Town of Hi-Qi

by Pakonab

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Created By: Pakonab

Town Summery

Welcome to HI-Qi, an old town facing vast change and tension as the fire nation accepts the war is over and the new Fire Lord Zuko. Located in the chain of fire nation islands, this town is a great place to explore issues of national pride, post colonial life, industry upheaval, and soldiers returning home.

This document provides prominent locations and NPC’s of Hi-Qi to use in this town or just take bits and pieces to drop into your own towns. There is also a list of hooks that players can use in character creation or the whole party can pick one to weave into your group's inciting incident.


The Shining Sword Inn

A weathered old building sits on the outskirts of town. The glow of hearth light can be seen from open windows and the low din of conversation emanates from within. In fading paint above the door is a sword with “The Shining Sword Inn '' scripted in chipping paint. Inside the walls are decorated with red helmets, chipped spears, and other leftovers of the veterans from the 100 Year War. There is a warm atmosphere that does not rise to excitement very often. This is the dive for veterans but welcomes all. Gossip and discussion can be heard from all around.

Triumphal Arch

At the entrance to the village is an ornate jade arch. The story of Yokiso Keohso’s struggle to free his people from Saowan control is shown from the ground up on both sides of the arch. At the very top is a sun with Yokiso Keohso standing triumphant in its light.

Monument of Fire Nation Officer

In the middle of the town square an obsidian statue cuts a striking figure of a Fire Nation officer. The figure is stepping up a bolder as their hand is encompassed in ruby fire in the motion of punching forward. At the base reads an inscription “Honoring our own officer Ruja Joro for their leadership in the raid of the Northern Air Temple.”

Seedy Market

At the break of dawn the sound of squeaking carts and the beating of blankets fills the street as the market wakes. Shouts praising wares begin to attract passing towns folk. Most carts are barely held together and the blankets are patched and stained. The market has seen brighter days. Most transactions taking place are trading goods. A wide range of fish and sea born goods with some amount of fruits, vegetables, and home made goods make up the merchandise. If you know the right stands and people you can find less than legal trade taking place.

Hikaza Facility

Up the mountain from the village dormant smoke stacks and buildings can be seen. The old Hikaza Military Development Facility sleeps after its decommission by Fire Lord Zuko after the war. When the facility was operational it employed a large percentage of the local population many of whom have yet to find new work. It is still used as a meeting ground for a number of former employees upset by its closure.

Flooded Tunnels

Running underground from the Hikaza Facility is a network of pipes leading out to the shore line in various locations. These mossy pipe networks were used to pump water to cool the facility but have laid dormant and partially flooded since its closure. Living in various portions of the pipe network is a small population of people who have made it home.

Old Shrine to Shiah

On the mountain side hidden in the forest lies the overgrown shrine to Shiah the spirit of the mountain. Once with a pristine view up to the mountain peak now only sees the Hikaza Facility. The ornate marble shrine that radiated at its height now is barely seen through vines and dirt. No one has maintained this since the dawn of the 100 year war.

Notable NPC’s

Meng Shou

Meng Shou runs The Shining Sword Tavern. He has a brash personality and wears an eye patch where he lost his eye in the war. There is a deep sorrow Meng carries for what he and the Fire Nation are responsible for. Meng strives to make a welcoming environment for other veterans and be there to help process and recover from what they did and faced in the service of the country. The new vision Fire Lord Zuko has for the Fire Nation is something Meng embraces. Occasionally Meng has to shut down disputes between proud boisterous veterans and those with more regret for what happened.

Drive: Help others process the war
Principle: Compasion 0 +1 +2
Condition: Angry, Guilty, Troubled
Fatigue: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Technique: Pinpoint Thrust

Urao Sereem

Urao Sereem has been fishing the waters of the coast from Hi-Qi longer than anyone else around. Despite the intrusion of steam powered fishing boats and other issues facing the town, Urao remains optimistic about the future. When interacting with him he has shifty eyes and if he is on land he is very uncomfortable.

Drive: Catch fish to sell to townsfolk
Principle: Optimism 0 +1
Condition: Angry, Guilty, Troubled
Fatigue: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Technique: Rapid Assessment

Yazi Zu

Yazi Zu is known as the town's jester. He has a contagious carefree way about him and parades around town with wild unkempt hair. As Yazi trumps about town he will stop and do goofy tricks for kids and out of towners for fun but is gracious if anyone tips him. The rest of his time is spent fishing outside various tunnel exits to feed himself and the other outcasts calling them home. As a result of Yazi’s good nature and frequency about town he stays up to date on all the rumors and happenings in Hi-Qi.

Drive: Bring joy to the people of Hi-Qi
Principle: Joy 0 +1 +2
Condition: Foolish, Insecure, Troubled
Fatigue: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Technique: Duck and Twist, Take Cover

Isuna Su

Isuna Su is a prominent figure in the community of former Hikaza Facility employees. She is an imposing figure to interact with that spits often and looks suspicious of everyone. She leads meetings with some of the other former employees at the Hikaza Facility. At these meetings they talk about how they are angry about losing their jobs, disgusted that so many have lost national pride, distaste in the new leadership of Fire Lord Zuko, and many topics similar to those.

Drive: Re open Hikaza Facility
Principle: Pride 0 +1 +2
Condition: Angery, Afraid, Troubled
Fatigue: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Technique: Entangler

Anusu Hei

Anusu Hei the mayor of Hi-QI. She is a tall woman with a commanding presence constantly smoking an ivory pipe. Anusu cares deeply for all the people she is responsible for and has great hopes for the town. The struggle between the Hi-Qi’s cultural roots and the post war changes that are taking place is something Anusu has to face every day.

Drive: Lead Hi-Qi to be a prosperous town
Principle: Lead 0 +1 +2
Condition: Angery, Insecure, Troubled
Fatigue: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Technique: Stand Strong

Rozo Zao

Rozo Zao is an older gentleman and the town constable. His right cheek has a vertical scar running down it and his left hand lacks a thumb from an old hunting accident. He became constable because he was unable to go into the military with his hand injury. Rozo takes his duty of looking after the people of Hi-Qi very seriously. The new direction of the fire nation is something Rozo is striving to embrace and understand. On the other hand he is also extremely sympathetic to the former factory employees who are often loitering or committing petty thefts. With the war coming to a close he has been able to take on two young lieutenants to teach and train.

Drive: Protect the people of Hi-Qi
Principle: Duty 0 +1 +2
Condition: Foolish, Insecure, Troubled
Fatigue: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Technique: Disarm, Feint

Sho Mee

Sho Mee runs a jewelry stand in the market of Hi-Qi. Sho is hard to miss with full body dragon tattoos. With a gilded tong it can be easy to get lost or end up where you don't expect in a conversation with them. Jewelry is not Sho’s main business though they traffic old artifacts through the fire nation. This is now a highly regulated trade and Sho is part of an organization doing so illegally, particularly specializing in artifacts taken from the Earth Kingdom.

Drive: Profit through artifact trade
Principle: Greed 0 +1 +2
Condition: Afraid, Insecure, Guilty
Fatigue: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Technique: Seek Vulnerabilities

Player or Party Hooks

Below is a table to help players or the Party with a reason why they are in or going to Hi-Qi. Players can we’ve one into their character's story or the whole group can use one as part of the inciting incident that brings them together. These are here to help get the creativity flowing so feel free to use and change to fit your group's needs.

D10 or just pick one

  • Searching for lost artifact
  • Have family in Hi-Qi
  • From Hi-Qi
  • Delivering message to someone in Hi-Qi
  • Investigating the closed Hikaza Military Development Facility
  • Investigating illegal artifact trade
  • Researching Hi-Qi history
  • Assist former employees of Hikaza Military Development Facility
  • Chasing someone suspected of being in Hi-Qi
  • A quiet retreat to Nature or Spirits

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