Adaptator - Class

by Dweebie

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5e class


Clad in metal and steel, pipes and wires stretching all over her body, the elf stands before the horde with a look of determination. A canister pops out of her arm and flies into the air as she snaps another one in to replace it. "Alright, who's next?"

The rogue looks horrified as blood flows out of their dead allies and into the grotesque man standing in their wake. As the blood enters his body, it morphs and becomes more red and muscular. After a few seconds of being paralyzed in fear, they watch as the man turns to them. In a last second moment of regret the rogue reaches for a knife as the man's arm morphs into a giant bloody spear that rips through their chest.

The wizard feels the life drain from his body as the hand pinning her to the wall by her throat crushes it. This person had no magic, how did they just do... that? The goliath clad in dark robes continues to use their massive hand to crush the wizards throat as their robe slips down their arm a little revealing drawings along their skin. Are those... runes? Why would anyone do such a thing to themselves. The goliath woman lowers her hood to reveal more runes atop her head and grins, before summoning a blade out of the air and impaling the wizard.

The order of paladins knock on the next door. They've been searching for the person who was rumored to have been using the power of the gods. A yellow glow emanates from beyond the door as a few paladins reach for their blades in preparation. The door opens to reveal a figure with multiple limbs glowing a yellowish tinge. This is an abomination of the holy order, the paladin's drew their weapons on the figure who simply laughed at them.

Adaptators are people so committed to their goals that there is no sacrifice too great for them, not even sacrificing their own bodies is too much. The magical powers associated with these people are unique as they come in the form of energy instead of an actual connection to the arcane.

The many different strategic and powerful Adaptators come in different shapes and sizes, different ways people have modified their body to become more powerful. Some more straightforward, some more divine, and some more horrific.

Adaptator Quick Build

Choose your highest attribute to be Constitution. Choose your next two highest attributes to be Dexterity and Strength. Choose the hallowed one background.

Multiclassing Adaptator - when using the optional rule for multiclassing with a Adaptator, the character must have an Constitution score of more than 13.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per adaptator level

Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier

Hit points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your constitution modifier per level after 1st


Adaptators have the following proficiencies at 1st level.

Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, Heavy Armor

Weapons: Simple weapons and martial weapons

Tools: Any tool set

Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom

Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Survival, Intimidation, Athletics, Acrobatics, Religion

Starting Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • a longbow or crossbow
  • any simple or martial weapon
  • studded leather armor or scale mail
  • a explorer's pack or a dungoneer's pack

Adaptator Ability.

Your adaptator ability is Constitution. This is also your spellcasting ability for adaptator features.

Adaptator Table

Level Profiency Bonus Features Body

1st +2 Body Modification, Canister Spellcasting, Body Implants 2 1 6
2nd +2 Fighting Style 2 1 6
3rd +2 Body Modification Feature 2 1 8
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 1 8
5th +3 - 3 1 10
6th +3 Extra Attack (x1) 3 2 10
7th +3 - 4 2 12
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 12
9th +4 - 4 2 14
10th +4 Body Modification Feature 5 2 14
11th +4 - 5 3 16
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 3 16
13th +5 - 6 3 18
14th +5 Extra Attack (x2) 6 3 18
15th +5 - 6 3 20
16th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 20
17th +6 - 7 4 22
18th +6 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 22
19th +6 - 8 4 24
20th +6 Body Modification Feature 9 4 24

Class Features

As an adaptator you gain the following class features.

Body Modification

1st level Adaptator feature

The way in which you have spend time to modify your body determines your abilities.

You gain access to some additional body implants with this choice as well.

You gain features as you level up with your Body Modification.

Choose From:

Cyborg, Fleshbringer, Necron, Runegiver, Beastshifter, or Diviner

Canister Spellcasting

1st level Adaptator feature

As a adaptator you have the ability to cast powerful spells.

These spells are cast through canisters, these canisters can look like anything but they contain magical energy within them.

At the end of every long rest you can give each of your canisters a spell from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th level.

In order to cast spells you must have these canisters loaded into your body, the number of canisters you can have loaded is shown in the Canister Magazine column of the Adaptator table.

When you cast spells with a canister the canister becomes non-magical until the next long rest.

In order to cast spells above 1st level or cast spells at higher levels you must have a number of canisters loaded with that spell prepared as the level of the spell you want prepared. So for example, if you wanted to cast magic missile at 3rd level or fireball at 3rd level, you must have 3 canisters loaded with magic missile or fireball prepared on them before casting, and after you cast the spell all of the canisters become non-magical.

When you've used up your loaded canister, you must use an action to reload and pick new canisters to load in.

Body Implants

1st level Adaptator feature

You have upgrades from the Body Implant list, you gain more of these as you level up, they upgrade your body.

Fighting Style

2nd level Adaptator feature

While either studying fighting, or being naturally talented, you have come together with a unique aptitude for fighting a specific way. Choose one of the following fighting styles and gain it's benefits, some fighting styles have been buffed or changed specifically for this class, they will be listed first.

a. Throwing Weapon Fighting: +2 bonus to thrown weapons and can draw thrown weapons without using a bonus action.

b. Blind Fighting: Blindsight for 15 feet, Tremorsense for 30 feet. (Double both if the character is blind.) You can also see through cover with tremorsense for 15 feet. (20 feet if blind.)

c. Defense: +1 bonus to AC if wearing armor. +1 bonus on attack against targets who have attacked you.

d. Dueling

e. Great Weapon Fighting

f. Interception

g. Protection

h. Superior Technique

i. Two-weapon Fighting

j. Unarmed Fighting

k. Mariner

l. Tunnel Fighting

Extra Attack

6th level Adaptator feature

Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You can replace any of the attacks with a cantrip granted directly by this class.

The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 14th level in this class.

Body Modification


Your body has been modified with machines and metal to become more powerful. You body may have been designed by you, or someone else, but it functions as your utility and your weapon all the same.

Robotic Form

1st level cyborg feature

You gain the cantrips, Mending, Produce Flame, and Shocking Grasp.

Weapon Attachments

3rd level cyborg feature

You can mount finesse weapons on your arms.

Mounted weapons gain +1 to attack rolls made with them and free up your hands for other actions.

These weapons can also retract into your arms.

Mechanical Frame

10th level cyborg feature

You can ignore any effect or spell that directly harms flesh or living tissue.

You are also resistant to Acid damage and immune to Poison and non-magical bludgeoning damage.

Improvised Gatling

20th level cyborg feature

A gatling gun emerges from your body, it takes two hands to hold. The gatling gun can use any modifier of your choice and you have proficiency with it.

The gatling gun deals 1d4 + modifier of your choice damage and shoots a number of times per attack equal to your proficiency bonus.

The gatling gun can fire a number of bullets equal to your proficiency bonus + your constitution score before it overheats.

This feature can be used a number of times per long rest equal to your constitution modifier.


You've given up your very being for a fighting chance, your body mutates and has horrible fleshy powers.

Fleshy Form

1st level fleshbringer feature

You gain the cantrips, Decompose, Primal Savagery, and Sapping Sting. You can cast one of these cantrips in place of one of your attacks.


3rd level fleshbringer feature

As a bonus action you can transform your arms into any simple or martial melee weapon, these weapons gain +1 to attack rolls made with them.

Pleasant Gore

10th level fleshbringer feature

When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you sap the life from the target, healing 1d4 + half your proficiency bonus. (rounded down.)

Immortal Being

20th level fleshbringer feature

You cannot die of old age and are immune to disease.

When you drop to 0 hit points, you instead drop to 1, you can make 4 attacks as a reaction right after.

This feature can be used once per long rest.


Modified by the taxing practice of necromancy, Necrons are hardly human anymore. Their bones rip out of their body and their blackening body are telltale signs.

Decaying Being

1st level necron feature

You gain the cantrips, Chill Touch, Spare the Dying, and Toll the Dead.

Bones of Might

3rd level necron feature

Your bones heal after being broken almost instantly.

If you were to loose a limb, your bones would grow out into a functioning hand without any flesh.

You can break your own arm as a bonus action, you can then throw a limitless number of bone spikes out of this broken arm. These spikes have a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with them, and otherwise have the same stats as a thrown dagger.

Active Reload

10th level necron feature

When you reload your spell canisters you can make a single weapon attack.

Ashes to Ashes

20th level necron feature

You can cast disintegrate without expending any canisters, it's range is touch.

You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus halved (rounded down).


Your body covered in glyphs and magical symbols, you discovered how to abuse magic in it's whole. Your body is powered by unholy glyphs that grant you magical powers.


1st level runegiver feature

You gain the cantrips, Encode Thoughts, Message, and Sword Burst.

Rune Magic

3rd level runegiver feature

When you find a spell book containing a cantrip or are taught the incantation of a cantrip by a spellcaster, you can spend 4 hours and 100 gold pieces to scribe the incantation onto your skin, adding that cantrip to your spell list.

Energy Manipulation

10th level runegiver feature

You can take a number of canisters for a spell equal to double the level of the spell and draw their energy out over the course of 10 minutes, rendering them useless. Once you do this, the spell is inscribed into your skin. You can cast this spell without expending any canisters, once you cast it in this way, the inscription disappears.

At the end of a long rest, all of the inscriptions on your skin vanishes.


20th level runegiver feature

At the end of each long rest you can inscribe any one 8th and one 9th level spell on your skin (except for wish). When you cast a spell through this feature, the spell you inscribed disappears and it cannot be cast in this way again.

At the end of a long rest the inscriptions on your skin vanish.


Morphing your body into a killing machine, beastshifters use nature and magic to tap into similar forces to wildshape. These shifters can mutate themselves to become more powerful.

Basic Nature

1st level beastshifter feature

You gain the cantrips, Druidcraft, Shillelagh, and Thorn Whip.

Minor Mutation

3rd level beastshifter feature

You can mutate your limbs into another creature as a bonus action.

  • Octopus. you gain advantage on any grappling checks. You also gain a 30 foot swim speed. You cannot make actions that require fine motor function.
  • Crab. you can make a melee weapon attack with equal stats to a longsword. When you make this attack, you can half the target's movement speed.
  • Bear. you gain advantage on strength checks and saving throws, your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 + con mod + 1 slashing damage.
  • Snake. you can make a melee weapon attack that deals 1d10 + con mod piercing damage and the target must make a CON saving throw, on a fail they are poisoned and take 1d4 poison damage, on a success they take the damage but are not poisoned.

Useful Mutation

10th level beastshifter feature

You can mutate your body as a bonus action into another creature.

  • Lion. you can make a bite attack dealing 1d8 + con mod piercing damage and latching onto the target, if the target succeeds on a strength saving throw they can remove you, if they fail you deal 1d8 additional damage on each of your turns but cannot make this attack again.
  • Bat. you gain tremorsense for 30 feet and a 15 foot fly speed.
  • Panther. you gain advantage on stealth checks and 60 feet of darkvision.
  • Rabbit. you gain 15 feet onto your high jump distance and 30 feet to your long jump distance.

Massive Mutation

20th level beastshifter feature

You can transform into a CR 8 or lower creature.

This lasts for 1 minute.


The power of the gods is given out as they see fit, but there's so much extra power to be taken. Diviers have either made a bad deal with a god or are abusing the excess power of the gods to gain their magic reguardless.

Divinity Itself

1st level diviner feature

You gain the cantrips, Guidance, Hand of Radiance, and Light.

Holy Hands

3rd level diviner feature

You can draw energy out of your canisters and store it in your arm. Each canister gives you 5 points of energy. When above 20 points your arm glows and sheds bright light for 30 feet. You can take a bonus action on your turn to expend up to a number of points equal to your proficiency bonus to heal a teammate a number of life equal to the points you expend.

Holy Imbuement

10th level diviner feature

You imbue your weapon with magical energy by spending 10 minutes drawing it out of your canisters, you put this energy into the weapon and apply the power of any smite spell. You must expend a number of canisters equal to double the level of the smite spell you wish to apply.

You can apply as many smite spells to the weapon as you wish and activate them as normal when using the weapon. Once you activate that spell, it's removed from the weapon.

Holy Light

20th level diviner feature

You rain holy light upon the world, you can heal each ally in 30 feet for 3d8 hit points, you also gain the effects of Aura of Life, Aura of Vitality, and Aura of Purity.

This feature can be used once per long rest.

Body Implants


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