Table Of Contents
Part 1 Introduction pg.3
Part 3 Divine Objects pg.38
How to Use These Rules
Dungeons and Dragons is a pretty complex game on it's own, and adding divinity to the player's repertoire might lead to some difficulty. This text is made to ease the process and allow for a fast and east method to add godliness to any character. Collectively, all the systems here in this text do not replace anything in the standard 5e rules. This system is meant to overlay and work with the existing 5e system in a supplementary fashion. A character built using this sytem will still retain and have access to all the normal DnD 5e rules, features, abilities and skill
To simplify the on-coming onslaught of mechanics, The following unflavored analogies will be provided so you can better understand how each component of this ruleset works.
Divine Genesis
This Represents the physical 'type' of god your character is. Think of is as the godly equivalent of a normal character's race, where it augments certain components of the character on a biological level, adding in components that are as inseparable from your character as horns are from a tiefling.
This is the collective whole of what your character represents. These could range form a set of ideas to force of nature. If you were to make Thor using this rule set, this rule set, his sovereignty would be Thunder and Lightning. In much the same way, Posideon's sovereignty would be water and the ocean.
Divine Rank
This is a quantification of your Divine Powers. This is effectively a secondary character level that is tracked seperately from your usual 1-20 level, and it caps out at 10 rather than 20. Think of this as a highly modified class, such as Fighter or Sorcerer, whose level is tracked by your Divine Rank rather than XP.
Divine Praxys
The singular Object of Power that represent and embodies everything you stand for as a god. This could be a weapon or a magical artifact, and are typically unique to the god that owns them
Godly Realm
Your realm is your own customizable domain which you call home, able to rest, relax, and enjoy the luxuries of godhood
This represent an elevation of your skills beyond mortal bounds, supercharging some of your innate abilities
Divine Feats
Like normal feats, but scaled upward in power to be on par with your other godly features.
Divine Boons
Like Divine Feats, except these are modeled after the Epic Boon benefit system of the standard DnD 5e Rules.
Divine Genesis
Gods come in a variety of form and functions and hail from all manner of places and planes, making for a very diverse connection with incredibly varied shapes, sizes, and appearances. But even with all this diversity, gods can be filtered down into 4 categories of overarching similarity.
Astral Gods
The typical and colloquial image that comes to mind when one pictures a god, though this bias is only due to the fact that Astral gods are typically much more willing to associate with mortals than the other types. In the grand scheme of things, the numbers of the individual gods are much more even. As an Astral God you gain the following benefits.
Creature Type: You gain your choice between the Celestial or Fey creature type.
Bonus Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in Intelligence (Religion) and Wisdom (Insight) skill checks.
Dark Gods
With a despotic desire to command and subjugate, Dark Gods seek to subdue and corrupt the opposition in the form enslavement, brain washing, or any other means by which they can gain obedient, subservient subjects.
Creature Type: You gain your choice between the Beast or Monstrosity creature type.
Bonus Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in Charisma (Intimidation) and Wisdom (Insight) skill checks.
Elder Gods
Gods of ancient origin, Elder Gods hail from a time before time, existing in ways and having ideas and beliefs that are know to be self-centered and eccentric. These gods are not exactly evil, but they operate with little regard towards what their presence might do to the world around them, often acting out of curiosity and personal amusement, rather than to further some goal.
Creature Type: You gain your choice between the Aberration or Monstrosity creature type.
Bonus Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in Intelligence (Arcana) and Wisdom (Insight) skill checks.
Fallen Gods
Fallen Gods are the evil destructive gods that plague the worlds beyond the material plane. The Fallen Gods typically sow chaos and ruin to wherever their influence can reach. They seek nothing more than to destroy everything they touch and wish nothing but ruin upon the multiverse.
Creature Type: You gain your choice between the Fiend or Monstrosity creature type.
Bonus Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in Charisma (Decpetion) and Wisdom (Insight) skill checks.
Each god must rule over something. That something could be a force of nature fire or storms, it could be a pure a form of life, like all of dragons or orcs, or perhaps they govern a set of ideals, such as temperance of knowledge. There are many things a god can embody and this is by no means an exhaustive list. Discuss with your DM your possible sovereignty and brainstorm a feature that you can use related to your sovereignty. Do note that, while sovereignty can encompass many things, a god cannot have multiple sovereignties and cannot change their sovereignty in normal circumstances... though it may be possible.
Divine Rank
Gods are broken up into 3 tiers: Greater deities, Lesser deities, and Quasi-deities. Greater deities are far more difficult to quantify with rules, given their vast and awesome powers. Lesser deities are rarely considered "lesser" by any means, except by greater deities themselves. Lesser deities, then, are generally referred to as deities.
Possible Methods include:
- Follower Count
- Noteworthy Feats and Accomplishments
- Defeating other Gods
- Promoting and Furthering Personal Agendas
Divine Rank. This is a numerical ranking system that reflects two things: power and amount of worshipers. Divine Rank reflects the amount of godly power a creature has. There is no concrete method by which this power amasses, so it is up to the DM to decide how their players progress through their ranks Throughout this text, any creature referred to as a "deity" is a creature that has Divine Rank of at least 0.
Divine Rank |
Proficiency Bonus |
Godly Ability Bonus |
Additional Feats Known |
0 | +1 | +0 | 1 |
1 | +1 | +1 | 1 |
2 | +1 | +2 | 2 |
3 | +1 | +3 | 2 |
4 | +2 | +4 | 3 |
5 | +2 | +5 | 3 |
6 | +2 | +6 | 4 |
7 | +2 | +7 | 4 |
8 | +3 | +8 | 5 |
9 | +3 | +9 | 5 |
10 | +3 | +10 | 6 |
It should be noted that a Divine Rank of 0 is still considered a Divine Rank. That is to say, The terms "Lacking a Divine Rank" and "With a Divine Rank of 0" are NOT interchangeable.
Additionally, when one creature summons another creature through the use of features or spells, such as the Find Familiar spell or any Conjure (creature) spells, the summoned creatures are considered to have a Divine Rank of 0.
Saving Throws
At Divine Rank 0, you gain proficiency in any one saving throw you are not already proficient in. At Divine Rank 6 you gain expertise in one saving throw that you are proficient in.
Divine Armor
Your body is suffuse with rigid, divine stability. Your AC is always at least 12 + Your Divine Rank, and cannot be reduced to less than value by any means.
Divine Vitality
All deities are immortal. You cannot die from natural causes. You stop aging and rejuvenate back to your prime. You do not eat, sleep, or breathe - But may if you wish. You are immune to the effects of Extreme Heat and Cold, and environmental conditions such as vacuum and high/low gravity. You still must take short and long rests, however - typically through meditation, studying, or sparring. The only way for you to die is through magical or physical combat.
Godly Attributes
Due to the power and potency of your own vitality obtained through your divinity, your body and mind can achieve feats of power, agility, and acuity the likes of which far exceed the limits of a mortal form. Choose one ability score, this ability unlocks a nigh limitless potential of evolution, which will be called your Godly Ability from this point out. The chosen ability score increases by a number equal to your Divine Rank. Ability Score Improvements gained in this way ignore the standard cap of 20 on ability scores. Additionally, starting at Divine Rank 0, and again at Divine Ranks 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, you gain 1 Feat of your choice. These may be standard feats, or they may be one of the Divine Feats identified below, provided you meet the minimum pre-requisites for that feat.
Some features may call for a Divine Save. The DC for that save is calculated as 10 + your Divine Rank + Your Godly Attribute Modifier. So a Divine Wisdom Save means that the target creature must make a Wisdom Saving Thrown whose DC is calculated using your Divine Ability Score as calculated above.
Divine Travel
If you have Divine Rank 1 or higher, you can use the spell "teleport" as an action, except that you can only transport yourself and up to 500 pounds of objects per your Divine Rank (excluding personally worn or wielded items).
If you have Divine Rank 4 or higher, you can cast "plane shift" (no gp cost) as an action, except that you can only transport yourself and up to 500 pounds of objects per your Divine Rank (excluding personally worn or wielded items), and your only destination is limited based on your current position. If you are in your Domain or Lair, you can only choose your last occupied plane as your destinaton, anywhere else, and you can only target your Domain or Lair as your destination.
Divine Spellcasting
Being a god mean having an innate proclivity towards magic even for those where magic might not normally be something they might be familiar with. You learn 3 cantrips and 2 level 1 spells of your choice. The spells must belong to a school of magic relative to your class according to the table, though they do not all need to be from the same school. Your Godly Ability becomes your Spellcasting ability for these spells.
Class | Schools of Magic |
Artificer | Conjuration, Transmutation |
Barbarian | Conjuration, Evocation |
Bard | Enchantment, Evocation |
Cleric | Abjuration, Divination |
Druid | Evocation, Necromancy |
Fighter | Abjuration, Enchantment |
Monk | Abjuration, Illusion |
Paladin | Abjuration, Conjuration |
Ranger | Illusion, Transmutation |
Rogue | Illusion, Necromancy |
Sorcerer | Evocation, Transmutation |
Warlock | Illusion, Necromancy |
Wizard | Evocation, Illusion |
You may cast all 1st level spells you know at Level 1 without consuming 1st level spell slots, though they still require the normal components. The number of 1st level slots is still tracked and consumed as normal through means other than spell casting, such as Divine Smite or the Flexible Casting feature for Sorcerers. This benefit does not extend to higher level spells by way of the Pact Magic feature.
Hit Points
it would be understood that as gods, divine vitality is far beyond the grasp of what a mortal can normally attain. After all, their bodies are suffuse with supernatural power, making them far more durable. As a result, gods have a greater HP pool that most mortal. When you gain a Divine Rank, Including Divine Rank 0, you may add a new hit dice to your hit dice pool and Gain HP as if you gained a normal Character level.
Regeneration: Roll up to half your remaining Hit Dice, rounded down. You regain twice the amount rolled in HP, with overheal being converted to Temporary HP. Hit Dice rolled in this way are consumed and must be recovered as normal. You cannot make use of this feature while you have less than 1 HP.
Restoring Limbs: Any time you receive healing whose total is equal to or greater than 1/4 your maximum HP, you may negate an amount of healing exactly equal to 1/4 your maximum HP to instantly regenerate a missing limbs at no additional cost. You may take two levels of exhaustion to cut the healing cost in half, and 3 levels to regenerate a lost limb without needing any healing.
Arcane Apotheosis
As a god, your have superior control over magic, even if you do not know magic innately, giving you supernaturally refined control over magic wel beyond the scope of even the most skilled mortal wizards.
Magical Superiority: Choose one school of magic to hold mastery over. You have a number of Magic Guard Points equal to your twice your Divine Rank. Any time you are the target for a spell belonging to the school of magic you selected, you may spend a number of Magic Guard Points equal to the cast level of the spell to use your reaction to completely negate that spell and all its effect, treating it as if it were a failed cast. Negating magic in this way is magical in nature, but is not considered a spell for the purposes of Counterspell. You regain expended Magic Guard points at the end of a Long Rest.
Supernatural Attunement: Divinity ties ones Silver Cord (now referred to as a Golden Thread as a Deity) directly to the weave. This allows the attunement of additional items on top of the original 3 base attunement slots. You gain an additional attunement slot equal to half your divine rank rounded down (minimum 1).
Magic Fusion: You may fuse two similar magic items together and combine their effects into one singular magic item with multiple effects. In order to fuse items together they must obey the following rules;
1.) The items must be of the same types according to this list; Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Shields, Armor
2.) The resulting item must take the form of one of it's component items.
3.) Individual requirements for attunement are still tracked, meaning you may create an item that consumes multiple attunment slots. In such a case, you must attune to the item in an all-or-nothing principle. Even if you are not attuned to the item, you can still make use of the features on it that do not require attunement.
4.) All curses are inherited in the new weapon if one or more cursed items are used.
5.) Artifacts cannot be fused into magical items.
- Godly Smite: Divine energy ripples through deities, bestowing magical energy to any weapon they wield. All melee, ranged, and unarmed attacks from you are considered magical. Additionally you may supercharge your weapons with divine energy to bolster their power. As part of an attack action, you may add additional damage to your weapon attacks until the beginning of your next turn. The additional damage type may be any type you choose except for Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning. The additional damage dice rolled is determined by your Divine Rank according to the table below. Additional Damage dealt in this way is immune to the negation of anti-magic effects, such as the Anti-Magic Field spell. You may use your smite a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier and regain expended uses after a long rest.
Divine Rank | Smite Dice |
0 | 2d6 |
1 | 2d6 |
2 | 2d6 |
3 | 3d6 |
4 | 3d6 |
5 | 3d6 |
Divine Rank | Smite Dice |
6 | 3d8 |
7 | 3d8 |
8 | 3d8 |
9 | 3d10 |
10 | 3d10 |
Godly Actions
Deities are exceptional, supremely powerful beings. Because of this, they have the ability to act beyond the scope of standard mortal abilities, extending into super-natural ability, as befitting there divine skills. This culminates in the form of Godly Actions, which are a high-tier action that can be used for a collection of reasons.
A Godly Action has four major uses:
- Make 1 Skill Check or Saving Throw
This can be used for defensive other methods, such as making a repeatable Save to resist a certain effect, or a perception check to see through invisibility.
- Make 1 Weapon Attack
This attack is a lone, singular attack outside of the standard attack action. Only one attack may be made when you use your Godly Action in this way, even if you would normally make two or more attacks as part of your attack action.
- Cast 1 Cantrip you know
You may cast a cantrip in this way even if you already cast a spell and/or cantrip already during the same round.
- To fuel a Divine Feat or Divine Praxys
The power of a Divine Feat or a Divine Praxys requires divine might to use. Passive Divine Feats are always active and provide their benefit indefinitely unless they are blocked or lost. Active Divine feats all require your Godly Action to use, though some may require additional actions, such as a Bonus Action or Reaction to be used properly, and consume both action immediately and simultaneously.
Regardless of the method used, all Godly Actions have a (3-6 Recharge) rule. At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. You regain use of your Godly action on a 3 or greater. YOu may only stock 1 Godly Action at a time, and do not make this roll while you have one stocked.
Some gods have what can be referred to a Domain or Lair. While a god is within their Domain or Lair, they roll 2d6 for recharge rolls on their Godly Action. If either die reads 3 or higher, they regain their godly action. They only gain 1 Godly Action in this way, even if both dice read 3 or higher.
Godly Form
As your divinity evolves and grows, there is no doubt it will have an impact on your biology and physiology, though being as mighty as you are, you have control over how that growth manifests on your form. At certain Divine Ranks, you gain the ability to add to and alter your body to varying degrees
Minor. At Divine Rank 0, you manifest minor changes, which could be glowing or flaming eyes, a more muscular form, skin tone, elongated ears, a halo, or simply extremely tall. It also may be any combination of this or other minor changes that is purely cosmetic.
Intermediate. At Divine Rank 4, your divinity further influences your form. You gain intermediate changes, which could involve more cosmetic changes that have a slight function to them, such as horns, claws, fangs, spines, spikes, a set of wings, etc. It could also be multiple of these and ones similar.
Major. At Divine Rank 6, your body manifests large scale changes. These major changes, might include cosmetic changes as well as functional new forms. Examples of major changes are multiple limbs, several wings, tail, exposed skeleton, fiery body, ethereal form, etc. Your DM should consult with you as to the mechanics of your new appearance and features, but these changes must reflect your portfolio & domains and be a meaningful change.
All changes attined through this feature are permenent, even if you lose the Divine Rank associated with them. Additionally, you cannot change your form in such a way that you no longer resemble your true self.
Divine Body
Deities have cosmic energy flowing through them that makes it extraordinarily difficult to harm them.
Even if a damaging attack connects with you, feeble mundane weapons can do very little to hurt you. At divine Rank 0, all non-magical damage dealt to you is reduced by a value .equal to your Constitution modifier, up to a maximum of 5 points reduced off the damage (modifiers of less than one are treated as one for this purpose). At Divine Rank 6, you gain resistance to all non-magical forms of damage. The Damage soak from Divine Rank 0 applies AFTER resistance. At Divine Rank 10, you become immune to all forms of non-magical damage.
Afflictions that might normally affect mortals are shrugged off by deities. At Divine Rank 0, you have immunity to all non-magical diseases. Additionally, you gain immunity to one of the following conditions; Charmed, Frightened, Petrified, Poisoned, Paralyzed. At Divine Rank 6, you may pick a second condition from the list to become immune to, and also gain advantage on any saving throws made to resist all conditions imposed by a non-divine source.
When a Divine Rank 1 deity drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence and awareness travels back to its godly realm, and is unable to take physical form for a time - but is fully aware and able to utilize it's divine senses and deific communication abilities. While discorporated, your Divine Rank is treated as half it's current value, rounded down
Sovereign Sense
Every deity has at least limited knowledge and control over their Sovereignty.
Depending upon your Divine Rank, you may sense events related to your Sovereignty at varying degrees and with varying acuity. For example, Poseidon knows when a storm is over the ocean and may view it if he wishes. He may not, though, know when an avalanche is falling along a mountain. Mountains are not within his Sovereignty. When a deity senses an event, it merely knows that the event is occurring and where it is. For the sake of clarity, all examples will be given through the experience of a god of storms at various divine ranks.
- Divine Rank 0 You can detect large scale, episodic event connected to your Sovereignty. In order to sense such an event, it must have a perceptible impact on the world around it and must last for at least 1 hour before you begin to sense it. This sense is exclusive to the present and fades once the event has degraded to an intensity below that which you can detect, leaving no left over information for you to gather. At this rank, you cannot gather details beyond very vauge, often inconsequential information. At this Divine Rank, your Sovereign Sense is limited to the plane in which you currently exist.
A storm god would beable to detect a strong, destructive storm with in an accuracy any point within a 50 mile radius of the actual event. They would be unable to detect or gather any additional information.
- Divine Rank 3 Your Sovereign Sense becomes more acute and resilient. You can now detect small specific, non-descript details of events within your Sovereignty. Additionally, you can still sense the aftermath of an event for up to one day after it degrades to an intensity that is lower than you can detect.
A storm god would be able to detect the intensity and general direction of a storm, as well as the destructive aftermath is leaves in it's wake.
- Divine Rank 6 Your Sovereign Sense becomes strong enough to not only detect fine details, but also permeate the planar barriers. You can identify nearly all relevant details of events connected to your Sovereignty. Additionally, you can now detect events connected to your Sovereignty in any plane, not just your current plane.
A storm god of this rank would be able to discern the intensity, exact direction, and state of any storm in any plane, and can even ascertain what kind of storm is occurring and what it is currently doing.
- Divine Rank 9 Your Sovereign Sense gain a semblance of precognition. You can now detect situations where events connected to your Sovereignty may begin due to favorable circumstances surrounding the area that may lead to the emergence of an event, and can also detect what will happen during said event. Additionally, you can choose to exert an influence on these events, making an even more likely to occur in that areas. Conversely, you can chose to exert a negative influence to prevent the event from happening all together.
A storm god would be able to sense that a storm is about to form, even if the weather seems clear, and is able to predict with decent accuracy what will happen during said storm. The will also be able to tamper with the situation to make the storm more likely to appear, or stop it from forming in the first place.
Divine Praxys
A Divine Praxys is the physical manifestation of everything a god stands for a represent. All their intentions, ideals, and beliefs coalesced into a discreet, physical form through which gods enact their will. As each god is vastly unique, each Divine Praxys is equally special and unlike the others. A god of war might have a sword capable of rending apart fortifications with ease. A god of harvests might have a spell book loaded with gardening instructions and plant biology. Each Praxys can really be anything.
Praxii are so integral to gods, as a matter of fact, that all gods have one, even at Divine Rank 0. So starting there you may create your own Praxis as long as you following these Guide Lines:
Have the basic blueprint of a non-consumable Magic Item of Rare grade or lower, But are considered Artifacts due to their uniqueness.
Provide 1 Major and Minor Beneficial effect to their wielder of the designer's choice
Have 1 custom effect with a theming in-line with their god, and of Rare potency or weaker in terms of power scaling.
Do NOT require attunment.
All Praxii are semi-sentient. They do not have a personality or any sort of independant thought or intelligence, but they are aware of their situation and can respond accordingly.
If a Praxys is being wielded by a creature that is not the original owner, but still has a Divine Rank, the Praxy only functions as it's blueprint magic item. The wielder cannot benefit from the two beneficial effects or it's unique feature.
A creature without a Divine Rank must attune to the Praxys, and takes 3d8 Psychic damage at the beginning of each of it's turns, and an additional 5d8 psychic damage any time a feature of the praxys is used, as the semi-sentient object lashes out at it's stolen owner.
Effects imparted by and active on the the Praxys are immune to any form of disruption or reduction by non-divine means.
A Praxys cannot be used to reduce it's owner's Hit Points to 0. Attempting to do so will reflect the damage back on the wielder.
A Praxy's loyalty to it's owner cannot be swayed by any means outside of killing the owner, upon which the killer becomes the new owner of the Praxys.
All Praxii are considered summoned items. They can be dismissed and summoned at will as a free action, and the ability to do either cannot be interfered with by any means
Godly Realm
As a god, you have the ability to isolate a bubble of reality from the rest of the multiverse and make it your own personal space, whether that be a war-room, a temple, a library, a forge, or whatever else befits your sovereignty. This Doamin can be as big as a 2000 ft. cube. Regardless of the interior size of the bubble, it only takes up the space of a 500 ft. radius sphere. Additionally, you can grant your faithful followers the ability to come and go from your plane freely without impediment. All others must have your express permission to enter your Domain,
Being the a Domain is considered the home of the owner god, the bubble that contains the domain is warded by a barrier that provides numerous protections from external factors. The Barrier is semi-sentient. It's statblock is found at the end of this this text. The Domain Barrier exists at the edges of the Domain from bother the inside and outside perspectives, and fully encompasses the Domain.
Under normal circumstances, a creature cannot simply enter a domain if the god that owns the domain does not allow for it, but a Domain can be invaded through one of two methods.
These bubble are typically called Domains, meaning that there is some form of order and cohesion to their apperance and anatomy. But gods of a more primal persuasion, such as a monster, an ancient pre-civilization god, a Divine Dragon, or a Litch, might have a more wild and free flowing bubble more commonly called a Lair. The difference only manifests in the name itself and the physical appearance of the world within the bubble; functionally, Lair and Domain are interchangeable.
You have some control over the environment within your realm, controlling the temperature and minor elements of the environments such as smells and background sounds. Though this command, despite being a god, is not absolute. You cannot divinely create or control events that are not within your sovereignty, even if they occur in your Domain.
Your domain gains size based on your divine
You may only have a radius of control of godly realms that reside on the Material Plane equal to 100 ft. per Divine Rank of the realm.
Within this radius of control, you can set any temperature that is normal for the plane where the realm is located and fill the area with scents and sounds as you see fit. Sounds can be no louder than one hundred humans could make; you could create the sound of a choir, a battle, a jungle full of raucous birds, or similar sounds, but not intelligible speech or harmful sound. Your ability to create scents is similar to the ability to create sounds. If you have Divine Rank 6 or higher, you can create the sounds of intelligible speech. Additionally, as your Divine Rank grows in number, as does the abilities you possess to manipulate and control your godly realm(s). You gain the following divine abilities and the subsequent ones, as your Divine Rank increases:
- Divine Rank 1-3. You can erect buildings and alter the landscape, but must do so through your own labor, through magic, or through your divine feats.
- Divine Rank 4-5. Not only do you have control over the environment, but you also control links to the Astral Plane (assuming the cosmology where the godly realm lies has an Astral Plane). Manipulating a realms astral links can render teleportation and similar effects useless within the godly realm, if you so wish. You can designate certain locales within the realm where astral links remain intact. Likewise, you can block off the realm from planar portals or designate locations where portals are possible.
- Divine Rank 6-8. At this stage, you can erect buildings as desired and alter terrain within ten miles to become any terrain type found on the Material Plane, by the sheer will of your divine authority. These buildings and alterations are manifestations of your control over the realm.
- Divine Rank 9-10+. You can also perform any one of the following acts:
- Change or alter the gravity within the realm in general or specific ways.
- Change or alter the elements, energy, or damage types within the realm in general or specific ways.
- Change or alter time within the realm in general or specific ways.
- Alter the way magic is performed in the realm, such as certain spells, spells from a particular school of magic, or prevent certain spells from functioning. Your own spells and abilities must not be limited by these restrictions.
Once you set the conditions in your godly realm, they are permanent, though you can change them. As an action, you can specify a new environmental condition. The change gradually takes effect over the next 10 minutes.
Changing astral links, planar travel, or terrain requires more effort, and you must labor for a year and a day to change them. During this time, you must spend 8 hours a day on the project. During the remaining 16 hours of each day, you can perform any action you desire, so long as you remain within the godly realm. While terrain features may slowly shift and alter as you work, planar travel and astral links remain unchanged until the labor is done.
Domain Invasion and Destruction
A godly domain is nigh impregnable be forces that the owning god does not wish. But nigh impregnable and completely invincible are not the same thing. It is possible to circumvent the barrier the encompasses the Domain, namely through one of two methods.
Divine Imposition: when a God attempts to invade the doamin of another god though non0violent means, the invading god must roll a Godly Ability saving throw contested by the Domain DC, which is calculated as 12+ Proficiency Modifier + Godly Ability Modifier of the owner god. On a success, the invading god enters the Domain, but has their Divine Rank supressed by half, rounded down, as the Domain attempts to protect it's owner. Creatures without a divine rank automatically fail this save.
Barrier Destruction: All Domain are shielded by a barrier the provides numerous protections from external factors. This includes complete undetectability from the outside, complete immunity to spells originating from the outside. This is because the interior of the barrier is considered a completely separate plane form the exterior. As such, this barrier needs to be destroyed in order to invade without the barrier stifling the invader's Divine Rank. The statblock for the barrier is located below. Invaders be warned. The Barrier is a powerful construct and will not go down easy. Barriers typically need to be taken on by a group of gods to have any reasonable chance of success. Once the Barrier is defeated, it is broken open and the Domain can be invaded. But be warned, regardless of Place, Plane, and Rank, the owner of the Domain will be made instantly aware of your actions the moment you begin attacking the Barrier.
The Barrier is not a vessel in which the world it is contained, but rather simply a wall that isolates it. Destorying the Barrier has no direct impact on the world within it, and the world within does not come spilling out. Rather, is is not simply open for invasion be external factors without penalty or defense. Once broken, a barrier does not stay down forever, or even for all that long. In as little as 24 hours, a broken Barrier will reconstitue itself completely, meaning that the invading forces only have 24 hours to prep, invade, and declare victory before they start being penalized again.
If the Barrier reforms before the invasion begins, it is as if it was never destroyed in the first place. If it reforms during the invasion, the Divine Ranks of all gods not welcome in the Domain are halved, as if they invaded by Divine Imposition rather than forced entry.
In the event the owner of a Domian dies, the domain collapses, taking a full hour to do so. Once the Domain completely collapses, all creatures and objects in it are ejected to random locations of the astral plane.
You of course benefit from all the features listed above, being that you are a god. But if all gods were the same, then there would be no benefit to being one. After all, When everyone is super, no on will be.
As such, it stands to reason that, on top of the blanket benefits granted to all gods, each god would receive special benefits base on where their skills lie. These powers are granted through the ranks of Ascendancy, powering up your base class skill beyond their normal limits as your divine prowess grows stronger.
Artificer: Genius Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Artificer and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Divine Tinkering
When you reach Divine Rank 1, your ability to instill magic into other mundane objects is enhanced. When you imbue magical properties into an object by way of you Magical Tinkering feature, you may now imbue up to two magic effects in the item.
You may imbue more properties at higher ranks; 3 properties at Rank 5 and 4 properties at Rank 9.
Godly Infuser
At Divine Rank 3, your divinity allows you to enhance items further with more Infusions. You can now infuse multiple effects into an item, up to 2 infusions.
You can infuse more effects at higher ranks, 3 infusions at Rank 5 and 4 Infusions at Rank 9.
Additionally, when you attune to a magic item for the first time by way of Infusion, attuning in that way does not consume an attunement slot. You regain this free attunement if you unattune to the item that you attuned to in this way.
Reliable Expertise
At Divine Rank 5, you become so deft with your hands that your tools hardly ever fail you. Any time you make a skill check while using tools, you treat any d20 roll of 11 or lower as a 12. This effect stacks with your Tool Expertise feature.
Divine Mind
At Divine 7, your ability to calculate and reach solutions is accelerated by your godly intellect. When add a bonus to a Saving Thrown by way of your Flash of Genius feature, you double the amount added to the roll.
Additionally, when you have no uses of your Flash of Genius feature left, at the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a 6, you regain 1 use of that feature.
Also at Divine Rank 7, you choose one Intelligence based skill check of your choice. You gain proficiency in that skill, or if you were already proficent, you gain expertise in that skill. You may change which skill benefits from this effect once every 24 hours.
Arcane Edict
At Divine Rank 9, the magic you instill in objects is specially crafted to be rendered unusable if you deem it so without needing to compromise the effect.
The magical effects of magic items you create, Infuse, or Imbue or otherwise impart on to object cannot be used against you in any hostile manner.
Additionally, you can choose 1 object that either you have made or imbued.
That item contains a special breed of warding magic that renders it entirely unusable by creatures of your decision, even in it's mundane form, by imparting some non-hostile effect. For example, sword might become far to heavy to pick up and swing, or a piece of armor may arbitrarily fall off the wearer.
Barbarian: Frenzied Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Barbarian and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Wrath of the Gods
At Divine Rank 1, your rage grows sharper and more vicious. Your Rage bonus increases by a value equal to your Divine Rank
Unprovoked Rage
At Divine Rank 3, The bonuses of your Rage feature are permanently active, and raging no longer interfere with your ability to cast spell.
Fury Flurry
At Divine Rank 5, the number of attacks you make when you take the Attack Action increases by 1. This effect stacks with the Barbarian's Extra Attack feature for a maximum of 3 attacks per Attack Action.
Divine Haymaker
At Divine Rank 7, you may wrap all your attacks into 1 singular, potent strike. When you take the attack action, you may choose to forgo all additional attacks in favor of making one powerful swing. For each additional attack forgone, in this way, you increase the damage the enhanced attack deals by 10.
Edge of Apocalypse
At Divine Rank 9, you may infuse you weapons with cataclysmic magic. Once per long rest, when you deal damage with your weapons that adds your Rage Bonus to the damage, you may cast any Evocation spell with an Instantaneous duration at level 9 without needing Spell Slots or any components, including Verbal and Somatic. This spell is always cast as part of the attack, regardless of normal action economy.
Spells cast in this way use your Constitution modifier as your Spellcasting Ability, and always target the same creature as the triggering attack, regardless of range. Spells that normally target an area, such as Fireball, do not do so, and only affect the target creature.
Bard:Inspiring Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Bard and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Inverse Inspiration
At Divine Rank 1, your ability to inspire goes so far as to inhibit the abilities of your opponents. You may force your Bardic Inspiration Dice onto hostile creatures.
You may use your bonus action to inflict a hostile creature with one of your Bardic Inspiration Dice
With in the next 10 minutes, when a hostile creatures afflicted by one of your Dice rolls a d20 for the purposes of an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you may force the creature to roll your Bardic Inspiration Die as well, subtracting the result from the d20 roll. This can be done after a roll has been made, but must be done before the effect of the roll is determined.
Bardic Inspiration Dice used in this way still abide by standard Bardic Inspiration rule regarding dice size and consumption.
Tale of Two Fates
At Divine Rank 3, you can twist the benefits of your Bardic Inspiration to be more potent, at the cost of a bit more power.
When you grant a Bardic Inspriation Die to any creature, you may choose to grant them 2 Dice instead. When a creature rolls your Bardic Inspiration Dice and they have two dice, they must roll both and can choose which dice to use.
If a creature is forced to roll by way of your Inverse Inspiration feature, then you get to choose which number they use.
In either case, both dice are consumed as a result of this roll, even though one of them goes unused.
Endless Inspiration
At Divine Rank 5, you can draw from a nigh endless well of inspiration. The maximum amount of Bardic Inspiration Dice you can now hold is equal to twice your Charisma modifier.
Recursive Inspiration
At Divine Rank 7, your ability to inspire never grows dull, even if you reuse the same tactics over and over again.
Bardic Dice that roll a 6 are returned to your pool instead of being consumed. This window expands to 5-6 at Divine Rank 9
Bardic Twist
At Divine Rank 9, any spell you cast now ignores any restrictions in place due to the school of magic that the spell belongs to. Additionally, conditions inflicted by your spells can be forcibly altered. If a condition inflicted by one of your spells appears on the list below, you may use your bonus action to change it to any other condition on the list.
Blinded |
Charmed |
Deafened |
Frightened |
Invisible |
Paralyzed |
Petrified |
Poisoned |
Cleric: Faithful Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Cleric and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Arcane Divinity
At Divine Rank 1, you can use your magic to recharge your Channel Divinity feature.
You may expend 1 spell slot to recover a number of uses of your Channel divinity equal to half the level of the slot, rounded down. 1st level spell slots cannot be used to recharge Channel Divinity uses, and you cannot recharge more uses that you maximum possible amount.
Turn Opposition
At Divine Rank 3, your ability to turn creatures expands beyond just the undead.
Your Turn Undead Channel Divinity option now affects one additional creature type of your choice between Fey, Celestial, Monstrosity, Aberration, Fiend, and Construct. You may choose this second type each time you make use of your Turn Undead option.
Destroy Undead is not enhanced by this feature in any way.
At Divine Rank 5, you gain a level of power most cleric cannot hope to attain.
Depending on if your subclass grants your the Potent Spellcasting or Divine Strike feature, you gain the feature you do not already have as well.
If you gain Divine Strike in this way, you must choose weather it deals Necrotic or Radiant damage. Once selected, this damage type cannot be changed.
Zealous Intervention
At Divine Rank 7, your powers swell and grow with each failure as the stored might doubles back on itself.
Each time your Divine Intervention fails to properly activate, you subtract 5 from the next roll of the percentile dice, and use that value for the next attempt. This effect stacks on itself until the intervention succeeds, at which point the bonus is reset to 0.
If your Intervention feature can never fail due to your Cleric level being 20, then you gain an additional usage of Divine Interventions. Each use recharges independently and require individual 7-day recharges.
Arcana Infraction
At Divine Rank 9, your godlyhood is so strong that you have the ability to hijack the magic of other casters if you manage to overwhelm their hold on their spells.
You learn the Counterspell spell if you didn't already. If you successfuly negate a spell by casting counterspell, you may use your reaction to cast the negated spell at half the level it was initially cast at, rounded down, consuming a spell slot and any components as usual.
Druid: Natural Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Druid and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Druidic Arcana
At Divine Rank 1, you can spin your Druidic tongue into your spells.
Choose 1 spell of each level that you know that have a Verbal component. When you gain a new level of spells, you choose one of those spells as well. For the chosen spells, you cast them using Druidic rather you usual language. At the end of a Long rest, you may reselect spells so long as you only choose one spell for each spell level.
Any time a creature you deem as unfriendly attempts to interfere with one of these spell, such as making a Saving Throw or casting counterspell against the spell, they must abide by the rules of your Druidic class feature before they can make any attempt to decipher your magic. If they are able to decipher your Druidic tongue, they may act as normal. If not, then their attempts to interfere automatically fail.
Vital Reversal
At Divine Rank 3, your command over life grows finer and more powerful.
You may us your reaction to turn any damage directed at a friendly creature into healing.
Conversely, you can turn any healing directed at a hostile creture into necrotic damage. Necrotic damage dealt in this way ignores immunities and resistances.
Regardless of how this feature is used, it cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.
Sturdy Wildshape
At Divine Rank 5, Your wildshape is immutable.
While in a Wildshape form, you cannot be forced to change forms or revert out of your Wildshape by any means as long as you ar conscious.
Flooding Vitality
At Divine Rank 7, your healing magic is supercharged thanks to your affinty with life and nature.
Any time you heal another creature through any of your druid features, including any druid spells, that creature gains Temprary HP equal to twice your Druid level.
Chimeric Divinity
At Divine Rank 9, your ability to wildshape become incredibly flexible.
When you assume one of the forms of your Wildshape feature, you gain 1 additional feature of your choice from any other creature that you can transform into.
Fighter: Martial Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Fighter and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Endless Stamina
At Divine Rank 1, your stamina become night endless.
Your Second Wind feature now has the (6 recharge) property.
Endless Onslaught
At Divine Rank 3, you move faster and strike cleaner than ever before.
You can attack an additional time whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
This effect stacks with your Extra Attack feature of a maximum of 5 possible attacks per Attack Action.
At Divine Rank 5, you gain a stalwart resistance to overwhelming force. When you make use of your indomitable feature, you always reroll the save with advantage.
Infinite Onslaught
At Divine Rank 7, you learn how to take advantage of the openings you make.
When ever you land a critical hit or reduce a creature to 0 HP with a weapon attack, you may make an additional attack.
At Divine Rank 9, your ability to strategize and adapt to various situations allows you to develop a rotating set of skills
Choose 2 additional Martial Archetypes. You can freely switch between any one of the now-three selected Archetypes at the end of a long rest.
Additionally, as an Action on your turn, you may switch out any Archetype as well. When you use an action to switch your Archetype in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
While one Archetype is chosen and active, the features and benefits granted by the other two inactive Archetypes cannot be used or benefitted from.
Monk: Spiritual Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Monk and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
God Speed
At Divine Rank 1, your swiftness and agility are unparalleled
Your Movement speed increases by 20 feet, and you do not consume additional movement for moving across non-magical difficult terrain
Additionally, Attacks of Opportunity made against you as a result of you moving have disadvantage to hit you.
Regenerative Spirit
At Divine Rank 3, your soul regenerates faster from being drained.
When you begin your turn with 0 Ki Points, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, you instantly regain a number of Ki Points equal to your Wisdom Modifier
Soul Disruptor
At Divine Rank 5, your Ki is so lively and powerful that it disrupts magic.
When you deal damage to a creature concentrating on a spell with a feature that requires you to spend Ki Points, That creature has disadvantage on the Concentration Save.
Additionally, damage dealt by your Flurry of Blows feature deals double damage to magical constructs or similar barriers of magical origin.
When you reach Monk Level 6, the benefits of this feature extend to your unarmed strikes by way of your Ki-Empowered Strikes feature.
Unbroken Spirit
At Divine Rank 7, your spirit is wrapped in an armor of impenetrable Ki.
You cannot be forced to act agaisnt your will by any means.
Unending Flurry
At Divine Rank 9, you can attack with relentless speed.
After making your two additional attacks with Flurry of Blows, if your last attack dealt damage, you make make a third attack as part of the same action with a -2 penalty to the attack roll.
You may repeat this attack as long as the previous hit in the sequence dealt damage, with the -2 penalty accumulating each time until you miss, at which point, the penalty resets to -2.
Paladin: Devout Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Paladin and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Devout Defender
At Divine Rank 1, your devotion to your cause has driven you to further hone your martial and magical skills.
Pick 1 additional Paladin Fighting Style to benefit from.
Additionally, you learn and number of cantrips equal to your Charisma modifier from the Cleric Spell list.
Godly Smite
At Divine Rank 3, your own divinity enhances your Divine Smite beyond the bounds of a normal Paladin
The damage dice of your Divine Smite changes to d10s instead of d8s, and ignores resistances and treats immunities as resistance.
True Smite
At Divine Rank 5, you gain the ability to truly smite your enemeis with the full wrath of a god.
If you consume a 3rd level spell slot or greater to use a Divine Smite, instead of attacking your target directly, you may chose to instead call forth a bolt of Divine Power to smite your enemies from afar.
Choose any creature that you can detect within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Constitution saving thrown against your Spell Save DC, taking the full damage of your Divine Smite on a failed save, and half as much on a success.
God's Bane
At Divine Rank 7, you may choose to align your powers to a particular set of principles.
When you gain this feature, you much choose either a particular race, creature type, or set of principled ideas.
Creatures that match the chosen race or type, or are in clear and willful violation of your chosen ideals without repentance, take double damage form any magical features of your paladin features, such as Spells or Divine Smites.
Once chosen, the alignment of this feature cannot be changed, even if the required Divine Rank is lost and regained.
Soul Execution
At Divine Rank 9, your smite has the ability to destroy souls utterly and completely.
When you consume a 5th level Spell Slot to deal damage with Divine Smite, the resulting damage is doubled.
If a creature is reduced to 0 HP from damage dealt in this way, you may choose to obliterate their body and soul.
If you do so, when the creature dies, there is no body left behind and no soul to call out to. Creatures killed in this way cannot be revived by any means short of a wish spell.
Ranger: Wild Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Ranger and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Divine Insight
At Divine Rank 1, your insight into your chosen favored enemy expands to include biological faults of the creature
Any time you deal damage to a creature belonging to your Favored Enemy classification, you deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier + Your Divine Rank.
Endless Quiver, Eagle Eyes
At Divine Rank 3, you can create an endless supply of arrows for your bow.
You can ignore the Loading and Ammunition properties of Light Crossbows, Shortbows, Hand Crossbows, Heavy Crossbows, and Longbows, and attacking with these weapons does not consume your supply of basic, unmodified arrows.
Additionally, The maximum range of Light Crossbows, Shortbows, Hand Crossbows, Heavy Crossbows, and Longbows while wielded by you is doubled, and you do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls for attacking beyond the normal range for these weapons.
Adaptive Supply
At Divine Rank 5, you can create special arrows for any situation
At the end of each long rest, you may imbue a number of basic, unmodified arrows with elemental power.
Choose any damage type except for Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning, and Force. You transform a number of arrows equal to twice the sum of your Wisdom Modifier + Your Divine Rank into elemental arrows of the chosen type
When you load one of these arrows into a Light Crossbow, Shortbow, Hand Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, or Longbow, the next attack deals made with that weapon deals damage matching the chosen type.
These arrows cannot be loaded into any other type of weaponry and you cannot apply this effect to other types of ammunition.
Once you use a piece of ammunition that was enanced in this way, it is no longer enhanced.
True Camouflage
At Divine Rank 7, your ability to lurk and pursue is greatly enhanced.
The benefits of your Hide in Plain Sight and Vanish features now work against magical detection.
True Adaptivity
At Divine Rank 9, you can adapt on the fly as the situation need
When you make an attack with a Light Crossbow, Shortbow, Hand Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, or Longbow, against your favored enemy, you may use your bonus action to change the damage type of the arrow, mid-flight, to a type that the that the target is vulnerable to.
Rogue: Cunning Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Rogue and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Honed to Perfection
At Divine Rank 1, the skills you have spent so long practicing and sharpening have become infallible.
Choose 1 skill you have expertise in. When you roll that skill, you treat any d20 value of 14 or less as a 15 when you make skill checks with that skill.
Additionally, once per long rest, you may choose to automatically roll a 20 on the chosen skill. This may be done after the roll has been made, but before the effect of the roll is determined.
Opportunistic Brutality
At Divine Rank 3, your ability to blend with the visual white noise around you allows you to capitalize on lowered defenses and impaired senses
When you roll your Sneak Attack damage dice on a Creature that is afflicted by an effect that impairs their sense, movement, or ability to act in any way, you roll d8s instead of d6s, and roll 1 additional d8 per Divine Rank you have.
At Divine Rank 5, you know how to use the momentary chaos of large attacks to hide and dish out damage.
When you fully negate any damage done to you by way of your Evasion feature, you may use your reaction to hide and move upto your movement speed.
If you end your movment adjacent to the creature whose attack you just avoided, you may make an attack of opportunity agaisnt them. You always add your sneak attack bonus to the damage of an attack made in this way.
Sneak Breaker
At Divine Rank 7, you know how to attack in such away that you can temporarily leave your opponents wide open for your allies.
When you would normally roll your Sneak Attack Dice when you deal damage to a creature, you may instead forgo rolling any number of Sneak Attack Dice, and instead nullify any AC on the target that is not provided directly by their equipped armor and shield.
Additionaly, for each dice forgone, you reduce the AC of the target by a number equal to the amount of Sneak Attack Dice forgone.
This calculation takes place after the initial AC nullification, and cannot lower the target's AC to less than 8.
Waltz of Death
At Divine Rank 9, you learn how to brutalized an injured enemy.
Each time you deal Sneak Attack damage to a creature, the next instance of Sneak Attack damage deals 2 additional dice of damage, up to a maximum of twice the initial amount of dice.
This bonus persists until you deal Sneak Attack damage to a different creature, or fail to deal Sneak Attack Damage to the target creature
Sorcerer: Potent Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Sorcerer and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Replicative Sorcery
At Divine Rank 1, your sorcerous potency has the ability to self replicate.
On each turn in combat, as long as you begin your turn with at least 1 Sorcery Point, you may use your action to double the amount of Sorcery Points you have remaining.
You cannot Exceed your maximum possible number of Sorcery Points in this way.
Meta Magic Ultima
At Divine Rank 3, your arcane prowess allows you to manipulate spells even more than before.
The size of your Font of sorcery is permanently doubled.
Additionally, you may learn twice as many Metamagics and may apply 2 Meta-magics to your spells.
Arcane Artillery
At Divine Rank 5, your spells reach further and wider than ever before.
When you cast a spell with an Instantaneous duration that targets an area of your choosing, the size of the area of effect, is doubled in all dimensions, and the range for choosing the target point is also doubled
Eternal Twist
Choose any 1 Metamagic you know. You may now apply that metamagic without needing to expend Sorcery Points
The chosen Metamagic must cost 2 Sorcery Point or less, and cannot have a flexible cost.
Blood Dynamo
At Divine Rank 9, your own vitality and magical power are so closely tied that they become interchangeable.
When you end a Long rest, you may trade Maximum HP for Spell Slot Storage Space or vice versa at a cost of 10 Maximum HP per slot level.
You may gain any number of slot storage spaces of any level in this way, so long as you have at least 1 natural Spell Slot Storage of that level as outlined by your Sorcerer Class Table. You cannot sacrifice more that Half your Maximum HP in this way.
Conversely, You may increase your Maximum HP by any amount in this way so long as you have at least one Spell Slot Storage of each level you would normally have access to outlined by your Sorcerer Class Table.
You may change this distribution to any degree you please in with direction within the restriction outlined above at the end of each long rest.
Warlock: Eldrtich Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Warlock and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Profane Knowledge
At Divine Rank 1, you gain insight into forbidden arts.
You gain additional Eldrtich Invocations equal to your Divine Rank.
If you lose Divine Ranks, you lose access to the associated Eldritch Invocation until you regain that Rank
Pact Boon Fusion
At Divine Rank 3, you gain the ability to enhance your pact boon beyond typical means.
Choose another Pact Boon you do not already have. Your Pact boon now provides the benefits of both its original form, and the newly selected form at the same time, including prerequisites for Eldritch Invocations.
Accursed Resonance
At Divine Rank 5, your power allows you to forcibly bend and warp curses into new forms.
YOu learn the Hex spell if you didn't know it already. It does not count against the number of spell you can learn, but it is nonetheless a warlock spell for you.
While a creature is afflicted by one of your curses, you may cast a spell with an Instantaneous duration that you know on that creature without needing to spend a Spell Slot.
Spells cast in this way still require the needed components.
Spells that normally target an area are always centered on the cursed creature when cast in this way.
After the spell ends, roll a Charisma saving throw against your own spell save DC. On a success, the curse afflicting the target creature persists. On a fail, the curse ends immediately.
Profusive Arcana
At Divine Rank 7, your Mystic Arcana becomes warped and more flexible.
You can now use your charges of your Mystic Arcana to instead cast your normal Warlock Spells at a higher level.
Vicious Curse
At Divine Rank 9, your curses are cast with a brutal failsafe.
Any time one of your curses afflicting a creature is broken, that creature take Force damage equal to your Charisma Modified + your Divine Rank.
Wizard: Arcane Ascension
If you have at least 1 level in Wizard and do not have features in any other Ascension Class, you gain the following features at their respective Divine Ranks.
Loose Threads
At Divine Rank 1, you learn how to gather frayed bits of residual magic in the air and compress them into usable power.
When you roll initiative, you regain 1 spell slot of each level that you would naturally have spell slots for as described by your Wizard Class Table.
You cannot exceed your maximum number of spell slots in this way.
Arcane Coalescence
At Divine Rank 3, your divinity allows you to be more efficent with your magic, allowing you to cast more spells.
At the end of a long rest, you may increase the number of Spell SLots available to you as long as the combined level of the slots does not exceed your Divine Rank. For example, At Divine Rank 6, you may add 1, 5th level slot and 1, 1st level slot, or you may add 2, 3rd level slots, or you may add 1, 2nd level slot and 1, 4th level slot.
You can exceed your normal maximum number of spells slots in this way, though you cannot add spell slots to a level that you would naturally have spell slots for as described by your Wizard Class Table.
Deconstructive Studies
At Divine Rank 5, you can learn new spells through careful observation.
During combat, when you witness the casting of a spell, you may use your reaction to record notes in your spell book about what you witnessed. You may do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier, after which, if you choose to record new notes, you must choose a set of notes to forget. You may record multiple notes of the same spell if you wish.
At the end of a long rest, your recorded notes are made permanent and you can now record a new set of notes without needing to erase your old notes.
Once you record notes on a single spell a number of times equal to the spell's base level, you learn the spell at no additional cost. This may even happen mid combat if you reach the number of notes required between your permanent and recorded
For example, if you have 2 permanent notes on the Fireball spell and record a 3rd instance of notes on the Fireball spell while in combat, you learn Fireball spell immediately.
Recording notes on spells cast at a higher level than their base level has no impact on this process.
Implosive Break
At Divine Rank 7, It becomes just as dangerous to break your spells as it is to take them.
When the effect of a spell cast by you that has a duration longer than Instantaneous ends earlier than it's full duration by means agaisnt your will, such as a successful save or Counterspell, you may use your reaction consume an additional spell slot and cause the spell to implode. You must consume a spell slot of at least equal level to the level at which the spell was initially cast at in order to active this effect.
When you do so, the creature that was afflicted by your spell takes 1d8 Force damage per level of the Spell Slot consumed.
If multiple creatures are being affected by a spell when it is broken, the resulting damage is divided as evenly as possible among them.
Spells that are forced to end by way of Antimagic effects cannot benefit from this feature.
Makeshift Arcana
At Divine Rank 9, you can not cast spells you don't even know, though your lack of knowledge about them forces you to use more power.
You may now cast any spell, even if you do not know it.
If you cast a spell you do not know, then you must consume a spell slot 2 levels higher than that of the spell.
You cannot upcast spells, nor cast 8th and 9th level spells in this way.
Divine Powers
Powers of the Gods
It is no secret that the acts carried out by Gods are, more often than not, the centerpiece of many a legend, myth, and story - with many of their deeds being seen as impossible miracles, disheartening omens, and cataclysmic disasters.
While mortals may be able to exert their own martial or magical prowess over the world using their bodies and minds, a Deity is much more easily able to manipulate the world on the basest of whims. If a god wills it, then there is little that can be done to stop it.
Abilities beyond natural
Gods have a wide range of innate supernatural qualities to begin with, but the way they control and manipulate reality around them is the most awe-inspiring. This can be achieved through 3 main groups of abilities: epic boons, epic maneuvers, and divine feats
Dice Manipulation
Due to the sheer intensity of some of these features and effects, the relevant dice can be manipulated in some interesting ways. These ways are identified and defined as follows. Use the Dice Manipulation Table for referencing which values pertain to which dice.
High-Rolling a die means that any die that rolls lower than its High-Roll Cutoff value are treated as if they rolled that cutoff value.
Low-Rolling a die means that any die that rolls higher than its Low-Roll Cutoff value are treated as if they rolled that cutoff value.
Maximizing a die means that it automatically rolls its highest possible value.
Minimizing a dice means that it automatically rolls its lowest possible value.
Exploding a die means that if that die rolls its maximum possible value, then that die is rolled again, and all rolls of that die are added to the running total. Dice can explode multiple times.
Dice Manipulation Table
Die Size |
High-Roll Cutoff | Low-Roll Cutoff | Maximized Value |
Minimized Value |
Exploding Value |
d4 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 4 |
d6 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 1 | 6 |
d8 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 1 | 8 |
d10 | 6 | 5 | 10 | 1 | 10 |
d12 | 7 | 6 | 12 | 1 | 12 |
d20 | 10 | 9 | 20 | 1 | 20 |
Divine Feats
True Divine power - How can one quantify such true power? The answer lies in divine feats, which are feats restricted to the gods, being that they are culminations of power far greater than even the most legendary mortal heroes would be capable of. In order to take a Divine Feat, you must meet the pre-requisites for it, however, just because it seems you would be able to handle such power does not mean you actually can. A god is not omnipotent, ant cannot control facets of existence beyond the scope of what their sovereignty encompasses. The DM may rule that you cannot take a Divine Feat if they can argue that it's power is beyond the scope of your domain of control and influence.
Some Divine Feats are passive and continuously provide a (comparatively) small, permanent boost or augmentation without any effort on your part. But other Divine Feats must be evoked or called upon specially. While mortals would normally use an action for such a feat, such a simple and weak effort will not suffice. This is where the use of a Godly Action comes in.
Though rare, Divine Feats may also be granted in ways outside of standard Divine Rank progression, though this typically represents the culmination and conclusion of grand events, such as the slaying of another god by your own hands, or the worship of a particularly powerful individual.
Annihilating Strike
Prerequisies: Divine Rank 1 or higher; Godly Ability Score of 22 or higher
Any physical attack you make can destroy a foe outright. When you declare a weapon attack on a creature, but before any rolls are made, you may spend your Godly Action to infuse divine power into this attack.
If this attack hits, all creatures in a 20-foot radius of the target creature except for you must roll a Divine Save. The Damage Dice, including additional damage dice from effects such as criticals, Divine Smite, or attack-enhancing spells such as Green Flame Blade, are Maximized, and Exploded. The subsequent results of the exploded dice ARE NOT maximized, and rolled as normal, but may still explode.
Creatures take full damage on a failed save, and half as much on a success. The original target creature automatically fails this save if it lacks a Divine Rank, or if it's Divine Rank is lower than yours
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 0 or higher
You have focused your divine energy into understanding the battlefield, concentrating that energy into a sixth sense, gaining a bonus to your initiative equal to your Divine Rank.
Additionally, you cannot be surprised and creatures do not gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being hidden from you. Finally, creatures within 5 feet of you that use the Disengage action still provoke an opportunity attack from you.
Divine Blast
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 0 or higher
As a god, you can channel your divine energy and release part of it in a ray of pure energy.
When you take this feat, choose any damage type that isn't Slashing, Bludgeoning, or Piercing.
On your turn, You may use your Action and Godly Action to fire off a series of rays equal to your proficiency modifier.
On your turn, you may use your Action and Godly Action to fire off a series of rays equal to your proficiency modifier. Each beam has a range of 500 feet, and requires it's own Ranged Godly Attack Roll, dealing 2d12 Force damage on a hit. If all beams converge on and hit the same creature, then the damage dice are High-Rolled.
These bolts deal double damage to creatures that lack a Divine Rank, as well as non-divine objects, and ignores damage thresholds.
Divine Blessing
Prerequisites: Godly Ability Score of at least 24
You gain the exceptional ability to empower mortals by imbuing them with a fragment of your own power.
Using your Godly Action, choose one creature you can see within 60 feet of you that lacks a Divine Rank. The enahnced ability of the target creature that matches your chosen Godly Ability Score, and increases by 1 for every 2 points your Godly Ability Score is over 20.
This feat has no effect on creatures who have a Divine Rank.
Divine Celerity
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4 or higher, Dexterity Godly Ability Score
You gain the ability to infuse yourself with divine speed. You may use your Godly Action to cast the Haste spell as base level, targeting only yourself, and requiring no components or spell slots.
Haste cast in this way lasts twice and long, and the second action can be used to cast another spell or cantrip, following the rest of normal action economy rules.
Divine Expertise
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 0 or higher
You use your divinity to enhance your skillset. Choose 3 skills that you are proficient in. You gain expertise (double proficiency) in those skills.
Divine Empowerment
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 3 or higher
Your divinity grows even further. You can now stock 1 additional Godly Action. Each stock inherits the recharge condition of you usual Godly Action, though you can only recharge 1 Godly Action at a time.
You always preform the recharge roll if you have less than you maximum number of Godly Actions.
You may take this feat a maximum of 2 times for a maximum of 3 Godly Action stocks.
Divine Gaze
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4 or higher, Wisdom Godly Ability Score
Your gaze has the ability to not only see through false visages, but also dispel them.
You gain 30 feet of truesight. If you already had truesight, the range extends by 30 feet.
Once per round, at the beginning of any creature's turn, you may use your Bonus Action and a Godly Action to forcefully dispel and false appearance of a creature within range of your truesight whose true form differs from it's current form by way of magical deception, such as a the Disguise Self spell. The target creature cannot reassume it's false apperance until it leaves the range of your truesight.
This feature can see through, but not dispel non-migical means of disguise.
Divine Radiance
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 0 or higher
Through sheer will, you can emit a powerful holy light. As a bonus action, you shed light in an area of 10 feet multiplied by your Divine Rank, emanating from your body. This light counters and dispels all darkness effects, magical or otherwise (unless created by a deity of higher Divine Rank) and causes pain and damage to undead creatures, who take 2d20 points of radiant damage at the beginning of their turns each round they are within the light.
Divine Shield
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 6 or higher
You may pour part of your divine energy into a barrier that protects you from almost any attack. On your turn, you may use your Godly Action to create a shield that lasts for 10 minutes and protects your body and equipment from attacks. This Shield covers you on all sides and it too close for any creature to come between it and you. Upon creation, the shield has 50 Hit Points per Divine Rank you have, and cannot regain Hit Points by any means.
Once the shield's Hit Points are reduced to 0, the shield shatters. Unlike Temporary HP, excessive damage does not carry over to you if the sheild had less HP than needed to fully absorb the damage.
This shield absorbs all forms of damage directed at you, preventing you from taking any of the damage intended for you, though damage calculations against this shield still take your vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities into account, and does not protect you from actions that would impact you in ways other than dealing damage.
Each successive use of this feature cuts the number of Hit Points the shield starts with by half, rounded down, to a minimum of 10. This penalty resets persists nd accumulates until you complete a long rest.
Divine Spell Swapping
Prerequisites: Godly Ability and Spell Casting Ability are the same Ability
You have infused your normal spellcasting capabilities with that of your divine energies, letting you tap into greater magical knowledge. You may spend your Godly Action to re-map your spells on the fly, benefitting from one of the following effects as described:
- If you slowly learn spells from a list over time, such as a Sorcerer or Warlock, you forget and reselect your known spells
- If you know all your spells and must prep them ahead of time, such a Paladin or Cleric, you unprep all your prepped spells and prep a new list of spells.
Extra Sense Enhancement
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 3 or higher
You gain elevated preception of your surroundings. Choose one of the following senses. You permanently gain that sense at the prescribed range.
Blindsense | 10 feet |
True Sight | 30 feet |
Dark Vision | 60 feet |
Tremor Sense | 60 feet |
At the end of a long rest, you may select a new special sense from the table to benefit from, loosing your original sense as a result You may choose a sense you already have, adding half the new range to your current range of that sense.
You may take this feet a total of four times. You cannot benefit from more that 1 instance of each type of special sense gained by way of this feat.
Frightful Presence
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4 or higher, Charisma Godly Ability Score
You gain the ability to scare your opposition witless.
Whenever you preform an action of defiance or aggression, such as succeeding in a spell save or making a spell or weapon attack, you may use your Godly Action to pick any one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. That creature and all other creatures within a 15 foot radius of that creature must make a Divine Wisdom Save.
Creatures who fail their save are Frightened by you for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. Additionally, if the initally targeted creature fails the save, they become Paralyzed for half the Frightened condition duration, rounded up. A creature may reattempt this save at the beginning of each of their turns, ending the conditions this feat inflicted on them on a success.
Any time you deal damage to a creature Frightened by you in this way, you may use you bonus action to deal 1d8 of High-Rolled psychic damage per Divine Rank you have.
Creatures that lack a Divine Rank have disadvantage on all saves made for the purposes of this feat.
Gift of Life
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 7 or higher
You gain partial control over mortality.
As a Godly Action, you may cast the True Resurrection spell without the need for Spell Slots or Material Components. Casting True Resurrection in this way ignores the 200 year limit of the spell and can forcefully revive those whose soul is unwilling. Creatures who are unwillingly revived may choose to leave their bodies again 24 hours after they were revived. This feat still fails to function of the soul of the target creature was destroyed or is undetectable.
Alternatively, you may use your Godly Action to bestow true life and soul into a formerly lifeless creature, such as undead and constructs. Initially, creatures that are granted life in this way maintain loyalty to their creator and still attempt to carry out the goal they were made for, but can now be swayed from that goal or have their loyalties changed if convinced to do so. Additionally, undead and constructs granted life in this way are now valid targets for healing based effects, such as the Spare the Dying cantrips, which normally exclude them due to a lack of a soul.
Regardless of the method used, this feat is unusable until Godly Action is spent to recharge this feat. Using a Godly Action to recharge this feat IS NOT the same as activating this feat.
Grasp of Death
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 7 or higher
You gain partial control over mortality.
As a Godly Action, you may cast the PowerWord Kill spell without the need for Spell Slots or Material Components. Casting PowerWord Kill in this way can now kill creatures with 150 Hit Point instead of just 100. Additionally, the target of your PowerWord Kill spell cast in this way must succeed a Divine Constitution Save, or take 1d10 Necrotic damage per each Divine Rank you have before the effects of your Powerword Kill spell is applied.
Creatures that are killed in this way are destroyed utterly and completely, with no soul or body left to call out to, can cannot be revived by any means short of a Wish spell.
This feat is unusable until Godly Action is spent to recharge this feat. Using a Godly Action to recharge this feat IS NOT the same as activating this feat.
Imposing Might
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4 or higher, Strength Godly Ability Score
Your physical might becomes a force to reckon with, even amonst gods.
You are considered 1 size class larger for the purposes of determining your carrying capacity.
Additionally, you may use your Strength score in place of your Charisma score for Intimidation and Persuasion skill checks. Also, whenever you roll a Strength skill check or Saving Throw, you make the roll with advantage.
Know Secrets
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4 or higher, Intelligence Godly Ability Score
You have seen and remembered secrets of the world that predate recorded history.
You may cast the Legend Lore spell at will without the need for spell slots or material components. When you cast the spell in this way, you may use your Godly Action choose to target a second creature, when then must make a Divine Wisdom Save. On a fail, you benefit from the normal effect of the Legend Lore spell, and also gain any knowledge that the target creature has of the main target of the spell. You gain all knowledge of the main target in this way, even if the target creature is unaware that they know such details, though this effect may not result in any new knowledge being obtained if the second creature does not know of any other information.
A willing creature may choose to automatically fail this save to impart any knowledge, conscious or not, of the target of the Legend Lore spell. When a creature chooses to fail this save, your Godly Action recharge immediately.
Mind of the Beast
Saving Throw DC: DC 20 + your Divine Rank + your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom modifier (your choice).
As an action, you can grant humanlike sentience to trees or animals. This sentience lasts 24 hours, and the sentient tree or animal obeys your commands to the best of its ability. You can affect up to one creature per your Divine Rank at once, but no more than that number multiplied by 2 at any one time. All must be within your line of sight when first affected.
Also, you can transmute any creature into a plant or animal of approximately the same size or up to two size categories smaller as an action that expends 1 godly action. The target creature is allowed a Constitution saving throw.
Creatures turned into plants become objects. Creatures turned into animals have the same abilities and statistics of the kind of animal you choose. Changing a creature into a plant or animal lasts for 24 hours.
The Alter Reality ability in conjunction with this ability can make either effect permanent.
Suggested Portfolio Elements: Nature, wilderness
Physique of the Divines
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4 or higher, Constitution Godly Ability Score
Your body become a veritable stronghold of divine power.
Your maximum Hit Points increases by 5 times your Divine Rank, and you regain an amount of Hit Points equal to your Constitution Modifier at the beginning of each of your turns. You cannot benefit from this regeneration if you have less than 1 Hit Point.
Additionally, you begin all Death Saves with 1 success already marked and you mark an additional automatic success at Divine Rank 8.
Also, you gain immunity to 1 condition of your choice, and have advantage on Saving Throws made to resist all other conditions.
Praxys Myriad
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 0 or higher
Your ability to create and conjure a Divine Praxys increases two-fold.
You may create and make use of another Divine Praxys that you can make effective use of. You always benefit from both Praxii simultaneously, even when they are unsummoned. You may also choose to fuse your Divine Praxii into one form that provides the benefits of both Praxii simultaneously.
You may take this feat a total of 2 times for 3 total Praxii
Praxys Arcana
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 6 or higher, Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
Your Divine Praxys has the ability to empower your spells to incredible levels, even for a god.
Your Divine Praxys now counts as an Arcane Focus if it didn't already.
Choose one spell that you know of 3rd level or lower. When you cast that spell using your Divine Praxys as your Arcane Focus, you do not spend a spell slot when casting the chosen spell.
Additionally, Your Divine Praxys gains 30 charges. You may use your Godly Action to spend up to 10 of these charges at once and regain any number of spent spell slots whose total combined levels are equal to the number of charges spent.
This ability regains 1d10 spent charges daily at dawn.
Epic Boons
These boons are extraordinary powerful and represent the gradual transformation of a character into something resembling a god-like entity.
Categories and Prerequisites. Boons are divided into three major categories: 1st-level, 2nd-level, and 3rd-level. 1st-level boons are generally best described as superpowers. 2nd-level boons rival the power of powerful entities like Demon Lords and Archangels. 3rd-level boons are truly godlike. Some boons also come with one or more prerequisites. These prerequisites help to ensure progression, class identity, and some semblance of balance.
Although it is not stated in the boons themselves, it is implied that being Level 20 is a preqeruisite for all Epic Boons
Epic Boons as Epic Progression. Epic boons can also be used as a form of advancement, a way to provide greater power to characters. When using this approach, a character needs to select two 1st-level boons before any 2nd-level boons can be selected. In a similar fashion, a character needs to select two 2nd-level boons before any 3rd-level boons.
Once a level of boons has been unlocked, a character can gain any future boons from the unlocked level. When a character gains a boon, they additionally may choose to replace one previous boon.
Final Arbiter. You determine which epic boon a character gains. Ideally, the boon you pick is something the character would put to use in future adventures. You can allow a player to select a boon for his or her character, subject to your approval.
Roleplaying Boons. Whatever boon a character ends up with, consider its place in your story and world. Many of the boons are extraordinary and represent the gradual transformation of a character into something resembling a demigod or even a deity. The acquisition of a boon might visibly transform a character. For example, the eyes of a character with the Boon of True Sight might glow when he or she feels strong emotion, and a character who has the Boon of High Magic might have faint motes of light glimmering around his or her head. Also, decide how the boon first appears. Does the boon appear spontaneously and mysteriously? Or does a being of cosmic power manifest to bestow it? The bestowal of a boon can itself be an exciting scene. The text of a boon addresses its user.
Unless a boon says otherwise, a character can’t gain it more than once
1st Level Boons
Boon of Darkvision
You gain darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
Boon of Devil's Sight
Prerequisites: Darkvision
Magical darkness doesn't impede your darkvision.
Boon of Damage Resistance
You gain resistance to one type of damage, choosing between cold, fire, lightning, poison, and thunder.
Boon of Eschewed Materials
Prerequisites: The ability to cast spells of 5th level or higher
When providing material components for a spell, you can ignore 2,000gp worth of materials. You can select this boon multiple times, increasing the cost which can ignore by 2,000gp each time.
Boon of Extended Blindsight
Prerequisites: Blindsight out to a range of at least 5 feet
The range of your blindsight increases by 30 feet.
Boon of Legendary Actions
You gain 1 Legendary Action. A Legendary Action can be used at the end of another creature's turn. Spent Legendary Actions are regained at the start of each turn. You can forgo using them, and you can’t use them while Incapacitated or otherwise unable to take actions. If surprised, you can’t use them until after your first turn in combat.
- Attack: You make one Attack.
- Detect: You make a Wisdom (Perception) check.
- Move: You move up to half your speed.
- Cast: You cast a spell with a casting time of a bonus action or reaction, or a cantrip with a casting time of one action - these spells cannot have concentration.
You can take this boon more than once, up to 3 times. Each time you take it after the first, you gain an additional Legendary Action. Only one Legendary Action can be used at a time.
- If you have more than 1 Legendary Action, you can spend 2 Legendary Actions to cast a spell of 1st level or higher with a casting time of one action.
Boon of Legendary Resistance
You gain 1 Legendary Resistance. If the you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead. Upon using all your resistances, you regain the ability to use them again after a long rest.
You can take this boon more than once, up to 3 times. Each time you take it after the first, you gain an additional Legendary Resistance.
Boon of Linguistics
You can speak, read, and write all standard languages.
Boon of Magic Detection
You are permanently affected by the detect magic spell without having to concentrate on it. By using a bonus action on your turn, you can cause a brilliant aurora of swirling energy to surround one creature or object you detect in this manner, making it visible to all until the end of your next turn.
Boon of the Elemental Soul
When you pick this boon, choose to have immunity to one damage type except for Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing. You also gain one of the following benefits depending on the type chosen:
Acid - You can cast Acid Stream (save DC 15) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
Cold - You can cast Ice Knife (+7 to hit) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
Fire - You can cast Burning Hands (save DC 15) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
Force - You can cast Magic Missile (4 Darts) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
Lighting - You can cast Witch Bolt (+7 to hit) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
Necrotic - You can cast Inflict Wounds (+7 to hit) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
Poison - You can cast Ray of Sickness (save DC 15) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
Psychic - You can cast Dissonant Whispers (save DC 15) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
Radiant - You can cast Guiding Bolt (+7 to hit) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
Thunder - You can cast Thunderwave (save DC 15) at will, without using a spell slot or any components.
After a Long Rest, you may change which variant of this Boon you benefit from.
You may take this Boon up to 3 times, and must choose a different variant each time.
Boon of Savage Attacks
When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit. Once you do so, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Boon of the Unfettered
You have advantage on ability checks made to resist being grappled. In addition, you can use an action to automatically escape a grapple or free yourself of restraints of any kind.
Boon of Undetectability
You gain a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and you can't be detected or targeted by divination magic, including scrying sensors.
Boon of Energy Investment
You attune to the elemental energies of the universe. When casting a spell or making any attack that deals cold, fire, lightning, poison or thunder damage you can change its damage type to another of those types.
In addition when taking this boon your body takes on properties that correspond thematically to that element, altering your appearance. Additionally any energy around you seems more volatile, fires crackles louder and brighter, wind blows more fiercely, etc.
Boon of Sure Resurrection
Prerequisite: You must have died at some point and been brought back
You gain advantage on any spell casting ability checks to return a soul to life. Additionally, any spell casting ability checks to return you to life are made with advantage.
Scion of Arkhosia
Prerequisite: Must be a Dragonborn or Dragon Sorcerer
You can pick another Draconic Ancestry
Boon of Titan's Grip
Prerequisite: You must at least have a Strength of 15
You can wield a heavy or 2-handed weapon in 1 hand and use two-weapon fighting with such weapons. Any creature under CR 10 automatically fail any checks to avoid your grapples.
Boon of Epic Size
You physical size grows to match your emerging power. You grow in size becoming 1 size larger - Your height doubles, and your weight is multiplied by 8. Your physical attacks do one more die of damage, and your reach increases by 5 feet.
Boon of the Wyrm Knight
Prerequisite: Must be a martial class, and have a horde worthy of a dragon at least 100,000g in gold, gems, jewels, art etc.
Title Gained: Wyrm Knight/Dragon Knight
You gain a +2 bonus to your AC and you gain the breath weapon of a young dragon of your choice. Once the breath weapon is used you cannot use it again until you take a long rest.
Legendary General
Once a day you can give a invigorating shout to restore one ability for an ally within 60 ft that would normally be recharged by a short rest. You also gain advantage on ability checks involving leadership or gaining a title
2nd Level Boons
Boon of the Arcane Savant
Your spell save DC now becomes 12 + proficiency bonus + spell casting modifier.
Boon of Awareness
You can’t be surprised and attacks directed at you do not benefit from advantage as a result of being unseen or hidden.
Boon of Divine Aspiration
When you use a feature that you can normally only use once between rests, you can choose to regain your use of that feature. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Boon of the Dragon Lord
Prerequisite: Boon of the Wrym Knight
Title Gained: Dragon Lord
You gain lair actions at a building you own (based on the type of dragon you are), your breath becomes the adult dragons version, and you gain permanent spectral dragon wings granting you a fly speed of 80 ft. And you gain a legendary resistance.
Boon of Extraordinary Concentration
You maintain concentration through unconscious or incapacitated conditions, and even through death. You don't make concentration checks when taking under 25 damage.
Boon of Improved Extra Attack
Prerequisites: Extra Attack
You increase the number of additional attacks granted by your Extra Attack feature by one.
Boon of Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Prerequisites: 10th level fighter, kensai, ranger, or other innate two-weapon class
When you use a bonus action to attack with a weapon while wielding two weapons, you can make one additional attack with that weapon.
Boon of Irresistible Charm
When you attempt to charm a creature that has an innate, permanent immunity to the charmed condition, they instead make the resisting saving throw with advantage.
Boon of Legendary Fortitude
Prerequisites: Boon of Epic Fortitude
Your hit point maximum increases by 80.
Boon of Legendary Spell Mastery
Choose one 2nd-level sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell that you can cast. You can now cast that spell at will at its lowest level without expending a spell slot.
Boon of Legendary Resilience
Prerequisites: Boon of Epic Resilience
You have resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Boon of the Paragon
You increase your proficiency bonus by 1 and become a perfect specimen of your species, with perfect body features. If you have a child it is born with this Boon.
Boon of Swift Casting
Prerequisites: At least one 5th level spell slot
Choose one of your spells of 5th level or lower that has a casting time of 1 action. That spell’s casting time is now 1 bonus action for you. You can select this boon multiple times.
Legendary Linguist
You can speak, read, and write all exotic languages that you are physically capable of speaking.
Boon of Godly Health
Your body is divine. Your maximum HP is retroactively calculated as if you rolled the maximum on each hit dice roll when leveling up.
Boon of the Spell Slinger
You can cast cantrips as bonus actions and you can use your reaction twice in a turn to cast a spell with a casting time of a reaction.
Boon of Lesser Boons
You gain two 1st level Boons. You may take this Boon multiple times.
Talon of Tiamat/Bahamaut/Sardior
Prerequisite: Be a Dragon Lord of a chromatic dragon (Tiamat), metallic dragon (Bahamaut), or gem dragon (Sardior).
Title Gained: Talon of Tiamat/Bahamaut/Sardior
Your breath now becomes the Ancient Dragon version.
When using your breath weapon roll a d4, you can also use that many other chromatic/metallic/gem dragon breaths at the same time (your choice which kind).
Boon of Magic Resistance
You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Boon of the Dead God
Prerequisite: You must find a petrified remnant of a dead god to absorb.
Title Gained: The Living Vestige
The divine essence grants you +5 to all stats. You gain advantage on death saving throws and must fail two additional death saving throws to be killed while at 0 hit points.
3rd Level Boons
Boon of the Critical Weapon Master
You gain +1 to your critical hit range (if you should crit on 20 you now crit on a 19-20, if you would crit on an 18-20 you would crit on 17-20, and so on).
When you score a critical hit you deal an additional multiplier of damage (if you deal 2x damage die on crits you now deal 3x, if you deal 3x damage dice on crits you now deal 4x, and so on).
Boon of the Critical Spell Caster
When you cast a spell that deals damage that causes the targets to make a saving throw, roll a d20. On a 20 the spell's damage dice are doubled (on a 1 the spell does not fail).
Boon of Damage Immunity
You gain immunity to one type of damage that you are resistant to, choosing between cold, fire, lightning, poison, and thunder.
Boon of Epic Spell Mastery
Choose one 3rd-level sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell that you can cast. You can now cast that spell at its lowest level without expending a spell slot.
Boon of Innate Recovery
Title Gained: The Relentless
When you use a feature that you can normally only use once between long rests, you can choose regain your use of that feature. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Boon of Greater Boons
You gain two 2nd level Boons. You may take this Boon multiple times
Boon of Master Tactics
When you have advantage on any d20 roll, you roll an additional d20s and take the highest result of the three dice.
Boon of Mythic Fortitude
Prerequisites: Boon of Legendary Fortitude
Your hit point maximum increases by 120.
Boon of Rapid Casting
Prerequisites: At least one 7th level spell slot
Choose one of your spells of 6th through 7th level that has a casting time of 1 action. That spell’s casting time is now 1 bonus action for you. You can select this boon multiple times.
Boon of Reactive Strikes
Prerequisites: Extra Attack
When you use your reaction to make an opportunity attack, roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or higher, you regain your reaction - which you can use to immediately take another opportunity attack.
Boon of Skill Proficiency
Title Gained: Master of Trades
You gain proficiency in all skills.
Divine Objects
Divine Objects
While it is no surprise that gods command immense power and abilities of their own accord, many times a deity will create objects with a shard of their own divinity and power imparted into a physical form. Many deities do this either to grant themselves more agency, protection, or merely as a show of their own divine strength.
These objects can be created in a myriad of ways, most commonly through the "Divine Creation" feat listed earlier - although that is not the only way to go about creating a Divine Object. Sometimes the process of creating a Spark Focus to help a mortal ascend to godhood will also inevitably create an object that holds a fraction of the spark absorbed by the ascending being. Other objects may be weapons or objects used to fight deities - such as Anathematic items, which have drawn the divine ichor from a god while in combat, and have fed upon that raw divinity until it has transformed into an item that is woefully powerful. In some rare cases, these divine objects may even be naturally occurring nexuses of natural divinity - birthed by overlapping natural forces of the multiverse that coalesce into a singular item - such as the fabled Ambrosia fruit borne by the Divine Tree.
Regardless of the way these items come into being, all Divine Objects are akin to Mythical Artifacts that are incredibly legendary finds - often wielded by God Kings, Epic Heroes, and Terrible Tyrants.
Creating Divine Objects
Listed are only a handful of Divine Objects that can be found across many D&D worlds, and if one wishes to create a divine object from scratch, consult the pdf The Expanded Crafter for rules on how to create a Mythical object or Artifact - keeping in mind some of the divine feats or abilities from this module can be utilized in their power.
Items with the Divine Artifact type should be considered unusable by non-divine creatures - requiring a divine spark or a casting of Wish to attune to. Divine Artifacts do not count against the number of items you may attune to, but you can only be attuned to one divine artifact at any time.
Ambrosia, Divine Fruit
Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)
The legendary fruit borne from the budding boughs of the Divine Tree itself.
While a Divine Tree is always found on every world in the multiverse where magic and life itself is present in some form (and even these trees are merely a fragment "root" of the true tree), finding the tree is a massive undertaking - as it hides itself through extraplanar magics and disguises itself in a myriad of ways to protect against would-be destroyers.
At times, the tree will allow a select few to gaze upon it's spectacular form - taking the form of interwoven, blended trees and vegetation of several thousand different naturally occurring trees into one singular unit - holding aloft the magic nexuses of the world it inhabits - and with it, planar doors and cracks to other worlds throughout the multiverse.
It is said that a singular divine fruit in the form of golden apple will bud from the tree once every 700 years. This fruit, is Ambrosia, the Divine Fruit - and the tree will not give this gift easily, and will peer into the hearts of those who visit, to see if they are worthy of such power. To be given the gift of Ambrosia by the tree is to be mandated as a deity by the laws of nature itself - and few are worthy of such.
To attune to Ambrosia, one must eat it in it's entirety (thankfully, the fruit seems to be a coreless apple, so doing so is not a painful feat), this takes roughly 1 minute of continuous eating - using a full turn each turn to eat it.
Upon consuming the entire fruit, the creature in question falls under the following effects:
- You gain all benefits of a long rest immediately.
- All limbs and severe injuries are regenerated, and all curses, diseases, and poisons are dispelled or cured.
- All madness, insanity, and physical or mental conditions are cured
- If fed to a dead creature (i.e: by chewing the apple and feeding it to them), or eaten by an undead, the creature is restored to full life as if by a "Wish" spell.
- You regain 25 hit points per turn for the next 10 minutes.
- You become Divine Rank 0 if you had no Divine Rank at the time of consuming the fruit.
- If you had a Divine Rank at the time of consuming the fruit, Your Divine Rank increases by 1 indefinitely, and an additional 1 for 1d4+4 days.
Upon gaining these effect, the item is destroyed and cannot be recovered by any means.
Soma, Liquid Belief
Potion, Mythical
Although ambrosia is already a powerful and legendary find, Deities will never be able to benefit from it's effects. That being said, many deities of ancient times devised a way through countless experiments and magical alchemy to distill Ambrosia into a liquid form suitable for their consumption.
Soma - also known as "liquid belief" - is a Golden liquid created by distilling an Ambrosia fruit with several sacred ingredients, including hallucinogenic mushrooms, mad honey, black lotus extract, ayahuasca vine, and dragon blood into an alcoholic beverage.
These ingredients, obviously, create a substance that is quite potent, and potentially lethal to a non-deity - therefore, it is usually only ingested by gods and immortal beings, although some very powerful mortal creatures have been able to partake in it's throes, albeit with very bad side effects.
Upon consumption by a creature with a Divine Rank of 0 or greater, they gain the following effects:
- Gain 1 additional Divine Rank
- Chosen Godly Attribute increases by 3
- Instantly learn 3 Cantrips and 1 spell each of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level that can be cast using an Arcane Focus. Spells learned in this way can be cast at will with out needing material components or consuming spell slots.
- Gain Proficiency in 1 weapon of choice and the lowest tier of armor they are not yet proficient in.
- Instantly cured of all negative afflictions, recover all bodily damage, and recieve the benefits of a full Long Rest.
This makes a deity immensely powerful, and Soma is rarely ingested on a whim, usually reserved for specific occasions where a dramatic show of power is necessary.
Upon consumption by a mortal creature, however, the effects are much different. Firstly, since is is meant for creatures of divine vitality and constitution, Soma is a veritable poison for mortals, akin to a highly concentrated dose of Purple Worm poison, one of the most deadly mortal toxins in the known realm.
Creatures that lack a Divine Rank when drinking Soma must make a DC:21 Constitution Saving Throw against all the following effects, each one requiring an individual roll. All effects inflicted in this way ignore all forms of resistance and immunity provided by non-divine means, such as Paladin's Divine Health.
- 12d10 Poison damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one
- Poisoned Condition
- 2 Levels of Exhaustion
- Hit Point Maximum halved
- Blinded
- Deafened
In addition, to following effects are also placed on the creature
- If a creature becomes poisoned, they also experience hallucinations as if under the effects of the "hallucinatory terrain" spell, and a veritable assault upon their mortal senses.
- The creature gains blindsight, superior darkvision, tremorsense, and truesight out to a range of 60 feet - They benefit from the effects of the Ghostly Gaze Eldritch Invocation at will without needing to use an action.
- The creature gains the indefinite madness trait:
- "I do not know what is real or unreal anymore, i have gazed upon the vastness of reality and have found myself wanting."
The Effects of the Greater Restoration spell cast at 7th level or higher allows the afflicted creature to reattempt the Saving throw against any 1 negative effect imparted by the Soma, except for the Madness effect, which requires the spell to be cast at 9th level.
Otherwise, all the effects of Soma granted to a creature lacking a Divine Rank fade after 1d4+4 days, except for the madness, which persists until cured.
In either case, once consumed, the item is destroyed and cannot be recovered by any means.
Death's Hand, The Reaper's Shot
Weapon (revolver), Divine Artifact (requires attunement by a creature of non-good alignment)
Created by a god of death during the initial dawn of technology, this gilded pistol has been the main firearm of many beings carrying out the divine judgment of death itself.
In the time since its creation, the Reaper’s Hand has been used by a spellgunner to murder an entire village, a bandit king carried it during an infamous string of robberies and raids, and a prostitute killed a prince and his household with it. In each instance, tales spread of an onyx-black revolver that never needed to be reloaded. The gun has changed hands many times, but the dark deity’s influence continues to linger upon it.
Sentience. The Reaper’s Hand is a sentient neutral evil weapon with an Intelligence of 25, a Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 20. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 90 feet.
The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand Common, Deep Speech, Infernal and Abyssal.
Personality. The revolver’s purpose is pure destruction and death, and it revels in killing, whether calculated or random. Its goal is to send continual sacrifices to Death itself, and as such it frequently urges its wielder toward acts of violence and murder, heedless of consequence or danger. Any time it has been used to kill, it expresses satisfaction and will usually stay quiet for a time.
If Death’s Hand isn’t used to kill at least one creature every 24 hours, its wielder must make a DC 20 Charisma saving throw. On a successful save, the wielder take 2d12 psychic damage. On a failed save, the wielder is dominated by the revolver, as if by the dominate monster spell, and Death’s Hand compels the wielder to attack the creature nearest to them. The spell effect ends when the gun has been used to kill a creature, or if it is dispelled.
Random Properties. Death’s Hand has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 1 minor detrimental property
- 1 major detrimental property
When attuned, the revolver gains the following properties:
- You gain a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Death's Hand.
- Death's Hand deals 3d8 + 4 piercing damage and 2d8 + 4 damage of your choice between Force, Necrotic, and Radiant.
- The Revolver has a range of (150/600) feet.
- The revolver carries 6 shots
- Any time it isn’t fully loaded, the revolver will magically create one viridium cartridge to fill an empty chamber at the beginning of the wielder’s turn, and will do so each turn until it is fully loaded again. Attempting to remove these pieces of ammunition from the gun causes them to immediately disappear.
Quickdraw. While the revolver is on your person, you add a d10 to your initiative at the start of every combat.
The Reaper's Call Any creature shot with Death's Hand that has 150 hit points or fewer, it must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or die.
Cloak of Chrys, The Golden Fleece
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement)
A cloak made from the hide of Chrysomallus - a flying divine ram of the golden dawn - with it's skull utilized as a makeshift helmet.
The cloak carries with it immense abjuration magics and divine energies that bestow upon it's wearer death-defying feats and immense luck.
Random Properties. The Cloak of Chrys has the following random properties:
- 1 minor beneficial property
- 1 major beneficial property
When attuned, the Cloak gains the following benefits:
You gain a +5 Bonus to AC
You gain a flying speed equal to three times your movement speed
You gain resistance to all forms of damage
Death Defied. (3/day) You can spend an action to regain hit points equal to 3 times your level, if you stabilize after falling to 0 HP, this ability triggers automatically without expending a use.
Divine Luck. The Golden Fleece has 3 luck points. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw while wearing the magic item, you can spend one luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
You can also spend one luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a d20, and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker’s roll or yours.
If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out, no additional dice are rolled.
The Golden Fleece regains expended luck points when you finish a short or long rest.
Excalibur, The Promise of Victory
Weapon (longsword), Divine Artifact (requires attunement by a creature of non-evil alignment)
The legendary sword granted to a far off God King by a Fey Goddess. While unattuned, it is an otherwise standard looking longsword with the phrase "Take me up" on one side of the blade, and "Cast me aside" on the other. While attuned, the blade adopts a glowing translucent crystalline form.
Sentience. Excalibur is a sentient lawful good longsword with an Intelligence of 20, a Wisdom of 20, and a Charisma of 20. It has hearing, darkvision, and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
The weapon can speak, read, and understand all languages, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice is multi-layered and compassionate.
Personality. Excalibur speaks with an imperious tone, although with an inflection of understanding and wisdom of a king. The sword's purpose is to defend mortalkind and seek the next rightful heir of a lost kingdom. It doesn't resist being wielded by someone who is not meant to be king, if only to further it's path to the rightful king. The sword believes that a mortal who takes up arms against evil and destruction to be worthy of it's power - and if they are true of heart and righteous of purpose, that creature is destined to be king.
Excalibur has no qualms in fighting entities or gods, so long as those entities pose a threat to other forms of mortal life. Excalibur's desire for righteousness and the pursuit of the true king takes precedence over all else. If the sword goes a week or more without defending others or going on a righteous quest, the sword will plane shift away upon the next dawn.
Random Properties. Excalibur has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
When attuned, the sword gains the following properties:
You gain a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Excalibur.
The sword deals 5d8 + 5 slashing damage, or 5d10 + 5 slashing damage if held with two hands.
The sword is indestructible and immune to dispel magic and similar effects.
The sword functions as a Sword of sharpness.
The sword ignores all damage resistances and immunities.
When you make an attack against an object, or land a critical hit with this weapon, maximize and double the damage.
Creatures reduced to 0 HP instantly fail 1 death saving throw. Additionally, creatures killed with Excalibur cannot be resurrected by anything short of a wish spell.
At the start of your turn, if you are unconscious or at 0 HP, you immediately stabilize and are instead at 1 HP. This feature has 3 charges and regains 1 charge daily at dawn
Innate Spellcasting: While attuned to Excalibur, you can cast Teleport and Planeshift at will, targeting yourself and as many creatures as you wish within 30 feet. When casting these spells, you cast them with no possibility of failure.
The sword has 15 charges. All spent charges are regained at dawn.
- Brilliance: As a bonus action, you may spend a charge to cause the weapon to glow, shining bright light for 150 feet and dim light for an additional 150 feet.
- Blinding Light: As an action, you may spend two charges to speak the command phrase inscribed on the sword to cause a burst of brilliant light to blind your enemies. All hostile creatures within 300 feet of you must make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw, or be blinded permanently. If they succeed the saving throw, they are immune to being blinded by this ability for 24 hours.
- Restoring Grace: As an action, you may expend 3 charges to regain 3d20 + 10 hit points. This also ends all negative conditions affecting you - including conditions, curses, exhaustion, diseases, and poisons.
- God's Fury: As an action, you may spend 5 charges to release a multicolored beam of divine energy - this beam functions exactly as a Divine Blast.
- Divine Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +15 to hit, reach 600 ft., one target. Hit: 98 (12d12 + 20) untyped damage. This blast can also destroy a forcecage, wall of force or a prismatic wall. Or, you can decide that the ray itself is unaffected and strike a target behind a wall of force or prismatic effect.
- God's Mercy: As a free action, you may spend 5 charges to assume a multicolored barrier of divine energy - this shield functions exactly as a Divine Shield.
- Divine Shield: You create a shield that lasts for 10 minutes which protects your body and equipment from attacks and damage. This shield stops 100 points of damage, once it has stopped that much damage, it shatters. This shield blocks all forms of damage, even from a Divine Blast.
The Knight's Code
Upon first touching Excalibur, the blade will begin to glow brilliantly, as the sword itself begins to speak in the voice of the King while reciting the following code:
"A Knight is sworn to Valor,
His Heart knows only Virtue,
His Blade defends the Helpless,
His Might upholds the Weak,
His Word speaks only Truth,
His Wrath undoes the Wicked!"
If Excalibur finds the wielder lacking in any reflection of the code, it will refuse to be attuned, cannot be moved in any way, and states that they must "Atone and find the true path of the King."
Gáe Bolg, Spear of Mortal Pain
Weapon (spear), Artifact (requires attunement)
The Gáe Bolg is a powerful, seven-barbed spear that is as ancient as some of the oldest kingdoms, crafted from the bones of a dead titan.
Forged by a powerful warrior god-queen: Scáthach, and bestowed to a demigod barbarian named Cú Chulainn - who used it to destroy a multitude of enemies and armies alike.
This spear has made and broken monarchs and rulers for generations upon generations. Its name means "The Spear of Mortal Pain," so it is natural to shudder at the sight of it in enemy hands.
Random Properties. Gáe Bolg has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 1 major detrimental property
When attuned, the spear gains the following properties
- You gain a +4 bonus to all attack and damage rolls made with Gáe Bolg
- The spear deals 3d6 + 4 piercing damage
- The spear is indestructible
- The spear bypasses all piercing damage resistance and immunity
- You gain Advantage to all Charisma (Intimidation) and Charisma (Persuassion) checks.
- Your crit range for attacks made with Gáe Bolg is increased by 1.
- The Thrown distance of Gáe Bolg is (300/1200) feet
- The Gáe Bolg returns to your hand after throwing it
- If you throw and hit with the Gáe Bolg, and the target is a living creature, at the end of your turn they must succeed a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or they take 78 (12d12) piercing damage as Gáe Bolg creates a mass of thorns that explode from the inside the target's body making them become vulnerable to piercing damage for 1 minute - taking 39 (6d12) piercing damage at the start of each of their turns. On a successful save, the target takes half damage, does not gain vulnerability to piercing damage, and take no additional damage per turn.
- The spear has 20 charges. All spent charges are regained at dawn.
Storm of Thorns. As a bonus action, and by expending 5 charges, you call upon the innate natural powers of the spear. The next time you throw the spear, the spear sprouts a rain of thorns as it flies through the air.
In addition to the initial damage of the weapon, the target and all creatures within 50 feet must make a Dexterity Saving Throw DC 20, taking 5d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. This damage still bypasses all resistance and immunity.
Gem of Becoming, The Holy Stone
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement)
Supposedly created by a group of gods during the rising of the Dawn War, this gem is crafted from a sliver of the Stone of Corbinet - otherwise known as the Material Stone - left over from the destruction and subsequent resetting of the last temporal cycle of the multiverse. The sliver has been encased inside a shell of Orichalcum and embossed with various runic sigils of protection.
This golden egg shaped metallic gem holds a magical connection to other realms and it lets you draw energy from those planes when all other magic in your current plane is unavailable.
Crowned Glory. This golden gem floats idly a few inches above your forehead as long as you are attuned to it.
Random Properties. The Gem of Becoming has the following random properties:
- 1 minor beneficial property
- 1 major beneficial property
- 1 major detrimental property
While attuned, the gem gains the following effects:
- All melee, ranged, and magical attacks made by you deal an additional 5d6 Force damage on hit.
- Reduce the damage dealt to you by all sources by 3d10.
- Critical attacks against you re-roll the damage dice, taking the lower damage result.
- You are immune to exhaustion
- Your proficiency bonus increases by 2
- You gain +2 to all saving throws
- The gem allows you and all objects you don to ignore any effect of an antimagic field, dead magic zone, dispel magic or similar effect.
Godsbane, Scourge of the Divine
Weapon (shortsword), Artifact (requires attunement)
Myths tell of a blade crafted from a green tailed comet that fell during the first days of the Dawn War amongst some of the primal beings that dwelt upon that world. The impact sight was ordained as a taboo site by the Deity that enslaved and oppressed the beings that lived there, amongst these mortals lived an elderly smith named Adam.
Adam was amongst the first of his people, and held a deep resentment for the being who had so long ruled over his people - banishing Adam's people from paradise and forcing them into worship and ritualistic sacrifice to feed the god the power necessary to remain upon their throne. One night, with his wife Eve, they fled from their town to the site of the impact, and together, they salvaged the meteorite that lay there in it's flaming crater.
Over the course of the next year, within absolute solitude, the couple poured their resentment, rage, and love for their fellow mortals into forging a weapon solely for the purpose of freeing their people - Godsbane.
Adam and Eve emerged with the sword stowed in a leaden sheathe, and congregated the people into a mass prayer intended to summon their masters for their next ritualistic sacrifice. Upon their summoning, the pair overwhelmed and bound their master to the altar of sacrifice and deemed that the god would become their sacrifice.
They slew the Deity, and distributed their knowledge and power amongst the masses, but not without great harm to themselves...Alas, the couple collapsed upon the altar, hand in hand, and passed into the afterlife with freedom in their hearts. Godsbane was passed down from generation to generation, and eventually was lost to time.
Random Properties. Godsbane has the following random properties:
- 1 minor beneficial property
- 1 major beneficial property
- 1 minor detrimental property
- 1 major detrimental property
When attuned, the sword gains the following properties:
You gain a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
The sword deals 3d6+5 each of Magical Slashing, and Force damage. These damage rolls are 3d10+10 against creatures with a Divine Rank of 0 or Higher
The sword is indestructible
Godsbane & it's wielder are immune to scrying effects or similar abilities that track them.
When hitting a non-indestructible object, deal damage equal to max critical damage.
The critical range for Godsbane is on a roll of 15-20 agaisnt creatures with a Divine Rank of 0 or Higher.
The creature gains the indefinite madness trait:
- "To kill the gods is my one and only duty. I will slay all who stand in my way, even Kit and Kin."
- This indefinite madness is instantly cured if you unattune to this weapon.
- "To kill the gods is my one and only duty. I will slay all who stand in my way, even Kit and Kin."
Sagitta Luminus, Bow of True Light
Weapon (longbow), Divine Artifact (requires attunement by those who swear to defend the innocent)
This bow is a remarkable enigma - Crafted by a Goddess of light, love and compassion, this bow was utilized by her to strike down a great and vast entity of darkness at the end of time - yet it exists now in the current era.
This goddess both exists, and yet, no longer exists in the current multiverse. Instead, this bow is the only remnant of her undying love for mortalkind - being used to strike down evil and darkness throughout the multiverse in the hands of those with the bravery to stand against the shadows themselves.
The bow itself is made from a tree of pure Aetherwood - and seems to have been grown from one piece - and has crystalline multicolored veins coursing throughout it's design. The bowstring itself seems to be no more than a beam of colorful light, and pulling back on it manifests a luminous crystalline arrow.
Random Properties. Sagitta Luminus has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
When attuned, the bow gains the following properties:
- The bow creates it's own ammo - in the form of arrows composed of crystalline light.
- You gain a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls
- The bow deals 2d8 + 4 piercing damage and 1d8 + 4 radiant damage - this damage bypasses all resistance and immunity.
- Attacks against creatures who possess the Etherealness ability, the Incorporeal Movement ability, or the Shapeshifter ability are made with Advantage.
- Any creature that has the shapeshifter ability or is not in it's true form when hit with the arrows is immediately forced back into their original form and cannot assume a different form for 24 hours.
- The bow's range is (600/2400) feet.
- You gain truesight out to 150 feet.
- The bow has 20 charges. All spent charges are regained at dawn.
- Honing Shots. As an action, you may spend 5 charges to pull back the bowstring and manifest 5 vibrantly glowing arrows. You immediately fire all 5 arrows at a creature you can see within 2400 feet. You can direct the arrows at one creature or multiple, and each arrow automatically hits the target, striking simultaneously.
- Each arrow deals 1d8 + 4 force, and 1d8 + 4 radiant damage - which bypass all resistance and immunity.
- After being hit with one of these arrows, the next attack roll made against the target before the end of your next turn has advantage - as the target is subsumed by glittering light.
- You can choose to spend additional charges as part of the same action to fire one extra arrow per charge expended.
- Annihilating Overdraw. As an action, you may spend 20 charges to overdraw the bow with pure luminous energy - when you do so, you begin to glow vibrantly until the end of your next turn. You emit 300 feet of bright light and 300 feet of dim light - this light dispels all mundane and magical darkness.
- At the end of your next turn, the light you emit is drained inwards by the bow, coalescing into an arrow of pure divine energy.
- The arrow automatically hits a singular creature or object.
- The target takes damage equal to 20 charges expended on Honing Shot (20d8 + 80 force, and 20d8 + 80 radiant damage).
- They must succeed a DC 30 Constitution Saving Throw - if they fail, the creature or object is utterly destroyed, requiring a Wish spell to be resurrected. If they succeed, they have their hit point maximum permanently reduced by 50%.
- After firing this shot, you take 2 levels of exhaustion and the bow cannot be used again in any way other than a +4 longbow for 3 days.
- Honing Shots. As an action, you may spend 5 charges to pull back the bowstring and manifest 5 vibrantly glowing arrows. You immediately fire all 5 arrows at a creature you can see within 2400 feet. You can direct the arrows at one creature or multiple, and each arrow automatically hits the target, striking simultaneously.
Venuralas' Mir, The Staff of Sanctification
Weapon (quarterstaff), Divine Artifact (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
A divine staff crafted by the Ancient Elven Empire while at the height of their magic power. This staff was created to allow physical communion with the Seldarine - the primal elven deities.
Corellon Larethian came to a faithful elven cleric one night in a dream, bringing the cleric to the fields of Arvandor. Corellon expressed deep sorrow that his mortal children would only reach paradise after centuries of mortal life - requesting that the cleric seek out the best of the elven smiths and mages of the land to craft an item that could facilitate the blending of the divine into the material world - if only for a short time.
The cleric followed his divine benefactor's instructions, and over the course of several decades, gathered enough mages, enchanters and smiths to craft a staff of incredible power. Venuralas'Mir was birthed through elven true magic and the magical communion of several hundred high mages.
The staff allowed the elves to sanctify areas upon the material plane to allow their gods to walk freely amongst their worshipers - but eventually was lost during Mystra's Ban of high magic and fell into myth and story.
Random Properties. Venuralas'Mir has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 1 major beneficial properties
When attuned, the staff gains the following properties:
- You gain a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls
- You gain a +4 bonus to spell Attack Rolls.
- The staff functions as any form of spellcasting focus
- The staff is indestructible
- The staff functions as a Staff of the Magi - with the following changes:
- The staff can absorb up to 100 charges equal to the absorbed spell's level.
- The staff will never explode from absorbing above 100 charges - it simply cannot absorb more than 100.
- The staff will never explode from it's Retributive Strike - instead releasing all energy in a massive explosion when purposefully struck against a solid surface with it's command word.
- The radius for this explosion is a 60 foot sphere.
- You have a 50 percent chance to instantly Travel to a random plane of existence, avoiding the explosion. If you fail to avoid the Effect, you take force damage equal to 20 x the number of Charges in the staff. Every other creature in the area must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes an amount of damage based on how far away it is from the Origin, as shown in the following table. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage.
Spells: In addition to the spells available as a Staff of the Magi - some spells may be cast at higher levels, and more spells may be cast from the staff.
While attuned to the staff, you can use an action to expend some of its Charges to cast one of the following Spells from it, using your spell save DC and Spellcasting ability:
- Conjure Elemental (7 charges), Dispel Magic (3 charges), Fireball (9th-level version, 9 charges), Flaming Sphere (2 charges), Ice Storm (4 charges), Invisibility (2 charges), Knock (2 charges), Lightning Bolt (9th-level version, 9 charges), Passwall (5 charges), Plane Shift (7 charges), Telekinesis (5 charges), Wall of Fire (4 charges), or Web (2 charges).
Retributive Strike Explosion
Distance from Origin Damage 20 ft. away or closer 10 x the number of Charges in the staff 21 to 40 ft. away 8 x the number of Charges in the staff 41 to 60 ft. away 6 x the number of Charges in the staff
Not'en'gess, Key of the Void
Wondrous item, Divine Artifact (requires attunement)
Made by a race of technologically and magically advanced humanoids in a time before the Dawn war, this disk was created as a means to access the void beyond the mutliverse - originally intended as a means to warp through the void to other mutliverses, it backfired in it's design, functioning more as a "drainage" into the void rather than a means to traverse it. Nonetheless, this disk has many powerful capabilities.
A golden disk, made of interlocking, immovable pieces along the edge when inactive. When active, the plate hums and emits a shimmering light. The magics holding it together are incredible in their power, and bestow a variety of benefits upon the holder - albeit, with some significant drawbacks.
Curse: Hunger of the Void. The creature attuned to Not'En'Gess must sacrifice 100 gp worth of valuables per day at midnight by leaving the valuables upon the midsection of the disk - which absorbs the valuables wholly into itself to maintain the magics holding the void at bay. If this is not done each day, the plate collapses into the void - and all within range are subjected to it's ability "Crack the Door"
If a creature ends attunement to the disk, the disk simply devours the surroundings within a 30 foot cube each day at midnight - which can include creatures and objects.
This curse can be circumvented for a time by casting "Wish" upon it, stating that it's hunger be satiated. The disk no longer requires sustenance for 100 years.
Random Properties. Not'En'Gess has the following random properties:
- 1 major beneficial property
- 1 minor detrimental property
- 2 major detrimental properties
When attuned, the disk gains the following properties:
- The disk can be utilized as a makeshift shield - when attuned, you may have it harmlessly hover alongside one of your forearms.
- When utilized in this way, the disk acts as a +5 Shield
- This shield does not count as being held in one of your hands, and you may still wield another item in that hand without penalty
- This shield grants advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, and spell attacks against you have disadvantage.
Crack the Door. As an action, and by speaking the command word, you unlock the pieces holding the disk together. The midsection of the disk collapses inwards on itself, leaving only the puzzle pieces to be held onto.
As the midsection collapses, a loud deafening crack can be heard for 10 miles as a portal to the Void between multiverses is forced open.
As the portal opens, all nonanimated objects (from simple items to structures) in a 300 foot cone is violently absorbed into the portal. Each creature in this area must succeed a Strength Saving Throw DC 50 with disadvantage, or instantly be dragged into the portal and into the void.
The Plate remains open for 1 round. After which, the portal snaps shut, and the plate pieces turn to dust.
Weavecrystal Focus, Shard of Creation
Wondrous item, Divine Artifact (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
Crafted by some of the first children of Annam - the Giant All-Father - the Weavecrystal focus is a gemstone of ever-fluctuating consistency. The gem itself morphs and shifts in it's form, and emits a multitude of colorful auras from deep within itself.
The material of the Gem is said to be crystallized remains of a branch of the divine tree - but is not proven to be so, nonetheless it bestows upon it's user powers akin to a god.
Random Properties. The Weavecrystal Focus has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 1 major beneficial property
- 1 major detrimental property
When attuned, the crystal gains the following properties:
- The crystal is always under the “Metamorphic” item effect, as it's structure is constantly shifting.
- The crystal can be utilized as any form of spellcasting focus.
- The crystal grants a +5 bonus to the wielder's spell save DC
- The crystal grants a +5 bonus to spell Attack Rolls.
- The crystal grants advantage on all saving throws made to maintain concentration for spells.
- The crystal Grants the continuous effects of the "protection from evil and good" spell.
- Additionally, once a day, you can utilize the crystal's power to cast "Dispel Evil and good" without maintaining concentration.
- The crystal is capable of housing a soul within it as per the "Soul cage" spell and similar effects.
- The crystal can house a number of souls equal to 1,000,000gp of value (refer to "The Soul Within the Gem" section of the material Animite in The Expanded Crafter )
- The crystal has 20 charges. All spent charges are regained at dawn.
- Spells:
While attuned to the crystal, you can use an action to expend some of its Charges to cast one of the following Spells from it, using your spell save DC and Spellcasting ability:
- Chromatic Orb (9th-level version, 9 charges), Prismatic Spray (7 charges), Prismatic Wall (9 charges), Soul Cage (6 charges)
Rings of Primal Sin
The seven primal sins: greed, pride, wrath, gluttony, envy, lust, and sloth. These sins are said to be powerful aspects of mortal (and divine) life, with each one governing a different facet of thought and action.
The Rings in the following sections are each aligned with a specific sin - each of which granting dominion over that aspect. These rings have minds and souls of their own, and seek creatures who exhibit the strongest tendencies towards the corresponding sins.
The rings will only allowed to be worn by those who inherit the mantles of the seven sins - the duty of bestowing these mantles is upon the champions who inherit the rings. It is unknown how many eons ago these rings came into existence, nor who the first champions of sin were, but it is apparent that these rings each exhibit exceptionally powerful abilities for those who wield them.
A creature can only be attuned to one Ring of Primal Sin at any one time.
Extra Spells and Info
In the following sections, some spells listed under the Rings of Sin are not available in any typical D&D handbook. Instead, consult Pryxis's Pages of Pure Magic or referred to as (PM) in the following sections.
Avaritia, Signet of Greed
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement by a creature who has inherited the mantle of greed)
This ring is one of 7 that corresponds with each of the primal sins - this one embodies the sin of Greed.
This tarnished orichalcum ring is adorned with a smooth, dark blood-red gem that houses an eons-ancient spirit of possessiveness and desire of wealth and power. This ring seeks to pull it's wearer to greater sources of power and possessions, and will bestow upon them the ability to fulfill that desire. The ring will refuse to be worn by any creature who has not inherited the mantle of greed by teleporting away when attempted to be donned.
To inherit the mantle of greed, one must either have it willingly bestowed upon them by the previous bearer, or must have slain the previous bearer of the mantle.
Curse. The Pull of Greed. The ring carries with it an unnatural want for material possessions, and demands to be the centerpiece amidst great wealth. In order to remain attuned to the ring, the wearer must sacrifice 1,000 gp of valuable materials every 24 hours - either through spending the gold, or destroying valuable materials such as gems, art, or similar items. If wealth is not sacrificed every day, the ring will instead pull the creature in the direction of the closest available wealth at a rate of 60 feet per turn, which it will demand be destroyed immediately. After 24 hours of failing to fulfill the curse, the ring unattunes and teleports away to seek another.
Random Properties. The Signet of Greed has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
- 2 major detrimental properties
Sentience. Avarita is a sentient lawful evil ring with an Intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 22. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
The ring can speak, read, and understand Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, and Primordial and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice is slick and sinister as if a trader is attempting to hock faulty items. While you are attuned to it, the ring also understands every language you know.
Personality. Avarita speaks with a sinister silvertongue, as though always convincing others to do what it desires. The ring's purpose is to push it's wielder towards greater wealth and power. It will pull its wearer towards acts that promise rewards and recompense, thriving upon the prospect of attaining and spending material goods.
Avarita will very often attempt to convince the wearer that it deserves more in terms of being rewarded for whatever tasks or jobs they undertake. It seeks to push the wearer to demand more for whatever they do, even simple tasks such as delivering a shipment to a humanoid will provoke the ring to demand that they be compensated tenfold for the value of the shipment - and if it's demands are not met, the ring will persuade the wearer that their actions and honor have been affronted and devalued, often instilling anger in the wearer.
While attuned to Avarita, the ring bestows the following benefits:
- The ring is indestructible
- For every 1,000 gp worth of treasure or wealth (such as money, art pieces, gemstones or jewelry) on your person, your attack and damage rolls gain an additional +1 magical bonus.
- Innate Spellcasting: While attuned to Avarita, you can cast the following spells:
- Incite Greed (spell save DC 20) at will - using the ring as the material component.
- Creation a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Conjurer's Arsenal (PM) once per day.
- True Greed (1/day). Avarita instills in it's wearer the greed of all it's forebearers, depowering and demoralizing the creatures around them.
As a bonus action, you may channel the deep unsatisfied greed of the forebearers of Avarita, tainting your skin with a pale red coloration and subsuming blood-red vapors:
- All creature's other than you within 60 feet of you have their damage output halved.
- All armor and shields within 60 feet of you have their AC bonus reduced by 2 as they begin to rust and corrode.
- All simple magic items within 60 feet such as potions and scrolls are immediately turned to dust.
You can only maintain the form of True Greed for a number of rounds equal to half your level. You may end True Greed as a bonus action.
Superbia, Signet of Pride
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement by a creature who has inherited the mantle of pride)
This ring is one of 7 that corresponds with each of the primal sins - this one embodies the sin of Pride.
This brilliant electrum ring is adorned with a plated tiger's eye gem that houses an eons-ancient spirit of glory and incredible arrogance. This ring thrives upon the thrill of superior thought and action - whether it be truthful or not - and will force the wearer to undergo great boasts and never admit they are wrong. The ring will refuse to be worn by any creature who has not inherited the mantle of pride by teleporting away when attempted to be donned.
To inherit the mantle of pride, one must either have it willingly bestowed upon them by the previous bearer, or must have slain the previous bearer of the mantle.
Curse. The Vanity of Pride. The ring emboldens it's wearer with an unnatural sense of righteousness and arrogance, and while worn it demands that the wearer take part in a great boast every day. In order to remain attuned to the ring, the wearer must publicly boast every 24 hours about how they will undertake a great task or quest and then fulfill the boast. The wearer must then seek to fulfill their boast, and whether they succeed or fail, they must prove that they have done just as they boasted to carry out without admitting they are wrong. If a boast is not made every 24 hours, the ring will refuse to function until a boast is carried out. After 24 hours of failing to fulfill the curse, the ring unattunes and teleports away to seek another.
Random Properties. The Signet of Pride has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
- 2 major detrimental properties
Sentience. Superbia is a sentient lawful neutral ring with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 26. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
The ring can speak, read, and understand Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, and Primordial and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice is boisterous and arrogant like that of a self-absorbed general. While you are attuned to it, the ring also understands every language you know.
Personality. Superbia speaks with a booming and haughty tone, as though always attempting to prove how righteous or correct it is. The ring's purpose is to push it's wielder towards egotistical goals and shows of power (but not necessarily the gaining of power). It will continually push it's wielder towards more daring and dangerous acts in an attempt to prove their might.
Superbia will often times push their wielder into adrenaline inducing situations where they can show their prowess and glory. It seeks to instill a deep-seated arrogance within it's wielder where they can never doubt their own abilities - often to a fault. The ring would gladly push it's wielder into a quest to fight a dragon single-handedly, even if the wielder has no chance of surviving - as it believes in the blinding superiority of one's conviction.
While attuned to Superbia, the ring bestows the following benefits:
- The ring is indestructible
- While in combat, so long as you remain unharmed by attacks or magical effects, you gain a 1d20+5 to your attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws as you flex your superiority.
- Innate Spellcasting: While attuned to Superbia, you can cast the following spells:
- Heroism (spellcasting ability modifier: +10) at will
- Holy Weapon a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Invulnerability once per day.
- True Pride (1/day). Superbia instills in it's wearer the pride of all it's forebearers, infusing them with intense stalwartness and power.
As a bonus action, you may channel the eternal arrogant pride of the forebearers of Superbia, encasing your skin with glimmering ethereal gold:
- You gain 50 temporary hit points, which regenerates by 1d10 per round.
- You ignore all magical or mundane effects that reduce your speed, charm, frighten, or stun you. Additionally, you cannot be knocked prone.
- You can use your action while within the form of true pride to initiate a magical duel.
- Only you and the target can interact with each other, nobody outside can interfere with this duel. The duel only ends when one of the creatures falls unconscious or dies.
You can only maintain the form of True Pride for a number of rounds equal to half your level. You may end True Pride as a bonus action.
Ira, Signet of Wrath
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement by a creature who has inherited the mantle of wrath)
This ring is one of 7 that corresponds with each of the primal sins - this one embodies the sin of Wrath.
This silver band is adorned with a faceted violet amethyst gem that houses an eons-ancient spirit of vengeance and rage. The ring seeks to embolden the inherent anger, rage, and fury of the wearer, and bestows great power. The ring will refuse to be worn by any creature who has not inherited the mantle of wrath by teleporting away when attempted to be donned.
To inherit the mantle of wrath, one must either have it willingly bestowed upon them by the previous bearer, or must have slain the previous bearer of the mantle.
Curse. The Weight of Wrath. The ring is supernaturally heavy for it's simple size, and while worn it demands to be soaked in the blood of a living creature every day. In order to remain attuned to the ring, the wearer must kill a living creature every 24 hours. If the ring is not soaked in blood every day, the ring will become so heavy that the wearer's speed will drop to 10 feet, until the ring is soaked in blood, it will continue to be supernaturally heavy. After 24 hours of failing to fulfill the curse, the ring unattunes and teleports away to seek another.
Random Properties. The Signet of Wrath has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
- 2 major detrimental properties
Sentience. Ira is a sentient chaotic neutral ring with an Intelligence of 12, a Wisdom of 13, and a Charisma of 25. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
The ring can speak, read, and understand Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, and Primordial and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice is deep and echoing, with occasional bouts of growling. While you are attuned to it, the ring also understands every language you know.
Personality. Ira speaks with an impatient and aggressive tone, as though accustomed to quick decisions. The ring's purpose is to spread rage through it's wearer. It will guide the wearer to perform acts of violence to uphold this purpose - although whether the acts be evil or good is ultimately up to the wearer to decide, so long as it's rage is fulfilled. The ring does not care what its wearer slays, so long as the punishment is absolute.
Ira will often attempt to convince the wearer that they must retaliate against those who have wronged them, whether for slights that are real or fabricated. It seeks to indulge in every last bit of potential anger its wearer will feel - although it will not command or magically compel its wearer to do so, it instead seeks to uncover the trespasses of the creatures who slight it's wearer.
While attuned to Ira, the ring bestows the following benefits:
- The ring is indestructible
- When you make an attack against an object with any melee, ranged, spell, or unarmed attack, triple the damage.
- Innate Spellcasting: While attuned to Ira, you can cast the following spells:
- Wrathful Smite (spell save DC 20) at will
- Banishing Smite a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Blade of Disaster once per day.
- True Wrath (1/day). Ira draws upon the innumerable souls that have worn it throughout time, channeling their rage into the wearer.
As a bonus action, you may channel the ancient wrath of the forebearers of Ira, subsuming your body in an aura of violet blue ethereal flame:
- You gain an additional bonus to your AC equal to your strength modifier (minimum of +1).
- You roll two additional damage dice when rolling damage for your attacks.
- Your attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 15-20.
You can only maintain the form of True Wrath for a number of rounds equal to half your level. You may end True Wrath as a bonus action.
Gula, Signet of Gluttony
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement by a creature who has inherited the mantle of gluttony)
This ring is one of 7 that corresponds with each of the primal sins - this one embodies the sin of Gluttony.
This ornate dark iron ring is embedded with a pearly silver gemstone that houses an eons-ancient spirit of excess and indulgence. The ring infuses the wearer with an unending want to consume - food, drink, knowledge, anything and everything. The ring will refuse to be worn by any creature who has not inherited the mantle of gluttony by teleporting away when attempted to be donned.
To inherit the mantle of gluttony, one must either have it willingly bestowed upon them by the previous bearer, or must have slain the previous bearer of the mantle.
Curse. The Pit of Gluttony. The ring instills the intense need to consume things at an incredible rate, forcing its wearer to indulge itself in the consumption or assimilation of materials every day. In order to remain attuned to the ring, the wearer must consume 5 times their normal ration amount every 24 hours - if the creature does not need to eat to survive, they can instead choose to spend 6 hours a day indulging in the process of reading, writing, or learning magical knowledge. If the wearer does not consume each day, the ring instills the wearer with a perpetually massive hunger as if affected by an extreme suggestion spell, and the wearer begins to desire to eat the nearest living creature, the hunger will not subside until a living creature is devoured. After 24 hours of failing to fulfill the curse, the ring unattunes and teleports away to seek another.
Random Properties. The Signet of Gluttony has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
- 2 major detrimental properties
Sentience. Gula is a sentient neutral evil ring with an Intelligence of 28, a Wisdom of 11, and a Charisma of 11. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
The ring can speak, read, and understand Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, and Primordial and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice is gruff and grating, almost as if from a bearlike creature. While you are attuned to it, the ring also understands every language you know.
Personality. Gula speaks with a breathy and gruff, almost akin to a very large man. The ring's purpose is to push the wearer to overindulge in the consumable materiel of life. It will always delight in the possibility of it's wearer consuming or learning vast multitudes.
Gula will take great pleasure in convincing it's wearer that they need to continuously consume more. Often times, Gula will push the wearer to eat in excess, partake in vices (even ones they would normally never partake in), and often pressure the individual to indulge in the excess learning of knowledge. If a meal is not eaten fast enough, Gula will convince the wearer to eat it first. If an individual is not drinking or smoking their vice immediately, Gula will gladly push the wearer to do so. And if no one is reading a cursed tome, Gula will excitedly pull the wearer to indulge in it.
While attuned to Gula, the ring bestows the following benefits:
- The ring is indestructible
- You gain 1d10 hit points for every bite of food, every sip of a drink, every puff of vice, and every sentence you read. If this healing goes above your maximum hit points, you instead gain temporary hit points up to a maximum of three times your level.
- Innate Spellcasting: While attuned to Gula, you can cast the following spells:
- Goodberry at will
- Heroes' Feast a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Wish once per day.
- True Gluttony (1/day). Gula fills the wearer with the intense hunger of all those who have donned it through the ages.
As a bonus action, you may channel the intense gluttony of the forebearers of Gula, engorging your body with unnatural energy:
- Your body burns like a nuclear reactor - fueled by your continuous gorging.
- You glow intensely with bright light in a 60 foot radius, and dim light for an additional 60 feet.
- All creatures who enter the area or end their turn inside it take 3d10 force damage.
- You gain the Consume attack option:
- Consume. Melee Weapon Attack: +20 to hit, Reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 30 (3d12 + 10) piercing damage, healing yourself for the damage dealt.
- Your body burns like a nuclear reactor - fueled by your continuous gorging.
You can only maintain the form of True Gluttony for a number of rounds equal to half your level. You may end True Gluttony as a bonus action.
Invidia, Signet of Envy
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement by a creature who has inherited the mantle of envy)
This ring is one of 7 that corresponds with each of the primal sins - this one embodies the sin of Envy.
This black leaden ring is laden with a spherical jet gemstone with a glowing slit - reminiscent of an eye - which houses an eons-ancient spirit of resentment and covetous conviction. This ring instills in it's wearer a deep resentment for all those who achieve more than them, and pushes its wearer to overthrow their peers. The ring will refuse to be worn by any creature who has not inherited the mantle of envy by teleporting away when attempted to be donned.
To inherit the mantle of envy, one must either have it willingly bestowed upon them by the previous bearer, or must have slain the previous bearer of the mantle.
Curse. The Spite of Envy. The ring fills its wearer with an intense hatred for all those who succeed around them, and pushes it's wearer to possess what is rightfully theirs. In order to remain attuned to the ring, the wearer must steal the most valuable possession from a creature every 24 hours - which can take the form of material possessions, spell slots, or even creatures they adore. If the wearer does not steal a possession every day, the ring deals 4d10 psychic damage to the wearer every hour until the wearer steals another creature's possessions - this damage cannot be blocked by any means, and takes the form of feelings of intense jealousy and images of others succeeding beyond the wearer. After 24 hours of failing to fulfill the curse, the ring unattunes and teleports away to seek another.
Random Properties. The Signet of Envy has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
- 2 major detrimental properties
Sentience. Invidia is a sentient lawful neutral ring with an Intelligence of 26, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 14. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
The ring can speak, read, and understand Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, and Primordial and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice is monotonous and quiet, as if a whispering spy. While you are attuned to it, the ring also understands every language you know.
Personality. Invidia speaks with a very low toned voice, almost always as a whisper, reminiscent of an agent continuously whispering secrets in your ear. The ring's purpose is to allow it's wearer to amass the secrets and closely guarded possessions of all individuals the wearer comes across. The ring revels in stealing away the greatest joys of other living creatures.
Invidia will always convince that the wearer deserves anything valuable or precious that another creature possesses. Invidia believes that all things that bring others joy is heinous if it's wearer does not receive it as well, and this sparks an intense jealousy of others. Invidia will push it's wearer to steal things that have incredible sentimental value - from jewelry, to tomes or records, secrets, memories, and even living creatures.
While attuned to Invidia, the ring bestows the following benefits:
- The ring is indestructible
- When you make a Wisdom (Perception) check or Intelligence (Investigation) check on a living creature, you learn all their ability scores, skills, proficiencies, attacks, spells and items on their person.
- Innate Spellcasting: While attuned to Invidia, you can cast the following spells:
- Disguise Self (spell save DC 20) at will
- Seeming (spell save DC 20) a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Weird (spell save DC 20) once per day.
- True Envy (1/day). Invidia instills the wearer with the insidious jealousy of all past wearers throughout time.
As a bonus action, you may channel the dark envy of the forebearers of Invidia, causing your body to drip and bleed dark black ethereal tar and fog:
- Your body becomes blurred and obscured, imposing disadvantage on all attack rolls against you.
- As an action, you can choose a creature within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or be possessed for the duration, losing control of its own actions. While possessing a creature in this manner, you disappear and manifest within the chosen creature, who is suffused with dark fog. The creature is subject to the effects of Invidia and True Envy, and you may use all actions the creature has in place of your own, as well as your own spellcasting (if you have any). While possessing the creature, you have total cover from all attacks and damage. You may stop possessing the creature as an action, and appear within 60 feet of the creature.
You can only maintain the form of True Envy for a number of rounds equal to half your level. You may end True Envy as a bonus action.
Destroying the Ring. The only way to destroy any of the rings of primal sin are to gather all 7 together, have each ring touch another in a closed circle, and then cast a carefully worded 10th level wish or hope spell upon them all, destroying all 7 rings at once.
Luxuria, Signet of Lust
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement by a creature who has inherited the mantle of lust)
This ring is one of 7 that corresponds with each of the primal sins - this one embodies the sin of Lust.
This exquisite filigree golden ring is inlaid with a sky blue sapphire that houses an eons-ancient spirit of desire and pleasure. This ring bestows an intense craving for fulfillment of your deepest desires, and pushes it's wearer to experience life to the fullest. The ring will refuse to be worn by any creature who has not inherited the mantle of lust by teleporting away when attempted to be donned.
To inherit the mantle of lust, one must either have it willingly bestowed upon them by the previous bearer, or must have slain the previous bearer of the mantle.
Curse. The Drive of Lust. The ring seeks to fulfill the wearer's deepest desires through new experiences, and pulls their wearer towards these situations. In order to remain attuned to the ring, the wearer must fulfill the desires of one humanoid creature every 24 hours. These desires can take the form of carnal or sexual pursuits, the drive to experience new things such as great food, vices, or magic, or may even take on darker and sinister tones. If the wearer does not fulfill the desires of a humanoid creature every day, the ring creates an aura of dissatisfaction around the wearer, giving disadvantage on all charisma ability checks, saving throws, and charisma-based abilities (including spellcasting) until a humanoid's desires are fulfilled. After 24 hours of failing to fulfill the curse, the ring unattunes and teleports away to seek another.
Random Properties. The Signet of Lust has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
- 2 major detrimental properties
Sentience. Luxuria is a sentient chaotic neutralring with an Intelligence of 26, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 14. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
The ring can speak, read, and understand Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, and Primordial and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice is sultry and smoky, as if from a secret lover. While you are attuned to it, the ring also understands every language you know.
Personality. Luxuria speaks in a very honeyed voice, as if always attempting to seduce the wearer. The ring's purpose is to push it's wearer to indulge in the more primal and carnal aspects of life. The ring takes great pleasure in bringing it's wearer and the people they interact with to experience the urges they would normally keep quiet or hidden from society.
Luxuria will attempt to coerce their wearer into committing actions that remain unspoken. Luxuria believes that all aspects of life should never be forgotten or hidden - no matter how carnal, dark, or forbidden they may be. Luxuria will push the wearer to do anything from trying new vice for the first time, public acts of nudity or intercourse, to even following through with the urge of more heinous acts such as drinking blood, cannibalism, or forming pacts with forbidden dark entities. Anything forbidden, taboo, or unexperienced is what Luxuria seeks to shine a pleasant light upon.
While attuned to Luxuria, the ring bestows the following benefits:
- The ring is indestructible
- You gain expertise (double proficiency) in all Charisma ability checks and skill checks, as well as a +5 bonus.
- Innate Spellcasting: While attuned to Luxuria, you can cast the following spells:
- Charm Person (spell save DC 20) at will
- Dominate Person (spell save DC 20) a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Shapechange once per day
- True Lust (1/day). Luxuria instills the wearer with the unsated desires of all past wearers.
As a bonus action, you may channel the intense lust of the forebearers of Luxuria, causing your body to gleam with soft blue inner starlight:
- All creatures within 60 feet have disadvantage on all mental (Charisma, Wisdom, Intelligence) skill checks and saving throws.
- You gain the Lustful Kiss ability:
- Lustful Kiss. You gently kiss a creature charmed by you or a willing creature. The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 20) with disadvantage, taking 8d10+10 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
You can only maintain the form of True Lust for a number of rounds equal to half your level. You may end True Lust as a bonus action.
Acedia, Signet of Sloth
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement by a creature who has inherited the mantle of sloth)
This ring is one of 7 that corresponds with each of the primal sins - this one embodies the sin of Sloth.
This simplistic runed steel band is inlaid with a sickly pale green peridot gem which houses an eons-ancient spirit of indolence and exhaustion, and rewards those who indulge in such sedentary practices. The ring will refuse to be worn by any creature who has not inherited the mantle of sloth by teleporting away when attempted to be donned.
To inherit the mantle of sloth, one must either have it willingly bestowed upon them by the previous bearer, or must have slain the previous bearer of the mantle.
Curse. The Apathy of Sloth. The ring indulges in the feelings of excessive tiredness, laziness, and reluctance, and gladly helps its wearer fulfill those feelings. In order to remain attuned to the ring, the wearer must rest an amount of time each day equal to twice it's typical resting time - this can take the form of sleeping for most races, but for some (such as elves), meditation or trancing is their form of rest. If the wearer does not indulge in excessive rest every day, the wearer gains 1 level of exhaustion every 2 hours they do not rest excessively. After 24 hours of failing to fulfill the curse, the ring unattunes and teleports away to seek another.
Random Properties. The Signet of Sloth has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
- 2 major detrimental properties
Sentience. Acedia is a sentient neutral ring with an Intelligence of 10, a Wisdom of 30, and a Charisma of 10. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
The ring can speak, read, and understand Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, and Primordial and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice is guttural and hoarse, as if speaking to a tired old man. While you are attuned to it, the ring also understands every language you know.
Personality. Acedia speaks with an exhausted and uninterested tone, as if always on the brink of passing out or forgetting the conversation. The ring's purpose is to sow rest and exhaustion through it's wearer. It less "enjoys" the process of tiring other living creatures, but is more amicable amongst those who share it's exhaustion.
Acedia is fairly tame when compared to it's sibling rings, as it merely accepts the actions of the one who wears it, hoping that they will bring others to the same deep rest it so sorely seeks for itself. Acedia is unbelievably wiser than it's counterparts, as it often has a vast will unto itself, which it usually uses to convince it's wearer that life is too complicated, fast, and busy - and that everything needs to just slow down and rest for a very long time (maybe even eternally).
While attuned to Acedia, the ring bestows the following benefits:
- The ring is indestructible
- You and all creatures who take short or long rests within 60 feet of you gain 20 temporary hit points at the end of the rest. These temporary hit points only last until your next rest.
- Innate Spellcasting: While attuned to Luxuria, you can cast the following spells:
- Sleep at will
- Dream (spell save DC 20) a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Astral Projection once per day
- True Sloth (1/day). Acedia infuses the wearer with the eternal exhaustion of all past wearers.
As a bonus action, you may channel the bottomless sloth of the forebearers of Acedia, causing your eyes to sink into dark sage-black pools of energy, and subsuming an eerie green mist:
- All creatures within 60 feet of you have their speed decreased by 10 feet.
- You emit an aura of lethargy upon all creatures within 60 feet. Any creatures who enter the area or end their turn inside must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, gaining 1 level of exhaustion if they fail, or no exhaustion on a success.
- When you knock a creature to 0 hit points or kill them, they immediately fail 1 death saving throw as they struggle to resist the pull of eternal rest.
You can only maintain the form of True Sloth for a number of rounds equal to half your level. You may end True Sloth as a bonus action.
Imperia, Seal of Ambition
Wondrous item, Divine Artifact (requires attunement by a creature who has destroyed the 7 rings of sin)
This ring is believed to be a myth, but only the champions of sin who have delved into the origins of the rings know it to be fact.
This ring embodies the sin of Ambition - the Original Sin.
This extravagant alloyed ring is inlaid with a labradorescent agate of swirling and shifting colors which houses the conglomerated spirits of all 7 sins - working in perfect harmony to achieve balance. This spirit is the embodiment of the original sin of ambition: the pursuit of power and divinity. The ring and the spirit within was severed into seven pieces that took the form of the 7 rings of primal sin.
The ring will refuse to be worn by any creature who has not destroyed the seven rings of sin.
Curse. The Fall of Ambition. The ring exemplifies the pursuit of power and majesty, and seeks to raise it's wearer to the level of the gods themselves, believing that deities of this era are inferior to the ones of its original time, and seeks to dethrone the powers themselves. In order to remain attuned to the ring, the wearer must slay an outsider creature every day. if the wearer does not slay an outsider (aberration, celestial, fey, fiend, undead or divine) every 24 hours, the wearer takes 5d6 Aetherion and 5d6 Force damage and has their maximum hit points reduced by that amount each hour until an outsider is slain. This reduction to hitpoints is restored upon slaying an outsider.
The ring will never teleport away from the wearer, but will continue to punish the wearer for not slaying outsider until their body and soul are destroyed.
Random Properties. The Seal of Ambition has the following random properties:
- 2 minor beneficial properties
- 2 major beneficial properties
- 2 major detrimental properties
Sentience. Imperia is a sentient neutral ring with an Intelligence of 30, a Wisdom of 30, and a Charisma of 30. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 240 feet.
The ring can speak, read, and understand all languages and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice is booming and authoritative, like the voice of a god.
Personality. Imperia speaks with an multitonal and reverberating voice, as if being multiple creatures with one voice. The ring's purpose is to slay the powers and bring it's wearer to greater heights of ability.
Imperia is driven and intense, constantly seeking to deliver retribution to the gods and entities that chained it in the first place. It's only goal is to ascend it's wearer to a position of power where they may enact justice against the gods, and hopefully one day, be a living entity once more.
While attuned to Imperia, the ring bestows the following benefits:
- The ring is indestructible
- You gain a +10 to all ability scores, ability checks, saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
- You double your proficiency bonus
- At Dawn of each day, you gain 100 temporary hit points - this is the maximum amount of temporary hit points you can gain in this way.
- You deal double damage with all effects that deal damage. You deal quadruple damage to objects and structures.
- Innate Spellcasting: While attuned to Imperia, you can cast the following spells (Spell Save DC 30, +22 to hit with spell attacks):
- (At Will:) Charm Person, Disguise Self, Goodberry, Heroism, Incite Greed, Sleep, Wrathful Smite
- (Number of times equal to your proficiency bonus:) Banishing Smite, Creation, Dominate Person, Dream, Heroes' Feast, Holy Weapon, Seeming.
- (1/day each) Astral Projection, Blade of Disaster, Conjurer's Arsenal, Invulnerability, Shapechange, Weird, Wish
- True Ambition (1/day) Imperia calls upon the spirits of all other primal sins, funneling their energies directly through you. As a bonus action, you may channel the awesome power of the Primal Sins, causing your body emits a multicolored aura of light:
- You choose any one of the true abilities of the other rings to channel their power: True Greed, True Pride, True Wrath, True Gluttony, True Envy, True Lust, or True Sloth.
- You gain the effects of the chosen sin's form for the duration.
You can only maintain the form of True Ambition for a number of rounds equal to your level. You may end True Ambition as a bonus action.

Domain Barrier
Gargantuan construct (Divine Conjuration), None
- Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
- Hit Points 1500
- Speed 0 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5)
- Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +10, Con +10, Int +10, Wis +10, Cha +10
- Damage Resistances acid, bludgeoning, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, piercing, poison, psychic, radiant, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered
- Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
- Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, incapacitated, invisible, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned, unconscious
- Senses blindsight 500 ft. (blind beyond this radius), darkvision 500 ft., tremorsense 500 ft., truesight 500 ft., passive Perception 15
- Languages understands All
- Challenge 40 (0 XP)
Divine Inheritance. The Barrier inherits the value of it's owner's Godly Ability.
Positional Stasis, The Barrier is immune to all forms of Forced movement of any kind.
Proactive Defense. The Barrier has 1 additional Action to use each round of combat.
Perfect Sight. The Barrier can see through all forms of illusion, invisibility, and cover.
Regeneration. The Barrier regains 150 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If the Barrier fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Warded Healing. When an effect would normally block or negate any healing the Barrier would receive, such as the Chill Touch cantrip, the value by which the Barrier is healed by is halved instead. And partial reductions in healing have their reduction halved as well.
Enhanced Magic. Spell cast by the Barrier cannot be counterspelled by, and are immune to, any features and spells of creatures that lack a Divine Rank, and by creatures whose Divine Rank is lower than it's owner's.
Additionally, all spells cast by the Barrier by any means roll twice as many damage dice as usual.Innate Spellcasting. The Barrier's innate spellcasting ability is the same as it's owners and inherits all the relevant calculated values such as Spell DC and Spell Attack Bonus. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will (All at 5th Level): Bane, Chaos Bolt, Hex, Magic Missile, Shield,
3/day each (At Base Level): Wall of Force
1/day each (At Base Level): Mass HealFinal Defense. When the Barrier reaches 0 HP, all creatures within 200 feet of the Barrier must make a DC 25 Constitution Saving Throw, taking 10d12 Force damage on a fail or half as much on a success. Creatures without a Divine Rank have disadvantage on this save and take double damage.
Ray of Defense. Ranged Spell Attack: (Spell Casting Attack Bonus) to hit, range 500/1000 ft., one target. Hit: 44 (8d10) Force damage.
Surge (Recharge 3-6). The Barrier unleashes a pulse of vengeful energy. The Barrier chooses a point within 200 feet of itself. All creatures within 50 feet of the chosen point must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw. Creatures that lack a Divine Rank make this saving throw with disadvantage. A creature takes 10d12 Force damage on a fail and is knocked prone, or half as much on a success and is not knocked prone. Creatures that lack a Divine Rank take twice as much damage from this attack.
Volley (Recharge 3-6). The Barrier releases a salvo of arcane missles infused with divine power. The Barrier casts Magic Missile at 9th Level, but fires three times as many missiles than a normal cast of the spell. Force damage dealt in this way ignores resistances and treats immunities as resistance. Magic Missile cast in this way is immune to the Shield spell, even from creatures with a Divine Rank.
Bonus Actions
Crisis Regeneration (Recharge 5-6) (3/day). The Barrier can choose to activate it's Regeneration ability again within the same turn. If it does so, it does not benefit from Regeneration at the start of it's next turn.