Mutiny on the Kraken's Wrath

by degreaux619

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Mutiny on the kraken's wrath


This adventure was designed as a one-shot for a large party of level 3 characters. Scaling is complex; fewer players will probably need more combat aid from the NPCs. During setup describe the PCs meeting in a tavern common room, but the actual game begins with the text below. For the plot the players are stripped of their equipment and weapons but can keep their armor.


Awake. Your head is pounding. It’s dark, but light leaks in between the planks. You hear waves lapping against the wall. You and your companions are sprawled in a tiny room, but your packs and weapons are nowhere to be seen…


The Kraken’s Wrath is a pirate ship with a crew capacity of 25. Between disease, combat losses, and executions for insubordination only 15 remain and they’re recruiting aggressively. The loyal crew hit the tavern last night, threw a big party, and broke out a “special” keg near the end of the night that knocked out the players for kidnapping onto the ship.

However those same losses have kindled a faction of mutineers. With the players added to their number they believe they can flip the balance of power and take the ship.

Captain Silverlock is aware of the impending mutiny but has an ace up his sleeve: a baby kraken trailing the ship. Either the mutineers yield to his control or the whole ship sinks…

Crew of the Kraken's Wrath

Captain Silverlock

Ships Captain

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 58
  • Speed 30

13 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 11 (0) 10 (0)


Scimitar. Melee: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+3 slashing damage

Pistol. Ranged: +5 to hit, reach 30 Ft./90 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10+3 piercing.

A grizzled dwarf ranger. He carries two scimitars and wears a brace of six pistols for combat. At all times he wears a silver horn on a chain around his neck. Unhappy crew may complain to the party that Silverlock dumps good food into the ocean as part of some weird religious rite - this is the only clue to the kraken’s presence. Silverlock spends most of his time in his cabin but may come out on deck to supervise or to visit Arsenault.

Sailing Master Arsenault

A human guild merchant. He charts the ship’s course based on the captain’s orders. Like the PCs he was press-ganged into service some time back; unlike the PCs he has no combat skill or spine. He never leaves his cabin in the foc’sle and avoids interaction with anyone but Silverlock.

A goblin artificer. He is responsible for maintaining the cannons in and out of combat. His job fills him with joy and he will take advantage of the mutiny to toss bombs and spur chaos. Whichever side wins, he’ll claim he was supporting them the whole time. ---------------------------------->

The Whip

Captains Enforcer

  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 59
  • Speed 30

19 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 11 (0) 10 (0)


Multiattack. The Whip makes 2 Great Axe attacks.

Greataxe. Melee: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d12+4 slashing

An enormous half-orc, half-giant barbarian. He is Silverlock’s enforcer, trusted to deal out the beatings that maintain authority. The Whip speaks fluent orcish but only broken common; overwhelming force is his preferred communication. He sleeps in the captain’s cabin (has his own cot there) but spends most time on deck maintaining order.

Powder Monkey Hobb Sixfingers

Cannon Master

  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 25
  • Speed 25

14 (+2) 10 (0) 11 (0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)


Firecracker. Ranged: +3 to hit, Range 15 ft., 5 ft. radius Hit: 1d6 thunder damage

20lb Powder Keg. "Ranged": NPC cannot throw the keg but can light and roll it to attack. 10 ft. radius Hit: 3d8 thunder damage.

Stormcaller Cataline


  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 32
  • Speed 30

10 (0) 10 (0) 14 (+2) 11 (0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)

  • Spell Save: DC 13
  • Spells: +5 to hit
  • Spell Slots: 4/3/2


  • Cantrips: Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Toll the Dead,
  • Spells: Thunderwave, Fog Cloud, Guiding Bolt, Gust of Wind, Shatter, Call Lightning

A sea elf tempest cleric. The stormcaller has been on board between several months and a year, long enough to be trusted by Silverlock but not long enough that they are friends. Her job is to summon winds and prevent the ship from falling becalmed. She is paid well but the recent crew losses have convinced her that Silverlock is unstable.

Chiptooth Killian


  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 32
  • Speed 30

15 (+2) 12 (z=1) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 10 (0) 11 (0)


Knife. Melee: +4 to hit. range 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+2 slashing.

An orc commoner. She spends most of her time below decks in the galley, emerging to serve meals. The galley includes most of the ship supplies, so she also serves as quartermaster. She is a loyalist and will swing a kitchen knife at any mutineer within reach.

Poxy Jane

Cooks Mate

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 19
  • Speed 30

11 (0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)


Knife. Melee: +4 to hit. range 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+2 slashing.

A halfling female. In public she is always silently following Killian; in private she is the person Cataline trusts most and responsible for sounding out crew members for the mutiny.

Rest of the crew

Generic Pirates

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 20
  • Speed 30

13 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)


Scimitar. Melee: +3 to hit. range 5 ft., one target, Hit: 1d6+1 slashing.

The eight-ish remaining crew don’t need any more characterization than you’re willing to invest. Bring your best pirate names: Bosun Red Tide, Carpenter Pretty Bastian, Sailor Blackwood, etc.

Layout of the Ship

Fore Cabin

This is the room the players wake in. It is at the bow under the foc’sle cabin and filled with heavy sandbags as ballast. Players will be allowed out as they convince the Whip of their utility.

Below Decks

The majority of this level is open space punctuated by supports for the deck above and a couple bolted-down tables. Everyone who does not have a cabin sleeps here in a hammock.

Stern Cabin

The stern cabin below deck is a galley and storeroom. All ship supplies are kept here under Killian’s watchful eye, including the party’s gear.

Above Deck

The open deck has two cannons on each side, locked into position. The Kraken’s Wrath is a single-mast sloop with one triangular sail running forward from the mast and a second swinging on a boom behind. There is always at least one sailor walking each side on watch, plus one at the steering wheel above the captain’s cabin. During the day there is either a sailor at the fore or in the crow’s nest.

Ships Cannons

Cannon ranged attack by user (4d10 dmg), must use 1 action to lock in place or deals ½ dmg to each the target and user, 1 action to reload.

Foc'sle Cabin

This cabin is near the bow and where Arsenault spends all of his time. The door is always barred from the inside and only Silverlock is allowed to enter. Stairs lead up alongside the cabin to its roof and the bow.

Captain's Cabin

This cabin is at the stern, taking about as much space above deck as the galley does below. Stairs lead up alongside the cabin to the stern platform with the helm.

Running the Campaign

Night One

During the night after any character worked swabbing the deck, there is a light knock on the door. Jane is sneaking food to the PCs. She explains that Cataline is planning a mutiny and she wants the PCs to support it. If they agree, Jane tells them to play along with the Whip’s orders and she will get their weapons tomorrow night.

Day Two

Encourage the PCs to take a shift swabbing the deck as recon for the mutiny. If at any point the players go aggro then jump to the final fight below, with added wrinkles for getting their weapons/equipment from the stern cabin below decks. Cataline and Jane won’t launch the mutiny unless it looks like the PCs are getting the upper hand. Worst case, they get their asses handed to them and stuffed back in the fore cabin for a few days.

Night Two

At midnight Jane brings the party’s weapons but not their full packs. She tells them to be ready to fight when Cataline calls out.

Day Three

After their work shift the Whip will allow compliant PCs to find a hammock outside the cabin. GM can insert a conflict over hammock availability if desired - it’s a pirate ship after all and there’s a pecking order, but it doesn’t need to overshadow the actual conflict.

Night Three

Jane makes the rounds and whispers reminders to each PC to be ready when Cataline calls. She shuts down any questions and hurries away.

Day Four - The Fight

Midmorning Cataline climbs on top of the foc’sle cabin and uses thaumaturgy to call Silverlock out. Silverlock takes a minute to prep, finishing by sounding his horn before he and the Whip open the cabin door. Give them a brief exchange, something like:

Cataline: “Your time’s up, Silverlock! You’ll lead us all to the depths. Climb in the dinghy now and you’ll leave the ship alive.”

Silverlock: “You’re a traitorous wench Cataline! I should have killed you when I killed your sister.”

The party can take these few seconds to position before combat begins. The Whip charges Cataline and will hack her to death in a few turns. Silverlock takes no action unless he is challenged, then engages with dual pistols at range (dropping once fired so he can ignore reloading) or dual scimitars in hand-to-hand. Below decks Jane pulls a knife and sneak-attacks Killian who enrages and counters immediately. Hobb starts chucking explosives. The rest of the sailors descend into mayhem as personal squabbles turn political. It’s up to the party to protect Cataline, help Jane, and fight Silverlock.

The baby kraken heard Silverlock’s horn and will introduce itself into combat at an appropriate point - such as when Silverlock is pinned down, when the Whip dies, or when the party is launching a tactical plan. It swims up to the side of the boat and starts grabbing and eating anyone it can reach. Silverlock smiles and says to anyone nearby, “You’ll never stop it without me.” If he sees he’s losing the fight he’ll throw either himself or the horn overboard.

The party has three good ways to deal with the kraken. They can capture the horn from the captain and blow it, which causes the kraken to retreat into the depths again. They can use the deck cannons for major damage. If Cataline is alive she can use call lightning repeatedly for major damage. Lacking any of those, the party has to kill the kraken themselves. Use NPCs as damage buffers if necessary.

The Baby Kraken


  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 175

20 (+5) 11 (0) 20 (+5) 2 (-4) 10 (0) 7 (-2)


Multiattack. The creature can make two tentacle attacks (multiple targets) AND one bite attack (one target)

Tentacles. Melee: +8 to hit, range 30 ft., one target each. Hit 2d6+5 bludgeoning

Bite. Melee: +8 to hit, range 5ft., one target each. Hit 1d10+5


If all goes well, our heroes just captured a ship! If Cataline survived she takes over as captain, claims Silverlock's horn (if available), and ejects surviving loyalists in the dinghy. If she didn't survive then the captaincy is up for grabs. The PCs can claim it if they have enough support, or else be let off at the nearest port.

Written by: u/brain-in-the-jar on reddit (r/dndbehindthescreen)

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