Eroding God's Style

by RatBastard

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Eroding God's Style (Sword Saint Combat, Style)

Strike with the caustic neutrality of mother nature.


Must be selected at 5th level or higher, A Sword Saint's "Focus" Class Feature.


While using this Style, you deal 1 acid energy with all your melee attacks. This energy damage scales up with your level. For every 5 levels you posses the damage goes up by 1 to maximum of 4 acid energy damage at Level 20.

As a standard action, This acid energy can instead be absorbed into the style user to grant 5ft aura of acid energy damage equivalent to the amount absorbed. This acid aura lasts until the end of your current focus and cannot be reapplied until the current focus ends.


Absorbing energy through this feat will deal damage of the same energy type to you. If you posses immunities or resistances that will negate this damage, you will instead take an equivalent amount of non lethal damage.


This combat style feat can only be used while in Focus.


A Sword Saint can only learn one type of Sword Saint style and is prevented from learning any other Sword Saint Combat style.