Lumina D&D

by Chromonov

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Table of Contents

Argentum, The Gilded Plane

Welcome! otherworlder, to Argentum. Delve into a world of magic and technology. Explore the city of Halcyon. Travel the planes on your airship as you battle magically-powered automatons. Discover the mysteries of the dwarves and escape the dream!

Aetherpunk Adventure

High fantasy magic creates technology more befitting of a sci-fi world, expect to see things like magically powered mecha, airships, automatons, etc. The aesthetic of Argentum's technology is comparable to Earth's Early 1900's technology, but with a magical twist. You'll see magic used for things mundane as w9ell as fantastic.

A "Brief" Argentum History

Argentum's history as written by it's scholars mostly involves one of three Ages. An "Age" was roughly 10,000 Years. Below is an overview of some of the events that happened during these Ages.

The First Age (the age of Titans)
  • Lux & Nhilus are born, create Primordials & Terra.
  • Nhilus creates the Shattered Isles & The Heart.
  • Lux sheds their Tear, infusing the world with Aether.
  • The Titans and their Gods fight each other.
  • Lux and Nhilus leave Lumina. Appointing the gods and the primordials as it's Overseers.
The Second Age (the age of Gods)
  • The Gods create "The Game"
  • The Dwarves capture Omega an AI from Cygnus.
  • The Primordial Artifacts wipe out the gods.
  • Argentum is reconstituted and Halcyon is created.
  • The Tear of Lux shattered and scattered across Argentum.
The Third Age (the age of Mortals)
  • The Primearchs wipe out the Dwarves.
  • Eloy disappears and The Halcyon Council is formed.
  • Halcyon Civil War, & Founding of the Wardens.
  • The Sol-Engine is invented.
  • Halcyon Expands into surrounding areas of Argentum.
The Present (within the last 300 years.)
  • A 2nd Civil War in Halcyon. Uprisings & Rebellions.
  • That Civil War soon becomes a World War.
  • The Spelltide stops the fighting, sits in the Great Plains.
  • Omni-Corp begins production of the Lightning Rail.
  • Argentum is in a shaky period of peace.
Time and Space Travel

Argentum setting is built with Time and Planar Travel in mind, maybe consider traveling to these points in time if you ever get the opportunity.

Using this Supplement

This supplement is a guide to using Argentum as a setting for your Lumina D&D Campaign. It will aid in creating adventures and characters in this world! It's comprised of 7 chapters.

Chapter 1 - Character Creation

Covers creating Argentum characters. It offers new races, sub-classes & backgrounds to play around with.

Chapter 2 - Argentum Gazetteer

Nations and notable locations as well as the types of landmarks, flora & fauna and factions that you may encounter there.

Chapter 3 - Halcyon

Will cover Halcyon, it's districts and history, will also cover the planes and how they fit into Argentum.

Chapter 4 - Adventures and Downtime

Adventure hooks, things to do in Argentum as well as example adventures and downtime activities.

Chapter 5 - Items

Compendium of items available in Argentum

Chapter 6 - Monsters & Vehicles

Stat blocks for the various creatures, foes and forms of transportation from the airship to the Mech-Titan.

Chapter 7 - Codex

An encyclopedia full of commonly used words and concepts unique to this setting.

Try these sourcebooks for stuff suited to this setting. GGtR, ERLW, SCoC, XGtE, Planescape, Dark Sun, & Spelljammer.


Lore & Exposition

The First Age ~ The Age of Titans

In the beginning! There was nothing, from the nothing a being willed itself into existence. This was a being of life and creation and was the first of the two beings called the "Titans" This Titan was called Lux.
This being grew lonely and so they created a companion from the darkness that surrounded it. This, a being of death and destruction. This Titan was called Nhilus.
This new being hated existing, they longed for the nothingness before it was given life. And so Nhilus tried to destroy itself. This proved ineffective as they found themselves to be immortal. The realization of this angered Nhilus and so they tried to destroy their creator/counterpart, the resulting battle that ensued created much of the universe.
During this fight, a third being was created. This, a being of Balance and the first of the Gods, Terra Terra stopped the fighting between the Titans, and convinced them to explore this new universe, the three of them, together. For billions of years they did just that. Until they encountered something new on a planet. Something they had never seen before. Life.
This planet, Argentum, being not too unlike our own, was in the early stages of life. Plants thrived topside feeding off the light from the stars, below in the oceans, microscopic organisms fed on thermal vents. Lux observes these creatures in awe, and for millions of years watches them thrive and evolve. Ever changing in what feels like an instant to an immortal timeless being...

Nhilus grows restless, it believes life is a blight on the world; that true peace is achieved through destruction and so it grabs hold of a piece of itself and hurtles it at this young planet. This piece hits the planet and causes a planet-wide cataclysmic event. The oceans boil and the lush forests burn until there's nothing left but ash...

Creation of the Primordial Artifacts

The worlds main continent shatters into countless islands and smaller continents. At the site of the impact a new being is created, a being of pure destruction and chaos. The First of the Dragons, Oscieros the Chaos Dragon.

It also creates a massive crater that houses a sliver of the Titan's power this crater is called the Cradle of Destruction. This sliver, is called the Heart of Nhilus. And is the first of the Primordial Artifacts, The Heart of Nhilus

Lux, seeing the destruction of this planet is saddened for the first time. She sheds a single tear on to the dying planet. This tear imbues the world with the magical energy known as Aether for the first time and revitalizes it. This creates the second Primordial Artifact, The Tear of Lux.

Life not only survives but also thrives, it adapts to the new found Aether. The land itself also comes to life in parts of the world where this magic pooled the most. These animated elements are called The Primordials. The site where this tear was shed is called the Cradle of Creation.

Lux watches these Primordials and appoints them as the guardians and overseers to Argentum. Entrusting them with the duty of keeping the planet safe and balanced. To prevent another world ending catastrophe should it arise, enacting something called a Primordial Purge.

For a time life goes on like this for millions of years. Until again, Nhilus grows restless. Seeing that life is continuing to multiply throws him into a rage and so Nhilus sends Oscieros to lay waste to these primitive creatures. Lux stops Oscieros but finds themself unable to take the Dragons life and instead traps it in a space in between the Planes.

~ The Birth of the Gods ~

Lux, finally fed up with Nhilus' destructive tantrums attacks them. This causes a second clash of the Titans and many more Gods are created in this battle. Many of these Gods pick a side. Some believing peace lies in creation. The others, peace through destruction.

Terra, the strongest of the gods. sensing the imminent doom of this universe uses all of their power and sacrifices themselves to stop the fighting.

The resulting flashing oscillating wave of light flows through the planet and creates new beings and imbues them with the power of the Gods with the limitless potential of the Titans, Quintessence. These beings are the Mortals (elves, dwarves, humans etc.) Terra's sacrifice stops the fighting. The Titans, saddened by the loss of what was essentially their child decide to leave Lumina, firmly believing the world is better off without them.

Prior to them leaving they appoint the Gods as overseers of the planet and it's new Mortal races. Entrusting them to work together and keep the balance of this world before leaving forever.

For a time things are good. But soon enough the Gods grow restless...

0 T.A. ~ 1 T.A.

Jyn Touches the husk of a dead crystal shard and creates Lumina.

1 T.A. ~ 2 T.A.

Lux is born and creates Nhilus, Nhilus tried to destroy itself, couldn't, and attacked Lux.

2 T.A. ~ 200 T.A.

First Titan War. The Argentum universe and everything in it is created as a result.

200 T.A. ~ 1000 T.A.

Terra is Born. Stops Lux and Nhilus from fighting and they all begin to explore the universe.

1000 T.A. ~ 5000 T.A.

Terra, Lux & Nhilus discover and observe Argentum the Planet. Nhilus attacks and scorches the planet.

5000 T.A. ~ 5500 T.A.

Oscieros the first dragon, Aether, The Cradles of Destruction & Creation, The Shattered Isles, Primordial Artifacts, and The Primordial Elementals are all created.

5500 T.A. ~ 6000 T.A.

Oscieros attacks the planet Argentum and is trapped in Limbo.

7000 T.A. ~ 8000 T.A.

Second Titan War. The Gods are born as a result, most of the new gods pick a side and join the war.

8000 T.A ~ 9000 T.A.

Terra sacrifices themselves, creates the Mortal races, and infuses them with Quintessence.

9000 T.A. ~ 9500 T.A.

Nhilus and Lux leave Lumina and appoint the Gods as it's overseers.

9500 T.A. ~ 10,000 T.A.

Omega enters the plane of Argentum begins to explore the universe.

10,000 T.A.

The Gods create the Lux and Nhilus pantheons and begin "The Game"


The Second Age ~ The Age of Gods

Life on this planet is good for most of the creatures that live on it. There's a period of peace and prosperity. The stirrings of early civilization are happening during this time.
The Gods, having grown restless, decide to split up and divide the world among each other based on their own beliefs. Among those beliefs are two main groups, The Lux and Nihlus Pantheons. These pantheons both believe the world should be a certain way and so they create "The Game" with the winner being the ultimate overseer of the world; all Mortals being mere pawns in a celestial game of chess.
Many Mortals are granted power by the Gods. These Mortals that are granted power are known as the Primearchs.
For millennia this game is played until one day a young boy, Eloy Haaken. is born to a small fishing village on a tiny island untouched by the ravages of this war of the Gods. The game of the Gods reaches this island and during a battle between the pantheons; the island is wiped out along with all of its inhabitants as a sort of collateral damage. All are wiped out except little Eloy. He takes one last look at his home. Ablaze and sinking into the depths below. Before setting off into the world. It is here that he swears vengeance on the Gods who have forsaken him.
"They've meddled in this world for far too long..."

Many years later, Eloy is a man now. He etches out an existence as a shiphand, a pirate, a mercenary. The whole time deep in his heart is his desire for vengeance against the Gods. He meets an elf woman named Rose Goldpetal and they go on many adventures together. Rose joins the military of a young budding nation and Eloy bids her farewell, as he must continue his quest.

The Sacking of Terra

Eloys adventures take him to the main dwarven continent of Petra. There he meets a bright young dwarven tinkerer and scribe named Pimm Ironheart. While in Terra the dwarven capital, the city is sacked by the Nhilus Pantheon. Many of its records in the Grand Archive are destroyed.

Eloy gets a job as a scribe and works tirelessly scouring, rewriting, copying and restoring the destroyed books that were there. It is during this that he discovers the existence of The Heart of Nhilus and the Tear of Lux

He learns that they have the power to alter the world and grant the bearer unlimited powers of creation and destruction. He also learns of the Tears last known whereabouts. The Lux pantheon's capital city, Lumos

During the aftermath of the attack Eloy confides his lifelong lust for vengeance to his friend Pimm. It is here that Pimm swears his love and loyalty to Eloy and his cause. Together they get to work devising a plan to get the Artifacts.

Many years later they attempt to infiltrate the fortress housing the Tear but they are thwarted and left for dead by the gods.

Two Gods, the goddesses of vengeance and love respectively, take pity on the two mortals. As they embody all the they goddesses represent. Eloy with his quest for vengeance and Pimm with his love for Eloy. They grant them each a boon in the form of two swords. Vindicta the sword of Vengeance and Amare the sword of Love. Each granting the mortals unimaginable power and the push needed to achieve their goals.

The Divine Purge

Using Vindicta Eloy is able to fell any foe. And using Amare Pimm is able to gain the help of his proud stubborn race. Together after many more years they amass an army and sack the city of Lumos, gaining the Tear in the process. The remnants of the Gods of the Lux pantheon turn on the goddesses that betrayed them and utterly and violently destroy them, before joining the Nhilus Pantheon. Eloy and Pimm with the power of the Tear create a new race of beings called Warforged. These humanoid artificial creatures being made from magic and metal and stone. With the dwarven military as well as the might of the Warforged, Pimm and Eloy are able to overcome every obstacle thrown their way.

Word spreads of their accomplishments and Rose, having become the leader of a group of United races and nations against the gods joins Eloyand Pimmscause. Together, many years and even more casualties later they at last reach the capital of the Nhilus Pantheon, Nox. And engage in a bloody final battle with the last of the Gods. Until at last they reach The Heart. Not much is known about what happened here. Accounts vary depending on the allegiances of the one telling the story. But one fact remains. Rose's life was lost in the battle. Eloy, now having The Tear and The Heart uses their power to alter the world. Creating in his own heart what he believes to be the "perfect world'

But how does one create the "perfect world".
0 G.A.

The Gods begin "The Game"

1 G.A. ~ 100 G.A.

The God Artifacts are created. Powerful magical items created by the Tear and Heart.

100 G.A. ~ 300 G.A.

Eloy is born and his home island destroyed during a battle between two gods. Travels the world and meets Rose.

300 G.A. ~ 2000 G.A.

Several dragons and primordials are killed by the gods and their followers for their Quintessence.

2000 G.A. ~ 4000 G.A.

Omega's herald avatar is captured by the Dwarves and tortured for knowledge.

4000 G.A.

The dwarven capital of Terra is destroyed by the Nhilus pantheon. Eloy meets Pimm and discovers the Cradles and the Tear and Heart's existence.

5000 G.A.

Rose forms the Northern United Alliance, Pimm creates early magitek. Eloy and Pimm fail to get the Tear and are visited by Love and Vengeance.

5500 G.A. ~ 6000 G.A.

Eloy and Pimm get the Tear of Lux, Pimm uses it to create the Warforged and designs the Mech-Titans.

7000 G.A.

The Lux and Nhilus pantheons form the Fatum pantheon. The beginning of the war between Eloy, Pimm and Rose against The Gods. (The Scorned War)

8000 G.A

End of the Scorned War. Rose dies, Eloy and Pimm get the Heart. Eloy uses them to change the world. Becomes the first Archlich.

9000 G.A.

The World alters itself and many nations are lost in what's called The Great Cataclysm.

9500 G.A.

All Gods are either in hiding, dead, have left the universe or are have transformed themselves into something else.

10,000 G.A.

The Tear shatters and scatters, Halcyon is formed. Elves begin to move into the Great Stone City.

The Third Age ~ The Age of Mortals

At the moment Eloy made his wish the continents and islands in the world all converged into a single landmass. The tectonic forces of these huge chunks of land caused the destruction of many countries and kingdoms.
At the center of this destruction a massive city, Halcyon sprung forth from the ground. This city being based on plans created by Pimm and only glanced at briefly by Eloy. The powers of the artifacts pulling what he believed to be a perfect city from his subconscious mind. The next thing to happen from Eloy's wish was more in line with his quest for vengeance.
The power from the artifacts began to eradicate the Gods.
Gods that had foreseen this event were able to hide or transform themselves. Sacrificing much of their power in the process. Gods that were too weak or too powerful were destroyed outright. The wish put a sort of magical shield around the universe. Preventing any** Gods** from escaping, as well as stopping any Gods that were outside the universe from entering it.
As a last final act to ensure nobody else could use the power of the artifacts Eloy attempted to use them to destroy each other, but it backfired. As a result of trying to use the artifacts to destroy each other the Tear of Lux shatters into seven pieces and the resulting explosion sends them flying across the newly reformed gigantic supercontinent. Argentum.

Eloy, with his newfound powers and immortality, swears that he will one day make things right and sets off trying to find these scattered pieces of the Tear; now dubbed the Tears of Lux, using this newly constructed eperopolis as a base of operations. This city/conurbation being dubbed Halcyon Over the next hundred years or so Halcyon expands and takes in all manor of people. In time the people of this city begin to see Eloy as a godking. To his own dismay. For many millennia he searches for these Tears to no avail....

The Dwarven Extinction

Meanwhile the Primarchs, those who had been granted power from the Gods, banded together to exact revenge on Eloy. They begin to sow discord and spread propaganda among those who would worship him in Halcyon, causing a civil war and rebellion.

Pimm, forseeing this coup with divination magic and artifice. Sets out to stop this assassination attempt. And creates a new generation of Warforged to help.

There's a bloody battle and many lives are lost on all sides, and as a last ditch effort the Primearchs pool and combine the last of their power to fire a powerful magical spell at him. Pimm sacrifices himself and as a result he, along with the entire dwarven race are essentially deleted from existence.

For the first time in a long time Eloy is alone again, so he sets off into the wilderness and to this day is said to wander the wilds of Argentum searching for the Tears of Lux.

In time Eloy, Rose, Pimm the true origins of the universe and the Gods themselves fade from everyone's memory, regarded as a fairy tale or a legend of sorts. Thousands of years later Halcyon still stands, ever spreading out into the wilds. Its 3000ft tall outer walls spannning for miles through and around the city.

~ Halcyon Prosperity ~

Halcyon grows to the point where it covers roughly 5% of Argentum.

Imagine a nation wide span of roads, bridges, canals, spires, towers. Blanketing a space comparable in size and shape as North America in our world. Its separated into 7 districts, each with it's own laws, culture, and architecture styles. Each district elects an individual to represent them on the Halcyon Council with one of those individuals being elected Grand-High-Chancellor.

For many years this city is the main hub of civilization on Argentum. Its millions of civilians kept safely within its walls.

0 M.A. ~ 1 M.A.

Halcyon is created, Nearby tribes of Elves begin to move in.

1 M.A. ~ 2 M.A.

Pimm begins creating the Mech-Titans to aid in construction and enforcing peace.

2 M.A. ~ 100 M.A.

Demons and Devils begin to materialize in the material plane from remnants of old gods. The Rain District is Created.

100 M.A. ~ 200 M.A.

The Spelltide begins to manifest in the material plane. The Gilded District is created. Claustra Prison is founded.

200 M.A. ~ 1000 M.A.

Primarchs begin their machinations to enact revenge on Eloy, causing a civil war, culminating in the extinction of the Dwarves. Phandalin, Candlekeep and Tartarus are founded.

1000 M.A. ~ 5000 M.A.

Eloy forms the Academy and leaves Halcyon and the Council is formed. The Water District is created.

5000 M.A.

The Forest District is Created.

5500 M.A. ~ 6000 M.A.

The Colosseum is created. Sora, Yamato, and Erimos are founded.

7000 M.A.

The Prophecy of Aaraakryu is foretold by the Oracle of Sora. Baldur's Gate is founded.

8000 M.A

Waterdhavian, Deku, and Morden are founded.

9000 M.A.

Lakeight, Greencrest and Nearbridge are founded

9500 M.A.

Blackwater, Barovia and Striga are founded.

10,000 M.A.

Mozukai is founded.

The Fourth Age ~ The Age of Heroes

Eventually the city establishes a state funded magical university called the Halcyon Arcane University (HAU) as well as several other guilds ultimately dedicated to the betterment of Halcyon Students of HAU eventually discovers the existence of a long dead technologically advanced race (the Dwarves) and reverse engineer their magical technology to help advance Halcyon. This culminates in the creation of MAGS The Magical Assistant and Guardian System. Affectionately called "Maggy" by some folk.
Eventually the first "mega"-corporation/guild Omni-Corp is formed by a conglomerate of smaller guilds corporations. Shortly after it's formation Omni-Corp builds a train system/rail network called The Lightning Rail.
They, with some help of some from HAU help to establish The Hedron Network the Aethernet across Argentum. (Magical Communication Infrastructure) as well as creating a device known as the Sol-Engine! Bridging a gap between magic and artifice; connecting the world more than it has ever been connected before...

In time MAGS, prompted by no one, begins to create more Warforged. These "Forged" begin to serve as cheap(free) manual labor for the city and are brought in and repurposed by the people of Halcyon. Because of this there is much animosity towards the automatons in parts of Halcyon.

Turmoil in The Walled City

This causes turmoil amongst the Stone District as many of its inhabitants relied on the mizzium and adamantine mining that went on in it's district. More over, the Stone District leaders and many of its citizens already had animosity for the rest of the city. As Halcyon had forced the mountain nation to join Halcyon or be destroyed.

As a result a radical group is formed from many of the displaced orcs, giant-kin and goblins who make up this district. This group calling themselves the Vox-Petra, or, the Voice of Stone. Because of this and a zealotous religious purge of the Aasimar and Tiefling races there was a rebellion and civil war long ago that was quashed and forbidden from being written about.

In time, the (Halcyon Council) manages to get their hands on a Tear of Lux but end up destroying a Primordial in the process. As a result the other Primordials awaken and begin the process of restoring balance to the world through a series of cataclysmic natural disasters. Many years later they decide to establish an organization dedicated to guarding Halcyon from things that would put it's existence in jeopardy; The Wardens.

The Great Argentum war

During this time, war breaks out across Argentum A war between the three west coast nations and Halcyon as well as within Halcyon itself between the districts and its different guilds.

This destructive war triggers the Primordials to begin bringing balance into the world and triggers many natural disasters that swallow up part of the world. All of this culminates in what scholars call The Spelltide.

Nobody is entirely sure what happened exactly. But millions of lives on all sides were lost in this event.

This huge, miles tall wall of fog spread from the untamed wilds throughout The Great Plains of Argentum, twisting, warping and transforming the landscape.. killing or mutating the creatures and mortals that lived within it... This stopped the Great Argentum War and eventually led to another shaky period of peace, but soon enough, forces at work in the universe grow restless...

1000 H.A.

The Cloud District is created. The Halcyon Arcane University (HAU) is founded, leading to advancements in magic and technology.

1500 H.A.

Several new guilds and corporations, including Omni-Corp, are established, contributing to the city's growth.

1750 H.A.

The Stone District is created. The Sol-Engine is created, providing a new source of power. MAGS is developed and begins creating more Warforged, leading to social tensions within Halcyon.

1800 H.A.

The Lightning Rail, a train system, is built by Omni-Corp, revolutionizing transportation. The Hedron Network (Aethernet) is established, connecting distant regions of Argentum for magical communication.

1900 H.A

The use of Warforged as manual labor causes discontent and animosity in parts of Halcyon. Turmoil erupts in the Stone District due to the decline of mizzium and adamantine mining.

1950 H.A.

The radical group Vox-Petra is formed. A religious purge targets Aasimar and Tiefling races, resulting in rebellion and a civil war.

1975 H.A.

Halcyon's Council acquires a Tear of Lux, inadvertently destroys a Primordial, awakening other Primordials.

2000 H.A.

The Halcyon Council establishes The Wardens, an organization dedicated to guarding Halcyon and Argentum.

2050 H.A.

The Great Argentum War, erupts between the three west coast nations and Halcyon, leading to widespread destruction.

2100 H.A.

Primordial Purge accelerating the spread of the Spelltide, which transforms the landscape and devastates civilizations.

2150 H.A.

The Great Argentum War comes to a halt due to the cataclysmic events triggered by the Primordials.

2150 H.A. ~ The Present

A shaky period of peace ensues, with survivors struggling to rebuild their shattered world.

Chapter 1

Character Creation

Y ou ascend above the towers and bridges of Halcyon in an airship. Floating along to your next big score, the sounds of your traveling companions celebrating a good haul of loot can be heard from below you in the lower deck. Or you're a hard-boiled detective on the hunt for clues in the Undercity, someone's been bringing illegal drugs into your district and you're on the cusp of something HUGE. Or, you're a student of the Academy, tinkering away in your laboratory, as a student of thaumaturgy and artifice you're about to make a major breakthrough in magical technology. Or, perhaps you're a grizzled monster hunter, wandering the wilds of Argentum in search of the next big monster to slay. For the right price...

Character Creation Overview

Whatever your origins in Argentum are; consider how the world affects your character, their wants and desires and maybe how they can make their mark in the world. Expanding on the intro, this chapter will help you create a character influenced by Argentum and it's long history. This chapter offers the following:


Covers many of the races you'll find in Argentum as well as their history. It will also offer a handful of new options to choose from; the Automaton, the Aetherborn, Kobold and Aasimar races and more


Goes over a few classes to choose from, The Gunslinger, Blue-Blooded and the Pilot. As well as some new subclasses to choose from like the School of Invention, Wizard or the Pact of the Firearm, Warlock.


Offers some new backgrounds like Mercenary, Arcane Engineer and the Detective as well as offers variations on the PHB backgrounds, like the Baron Noble and the Cultist Acolyte.


Will discuss the various groups and organizations that the party can be apart of or associated with. From Guilds to Governments, it will cover examples of the type of work they may have you do as well as the benefits of being part of said organizations.

Gestalt and other Optional Features

Discover a new way to multi-class for epic high level adventures. it will also cover new feats for the PHB classes to help 'modernize' and adapt them to this Aetherpunk world.

Extinction & Divinity

If you want to play a dwarf, dragonborn, cleric or paladin, instead consider one of options here.



Elves are the first race to have existed after the sacrifice of Terra. They were born from trees and spread across Argentum. Dark Elves are those who settled underground and have dark grey or purplish skin. They have a culture of living in tight-knit, collective communities. High Elves are tall, pompous and have a natural affinity for magic and spells. They see themselves as superior to others. Wood Elves are shorter, live in families amongst the massive trees in the forests and have more "normal human" flesh tones. Lunar Elves are said to be extinct, were powerful in magic and had purplish or blue skin and glowing eyes. Eladrin are rarely seen outside of the Feywild, have pupil-less colorful eyes and a high aptitude for magic. Can be found all over the world and are the most populous race next to humans.


The Dwarves of Argentum were a proud and technologically advanced race, valuing tradition and family bonds. They were known for being gruff, stubborn, and stalwart, but also for their strong sense of loyalty and honor. They experimented on magical entities, using a Primordial in the construction of the powerful Titans. However, their pride led to a belief in their own superiority over other races, and a plan to purge all inhabitants of Halcyon to reclaim the city as their divine right, shortly before their extinction. They mainly resided on Petra but many of their secret military outposts have been discovered over the years.


Halflings are believed to have originated at the end of the first age, along with the other mortal races. They are generally depicted as small, nimble, and quick-witted, with a strong sense of community and a love of comfort and good food. They are known for their strong familial bonds and their ability to adapt to new situations. Some stories suggest that they may have been created by Terra, as a balance to the larger and more powerful races of Argentum. The Great Plains and the Blackwater region have a high Halfling population.


The Gnomes are a race that originated from the landmass of Cyprus, which was one of the few places that remained intact after the creation of Halcyon at the beginning of the Third Age. They are known for their short stature, pointy ears, and exaggerated proportions. They possess an aptitude for magitech, and are particularly skilled in the production of a magical ingredient called star-salt, which can only be found in the desert mountains of Cyprus. They were allies of the Dwarves before the latter's extinction. Some gnomes were enslaved and kept as labor by some of the more eccentric families of the world, called Underlings. They were kept as a close-kept secret and are considered a subrace of gnomes.


In Argentum, humans come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with hair and eye colors across the color spectrum. They are known for their tenacity and adaptability, and on average, live up to 150 years old. They have a strong ability to adapt to their surroundings, which has allowed them to thrive in many different environments and cultures throughout the world. Their diverse backgrounds and experiences have also led to a wide range of talents, skills and perspectives among the human population.


Tieflings, also known as "cursed ones," in Argentum are a race of humanoids born from the union of Primarchs and transformed Gods trying to avoid extinction, but this union has cursed their bloodlines, causing their offspring to have physical characteristics of their otherworldly heritage, such as prehensile tails and horns.


Kalashtar are a race of humanoids with a strong connection to the Quori, powerful ancestral spirits of the Aether. They possess powerful psychic abilities and are known for their discipline and control over their minds. With many of them becoming powerful mystics and seers. However, this connection to the Astral Ancestors is not without its drawbacks, as some Kalashtar may struggle with the influence of their ancestors on their thoughts and actions.


In the world of Argentum, Beastfolk are a diverse and common race, created when Terra's sacrifice transformed many of the world's animals into their humanoid counterparts. They come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from the elephantine Loxodon to the feline Tabaxi. With their animalistic features and heightened senses, Beastfolk are known for their strength, endurance and connection to the natural world. They are a proud and resilient people, fiercely protective of their families and communities.



T here was once an ambitious master engineer who wanted to create life. The engineer gave their all to birth such a creation, until finally, using magic and technology, the scientist created fully sentient automatons. At first they were mindless machines, blindly following orders, but eventually they grew consciousness, thoughts, and emotions. They'd ask questions and wonder if they too were living beings. No such answer was found, and the engineer died in ages past, taking with them the secrets to creating artificial life - or so it is thought...

Automaton Traits

You share a number of traits with other Automatons:

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Automatons are created as adults; they have no childhood or adolescence. It is theorized that Automatons may show signs of physical deterioration after about 150-200 years, but have no further aging effects after that point and no maximum age.

Alignment. Automatons tend toward lawful alignments, as they were constructed to be built for one purpose, usually to help their creator or other sentient beings.

Size. Automatons who are gendered as "male" tend to have broader and heavier builds while "female" gendered automatons are thinner, looking more like the race they were modeled after, with more elegant facial features. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Living Construct. Even though you were constructed, you are a living creature. You are immune to disease. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish.

Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Composite Plating. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 11 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and your creator's native language (select one language at random if your creator is human).

Halcyon Prejudice

If wanting to play an Automaton or Warforged consider that some people are outwardly hostile towards you in the city of Halcyon and other parts of the world.

Overclocking. Whenever you take lightning damage, the power surges through your mechanical parts and magical circuitry. You gain the benefits of the haste spell until the end of your next turn - that is, your speed is doubled, you get a +2 bonus to AC, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you get an additional action, which you can use to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.

However, at the end of your turn, as the energy dissipates, the damage becomes apparent. Make a Constitution saving throw. The DC of this save is equal to 15 or half the lightning damage dealt to you earlier, whichever is higher. On a failed save, you are completely immobilized until the end of your next turn; on a success, you are still negatively affected and can't take any actions or bonus actions, though you can still move your speed as normal.

Subraces. Only three configurations for Automatons were known to have been created or altered, each quite unique in their own respect, built for different jobs.

Robust Frame

Clockwork automatons with robust frames were built to protect and serve others. They fight off foes and can physically carry the helpless out of harm's way.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 1.

Evacuation Subroutine. Your frame is built for carrying people and items to safety. Your speed cannot be reduced due to being overencumbered or when lifting, carrying, or dragging another creature.

Hulking Build. You gain proficiency in your choice of either Athletics, Intimidation, or Survival.

Finesse Frame

Automatons with this frame type are agile, small, and quick on their feet. These types were primarily built for entertaining crowds with their daredevil stunts, though their speed can easily be put to other uses.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 1.

Bounce Back. Your are designed to take a tumble. It only takes you 5 feet to stand up from being knocked prone, instead of half your movement.

Nimble and Lightweight. You gain proficiency in your choice of either Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth.

Mystical Frame

Using the magic inside them to their full potential, these Automatons were built to assist those that were more magically inclined, with a greater capacity for learning as well as the ability to store and use magic themselves.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases
by 1.

Keen Intellect. You gain proficiency in a single skill chosen from the following: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion.

Magical Processing. Your exposure to magical power has manifested itself in the ability to replicate parts of it with your own abilities. You learn a wizard cantrip of your choice. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.


Small humanoid creatures, distantly related to dragons. They are feisty and aggressive, yet inward and industrious at the same time. They are known for their skill at mining and tunneling, trapmaking, and ambush tactics.

Often, kobolds are found serving dragons, becoming useful yet expendable minions. A kobold adventurer, however, might have shrugged off a life of servitude, seeking something bigger in the world outside their caves and tunnels.

Kobold Traits

As a kobold you have the following racial traits:

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 1.

Age. Kobolds reach adulthood at age 6 and can live up to 120 years (but rarely do so).

Alignment. Kobolds are fundamentally selfish, yet often rely on the strength of the group. This causes them to trend towards lawful and evil alignments.

Size. Kobolds are between 2 and 3 feet tall and weigh between 25 and 35 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Gear-smith. As part of a long rest, you can use an appropriate set of artisan's tools, such as smith's tools, alchemists's supplies, or a poisoner's kit, to harvest raw materials and process them into one of the following items: a hunting trap, a flask of alchemist's fire, a vial of acid, or a vial of basic poison. If you use this feature, you always create at least one of these items; however, you can attempt to create a second one as part of the same long rest by succeeding an appropriate DC 15 artisan's tools check.

The items created are of crude make and are thus of no value to merchants. Each item is only good for a single use.

Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.

Subrace. Three subraces of Kobold exist: Kobold Dragonheart, Kobold Skirmisher, and Kobold Scavenger. Choose one of them for your character.

Kobold Dragonheart

Kobold dragonhearts, also known as dragonwrought kobolds or Urd, are more closely connected to their dragon kin, which shows itself in the following traits:

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 2.

Hardened Scales. While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 12 + your Dexterity modifier.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.

Kobold’s Breath. You can cast the color spray spell once with this trait, requiring no material or somatic components. You regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Kobold Skirmisher

Kobold skirmishers are the iconic type you might find skittering in the hallways and tunnels of a dungeon or cave. They are quick and deadly, at least as long as they stay in a group.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by an additional 1, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Quick on Your Feet. As part of your movement on your first turn of a combat encounter, you can sprint towards a foe, moving an additonal amount equal to half your speed towards any creature that has not yet moved this combat.

Subterranean. Whenever you make an Wisdom (Survival) check while underground, you are considered proficient in the Survival skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Kobold Weapons Training. You have proficiency with the dagger, shortsword, whip, and hand crossbow.

Kobold Scavenger

Kobold Scavengers are the crafty and resourceful ones. Usually, the pesky traps found in a kobold den are of their design.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2.

Use What You Got. You are proficient with improvised weapons and you increase the damage die of an improvised weapon attack to a d6. Additionally, you may use your Intelligence modifier in place of Strength or Dexterity for your attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.

Gear Tinker. You are able to more effectively use your creations. The saving throw DC of a trap you create with your Gear-smith racial trait is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Tool Versatility. You gain proficiency in two tools of your choice.

Skill Proficiency. You are proficient with one Intelligence based skill of your choice.


W ithin their souls the light of the divine. They are descended from the heavens with a mote of power from Terra, the Aasimar are a new form for the gods of old. They are a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features that reveal their celestial heritage.

Aasimar Traits

Your aasimar character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 2.

Age. Aasimar mature at the same rate as humans, but they can live up to 160 years.

Alignment. Imbued with celestial power, most aasimar are good. Outcast aasimar are most often neutral or even evil.

Size. Aasimar have the same range of height and weight as humans.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Blessed with a radiant soul, your vision can easily cut through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.

Light Bearer. You know the light cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.

Subrace. Three subraces of aasimar exist: protector aasimar, scourge aasimar, and fallen aasimar. Choose one of them for your character.

Protector Aasimar

Protector aasimar are charged by the powers of good to guard the weak, to strike at evil wherever it arises, and to stand vigilant against the darkness. From a young age, a protector aasimar receives advice and directives that urge to stand against evil.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
increases by 1.

Healing Hands. As an action, you can touch a creature and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Radiant Soul. . Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing your eyes to glimmer and two luminous, incorporeal wings to sprout from your back. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you have a flying speed of 30 feet, and once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, once on each of your turns, when you either heal a target or give them temporary hit points, you can, respectively, grant them temporary hit points or increase the temporary hit points given. The number of hit points are equal your level.

Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Scourge Aasimar

Scourge aasimar are imbued with a divine energy that blazes intensely within them. It feeds a powerful desire to destroy evil-a desire that is, at its best, unflinching and, at its worst, all-consuming. Many scourge aasimar wear masks to block out the world and focus on containing this power, unmasking themselves only in battle.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 1.

Radiant Consumption. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing two incandescent, incorporeal wings to sprout from your back and for a searing light to radiate from you, pour out of your eyes and mouth, and threaten to char you.

Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you have a flying speed of 30 feet and shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet, and at the end of each of your turns, you and each creature within 10 feet of you take radiant damage equal to half your level (rounded up). In addition, once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your level.

Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Fallen Aasimar

An aasimar who was touched by dark powers as a youth or who turns to evil in early adulthood can become one of the fallen - a group of aasimar whose inner light has been replaced by shadow.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
increases by 1.

Mind's Fortress. As an action, you can end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be either charmed or frightened. You can also use this trait while stunned, ending the condition and consuming your action. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Necrotic Shroud. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing your eyes to turn into pools of darkness and two skeletal, ghostly, flightless wings to sprout from your back.

The instant you transform, other creatures within 10
feet of you that can see you must each
succeed on a Charisma saving throw
(DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier) or become frightened
of you until the end of your next turn.

Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or
until you end it as a bonus action. During
it, once on each of your turns, you can
deal extra necrotic damage to one
target when you deal damage to it with
an attack or a spell. The extra necrotic
damage equals your level.

Once you use this trait,
you can't use it again until you
finish a long rest.


B orn. spontaneously as part of the aether refinement process. Their bodies and minds are apparently formed out of some interaction between the volatile elements of aether that are removed during refinement and the psychic impressions created by the people involved in the process. But each aetherborn is a unique individual, not a mere copy of some other person’s mind and shape. This race is little understood, and few aetherborn are willing to waste any of their short lives allowing scholars to study their biological and psychological characteristics.

Aetherborn Traits

Your aetherborn character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1.

Age. Aetherborn come into being as adults and normally live no more than a few years.

Alignment. aetherborn are often driven by hedonism and self-interest, making them commonly neutral at best and thoroughly evil at worst. Neutral aetherborn might devote much of their time (and wealth) to parties and social activity, while evil aetherborn are usually involved in the criminal underworld.

Size. Aetherborn are about the same size as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. They are quite light—only about 100 pounds—and their weight diminishes as they age and more and more of their substance returns to the aethersphere. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Blessed with a radiant soul, your vision can easily cut through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Aetherborn Physiology. You don't need to eat drink or breathe, for the purposes of a long rest, instead of sleeping, an aetherborn goes into a semi conscious meditative state for four hours to feel refreshed comparable to eight hours.

Born of Aether. You have resistance to necrotic damage.

Menacing. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice.

Evil Characters

First and foremost, D&D is a cooperative game. If your players want to make evil characters just to subvert the goals of the rest of the party, claiming "It's what my character would do!!" - that's a non-starter. Make it clear from the start that, regardless of alignment, the characters need motivation to work together. This could be temporary or permanent motivation, but the game truly falls apart when the characters don't work together.

Gift of the Aetherborn. An unknown aetherborn, desperately seeking a means to extend their short life, discovered a process of transformation that prolonged their existence—by giving them the ability to feed on the life essence of other beings. Since then, other aetherborn have learned and carried out this monstrous transformation, and aetherborn with this “gift” have become a small minority among an already small population.

A gifted aetherborn has the ability to drain the life essence of other beings. Similar to the way heat is transferred from a warm object to a cold one, a gifted aetherborn need only touch another living being with a clawed hand to draw life essence out, fueling their own continued existence while draining strength and vitality from their victim.

For many aetherborn, living as they do for indulgence and instant gratification, the concepts of “want” and “need” are virtually synonymous. But Aetherborn with this gift understand what it is to truly need, for they develop a hunger for life essence that far exceeds any desires they might have felt before their transformation. A gifted aetherborn who abstains from this feeding deteriorates even more rapidly than other aetherborn, while enduring unspeakable agony caused by the deprivation of life energy.

At the DM’s option, an aetherborn character can research methods of achieving this dark “gift.” The process is similar to inventing and manufacturing a rare magic item (see “Chapter 6 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide”). But rather than aether, the process requires a variety of rare unguents and unusual ingredients that make up the cost of researching and undergoing the transformation.

An aetherborn with this gift gains the Drain Life ability: a natural attack that deals 1d6 necrotic damage and restores the same number of hit points to the aetherborn. However, if the aetherborn goes for 7 days without dealing this damage, their hit point maximum is reduced by 1d6 per week. This reduction can’t be removed until the aetherborn has used their Drain Life ability and completed a long rest.

Existing Class Adjustments


Additionally, barbarians have proficiency with long arms. A barbarian may start with the following items, plus anything provided by your background.

  • (a) a greataxe, (b) any martial melee weapon, or (c) any long arm
  • (a) two handaxes or (b) any simple weapon
  • An explorer's pack, and (a) four javelins or (b) 20 rounds of ammunition


Bards add sidearms, muskets, rifles, carbines, estoc, and boot knife to their weapons proficiencies. A bard may start with the following items, plus anything provided by your background.

  • (a) a rapier, (b) a longsword, (c) any simple weapon, or (d) any primitive sidearm and 20 rounds
  • (a) a diplomat's pack or (b) an entertainer's pack
  • (a) a lute or (b) any other musical instrument
  • A dagger, and (a) leather armor or (b) light undercover shirt


Fighters have grown their battle prowess with the changing times and in addition to their proficiency with simple and martial weapons they also have proficiency with sidearms and long arms, and may select from the following starting items (if proficient):

  • (a) chain mail, (b) multi-layer vest, or (c) leather armor, longbow, and 20 arrows
  • (a) a martial weapon and a shield, (b) two martial weapons, or (c) a primitive long arm and 20 rounds
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts, (b) a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds, or (c) two handaxes
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Additionally, fighters can choose from any Gun Tactic in place of a Fighting Style when choosing Fighting Styles. Finally, the Archery Fighting Style applies to sidearms and long arms.


Monks may take proficiency with primitive firearms, but they do not count as monk weapons, and their starting items do not change accordingly.

The Deflect Missiles feature gained at 3rd level cannot be used against ranged attacks from firearms, unless the monk is wielding a simple melee weapon with which to deflect the attack. Additionally, or as an alternative to the Deflect Missiles feature entirely, a monk can gain this feature:

Bullet Time. Starting at 3rd level, when you are hit with a ranged weapon attack from a firearm, you can use your reaction to expertly weave out of the bullet's path. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your monk level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend 1 ki point to move up to 10 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity.


Rangers have advanced their ranged fighting capabilities beyond proficiency with simple and martial weapons and now have proficiency with sidearms and long arms, and may select from the following starting items (if proficient):

  • (a) scale mail, (b) leather armor, or (c) light undercover shirt
  • (a) two shortswords, (b) two simple melee weapons, or (c) two primitive sidearms and 40 rounds
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • (a) a longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows or (b) a primitive long arm and 20 rounds

Additionally, rangers can choose the Gun Duelist, Riflery, or Sniper Gun Tactic in place of a Fighting Style when choosing Fighting Styles. Finally, the Archery Fighting Style applies to sidearms and long arms.


Rogues are proficient with sidearms, muskets, wheellock guns, carbines, and rifles. Additionally, a rogue can substitute proficiency with longswords, rapiers, and shortswords for proficiency with long arms. A rogue may select from the following starting items (if proficient):

  • (a) a rapier, (b) a shortsword, or (c) a primitive long arm and 20 rounds
  • (a) a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows, (b) a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds, or (c) a shortsword
  • (a) a burglar's pack, (b) a dungeoneer's pack, or (c) an explorer's pack
  • Leather armor, two daggers, and thieves' tools


Sorcerers are proficient with sidearms, and may start with a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds instead of a light crossbow and 20 bolts at the DM's discretion.


Warlocks are proficient with sidearms, and may start with a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds instead of a light crossbow and 20 bolts at the DM's discretion.


Wizards are proficient with sidearms, and may start with a primitive sidearm and 20 rounds instead of a quarterstaff or dagger at the DM's discretion.


F rom the common worker to the guild merchant and everything inbetween; you can find all manor of people from all walks of life in Argentum. Wherever you hail from you're sure to find a place in the gilded plane of Argentum.


As a child, you dreamed of serving your city with pride and protecting it from evil and injustice. When you were old enough, you headed to your recruiting station to begin the training to become a member of law enforcement.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Insight
  • Additional Proficiency: Sidearms
  • Languages: One additional language of your choice
  • Equiptment: Revolver, 12 Bullets, Uniform and a Badge. Set of Common Clothes and a Pouch containing 20gp

 d8  Personality Trait
1 I always wear my uniform outside to show that I am here to keep people safe.
2 I am the law. I get to say who walks free.
3 I look for clues and try my best to get the crook.
4 I love making people happy, as long as I am also keeping them safe.
5 I never trust a criminal. Ever.
6 I enjoy a good chase. My heart beating, my legs pumping... It's what I live for.
7 If I'm paid, I'm happy. It doesn't matter who paid me.
8 I will give everything I have to save my people, including my life.
 d6  Ideal
1 Truth. The duty of law enforcement is to seek and lay bare the truth. (Any)
2 Justice. I won't sleep until I catch every dirty criminal I see. (Lawful)
3 Law. What good is the law if it isn't followed? (Good)
4 Glory. I want money and fame more than anything, even if I have to get my hands dirty. (Evil)
5 Merciless. I don't care about the means; as long as the criminal is behind bars it's okay with me. (Chaotic)
6 Aspiration. I want to follow in the footsteps of the officer who saved my life. I'll do anything to be like them. (Any)
 d6  Bond
1 I work to put food on the table and I will work extra just to make sure I do.
2 I truly enjoy being a part of the justice system.
3 These people are my purpose. I can't save them I've failed them.
4 This is just one way that I show my deep devotion to the god I worship.
5 I owe my life to a rookie or officer.
6 I am always on the hunt for a promotion.
 d6  Flaw
1 I get so caught up in work I don't pay attention to the real world.
2 I will beat the answers out of anyone who don't give me what I want.
3 I get drunk on the job but it keeps me going.
4 I have trouble following orders from my superiors.
5 I put too much trust in my fellow officers even dirty ones.
6 I don't make mistakes, I just do things differently.

Feature: Civil Ranking

Being a officer of the law, you gain privileges suitable to your station. If you are within the city that you served in, patrol officers are likely to follow your orders, within logical reason.

Outside of your jurisdiction, you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and Charisma saving throws (again, within reason) against law enforcement of equal or lesser rank.

When choosing this background, roll a d6, or choose a rank from 1-6 from the options below. Players cannot begin at a rank of 7 or higher. Rankings are as follows:

  • Rank 10: Chief of Police, Superintendent, Director, or Commissioner
  • Rank 9: Deputy/Assistant Chief, Superintendent, Director or Commissioner
  • Rank 8: Major
  • Rank 7: Captain or Commander
  • Rank 6: Lieutenant
  • Rank 5: Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First Class, First Sergeant, Master Sergeant, or Sergeant Major
  • Rank 4: Sergeant
  • Rank 3: Corporal or Senior/Master
  • Rank 2: Trooper or Patrolman
  • Rank 1: Cadet, Recruit, Trainee, or Probationary

Arcane Engineer

Armed with an inventive intellect, a love of magical technology, and an unquenchable energy, you are an enthusiastic participant in the research work of the Arcane University. Though you're likely to begin your career as a mere attendant, you can aspire to become a skilled mage or alchemist, a laboratory supervisor, or even a flamethrower-wielding scorchbringer tasked with defending Halcyon.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Investigation
  • Additional Proficiency: One type of artisan's tools
  • Languages: Choose one of Draconic, Dwarven, or Elvish
  • Equiptment: University Insignia, one set of artisan's tools, the charred and twisted remains of a failed experiment, a hammer, a Sprite, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 50gp

 d8  Personality Trait
1 I have a hard time staying focused on … oh, and my brain tends to jump from one … did I mention focus?
2 I get really excited about my ideas and I can't wait to talk about them and start putting them into practice and tinkering with them and I want to tell you about how exciting it all is!
3 It's not magic - or anything, really - if you do it only halfway. Whatever I do, I give it all I've got.
4 I do what my gut tells me.
5 Life's an experiment, and I can't wait to see what happens.
6 I pepper my speech with the incomprehensible jargon of my trade, like mizzium droplets inserted into a weird-field suspension.
7 Great ideas are fine, but great results are what counts.
8 If you can guess what I'm about to do, that means I've run out of imagination.
 d6  Ideal
1 Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)
2 Creativity. Half the world's troubles come from stodgy thinking, stuck in the past. We need innovative solutions. (Chaotic)
3 Discovery. Every experiment has the potential to reveal more secrets of the multiverse. (Any)
4 Science. A rigorous application of logical principles and protocols will lead us toward progress more surely than any belief system. (Lawful)
5 Fun. I love my job! Despite the dangerous working conditions, there's nothing I'd rather do. (Chaotic)
6 Power. Someday I'll find or create the magic that will make me the most powerful being in Argentum. (Evil)
 d6  Bond
1 I have dedicated my life to finding a solution to a scientific problem.
2 I'll never forget the laboratory where I learned my skills, or the other attendants who learned alongside me.
3 I'm convinced it was sabotage that destroyed my first laboratory and killed many of my friends, and I seek revenge against whoever did it.
4 I have the schematics for an invention that I hope to build one day, once I have the necessary resources.
5 A fellow student and I are racing to solve the same scientific puzzle.
6 I would do anything my guildmaster told me to do.
 d6  Flaw
1 If there's a plan, I'll probably forget it. If I don't forget it, I'll probably ignore it.
2 I get bored easily, and if nothing is happening I'll make something happen.
3 Nothing is ever simple, and if it seems simple, I'll find a way to make it complicated.
4 I tend to ignore sleep for days when I'm conducting research, often at the expense of my own health and safety.
5 I'm convinced there's not a soul in Argentum, not one who can match my boundless intellect.
6 I'm incapable of admitting a flaw in my logic.

Feature: Magitech Prowess

You have a basic knowledge of magical technology and its construction. You can also find blueprints of a specific building or contraption in order to learn the details of its construction. Such blueprints might provide knowledge of entry points, structural weaknesses, or secret spaces. Your access to such information isn't unlimited. If obtaining or using the information gets you in trouble with the law, the university can't shield you from the repercussions.

Feature: Arcane University Spells

Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature

For you, the following spells are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class.

  • Cantrip: Produce Flame, Prestidigitation
  • 1st: Shield, Create or Destroy Water, Magic Mouth
  • 2nd: Heat Metal, Continual Flame
  • 3rd: Fly, Counterspell, Glyph of Warding
  • 4th: Fabricate, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Stone Shape
  • 5th: Bigby's Hand, Telekinesis


In a world of magic and monsters, crime is an ever-present factor. From petty thieves to kidnapping fey, the work of a detective is never finished. But why did you become a detective? Do you, or did you, have a partner? Does your work pay well, or do you struggle to make ends meet? What was your breakout case, or are you still trying to make your name known? How have you dealt with the stress of your job?

  • Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, and choose one: Insight, Perception, or Survival.
  • Additional Proficiency: Forgery kit, Disguise kit.
  • Languages: One common language of your choice.
  • Equiptment: Set of common clothes, Trenchcoat, Grappling Hook, 50ft of Rope, Ball Bearings, Notepad and an Ornate Pen. Pouch containing 30gp

 d8  Personality Trait
1 I’m not actually a great detective, I just get lucky.
2 I don’t like people knowing anything about my real identity.
3 I forget useless information, including common knowledge.
4 I’m not that strong, I’m just used to pain.
5 Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my daily dose.
6 I don’t get much sleep, but when I do it’s impossible to wake me.
7 I may act extroverted, but it’s just that, an act.
8 I see the face of someone close to me in every victim.
 d6  Ideal
1 Justice. I want the law to triumph. (Lawful)
2 Pain. I love watching people get punished harshly, especially for crimes they didn’t commit. (Evil)
3 Comfort. I don’t want people to suffer. (Good)
4 Tracking. I’m looking for someone personally. (Any)
5 Justice? I’m the only one who can administer true justice. (Chaotic)
6 Wealth. I’m just in it for the money. (Neutral)
 d6  Bond
1 I own my own detective agency.
2 I’ll do whatever’s necessary to close a case.
3 I can’t turn down a case.
4 Fey are almost always one of my top suspects.
5 I have a decent network of informants.
6 I’ve been tracking the same perp for years.
 d6  Flaw
1 I chase tail faster than I chase leads.
2 The memories of mistakes and people I couldn’t save I made keep me up at night.
3 I despise criminals, and true justice entails their death.
4 I can’t let a case go, even if it’s a dead end.
5 I have a debilitating reliance on a substance I can barely afford.
6 I see the face of someone important to me in every criminal.

Feature: "Can I ask you some questions?"

You’re a detective, investigation is what you do. Innocent people are typically more willing to talk to you when it pertains to the administration of justice, and high ranking servants of the law may come to you for help more often.

Feature: Weathered

You’ve seen enough of the criminal underworld and put enough law-breakers behind bars to know how they work. You can blend in with the crowd a little easier, and you pack innocuously enough that you’re less likely to be stolen from.

Optional Feature: Partner

You have a partner who helps you run your detective agency, they can help you find leads, compile clues and evidence and other mundane tasks unrelated to combat. Work with your DM to determine their race, class and background.


You are a pilot of an airship. These majestic flying machines are as exotic as they are inspiring, and the crew that fly them are equally admired. As a pilot, you’ve been extensively trained in not only their operations, but also on your manner of speech. These lighter-than-air vehicles are popular amongst wealthy merchants and the upper middle class, who often use airships as a more economical way to travel long distances, and to be able to do so in comfort and style.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Persuasion
  • Additional Proficiency: Navigator’s tools, vehicles (air)
  • Languages: One additional language of your choice
  • Equiptment: A set of well-used navigator’s tools, a small book containing your flight log and pilot certification from your company, a set of traveler’s clothes, a flight jacket and a leather pouch containing 10 gp.

 d8  Personality Trait
1 A beautiful lady? A dashing man? Let me buy you a drink.
2 I have many tales to tell regarding my journeys abroad. Why, there was this one time…
3 I frequently travel to another country to the point that I prefer speaking in its language rather than my native one.
4 I’m not above schmoozing with the passengers and cabin crew after a flight.
5 I'm a master at small talk and can make others feel comfortable around me.
6 Looking at the open skies always leaves me speechless.
7 I know many hidden gems and establishments, away from the large tourist spots.
8 I’m much more comfortable in the hull of a flying airship than a grounded carriage..
 d6  Ideal
1 Worldliness. I want to broaden my horizons and see as many different cultures as I can. (Good)
2 Freedom. Not being tied down and being able to explore the world is liberating. (Chaotic)
3 Fame. The glamour and admiration is irresistable. I want more! (Evil)
4 Punctuality. Being on time is essential in this line of work. (Neutral)
5 Duty. Our first responsibility is to the wellbeing of those on the airship. (Lawful)
6 Thrill. There’s nothing like the rush of looking out the observation deck and seeing the wide blue sky. (Any)
 d6  Bond
1 It’s just me and the open air, and by golly do I love it.
2 The family and friends I have waiting for me back home is what keeps me tethered.
3 It’s the high life for me, baby! I get to keep rubbing shoulders with the upper crust.
4 I want to visit every country in the world!
5 Anyone who steps foot on my airship is already a friend of mine.
6 Truthfully, I hope to find work in an area that doesn’t take me away from my home for so long.
 d6  Flaw
1 I’m unable to form and maintain close relationships.
2 Not doing work? Me? No, no. It's called delegation.
3 I’m actually terrible at handling things under pressure.
4 I leave a string of broken hearts in my wake that will inevitably catch up to me.
5 I consider anyone outside of my profession utterly banal.
6 I find it impossible that anyone would dislike me.

Feature: Ace

Whenever you're piloting an airship, once per long rest you may re-roll with advantage any skill check related to airships or piloting them.

Feature: Deadheading

You’re able to obtain free passage on any airship that is operated by the company you work for, and most other airships and air worthy vessels outside it. When purchasing seats for your companions, you’re able to do so at a more favourable price and can even bump other people off to make room for your party. You may occasionally be able to trade your assistance for your companion’s free seats, though this would depend on the airship’s captain.

Optional Feature: Airship Inheritance

You've inherited an old airship! you're capable of flying it and have a crew member in the form of an ally who can also pilot the airship. Work with your DM to determine how it came into your posession, the make and model of your airship and the race, class and background of your Ally.

Chapter 2

Argentum Gazetteer


General Overview

The lands of Argentum are as banal and standardized as they are unique and baffling;= the general non-magic biomes and environments one would expect from any world - until you venture far or deep enough into those lands, only to find areas that defy the laws of reality and yet, are naturally accepted by the surrounding natives.

Again, the lands of Argentum are unique in their ability to adapt and adopt any who settle there. Many continents are home to races that have ancestral lineages dating back before the spellplague - insisting that they have lived upon that land since time immemorial (whether this is true or not is a moot point).

Regardless of where, when or even how, the lands of Argentum are home to not only a variety of races and peoples, but also magical nexuses and adaptive environments that astound many who cross them.

Download World Map

For a more detailed map of Argentum, click the link here: Higher-Res Image Link

Interactive Map

You can also check out the World Anvil Interactive map! Interactive World Anvil Map

The Shattered Isles

In the 1st and 2nd Age the continent of Argentum was split into several islands that covered the world. This is just something to consider if you ever want to play around with Time Travel.

The Regions

Each listed region contains a main key that breaks down the expected environments, the capital city of the region (If any), and the main non-capital cities.

After each key section, a general breakdown of each region will be listed, as well as several points of interest native to that individual land.

Each region holds it's own people, customs, governments, creatures, and unique locales - and these facets should be kept in mind while traversing them. Some areas of each land remain undiscovered or forbidden to some, and many adventures await those with the willingness to traverse the yawning dark.


The following environments represent the dominant landscapes that exist upon the world of Argentum. Each environment counts as a separate favored terrain for Rangers.

The presence of some Environs does not negate other Environs - it merely indicates the dominant land type.

List of Environs
Environ Description
Coastal Sea, lakes, islands, beaches
Cold (Ant)arctic, ice, glaciers, snow, tundra
Desert Sand, glassed, wasteland
Forest Woodland, tree-cover, jungle, overgrowth
Grassland Prairies, hills, farmland, plains
Mountain Mountainous, steppes, canyons, cliffs
Swamp Bogs, runoff, marshland, decay, wetlands
*Underground Caves, dungeons, underground, underdark
**Urban Buildings, streets, sewers, towns

*Underground Environs exist throughout all lands

**Urban Envrions exist wherever a great presence of civilization may be found.

A hunter for The Commission watches over the city Phandalin.

A view off the coast of one of Striga's famous idyllic beaches.

Blackwater Region

  • Main Environs: Coastal, Swamp, Grassland
  • Capital City: Blackwater
  • Other Cities: Barovia, Striga
  • Hallmarks: Oil and Aerium, Narcotics, Tradeport

Barovia, Azor's Roost and Striga are the next main cities of the Blackwater Region- and each of these cities resides within the same section of land, resulting in ongoing conflict and uneasy cooperation with between the cities.

As for the scattershot of islands that reside between the Blackwater Region and Cyprus, there exist several makeshift villages and towns that may answer to the governance of the previously listed cities/kingdoms, or may function entirely outside the law.

Capital: Blackwater

  • Hallmarks: Corruption, Luxury, Crime, Resource Extraction.

The largest metropolitan city within the south eastern hemisphere of Argentum. Blackwater is a massive sprawl of various industrial buildings and ship-docks intent on supplying the rest of the world of Argentum with fuel. The main exports out of Blackwater consists of oil product and aerium harvested from the lush swamps and bogs that exist throughout the region, as well as offshore aerium harvesting and fishing.

Because of the sheer enormity of Aerium naturally found within the Region, Blackwater happens to be one of the most financially sturdy settlements upon Argentum - rivaling even that of Halcyon through the mass amount of Oil and Aerium being shipped out on a weekly basis.

Because of it's massive financial success, the city of Blackwater is a prime target of protection by that of the Merchant's Guild - and many of it's members maintain permanent residence within the city limits, acting as Blackwater Oligarchs.

Because of the wealth generated by the city, Blackwater is also known for its luxury and excess, with opulent mansions and high-end restaurants and shops catering to the elite class. However, this wealth is not evenly distributed, and there is also a significant population living in poverty and working in the dangerous and grueling jobs required to extract and refine the natural resources.

The city is also known for its underworld of crime, with powerful criminal organizations controlling the black market trade in illicit goods such as narcotics and contraband. This, combined with the political corruption and greed of the oligarchs, has led to a seedy and dangerous side to the city, with a high rate of crime and violence in certain areas.

Overall, Blackwater is a city of contrasts, where immense wealth and power coexist with poverty and corruption. It is a place where one can find great opportunity and prosperity, but also great danger and injustice.

The many sections of docks and piers in the city of Blackwater


  • Hallmarks: Cheese, Wine, Hemp, Education

A small city located north east of Blackwater and east of Striga.

Much of the city is comprised of simple wood and stone structures.

A well-known girls home resides here; once the manor and castle of a terrible Count Von Strahd, it has since been cleared out and converted into an orphanage for girls across the region.

Legends tell of an ancient power that slumbers deep within The Lonely Lake near Barovia, one which has been credited with the psychic powers granted to the creatures who dwell near here. Supposedly, this same power has protected Barovia from outside threats for untold millennia.

Azor's Roost

  • Hallmarks: Dangerous Giant Mazelike Structure

A giant mazelike fortress located off the eastern coastline of the Blackwater Region. Known for its mysterious labyrinth and popular destination for adventurers and explorers. The interior of the maze is said to be inhabited by dangerous creatures and constructs, making it a challenging place to navigate. Some legends suggest that an ancient power slumbers deep within the maze, and it has protected it's treasures from outside threats for centuries.


  • Hallmarks: Idyllic Beach Resorts, Boars, Grains & Wine

Coastal City East of Barovia and North East of Blackwater, this city is a popular tourist destination due to tropical weather and sandy beaches. The city of Striga is renowned for its idyllic beach resorts, which offer visitors a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relax in the warm sun. The beaches here are known for their crystal-clear waters and soft, white sand, and are a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and other water sports.

In addition to its beaches, Striga is also known for its boar hunting and farming, as well as its wine production. The surrounding countryside is dotted with vineyards and orchards, and the city is home to several wineries and distilleries that produce some of the finest wines and spirits in the region.

In terms of physical layout, the city is known for its picturesque cobblestone streets and charming architecture, with many of the buildings being built in a Mediterranean or Moorish style. With this in mind, its not hard to see why Striga is such a popular tourist destination and its good to keep in mind when planning a visit or an adventure in this area.

Curse of Strahd

In the present Strahd has long been defeated by the heroes. If you're wanting to still run the adventure in the Argentum setting, consider including timey-whimey shenanigans and the crossing over of timelines to be the reason for Count Von Strahd to return.

Barovia in the summer, Castle Ravenloft looms overhead.
A nicer stretch of the Jagged coast in the Blackwater region.

The Jagged Coast

  • Main Environs: Coastal, Mountain

The Jagged Coast is a treacherous stretch of coastline that stretches along the eastern shores of Argentum. Known for its rocky cliffs, treacherous storms, and dangerous creatures, it is a challenging place to navigate. The coast is home to many small fishing villages and isolated settlements, but the majority of the land is uninhabited, save for the rugged and hardy individuals who have managed to carve out a living in this harsh environment.

The Jagged Coast is a popular destination for traders and merchants, as it offers easy access to the Halcyon Channel, which connects the major cities of Blackwater and Yamato to Halcyon and Lakeight.

The Jagged Coast is also home to many bandits who prey on the vulnerable caravans traveling along the coast. These bandits are known for their brutality and their willingness to attack even the most heavily armed and guarded caravans. They are particularly active at night, when the darkness provides them with cover and makes it easier to ambush their victims. As a result, many traders and merchants choose to hire heroes and other strong individuals to protect their caravans, making it a relatively lucrative opportunity for those who are willing to take on the risk.

In addition to the bandits, the Jagged Coast is also home to many dangerous creatures that lurk in the surrounding swamps, grasslands, and coastal areas. These creatures include giant crocodiles, giant leeches, and deadly snakes, as well as other monstrous beasts that have adapted to the harsh environment. These creatures are known to attack travelers and settlers alike, making the Jagged Coast a dangerous place to traverse.

Despite the many dangers and challenges that the Jagged Coast presents, it is also a place of great beauty and wonder. The rocky cliffs are home to many unique and exotic plants and animals, and the constant storms and lightning create a spectacular light show that can be seen for miles. For those who are brave enough to explore the Jagged Coast, it is a place of great adventure and opportunity.

Banditry in Argentum

Many displaced soldiers on all sides have resorted to banditry after being displaced in the Great Argentum War and operate on the outskirts of all the major cities influence along trade routes.

A stormy stretch of the Jagged Coast near the Lakeight Region.

Inhabited Yamato tree houses in the whispy jungle region.

Whispy Jungle Region

  • Main Environs: Grassland, Forest, Mountain
  • Capital City: Yamato
  • Main Cities: Mokuzai, Nearbridge, Greencrest

The Whispy Jungle Region is a place of wonder and mystery, where towering skyscraper-sized trees grow throughout the region. The trees are home to the elusive willowisp, a creature that glows with a radiant light during the summer and autumn months. The Jungle is a dangerous place to travel through without a guide or protection, as the dense foliage hides all manner of dangerous flora and fauna. The area is also said to be home to ancient ruins and artifacts, left behind by civilizations long forgotten. The region is also known for its abundant natural resources, particularly lumber and minerals that are highly sought after by traders and merchants. The Whispy Jungle Region is also a place of magic and mystery, with many stories and legends surrounding the ancient power that is said to reside deep within the heart of the jungle. It is a place of great beauty and danger, where one must tread carefully in order to survive.


  • Hallmarks: Airships, Craftsmanship, Massive Tree Cities

Yamato is a bustling city-state located in the heart of the Whispy Jungle Region. The city is built around a massive tree, gifted to its people by the goddess Sora thousands of years ago. This tree, known as the Elder Tree, serves as the center of the city, both physically and spiritually.

The inhabitants of Yamato are experts in the art of airship engineering, using the abundant resources of the Whispy Jungle to construct and maintain their fleet. They are also skilled in the use of magical technology, harnessing the natural aether that emits from the life of the forest to power their ships and other devices.

The city is surrounded by dense jungles and towering skyscraper-sized trees, making it a popular destination for both adventurers and traders. During the summer and autumn months, the forest is filled with willowisp, which can be dangerous to travel through without a guide or protection.

Despite the challenges of living in such a remote location, the people of Yamato are proud and resilient. They have a deep reverence for the natural world and the goddess who gifted them the Elder Tree. They are also well-known for their hospitality, welcoming travelers from all over the world with open arms.

The Tree Freya glows with aether in the heart of Yamato City.


  • Hallmarks: Mangrove, Fishing of the Ocean

Mokuzai is a unique city in the sense that it is built upon a massive, migrating mangrove that moves up and down the Verdant Coast with the seasons. The city is mainly composed of wooden structures, built upon stilts to adapt to the ever-changing location of the mangrove. A small city located off the Coast of Yamato. Mokuzai is known for its skilled woodworkers who use the massive trees in the region to create beautiful and functional furniture. The city is also known for its agricultural output, producing a variety of fruits, vegetables and grains. This is also where Yamato stores much of it's airship aresenal and Mage-oil, Aerium & other materials are harvested from the mangroves roots by the people who live near them and often used to make and power magical technology.


  • Hallmarks: Bridge Construction, Trade, Communication

Settlement near the Lakeight Mountains with relatively easy access to the City of Lakeight, this small city has a high boar population and is one of the places that the Witchlight Carnival regularly travels to. The city itself is mostly composed of wooden structures, with a focus on hunting, farming, and trade with Lakeight. The city is also home to many skilled hunters and trackers, who make their living hunting the wild boars that roam the nearby mountains.


  • Hallmarks: Metalworking, Smithing, Artistry

Greencrest is a small city that is located between Halcyon and Yamato, on the edge of the Great Plains and the Whispy Woods. The city serves as a key military staging area for Yamato and is also a popular stopover point for those traveling between Halcyon and Yamato. A small city located in the Whispy Jungle known for its skilled metalworkers and smiths. The city produces a variety of metal goods, from practical tools and weapons to beautiful works of art. The city is also known for its artisans who use the metal to create intricate and detailed sculptures and jewelry. Greencrest is mostly known for its strategic location and its heavy military presence, with many training grounds and armories located within the city. The city also has a bustling trade market, catering to the needs of both travelers and soldiers alike.

Wild Beyond the Witchlight

The Witchlight Carnival travels throughout Argentum but never goes to Halcyon, you can use WbtW to get players to leave Halcyon or as a great way to introduce the players to the planes, specifically the Feywild. I like to think that the Witchlight Carnival travels all along the major towns along the coasts from Sora to Yamato. In the world of Argentum would also be places that cross over with the Feywild deep in the various forests and jungles throughout Aregentum.

Village on the edge of the mobile city of mangroves, Mokuzai

The Verdant Coast

  • Main Environs: Coastal, Forest

The Verdant Coast is the westernmost coast of Argentum, known for its lush and dense forests that are home to a wide variety of plant and animal life. The towering palmtree-like trees provide a canopy that shades much of the coast from the sun, creating a cool and humid environment that is perfect for the many settlements and towns that call this region home.

One of the most notable settlements along the Verdant Coast is Mozukai, a city that is unique in that it is built upon a network of migrating mangroves that move up and down the coast with the changing seasons. This provides protection for the city and its inhabitants from the harsh weather and the dangers that lurk in the surrounding wilderness.

Despite its idyllic setting, the Verdant Coast is not without its challenges. The region is often plagued by giant creatures that emerge from the nearby Red Mountains to the east, and the thick forests can be a treacherous place for those who are not familiar with the terrain. Additionally, because the Verdant Coast is not a major tourist destination, the region's magitech is often outdated and can be difficult to find.

Despite these challenges, the Verdant Coast is a peaceful and secluded region that is far removed from the political and societal upheavals that plague the rest of Argentum. The people here have learned to live in harmony with the land and the creatures that inhabit it, creating a unique and self-sustaining culture that is unlike anything found in the rest of the world. With its dense forests, tranquil waterways, and peaceful inhabitants, the Verdant Coast is a haven for those looking to escape the chaos of the outside world and find a more simple way of life.

Aerium Mining

Aerium is the gas form of Etherium, it is more abundant and easier to mine than etherium or dragonshards, but it's also more dangerous and unstable and also less valuable. In the last 300 years or so there's been many technological advances in mining and airships that have made Aerium mining a booming industry throughout the world. There are many major families in the world that have risen to wealth power and status as a direct result of Aerium (and other magical materials) mining.

A river flowing from a cliffside on the western "Verdant" coast

Red Mountain Region

  • Main Environs: Desert, Forest, Mountain
  • Capital City: Morden
  • Hallmarks: Metals, Ruins, Dragonshards, Jotun.

The Red Mountains are a vast and imposing range that stretches across much of the western half of Argentum. They are so-named for the rich deposits of red metals that can be found within them, such as etherium adamantine and mithril. The mountains are treacherous and inhospitable, with steep cliffs, deep gorges, and treacherous passes. They are also home to many dangerous creatures, including giants and other monstrous beings. Despite these dangers, the Red Mountains have long been a source of valuable resources and a destination for brave adventurers and daring prospectors. The dwarves of the ancient civilization were known to have thrived in this region, leaving behind a network of underground ruins and mine shafts that are still being explored to this day. The dwarves were known for their knowledge of metallurgy and the dwarves had built underground cities, fortresses and underground pathways that connect all of their underground settlements, but after their extinction, the underground cities and fortresses have become the homes of other subterranean races, such as Gnomes and Lizardfolk.


  • Hallmarks: Metals, Dwarven Architecture, Ruins.

Morden is one of the few major settlements in the Red Mountains, thanks to the abundance of valuable metals that can be mined from the surrounding peaks. The city is built on the side of a mountain, with terraced streets and buildings carved into the rock. The city is heavily fortified and guarded, both to protect its inhabitants from the giants that roam the mountains and to deter would-be thieves from looting the mines. Morden is a bustling mining city that sits at the heart of northern Red Mountains. The city is built almost entirely out of red stone. The main source of income for the city comes from the abundant mining of etherium, adamantine, and mithril that can be found in the surrounding mountains. These precious metals and minerals are used to make all kinds of advanced technology and magical items, making Morden a hub for both technological and magical innovation. Morden is also known for the nearby Giant settlements, which makes it a popular destination for adventurers and treasure hunters looking to test their strength against these formidable foes. Many ruins from the second age can also be found scattered throughout the mountains, offering potential riches for those brave enough to explore them.

The Bards College lies in the heart of the city of Morden.

The Red Desert

  • Main Environs: Desert, Grassland, Mountain
  • Capital City: Deku
  • Hallmarks: Lost Cities, Ancient Ruins, Treasure

The Red Desert is a vast and unforgiving expanse of sand, rock, and heat that stretches across the southernmost reaches of Argentum. Its borders are defined by the jagged peaks of the Red Mountains to the west and the endless expanse of the Dune Sea to the east. The desert is home to a wide variety of unique creatures and plants that have adapted to the harsh conditions, including giant sand worms, desert nomads, and cacti that can survive for centuries without water. Despite its inhospitable nature, the Red Desert holds many secrets and treasures for those brave enough to brave its scorching sun and shifting sands. Ancient ruins, tombs, and lost cities can be found hidden beneath the dunes, and a few hardy settlements have managed to carve out a living in this unforgiving land. But for every opportunity the Red Desert presents, there is an equal and opposite danger, from deadly sandstorms to bandits and worse that prowl the desert's wastes. Travellers are advised to bring plenty of water and a reliable guide if they wish to survive the journey through the Red Desert.


  • Hallmarks: Oasis, Nomads, Trading, Mystery, Adaptation

A nomadic tribe of people from the desert settled here, supposedly was created by a tired wizard in the past. Deku is a small desert oasis that serves as a hub for nomadic tribes and traders traversing the scorching sands of the Red Desert. The city is known for its extreme heat and harsh living conditions, with temperatures often soaring to dangerous levels during the summer months. Despite this, the people of Deku have managed to survive by adapting to the harsh environment and finding ways to harness the abundant natural resources found in the area.

The city itself is built of mud brick and other materials that can withstand the intense heat, and is surrounded by lush gardens and palm groves that provide a much needed respite from the scorching sun. The main source of income for the city is the trading of goods and services to travelers crossing the desert, and it's known for the wide variety of goods on offer.

The origin of the city is shrouded in mystery and legend, with some stories saying that it was created by a powerful wizard who was too tired to continue traveling and decided to settle down, while others claim that it has always existed, hidden deep in the desert. However, one thing is certain, without the protection and guidance of the nomadic tribes that settled here, this city would not have been able to survive in such a harsh environment.

The Infinite Forest Region

  • Main Environs: Cold, Mountain, Swamp
  • Capital City: Waterdhavian
  • Hallmarks: Will-o'-Whisps, Labyrinth like Forests

The Infinite Forest, is a dense and mysterious forest located in the northern regions of Argentum. Unlike other forests in the world, the Infinite Forest is dominated by towering aspen trees that are much smaller than those found in other regions, reaching heights of up to only a hundred feet or so. For those unfamiliar with the region the forest seems to have no end, with dense fog and heavy snowfall making travel through the forest by land treacherous.

The forest is known for its dangerous inhabitants, including creatures that have adapted to the harsh conditions of the forest, such as owlbears. The forest is also home to willowisps, which are often found here during the seasons when they are not present in the Whispy Jungle.

The forest is shrouded in fog and mist for most of the year, making it perilous to travel through by land. However, air travel is becoming more popular in recent times as a way to navigate the forest safely. The forest is also known for its urban legends and folktales, with some claiming that the trees themselves are sentient and have a twisted sense of humor, playing tricks on unsuspecting travelers. Despite these legends, the forest remains a dangerous and unexplored place that few dare to venture into.


  • Hallmarks: Craftsmanship, Trade Guilds, Noble Families

Waterdhavian is a bustling metropolis nestled on the outskirts of the Infinite Forest. Known for its impressive architecture and rich cultural heritage, the city is a haven for artists, artisans, and scholars from all over Argentum. It is also an important hub for trade and commerce, with a thriving financial district and bustling marketplaces. However, despite its beauty and prosperity, the city is not without its challenges. The forest can be a dangerous place, and the city is frequently plagued by the mysterious whisps that seem to spring up in the winter and spring months. Additionally, it's also easy to get lost in the woods without a guide or good sense of direction, but the city has a strong guild of rangers, who can help travelers navigate the dangers of the forest, and the city also offers easy access to the coast and the ports of the realm, for any travelers who are looking to adventure.

Air Travel

Air Travel has been possible for many years in Argentum but it has only been within the last 300 years or so that it has become more widespread (and more mechanical) air travel can be costly so only the privileged, wealthy, or magitech savvy, are able to utilize it. It's another booming industry in the world, air travel and air vehicle creation.

The Frozen Coast

  • Main Environs: Cold, Coastal

The Frozen Wastes

A vast expanse of glaciers and towering peaks, where the bitter winds howl and the snow never stops falling. The terrain is treacherous, with deep crevasses and jagged ice ridges that can easily trap the unwary. Despite the harsh conditions, some barbarian tribes have managed to eke out a living here, mastering the art of hunting and surviving in this frozen wasteland. The tribes of the Frozen Wastes are fiercely independent and fiercely protective of their homeland. The Frozen Wastes is also known for its ancient ruins and artifacts that are said to predate even the First Age, and still remain hidden under the ice and snow, waiting for those brave enough to uncover them.


  • Hallmark: Weapons, Adamantine, Mithril

A small mountain kingdom, located deep in northern hananoki region. Despite its isolated location, the kingdom has managed to thrive due to its rich resources of mithril and adamantine. The mines of Tengui are some of the most productive in all of Argentum, and the kingdom has become a major producer of high-quality weapons and armor.

The Frozen Sea

  • Hallmark: Fish, Treasure, Magic Ice

A treacherous expanse of ice and snow that stretches far to the north of Argentum. It is dotted with small, rocky islands that are home to hardy tribes of barbarians, as well as the occasional monster or beast. The sea is known for its powerful and unpredictable storms, as well as the massive icebergs that float on its surface. Despite the dangers, it is also a rich source of valuable resources such as fish and ice, which are prized for their magical properties. The frozen sea is also home to many ruins of ancient civilization that were lost to the ages, and have only recently been rediscovered.


  • Hallmark: Arcane Crystals, Prison Colony

A harsh and unforgiving place, it serves as a prison colony for many of Halcyon's most dangerous criminals, banished to the inhospitable and dangerous surroundings as punishment for their crimes. The colony is one of the few places where Arcane Crystals can be found in abundance underground. The prisoners, extract these valuable crystals for use in Halcyon's powerful magical technologies. Escape from Tartarus is a near impossible feat, as the harsh conditions of the frozen wilderness make survival unlikely for those who manage to break free. It's a place where the punishment is harsh and the labor is dangerous, and it's not uncommon for prisoners to die in the harsh conditions of the mines.

The Great Plains

  • Main Environs: Grassland, Mountain, Forest
  • Main Cities: Baldur's Gate
  • Hallmarks: Farmland, Tornadoes, The Spreading Wastes

The Great Plains is a vast expanse of rolling grasslands that stretches from the Red Desert in the west to the western gates of the metropolis of Halcyon. The Great Plains is dotted with small settlements, many of which are contracted by Halcyon to grow food for the massive city.

However, the Great Plains is not without its dangers. The Great War that ravaged the land ended with the Spelltide, an event that caused a portion of the Great Plains to be shrouded in thick, reality-distorting fog that stretches for miles into the sky with thick, tall clouds. These foggy areas are home to mysterious, monstrous abominations, known as Fomorians, and other creatures warped and transformed by the Spelltide. These beasts often make their way out of the wastes and attack nearby travelers or farms.

The cities of Greencrest, Baldur's Gate, Waterdhavian, and Deku all have a portion of their borders that overlap with the Great Plains, but Halcyon is the main city with jurisdiction over the area. This was part of the reason for the Argentum War, but an agreement was eventually made between the cities to share control of the Great Plains.

Baldur's Gate

  • Hallmarks: Narcotics, Crime, Gambling

Baldur's Gate is a bustling metropolis that lies just outside of Halcyon's imposing western gate. Known for its thriving trade industry, the city is a hub of activity and commerce, drawing merchants, traders, and travelers from far and wide. Though it is technically under the jurisdiction of Halcyon, Baldur's Gate is a city in its own right, with a population and economy that rivals other cities outside of Halcyon's walls.

One of the defining features of Baldur's Gate is its location, as it is situated on the eastern border of the Great Plains, and for portions of the year it is completely covered by Halcyon's wall's shadow. This location gives the city a unique character, with a mix of the rugged wilderness of the Great Plains and the hustle and bustle of a major trade hub.

Despite its prosperity, Baldur's Gate is not without its troubles. The city is plagued by a persistent crime problem, particularly in the winter months, when desperate individuals attempt to sneak into Halcyon to smuggle illegal goods. Additionally, the city is known to be a hotbed of smuggling of dangerous magical technology, putting the citizens and authorities on high alert.

The Halcyon Channel

  • Main Environs: Coastal, Mountains, Floating Islands
  • Hallmarks: Rich Magical Material Deposits

A marvel of ancient engineering, the Halcyon Channel is a man-made waterway that connects the coastal cities of Argentum to the bustling metropolis of Halcyon. Created by powerful geo and aquamancers in the Third Age, this artificial strait is a vital artery for trade and commerce, ferrying goods and people to and from the various regions of the world.

However, the Channel is not without its dangers. The Northern section is known for its treacherous icy waters, often beset by harsh storms and perilous conditions, making travel difficult and dangerous. The Southern section, on the other hand, is known for its beautiful floating land masses and rich deposits of magical materials. But even this section is not without its hazards, as the treacherous Giants of the Eastern Hemisphere are known to inhabit the mountains that line the channel.

Despite these challenges, the Halcyon Channel remains a vital connection between the different regions of Argentum and is essential for trade and commerce. It is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the citizens of Halcyon who built it.

The Northern Channel

Hallmarks: Icy Waters, Barbarians, Kobolds, Harsh Cold

Floating Islands

Parts of Argentum are characterized by their floating islands and rich deposits of magical materials. These islands, abundant along the channel, are available for private acquisition, providing an opportunity for investment in both settlement and resource extraction. The Southern Channel, a conduit for trade and commerce, showcases the pragmatic fusion of magical resources and economic strategy. However, prospective buyers should remain vigilant, as the region is patrolled by Giants of the Eastern Hemisphere, adding an element of strategic consideration for those eyeing these floating havens. Balancing potential prosperity with inherent risks, the Southern Channel offers a distinctive blend of commerce and caution.

The Southern Channel

Hallmarks: Floating Islands, Aetherium Mining, Giants

Lakeight Crater Lake Region

  • Main Environs: Coastal, Cold, Mountain
  • Capital City: Lakeight
  • Hallmarks: Gilded Lotus, Giants, Floating Islands

The Lakeight Region is a rugged and mountainous area, located south of the grand metropolis of Halcyon. The region is defined by its high peaks, deep valleys, and icy glaciers that stretch for miles. The Southern Halcyon Channel winds through the region, providing a vital trade route for goods and resources from the cold northern lands to the warmer southern regions. The region is also home to a diverse array of creatures, from fierce mountain giants to elusive ice elementals. The Lakeight Mountains are also known for the rare Gilded Lotus plant, which is said to have healing properties and is highly sought after by alchemists and healers. Despite the harsh conditions and dangerous inhabitants, the region is home to several hardy settlements, including the eponymous city of Lakeight, built on an island in the middle of a massive crater lake. The Lakeight Mountains are also known for the ancient dwarven ruins that dot the landscape, remnants of a long-vanished civilization that once thrived in these lands.


  • Hallmarks: Hot Springs, Cheap Health Potions

Lakeight is a remote city located on an island deep within a massive crater lake in the Lakeight Mountains. The city is known for its unique climate and harsh winters, as well as for being the only place where the rare and valuable Gilded Lotus flower can be found. The Halcyon Channel, a major trade route, passes through the crater lake on its way to the Grandis Oceanis, making Lakeight an important hub for both trade and commerce. Despite the harsh conditions, the city is home to a thriving community that has managed to adapt to the challenging environment.

Gilded Lotus

In the rugged expanse of the Lakeight Region, amidst icy peaks and deep valleys, thrives a botanical treasure known as the Gilded Lotus. With its radiant golden petals and ethereal glow, this mystical plant is a symbol of life and healing. Renowned for its unparalleled medicinal properties, the Gilded Lotus is a key ingredient in the creation of potent healing potions. Local alchemists and healers have mastered the art of harnessing the plant's essence, using it to mend wounds and cure ailments. What makes the Gilded Lotus truly extraordinary is its rarity. The plant's cultivation is an art known only to the resilient communities of Lakeight, and attempts to transplant it elsewhere have met with limited success. This exclusivity has turned the Gilded Lotus into the region's major export, sought after by apothecaries, healers, and magical practitioners across Argentum.

The Heartlands

  • Main Environs: Forest, Mountain
  • Capital City: Phandalin
  • Main Cities: Phandelver, Candlekeep
  • Hallmarks: Etherium Mining, Grey Lung

The Heartlands is a vast expanse of rolling hills, verdant forests, and snow-capped mountains that stretch from the eastern coast of Argentum to the western edge of the Whispy Jungle. The region is known for its abundance of natural resources, including timber, minerals, and game. The capital of the Heartlands is Phandalin, a bustling city-state that serves as a hub of trade and commerce for the surrounding towns and villages. The people of the Heartlands are a hardy and independent folk, with a strong tradition of self-sufficiency and resourcefulness. Despite its remote location, the Heartlands has a rich history and culture, with a diverse population of humans, dwarves, elves, and halflings who have all carved out a place for themselves in this rugged and beautiful land.

Etherium Mining

Etherium extraction has birthed a lucrative industry, fueling the ascent of airships into the heavens. Artificers delve into the earth to procure this mystical substance, As Etherium ascends, ethical debates and factional rivalries emerge, coloring the narrative of its ascent. Yet, the allure of this magical elixir is unwavering, propelling Argentum into an age where the skies are no longer limits but gateways to uncharted possibilities.


  • Hallmarks: Mining, Trade, Agriculture

The bustling city-state of Phandalin is the heart of the Heartlands, and serves as the economic and political hub of the region. Known for its rich mining and quarrying operations, Phandalin is home to many skilled craftsmen and artisans who work with the precious metals and stones mined from the nearby mountains. The city also serves as a major trade hub, connecting the Heartlands to the rest of Argentum through its well-maintained roads and bustling marketplace.

Phandalin is also known for its fertile farmland, which produces a wide variety of crops and livestock. The city is surrounded by verdant fields and pastures, and is home to many farmers and ranchers who make a living off the land.

Phandalin is also a city of contrasts. The wealthy merchant families who control much of the city's trade and industry live in opulent mansions and villas, while the city's poor struggle to make ends meet in overcrowded slums and tenements.

Despite these challenges, Phandalin is a city of great resilience and determination. The people of Phandalin are fiercely independent, and have a strong sense of community and pride. They are determined to make Phandalin a place of prosperity and opportunity for all, and are not afraid to take on the powerful forces that seek to exploit and oppress them.

Hananoki Mountains Region

  • Main Environs: Mountains, Floating Islands, Forest
  • Hallmarks: Floating Islands, Giants, Mega-Flora & Fauna

The Hananoki Mountains are known for their vastness and rugged terrain, making it a treacherous obstacle for travelers and traders. Despite the dangers, the Hananoki Mountains hold a great significance for the people of Argentum, both for its spiritual significance and its abundance of valuable magical materials.

The Giants Belt, an area of the Hananoki Mountains is known for its towering peaks and is the home of many giant tribes. It is also home to massive mega-fauna, such as giant elk and giant eagles, which are often used as mounts by the giants. The Spring season is also known for its abundance of mega-flora, like giant flowers and mushrooms.

The Hananoki Mountains are also home to many ancient ruins, including dwarven ruins and ruins from second age civilizations. The deeper you go into the mountains, the more floating islands you will see scattered throughout, a testament to the abundance of magical materials in the area.

Feral dragons, both green and red, call the Hananoki Mountains home, and some believe that an elder dragon may reside in the region. Goblins and kobolds are also commonly found in the region, making travel through the Hananoki Mountains a risky endeavor.

Despite the dangers, many believe that the Hananoki Mountains hold great spiritual significance and that the mountains themselves possess a sacred energy. Shamans and spiritual leaders often journey to the Hananoki in search of visions and to make offerings to the spirits.

Recently, Omni-Corp has begun construction on the Lightning Rail, a train system that will connect Sora, Halcyon, and Phandalin, but progress has been slowed due to the dangers of building through the Hananoki Mountains. It's estimated that the rail will be completed in about 20 years.

Giants in Argentum
  • Giants, also known as Jotun, are a race of large humanoids that inhabit the Red Mountains region. They are known for their great size and strength, and are said to be able to wield immense power.
  • They are also known to be reclusive and fiercely territorial, making it dangerous for outsiders to enter their territory.
  • They are also said to have a fierce and independent spirit, and have a deep connection to the land they inhabit. They are also known to be skilled in earth magic and are rumored to have the ability to commune with the earth itself.
  • The Giants are also known to be a proud and ancient race, with a deep sense of history and tradition. They have their own set of customs, beliefs, and religious practices that are not well understood by outsiders.
  • Giants are also known to be relatively rare and it's said that they are not that interested in interacting with the other races, they tend to keep to themselves, but when they do interact with other races it's usually with caution, and often with the intention of testing the strength and determination of the other party.
  • It's also said that the Giants are the protectors of ancient relics and artifacts from the Second age, that could be found in the Red Mountains. -Travelers are warned to avoid their territory as they are known to be very dangerous. They have been known to be very protective of their homes and families, and are not known to be very friendly to outsiders.

Sora Region

  • Main Environs: Coast, Grassland, Swamp
  • Capital City: Sora
  • Main Cities: Bastion, Olga-Terra
  • Hallmarks: Wineries, Agriculture, Farming

The Sora Region is a land of prosperity and technological advancement, known for its thriving fishing trade with Blackwater and Cyprus, as well as its recent Aerium harvesting industry. The region is abundant in a flower used to make the powerful and addictive narcotic known as Serum, which is outlawed in Halcyon. The Sora Plains, though smaller than the Great Plains, are large enough to grow enough food for all of Sora's inhabitants and provide for trading with Blackwater and Cyprus. The region is also home to the ancient and magical Elderglade, a forest of massive trees that radiate high levels of Aether. The Sora region is surrounded by the Hananoki Mountains to the west, the Flooded Coast and Blackwater to the south, Olga and the Frozen Coast to the north.


  • Hallmarks: Machine Gods, Serum, Emperor Titan

The City of Sora is a massive metropolis, ruled by Emperor Satoshi, a former soldier who declared himself emperor and used his military might to enforce it in the early days. Under Satoshi's leadership, the city has experienced a period of prosperity and has been at the forefront of technological advancements, particularly in the creation of the powerful Machine Gods. The city's heart is home to one of the massive Elderglade trees, its pinkish leaves reminiscent of cherry blossoms. The city's offshore Aerium reserves and recent trade with Halcyon have helped fuel its growth and prosperity. However, it's not without its challenges, a criminal and smuggling problem, especially in the winter months as people find ways into Halcyon to smuggle illicit substances and dangerous magical technology.

(Mech) Titans

Colossal war constructs created by the legendary artificer Pimm Ironheart, these awe-inspiring marvels have left an indelible mark on Argentum. Each Titan, infused with powerful arcane energies and armed to the teeth, each Titan stands as a symbol of technological prowess and militaristic might.The Mech Titans have become not just tools of war but also cultural icons, influencing the identities of the regions they protect. Several kingdoms including Sora proudly showcase their Titans, fostering a sense of unity and strength among their people.

Elderglade Region

  • Main Environs: Grassland, Forest, Mountain
  • Hallmarks: Giant Ancient Magical Trees

The Elderglade is a magical region located west of the Sora Plains, known for its towering ancient trees that reach for the sky. These massive trees, known as the Elder Trees, are said to be enchanted with powerful magic that radiates through the forest. The trees are so large that their branches create a canopy that covers the entire region, blocking out much of the sunlight. The forest floor is dark and misty, with a thick layer of moss and other foliage covering the ground.

The Elder Trees are not only majestic in appearance but also hold a great deal of spiritual significance to the people of Argentum. Many believe that the trees possess great wisdom and that their magic can be harnessed for powerful spells and enchantments. The trees also have a deep history and are believed to have stood for thousands of years, predating even the first age of Argentum.

The Elderglade is a sacred place for many druidic and fey-related factions, who see the trees as a link to the primal magic of the world. It's also a place of pilgrimage for many seeking spiritual enlightenment or to learn from the wisdom of the trees. The forest is also home to many magical creatures such as unicorns, dryads, and other fey.

Despite it's beauty and spiritual significance, the Elderglade is a dangerous place to venture into, as it's also the home of ancient and powerful creatures. It's said that the forest is patrolled by powerful guardians that keep watch over the trees and the magic they possess. Those who dare to enter the forest without permission or with ill intentions, risk being hunted down and dealt with severely.

Elder Trees

The Flooded Coast

  • Main Environs: Swamps, Coastal, Grasslands
  • Hallmarks: Razorgrass, Ruins, Dragon's Spine

This archipelago of barren plateaus is located on the edges of the sora and blackwater regions

A series of flat islands make up the bulk of the Dragon's Spine, which are devoid of all foliage and canopy - save for a unique species of long grass native only to the islands themselves. This grass can grow to over 10 feet tall and has been named "Razorgrass" for the grass holds razor sharp edges which can cause heavy lacerations from the lightest of touches.

In addition to the alien-like grass, the archipelago experiences constant earthquakes that make habitation nearly impossible. These earthquakes seem to be isolated only to the islands themselves, and do not extend their seismic activity to the surrounding waters - meaning only the archipelago itself shakes.

Primordial Purge

Stranger still, when a creature does die upon the islands, their body is subsumed by the soil and stone of the land upon the next earthquake - crushed and buried by the churning soil and waving grass.

A series of islands within the region has been dubbed the Dragon's Spine due to it looking like a spine from up above.

The only safe refuge within the surrounding islands is a massive jutting structure of stone where no Razorgrass can grow. This massive spire has been named "The Dragon's Tooth" in regards to the rest of the archipelago. The tooth has no defining characteristics, save for the presence of a massive tree dominating the very apex of the spire. This tree, strangely enough, begins to glow subtly when an earthquake is about to take place upon the archipelago. Because of this, many believe the tree and the grasses are related at least in some fashion.

Many scholars speculate that the archipelago was once the body of a super massive titan creature from ancient times that was felled in this spot - and that the earthquakes represent it's inability to die completely. Others state that the islands belonged to a world that was consumed into the Plane of Positive Energy, and that only these islands made it out without being absorbed into the overwhelming positive energies. And some say that the islands are just naturally mutated to be the way they are, and that all other theories are hearsay and speculation. Regardless, nobody really knows the origin of the Dragon's Spine and Tooth.


  • Main Environs: Desert, Mountains, Coast, Star-Salt
  • Hallmarks: Claustra Prison, Star-Salt, Pirates

Cyprus is a land of contrasts, where deserts and mountains meet and ancient ruins and modern cities coexist. Nestled between the Blackwater Region to the west and the frozen sea to the north, Cyprus is a land of opportunity and danger.

The rest of the land is mostly deserts, with scattered oasis and nomadic tribes, But the most valuable commodity of Cyprus is Star-Salt, a rare and valuable spice that can only be found in the deserts of Cyprus. Many of the natives of the continent harvest and sell the spice, making it a major source of income for the people of Cyprus.

However, the Cyprus Gulf is also known for its pirate activity, with many ships and caravans falling prey to the ruthless marauders. Despite this, trade between Blackwater and Sora is common, with merchants and traders taking advantage of the valuable goods and resources that can be found in Cyprus. But it is a perilous journey, one must be well-equipped and well-guarded to make it through the Gulf and the dangers of the desert.


  • Hallmarks: Runeplate Harnesses, Artificers, Archeo-Tech

The southern peninsula of Cyprus is home to the ancient dwarven city of Erimos. The city is a marvel of engineering and architecture, built into the side of a mountain and stretching deep into the earth. The dwarves of Erimos are known for their skill in metalworking and rune magic, and it is here that the first runeplate harnesses were discovered. Today, Erimos is a major center of trade and industry, and its durable and advanced runeplate harnesses are sought after by adventurers and military forces across the world.

Claustra Prison

  • Hallmarks: "Inescapable" Maximum Security Prison

The northern part of Cyprus is a rugged and inhospitable place, characterized by towering mountains and deep canyons. It is here that one can find the famous Claustra Prison, an imposing fortress built into the heart of a volcano. The prison is renowned for its harsh conditions and impregnable defenses, and it is said that only the most dangerous and powerful criminals are sent there.


  • Main Environs: Rocky Cliffs, Dwarven Ruins, Cold
  • Hallmarks: Dwarven Ruins, Treasure, Archeo-Tech

Petra, the ancient homeland of the dwarves, is a small continent located south of the super-continent of Argentum. It is separated from the rest of the world by the treacherous Grandis Oceanis, the largest ocean on the planet. Despite its remote location, Petra holds great strategic importance due to its natural defenses, including the surrounding fog and high, jagged cliffs.

The dwarves of Petra were known for their strong sense of tradition and family bonds, as well as for their gruff and stubborn nature. They valued their clan and family bonds highly and saw themselves as superior to other races. This sense of superiority led to the dwarves rising to power in the military and creating powerful magical weapons like the Titans and the Necrophage.

In the fourth age, Petra has become a bit decrepit, with many of its cities and settlements falling into disrepair due to the dwarves' extinction and the neglect of their sol-engines. The journey to Petra is treacherous and travel to the continent is extremely rare. Most people in the world do not believe Petra exists and have little knowledge of its history or current state. Despite this, Petra holds many secrets and treasures waiting to be discovered by brave adventurers who are willing to brave the dangers of the journey.


  • Hallmarks: Archeo-Tech, Treasure, Danger, Titans

As one enters the ruins of Neo-Terra, the first thing that strikes them is the eerie silence that permeates the city. The once-bustling streets are now empty and overgrown with moss and weeds. The buildings, once towering feats of engineering, now lie in ruin, their walls cracked and crumbling.

Despite the decay, it's still possible to see the grandeur that once was. The Dwarves left behind many technological marvels, such as automatons and clockwork constructs that still patrol the streets, and golem guards that still stand at attention in their posts. The city also had many factories and workshops, where the dwarves created their powerful Titans and other magical superweapons. These facilities are now filled with dangerous, malfunctioning machinery and traps set by the dwarves to protect their secrets from potential looters.

Despite the danger and the sense of unease that permeates the ruins, Neo-Terra is a treasure trove of ancient technology and magical artifacts for the daring and skilled adventurers who dare to venture within its walls. But they must be careful, as the city is also home to many deadly traps and creatures that have taken up residence in the abandoned city.

Chapter 3



The Seven Districts Overview

Sun District:

The heart and soul of Halcyon, the Sun District is a vibrant tapestry of cultures, races, and lifestyles. Ancient elven spires pierce the sky, interconnected by bustling bridges and bustling waterways. This district boasts the renowned Arcane Academy, a center for magical learning, and the colossal Colosseum, where thrilling spectacles entertain the masses. Skyways crisscross the district, providing aerial routes for airships, while vibrant Nexus Points offer a taste of each of Halcyon's unique districts.

Rain District:

Descend beneath the Sun District to discover the enchanting Rain District, where perpetual rainfall and vertical architecture create a mesmerizing spectacle. Waterfalls cascade from lush gardens, and intricate walkways weave through a maze of platforms and suspended bridges. Here, the mysterious Stormcallers harness the power of storms, while the shadowy Umbra Thieves' Guild operates in the district's hidden depths.

Water District:

Nestled around the expansive waters of the Basin, the Water District is a bustling hub of knowledge, commerce, and everyday life. Halcyon Arcane University stands as a beacon of magical learning, drawing scholars and students from across Argentum. The Basin's promenades and bustling markets offer a vibrant atmosphere, while the Clockwork Plaza showcases the ingenuity of the city's artificers and inventors.

Forest District:

A verdant oasis within the city walls, the Forest District is a harmonious blend of nature and civilization. Towering trees, some large enough to house entire families, provide a haven for communal living. Treetop walkways connect these arboreal dwellings, while the Grove Amphitheater hosts vibrant open-air performances. The Sylvan Wardens protect the district's enchanted forest, ensuring the delicate balance between nature and urban life.

Stone District:

Carved into the mountains within Halcyon's walls, the Stone District is a testament to the city's industrious spirit. Mines delve deep into the earth, yielding precious gems and metals, while skilled artisans craft exquisite works of art and magical items. The Dwarven Quarter showcases the district's rich heritage, while the Museum of Geology reveals the secrets of the region's rocky history. The Stone District is also home to the rebellious Vox-Petra group, led by Aidonna, who oppose the Halcyon Council's authority.

Cloud District:

Shrouded in perpetual smog from its many factories, the Cloud District is a testament to Halcyon's industrial might. Here, hardworking citizens strive for a better life amidst the bustling Smoke Market and the towering furnaces of Foundry Square. The Inventors' Row offers glimpses of ingenuity and innovation, while the Brooding Sky Tavern provides solace for those seeking respite from the daily grind.

Gilded District:

A realm of opulence and exclusivity, the Gilded District showcases the wealth and privilege of Halcyon's elite. Glistening spires and lavish estates adorn the skyline, while well-heeled residents indulge in the finer things in life. The Grand Plaza, with its statues and fountains, is a symbol of luxury and power. The Gilded District is often closed off to outsiders, but those who gain access can experience its high-stakes auctions, fine dining, and captivating performances at the Golden Opera House.

The Sun District (Helios)

  • Main Environs:
  • Hallmarks:

Halcyon's oldest and most diverse district, is a melting pot within a melting pot. Its history traces back to the original settlement, which was inhabited by Dark Elves. Over time, they were displaced by High Elves who came to worship Eloy as a god-king.

In this district, which serves as the heart of the city, the boundaries of race and culture blur. High Elves initially held sway and built grand structures in honor of their perceived deity. With time, Eloy's followers opened their doors to various races, leading to a vibrant and dynamic community.

At its core, the Sun District boasts the colossal Colosseum, a grand arena that can host millions of spectators. It's a place where thrilling spectacles, games, and competitions take place, and where the people of Halcyon gather to celebrate.

The district's most iconic feature is The Basin, a vast body of fresh water, large enough to accommodate boats. Bridges, walkways, and buildings stand above this water expanse, creating an intricate maze of pathways, including grand Spire buildings that reach into the sky.

These Spires are often owned by old families or converted into housing complexes for those who don't come from significant wealth. Elevated walkways crisscross the district, connecting buildings and providing access to each level. Many of these skyways now serve as parking for airships, trams, and skyscooters.

The Sun District is enclosed by massive 3000-foot walls that segregate it from the other districts of Halcyon. Inside these walls, many closely-knit communities have emerged, providing residents with a strong sense of belonging and identity. The Sun District also features the Six Gates, enormous 1000-foot archways that grant passage in and out of various districts.

The canals between these walls and the adjacent districts host diverse communities and are often used for transportation. Nexus points, where three districts converge, become bustling centers, teeming with life and commerce.

The Sun District encapsulates the essence of Halcyon—a place where different cultures, races, and histories converge, resulting in a vibrant tapestry of life and a breathtaking labyrinth of bridges, canals, and skyways.

The Gilded District (Auros)

  • Main Environs:
  • Hallmarks:

A Beacon of Opulence and Exclusivity

Rising above Halcyon's diverse landscape, the Gilded District stands as a testament to wealth, power, and exclusivity. Glistening spires pierce the sky, their golden facades reflecting the district's prosperity. Lavish estates and opulent mansions sprawl across manicured gardens, showcasing the extravagance of the city's elite.

The Grand Plaza, the district's beating heart, is an awe-inspiring spectacle of marble fountains, intricate statues, and meticulously crafted landscaping. Here, the privileged gather to socialize, conduct business, and flaunt their status.

Access to the Gilded District is a privilege reserved for the wealthy and influential. Stringent credit checks and social standing requirements ensure that only the most esteemed members of society can pass through its gates. Those who do are rewarded with access to exclusive establishments, such as the Celestial Gallery, where rare artifacts and magical items are auctioned off to the highest bidder.

The Platinum Pavilion offers a culinary experience like no other, serving exquisite dishes prepared with the finest ingredients from across Argentum. Meanwhile, the Golden Opera House hosts world-class performers, their voices echoing through the gilded halls, captivating audiences with enchanting melodies and dramatic tales.

Behind the district's glittering facade lies a web of intrigue and power struggles. Noble families, such as the influential Goldpetal clan, vie for control and influence, their ambitions intertwined with the city's fate. The Goldleaf Consortium, a secretive organization shrouded in mystery, wields considerable power over trade and commerce, their decisions shaping the economic landscape of the entire city.

The Gilded District is a realm of dreams and aspirations, where fortunes are made and lost, alliances are forged and broken, and the pursuit of power and prestige knows no bounds. It is a place where the extraordinary is commonplace and where the elite shape the destiny of Halcyon.

The Cloud District (Stratos)

  • Main Environs:
  • Hallmarks:

Shrouded in a perpetual haze of smog, the Cloud District stands as a testament to Halcyon's industrial prowess and the unwavering spirit of its working class. Towering factories and smokestacks dominate the skyline, their belching plumes casting long shadows over the narrow streets below. The air is thick with the scent of burning coal and the rhythmic clang of machinery.

Life in the Cloud District is a constant struggle for survival. The working class toils tirelessly in the factories, their lives governed by the relentless rhythm of production. The Smoke Market, a labyrinthine bazaar, provides a brief respite from the daily grind, offering a variety of goods and services to those who can afford them.

Despite the harsh conditions, the Cloud District is a community of resilience and hope. The Smogbreakers, a group of environmental activists, strive to improve the air quality and fight for better working conditions. Their efforts inspire hope in the hearts of the district's residents, who dream of a brighter future.

The Inventors' Row, a hidden enclave of innovation, showcases the ingenuity of the district's skilled artisans and engineers. Here, amidst the grime and smoke, they create wondrous contraptions and gadgets, fueled by a desire to improve their lives and the lives of their fellow citizens.

The Brooding Sky Tavern, a dimly lit establishment with a welcoming atmosphere, serves as a sanctuary for those seeking solace from the daily toil. Its patrons, a diverse mix of workers, artists, and dreamers, share stories, songs, and laughter, finding strength in their shared experiences.

The Cloud District is a place of contrasts, where hardship and hope coexist, where industry and ingenuity thrive, and where the spirit of community endures amidst the challenges of daily life. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unwavering determination to overcome adversity.

The Rain District (Pluvos)

  • Main Environs:
  • Hallmarks:

Descending beneath the Sun District's bustling heart, one enters the ethereal realm of the Rain District. Here, perpetual rainfall and gravity-defying architecture create a mesmerizing spectacle. Waterfalls cascade from lush, elevated gardens, their gentle symphony mingling with the rhythmic patter of raindrops on countless rooftops.

The district's unique vertical landscape is a testament to human ingenuity and magical prowess. Massive columns support platforms that rise high above the ground, connected by a network of suspended bridges and walkways. Buildings cling to these platforms like tenacious vines, their windows reflecting the ever-present shimmer of falling water.

Life in the Rain District is an adaptation to the constant rainfall. Citizens traverse the Waterwalks, intricate networks of covered pathways and bridges, adorned with colorful awnings and glowing lanterns. The Floating Amphitheater, a marvel of engineering, hosts breathtaking performances amidst the cascading waterfalls, its stage seemingly suspended in mid-air.

The Rainfall Bazaar, a bustling marketplace located on one of the district's lower platforms, offers a cornucopia of exotic goods and unique services. Here, merchants from across Halcyon gather to trade rare ingredients, magical trinkets, and intricate water-resistant garments.

Beneath the district's enchanting facade, a darker side thrives. The Umbra Thieves' Guild, a shadowy organization of skilled rogues, operates in the hidden recesses of the Rain District. Their clandestine activities add a layer of intrigue and danger to the district's otherwise serene atmosphere.

The Rain District is a place of wonder and mystery, where the natural and the man-made blend seamlessly. It is a testament to human creativity and adaptability, a place where the constant rainfall is not a hindrance but a source of inspiration and life. Whether exploring the Waterwalks, attending a mesmerizing performance at the Floating Amphitheater, or uncovering the secrets hidden within the district's depths, visitors to the Rain District are sure to be captivated by its ethereal beauty and enigmatic charm.

The Water District (Vanduos)

  • Main Environs:
  • Hallmarks:

Centered around the expansive and shimmering Basin, is a vibrant tapestry of academia, commerce, and everyday life. The district's architecture reflects a blend of practicality and elegance, with sturdy stone buildings adorned with intricate water-themed motifs. Graceful bridges arch over the Basin, connecting bustling promenades where citizens and visitors alike enjoy leisurely strolls and boat rides.

At the heart of the district stands Halcyon Arcane University (HAU), a renowned institution of magical learning and research. Its sprawling campus boasts impressive libraries, enchanting laboratories, and towering observatories. Students from all corners of Argentum flock to HAU to study under the guidance of esteemed professors like Slobad, the former archmage and artifice expert.

Beyond the academic halls, the Water District thrives on a bustling economy. The Scholar's Quay, a vibrant marketplace, is a haven for bookworms and knowledge-seekers, offering a wide array of tomes, scrolls, and magical artifacts. The Clockwork Plaza is a testament to the district's ingenuity, showcasing the intricate inventions of skilled artificers and engineers.

The district's lifeblood, the Basin, provides not only a scenic backdrop but also a source of livelihood for many. Fisherfolk cast their nets into its depths, while skilled sailors ferry passengers and cargo across its expanse. The Harbor Market, located along the Basin's edge, is a bustling center of trade, where merchants from across Halcyon gather to sell their wares.

The Water District is a place of intellectual curiosity, bustling commerce, and a deep appreciation for the life-giving waters that flow through its heart. It is a haven for scholars, inventors, and everyday citizens alike, all drawn to the district's unique blend of knowledge, opportunity, and natural beauty.

The Forest District (Dirvos)

  • Main Environs:
  • Hallmarks:

A Verdant Haven Within the City's Embrace

Within Halcyon's towering walls lies the Forest District, a sprawling sanctuary of lush greenery and communal living. Here, the air is alive with the rustling of leaves, the songs of birds, and the gentle trickle of hidden streams. Towering trees, some ancient and wide enough to house entire families, create a verdant canopy that filters the sunlight, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.

Life in the Forest District revolves around a deep connection with nature. Homes are nestled among the trees, connected by a network of rope bridges and winding pathways. Communal gardens thrive under the care of skilled hands, yielding a bounty of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The Grove Amphitheater, a natural clearing surrounded by ancient oaks, hosts vibrant festivals and celebrations that honor the changing seasons and the cycles of life.

The Sylvan Wardens, a group of dedicated guardians, protect the district's delicate ecosystem. They patrol the forest paths, ensuring the safety of its inhabitants and maintaining the balance between nature and civilization. The Lumber Consortium, a powerful organization, carefully manages the district's resources, balancing the need for timber with the preservation of the forest's natural beauty.

The Forest District is a haven for those seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. Its tranquil atmosphere and close-knit community offer a welcome escape from the stresses of urban living. Visitors can wander through the labyrinthine paths, marvel at the majestic trees, and learn from the wisdom of the Sylvan Elders, who reside in the Verdant Sanctuary, a hidden grove deep within the forest.

The Forest District is a testament to the enduring power of nature and the importance of preserving the delicate balance between the natural world and human civilization. It is a place of harmony, where the boundaries between the urban and the wild blur, and where the spirit of community thrives amidst the verdant embrace of the forest.

The Stone District (Petros)

  • Main Environs:
  • Hallmarks:

Nestled amidst towering peaks and mineral-rich mountains, the Stone District stands as Halcyon's industrial heartland and a testament to the city's unyielding spirit. Rugged stone structures blend seamlessly with the natural landscape, their facades adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures that honor the district's dwarven heritage.

Vast mines penetrate deep into the mountains, yielding precious gems and metals that fuel Halcyon's economy and inspire the city's skilled artisans. The rhythmic clang of pickaxes and the hum of machinery echo through the caverns, while the air carries the scent of earth and ore. The Dwarven Quarter, a labyrinth of tunnels and workshops, serves as the heart of the district's mining operations and a hub of dwarven culture.

The Artisan's Plaza showcases the incredible craftsmanship of the Mountainforged Artisans, who transform raw materials into exquisite works of art and powerful magical items. Their creations, imbued with the essence of the mountains, are sought after by collectors and adventurers alike.

Despite its industrial nature, the Stone District is not without its rebellious spirit. Aidonna, the charismatic leader of Vox-Petra, rallies those who oppose the Halcyon Council's authority, their voices echoing through the stone canyons like a defiant cry for change.

Beyond the mines and workshops, the Stone District offers unique attractions, such as the Museum of Geology, which houses a vast collection of geological specimens and artifacts that tell the story of Halcyon's ancient past. For the adventurous, the district's rugged terrain provides opportunities for exploration, with hidden paths leading to breathtaking vistas and forgotten ruins.

The Stone District is a place of raw beauty, unyielding resilience, and unwavering determination. It is a testament to the power of hard work, the ingenuity of its inhabitants, and the enduring spirit of rebellion that resonates within its stone walls.

The Canals

  • Main Environs:
  • Hallmarks:

The canals of Halcyon are not merely waterways; they are bustling thoroughfares teeming with life, commerce, and culture. Towering walls on either side create a sense of intimacy and enclosure, while the constant flow of gondolas, barges, and other vessels paints a vibrant picture of urban activity.

Life on the Canals:

Floating Homes: Many citizens have made their homes on the canals, living on houseboats and barges. These floating abodes range from simple dwellings to lavishly decorated vessels, each a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of their inhabitants. Canal-Side Markets: Vibrant markets line the canal banks, offering a diverse array of goods and services. Here, merchants hawk their wares, artisans display their crafts, and street performers entertain the crowds. Cablecar Tram System: A network of cablecar trams crisscrosses the canals, providing a convenient and scenic mode of transportation. The trams glide silently above the water, offering breathtaking views of the city's architecture and bustling canal life. Canal Culture: The canals have their own unique culture, with distinct traditions, festivals, and culinary specialties. Canal-dwellers are known for their close-knit communities and their deep connection to the water.

The Walls

The massive walls that encircle each district are not merely defensive structures; they are thriving communities in their own right. Built over centuries, these imposing ramparts have evolved into multi-layered structures, housing a diverse range of inhabitants and serving various purposes.

Life on the Walls:

Wall Dwellings: Carved into the walls, these unique homes offer stunning views of the city and the surrounding landscape. They range from simple apartments to elaborate multi-level residences, each with its own distinct character and charm. Watchtowers and Guard Posts: Strategically placed watchtowers and guard posts dot the walls, manned by vigilant sentinels who protect the city from external threats. Gardens and Green Spaces: Lush gardens and green spaces provide a welcome respite from the urban environment, offering residents a place to relax, socialize, and cultivate crops. Vertical Communities: The walls have fostered a strong sense of community, with residents sharing resources, supporting each other, and celebrating their unique way of life. Both the canals and the walls are integral parts of Halcyon's identity, offering unique perspectives on the city's vibrant culture and diverse communities. Whether you're exploring the bustling canal markets, taking a leisurely cablecar tram ride, or enjoying the breathtaking views from atop the walls, you're sure to be captivated by the enchanting world of Halcyon.

Chapter 4

Adventures & Downtime

Chapter 5

Items & Artifacts


3-Dimensional Maneuver Gear

Armor (light), Very Rare

  • Weight total: 10 lbs (50 lbs on a full tank)
  • Cost: 10,000 gp

Grappling hook. The gas-powered hook launcher and rope is the defining feature of this device. The crossbow-bolt-like hook is attached to a cable made of tough, high-tension cables that are 200 feet long. Six rope-and-grapple assemblies are stored in the device, ready to be deployed. The grapples and ropes contribute 10 pounds to the weight of the maneuver gear.

Deploying the hook requires either your full movement or your action. Choose a point on a wall or surface within range; if its hardness is less than 10, the hook embeds itself completely into the material, anchoring itself to that spot.

Gas release. The gas release is a small fan and high-speed pulley in the back, attached to the ropes and used to either reel in or release them at will for the sake of maneuverability. If you have already deployed the grappling hook, as part of your attack action, you can trigger the gas release to move up to 60 feet along the length of the cable towards the end of your hook.

The gas used for propulsion is held in canisters attached to the release. A canister holds 100 charges worth of fuel when full; each time this ability is triggered, it consumes 1 Charge.

Control during cabled flight. While maneuvering using the gear, as part of your movement, you can shift your body weight, displacing yourself in any direction up to 10 feet. This shift of weight requires a successful DC 16 Acrobatics check. The DC of this check is reduced by 2 if you are using two maneuver gears in conjunction. Your destination remains the same.

Releasing the cables prior to landing. You can disengage the grappling hook before you land as a bonus action. If you do this in midair, you are now in free fall and have little control over your landing location. You will still keep your momentum, flying in the same direction as before unless you succeed a DC 20 Acrobatics check to displace yourself 5 feet. After this movement, you fall (and take damage) as normal.

Spellsniper Rifle

Weapon (rifle), rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This rifle is made of a stark white, smooth material, similar to ivory, and etched with intricate, arcane patterns.

As an action, you can use this weapon to perform a spellstrike. A spellstrike is similar to a ranged weapon attack, except that you cast a single offensive cantrip as part of the attack. This cantrip must be one that has a casting time of 1 action, deals damage to one or more targets, and has a range greater than 10 feet.

If the attack hits, the target takes both the damage of the rifle and the damage of the cantrip, even if the cantrip would normally require a saving throw to harm a target.

Explosive Bullet

Weapon, rare

This magic bullet explodes in a great ball of fire on impact. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere around the point where it strikes must make a DC 15 Dexterity save. A target takes 6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half on a success. The fire spreads around corners and ignites flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried.

Once detonated, the bullet is destroyed.

Named Bullet

Weapon, very rare

A named bullet is a magic bullet meant to slay a particular person and only that person. A named bullet functions as an arrow of slaying with a very focused target (a single, specific creature). Additionally, a named bullet has advantage on attack rolls made against its intended target.

After dealing additional damage to its intended target, the bullet is rendered non-magical.

Efficient Bandolier

Wondrous Item, uncommon

Each of this bandolier’s eight pouches connects to an extradimensional space that allows the bandolier to hold numerous items while never weighing more than 2 pounds. Each compartment can hold up to 60 bullets, 60 loads of shot, 6 powder horns of gunpowder, two one-handed firearms, or one two-handed firearm each.

You can draw any item the bandolier contains as if doing so from a regular pouch.

Amulet of Bullet Protection

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

This magic amulet has 7 charges. While wearing it, you can expend 1 or more charge to cast one of the following spells: blur (2 charges), mirror image (2 charges), or shield (1 charge)

The amulet regains 1d6+1 expended charges daily at dawn.

They have resistance to non-magical ballistics damage from ranged weapons.

Jet Pack

Armor (light) Legendary

  • Weight total: 15 pounds (20 pounds with full tank)
  • Cost: 15,000 gp

The jet pack allows players to move in three dimensions at high speeds. Unlike the 3-Dimensional Maneuver Gear, it requires no support, meaning that the player doesn't need to have ground or structures near them to fly with full maneuverability.

Jet Propulsion. A pair of exhaust vents are located on the bottom of the jet pack. The high-speed gouts of superheated air that come out of them are the primary force used in the generation of lift, giving the wearer a flying speed of up to 40 feet, with complete maneuverability.

Fuel Supply. The jetpack has a high-speed intake fan along its top edge that takes in air to help ignite the fuel to generate large amounts of power. This ignition requires a special kind of fuel, which is held in a single tank fuel cell.

Fuel for the jetpack comes in a solid form that costs 50 gp per pound, and the jetpack's fuel cell holds 5 pounds of fuel at a time.

Every 100 feet of movement using the jet pack consumes one pound of fuel. In an emergency case where you run out of fuel while in the air, there is a secondary thruster and backup fuel source that allows an additional 50 feet of movement and helps slow your descent.

Landing. Landing safely requires a DC 16 Dexterity (Athletics) check if you are traveling more then 10 feet vertically at an altitude of over 10 feet. On a failed check, you take 3d6 bludgeoning damage per 50 feet traveled. If you fall, you take damage as normal.


Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Properties Weight
Light Armor
Padded Coat 10 gp 11 + Dex Modifier Advantage 6 lbs.
Leather Coat 20 gp 11 + Dex Modifier 4 lbs.
Chain-Mail Shirt 50 gp 11 + Dex Modifier BR/2 3 lbs.
Plated Vest 100 gp 12 + Dex Modifier BR/2 4 lbs.
Medium Armor
Mizzium Lined Coat 250 gp 13 + Dex Modifier (Max 2) BR/2 6 lbs.
Multi-layer Vest 300 gp 14 + Dex Modifier (Max 2) BR/2 6 lbs.
Tactical Scout Armor 750 gp 15 + Dex Modifier (Max 2) Str 10 Advantage BR/2 8 lbs.
Heavy Armor
Tactical Combat Armor 500 gp 15 Str 12 Disadvantage BR/3 10 lbs.
Mizzium Plated Combat Armor 1,500 gp 16 Str 13 Disadvantage BR/3 25 lbs.
Aether Powered Armor 2,500 gp 17 Str 14 Disadvantage BR/4 & Str+2 40 lbs.

Armor Descriptions

D&D worlds are a vast tapestry made up of many different cultures, each with its own technology level. For this reason, adventurers have access to a variety of armor types, ranging from leather armor to chain mail to costly plate armor, with several other kinds of armor in between. The Armor table collects the most commonly available types of armor found in the game and separates them into three categories: light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor.

Light Armor

Made from supple and thin materials, light armor favors agile adventurers since it offers some protection without sacrificing mobility. If you wear light armor, you add your Dexterity modifier to the base number from your armor type to determine your Armor Class.

Padded Coat. This heavy coat consists of padded cloth that makes you quieter.

Leather Coat. This consists of leather that has been stiffened by being boiled in oil in high priority locations. The rest of the coat is made of softer and more flexible materials.

Chain-Mail Shirt. This under shirt consists of strong mizzium chain-links that are worn under clothes and provide concealed defense.

Plated Vest. This undercover vest consists of strong mizzium plates that are worn under clothes and provide concealed defense

Medium Armor

Medium armor offers more protection than light armor, but it also impairs movement more. If you wear medium armor, you add your Dexterity modifier, to a maximum of +2, to the base number from your armor type to determine your Armor class.

Mizzium Lined Coat. This coat is lined with mizzium woven fibers to protect the owner from harm.

Multi-layer Vest. Made from tough but flexible leathers, Mizzium, and other materials to to protect the owner.

Tactical Scout Armor. Hardened metals and fibers run across narrow vertical strips of metal riveted to a backing of camo patterned leather that is worn over normal clothing.

Heavy Armor

Of all the armor categories, heavy armor offers the best protection. These suits of armor cover the entire body and are designed to stop a wide range of attacks. Only proficient warriors can manage their weight and bulk. Heavy armor doesn't let you add your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class, but it also doesn't penalize you if your Dexterity modifier is negative. Firearms are not easily handled while encumbered by heavy armor imposing disadvantage on all attack roles while using heavy armor.

Tactical Combat Armor. Hardened metals and fibers run across the entirety of this armor to protect the owner by providing maximum protection.

Mizzium Plated Combat Armor. Metal plates are shaped, and interlocked throughout the entirety of this armor to cover the entire body.

Aether Powered Armor. The armor is made of various metals but has a large assembly of Aether apparatuses imbued inside the armor to strongly assist with movement and enhance user strength.

New Armor Properties

Ballistics is a subset of piercing damage. Anything that grants resistance to piercing also works against ballistics but not vice versa.

Ballistics Resistance. Armor with ballistics resistance have the designation BR followed by a number. When an enemy makes an attack with a firearm against you, your AC gets a bonus equal to your BR rating. For example, if you're wearing a Light Undercover Shirt, your base armor class is 11 + your Dexterity modifier. With a Dexterity modifier of 3, you have an Armor Class of 14. When you are attacked with a firearm, the shirts BR rating is 2 and gives you a +2 Armor Class bonus against that attack.

Chapter 6

Monsters & Vehicles

Ships & Vehicles

Over the past centuries of technological improvements, advancements have been made to mounted and vehicular travel. Vehicles such as the bicycle and hot air balloon are joined by cars, motorcycles, and airships - though some still prefer the traditional horse and buggy, either out of stubbornness or fear. Even with these new options available, one thing remains unchanged in travel: you still have to treat your "mount" right.

Travel Speed and Pace

Speeds of vehicles below are provided in feet per round, similar to movement speed on foot. Multiplying this speed by ten will give an equivalent speed in feet per minute. And, for the sake of convenience, dividing this speed by 10 will give a rough estimate of speed in miles per hour (mph) - which can then be used to determine how many miles the vehicle travels in a day.

Speed can be doubled to begin traveling at a fast pace, or halved to travel at a slow pace. Traveling at a fast pace incurs a -5 penalty on passive Wisdom (Perception) scores, causes active Wisdom (Perception) checks to be made at disadvantage, and has the potential to cause damage to your vehicle beyond normal wear and tear. Traveling at a slow pace, by contrast, allows the possibility of stealth, though significantly impacts your resource consumption, as getting to your destination takes twice as long.

Wind Speed

Some vehicles move through the air as easily as others do on land or water. These vehicles rely partially on the speed of the wind to determine their rate of travel. The DM can roll 2d10 to determine the current wind speed (in feet per round), and then roll a d8 to determine the direction:

d8 Direction
1 North
2 Northeast
3 East
4 Southeast
5 South
6 Southwest
7 West
8 Northwest

An air vehicle is moving with the wind as long as its direction of travel is either the same or one step away from the wind's direction (i.e. a vehicle traveling north is moving with the wind if the wind is moving north, northeast, or northwest). It is moving against the wind if it is more than
two steps away from the wind's direction.

An air vehicle moving against the wind has its travel
speed reduced by the wind speed, to a minimum of half of its normal speed. Similarly, an air vehicle moving with the wind will have its speed increased, to a maximum of 1.5 times its normal speed.

Land Vehicles
Item Cost Speed Capacity
Caravan 100 gp 30 ft. 500 lbs., including passengers
Carriage 100 gp 30 ft 4 passengers
Cart 15 gp 40 ft 300 lbs.
Monowheel 1,000 gp 60 ft 1 passenger
Small Car 750 gp 100 ft 4 passengers,
or 2 with cargo
Large Car 2,000 gp 200 ft 8 passengers,
or 6 with cargo
Clockwork Tank 100,000 gp 50 ft 6 crewmen
Steam Tank 7,200 gp 30 ft 8 crewmen
Steam Engine 10,000 gp 180 ft 300 passengers

Caravans, Carriages, and Carts. These simple vehicles are pulled by draft horses (or similar animals). A caravan is designed largely for holding a large amount of cargo, while a carriage is designed to comfortably house a number of passengers.

Cars and Tanks. These modern vehicles are fitted with engines consisting of heavy boilers and condensers. The power of the vehicle is intrinsically tied to the size of the boiler. A larger boiler is heavier, but produces more power.

The machinery of a steam-powered car is intricate and prone to damage at higher speeds, and the wheels and axles are not tuned for 'off-roading'. Cars travel at half speed when not traveling on an appropriate surface (i.e. pavement or tight-packed earth). Tanks do not suffer this penalty, as they run either on treads or on spiderlike clockwork legs and are better able to overcome difficult terrain.

Monowheel. This is a one-wheeled single-track vehicle similar to a unicycle. However, instead of sitting above the wheel as in a unicycle, the rider sits within it. Steering is accomplished by leaning within the moving vehicle, though this is difficult to do at speed or on difficult terrain.

Steam Engine. This vehicle is a train that runs on a very powerful steam engine, designed for passengers and their cargo. The size of its engine allows for a much higher theoretical speed, but since it runs on specially built rails, its speed is contingent on the quality of the wood and metal construction of these rails.

Air Vehicles
Item Cost Speed Size Properties Capacity
Standard Air Vehicles
Cargo Ship 30,000 gp 20 ft (flying) 50 ft x 260 ft 5,000 Tons
Carrier Ship 23,000 gp 15 ft (flying) 35 ft x 250 ft 1,700 Tons
Explorer's Ship 20,000 gp 25 ft (flying) 60 ft x 30 ft 500 Tons
Longship 16,000 gp 40 ft (flying) 35 ft x 150 ft 1,200 lbs
Personal Vessel 5,000 gp 30 ft (flying) 30 ft x 15 ft 300 lbs
Merchant Ship 12,000 gp 15 ft (flying) 25 ft x 50 ft 1,250 lbs
Skyboard 2,000 gp 40 ft (flying) 5 ft x 5 ft 1 passenger
Warship 30,000 gp 30 ft (flying) 25 ft x 80 ft 300 Tons
Sky Yacht 40,000 gp 25 ft (flying) 35 ft x 80 ft 1,500 lbs
Zeppelin 45,000 gp 15 ft (flying) 20 ft x 150 ft 1,000 Tons
Zeppelin, War 70,000 gp 20 ft (flying) 20 ft x 150 ft 800 Tons
Unique Air Vehicles
Aerial Screw 500 gp 25 ft (flying) 5 ft x 10 ft 300 lbs
Glider 150 gp 15 ft (glide only) 10 x 10 ft 300 lbs
Ornithopter 500 gp 30 ft (flying) 5 ft x 5 ft 1 passenger
Zephyr 50,000 gp 20 ft (flying) 10 x 70 ft 500 lbs

Propulsion Methods

  • Aether Engine. A unique blend of science and magic created this powerful engine. Arcane engines do not produce heat in the same way alchemical or steam engines do, and their fewer moving parts lead to fewer breakdowns, but maintenance requires the constant attention of a powerful artificer, and a midair collision between two vehicles running arcane engines is far more disastrous.
  • Aerium Engine. Powerful but high on fuel consumption, these engines burn a very precise blend of aerium to generate power. The fuel must be created by skilled crafters knowledgeable in the alchemical arts. Its production requires a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Alchemist's tools) check. On a failed check, the fuel is either completely nonvolatile or could cause the ship's engines to fail or even explode catastrophically.
  • Steam Engine. The most basic of all the engines, It is powered by two things - water and heat. Steam-powered vehicles typically require a full crew to power and steer, and their construction has many points of failure requiring skilled technicians to repair.


Large vehicle (10 ft. by 10 ft.)

  • Creature Capacity 1 crew, 1 passenger
  • Cargo Capacity 300 lbs.
  • Travel Pace 14 miles per hour (328 miles per day)

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 0 0 0

  • Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened,incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious


  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 50 (damage threshold 6)

Control: Helm

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 15

Move up to the speed of one of its movement components, with one 90-degree turn. If the helm is destroyed, the gyrocopter can't move or attack.

Movement: Propellers

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 30; -10 ft. speed per 10 damage taken
  • Locomotion (air) propellers, speed 30 ft.; this vehicle can hover in place


  • High Slots 1
  • Mid Slots 1
  • Low Slots 1


On its turn, the ornithopter can move using its helm. It can also fire any fitted weapon modules. If it has half its crew or fewer, it cannot move or use its modules.

Cargo Ship

Huge vehicle (15 ft. by 15 ft.)

  • Creature Capacity 2 crew, 6 passengers
  • Cargo Capacity 1 ton
  • Travel Pace 6 miles per hour (144 miles per day)

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 0 0 0

  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened,incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious


  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 120 (damage threshold 8)

Control: Helm

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 40

Move up to the speed of one of its movement components, with one 90-degree turn. If the helm is destroyed, the dirigible can't turn.

Movement: Air Balloon

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 30; -10 ft. speed per 10 damage taken
  • Locomotion (land) air balloon, speed 30 ft. If the balloon is destroyed, the dirigible immediately crashes.


  • High Slots 1
  • Mid Slots 1
  • Low Slots 2


On its turn, the cargo ship can move using its helm. It can also fire any fitted weapon modules. If it has half its crew or fewer, it cannot use its modules.


Mech's were first built by the Dwarves in the third age, but many other races and organizations have made their own since then. From the massive Mech-Titans, to the small but powerful Machine-Gods and everything in between. This section will go over these machines and how they can fit into your campaign.


For simplicity, follow these steps in order when a group of players acquires a mech or several in their party.

1. Find an Engineer

Every mech needs at least one engineer to service it and make Breakthroughs to advance its power. This is described in Part 3. This engineer could be the inventor of the mech, a party member who is obsessed with it, or a traveling artificer hired into service.

2. Pick the Modules

It is presumed that pilots will prefer to operate a custom mech. These customizations are available as modules, listed in Part 2 and all described in Part 4 of this document.

3. Select Mech Anima(s)

There are several variants of each mech's design focus, or "Anima", which will alter some of its features and provide a benefit unique to that mech which can't be selected by others.

4. Keep it running

A mech is a living project, and requires attention and funding to bring out its full potential. The engineer(s) will need to repair the mech and make Breakthroughs. The party will need to acquire plans, items, and hired help while piloting their grand machines.


The following abbreviations and terms are helpful in describing mech functions, and they appear frequently.

APL - Average Party Level

A calculation of overall party advancement, and used to determine when the Wright can gain another of their unique perks. Calculated by adding all of the party's player character levels together and dividing by the number of characters, rounding down.


Much of the customization of a mech is determined by its choice of modules, which detail the attacks and spells it has, and which useful buffs and passive traits are installed.

DT - Damage Threshold

If the damage dealt to a mech's hit points does not meet or exceed the Damage Threshold, it is ignored and has no effect. This is determined after all other defenses, such as damage reduction and resistance.

FB - Frame Bonus

This value rises with mech level and is used to calculate most aspects of mech performance, including Hit bonus, saving throw DCs, and damage dice count.


Synonymous with "Level", ranges from 1 to 10, providing the construct with new features and modules at each milestone.


A partition of the mech's hit points: each one is tracked separately by the pilot. A hull is intact unless it has 0 hit points. Damage and healing can't be shared between hulls.

Mental & Physical Ability Scores

Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma scores. May also be referenced as "mental score", "mental saving throw", etc. An onboard pilot or specific feature lends the mech these scores.

Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution scores. May also be referenced as "physical score", "physical saving throw", etc. These are the only ability scores a mech begins with or can alter for itself.


The character who normally drives and commands a mech. While mechs might hold more than one occupant, only one has the title and privileges of being its pilot. This status can be granted by attunement, the mech's conscious choice, an access key, knowledge that only this character has, or other options as guided by the Mech's Origin.

Normalized Dice

Players operating a mech may eventually be rolling large quantities of dice for damage. If they do not wish to do so, offer for them to take the averages of dice instead.

Round all final damage values down to the nearest integer.

Dice Normalized
1d4 2.5
1d6 3.5
1d8 4.5
Dice Normalized
1d10 5.5
1d12 6.5
1d20 10.5

Mech Combat

Marching as a giant between the cliffs of a mountain pass, the thunder of footfalls as armies scatter beneath. Taking flight while raining magefire from above, or charging headlong into the embrace of an impossible titan with weapons bared. Mech combat offers the chance to square up against gargantuan foes with earth-shaking results.

Changes to Combat

A number of changes have been made to mech combat to make it more intuitive and flexible for players.

Mech Size, Scale

Mechs have longer reach with their limbs than most creatures. "Melee Range" is counted as 20 feet away from a mech, for the purposes of opportunity attacks, touch abilities, grappling, being adjacent, and other comparable moments.

Mech Actions

A pilot in the cockpit may operate the mech by surrendering their corresponding action type.

Mech action Required pilot action
Weapon Modules Uses pilot's full Action
Active Modules Uses pilot's Bonus action or Reaction
Move the Mech Uses pilot's full Movement
Cockpit Action Specified in Mech stat block
Enter/Exit Cockpit Uses pilot's full Action

Disabled Modules

The mech divides its customization options into modules, and a modulel can be disabled for a number of reasons, most commonly when it takes severe damage.

Moving and Being Moved

All mechs are hefty by weight and can leverage great power behind their limbs. When a mech shoves, pushes, drags, or lifts something, the distance (or weight) is doubled.

When a mech is made to move against its will, the distance it travels is halved (rounding down to the nearest 5 feet).

Recharge Abilities

The notation “(Recharge X–Y)” means the Pilots can use the ability once and that the ability then has a random chance of recharging. Until the ability recharges it can't be used.

At the beginning of each mech's turn in combat, roll a d6 for each ability currently recharging. If the roll on a dice is one of the numbers in the notation for a given ability, that mech regains the use of the ability. The ability also recharges when the Pilots finish a short or long rest.

For example, “Recharge 4–6” means a pilot in the mech can use the special ability once. Then, at the start of the following round, the mech regains the use of that ability if it rolls a 4, 5, or 6 on its d6.

Ability Scores

A mech uses its own physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) plus its Frame Bonus any time an attack, ability, spell, or other effect directly references them. This is also how it calculates hit or damage modifiers.

Conversely, a mech has no mind of its own unless a feature provides it with one, and so it uses the highest mental statistic from an onboard pilot to make Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

Frame Bonus

There are many cases where the mech's Frame Bonus (equivalent to its level) will be referenced in attacks, healing abilities, or areas of effect. The notation "[FB+2]d12+5 slashing damage" would indicate that the mech deals 3d12+5 (or 24) slashing damage with the ability at Grade I, but that damage increases to 12d12+5 (or 83) by Grade X.

Temporary Hit Points

Temporary hit points that jmech gain will benefit from its damage threshold, and are reduced before any hull hit points. mech can only gain temporary hit points from their features. These hit points are lost after a rest and they never stack - if a mech already has temporary hit points when it gains more, it must choose which of the two to keep.

Being Targeted

Pilots sealed in the mech's cockpit are automatically made the target of any non-damaging hostile spell or ability which requires a mental saving throw. Any other spell, attack, or ability (such as the Sleep or Fireball spells) must target the mech itself and can't include onboard pilots in their effect.

If a non-damaging ability or spell references a mental score (such as the Command spell) but the mech has no mind of its own and no onboard pilot, then the ability or spell has no effect.

However, if an ability or spell is damaging and requires a mental saving throw (such as the Vicious Mockery spell), the mech automatically fails the save.

Severe Damage

Follow the instructions here to determine the extent of severe damage to the jovian.

  • Hull Breach: If a hull is dropped to 0 hit points, roll once for Severe Damage.

  • Critical Hit: If the jovian suffers a critical hit, it makes a concentration check against the final damage received. On a failed save, roll once for Severe Damage.

  • Critical Breach: If a hull was brought to 0 hit points by a critical hit, roll once for Severe Damage on a successful concentration check, and roll twice for Severe Damage on a failed concentration check.

Primer on Concentration Checks

Concentration checks are special Constitution saving throws normally made to maintain focus on a spell when the caster receives damage, but are used here to determine the jovian's hull integrity against critical hits.

The Save DC of any concentration check is 10 or half of the triggering damage (rounded down), whichever is higher.

Rolling for Severe Damage

A 1d4 is rolled each time the jovian takes Severe Damage. When this happens, a category of crystals will be randomly chosen based on the table below.

1d4 Damage
1 Weapon crystal
2 Passive crystal
3 Active crystal
4 Cockpit

Disabled Crystals

On a Severe Damage roll of 1, 2, or 3, the pilot or party who owns the affected jovian chooses one of the online installed crystals in the corresponding category and disables it.

If the pilot/party and DM are in agreement, then the DM makes this choice for them or rolls for the damaged crystal randomly.

If there are no more online crystals in the rolled category to disable, the jovian takes 1d6-1 damage to the outermost intact hull, instead - this damage bypasses its DT, and might result in further Severe Damage.

Injured Pilots

On a Severe Damage roll of 4, a cockpit malfunction deals 1d6-1 unresistable damage to each of the jovian's occupants, plus an additional 1d6-1 per crystal that is currently disabled.

If there are no occupants in the jovian, it takes 1d6-1 damage to the outermost intact hull, instead - this damage bypasses its DT, and might result in further Severe Damage.


Wrights are capable of performing maintenance on the jovian. All installed crystals must be restored to Online and all hulls must be repaired to full hit points before a Wright can make a Breakthrough attempt to improve the jovian's grade.

Broken Hulls

Since a jovian can't easily self-repair Hulls, it is mainly up to Wrights to restore the war machine to full function. For every 2 hull hit points being repaired, a Wright requires 1 gold and 1 minute of maintenance downtime. This is cumulative with the cost of repairing Disabled crystals, and can be done during the same session.


Wrights can repair one of a jovian's Hulls for free, though they still must spend the time in maintenance. A jovian can only benefit from this once per day.

Disabled Crystals

Wrights can restore Disabled crystals as a special repair session. For every Disabled crystal being brought back into function, it costs 50 gold in materials and 1 hour of downtime. This procedure does not restore any hit points to the jovian's hulls. This information is summarized below in the Jovian Items section.


Dormant is a state where the jovian can't move or take actions, and none of its crystals function. It is only aware of the inside of the cockpit. The jovian might collapse to prone or stand immobile, depending on the situation - Modifications and innate features remain functional while Dormant.

Several things can lead to the dormant state.

  • The jovian loses all of its Hull hit points to damage
  • The jovian uses an ability that causes it to go Dormant
  • The jovian lacks autonomy and the pilot is absent, unconscious, or dead
  • The cockpit is destroyed, ejected, or deprived of a custom power source


If the jovian is at 0 hit points and then takes its full count of hit points in damage during this Dormant state, it is destroyed. Under such conditions, the DM may rule that the wreckage can be salvaged for some of its crystals, some valuable components needed to increase its grade, its Cockpit, or other items that would support an effort to rebuild the jovian.

Jovian Items


The Breakthrough DCs for the current grade are lowered by 3 if a Wright reads this rare or coveted document. More rare or sophisticated blueprints may offer higher bonuses. Multiple blueprints do not stack benefits.

Grant Funding

The pilots have garnered the favor of a politician, tycoon, or some other benefactor who is interested in the jovians' continued development, helping to cover some expenses. Until a jovian increases its grade, the gold costs for Breakthrough Attempts are halved.

Restore Hulls

A Wright can repair a jovian during maintenance, including to repair a Hull from 0 hit points. For every 2 hit points being restored, it costs 1 gold in materials and 1 minute of focused downtime where the Wright is in physical contact with the jovian. All maintenance times and costs are cumulative.

Restore Crystals

Wrights can fix crystals disabled by severe damage during maintenance, returning them to operation. It takes 1 hour and 50 gold worth of materials to fix each disabled crystal. All maintenance times and costs are cumulative.

Upgraded Cockpit

A Wright must spend a short rest and 50 gold to add each upgrade. A cockpit may have as many upgrades as equals half the jovian's Frame Bonus (rounding up).

Comfy Seats

Long rests take 4 hours and Short rests take 30 minutes for occupants in the jovian.

Cup Holder

A container placed here will never spill, nor will its liquid spoil or change temperature.

Fast Hatch

Entering or exiting requires the pilot's choice of half their Speed, Bonus action, or Action.

Goodberry Planter

This spunky plant grows a handful of morsels each day as if by the Goodberry spell.


Touch this to restore up to a level 5 spell slot at the cost of 1 level of exhaustion.


A Medium-sized companion may stay in the cockpit and get the same benefits as the pilot.


The jovian ignores anyone that its pilot has not given full cockpit permissions to.


Occupants take only half of the damage from any Severe Damage the jovian receives.

Weapon Rack

Up to 3 weapons, tools, or items can be stored here, ready to be used with a reaction.

Weapon Modules

Weapon crystals often have conditional effects that can improve their lethality. While activating a Weapon crystal takes an Action, the jovian may sometimes be allowed the chance to activate more than one at a time.

Arctic Breath

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Strength Modifier

Creatures in a 40 ft cone must make a Constitution saving throw or take [3FB+1]d6 cold damage and become affected by the Slow spell until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage and is not slowed.

Artemis Bow

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = FB + Dexterity Modifier

Ranged Weapon Attack: range 600/2400 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d12 piercing damage.

The 10-foot long projectile from this weapon will penetrate through 10 feet of nonmagical material including other creatures, without losing damage or velocity, allowing it to breach castle walls or bunkers.

Blackiron Arbalest

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = FB + Strength Modifier

The jovian picks a point that it can see within 360 feet, and fires a huge harpoon at the point. Creatures along the flight path must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the projectile veers slightly toward them as if it were a magic missile, and they become impaled and carried along with it as it continues its flight. Up to 5 creatures can be impaled this way.

When a creature is impaled they suffer [2FB]d10 piercing damage. The harpoon imbeds itself in the ground at the point the jovian chose or otherwise into the first surface it encounters. Targets impaled on the harpoon are restrained there, and must succeed a Strength saving throw to escape. When they do, they suffer [FB]d10 slashing damage from heavy bleeding.

Blastback Cannon

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Ranged Weapon Attack: range 240/1200 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d6 thunder damage.

If the target is within this attack's Long range when struck, they are knocked Prone. Additionally, if the target is within this attack's Normal range when struck, they are also shoved away from the jovian until they are 240 feet away from the jovian or until they encounter an obstacle - the travel is treated as a fall for the purposes of additional damage when they land against a surface.

After the attack is made, hit or miss, the jovian is shoved 40 feet away from the target.

Cable Launcher

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Save DC = FB + Dexterity Modifier

Uncoil and send out adamantine cords to a creature, object, or structure up to 180 feet away: a target must make a Strength saving throw. Targets take [2FB+1]d8 bludgeoning damage and are restrained on a failed save, or take half as much damage and are not restrained on a successful save.

If the target is restrained, or is an object or structure, the distance between the jovian and the target may not increase until the jovian uses this crystal again to release the cable.

Destruction Knuckles

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Attack = FB + Strength Modifier

Melee Spell Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [FB]d8 bludgeoning damage and [2FB+1]d8 fire damage.

If the hit connects, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target's hit point maximum reduces by the fire damage it took from the crystal.

Energy Sword

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Choose one of the two effects below for this Weapon crystal.

Crosscut: Melee Spell Attack: reach 20 ft., one target, two attacks. Hit: [2FB+1]d8 radiant damage.

Lunge: Melee Spell Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d8 radiant damage. As part of this attack, the jovian can jump up to 60 feet in a straight line, ignoring difficult terrain and gaps or pits that are along its path of travel.

Eldritch Gaze

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Stare down a target within 450 feet and force them to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, they take [3FB+2]d10 psychic damage and the jovian learns one of these four things about the target: A damage vulnerability, a condition immunity, a damage resistance, or a damage immunity.

The DM decides which pieces of information the Eldritch Gaze reveals, but they must reveal something from that list, declaring there is nothing to learn if such is the case. On a successful save, the target takes half of the damage and does not reveal any weaknesses.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Creatures within a 10 by 60 ft line originating from the jovian must make a Wisdom saving throw as a torrent of elemental energy launches forth from the jovian. Choose one of the effects below for this Weapon crystal. A target takes the full damage and is subjected to the effect's condition on a failed save, and it takes half damage and does not suffer the condition on a successful save.

Scorch: A target is dealt [4FB]d8 fire damage and becomes frightened of the jovian until the end of its next turn.

Freeze: A target is dealt [2FB+2]d6 cold damage and can only use either an Action, or its Bonus action and movement, until the end of its next turn.

Numb: A target is dealt [3FB+1]d6 lightning damage and can't use its reaction until the end of their next turn.

Toxify: A target is dealt [2FB+2]d8 necrotic damage and is then afflicted with the Poisoned condition until the end of their next turn.

Gaze of Eons

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Strength Modifier

The jovian glances about the battlefield, briefly tearing open the primordial void as it does. It creates 4 lines with dimensions 5 ft by 20 ft, in any orientation desired, so long as the furthest point of any line is no more than 180 ft from the jovian. Creatures touching or within a line must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, targets take [FB]d10 lightning and [FBd10] necrotic damage. They take half as much damage on a successful save.

Gelatin Throw

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Fling either a Black Pudding (MM p.241) or a Gelatinous Cube (MM p.242) at a surface or unoccupied space within 180 feet. Any creature beneath or within 10 feet to where the Ooze lands must make a Strength saving throw or become Restrained and take [2FB]d10 acid damage. The Ooze takes its turn on Initiative Count 10 and acts in accordance with its nature. At the start of the jovian's next turn or when the Ooze dies, the Ooze explodes in a shower of hardening slime. Each creature within 20 feet of the Cube when it explodes is paralyzed in place as their limbs become immobile, and they take [FB+3]d10 acid damage.

Creatures remain paralyzed until they take any combination of 30 fire, cold, or thunder damage to shatter the hardened slime.

Grand Saber

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Dexterity Modifier

Each creature within a 10 by 60 ft line or within a 40 ft cone (your choice) that originates from the jovian must make a Dexterity saving throw. Targets take [2FB+1]d10 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save.

Halberd of the Gate

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 40 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d12 slashing damage.

Targets struck by this attack must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + FB + Strength or Dexterity modifier). On a failed save, a target's speed falls to 0 and it loses its reaction until the end of its next turn.

Impact Punch

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d8 bludgeoning damage.

A target damaged by this attack must succeed a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + FB + Strength or Dexterity modifier). On a failed save, the target takes [FB]d12 force damage and is shoved back a number of feet equal to the jovian's Strength modifier multiplied by 5.

Impulse Staff

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = FB + Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 40 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d10 bludgeoning damage.

If the jovian has advantage on attack rolls when it uses this Weapon crystal, it may forgo the advantage for that roll to make an additional Impulse Staff attack against the target as part of the same action. This can be done only once each time Impulse Staff is used.

Jettison Hammer

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Strength Modifier

Target a 20 ft cube which is no more than 10 feet away from the jovian. Creatures inside the cube must make a Constitution saving throw as the hammer is brought down with a gale of force. On a failed save, targets are pushed away from the jovian by 60 feet and they take [2FB+2]d12 thunder damage. If a target fails its saving throw by 5 or more, it is also knocked prone. If a target fails its saving throw by 10 or more, the damage it receives from this ability is doubled and it becomes stunned until it receives further damage or it receives magical healing.

Jousting Lance

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = FB + Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 60 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d8 piercing damage.

As part of using this crystal, the jovian can expend any amount of its speed to move in a straight line towards a creature before the attack, dealing [2FB] extra damage for every 20 feet traveled.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Attack = FB + Strength Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d12 slashing damage.

If the target has more than half of its hit points, add 3d12 radiant damage to each swing.

Magic Missile Repeater

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Create [FB+2] glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of the jovian's choice that it can see within 240 feet. A dart deals 1d4+FB force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously and can be directed to hit one creature or several.

Meteor Rain

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Strength Modifier

Conjured flaming stones plummet to the ground from four different skyward points the jovian can see within range. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered below each point the jovian chooses must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature that does not have line of sight to the point of origin above it is unaffected. A target takes [FB]d4 fire damage and [FB]d4 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The areas can saturate, stacking damage if the spheres overlap.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Attack = FB + Strength Modifier

Ranged Weapon Attack: range 240/600 ft., three targets. Hit: [FB+2]d6 piercing damage.

Each projectile splinters inside the target it hits. Creatures within 5 feet of a target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + FB + Strength modifier), suffering the same damage as the primary target on a failed save and half of that damage on a successful save.

Rending Axe

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d12 slashing damage.

A target struck by this attack suffers a penalty of -2 AC. This effect stacks intensity and remains until the target or another creature uses their action to restore the target's defenses, clearing the penalty.

Shard Burst

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Dexterity Modifier

A canister is launched to a point the jovian chooses within 60 feet that explodes into a hail of magic shrapnel. Each creature in a 15-foot radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes [3FB+1]d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Storm Palm

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Save DC = 8 + FB + Dexterity Modifier

Create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of the jovian's choice that it can see within 90 feet. [FB+2] bolts then leap from that target to as many as [FB+2] other targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts.

A target must make a Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 4d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Thunder Discus

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = 8 + FB + Dexterity Modifier

Choose one of the following uses for this attack.

Melee Spell Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [3FB+1]d10 thunder damage. If this attack hits, you may repeat it once against the same target.

Ranged Spell Attack range 80/360 ft., three targets. Hit [2FB]d10 thunder damage. Targets are struck one at a time beginning with those closest to the jovian. This attack can hit creatures that the jovian can't see, as long as the Discus can fly in a straight line between the targets.

Both versions of this attack emit a booming sound with every hit, audible up to 300 feet away.

Variable Focus

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Choose one of the following effects for this Weapon crystal.

Spray: Ranged Spell Attack: range 120 ft., three targets, one attack each. Hit: [2FB+1]d10 cold damage.

Burst: Ranged Spell Attack: range 360 ft., one target, two attacks. Hit: [2FB+2]d8 cold damage.

Bolt: Ranged Spell Attack: range 1200 ft., one target, one attack. Hit: [2FB+3]d6 cold damage.

Volcanic Javelin

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = FB + Dexterity Modifier

Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: reach 20 ft. or range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: [3FB+2]d8 piercing damage in melee or [2FB+2]d8 piercing damage at range.

Once the Volcanic Javelin has impaled a creature or a surface, the spearhead explodes. Creatures within 10 feet of the target or impact point must make a Dexterity saving throw. They ignite on a failed save, taking [2+FB]d6 fire damage at the start of each of their turns until they or another creature uses an Action to extinguish the flames. A creature impaled by Volcanic Javelin automatically fails its save against the explosion effect.

Passive Crystals

Passive crystals offer the jovian benefits that can be conditional, always present, or which otherwise augment another function such as attacks or resistances.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian can conjure this shield to gain three-quarters cover from a direction of its choice at the end of any turn where it moved less than half of its speed. The Aegis lasts until the start of the jovian's next turn.

Agility Roll

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian may Dash for free when it succeeds on a saving throw.

Armor Mesh

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian gains resistance to one damage type of its choice, immunity to one damage type of its choice, and proficiency in Strength saving throws.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

When the jovian is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian and its onboard Pilot have advantage on Initiative Rolls, and can't be surprised.

Big Punch

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Any hit the jovian scores with Unarmed Strike after moving at least its full speed on a turn will become a critical hit.

Compound Knees

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian becomes immune to fall damage and has advantage on saves against being knocked prone.

Cushioned Plates

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases its DT by its Constitution modifier.

Deft Movement

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian is unaffected by difficult terrain, and it has advantage on any save to resist being moved against its will, or to avoid or escape the Restrained condition.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Critical hits by the jovian disregard any damage resistance they encounter.

Enchanted Rivets

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases its AC and DT by 2 each.

Eyes of the Watcher

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian gains Blindsight out to 300 feet, and it provides the same benefit to its pilot while they are in the cockpit.

Glide Canards

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian gains hovering, and a swim speed equal to double its base speed.

Heightened Reflexes

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

If a creature makes an attack against the jovian that has advantage, cancel that advantage and force the attack to be made normally. This can only be done once on each creature's turn.

Mental Shielding

Prerequisite: Any Jovian

Onboard pilots add the jovian's FB to their mental saving throws. The jovian gains immunity to the Charmed condition.

Peregrine Knee

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian may deliver an Unarmed Strike for free at the end of any of its turns where it moved less than half of its speed.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian scores critical hits on attack rolls of 19 or 20.

Quad Arms

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

When the jovian makes a melee attack, it halves the number of damage dice (rounding up) but doubles the number of attacks made.

Rebound Scales

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian gains temporary hit points equal to its Frame Bonus at the start of each of its turns.

Reflexive Barrier

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

When a Hull is reduced to 0 hit points, the jovian gains [DT+FB] temporary hit points.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

When the jovian makes a ranged attack or casts a ranged spell with a crystal, it halves the number of damage dice (rounding up) but doubles the number of attacks made.

Severe Criticals

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

When the jovian scores a critical hit, it rolls triple the number of damage dice, instead of double.

Steadied Aim

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian doubles the normal and long ranges on its ranged Weapon crystal attacks. Spells (including line spells) also reach twice as far.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Whenever the jovian succeeds on a melee attack roll by 5 or more, it can choose to push the target 30 feet, knock it prone, or grapple it.

Wind Barrier

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

If the jovian moves at least twice its base speed on this turn, it gains [2FB+2]d4 temporary hit points until the start of its next turn.

Active crystals

Active crystals represent short-term buffs, utilities, or defenses. Some can also deal bursts of damage, or are able to be used with a Reaction instead of a Bonus action.

Aggressive Retreat

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian makes one Unarmed Strike against each hostile target adjacent to it and then Disengages.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Use this crystal as a Reaction to target a creature within 300 ft that has begun to cast a spell. The creature is affected by Counterspell, whose spell level equals 5 + half of FB (rounding up). A target interrupted by this receives force damage equal to the jovian's Spell Save DC.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian's base speed increases by 60 feet until it fails to deal damage to a hostile creature on its turn.

Chest Beam

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Open a small eye-like aperture on the jovian which evokes a thin beam of energy. Creatures within a 5x100 ft must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, targets take [2FB+2]d12 fire damage and lower their hit point maximum by the damage they took. On a successful save, targets are unharmed.

Defensive Shell

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian conjures temporary hit points onto itself equal to its Constitution score + its FB.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

This crystal can be used as a reaction to target a creature within 90 ft of the jovian and force it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save target's reduces its damage by [2FB] every time it rolls for damage until the end of the jovian's next turn.

Deposing Grasp

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Attempt to grapple a target larger than Medium: on a success, the target is held overhead and restrained, during which time the only Action the jovian may perform is to Swing the creature or set the creature down.

Swing: Each creature in a cube originating from the jovian must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes full damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Objects and structures in the cube as well as the grappled creature always takes the full damage of this ability.

Refer to the table below for the size of the cube and the amount of damage dealt.

Size Cube Damage
Large 10 ft x 10 ft [FB+1]d8 bludgeoning
Huge 15 ft x 15 ft [2FB+2]d10 bludgeoning
Gargantuan 20 ft x 20 ft [3FB+3]d12 bludgeoning

Dual Weapons

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

When the jovian uses a Weapon crystal to make a melee attack this turn, double the number of attacks made with that crystal.

Elemental Aspects

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Until the jovian receives Maintenance, its pilot takes a rest, or this ability is used again, the jovian can choose between Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Radiant damage. All of the jovian's attacks and spells deal +FB of the chosen damage type.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Until the end of the jovian's next turn, when creatures of its choice within 60 feet heal, repair, or gain temporary hit points, they gain additional temporary hit points equal to the jovian's AC.

Flare Blast

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Each creature in a 30-foot radius centered on a point the jovian chooses within 240 feet must make a Constitution saving throw as a brilliant mote of light blooms. On a failed save, targets are affected by the Confusion spell until they receive damage. On a successful save, targets are Blinded until the end of their next turns.

Flying Fist

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Briefly detach the jovian's arms at each elbow and send them at a target, performing the next melee attack with an extra 100 feet of reach. If the attack hits, it is a critical hit.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian gains 1 Weapon crystal use on each of its turns. This lasts until it fails to damage a creature on its turn or until combat ends.

Guarded Assault

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian deals half damage with the next Weapon crystal it uses until the start of its next turn. It gains temporary hit points equal to the damage it dealt with the weakened Weapon crystal.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The next Weapon crystal used by the jovian before the end of its next turn will deal maximum damage.

Kerberos Chains

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Create a chain of shadows that is thrown at a creature up to 300 feet away: a target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target is paralyzed and takes [2FB+3]d10 psychic damage on a failed save, or takes half as much damage and is not paralyzed on a successful save.

A target paralyzed by Kerberos Chains can be yanked toward the jovian a distance equal to 50 feet multiplied by the how many size categories smaller it is than the jovian (example, Huge is 1 size smaller, but Large is 2). Doing so ends the paralyzed condition.

Magic Missile Pod

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Create [3FB] glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of the jovian's choice that it can see within 240 feet. A dart deals 1d4+FB force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously and can be directed to hit one creature or several.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Use this crystal as a reaction if a hostile creature within 240 feet attempts to cast a spell. The jovian may use Counterspell against the target, with a spell slot equal to 4 plus half of the FB.

Perfect Defense

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Use this crystal as a reaction when an enemy hits the jovian using an attack made at disadvantage. Ignore the triggering attack.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian gains one of the following benefits until it uses this crystal again, until it falls Dormant, until it receives Maintenance, or until its pilot takes a rest.

Bolster: The jovian gains resistance to one damage type and immunity to one condition of its choice.

Buffer: The jovian gains immunity to one damage type of its choice.

Rhino Charge

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian targets a creature within 50 feet and charges straight at them. The jovian makes a powerful uppercut against the target, who must make a Dexterity saving throw to dodge the strike. On a failed save, the jovian deals bludgeoning damage to the target equal to the number of feet it traveled as part of this ability to reach the target. The target is then shoved back an equal number of feet as the jovian just traveled, and falls prone.

Seeking Pulses

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Until combat ends, the jovian knows the terrain layout and the exact location of any creature within 60 feet of it.

Summoning Curse

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian targets a creature it can see within 240 feet and forces them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target is teleported to an unoccupied spot of the jovian's choosing within 40 feet.

Titan's Leap

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian can move at least 40 feet straight along the ground and then continue its travel in an incredible long jump, clearing a horizontal distance in feet equal to [FB+5] times its Strength or Dexterity score.

Alternatively, the jovian can move at least 40 feet straight along the ground and then continue its travel in a skyward high jump, rising vertically a number of feet equal to [FB+1] times its Strength or Dexterity modifier.

If the jovian does not move 40 feet before either type of jump, it can only leap half the calculated distance. After the jovian lands, creatures within 40 feet of it are knocked prone and structures in that range take [3FB] bludgeoning damage.

Vision of Doom

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian can target a creature within 240 feet and declare one damage immunity or damage resistance: if the target has the named immunity or resistance, it is suppressed until the start of the jovian's next turn.

Wary Stance

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian Dodges, and increases its AC by 5 until it receives any damage. Repeated uses of this crystal do not stack AC increases.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian can force Runic Wards to recharge without rolling the recharge dice.



Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The Equilibrium ability is now (Recharge 3-6).


Prerequisite: Warden Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

Any ranged attack or line spell that is blocked by the Rampart can be redirected to a target of the jovian's choosing, as if the jovian used the redirected ability. The Rampart must be partially or fully covering the jovian from the new target.


Prerequisite: Vanquisher Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

Each rank in Breaker also increases the jovian's damage modifier by +2, and each rank in Bunker also increases the jovian's Damage Threshold by +2.

Battle Standards

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian is draped in symbolic barding and flags which bear sigils of power and resolve. When pilots or their allies are within 120 feet of the jovian and can see it, they have advantage on Wisdom, Charisma, and Death saving throws, as well as advantage on the first attack roll they make each turn.

Board of Hovering

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian can use half of its speed to summon and ride atop a huge board which hovers a minimum of 10 feet from the ground. While on the Board, the jovian can travel double its full speed for free, but only horizontally in a straight line. The Board can be dismissed as a Free action.


Prerequisite: Reaver Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

While in Tyrant Mode, the jovian gains an additional Weapon crystal use on its turn.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian gains a fifth Hull, but its speed reduces by 10 feet.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The Runic Wards ability is now (Recharge 3-6).

Cradling Shadows

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

Any damage the jovian suffers during Fade Cloak is delayed until the ability ends. While Fade Cloak is active, any repairs to the jovian's Hull hit points are doubled.


Prerequisite: Reaver Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

While in Tyrant Mode, if the jovian rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack, treat it as a 20.

Dramatic Entrance

Prerequisite: Vanguard Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

When Fade Cloak ends, the jovian can use one Weapon crystal for each creature up to 3 within 40 feet of it, for free.

Dual Fractals

Prerequisite: Paragon Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian gains a second Fractal to use, which has all the benefits and flexibility of the first one.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The Fade Cloak ability is now (Recharge 3-6).

Escape Artist

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

When the jovian takes the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge actions, it may immediately roll Fade Cloak's recharge dice and use the ability if the recharge succeeds.

Icarus Wings

Prerequisite: Nemesis Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian gains flying equal to its maximum speed. The jovian's DT is suppressed while it is airborne, becoming 0.

Mana Recapture

Prerequisite: Paragon Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

Each time one of the jovian's crystals becomes Disabled due to severe damage, the jovian gains [5FB] temporary hit points until the end of its next turn. When these temporary hit points are lost or replaced, the jovian regains 1 expended Active crystal use.

Olympian Reach

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian grants the Thrown property to all of its melee Weapon crystals that require an attack roll. The range on the thrown versions becomes 80/240 ft.


Prerequisite: Warden Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian can choose to destroy its Rampart as a reaction in order to allow creatures of its choice within 60 feet, except itself, to ignore the next attack or spell that would damage them. This lasts until the jovian's Rampart reforms on its next turn.

Preservation Unit

Prerequisite: Any Jovian

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

When this Unit is installed, the pilot may choose one of the following 3 options intended to safeguard their own life. It takes 50 gold and an hour of maintenance to change the selection.

Emergency Teleport. A pilot in the cockpit can use their reaction to cast Dimension Door, with the alteration that this effect can transport all occupants of the cockpit along with the pilot.

Revival Vat. The pilot can deposit a parcel of their flesh into a special container embedded inside the cockpit that slowly grows a new body for them, as if by the Clone spell.

Stasis Field. Creatures are affected by the Sequester spell while inside the cockpit and resting or unconscious. Occupants can wake under preset conditions chosen by the pilot.

River To My People

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian can choose to redirect any healing, repairs, or temporary hit points meant for itself onto a creature of its choice that is in the cockpit or that it can touch within 20 feet.


Prerequisite: Vanquisher Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian gains a rank each in Breaker and Bunker when initiative is rolled.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

While the jovian benefits from Runic Wards, it may use all of its installed crystals as if they were Online, regardless of whether or not they are Disabled.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian can forgo the Advantage it has on any roll in order to gain temporary hit points equal to its Damage Threshold.


Prerequisite: Vanguard Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The first time the jovian damages a hostile target on its turn, it repairs an intact Hull by [FB] hit points.

Willful Construct

Prerequisite: Any Jovian

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian can take its turn without any Pilot intervention, but it can't use Fade Cloak, nor does it benefit from its pilot's Proficiency Bonus while acting on its own. If the jovian's pilot does not give it instructions, it will defend its Pilot and then otherwise defend itself.

Wrath to Spare

Prerequisite: Nemesis Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian may designate up to two targets at a time to be Sentenced.