channeling the light side of the Force through their very beings. As a testament to her divine influence, she may also entrust them with sacred relics, imbued with the essence of her grace, serving as beacons of hope and protection on their arduous journey.

Moreover, the Daughter, a harbinger of destiny, may unveil quests of profound significance. These sacred missions, intricately woven into the tapestry of fate, call upon the chosen few to embody her virtues, champion the cause of righteousness, and restore balance to a galaxy teetering on the precipice of darkness.

Embrace the opportunity to encounter the Daughter, for in her celestial presence lies the potential to awaken the dormant hero within, to restore hope where it has faltered, and to illuminate the path toward a future bathed in luminous harmony.

The Celestial Starblade

Description: A magnificent and revered artifact of the Force, the Celestial Starblade is a weapon of unparalleled beauty and power. Forged from the essence of a dying star by the skilled hands of ancient Force artisans, this blade resonates with the purest essence of the Light side. Its hilt, adorned with intricate celestial symbols, is a testament to its celestial origins. When unsheathed, the blade emits a radiant and pulsating light, illuminating even the darkest corners of the galaxy. The sword's very presence exudes a breathtaking aura that hints at the immense power contained within.

Damage: The Celestial Starblade deals 2d10 radiant damage on a successful hit.


Divine Strike: The Celestial Starblade becomes an extension of the wielder's unwavering dedication to the light. It channels the Force with unparalleled precision, infusing every strike with a surge of radiant energy. When wielded by a champion of goodness and justice, the blade's strikes are imbued with the power to vanquish darkness, dealing double damage to enemies upon a successful hit. This divine intervention allows the wielder to strike down the forces of evil with righteous fury.

Celestial Illumination: The Celestial Starblade is not only a weapon of power but also a beacon of hope. It harnesses the power of the Light side to illuminate the darkest reaches of the galaxy. With a mere thought, the wielder can command the blade to emit a brilliant and encompassing glow, banishing shadows and revealing hidden truths. Within a 60-foot radius centered on the sword, darkness is effortlessly dispelled and replaced with a radiant illumination, granting vision and clarity even in the bleakest environments.

Caveats: The Celestial Starblade is a sacred artifact, entrusted only to those deemed worthy by the Daughter of the Mortis Gods herself. Its powers are reserved for those whose hearts burn with the purity of the Light side. To wield this legendary weapon, an individual must possess an unyielding commitment to justice, compassion, and selflessness. The blade resists those tainted by the darkness, refusing to yield its true potential to those with malevolent intentions. Only a true champion of the light can unlock and harness the full might of the Celestial Starblade, becoming a living embodiment of its celestial power.

Ring of Celestial Grace

Description: The Ring of Celestial Grace is an exquisite ring crafted from an otherworldly white metal, its origins shrouded in mystery. Adorning the pinnacle of the ring is a captivating blue gemstone. Legend has it that this artifact was bestowed upon a mortal companion of The Daughter, a divine entity of Mortis.


Celestial Resilience: While wearing the Ring of Celestial Grace, the player becomes impervious to afflictions that would impair their senses or weaken their resolve. They cannot be blinded, frightened, paralyzed, or poisoned, their connection to the Force shielding them from harm.

Divine Touch: The wearer of the Ring of Celestial Grace attains unparalleled resistance against diseases and maladies. They are believed to possess the power to heal any ailment, granted they hold unwavering faith in their ability to do so.

Caveats: Only those who have aligned themselves with the forces of good can harness the power of the Ring of Celestial Grace. It rejects wearers with malicious intentions, as its purity resonates solely with those of virtuous hearts.

The Daughter

Medium, Good

  • Armor Class 28 (Divine Armor)
  • Hit Points 600 (40d10+400)
  • Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft.

28 (+9) 28 (+9) 28 (+9) 28 (+9) 28 (+9) 28 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Str +20, Dex +20, Con +20, Int +20, Wis +20, Cha +20
  • Skills N/A
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Force (from enemies within light aura)
  • Damage Resistances All damage types except force
  • Damage Immunities Radiant, Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
  • Senses Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 28
  • Languages All languages
  • Challenge 22 (41,000 XP)


Multiattack. The Daughter can use Light Aura, Light Weapon and Light Magic.

Light Aura. The Daughter emits an aura of light power within a 120-foot radius. All allies within the aura have resistance to all damage types except force. All enemies within the aura have vulnerability to force damage.

Light Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4d12 radiant damage. The weapon ignores all resistances and immunities except force.

Light Magic. The Daughter can cast spells as an 18th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 28, +20 to hit with spell attacks). The Daughter can cast any spell from the cleric, druid, and wizard spell lists, as well as any spell from the Mortis God spell list.

Legendary Actions

The Daughter can take 3 legendary actions per round, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Daughter regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

Light Strike. The Daughter makes one attack with her light weapon.

Light Magic. The Daughter casts a spell from her light magic repertoire.

Force Shield. The Daughter targets one creature within 60 feet and creates a shield of pure force around it. The target gains temporary hit points equal to the Daughter's hit point maximum and is immune to all damage until the end of their next turn.

The Son

In stark contrast to his sister, the Son is an embodiment of the dark side of the Force. Fueled by anger, aggression, and a thirst for power, he seeks to overthrow his father and plunge Mortis into chaos. The Son possesses immense strength and is a master of manipulation, capable of tempting others with promises of forbidden knowledge and unimaginable power.

Often depicted as a menacing figure with sharp fangs and piercing eyes, the Son wields dark abilities that allow him to drain the life force of others and corrupt their connection to the Force. He is a relentless adversary, perpetually seeking to break free from Mortis and unleash his malevolence upon the galaxy.


Beware the enigmatic Son, an embodiment of darkness and tempestuous power, whose presence elicits a chilling sense of foreboding. The path to encountering him is fraught with peril and trepidation, as he thrives amidst the shadows, toying with the hearts and minds of those who dare venture near.

Should you dare seek an audience with the Son, the ancient and crumbling Altar of Mortis serves as a conduit to his realm. Through arcane rituals and forbidden incantations, one may attempt to pierce the veil that separates the mortal realm from his malevolent domain. However, such an endeavor is not to be taken lightly, for the Son's allure can corrupt even the most steadfast souls.

Alternatively, the Son, guided by his inscrutable machinations, may choose to reveal himself when least expected. From the depths of darkness, he emerges, casting an ominous shadow over all who stand in his way. His presence is suffused with an intoxicating malevolence, drawing the unwary into a dance with the abyss.

Beware, for the Son is a master of manipulation and temptation. He may offer you a taste of his forbidden power, seducing you with promises of unimaginable strength and dominance over the Force. Yet, to partake in such dark gifts is to risk losing yourself to the abyss, forever consumed by the shadows that bind him.

In the depths of his malevolence, the Son may also burden you with ominous quests, entangling your fate with his own nefarious designs. These quests, shrouded in secrecy and danger, demand unwavering resolve and the willingness to confront the darkest corners of your own soul.

Should you dare to face the Son, tread carefully, for the encounter with this embodiment of darkness may forever alter your path. The allure of his power and the weight of his quests will test your very essence, and only the strongest will emerge unscathed, if at all.

The Abysmal Blade of Shadows

Description: This legendary artifact is a fearsome weapon forged from an otherworldly dark metal, its edges shimmering with an ethereal, ominous glow. The Abysmal Blade of Shadows is believed to have been crafted by The Son, a malevolent deity from the realm of Mortis, who sought to unleash darkness and corruption upon the galaxy.

Damage: The Abysmal Blade of Shadows deals 1d12 Necrotic damage.


Infernal Damnation: With each successful strike against their foes, the Abysmal Blade inflicts an additional 1d4 of necrotic damage, beyond its regular harm. As the wielder's onslaught continues, this necrotic energy intensifies. For example, after the third successful attack, the target would suffer an extra 3d4 necrotic damage, followed by 4d4 on the fourth successful strike. This effect subsides once combat concludes.

Ominous Aura: The blade radiates an aura of palpable dread and malevolence, causing opponents to quiver with unease when facing its wielder. Those who confront the Abysmal Blade must muster their courage, as they face a daunting challenge. Opponents must make a DC 15 saving throw or succumb to fear, as the sword's mere presence erodes their resolve.


While the Abysmal Blade of Shadows can be wielded by anyone, its connection to The Son ensures a gradual corruption of its user. The sword's malevolent influence tugs at the wielder's soul, tempting them to embrace the darkness that resides within. Should they succumb completely, the wielder risks becoming an agent of chaos, heralding an era of unrelenting darkness across the galaxy. Consequently, the allure of this legendary Force artifact has drawn the attention of many who would stop at nothing to obtain its power.

The Obsidian Heart Amulet

Description: This enigmatic amulet features a black chain adorned with a captivating crimson gem. Fueled by the very essence of the Dark Side, the Obsidian Heart Amulet emanates a palpable aura of immense power.


Dark Devotion: When worn, the Obsidian Heart Amulet grants the wearer resistance to all damage types, except for radiant damage. The amulet forms a shield of darkness around the wearer, fortifying them against various forms of harm.

Shadow Essence: The Obsidian Heart Amulet contains a reservoir of pure darkness within its crimson gem. Once per short rest, the wearer can tap into this dark essence and unleash a wave of shadowy energy. As an action, the wearer can channel the power of the amulet to cast the unique Force Ability "Shadow Bolt".

Shadow Bolt: The wearer releases a bolt of pure darkness from the amulet towards a target within 60 feet. Shadow Bolt cost 10 force points to use. The bolt deals 6d6 necrotic damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is also inflicted with a "Shadow Curse" for 1 minute. While cursed, the target has disadvantage on all saving throws against spells and abilities that deal necrotic or radiant damage. Additionally, whenever the target takes necrotic or radiant damage, they take an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.

The "Shadow Bolt" spell allows the wearer to harness the dark power of the Obsidian Heart Amulet and unleash its dark power upon their enemies. The ability to curse the target with vulnerability to necrotic and radiant damage adds a strategic element to combat, making the wearer a formidable opponent against those aligned with the light side of the Force.


While the Obsidian Heart Amulet can be worn by anyone, its sinister nature gradually seeps into the wearer's mind, corrupting their soul. The amulet exerts a subtle influence, amplifying negative emotions while suppressing positive ones. Over time, this malevolent force can lead the wearer down a treacherous path, tempting them to embrace the darkness within their own hearts.

The Son

Medium, Evil

  • Armor Class 28 (Divine Armor)
  • Hit Points 600 (40d10+400)
  • Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft.

28 (+9) 28 (+9) 28 (+9) 28 (+9) 28 (+9) 28 (+9)

  • Saving Throws Str +20, Dex +20, Con +20, Int +20, Wis +20, Cha +20
  • Skills None
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Radiant
  • Damage Resistances All except Radiant
  • Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
  • Senses Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 28
  • Languages All languages
  • Challenge 22 (41,000 XP)


Dark Aura. The Son emits an aura of dark power within a 120-foot radius. All allies within the aura have disadvantage on saving throws and vulnerability to radiant damage. All enemies within the aura have advantage on saving throws and resistance to all damage types except radiant.

Dark Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4d12 Necrotic damage.

Dark Magic. The Son can cast spells as a 18th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 28, +20 to hit with spell attacks). The Son can cast any spell from the cleric, druid, and wizard spell lists, as well as any spell from the Mortis God spell list.

Legendary Actions. The Son can take 3 legendary actions per round, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Son regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

-- Dark Strike. The Son makes one attack with his dark weapon.

-- Dark Magic. The Son casts a spell from his dark magic repertoire.

-- Force Drain. The Son targets one creature within 60 feet and drains its life force. The target must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or take 4d12 necrotic damage and have its hit point maximum reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. The Son regains hit points equal to the amount of hit points lost by the target.

Encountering the Mortis Gods in Your Adventures

Although Mortis exists in a realm beyond the reach of most mortals, there are rare instances when the Mortis Gods may interact with individuals from the wider galaxy. These encounters often occur during times of great significance or when the balance of the Force is at stake.

Should your adventurers find themselves crossing paths with the Mortis Gods, they should approach these encounters with caution and reverence. The Mortis Gods' power and influence transcend mortal comprehension, and their actions can shape the course of destinies. Whether your adventurers align themselves with the light, dark, or seek to maintain the delicate balance, their choices will have far-reaching consequences.

Navigating the realm of Mortis and interacting with the Mortis Gods will provide your players with the opportunity to explore profound themes of morality, destiny, and the eternal struggle between light and dark. The outcomes of their interactions can profoundly affect the narrative arc of your campaign, shaping the galaxy's fate and their own personal destinies.

Engaging with the Mortis Gods is not a situation to be taken lightly. Their cryptic nature and the metaphysical complexity of their realm can pose daunting challenges, but also offer unparalleled rewards. Guided by their personal instincts, force sensitivity, and courage, your adventurers may gain insight into the true nature of the Force, or even unlock abilities beyond their wildest dreams.

However, keep in mind that the will of the Mortis Gods is not easily discerned and their motivations can be as enigmatic as the universe itself. The Daughter embodies the light side of the Force, the Son the dark, and the Father works tirelessly to maintain balance between them. Yet, their actions may not always align with your adventurers' expectations or desires.

In navigating their interactions with the Mortis Gods, your adventurers will need to exercise wisdom, diplomacy, and a deep understanding of the Force. The choices they make may tip the balance of the Force in unforeseen ways, offering them the chance to shape events on a cosmic scale.

Remember, the Mortis Gods, though seemingly omnipotent, are also bound by the laws of their realm. They are not malicious gods, but rather transcendent entities that represent the fundamental aspects of the Force. Understanding this, your adventurers may realize that their encounters are less about combat and more about understanding the deeper truths of the Force and their place within its cosmic balance.

In conclusion, introducing the Mortis Gods into your Star Wars-themed D&D campaign can add a thrilling element of mystery and grandeur. It expands the scope of the narrative, challenging your adventurers to consider their actions and decisions in the broader context of the Force's eternal struggle between light and dark. The Mortis Gods present a unique opportunity for your players to delve into the very heart of the Star Wars mythos, exploring themes that are as vast and timeless as the galaxy itself.

Chapter 6: Lightsaber Fighting Styles

Throughout the millennia since the lightsaber's creation, the art of dueling with them developed into seven "classic" forms and numerous other styles. It was difficult to master for a number of reasons, one of them being that all of the weight a lightsaber had was in its hilt. It had been said that only a Force-sensitive individual could completely master lightsaber combat, though there have been some great non-force sensitive duelists, such as Pre Vizsla, or General Grievous. All seven traditional lightsaber forms included the same basic techniques as ancient sword-fighting styles, such as defensive postures, overhand strikes, parries, and counters.

Lightsaber Fighting Style (LFS) Points

Force sensitive classes have a column titled LFS Points. The points show how many points you should have at the level shown. You can use the points to learn a new fighting style or progress in one you already know. It takes 3 points to fully master a fighting style.

Introduction to Lightsaber Fighting Forms

In Combat

When in combat you have a default stance you start in. You can change your default fighting style outside of combat (let your DM know). when you want to switch from one fighting style to another during combat it must be on your turn, and cost an action to do so.

Form I: Shii-Cho (The Way of the Sarlacc)

This is the earliest and most fundamental form of lightsaber combat, characterized by a straightforward approach. It aims to strike a balance between aggressive tactics meant to incapacitate or kill and the strategy of disarming an opponent. It's particularly effective against numerous adversaries and is commonly taught to younger Jedi trainees.

Form II: Makashi (The Way of the Ysalamiri)

Recognized for its refinement and fluid motion, this style is akin to a dance, with a focus on dueling a single adversary. It emphasizes on precision and control, aiming to prevent the wielder from being disarmed while delivering swift, pinpoint strikes.

Form III: Soresu (The Way of the Mynock)

Highly defensive, this form involves minimal, efficient movements. Practitioners dedicate themselves to a patient defense, waiting for their opponent to show signs of weariness or to make a mistake. This form is known for its persistence, remaining a staple among Jedi despite the development of other combat styles.

Form IV: Ataru (The Way of the Hawk-Bat)

This combat style is dynamic and assertive, involving the use of the Force to perform acrobatic feats and attacks from all angles. It's physically and Force-intensive, demanding much space for its sweeping movements.

Form V: Shien/Djem So (The Way of the Krayt Dragon)

These are two variations of an intense and physically taxing style, which oscillates between strong defensive postures and powerful offensive maneuvers. Shien is tailored toward deflecting blaster fire and can be executed with a reversed grip, while Djem So is more focused on saber combat and counterattacks.

Form VI: Niman (The Way of the Rancor)

Often chosen within the Jedi Order for its moderate approach, this form integrates aspects of all other styles but lacks a defining strength. It's less strenuous and offers a harmonious mix of offense and defense, with a significant emphasis on using the Force within combat.

Form VII: Juyo (The Way of the Vornskr)

This is the most ferocious and erratic of the lightsaber forms, leading it to be the subject of debate and restrictions within the Jedi Council. Juyo requires a high level of physical and emotional stamina, as it involves a relentless offensive fueled by darker emotions. Practitioners risk succumbing to the dark side due to the emotional intensity this style demands.

Form I: Shii-Cho

Shii-Cho is based on foundational sword combat techniques, emphasizing basic strikes, deflections, and targeting specific body zones. It encourages a passionate combat mindset, which can lead to a dangerous edge where a fighter might be tempted to strike to kill. Practitioners must control this impulse to follow the form's true intent: disarming opponents without causing grievous harm.

This style is tailored for battles against multiple foes, using broad strikes that can keep several enemies at bay. However, its effectiveness wanes in one-on-one blade duels, where an opponent's agility might exploit the form's less refined movements.

Combat Bonuses

Form Novice:

  • +1 bonus to attack rolls when facing multiple opponents.

Form Adept:

  • +3 bonus to attack rolls when facing multiple opponents.
  • +2 bonus to damage rolls when facing multiple opponents.

Form Master:

  • +5 bonus to attack rolls when facing multiple opponents.
  • +3 bonus to damage rolls when facing multiple opponents.
  • When scoring a critical hit, the enemy must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 10 + your Strength modifier) or be disarmed.

Form Techniques

Sarlacc Sweep

Prerequisite: Form Adept

Use an action or bonus action at the Intermediate level to perform a sweeping attack that targets all enemies within reach of your lightsaber. Each enemy must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10 + your Dexterity modifier) or take damage from your lightsaber.

Disarming Slash

Prerequisite: Form Mastery

As a bonus action for those who have mastered Shii-Cho, you can make a targeted strike to disarm an opponent's weapon. On a successful hit, the enemy must make a Strength saving throw (DC 10 + your Strength modifier). A natural 20 on this attack roll results in the opponent's weapon being destroyed.

Form Weaknesses

  • Limited Precision: When engaging a single opponent, the lack of finesse in Shii-Cho's bladework hampers your precision. You suffer a -2 penalty to your attack rolls and Dexterity Saving Throws when facing a lone adversary.

  • Exposed Defence: In one-on-one melee combat, your wide swings create ample opportunities for skilled opponents to counterattack. When facing a single foe, missing an attack grant's opponent an attack of opportunity; they also gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against you when you use Shii-Cho techniques.

Form II: Makashi

Makashi, also known as Form II, is a lightsaber combat style designed for one-on-one dueling. It emphasizes grace and precision, opting for controlled, direct strikes instead of the wild, broad swings of Form I (Shii-Cho). This form aims to conserve energy, maintain balance, and avoid being disarmed by the opponent.

Form II is known for its elegance, with practitioners using calculated movements to outmaneuver a single adversary. Rather than relying on brute strength, Makashi duelists use quick jabs and light cuts to find openings in their opponent's defense. This form excels in single combat but is less effective against blasters or multiple enemies due to its focus on lightsaber dueling.

Makashi became less common after the Hundred-Year Darkness because Jedi rarely faced other lightsaber users. As blaster technology advanced and enemies with such ranged weapons became more prevalent, Form II's limitations in addressing blaster fire were exposed. This led to its decline and the rise of Form III (Soresu), which was tailored for defense against blasters.

Combat Bonuses

Form Novice

  • Gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls against a single opponent.

Form Adept

  • Gain a +4 bonus to damage rolls against a single opponent.
  • Have an advantage on saving throws to avoid being disarmed.

Form Master

  • Gain a +6 bonus to damage rolls against a single opponent.
  • Cannot be disarmed.
  • Gain an attack of opportunity as a reaction when a melee opponent misses an attack against you.

Form Techniques

Makashi Riposte

Prerequisite: Form Adept

As a reaction when hit by an attack (except critical hits), attempt a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10 + attacker's Dexterity modifier). On a successful save, avoid damage and gain an attack of opportunity. On a failed save, take half damage.

Contentious Opportunity

Prerequisite: Form Master

Active while dueling when facing a single melee opponent, increase the range for critical hits to include rolls of 18-20, exploiting the opponent's inferior skill, and sloppy footwork.

Form Weakness

  • Overextended Strikes: When facing multiple opponents with melee weapons (2 or more), your attacks suffer a -2 penalty to hit as you struggle to maintain precise strikes against multiple adversaries.

  • Defensive Vulnerability: When facing multiple opponents (3 or more) with blasters, you suffer a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws due to the difficulty of deflecting numerous incoming blaster bolts.

Form III: Soresu

Soresu, often referred to as Form III of lightsaber combat, was created in response to the prevalence of blasters. This style emphasizes a tight, controlled approach to lightsaber movements, coupled with subtle evasions, to form a highly defensive technique that aims to protect the user from ranged attacks. As it evolved, Soresu became more than just a tactical response; it embodied the Jedi's non-aggressive stance.

Similar to Form II, known as Makashi, Soresu emphasizes minimal movement and conserving energy, maintaining a steady flow with the lightsaber to build momentum and reduce fatigue. Its primary goal is defensive strength, patiently outlasting an opponent and capitalizing on their errors, whether they stem from frustration or exhaustion.

However, Soresu has been criticized for its defensive nature, which prioritizes survival over defeating an opponent. Consequently, more aggressive forms such as Ataru and Shien were developed to compensate for Soresu's offensive shortcomings.

Combat Bonuses

Form Novice

  • Gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class (AC).

Form Adept

  • Gain a +2 bonus to AC.
  • Can perform 1 Parry as a free reaction. A short rest is required before you can Parry again.

Form Master

  • Gain a +3 bonus to AC.
  • Receive two Parry charges (free reaction). A short rest is required to regain Parry charges.
  • Have advantage on all Saving Throws.

Form Techniques

Circle of Shelter

Prerequisite: Form Adept

As a bonus action, make it harder for opponents with blasters to hit you. They roll with disadvantage until your next turn. Use limits increase with your level (once at level 5, twice at level 10, three times at level 15, and four times at level 20). Requires a short/long rest to reuse.

Defensive Duelist

Prerequisite: Form Master

When you've mastered the form, you can exploit enemy mistakes. If an opponent with a melee weapon rolls a natural 1, respond with a critical hit as though you rolled a natural 20, and calculate damage accordingly.

Form Weakness

  • Decreased Initiative: You take a -5 penalty to initiative rolls.
  • Risky Offense: If you miss an attack, opponents who can attack you get an attack of opportunity against you. However, if you have a parry available, you may use it to defend against this attack.

Form IV: Ataru

Form IV, known as Ataru, is a dynamic and aggressive lightsaber technique renowned for its speed and effectiveness against single opponents. However, its use is limited in prolonged battles, tight spaces, and against blaster fire. Utilizing the Force, practitioners perform acrobatic maneuvers, such as flips and leaps, to strike from various angles rapidly.

Ataru demands high levels of speed and athleticism, allowing users to deliver powerful blows from the ground or air, often seeming like a blur to their adversaries. The Force not only amplifies their physical abilities but also guides their swift and strategic combat moves.

Despite its strengths, Ataru is less ideal when facing multiple adversaries or sustained blaster fire. It's also physically demanding, which may lead to exhaustion if the fight drags on. Users are encouraged to retreat if they cannot swiftly overpower their foes with a flurry of Ataru's intense attacks.

Combat Bonuses

Form Novice

  • Advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

Form Adept

  • Advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  • Perform two standard lightsaber attacks per action.

Form Master

  • Advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  • Perform two standard lightsaber attacks per action.
  • Critical hits on dice rolls of 19 and 20.

Form Techniques

Hawk-Bat Swoop

Prerequisite: Form Adept

Once per turn, you can leap over opponents and strike. If the attack lands, the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13 + your Dexterity modifier) or be stunned. This move allows you to escape without triggering an attack of opportunity.

Saber Swarm

Prerequisite: Form Master

As an action or bonus action, you can use this technique to give all your attack rolls advantage for the turn it's used. It requires a short rest before it can be used again. The usage of this ability increases with your level: once at level 5, twice at level 10, thrice at level 15, and four times at level 20.

Form Weakness

  • Spatial Awareness: Ataru's acrobatics can become a hindrance when not in open spaces. You must pass a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check at the start of each turn; failing this check implies the practitioner has misjudged the environment, leading to disadvantage on all melee attack rolls that turn.
  • Overextension Risk: The sweeping and ambitious moves of Ataru can lead to overextension. After using an Ataru technique, you must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or lose your bonus action for the next turn, representing a momentary lapse in your offensive flow.

Form V: Shien/Djem So

Form V is an aggressive lightsaber fighting style that evolved from the more defensive Form III. Form V users didn't like how Form III prolonged fights by being too passive, so they developed a style that allows them to create their own chances to strike back. The style is known for powerful attacks that transition into quick counterstrikes.

There are two variants of Form V:

  • Shien: This is the original version of Form V. It's better at deflecting blaster shots than fighting other lightsabers. Shien practitioners aim to send blaster bolts back to the shooter.

  • Djem So: This variant came later, focusing on lightsaber dueling. Djem So focuses on using the enemy's attacks to launch powerful counterattacks.

Form V mixes Form III's defense with the aggressive approach of Form II, resulting in a style that demands a lot of physical strength and is considered the most exhausting. While Shien struggles against a single opponent, Djem So lacks in mobility.

Combat Bonuses:

Form Novice

  1. When an opponent misses an attack on you, you can react by making an attack with your lightsaber or redirecting blaster fire back at them. If you redirect blaster fire, the damage is equal to the original attacker's blaster damage roll.

Form Adept

  1. When an opponent misses an attack on you, you can react by making an attack with your lightsaber or redirecting blaster fire. If you redirect blaster fire, the damage is equal to the original attacker's blaster damage roll.
  2. +1 to Armor Class (AC)

Form Master

  1. When an opponent misses an attack on you, you can counter attack, you can react by making an attack with your lightsaber or redirecting blaster fire. If you redirect blaster fire, the damage is equal to the original attacker's blaster damage roll.
  2. +2 to Armor Class (AC)
  3. When countering critical rolls are now 18-20.

Form Techniques

Falling Avalanche

Use a Bonus Action for a powerful overhead strike that forces an opponent to save against being disarmed and damaged.

Fluid Riposte

Once per long rest, react to a critical hit by forcing a reroll and countering with advantage, but you suffer exhaustion.

Form Weakness

  • Restricted Mobility: Using this form restricts your movement, making it harder for you to dodge area-effect attacks. You have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws against force abilities and abilities, and or weapons that require you to move out of the way.
  • Exhausting Offense: The physical strain of aggressive combat leads to fatigue. After using a Form V technique, the practitioner must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 12) or suffer one level of exhaustion.

Form VI: Niman

Niman is a versatile lightsaber combat technique that integrates aspects from earlier forms, primarily Forms I to V, excluding Form II. It's a well-rounded style that offers a balance of the basic moves from other forms without extreme strengths or weaknesses. This makes it a reliable choice that avoids leaving users overly vulnerable.

Practitioners of Niman often incorporate the Force into their combat strategy, using telekinetic abilities to complement their swordplay. This might involve pulling or pushing an opponent in tandem with lightsaber strikes to gain an upper hand.

Niman is particularly suitable for duelists interested in wielding dual-blades, as it builds on the principles of two martial arts that focus on this type of combat. Success with Niman relies heavily on a user's ability to be intuitive and imaginative in battle, rather than memorizing set responses.

Form Novice

  • Gain a +2 bonus on lightsaber attack rolls.

Form Adept

  • Retain the +2 bonus on lightsaber attack rolls.
  • Gain advantage once per turn when using dual or double-bladed lightsabers.

Form Master

  • Maintain the +2 bonus on lightsaber attack rolls.
  • Continue to have advantage once per turn with dual or double-bladed lightsabers.
  • Once per turn, you can use a Force power as a free action. However, if your attack misses or the opponent resists the effect, they receive an opportunity to counterattack.

Form Techniques

Draw Closer

Prerequisite: Form Adept

As an action or bonus action, costing 5 Force points, and available at the intermediate level, you can use telekinesis to pull an opponent within 30 feet toward you. The target must pass a Strength saving throw with a DC of 12 + your Wisdom modifier or be pulled and grant you advantage on your next attack.

Force Push

Prerequisite: Form Master

As an action or bonus action that costs 5 Force points, you can unleash a Force push upon an opponent. When you hit an opponent, they sustain damage and are pushed back 10 feet. They must succeed on a Strength saving throw with a DC of 12 + your Wisdom modifier to resist being pushed.

Form Weakness

Niman doesn't excel in any one area but also doesn't have any specific vulnerabilities. It's the jack-of-all-trades of lightsaber forms.

Form VII: Juyo

Juyo is the seventh form of lightsaber combat, characterized by its aggressive and powerful strikes. Practitioners of Juyo use their emotions to fuel their focus, leading to a combat style that is both fierce and unpredictable. This form breaks away from the conservative methods of earlier forms, choosing instead to go on the offensive with a direct and forceful style that often leaves defense as a secondary concern.

Juyo is more energetic and lively in comparison to the deliberate, heavy strikes of Form V. While it lacks the elaborate maneuvers of Ataru, it demands a higher level of energy due to its extensive motion range and emotional intensity. Despite its challenging nature, those who master Juyo gain access to remarkable fighting abilities.

Form Novice

  • Gain a +1 bonus to hit with lightsaber attacks.

Form Adept

  • Gain a +3 bonus to hit with lightsaber attacks.
  • Add your Strength modifier to damage.

Form Master

  • Gain a +5 bonus to hit with lightsaber attacks.
  • Add your Strength modifier to damage.
  • Gain advantage on Strength saving throws.

Form Techniques

Swift Flank

Prerequisite: Form Adept

It allows you to exploit an opponent's blind spot through a rapid maneuver, either a leap or a quick sidestep. Execute this move to attempt a surprise strike, forcing the opponent to make a Dexterity saving throw with a difficulty class (DC) of 13 plus your Dexterity modifier. If they fail, your attack counts as a critical hit. Usage is limited to once at level 5, twice at level 10, three times at level 15, and four times at level 20, with a long rest required to regain use.

Tempered Aggression

Prerequisite: Form Master

It allows you to channel your ferocity into controlled bursts. When you activate Tempered Aggression, each attack that hits during its duration will benefit from rolling damage with advantage, symbolizing the precision and power behind each blow. However, the technique ends immediately if you miss an attack. Tempered Aggression can be used once per long rest.

Form Weakness

  • Emotional Exhaustion: Juyo fighters channel their emotions into every strike, which can be a double-edged sword. If you roll a critical failure on an attack roll, the emotional strain overwhelms you, and you gain a point of exhaustion. This reflects the mental disarray that can occur when a Juyo practitioner's intense emotions are disrupted by a significant setback in combat.
  • Risky Maneuvering: Juyo's bold techniques can leave you off-balance. If you fail to hit with an attack, you must pass an Acrobatics check (DC 15) or your turn immediately ends, and the next attack against you has advantage due to your compromised position.

Chapter 7: Personality and Background


Your race indicates the languages your character can speak by default, and your background might give you access to one or more additional languages of your choice. Note these languages on your character sheet.

Choose your languages from the Standard Languages table, or choose one that is common in your campaign. With your DM’s permission, you can instead choose a language from the Exotic Languages table.

Some of these languages are actually families of languages with many dialects. For example, the Primordial language includes the Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Terran dialects, one for each of the four elemental planes. Creatures that speak different dialects of the same language can communicate with one another.

Standard Languages

Language Typical Speakers
Galactic Basic Most People
Arkanian Arkanians
Asogian Asogians
Binary Droids
Bothese Bothans
Cheunh Chiss
Dathomirian Dathomirian
Devaronese Devaronian
Dug Dug
Durese Duros
Gungan Gungan
Huttese Hutts
Houkese Houk
Kaminoan Kaminoan
Kel Dorian Kel Dor
Lasat Lasats
Miralukese Miraluka
Mon Calamarian Mon Calamari
Nautila Nautilans
Rodese Rodians
Ryl Twi'leks
Zabraki Zabraks
Thisspiasian Thisspiasian
Toydarian Toydarian

Exotic Languages

Language Typical Speakers
Shyriiwook Wookiee
ur-Kittât Sith
Protobesh Jedi
Gammorese Gammoreans
Jawaese Jawas
Ewokese Ewoks
Talzzi Talz
Dosh Trandoshans
Mando'a Mandalorians
Rakatan Rakata



In the vast expanse of the galaxy, you are a seasoned adventurer, one who has journeyed across countless star systems, faced the brutality of conflict, and stood firm in the face of the obscure and the arcane. Your travels have exposed you to a myriad of bizarre, fearsome, and awe-inspiring sights, from the ancient ruins of forgotten civilizations to the edge of wild and uncharted space.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Perception

Tool Proficiencies: Slicer's Gear (equivalent to Thieves' Tools)

Languages: Choose one language commonly spoken in the galaxy.

Equipment: A Vibroblade, a set of durable traveler's attire, a utility cloak with hidden pockets, an all-purpose survival shovel, a hydrospanner (equivalent to a crowbar), a memento from an early quest, and a small pouch holding 15 gc

Feature: Galactic Wanderer

Across the galaxy, your reputation precedes you, ensuring there's always some form of work available—be it aboard freighters, in the outer rim outposts, or among the bustling spaceports of the core worlds. However, finding a berth to rest your head is another story. The galaxy's denizens are wary of your kind, recognizing the utility of an adventurer's skills but hesitant to extend their hospitality. To many, adventurers are seen as reckless drifters, tomb raiders, or even mercenaries who invite trouble.

Yet, in a galaxy teeming with tyrannical Sith, relentless bounty hunters, undead horrors of the dark side, and the machinations of imperial remnants, the courageous—or desperate—often seek out those with the courage to face such perils. As your legend grows, you may gather a cadre of admirers or hopeful apprentices, but even they might balk at the thought of offering you shelter. Despite mixed perceptions, many adventurers are affiliated with a guild, a brotherhood, or a syndicate, through which they secure contracts and establish vital connections, navigating the precarious balance between notoriety and necessity in a galaxy far, far away.


In a galaxy where the Force binds all life together, your artistry serves as a beacon of culture and expression that transcends planetary systems. Whether born on the bustling core worlds, the rugged outer rim, or somewhere in the vast expanse in between, your talents in manifesting life and emotion through mediums like durasteel canvases, exotic woods, and rare inks have earned you respect and admiration. As an Artist, you've honed your craft to such a degree that your name is whispered in art circles across the stars, and patrons from both the refined echelons of the Galactic Senate to the shadowy figures of the underworld vie for your esteemed creations.

Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, History

Tool Proficiencies: Artisan's Implements (specific to your chosen art form)

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures you've encountered

Equipment: A set of artisan's implements, a set of common clothes, a digital portfolio of your work (holoprojector), and a belt pouch containing 10 gc.

Feature: The Galaxy's Muse

As an Artist, your reputation precedes you, not just on your home planet but across the star systems. Your works are eagerly sought by all manner of clientele, from the high-ranking officials of the Republic to wealthy collectors on distant moons. Your renown may grant you access to exclusive gatherings, from the grandiose halls of Naboo royalty to the opulent yachts of Hutt magnates. With commissions often secured through holonet transmissions, you receive payment in advance, and your patrons provide the necessary resources and subjects for your next masterpiece. However, you must deliver on your promises – the galaxy's elite are not known for their patience, and a tarnished reputation can spread as quickly as a podracer on the final lap of the Boonta Eve Classic.


In a galaxy riddled with conflict and turmoil, some individuals dedicate their lives to safeguarding others. Whether you are a silent warden who watches from the shadows or a valiant protector who stands boldly at the side of those under your charge, your existence is defined by your unwavering commitment to those you deem worthy of your protection. Your skills are honed not for personal glory, but for the safety and survival of your charge.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two sets: Perception and Insight, or Investigation and Survival.

Tools: Thieves' tools for delicate operations, and a herbalism kit to tend to wounds in the absence of medical facilities.

Languages: Your role requires effective communication with those you defend. You have learned an additional language of your choice to aid in this task.

Equipment: Choose between 2 compact blaster pistols or 1 heavy blaster rifle, reinforced protective clothing, a set of thieves' tools, a hooded cloak for disguise or inclement weather, common attire suitable for blending into crowds, and a utility belt pouch containing 15 galactic credits.

Feature: Vanguard's Sacrifice

As a sentinel among the stars, your instincts are finely tuned to sense danger to those you guard. When a friendly creature or humanoid within your vigilant watch is targeted by an attack and they are within 10 feet of you, you can swiftly intervene. You may choose to take their place and receive the attack directed at them. This selfless act must be declared before the attack roll is made. You possess the capacity to execute this protective maneuver a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier, and you regain all expended uses after a long rest.

Bounty Hunter

In the lawless expanse of the Outer Rim and the underworld of Coruscant, Bounty Hunters are both feared and respected. You have honed your skills to become a formidable tracker and mercenary, specializing in the pursuit and capture of individuals who have crossed the wrong people, corporations, or governments. Your reputation precedes you as a relentless and cunning pursuer, and your services are in high demand across the galaxy.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Stealth

  • Tool Proficiencies: Thieves' Tools, one gaming set of your choice

  • Languages: One language of your choice, often reflecting the diverse cultures encountered during your assignments

  • Equipment: A set of dark-colored clothing suitable for stealthy work, a utility belt, a set of thieves' tools, a personal comm device, and a pouch containing 15 gc

Feature: Marked for Capture

As a Bounty Hunter, your name carries weight in the shadowy corners of the galaxy. You have access to bounties and contracts through various underworld networks, and your reputation grants you an audience with crime lords, underworld syndicates, and even the occasional Imperial or Republic official who needs deniable actions taken. Your connections also provide you with information about the movements and activities of your targets, and you may find yourself in the company of other hunters who respect your skills. However, be wary – your line of work often puts you at odds with the law, and pursuing certain bounties may draw unwanted attention from powerful adversaries or law enforcement agencies.


In the sprawling urban centers and shadowy alleys of the galaxy, individuals skilled in unraveling mysteries and uncovering truths are highly sought after. As a Detective, you have honed your investigative abilities to a razor-sharp edge, making you a valuable asset to law enforcement agencies, private clients, and even underground organizations. Whether your expertise lies in solving corporate espionage on the gleaming spires of Coruscant, tracking down renegade droids on the junk-strewn plains of Lothal, or untangling the web of intrigue within the cantinas of Tatooine, your reputation as a relentless seeker of truth precedes you.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: Gaming set and a forgery kit, reflecting the diverse methods of interrogation and information gathering in your arsenal

Languages: One language of your choice, a testament to the varied cultures and tongues encountered during your investigations

Equipment: A magnifying glass, a set of common clothes, a small vial of truth serum, and a belt pouch containing 15 galactic credits (gc)

Feature: Informant Network

As a Detective, you have cultivated a network of informants, both on the right side of the law and the shadier fringes of society. These contacts provide you with snippets of valuable information, tips on potential leads, and rumors that can aid in your investigations. Your reputation for delivering swift and effective results grants you a degree of credibility with local law enforcement and influential figures, affording you access to crime scenes, restricted areas, and the occasional audience with planetary authorities. However, navigating the murky waters of the galactic underworld requires finesse and discretion, as your methods often skirt the boundaries of legality, and your allies can quickly become liabilities if exposed.


In a galaxy rife with political intrigue and interstellar diplomacy, the role of diplomats is crucial in maintaining fragile alliances and fostering new relationships between systems and species. As a Diplomat, you are a master of negotiation and tact, skilled in navigating the complexities of the Galactic Senate, corporate boardrooms, and the shadowy dealings of the underworld.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight

  • Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or musical instrument, reflecting your ability to forge connections through shared leisure activities

  • Languages: One additional language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures you've engaged with

  • Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a data pad for recording important information and messages, a holoprojector for displaying holographic images and messages, and a pouch containing 15 galactic credits (gc).

Feature: Galactic Envoy

As a Diplomat, you are a respected figure with the ability to act as a liaison between different worlds and factions. Your reputation and expertise in negotiation afford you access to diplomatic enclaves, senatorial meetings, and even clandestine gatherings of influential figures. Your connections may grant you vital information, introductions to powerful allies, and the opportunity to sway the course of galactic events. However, the delicate nature of your work means that discretion is paramount, and a misstep could lead to strained relations or worse, open conflict.

Drunken Pirate

In the vast expanse of space, amidst the swirling chaos of hyperspace lanes and the hidden havens of remote planetary systems, the Drunken Pirate is a figure of infamy and mirth. Whether you hail from the bustling cantinas of Coruscant, the lawless ports of the Outer Rim, or the secretive enclaves of the Unknown Regions, your rollicking exploits and love of swashbuckling adventure have made you a legend in tavern tales across the galaxy. As a Drunken Pirate, you've honed your skills at sea, or rather, in the void of space, where your uncanny luck and daring escapades have earned you a reputation as a lovable scoundrel, always ready to raise a glass and share a wild tale of your exploits.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Deception

  • Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's Tools, Vehicles (Water or Air)

  • Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures and dialects encountered during your adventures

  • Equipment: A battered tricorn hat, a well-worn cutlass or blaster pistol, a flask of potent spirits, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 galactic credits (gc).

Feature: Tall Tales and Treasure Maps

As a Drunken Pirate, your larger-than-life reputation precedes you in every port and shadowy cantina from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim. Your name evokes a mix of awe, amusement, and caution among those who have heard of your exploits, and many are eager to hear your wild tales of daring raids, narrow escapes, and encounters with legendary space beasts. Your notoriety may grant you access to secret gatherings of smugglers, information brokers, and fellow pirates, and your charismatic nature often allows you to negotiate with various underworld figures. Your propensity for spinning a good yarn can often lead to opportunities to gather information or favors from those eager to be regaled by your legendary stories. However, your love for revelry and spirits may sometimes lead you into trouble, as not everyone appreciates your boisterous ways, and the authorities are often on the lookout for any sign of your notorious presence.


Throughout the galaxy, there are those whose skill with a blade or blaster is renowned and feared. As a Duelist, you have dedicated your life to the mastery of combat, whether with elegant lightsabers, swift vibroblades, or precise blaster pistols. Your prowess has earned you a reputation as a formidable combatant, and your name is whispered with both awe and trepidation in cantinas, spaceports, and shadowy underworld circles.

Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures and species you've encountered in your travels

Equipment: A favored weapon (a lightsaber, vibroblade, or blaster pistol), a set of common clothes, a gaming set of your choice, and a belt pouch containing 15 galactic credits (gc)

Feature: Fearsome Combatant

As a Duelist, your renown as a skilled combatant has spread far and wide, garnering both admiration and fear. Your expertise may grant you entry into underground fighting circuits, where your skills are tested and celebrated. Patrons of the gladiatorial arenas of Geonosis or the clandestine dueling clubs of Coruscant may seek your services, offering payment for your participation in their high-stakes spectacles. Your reputation also precedes you in less savory circles, where your name is known to bounty hunters and underworld figures who may seek to either employ your talents or test themselves against you in mortal combat.


You are one of the galaxy's many clones, bred in the vats of Kamino or another clandestine facility, and trained from birth to serve a specific purpose. Whether you were created to fight in the Grand Army of the Republic, carry out covert operations for a shadowy organization, or fulfill any other role, your life has been shaped by the genetic legacy of a legendary template.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, reflecting the downtime activities you engage in during periods of respite

Equipment: A set of common clothes, a symbol of your original organization (e.g., a Republic insignia, a Mandalorian sigil, or a mysterious insignia from a clandestine group), and a pouch containing 15 gc

Feature: Genetic Legacy

As a Clone, your existence is intertwined with a profound legacy. Depending on the nature of your origin, you may have connections, allies, or adversaries within the organization that spawned you. Your genetic lineage might grant you a degree of recognition or notoriety among certain factions, and it could open doors or close them depending on the circumstances. Your unique background may also attract the attention of those who seek to exploit or unravel the secrets of your creation, presenting both opportunities and dangers as you navigate the complex web of galactic intrigue.


In a galaxy teeming with conflict and upheaval, you have known the pain of being cast out from your home, whether by choice or by the cruel hand of fate. Your life has led you to wander the stars, seeking solace and purpose amidst the chaos. As an Exile, you've learned to survive on the fringes of society, drawing upon your resilience and adaptability to navigate the treacherous paths of the galaxy.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or musical instrument

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures you've encountered in your travels

Equipment: A simple weapon (such as a quarterstaff or blaster pistol), a gaming set or a musical instrument, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 10 galactic credits (gc).

Feature: Wandering Soul

As an Exile, you are no stranger to the harsh realities of life beyond the comforts of civilization. Your experiences have granted you a unique perspective, and you possess a keen understanding of the ways of the wilderness and the clandestine havens of the galaxy. Your nomadic existence has also afforded you a network of contacts and safe havens in the remote corners of the galaxy, allowing you to find temporary respite from the trials that haunt your past. However, the specter of your exile looms over you, and should the circumstances of your banishment come to light, you may find yourself facing suspicion or hostility from those who still hold sway over the lands you once called home.


In the tumultuous expanse of the galaxy, your reputation as a figure to be feared precedes you. Whether through ruthless mercenary work, clandestine dealings in the shadows, or a trail of formidable combat prowess, you command respect tinged with trepidation from those who know your name. Your very presence elicits hushed whispers and uneasy glances, for the stories of your exploits have spread like wildfire across star systems, striking fear into the hearts of adversaries and earning you a place among the enigmatic and formidable individuals who shape the fate of the cosmos.

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, Gaming Set of your choice to reflect your preferred method of intimidation (sabaac cards, dejarik hologame, etc.)

Languages: One language of your choice, perhaps a dialect used by underworld figures or a specialized code language of bounty hunters and spies

Equipment: A disguise kit, a gaming set of your choice, a set of dark clothing suitable for stealth, and a belt pouch containing 15 gc

Feature: Aura of Fear

Your fearsome reputation grants you a distinctive presence in the galaxy's darker corners. When dealing with individuals who are familiar with your notoriety, you can attempt to intimidate or coerce them with even greater effectiveness. Once per long rest, you can utilize your Aura of Fear to gain advantage on an Intimidation or Persuasion check. Additionally, you may use your reputation to gain access to illicit establishments, criminal networks, or shadowy information brokers, using your name as a form of currency to secure entry or information that might otherwise be denied to outsiders.


In the bustling cantinas and opulent casinos that dot the galaxy, few individuals are as adept at navigating the unpredictable currents of chance and fortune as the Gambler. Whether hailing from the glitzy casinos of Canto Bight, the high-stakes sabacc tables of Cloud City, or the seedy underworld dens of Nar Shaddaa, your life has been shaped by the thrill of the wager and the spin of the holodice. Your ability to read opponents, calculate odds, and charm your way to victory has made you a master of games of chance, and your reputation as a daring risk-taker and consummate entertainer precedes you wherever you go.

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: Playing Card Set, or Sabacc Deck, or Chance Cubes

Equipment: A set of common clothes, a gambling set of your choice (playing cards, sabacc deck, or chance cubes), and a belt pouch containing 15 galactic credits (gc).

Feature: Lady Luck's Favor

In moments of uncertainty, Lady Luck's grace smiles upon you, granting you the uncanny ability to twist fate in your favor. Once per long rest, you can call upon this gift to gain an advantage on a single skill check, ability check, or saving throw related to games of chance, sleight of hand, or social interactions within gambling settings. Whether it's a winning hand in sabacc, a crucial bluff in dejarik, or a persuasive word in the midst of a high-stakes negotiation, your innate luck can turn the tide when the stakes are highest.

Hopeless Romantic

In a galaxy filled with epic sagas and star-crossed destinies, you are a dreamer who believes in the enduring power of love and the triumph of the heart. Whether your origins lie in the bustling metropolises of Coruscant, the serene landscapes of Alderaan, or the desolate frontier worlds, your unwavering passion for romance and the pursuit of true love sets you apart. As a Hopeless Romantic, your heart guides your actions, and your empathy and understanding of love's complexities make you an invaluable companion in the tumultuous journeys that unfold across the stars.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: Musical Instrument or Calligrapher's Supplies

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures you've encountered in your quest for love

Equipment: A token of affection from a past lover, a set of common clothes, a small keepsake from a significant romantic encounter, and a belt pouch containing 10 gc.

Feature: Heart's Compass

As a Hopeless Romantic, your empathy and understanding of the intricate dance of love have earned you a reputation as a confidant and a source of wisdom in matters of the heart. Whether in the opulent ballrooms of the Core Worlds or the humble cantinas of the Outer Rim, your sincere demeanor and genuine interest in the affairs of others often grant you access to intimate conversations and hidden truths. Your reputation as a romantic soul may draw sympathetic individuals to your side, and your insight could prove invaluable in navigating the complex web of relationships that intertwine across the galaxy. However, your unyielding belief in love's redemptive power may also leave you vulnerable, as those who seek to exploit or manipulate your sentiments are drawn to your open heart like moths to a flame.

Law Bringer

As a Law Bringer, you are an enforcer of justice in a galaxy rife with lawlessness and chaos. Whether you are a member of the esteemed Jedi Order, a stalwart officer of the Republic's Judicial Forces, or a dedicated investigator within the clandestine ranks of the Rebellion, you have dedicated your life to upholding the principles of order and righteousness in a turbulent and often treacherous galaxy.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: Legal Documents, Security Kit

Languages: One language of your choice

Equipment: Legal Documents, Security Kit, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gc.

Feature: Pursuer of Justice

As a Law Bringer, your reputation as a champion of law and order precedes you. Your unwavering commitment to justice grants you the authority to seek information from local authorities and access to restricted areas where your pursuit of truth and righteousness leads. Whether you are delving into the seedy underbelly of Coruscant, negotiating with local security forces on Nar Shaddaa, or uncovering secrets in the labyrinthine corridors of Imperial bureaucracy, your dedication to the cause of justice grants you credibility and access to resources that are typically off-limits to ordinary citizens. However, your pursuit of justice may also attract the ire of criminal elements or corrupt officials who seek to hinder your efforts, making your path fraught with peril and intrigue.

Lone Survivor

In the vast expanse of the galaxy, you have endured trials and tribulations that few can comprehend. Whether you emerged from the wreckage of a starship, survived the devastation of a planetary cataclysm, or outlasted the horrors of war, you are the lone survivor of a harrowing ordeal that has shaped you in ways few can fathom. Your experiences have honed your instincts and resourcefulness, granting you a unique perspective on survival and resilience in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools or a musical instrument of your choice, representing a skill or interest developed during your solitary existence

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse encounters and challenges you've faced

Equipment: A set of artisan's tools or a musical instrument, a set of traveler's clothes, a battered survival kit containing basic provisions, and a token of remembrance from your past life, such as a salvaged memento or a piece of wreckage from the event that forged you as a lone survivor.

Feature: Unyielding Resilience

As a Lone Survivor, your indomitable spirit and unparalleled determination set you apart. Your tales of survival have spread across the galaxy, earning you a reputation as an enigmatic figure whose resilience is both admirable and unsettling to those who hear your stories. Your status as a survivor opens doors to diverse circles, from wilderness experts seeking your insights to planetary leaders intrigued by your firsthand knowledge of catastrophe. Your unique perspective grants you an advantage in understanding the ways of the wild and the unforeseen challenges of the galaxy, and your presence often compels others to confide in you, drawn by the aura of strength and tenacity that surrounds you.


In a galaxy teeming with diverse cultures and species, the power of music knows no bounds. Musicians are revered and sought after, their melodies and rhythms capable of stirring the souls of all who listen. Whether performing in the opulent chambers of the Core Worlds or the bustling cantinas of the Outer Rim, your musical prowess has captivated audiences across the stars. As a Musician, you have refined your art to the point where your performances are not just entertainment, but a transcendent experience that resonates with the very Force that binds the galaxy together.

Skill Proficiencies: Performance, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: Musical Instrument of your choice

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures you've encountered

Equipment: A musical instrument of your choice, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 galactic credits (gc)

Feature: Galactic Virtuoso

As a Musician, your name is known and celebrated throughout the galaxy, your performances having transcended mere entertainment to become cultural touchstones. Your reputation grants you access to a wide array of venues, from the grand concert halls of Coruscant to the boisterous cantinas of Tatooine. Patrons of all backgrounds and allegiances seek you out, from high-ranking senators to charismatic smugglers, each eager to bask in the brilliance of your compositions. Your renown can open doors and create opportunities, offering you the chance to gain valuable information and allies in your travels. However, your fame also makes you a target for those who seek to exploit your talents for their own gain, and navigating the treacherous waters of galactic politics and underworld dealings requires a deft touch and a discerning ear.


Nobles are heirs and scions of influential families, wielding power and privilege that spans star systems. Whether born into the opulence of the Core Worlds or to the proud lineages of the Outer Rim, nobles possess an air of authority and entitlement that can open doors and command respect. As a Noble, you are accustomed to commanding the attention of those around you and utilizing your family's reputation and resources to further your own ambitions.

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, History

Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or musical instrument

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting your family's connections and heritage

Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a signet ring or emblem of your family's house, a bottle of fine wine or spirits, and a purse containing 25 galactic credits (gc).

Feature: Family Connections

As a Noble, your family's status and connections grant you a degree of influence and recognition across the galaxy. Your name carries weight in social circles, and you can expect to receive invitations to high society events, political gatherings, and exclusive business negotiations. Whether you seek an audience with a planetary governor or need to secure passage on a private starship, your family's reputation can smooth the way. However, you must also contend with the expectations and responsibilities that come with your noble heritage. Your actions reflect not only upon yourself but also upon your family, and a tarnished reputation can have far-reaching consequences in the intricate web of galactic politics and social hierarchy.


In the vast tapestry of the Force, there are those who possess a deep attunement to its enigmatic currents, capable of peering through the mists of time and space to glean glimpses of the future. Whether through the ancient traditions of the Jedi, the esoteric practices of the Sith, or the uncharted paths of the Nightsisters, you have been marked as an Oracle, blessed or cursed with visions that grant you insight into the threads of destiny that bind the galaxy.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Arcana

Tool Proficiencies: A divination tool of your choice (such as tarot cards, a crystal ball, or a holocron)

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures and traditions you have studied

Equipment: A divination tool, a set of traveler's clothes, a small keepsake from a vision, and a pouch containing 10 galactic credits (gc).

Feature: Visions of Fate

As an Oracle, your connection to the Force grants you the ability to peer into the future, providing guidance and forewarning to those who seek your counsel. Your enigmatic reputation spreads across the stars, drawing the attention of seekers and skeptics alike. Patrons may beseech you for insights and auguries, and your visions may grant you access to places typically closed to outsiders, from the sacred chambers of the Jedi Temple to the clandestine conclaves of the Sith. However, the nature of your visions is a double-edged sword, for they may draw the attention of those who seek to manipulate or control the future, placing you in the midst of conflicts and intrigues that transcend mere mortal concerns.


In a galaxy teeming with the Force and technological marvels, prodigies emerge, wielding talents that defy conventional wisdom. Regardless of their homeworld or species, prodigies are revered for their innate mastery of a particular discipline. As a Prodigy, you have harnessed your exceptional abilities to the point where admirers seek your wisdom and insight, and patrons are willing to invest in your extraordinary potential.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Arcana, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, or Technology, reflecting your specialized knowledge.

Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan's tools or one musical instrument, representing your secondary area of expertise.

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse circles in which you've excelled.

Equipment: A set of specialized tools or a musical instrument, a token of recognition for your achievements, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gc.

Feature: Unrivaled Talent

As a Prodigy, your name is synonymous with unparalleled skill in your chosen field, garnering attention and respect from across the galaxy. Whether you're a gifted engineer sought after by the secretive guilds of Corellia, a master tactician admired by the strategists of the Rebel Alliance, or a brilliant xenobiologist whose expertise is valued by the scholars of the Jedi Archives, your reputation precedes you. Those who recognize your potential may offer you opportunities for collaboration, access to restricted knowledge, or even introductions to influential figures. However, your exceptional abilities also attract envy and scrutiny, as others seek to understand, emulate, or exploit the secrets of your success


As a Revolutionist, you are a fervent advocate for change and a tireless crusader against oppression and tyranny. Whether you hail from the core worlds, the outer rim, or the fringes of Wild Space, you have dedicated your life to the pursuit of justice and freedom for all sentient beings in the galaxy. Your actions have marked you as a formidable force against those who would seek to impose their will upon the populace, and your name has become synonymous with the struggle for liberty and equality.

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, History

Tool Proficiencies: Forgery Kit, Disguise Kit

Languages: One language of your choice, representing the diverse communities you've assisted in your fight for justice

Equipment: A forged identification, a cloak or robe that conceals your identity, a small token from a significant event in your revolutionary career, and a belt pouch containing 10 gc.

Feature: Champion of the Oppressed

As a Revolutionist, your unwavering dedication to your cause has earned you widespread recognition among the disenfranchised and the downtrodden. Your reputation precedes you, and those who seek to resist oppression look to you as a beacon of hope. Your efforts may have led you to form alliances with other like-minded individuals, whether they be freedom fighters, political dissidents, or even sympathetic members of the galactic nobility. Your connections and the respect you command within the revolutionary community can grant you access to safe houses, underground networks, and hidden enclaves, providing you with shelter and support in your ongoing struggle against tyranny.


In a galaxy where conflicts are as common as hyperspace routes, your competitive nature and skills have earned you a reputation as a formidable Rival. Whether you hail from the bustling cityscape of Coruscant, the arid deserts of Tatooine, or the frigid ice plains of Hoth, your relentless pursuit of excellence and your unwavering determination have set you apart. As a Rival, you thrive on the thrill of competition and the drive to surpass all who stand in your way, whether in the arena of podracing, the intensity of starship dogfights, or the cutthroat world of galactic politics.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or vehicle (depending on your chosen field of rivalry)

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures you've encountered in your pursuit of victory

Equipment: A gaming set or a memento from a defeated rival, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 galactic credits (gc)

Feature: Competitive Edge

As a Rival, your name is synonymous with competition, and your exploits are known to those who value prowess and determination. Your reputation precedes you in the arenas and haunts where rivals gather, and your standing grants you access to exclusive events and competitions across the galaxy. Your victories have garnered you a network of contacts and adversaries, from swoop bike gangs on the streets of Corellia to the elite pilots of the Imperial Navy. Your notoriety may open doors, but it also invites challenges from those seeking to prove themselves against the best. Your foes may seek to test you, but they also offer opportunities for alliances and partnerships in the pursuit of shared goals, whether it be victory in the next Grand Prix or the defeat of a common adversary.


In a galaxy teeming with beings of myriad species and cultures, not everyone finds themselves embroiled in the grand adventures of Jedi and Sith. Some individuals, like yourself, lead simpler lives, often overlooked but possessing a unique perspective that can't be found anywhere else. As a Simpleton, you navigate the complexities of the galaxy with a straightforward approach, finding contentment in life’s small pleasures and the bonds of community.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools or musical instrument

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diversity of the galaxy

Equipment: A set of artisan's tools or a musical instrument, a set of common clothes, a pouch containing 10 galactic credits (gc).

Feature: Humble Resilience

As a Simpleton, you possess a deep understanding of the natural world and the ebb and flow of life in the galaxy. Your unassuming nature and practical skills have earned you the trust and respect of those in the fringes of society, be it the moisture farmers on Tatooine, the fishermen on Mon Cala, or the agrarian communities of Lothal. You have a knack for finding sustenance, shelter, and camaraderie in even the most inhospitable environments, and your unpretentious demeanor often allows you to glean valuable information from those who might otherwise be guarded. Your humility and adaptability enable you to forge connections with people from all walks of life, and your insight into the ways of the galaxy's underbelly can prove invaluable in navigating its treacherous paths.


Born into a life of servitude, you were once bound by chains and forced to toil under the oppressive rule of others. Whether you were conscripted into hard labor in the spice mines of Kessel, compelled to serve in the opulent palaces of Tatooine's crime lords, or subjected to the cruel whims of a Hutt slavemaster, your past is marked by the shackles of bondage. However, through resilience, cunning, or sheer force of will, you have broken free from your chains and now seek to forge your own destiny in the galaxy.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Deception

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools of your choice, representing a skill learned during your servitude

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse beings you encountered during your time as a slave

Equipment: A set of common clothes, a token of your past enslavement (such as a broken shackle or a scrap of your former master's insignia), and a belt pouch containing 10 galactic credits (gc)

Feature: Resilient Survivor

Having endured the hardships of enslavement, you have developed a keen sense of survival and the ability to adapt to adverse circumstances. Your experiences grant you a unique insight into the plight of the oppressed, allowing you to empathize with those who suffer under tyranny. This empathy may open doors to connections with freedom fighters, sympathetic underworld figures, or even former fellow slaves who now seek to overthrow the yoke of oppression. However, the scars of your past may also attract unwanted attention from those who still hold the chains of power, and you must tread carefully to avoid being ensnared once more.

War Criminal

Amidst the turmoil of galactic conflicts, some individuals find themselves thrust into roles they never sought. Whether by choice or circumstance, you have been involved in acts that have branded you a pariah in the eyes of the law and the moral order of the galaxy. Your actions, whether committed under duress, deception, or conviction, have left an indelible mark on your conscience and the lives of countless others.

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies: Forgery Kit, one type of gaming set or musical instrument

Languages: One language of your choice, reflecting the diverse cultures you've encountered in the aftermath of conflict

Equipment: A forged identification, a set of common clothes, a token of remembrance from a time before your involvement in war, and a belt pouch containing 15 galactic credits (gc)

Feature: Shadowed Past

As a War Criminal, your notoriety precedes you, often casting a shadow over your interactions and opportunities. While your background may grant you an air of intimidation, it also comes with the burden of constant scrutiny, as well as the ever-present risk of capture or persecution by law enforcement or those seeking retribution. Your knowledge of clandestine operations and underworld connections may afford you a degree of leverage in certain circles, but it's a precarious existence, fraught with the need for constant vigilance and the elusive hope of redemption in the eyes of the galaxy.

Well Traveled

In a galaxy rife with adventure and peril, you have roamed far and wide, navigating the hyperlanes and treading the diverse landscapes of countless planets. Whether by starship, speeder, or even on foot, your experiences have imbued you with a deep understanding of the galaxy's myriad cultures, customs, and hidden enclaves. As a Well Traveled individual, your journeys have shaped you into a cosmopolitan soul, equally at home amid the opulence of Coruscant's upper levels as in the dusty cantinas of Tatooine.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's Tools, one gaming set of your choice to pass the time during long voyages

Languages: You can speak, read, and write one additional language of your choice, reflecting a culture you encountered during your travels

Equipment: A well-worn star map, a set of travel-worn clothes, a personal memento from a distant world, and a pouch containing 15 galactic credits (gc)

Feature: Galactic Connections

Your extensive travels have left you with a network of contacts and acquaintances scattered across the galaxy. Whether it's a cantina owner on Nar Shaddaa, a spice trader on Kessel, or a moisture farmer on Tatooine, your ability to blend in and understand the intricacies of local customs allows you to gain insights and assistance from a wide range of individuals. When entering a new settlement or encountering a culture you've previously visited, your reputation as a well-traveled voyager often grants you a warm reception and the potential for assistance or information.


In a galaxy teeming with diverse species and cultures, your character is defined by a deep-seated distrust or aversion towards non-human or non-native entities. Whether rooted in personal experiences, cultural indoctrination, or a belief in the superiority of one's own species, your character's xenophobic tendencies have shaped their world view and interactions with others. This background can add an interesting dynamic to a Star Wars campaign, especially given the rich tapestry of alien races and interstellar politics within the setting.

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: None

Languages: Basic (Galactic Common) and one additional language of your choice

Equipment: A symbol of your prejudice (e.g., a pamphlet from a humanocentric organization, a xenophobic manifesto, etc.), a set of common clothes, a small personal item that reinforces your beliefs, and a belt pouch containing 15 credits (gc).

Feature: Unsettling Aura

Your xenophobic inclinations have imbued you with an unsettling aura, which often makes non-human and non-native individuals uncomfortable in your presence. While this may hinder your interactions with such individuals, it can also serve as a tool of intimidation when dealing with those who share your prejudices or when seeking to assert dominance in situations where your biases hold sway. However, be mindful that in the diverse and interconnected galaxy, overt displays of xenophobia can lead to strained relationships, potential conflict, or even legal repercussions in certain jurisdictions, so discretion is often advised.

Special Backgrounds

Crime Lord

Prerequisite: Must be any evil alignment

Few societies manage to eradicate crime altogether. In the underworld, someone always rises to the top, either through vision, organization, or sheer intimidation. The life of a crime lord isn’t for the timid. After conquering an unseen empire, the crime lord wages a daily struggle not only to stay on top, but also to stay alive.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: A fine set of clothes, a gaming set (one of your choice), and a purse containing 25 gc

Feature: Criminal Network

You have access to an extensive network of organized crime. You know how to get messages to and from local contacts, even over great distances; you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.

Dathomir Witch

Prerequisite: Female Dathomirian

You are a part of one of the many Force-sensitive clans on Dathomir. You and your sisters, under the guidance of the Clan Mother, form powerful connections with one another and the untamed wilds of the planet. Your people are a matriarchal society of warriors who train in the art of war and the usage of both muscle and the Force in combat. While all clans have their own set of rules regarding Force usage, all the clans held one rule above all others: “Never Concede to Evil.”

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, History, and Nature

Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist's supplies

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: A copy of your clan's book of laws, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 15 gc

Feature: Matriarchal Society

Other Dathomir Witches know, and will look out for you. If you’re ever in need of a place to stay, or a meal to eat, other Dathomir Witches will help you as long as your clans aren’t feuding. This could be in the form of shelters, meals, even healing. If the Dathomir Witches are of your clan or a clan friendly to you, they may be willing to help you even at cost to themselves.

Force Adept

Prerequisite: Any Non-Force Sensitive Class (Ask DM)

Force Adepts were Force-Wielders of all species with varying powers and abilities not trained by the Jedi or the Sith. Some Force Adepts become adventurers as part of a quest to learn more about the Force (or whatever they choose to call it). Others do so out of necessity. They are forced from their world, hunted by unscrupulous agents, or are interested in what the galaxy has to offer them. Force Adepts might be called wizards, shamans, witches, or prophets, depending on where they come from, and what Force Traditions they follow. Most Force Adepts follow the Light side (or at least a variation of it), but some fully embrace the Dark side and use the Force for evil or selfish intent. Force Adepts usually hail from primitive cultures that revere or fear them for their Force powers. Some strive to keep their powers secret, both because they do not fully understand them, and because they are afraid of how others might treat them.

Skill Proficiencies: Any two skills of your choice

Tool Proficiencies: Pick any one Artesian tool, Musical Instrument, or Gaming Set.

Languages: Any 1 Language of your choice (For Exotic Languages ask your DM)

Equipment: A set of common clothes, and roll a D20 the number you get is the amount of Gold Credits you have.

Feature: Force Sensitivity

As someone who was born with Force Sensitivity and not found and trained by either Jedi or Sith you had a more or less normal life not fully understanding your power. Every time you level up you gain 1d6 FP + Wisdom Modifier with a starting total of 6 + your Wisdom modifier at level one. You can learn a total of 4 Force Powers 2 Universal and 2 of your choice (Abilities must be approved by DM)

Gray Jedi

Prerequisite: Force Sensitive Class and any Neutral Alignment

The term Gray Jedi, or Gray, had two meanings. First, it was used by Jedi and Sith to describe Force-users who walked the line between the light and dark sides of the Force without surrendering to the dark side, and second, it described Jedi who distanced themselves from the Jedi High Council and operated outside the strictures of the Jedi Code. However, those who were considered to be true Gray Jedi met both qualifications and did not belong to any particular Force tradition.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Insight, Investigation, History, Acrobatics, Animal, and NatureHandling

Tool Proficiencies: Artificer's tools

Languages: Protobesh or ur-Kittât

Equipment: A set of common clothes including a robe, and a belt pouch containing 15 gc

Feature: Balanced Being

Disagreeing with the Jedi’s idea of balance in the Force, and the Sith’s belief of the Force as a tool. Gray Jedi followed their own path and view on the Force. You have a unique insight into both the Light and Dark side of the Force, as well as its history, applications, and techniques in a scholarly manner. You are well versed in the above concepts, and can recall key information related to them. However, if the research was hidden from the public and you have not had experience working with it, you can only partially understand it. You also recognize well-known Jedi Masters and Sith Lords by their works and marks. You are also great at understanding both sides of small and petty arguments without any bias and are able to find mutual ground between them. Some NPCs might find you irritating while others value your advice or opinions.

Jedi Order

Prerequisite: Force sensitive Jedi Class and any Good Alignment

You are a devout follower of the Jedi Order: an ancient, monastic peacekeeping organization united in its observance of the light side of the Force. A noble order of protectors noted for their ability to tap into the power of the Force, the Jedi serve as guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic. You follow the Jedi Code:

“There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.”

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Insight, Investigation, History, and Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: Artificer's tools

Languages: Protobesh

Equipment: A copy of the Jedi code, a set of common clothes including a robe, and a belt pouch containing 15 gc

Feature: Shelter of the Faithful

As a Jedi, you command the respect of those who are loyal to the Jedi Order. You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at any Jedi temple, and those who support your religion will support you (but only you) at a modest lifestyle.

You might also have ties to a specific Jedi temple and have a residence there. This could be the temple where you trained, or a temple where you have found a new home. While near your temple, you can call upon the Jedi for assistance, provided the assistance you ask for is not hazardous and you remain in good standing with your temple.


You are a child of Mandalore. As a member of the most renowned warrior culture in history, your people are known for being strong and hardy. Mandalorian culture is built around the honor and glory that come from victory in battle. Mandalorians were a clan-based culture composed of members from multiple species and bound by a common creed, language and code. Known primarily as highly-effective mercenaries and bounty hunters, Mandalorians have at various points in galactic history played a major role as legendary warriors and conquerors.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Athletics, Intimidation, Piloting, and Survival

Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan's implements

Languages: Mando'a

Equipment: A set of traveler's clothes, a trophy from a previous victory, and a pouch containing 20 gc

Feature: Child of Mandalore

Other Mandalorians know, and will look out for you. If you’re ever in need of a place to stay, or a meal to eat, other Mandalorians will help you as long as your clans aren’t feuding. This could be in the form of shelters, meals, even healing. If the Mandalorians are of your clan or a clan friendly to you, they may be willing to help you even at cost to themselves.

Sith Order

Prerequisite: Force sensitive Sith Class and any Evil Alignment

You are an acolyte of the Sith Order: an ancient order of Force-wielders devoted to the dark side of the Force. Emerging as a divergent faction to the Jedi Order, the Sith are mortal enemies of the Jedi and fight against them. Driven by emotions such as hate, anger, and greed, the Sith are deceptive and ultimately obsessed with amassing power no matter the cost. You follow the Sith Code:

“Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.”

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and History

Tool Proficiencies: Artificer's tools

Languages: ur-Kittât

Equipment: A copy of the Sith code, a set of common clothes including a robe, and a belt pouch containing 15 gc

Feature: Feared

As a Sith, you instill fear in those who are aware of your standing. When you are in a civilized environment, you can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a cantina or cutting through doors at a local shop, since most people will not report your activity to the authorities.

Chapter 8: Currency

The credit was a form of digital currency with cards in circulation. Although they were about the same size, credits sometimes came in different patterns or designs, most likely depending on how much they were worth. Sometime during the height of the Galactic Republic, credit chips became popular. During the Clone Wars, the credit also came in the form of small metallic ingots. There were also cubes that were presumably similar to chips. Near the end of the Galactic Empire's reign, physical currency increased in popularity as denizens of the galaxy awaited resolution to the Galactic Civil War. Many were wary that credit chips could become worthless following the war.

In some places, such as the first Death Star, credits could be accessed via a debit code. Credits could be transferred or withdrawn from an account card. These were usually used by sabacc or pazaak players. Bounty hunters also received an agreed amount of credits after completing a task or mission.


Basically a debit card that can be used in most places. Can be used to withdraw and deposit credits as well as make purchases. While doing jobs Credits can be sent straight to your chip.

Physical Credits

Physical credits existed existed in coins and chips of varying denominations: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000.

For Use in Campaign

Feel free to use the denominations of the credits above or feel free to use regular dnd currency such as Gold, Silver, etc...

Translation and worth

Credits as dnd currency will be

Copper Credits (cc)

Silver Credits (sc) 1sc = 10cc

Gold Credits (gc) 1gc = 10 sc\100cc

Platinum Credits (pc) 1pc = 10 gc\100sc\1000cc

We will be using the d&d currency to price the items and equipment below so if your dm wants to use the normal star wars currency up to the to price the items.

If you need help setting a standard for denominations above cc =.1 credit, sc = 1 credit, gc = 10 credits, pc = 100 credits.

Chapter 9: Equipment


Simple Blasters
Weapons Cost Damage Weight Modifier Properties
Blaster carbine 425 sc 1d6 Radiant 5.5lb Dex Power cell (range 70/280), reload 16, two-handed
Blaster pistol 175 sc 1d6 Radiant 2.5lb Dex Power cell (range 50/200), Reload 16
Bowcaster 1150 sc 1d10 Radiant 11lb Str Burst 4, Power cell (range 50/200), Reload 4, Strength 13, Two-handed
Cryo carbine 1250 sc 1d6 Cold 6lb Str Power cell (range 45/180), Reload 12, Two-handed, Vicious 1
Cryo pistol 750 sc 1d4 Cold 2lb Dex Power cell (range 30/120), Reload 8, Vicious 1
Disruptor carbine 1450 sc 1d8 Acid 8.5lb Str Disintegrate 13, Power cell (range 60/240), Reload 8, Strength 11, Two-handed
Disruptor pistol 750 sc 1d6 Acid 4.5lb Str. Disintegrate 13, Power cell (range 45/180), Reload 12, Strength 11
Hold-out 225 sc 1d4 Radiant 0.5lb Dex Hidden, Light, Power cell (range 30/120), Reload 8
Incinerator carbine 1650 sc 1d6 Fire 7.5lb Str Disintegrate 13, Power cell (range 60/240), Reload 12, Strength 11, Two-handed
Incinerator pistol 1250 sc 1d4 Fire 3.5lb Str Dire 1, Disintegrate 13, Power cell (range 40/160), Reload 16, Strength 11
Ion carbine 600 sc 1d4 Ion 6lb Dex Power cell (range 60/240), Reload 12, Two-handed
Ion pistol 250 sc 1d4 Ion 1lb Dex Power cell (range 40/160), Reload 16
Light pistol 250 sc 1d4 Radiant 0.5lb Dex Light, Power cell (range 40/160), Reload 8
Light repeater 625 sc 1d6 Radiant 6lb Dex Auto, Power cell (range 50/200), Rapid 5, Reload 20, Two-handed
Light slugpistol 250 sc 1d4 Kinetic 1lb Dex Light, Reload 8, Slug cartridge (range 35/140)
Scattergun 625 sc 1d6 Kinetic 2lb Str Burst 2, Reload 8, Slug cartridge (range 30/120), Strength 11
Shotgun 725 sc 2d4 Kinetic 6.5lb Str Burst 2, Reload 4, Slug cartridge (range 30/120), Strength 11, Two-handed
Slugpistol 325 sc 1d6 Kinetic 3lb Str Rapid 8, Reload 16, Slug cartridge (range 40/160), Strength 11
Wrist launcher 400 sc 1d12 Fire (5ft area damage) 2lb Str Fixed, Reload 1, Special (range 30/120)
Wristblaster 200 sc 1d4 Radiant 0.5lb Dex Disguised, Fixed, Light, Power cell (range 30/120), Reload 8
Sonic carbine 675 sc 1d6 Sonic 7lb Str Power cell (range 60/240), Disruptive, Reload 12, Strength 11, Two-handed
Sonic pistol 375 sc 1d4 Sonic 2lb Dex Power cell (range 30/120), Disruptive, Reload 16
Shortbow 550 sc 1d6 Kinetic 4lb Dex Mighty, Silent, Special (range 60/240), Two-handed
Martial Blasters
Weapons Cost Damage Weight Modifier Properties
Affixed Rifle 700 sc 1d8 Radiant 8lb Str Power cell (range 90/360), Fixed, Rapid 4, Reload 8, Strength 11, Two-handed
Anti-materiel blaster 2500 sc 3d4 Radiant 18.5lb Str Power cell (range 180/720), Auto, Reload 2, Penetrating 2, Strength 19, Two-handed
Anti-materiel rifle 1900 sc 2d6 Kinetic 17lb Str Slug cartridge (range 180/720), Reload 2, Penetrating 2, Strength 19, Two-handed
ARC caster 2125 sc 2d4 Lightning 9lb Dex Power cell (range 60/240), Burst 8, Rapid 4, Reload 9, Strength 11, Two-handed
Assault cannon 1550 sc 1d12 Radiant 15lb Str Burst 4, Power cell (range 90/360), Reload 4, Strength 15, Two-handed
Beam rifle 1850 sc 2d6 Radiant 16lb Str Penetrating 2, Power cell (range 150/600), Reload 2, Strength 15, Two-handed
BKG 2750 sc 3d4 Radiant 19lb Str Auto, Burst 2, Disintegrate 13, Power cell (range 120/480), Reload 2, Strength 19, Two-handed, Vicious 1
Blaster cannon 5500 sc 2d6 Radiant 18.5lb Dex Auto, Burst, Rapid, Special (range 120/480), Strength 19, Two-handed
Blaster rifle 525 sc 1d8 Radiant 7.5lb Dex Power cell (range 105/420), Reload 12, Two-handed
Carbine rifle 925 sc 1d8 Radiant 8.5lb Dex Auto, Power cell (range 90/360), Rapid 3, Reload 12, Strength 11, Two-handed
Compound bow 600 sc 1d8 Kinetic 6.5lb Dex Mighty, Silent, Special (range 75/300), Two-handed
Cryo cannon 3300 sc 2d4 Cold 12.5 Dex Auto, Burst 2, Power cell (range 75/300), Reload 4, Strength 13, Two-handed, Vicious 1
Cryo rifle 2400 sc 2d4 Cold 10.5lb Dex Power cell (range 50/200), Reload 4, Strength 11, Two-handed, Vicious 1
Disruptor rifle 2900 sc 1d10 Acid 13.5lb Dex Disintegrate 13, Power cell (range 60/240), Reload 4, Strength 13, Two-handed
Disruptor sniper 3300 sc 1d12 Acid 15lb Dex Disintegrate 13, Power cell (range 120/480), Reload 2, Strength 15, Two-handed
Hand BKG 1550 sc 1d10 Radiant 10lb Dex Brutal 1, Disintegrate 13, Keen 1, Power cell (range 50/200), Reload 4, Strength 15
Heavy blaster rifle 1025 sc 2d4 Radiant 10lb Dex Power cell (range 100/400), Rapid 2, Reload 8, Strength 13, Two-handed
Heavy bowcaster 1750 sc 1d12 Radiant 15.5lb Dex Burst 2, Power cell (range 90/360), Reload 4, Strength 17, Two-handed
Heavy carbine 775 sc 1d8 Radiant 7.5lb Dex Power cell (range 60/240), Rapid 4, Reload 16, Strength 11, Two-handed
Heavy pistol 300 sc 1d8 Radiant 4lb Dex Power cell (range 45/180), Reload 16
Heavy repeater 1225 sc 2d4 Radiant 11lb Dex Auto, Burst 4, Power cell (range 80/320), Rapid 4, Reload 8, Strength 13, Two-handed
Heavy slugpistol 375 sc 1d8 Kinetic 3.5lb Dex Rapid 8, Reload 12, Slug cartridge (range 30/120)
Incinerator rifle 1950 sc 1d8 Fire 9.5lb Dex Dire 1, Disintegrate 13, Power cell (range 80/320), Reload 8, Strength 11, Two-handed
Incinerator sniper 3300 sc 1d10 Fire 14.5lb Dex Dire 1, Disintegrate 13, Power cell (range 120/480), Reload 2, Strength 15, Two-handed
Ion cannon 3800 sc 1d10 Ion 16.5lb Dex Auto, Burst 4, Power cell (range 90/360), Reload 4, Strength 15, Two-handed
Ion rifle 1150 sc 1d6 Ion 8lb Dex Power cell (range 80/320), Reload 8, Two-handed
Martial Blasters (continuation)
Weapons Cost Damage Weight Modifier Properties
Railgun 1900 sc 2d6 Kinetic 16lb Dex Piercing 1, Reload 2, Slug cartridge (range 150/600), Strength 17, Two-handed
Rocket launcher 2250 sc 2d10 fire (area explosion:10 feet) 12lb Dex Reload 1, Special (range 150/600), Strength 13, Two-handed
Rotary cannon 1500 sc 1d10 Radiant 12.5lb Dex Auto, Power cell (range 75/300), Rapid 2, Reload 8, Strength 13, Two-handed
Sniper rifle 1300 sc 1d12 Radiant 13.5lb Dex Power cell (range 150/600), Reload 2, Strength 13, Two-handed
Sonic cannon 2100 sc 1d10 Sonic 16.5lb Dex Power cell (range 90/360), Auto, Burst 2, Disruptive, Reload 4, Strength 17, Two-handed
Sonic rifle 875 sc 1d8 Sonic 9lb Dex Power cell (range 80/320), Disruptive, Reload 8, Strength 11, Two-handed
Wristrifle 250 sc 1d8 Radiant 4.5lb Dex Power cell (range 60/240), Fixed, Reload 12

Lightsaber wielders

Lightsabers can't deflect\redirect kinetic Ranged weapons. Lightsabers can deflect and redirect all other Ranged damage types except Sonic. Sonic attacks can not be blocked by lightsabers.

Simple Melee Weapons
Weapons Cost Damage Weight Modifier Properties
Diresword 300 sc 1d6 Slashing 3.75lb STR Dexterity 11, Dire 1, Heavy
Electroprod 650 sc 1d8 Lightning 6lb STR Disruptive, Shocking 13, Two-handed
Mancatcher 800 sc 1d8 Bludgeoning 7lb STR Reach, Special, Two-handed
Nervebaton 375 sc 1d4 Bludgeoning 2 STR Disruptive, Neuralizing 13
Stun gauntlet 400 sc 1d4 Lightning 2.25lb STR Disruptive, Fixed, Shocking 13
Techaxe 75 1d6 Slashing 1lb DEX Light, Thrown (range 25/75)
Vibroclaw 50 sc 1d4 Slashing 0.5lb DEX Finesse, Fixed, Light
Vibrocutlass 600 sc 2d4 Slashing 1lb DEX Dexterity 11
Vibrocutter 100 sc 1d6 Kinetic 3lb STR Heavy
Vibrodagger 50 sc 1d4 Slashing 0.5lb DEX Finesse, Light, Thrown (range 20/60)
Vibroknuckler 75 sc 1d6 Bludgeoning 1.25lb STR Hidden, Light
Vibromace 700 sc 1d10 Bludgeoning 7lb STR Dexterity 11, Heavy, Two-handed
Vibrosabre 300 sc 1d6 Slashing 1.75lb DEX Dexterity 11, Keen 1, Light
Vibrospear 125 sc 1d6 Piercing 4lb DEX Thrown (range 25/75), Versatile (2d4)
Martial Melee Weapons
Weapons Cost Damage Weight Modifier Properties
Chained dagger 975 sc 1d8 Slashing 3.75 DEX Disguised, Double (1d8) finesse, Special
Chakram 175 sc 1d6 Kinetic 3lb DEX Finesse, Returning, Thrown (range 30/90)
Dire vibroblade 550 sc 1d8 Slashing 7lb STR Dexterity 13, Dire 1, Versatile (1d10)
Disguised blade 125 sc 1d4 Slashing 1lb DEX Disarming, Disguised, Finesse, Light
Double Bladed knife 400 sc 1d6 Slashing 3.5lb DEX Double (1d6 kinetic), Finesse, Light
Double Bladed Sword 450 sc 1d8 Slashing 5.5lb STR Double (1d8 kinetic), Finesse
Electrobaton 275 sc 1d4 Lightning 1lb STR Finesse, Light, Shocking 13
Electrohammer 950 sc 1d10 Lightning 8.75lb STR Dexterity 11, Heavy, Shocking 13, Two-handed
Electrostaff 600 sc 1d6 Lightning 5lb DEX Double (1d6 kinetic), Finesse, Shocking 13
Electrovoulge 1250 sc 1d10 Lightning 10lb STR Dexterity 13, Reach, Shocking 13, Two-handed
Electrowhip 725 sc 1d4 Lightning 4.25lb DEX Dexterity 11, Disruptive, Reach, Shocking 13
Hooked vibroblade 225 sc 1d8 Slashing 3.75lb STR Disarming, Finesse
Shock whip 475 sc 1d6 Lightning 3.5lb DEX Reach, Shocking 13
Techblade 100 sc 1d6 Slashing 1.5lb Finesse, Light
Vibroaxe 950 sc 1d12 Slashing 9.25lb STR Dexterity 11, Heavy, Two-handed
Vibroclaymore 1700 sc 3d4 Slashing 10.5lb STR Dexterity 13, Two-handed
Vibro-Doublebladed sword 2200 sc 2d8 Slashing 16lb STR Heavy, Two-handed
Vibrolance 1500 sc 1d12 Piercing 8.5lb STR Dexterity 13, Reach, Special
Vibrorapier 150 sc 1d8 Piercing 3.5lb DEX Finesse
Vibrosword 1150 sc 2d6 Slashing 9.25lb STR Dexterity 11, Two-handed
Wrist-Vibroblade 275 sc 1d6 Slashing 1.75lb DEX Fixed, Light, Piercing 1
Grenade Damage Secondary Cost Save
Concussion Grenade 0 Stun for 9 seconds 80 sc 15 Will
Frag Grenade 2d6 Piercing damage 0 80 sc 15 Dex
Adhesive Grenade 0 Stunned 2 turns 130 sc 15 Dex or Str
CryoBan Grenade 2d8 Cold Paralyzation for 6 seconds 130 sc 15 Dex
Ion Grenade 3d6 double damage on droids 130 sc 15 Dex
Poison Grenade 0 2d4 poison damage for 4 turns 140 sc 18 Con
Sonic Grenade 2d6 Sonic damage deafened 140 sc 15 Will
Plasma Grenade 3d8 Fire Frightened for 2 turn 750 sc 18 Dex
Thermal Detonator 4d12 Fire Knocked prone 2,000 sc 20 Dex

All Grenades have an area explosion of 4.6 meters (15 ft.)

Medpacs and Kits
Medkit Healing Cost
Antidote Kit Heals all known poisons 49 sc
Medpac 1d10 + 4 40 sc
Advanced Medpac 2d10 + 8 80 sc
Life Support Packedit 3d10 + 12 150 sc
Repair Kit 1d10 + 4 25 sc
Advanced Repair Kit 2d10 + 8 50 sc
Construction Kit 3d10 + 12 100 sc

Must have Implant Feature

Level 1 Implants

Cardio Package

    • 1 Constitution (capped at 20)
  • Price: 1,000 sc

This implant micromanages the cardiovascular system, effectively increasing the user's constitution faster and further than hard work and exercise might.

Response Package

  • +1 Dexterity (capped at 20)
  • Price: 1,000 sc

This implant boosts the regular energy impulses of the nervous system, sharpening the performance of dexterous action. Inactive users may suffer the odd lingering twitch.

Memory Package

  • +1 Intelligence (capped at 20)
  • Price: 1,000 sc

This implant stimulates the brain, effectively increasing the user's capacity for intelligent thought, all at a price cheaper than a trip to the libraries of Coruscant.

Level 2 Implants

Retinal Combat Implant

  • Immunity to Critical Hits (they do regular damage)
  • +1 Perception
  • Price: 750 sc

This ocular implant greatly increases visual acuity, allowing the user to better track enemy movement in combat. General awareness will improve as well

Nerve Enhancement Package

  • Immune to Mind affecting force abilities
  • Price: 500 sc

This implant regulates the nervous system, preventing loss of consciousness due to sudden impact or sensory overload.

Level 3 Implants

Bavakar Cardio Package

  • +2 Constitution (capped at 20)
  • Price: 2,000 sc

This implant stimulates cardiovascular performance well beyond the user's norm. The Bavakar Medical Research Labs are at the forefront of developmental cybernetics.

Beemon Package

  • +3 Constitution (capped at 20)
  • Price: 7,500 sc

Beemon's top of the line package usurps the body's natural reactions to stress and damage, allowing the user to withstand greater amounts of punishment and exertion than normally possible.

Cardio Power System

  • +4 Constitution (capped at 20)
  • Price: 15,000 sc

This implant increases the cardio-vascular recovery rate and pain tolerance of the wearer, giving them almost supernatural stamina.

Bio-Antidote Package

  • Immunity to poison
  • Price: 500 sc

This implant maintains an ever-circulating stream of antitoxins in the user, increasing relevant antidotes for specific poisons introduced. Side effects include dry mouth.

Cyber Reaction System

  • +3 Dexterity (capped at 20)
  • Price: 7,500 sc

This system supplants the user's normal nervous system, enhancing it artificially. It allows the impulses to travel faster and farther along the system, improving reaction time, while also improving fine motor control, increasing accuracy.

Gordulan Reaction System

  • +4 Dexterity
  • Price: 15,000 sc

This implant hyper-stimulates the nervous system of the wearer, significantly improving both reaction time and hand-eye coordination.

Navardan Regenerator

  • +1d4 HP regeneration per turn
  • Price: 12,750 sc

This implant gives incredible healing powers, allowing wounds and injuries to heal in mere seconds instead of days or weeks.

Advanced Sensory Implant

  • +2 Dexterity (capped at 20)
  • +10 Perception

By assisting the areas of the user's brain dedicated to sensory-interpretation, this implant greatly heightens the user's awareness of their surroundings, as well as spatial perception and analysis.

Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Implant

  • Immunity to mind affecting force abilities
  • Immunity to poison
  • Price:

This detailed micro-computer analyzes the contents of the user's circulatory system, as well as surges and drops in nerve transmission rates. It attempts to stabilize the user's system, and remove undesirable elements from it.

Advanced Alacrity Implant

  • +5 Dexterity (capped at 20)
  • Price: 22,000 sc

By fine-tuning the user's nervous system, this implant allows vastly improved reaction times and coordination over unmodified individuals. The success of this implant, though not in wide distribution due to its cost, has prompted some at rival Bavakar Medical Research Labs to call for it to be banned.

Light Armors

Jedi/Sith Robes

Can't equip blasters or explosives. Only obtainable by being part of or taking it from someone in the order

Apprentice Robes

AC: 10 + Dex modifier

Jedi Knight\ Sith Lord Robes (level 9)

AC: 10 + Dex modifier + Wis modifier

Master Robes (level 20)

AC: 12 + Dex modifier + Wis modifier

  • Advantage on Dex saving throws

Jedi robes were the monk like garments and robes worn by members of the Jedi Order. Although they were free to choose their clothing from the time they became Padawans, most Jedi adopted the garments traditionally associated with the Order. Like their light side Jedi counterparts, Sith do not require a specific dress code for dark side Force users.

Sith Trooper armor

AC: 15 + Con modifier

  • Advantage in intimidation against people with good alignments
  • Advantage on 1 damage roll per turn
  • Price:6,000 sc

Republic Armor

AC: 15 + Con modifier

  • Advantage on 1 attack roll per turn
  • Advantage in persuasion with citizens of the Republic (Good alignment)
  • Price:6,000 sc

Sand People Clothing

  • Only purpose is to disguise yourself in the presence of the Sand people.
  • Price: 20 sc

These are the intricate robes of a Sand People warrior. They seem to be in good condition, and might allow a wearer to superficially appear to be a member of the Sand People species.

Combat Suit

AC: 14

  • Advantage on Survival rolls
  • Price: 50 sc

Even the most frugal of mercenaries know they need at least some protection from the rigors of combat, although suits of this type are recommended for light skirmishes only.

Zabrak Combat Suit

AC: 15

  • Advantage on rolls on Skills that require Dex
  • Price: 750 sc

A Zabrak improvement on the combat suit, this armor is good protection where speed and unrestricted movement are more important than bulky plating.

Echani Light Armor

AC: 15

  • Resistance to Fire Damage
  • Price: 1,000 sc

Echani prefer elegant design to brute force. The Maktites learned this when their stores of thermal weapons were rendered ineffective by simple changes in the Echani light armor.

Massassi Ceremonial Armor

AC: 15

  • Opponents must reroll critical hits and take the second roll.
  • Price: 3,000 sc

Long-term domination by the Sith has erased the memory of the Massassi rituals for which this armor was designed, but it retains its effectiveness on the battlefield regardless.

Cinnagar Weave Armor

AC: 15

  • Resistance to Fire and Cold damage
  • Price: 2,000 Credits

A complex organic weave protects this armored suit from extremes in temperature. Armor similar to it proved decisive in defending Cinnagar from the Sith under Naga Sadow.

GenoHaradan Mesh Armor

AC: 17

  • Resistant to Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Acid Damage
  • Advantage in Stealth rolls
  • Price: 5,000 sc

This perfectly balanced armor provides maximum protection without hampering a Genoharadan agent's ability to stalk his prey in total secrecy.

Echani Fiber Armor

AC: 15

  • Resistant to Fire and Cold Damage
  • Price: 2,000 sc

Many elite Echani duelists use armor of this type, though its adaptability has made it popular with professional soldiers and bounty hunters alike.

Light Exoskeleton

AC: 16

  • +2 to Strength (capped at 20)
  • +1 to Dexterity (capped at 20)
  • Lightning Damage
  • Advantage in Stealth Rolls
  • Price: 10,000 sc

A relatively new type of power-assisted armor, this suit mimics the major muscle movements of the wearer with mechanical impulses, resulting in greater strength and faster reaction times.

Baragwin Shadow Armor

AC: 18

  • Automatically pass all stealth rolls
  • +1 to Dexterity (capped at 20)
  • Price: 6,000 sc

A specialty of the Baragwin, this modifiable suit has advanced adaptive camouflage technology that, when combined with a stealth generator, allows it to blend in nearly seamlessly with the background when viewed from any direction. It is generally only sold to respected governments, but a number have found their way into more disreputable distribution channels.

Medium Armor

Heavy Combat Suit

  • AC = 16
  • Advantage on Survival and Con Saving throws
  • Price: 1,500 sc

Heavy Combat Suit

AC: 15

  • Price: 110 sc

This version of the combat suit offers more protection than the basic model. It is heavier overall and not quite as flexible, but many consider the tradeoffs worthwhile.

Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit

AC: 16

  • Can reroll any Dexterity roll once and must take second roll
  • Price:900 sc

Bonadan is an emerging industrial society financing their exploration of the galaxy through production of small arms and armor. They favor heavy materials offering solid defense.

Zabrak Battle Armor

AC: 16

  • Resistant to Cold Damage
  • You don't suffer any penalties in cold regions
  • Price: 2,000 sc

In northern Iridonia the Zabrak produce expensive armor that nonetheless has become very popular on the galactic markets, due to excellent low-temperature defensive properties.

Reinforced Fiber Armor

AC: 17

  • Price: 3,500

Inspired by craftsmen on worlds where metal is in short supply, this type of light armor consists of jung-ju tree fibers bound with synthetics, offering good, flexible protection.

Military Suit

AC: 16

  • Price: 150

This standard issue suit provides good protection, but can be heavier and more restrictive than some of its counterparts. Even so, many mercenaries swear the tradeoffs are worth it.

Echani Battle Armor

AC: 17

  • Price: 1750

This armor provides solid defense at the cost of some flexibility, although it is still an Echani product and is therefore well suited to quick-moving combat.

Cinnagar War Suit

AC: 17

  • Resistant to Sonic Damage
  • Price: 3,000

After the Great Hyperspace War a thousand years ago, the heirs of Empress Teta militarized their world and industry, a legacy that produced battle armor still sought after today.

Verpine Fiber Mesh

AC: 18

  • Price: 6,375 sc

Raxsus Nuli had plans of planetary conquest in the wake of Sith aggression. Though eclipsed by recent events, the Jedi saw the pirate jailed and his Verpine stockpiles auctioned.

Arkanian Bond Armor

AC: 18

  • Resistant to Cold Damage
  • You don't suffer any penalties in cold regions
  • Price: 2,800 sc

Ancient Arkanians pioneered many unique alloys that lose heat at a very slow rate, producing armor that is very resistant to sudden changes in temperature.

Environmental Bastion Armor

AC: 17

  • Immune to Fire, Cold, and Sonic Damage
  • Price: 22,000 sc

A modified environmental suit, this armor gives the wearer complete protection from the elements as well as superior combat protection. With additional enhancements, it can be converted into a completely contained environmental system and shield the wearer from outside radiation as well.

Light Battle Armor

AC: 17

  • Price: 275

Providing solid protection for a minimal cost, this armor is excellent for entrenched troops or guards. A force on the move, however, may find it somewhat constricting.

Bronzium Light Battle Armor

AC: 18

  • Price: 1,500 sc

This molded armor is made of better materials than standard military issue, but is still relatively cheap and easy to mass-produce, making it ideal for light militias and the like.

Powered Light Battle Armor

AC: 18

  • +1 Stregnth (capped at 20)
  • Resistant to Sonic Damage
  • Price: 3,000 sc

This is an early attempt at power-assisted armor. Dampening fields block the noise of servomotors, unintentionally shielding against external extremes in sonic frequencies as well.

Krath Heavy Armor

AC: 19

  • Price: 5,000

Typical of the old Krath military elite, these suits were worn during slave raids on neighboring systems. Slaving is profitable but risky, so little cost is spared in equipment.

Krath Holy Battle Suit

AC: 19

  • Resistant to Cold, Fire, and Sonic Damage
  • Price; 9,000 sc

Many Krath sought to be guards of their dark temples in armor of this type. Cynics dismiss this fervor, noting that guard duty was safer than participating in military slave raids.

Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor

AC: 21

  • Immune to Critical Hits (Critical Hits do normal damage)
  • +1 Strength (capped at 20)
  • Price: 10,000 sc

Jamoh Hogra was a Zabrak mercenary who feared for his life after a raid on a Sith dreadnaught. He spent a fortune on his personal armor, only to be killed while in the bath.

Heavy Exoskeleton

AC: 19

  • +2 Strength (capped at 20)
  • +2 to Dexterity (capped at 20)
  • +1 Constitution (capped at 20)
  • Price: 20,000

A heavy and durable suit, this mechanical exoskeleton provides much greater strength and endurance, and vastly improved armor protection to the wearer than lighter models. With additional enhancements, this capability can be expanded even further, rivaling some light armored vehicles for protection.

Heavy Armor

Beskar Armor

AC: 18

  • Resistant to Radiant Damage
  • Disadvantage in stealth
  • Advantage in Con saving throws
  • Advantage in Survival and Intimidation
  • Price: 25,000 sc

The Mandalorians' bloody history made their armor an iconic symbol of fear. Mandalorian armor was typically made from beskar, which was one of the strongest metals in the galaxy, but it could also be made from more common metals such as durasteel. Beskar could protect the wearer from blasters and even lightsabers. The famed Mandalorian bounty hunter and foundling Jango Fett wore customized armor made of beskar alloy, which was later inherited by his cloned son Boba.

Battle Armor

AC: 18

  • Price: 400 sc

This isn't the heaviest of armor, but it comes close. Designed for heavy militias, it has the protection needed to keep a soldier alive during ranged combat with massive weapons.

Powered Battle Armor

AC: 19

  • +1 Strength (capped at 20)

The micro-hydraulics of this armor provides the operator with both protection and strength enhancement. It is rare outside of professional mercenaries and soldiers.

Mandalorian Armor

AC: 20

  • Resistant to Sonic Damage
  • Price: 2,500 sc

Mandalorians are among the most feared combatants in the galaxy, and the quality of their gear may be why. Even the lowliest warrior is a threat in such protective armor.

Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh

AC: 22

  • Resistant to Cold, Fire, and Sonic Damage
  • Price: 12,000 sc

Using the highly expensive Zal alloy, the Verpine have developed a suit without peer. The only thing greater than the protective capabilities of this armor is the price.

Calo Nord's Battle Armor

AC: 19

  • Resistant to Cold, Fire, and Sonic Damage
  • +1 Dexterity (capped at 20)
  • Price: 10,000 sc

Commissioned by Calo Nord, this armor was based on heavily modified Mandalorian designs. The maker was killed to appease Nord's ego, ensuring his suit would forever be unique.

Durasteel Heavy Armor

AC: 20

  • Price: 2,500 sc

Battle armor production is thriving on Bonadan as the Republic recovers from war. This model's thinner skin of durasteel reduces weight, but still restricts movement somewhat.

Mandalorian Battle Armor

AC: 21

  • Resistant to Lightning Damage
  • Price: 4,000 sc

Republic soldiers saw this armor all too often during the Mandalorian War. It's understandable that the conflict could drag on when a fanatical enemy is so defensively outfitted.

Mandalorian Heavy Armor

AC: 22

  • Immune to mind affecting Force abilities
  • Price: 8,000 sc

This armor is reserved for respected veteran Mandalorians. Immensely sturdy, stabilizers diffuse energy throughout the frame, shielding the wearer from disorienting impacts.

Mandalorian Assault Armor

AC: 23

  • Resistant to Fire and Cold Damage
  • Price: 8,000 sc

This was the armor of the Mandalorian elite frontline troops, a sight that Republic soldiers were all too familiar with during the war.

Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit

AC: 20

  • Resistant to Cold, Fire, and Sonic Damage
  • Immune to mind affecting Force abilities
  • Price: 15,000 sc

Aided by custom armor like this, Jurgan Kalta had no combat equal, so his enemies tried more exotic attacks. It was a gaxxan brain-slug left on a pillow that proved his undoing.

Cassus Fett's Battle Armor

AC: 20

  • Resistant to Cold, Fire, Sonic Damage
  • +1 Strength (capped at 20)
  • Price: 15,000 sc

The armor of Cassus Fett, the most wanted man in known space. Famous for killing the captain of a flagship Republic frigate at the Battle of Jaga's Cluster, he is presumed dead.

Chapter 10: Starships & Dog Fights

Starships are what pilots use to traverse the galaxy in search of new worlds and adventures. Starships can be as small as a single-man starfighter or as large as a Star-Dreadnaught. As with normal combat, there are rules to starship combat as well. They are similar to normal combat rules, but with a few changes. These changes are detailed in this section.


Just like with characters, ships have a turn-based movement speed. In order to make a 60° turn, a ship must move at least one space-unit of distance.

Space unit of distance: 500ft


Combat is more or less the same, but with a few changes. Surprise, Initiative, and Reaction are the same, but initiative uses an Intelligence check instead of Dexterity.


Starship combat revolves heavily around the Intelligence score and whether or not your character is proficient with the starship they are piloting.

Starship AC is calculated by the following formula: AC = ship armor + ⌊(Ship Speed / 1000)⌋ + INT modifier (if proficient with ship)


In a given round, the player may perform the following:

  • The player can move his or her starship up to it's movement and handling limits.
  • The player can perform a singular action: Attack, Evade, or Disengage.
  • The player can perform a bonus action.
  • The player can perform a singular reaction.


Unless you are manning a turret, a ship can only hit a target in a 60° cone in front of itself. This 60° cone is called the attack vector.

Attack value is calculated by the following formula: Attack = 1d20 + INT

All turrets can rotate completely around in one turn. If no one is manning a turret, the pilot may use the turret as if it were mounted, thus imposing the 60° restriction for targeting.

As well as being restricted by direction, any mounted weapons are also restricted by how far away a target is in a similar fashion to ranged weapons. See the table below for details.

Targeting Computers
Class Range Cost
Class 1 1000ft/3000ft Standard
Class 2 3000ft/5000ft 50,000 sc
Class 3 5000ft/7000ft 100,000 sc
Class 4 7000ft/9000ft 150,000 sc
Weaponing systems
Name Cost Damage
Autocannon 10,000 sc 3d8
Light Laser Cannon 15,000 sc 2d10
Laser Cannon 17,500 sc 3d10
Heavy Laser Cannon 20,000 cr 4d10
Quad Laser Turret 20,000 cr 4d8
Light Turbolaser Cannon 25,000 cr 2d12
Turbolaser Cannon 27,500 cr 3d12
Heavy Turbolaser Cannon 30,000 cr 4d12
Light Ion Cannon 20,000 cr 2d8 x2 Damage against shields
Ion Cannon 22,500 cr 3d8 x2 Damage against shields
Heavy Ion Cannon 25,000 cr 4d8 x2 Damage against shields
Name Cost Damage
Standard Missile 500 sc 3d8
Concussion Missile 600 sc 2d8 x2 Damage against hulls
Ion Missile 600 sc 2d8 x2 Damage against shields
Proton Torpedo 750 sc 4d10
Heavy Standard Missile 1000 sc 3d12
Heavy Concussion Missile 1200 sc 2d12 x2 Damage against hulls
Heavy Ion Missile 1200 sc 2d12 x2 Damage against shields
Name Cost AC
Corellian Engineering Durasteel Installed by default 8
Republic Sienar Systems Mark I Starship Armor 1000/3000/9000 sc 9
Gallofree Starship Plating 15,000/45,000/130,500 sc 10
SoroSuub Plastisteel Armor 20,000/60,000/180,000 sc 11
Koensayr Plastisteel Plating b25,000/75,000/220,500 cr 12
Republic Sienar Systems Mark II Starship Armor 3000/9000/27,000 sc 13
MandalMotors Durasteel Plating 35,000/100,500/310,500 sc 13
Republic Sienar Systems Mark III Starship Armor 40,000/120,000/360,000 sc 14

on ship descriptions HP = Hit points, and SP = Shield points. Crew equals the number of people needed to pilot the ship and passengers means how many people it can carry not including the crew.

Star Ships (small)



  • Crew:1
  • Speed 3500ft
  • Price:210,000 silver credits

The Liberator-class did not have hyperdrive engines. This forced their pilots to rely on larger ships, such as the Thranta-class corvette and Valor-class cruiser to carry them to their destination.

D-5 Mantis (small)


  • Crew:1
  • Passengers:4
  • Speed 3000ft
  • Price:300,000 silver credits

Built for combat, the rare, compact-framed D5-Mantis was a best-in-class patrol craft, designed to compete with—and meet the demands of—much larger starships, such as Interdictor-class cruisers.

Star Ships (Medium) Freighters

XS Stock


  • Crew:1
  • Passengers:11
  • Speed:3,000ft
  • Price:435,000 silver credits

The XS stock light freighter was considered a major advancement in armament, speed and versatility over previous models of light freighter. It was considered one of the fastest and most agile starships in the galaxy. Popular with Smugglers.



  • Crew:1
  • Passengers:14
  • Speed:3,500ft
  • Price:450,000 silver credits

A stock Dynamic-class freighter was only modestly armed and shielded; however, the ship was designed to accept modifications without compromising existing systems and most ships were therefore heavily customized by their owners.

Star Ships (medium) Shuttles



  • Crew:2
  • Passengers:32
  • Speed 3,000ft
  • Price:350,000 silver credits

A typical orbital shuttle could travel through atmosphere and space, but not through hyperspace, as they lacked a hyperdrive unit. The ship's large side wings folded out at takeoff and were retracted for landing, much like those on the Lambda-class shuttle and Sentinel-class landing craft of four millennia later.

Star Ships (Medium) Yacht

X-70B Phantom


  • Crew:2
  • Passengers:20
  • Speed: 4,500ft
  • Price:600,000 silver credits

The sleek appearance of the X-70B Phantom was designed to pass for a civilian luxury shuttle, despite its array of hidden components. Its bridge was shielded by the forward armor plating, and was equipped with advanced, precision flight instruments. The ships were coated with a sensor-resistant exterior and equipped with the most sophisticated equipment and weapons. Their powerful sensor arrays had the ability to scan the interiors of other ships, even over large distances.

Star Ships (Medium) cruiser

C-ROC Gozanti-class light cruiser

[hp: 200/sp: 150]

  • Crew: 12
  • Passengers: 20
  • Speed: 2,000ft
  • Price: 500,000 silver credits

The C-ROC Cruiser was often the heaviest vessel available to many criminal operations, cartels, and syndicates in the Outer Rim, and was fully capable of carrying massive weapons batteries that kept it one step ahead of the law.

Star Ships (Large) Frigates


[hp: 700/sp: 0]

  • Crew: 820
  • Passengers:3,000
  • Speed:1,500ft
  • Price: 19,500,000 silver credits

The MC30c frigate was used as an attack vessel, and was one of the most powerful mid-level warships in the Alliance's arsenal. They were typically found in Alliance battle groups as they were not able to take damage well. They were manufactured by Mon Calamari Shipyards and saw service during the Imperial Era.

EF76 Nebulon-B escort (large)

[hp: 500/sp: 250]

  • Crew: 850
  • Passengers: 2,500
  • Speed: 2,000ft
  • Price: 8,500,000 silver credits

Many Nebulon-B frigates were utilized as medical frigates by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and were equipped with bacta tanks, medical droids, and full-service hospital facilities. The main medical bay on a Nebulon-B could hold up to 700 patients, and was located at the highest module at the bow of the starship. Docking tubes were located on the connecting neck between both sections of the frigate.

Chapter 11: Feats

Hope you guys enjoy some Star Wars themed Feats.

Fighting Styles

Martial Arts

Hand-to-hand combat, unarmed combat or martial arts was a variety of combat in which no distance weapons were used, as opposed to firefights. The phrase "hand-to-hand" could refer to both unarmed combat and combat using melee weapons. A person who practiced martial arts was known as a martial artist.

Hand to Hand Combat

Alderaanian Martial Arts

Alderaanian martial arts were a form of hand-to-hand combat techniques from Alderaan, a planet otherwise reputed for the pacifism of its inhabitants. Learning this form of combat grants you a +1 to your AC when unarmed and Unarmed Strikes are rolled with advantage.


The art shared its name with the Echani species. Echani culture held the belief that to know one fully, you must fight them. Echani fighting was not only self-defense, but a form of self-expression, a means of communication similar to art. MWhen unarmed and wearing no armor you gain +2 to AC and can add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls on unarmed strikes.

Nar Kanji “Blind Alley”

Nar Kanji was an Outer Rim world that was the homeworld of the Jablogian species. Long before the Cold War, it became a Hutt colony world and its human colonists were enslaved and consequently subjected to years of exploitation and suppression. Following a gang war within the Hutt cartels that left the world in disarray, the humans overthrew their overlords using "Blind Alley" techniques which was a form of hand-to-hand combat they had developed. Unarmed strikes and Melee weapons critical hits are now rolled at 19 and 20 rolls.


Zama-shiwo was a martial art native to the moon Jedha. The art was known as "the inward eye of the outward hand." Zama-shiwo allegedly allowed its practitioners to alter their heart rate and oxygen intake, giving them almost supernatural powers. Once per turn whenever you miss a melee attack you can add your proficiency bonus to the previous attack roll.


Zavat was a form of self defense used to protect yourself against opponents' melee attacks. As a reaction when an opponent attacks you with a melee attack you can make them roll with disadvantage.

Special Martial Arts

Bakuuni Hand

Prerequisite: Any Force Sensitive Class

The Bakuuni Hand was a type of martial art practiced by some members of the Jedi Order during the time of the Galactic Republic. Bakuuni martial artists strengthened their hands, feet, and forearms with the Force while making unarmed strikes. A trained Bakuuni master could pulverize solid rock with a single strike.

  • Unarmed Strikes Damage rolls are with Advantage.

  • Add Wisdom Modifier to Damage rolls

Teräs Käsi

Prerequisite: Must be from the following Classes; Mercenary, Scoundrel, Scout, or Soldier.

Teräs Käsi was a form of hand-to-hand combat that was created to fight Force-sensitives, particularly members of the Jedi Order. Melee weapons could also be used in the combat form. It was designed to counter the Jedi, but it works quite well on anyone with limbs to break.

  • Damage from Unarmed Strikes and melee weapons is doubled.

  • On critical hits opponents must make a Strength saving throw equal to your strength ability score. On a Fail they are Disarmed.

Melee Weapon Combat


You are skilled in the art of fighting with a single melee weapon. While you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand with which you are proficient and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Dual Wielder

You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand.

  • You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are wielding aren't light.

  • You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.

Great Weapon Master

You've learned to put the weight of a weapon to your advantage, letting its momentum empower your strikes. You gain the following benefits:

  • On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.

  • Before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.

Two-Weapon Fighting

You are skilled at fighting with two weapons. While you are wielding separate weapons in each hand, or a weapon with the double property, with which you are proficient, you gain the following benefits:

  • When you engage in Two-Weapon Fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of your Two-Weapon Fighting attack.

  • When you make an opportunity attack, you can attack with both of your Weapons.

Lightsaber Form Improvements

Any class can learn this feat however non-Force Sensitives must have a Dexterity ability score of 18 to learn any form. Form Techniques that require FP can’t be used by non-Force Sensitive Classes.

Lightsaber Form Practitioner

As a practitioner of lightsaber combat you gain 3 Lightsaber Fighting Style (LFS) points. These points can be used to learn a lightsaber combat Form seen in the previous chapters.

Lightsaber Form Expert

Prerequisite: Lightsaber Form Practitioner

As a Form Expert you gain an additional 3 LFS points to spend as you please.

Lightsaber Form Master

Prerequisite: Lightsaber Form Expert

As A Master of Lightsaber Combat you gain an additional 3 LFS points

Ranged Weapon Combat

Explosives Expert

You’ve mastered fighting with explosives, causing untold destruction. You gain the following benefits:

  • When determining the save DC of a grenade, mine, or missile you control, you can use 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier, if it would be higher than the item’s DC.

  • You have advantage on saving throws against grenades, mines, and missiles you control.

  • When using a grenade, mine, or missile that requires a saving throw and deals damage, you can take a penalty to the save DC equal to your proficiency bonus. If you do so, the item’s damage increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.

Quick Draw

When engaging in combat and are wielding a ranged weapon you roll initiative with advantage. If you are the first to start the round your first attack is with advantage and damage rolled is doubled. Criticals are now on 18, 19, and 20 rolls. (Only applies to first round of combat)


You have mastered ranged weapons and can make shots that others find impossible. You gain the following benefits:

  • Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls.

  • Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.

  • Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.

Snapshot Mastery

You've mastered getting up close and personal with blaster weapons, maintaining both rate of fire and accuracy. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your ranged weapon attacks reduce partial cover by one step (from three-quarters to half or half to one-quarter) against targets within 30 feet of you. If the target has one-quarter cover, you ignore it entirely.

  • Other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they move to within 30 feet of you, and you can make ranged weapon attacks with blaster weapons when making opportunity attacks.

  • When you take the Attack action targeting a creature within 30 feet while you are wielding a blaster weapon with which you are proficient, you can choose to attack rapidly at the expense of accuracy. Your ranged weapon attack is made without the aid of your proficiency bonus, but you can use your bonus action to make an additional ranged weapon attack, also without your proficiency bonus. If you would make more than one attack when you take the Attack action, only one attack is made without your proficiency bonus. Split Mastery

Throwing Mastery

You've mastered the techniques of throwing weapons, readily blending the weapons with your movements. You gain the following benefits:

  • Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls with thrown weapons. • When you hit a creature with a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, you have advantage on your next melee weapon attack against that creature before the end of your next turn.

  • Once per turn, you can draw a thrown weapon without using your object interaction.

  • Once on each of your turns, you can make a ranged weapon attack with a thrown weapon against a target within the weapon's normal range without the aid of your proficiency bonus (no action required).

Skill Feats

Ace Pilot

You're quite experienced both on land and in the air, be it from time in the navy, as a mercenary, or perhaps even piracy. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Piloting skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • Whenever you make an Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check related to vehicles or ships, you are considered to have expertise in the Investigation or Perception skill.


You become more nimble, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • As a bonus action, you can make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If you succeed, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement until the end of the current turn.


Skilled at mimicry and dramatics, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Performance) checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person.

  • You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.


Always on the lookout for danger, you gain the following benefits:

  • You roll Initiative with advantage

  • You can’t be surprised while you are conscious.

  • Other creatures don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you.

Animal Handler

You master the techniques needed to train and handle animals. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • You can use a bonus action on your turn to command one friendly beast within 60 feet of you that can hear you and that isn’t currently following the command of someone else. You decide now what action the beast will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you issue a general command that lasts for 1 minute, such as to guard a particular area.

Armor Expert

You’ve learned how to fluidly move in armor, gaining the following benefits:

*Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency with light armor. If you are already proficient with light armor, instead while you are wearing light armor, your speed increases by 5 feet.

  • If you are already proficient in light armor when you take this feat, you also gain proficiency in medium armor. If you are already proficient with medium armor, instead while you are wearing medium armor, you can add 3, rather than 2, to your AC if you have a Dexterity of 16 or higher, and you ignore the bulky property of medium armor.

  • If you are already proficient in medium armor when you take this feat, you also gain proficiency in heavy armor. If you are already proficient with heavy armor, instead while you are wearing heavy armor, critical hits made against you are treated as normal hits.


You have undergone extensive physical training to gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • When you are prone, standing up uses only 5 feet of your movement.

  • Climbing doesn’t cost you extra movement. You can make a running long jump or a running high jump after moving only 5 feet on foot, rather than 10 feet.

Battle Scarred

You’ve spent a lifetime fighting, with the scars to prove it. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • When you roll a 19 or a 20 on the d20 for a death saving throw, you regain 1 hit point.

  • When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you’ve used this ability, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Bountiful Luck

Your people have extraordinary luck, which you have learned to lend to your companions when you see them falter. You’re not sure how you do it; you just wish it, and it happens. Surely a sign of fortune’s favor!

When an ally you can see within 30 feet of you rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction and expend 1 luck point to let the ally reroll the die. The ally must use the new roll. When you use this ability, you can’t use luck points before the end of your next turn.


You become stronger, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • Your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift doubles. If it would already double, it instead triples.


You’ve master the art of charming those around you, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • If you spend 1 minute talking to someone who can understand what you say, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If you or your companions are fighting the creature, your check automatically fails. If your check succeeds, the target is charmed by you as long as it remains within 60 feet of you and for 1 minute thereafter.


You excel at scaling cliffsides, hills, trees, and general climbing. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed.

  • You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws to avoid falling off or down while climbing.

  • You can spend 5 minutes instructing, pointing out handholds, and guiding other creatures before making a climb. When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within 30 feet of you. Each creature can add a 1d6 to any ability check or saving throw they make for that climb.


You have a strong aptitude for competing. Select one gaming set. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the chosen gaming set. If you are already proficient with it, you instead gain expertise with it.

  • As long as you spend at least 1 minute using your gaming set, you can’t have disadvantage on Intelligence checks you make to use the gaming set, Charisma (Deception) checks you make to bluff with the gaming set, or Wisdom (Insight) checks you make to read an opponent with whom you are competing with the gaming set.

You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different gaming set.


Hardy and resilient, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, the minimum number of hit points you can regain from the roll equals twice your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2).

  • Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points.

Electrical Grounding

You’re able to avoid the brunt of electric shocks. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • At the start of each of your turns while shocked, you can choose to have a reaction, or you can choose to be able to take both an action and a bonus action on your turn.

  • You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid lightning damage.


You possess keen insight into how other people think and feel. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • You can use your action to try to get uncanny insight about one humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you. Make a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by the target’s Charisma (Deception) check. On a success, you have advantage on attack rolls and ability checks against the target until the end of your next turn.


You have a natural gift for performing. Select one musical instrument. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the chosen musical instrument. If you are already proficient with it, you instead gain expertise with it.

  • While playing your chosen musical instrument, you can always readily read the emotions of those paying attention to you. During this time, and for up to one minute after completing, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to read the emotions of those you performed for.

Exalted Awareness

You have the wisdom associated with the most renowned masters of the Force, granting the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. If you are already proficient in them, you instead gain expertise in them.

  • Creatures within 60 feet of you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide from you.

  • As an action, you can sense the presence of illusions and other effects designed to deceive the senses within 30 feet of you, provided that you aren’t blinded or deafened. You sense that an effect is trying to trick you, but you gain no insight into what is hidden or its true nature. Once you’ve used this feature, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Forceful Vigor

Your strength and virility rarely go unnoticed, often to the point of distraction. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You can use your Strength modifier instead of your Constitution modifier when making Constitution checks.

  • When you would make a Constitution saving throw, you can instead make a Strength saving throw. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this feature when you complete a long rest.

Galvanizing Presence

Your presence on the battlefield is a source of inspiration. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • As a bonus action, you let out a rallying war cry, ending the frightened or charmed condition on yourself and a number of allies that can hear you equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Once you’ve used this ability, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.


Your skills at bartering have granted you the following benefits:

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1 up to a maximum of 20.

  • You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Deception) checks when attempting to barter or trade.

  • You are always aware of the current monetary value for any unenhanced or common enhanced item. Whenever you identify an item, you gain a rough estimate of its current monetary value.

Heavily Armored

Prerequisite: Proficiency with medium armor

You have trained to master the use of heavy armor, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency with heavy armor.


Implants Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Player Level 1 4 8

This feat allows use of cybernetic implants, which can be purchased throughout the galaxy and have a variety of effects (modifying attack rolls, attribute scores, etc.). Only one implant may be used at a time. Droids cannot use implants, so this feat cannot be selected by them.

Keen Mind

You have a mind that can track time, direction, and detail with uncanny precision. You gain the following benefits.

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You always know which way is north.

  • You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset.

  • You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month


You have studied languages and codes, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You learn three languages of your choice.

  • You can ably create written ciphers. Others can’t decipher a code you create unless you teach them, they succeed on an Intelligence check (DC = your Intelligence score + your proficiency bonus), or they use a power to decipher it.


You have inexplicable luck that seems to kick in at just the right moment.

You have 3 luck points. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can spend one luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.

You can also spend one luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a d20, and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker’s roll or yours. If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no additional dice are rolled.

You regain your expended luck points when you finish a long rest.


You’ve spent an exorbitant amount of time in water. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain a swimming speed equal to your movement speed.

  • You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws related to swimming.

  • You can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + twice your Constitution modifier.


You master the physician’s arts, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • During a short rest, you can clean and bind the wounds of up to six willing beasts and humanoids. Make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check for each creature. On a success, if a creature spends a Hit Die during this rest, that creature can forgo the roll and instead regain the maximum number of hit points the die can restore. A creature can do so only once per rest, regardless of how many Hit Dice it spends.

Metabolic Tolerance

You’ve developed resilience against many poisons, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Constitution, Intelligence, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • As an action or bonus action, you can expend a Hit Die to end the poisoned condition on yourself.

  • You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid poison damage.

Mindful Meditator

You’ve learned meditation techniques to calm your mind. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You only need 3 hours of sleep during a long rest to gain its benefits, instead of 6. Additionally, if your long rest would be interrupted, you only need to complete the long rest instead of restarting it to gain its benefits.

  • You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid psychic damage.


You are exceptionally speedy and agile. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your speed increases by 10 feet.

  • When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement on that turn.

  • When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.

Moderately Armored

Prerequisite: Proficiency with light armor

You have trained to master the use of medium armor and shields, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency with medium armor and shields.


Your extensive study of nature rewards you with the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Nature skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • You learn the toxin scan tech power. You can cast it once, using supplies scavenged around you, without the use of a wrist pad and without spending tech points, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.


Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • If you can see a creature’s mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it’s saying by reading its lips.

  • You are considered to have advantage when determining your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.

Overwhelming Presence

You have the presence of the most affluent of leaders, granting the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws. If you are already proficient in them, you instead gain expertise in them.

  • While you are conscious, up to five friendly creatures within 30 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can understand you can gain a bonus to one Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw they make equal to your Charisma modifier. Once they’ve done so, they can’t do so again until they finish a short or long rest.

  • As an action, you can attempt to distract up to five creatures you can see within 30 feet of you. Each creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). Any creature immune to being charmed is unaffected. If you or your companions are fighting a creature, it has advantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, for the next minute, a creature has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to perceive any creature other than you until the effect ends or until the target can no longer see or hear you. This ends early if you are incapacitated or die.


You hone your senses until they become razor sharp. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Perception skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • Being in a lightly obscured area doesn’t impose disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks if you can both see and hear.


You master performance so that you can command any stage. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Performance skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • While performing, you can try to distract one humanoid who can see and hear you. Make a Charisma (Performance) check contested by the humanoid’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If your check succeeds, you grab the humanoid’s attention enough that it makes Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks with disadvantage until you stop performing.


You have acquired skills over your career, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in any combination of two skills or tools of your choice.

Quick Fingered

Your nimble fingers and agility let you perform sleight of hand. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in the Sleight of Hand skill. If you are already proficient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.

  • As a bonus action, you can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to plant something on someone else, conceal an object on a creature, lift a purse, or take something from a pocket.

Quick Witted

Great ideas come to you naturally, often when your life depends on it. You always have a plan, or at least parts of it. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when making Initiative checks.

  • When you would make a Dexterity saving throw, you can instead make an Intelligence saving throw. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this feature when you complete a long rest.


Choose one ability score. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency in saving throws using the chosen ability.

Well Insulated

You can tolerate extremely cold temperatures. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Dexterity, Constitution, or Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws made to avoid exhaustion due to extreme cold, and each slowed level only reduces your speed by 5 feet, unless it would reduce your speed to 0.

  • You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid cold damage.

Chapter 12: Factions, Clans and Organizations

The Star Wars universe is home to a wide variety of factions, clans, and organizations, each with their own unique history, culture, and goals. From the Jedi and the Sith to the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, these groups play a significant role in shaping the course of the Star Wars story, with their struggles for power and control driving much of the conflict. Other organizations, such as the bounty hunters' guild or the Hutt crime syndicate, operate outside the law, pursuing their own interests and agendas. Whether fighting for justice, seeking to impose their will on the galaxy, or simply trying to survive in a hostile world, the factions, clans, and organizations of Star Wars offer a rich tapestry of intrigue and adventure for players in a Star Wars-inspired D&D campaign.

For Campaign

Many of these Factions, Clans, and Organizations existed thousands of years apart from each other in canon, but for your Campaign feel free to create your own Star Wars Universe and change its History, or to follow the Canon Universe.


Being part of a Star Wars faction, clan, or organization can offer a range of advantages for players in a D&D campaign set in the Star Wars universe. Here are a few examples:

  1. Access to Resources: Many Star Wars factions have significant resources at their disposal, including ships, weapons, and other equipment. Being part of a faction can give players access to these resources, making it easier to accomplish their goals and survive in a dangerous galaxy.

  2. Training and Education: Certain factions, such as the Jedi or Sith, offer specialized training and education in the use of the Force or other skills. Joining one of these factions can give players access to this training, allowing them to become more powerful and effective in combat and other situations.

  3. Protection: Some factions, such as the Rebel Alliance or the Hutt crime syndicate, offer protection to their members. This can be especially valuable in a galaxy where danger lurks around every corner.

  4. Opportunities for Adventure: Being part of a faction can offer players opportunities for adventure and intrigue that they might not have access to otherwise. Whether it's carrying out a secret mission for the Rebel Alliance or hunting down bounties as a member of the bounty hunters' guild, being part of a faction can open up exciting new storylines and experiences.

  5. Sense of Belonging: Finally, being part of a faction can give players a sense of belonging and purpose in a galaxy where it can be easy to feel lost or alone. Whether fighting for a noble cause or pursuing their own interests, being part of a faction can give players a sense of camaraderie and shared goals that can be incredibly rewarding.


While being part of a Star Wars faction, clan, or organization can offer many advantages, there are also several disadvantages to consider. Here are a few examples:

  1. Restrictions on Freedom: Being part of a faction often comes with certain restrictions on freedom, such as following a code of conduct or carrying out missions that may go against a player's personal beliefs or values. This can be especially challenging for players who value their independence and autonomy.

  2. Enemies and Rivals: Many factions have enemies and rivals who will stop at nothing to defeat them. Being part of a faction can make players targets for these enemies, putting them in danger and making it harder to move around the galaxy undetected.

  3. Betrayal and Infighting: Factions are often rife with politics, power struggles, and infighting. This can lead to betrayal and backstabbing, with players caught in the middle of a conflict they may not fully understand.

  4. Reputation: Being part of a faction can also affect a player's reputation with other groups and individuals in the galaxy. Depending on the faction, this reputation may be positive or negative, and can make it harder to interact with certain characters or groups.

  5. Expectations and Obligations: Finally, being part of a faction can come with certain expectations and obligations that players may not be ready or willing to fulfill. Whether it's carrying out a dangerous mission or upholding a certain set of values or beliefs, players may find themselves at odds with their faction or their own personal goals and desires.

Factons Informations

For the I will include some information about them, an estimate of when they existed, and some opponents to face.

Galactic Republic

The Galactic Republic is a vast and powerful government that spans tens of thousands of planets and governs trillions of sentient beings. It is a beacon of democracy, freedom, and justice in the galaxy, and its military that towards the end of its History was composed of Clones led by Jedi Knights.

Players can create characters who are members of the Galactic Republic, such as soldiers, diplomats, Jedi, or senators. They can embark on missions to protect the Republic from threats such as the Sith, pirates, and hostile alien races.

The Jedi Knights are a central feature of the Galactic Republic, and players can choose to play as Jedi characters. Jedi are powerful Force-users who use their abilities to defend the Republic and promote peace and order in the galaxy. They are trained in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and their ranks include knights, masters, and padawans. Players can choose to start as padawans and work their way up to becoming powerful Jedi Masters.

The Republic's military is made up of soldiers, pilots, and officers who serve in the Republic Army and Navy. Players can create characters who are part of these organizations and participate in battles against the Republic's enemies. They can also work as intelligence agents or diplomats, using their skills to gather information and negotiate treaties.

The Galactic Senate is the Republic's governing body, and senators from all over the galaxy gather on Coruscant to debate and make laws. Players can create characters who are senators and work to pass legislation that benefits the Republic and its citizens.

Throughout their adventures, players will encounter a variety of challenges and enemies, from smugglers and bounty hunters to Sith Lords and Separatist leaders. They must work together to protect the Republic and ensure that its ideals of democracy and freedom continue to thrive throughout the galaxy.

Time Line

  • 25,053 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin): The Galactic Republic was founded by various star systems and species who sought to establish a democratic government in the galaxy.
  • 1000 BBY: The Galactic Republic underwent a major reformation known as the Ruusan Reformations, which restructured the government and established the Jedi Order as peacekeepers.
  • 32 BBY: The Trade Federation blockaded and invaded the planet Naboo, leading to the election of Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.
  • 22 BBY: The Clone Wars began, pitting the Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems led by Count Dooku and his Separatist allies.
  • 19 BBY: Palpatine declared himself Emperor and transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire, effectively dissolving the Republic.

So, the Galactic Republic was founded in 25,053 BBY and was dissolved in 19 BBY.

Galactic Republic Forces

Clone Trooper

Medium humanoid (clone), any alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (Durasteel Armor, helmet)
  • Hit Points 80 (10d8 + 30)
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws saving_throws
  • Skills Athletics +7, Perception +5
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Basic (Galactic Basic)
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)


Multi-Target Attack. The clone trooper makes two blaster rifle or two heavy blaster pistol attacks.

Melee Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) energy damage.

Heavy Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 6) energy damage.

Grenade. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 30/60 ft., burst 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. DC 13 Dexterity saving throw for half damage.

Jedi Knight General

Medium humanoid (Jedi), any good alignment

  • Armor Class 17 (Force-imbued Robes)
  • Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54)
  • Speed 40 ft.

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +7, Wis +9, Cha +7
  • Skills Athletics +5, Insight +9, Perception +9, Persuasion +7
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Kinetic Weapons
  • Force Powers: The Jedi knows 5 force abilities of the DMs choice
  • Senses passive Perception 19
  • Languages Basic (Galactic Basic)
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)


Multiattack. The Jedi can make two lightsaber attacks per turn.

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage.

Lightsaber Throw. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage.

Force Wave. The Jedi unleashes a wave of Force energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Republic Trooper

Medium humanoid (human), any alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (Republic Trooper Armor)
  • Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 8)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws saving_throws
  • Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3
  • Damage Vulnerabilities damage_vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances Resistances
  • Damage Immunities Damage_Immunities
  • Condition Immunities condition_Immunities
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Basic (Galactic Basic)
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)


Multi-Target Attack. The trooper makes two heavy blaster attacks.

Grenade. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/60 ft., burst 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. DC 10 Dexterity saving throw for half damage.

Heavy Blaster. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 2) energy damage.

Melee Attack.* Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Republic Star Ships

Aurek Strikefighter (small)


  • Crew:1
  • Speed 4,500ft
  • Price:260,000 credits

The Aurek fighter was a 9.2-meter-long delta-shaped starfighter armed with two heavy laser cannons and two proton torpedo launchers, capable of holding six torpedoes. Also known as an A-wing, was a Republic starfighter, several models of which were used in the Old Sith Wars, the Great Galactic War, the New Sith Wars, and even until the final generation of the Republic.

BT-7 Thunderclap (small)


  • Crew:1
  • Passengers:9
  • Speed 3000ft
  • Price:310,000 credits

The Thunderclap was the Galactic Republic's largest and most sophisticated rapid assault ship in service during the Great Hyperspace War onward. This made it a favorite for use by the Republic Special Forces Division.

Praetorian (large)


  • Crew:1,470
  • Passengers:2,700
  • Speed:1,500ft
  • Cargo capacity 10,000 tons/consumables 2 years
  • Price:12,000,000 credits

Its weapons were geared toward defensive fire, leading to heavy use of the class in an escort role. It carried 12 starfighters and had a standard class two hyperdrive.

Hammerhead (large)


  • Crew:300
  • Passengers:450
  • Speed: 1,500ft
  • Cargo capacity 4,000 tons/ consumables 8 months
  • Price:15,000,000 credits

One of the most successful warship designs in galactic history, the Hammerhead-class would still see use in sector defense forces millennia after its introduction and would inspire many later ship designs, such as the Thranta-class corvette and MC140 Scythe-class main battle cruiser.

Hammerhead II (large)


  • Crew:500 passengers:800
  • Speed: 1,500ft
  • Cargo Capacity 5,000 Tons/ consumables 1 year
  • Price:18,000,000 credits

The Hammerhead II-class heavy cruiser, often simply abbreviated to Hammerhead II, was a Starship manufactured by Cybe Drives as the physical successor to the Rendili Hyperworks' highly-successful vessel, the Hammerhead-class Cruiser.

Valor (large)


  • Crew:1,900
  • Passengers:5,000
  • Speed:1,500ft
  • Cargo capacity:7,500tons/ consumables 1½ years
  • Price: 20,000,000 credits

The ship class served as the heaviest and most powerful warship in the Republic fleet, allowing it to match the Harrower-class dreadnought in terms of size and firepower but it was only armored where needed, allowing it to be faster and more agile than the Harrower. These usually served as flagships of the Republic Fleet in charge of planetary defense against Imperial attacks and hitting Imperial assets across the galaxy.

Venator-class Star Destroyer (Large)


  • Crew: 7,400
  • Passengers: 2,000
  • Speed: 2,000ft
  • Cargo capacity: 20,000 tons
  • Consumables: 2 years
  • Price: 60,000,000 sc

The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Venator-class Destroyer, Republic attack cruiser, and later Imperial attack cruiser, was one of the capital ships used extensively by the Galactic Republic during the later parts of the Clone Wars, as well as by the Galactic Empire.

Sith Empire

In the Sith Empire, power is everything. Before the rule of two The Sith Lords were numerous and ruled with an iron fist, their strength in the Force unmatched by any other beings in the galaxy. The Empire spans countless worlds, and its armies are vast and ruthless. The Jedi Order, once a powerful force for good, has been all but destroyed, and those who remain are hunted and killed without mercy.

As the players embark on their adventure, they find themselves caught in the crosshairs of the Sith Lords. Whether by chance or by design, they have drawn the attention of the Empire, and their very existence is a threat to the Sith's power.

The players must navigate a dangerous world of shifting alliances and treacherous plots, as they seek to uncover the secrets of the Sith and put an end to their reign of terror. They will travel to distant planets, engage in epic battles, and make alliances with unexpected allies, all in the pursuit of their goal.

At every turn, the players will be tested, both physically and mentally, as they face off against the most powerful beings in the galaxy. They will need to rely on their skills, their wits, and the power of the Force to survive.

Will they be able to overcome the might of the Sith Empire and restore peace to the galaxy? Or will they fall to the dark side and become pawns in the Sith's never-ending quest for power? The fate of the galaxy rests in their hands.

Time Line

  • 7,000 BBY: The first Sith Empire was founded by the Dark Jedi who were exiled from the Galactic Republic after the Hundred-Year Darkness. They settled on the planet Korriban and were eventually joined by the native Sith species, who became their allies and servants.
  • 5,500 BBY: The first Sith Empire was destroyed by the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, led by the Jedi Knight Revan and his ally, the former Sith Lord Malak.
  • 3,998-3,653 BBY: The surviving Sith regrouped and eventually formed a new Sith Empire, which was ruled by the Sith Emperor and based on the planet Dromund Kaas. They remained hidden from the rest of the galaxy for centuries, gradually rebuilding their strength and preparing for war with the Republic and the Jedi.
  • 3,653 BBY: The Sith Empire launched a surprise attack on the Republic, beginning the Great Galactic War. They quickly conquered many worlds and inflicted significant damage on the Republic military.
  • 3,653-3,643 BBY: The Great Galactic War ended with the Treaty of Coruscant, which established a fragile peace between the Republic and the Sith Empire. However, tensions remained high, and both sides continued to prepare for another conflict.
  • 3,643-3,638 BBY: The Cold War began as a period of relative calm between the Republic and the Sith Empire, characterized by espionage, sabotage, and proxy conflicts.
  • 3,638-3,632 BBY: The Galactic War broke out as the Sith Empire launched a new invasion of the Republic. This conflict saw significant gains and losses on both sides, and ultimately ended with the defeat of the Sith Emperor and the collapse of the Sith Empire.

So, the Sith Empire of the Old Republic era was founded in 3,998 BBY and was ultimately destroyed in 3,632 BBY, after several wars and conflicts with the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order.

Sith Trooper

Medium humanoid, any alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (heavy armor)
  • Hit Points 85 (10d8 + 30)
  • Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +1
  • Senses passive Perception 11
  • Languages Galactic Basic
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)


Multiattack. The Sith Trooper makes two melee attacks or two ranged attacks.

Vibrosword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Sith Marauder

Medium humanoid, any alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (light armor)
  • Hit Points170 (20d8 + 60)
  • Speed 40 ft.

20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +9, Intimidation +4
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
  • Languages Galactic Basic & ur-Kittât
  • Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)


Multiattack. The Sith Marauder makes three melee attacks.

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 5) slashing damage.

Saber Throw. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 5) slashing damage.

Force Fury (1/Day). The Sith Marauder can use an action to enter a state of uncontrollable rage, gaining advantage on attack rolls and dealing additional damage with its melee attacks for 1 minute.

Dark Lord of the Sith

Medium humanoid, any alignment

  • Armor Class 22 (light armor, energy shield)
  • Hit Points 350 (25d8 + 225)
  • Speed 30 ft.

24 (+7) 20 (+5) 26 (+8) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 24

  • Saving Throws Str +14, Dex +11, Con +16, Int +14, Wis +11, Cha +14
  • SkillsArcana +14, Deception +14, Intimidation +14, Perception +11, Persuasion +14, Stealth +11
  • Damage Resistances Dark Side Force Abilities
  • Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21
  • Languages Galactic Basic, ur-Kittât, 3 others of your choice.
  • Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)


Multiattack. The Dark Lord of the Sith makes four melee attacks or four ranged attacks.

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (3d10 + 7) slashing damage.

Force Lightning. Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 44 (8d10) lightning damage.

Force Push. The Dark Lord of the Sith can use an action to push all creatures within 30 feet of it away, dealing 22 (4d10) force damage and knocking them prone unless they succeed on a DC 24 Strength saving throw.

Force Choke (3/Day). The Dark Lord of the Sith can use an action to target one creature it can see within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Sith Star Ships

Sith (Star Forge) starfighter (small)

[hp 100/sp:0]

  • Crew:1
  • Speed 3500ft
  • Price: not for sale

The design and manufacture of the Sith fighter was a hybrid of various technologies untraceable to any products originating from known worlds.

Fury Interceptor (Small)


  • Crew:1
  • Passengers:9
  • Speed 4,000ft
  • Price: 340,000 credits

Fury-class transports were commonly utilized by prominent Sith Warriors and Sith Inquisitors as their bases of operations throughout important missions on which they were assigned. The weaponry of the Imperial interceptor was four high powered laser cannons and missiles to inflict a large amount of damage in a short time along with military grade shielding in order to survive space battles and starfighter combat situations.

Derriphan (Large)



  • Passengers:850
  • Speed 1,500ft
  • Cargo capacity 5,000 tons/ consumables 1 year
  • Price:not for sale

By modern galactic standards they were fairly small, slow, and ungainly, but the Sith battleships were among the most powerful and fearsome warships of their time, despite sporting no shields.

Confederacy Of Independent Systems

The Confederacy of Independent Systems, also known as the Separatists, is a collection of planets and factions that have seceded from the Galactic Republic. They believe that the Republic has become corrupt and oppressive, and that they can govern themselves more effectively.

Players can create characters who are members of the Separatist movement, such as soldiers, spies, or diplomats. They can embark on missions to further the Separatist cause, such as sabotaging Republic supply lines, negotiating with potential allies, or engaging in battles against Republic forces.

The Separatists are led by a group of powerful leaders, including the enigmatic Count Dooku and the ruthless General Grievous. Players can interact with these characters and attempt to further their own agendas within the Separatist hierarchy.

The Separatist military is composed of droids, mercenary forces, and alien warriors, all of whom are dedicated to protecting their newfound independence. Players can create characters who serve in the Separatist military, such as droid pilots or commando units, and participate in battles against Republic forces.

Throughout their adventures, players will encounter a variety of challenges and enemies, from Republic spies and Jedi Knights to rival Separatist factions and corrupt warlords. They must work together to protect the Separatist movement and ensure that their ideals of independence and self-governance are upheld throughout the galaxy.

Time Line

  • 24 BBY: The Confederacy of Independent Systems was founded by various star systems and corporations who were unhappy with the perceived corruption and bureaucracy of the Galactic Republic.
  • 22 BBY: The Separatist Crisis erupted as several star systems, including the Trade Federation, began to secede from the Republic and join the Confederacy. This led to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, as the Republic and the Jedi Order fought against the Separatists and their droid armies.
  • 19 BBY: The Clone Wars ended with the fall of the Separatist Council and the death of their leader, Count Dooku, at the hands of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. However, it was revealed that the true mastermind behind the Confederacy was the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who had orchestrated the war as part of his plan to seize power and transform the Republic into the Galactic Empire.
  • 19 BBY (shortly after): The Confederacy of Independent Systems effectively dissolved following the end of the Clone Wars. Many of its leaders were either killed or captured, and its remaining forces were incorporated into the new Galactic Empire.

So, the Confederacy of Independent Systems was founded in 24 BBY and was effectively dissolved in 19 BBY, following the end of the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire.

Separatist Forces

BB-1 Battle Droid

Medium construct, Neutral

  • Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
  • Speed 30 ft.

13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)

  • Constructed Nature A BB-1 Battle Droid doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.
  • Skills skills
  • Damage Resistances Resistances
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
  • Languages Basic, Binary (Understands Only)
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)


Multiattack. The BB-1 Battle Droid makes two melee attacks or two ranged attacks.

Blaster Rifle Ranged Weapon Attack +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 2) blaster damage.

Deflector Shield The BB-1 Battle Droid can use its deflector shield as a reaction when it is hit by a ranged attack. The attack misses and the shield takes 10 points of damage. The shield has 10 hit points and is destroyed if reduced to 0 hit points.

BB2 Super Battle Droid

Medium construct, neutral

  • Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 45 (10d8)
  • Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

  • Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
  • Languages Basic, Binary
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Multiattack. The BB2 Super Battle Droid can make two melee attacks or two ranged attacks.

Arm-mounted Blaster. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) radiant damage.

Powerful Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.


Deflect. The BB2 Super Battle Droid raises its arm-mounted shields, increasing its Armor Class by 2 against one ranged attack that would hit it. To do so, the BB2 Super Battle Droid must see the attacker and be wielding its arm-mounted blaster.

IG-100 MagnaGuard

Medium construct, neutral

  • Armor Class 20
  • Hit Points 195 (26d8 + 78)
  • Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft.

20 (+5) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 1 (-5)

  • Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
  • Languages understands Basic but doesn't speak
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)


Multiattack. The IG-100 MagnaGuard makes two melee attacks.

Electrostaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 14 (4d6) lightning damage.

Rocket Boosters (1/Day). The IG-100 MagnaGuard can use its rocket boosters to fly up to 40 ft. in any direction. Any creature within 20 ft. of the IG-100 MagnaGuard must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.


Counterstrike. If a creature within 5 feet of the MagnaGuard makes a melee attack against it and misses, the MagnaGuard can use its reaction to make an Electrostaff attack against that creature. The Shock Staff attack has advantage and deals an extra 11 (2d10) lightning damage on a hit.

Separatist Star Ships

Lucrehulk-class Battleship (Large)


  • Crew: 175
  • Passengers: 139,000
  • Speed: 1,000ft
  • Cost: 500,000,000 Silver Credits
  • Cargo capacity: 25,000,000 tons
  • Consumables: for 2 years

The Lucrehulk-class Battleship, also known as a Droid Control Ship, or Trade Federation battleship, was a modified Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter that was used by the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems and manufactured by Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc

Recusant-class light destroyer (large)


  • Crew: 300
  • Passengers: 40,000
  • Speed: 2,000
  • Cost: 8,000,000
  • Cargo capacity: 8,600 tons

The true effectiveness of the ship was shown when it was deployed in large numbers. Four to six Recusant-class starships could outgun the Galactic Republic's Venator-class Star Destroyer or the Victory-class Star Destroyer. However, about one thousand Recusant-class ships were needed to take on the Mandator-II Star Dreadnaught.

Subjugator-class heavy cruiser (Large)


  • Crew: 23,350
  • Passengers: 160,000
  • Speed: 2,000ft
  • Cost: 875,500,000 silver credits
  • Cargo capacity: 850,000 tons
  • Consumables: 3 years

Potentially the largest warship that served at the time of the Clone Wars, the Subjugator was heavily armed with hundreds of laser cannons of different types, ion cannons, flak guns, proton torpedoes, heavy tractor beams, and a pair of mega-ion cannons capable of disabling the power of an entire fleet of capital ships in a single blast. The heavy cruiser also carried over two-hundred droid starfighters, and several boarding ships, landing craft, assault vehicles, and shuttles.

Vulture-class droid starfighter (small)


  • Crew: 0
  • Passengers: 0
  • Speed: 3,000 ft
  • Cost: 40,000 Silver Credits

With the effectiveness of droid starfighters debated in strategic circles for generations, vulture droids were as such capable of extreme maneuvers that could crush even the sturdiest organic pilot, but lacked the resourcefulness and cunning that living pilots brought into combat. Nonetheless, a lack of life-support systems allowed more room for armaments and fuel, and the lack of an organic pilot removed, for some, any moral responsibility for its destruction.

Galactic Empire

The Galactic Empire is a vast and powerful government that rose to power after the fall of the Galactic Republic. Led by the ruthless Emperor Palpatine and his apprentice Darth Vader, the Empire seeks to impose order and stability on the galaxy through force and fear.

Players can create characters who are members of the Imperial military or government, such as stormtroopers, naval officers, or intelligence agents. They can embark on missions to enforce Imperial law, hunt down rebel insurgents, or engage in battles against aliens or other enemies of the Empire.

The Imperial military is composed of stormtroopers, pilots, and officers who serve in the Imperial Army and Navy. Players can create characters who are part of these organizations and participate in battles against the Empire's enemies. They can also work as intelligence agents or diplomats, using their skills to gather information and negotiate treaties.

The Imperial government is highly centralized and tightly controlled by the Emperor and his loyalists. Players can create characters who are bureaucrats, advisors, or even members of the Emperor's inner circle, and work to advance their own agendas within the Imperial hierarchy.

Throughout their adventures, players will encounter a variety of challenges and enemies, from rebel insurgents and alien terrorists to Jedi Knights and Sith Lords. They must work together to protect the Empire and ensure that its ideals of order and stability continue to shape the galaxy for generations to come.

Time Line

  • 19 BBY: The Galactic Empire was founded by Emperor Palpatine, who declared himself ruler of the galaxy following the end of the Clone Wars. He transformed the Galactic Republic into the Empire, which was characterized by authoritarian rule, militarism, and the suppression of dissent.
  • 19-0 BBY: The early years of the Empire were marked by the consolidation of power and the installation of Imperial governors and military forces throughout the galaxy. The Jedi Order was also hunted down and nearly destroyed by the Empire's Inquisitors and stormtroopers.
  • 0-3 ABY: The Galactic Civil War began as the Rebel Alliance, a group of dissident systems and individuals, launched a campaign of sabotage and rebellion against the Empire. This conflict saw the destruction of the Death Star, the Empire's superweapon, and several other major battles.
  • 3-4 ABY: The Empire suffered a series of major defeats at the hands of the Rebel Alliance, including the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor. These events weakened the Empire's grip on the galaxy and led to the death of Emperor Palpatine.
  • 4-5 ABY: The Empire was thrown into chaos as various factions and warlords vied for power and territory. This period became known as the "Imperial War" or the "Post-Endor period".
  • 5 ABY: The Imperial Remnant, a group of former Imperial forces who remained loyal to the Empire, established a new capital on the planet Bastion and began to rebuild their strength.
  • 9 ABY: The Imperial War ended with the signing of the Bastion Accords, which recognized the legitimacy of the New Republic and established a ceasefire between the two factions. The Imperial Remnant agreed to disarm and withdraw from many of their former territories.

So, the Galactic Empire was founded in 19 BBY and effectively dissolved in 5 ABY, following the death of Emperor Palpatine and the fragmentation of the Empire into various factions.

Galactic Empire Forces

Storm Trooper

Medium humanoid (human), Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 18 (reflex armor)
  • Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Athletics +4, Perception +2
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Galactic Basic
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)


Multiattack. The storm trooper makes two blaster rifle attacks.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) energy damage.

DT-series Sentry Droid

Medium construct, Neutral

  • Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 39)
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)

  • Skills Perception +4
  • Damage Immunities Poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
  • Languages understands the languages of its owner but can't speak
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)


Multiattack. The Sentry Droid can make two attacks.

Shock Arm. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) lightning damage.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d8) energy damage.

Grenade Launcher (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (6d10) explosive damage. Creatures within 10 feet of the target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) explosive damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


If the DT-series Sentry Droid is destroyed or its systems are compromised, it can activate a self-destruct mechanism. The droid explodes in a 15-foot radius, dealing 20 (6d6) force damage to all creatures within range.


Medium humanoid (any race), Any Evil Alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (reflex armor)
  • Hit Points 180 (20d8 + 80)
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws saving_throws
  • Skills Athletics +11, Insight +8, Intimidation +8, Perception +8
  • Damage Resistances Psychic
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
  • Languages Any three languages
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)


Multiattack. The inquisitor makes three attacks: two with its lightsaber and one with Force Lightning.

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d8 + 8) radiant damage.

Force Lightning. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 36 (8d8) lightning damage.

  • Force Push. The inquisitor uses telekinesis to push one creature within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 15 feet away and knocked prone.

  • Force Barrier. The inquisitor creates a barrier of Force energy around itself. Until the start of the inquisitor's next turn, it gains resistance to all damage and cannot be moved or knocked prone.

Galactic Empire Star Ships

Imperial-class Star Destroyer (large)


  • Crew: 8,000
  • Passenger: 24,000
  • Speed: 2,500ft
  • Cost: 800,000,000
  • Cargo capacity: 700,000 tons

The Imperial I-class Star Destroyer was a model of Imperial-class Star Destroyer in the service of the Imperial Navy. A wedge-shaped capital ship, it bristled with weapons emplacements, assault troops, boarding craft, and TIE line starfighters. In the era of the Galactic Empire, its command bridge was staffed by the finest crewmen in the navy.

Tie Fighter (small)


  • Crew:1
  • Passenger:0
  • Speed: 3,000ft
  • Cost: 250,000 silver credits

The TIE/LN starfighter, or TIE/line starfighter, simply known as the TIE Fighter or T/F, was the standard Imperial starfighter seen in massive numbers throughout most of the Galactic Civil War and onward. Occasionally, due to their distinct shape, Rebel and New Republic pilots referred to the craft as "eyeballs."

Rebel Alliance

The Rebel Alliance is a loose coalition of planets and factions that have banded together to resist the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. Led by the heroic Princess Leia Organa and other brave leaders, the Alliance seeks to restore freedom and democracy to the galaxy.

Players can create characters who are members of the Rebel Alliance, such as soldiers, pilots, or spies. They can embark on missions to sabotage Imperial installations, rescue prisoners, or engage in battles against Imperial forces.

The Rebel Alliance is made up of a variety of factions, including smugglers, pirates, and alien warriors, all of whom are dedicated to opposing the Empire. Players can create characters who are part of these organizations and work to further the Rebel cause.

The Alliance military is composed of soldiers, pilots, and officers who serve in the Rebel Army and Navy. Players can create characters who are part of these organizations and participate in battles against the Empire's forces. They can also work as intelligence agents or diplomats, using their skills to gather information and negotiate alliances with potential allies.

Throughout their adventures, players will encounter a variety of challenges and enemies, from Imperial spies and bounty hunters to Sith Lords and corrupt planetary governors. They must work together to protect the Rebel Alliance and ensure that its ideals of freedom and democracy continue to inspire the galaxy.

Time Line

  • 2 BBY: The Rebel Alliance was founded by Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, along with several other dissident senators and individuals who were opposed to the authoritarian rule of the Galactic Empire.
  • 0 BBY: The Rebel Alliance launched a major attack on the Empire's superweapon, the Death Star, which was destroyed by a group of Rebel pilots led by Luke Skywalker. This victory helped to inspire more systems and individuals to join the Rebel cause.
  • 0-3 ABY: The Rebel Alliance continued to engage in acts of sabotage and rebellion against the Empire, including the theft of Imperial supplies and the liberation of prisoners and slaves.
  • 3 ABY: The Rebel Alliance launched a major campaign to rescue Han Solo from the clutches of the crime lord Jabba the Hutt, which led to a battle on the planet Tatooine.
  • 4 ABY: The Rebel Alliance launched a massive assault on the second Death Star, which was under construction above the forest moon of Endor. This battle, which involved both space and ground forces, saw the destruction of the Death Star and the death of Emperor Palpatine. It marked a major turning point in the Galactic Civil War.
  • 4-5 ABY: The Rebel Alliance helped to mop up the remaining Imperial forces and install a new democratic government, the New Republic. However, some Imperial loyalists refused to accept defeat and continued to fight against the Alliance and the New Republic.
  • 5-34 ABY: The Rebel Alliance became the New Republic's military and continued to fight against threats to the new government, including remnants of the Empire, warlords, and various criminal organizations.

So, the Rebel Alliance was founded in 2 BBY and played a major role in the Galactic Civil War, ultimately helping to defeat the Empire and establish the New Republic.

Rebel Forces

Rebel Soldier

Medium humanoid, any alignment

  • Armor Class 14 (reinforced combat uniform)
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
  • Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Basic, any one other language
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Multiattack. The Rebel Soldier can make 2 Attacks

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) energy damage.

Grenade. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/120 ft., 5 ft. radius. Hit: 18 (3d6 + 3) energy damage. DC 13 Dexterity saving throw for half damage.

Rebel Training. The rebel soldier has advantage on saving throws against being frightened and can move through difficult terrain made of rubble or debris without penalty.

Rebel Tactics. The rebel soldier can use the Help action as a bonus action on its turn to aid an ally within 30 feet.

Jedi Survivor

Medium humanoid, any alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (lightsaber-resistant robes)
  • Hit Points 180 (24d8 + 48)
  • Speed Speed

16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +9, Perception +11
  • Senses passive Perception 21
  • Languages Basic, any one other language
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)


Multiattack. The Jedi Survivor makes four melee attacks

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) radiant damage.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Jedi Training. The Jedi Survivor has advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened.

Jedi Reflexes. The Jedi Survivor can use their reaction to deflect blaster bolts with their lightsaber. When a ranged attack is made against the Jedi Survivor, they can use their reaction to deflect the attack if they have their lightsaber in hand. The Jedi Survivor adds their proficiency bonus to their AC against the attack, potentially causing the attack to miss.

Rebel Spy

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

  • Armor Class 15 (reinforced clothing)
  • Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 24)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

  • Skills Deception +7, Insight +4, Investigation +7, Stealth +8
  • Senses passive Perception 11
  • Languages Basic, any two other languages
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)


Multiattack. The Rebel Spy makes two attacks with their weapons.

Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 4) energy damage.

Vibrodagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage

Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the Rebel Spy deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage when they hit a target with a weapon attack and have advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the Rebel Spy that isn't incapacitated and the Rebel Spy doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Disguise Self. The Rebel Spy can cast Disguise Self at will.

Rebel Alliance Star Ships

X-Wing Starfighter (Small)


  • Crew: 1
  • Speed: 3,000ft
  • Cost: 200,000 sc

The T-65B X-wing starfighter, also known as the T-65 X-wing starfighter, T-65B space superiority fighter, or T-65B X-wing multi-role starfighter, was a single-seat craft manufactured by Incom Corporation and used most famously by the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Renowned for its speed and maneuverability in battle, it became the backbone of the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps, being both harder hitting and tougher under fire than its main adversary, the mass-produced TIE/ln space superiority starfighter.

New Republic

The New Republic is a government that rose to power after the fall of the Galactic Empire. Led by figures such as Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar, the New Republic seeks to build a galaxy that is free from tyranny and oppression.

Players can create characters who are members of the New Republic, such as soldiers, pilots, diplomats, or even Jedi Knights. They can embark on missions to protect the New Republic from threats such as rogue Imperial factions, criminal syndicates, or hostile alien races.

The New Republic military is composed of soldiers, pilots, and officers who serve in the New Republic Army and Navy. Players can create characters who are part of these organizations and participate in battles against the New Republic's enemies. They can also work as intelligence agents or diplomats, using their skills to gather information and negotiate treaties.

The New Republic government is highly decentralized and democratic, with representatives from all over the galaxy gathering to make decisions on behalf of their constituents. Players can create characters who are senators, advisors, or bureaucrats and work to further their own agendas within the New Republic hierarchy.

Throughout their adventures, players will encounter a variety of challenges and enemies, from rogue Imperial warlords and criminal masterminds to Sith cultists and ancient dark side artifacts. They must work together to protect the New Republic and ensure that its ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy continue to thrive throughout the galaxy.

Time Line

  • 4 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin): The Rebel Alliance successfully destroys the second Death Star and defeats the Galactic Empire in the Battle of Endor.
  • 5 ABY: The New Republic is founded, with the goal of restoring democracy and freedom to the galaxy.
  • 9 ABY: The events of the Mandalorian Wars take place, with the Mandalorian clan led by Moff Gideon seeking to acquire the Child, a powerful Force-sensitive being.
  • 34 ABY: The First Order, a remnant of the Galactic Empire, rises to power and seeks to destroy the New Republic.
  • 35 ABY: The Resistance, a military organization founded by General Leia Organa, forms to combat the First Order.

So, the New Republic was founded in 5 ABY and lasted until at least 34 ABY, when it was threatened by the rise of the First Order.

New Republic Forces

New Republic Soldier

Medium humanoid, any alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (durasteel armor)
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Strength +4, Dexterity +5
  • Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3
  • Damage Vulnerabilities damage_vulnerabilities
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Basic, one other language -Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Multiattack. The soldier makes two attacks with their blaster rifle or one attack with their vibro-knife and one with their blaster pistol.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 3) energy damage.

Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 3) energy damage.

Military Discipline. The soldier has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

First Order

The First Order is a powerful military dictatorship that arose from the ashes of the Galactic Empire. Led by Supreme Leader Snoke and his apprentice Kylo Ren, the First Order seeks to restore the Empire's glory by brutally suppressing dissent and imposing strict order throughout the galaxy.

The First Order's military might is vast and formidable. Its armies of stormtroopers are highly trained and fiercely loyal, and its fleet of starships is among the most advanced in the galaxy. The First Order's technology is also highly advanced, with weapons and equipment that far surpass those of the Rebellion or the New Republic.

The heart of the First Order's power lies on the planet of Starkiller Base, a massive superweapon capable of destroying entire star systems. From here, Supreme Leader Snoke and his inner circle direct the First Order's military campaigns, crush any opposition, and maintain absolute control over their territories.

Despite its vast resources and military might, the First Order has enemies on all sides. The Resistance, a small but determined group of rebels, fights tirelessly to expose the First Order's atrocities and undermine its power. Many planets and systems have also refused to submit to the First Order's rule, leading to bitter conflicts and brutal suppression.

As a player in this setting, you may be a member of the First Order's military, a rebel fighter in the Resistance, or a citizen caught in the crossfire of this galactic conflict. Whatever your role, the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance as the First Order seeks to crush all those who oppose it and establish a new era of Empire.

Time Line

  • 5 ABY: The remnants of the Galactic Empire flee to the Unknown Regions, where they begin to regroup and rearm.
  • 28 ABY: The First Order is formally established, with former Imperials and new recruits joining forces to create a powerful military organization.
  • 34 ABY: The First Order destroys the Hosnian system, the seat of power of the New Republic, using Starkiller Base, a superweapon capable of destroying entire planets.
  • 34 ABY: The First Order is defeated by the Resistance and the New Republic in the Battle of Starkiller Base.
  • 35 ABY: The First Order launches a massive assault on the Resistance, leading to the Battle of Crait and the near-destruction of the Resistance.

So, the First Order was officially established in 28 ABY and remained a major threat to the galaxy until at least 35 ABY.

First Order Stormtrooper

Medium humanoid (human), any alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (First Order stormtrooper armor)
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Strength +4, Dexterity +5
  • SkillsAthletics +4, Perception +3
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Basic
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Multiattack. The stormtrooper makes two attacks with their blaster rifle or one attack with their vibro-bayonet and one with their blaster pistol.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit 11 (2d8 + 3) energy damage.

Fanatical Loyalty. The stormtrooper has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

The Resistance

The Resistance is a small but determined group of rebels who opposed the tyranny of the First Order. Born from the ashes of the Rebel Alliance, the Resistance is dedicated to protecting the freedom and rights of all beings in the galaxy.

Led by General Leia Organa, the Resistance is a diverse group of fighters, pilots, technicians, and spies, united by a common goal. They operate from hidden bases and outposts, constantly on the move to avoid detection by the First Order.

The Resistance's military might is not as great as that of the First Order, but they make up for it with courage, resourcefulness, and a fierce determination to protect the galaxy from tyranny. Their starfighters, such as the X-wing, are fast and nimble, and their pilots are among the best in the galaxy. They also have access to advanced technology and weapons, such as the BB-8 droid and the ion disruptor, which can disable enemy shields and weapons.

The Resistance is not just a military organization, however. They also work to gather intelligence, recruit allies, and spread hope throughout the galaxy. They are aided in these efforts by a network of sympathizers and supporters, including smugglers, traders, and activists.

As a player in this setting, you may be a member of the Resistance's military, a spy or intelligence operative, or a civilian caught up in the conflict. Whatever your role, you will face many challenges and dangers as you fight to protect the galaxy from the First Order's tyranny. But with courage, determination, and the Force on your side, you may just be able to tip the balance in favor of the Resistance and bring freedom to the galaxy once more.

Time Line

  • 34 ABY: General Leia Organa forms the Resistance, a military organization dedicated to combating the First Order's threat to the galaxy.
  • 34 ABY: The Resistance successfully destroys the First Order's superweapon, Starkiller Base, in the Battle of Starkiller Base.
  • 34 ABY: The Resistance is forced to flee their base on D'Qar when the First Order tracks them through hyperspace.
  • 34 ABY: The Resistance mounts a desperate defense on the planet Crait, leading to a costly victory in the Battle of Crait.
  • 35 ABY: The Resistance mounts a mission to disable the First Order's hyperspace tracking technology, leading to a desperate battle aboard the Supremacy, the First Order's flagship.

So, the Resistance was formed in 34 ABY and remained a key player in the fight against the First Order until at least 35 ABY.

Resistance Soldier

Medium humanoid, any alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (resistance armor)
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Strength +4, Dexterity +5
  • Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Basic
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Multiattack. The soldier makes two attacks with their blaster rifle or one with their blaster pistol.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit 11 (2d8 + 3) energy damage.

Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d6 + 3) energy damage.

Dedicated to the Cause. The soldier has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

Jedi Order

In the Jedi Order, peace and justice are paramount. The Jedi are the protectors of the galaxy, using their mastery of the Force to keep the peace and defend the innocent. They are guided by the Jedi Code, a strict set of principles that govern their actions and ensure they remain true to the light side of the Force.

As the players begin their adventure, they find themselves drawn into the complex web of politics and intrigue that surrounds the Jedi Order. They will be tasked with investigating mysterious occurrences and dangerous threats to the galaxy, and they will need to rely on their skills, knowledge, and the power of the Force to overcome these challenges.

Along the way, the players will uncover secrets and conspiracies that threaten to tear the Jedi Order apart. They will need to navigate the delicate balance of power within the Order, as they seek to uncover the truth and uphold their duty as Jedi.

As they travel to distant worlds and engage in epic battles, the players will encounter a variety of characters, both familiar and new. They will make alliances with unlikely allies and face off against powerful enemies, all in the pursuit of their goal.

Will they be able to restore balance to the Force and save the galaxy from darkness? Or will they succumb to the temptations of the dark side and become agents of chaos and destruction? The fate of the galaxy rests in their hands.

Time Line

  • c. 25,000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin): The Jedi Order is founded on the planet Tython, where the first Jedi discovered the Force and established the Order.
  • 4,000 BBY: The Jedi Order becomes involved in the Great Sith War, a conflict between the Jedi and the Sith Empire.
  • 1,000 BBY: The Ruusan Reformation takes place, which restructures the Galactic Republic and establishes the Jedi Order as peacekeepers.
  • 32 BBY: The Jedi Order is drawn into the conflict between the Trade Federation and the planet Naboo, leading to the discovery of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.
  • 19 BBY: The Jedi Order is destroyed by the newly-formed Galactic Empire in the Great Jedi Purge, with only a handful of Jedi surviving the purge.

So, the Jedi Order was founded around 25,000 BBY and remained a powerful force for peace and justice in the galaxy until its destruction by the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY.

Jedi Padawan

Medium humanoid, any good alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (lightsaber-resistant robes)
  • Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)

  • Skills Acrobatics +5, Insight +5, Perception +5
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Basic and one other of your choice
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)


Multiattack. The Jedi Padawan can make two melee attacks with their lightsaber or one ranged attack with their lightsaber.

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 10 (2d6 + 3) Radiant damage.

Force Sense. The Jedi Padawan can use their innate Force abilities to sense the presence of living creatures within 60 feet of them.

Force Push The Jedi Padawan uses the Force to push creatures or objects away from them. The target must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from the Jedi Padawan.

Jedi Knight

Medium humanoid, any good alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (lightsaber-resistant armor)
  • Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 36)
  • Speed 40 ft.

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)

  • Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +6, Insight +8, Perception +8
  • Damage Resistances Psychic
  • Languages Galactic Basic and one other
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)


Multiattack. The Jedi Knight can make three melee attacks with their lightsaber or one ranged attack with their lightsaber, followed by two melee attacks.

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 14 (2d8 + 5) Radiant damage.

Force Push. The Jedi Knight uses the Force to push creatures or objects away from them. The target must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be pushed 30 feet away from the Jedi Knight.

Force Pull. The Jedi Knight uses the Force to pull creatures or objects towards them. The target must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be pulled 30 feet towards the Jedi Knight.

Force Heal The Jedi Knight can use the Force to heal themselves or a creature they touch for 18 (4d8) hit points.

Jedi Master

Medium humanoid, any good alignment

  • Armor Class 20 (lightsaber-resistant armor and Force shield)
  • Hit Points 225 (30d8 + 60)
  • Speed 40 ft.

16 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 18 (+4)

  • Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +9, Insight +12, Perception +12, Persuasion +9
  • Damage Resistances Psychic
  • Senses passive Perception 22
  • Languages Galactic Basic and two others
  • Challenge 15 and (13,200 XP)


Multiattack. The Jedi Master can make four melee attacks with their lightsaber or two ranged attacks with their lightsaber, followed by two melee attacks.

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack. +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 18 (2d10 + 7) Radiant damage.

Force Push. The Jedi Master uses the Force to push creatures or objects away from them. The target must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be pushed 40 feet away from the Jedi Master.

Force Pull. The Jedi Master uses the Force to pull creatures or objects towards them. The target must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be pulled 40 feet towards the Jedi Master.

Force Heal. The Jedi Master can use the Force to heal themselves or a creature they touch for 30 (6d8) hit points.

Force Barrier. The Jedi Master can use the Force to create a protective barrier around themselves or a creature within 30 feet. The barrier grants the target resistance to all damage types and lasts for 1 minute.

Jedi Star Ships

Savage Starfighter


  • Crew:1
  • Speed 4,000ft
  • Price:290,000

A model of starfighter that was used by the Jedi Starfighter Corps in the years following the New Sith Wars. Savage Stars were fitted with twin laser cannons, an external hyperdrive sled and a Chempat deflector shield

Sith Order

In the Sith Order, power and ambition are everything. The Sith are masters of the dark side of the Force, using their abilities to manipulate and control those around them. Their ultimate goal is to rule the galaxy, and they will stop at nothing to achieve it.

As the players begin their adventure, they find themselves drawn into the inner workings of the Sith Order. They will be tasked with carrying out the will of their Sith masters, using their skills and abilities to further the Sith's goals.

Along the way, the players will encounter a variety of characters, both friend and foe. They will need to navigate the complex web of politics and intrigue that surrounds the Sith Order, making alliances with powerful Sith Lords and facing off against rival factions within the Order.

After the Collapse of The Sith Empire and the Self destructive ways of the Sith. The remaining Sith Lord Darth Bane established the rule of two. The Rule of Two was a decree for the Sith by Sith Lord Darth Bane so they could operate in secret and eventually get revenge on the Jedi Order for their near extinction in the Jedi-Sith War. The decree commanded that only two Sith Lords must exist at any given time: a master to represent the power of the dark side of the Force, and an apprentice to crave it and train under the master and to one day fulfill their role. This governed the Lords of the Sith.

The Rule of Two as a philosophy was influenced by Bane's personal experiences as well as the study of ancient Sith documents.Under the Rule of Two, a Sith apprentice had to kill the Sith Master and take on an apprentice, in order to become the master themselves, which ensured that the Sith grew more powerful and cunning with each generation. On the other hand, the master could train another apprentice, and have them replace and kill their outgoing apprentice. As a result, the relationship between the master and the apprentice lacked trust, as both constantly searched for signs of weakness in the other.

Time Line

  • c. 7,000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin): The Sith Order is founded on the planet Korriban by the exiled Jedi, who begin to explore the dark side of the Force.
  • 4,000 BBY: The Great Sith War takes place, with the Sith Empire led by Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma battling the Jedi Order.
  • 1,000 BBY: The Sith Order is thought to be destroyed in the Battle of Ruusan, with only two Sith Lords, Darth Bane and Darth Zannah, surviving.
  • 32 BBY: The Sith Lord Darth Sidious, also known as Palpatine, orchestrates the invasion of Naboo and begins his rise to power in the Galactic Republic.
  • 34 ABY: The Sith Lord Kylo Ren helps lead the First Order in their quest to destroy the Resistance and take control of the galaxy.

So, the Sith Order was founded around 7,000 BBY and remained a powerful and malevolent force in the galaxy for thousands of years, with various Sith Lords and Empires rising and falling. The Sith Order was believed to have been destroyed in 1,000 BBY, but their influence continued to be felt, and individual Sith Lords continued to arise throughout history, including Darth Sidious and Kylo Ren.

Sith Acolyte

Medium humanoid, any evil alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
  • Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

  • Skills Intimidation +4, Stealth +5
  • Senses passive Perception 11
  • Languages Basic and 1 other language
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)


Multiattack. The Sith Acolyte can make two Attacks

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit. 18 (3d8 + 3) radiant damage.

Force Lightning. Ranged Spell Attack. +5 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit. 22 (4d10) lightning damage.

Dark Side Energies. The Sith Acolyte can use an action to channel the dark side of the Force, gaining advantage on the next melee weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

Sith Lord

Medium humanoid, any evil alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (sith armor)
  • Hit Points 180 (20d8 + 80)
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)

  • Saving Throws Str +8, Con +8, Wis +6, Cha +11
  • Skills Arcana +7, Deception +11, Intimidation +11, Perception +6
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
  • Languages Basic and 2 other languages
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)


Multiattack. The Sith Lord can make three Attacks

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit. 27 (4d8 + 8) radiant damage.

Force Lightning. Ranged Spell Attack. +11 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit. 44 (8d10) lightning damage.

Force Choke. The Sith Lord targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 22 (4d10) necrotic damage and be unable to breathe until the end of the Sith Lord's next turn.

Dark Side Energies. The Sith Lord can use a bonus action to channel the dark side of the Force, gaining advantage on the next melee weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

Sith Master

Medium humanoid, any evil alignment

  • Armor Class 20 (Force armor)
  • Hit Points 240 (20d8 + 120)
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 22 (+6)

  • Saving Throws Str +10, Con +12, Wis +9, Cha +13
  • Skills Arcana +11, Deception +13, Insight +9, Intimidation +13, Perception +9
  • Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
  • Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 19
  • Languages Basic and 3 others
  • Challenge 15 (13,200 XP)


Multiattack. The Sith Master can make four attacks

Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack. +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit. 30 (5d8 + 8) Radiant damage

Force Crush. Ranged Spell Attack. +13 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit. 28 (8d6) force damage

Force Storm. The Sith Master unleashes a powerful storm of dark energy in a 60-foot radius. Each creature in the area must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) lightning and 55 (10d10) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Force Choke. The Sith Lord targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 22 (4d10) necrotic damage and be unable to breathe until the end of the Sith Lord's next turn

Dark Side Energies. The Sith Master can use a bonus action to channel the dark side of the Force, gaining advantage on the next melee weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

Hutt Cartel

The Hutt Cartel is a powerful criminal organization controlled by the Hutts, a notorious species known for their immense size, insatiable greed, and cunning intellect. The Cartel's influence stretches across the galaxy, involved in everything from spice smuggling and weapons trafficking to slave trading and bounty hunting.

As a player encountering the Hutt Cartel in your D&D campaign, you're likely to find yourself in the middle of a complex web of criminal activity. The Cartel is notorious for its use of violence and intimidation to maintain its grip on power, and its members are fiercely loyal to their Hutt overlords.

In combat, members of the Hutt Cartel are skilled fighters and often use a variety of weapons and tactics to overwhelm their enemies. They're also not above using dirty tricks, such as traps and ambushes, to gain the upper hand.

To navigate the dangerous world of the Hutt Cartel, you'll need to be savvy and resourceful. You'll need to be able to negotiate with the Hutts and their underlings, as well as fight your way out of tight spots when necessary. And if you're looking to take down the Cartel from the inside, you'll need to be careful not to draw too much attention to yourself, lest you become a target for the Hutts' wrath.

But if you're successful in your dealings with the Hutt Cartel, you could gain access to a vast network of criminal resources, including smugglers, assassins, and enforcers. Just be sure to watch your back, as the Hutts are not known for their mercy towards those who cross them.

Time Line

  • c. 15,000 BBY: The Hutts begin to establish themselves as a powerful criminal organization in the galaxy.
  • c. 10,000 BBY: The Hutt Empire is established, with the Hutts controlling a large portion of the galaxy's criminal underworld.
  • c. 5,000 BBY: The Hutt Empire begins to decline, with the Hutts losing control of many of their territories.
  • c. 4,000 BBY: The Hutt Cartel is formed, with the Hutts consolidating their power and expanding their criminal operations.
  • 3,963 BBY: The Hutt Cartel gains control of the planet Nar Shaddaa, which becomes a major center of Hutt activity.
  • c. 1,000 BBY: The Hutt Cartel remains a powerful criminal organization, controlling many of the galaxy's major criminal enterprises.
  • 32 BBY: The Hutt Cartel works with the Trade Federation to blockade and invade the planet Naboo, leading to the election of Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.
  • 22 BBY: The Hutt Cartel works with both the Republic and Separatist factions during the Clone Wars, maintaining its power and influence.
  • 19 BBY: The Hutt Cartel's power begins to decline with the rise of the Galactic Empire, but many Hutts continue to operate in the shadows, maintaining their criminal activities.
  • c. 4 ABY: The Hutt Cartel suffers a major blow with the death of Jabba the Hutt at the hands of Leia Organa.
  • c. 35 ABY: The Hutt Cartel remains a shadow of its former self, but some Hutts continue to operate as underworld figures, maintaining their criminal operations.

Hutt Cartel Forces

Hutt Cartel Thug

Medium humanoid (any species), any alignment

  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Athletics +4, Intimidation +1
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages any one language (usually Basic)
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)


Multiattack. The Thug makes two attacks with either its Blaster Pistol or its Jagged Blade.

Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) radiant damage.

Jagged Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Throwing Knife. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Gamorrean Guard

Medium humanoid (Gamorrean), any alignment

  • Armor Class 15 (hide armor)
  • Hit Points 59 (7d8 + 28)
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +2
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Psychic
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Gamorrean, Understands Basic
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)


Multiattack. The Gamorrean Guard makes two melee attacks.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (1d12 + 4) slashing damage.

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage in melee or 9 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage at range.

Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the Gamorrean Guard hits with it (included in the attack).

Reckless. At the start of its turn, the Gamorrean Guard can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn.

Black Suns

The Black Suns are a notorious criminal organization that operates throughout the galaxy. Led by a group of ruthless and cunning leaders known as the Shadow Council, the Black Suns are involved in a wide range of criminal activities, including smuggling, piracy, and assassination.

As a player encountering the Black Suns in your D&D campaign, you'll find yourself facing a dangerous and well-organized criminal syndicate. The Black Suns are known for their use of violence and intimidation to maintain their power, and they have a reputation for being ruthless towards those who cross them.

In combat, members of the Black Suns are highly skilled fighters, often trained in a variety of weapons and martial arts. They're also known for their use of stealth and deception, making them difficult opponents to predict.

To navigate the world of the Black Suns, you'll need to be resourceful and cunning. You'll need to be able to negotiate with the Shadow Council and their underlings, as well as fight your way out of dangerous situations when necessary. And if you're looking to take down the Black Suns from the inside, you'll need to be careful not to draw too much attention to yourself, lest you become a target for their wrath.

But if you're successful in your dealings with the Black Suns, you could gain access to a vast network of criminal resources, including smugglers, assassins, and enforcers. Just be sure to keep your wits about you, as the Black Suns are not known for being forgiving towards their enemies.

Time Line

  • c. 12,000 BBY: The Black Sun criminal organization is founded on the planet Coruscant, originally as a small smuggler gang.
  • c. 10,000 BBY: The Black Sun expands its operations and becomes a major criminal organization in the galaxy.
  • c. 5,000 BBY: The Black Sun becomes involved in the slave trade, using its influence to control and profit from the trade of sentient beings.
  • c. 1,000 BBY: The Black Sun remains a powerful criminal organization, with significant influence throughout the galaxy.
  • 32 BBY: The Black Sun works with the Trade Federation to blockade and invade the planet Naboo, leading to the election of Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.
  • 22 BBY: The Black Sun works with both the Republic and Separatist factions during the Clone Wars, maintaining its power and influence.
  • 19 BBY: The Black Sun's power begins to decline with the rise of the Galactic Empire, and many of its leaders are either killed or forced into hiding.
  • c. 2 BBY: The Black Sun begins to rebuild its power under the leadership of Prince Xizor, who becomes one of the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy.
  • 0 BBY: Prince Xizor is killed by Darth Vader and the Black Sun's power is once again diminished.
  • c. 3 ABY: The Black Sun is reorganized under the leadership of a new leader, Ziton Moj.
  • c. 10 ABY: The Black Sun is dealt a significant blow in a battle with the New Republic, resulting in the destruction of many of its assets.

Black Suns Forces

Black Sun Thug

Medium humanoid (any species), any alignment

  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Athletics +4, Intimidation +1
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages any one language (usually Basic)
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)


Multiattack. The Thug makes two attacks with either its Blaster Pistol or its Jagged Blade.

Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) radiant damage.

Jagged Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Throwing Knife. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Death Watch

Death Watch is a militant group of Mandalorian warriors who seek to restore the ancient warrior culture of their people. Led by a charismatic and fanatical leader, Death Watch is known for their brutal tactics and their belief in the superiority of Mandalorian culture.

As a player encountering Death Watch in your D&D campaign, you'll find yourself facing a dangerous and highly trained group of warriors. Death Watch members are skilled in a variety of weapons and combat techniques, and they're known for their use of jetpacks and other advanced Mandalorian technology.

In combat, Death Watch members are highly disciplined and organized, often using tactics and strategy to achieve their objectives. They're also known for their fanatical devotion to their cause, and they're willing to die for their beliefs.

To navigate the world of Death Watch, you'll need to be cautious and respectful. Death Watch members are fiercely loyal to their leader and their cause, and they're suspicious of outsiders. But if you're able to earn their trust and respect, you could gain access to powerful Mandalorian technology and resources.

Just be aware that Death Watch's goals may not align with your own, and their methods are often brutal and violent. If you find yourself at odds with Death Watch, you'll need to be prepared for a fierce and deadly battle.

Time Line

  • c. 60 BBY: The Death Watch is founded by a group of Mandalorian extremists who reject the pacifist policies of the New Mandalorian government.
  • 44 BBY: Jango Fett, a notorious bounty hunter and former member of the Death Watch, is hired by Darth Tyranus to be the genetic template for the clone army of the Galactic Republic.
  • 22 BBY: The Death Watch forms an alliance with Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, hoping to overthrow the New Mandalorian government and establish a new order on Mandalore.
  • 21 BBY: The Death Watch, led by Pre Vizsla, launches a coup against the New Mandalorian government and takes control of Mandalore.
  • 20 BBY: The Death Watch, aided by the Separatists, fights against the Republic and the Jedi Order in the Battle of Sundari. They are ultimately defeated and forced to retreat from Mandalore.
  • 19 BBY: Darth Maul, who had taken control of the Death Watch after killing Pre Vizsla, is defeated by Darth Sidious. The Death Watch, now fractured and without a leader, dissolves as a significant organization.

So, the Death Watch was founded around 60 BBY and dissolved as a significant organization in 19 BBY.

Death Watch Warrior

Medium humanoid (Mandalorian), any alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (beskar'gam)
  • Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52)
  • Speed 30 ft., 30 ft. flying

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

  • Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +4, Perception +4, Survival +4
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages Mandalorian, Basic
  • Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)


Multiattack. The Death Watch warrior can make two attacks with its weapons.

Vibroblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (4d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Mandalorian Tactics. The Death Watch warrior has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track humanoids.

Jetpack Charge (1/day). The Death Watch warrior uses their jetpack to charge forward in a straight line, dealing 25 (5d8) bludgeoning damage to each creature in its path. Each creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. The Death Watch warrior ends its turn in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the last creature it charged.

Death Watch Elite

Medium humanoid (Mandalorian), any alignment

  • Armor Class 20 (beskar'gam)
  • Hit Points 200 (20d8 + 100)
  • Speed 30 ft., 40 ft flying

26 (+8) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2)

  • Skills Athletics +12, Intimidation +8, Perception +9, Survival +9
  • Senses passive Perception 19
  • Languages Mandalorian, Basic
  • Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)


Multiattack. The Death Watch champion can make three attacks with its weapons.

Vibroblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) slashing damage.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (6d8 + 3) piercing damage.

Mandalorian Tactics. The Death Watch champion has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track humanoids.

Jetpack Charge (1/day). The Death Watch champion uses their jetpack to charge forward in a straight line, dealing 45 (10d8) bludgeoning damage to each creature in its path. Each creature must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. The Death Watch champion ends its turn in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the last creature it charged.

Legendary Actions

Legendary Resistance (3/day). If the Death Watch champion fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

The Exchange

In the galaxy far, far away, there exists a criminal organization known as the Exchange. This shadowy syndicate operates across many planets, engaging in all manner of illicit activities, from smuggling to piracy, from gambling to assassinations.

The Exchange is led by a cabal of ruthless crime lords, each vying for power and influence in the organization. Among them are the Twi'lek crime boss Davik Kang, the Hutt gangster Jabba Desilijic Tiure, and the human slaver G0-T0.

The Exchange has its own army of enforcers, ranging from hired thugs to skilled assassins. These operatives are fiercely loyal to the organization and will stop at nothing to protect its interests.

Adventurers who cross paths with the Exchange must tread carefully, for they can quickly become targets of the syndicate's wrath. However, those who are brave or foolhardy enough to take on the Exchange can expect to face daunting challenges, from infiltrating its heavily-guarded compounds to engaging in high-stakes negotiations with its cunning leaders.

But rewards await those who succeed in their quests against the Exchange. The syndicate possesses vast wealth and resources, and its members are known to keep caches of valuable artifacts and treasures hidden away in secret locations.

In the end, only the most skilled and daring adventurers can hope to emerge victorious against the Exchange and its powerful allies. Will you be one of them?

Time Line

  • c. 4000 BBY: The Exchange is founded as a criminal organization specializing in smuggling, piracy, and spice trafficking.
  • 3956 BBY: The Exchange becomes involved in the events leading up to the Jedi Civil War, supplying weapons and information to the Sith Empire.
  • 3951 BBY: The Jedi Exile, a former member of the Jedi Order, encounters The Exchange on Nar Shaddaa while searching for Jedi Masters to help her fight the Sith. She disrupts The Exchange's operations on the moon and earns the enmity of its leader, Goto.
  • 3950 BBY: Goto, using his immense wealth and power, takes control of The Exchange and begins a campaign to eliminate all other criminal organizations in the galaxy. He also involves himself in the ongoing conflict between the Republic and the Sith Empire.
  • 3950-3946 BBY: The Jedi Exile and her companions engage in a series of confrontations with Goto and The Exchange as they attempt to stop the Sith and save the galaxy from destruction.
  • 3934 BBY: The Exchange attempts to take over the planet of Telos IV by sabotaging its restoration project and causing environmental disasters. They are defeated by the Jedi Knight Meetra Surik, the same individual who had previously disrupted their operations on Nar Shaddaa.
  • 3 BBY: The Exchange, now led by Loppak Slusk, becomes involved in a conflict with the bounty hunter Mira on Nar Shaddaa. Mira is eventually able to defeat Slusk and his forces and drive The Exchange out of the sector.
  • 1 BBY: The Exchange becomes involved in a conflict with the criminal organization Black Sun on the planet of Mustafar. The outcome of this conflict is unknown.

So, The Exchange was founded around 4000 BBY and has been a significant player in the galaxy's criminal underworld throughout much of its history. Despite suffering setbacks and defeats, it remains a powerful organization up until at least 1 BBY.

The Exchange Forces

Exchange Thug

Medium humanoid (any species), any alignment

  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Athletics +4, Intimidation +1
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages any one language (usually Basic)
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)


Multiattack. The Thug makes two attacks with either its Blaster Pistol or its Jagged Blade.

Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) radiant damage.

Jagged Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Throwing Knife. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Mandalorian Clans

The Mandalorian Clans are a fierce and proud group of warriors hailing from the planet Mandalore. They are a nomadic people, traveling the galaxy in search of glory and honor in battle. The Mandalorian Clans are renowned for their combat prowess, with each member trained in the art of warfare from a young age.

The Mandalorian Clans are organized into various factions, each led by a powerful chieftain. These factions often engage in conflict with each other, vying for power and influence within the clan. Despite their internal struggles, the Mandalorian Clans are united in their love of battle and their devotion to the Mandalorian code.

The Mandalorian code is a strict set of rules and traditions that govern the behavior of all Mandalorians. It emphasizes the importance of strength, honor, and loyalty, and mandates that Mandalorians must always be ready to fight for their clan and their way of life. Mandalorians are also required to wear distinctive armor, which serves both as a symbol of their allegiance and as a means of protection in battle.

As a player character, you might be a member of one of the various Mandalorian Clans, seeking to prove your worth in battle and gain the respect of your fellow warriors. Alternatively, you might be a non-Mandalorian seeking to ally with the Mandalorian Clans, perhaps to gain their assistance in a larger conflict or to learn their secrets of combat. Whatever your motivations, the Mandalorian Clans offer a rich and exciting backdrop for your adventures in the Star Wars universe.

Time Line

  • c. 7000 BBY: The Taung, a warlike species from the planet Coruscant, adopt the name "Mandalorians" and begin a campaign of conquest across the galaxy.
  • c. 4000 BBY: The Mandalorians are defeated in a war with the Galactic Republic and are forced to retreat to their home planet of Mandalore, where they establish a new society based on the principles of honor, strength, and unity.
  • c. 60 BBY: The Death Watch, a faction of Mandalorian extremists who reject the pacifist policies of the New Mandalorian government, is founded.
  • 52 BBY: Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, is recruited by the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus to be the genetic template for the clone army of the Galactic Republic.
  • 22 BBY: The Mandalorians, under the leadership of Pre Vizsla and the Death Watch, attempt to overthrow the New Mandalorian government and take control of Mandalore. They are ultimately defeated by the combined forces of the Republic and the Jedi Order.
  • 19 BBY: The Death Watch, now led by Darth Maul, attempts to take control of Mandalore once again, this time with the backing of the Shadow Collective. They are defeated by the Republic and the Jedi, and the New Mandalorian government is reinstated.
  • c. 9 ABY: The Mandalorians, now scattered and divided, are faced with a new threat in the form of the Imperial remnant led by Moff Gideon. A lone Mandalorian bounty hunter, Din Djarin, takes up the task of protecting a young Force-sensitive child, known as "The Child" or "Grogu", from Gideon and his forces.
  • 19 ABY: The Mandalorian clans, now reorganized under the leadership of Bo-Katan Kryze, attempt to retake Mandalore from the remnants of the Empire. The outcome of this conflict is unknown.

So, the Mandalorian Clans have a long and complex history, spanning thousands of years and marked by numerous conflicts and periods of upheaval. Despite suffering defeats and setbacks, they remain a powerful force in the galaxy, and their legacy continues to shape the course of galactic history.


The Nightsisters are a mysterious and powerful group of Force-sensitive witches hailing from the planet Dathomir. They are known for their command of dark magic and their connection to the spirits of the dead. The Nightsisters are ruled by a coven of powerful witches, who are fiercely protective of their clan and their way of life.

The Nightsisters use their dark magic to augment their physical abilities, making them formidable opponents in battle. They are also skilled in the art of deception, able to manipulate others to do their bidding. The Nightsisters are feared and respected throughout the galaxy, with many seeking their aid in times of need.

The Nightsisters are deeply connected to the natural world, and many of their rituals involve communing with the spirits of the dead. They also have a strong affinity for the wildlife of Dathomir, often using creatures such as rancors and nexu as mounts or guardians.

As a player character, you might be a member of the Nightsisters, seeking to master the secrets of their dark magic and rise through the ranks of the coven. Alternatively, you might be an outsider seeking to ally with the Nightsisters, perhaps to gain their aid in a larger conflict or to learn their secrets of magic. Whatever your motivations, the Nightsisters offer a rich and exciting backdrop for your adventures in the Star Wars universe.

Time line

  • c. 600 BBY: The Nightsisters, a clan of Force-sensitive Dathomirian witches, establish themselves on the planet of Dathomir and begin practicing their unique form of magic.
  • c. 32 BBY: Mother Talzin, the leader of the Nightsisters, assists the Sith Lord Darth Sidious in his plot to engineer the invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation. In return, Sidious promises to help Talzin eliminate her rival, the powerful Nightsister warrior known as Asajj Ventress.
  • c. 22 BBY: Ventress becomes a key player in the Clone Wars, serving as a Sith apprentice to Count Dooku and leading Separatist forces in numerous battles against the Republic and the Jedi Order.
  • 20 BBY: Ventress, betrayed by Dooku and left for dead, returns to Dathomir seeking revenge against her former master. She is helped by the Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos, with whom she develops a romantic relationship.
  • 19 BBY: The Nightsisters are nearly wiped out by a Separatist invasion led by General Grievous, who is seeking revenge against Ventress for her betrayal of Dooku. Mother Talzin is able to escape, but many of her followers are killed or captured.
  • 14 BBY: Talzin returns to Dathomir and begins rebuilding the Nightsisters, using her magic to create a new generation of witches. She also seeks revenge against Darth Sidious, who she believes betrayed her in the past.
  • 3 BBY: The Galactic Empire, now under the leadership of Emperor Palpatine, invades Dathomir and wipes out the Nightsisters once again. Talzin is killed in the conflict, and the surviving witches are scattered or enslaved.
  • 9 ABY: A lone Nightsister, known as "the Armorer," is encountered by the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin on the planet of Nevarro. She helps him to forge a new suit of armor and weapons for his quest to protect the child Grogu.

So, the Nightsisters have a long and complicated history, marked by periods of conflict, betrayal, and loss. Despite being nearly wiped out on multiple occasions, they continue to endure and practice their unique form of magic.

Nightsister Forces

Nightsister Witch

Medium humanoid (Nightsister), neutral evil

  • Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 178 (17d8 + 102)
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 20 (+5)

  • Skills Arcana +9, Deception +10, Insight +12, Intimidation +10, Nature +9, Perception +12, Stealth +9
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 22
  • Languages Basic
  • Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)


Multiattack. The Nightsister makes three attacks

Shikomi. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) slashing damage.

General Ability Description. The Nightsister can use a bonus action to empower her next spell, causing it to deal an extra 3d8 necrotic damage. She has advantage on all saving throws against spells and other magical effects. She possesses a Nightsister Talisman, which grants her resistance to force damage, advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed, and the ability to cast misty step once per day.

Nightsister Warrior

Medium humanoid (Nightsister), neutral evil

  • Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 152 (16d8 + 80)
  • Speed 40 ft.

18 (+4) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)

  • Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +4, Perception +6, Stealth +9
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
  • Languages Abyssal, Basic, Ryl, Sith
  • Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)


Multiattack. The Nightsister Warrior makes three attacks

Vibro-ax. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.

General Ability Description. The Nightsister Warrior can use a bonus action to empower her next spell,causing it to deal an extra 2d8 necrotic damage. She has advantage on all saving throws against spells and other magical effects. She possesses a Nightsister Talisman, which grants her resistance to force damage, advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed, and the ability to cast misty step once per day.

Nightsister Zombie

Medium undead (Nightsister), neutral evil

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 198 (24d8 + 72)
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)

  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
  • Languages cannot speak, but understands whatever languages its fellow nightsisters know
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)


Multiattack. The Nightsister Zombie makes two attacks: one with its vibroblade and one with its claws.

Vibroblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.

General Ability Description. The Nightsister Zombie can use a bonus action to empower its next spell, causing it to deal an extra 2d8 necrotic damage. It has undead fortitude, allowing it to potentially drop to 1 hit point instead of 0 when taking damage. It also possesses a Nightsister Talisman, which grants it resistance to force damage, advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed, and the ability to cast misty step once per day. It also does not require air, food, drink, or sleep due to its undead nature.

Nightsister Magick

An aspect of the Force, the supernatural technique known as magick, which offered great powers from both the dark and light sides of the Force, was known for being used by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. It usually manifested as green energies. Unlike the Jedi, who used the Force to serve the galaxy, the powers of the Nightsisters' magick focused on deception, illusion, and manipulation, serving only themselves. They regarded magick as a living thing which arose from blood, trees, and mist and flowed through their veins as well. Nightsister magick was also called Shadow Magic.

This section will include varies force abilities only available to Nightsisters. Unless your DM says otherwise.

Nightsister spells

Chant of Resurrection (Force Reanimation)

  • Casting time: 1 Action/ bonus action
  • Force Points: 8
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 1 hour

By performing a ritualistic chant, the Nightsister can temporarily bring a deceased creature back to life, turning it into a mindless servant under their control. The reanimated creature remains under their command until the duration expires or it is destroyed. (Use nightsister zombie for stat block)

Voodoo Magic (Force Hex)

  • Casting time: 1 Action/ bonus action
  • Force Points: 10 (30fp max) per opponent
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

The Nightsister can cast a mystic hex upon a target, cursing them with misfortune and weakening their abilities. The hex can cause various effects, such as reducing the target's physical prowess or impairing their mental faculties. When used, you can target up to 3 opponents, and cannot target another until the 10 minutes are up, or you lose concentration. (Does not affect droids)

Savage Enhancement (Force Augmentation)

  • Casting time: 1 Action/ bonus action
  • Force Points: 10
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 1 minute

This ability allows the Nightsister to enhance an ally, granting them temporary boosts to their physical attributes and combat prowess. The recipient gains increased strength, speed, and endurance, making them a formidable force on the battlefield. You can only target 1 person at a time. They will make all rolls with advantage until the start of their next turn. (does not affect droids)

Ethereal Projection (Force Specter)

  • Casting time: 1 Action/ bonus action
  • Force Points: 15
  • Range: 200 feet from body
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

The Nightsister can project an intangible specter of themselves into the material world, allowing them to interact with objects and individuals while being immune to physical harm. The specter can scout ahead, gather information, or even engage in non-lethal interactions with others.

Water of Life (Force Potion)

  • Force Points: 30
  • Casting Time: 1 hour (ritual)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The Nightsister performs a ritualistic potion crafting ceremony, harnessing the healing energies of the Force to create a potent Water of Life potion. This potion can be used to restore vitality and heal wounds when consumed by the Nightsister or other individuals.

During the 1-hour ritual, the Nightsister combines various rare and mystical ingredients, infusing them with the healing energies of the Force. Upon completion, the ritual yields a vial of Water of Life potion. This potion can be consumed by the Nightsister or given to another character to restore lost hit points and heal injuries.

The healing properties of the Water of Life potion remain the same, instantly mending wounds, curing diseases, and replenishing vitality when consumed. The potion can be used both inside and outside of combat, providing a versatile healing option for the Nightsister and her allies.

Ingredients for the Water of Life

  • Rancor Blossom: The large and vibrant blossoms of the rancor plant possess potent regenerative properties, making them a key ingredient in the Water of Life potion.

  • Nightsister Root: The roots of a specific indigenous plant found on Dathomir are known to contain mystical properties that aid in healing and vitality restoration. These roots are carefully harvested and prepared for use in the potion.

  • Zabrakian Spineflower: This rare flower, found in the darkest corners of Dathomir, is known for its ability to enhance the potency of healing properties. Its petals are carefully collected and added to the potion mixture.

  • Frenzied Viper Venom: The venom of the frenzied vipers, venomous serpents native to Dathomir, possesses unique properties that aid in accelerating the healing process. Extracting the venom requires skill and caution.

  • Nightshade Leaves: The leaves of the nightshade plant, which thrives in the shadowy regions of Dathomir, contain compounds that alleviate pain and stimulate natural healing. They are carefully dried and ground before being added to the potion.

  • Spiritroot Bark: Deep within the enchanted forests of Dathomir, the ancient spiritroot trees grow. These towering trees possess a unique connection to the Force and are believed to contain the essence of the planet itself. The bark of the spiritroot tree holds immense restorative properties when properly harvested and incorporated into the Water of Life potion.

Additional information

  • Upon completion you will have enough Water of Life for 10 small bottles. (4 ounces)
  • The Water of Life does not spoil.
  • Does not affect droids.
  • Heals all Diseases and functions as an antidote for all poisons. (including but not limited too; Blindness, Paralysis, Deafness, and even terminal illnesses)
  • Heals a total of 3d12 + 15.
  • Thanks to its incredible regenerative properties, though it can't regrow lost body parts, but it closes open wounds to stop the loss of blood.
  • Taste bitter to those with Evil alignments, Sweet to those with good alignments and has no taste to those with neutral alignments.
  • Removes 1d6 Exhaustion points if user has any.
  • Nightsisters do not like to reveal the Water of Life to outsiders (only nightsisters know of its existence)
  • Ingredients are dangerous to obtain

Trade Federation

The Trade Federation is a powerful and influential organization that dominates much of the galaxy's commerce. It is comprised of a vast network of interstellar corporations, each with its own interests and agenda. The Trade Federation is known for its vast armadas of battle droids and warships, which it uses to protect its interests and enforce its will.

The Trade Federation is led by a group of powerful and wealthy executives, who use their vast resources to further their own ambitions. They are ruthless in their pursuit of profit, and will stop at nothing to protect their investments. The Trade Federation has been known to engage in illegal activities such as smuggling and piracy, all in the name of maximizing profits.

As a player character, you might be a member of the Trade Federation, seeking to rise through the ranks of its bureaucracy and amass wealth and power. Alternatively, you might be an outsider seeking to challenge the Trade Federation's dominance, perhaps by working alongside the Republic or the Rebel Alliance. Whatever your motivations, the Trade Federation offers a rich and complex backdrop for your adventures in the Star Wars universe.

Time line

  • 3976 BBY: The Trade Federation is established as a powerful commerce guild, primarily focused on shipping and trade.

  • 33 BBY: The Trade Federation, under the leadership of Viceroy Nute Gunray, blockades and invades the planet Naboo, seeking to protest increased taxation on trade routes. This action brings the Federation into direct conflict with the Galactic Republic and leads to the election of Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor.

  • 32 BBY: Palpatine, in his guise as Darth Sidious, manipulates the Trade Federation and other groups to further his own agenda of gaining more power. He uses the crisis on Naboo to push for increased executive authority and militarization of the Republic.

  • 22-19 BBY: The Clone Wars erupt, with the Trade Federation and other Separatist factions pitted against the Republic and Jedi Order. The Federation supplies the Separatist Droid Army with battle droids and other weapons, and engages in several major conflicts.

  • 19 BBY: Palpatine, having orchestrated the Clone Wars as part of his plan to gain control of the galaxy, declares himself Emperor and dissolves the Republic. The Trade Federation becomes part of the newly-formed Galactic Empire, with Gunray and other leaders killed leaving the Trade Federation to serve as loyal allies of the Emperor.

Trade Federation Forces

The formidable Trade Federation forces were composed of an array of Battle droids and a diverse assortment of skilled individuals for hire. These mercenaries could be drawn from various factions, including notorious gangs, relentless bounty hunters, and even dark practitioners of the Sith arts.

InterGalactic Banking Clan

The Banking Clan are a group of financial institutions that control much of the galaxy's economy. They are known for their vast wealth and influence, and for their ability to manipulate markets and governments to their advantage. The InterGalactic Banking Clan are often hired by governments and corporations to manage their finances, and they use their power to shape galactic politics to their liking.

The Banking Clan is led by a group of powerful bankers, who use their vast wealth and resources to further their own interests. They are shrewd negotiators and skilled manipulators, able to turn even the most dire situation to their advantage. The Banking Clan is feared and respected throughout the galaxy, with many seeking their aid in times of financial crisis.

The Banking Clans are not averse to using force to protect their interests, and they maintain their own private security forces to protect their assets. They are also known to hire mercenaries and bounty hunters to do their bidding, making them a force to be reckoned with in both the financial and military arenas.

As a player character, you might be a member of the Banking Clan, seeking to rise through the ranks of its bureaucracy and amass wealth and power. Alternatively, you might be an outsider seeking to challenge the Banking Clans' dominance, perhaps by working alongside the Republic or the Rebel Alliance. Whatever your motivations, the Banking Clan offer a rich and complex backdrop for your adventures in the Star Wars universe.

Time line

  • 150 BBY: The InterGalactic Banking Clan (IGBC) is established as a banking institution with headquarters on the planet Muunilinst. It quickly becomes one of the most powerful banking organizations in the galaxy.

  • 32 BBY: During the Trade Federation's blockade and invasion of Naboo, the IGBC provides financial support to the Federation, despite objections from the Galactic Republic. The IGBC's actions are part of a larger effort by wealthy and influential groups to resist the Republic's attempts to regulate and tax interstellar commerce.

  • 22-19 BBY: The Clone Wars erupt, with the IGBC providing financial support to both the Republic and the Separatists. The IGBC's leaders, who are primarily Muun bankers, use the war to increase their own power and influence, manipulating both sides to their advantage.

  • 19 BBY: As the Clone Wars draw to a close, the IGBC faces increasing pressure from the newly-formed Galactic Empire to comply with its policies and directives. The IGBC's leaders reluctantly agree to work with the Empire, but maintain their own interests and agendas behind the scenes.

  • 4 BBY: The IGBC is nationalized by the Empire, becoming the Imperial Banking Clan (IBC). The IBC continues to serve as a powerful financial institution, with branches and operations throughout the galaxy. It supports the Empire's expansion and projects, but also seeks to maintain its own power and influence.

IGBC Forces

The mighty InterGalactic Banking Clan boasted an impressive force comprising not only of Battle droids but also an extensive network of influential entities. Their hired ranks were not limited to mere soldiers, but encompassed a wide range of formidable allies. These included elite mercenaries, cunning corporate agents, and shadowy operatives skilled in the dark arts of finance and manipulation.

Czerka Corporation

In the vast and expansive universe of Star Wars, the Cerka Corporation stands as a prominent and influential entity, deeply entrenched within the realm of commerce and industry. As a powerful and far-reaching corporation, Cerka has amassed considerable wealth and exerted its influence across multiple star systems, leaving an indelible mark on the galaxy.

Founded centuries ago, the Cerka Corporation initially emerged as a pioneering force in the production and distribution of raw materials and goods. Over time, it expanded its operations to encompass a wide array of industries, including manufacturing, mining, technology development, and trade. Cerka's business ventures spanned countless worlds, from the core systems to the outer rim, and its presence was felt in both the bustling metropolises and the remote fringes of civilization.

With a relentless pursuit of profit and a shrewd business acumen, Cerka Corporation became synonymous with ruthless corporate practices. It employed a vast network of subsidiaries, subsidiaries of subsidiaries, and subcontractors, ensuring its influence reached every corner of the galaxy. The corporation's primary objective was to maximize shareholder wealth, often at the expense of ethical considerations and the welfare of individuals and communities.

Cerka Corporation was known for its cutthroat tactics, engaging in aggressive takeovers, monopolistic practices, and price gouging. It utilized its immense financial resources and political connections to manipulate governments and sway legislation to its advantage. Such actions frequently led to social and economic imbalances, fueling resentment and resistance among disenfranchised populations.

The corporation's leaders were driven by a relentless pursuit of power and wealth. They were often seen as cold, calculating figures who prioritized profit margins over the well-being of sentient beings. However, Cerka did possess a legion of loyal employees who benefited from the corporation's success, ensuring a robust workforce dedicated to its cause.

Despite its controversial reputation, Cerka Corporation played a significant role in the galactic economy. Its technological advancements and industrial might brought forth numerous innovations that shaped the course of development across countless systems. However, its exploitative practices and disregard for social responsibility also made it a target for those who sought to challenge its dominance and reclaim power for the people.

In the ever-evolving tapestry of the Star Wars universe, the Cerka Corporation remains a symbol of unchecked corporate influence, representing the darker aspects of unregulated capitalism and the perilous consequences that can arise from the unbridled pursuit of profit.

Time line

  • 20,000 BBY: The Cerka Corporation is founded as a small-scale raw material and goods producer.
  • 18,000 BBY: Cerka expands its operations and becomes a prominent player in the galactic market.
  • 16,000 BBY: The corporation establishes its first subsidiaries and begins to dominate various industries.
  • 12,000 BBY: Cerka Corporation gains a reputation for aggressive takeovers and monopolistic practices.
  • 8,000 BBY: The corporation's influence spreads to both core systems and the outer rim territories.
  • 4,000 BBY: Cerka's wealth and power allow it to manipulate governments and legislation to its advantage.
  • 2,000 BBY: The corporation faces growing opposition and resistance from disenfranchised populations.
  • 1,000 BBY: Cerka Corporation diversifies its operations, expanding into mining and technology development.
  • 100 BBY: Cerka's exploitative practices draw the attention of dissident groups and rebels.
  • 32 BBY: The corporation's involvement in the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo is suspected.
  • 22 BBY: The Clone Wars erupt, and Cerka Corporation profits from war-related contracts and supplies.
  • 19 BBY: The Clone Wars end, and Cerka faces scrutiny for profiteering during the conflict.
  • 4 ABY: The Battle of Endor sees the fall of the Galactic Empire and a shift in galactic power dynamics.
  • 5 ABY: Cerka Corporation adjusts its strategies to adapt to the changing political landscape.
  • 34 ABY: The corporation's monopolistic practices are challenged by the galactic government.
  • 35 ABY: Cerka Corporation faces a major scandal involving corruption and illegal activities.
  • 40 ABY: The corporation undergoes a restructuring process, attempting to rebuild its tarnished image.
  • 42 ABY: Cerka Corporation faces increased regulation and oversight from the galactic authorities.
  • 50 ABY: The corporation's influence wanes as newer, more ethical corporations emerge.
  • 100 ABY: Cerka Corporation, once a dominant force, becomes a mere shadow of its former self.

Bounty Hunters' Guild

The Bounty Hunters' Guild is a secretive organization that operates in the shadows of the galaxy. Its members are some of the most skilled and feared hunters in the universe, capable of tracking down and capturing even the most elusive targets.

The Guild is led by a council of veteran bounty hunters, each with their own unique set of skills and specialties. Whether it's a quick draw with a blaster, expert tracking abilities, or advanced technological know-how, each member of the council brings something valuable to the table.

To become a member of the Guild, a bounty hunter must prove themselves by completing a series of increasingly difficult missions. These missions range from simple retrieval jobs to high-profile assassinations, and only the most skilled hunters are able to complete them successfully.

Once a bounty hunter becomes a member of the Guild, they gain access to a vast network of resources and information. They are able to take on more lucrative and dangerous contracts, and they have the support of their fellow hunters in case things go wrong.

However, the Guild is not without its enemies. Other bounty hunters and criminal organizations often see the Guild as a threat to their own profits, and will stop at nothing to take them down.

Despite the dangers, many bounty hunters see membership in the Guild as the ultimate goal. With their skills and resources, they have the power to help shape the future of the galaxy , and leave a lasting legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.

Time line

  • c. 12,000 BBY: The Bounty Hunters Guild is established as an organization for bounty hunters to band together and share information and resources.

  • c. 4,000 BBY: The Guild becomes more organized and formalized, with a hierarchy and rules for its members.

  • c. 1,000 BBY: The Guild becomes more influential and powerful, with many bounty hunters becoming wealthy and respected figures in galactic society.

  • 32 BBY: During the Trade Federation's blockade and invasion of Naboo, the Guild provides mercenaries and bounty hunters to both the Republic and Separatist factions, seeking to profit from the conflict.

  • 22-19 BBY: The Clone Wars provide many opportunities for bounty hunters to ply their trade, with the Guild providing support and resources to both sides. The most famous of these bounty hunters is Boba Fett, who becomes a notorious figure during the war.

  • 19 BBY: With the end of the Clone Wars and the formation of the Galactic Empire, the Bounty Hunters Guild faces new challenges and opportunities. Many bounty hunters, including Fett, continue to work for the Empire, while others resist and work against it. The Guild becomes more fragmented and decentralized, with different factions and interests vying for power and influence.

  • 9 ABY: After the fall of the Empire and the rise of the New Republic, the Guild becomes embroiled in conflicts with other criminal organizations, including the Hutt Cartel and the Red Key Raiders. The Guild also gains a new leader in Greef Karga, who establishes a new code of ethics and seeks to unite the bounty hunters under a common banner.

  • 35 ABY: The Bounty Hunters Guild becomes involved in the events of the First Order-Resistance War, with many bounty hunters working for both sides or seeking to profit from the conflict. The Guild also becomes embroiled in conflicts with the criminal syndicate known as the Guavian Death Gang.

Bounty Hunter Rookie

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (light armor)
  • Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 18)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws saving_throws
  • Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3, Stealth +6, Survival +3
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages any two languages
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)


Multiattack. The bounty hunter makes two attacks with their chosen weapons.

Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) radiant damage.

Vibroblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Net Launcher. *Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: The target is restrained until they or another creature use an action to free them. The net has an AC of 10 and 10 hit points. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) frees the creature without harming it.

Danger Sense. The bounty hunter has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that they can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, the bounty hunter can't be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Bounty Hunter Veteran

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (medium armor)
  • Hit Points 162 (18d8 + 72)
  • Speed 40 ft.

18 (+4) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)

  • Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +8, Investigation +6, Perception +8, Stealth +10, Survival +8
  • Senses passive Perception 18
  • Languages any three languages
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)


Multiattack. The bounty hunter makes three attacks with their chosen weapons.

Blaster Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 80/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 5) radiant damage.

Flamethrower. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 15/30 ft., cone. Hit: 35 (10d6) fire damage. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking half damage on a successful one.

Vibroblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (4d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Expert Tracker. The bounty hunter has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track creatures.

Danger Sense. The bounty hunter has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that they can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, the bounty hunter can't be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Evasion. If the bounty hunter is subjected to an effect that allows them to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, they instead take no damage if they succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if they fail.

Bounty Hunter Elite

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

  • Armor Class 20 (heavy armor)
  • Hit Points 259 (27d8 + 135)
  • Speed 40 ft.

20 (+5) 23 (+6) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)~14 (+2)

  • Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +11, Investigation +9, Perception +12, Stealth +13, Survival +12
  • Senses passive Perception 22
  • Languages any three languages
  • Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)


Multiattack. The bounty hunter makes four attacks with their chosen weapons.

Disintegrator Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range 120/600 ft., one target. Hit: 50 (10d10) radiant damage. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated.

Wrist Rockets. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (6d8 + 6) radiant damage.

Vibroblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (6d6 + 5) slashing damage.

Expert Tracker. The bounty hunter has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track creatures.

Danger Sense. The bounty hunter has advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that they can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, the bounty hunter can't be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Evasion. If the bounty hunter is subjected to an effect that allows them to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, they instead take no damage if they succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if they fail.

Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker the bounty hunter can see hits the bounty hunter with an attack, the bounty hunter can use their reaction to halve the attack's damage against them.

Special Faction

Infinite Empire

Prerequisite: Ask Your DM

The Infinite Empire was a powerful and ancient civilization which existed thousands of years before the Galactic Republic. They once ruled the galaxy with an iron fist. Little is known about their origins, but their technology was far more advanced than anything that exists in the current era.

The Infinite Empire was ruled by a race of beings known as the Rakata. They were incredibly powerful and possessed the ability to manipulate the Force to an extent that has never been seen since. They used this power to enslave entire planets and civilizations, bending them to their will and using them as labor to power their massive machines and weapons.

The Rakata were not content with simply ruling the galaxy, however. They sought to expand their influence even further, using their advanced technology and the power of the Force to explore and conquer new worlds. Their ships were capable of traveling faster than the speed of light, and their weapons were capable of destroying entire planets.

Despite their power, the Infinite Empire eventually fell into decline. The Rakata's reliance on the Force had caused them to become corrupted and unstable, and their technology had grown too complex for even them to control. Wars broke out among the various factions of the Rakata, and their empire was torn apart from within.

After generations of galactic supremacy and control, the Infinite Empire began to fracture. Huge slave revolts erupted throughout the borders of the Empire along with various factions vying for control. This led to a civil war throughout Rakatan controlled space. Already weakened by warfare, the Rakata were suddenly struck by a deadly plague in 25,200 BBY (possibly created by one of the slave species) that spread rapidly through their ranks due to their self-crafted genetic uniformity. The virulent disease nearly exterminated the Rakata and brought the Infinite Empire to its knees.

A mutation in the disease caused the Rakata to lose their connection and power in the Force. As the Force adepts were culled from the overall population, the Rakata lost their ability to manipulate their own advanced technology. The Rakatans were forced to adapt to using inferior technology. Various factions on the Rakatan homeworld vied for dominance over what was left of the Empire and so began a devastating civil war that destroyed all the cities and transformed the surface of the planet into chains of islands. The war almost led to the extinction of the Rakatan species and drove most of the surviving Rakata underground where they devolved into primitive tribal groups.

Today, the remnants of the Infinite Empire can still be found scattered throughout the galaxy. Ancient Rakatan ruins and artifacts are sought after by treasure hunters and archaeologists alike, and the few surviving Rakata are rumored to still possess incredible power and knowledge.

For adventurers brave enough to seek out the remnants of the Infinite Empire, riches and danger await. Ancient artifacts and lost technologies could be discovered, but the Rakata are still a formidable force to be reckoned with. Only the most skilled and powerful adventurers will be able to survive the challenges that await them in the ruins of the Infinite Empire.

Time line

  • c. 37,000 BBY: The Rakata, a technologically advanced species from the planet Lehon, begin to expand their influence across the galaxy. They use their mastery of the Force and advanced technology to subjugate other species and establish a vast empire known as the Infinite Empire.

  • c. 35,000 BBY: The Rakata construct the Star Forge, a massive space station that allows them to create an army of warships and droids. They use this army to conquer more worlds and expand the reach of their empire.

  • c. 25,200 BBY: The Rakata's use of the Dark Side of the Force begins to corrupt them, leading to internal conflicts and weakening their hold on their conquered territories.

  • c. 25,200-25,000 BBY: The Rakata's slaves and conquered peoples begin to revolt against their oppressors, aided by the weakening of the Rakata's control. The rebellion spreads across the galaxy, eventually leading to the collapse of the Infinite Empire.

  • c. 25,000 BBY: The Rakata retreat to their homeworld of Lehon, where they are eventually reduced to a primitive society. The Star Forge is lost, its location unknown.

  • c. 5000 BBY: The Rakata are encountered again on the planet Rakata Prime, where they are revealed to have regressed to a primitive state and are no longer a threat to the galaxy. Their legacy, however, lives on in the form of their technology and artifacts, which continue to be discovered and studied by later civilizations.

  • c. 3956 BBY: Darth Revan discovers the location of the Star Forge and uses it to create a vast fleet with which to fight the weakened Galactic Republic. The Star Forge is ultimately destroyed by a redeemed Jedi Knight Revan and his allies.

  • c. 3951 BBY: In the aftermath of the Jedi Civil War, the remnants of the Rakata species are encountered on the planet Dantooine. They are revealed to be a shadow of their former selves, with their technology and knowledge greatly diminished.

Rakata Forces

Rakata Elite Soldier

Medium humanoid (Rakata), lawful evil

  • Armor Class 19 (reinforced Rakata battle armor)
  • Hit Points 180 (20d8 + 80)
  • Speed 30 ft.

20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Str +9, Con +8, Wis +5
  • Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +5
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
  • Languages Rakata, Basic
  • Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Rakatan Battle Mastery: When the Rakata Elite Soldier hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, the creature takes an extra 14 (4d6) damage.

Rakatan Mind Control: The Rakata Elite Soldier has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.


Multiattack: The Rakata Elite Soldier makes three melee attacks or two ranged attacks with their vibroblade or rakatan blaster rifle.

Vibroblade: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) slashing damage.

Rakatan Blaster Rifle: Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (4d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Rakatan Energy Shield (Recharge 5-6): As a bonus action, the Rakata Elite Soldier activates an energy shield, gaining temporary hit points equal to its current hit points. These temporary hit points last until the shield is depleted or the Rakata Elite Soldier deactivates the shield.

Primitive Rakata Warrior

Medium humanoid (Rakata), chaotic evil

  • Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
  • Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Athletics +5, Survival +3
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
  • Languages Rakata
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Primitive Brutality: The Primitive Rakata Warrior has advantage on melee weapon attacks against any creature that doesn't have the Rakata subtype.


Multiattack: The Primitive Rakata Warrior makes two melee attacks or one ranged attack with their vibroblade or blaster pistol.

Primitive Vibroblade: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.

Primitive Blaster Pistol: Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 40/160 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Primitive Rage (Recharge 5-6): As a bonus action, the Primitive Rakata Warrior enters a state of primal rage. While raging, it gains advantage on Strength-based checks and saving throws, and melee weapon attacks deal an additional 5 damage. The rage lasts for 1 minute or until the Primitive Rakata Warrior is incapacitated.

The Star Forge: The Rakatan Infinite Empire's Ultimate Creation

The Star Forge stands as a monumental testament to the ancient Rakatan civilization's technological prowess. Located in the uncharted depths of the galaxy, this colossal space station is a fusion of advanced machinery, dark side energy, and unfathomable power. Within its vast halls, the Star Forge harnesses the energy of stars to fuel the creation of an endless armada of starships, droids, and weapons.

Architecture and Exterior

The Star Forge's architecture reflects the Rakatan design principles—sleek, angular, and imposing. The station forms a massive, disk-shaped structure, covered in a combination of obsidian black durasteel and shimmering blue energy conduits. Sprawling across several kilometers, it looms ominously in the void of space, surrounded by an intricate web of energy beams and force fields that protect it from intruders.

The Foundry

At the heart of the Star Forge lies the Foundry, an immense chamber pulsating with dark side energy. Here, the energy of captured stars is siphoned through a network of colossal conduits, channeled to power the station's manufacturing facilities. The Foundry's walls are etched with ancient Rakatan glyphs and adorned with gleaming, gem-like crystals, radiating a malevolent aura. The intense heat and the rhythmic hum of machinery create an oppressive atmosphere.

The Assembly Lines

The Star Forge's assembly lines stretch across endless kilometers, manned by an army of autonomous droids and enslaved species. Hundreds of workstations are arranged in precise formations, each dedicated to constructing a specific component or vessel. Enormous robotic arms move with incredible precision, combining raw materials and advanced technology to forge starships of unparalleled design and destructive capability.

The Dark Side Nexus

The Star Forge is not merely a factory—it is a nexus of dark side energy. The Rakatans infused the station with the Force, imbuing it with an omnipresent malevolence that resonates through every corridor. Dark side rituals and sacrifices were performed within its chambers, enhancing the connection to the Force and fueling its power. This dark energy permeates the station, causing unease and discomfort to those not attuned to the dark side.

Guardians and Defenses

To protect the Star Forge from intruders, the Rakatans created formidable defenses. Ancient war droids, preserved through the ages, patrol the station with ruthless efficiency. Their sleek, metallic bodies house advanced weaponry and impenetrable shields, making them deadly adversaries. Additionally, concealed turrets and energy barriers are scattered throughout the corridors, ready to repel any would-be invaders.

The Heart of Creation

Deep within the Star Forge, hidden from prying eyes, lies the Heart of Creation. This chamber is the pinnacle of Rakatan technological achievement, where the final stages of starship construction take place. Here, the raw power of the dark side is harnessed and focused, infusing the vessels with unparalleled speed, resilience, and firepower. The Heart of Creation is anawe-inspiring sight, bathed in an eerie, pulsating glow of crimson energy. Massive machinery looms overhead, its purpose shrouded in mystery, while intricate control consoles and ancient Rakatan artifacts surround the central platform.

The Rakatan Overseers

Within the Star Forge, a select group of Rakatan overseers, known as the Rakatan Lords, wielded absolute authority. These enigmatic beings, adorned in ornate robes and headdresses, possessed a deep connection to the dark side. The Lords, masters of the Force, oversaw the operation of the Star Forge, ensuring its constant productivity and guarding its secrets.

Force Nexus Chambers

Scattered throughout the Star Forge are hidden chambers known as Force Nexuses. These mystical spaces tap into the raw power of the dark side, amplifying the abilities of any Force-sensitive beings within their vicinity. The Rakatans used these chambers for meditation, experimentation, and harnessing the dark side's energies to further enhance the station's capabilities.

The Forbidden Vaults

Deep within the labyrinthine depths of the Star Forge lie the Forbidden Vaults, tightly sealed chambers containing ancient Rakatan artifacts, forbidden knowledge, and dangerous experiments. These vaults are safeguarded by powerful energy barriers, intricate puzzles, and deadly traps designed to deter intruders. Only those brave or foolish enough to venture into these treacherous depths may discover the secrets that lie within.

The Echoes of the Rakatan Empire

Exploring the Star Forge reveals remnants of the Rakatan civilization's grandeur. Elaborate murals depict scenes of conquest and subjugation, while holographic projections display the once-great Rakatan Empire in its prime. Echoing corridors resound with the whispers of long-dead Rakatans, their voices lost to time but their presence lingering as a haunting reminder of their hubris and downfall.

The Corruption of the Dark Side

The Star Forge's connection to the dark side of the Force has taken its toll on the station itself. Dark tendrils of energy snake through its corridors, warping the machinery and architecture. Those who spend too long within its confines may find their sanity tested as the insidious influence of the dark side seeps into their minds, tempting them with power and corruption.

Star Forge (Massive)


  • Crew: 700
  • Passengers: 10,000
  • Speed: 2,000ft
  • Price: Not for sale

The Star Forge was a giant automated shipyard, designed to create the most powerful army of all time. The Star Forge despite its massive size did not require a large crew, and could not carry many passengers its main purpose was that of a factory. Being able to create an endless armada of ships and battle droids of all sizes. It did not need supplies or materials to create ships it would consume energy and matter from nearby stars.

Rakatan War Ship (Large)


  • Crew: 1,000
  • Passengers: 10,000
  • Speed: 2,500ft
  • Cargo space: 800,000 tons
  • Consumables: 3 years
  • Cost: Not for sell

Sith (Star Forge) starfighter (small)

[hp 100/sp:0]

  • Crew:1
  • Speed 3500ft
  • Price: not for sale

These ships were produced by the Star Forge by the Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Upon discovering the Star Forge. The Sith Empire was able to rival and even threaten the Galactic Republics existence.

Rakatan Scout Ship (Medium)


  • Crew: 75
  • Passengers: 1,000
  • Speed: 3,000ft
  • Cargo space: 20,000 tons
  • Consumables: 2 years
  • Cost: Not for sell

Additional Information

  • The Star Forge is a massive factory capable of creating Ships, Droids, Weapons, and Armors.
  • It can create any ships, weapons, armors, droids so long as you have the blue prints for them.
  • The Star Forge can create a fleet of ships rapidly. (5 Large ships, 10 Medium Ships, and 100 Small ships in 1 Month time)
  • the Star Forge can store many blueprints in its super computers.
  • it can create Hundreds of droids a day as well as enough weapons to arm them.
  • can custom make armors of all sizes.
  • Star Forge cannot be replicated as the technology used to create it was lost.

Star Forge Assault Droid

Large construct, unaligned

  • Armor Class 18 (Integrated Plating)
  • Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48)
  • Speed 40 ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

  • Saving Throws Str +7, Con +6
  • Skills Athletics +7, Perception +4
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14
  • Languages Understands Basic, Binary, and Sith, but can't speak
  • Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Integrated Weapons: The Star Forge Assault Droid is equipped with built-in weapons. Its attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks.

Self-Repair: At the start of its turn, the droid regains 10 hit points if it has at least 1 hit point and is not incapacitated.


Multiattack: The droid can make two attacks: one with its integrated plasma cannon and one with its slam attack.

Plasma Cannon: Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 4) fire damage.

Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Force Barrier (Recharge 6): As a bonus action, the droid can activate a protective force barrier, gaining resistance to all damage except force and psychic damage until the start of its next turn.

Power Surge (1/Day): The droid can release a powerful burst of energy, creating a 20-foot radius sphere centered on itself. Each creature within the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Tactical Analysis: The droid can use its action to analyze its opponents. Until the end of its next turn, the droid has advantage on attack rolls and gains a +2 bonus to AC.

Chapter 13: Planets and Locations

Additional Info

For this chapter I will include 5 Planets from the Star Wars Universe, 5 Locations per Planet and a custom made NPC with a quest per planet to make your campaign easier. Feel free to use other planets or locations not listed. Use of NPCs and/or quest is optional.


Coruscant, also known as the "City Planet," is the glittering jewel of the Republic. The entire surface of the planet is covered in a vast, sprawling cityscape that stretches as far as the eye can see. Skyscrapers and towering spires reach towards the sky, casting long shadows over the streets below. Neon lights and holographic advertisements flash and flicker, creating a dazzling display of color and sound.

The planet is split into numerous districts, each with its own unique culture and style. The wealthy elite reside in the upper levels of the city, where the air is clean and the views are breathtaking. The lower levels are home to the working class and the poor, where the streets are crowded and the air is thick with smog and pollution.

Despite its beauty, Coruscant is a dangerous place. Crime is rampant in the lower levels, where gangs and criminal organizations fight for control. Assassins and bounty hunters roam the streets, looking for their next target. The Jedi Temple, located at the heart of the city, is a beacon of hope and justice, but even the Jedi are not immune to the corruption and danger that lurks in the shadows.

For adventurers, Coruscant is a city of endless opportunity. The planet is a hub of commerce, politics, and intrigue, and there are always jobs to be found for those with the skills and courage to take them on. But even the bravest and most skilled adventurers must be careful on Coruscant, for danger lurks around every corner and even the most innocent-seeming job can turn deadly in an instant.


Coruscant is a massive, densely populated city-planet in the Star Wars universe, and it offers many potential locations for a Star Wars-themed D&D game. Here are some examples:

  1. The Jedi Temple - The seat of the Jedi Order, the Jedi Temple is a grand, imposing structure located at the heart of Coruscant. It houses the Jedi Council, training facilities for young Padawans, and an extensive library of ancient texts and artifacts.

  2. The Senate Building - The center of political power in the galaxy, the Senate Building is a massive complex that houses the Galactic Senate, the Supreme Chancellor's office, and various government agencies. It is a bustling hub of activity, with diplomats, lobbyists, and politicians constantly moving in and out of its halls.

  3. The Undercity - Beneath the gleaming spires of Coruscant's upper levels lies a darker, more dangerous world. The Undercity is a vast network of tunnels and caverns, home to criminals, smugglers, and other unsavory characters. It is a lawless place where danger lurks around every corner.

  4. The Entertainment District - A vibrant and bustling part of the city, the Entertainment District is home to countless bars, restaurants, and entertainment venues. It is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, and a great place to gather information or meet new allies.

  5. The Industrial Sector - Coruscant is a hub of industry, with massive factories and refineries stretching as far as the eye can see. The Industrial Sector is a gritty, utilitarian part of the city, with towering smokestacks and polluted skies. It is a place where resourceful characters can acquire valuable equipment and materials.

  6. The High Security Zone - For the most part, Coruscant is a safe place to be. However, there are certain areas where security is particularly tight. The High Security Zone is one such area, home to government facilities, military installations, and other sensitive locations. It is heavily patrolled by security forces and requires special clearance to enter.

These are just a few examples of the many potential locations on Coruscant that could be used in a Star Wars-themed D&D game. Each location offers unique challenges and opportunities for role-playing, combat, and exploration, making Coruscant a rich and exciting setting for a Star Wars-themed adventure.


Name: Senator Oreden

Race: Bothan

Gender: Male

Appearance: Senator Oreden is a middle-aged Bothan with brown fur and piercing blue eyes. He wears a formal suit with a dark blue cape, and carries a cane with a silver handle.

Personality: Senator Oreden is a shrewd and calculating politician who is always looking for ways to increase his power and influence. He is a master of diplomacy and is skilled at navigating the complex political landscape of the Galactic Senate.

Background: Senator Oreden comes from a prominent Bothan family that has a long history of political power. He was trained in diplomacy and politics from a young age, and quickly rose through the ranks of the Galactic Senate to become one of its most influential members.

Motivations: Senator Oreden is motivated by a desire for power and influence. He is always looking for ways to increase his standing in the Senate and solidify his position as a leader among his peers.

Abilities: Senator Oreden is a skilled diplomat and is adept at negotiating and brokering deals. He is also a skilled orator and can sway the opinions of his fellow senators with ease.

Equipment: Senator Oreden carries a datapad with important political information, as well as his signature cane with a silver handle. He also has a security droid that accompanies him at all times.

Potential Quest: Senator Oreden could provide the players with a quest to investigate a rival politician or faction that is threatening his position in the Senate. Alternatively, he could ask the players to retrieve important political documents from a dangerous location or to protect him from an assassination attempt.


Tatooine is a harsh and unforgiving desert planet, located in the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Its two suns beat down relentlessly on the sandy landscape, making it a difficult place to survive for any but the most hardy of beings.

Despite its inhospitable nature, Tatooine is home to a diverse array of life forms, from the native Jawas and Tusken Raiders to the various alien species that have settled on the planet over the years. Scavengers, smugglers, and other unsavory characters make their home here, taking advantage of the planet's remote location and lack of law enforcement.

The planet is dotted with small settlements and outposts, including the famous spaceport of Mos Eisley. Mos Eisley is a hive of scum and villainy, where smugglers and bounty hunters rub shoulders with locals and tourists. Its cantinas and markets are a great place to gather information or acquire goods and services.

Beyond Mos Eisley lies the vast expanse of the Tatooine desert, where sandstorms and treacherous terrain make travel difficult and dangerous. The desert is home to various dangers, including deadly krayt dragons and vicious banthas. The nomadic Tusken Raiders also roam the desert, attacking unsuspecting travelers and settlers.

In the midst of the desert lies the massive, fortified compound of Jabba the Hutt, a notorious crime lord who controls much of the criminal activity on Tatooine. His palace is a sprawling complex of tunnels and chambers, guarded by a small army of loyal henchmen and various deadly creatures.

Despite its dangers, Tatooine is a place of opportunity for those bold enough to seek it out. The planet's remote location and lack of law enforcement make it a perfect place for smugglers and other criminals to operate, while its natural resources and strategic location make it a valuable prize for would-be conquerors and colonizers. For those with the courage and skill to survive its challenges, Tatooine offers the promise of wealth, adventure, and glory.


Tatooine is a desert planet in the Star Wars universe, and there are a number of iconic locations on the planet that could make for interesting settings in a Star Wars-themed D&D game. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Mos Eisley Spaceport: This is the spaceport where Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi first meet Han Solo and Chewbacca in the original Star Wars film. It's a bustling hub of activity, with all kinds of aliens and smugglers coming and going. In a D&D game, the players could find themselves here looking for a ship to take them to another planet, or they could be trying to track down a specific person or item that's rumored to be in the spaceport.

  2. Jabba's Palace: This is the home of the notorious gangster Jabba the Hutt, and it's a place of danger and intrigue. In a D&D game, the players could be hired by someone who wants to infiltrate the palace and steal something valuable, or they could be trying to rescue someone who's been taken captive by Jabba.

  3. The Dune Sea: This is the vast, inhospitable desert that covers much of Tatooine. It's home to all kinds of dangerous creatures, like banthas, krayt dragons, and the fearsome sarlacc. In a D&D game, the players could be traveling across the Dune Sea on a mission, or they could be trying to track down a lost artifact or treasure that's hidden somewhere in the desert.

  4. Anchorhead: This is a small town on the outskirts of Mos Eisley, and it's where Luke Skywalker grew up. It's a more peaceful and civilized place than the spaceport, but it's still a rough and tumble frontier town. In a D&D game, the players could find themselves in Anchorhead looking for information or supplies, or they could be hired to protect the town from raiders or other threats.

  5. The Jundland Wastes: This is a rugged, rocky region on the outskirts of Tatooine's inhabited areas. It's a lawless place, where all kinds of unsavory characters gather. In a D&D game, the players could find themselves here on a mission to retrieve a valuable artifact that's been stolen by bandits, or they could be trying to evade a group of bounty hunters who are hot on their trail.

I hope these ideas give you some inspiration for your Star Wars-themed D&D game!


Name: Jaxa Kren

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Appearance: Jaxa Kren is a rugged woman in her early thirties with tanned skin, short cropped hair, and piercing green eyes. She wears a sleeveless brown leather vest over a tan tunic, and has a bandolier of blaster cartridges slung over her shoulder.

Personality: Jaxa is a tough and independent woman who has had to fend for herself on Tatooine for most of her life. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and will go to great lengths to protect them.

Background: Jaxa was born and raised on Tatooine and has spent most of her life as a smuggler and bounty hunter. She has a reputation as one of the best pilots on the planet, and is known for her quick reflexes and daring maneuvers.

Motivations: Jaxa is motivated by a desire for freedom and independence. She resents the control that the Hutts and other criminal organizations have over Tatooine, and dreams of one day being able to leave the planet and explore the galaxy on her own terms.

Abilities: Jaxa is an expert pilot and is skilled at handling a variety of spacecraft. She is also a crack shot with a blaster and is proficient in hand-to-hand combat.

Equipment: Jaxa carries a modified blaster pistol with a stun setting, as well as a vibroknife tucked into her boot. She also has a small amount of credits and a few pieces of valuable cargo that she is trying to sell.

Potential Quest: Jaxa could provide the players with a quest to transport a shipment of illegal goods to a buyer on a distant planet, or to rescue a friend or family member who has been captured by the Hutts. Alternatively, she could ask the players to help her repair her damaged ship so that she can make a quick escape from Tatooine.


Naboo is a beautiful, idyllic planet in the Star Wars universe that is known for its lush forests, rolling hills, and sparkling lakes. Here's a possible description of the planet that could be used in a Star Wars-themed D&D game:

Naboo is a planet of contrasts. On the surface, it is a tranquil paradise, with verdant forests, gentle streams, and fields of colorful flowers. Hidden beneath the surface, however, are vast caverns and winding tunnels that are home to ancient Gungan cities and secret Rebel bases.

The planet is ruled by the elegant and sophisticated Naboo, a humanoid species known for their artistic talent and political acumen. The Naboo live in grand palaces and elegant cities, surrounded by lush gardens and sparkling waterfalls. But beneath the surface, there is a growing unrest. A separatist movement has taken hold, led by a charismatic leader who believes that Naboo should break away from the Galactic Republic and forge its own destiny.

Adventurers who come to Naboo will find themselves in a world of intrigue and danger. They may be hired by the Naboo to root out the separatist rebels and protect the planet from harm. Or they may find themselves working with the rebels to overthrow the Naboo government and establish a new order on the planet.

In their travels, adventurers will encounter all manner of exotic creatures, from the playful otters that populate the planet's streams to the fierce and dangerous nexu that prowl the forests. They will explore ancient ruins and hidden tunnels, braving traps and puzzles to uncover long-lost secrets. And they will confront powerful enemies, from the sleek and deadly droids of the separatist army to the cunning and treacherous politicians who seek to control the fate of the planet.

Whether they fight for the Naboo, the rebels, or their own interests, adventurers who come to Naboo will find themselves in a world of beauty and danger, where the fate of an entire planet hangs in the balance.


Here are some possible locations on Naboo that could make for interesting settings in a Star Wars-themed D&D game:

  1. Theed: This is the capital city of Naboo and the seat of the planet's government. It's a beautiful city, with grand palaces, elegant gardens, and wide boulevards lined with towering statues. In a D&D game, the players could find themselves in Theed on a mission for the Naboo government, or they could be trying to uncover a plot by the separatists to attack the city.

  2. The Gungan City: This is a sprawling underwater city that is home to the Gungan species. It's a colorful and vibrant place, with twisting tunnels, towering spires, and strange, glowing plants. In a D&D game, the players could find themselves in the Gungan City on a mission to recruit the Gungans to their cause, or they could be trying to retrieve a valuable artifact that's been hidden in the city.

  3. The Naboo Countryside: This is the rural heartland of Naboo, where the planet's farmers and ranchers live and work. It's a peaceful and picturesque place, with rolling hills, sparkling lakes, and fields of colorful flowers. In a D&D game, the players could find themselves in the Naboo countryside on a mission to investigate reports of strange activity or to protect the farmers from raiders or other threats.

  4. The Naboo Swamps: These are the wetlands that surround the Gungan City and are home to a variety of dangerous creatures, including the massive and deadly opee sea killer. In a D&D game, the players could find themselves in the Naboo swamps on a mission to retrieve a rare herb or other natural resource, or they could be trying to evade a group of separatist soldiers who are pursuing them through the swamp.

  5. The Royal Palace: This is the grandest and most opulent palace in Theed, and it's where the Naboo rulers reside. It's filled with priceless works of art, intricate mosaics, and elegant furnishings. In a D&D game, the players could find themselves in the Royal Palace on a mission to protect the Naboo rulers from an assassination attempt, or they could be trying to steal a valuable artifact that's kept in the palace's vaults.

I hope these ideas give you some inspiration for your Star Wars-themed D&D game set on Naboo!


Name: Jaxun Valt

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Occupation: Security Officer

Appearance: Jaxun is a tall and broad-shouldered man with short, black hair and piercing blue eyes. He has a scar above his left eyebrow, which he got during a skirmish with some smugglers. Jaxun wears a dark-grey uniform with the Naboo Security Forces emblem on it, and carries a blaster pistol and a stun baton.

Personality: Jaxun is a no-nonsense kind of guy who takes his job very seriously. He is fiercely loyal to his superiors and will do whatever it takes to protect Naboo and its citizens. Jaxun can be a bit gruff at times, but he has a good heart and cares deeply about his fellow officers and the people he serves.

Background: Jaxun grew up on Naboo and always dreamed of joining the Security Forces. After graduating from the academy, he quickly rose through the ranks thanks to his dedication and skill. Jaxun has served in a variety of roles, from patrolling the streets of Theed to investigating smuggling rings in the outer rim. He has seen his fair share of action and has earned the respect of his colleagues.

Potential Quest: Jaxun has been tasked with investigating a series of thefts that have been occurring in Theed, Naboo's capital city. The thefts seem to be targeting high-value items, such as rare artifacts and valuable technology. Jaxun suspects that a group of smugglers is behind the thefts, but he has been unable to catch them in the act.

Jaxun could approach the players and ask for their help in tracking down the smugglers and recovering the stolen items. He could provide them with information on the smugglers' known associates and hideouts, as well as any leads he has gathered so far. Jaxun might also offer to provide the players with backup or assistance if they need it.

Alternatively, if the players have already encountered the smugglers or have information on their activities, Jaxun could be a potential obstacle. He might try to arrest the players or impede their progress if he believes they are working with the smugglers or breaking the law.


Kashyyyk is a lush, forested planet in the Star Wars universe that is home to the Wookiee species. Here's a possible description of the planet that could be used in a Star Wars-themed D&D game:

Kashyyyk is a planet of towering trees and dense, lush forests. The planet is home to the Wookiee species, a race of tall, shaggy bipeds known for their incredible strength, loyalty, and fierce warrior spirit. The Wookiees live in tree cities that are perched high in the branches of the planet's massive trees, which can grow up to 1,000 meters tall.

In the treetops, adventurers will find a world of wonder and danger. They will navigate winding bridges and precarious platforms, surrounded by the rustling leaves and creaking branches of the towering trees. They will encounter all manner of exotic creatures, from the playful and mischievous wroshyr squirrels to the deadly and elusive katarn. And they will meet the proud and noble Wookiees, who will welcome them as friends or challenge them as foes depending on their actions.

But beneath the surface, there is a darker side to Kashyyyk. The planet has been invaded by the forces of the Galactic Empire, who seek to exploit its resources and enslave its inhabitants. Imperial troops patrol the forests, hunting down Wookiees and destroying their homes. Adventurers who come to Kashyyyk may find themselves caught up in the struggle between the Empire and the Wookiees, fighting to free the planet from Imperial tyranny or working to aid the Empire in its campaign of conquest.

Among the most important locations on Kashyyyk are the Wookiee cities themselves, which are connected by a network of bridges and platforms high in the trees. Other significant locations include the Imperial landing zones, which are heavily guarded and patrolled, and the underground caves and tunnels that run beneath the forest floor and are home to dangerous creatures and hidden dangers.

Adventurers who come to Kashyyyk will find themselves in a world of beauty and danger, where the fate of an entire planet hangs in the balance. They will face incredible challenges, make new allies, and forge their own destiny in a place that is both wondrous and deadly.


Here are a few locations on Kashyyyk that could be interesting settings for a Star Wars themed D&D game:

  1. The Wookiee Tree City: Kashyyyk is known for its towering wroshyr trees, which the Wookiees have adapted to live in and build their cities among. A game set in a Wookiee tree city could involve navigating the complex network of walkways and platforms, encountering different Wookiee clans, and even facing off against dangerous creatures that lurk in the tree canopy.

  2. The Shadowlands: Beneath the canopy of Kashyyyk's wroshyr trees lies a dangerous and mysterious realm known as the Shadowlands. Home to dangerous predators, hostile tribes of primitive Wookiees, and even ancient Sith ruins, the Shadowlands could make for a thrilling and deadly setting for an adventure.

  3. The Kkowir Forest: Located on the outskirts of the Wookiee city, the Kkowir Forest is a dense jungle filled with towering ferns, thick vines, and dangerous predators. It's also home to a rare and valuable species of wood that's highly sought after by traders and smugglers. A game set in the Kkowir Forest could involve navigating the treacherous terrain, avoiding predators, and competing with rival factions to claim the valuable wood.

  4. The Great Wroshyr Maze: Kashyyyk is home to a sprawling network of wroshyr tree roots, which have grown together over millennia to form a labyrinthine maze. The Great Wroshyr Maze is said to be nearly impossible to navigate, but those who can find their way through it can discover hidden treasures and ancient artifacts. A game set in the Great Wroshyr Maze could involve solving puzzles, avoiding traps, and outwitting rival treasure hunters.

  5. The Rwookrrorro Village: Rwookrrorro is the largest and most influential Wookiee village on Kashyyyk, and it's home to the planet's most powerful Wookiee clan. A game set in Rwookrrorro could involve navigating the complex social dynamics of Wookiee society, earning the trust and respect of the village elders, and perhaps even getting caught up in a power struggle between rival clans.

I hope these ideas inspire you for your Star Wars themed D&D game set on Kashyyyk!


Name: T'rruk

Species: Trandoshan

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Description: T'rruk is a tall, muscular Trandoshan with green scales and sharp claws. He wears a set of battle-worn armor and carries a variety of weapons, including a blaster rifle and a vibro-knife, and even a lightsaber.

Personality: T'rruk is a ruthless and pragmatic bounty hunter who will stop at nothing to capture his targets. He has a particular hatred for Wookiees and relishes the opportunity to capture or kill them. However, he is not without a sense of honor and will keep his word if he gives it.

Potential Quest: Imagine stumbling upon T’rruk while exploring Kashyyyk, just as he's trying to capture Wookiees for the slave trade. Will you intervene to stop him and save the Wookiees, or will you choose to aid him and share in the profits.

Orto Plutonia

Here's a description of the planet Orto Plutonia for a Star Wars-themed D&D game:

Orto Plutonia is a remote and icy planet located in the Outer Rim, known for its freezing temperatures and harsh conditions. The planet is home to a variety of dangerous creatures, including the fierce and predatory nexu, as well as the indigenous Talz species, who have adapted to survive in the planet's frigid environment.

Orto Plutonia is also the site of a longstanding conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. The planet's valuable resources, including rare and powerful crystals, have made it a strategic location for both sides in the ongoing war.

The planet's surface is dotted with a variety of settlements and bases, from small mining outposts to massive military installations. However, the most notable site on Orto Plutonia is the fortress of the Separatist commander, Wat Tambor. The fortress is a massive, heavily fortified structure, guarded by legions of battle droids and equipped with an array of deadly weapons.

For adventurers brave enough to venture to Orto Plutonia, the planet presents many challenges and opportunities. The harsh terrain and freezing temperatures make survival a constant struggle, and the presence of dangerous creatures and hostile factions makes it a dangerous place to explore. However, those who are able to navigate the planet's dangers may find valuable resources, ancient artifacts, or even the chance to turn the tide of the ongoing war.


Here are a few locations on Orto Plutonia that could be interesting settings for a Star Wars themed D&D game:

  1. The Crystal Mines: Orto Plutonia is home to rare and valuable crystals that are highly prized by both the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. The planet's crystal mines are located deep beneath the icy surface, and are guarded by a variety of dangerous creatures and droids. A game set in the crystal mines could involve navigating treacherous tunnels, avoiding traps and ambushes, and perhaps even facing off against rival factions to claim the valuable crystals.

  2. Fort Abaresh: Fort Abaresh is a small Republic outpost located on the edge of Orto Plutonia's icy wilderness. The outpost is home to a small garrison of Republic soldiers, who are tasked with defending the planet from Separatist incursions. A game set at Fort Abaresh could involve defending the outpost from waves of Separatist attacks, gathering intelligence on Separatist movements, and perhaps even launching a daring raid on a Separatist stronghold.

  3. The Talz Village: The Talz are a species of indigenous creatures that have adapted to survive in Orto Plutonia's harsh environment. Their village is located deep in the planet's icy wilderness, and is home to a variety of unique technologies and artifacts. A game set in the Talz village could involve negotiating with the Talz for access to their resources, fending off attacks from aggressive nexu or Separatist forces, and perhaps even uncovering ancient Talz secrets or technologies.

  4. Wat Tambor's Fortress: Wat Tambor is a powerful Separatist commander who has established a massive fortress on Orto Plutonia. The fortress is heavily guarded by droids and other defenses, and is said to house a variety of dangerous weapons and technologies. A game set in Wat Tambor's fortress could involve infiltrating the fortress to gather intelligence or sabotage Separatist operations, facing off against powerful droids and other defenses, and perhaps even confronting Wat Tambor himself.

I hope these ideas inspire you for your Star Wars themed D&D game set on Orto Plutonia!

Certainly! Here's an NPC you could use for a Star Wars themed D&D campaign set on Orto Plutonia:


Name: Kira Vosara

Race: Twi'lek

Gender: Female

Occupation: Bounty hunter

Personality: Kira is a tough, no-nonsense bounty hunter who is always looking for her next score. She's confident in her abilities and isn't afraid to take risks to get the job done. However, she does have a soft spot for those who are in need and will occasionally take on jobs that involve helping people in distress.

Backstory: Kira grew up on Ryloth and was forced to fend for herself at a young age. She quickly learned how to survive on her own and eventually became a skilled bounty hunter. She's traveled all over the galaxy in pursuit of bounties and has made a name for herself as one of the best in the business. She recently arrived on Orto Plutonia in search of a high-paying bounty.

Potential Quest: Kira has been hired to track down and capture a notorious criminal who has been hiding out on Orto Plutonia. However, the criminal has managed to evade Kira's grasp for weeks, and she's becoming increasingly frustrated. She's heard rumors that the criminal has a hideout in a nearby ice cave, but she's been unable to locate it. Kira approaches the player characters and offers to pay them a portion of the bounty if they help her track down the criminal and bring him to justice.

If they successfully capture the criminal and turn him over to Kira, she'll pay them their share of the bounty and may be more willing to work with them in the future. However, if they betray Kira or let the criminal escape, they could become her enemies and face retribution in the future.

Chapter 14: The Galactic Standard Calendar

The Galactic Standard Calendar, often known as Galactic Standard Time, serves as the universal time-keeping system within the galaxy. Rooted in the solar cycle of Coruscant, this calendar acts as the backbone of interstellar chronology, with a Coruscant solar cycle spanning 368 days, each comprising 24 standard hours.

The calendar system marks pivotal epochs for the delineation of calendar eras. The most recent epoch, the Battle of Yavin, has thus been adopted as "year zero", with the designations BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and ABY (After the Battle of Yavin) marking the years in relation to this monumental event.

Traversing Time: A Historical Perspective

Often dubbed the Coruscant Standard Calendar, this chronometric system has been the primary time-tracking measure across the galaxy since the era of the Galactic Republic. It's likely that the Old Republic traced years back to its foundation in 25,053 BBY. Nevertheless, historians have frequently adopted significant galaxy-altering events as epochs to initiate new calendar eras.

One epoch of remarkable significance is the Treaty of Coruscant, established in 3653 BBY. The periods before and after this epoch, labeled "BTC" (Before the Treaty of Coruscant) and "ATC" (After the Treaty of Coruscant), were popularized by the renowned Jedi historian Gnost-Dural. His holographic records, utilizing this numbering system, hold some of the most comprehensive accounts of pivotal events such as the Hundred-Year Darkness, the Great Hyperspace War, the Great Sith War, the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, and the Great Galactic War against the resurgent Sith Empire. Consequently, this method of year numbering remains invaluable to historians.

Deciphering the Galactic Clock

The Galactic Standard Calendar's foundation lies in the size and rotation of Coruscant, incorporating both the planet's orbit around its sun and the orbit of its primary satellite, Centax-1. This resulted in a luno-solar calendar, with the standard second as its fundamental unit. Sixty standard seconds comprise each standard minute, and sixty such minutes form a standard hour. Each day consists of 24 standard hours, and a standard week spans five such days. A month encompasses seven weeks, translating to 35 standard days. A standard year, amounting to 368 days, includes ten months, three fete weeks, and three holidays. Thanks to the Hyperdrive Theory, space travelers can sidestep relativity, allowing a uniform duration of time to pass at all locations over a given interval.

  • 60 standard minutes = 1 standard hour
  • 24 standard hours = 1 standard day
  • 5 standard days = 1 standard week
  • 7 standard weeks = 1 standard month
  • 10 standard months + 3 fete weeks + 3 holidays = 368 standard days = 1 standard year

Cosmic Weekdays

  1. Primeday
  2. Centaxday
  3. Taungsday
  4. Zhellday
  5. Benduday

This rhythmic cadence of time serves as the heartbeat of the galaxy, marking the progress of civilizations and the unfolding of interstellar history.


Star Wars: Will of the Force


Author: Victor Guerra

Star Wars Concept and Inspiration: George Lucas (Creator of Star Wars)

Dungeons & Dragons Implementation:

  • Fiach Echandi
  • Martin Vilches
  • Creators of Dungeons & Dragons


  • apocalipsis666
  • zaffyrr
  • Robert-Shane
  • hannelArt
  • GunshipRe
  • Lady K
  • DogDays11
  • Bartek Fedyczak
  • MaximuSupremo
  • AntonyFoti
  • Adam Danger Cook
  • Theik
  • AI-generated artwork by Wonder
  • And others, but I couldn’t find the artist. All pictures were gotten from google.

Writing Enhancement: AI Assistance by Ask AI

Playtesting Group:

  • Fiach Echandi
  • Gerardo Torres
  • Braulio Torres
  • Martin Vilches
  • Alexander Guerra

Acknowledgments: We would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals and organizations for their inspiration throughout the creation of this book:

  • George Lucas (for creating Star Wars)
  • Wizards of the Coast (Creators of Dungeons & Dragons)
  • Wookieepedia Community


Reddit Community: r/SWWOTF

Thank you for delving into the captivating world of 'Star Wars: Will of the Force.' We sincerely hope that your journey through this immersive experience has been nothing short of enjoyable. Our Reddit Community serves as a platform for players like you to share your invaluable insights regarding the game. Your feedback is crucial in helping us assess the overall functionality, balance, and satisfaction of the gameplay. Additionally, we eagerly anticipate your suggestions for future changes, expansions, or any ideas that could further elevate the Star Wars universe within this remarkable DND book, making it an even more unforgettable adventure for all.

Last Updated: January 8th, 2024




Embark on an epic journey to a galaxy far, far away with 'Star Wars 5e,' the ultimate fusion of the Star Wars universe and the immersive world of Dungeons & Dragons. Written by Victor Guerra, this thrilling tabletop roleplaying game guide brings together the iconic characters, captivating lore, and intense conflicts of Star Wars, seamlessly integrated with the rich mechanics of D&D.

Unleash the Force as you create your own Jedi, Sith, or other unique characters, and navigate through a tapestry of worlds from both Star Wars Legends and Canon timelines. Engage in lightsaber duels, master the powers of the Force, and join the ranks of legendary factions. The fate of the galaxy rests in your hands as you battle against the Empire, uncover ancient Sith secrets, or forge your own path in this vast, immersive universe.


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