Pact of the Whisper (warlock pact boon)

by Teccam

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Pact of the Whisper

Your patron bestows you a fraction of their all-mighty voice, which rumbles in your ear as long as you don't pass it away.

Whoever Holds the Whisper knows the Thaumaturgy cantrip and has a penalty to their Passive Perception equal to half your Warlock Level (rounded down), as the residue of your patron's echo rings constantly in their head. This Whisper may take many forms, depending on the patron: diabolical laughter for a Fiend, the end of a bad joke for an Archfey, indescribable sounds for a Great Old One...

You may spend an action mumbling the Whisper onto another creature's ear (touch range), passing it to them. This action fails if the target has 3 or less INT, is deafened or is immune to deafened. A creature who doesn't trust you getting that close can try to resist the Whisper with a DEX save. You may force the Whisper back to yourself by spending an action mumbling it with a successful Performance check DC 14.

You can cast Sending at will targeting the Whisper's Holder, requiring no Somatic or Material components; but if they respond, the Whisper goes back to you.

The spell fails if the receiving creature is deafened, in another plane of existence, or in a space where no sound could pass between them even if they were near.

Additional Invocations

Capricious whispers

Prerequisites: Pact of the Whisper, level 3

As a bonus action you can increase the sound of the Whisper, deafening the holder and doubling their penalty to Perception; and when you do this, you might let creatures 5ft from the target listen to it (with no effect other than dramatism). While in this state, the holder can receive and respond to Sending without losing the Whisper once per hour, and if they're killed, their killer becomes the Holder.

Alternatively, as a bonus action you may muffle the Whisper, removing all of its effects.

As a bonus action you may reverse these back to normal.

Whispers from afar

Prerequisites: Pact of the Whisper, level 5

You can pass the Whisper to a creature you can hear or see rather than to an adjacent creature. You may choose for the creature to not be able to recognize you as the sender. Willingly resisting this Whisper requires a successful INT save, which also makes them immune to the Whisper for 1 h.

Additionally, Sending no longer fails if the target is deafened, in another plane of existence, or in a space where no sound could pass between them even if they were near.

Alluring whispers

Prerequisites: Pact of the Whisper, level 7

You can use a bonus action, instead of an action, to pass the Whisper. You can cast Charm Person at will (action, 30ft), targeting the Whisper's holder. The spell ends early if the Whisper leaves them. While charmed by you, a creature doesn't find the whispers disturbing or out of the ordinary, and they can respond to Sending without losing the Whisper. You must finish a long rest before you can use this invocation on the same creature again.

Mumbling whispers

Prerequisites: Pact of the Whisper, level 7

As a bonus action, you may deafen yourself to hear as if you were in the space of the Whisper's holder. Lingüistic information is distorted, reduced to mumblings and sporadic words or fragments of words, though you're still able to clearly perceive rhythm, tone, pauses and ambient sounds. You can stop this as a bonus action.

While in this state, you can cast spells that only have Verbal components from the Holder's space.

Silence the voices

Prerequisites: Pact of the Whisper, level 9

You can cast Silence at will, requiring no components. If you hold the Whisper, Silence doesn't require concentration.

Enthralling whispers

Prerequisites: Pact of the Whisper, level 15

You gain the Alluring Whispers Invocation, but with Charm Monster instead of Charm Person. Same restrictions apply.

Art credits

Night’s Whisper MtG Art from Duel Decks: Jace vs. Vraska by John Severin Brassell





  • Clarified that passing the Whisper requires touch range.
  • Creatures immune to deafened are now immune to the Whisper.
  • Clarified language from last paragraph of the Pact.
  • Added way to resist the Whisper (DEX save for the normal one).
  • Added way to resist Whispers From Afar: INT save, harder but makes you immune to any Whisper for 1 hour.
  • Simplified Enthralling Whispers' text.
  • Added "You can use a bonus action, instead of an action, to pass the Whisper." to Alluring Whispers.
  • Removed Alluring Whispers' bonus action to cast Charm Person.
  • Added "You must finish a long rest before you can use this invocation on the same creature again." to Alluring Whispers (and, by extension, to Enthralling Whispers), so it matches the spamming limits of Chains of Carceri.
  • Corrected typos. Messed with the image so everything fits.

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