Arcane Tradition
Order of Geomancy
Geomancers are wizards of the world - scholars and sages who study the land around them and map its secret lines of force. They understand that there is a primal power to be tapped, and which can be utilized to enhance their power and accentuate their arcana. Their order has ancient roots, but modern practitioners are deeply academic, having honed their craft over generations.
Geomancy wizards may be of any alignment, with some seeking to maximize their own power and others simply intrigued by the phenomena. They may likewise come from any background; many are scholars and sages, but others may have learned their craft from more obscure traditions.
Order of Geomancy Features
Wizard Level | Feature |
2nd | Geomantic Lore, Find Leyline, Leyline Tap |
6th | Redirect Power |
10th | Geomantic Flare, Improved Enchanting |
14th | Mana Flood |
Geomantic Lore
At 2nd level, you have been initiated into the mysteries of the Order of Geomancy. You gain proficiency with Navigators' Tools. When you attempt to determine your travel direction or current location, or to find natural landmarks, you can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check in place of a Wisdom (Survival) check.
Find Leyline
Also at 2nd level, you learn to chart the world's natural lines of force and draw power from them. As an action or when you roll initiative, you may designate one 5-foot space within 30 feet as a leyline point. Your DM designates another leyline point at a space within 60 feet of the first; the leyline is a 5-foot wide straight line between these two spaces.
You lose knowledge of all discovered leylines when you complete a short or long rest, and you can chart leylines in this way a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses after a long rest.
Leyline Tap
Also at 2nd level, you can draw on a leyline's power to strengthen your spellcasting. You have a pool of extra spell levels equal in number to your proficiency bonus. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher while standing on a leyline, you can expend these extra spell levels to increase the slot level of the spell you are casting. When empowering spells in this way, you can't cast them at a slot level higher than you can normally cast. You can also expend one of these spell levels when casting a cantrip to increase its damage by one die.
You regain these extra spell levels after completing a long rest.
For instance, a 5th-level wizard has a proficiency bonus of 3 and can cast 3rd-level spells. They could cast a 2nd-level spell as if with a 3rd-level slot, but they couldn't empower any spell up to 4th level because they can't cast 4th-level spells.
Redirect Power
At 6th level, you can direct a leyline's energy towards other spellcasters who stand on its arcane axis. As a reaction when another creature casts a spell of 1st level or higher while standing on a leyline, you may enable them to make use of your Leyline Tap feature. Their spell cannot exceed the highest slot level they can cast.
Your Leyline Tap also gains two additional spell levels' worth of usage, which may only be used to empower others beside yourself.
Geomantic Flare
At 10th level, you learn to ignite the arcane energy within a leyline. As an action, you can send this energy surging up to affect every creature standing on the leyline.
You can choose a number of affected creatures you can see equal to your Intelligence modifier to receive a beneficial effect. These creatures can add 1d4 to the next saving throw they make within 1 minute.
All other creatures struck by your Geomantic Flare must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 force damage on a failure or half as much on a success.
You may use your Geomantic Flare once, regaining its use after a long rest.
Improved Enchanting
Also at 10th level, you can harness leylines to empower routine enchanting work. Once per long rest, you can spend one hour locating, identify, and preparing a leyline to give yourself advantage on any ability checks you make to enchant items or brew potions for the next two hours.
Mana Flood
At 14th level, your abilities to harness geomantic forces reach new heights. When you identify a leyline with your Find Leyline feature, you can designate three different lines at once. Your DM selects the other ends, as normal, but all three lines must intersect through one space.
While you stand at the intersection of all three lines, every spell you cast is cast at one slot level higher. While standing here, you take 1d4 force damage at the start of each of your turns as the raw power sears through you. You have resistance to force damage from any other source.
You may use your Mana Flood once, regaining its use after a long rest.
Order of Geomancy quirks
The following are some optional quirks for a player of this Domain to choose from.
d6 | Quirk |
1 | You get extremely excited anytime you encounter a new map. |
2 | You are never seen without a theodolite and resonating crystals. |
3 | Your spellbook is encoded in geometric patterns of lines and circles. |
4 | You have an unreasonable love of triangles. |
5 | Your exposure to mystic power causes tattoos in the shape of leylines to appear on your skin over time. |
6 | You get so excited when you encounter a new map it makes your companions a little uncomfortable. |
- Language cleanup, no mechanical change
- Tweak to give Leyline tap a function exactly at level 2
- Language fix on Mana Flood
- Clarified that Redirect Power is limited by the target's highest spell level.
- Usage limit on Geomantic Flare
- Nerfed Leyline Tap and rephrased for clarity
- Separated Leyline Tap into two features for readability
- Rough Draft
Credits & References:
- Order of Geomancy created by somanyrobots Discord | Patreon
- All art © Wizards of the Coast LLC except where noted, listed in order of appearance.
- Leyline Invocation, by Liiga Smilshkalne
Background Image Stains
Fan Content Policy
This work is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.