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# Stacking Effects When your martial characters are frustated in combat situations because there are no game mechanics for them to do anything other than attempt to reduce the enemy to 0HP, and critical hits are too rare to rely on for effective battlefield control, you need **Stacking Effects**. When you got a great attack roll and rolled trash for damage (really?); when you made an Intimidation check and the DM said, "Great job," and then ignored it (because there is no intimidated condition); when a gnome rogue intimidates a huge ogre because it is...cute and charming; when players suffer grievous wounds and it doesn't affect roleplay; when players face challenges but can't work together because it all comes down to one player's roll; when advantage isn't good enough or disadvantage isn't bad enough; when combat becomes boring and automatic–you need **Stacking Effects**. Stacking effects are like other effects in 5e, only each time a creature gains the effect, it gets a token. For each token, the effect's penalty increases. So working together works, and big hits stack up quickly, enhancing combat intensity and roleplay. **Effect tokens only last until the end of the affected creature's next turn**, so each turn matters. By taking the help action, another creature can remove all the tokens of one effect (any other kinds of tokens remain), so helping allies becomes more important than ever. ## Attack Effect Tokens When the attack roll equals the target’s AC + 5 or more, the target gains an effect token. For speed of play, attack effect tokens need not be applied to creatures with a challenge rating less than the player’s level. * For a Strength- or Constitution-based attack roll the attacker chooses the *staggered* or *pained* effect. * For a Dexterity-based attack, or weapon attack that uses an ability besides Strength or Constitution, the attacker chooses between the *disarmed* and *hobbled* conditions. * For spell attacks equal to the target's AC + 5, or more; or if the target of a damage-dealing spell rolls a saving throw equal to the spell DC - 5, or less, the target gains the *pained* condition. * If an attack roll is a critical hit or equals the target's AC + 10 or more, or the target of a damage-dealing spell rolls a saving throw equal to the spell DC - 10, or less, the target also suffers the *bleeding* condition. ### Bleeding The target is deeply wounded and gains a bleeding token. The first time in a round the target uses movement, or takes a reaction, legendary action, or action other than a medicine check on themselves or using a magic item that restores hit points, the creature suffers 1d4 damage per bleeding token (or higher die if the DM rules it) of the type that caused the bleeding effect. All bleeding tokens can be removed by a successful DC 10 medicine check (the creature can do a medicine check on itself if it is not incapacitated). Magical healing removes all bleeding tokens. \columnbreak
### Disarmed The target’s defenses are weakened by the attack and it gains a disarmed token. For each token it suffers -2 to its AC through the end of its next turn. All tokens are removed if a creature uses the help action to protect the target. ### Hobbled The target’s movement is impaired by the attack and it gains a hobbled token. For each hobbled token it suffers -10 ft. of movement until the end of its next turn. If a creature that is not hobbled uses the help action to support or heal the hobbled creature, all hobbled tokens are removed. ### Pained The target is overwhelmed by pain and it gains a pained token. For each pained token, the target subtracts 1d4 from concentration checks and ability checks that call for the target’s spellcasting ability (such as spell attacks, counterspell or dispel magic) until the end of its next turn. All tokens are removed if a creature uses the help action to comfort the target or it receives magical healing. ### Staggered The target loses their balance and gains a staggered token. For each staggered token, the creature suffers -1d4 on Strength and Dexterity saves and Strength and Dexterity ability checks until the end of its next turn. All staggered tokens are removed if a creature uses the help action to steady the target. \pagebreakNum ## Skill Effects When certain skill checks overcome target creature's abilities they can cause effects that stack. For instance, if more than one character succeeds in intimidating a creature, is it even more unnerved, and will suffer an increased penalty to certain ability checks. Each of these skill checks can be done to multiple target creatures, but rather than roll for all the creatures, and to speed up action, the checks are made against a DC set by a creature's passive skill level (10 + skill bonus). If a creature lacks proficiency in a skill, the passive skill level is 10 + the relevant ability modifier. Skill effects end and the end of the affected creature's next turn, so in order to maintain an effect, a creature must use their action to make the skill check each round. The DM is the ultimate judge of the DC for these skill checks. Some relevant modifiers are included as examples. It is possible to confuse, distract, or intimidate more than one creature with the same action. ### Confused If a creature makes an Intelligence-based skill check against a target creature that can see or hear it, and the check exceeds the target creature's passive Investigation (10+Investigation skill bonus), that target gains a confused token. For each confused token, a creature suffers -1d4 penalty to Insight and Intelligence checks until the end of its next turn. If a creature that is not confused uses their action to reason with the confused creature, all confused tokens are removed. \columnbreak
### Distracted If a creature succeeds on a Performance or Persuasion check against a target creature that can see or hear it, and the check exceeds a target’s passive Insight (10+Insight skill bonus), that target gains a distracted token. For each distracted token the target suffers -1d4 on Wisdom Perception checks and -2 to its passive Perception until the end of its next turn. Add +5 to the DC if the target creature is using its actions to make Perception checks, such as guard on duty and for every 15 feet of distance to the target. If a creature that is not distracted uses the help action to rouse the distracted creature, all tokens are removed. ### Intimidated If a creature makes an Intimidation check against a target creature that can see or hear it, and the check exceeds a target’s passive Insight (10+Insight skill bonus), that target gains an intimidated token. For each intimidated token, the target suffers -1d4 on ability checks until the end of its next turn. Add +5 to the DC for each of the following situations: each size the target is larger, the target has a higher strength score, and the target has a larger group of allies within 30 feet. If a creature that is not intimidated uses the help action to embolden the intimidated creature, all tokens are removed. A creature can either use its Strength or Charisma ability modifier for the Intimidation check.
\pagebreakNum ### Contribution Credits Art generated using MidJourney tool v5. ### Copyright notice This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards of the Coast. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. ### Change Log | Date | Change | |:-|:-| | 2024.07.10 | edited intro | | 2023.11.07 | clerical fixes | | 2023.07.15 | Initial release. |