Body Implants

by Dweebie

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Body Implants

These Adaptator abilities can be chosen as you level up. They provide unique and powerful upgrades. One of your implants can be changed for free every time you level up, in addition to any new ones you may receive. You can also spend 4 hours and 50 gold to change any implant to another one.

Rest Implant

You can long rest in 4 hours.

During these 4 hours you do not need to actually sleep, you can instead do light activity, such as keeping watch, reading a book, or tinkering.

Weak Module

You can downcast spells one level. You can for example, cast 2nd level spells at 1st level or 3rd level spells at 2nd level. To do so, you must do the opposite of what casting at higher levels specifies.

Bodily Hardening

Your maximum constitution and strength are now 22.

Internal Storage

You can carry up to 20 lbs of items on yourself, these objects are extremely difficult to detect and will not come up in a standard search. Functionally, these 20 lbs of items have their weight halved for calculating carrying capacity.

You can also carry up to 2 light weapons in your body, these weapons are undetectable in most searches and can be deployed into your hands without using a bonus action or action.

Modified Legs

You can dash as a bonus action.


You can pick a tool kit to store on your body. This tool kit is undetectable in a search. You have proficiency when using this specific tool kit.

Thermal Vision

You gain darkvision up to 90 feet and it appears in hues of blue, purple, red, and orange.

Combat Implant

prerequisite: level 2 and only one other fighting style

Choose another fighting style.

Reinforced Shell

prerequisite: 6th level

Your AC when not wearing armor is equal to 13 + your dexterity or constitution modifier (you choose).

Rapid Reload

prerequisite: 6th level

You can reload one of your canisters for a bonus action instead of an action.

Hardened Shell

prerequisite: 6th level

You gain resistance to non-magical slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage. You also gain immunity to fire damage.

Shield Module

prerequisite: 17th level

You can wear a shield while also wielding a two handed weapon or dual wielding. The shield becomes integrated into your body. You can also store it inside your body. You cannot wear another shield while doing this. You also cannot store or wear weapons in that arm.

Steeling Frame

prerequisite: cyborg

You cannot be knocked back by effects.

You automatically succeed on any effect attempting to grapple or incapacitate you.

Rocket Implants

prerequisite: cyborg and 8th level

You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed.


prerequisite: cyborg and 12th level

You can create a shield over your face that grants a +1 bonus to AC, you are also immune to effects that attempt to disable you with bright lights.

You are also immune to blindness.

Blood Leech

prerequisite: fleshbringer

You can latch onto a target when making a melee weapon attack, this functions like a grapple but without any negative effects to the person targeted. The target has their speed halved and when you make any attack on them while latched you gain advantage.


prerequisite: fleshbringer and 6th level

You can take 1d20 damage and create a cloud in 60 feet of blood obscuring vision for every creature except for you.

Fortified Flesh

prerequisite: fleshbringer and 12th level

You cannot be paralyzed.

Bony Figure

prerequisite: necron

You gain expertise in intimidation.

Ghostly Gaze

prerequisite: necron and 8th level

As an action, you gain the ability to see through solid objects to a range of 30 feet. Within that range, you have darkvision if you don't already have it. This special sight lasts for 1 minute or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell). During that time, you perceive objects as ghostly, transparent images.

Once you use this implant, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


prerequisite: runegiver

You can read all writing.

You gain advantage on deciphering runes and symbols.


prerequisite: runegiver and 8th level

You inscribe Disguise Self, Shield, and Sleep on your skin, these can be cast once before they disappear.

All expended spells return at the end of a long rest.

One with Nature

prerequisite: beastshifter

You can speak druidic, you also can cast wildshape once per long rest.


prerequisite: diviner

You gain 5 additional canisters one with healing word, one with cure wounds, and three with revivify on it.

These canisters always contain these spells and are replenished after a long rest as usual.


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