Soulbound Kingdoms of Men: Drakaina

by Darkseid13

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Soulbound: The Xhotchli Empire

What is the Kingdoms of Men Project?

The Kingdom of Men project is my passion project, helping to diversify the human kingdoms of the Mortal Realms, and bring back some iconic archetypes and themes from the Old World, in the New. Each book includes lore, new Archetypes and Species, new Talents, new Miracles and Spells. Bascially, these are mini-splat books!

Xhotchli: An Empire Hidden

In the Realm of Beasts, a land teeming with untamed wilderness and savage creatures, there existed a fierce and enigmatic nation of warrior women. These noble warriors were inspired by the ancient Seraphon civilization but had forged their own unique culture and traditions over time. They call themselves the Xhotchli, in honor of their revered panther goddess, Xhotchl, who ruled over death and guided their destiny.

The history of the Xhotchli began long ago when a group of skilled human warriors ventured into the wilds of the Realm of Beasts. They sought to conquer the unforgiving lands and carve out a sanctuary for their people. As they delved deeper into the untamed forests and mountains, they encountered dangerous predators and mythical beasts that tested their strength and resilience. It was during this arduous journey that they discovered a hidden temple dedicated to the mysterious panther goddess, Xhotchl.

The Xhotchli warriors found themselves drawn to the temple, sensing a powerful connection to the panther goddess. They were mesmerized by the tales of her strength, grace, and her ability to command the spirits of the wild. Guided by visions and divine whispers, they decided to settle in this sacred land, establishing their nation within the very heart of the Realm of Beasts.

Embracing their newfound faith, the Xhotchli forged a symbiotic relationship with the untamed nature surrounding them. They became one with the wilderness, learning its secrets and unlocking primal energies that flowed through their veins. The warrior women devoted themselves to mastering both the art of war and the ancient rituals of their goddess. They trained relentlessly, honing their combat skills to perfection and embracing a harmonious balance between martial prowess and spiritual enlightenment.

Under the leadership of their chosen champions, known as the Claw-Matriarchs, the Xhotchli defended their realm from encroaching threats. They waged war against the savage beasts that prowled their lands, slaying monstrous creatures with unrivaled ferocity. Legends spread far and wide of their might, and their reputation as fearsome warriors grew.

Over the centuries, the Xhotchli developed a rich tapestry of traditions and rituals, blending elements of Ghurish culture with their own unique beliefs. They celebrated the changing of seasons with grand ceremonies, offering sacrifices to Xhotchl to ensure bountiful hunts and protection against their enemies. They adorned themselves with intricate tattoos and vibrant feathered regalia, signifying their rank and devotion to their panther goddess.

As the Realm of Beasts continued to test their mettle, the Xhotchli proved their indomitable spirit and unyielding resolve. They established prosperous settlements, with towering pyramids dedicated to Xhotchl serving as the epicenters of their society. Their cities became beacons of strength and enlightenment, drawing wanderers and scholars who sought to witness the glory of the warrior women and learn from their wisdom.

The Xhotchli's reverence for their panther goddess and their unwavering commitment to the protection of their lands and people have shaped them into a formidable force within the Realm of Beasts. As they stand united under the banner of Xhotchl, the warrior women continue to thrive, leaving an indelible mark on history and embodying the eternal power of their fierce goddess.

The Age of Chaos

During the tumultuous Age of Chaos, when the forces of darkness threatened to consume all of the Mortal Realms, the Xhotchli faced their greatest test. The realms were plunged into an era of unrelenting warfare, as the forces of Chaos sought to subjugate or obliterate any civilization in their path.

The Xhotchli, fiercely protective of their lands and the teachings of their panther goddess, refused to yield to the encroaching Chaos armies. Recognizing the dire threat, the Claw-Matriarchs rallied their people and devised a strategy to withstand the storm that approached their realm.

The warrior women fortified their cities, erecting powerful barriers and intricate defensive structures. These defenses were not mere physical fortifications but were infused with the ancient magic passed down by Xhotchl herself. The panther goddess granted her chosen warriors the ability to harness the raw essence of the wild, empowering their defenses with untamed energy.

In the face of overwhelming odds, the Xhotchli unleashed their martial prowess, leading swift and decisive strikes against the forces of Chaos. Their warriors fought with unrivaled ferocity, employing tactics that blended their knowledge of the wilderness with the disciplined strategies of war. Their mastery of guerrilla warfare and hit-and-run tactics disrupted the chaos forces, making them pay a heavy price for every inch of ground they sought to claim.

Yet, the Xhotchli's resilience did not merely lie in their physical strength and combat skills. Their spiritual connection to Xhotchl played a vital role in their survival. The panther goddess watched over her chosen warriors, guiding them through the darkest hours of the Age of Chaos. The Claw-Matriarchs and their priests communed with Xhotchl, receiving visions and prophecies that revealed vital information about the enemy's plans and weaknesses. Through their unwavering faith and the blessings of their goddess, the Xhotchli found hope and determination amidst the chaos.

Though they suffered great losses and faced unimaginable hardships, the Xhotchli endured. Their cities stood defiant, their warriors never faltered, and their alliance held firm. They weathered the Age of Chaos, emerging scarred but victorious, as symbols of resilience and unwavering devotion.

In the aftermath of the Age of Chaos, the Xhotchli emerged as a beacon of hope for those who sought to rebuild and restore order in the Mortal Realms. Their survival was a testament to the indomitable spirit of their people and the unwavering power of Xhotchl, the panther goddess who had guided them through the darkest of times. United in their purpose and driven by their shared history, the Xhotchli continued to flourish, safeguarding their realm and embodying the legacy of their warrior ancestors.

Cities of the Empire

Xototl, the Golden Capital

Xototl, the capital city of the Xhotchli, is a magnificent testament to the power, culture, and devotion of this warrior nation. Nestled deep within the untamed wilderness of the Swamp of Fangs, the city stands as a beacon of strength and enlightenment, housing the sacred temple where their goddess Xhotchl resides.

Approaching the city, one is greeted by an awe-inspiring sight. Xototl is built upon a series of terraced platforms, each one rising higher than the last. The structures are adorned with intricate carvings depicting the panther goddess herself, symbolizing her watchful presence over the city and its inhabitants. Vibrant banners, emblazoned with warrior-clan symbols and the stylized representation of Xhotchl's panther form, flutter in the wind, imbuing the city with a sense of reverence and power.

The heart of Xototl is the central temple, a massive structure that reaches toward the heavens. The temple's architecture reflects a harmonious blend of Seraphon and Xhotchli aesthetics, with its smooth stone walls etched with elaborate geometric patterns and depictions of panthers, serpents, and other sacred beasts. It is within this sacred edifice that Xhotchl, the panther goddess, resides, her presence emanating a divine aura that suffuses the city.

The interior of the temple is a sprawling complex of sanctuaries, chambers, and halls. The air is thick with the scent of burning incense and the sounds of whispered prayers. Statues and altars dedicated to Xhotchl are scattered throughout, adorned with offerings of flowers, feathers, and precious gems.

Adjacent to the temple, sprawling training grounds are dedicated to honing the skills of the Xhotchli Spirit Knights. These warriors, chosen from the ranks of the most exceptional and devout children in the empire, undergo rigorous training from a young age, under the watchful eyes of experienced Claw-Matriarchs. The training grounds are vast, encompassing both open arenas for combat practice and secluded meditation chambers where the Spirit Knights commune with the spirits of the wild and draw upon their primal energies.

The city itself bustles with life. Marketplaces hum with activity as merchants, clad in colorful attire, trade exotic goods and rare artifacts from many realms. The streets are filled with the sounds of drums and flutes, accompanied by dances and performances celebrating Xhotchl and the triumphs of the Xhotchli warriors.

Beneath the glorious façade of Xototl, lies a dark underbelly that thrives in the shadows, hidden from the prying eyes of outsiders. Within the depths of the city, a clandestine network of corruption, intrigue, and forbidden practices festers, contrasting the noble ideals upheld by the warrior nation.

Within the dimly lit alleyways and concealed chambers, an underworld of illicit activities takes hold. Criminal syndicates, driven by greed and power, operate in secret, preying on the vulnerabilities of the Xhotchli society. Smuggling, black market trading, and the trafficking of rare artifacts fuel their enterprises, undermining the sanctity of Xototl's domain.

Hidden cults and forbidden sects also find refuge within the city's depths. These heretical groups indulge in occult rituals and dark worship, seeking forbidden powers and knowledge of Chaos. Their activities remain hidden from the prying eyes of mainstream Xotchtl society, their very existence threatening to shatter the delicate harmony of the empire.

While the city's surface may gleam with reverence and strength, the underbelly of Xototl whispers of a darker reality. The Xhotchli warriors must remain ever vigilant, for within their midst lies a breeding ground for corruption, betrayal, and forbidden desires.

Chicahua, the General's City

Nestled within the heart of the Rondhar Peninsula, the city of Chicahua stands as a mighty military centern. It is a city where the greatest warriors and generals are forged in the heat of ritual conflict, and where the Panther-Priests perform crucial auguries before the armies of Xhotchl march to war. Additionally, Chicahua holds a special distinction as it hosts an embassy of the Lions of Sigmar, a Stormhost of the divine Stormcast Eternals.

As one approaches Chicahua, the city's grandeur becomes apparent. Massive stone walls, adorned with intricate carvings depicting the history and legends of the Xhotchli people, encircle the city, serving as both a formidable defense and a testament to the nation's rich heritage. Guard towers rise above the walls, manned by vigilant sentinels who ensure the city's security.

Entering through the imposing gates, visitors are greeted by a bustling hub of activity. Streets lined with merchants' stalls and artisans' workshops showcase the vibrant culture and artistic talents of the Xhotchli people. The air is filled with the sounds of clanging weapons, marching drills, and the melodic chants of warriors as they train and prepare for battle.

At the heart of Chicahua stands the mighty Obsidian Blade-Citadel, a colossal fortress that houses the empire's most revered warriors and generals. The Citadel is a marvel of engineering, with training grounds, armories, and war rooms meticulously organized to maximize efficiency and strategic planning.

Within the Citadel, the Xhotchli warriors undergo rigorous training regimens, pushing the boundaries of their physical and mental capabilities. Here, the minds of the greatest champions of Xhotchli are molded and honed, mastering various combat disciplines and tactics.

Adjacent to the Blade-Citadel, the grand East Panther Temple rises majestically. This sacred sanctuary is where the revered Panther-Priests conduct auguries and commune with the divine essence of Xhotchl herself. The Panther-Priests, adorned in ornate ceremonial garb and headdresses reminiscent of Xhotchl's sacred panther form, channel their spiritual energies to provide guidance and insight into the outcomes of impending conflicts. Their auguries play a crucial role in shaping Xhotchli battle strategies, ensuring that the armies of Xhotchl march to war with foreknowledge and divine favor.

In the heart of Chicahua, the Lions of Sigmar maintain their embassy, serving as a symbol of the newly minted alliance between the Stormcast Eternals and the Xhotchli. The embassy represents a fractious blending of cultures, where Stormcast warriors and Xhotchli ambassadors attempt to find a middle ground, and a place for Xotchl in the pantheon of Order.

Beyond its military and diplomatic functions, Chicahua thrives as a cultural and intellectual hub. The city is home to renowned scholars, historians, and philosophers who study the ancient lore and mysticism of the Seraphon, studying ancient artifacts left in the city when it was found.

Zyapa, Jewel of the Empire

Zyapa, the largest city in the Xotchli homelands, stands as a thriving hub of civilization and culture. Located at the edge of Rondhar Pninsula, this city boasts a unique distinction—a realmgate known as the Caves of Death, which provides a direct connection to the realm of Shyish, the Realm of Death. Furthermore, Zyapa's alliance with a nearby Sylvaneth grove has blessed its lands with fertile farms, renowned for producing delicacies that are savored as far away as Azyrheim. Despite its growing power, there exists a tension within the city, as the ruling priests repeatedly deny the petition to rename Zyapa as the new capital.

As one approaches Zyapa, the cityscape comes into view, stretching as far as the eye can see. Towering stone structures, intricately adorned with carvings of serpents and draconic motifs, dominate the skyline. The city's architecture reflects the harmonious blend of natural and mystical elements, with sprawling gardens and verdant courtyards interspersed amidst the grand structures.

At the heart of Zyapa lies the majestic Caves of Death. This ancient realmgate serves as a direct conduit to Shyish. The entrance to the Caves of Death is a haunting sight—a massive archway adorned with ethereal runes and guarded by statues representing the eternal cycle of life and death. The air surrounding the Caves of Death carries a mysterious, otherworldly energy, beckoning those who dare to traverse the threshold into the realm beyond.

Zyapa owes its prosperity, in part, to its unique alliance with a neighboring Sylvaneth grove. The magical influence of the Sylvaneth has blessed Zyapa's farmlands, resulting in bountiful harvests and the cultivation of rare and exotic crops. The city's markets are a riot of colors and scents as vendors sell their wares, showcasing a wide array of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are highly sought after throughout the Mortal Realms.

As Zyapa's influence grows, a movement has emerged within the kingdom, advocating for the city to be declared the new capital. The burgeoning power, economic prosperity, and strategic significance of Zyapa have fueled this desire among the nobles and influential figures. However, the ruling priests, driven by their ancient traditions and spiritual beliefs, consistently deny the petition. They staunchly adhere to the belief that the capital should remain in its current location, upholding the sacred heritage of the empire.

While Zyapa thrives as a center of civilization, it also harbors a darker side. The city's underbelly teems with secretive dealings, clandestine alliances, and hidden rivalries. Shadowy figures operate in the shadows, their actions often driven by personal gain and ambition. This hidden world of intrigue and power struggles exists in stark contrast to the outward appearance of harmony and prosperity.

Mecatl, Spellweaver's Sanctuary

Nestled on the fringes of Xhotchli lands, shielded by potent enchantments, lies Mecatl, a small yet significant city. In this hidden haven, the greatest spellweavers of the kingdom are trained at the renowned Itzcali Academy. Mecatl safeguards a collection of enigmatic Slann artifacts, their presence shrouded in mystery.

Mecatl emerges from the surrounding landscape like a hidden gem, its architecture a blend of ancient Seraphon and mystical Xotchli aesthetics. Buildings fashioned from stone and adorned with intricate carvings dominate the cityscape, depicting the legends and history of the Xhotchli people. The enchantments woven into the city's foundations ensure its concealment, preserving its secrets from prying eyes.

At the heart of Mecatl stands the Itzcali Academy, a revered institution where the kingdom's most skilled spellweavers are honed and educated. Within its hallowed halls, the arcane arts of Beasts and Life are taught with precision. Aspiring spellcasters, guided by experienced masters, delve into the intricacies of elemental manipulation and the mysteries of the Winds of Magic. The Itzcali Academy acts as a beacon of knowledge and magical prowess, ensuring the preservation of the Xhotchli's ancient traditions and the continued evolution of their mystical arts.

Mecatl's most intriguing aspect lies in the collection of Slann artifacts hidden within its confines. These relics, imbued with the magical essence of the enigmatic Slann, carry immense power. The artifacts whisper tales of ancient battles, forgotten prophecies, and lost civilizations, their significance echoing through the annals of Xhotchli history.

Strangely, the Seraphon, celestial warriors of the Slann, have not made any attempts to reclaim these precious artifacts. Despite their past collaborations with Mecatl's armies and their firsthand experience of witnessing the city's employment of awe-inspiring Engines of the Gods, the Seraphon have chosen to refrain from reclaiming their ancient relics. This enigma sparks intrigue and speculation, giving rise to countless theories among the Xhotchli scholars and sages. Some whisper of a long-standing pact between Mecatl and the Seraphon, while others suggest a profound spiritual connection that transcends the material realm.

As twilight descends upon Mecatl, the city transforms into a place of ethereal beauty. Luminous sigils etched into the streets and walls come alive, casting an enchanting glow that guides the wanderer through the nocturnal labyrinth. It is during these mystical hours that the true essence of Mecatl reveals itself, captivating those fortunate enough to witness its arcane splendor.

Xhotchli Culture

Xhotchli culture revolves around the concept of warrior-clans, cohesive groups of families bound together through marriage alliances. These clans form the fundamental social structure of Xhotchli society, encompassing not only warriors but also non-combatants, although the latter typically hold less prominent roles within the clans. At the helm of each clan stands the Claw-Matriarch, the eldest female warrior who exercises authority over her kin, overseeing matters such as marriage arrangements, political maneuvering, and even leading the clan's warriors into battle.

However, despite their internal dynamics, all warrior-clans are united by a sacred oath of loyalty to the Empress. The Empress, traditionally chosen from among a dozen women who have earned the favor of Xhotchl through acts of devotion, holds a position of utmost reverence and authority. It is the responsibility of the Empress to guide and govern the Xotchli Empire, and she relies on the support and loyalty of the Claw-Matriarchs and their clans. The current Empress, Itotia the Just, is known for her unwavering dedication to justice and fairness, allowing her to strike pragmatic alliances, such as those formed with the Stormcast Eternals, a powerful force in the Mortal Realms.

While the warrior-clans form the backbone of Xotchli society, merchants hold a position of high esteem within the culture. They are valued for their ability to engage in trade and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the Stormhosts' arrival in Ghur and the subsequent lowering of ancient barriers protecting the homelands. Merchants have prospered through trade with Sigmar's Free Cities, strengthening the Xhotchli economy and fostering connections with other realms. Their success in commerce is seen as an honorable pursuit, as it contributes to the overall prosperity and influence of the Xhotchli Empire.

Within Xhotchli society, honor, bravery, and martial skill are highly valued traits. Warriors are respected and celebrated, with the Claw-Matriarchs serving as exemplars of these qualities. Battle prowess is seen as a measure of one's worth, and acts of valor are commemorated and passed down through generations. Rituals such as the Panther Anointing conducted to honor fallen warriors, ensuring their memory lives on within the collective consciousness of the clans.

The arts and cultural expressions also hold significance in Xhotchli society. Elaborate dances, music, and poetry are cherished forms of artistic expression, often used to recount epic tales of heroism and to celebrate the greatest Claw-Matriarchs.

Becoming Soulbound

Most Xhotchli warriors choose to join their Bindings as Soulbound for a compelling reason deeply rooted in the nature of their goddess, Xhotchl. While Xhotchl is revered by her followers, she is considered comparatively weak in comparison to other deities of Order. Recognizing this, the Xhotchli warriors see becoming Soulbound as a strategic way to garner favor not only with Xhotchl herself but also with the other powerful deities within the pantheon of Order.

By undergoing the transformative ritual and becoming Soulbound, the Xhotchli warriors not only augment their own abilities but also serve as a living testament to Xhotchl's strength and influence. Their presence within the Mortal Realms as Soulbound warriors serves as a tangible representation of Xhotchl's power, extending her reach and impact beyond her immediate domain.

Xhotchl displays a particular patronage towards creatures associated with Death who express a desire to join the ranks of the Soulbound. These individuals, who have intimate knowledge of the realm of Shyish, become valuable allies to Xhotchl. By enlisting their expertise and understanding of the mysteries of the afterlife, Xhotchl aims to reclaim her domain of death within Shyish and provide a true afterlife for her people.

Relations with other Gods

Xhotchl is beinning to foster unique relationships with the other gods of Order. While her power may be comparatively weaker, her connections and interactions with these prominent figures within the pantheon of Order shape the dynamics of the Mortal Realms.

Sigmar, the God-King and leader of the Stormcast Eternals, holds a particular interest in Xhotchl and her followers. Recognizing the value of the Xotchli warriors as formidable allies in the battle against Chaos, Sigmar has ordered his liutenants to forge alliances with Xhotchl. Under the command of Lord-Veritant Matheras Stormsinger, this partnership has allowed the Xotchli to establish embassies and maintain a strong presence within several of Sigmar's Free Cities. In return, the Xotchli lend their martial prowess to the cause of Order, bolstering the forces of Sigmar in their eternal struggle against Chaos.

Morathi, the High Oracle of Khaine and leader of the Daughters of Khaine, shares a tumoultous relationship with Xhotchl. Both goddesses possess ties to death and darkness, albeit in different aspects. While Xhotchl seeks to establish her domain of death within Shyish and provide an afterlife for her people, Morathi's focus lies more in the realm of shadow and the pursuit of power. Their interactions often oscillate between cooperation and rivalry, as they vie for influence over the balance of power within Order.

Teclis, the High Loremaster of the Lumineth Realm-lords, and Xhotchl share a mutual respect for knowledge and arcane wisdom. Xhotchl values Teclis' mastery of magic and seeks to tap into his expertise to deepen her understanding of the realms and harness the arcane forces. In return, Teclis appreciates Xhotchl's connection to the spirit realm and her unique insights into the cycle of life and death. This exchange of knowledge and collaboration strengthens their bond and fosters a sense of cooperation in their shared pursuit of Order's objectives.

Alarielle, the Everqueen of the Sylvaneth, represents the harmony between nature and life. While Xhotchl's focus lies in other aspects of reality, there is a mutual recognition of their fragile positions in the Realms between the two goddesses. Alarielle understands the significance of death as an integral part of the cycle of life, and Xhotchl acknowledges the vital role that nature plays in the grand tapestry of existence. Although their domains may appear divergent, they maintain a certain equilibrium and distant respect for each other's realms.

Legions of the Panther-Empress

The armies of Xhotchli are organized along a descended structure, starting with the pinnacle of Xhochl's priest-warriors, the Nightblade. Chosen from among the Claw-Matriarchs, the Nightblade holds the ultimate authority and is responsible for grand strategic planning, and making critical decisions regarding the empire's defense and expansion. The Nightblade serves as the primary advisor to the Empress, embodying both tactical brilliance and strong leadership.

Assisting the Claw-Matriarchs and the Nightblade are the Panther Sentinels, trusted officers who possess expertise in specific military disciplines such as ambushes or combined arms. The Panther Sentinels are selected based on their combat prowess, strategic acumen, and leadership capabilities.

They hold key positions within the Xhotchli army, such as commanders of armies, intelligence officers, or logistical coordinators. The Panther Sentinels are responsible for executing the orders of the Claw-Matriarchs and the Nightblade, ensuring effective deployment of forces, and providing tactical guidance on the battlefield.

Additionally, the Empress is at all times protected by an honor guard of Panther Sentinels, who would willingly die for their Empress.

Below the Panther Sentinels are the Jaguar Champions, exceptional warriors within the Xhotchli army who have distinguished themselves through acts of bravery, skill, and leadership. They serve as inspirational figures and are entrusted with leading smaller contingents of warriors into battle. They are most often dispatched as Soulbound in Order bindings, as they are numerous enough to not ruin the command structure of an army with their absence.

Adjacent to the Panther Sentinels are the Star Serpents, who represent a position of authority and responsibility within the Xhotchli army. They serve as advisors to the Claw-Matriarchs and the Nightblade, providing counsel on matters of magical phenomenon and Endless Spells, and by strong tradition must come from the Itzcali Academy. The Star Serpents often possess a deep understanding of Xhotchli history, rituals, and diplomacy as a part of their training, and they play a crucial role in maintaining the cohesion of the warrior-clans, countering hostile spellcasters, and lending mystical expertise to the legions of the Panther-Empress.

Among the regular warriors and spellcasters of the Legions, are the Battle Maidens: These warriors make up the backbone of the Xhotchli army. Trained extensively in guerilla combat techniques, they are skilled in both melee and ranged combat. Equipped with Soul-Obsidian swords, spears, and bows, these elite warriors display exceptional discipline, courage, and loyalty on the battlefield.

The Ohtli Spellweavers are powerful magic users within the Xhotchli army. They undergo rigorous training at the revered Itzcali Academy, where they learn to harness the arcane energies of the Realms of Beasts and Life, and channel them for devastating magical attacks. These spellcasters play a crucial role in augmenting the Xhotchli forces, unleashing destructive spells, and providing magical support to their comrades.

The Guardians of Xhotchl are a specialized unit tasked with protecting the Goddess, and the sacred sites associated with her. These highly skilled warriors form a personal guard, exhibiting unwavering loyalty and dedication to their divine ruler. Their role extends beyond the battlefield, as they ensure the safety of the Empress and carry out important missions that safeguard the interests of the Xhotchli Empire.

Seeing a Guardian among the Soulbound is not unusual, as their battlefield expertise is highly valued for most Bindings. Wielding their Soul-Obsidian spears, they certainly look the part of a deadly warrior-guard.

The Xhotchli army also incorporates auxiliary forces, consisting of non-warrior members of the warrior-clans who provide support in various capacities, such as the Night-Panther Handlers.

These skilled individuals have a deep connection with the sacred night-panthers, revered as the children of Xhotchl. The Night-Panther Handlers are responsible for caring for and training these majestic creatures, forging a bond of trust with Xhotchl's blessing. These handlers ensure that the night-panthers are well-groomed, well-fed, and trained for various tasks, such as scouting, and reconnaissance. Their close partnership with the night-panthers allows for swift and agile movement across the battlefield, granting the Xhotchli army a significant advantage

In the Xhotchli Empire, the anthropomorphic tiger-men within the Auxiliary Forces are known as the Tochtli Heartstalkers. These formidable warriors possess the physical characteristics and instincts of tigers, and their ferocity in battle is unmatched. However, their unique practice involves consuming the heart of a defeated warrior to absorb their strength.

After defeating a worthy adversary in combat, a Heartstalker performs a sacred ritual in which they consume the heart of their fallen opponent. This ritual is believed to grant them not only physical strength but also the essence of the defeated warrior's skills and experiences. As they consume the heart, they forge a connection with the fallen warrior, drawing upon their power to further enhance their own abilities.

Chapter 2:

Character Options


When making a character from the Xhotchli Empire, you may choose one of the following subfactions and you gain it's bonus.

City Bonus
Xototl: 100gp
Chicahua: 200gp
Zyapa: 300gp
Mecatl: 400gp

Battle Maiden

The Xhotchli Battle Maidens are revered as the elite warriors of the Xhotchli Empire, embodying grace, precision, and unwavering loyalty to their goddess, Xhotchl. These skilled fighters specialize in archery and excel in jungle warfare, making them formidable opponents in the dense and treacherous terrains of their homeland. The Battle Maidens' exceptional combat prowess and unwavering dedication make them ideal candidates for becoming Soulbound.

The Battle Maidens are renowned for their exceptional skill in archery. They undergo rigorous training from a young age, honing their accuracy, speed, and agility in wielding their bows. With deadly precision, they rain down a storm of arrows upon their enemies, unleashing volleys that can turn the tide of battle. This, combined with their knowledge of the jungle environment that allows them to seamlessly blend into the foliage, making it difficult for foes to pinpoint their locations and avoid death at the maiden's hands. Their expertise in ranged combat grants them a significant advantage in engaging enemies from a distance, weakening their forces before engaging in close-quarters combat, a combat style they call Xhotleth Zahr, the Shadow that Kills.

Battle Maidens are almost always chosen to become Soulbound as an honor, usually for valor in battle, but occasionally a hero who carried a message past a siege, or similar great deed earns the right to join the Order of the Soulbound.

In a Binding, Battle Maidens serve as experts scouts and skirmishers, ensuring their fellows are never caught unawares by ambushes or traps, especially in the steaming jungles of Ghur.

Play a Battle Maiden if you want to be a stealthy archer, ambushing foes and scouting ahead of your Binding. Unleash Xhotleth Zhar on your foes!

Panther Sentinel

Entrusted to protect the Empress and serving as officers in her armies, the Panther Sentinels are deadly experts in various military fields, and in battle, they wear their heavy armour with pride, a rarity among the Xhotchli forces.

While the Panther Sentinels are highly skilled in their respective military disciplines, they too aspire to become Soulbound. The allure of enhanced abilities, a deeper connection with divine power, and the opportunity to further serve Xhotchl's will drives their desire for the honor of being selected by their living goddess.

Within a Binding, Panther Sentinels will serve as leaders and vanguards, standing strong at the front of their fellows, shouting orders and cleaving heads in the same motions. All Panther Sentinels are trained in ignoring pain, and they will not hesitate to throw themselves in the way of a blade or arrow headed for one of their more vulnerable cohorts.

Xotchtl chooses her favored Panther Sentinels to become Soulbound, choosing from among those canidates who fail to meet her exacting standards to join her personal guard. Most warriors leap at the chance to prove themselves, and a Soulbound Panther Sentinel is often an eager warrior in battle and in life.

Panther Sentinels are less numerous than the Guardians of Xhotchl, so remember that your life is not nearly as expendable as some might think. Spend it wisely, if you must spend it at all.

Play a Panther Sentinel if you want to be a front-line leader, shouting orders and organizing your Binding to be the most effective fighting force in the Realms!

Spirit Knight

Spirit Knights are those Xhotchli warriors who are chosen from youth by the Claw-Matriarchs for their connection to nature and ferocity. All Spirit Knights spend decades training to become deadly warrior-priests, culminating in the Tonauac Ritual, which bonds their soul with a primal spirit, much like an Aelven aelementor. These spirits lend great power to their bonded knight, and Spirit Knights serve as the most elite warriors in the legions of the Panther-Goddess.

In lending a Spirit Knight to the order gods of Order, Xhotchl sends an emmissary into the greater Realms, one who will spread her worship as they fight and die for their goddess.

In a Binding, Spirit Knights often serve as the muscle in both a spiritual and physical sense, allowing their compatriots to weave powerful magic or unleash deadly ranged weaponry while they engage their foes in close combat.

Play a Spirit Knight if you want to have a varied and powerful bond with a nature spirit, and stand in the middle of the fray, slaughtering the enemies of your god!

Guardians of Xhotchl

Among the warrior-clans, one of the greatest honors is being selected to join the Guardians of Xhotchl. Over 10,000 strong, the legion of warriors assigned to defend Xotchl herself are her agents in the Realms. The arrival of a Guardian in a Xhotchli war-camp is a sign that their goddess has taken a keen interest in the events there.

Guardians are rarely lent to the other forces of Order as Soulbound, but occasionally Xhotchl sees the need for one of her most skilled fighters to manipulate events in the Realms to her favor. As such, chosen Guardians are always among her most fanatical, and they nearly always have some mission to accomplish. Their rarity is a tool too, and Xhotchl acquired the services of several Lumineth in teaching her ministers and scholars with the promises of her Guardians as Soulbound in a Teclian Binding.

In a Binding, Guardians serve as experts in a specific realm, and are often highly skilled at whatever they choose to learn. They are skilled fighters as well, using their Soul-Obsidian weaponry to slay daemons and other abominations for the good of the Realms. Xhotchl has been known to lend some of her divine children, the night-panthers, as mounts and companions for her chosen agents.

Play a Guardian if you want to be the expert of your Binding, filling gaps that your Binding mates cannot fill, and if you want to be a secret agent among your fellows.

Go out into the Realms and fight for Xhotchl!

Ohtli Spellweaver

Tochtli Heartstalkers