Infernal Contract

by Zakarizero

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Infernal Contracts

Table of Contents

Basic Infernal Contract.............................................3

Contract of Unbound Desires.....................................4

Contract of Potency..................................................5

Contract of Accelerated Ascension.............................6

Contract of Fortune's Embrace...................................7

Contract of Arcane Ascendancy..................................9

Contract of Indomitable Power.................................11

Potential Boons & Deals...........................................13

Basic Infernal Contract

This contract ("the Agreement") is entered into between the undersigned parties: Nihil, hereinafter referred to as the "Offeror," and [Name of Mortal], hereinafter referred to as the "Offeree." This Agreement is made on [Date] and shall be binding upon both parties in accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein.

Article I: Purpose of the Agreement

The Offeror, Nihil, possesses the power to enter into contractual agreements, wielding the authority to grant boons, favors, or fulfill desires.

The Offeree, [Name of Mortal], desires to avail themselves of the Offeror's services and is willing to enter into this Agreement.

Article II: Terms and Conditions

The Offeror shall present the Offeree with a proposal or request outlining the terms of the agreement. This proposal shall include the desired outcome or benefit for the Offeree.

The Offeree must carefully review and consider the terms presented by the Offeror. It is strongly advised that the Offeree seek legal or magical counsel before entering into any agreement with the Offeror.

The Offeree shall have the opportunity to negotiate the terms of the agreement. However, the Offeror retains the right to accept, reject, or modify any proposed changes to the original terms.

Once both parties have reached a mutual understanding and agreement, they shall sign this Agreement as a binding contract. The Offeree's signature signifies their full comprehension and acceptance of the terms set forth.

The Agreement is irrevocable and shall remain in effect until the agreed-upon outcome or benefit has been fulfilled, or until otherwise specified by the Offeror.

Article III: Consequences and Obligations

The Offeree acknowledges that entering into this Agreement may result in unforeseen consequences or obligations. The Offeror shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect repercussions arising from the fulfillment of the Agreement.

The Offeree agrees to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the Agreement, adhering to the terms and conditions set forth by the Offeror. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of any benefits or incur additional penalties as determined solely by the Offeror.

The Offeror retains the right to modify or alter the terms of the Agreement, with prior notice given to the Offeree. Such modifications shall be mutually agreed upon in writing and appended to this Agreement as an addendum.

Article IV: Termination of the Agreement

This Agreement may be terminated by mutual consent of both parties or upon completion of the agreed-upon outcome or benefit.

The Offeror reserves the right to terminate the Agreement at any time, with or without cause, provided a written notice is given to the Offeree.

Article V: Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Name of Realm/Country], without regard to conflicts of laws principles.

Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration, with each party bearing their own costs and attorney fees.

In witness thereof, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

Signed by the Contractee: ______________________________________________

Date: ___________

Signed by the Patron: _________________________________________________

Date: ___________

Contract of Unbound Desires

This contract is hereby made between Nihil, the Lord of Deals, hereinafter referred to as the "Patron," and [NPC's Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractee."

1. Purpose of the Contract:

The Patron, in consideration of the Contractee's deepest desires, agrees to grant them certain powers, abilities, or fulfill their wishes, subject to the terms and conditions laid forth herein.

2. Desired Outcome:

The Contractee desires [Specify the Contractee's deepest desire in detail]. This desire may include but is not limited to [Specify additional aspirations or objectives related to the desire].

3. Terms of the Deal:

The Patron will grant the Contractee the following benefits and powers in accordance with the fulfillment of their desires:

[Specify the primary power, ability, or gift granted to the Contractee]. [Specify any additional abilities, knowledge, or resources that will aid the Contractee in achieving their desires].

4. Conditions and Limitations:

The Patron's granting of powers and benefits is contingent upon the Contractee's adherence to the following conditions:

The Contractee must not divulge the terms or details of this contract to any other mortal, immortal, or supernatural entity without explicit permission from the Patron. The Contractee shall act as a loyal and devoted servant of the Patron, promoting their interests and spreading their influence when called upon. The Contractee shall perform one task of the Patron's choosing, to be specified at a later date, which will further the Patron's agenda and consolidate their power.

5. Duration and Termination:

This contract shall remain in effect until the Contractee has successfully accomplished the objectives and fulfilled their desires as specified herein. The contract may be terminated by the Patron if the Contractee fails to fulfill their obligations, breaches the terms of the contract, or acts in a manner contrary to the Patron's interests.

6. Potential Terms and Offers:

The Patron may, at their discretion, offer the following additional terms or benefits to the Contractee:

[List potential additional powers, abilities, or benefits that may be offered as rewards for exceptional performance or loyalty].

[Specify potential alliances, associations, or protection offered by the Patron].

[Outline any future opportunities, favors, or privileges that may be granted to the Contractee].

By signing below, the Contractee acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions of this contract, understanding the consequences and potential rewards that accompany their desires.

Signed by the Contractee: ______________________________________________

Date: ___________

Signed by the Patron: _________________________________________________

Date: ___________

Contract of Potency

This contract is hereby made between Nihil, the Lord of Deals, hereinafter referred to as the "Patron," and [Player Character's Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractee."

1. Purpose of the Contract:

The Patron, in consideration of the Contractee's aspirations and thirst for power, agrees to enhance their abilities and grant them access to martial prowess beyond their current limitations, subject to the terms and conditions laid forth herein.

2. Desired Enhancements:

The Contractee desires the following enhancements to their abilities:

a) An increase in their overall potential and strength through an ability score increase.

b) The acquisition of additional martial abilities and combat techniques to diversify their skills.

c) The unlocking of higher-level abilities and powers, beyond the conventional limits of their current class progression.

3. Terms of the Deal:

The Patron will grant the Contractee the following enhancements and abilities in accordance with their desires:

a) The Contractee shall receive a permanent increase to their chosen ability score(s) by [Specify the number of points or the amount of increase].

b) The Contractee shall gain access to a set of specialized martial abilities and techniques, chosen from the following list:

[List a selection of unique martial abilities or maneuvers tailored to the Contractee's class and playstyle]. [Specify any limitations, cooldowns, or resource costs associated with these abilities].

c) The Contractee shall unlock a set of higher-level abilities, typically inaccessible at their current level, granting them greater power and versatility. The specific abilities and their respective limitations shall be determined collaboratively with the DM.

4. Conditions and Limitations:

The Patron's granting of enhancements and abilities is contingent upon the Contractee's adherence to the following conditions:

The Contractee shall remain loyal and serve as an agent of the Patron's interests, carrying out tasks or missions as directed.

The Contractee shall not employ their newfound powers to harm or hinder the interests of the Patron or their designated allies.

The Contractee shall uphold the secrecy of this contract and refrain from disclosing its terms and details to any unauthorized individuals.

5. Duration and Termination:

This contract shall remain in effect until the Contractee has fully gained the desired enhancements and abilities as specified herein.

The contract may be terminated by the Patron if the Contractee fails to fulfill their obligations, violates the terms of the contract, or acts against the Patron's interests.

By signing below, the Contractee acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions of this contract, understanding the consequences and potential rewards that accompany their desired enhancements.

Signed by the Contractee: _______________________________________

Date: ___________

Signed by the Patron: _________________________________________________

Date: ___________

Contract of Accelerated Ascension

This contract is hereby made between Nihil, the Lord of Deals, hereinafter referred to as the "Patron," and [Player Character's Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractee."

1. Purpose of the Contract:

The Patron, in consideration of the Contractee's desire for rapid progression and ascendancy, agrees to bestow upon them an expedited level-up, granting them additional power and abilities.

2. Accelerated Level-Up:

The Contractee desires to swiftly gain a level in their chosen class to bolster their capabilities and further their journey towards mastery. The Patron, acknowledging this desire, will facilitate the Contractee's rapid ascension through the following provisions:

The Contractee shall instantaneously gain a level in their current class, allowing them to unlock the associated benefits, including additional hit points, class features, spell slots, or other class-specific abilities.

3. Detriments and Challenges:

The accelerated level-up comes with inherent challenges and detriments that the Contractee must be prepared to face. Upon agreeing to this contract, the Contractee acknowledges and accepts the following conditions:

Temptations of Instability:

The Contractee's expedited growth disrupts the natural equilibrium of their being, resulting in increased internal conflicts and instability. They may occasionally experience uncontrollable surges of wild magic, heightened emotional volatility, or unsettling visions that may hinder their focus and decision-making.

Rapid Adaptation:

The Contractee must swiftly adapt to their newfound power, facing the difficulties of mastering their expanded abilities within a limited timeframe. This may lead to occasional misjudgments, missteps, or unrefined control over their enhanced capabilities.

Soul Strain:

The accelerated progression burdens the Contractee's soul, causing it to bear the weight of an increased power threshold. This can manifest as bouts of exhaustion, fatigue, or vulnerability to certain supernatural or extraplanar influences.

Destiny's Weight:

The Contractee's accelerated rise attracts the attention of rival powers and forces, both mortal and divine, who perceive their ascent as a threat or an opportunity. These antagonistic entities may seek to undermine or challenge the Contractee's progress, leading to confrontations, plots, and dangerous encounters.

Fleeting Fragments:

The rapid acquisition of power may hinder the Contractee's ability to fully comprehend and assimilate their newfound abilities. Consequently, they may struggle with incomplete knowledge, gaps in their understanding, or limited access to certain advanced features until they invest time and effort in training and reflection.

4. Duration and Termination:

This contract shall remain in effect until the Contractee has received and integrated the accelerated level-up, along with its associated challenges and detriments, as specified herein. The contract may be terminated by the Patron if the Contractee fails to fulfill their obligations, violates the terms of the contract, or acts against the Patron's interests.

By signing below, the Contractee acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions of this contract, understanding the consequences and potential setbacks that accompany their accelerated level-up.

Signed by the Contractee: _____________________________________________

Date: ___________

Signed by the Patron: ________________________________________________________

Date: ___________

Contract of Fortune's Embrace

This contract is hereby made between Nihil, the Arbiter of Wealth, hereinafter referred to as the "Patron," and [Player Character's Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractee."

1. Purpose of the Contract:

The Patron, in consideration of the Contractee's insatiable desire for wealth and prosperity, agrees to grant them the means to acquire great riches. However, such vast fortunes come at a price, as outlined in the terms and conditions below.

2. Acquisition of Wealth:

The Contractee, driven by their ambitions and craving for opulence, seeks the Patron's intervention to attain immense riches. The Patron, acknowledging this desire, will provide the Contractee with the opportunities and advantages required to amass great wealth through the following provisions:

a) The Contractee shall be presented with lucrative investment opportunities, insider knowledge, and connections to influential figures capable of granting access to vast fortunes.

b) The Patron shall facilitate serendipitous encounters with valuable artifacts, hidden treasures, and rare commodities that can be obtained and sold for substantial profit.

c) The Contractee shall receive periodic financial windfalls, whether in the form of generous inheritances, unexpected monetary gains, or fortuitous business ventures.

3. Terms and Obligations:

The acquisition of great wealth necessitates certain obligations and responsibilities on the part of the Contractee. By entering into this contract, the Contractee agrees to the following conditions:

The Tribute of Prosperity:

As a symbolic gesture of the Contractee's commitment to the pursuit of wealth, they shall tithe a portion of their newfound riches to the Patron. The exact percentage or amount shall be determined based on the magnitude of their wealth and shall be negotiated separately.

Fate's Twists and Turns:

The journey to immense riches is not without its challenges and risks. The Contractee must navigate treacherous financial landscapes, withstand market fluctuations, and outmaneuver rival entrepreneurs who seek to undermine their success. They may encounter moral dilemmas, ethical compromises, or opportunities that test their integrity and loyalty.

Wealth's Burden:

Great wealth brings with it responsibilities and complexities. The Contractee shall bear the weight of managing their newfound affluence, including overseeing financial affairs, investments, and business ventures. This demands astute decision-making, shrewd resource allocation, and a vigilant eye for potential scams or manipulations.

The Temptation of Greed:

The allure of wealth can consume the Contractee, clouding their judgment and compromising their values. They must resist the seductive call of avarice, recognizing that excessive greed may lead to ruin or estrangement from the very riches they sought to attain.

Fortunes Fickle and True:

The Contractee shall understand that great wealth is not guaranteed indefinitely. Economic downturns, unforeseen calamities, or fluctuations in fortune may occur, potentially diminishing or even eradicating their acquired riches. It is their responsibility to diversify investments, safeguard assets, and adapt to ever-changing financial landscapes.

4. Duration and Termination:

This contract shall remain in effect until the Contractee has achieved their desired level of wealth and fulfilled their obligations, as specified herein.

The contract may be terminated by the Patron if the Contractee fails to meet their commitments, violates the terms of the contract, or jeopardizes the Patron's interests.

By signing below, the Contractee acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions of this contract, understanding the consequences and challenges that accompany their pursuit of great wealth.

Signed by the Contractee: _________________________________________________________________

Date: ___________

Signed by the Patron: ______________________________________________________________________

Date: ___________

Contract of Arcane Ascendancy

This contract is entered into between Nihil, the Arbiter of Forbidden Knowledge, hereinafter referred to as the "Patron," and [Player Character's Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractee."

1. Purpose of the Contract:

The Patron, recognizing the Contractee's insatiable hunger for arcane power and mastery, agrees to grant them the means to ascend to the esteemed rank of an all-powerful Archmage. However, such a grand transformation comes at a price, as outlined in the terms and conditions below.

2. Attainment of Arcane Ascendancy:

The Contractee, driven by their unyielding thirst for magical might, seeks the Patron's aid in their pursuit of becoming an Archmage. The Patron, acknowledging this ambition, will provide the Contractee with the knowledge, opportunities, and boons required to ascend to the pinnacle of arcane power through the following provisions:

a) The Contractee shall gain access to forbidden tomes, grimoires, and ancient scrolls containing hidden spells and forgotten incantations of incredible potency.

b) The Patron shall bestow upon the Contractee secret teachings, advanced magical techniques, and esoteric rituals that unlock the potential for unparalleled spellcasting prowess.

c) The Contractee shall receive guidance and mentorship from renowned and enigmatic Archmages, who will share their wisdom and illuminate the path to mastery of all magical disciplines.

3. Terms and Obligations:

The pursuit of Archmagehood entails significant obligations and responsibilities on the part of the Contractee. By entering into this contract, the Contractee agrees to the following conditions:

The Price of Secrets:

The Contractee shall surrender a fragment of their life essence, sacrificing a portion of their vitality to fuel their ascent to Archmagehood. This sacrifice shall be performed through a ritual agreed upon by both parties.

Arcane Trials:

To prove their worthiness, the Contractee must undertake a series of perilous trials and challenges, designed to test their magical aptitude, resilience, and intellectual acuity. These trials may involve facing formidable magical creatures, solving complex arcane puzzles, or delving into treacherous magical realms.

Mastery Across the Arcane Spectrum:

The Contractee shall demonstrate proficiency in various magical schools and disciplines, mastering spells and techniques encompassing diverse elements, forces, and dimensions. This requires unwavering dedication, extensive study, and relentless practice.

Safeguarding the Balance:

As an Archmage, the Contractee bears the responsibility of upholding the delicate balance between magic and the natural order. They must refrain from employing their powers for malevolent purposes, avoiding the temptation to tip the scales in favor of chaos or destruction.

Rivals and Adversaries:

With great power comes great attention. The Contractee shall face formidable adversaries—jealous rivals, ancient enmities, and dark forces who seek to exploit their newfound might. It is their duty to navigate these conflicts and emerge victorious, protecting themselves and their allies. The Burden of Knowledge: The Contractee shall accumulate an immense wealth of arcane knowledge, delving into the mysteries of the multiverse. This demands scholarly dedication, insatiable curiosity, and the responsibility to safeguard and preserve ancient secrets.

4. Duration and Termination:

This contract shall remain in effect until the Contractee has achieved the status of an Archmage, having fulfilled their obligations and attained the pinnacle of magical power, as specified herein. The contract may be terminated by the Patron if the Contractee fails to meet their commitments, violates the terms of the contract, or compromises the interests of the Patron.

By signing below, the Contractee acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions of this contract, fully aware of the consequences and obligations that come with the path to Arcane Ascendancy.

Contractee's Signature _______________________________________


Patron's Signature _________________________________________


Contract of Indomitable Power

This contract is entered into between Nihil, the Arbiter of Unyielding Might, hereinafter referred to as the "Patron," and [Player Character's Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractee."

1. Purpose of the Contract:

The Patron, recognizing the Contractee's burning desire for unparalleled strength, agility, and resilience, agrees to grant them the means to transcend their mortal limitations and ascend to the heights of physical prowess. However, such an extraordinary transformation comes at a price, as outlined in the terms and conditions below.

2. Attainment of Indomitable Power:

The Contractee, driven by an insatiable hunger for martial superiority, seeks the Patron's aid in their pursuit of becoming an embodiment of sheer might. The Patron, acknowledging this ambition, will bestow upon the Contractee the power to unleash their true potential through the following provisions:

Enhanced Physique: The Contractee's physical attributes shall be augmented, allowing them to reach unprecedented levels of strength, agility, and endurance. Their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores shall be enhanced to extraordinary heights, reflecting their newly acquired dominance.

Unyielding Vitality: The Contractee's constitution and resilience shall be fortified, granting them additional hit points and bolstering their ability to withstand grievous injuries. They shall gain a heightened resistance to physical and magical harm, enabling them to endure even the most punishing of battles.

Martial Mastery: The Contractee shall be granted the knowledge and expertise required to unleash devastating attacks. They shall learn advanced combat techniques, granting them additional attacks during their turn and the ability to strike with unrivaled precision, causing additional damage.

Rapid Reflexes: The Contractee's agility and speed shall be honed to perfection, allowing them to evade attacks with uncanny swiftness. They shall gain increased mobility, lightning-fast reflexes, and the ability to react swiftly to danger.

Iron Will: The Contractee's mental fortitude and determination shall be bolstered, enabling them to resist mental manipulation, fear, and charm. They shall possess an unyielding resolve that grants them advantage on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

3. Terms and Obligations:

The acquisition of such extraordinary might demands certain obligations and commitments from the Contractee. By entering into this contract, the Contractee agrees to the following conditions:

Physical Trials: The Contractee shall undergo arduous physical training, enduring rigorous exercises and combat drills to attune their body to the newfound power. They must demonstrate unwavering dedication and perseverance in their quest for physical perfection.

Ethical Boundaries: The Contractee must wield their augmented might responsibly and refrain from using it for malicious or unjust purposes. They shall endeavor to protect the innocent and maintain a code of honor, ensuring their newfound power is utilized for the greater good.

Embracing the Challenges: The Contractee shall face formidable adversaries and overwhelming odds, as their increased prowess will attract the attention of powerful foes. They must rise above each challenge, conquering adversity with sheer determination and skill.

Endurance and Sacrifice: The Contractee shall experience the strain and toll of their augmented power. The physical enhancements come at the cost of personal sacrifice, demanding rigorous training, mental focus, and the constant dedication required to maintain their newfound abilities.

Self-Mastery: The Contractee must learn to harness and control their enhanced attributes, avoiding the pitfalls of overconfidence and hubris. They must strike a balance between their newfound might and their inherent humanity, tempering raw power with discipline and wisdom.

4. Duration and Termination:

This contract shall remain in effect until such time as the Contractee's physical transformation is complete and their indomitable power has reached its zenith. Termination of the contract may occur by mutual agreement or upon the fulfillment of all contractual obligations.

By signing below, the Contractee acknowledges that they have read and understood the terms and conditions outlined in this contract. They willingly accept the responsibilities, challenges, and consequences associated with their quest for unparalleled physical might.

Contractee's Signature__________________________________________________________


Patron's Signature ____________________________________________________________


Potential Boons & Deals

There are those who make deals with specific benefits in mind. Then there are those who merely seek assistance and empowerment. These are examples of boons or gifts that Nihil could bestow as part of making a deal.

Wealth and Prosperity:

Perk: Nihil can grant vast riches, including gold, gemstones, and valuable artifacts, ensuring financial success beyond imagination.

Detriment: The acquired wealth may be cursed, leading to greed and attracting unwanted attention from rivals, thieves, or supernatural entities who seek to claim it.

Unparalleled Knowledge:

Perk: Nihil imparts forbidden secrets and arcane wisdom, unveiling ancient mysteries and granting access to hidden libraries of esoteric knowledge.

Detriment: Delving into forbidden knowledge can corrupt the mind, leading to madness, obsession, or becoming a target of malevolent forces who guard such secrets.

Unfathomable Power:

Perk: Nihil bestows extraordinary magical abilities, enabling the acquisition of potent spells, increased spellcasting capabilities, and mastery over forbidden arts.

Detriment: The pursuit of power may consume one's morality and lead to an insatiable hunger for more, risking losing touch with one's humanity and becoming a pawn in Nihil's grand schemes.

Eternal Youth and Immortality:

Perk: Nihil grants the gift of everlasting life, eternal youth, and immunity to the ravages of time, allowing individuals to witness countless ages unfold.

Detriment: Immortality may bring a sense of isolation and witnessing the passing of loved ones, resulting in an eternal cycle of loss and emotional detachment.

Physical Perfection:

Perk: Nihil can enhance physical attributes, granting unparalleled strength, speed, endurance, and agility, surpassing the limitations of mortal form.

Detriment: Enhanced physical attributes may come with a toll on one's health and vitality, leading to dependency on Nihil's power or accelerated aging once the pact is severed.

Charismatic Influence:

Perk: Nihil bestows a captivating presence and irresistible charm, allowing individuals to sway hearts and minds, inspiring loyalty and commanding respect.

Detriment: Manipulating others through charm can breed mistrust and manipulation in return, leading to a web of deceit and fractured relationships.

Favorable Circumstances:

Perk: Nihil ensures that fortune smiles upon his chosen, manipulating fate to grant them advantage in critical moments and turning the tides of luck in their favor.

Detriment: Dependence on luck and manipulation of fate can create a delicate balance where one misstep may have catastrophic consequences, tempting fate to turn against the individual.

Unbreakable Bonds:

Perk: Nihil offers protection and loyalty, forging powerful alliances and ensuring the loyalty of devoted followers who will serve the individual faithfully.

Detriment: The loyalty of Nihil's followers may come at a high cost, demanding unwavering allegiance and serving as instruments of Nihil's will, potentially leading to conflicts of interest or moral compromises.

Boundless Creativity:

Perk: Nihil ignites the spark of inspiration, unlocking artistic genius, and empowering individuals to create masterpieces of art, music, literature, and invention.

Detriment:Unleashing unlimited creativity can lead to an obsession for perfection, sacrificing personal happiness and mental stability for the pursuit of artistic excellence.

Unraveling Secrets:

Perk: Nihil reveals hidden truths and unravels the mysteries of the universe, exposing conspiracies, discovering lost civilizations, and uncovering long-forgotten lore.

Detriment: Discovering hidden truths may uncover ancient and dark forces that seek to silence the truth-seeker or unravel the very fabric of reality.

Ultimate Revenge:

Perk: Nihil aids in vengeance, orchestrating the downfall of enemies and exacting retribution with devastating precision.

Detriment: The pursuit of vengeance can consume one's entire existence, blinding them to other aspects of life and causing collateral damage to innocents caught in the crossfire.

Transcendence of Mortal Limitations:

Perk: Nihil allows individuals to transcend their mortal shells, attaining godlike powers, and ascending to a higher plane of existence.

Detriment: Ascending to a higher plane of existence may sever ties with loved ones and the mortal world, leading to a sense of detachment and losing touch with one's humanity.

Mastery of Deception:

Perk: Nihil grants the ability to manipulate perceptions, deceive even the most astute minds, and weave illusions so convincing that reality becomes malleable.

Detriment: Relying on deceit and illusions can erode trust and authenticity, resulting in a lonely existence where genuine connections become elusive.

Dominion over Undeath:

Perk: Nihil grants control over the forces of undeath, allowing individuals to raise legions of loyal undead minions and command the powers of necromancy.

Detriment: Commanding undead forces may incur the wrath of celestial beings, drawing the attention of paladins, clerics, and forces dedicated to eradicating necromantic practices.

Interdimensional Travel:

Perk: Nihil opens portals to distant planes and dimensions, granting the ability to traverse the multiverse, explore uncharted realms, and encounter extraordinary beings.

Detriment: Exploring uncharted realms brings the risk of encountering ancient and hostile beings, becoming stranded in hostile dimensions, or disrupting the delicate balance of the multiverse.

Endless Inspiration:

Perk: Nihil becomes a constant muse, inspiring extraordinary creativity and fueling the imagination, leading to groundbreaking innovations and breakthroughs.

Detriment: Reliance on external inspiration can lead to a loss of personal drive and creativity, becoming trapped in a cycle of dependence on Nihil's muse.

Unyielding Protection:

Perk: Nihil safeguards his chosen with impenetrable wards, shields, and enchantments, rendering them invulnerable to physical, magical, or psychic harm.

Detriment: The powerful protections granted by Nihil may draw the attention of entities or forces who seek to overcome or exploit them, resulting in constant threats and challenges.

Manipulation of Time:

Perk: Nihil grants control over the flow of time, allowing individuals to slow or hasten the passage of moments, glimpse future possibilities, or rewrite past events.

Detriment Tampering with the fabric of time can lead to temporal paradoxes, unintended consequences, or being trapped in a never-ending loop, forever burdened by the weight of altered history.

Soul Mastery:

Perk: Nihil provides knowledge of the soul, enabling individuals to bind souls, extract life force, or even transfer their consciousness into new vessels, ensuring immortality of a different kind.

Detriment: Manipulating souls can disrupt the natural order and invite the attention of powerful beings who guard the balance between life and death, resulting in a reckoning for those who meddle with the forces beyond mortality.

Unlimited Wishes:

Perk: Nihil fulfills the deepest desires and wishes of his chosen, bending reality to their will and allowing them to shape the world as they see fit.

Detriment: A wish may carry a curse or a hidden drawback. The character gains their desired outcome, but at a great personal cost or with an unforeseen curse that plagues them.

All Deals



I operate as a deal maker under Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells. Because Asmodeus is bound by the Ruby Rod to always follow through with a deal, I too, am bound to keep my word.

In hundreds of years and tens of thousands of deals, I have always fulfilled my end. Should you decide to make a deal, you'd be wise to do the same.


Cover Art: SickPajamuhhs

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