##### Archetypes
| Level | Archetype | Feat | Description | Effect |
| 1st | **Solo/Street Samurai** | Warrior Instincts | You breathe danger. You know how to move in battle. | Roll with Advantage against WIS to perceive danger, notice traps, and avoid harm. You also get Advantage when rolling initiative.
| 2nd | | Recovery | Second Wind | Once per hour, while in combat, you can regain 1d10 lost HP (instead of movement). |
| 3rd | | One. Man. Army. | 'Nuff Said' | As part of your action, you can make 1 attack per level |
| 4th | | Cybernetics Package | Free Upgrade | Free Cybernetics Upgrade of your choice from Corporate Sponsor |
|1st |**Mixed Martial Artist** | MMA Training | Choose either Acrobatics or Athletics |You have an Advantage on all non-combat rolls for chosen specialty |
|2nd| | Kung Fu/UFC fighting| Hand to Hand expert |When fighting unarmed or with melee weapons, you can make two attacks as part of their action. Increase to three attacks at 5th level.|
|3rd||Dodge/Take a Hit||The Martial Artist has their Level Damage Soak (this can stack with Thick Leather Jacket, but nothing higher). This replenishes with an hour of rest.|
|4th||Signiture Move| |You have a signature move that deals double damage (can use WIS mod times)|
|1st|**Nomad**| Wheel Tribe|You are the member of a gang or tribe that has a typical vehicle focus|You roll against INT to call upon the resources and help of your family. The higher your Experience Level, the more important you are to your tribe and the more help you can call upon. Vehicle: You own a vehicle - Your Tribe loans you the money for it. It must be paid back but it accumulates no Interest (max: 15,000 credits). You may also ask for help and borrow a vehicle. Higher levels you may ask for direct help.
|2nd||Pimp My Ride| You can boost your vehicle |Once per hour, after fiddling with a vehicle for 1d6 minutes you can soup-up a vehicle, increasing the speed (adding +2 to the driver’s DEX for chases) and give the car +2 AC. Effect lasts for 10 minutes.|
|3rd||I make them, I break them| You know how Vehicles operate and how to hurt them. |You have an Advantage on damage rolls against vehicles you have seen before.|
|4th||Incoming!|| You roll with Advantage when testing DEX to avoid damage or effects from traps and explosions - like grenades (both in person and in vehicles)|
##### Archetypes (Continued...)
| Level | Archetype | Feat | Description | Effect |
| 1st | **Face** | Contacts | You know who to call for what you need. | You know 2 level 2 contacts and get a 50% discount on work done by them (their loyalty may change later)|
| 2nd | | Social Butterfly | You are a people person. And you use this to get what you want. | You have an Advantage on CHA rolls to influence, charm, deceive or schmooze people. |
| 3rd | | Mind Shield | You know how to defend yourself against manipulation. | You have the Advantage on saves against effects to influence you or cloud your mind. |
| 4th | | Signature contact | Free Contacts | Choose two contacts: Fixers, Corporations, Law Enforcement or Entertainment (you can directly find information without spending any money) |
| 1st | **Rigger/Techie** | Drone Pilot | You can build and operate a drone of your choice. | You can operate a Drone as a part of your action (foregoing movement) instead of consuming your whole action. |
| 2nd | | Repair | You are a Grease Monkey. | You must succeed on an INT test to repair a machine, Android, or Drone. If successful, heal 1d6 + Experience Level HP back (sixes explode) and replenish the target’s AC (if applicable). Repairing an object takes 1d6 hours. |
| 3rd | | I make them, I break them | You know how to attack machines. | You know how machines operate and how to hurt them. You have an Advantage on damage rolls against machines, androids, and drones. |
| 4th | | Signature Drone | Two Drones are better than one. | You can create and operate a purpose-built drone (in addition to a normal one) |
| 1st | **Hacker/NetRunner** | Datawave Surfer | You could talk Binary if you wanted to. |You can manipulate online data, program new software and perform other nonmundane tasks on the Net/Datasphere. You can use Hacker Exploits/Programs and write them (during rest) |
| 2nd | | Recovery | Second Wind Plugged In.| Once per hour, while in combat when “jacked in” to the cyberspace, you can regain 1d6+level lost HP. |
| 3rd | | Instinctive Coding | At home in the Datasphere. | You have an Advantage on rolls when dealing with computers, navigating cyberspace, or hacking including when “jacked in” to cyberspace. |
| 4th | | Signature Code | You have a Virus named after you. | Select a Signature Exploit/Program from the list – you can use it unlimited times. |
| 1st | **Physical Adept** | Affinity to Magic and Bodywork | You use magic to reach and exceed limits of your body. | You gain Astral Perception and a Mystic Gift. You have 2 points to spend on you body (see Physical Adept Table) |
| 2nd | | Bodywork | You manipulate magic into your body.| You have 2 points to spend on you body (see Physical Adept Table) |
| 3rd | | Bodywork | You manipulate magic into your body.| You have 2 points to spend on you body (see Physical Adept Table) |
| 4th | | Signature Move | You have have perfected an attack form. | You can attack twice if unarmed or using a melee weapon and have a signature move that deals double damage (can use WIS mod times) |
##### Archetypes (Continued...)
| Level | Archetype | Feat | Description | Effect |
| 1st | **Shaman** | Spell casting | You know how to memorize and use spells | In addition to Astral Perception and a Mystic Gift you also have Astral Projection. You know how to learn and store spells. You know WIS number of spells from 1d100 table of Spells. Choose a Spirit animal to guide you.|
| 2nd | | Magical Defense and Maleficence | You are trained in magical defense and attack. | Use a spell for L person spell defense instead or Use a spell for Ld6 attack instead.
| 3rd | | Mystic Gift and Conjuring | Summon Spirits | Roll on Mystic Gifts table. Getting same Gift indicates Mastery (Discuss with GM for effect). You can summon a spirit (see Summoning Rules) |
| 4th | | Signature Spirit | You have mastery over one type of spirit. | You can summon a spirit (see Summoning Rules) with advantage |
| 1st | **Mage** | Spell casting | You know how to memorize and use spells | In addition to Astral Perception and a Mystic Gift you also have Astral Projection. You know how to learn and store spells. You know INT number of Magic Schools and 1 spell from each|
| 2nd | | Magical Defense and Maleficence | You are trained in magical defense and attack. | Use a spell for L person spell defense instead or Use a spell for Ld6 attack instead.|
| 3rd | | Mystic Gift and Spell Strain | You have reached a higher level of mastery over magic |Roll on Mystic Gifts table. Getting same Gift indicates Mastery (Discuss with GM for effect). You may add 1d6 to your Spell Casting save at a cost of 1d6 HP to try to change a failure to a success.
| 4th | | Signature Spell| Your magic has a unique signature which you have mastered. | Select a Signature Spell School and roll with advantage for all spells from that school |
# Additional Rules for Archetypes (optional)
### Nomad
#### Vehicle Rules and Options
Vehicles have Hit Points and AC. Unlike people, these do not recover with rest (or not being used). Only the Rigger/Techie can fully repair a vehicle (or Drone). When shooting a gun out of a moving vehicle, a character suffers Disadvantage to their roll - unless a Nomad. If an enemy is shooting at a character in a moving vehicle, they have Advantage to their defense roll. If a vehicle (or Drone) reaches zero HP roll 1d6. If the result is 1-3, 3. the vehicle (or Drone) is salvageable and can be repaired. If the result is a 5-6, the vehicle (or Drone) is destroyed. Driving a vehicle or flying a Drone consumes a character’s full action unless a Nomad or Rigger respectively. Attempting tricky maneuvers will require a DEX check. For calculating damage on a Vehicle, 10 damage results in damage to 1 Vehicle HP. It is recommended Players and GMs together come up with their own suggestions to customize the Vehicles in their game by suggesting options for different upgrades.
| Type | Cost | Notes |
| Hatchback | 10000 | HP20, AC12|
| Motorcycle | 10,000 | HP5, AC14 |
| Pickup Truck | 15,000 | HP 50, AC12 |
| Van | 10,000 | HP50, AC10 |
| Sports Car | 50000 | HP30, AC16 |
#### Upgrades
Vehicles can be upgraded by following some general guidelines as provided in the table below.
| Upgrade | Cost |
| Faster | 10% price |
| A lot faster | 20% price |
| Impossibly faster for its sixe | 3 x price |
| + 2 AC | 50% price |
| + 4 AC | 2 x price |
| Sensor Shielding | 50% price |
| Remote Operation | 3 x price |
Car chases are handled similar to combat. The driver(s) rolls Initiative against the opponent, as does any target that is attacking. If successful, the characters go before their opponents, those that fail go after.
When a chase starts determine the GM determines the length between the cars (say 5). The character (driver) must succeed a DEX test, if successful they gain one number in distance, either moving farther away from the opponent (if they are being chased) or one number closer (if they are chasing). If the driver fails the roll, they lose one number in distance, allowing their opponent to gain on them or move further away in the chase. When the counter is at 0, the cars have caught up and the chase is over. If the counter reaches 10, that means the car being chased has escaped.
### Rigger/Techie
Riggers are people who use datajacks and in most cases a special type of cyberware - called the "rigger control" - to interface with vehicles and drones. Often they also use a remote control deck. The term "rigger" may also be applied to others using these machines. A starting Rigger can choose the type of Drone he begins with for free from the Table below. Players can choose how their drones look and operate but only surveillance drones can fly. It is recommended Players and GMs together come up with their own suggestions to customize the Drones in their game by suggesting options for different upgrades. For example, Camera and Lights to a basic model can be added for 300 credits each (minor upgrades cost 10% cost, major upgrades cost 50% and substantial upgrades cost 100% of Drone value).
| Drone Type | Specs | Cost|
| SIERRA Attack Drone | 2 attacks (1d8 damage), HP14, AC14 | 3000 |
| CARLTON Defense Drone | 1 attack (1d6 damage), HP20, AC16 | 3000 |
| CIFU Surveillance | 1 attack (1d4 stun damage), HP8, AC12 (special can go invisible for 4 rounds) | 3000 |
| Build-a-Drone | Build Options | GM Discretion |
### Hacker/NetRunner
The Decker can operate in meat space as well as in the matrix having the right tools for the right job by using hacker programs and exploits as below. Programs/Exploits are “launched” same as spells and have a basic INT save vs DC15 (or the target’s relevant stat whichever is more appropriate). A program is used in the Datasea/Matrix and an Exploit is a program used in “meatspace” or in real space. Some programs can be used in both online and real space. A Decker knows INT mod number of programs/exploits already and uses data slots to store them. Each Program/Exploit can be used once but a Decker may write/create more programs in downtime. It is recommended Players and GMs together come up with their own suggestions to customize the Hacker/NetRunner in their game by suggesting other Programs and Exploits.
**NET Actions:** Deckers have access to two kinds of actions: Actions (same as everyone else) and NET actions (take place Online). On your turn, you can take a normal action or you can take as many NET actions as your level. For example, a level 3 NetRunner will be able to take 3 Net actions in the Datasea/Matrix/NET on their turn.
Note Cyberdecks help the Hacker during online combat by enhancing his Mental Stats Online and not in real space. A Cyberdeck occupies an inventory slot and can be targeted and destroyed.
| Cyberdeck Model | Cost (Credits) |
| ASUS 101 | 1000 |
| OPEL 201 + 6 WIS | 5000 |
| HP 301 +8 WIS/ + 2 CHR | 15000 |
| ALIENWARE 401 +10 WIS/ + 4 CHR | 30000 |
##### Exploits
| No. | Name |Type | Range/Duration | Effect |
| 1 | **Comms Blackout** | Exploit | 90ft./1hr |Using a reaction, you choose a 20ft. square within range. Any comms devices within that 20ft. square are overloaded and shut down for one hour. |
| 2 | **Computer Interface** | Exploit | 15ft | When you are within 15ft. of a computer terminal of security rating 2 or below, you may interface with the computer to gain additional information. You may then ask the GM one question that the computer would know |
| 3 | **Create Distraction** | Exploit | 60ft/10 mins | Using an action, you choose a creature within range. You cause all of their personal devices to send conflicting alerts and emergency messages, distracting them for 10 minutes. Creatures under this effect have disadvantage to Perception for the duration. |
| 4 | **Exploding Grenade** | Exploit | 60ft | Using an action, you choose a creature within range that is carrying a grenade. You cause the grenade to explode. The grenade has the normal effect. |
| 5 | **Hack Drone** | Exploit | 30ft/Special | Using an action, you choose a mech within range of CR1 or lower. The mech must succeed on an INT saving throw or become completely controlled by you. For Combat Drones, the mech rolls an INT save every round till it saves. While under your control, you may use your action on your turn to control the mech as if it’s body was your own, and it acts on your initiative. If you do not use your action to control it on a turn, the mech does nothing. |
| 6 | **Overcrowded HUD** | Exploit | 30ft/3 rounds | Using a bonus action, you choose a creature within range. The creature must succeed on a INT saving throw or their HUD becomes completely overcrowded with ads and pop-ups, rendering them blinded for 3 rounds. |
| 7 | **Ping Echo** | Exploit | 90ft | Using an action, you create three pings that you broadcast into a creature’s neural network. You can send all three to one creature, or target up to three different creatures within range that you can see. Each Ping deals 1d4+1 psychic damage. |
| 8 | **White Noise** | Exploit | 30ft/2 rounds | Choose up to 3 creatures within 30ft. of you. Targets must make an INT saving throw or gain the Deafened condition for 2 rounds. |
| 9 | **Tracking** | Exploit | 90ft/1hr | Using a bonus action, you choose a creature you can see within range and hack one device or augmentation to track it. Until the exploit ends you gain information about the creature’s vitals, deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack, and you always know its location. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this exploit ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn to track a new creature. |
##### Programs
| No. | Name |Type | Range/Duration | Effect |
| 1 | **Eraser** | Program | Network/Immediate |INT save. Reset 1d10 tracker |
| 2 | **See You** | Program | Network/Immediate |INT save. Reveals where Paydata is on the node/network|
| 3 | **Speedy G** | Program | Node/Immediate | INT save. Ignore effects of blank nodes. |
| 4 | **Shield** | Program | Node/Immediate | Reaction. Absorbs up to 7 WIS damage |
| 5 | **Hack Ice** | Program | Node/Immediate | Bonus action. Doubles damage of next attack. |
### Physical Adept
The mystical improvements listed below are taken from other Cyberpunk RPG systems - it is recommended Players and GMs together come up with their own suggestions to customize the Physical Adept in their game.
**Bodywork:** You use your magic to improve your body and its abilities. You focus your entire being into this work. You can spend your Magic Attributes on abilities nobody else can use. No talisman or other magical focus can increase these powers. See below for Physical Adept powers. Spend your Magic points wisely.
**Astral Projection:** You can leave your body and travel on the astral plane, and you can move and fight on it (same astral plane restrictions apply). **Cost: 2**
**Mystic Advantage:** This might be the reason why the masters of legend were able to do what they did. You choose a field of expertise from the table below and are granted permanent Advantage when making those checks.
| Skill Mastery | Cost |
| Athletics | 0.5 |
| Acrobatics | 0.5 |
| Melee Weapon Combat | 2 |
| Unarmed Combat | 2 |
| Stealth | 0.5 |
| Other | GM Discretion |
**Killing Hands:** The power to turn your limbs into deadly weapons. Choose a damage dice from the table below.
| Unarmed Damage Dice | Cost (Cumulative) |
| d6 | 0.5 |
| d8 | 1 |
| d10 | 2 |
| d12 | 4 |
**Deflect projectiles:** You can deflect and even catch slow-moving projectiles like arrows, thrown knives, throwing stars and the like. Roll DEX with Advantage to do so. This power can‘t be used against modern ammunition or energy based weapons. **Cost: 1**
**Pain Resistance:** You can disregard any Disadvantages due to injuries or pain. **Cost: 0.5**
**Mind over Matter:** You are the master of your body. Make all CON checks against poisons and diseases with an Advantage. **Cost: 0.5**
**Physical Sensory Improvement:** This is the magical equivalent to Cyberaudio and Cyberoptic systems. **Cost: 0.5 per improvement**
**Stasis:** You are able to slow down your metabolism so much that your need for physical nourishment (food and drinks) and air is reduced to almost nothing. **Cost: 1**
**Increased Healing:** You can roll your Hit Die more than once per day to heal up. **Cost: 1**
High Tech, Miserable Life
CyberKnave: HTML is for those cyber-affecionados who want a rules lite crack at the cyberpunk genre.
The rules have all been taken, inspired, copied and adapted from many cyberpunk (and other) game systems and the errors in use are the GMs own.
Go ahead, take this copy and make if your own. Feedback will be appreciated on Discord to #hishamt.
Cover Art: MidJourney AI
To compile this document, we have used the free tools available at [GM Binder](https://www.gmbinder.com)
##### More Credits
##### Direct Inspiration, Text and Tables:
Ben Milton, Knave 1 and 2e
Leo Hunt, Vaults of Vaarn
Bret Mack, HTML hack of Knave
David Black, The Black Hack
Norbert G. Matausch, Mirroshades
Unknown, Seattle hack
Stephen J. Grozicki, Lowlife 2090
Mike Evans, Barbarians of the Ruined Earth
Kevin Crawford, Cities Without Number
Robert Marriner-Dodds, Carbon 2185
Paul D. Gallagher, Augmented Reality
FASA/Catalyst Game Labs, Shadowrun
James Armstrong, GenePunk 2090
R. Talsorian Games, Cyberpunk Red
MODIPHIUS Entertainment, Conan 2d20
##### Contributors:
#### Playtesters:
**The Roll20 Group (17 Players)**
**The Lancaster Group (8 Players)**
**LURPS, Lancaster University RP Society**