Druid: Circle of the Florist
Florist druids bring the beauty of nature to city folk and townspeople. The power of flowers transcends cultures and ages. But the capacities of flowering plants can only be fully opened to the druids who specialize in the magic of blooms. For health or harm, the florist's plants are potent allies, which is why the circle of the florist druids bring their flowers wherever they go, carrying with then living wreaths woven of many flowers and many magics.
From healing to tracking, messaging to bush trimming, the florist has useful skills, and many known only to their secret druidic circle.
Circle Spells
You gain the following spells at the druid levels listed in the circle spells table. The spells are druid spells for you and they are always prepared, and they do not count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
Druid Level | Spells |
2nd | sleep |
5th | spike growth, Nathair's mischief |
9th | bestow curse, speak with plants |
13th | Evard's black tentacles,confusion |
17th | cloudkill, contagion |
Poisonous Pollen
2nd level Circle of the Florist feature
Starting at 3rd level you know the poison spray cantrip. You can target up to two creatures within 5 feet of each other and within range when you cast this cantrip.
Living Wreath
2nd level Circle of the Florist feature
Starting at 3rd level when you choose this subclass you weave a magical wreath of living flowers which you can wear as a necklace, wristbands, a circlet or even a cape. The wreath contains flowers with entrancing fragrances, medicines, and even poisons.
You can spend a use of your wild shape to activate your living wreath for 1 minute. While the wreath is active, and you are not wearing metal armor, it adds +2 to your AC as lashing tendrils seek to defend you from attacks. Additionally, on each of your turns the wreath is active, you can use a bonus action to cause vines to ensnare a creature within a 15-foot radius and no more than ten feet above a solid surface or water. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your spell DC or be grappled by vines for one minute. The creature can attempt a saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the grapple on a success.
Additionally, on the turn the living wreath is activated, flowers visibly bloom and spread a magical pollen causing one of the following effects of your choice for creatures you designate within a 10-foot radius:
Invigorated. Each designated creature gains temporary hit points equal to your druid level plus your wisdom modifier. The temporary hit points last until lost or until the creature finishes a short or long rest.
Entranced. Each designated creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC or be charmed by you for one minute. The creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success. When the effect ends, a creature may make an Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom (Insight) check versus your spell DC. On a success the creature recognizes that they were charmed by you.
Poisoned. Each designated creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC or suffer the poisoned condition. A poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending this effect on a success.
Dust of Dizziness:
6th level Circle of the Florist feature
When you are targeted with a melee attack (hit or miss), you can use your reaction to cause your living wreath to emit a magical pollen that causes the attacker to feel dizzy. The attacker must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC or have disadvantage on its next attack before the beginning of your next turn.
Ground Cover
10th level Circle of the Florist feature
As an action you can touch a creature (including yourself) and cause one of the following effects of your choice:
Foiling foliage. The creature is heavily obscured by plants such as ivy, clover, shrubbery, grass, or flowers and visually indistinguishable from natural plants. When the creature moves, they shed the disguising plants which wither and fade away on the same turn. When the creature stops moving, the plants regenerate, covering them in foliage in the same manner. The effect lasts for ten minutes or until you end the effect (no action required).
Blooming steps. The creature is invested with your druidic influence. For the next ten minutes, whenever they touch the ground your influence lingers, causing tiny flowers grow from the places where they touched the ground. The flowers decay and vanish after one hour, or earlier if you dismiss them. You must be within sight to do so.
Bouquet of Greeting. You cause a bouquet of flowers to magically appear in front a creature of your choice that you know. The bouquet appears as soon as they are within 10 feet of a solid or liquid surface such as the ground, a vehicle, a wall, a bed, or a floor. The creature is aware that the bouquet is for them and contains a message. When that creature picks up the bouquet, your message up to five words or less is telepathically conveyed to their mind. You are aware when the bouquet is picked up by the intended recipient.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all spent uses when you finish a long rest.
Flower of Death and Life
14th level Circle of the Florist feature
Your understanding primal magic has granted your insight into the eternal cycle of life and death. While your Living Wreath is action, as an action you can cause two flowers to bloom, one the embodiment of life, and one of death. When you pluck one of those the flowers, the other immediately wilts and fades away. Whichever bloom choose, in the next minute, you may bestow it upon any creature within 5 feet as a bonus action. When you bestow the flower of life, the bloom releases a wave of primal vitality before disappearing. If the recipient of the flower of life has died in the last minute or is dying, they return to life and gain 50 hit points up to their maximum HP. If they are not dead or dying, they gain 50 temporary hit points that last until lost or until they finish a short of long rest. When you bestow the flower of death, the bloom releases a wave of necrotic energy that swirls around the recipient as a vague dusty haze. For the next minute, the first time on its turn that the a creature hits with a melee attack it deals an additional d10 of necrotic damage.
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

All artwork is original (Midjourney tool v5). This subclass was created for the Royal Academy campaign. (More soon!)
Version History
Date | Version | Change |
2023.06.21 | 1.0 | Initial release |
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