Demon Slayer V1.0

by peppo

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Demon Slayer

Kimetsu no Yaiba

A Demon Slayer Class for Dnd 5e

extremely unbalanced

Demon Slayer

The Demon Slayer Corps is as an organization dedicated to hunting and killing demons. Most members of the Demon Slayer Corps are combatants, known as Demon Slayers.

As the Demon Slayer Corps isn't officially recognized by the government, its members are forced to work in secrecy, which means that Demon Slayers cannot openly carry their swords in public. The majority of people are unaware of the existence of demons, and even if Demon Slayers were to reveal the truth about their job, they would be met with skepticism and disbelief from most individuals. Allowing Demon Slayers to openly wield swords would only incite chaos and confusion among the general population. By maintaining a low profile and avoid drawing unnecessary attention, they can carry out their duties covertly and effectively. Nevertheless, whispers of the Demon Slayers have permeated public consciousness, existing as mere folklore in the minds of some. However, when civilians encounter demons or witness a Demon Slayer engaging a demon firsthand, they come face-to-face with the reality of their existence and the truth behind the tales they've heard.

Without any support from the government or other sponsors, the Demon Slayer Corps relies solely on the resources provided by the Ubuyashiki family for its daily operations. The Ubuyashiki family's accumulated wealth, acquired through their unique gift of foresight,[6] plays a vital role in ensuring that the Demon Slayers have the necessary means and resources to fulfill their duties effectively.


The Demon Slayer Corps was founded approximately a thousand years ago during the Heian Era. This occurred after Muzan Kibutsuji, a distant relative of the current Ubuyashiki family, inadvertently became the very first demon. As a result, a curse befell the Ubuyashiki bloodline, causing subsequent generations to suffer from premature deaths. Seeking guidance, the Ubuyashiki family heeded the advice of a priest and established the Corps. They took on the responsibility of leading the battle against Muzan and his demons, believing that by eradicating demons from the world, they could break the curse that plagued their bloodline.

In the centuries that followed the establishment of the Corps, they achieved moderate success in eliminating some of the demons Muzan created, but no one was able to reach the Demon King himself. However, during the Sengoku era, the tides turned. A talented swordsman named Yoriichi Tsugikuni joined the Corps after his wife was slain by a demon. He imparted his knowledge of Total Concentration Breathing onto the Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. He also endeavored to teach them a Breathing Style known as Sun Breathing, but despite their efforts, none of them could match Yoriichi's level of mastery, so he modified the techniques to suit their individual strengths. These modifications formed the foundation of the first Breathing Styles, from which numerous other styles emerged as branches. The swordsmen of that era were already highly skilled, and when combined with the Breathing Styles, their power increased exponentially. Furthermore, distinct Marks began to appear on the bodies of these swordsmen, further enhancing their abilities. This era of Demon Slayers came to be known as the Golden Age, as they displayed incredible prowess in vanquishing demons with astonishing force and almost eradicated all demons.


Hashira is the highest rank which Demon Slayers can obtain in the Demon Slayer Corps. The Hashira are regarded as the most skilled and feared combatants in the entire organization, protecting humanity against more dangerous threats that cannot be handled by other Demon Slayers.

The Hashira, in accordance with their great strength, hold the highest authority in the organization, second only to the Corps leader, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, and later, Kiriya Ubuyashiki.

The Hashira are all assigned a specific region that they are required to patrol, usually to gather information about the demons inhabiting said area and to improve their swordsmanship. They are also deployed on missions only if lower-ranking members are unable to complete it.

Demon Slayer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Fighting Style, Enhanced Senses
2nd +2 Total Concentration Breathing, Breathing Style
3rd +2 Kasugai Crow
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
5th +3 Breathing Style Feature
6th +3 Trained Breathing
7th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
8th +3 Breathing Style Feature
9th +4 Extrasensory Perception
10th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
11th +4 Breathing Style Feature
12th +4 Total Concentration Breathing: Constant, Recovery Breathing
13th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
14th +5 Breathing Style Feature
15th +5 Slayer Mark
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
17th +6 Crimson Red Blade
18th +6 Transparent World
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
20th +6 Anata

Class Features

As a Demon Slayer, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Demon Slayer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 + Constituition modifier per Demon Slayer level after the 1st


  • Armor: Light and medium armor
  • Weapons: Shortswords, longswords, scimitars and darts
  • Tools: Navigator's tools

  • Saving Throws: Strength and one of the following of your choice: Dexterity, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Perception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a longsowrd or (b) a shortsword
  • (a) leather armor or (b) hide armor
  • (a) 20 darts or (b) a shortsword

Fighting Style

You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

  • Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
  • Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
  • Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
  • Mariner. As long as you are not wearing heavy armor or using a shield, you have a swimming speed and a climbing speed equal to your normal speed, and you gain a +1 bonus to armor class.

Enhanced Senses

At 1st level, you have acquired enhanced senses, either through training or other means. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks related to a sense of your choice: smell, hearing, or touch.

Total Concentration Breathing

Total Concentration Breathing is a breathing technique which involves expanding one's lungs to intake as much air as possible, accelerating one's blood flow and heartbeat while increasing their inner body temperature, resulting in their bones and muscles becoming more excited.

As an action, you may enter Total Concentration for a total time of 1 minute or until you lose concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell). To do this you must be able to freely breathe.

While in Total Concentration Breathing you may replace your attack action with one of your Breathing Techniques.

You may enter Total Concentration a number of times equal to your Constitution Modifier (minimum of 1), and regain all uses of this feature at the end of a long rest.

Breathing Style

Breathing Styles are swordsmanship styles that makes use of an esoteric breathing technique known as Total Concentration Breathing practiced and taught by members of the Demon Slayer Corps and are used in combat by Demon Slayers

At 2nd level, you choose a Breath Style. Choose between Water Breathing, Thunder Breathing, Beast Breathing, Serpent Breathing, Mist Breathing, Wind Breathing and Flame Breathing. All Breathing styles are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you Breathing Techniques at 2nd level and again at 5th, 8th, 11th, and 14th.

Kasugai Crow

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the service of a crow sent by the Demon Slayer Corps to watch over you. The crow assumes the form and game statistics of a raven, and it always obeys your commands, which you can give telepathically while it is within 100 feet of you.

While perched on your shoulder, the crow can’t be targeted by any attack or other harmful effect; it can’t take damage; and it is incapacitated.

The crow speaks and understands the same languages you do.

In combat, you roll initiative for the crow and control how it acts.

The crow doesn’t require sleep. While it is within 100 feet of you, it can awaken you from sleep as a bonus action.

The crow vanishes when it dies, if you die, or if the two of you are separated by more than 5 miles.

At the end of a short or long rest, you can call the crow back to you—no matter where it is or whether it died—and it reappears within 5 feet of you.

Abillity Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Martial Versatiliy (Optional)

Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can shift the focus of your martial practice, replacing a fighting style you know with another fighting style available to demon slayers.

Trained Breathing

Thanks to the effort and training for full concentration breathing your lungs are now stronger than ever. Beggining at 6th level you can maintain your Total Concentration Breathing for up to 1h at a time, and during this time you have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.

You also can hold your breath for twice as much time as you could previously.

Extrassensory Perception

Extrasensory Perception grants the user a "sixth sense" which enables them to sense the paranormal or supernatural. Most Demon Slayers, are able to sense the presence of demons from an extreme distance.

As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such presences. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any undead, fiend or monstrosity within 60 feet of you. You know the type of any being whose presence you sense, but, unless you have met this creature before, not its identity. Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been fiddled with by such creatures.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.

Total Concentration Breathing: Constant

Total Concentration: Constant is a Total Concentration Breathing state during the morning, noon, and night, and even while asleep that advanced Demon Slayers, can constantly maintain. There is an immense difference in strength, speed, and stamina between someone who can maintain Total Concentration Breathing at all times and someone who cannot. By doing it every minute of the day, one's physical fitness drastically improves.

At 12th level you can maintain your Total Breathing Concentration for an indefinite amount of time. You also receive advantage for maintaining your Total Concentration.

Recovery Breathing

At a more advanced level, Total Concentration Breathing is also capable of slowing down the circulation of poison in the bloodstream and even clotting wounds from severe injuries. By focusing on every inch of the body and raising the accuracy of one's Breathing, one can spread their sensitivity throughout one's body and detect and even heal hidden internal wounds they may have.

At 12th level while you are concentrating in your Total Concentration Breathing and below half of your hit point maximum, you can as a bonus action, recover 1 + your Constitution Modifier of hit points or end an effect on yourself that is causing you to be poisoned.

Slayer Mark

Demon Slayer Marks are irregularities on the skin that resembles a birthmark and which commonly appears on the face or another visible location of the body of Demon Slayers that resemble the crests of demons. Each Demon Slayer possesses a unique pattern to their Mark which appear to be based on the Breathing Style they utilize. The Mark can only be awakened under very specific conditions and grant special abilities while also enhancing pre-existing traits of the bearer. Once awakened, the Mark can disappear after a period of time along with its effects, though it can be re-activated by meeting the same conditions.

Starting at the 15th level, your Slayer Mark manifests itself on your body after the following conditions are met:

  • Your current hit points needs to be below one third (rounded down) of your hit point maximum
  • You must not be affected by any harmful conditions
  • You must be in the middle of combat
  • You must be concentrating on Total Concentration Breathing

You can choose the color, shape and placement of your mark on your body. While your mark is manifested you recieve the two following benefits:

  • You may use two different Breathing Techniques in a single attack action.
  • You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.

When you exit your marked state you must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw of DC20 or become paralyzed until the end of your next turn.

Crimson Red Blade

Normally, a demon slayer’s swords come into virtually any color dependent on the material and their Breathing Style. However, there is one color that cannot be normally accessed: a shining bright red. Unlike other colors, a bright red sword has special properties and can only be accessed by Demon Slayers who have awakened the Demon Slayer Mark. Moreover, any sword can become bright red regardless of the blade's original nature. However, the blade can only stay bright red for a certain amount of time before returning to normal. The bright red hue that envelops the blade is achieved through deliberate actions intended to raise the blade's temperature, fueling the conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy.

Beginning at the 17th level, while in your marked state, you may use your action to turn any non-magical melee weapon you are wielding into a Crimson Red Blade. While the weapon is a Crimson Red Blade it receives the following traits:

  • It becomes a +3 weapon of any type it were previously
  • Any breathing techniques made using this weapon now deal radiant damage.
  • A creature hit by an attack made by this blade reduces it’s hit point maximum by the amount of damage it received on the attack. If a creatures hit point maximum is reduced to 0 by this weapon, it is disintegrated and can only be revived by nothing short of a Wish Spell.

The weapon stays as a Crimson Red Blade for 1min, until your marked state ends or if you let go of the weapon. The weapon is destroyed when its Crimson Red state ends.

Transparent World

Demon Slayers that have awakened the Mark can utilize a special form of ocular extrasensory perception that alters their vision, allowing them to perceive other living beings as if they were transparent, only being able to see the inner workings of their bodies.

Beginning at the 18th level, you may as a bonus action enter the Transparent World for 1min. While on the transparent world you can determine how physically well a creature is, thus allowing you to know how many hit points a creature has remaining. You also receive advantage to all checks made to understand a creatures nature, mannerisms, feelings and thoughts.

You may use this a number of times equal to you Wisdom Modifier (minimum of 1), and regain all uses of this feature at the end of a long rest.


The Anata is an esoteric and mysterious state of being in which one completely erases their presence, will to fight, bloodlust, anger, hatred, malevolence, drive and animosity. Once in this state, the user's behavior becomes incredibly tranquil and focused, often being compared to that of a plant. Although it does not enhance one's own combat prowess, it is implied to be regarded as the highest state of physical combat one can achieve.

At the 20th level, when you begin your Total Concentration Breathing you can choose to instead enter a state of Anata. While in your Anata state you receive all benefits related to your Total Concentration Breathing but it does not require concentration. Additionally, for all effects considered by you as harmful, you are considered an object and you can’t be detected or seen by any special senses (such as Darkvision, Truesight and Tremor Sense)

While in your Anata state you can’t speak nor understand any spoken languages, you immediately fail any Intelligence saving throws and immediately succeed any Wisdom Saving throws.

You may end the Anata state at any moment by using a bonus action. You can use this feature only once per long rest.

Breathing Styles

All known Breathing Styles currently taught within the Demon Slayer Corps are derived from Sun Breathing, the first one ever created. The majority of known Breathing Styles mimic a certain element of nature and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.

New Breathing Styles are always being created to suit a Demon Slayer's combat needs, which results in new weapons being utilized in demon hunting. Such Breathing Styles embody a bigger variety of concepts, like animals, plants and emotions. When utilizing a Breathing Style, users automatically visualize themselves manipulating the subject behind their style, making it seem as if they were using magic, though those that are less apt and proficient in their style will visualize less of it than one who is.

Water Breathing

Water Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics water, specifically the flow, flexibility and adaptability of the liquid and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques involve the user bending their body, arm and weapon in a fluid motion to match the movements of rushing or flowing water. Users also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating water when unleashing its techniques.

1st, 2nd and 9th forms:

2nd level Water Breathing techniques

  • Water Surface Slash The user crosses their arms and generates enough momentum to release a singular, concentrated, horizontal slash. Make an attack with a melee weapon at a creature within the weapons range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage. This damage increases by 1d6 in the 5th, 8th and 11th level. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d8 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Water Wheel The user leaps forward into the air and performs a front flip, releasing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion. You run up to 10ft straight into any direction of your choosing and jump high into the air (the maximum height of this jump equals to 5 + your Dexterity Modifier). While in mid-air you may make one attack with a melee weapon at a creature or object within range. On a successful hit, you deal an extra 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier of slashing damage. The maximum height of the jump increases by 5ft at 5th, 8th, and 11th level. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d8 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent The user changes their footwork in a way that minimizes the landing time and surface needed when landing, allowing the user to move without limits. Ideal when fighting in a place with no solid foothold. Your movement speed increases by 10ft until the end of your next turn. At 5th level, your speed increases by 10ft and you become unaffected by difficult terrain. At 8th level, your speed increases by 10ft and your movement do not provoke opportunity attacks. At 11th level, your speed increases by 10ft and you ignore any effect that would impede your movement in any way.

3rd, 4th and 5th forms:

5th level Water Breathing techniques

  • Flowing Dance The user swings and bends their blade in a winding motion along with their body and dances in a flowing pattern, slicing everything in its path. You freely walk up to 20ft. You may target one attack at two different creatures that enter the range of this weapon while you are moving through this skill. The amount of creatures that can be targeted increases to three at the 11th level. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Striking Tide The user performs a multitude of motions in a flowing fashion to release multiple consecutive slashes. Make two attacks with a melee weapon at a creature within the weapons range. The amount of attacks increases to three at the 11th level. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Blessed Rain After the Drought The user changes the grip on their sword and decapitates the opponent in a single flowing strike that causes little to no pain. It is a “sword strike of kindness” used when the enemy willingly surrenders. You make a melee weapon attack against a creature within the weapons range, this attack only hits if the targeted creature willingly accepts to take it. This attack is an automatic critical hit and deals double the damage it normally would, as if the targeted creature is vulnerable to it. When you attack a creature that has at least one head, you cut off one of the creature's heads. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.

6th, 7th and 8th forms

8th level Water Breathing techniques

  • Whirlpool The user twists their body, using their blade to perform a fierce whirling motion which generates a whirlpool of air to shred apart anything caught within its current like a giant sharp blade. Make a melee weapon attack against every creature in a 5ft radius around you. All creatures hit by one of these attacks fall prone on the ground. The radius increases by 5ft at 14th and 20th level. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Drop Ripple Thrust The user performs a precise, fast and accurate thrust with their blade. Make a melee weapon attack against every creature in a 5ft wide 10ft line in any direction originated from you. These weapon attacks scores a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. The length of the line increases by 5ft at 14th and 20th level. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 piercing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Waterfall Basin The user cuts the target vertically in a flowing motion which is most effective when they are falling downward. While falling from a height greater than 10ft, make a melee weapon attack directed at a creature within range of the weapon directly below you. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 3d10 slashing damage and you ignore half of the total fall damage you would have taken from falling. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d12 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.

10th form

11th level Water Breathing technique

  • Constant Flux The user charges toward the target whilst performing a continuous flowing attack with their blade which increases in strength and speed over time using momentum. You run up to 10 ft and make a melee weapon attack against a creature in the weapons range. You can repeat this process until you miss. Every consecutive hit deals an additional 1d10 damage. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d12 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.

11th form

14th level Water Breathing technique

At 14th level you learn the final and most potent defensive technique of the Water Style. This unique technique differs from the all others for being a response to an enemy attack, as such you use it as a reaction to an incoming ranged spell, effect or attack while in your Total Concentration Breathing.

  • Dead Calm The user ceases all body movements and enters a state of complete tranquility, deflecting, blocking and cutting any incoming attacks with imperceptible speed with their blade. However, its effectiveness is limited as fast and numerous attacks can break through. As a reaction, any spell, effect or attack that targets you and originates from a point more than 10ft away from you, immediately fails. If the effect would target other creatures in addition to you, they are unaffected as well.

Thunder Breathing

Thunder Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics lightning, specifically swift strikes and movements akin to lightning ripping through the sky, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms involve utilizing blinding speeds and immensely fast attacks to overwhelm the enemy in an instant. Users of Thunder Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating lightning and electricity when unleashing its techniques.

1st form

2nd level Thunder Breathing technique

  • Thunderclap and Flash The user unsheathes their katana, dashes forward at blinding speeds and decapitates their opponent faster than they can react, before sheathing it back. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu and its movements are described to be akin to "lightning ripping through the air. You run in a straight line for up to your maximum movement speed and make a melee weapon attack against a creature within the weapons range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 1d8 slashing damage. This damage increases by 1d8 at 5th, 8th, 11th and 14th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d10 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.

Thunderclap Flash Mastery

At 5th level you can choose to instead of continuing your learning of all other forms of Thunder Breathing, focus your training in honing your mastery of only the first form. From 5th level onwards, you substitute all Main forms for the Mastery choice and you receive all Mastery benefits.

2nd form

5th level Thunder Breathing technique

  • Rice Spirit (Main) The user unsheathes their blade and performs multiple arching horizontal slashes at blinding speeds in quick succession. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu. Make one melee weapon attack against a creature within range. On a successful hit, you treat the attack as if it were two separate attacks, rolling the damage die and adding all damage bonuses twice. The amount of times you multiply the bonus and damage die in this technique becomes 3 at 11th level. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Thunderclap Flash, Manyfold (Mastery) An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash many times in quick succession while slightly augmenting the power and speed of his dashes. On a successful hit of Thunderclap Flash you are able to repeat the entire process of the Breathing Technique once more, this time targeting a different creature. The amount of times you are able to repeat the process increases by one at 8th, 11th and 14th levels.

Lightning Speed (Mastery)

At 5th level you learn to focus on channeling strength into the your legs, maximizing the output of every single muscle and blood vessel in them. While in your Total Concentration Breathing, your movement speed increases by 5ft. This increase happens again at 8th, 11th and 14th level.

3rd and 4th forms

8th level Thunder Breathing techniques

  • Distant Thunder (Main) The user unleashes multiple circular slashes, surrounding themselves in a flurry of lightning fast strikes with enough speed to cause vibrations in the air that mimic the sound of a distant thunder. Make one melee weapon attack against each creature within the weapons range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 1d6 thunder damage and the target becomes deafened until the end of your next turn. This damage increases by 1d6 in the 11th and 14th level. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d8 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Thunder Swarm (Main) The user surrounds the enemy with waves of lighting fast slashes, attacking them from all directions, hindering their senses and movement. Make one melee weapon attack against a creature within range. On a successful hit, the target movement speed is reduced by 10ft and it cannot take any reactions until the end of your next turn.
  • Thunderclap Flash, Prime (Mastery) The user performs Thunderclap and Flash with such strength that they crack and uproot the ground beneath them, tearing everything that tries to arrest their momentum. Your movement in Thunderclap Flash is no longer affected by difficult terrain.

Thunderous Strikes (Mastery)

At 8th level, you gain the ability to strike at speeds so high your attacks unleashes a thunderous sound that resemble a raging storm. While on your Total Concentration Breathing, once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 thunder damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

5th and 6th forms

11th level Thunder Breathing techniques

  • Heat Lightning (Main) The user vibrates their sword at ridiculous speeds using nothing but their grip strength and in a quick motion thrusts their blade directly upwards, dashing high into the air, mimicking a lightning bolt striking the earth. Jump directly upwards an amount of feet equal to your maximum movement speed or until you reach an occupied space, then make a melee weapon attack against a creature within the weapons range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 3d10 piercing damage and the target of this attack becomes stunned until the end of your turn. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d12 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Rumble and Flash (Main) The user makes multiple multi-directional dashes, slashing all creatures he comes in contact with, before returning to his original position, at speeds so high it seems as if he barely moved. Make one attack at each creature you can see of your choosing in a 15ft cube originated from you. On a successful hit you deal an additional 1d8 thunder damage. Choose any unoccupied space you can see within this cube to teleport towards. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d10 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Godspeed (Mastery) The user performs Thunderclap and Flash while greatly augmenting the speed of the technique, reaching velocities imperceptible to the eye. When you use Thunderclap and Flash, you fly instead of run.

Lightning Step (Mastery)

At 11th level, your speed has reached heights so high enemies can’t keep up with you. While in your Total Concentration Breathing, you no longer cause opportunity attacks.

Secret Art: 7th form

14th level Thunder Breathing technique

  • Flaming Thunder God The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and unleashes a singular forward slash at a low stance, the velocity of the attack so high it resembles an Ancient Dragon flying through the sky, burning everything in it’s path. You teleport yourself to an unoccupied space you can see within 100ft. Immediately after you disappear, a thunderous boom sounds, and each creature within 10 feet of a straight line connecting you to the space you left, take 3d8 thunder damage and is pushed outwards the line until the creature is outside this area. You then make a melee weapon attack against a target within the weapon’s range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 8d10 slashing damage. If the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity, it also becomes blinded until the end of its next turn. The rebound you suffer from this technique is so great you become stunned until the start of your next turn.

Beast Breathing

Beast Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics beasts/wild animals, specifically their unpredictable, ferocious and wild nature, including movements, attacks and senses, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms are simple, straight-forward yet wild, unpredictable and animalistic movements and attacks, although one of them utilizes the powerful sense of touch to replicate an animal's primal senses. Users of Beast Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly manifesting the fangs and claw slashes of a wild animal when unleashing its techniques.


To use this breathing you must be dual-wielding light weapons as all breathing techniques of Beast Breathing uses or have a follow-up effect that uses your off-hand weapon.

1st and 2nd fangs

2nd level Beast Breathing techniques

  • Pierce The user stabs the target's neck with both blades, mimicking the pounce of a wild beast. Make one melee weapon attack using you main hand weapon against a creature within the weapon’s range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 1d4 piercing damage and you can as a bonus action use the follow-up to this technique. This damage increases by 1d4 at 5th and 11th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d6 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. Follow-up: Make a melee weapon attack using your off-hand weapon against the same target. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 1d4 piercing damage. This damage increases by 1d4 at 8th and 14th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d6 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Slice The user unleashes a double slash with two blades in an X-shaped cut. Make one melee weapon attack using your main hand weapon against a creature within the weapon’s range. On a succesful hit, you can as a bonus action use the follow-up to this technique. Follow-up: Make a melee weapon attack using your off-hand weapon against the same target. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 2d6 slashing damage. This damage increases by 1d6 at 5th, 8th, 11th and 14th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d8 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.

3rd and 4th fangs

5th level Beast Breathing techniques

  • Devour The user releases simultaneous horizontal slashes towards the target's throat to decapitate them, mimicking the jaws of a wild beast. Make one melee weapon attack using your main hand weapon against a creature within the weapon’s range. On a successful hit, you deal 1d6 additional damage and can as a bonus action use the follow-up to this technique. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d8 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. Follow-up: Make a melee weapon attack using your off-hand weapon against the same target. On a successful hit, the target have disadvantage on all attack rolls it makes against any target besides you before the end of its next turn.
  • Slice’n Dice The user delivers multiple diagonal double slashes with both swords. Make two melee weapon attacks at disadvantage using your main hand weapon against a creature within the weapon’s range. For every successful hit of this technique, you may use the follow-up once as part of this action, alternating between attacks. The amount of attacks increases by one at 11th and 20th level. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. Follow-up: Make a melee weapon attack at advantage using your off-hand weapon against the same target.

5th and 6th fangs

8th level Beast Breathing techniques

  • Crazy Cutting The user slices everything in all directions, uncaring about what it cuts. Make one melee weapon attack at disadvantage using your main hand weapon and another one using your off hand weapon against every creature within a 10ft radius around you. On two successful hits against the same target you can as a bonus action use the follow up to this technique. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. Follow-up: Repeat the entire process.
  • Palisade Bite The user releases simultaneous slashes with two swords from both directions in a saw-like movement. Make one melee weapon attack using your main hand weapon against a target within the weapon’s range and another one using your off-hand weapon at the same target. If both attacks hit, you may as a bonus action use the follow-up to this technique. Follow-up: The target becomes grappled by you, as your blades sink deeper into their flesh. While grappled by you in this way, at the beginning of their turn they take 3d6 necrotic damage. They make all checks to release themselves from this grapple at disadvantage.

7th and 8th fangs

11th level Beast Breathing techniques

  • Spatial Awareness The user utilizes their sense of touch to identify the position of enemies and their weaknesses by feeling small disturbances in the air. You receive True Sight out to a range of 120ft until the end of your turn. As a bonus action you can use the follow-up to this technique Follow-up: You focus your mind into understanding a single creature. You learn all Resistances and Vulnerabilities of a creature you can see.
  • Explosive Rush The user charges towards their opponent at blinding speeds, ignoring all incoming attacks. Your movement speed is doubled and all attack rolls against at you have advantage until the end of your next turn. As a bonus action you can use the follow-up to this technique Follow-up: All melee weapon attacks you make until the end of your next turn score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

9th, 10th and 11th fangs

14th level Beast Breathing techniques

  • Extending Bendy Slash The user dislocates the joints of their arm to increase the range of their attack, and then unleashing a fast swinging forward strike. Make a melee weapon attack with your main hand weapon, this attack is made at advantage and it has an increased 5ft range. On a successful hit you deal 3d6 additional slashing damage and as a bonus action you can use the follow-up to this technique. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d8 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. Follow-up: Your muscles relax and you become able to extend limbs and partially move your organs in unnatural ways, evading attacks and strikes that would be fatal. Until the end of your next turn, if any sort of damage would drop you to 0 hit points, you drop to 1 instead.
  • Whirling Fangs The user rapidly spins their swords in a circular motion, deflecting enemy attacks such as projectiles. Until the end of your next turn you can add your proficiency modifier to your AC. If a melee attack that would normally hit you don't because of this technique, you can as a reaction use the follow up to this technique. Follow-up: Make one melee weapon attack with your main-hand weapon and another one with your off-hand weapon against the creature that attacked you. You lose the bonus to your AC granted by this technique.
  • Sudden Throwing Strike The user throws both of their blades in a spinning motion at an enemy. Make one ranged weapon attack at disadvantage using your main-hand weapon and another one with your off-hand weapon against a target you can see within 60ft of you. If any one of this attacks misses, the respective weapon lands at the closest grounded location of the target. On a successful hit, you deal 4d10 additional slashing damage and the respective weapon sticks to the target, sinking into their flesh. If both attacks hit the same target the follow-up to this technique is automatically used. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d12 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. Follow-up: Until the target uses an action to dislodge both blades from his body, his movement speed is reduced by half, all attacks it makes are at disadvantage and it takes 3d6 necrotic damage at the beginning of his turn.

Serpent Breathing

Serpent Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics serpents/snakes, specifically their slithering motions, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms focuses on twisting and bending the sword like how a serpent slithers, the attacks are not direct and constantly meander which can ultimately strike anywhere. Users of Serpent Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly manifesting white serpents that accompany them when unleashing its techniques.


To use the techniques related to this breathing you must be wielding a kris-blade weapon, as the unnatural ways you bend and move your blade can only be possible while using such a wavy weapon.

Bonus Proficiency

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with the kris-blade weapon and the Intimidation (Charisma) skill.

Properties: versatile (1d6), special
Damage: 1d4 slashing damage

Special: The shape of this blade leaves a large, bleeding wound. On a hit, a creature takes an additional 1d4 piercing damage at the start of it's next turn.

Snake Companion

At 2nd level, you gain the friendship and trust of a special snake, that will serve and accompany you wherever you go. This snake uses the stat block of a “poisonous snake” except for the fact that it shares yours Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma stats.

Your snake acts independently of you, but it always obeys your commands, which you can give telepathically while it is within 100 feet of you. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. If it is slain by a creature, you gain advantage on all attack rolls against the killer for the next 24 hours.

While the snake is coiled around your neck, you gain blindsight with a range of 30 feet, you also receive other benefits as you level up and all your breathing techniques gain a bonus effect. While coiled around your neck, the snake can’t be targeted by any attack or other harmful effect; only you can cast spells on it; it can’t take damage; and it is incapacitated.

The snake understands all languages you do, but cannot speak nor read. While within 100ft of you, the snake can relay any information it knows to you telepathically. You always know it’s location and it always knows yours, even while in different Planes of Existence.

When it dies it leaves it’s body behind on their place of death, this body cannot be destroyed by any means. After 24h of its death the snake comes back to life and it will do everything in its power to return to you.

1st form

2nd level Serpent Breathing Technique

  • Winding Serpent Slash The user moves like a slithering snake and releases several slashes in a winding pattern. Make a melee weapon attack against a target within your weapons range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 1d4 slashing damage. The amount of attacks you make increase by 1 at 5th and 11th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d6 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. If your snake is coiled around your neck, you can add your Wisdom Modifier to all damage rolls you make during this technique.

2nd form

5th level Serpent Breathing Technique

  • Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head The user dashes behind their opponent at blinding speed and aims to swiftly slice off their head. You freely move up to 20ft and make a melee weapon attack at advantage against a target within your weapons range. On a successful hit, you deal 2d4 additional slashing damage. This damage increases by 2d4 at 8th and 11th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d6 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. If your snake is coiled around your neck, you can add your Wisdom Modifier to the attack roll you make during this technique.

Serpent Tongue

Starting at 5th level, while your snake is coiled around your neck, you gain advantage on all Intimidation (Charisma) checks.

3rd form

8th level Serpent Breathing Technique

  • Coil Choke The user circles around their opponent while using their sword to slice them from all directions. When in the melee range of a creature, move up to 10ft without exiting its range and without returning to a place you have been before. For every 5ft of movement you make, the creature can make one melee attack against you and you can make one melee weapon attack against that creature. If the creature successfully hits you, your movement becomes 0ft until the end of your next turn, ending this technique. If you successfully hit the creature you deal 2d4 additional slashing damage and reduce all the creature speeds by 10ft until the end of your next turn. The amount of feet you can move during this technique and reduce from the targeted creature increases by 5ft at 11th and 14th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d6 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. If your snake is coiled around your neck, all attacks the creature makes against you during this technique are at disadvantage and all attacks you make against the creature during this technique are at advantage.

4th form

11th level Serpent Breathing Technique

  • Twin-Headed Reptile The user leaps forward and performs two horizontal slash that slices through the target. You move up to 10 ft and make two melee weapon attacks against a creature within the weapons range. Both attacks always hit their target. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. While your snake is coiled in your neck, both attacks made by this technique roll the maximum damage roll possible for the weapon.

Slithering Strike

At 11th level, while your snake is coiled around your neck, all your melee weapon attacks have 5ft increased range and ignore up to ¾ cover.

5th form

14th level Serpent Breathing Technique

  • Slithering Serpent The user curves their sword in multiple directions and slices their opponent, making it capable of decapitating multiple enemies at once. You freely move up to your movement speed. You may target one attack at three different creatures that enter the range of this weapon while you are moving through this skill. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity. While your snake is coiled in your neck, all creatures targeted by this technique have disadvantage at all attack rolls they make against you until the end of your next turn.

Mist Breathing

Mist Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics mist, specifically the obscurity of mist, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms involve obscure movements and attacks that disorientate and confuse the target, similar to how a thick layer of mist obscures one's vision. Users of Mist Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating mist when unleashing its techniques.


To use the techniques related to this breathing you must be using light weapons and armor, as the obscure and disorienting way you move can only be achieved by using these sort of equipment.

1st form

2nd level Mist Breathing technique

  • Low Clouds, Distant Haze: The user performs a singular and powerful frontal thrust, barely moving his body from its original position, surprising the target with the sudden attack. Make one melee weapon attack against a creature within the weapons range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 1d6 piercing damage and the target cannot take any reactions against you until the beginning of your next turn. This damage increases by 1d6 in the 5th, 8th and 11th level. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d8 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.

Uncanny Dodge

Starting at 2nd level, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.

2nd and 3rd forms

5th level Mist Breathing technique

  • Eight-Layered Mist: The user performs multiple suface slashes in quick succession, mimicking the passing of a cold, heavily-obscured mist. Make two melee weapon attacks against a target within the weapons range. Each attack is non-lethal and only deals the weapons dice damage, without any bonuses. The amount of attacks you make in this technique increase by 2 at 8th, 11th and 14th levels.
  • Scattering Mist Splash: The user performs a powerful and swift circular slash that can blow away incoming projectiles. Make a melee weapon attack against a target within the weapons range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 1d4 slashing damage. All ranged attacks targeted at you until the end of your next turn are made at disadvantage. This damage increases by 1d4 in the 8th and 14th level. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d6 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.

4th form

8th level Mist Breathing Technique

  • Shifting Flow Slash: The user takes a low stance before dashing toward the target and slashing them, slightly shifting both their trajectory and the position of their blade to confuse the target. You move in a straight line for up to 20ft and make a melee weapon attack at advantage against a creature within the weapons range. This movement does not provoke any attacks of opportunity and ignores all effects that would say otherwise. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 2d4 slashing damage. This damage increases by 1d4 in the 11th and 14th level. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d6 if the target is an undead, fiend or mostrosity.


Beginning at 8th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or an Ice Storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

5th and 6th forms

11th level Mist Breathing technique

  • Sea of Clouds and Haze: The user charges at their target at blistering speeds while performing dozens of slashes in front and/or around them. Choose a creature you can see within 20ft of you. You run in a straight line towards it or until you cannot move anymore for any reason. Make a melee weapon attack at disadvantage against every creature that enters your weapons range during that movement and one without disadvantage at the original target if it reaches your range. On every successful hit, you may add 1d4 to either the damage or attack roll against the original target. The damage added is slashing damage. The die used in this technique becomes a d6 if the target is an undead, fiend or mostrosity.
  • Lunar Dispersing Mist: The user performs a multitude of slashes in a somersaulting motion, decimating dozens of targets at once. Make one melee weapon attack against every creature within your weapons range. All melee attacks targeted against you are made at disadvantage until the end of your next turn.

7th form:

14th level Mist Breathing technique

  • Obscuring Clouds: A movement-based technique designed to heavily disorientate the target, which is done so by fluctuating the user's tempo. When the user appears before the target, they move incredibly slow, but then accelerate to blistering speeds before getting hit, making it seem like they disappeared into a cloud of mist. Until the start of your next turn, only attacks that score a critical-hit can hit you and you make all saving throws at advantage.


Beginning at 14th level, you are so evasive that attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. No attack roll, caused by an attacker you can see, has advantage against you while you aren't incapacitated.

Wind Breathing

Wind Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics wind, specifically powerful torrents of air and whirlwinds, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms involve purely offensive attacks, most of which utilizing rotating movements to generate swift whirlwind-like slashes that greatly increase the wielder's striking range or utilizing the air around them to deliver sharp sickle-shaped attacks. Users of Wind Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating wind when unleashing its techniques.

1st form

2nd level Wind Breathing technique

  • Dust Whirlwind Cutter: The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and slashes continuously in a horizontal cyclone pattern, creating a typhoon that surrounds them and pushes enemies away. Run up to half your movement speed in a straight-line. Each creature within 5ft of a straight line connecting you to the space you left are pushed 10ft away from it. You then make a melee weapon attack against a target within the weapon’s range. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 1d8 slashing damage. This damage increases by 1d8 in the 5th, 8th and 11th level. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d10 if the target is an undead, fiend or mostrosity.

Slow Fall

Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your demon slayer level.

2nd and 3rd forms

5th level Wind Breathing technique

  • Claws Purifying-Wind: The user lifts the sword upwards towards the right, above their head and unleashes multiple vertical slashes at once down on the enemy, resembling claws. Make two melee weapon attacks against a creature within your weapons range. On a successful hit, you can choose to push the target 5ft away from you and then move the same amount of feet towards him. The amount of attacks increases by one at 11th and 20th level. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Clean Storm Wind Tree: The user unleashes a whirlwind of slashes around their body that can defend them from incoming attacks and slice up their surroundings. Make one melee weapon attack against every creature within the weapons range. On each successful hit, you deal an additional 1d8 slashing damage and you can push the target of the attack 10ft away from you. This damage increases by 1d8 in the 8th and 14th level. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d10 if the target is an undead, fiend or mostrosity.

4th and 5th forms

8th level Wind Breathing techniques

  • Rising Dust Storm: The user releases several slashes above them from below their target. Make two melee weapon attacks against a target within your weapons range. For each successful hit, after you have done all possible attacks, you can choose to throw the target 10ft upwards, directly into the air. If the target cannot move upwards, you instead treat as if he has fallen from a height equal to the movement he would have done The amount of attacks increases to three at 11th level. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Cold Mountain Wind: The user creates several circular arched slashes that increase in size from above their target. Make two melee weapon attacks against a target within your weapons range. For each successful hit, after you have done all possible attacks, you can choose to push the target 10ft directly downwards. If the target cannot move downwards, you instead treat as if he has fallen from a height equal to the movement he would have done. The amount of attacks increases to three at 11th level. All attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.

6th and 7th forms

11th level Wind Breathing techniques

  • Black Wind Mountain Mist: The user rotates their body in an uppercut movement, creating an arcing slash, that pulls creatures towards it. Make one melee weapon attack against a target within the weapons range. All creatures within 15ft of the target are pulled 10ft towards him. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 3d8 slashing damage and all creatures within 5ft of the target take 1d8 slashing damage, except for you. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d10 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Gale, Sudden Gusts: The user leaps into the air while swinging their blade which generates gale-force winds to shred their opponent apart. Jump 5ft upwards, then make one melee weapon attack against every creature within a 15ft cone originated from you. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 3d8 slashing damage and pull the target 5ft towards you. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d10 if the target is an undead, fiend or mostrosity.

8th and 9th forms

14th level Wind Breathing techniques

  • Primary Gale Slash: The user dashes into the air and swings their blade which generates circular torrents of wind that slices up the opponent instantly. Move up to half your maximum movement speed in a straight line, then make one melee weapon attack against a creature within the weapons range. On a successful hit, you deal 3d8 additional slashing damage and all creatures in a 15ft radius of the target, besides you, are pushed 10ft away from it. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d10 if the target is an undead, fiend or mostrosity.
  • Idaten Typhoon: The user backflips into the air and while upside-down, unleashes a powerful gust of circular wind that slashes apart anything below. Jump up to 20ft directly upwards, then make one melee weapon attack against each creature within a 20ft cone pointed directly downwards, that originates from you. On a successful hit, you deal an additional 3d8 slashing damage and the target is pulled in a straight line toward the center of the sphere, ending in an unoccupied space as close to the center as possible (even if that space is in the air). If a target collides with another as part of the movement it made during this technique, both take 2d8 additional bludgeoning damage. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d10 if the target is an undead, fiend or mostrosity.

Flame Breathing

Flame Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics flames and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms involve extremely powerful singular strikes which 'burn' their opponents, with most attacks being initiated from a high stance. Users of Flame Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating fire when unleashing its techniques. Due to the passing of time and of the last user of this breathing, some forms have been lost, never to be remembered again. Although, the sheer impact and influence it’s last user shared with his philosophy in battle, affected the way one teaches this style of fighting, from a mainly offensive technique to a supportive and defensive one, that focuses on enhancing and defending others.

1st form

2nd level Flame Breathing techniques

  • Unknowing Fire: The user dashes towards the target at tremendous speeds, before unleashing a singular horizontal slash directed at the targets neck for a decapitation. Run up to half your movement speed, this movement does not provoke any attacks of opportunity, then make one melee weapon attack within the weapons range. On a successful hit, the target takes 1d10 slashing damage at the beginning of its next turn. This damage increases by 1d10 at 5th, 8th, 11th and 14th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d12 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.


At 2nd level, when a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.

2nd and 3rd forms

5th level Flame Breathing techniques

  • Rising Scorching Sun: The user unleashes an arcing vertical slash in an upwards motion brought up from a tail guard, mimicking a rising sun on the horizon. Make one melee weapon attack against a target within your weapons range. On a successful hit, the target takes 1d10 slashing damage at the beginning of his next turn and has disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next turn. This damage increases by 1d10 at 8th and 11th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d12 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.
  • Blazing Universe: The user performs an arcing downwards vertical slash brought down from a high guard, mimicking a setting sun on the horizon. Make one melee weapon attack against a target within your weapons range. On a successful hit, the target takes 1d10 slashing damage at the beginning of his next turn, any attack roll against this creature has advantage if the attacker can see it, and it can’t benefit from being invisible until the beginning of your next turn. This damage increases by 1d10 at 8th and 11th levels. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d12 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.

4th form

8th level Flame Breathing technique

  • Blooming Flame Ondulation: The user performs a singular slash or multiple if needed, in a fluid circular motion to defend from incoming attacks and decapitate multiple targets. Make up to two melee weapon attacks against a target within the weapons range. For each successful hit, the target takes 1d10 slashing damage at the beginning of his next turn and you can add +1 to your AC until the end of your next turn. The amount of attacks you are able to make in this technique increases to three at 14th level. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d12 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.


Beginning at 5th level when a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction.

5th form

11th level Flame Breathing technique

  • Flame Tiger: The user dashes forth, bringing their blade into a high guard before performing a series of sword slashes which take the form of a flaming tiger enveloping the user. Freely run up to half your maximum movement speed, you may target one attack at all different creatures that enter the range of this weapon while you are moving through this skill. At 20th level, you are able to move your maximum movement speed. All attacks deal an additional 1d10 slashing damage if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.

Tunnel Fighter

Starting at 11th level, as a bonus action, you can enter a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while within your reach.

Esoteric Art, 9th form

14th level Flame Breathing technique

  • Rengoku: The most powerful Flame Breathing technique. The user assumes a high stance before performing an extremely high-speed dash towards the target and unleashing three, devastating slashes. The technique is powerful enough to completely carve out the ground in its wake. Taking the form of a flaming Japanese dragon that envelopes the user as they are charging towards the target. You focus all your mind, rage and being into cutting down a singular target. Move up to your maximum movement speed towards a target you can see. If by this movement you reach melee distance of the target, make three weapon attacks against it. On each successful hit you deal an additional 4d10 slashing damage. If the target is hit by any one of these attacks, all creatures, besides you, becomes imperceptible to it until the end of his next turn. The damage die used in this technique becomes a d12 if the target is an undead, fiend or monstrosity.




Special thanks to the Demon Slayer Wiki, from wich I used most descriptions.

Of course all creative credit goes to Koyoharu Gotōge, who is the author to the amazing manga Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Cover Art: Skiorh


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