The Apotheosis V1.0

by Arcitree

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The Apotheosis


A man clad in brilliant blue armor
stands within the middle of an encampment
raising their hands to the thundering sky
as they are struck by lightning. The air
swells as dozens of sparrows fall dead, and charred
splinters of wood lay across the field.

As a hunter prepares to fire an arrow at a rare waterbird, the lake begins to roil and swell, splashing violently along the shore. the waters part to reveal a knightly figure surrounded by floating fish. There comes a single scream drowned by the slash of rainfall, and then silence.

Slamming his hands into the ground and flexing his fingers, a goliath wreathed in tangled overgrowth rips out a chunk of stone and dirt larger than himself, hurling it at a green dragon flying overhead. The cowering townsfolk can’t help but let out a cheer as the foul beast cries out in agony and falls motionless into nearby plains.

In any circumstance, these beings called Apotheoses collectively exist to exert their will upon the world. Their existence is defined by a set of fables that usually with some unifying theme or motif, the most common being an elemental power.

The Power of Belief

Apotheoses, also known as Avatars, are individuals who have grasped the power that stories have on mankind. From childhood tales of faeries to grand odes of the battle between good and evil, on some level, these fables have shaped hearts and minds from their very inception. An Apotheosis uses the strength from these stories about themselves in order to achieve feats of immense physical and magical prowess.

Apotheoses are typically athletes as their powers manifest through physical might. As a result, they train in all manner of weapons and armor, and seek glory in battle, as it is one of the quickest ways to spread one's name. Many alternatively seek to become adventurers, as the shenanigans they get to are picked up in songs from traveling bards.

Man turned Divine

In most settings, divinity thrives on worship: their status is retained through the belief of the people. This is because the subconscious belief of mortals, and more importantly, the act of enshrining something in the collective consciousness, is divine power all on its own. The gods merely borrow that power to act upon the roles and domains they are given.

A folk hero from a village may begin to make a name for himself one day, helping out the poor and listening to the needs of the people. Someday, he may accomplish something truly fantastic, and have his name and deeds spread to neighboring towns, gradually forming into a reputation, such that his body of work begins to precede him.

Once this happens, in the minds of people that haven’t yet met him, he becomes less a person and more of a concept. Whatever this concept may be depends on what they've heard of him, but that concept enters their subconscious view of his character. The folk hero needs not live up to the legends he creates, because to the common person, he's completed them all the same.

Consistent themes or motifs between stories, such as the use of a particular kind of magic or weapon, or lessons of heroic courage and honesty results in more focused growth and cleanly defined abilities.

Creating an Apotheosis

When creating your Apotheosis, the most important aspect to consider is your legendary themes and motifs. What ideals do you embody? What domains do you draw from? How might your tales be spread? Do you have a title? A famous story about yourself? What symbols do you become associated with?

Start thinking about the abilities your character possesses. Think of what traveling bards in taverns would hear. What about an average commoner or your enemies? Your reputation will precede you, so it’s important to create a foundation from which the rest of your character is drawn.

1st +2 Power of a Legend, Rank: Tale 5 2
2nd +2 Fighting Style 5 2
3rd +2 Body and Mind of a Legend, Apotheosis Hymnos Feature 7 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 7 3
5th +3 Extra Attack 9 3
6th +3 Apotheosis Hymnos Feature 9 4
7th +3 Rank: Fable, Fleeting Fame 13 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 13 4
9th +4 Apotheosis Hymnos Feature 15 5
10th +4 Armament Anecdote 15 5
11th +4 Rank: Legend 19 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 19 6
13th +5 On-The-Fly 21 6
14th +5 Rank: Epic 21 7
15th +5 Apotheosis Hymnos Feature 25 7
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 25 7
17th +6 Everlasting Epic 27 8
18th +6 -- 27 8
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 30 8
20th +6 Rank: Myth 30 10

Quick Build

You can make an Apotheosis quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Strength or Dexterity your highest ability score. Your next-highest score should be Constitution to increase the strength of your powers, or Charisma if you want more control over your story. Second, choose the Folk Hero background.

Optional Rule: Multiclassing

If you use the multiclassing rule from the Player's Handbook, here's what you need to know if you take a level in Apotheosis.

Ability Score Minimum. You must have at least a 13 in either Strength or Dexterity, and a 13 in Charisma to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already an Apotheosis

Proficiencies. If Apotheosis isn't your initial class, you gain proficiency with light armor, medium armor, simple weapons and martial weapons.

Class Features

As an Apotheosis, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Apotheosis level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Apotheosis level after 1st


  • Armor: light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, shields
  • Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Perception, Intimidation or Persuasion.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor, longbow, and 20 arrows.
  • (a) A martial weapon and a shield or (b) Two martial weapons
  • (a) light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes
  • (a) Entertainer's pack or (b) a Dungeoneer's pack

Power of a Legend

Powers: Beginning at 1st level, you learn two Powers of your choice, which are detailed later in this document. Powers are your incredible abilities that are effective only with an equally incredible body. You can only use one power in a turn. Powers that grant spells can only be cast using Vigor. You learn one additional Power of your choice as shown in the apotheosis table. At the end of a short rest, you can
swap a number of Powers equal to your Charisma modifier. Vigor: You have two points of Vigor, and you gain more as you reach higher levels, as shown in the Apotheosis table. You regain all spent Vigor points when you finish a Long Rest.
Power Bonuses: Certain Powers, or spells granted by Powers, require your target to make a saving throw, or for you to make an attack roll. The bonuses are calculated as follows:

Power Save DC: = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier

Power Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier

Rank: Tale

At 1st level, your influence is minimal. The people who know you well are likely your immediate family and friends. However, it is enough to begin drawing divine influence.

  • You can cast Guidance on yourself, without somatic components.
  • You can cast Resistance on yourself, without somatic or material components.
  • You can cast Heroism on yourself, using your Power ability modifier, without material components by spending 1 point of Vigor.

Public influence

At the DM's Discretion, you are noticed in public. Roll/Choose one of the following events from the table below, or create a similar scenario.

Public event
Someone mistakes you for a famous figure, and asks you to do something for them
You are asked to mediate a petty squabble on the streets
Someone buys you a drink at a tavern and offers a job or quest
A local warrior or mage takes interest in you becoming their apprentice

Fighting Style

At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take the same Fighting Style option more than once, even if you get to choose again later.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon

Close Combat

While you are standing within 5 feet of a hostile creature, that creature has a -2 penalty to melee and ranged attacks that have a range of at least 10 feet

Covering Fire

When a creature you can see makes an opportunity attack, as a reaction you can negate that attack as long as you are within 30 feet and holding a ranged weapon


While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Blind Fighting

You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.

Body and Mind of a Legend

At 3rd level, your body begins to improve in its efficiency. You become proficient in either Athletics or Acrobatics skill checks (your choice). If you are already proficient with that skill, you instead double your proficiency bonus check you make with it.

At 7th level, when you are subjected to a Wisdom or Intelligence saving throw, you can expend your reaction to gain proficiency in that saving throw until the end of your next turn. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses on a Long Rest.

At 15th level, when you make an Athletics or Acrobatics check that you double your proficiency bonus for, you count any roll of 9 or below as a 10. Furthermore, when you use your reaction to gain proficiency in a saving throw, you can double your proficiency bonus instead.

Apotheistic Hymnos

At 3rd level, you choose the kind of story that you want to embody: Thriller, Tragedy, Comedy, Satire, or Heroic. Your Hymnos grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 9th, and 15th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fleeting Fame

When you reach 7th level in this class, you learn how to harness the energy brought about by your fleeting renown, instilling a preconception of you in the minds of those you try and influence.

When you make a Charisma skill check while talking about your accomplishments, real or fake. you can also apply advantage to the roll. If you apply advantage to the roll in this way, any magic that discerns the truth will consider your statements to be truthful. You regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Rank: Fable

At 7th level you are middlingly known. A small town or two know you well. As a result, you are able to tap into your legend to recover your energy quicker. You now regain Vigor equal to your Charisma modifier at the end of a short rest. Once you use this feature you can't do so again until you have completed a Long Rest.

Armament Anecdote

At 10th level, your splendor has painted a vivid image of yourself in the minds of those with whom you are in constant contact, usually depicting you alongside favored magical items.

Pick a magical set of armor/wearable accessory, a shield, or a weapon. You can perform an 8 hour ritual to bind it to your will. The object becomes your Signature Gear and gains the following benefits

  • You can summon your Signature Gear to you as long as it is on the same plane of existence as a bonus action. If it's a shield or a set of armor, you instantly don it. You can also dismiss it (No action required) into its own pocket dimension. If you die while it is dismissed, it reappears within 5 feet of you in an unoccupied space.
  • While you are alive, no creature other than you can attune to the magic item or use its magical properties.
  • If your chosen object is destroyed or lost to another plane, you can perform a 1-hour ritual to manifest a new one in its most recent condition prior to being destroyed or lost. This will not repair gear that is destroyed as part of its use, or restore charges to such an item. This will not restore the magic to a magic item that has lost it through any means besides destruction. The original object vanishes if it still exists. You cant remake artifacts.

You can change the physical appearance of your signature gear to match your aesthetic, though it must be obvious what the item is.

If you already have a Signature Gear when you perform the ritual, your new object replaces the old one. You gain an additional signature gear at 14th and 17th level. You can summon multiple pieces of your gear at once

Rank: Legend

At 11th level your splendor has reached far enough that a large city knows you well.

You are now also a valid target for Legend Lore. Create a story, riddle, or brief summary that involves your legend. This is revealed when when Legend Lore is cast on you. Also, create secret or hidden knowledge about your character. This is also revealed when Legend Lore is cast on you.

In addition, your divine influence increases and begins to allow you a degree of control over your fate. Whenever you finish a Long Rest you are put under the Death Ward spell, except its duration lasts until the end of your next Long Rest.

Public influence

At the DM's Discretion, you are noticed in public in a substantial manner. Roll/Choose one of the following events from the table below, or create a similar scenario.

Public event
An esteemed noble invites you to their home, to a ball, or other event, clearly astonished by your aura. They may also set up connections for you.
An adventuring guild, merchants council, or similar group invites you to speak at an event to boost morale. They may also give you free gear.
A bright prodigy comes up to you and asks for help with a dilemma, or to be taught a certain skill. They may also become your apprentice.
A lord or lady asks for your assistance with clearing out a stronghold in their ownership thats been infested with monsters. They may also grant land or a house to you.


At 13th level your legend is strong enough to tie most powers into your theme. At the start of your turn, you can switch one of your powers for another. You can only do this once before needing to take a long rest.

Rank: Epic

At 14th level you are very well known. An entire continent or equivalent knows you well. As a result, you are able to directly manifest your will upon the world.

You can perform a 24 hour ritual to manifest a sanctuary as per the spell Temple of the Gods, except that you don't need any components, the temple lasts until destroyed, and the temple is dedicated to you instead of an existing god. The area one mile around the temple gradually takes on characteristics of your legend, similar to regional effects.

Creatures can meditate in your temple for 10 minutes while you are there. If they do so, you can grant them and yourself temporary Hit points equal to your Apotheosis level + your Charisma score. You can only grant this benefit to a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier.

You can also cast Word of Recall once per Long Rest, its destination being your temple. Creating another temple instantly destroys the previous one.

Lastly, NPC's can leave offerings and prayers at the temple while you are away. Once per day you can draw upon this well of power as a bonus action, regaining Hit points equal to your Apotheosis level. When you use this ability, you also hear one prayer made to you in the last 24 hours.

Everlasting Epic

At 17th level, your power has grown and your fame has spread to a point that you now can create your own avatar to carry on your legacy in the event of your original body's demise.

You can perform a 1 hour ritual to plant an avatar of yourself within 5 feet of you, which takes the form of a statue or effigy of your image. The effigy must be located near your temple, or another area deemed thematically significant to your legend.

The avatar is physically identical to the original and has the same personality, memories, and abilities. You can also choose to have the avatar be a younger version of yourself. Planting another avatar instantly destroys the previous one.

When you die, you can choose to revive as your avatar, who then appears in the nearest unoccupied space to its effigy, which is then destroyed. You can delay this resurrection up to 10 days, during which if you are resurrected by other means, your avatar remains inert. Once you successfully resurrect through your avatar, you cannot plant another avatar for at least 30 days.

The avatar can be destroyed while inert via a Disintegrate spell targeting it or the structure it is within. If the area around the avatar no longer relates to its legend, it is destroyed. It can also be destroyed remotely through a wish if its exact location is known. Your avatar's location will be revealed if Legend Lore is cast on you at 8th level and you fail a Charisma saving throw equal to the save DC of the caster.

You can place two additional avatars and temples at level 20. Placing a fourth instantly destroys the earliest placed avatar. Additionally, The period before you can plant another avatar is reduced to 10 days

Rank: Myth

At 20th level your myth has reached far enough that multiple continents or their equivalent know you well. Most of the population of the world has at least heard of you.

As a result, your divine influence has reached such a pinnacle that you can directly absorb the godly power of belief and manifest your mythos.

As a bonus action, you transform, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute.

  • When you reach 0 Hit points, but are not killed outright, you can make a Constitution Save (DC: 5) to instead drop to 1 Hit point. The DC increases by 5 for each subsequent activation until you finish 1d4 Long Rests
  • Pick one damage type you deem thematically sufficient. You become immune to that damage type as well as any effects that may accompany this damage.
  • You are immune to any effect that requires a Charisma saving throw

In addition, pick one of the following options when you transform

Inspiring. Friendly creatures that can see you transform within 30 feet gain 30 temporary Hit points and +2 AC until the end of your next turn. In addition, any creatures within 30 feet of your choosing that are unconscious, at zero hit points, or have died within the last hour rise with at least 1 Hit point.

Intimidating. Hostile creatures that can see you when you transform are Frightened of you for 1 minute.

While Frightened in this way, creatures also have disadvantage on saving throws against your powers, and take a penalty to their saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier. Creatures may make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end this effect.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Public influence

At the DM's Discretion, you are noticed in public in a substansial manner. Roll/Choose one of the following events from the table below, or create a similar scenario.

Public event
A lich considers you their rival and repeatedly make attempts to capture you and consume your soul. However, they are slowly falling madly in love with you.
A king offers you untold riches, glory, and luxury for as long as he reigns only if you agree to become a member of his cabinet.
You wake up one day to a small army at your doorstep. They have revolted from who they serve and swear loyalty only to you.
An god with similar portfolio offers you a peace branch to ascend to divinity as long as you agree to share your followers.

Apotheistic Hymnos

All Apotheosis have a type of Epic they embody best. These choices are presented below.

Hymnos: Thriller

Apotheoses from the Thriller Hymnos foster a reputation of nightmarish behavior. Their legend contains themes of darkness and suspense, and their tales often involve surprise attacks and horrific injuries.


At 3rd level, you gain darkvision out to 90 feet.

In addition, you can hide while in direct observation. When hostile creatures are directly observing you, you can make a Charisma (Intimidation) check contested by the creature's passive Wisdom (Insight) as a bonus action. On a successful check, you seem to just disappear from view, becoming invisible until the end of your next turn.

You can only hide in this way if the number of creatures that can see you is less than your Charisma Modifier.


Starting at 6th level, You always have the Adrenaline Rush Power prepared. You cannot be surprised, gain a bonus to your initiative equal to your charisma modifier, and whenever you turn invisible you gain temporary hit points equal to your apotheosis level.


Starting at 9th level, while you are hidden you can reveal yourself in a dramatic way (no action required). Creatures that can see you and are within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Power save dc or become Frightened of you for 1 minute.

While frightened in this way, they must spend their movement to move away from you on their turn. You have advantage on opportunity attacks against them, and if you hit an opportunity attack, they must make a Constitution saving throw against your power save dc or become Paralyzed until the end of your next turn.

A creature that is Frightened in this way can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier.

The Climax

At 15th level, you always have the Lethal Pursuer power prepared, and you can hide in direct observation no matter the number of creatures that can see you, as long as there is one.

In addition, you can use a bonus action to teleport to a creature that is Frightened of you. The creature must then make a Wisdom saving throw against your Power save dc. On a failure, your next attack that hits within the current turn is considered a critical hit.

You can use this feature once, regaining it after completing a Long Rest.

Hymnos: Tragedy

Apotheoses from the Tragedy Hymnos foster a reputation of loss and suffering. Their stories show signs of some flaw that shows itself from the very beginning, and leads to a downfall that's entirely self-fulfilling. These stories confer great benefits, but also great downsides.

Fatal Flaw

At 3rd level, pick a fatal flaw.

  • Paranoid - You always have the Heightened Defense Power prepared.
  • Egoist - You always have the Project Will Power prepared.
  • Martyr - You always have the Martyrdom Power prepared.

Rise up...

At 6th level, your fatal flaw confers additional, toggleable benefits.

  • Paranoid - When using Heightened Defense, you can decide to add the AC bonus to your Dexterity saving throws. However, if you are hit with an attack or fail a Dexterity saving throw after using this benefit, attacks against you until the start of your next turn have advantage, and if an attack hits, you take psychic damage equal to your level and your shield dispels.
  • Egoist - When using Project will, you can decide to have the spirit act out your entire turn instead of just an action, and with no attack restriction. However, if it fails a skill check or misses an attack after using this benefit, you take Psychic damage equal to your level, and are Frightened of whatever is the source of that failure until the end of your next turn.
  • Martyr - When you intercept an attack with Martyrdom, you can decide to halve the damage you take from it and keep your reaction. However, if the target you're protecting takes damage before the start of your next turn after using this benefit, you take psychic damage equal to both your and the target's level.

Come down...

Starting at 9th level, your fatal flaw confers permanent advantages on certain skills, but leads you to be flawed in other capacities.

  • Paranoid - You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks. However, you have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when talking with new people.
  • Egoist - You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. However, you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks around reflective surfaces.
  • Martyr - You have advantage on Constitution saving throws. However, you have disadvantage on Intelligence saving throws within 10 feet of your allies.

The Dénouement

Starting at 15th level, your fatal flaw results in a final flash before the story ends. At the start of your turn, you can activate this ability

  • Paranoid - You become immmune to all damage, harmful effects, and conditions until the end of your next turn as your extreme paranoia gives you the foresight to dodge any harm.
  • Egoist - You summon two instances of Project Will with the additional benefit gained from your 9th level feature, as your extreme ego lets you manifest multiple wills onto the world.
  • Martyr - Until the end of your next turn, you transfer half of all damage allies take within 30 feet of you to yourself, and gain immunity to that damage, healing by the amount you would have taken, as your extreme martyrdom forbids you from allowing any harm to your friends.

Once you use your fatal flaw's denouement you suffer two levels of exhaustion. Furthermore, using Powers causes 1d10 necrotic damage for each Vigor point spent. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. This lasts until the end of your next Long Rest.

You can use this feature once, regaining it at the end of a Long Rest.

Hymnos: Comedy

Apotheoses from the Comedy Hymnos foster a reputation of humor and joy. Most stories about them often involve bizarre scenarios or situations, and their legends seek to amuse and bewilder. These stories result in their abilities often invoking confusion and embarrassment.

Comedic Relief

At 3rd level, your story causes you to take damage differently than others. When you are hit with an attack, you can use your reaction to take it in a hilarious way, such as bludgeoning damage being expressed via ducking as an enemy attacks you, only to slip on a banana peel and hit the floor.

When you use this reaction, allies that can see you within 30 feet gain temporary HP equal to your Apotheosis level, which disappear at the start of your next turn.

You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), regaining all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Loveable Buffoon

At 6th level, your legend invokes subconscious care. Hostile creatures within 30 feet that can see you when you use Comedic Relief must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Power save dc or be Charmed by you until the start of your next turn. You regain 1 use of Comedic Relief when rolling Initiative if you have fewer than half your maximum uses left.

Comical Savant

At 9th level, you are an expert at easing tension. You have advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks to make a crowd laugh. Additionally, you can cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter, using your Power save dc, by spending 1 point of Vigor. You can increase the number of targets by spending additional points of Vigor, up to 5 targets for 5 Vigor.

Crouching Moron Hidden Tiger

At 15th level, you can subvert the expectations of your comedy. You always have the Power Surge power prepared, use it for 2 less vigor, and can use it as a bonus action instead of an action.

Hymnos: Satire

Apotheoses from the Satire Hymnos seek to break and challenge normal convention, making a mockery of ideas they consider absurd. Their legends are often exaggerated to a comedic degree, and they tend to have no problem spreading stories that mock even the most powerful figures in the land.

Well Educated

At 3rd level, you have spent time studying lore and how best to make fun of it. You gain proficiency in History. You can cast Vicious Mockery, using your Power save dc, at no Vigor cost. Its damage starts out at 2d4 for you, and at 6th level you can replace one attack with a casting of it when you take the attack action.

Additionally, you have encountered and learned knowledge of the following classes: Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer, and Warlock. Any Intelligence check involving their lore or abilities is made with advantage.


At 6th level, you've learned a bastardized version of a class feature from each of the classes you've learned about. Pick a class feature below:

  • Divinely Smitten. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage to it. In addition, it must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Power save dc or become Charmed by you for the next minute. It can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, or immediately if it takes damage.

  • Bardic Inhalation. As a bonus action, you can suck powerfully inwards. You can give one creature within 30 feet of you a bonus or penalty of 1d6 to its next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw and pull it 10 feet towards you. If the creature is unwilling to be pulled, it can make a Strength saving throw against your Power save dc, remaining at its position on a success.

  • MetaMetaMagic. When you use a Power, you can apply one of the following MetaMetaMagics to it.
    No Spells slots?: If the power does damage on a hit or when failing a save, you can also have it consume the lowest available spell slot the target has.
    Worse Wizards: You can change the saving throw of the Power to Intelligence.

  • Pact Madness. As an action, you can spew nonsense about contracts and forbidden knowledge. You cast eldritch blast with one extra beam, adding your Constitution modifier to the damage roll. You must audibly say "pew" and do a finger gun gesture for it to work.

You can use your bastardized class feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest. You can also switch one class feature for another one on a short rest.

Jester's Privilege

At 9th level, you can now cast Vicious Mockery as a bonus action. If the target rolls a 1 on their saving throw, you can roll its damage dice twice. Also, You always have the King's Aura Power prepared

Infinite Jest

At 15th level, your capacity for jesting is infinite. If you roll initiative and have less than half of your uses of Bastardization, you regain 1 use. Additionally, at the start of your turn you can switch which class feature you are using.

Hymnos: Heroic

Apotheoses from the Heroic Hymnos simply strive to be the best they can be. They follow traditional legends of valor and success, their tales often involving simple deeds that help the people.

Symbol of Strength

At 3rd level you always have the Sudden Strength and Catapult Earth Power prepared. Your maximum Vigor amount is increased by a third of your charisma score.

Unbreakable Aegis

At 6th level, you dedicate your legend to always being active to protect the weak. By spending 1 minute in meditation, you can recover an amount of Vigor equal to 1d6+Charisma modifier. You can only use this ability once before you need to take a Long Rest.


At 9th level, you always have the Call for Aid Power prepared. Additionally, you can have your Legendary Spirit be two types instead of one, and it lasts it duration without concentration, though you can still only have one at a time.

Alternatively, can also spend an extra two points of Vigor to change its duration to one hour with concentration, and have it speak two languages you know. You decide its personality, and can have it retain information across summonings.

Tag Team

At 15th level, your strength against the wicked with your Sidekick is improved. If you and you Legendary Spirit are within 5 feet of each other or flanking a creature, you can add your Constitution modifier to both your and the Legendary Spirit's attack and damage rolls, athletics checks, and constitution saving throws.


The powers you can learn are presented below

Adrenaline Rush

Prerequisite: 5th level
You can cast Haste on yourself without material components by spending 3 points of Vigor. You can use this power once per long rest


Prerequisite: 7th level
As an action, you can spend 3 points of Vigor to make a ranged power attack on a creature you can see within 150 feet. On a hit, the creature is reeled towards you up to your speed. For the next minute, at the start of its turn the creature must make a Strength save or be reeled in an amount equal to your speed. This power ends on a success, or if you end it as a bonus action.

Arc Slash

Prerequisite: 9th level
When you take the attack action, you can spend 6 points of Vigor to replace one of the attacks with this power. Make a Melee Power Attack. All creatures in a 30 foot wide line 5 feet in front of you, or in a 5 foot radius around you (your choice), that are hit by the attack take 8d8 + CON slashing damage.

Bite the Bullet

Prerequisite: 5th level
As an bonus action, you can spend 4 points of Vigor to dull your senses and prepare yourself for a beating. Until the start of your next turn, you have resistance to all damage except psychic

Catapult Earth

As an action, you can spend 2 points of Vigor rip out a 5 foot wide chunk of loose earth in front of you. You can then hurl it at a space within 30 feet of you. Creatures within 5 feet of the chosen space must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 bludgeoning damage and fall prone.

You can spend additional points of Vigor to extend the range by 10 feet and damage by 1d10 per point spent, up to a maximum of half your Apotheosis level (rounding up).

Call for Aid

Prerequisite: 7th level
As an action, you can spend 4 points of Vigor to call forth a spirit created by your legend. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet. This corporeal form uses the "Legendary Spirit" stat block. When you cast the spell, choose a type: Attacker, Defender, or Supporter. The creature resembles a fantastical humanoid in relation to your theme. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when one minute passes. You must concentrate on this power as if you were concentrating on a spell.

You can spend additional points of Vigor to increase certain parts of the spirit in its statblock. You can only spend an amount of Vigor at once equal to half your Apotheosis level (rounding up)

The creature is an ally to you and your companions. In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any, it takes the Dodge action and uses its move to avoid danger.

Legendary Spirit

Medium humanoid, Same alignment as summoner

  • Armor Class 13 + Vigor (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 40 + 10 for each additional Vigor point
  • Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 9 (-1)

  • Saving Throws: Str + 5, Dex + 5
  • Damage Resistances: poison
  • Condition Immunities: charmed, poisoned
  • Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
  • Languages: understands the languages you speak
  • Challenge: __
  • Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus

Commanding Presence (Supporter only). At the start of its turn, the spirit can choose one creature within 30 feet of it. That creature then gains advantage or disadvantage (spirit's choice) on the first attack roll they make until the end of their next turn.
Buffer Zone (Defender only). At the start of its turn, the spirit gains 15 temporary Hit points.


Multiattack (Attacker Only). The spirit makes a number of attacks equal to half this power's Vigor cost (rounded down).
Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: your power attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + PB + the power's Vigor cost in slashing damage.
Shoot. (Supporter Only) Ranged Weapon Attack: your power attack modifier to hit, reach 60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + PB + the power's Vigor cost in slashing damage.


Defensive Formation (Defender Only). When the spirit sees someone taking damage within 30 feet of it, it can use its reaction to halve the damage dealt.

Combat Aware

Prerequisite: 7th level
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 point of Vigor to prevent enemies from gaining advantage on attack rolls against you until the start of your next turn as a result of them being unseen by you or flanking.

Dancing Blades

As a bonus action, you can spend 4 points of Vigor to cause one weapon you are holding to raise into the air and float around you in your space, freeing one or both of your hands. For the next minute when you take the attack action, you can make this weapon attack instead, using Constitution as its modifier. Its damage type is changed to force. You can only make one weapon float at a time. This power requires your concentration, as if concentrating on a spell.

At 8th level, you can use your bonus action to make an attack with this weapon for 1 point of Vigor.

At 10th level, you can make an additional weapon float when using this power, though you can still only make one weapon attack at a time.


Prerequisite: 9th level
As an action, you can spend 4 points of Vigor to emit a discordant melody. All creatures that are currently concentrating on a spell within 30 feet of you must immediately make a Constitution save against your power save DC. If they fail, they take 3d10 thunder damage, lose concentration, and cannot concentrate on another spell until the start of your next turn.

A creature that is immune to thunder damage or deafened is unaffected by this power.

Elemental Application

Prerequisite: 5th level
When you hit with an attack, you can spend 2 points of Vigor to change the damage type of your weapon to acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage. Once per turn you can cause an extra d4 damage of the chosen type. This change lasts for 10 minutes.

Changing damage type to fire causes your weapon to emit bright light in a 10 foot radius, and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

Elemental Expert

Prerequisite: 7th level
Pick one spell from Wall of Fire, Control Water, Stone Shape, or Storm Sphere. You can cast the spell without material components for 4 points of Vigor.

Elemental Intermediate

Pick one spell from Scorching Ray, Rime's Binding Ice, Maximilian's Earthen Grasp, or Warding Wind. You can cast the spell without material components for 2 points of Vigor.

Elemental Master

Prerequisite: 9th level
Pick one spell from Immolation, Maelstrom, Wall of Stone, or Control Winds. You can cast the spell without material components for 5 points of Vigor.

Elemental Novice

Pick one cantrip from Produce Flame, Shape Water, Mold Earth, or Gust. You can cast the spell for no Vigor cost.

Regardless of the choice you pick, you can use your action, costing no Vigor, to briefly control elemental forces within 30 feet of you, causing one of the following effects of your choice:

  • Create a harmless, instantaneous sensory effect related to fire, water, earth, or air such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, a spray of light mist, or a gentle rumbling of stone.
  • Instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
  • Chill or warm up to 1 pound of nonliving material for up to 1 hour.
  • Cause earth, fire, water, or mist that can fit within a 1-foot cube to shape itself into a crude form you designate for 1 minute.

You also learn one of the following spells relating to whichever cantrip you selected: burning hands, create or destroy water, earth tremor, and fog cloud and are able to cast them without material components for 1 point of Vigor

At GM discretion, the parameters of your non-damaging cantrips may change as you reach milestone levels (5, 11, and 17). For example, the shape water spell may encase a 10 foot cube instead of 5, or gust pushing a creature 10 feet back instead of 5.

Elemental Paragon

Prerequisite: 11th level
Pick one spell from Investiture of Flame, Investiture of Ice, Investiture of Stone, or Investiture of Wind. You can cast the spell for 6 points of Vigor.

Elemental Prodigy

Prerequisite: 5th level
Pick one spell from: Fireball, Wall of Water, Erupting Earth, or Wind Wall. You can cast the spell without material components for 3 points of Vigor

Flash Step

Prerequisite: 5th level
You can cast Thunder Step for 3 points of Vigor.

Flash Strike

Prerequesite: 11th Level
As an action, you can spend 6 points of Vigor to raise a melee weapon to the sky, which is then struck with lightning. You can release this lightning as though by the chain lightning spell. This power can only be used with direct access to the sky.


Prerequisite: 7th level
You can cast Freedom of Movement on yourself without material components for 4 points of Vigor.

Go For The Eyes

Prerequisite: 5th level
You can cast Blinding Smite for 3 points of Vigor.

Heightened Defense

You can cast Shield as a bonus action for 1 point of Vigor.


Prerequisite: 11th level
As a bonus action, you can spend 5 points of Vigor to take on an incorporeal form until the start of your next turn. While in this form, you gain a flying speed of 100 feet, and are resistant to all damage but force and radiant. You are able to pass through creatures, objects, and barriers, both magical and nonmagical, including barriers that extend into the etheral plane as if they were difficult terrain. This power requires your concentration as if concentrating on a spell.

Your form ends early if you target a creature with a harmful effect. If you end your turn in a solid object, you are ejected to the nearest unoccupied space and take 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled, and are Stunned until the start of your next turn.

Iron Grip

When you attempt to grapple a creature, you may expend 3 points of Vigor to instead attempt to restrain the target. If you continue to grapple, you have advantage on the initial Strength check.

Iron Will

Prerequisite: 11th level
If you are Charmed, Stunned, or Frightened, you can spend 4 points of Vigor to end any of the conditions on you as a bonus action even if you are incapacitated. Additionally, for the next minute, you have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed, Stunned, or Frightened.

King's Aura

Prerequisite: 9th level
As an action, you can spend 5 points of Vigor to exude an aura that stretches out to 10 feet and lasts for a minute. Nothing- not physical objects, energy, or other spell effects can pass through the aura, in or out, though you can still breathe, talk, hear, and see through the aura. You can't be damaged by attacks or effects originating from outside the aura, nor can you damage anything outside it. You must concentrate on this power as if you were concentrating on a spell.

Legendary Armor

Prerequisite: 10th level
Prerequisite: Your Signature Gear is your Armor
When you roll initiative, you can spend 3 points of Vigor to empower yourself using your signature gear as an aid. Choose one of the options below:

Abjured. Hostile creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you for the first round of combat. If an attack hits you, this property deactivates

Vicious. You have advantage on all your attack rolls if you take the attack action on your first turn. If an attack misses, this property deactivates

Legendary Shield

Prerequisite: 10th level
Prerequisite: Your Signature Gear is your Shield
When you roll initiative, you can spend 3 points of Vigor to empower yourself using your signature gear as an aid. Choose one of the options below:

Taunt. If an ally within 5 feet of you is attacked within the first round, you may use your reaction to instead make you the target of that attack. All attacks against that ally are made against you, and you gain +5 ac, until the start of your next turn.

Guard. Friendly creatures within 30 feet of you gain an a bonus to their AC equal to the bonus given by your shield. This lasts until the start of your next turn.

Legendary Weapon

Prerequisite: 10th level
Prerequisite: Your Signature Gear is your Weapon
When you roll initiative, you can spend 3 points of Vigor to empower yourself using your signature gear as an aid. Choose one of the options below:

Terror. Hostile creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom save, or become Frightened. This lasts until the start of your next turn. While Frightened in this way, the creature must use all of its movement to run away from you if able, though it wont run into any directly harmful effects.

Leader. Friendly creatures within 30 feet of you are allowed to roll 1d8 and add the result on the first attack roll, ability check, or saving throw they make before the start of your next turn.

Lethal Pursuer

Prerequisite: 7th level
When a creature within 60 feet of you teleports, you can use your reaction to spend 5 points of Vigor and force them to make a Charisma save. On a failure, you teleport with the creature, arriving at its destination within a spot of your choice within 30 feet of it. You must concentrate on this Power as if concentrating on a spell. If your concentration ends before 1 minute has passed, you return to an unoccupied space closest to where you left.

Magical Strength

Prerequisite: 6th level
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 pont of Vigor to enchant your body with a magical strength. For the next minute, all your attacks are considered magical.


When a creature you can see hits a target adjacent to you, and the attacker is at least 10 feet away from the target, As a reaction you can spend 2 points of vigor to move 5 feet to the space in between the target and the attacker and take that damage instead. This damage cant be reduced in any way.

Ocean Born

Prerequisite: 5th level
As an action, you can spend 4 points of Vigor to gain the ability to walk on water, breathe in water, and gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour.

Piercing Shot

Prerequisite: 9th level
When you take the attack action, you can spend 6 points of Vigor to replace one of the attacks with this power. Make a ranged power attack against a creature you can see within 60 feet.

If it hits, every creature in behind the target (including the target) out to 120 feet takes 12d6+CON piercing damage as long as your attack roll beats the AC of subsequent creatures. If the attack does not meet a creature's AC, it and the creatures behind it are unaffected.

Power Jump

As an action, you can spend 1 point of Vigor to leap 10 feet in any direction, without expending movement. In addition, you take no fall damage if you land on the same turn you jump. If you land on top of another creature, you and the creature both take appropriate fall damage, and you land in a space within 5 feet of that creature.
You can spend additional points of Vigor for farther distance. Every additional point spent increases the distance by 10 feet, up to 60 feet.

Power surge

Prerequisite: 13th level
As an action, you can spend 8 points of Vigor to surge forth your power. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain 50 temporary hit points. If you still have these temporary hit points by the time the minute is over, they are lost.
  • You have advantage on attack rolls you make with simple and martial weapons
  • When you hit a target with a weapon, that target takes an extra 2d12 force damage.
  • You gain proficiency in Dexterity Saving throws.

You must concentrate on these effects as if concentrating on a spell. Immediately after the effects of this power are over, you must make a Charisma saving throw (DC: 15) or suffer 1 level of Exhaustion. You can only use this power once per Long Rest.

Project Will

As an action, you can spend 2 points of Vigor to project an action to be performed up to 60 feet around you a point you can see as if you were in that space, or a point within your 5 feet of you if you cant. This manifests a mindless, shapeless, invisible force that carries out the task immediately after your turn. The force has one action and lasts until the end of its turn.. It can use its action to perform a specific task using your statistics, such as:

  • Performing one weapon attack
  • Taking a bag off of someone's head
  • Cut or untie a rope
  • Interacting with or manipulating an object
  • Open a container or door
  • Activating a magic item

The force does not need a weapon to make an attack, though it can make an attack as if made with any weapon you carry, and it can only make one attack. The force does not occupy its own space. The force can move up to 30 feet during its task

Quickened Blade

You learn Zephyr Strike. You gain the ability to cast it for 1 point of Vigor.

At 5th level, if you use 4 or more points of Vigor to cast it, it lasts the duration without concentration.

Rapid Strikes

Prerequisite: 8th level
As an action, you can spend 5 points of Vigor to prime your shoulders. Make 5 melee power attacks against a creature within 5 feet. Each attack does 1+CON of your weapon's damage type.


Prerequisite: 6th level
You can cast Arcane Eye without material components for 4 points of Vigor.


You can cast Spider Climb without material components for 2 points of Vigor.

Strong Strike

You can cast Thunderous Smite for 1 point of Vigor.

Sudden Strength

Prerequisite: 5th level
When pushing, lifting, or dragging an object, you can use your reaction to spend 2 points of Vigor and change your Strength score to 30. You may also take this reaction in response to a rolling boulder, falling debris, a shrinking room, or a similar, sudden event. Your speed also drops to 5 feet. This change lasts until you let go of the object or a minute passes. For the duration, you also count as one size larger for determining carrying capacity. You cannot use any held object during this time to make an attack.

Supernatural Sense

Prerequisite: 5th level
As a bonus action, you can expend 4 points of Vigor to gain blindsight or tremorsense out to a radius of 30 feet for one minute.

You can spend additional points of Vigor for an increased radius. For every additional point spent, the radius of your chosen sight increases by 10 feet, up to a limit of 60 feet.

At 11th level, you can also gain truesight out to the same distance as your chosen sight.

Survey The Field

Prerequisite: 7th level
When you roll initiative, you may expend 3 points of Vigor to pick any spot in initiative, as long as the spot is no higher than your initial placement.

Sword Saint

Prerequisite: 9th level
You can cast Steel Wind Strike for 5 points of Vigor.


As a bonus action, you can spend 2 points of Vigor to exude a delicious aroma. Creatures with an Intelligence score of 4 or lower within 60 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to move towards you on their next turn.

Lightning Cloak

Prerequisite: 11th level
As a bonus action, you can spend 7 points of Vigor to wrap yourself in a cloak of lightning. While cloaked, you must concentrate on this power as if concentrating on a spell. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your base movement speed becomes 100
  • You ignore nonmagical difficult terrain while dashing.
  • You can dash as a bonus action
  • When you are hit with an attack you can shock the attacker if they are within 10 feet with your reaction, dealing 3d8 lightning damage to your target. A creature that takes this damage can't use reactions until the end off their next turn.
  • If you use both your action and bonus action to dash in the same turn, you can instead teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within 300 feet of you. If you do this, your concentration on the power ends. You deal 3d8 lightning damage to creatures within 10 feet of the space you enter, and you can immediately take another action. This action can be used to make an attack (one weapon attack only), dash, disengage, or hide.

Undying Strength

You can cast false life without material components for 1 point of Vigor.

You can spend additional points of Vigor to add 5 to the Hit points rolled. The maximum amount of Vigor you can spend on a casting of this spell is limited to half your Apotheosis level, rounding up.


When you hit an object, you can spend 1 point of Vigor to deal a critical hit instead. When you deal critical damage in this way, you also deal double damage if the object is nonmagical.

Alternatively, if you have moved at least 20 feet in a straight line, you can spend 3 points of Vigor to plow a hole through a structure no more than 5 feet thick as long as its AC is under 16 and its hit points below 20.

You can spend additional points of Vigor to plow through tougher objects. For each point spent, the AC limit is increased by 1 and the Hit point limit by 5. If you spend 5 or more Vigor, the thickness you can penetrate increases to 15 feet, and your movement is increased to complete the charge if it is less.

Vanishing Presence

As an action, you can spend 2 points of Vigor to turn invisible for the next hour. If you make an attack, use a power, or deal damage to another creature, the power ends. You must concentrate on this power as if concentrating on a spell.

At 7th level, you can spend 4 points of Vigor to turn invisible for the next minute. You must concentrate on this power as if concentrating on a spell.

Anything you wear or carry is invisible as long as it is on your person.

Wax Wings

Prerequisite: 5th level
You learn Fly. You gain the ability to cast it on yourself without material components for 3 points of Vigor.

At level 14, The cost to cast Fly becomes 1 point of Vigor, and lasts indefinitely without concentration until you are incapacitated

Version Notes 1.2->1.3

  • The flavor text of the introduction has been changed to further clarify the class, its place in a party, and its mechanical flavor
  • Close Combat applies its penalty to ranged attacks too
  • Covering fire now denies an opportunity attack altogether
  • Heightened Defense now forces shield to be used as a bonus action
  • Fleeting fame no longer applies disadvantage to opposing insight checks, and instead makes your statements true to magic
  • You can now aesthetic swap your signature gear
  • Some public influence events have been changed or reworded
  • Body and Mind of a Legend now has a number of uses equal to your charisma modifier
  • The apotheosis gains one additional ASI at level 10
  • Rank: Epic's meditation now grants temp HP equal to your apotheosis level plus your charisma score
  • Everlasting epic allows you to form two additional temples at 20th level
  • Manifest Mythos' advantage on constitution saving throws has been changed to immunity to charisma saving throw effects
  • The thriller hymnos has had its hiding ability and action cost clarified
  • Anticipation now gives temp HP while invisible
  • Tragedy hymnos' paranoid effect now dispels the shield
  • Martyr's come down has a range
  • Egoist' denoument has been nerfed from three to two
  • Comedy's loveable buffoon gains uses as long as there are fewer than half your maximum left
  • Satire's well educated now lets you use vicious mockery in place of an attack at level 6
  • Bastardization's bardic inhalation has increased to d6
  • No spells known? has been reworked to no spell slots?
  • Bastardization uses recover up to half its maximum with infinite jest
  • Heroic's symbol of strength now increases max vigor by a third of your charisma score
  • Tag team now increrases attack rolls and constitution saving throws by your constitution modifier
  • Earth asunder has been renamed to Catapult Earth
  • Legendary spirit has had its HP nerfed on vigor scaling, and defensive formation has had the latter half removed

Version Notes 1.1->1.2

  • The Hit dice has been lowered (d10 > d8)
  • The Power amount scales differently, still granting a total of 10 powers but with a staggered gain
  • Vigor gain amount has been staggered and reduced
  • Martyrdom has become a power instead of a fighting style
  • All fighter mentions have been fixed
  • The Covering Fire fighting style has been added
  • Armament Anecdote now has a portion dedicated to making a new item
  • Quickened Body has been changed to On-The-Fly
  • Rank: Legend has recieved a nerf (No longer can recover vigor when spending hit dice)
  • The Temp HP from rank:epic no longer requires your companions to pray to you
  • Darkvision nerf on Thriller (120 > 90)
  • Anticipation buff (+Charisma bonus to initiative)
  • 1 minute duration added to Surpise!'s frighten effect
  • The Climax now removes the limit on hiding when creatures are observing you.
  • Standardized Downsides to Come Down
  • Added more benefits to Paranoid's Denoument
  • Reworked Martyr's Denoument
  • Further clarified Comedic relief
  • Added a regain mechanic to Loveable Buffoon
  • Lowered power surge cost by 2 when using it with Crouching Moron Hidden Tiger
  • Well educated's Vicious mockery starts out at a higher damage dice
  • Bardic inhalation's 1d4 can be either a bonus or a penalty
  • MetaMetamagic has been reworked
  • Otherwordly Apron has been replaced with Pact Bullshit
  • Jester's Privelage vicious mockery can now crit.
  • Tag Team has replaced Righteous Fury
  • Adrenaline Rush has a 1/LR restriction


Version 1.0 - Created by /u/arceus12245

Images, in order of appearance:

  • Water Knight by Jason Nguyen (Cover)
  • Temple of Plenty by Chris Ostrowski
  • Oracle by Jason Nguyen
  • Moonlight Hunter by Ferdinand Ladera
  • Death Knight by Jesus Campos Nerkin
  • Ghostblade Eidolon by Ryan Yee
  • GIOVE - Age of pantheons by Gianluca Rolli
  • Zagreus by Hashiara
  • Demon Samurai by Jason Nguyen
  • Rise of the Pumpkins by Jason Nguyen
  • Unknown by BenJuniu
  • The Fall of Icarus by Rene Milot
  • Hebb the Master Blacksmith by Jason Wang
  • War Jester by Jason Nguyen
  • Echo Knight by captdiablo
  • Gift of Immortality by Matt Stewart (Back Cover)


  • Theros Campaign Setting
  • @aureminate on Twitter
  • Witcher class by u/johnares93 used as a formatting Template

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