Planewalker - Class

by Dweebie

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5e class


The woman steps through a barrier in reality, emerging with blue eyes and a powerful magic aura. The men who just watched as she blipped out of reality look around confused as they hear a, "Right behind you"

A wreath of shadow surrounds the orcs as they recieve a blow from the left, then the right, and multiple more from random directions. Confused and disoriented the orcs become worn down as shadowy hands reach out and pull them into the darkness one by one.

The aarakocra glides above trying to find the man. Scanning the round they decide this area is clear. Just after the aarakocra leaves a wormhole opens o the ground spitting out a man covered in goo and acid. He coughs a few times and spits up some green goo. He spits, "Ugh, it had to be the plane of ooze."

The distinct sound of gears clicking as the woman clad in robes pulls out a pocket watch. The goliath she's in the ring with punches at her relentlessly but she evades each fist effortlessly. The pocket watch continues to click. Then the final, slightly louder, tick rings through the air and as it does, the woman steps backwards into a rift as the man's hand gets stuck in a mechanism of gears and he begins screaming in agony.

Stepping between realms and planes, a mixture of magical powers, and powerful teleportation the planewalker has an innate connection to the planes themselves. The many elemental and magical planes grant them power.

The powers of the planes are given to a very few. Some study for a lifetime and can never muster a proper connection. Some are given the power as someone born on the division between the planes, and a few more come into contact with some otherworldly power that gifts them with the ability to see, move, and draw from the planes.

Planewalker Quick Build

Choose your highest attribute to be Wisdom. Choose your next two highest attributes to be either Charisma and Constitution or Intelligence and Constitution. Choose the hallowed one background.

Multiclassing Planewalker - when using the optional rule for multiclassing with a Planewalker, the character must have an Wisdom score of more than 13.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per planewalker level

Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier

Hit points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your constitution modifier per level after 1st


Planewalkers have the following proficiencies at 1st level.

Armor: Light armor, Medium armor

Weapons: Simple weapons and martial weapons without the heavy property

Tools: None

Saving Throws: Wisdom, Intelligence

Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Religion

Starting Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • quarterstaff or a dagger
  • simple weapon or martial weapon you are proficient with
  • leather armor
  • spellcasting focus
  • a scholar's kit or a dungoneer's pack

Planewalker Ability.

Your planewalker ability is Wisdom. This is also your spellcasting ability for planewalker features.

Planewalker Table

Level Profiency Bonus Features Plane

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Spell
7th 8th 9th Planar
1st +2 Plane of Origin, Spellcasting 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - -
2nd +2 Planar Magic 1 d4 1 - - - - - - - - 2
3rd +2 Plane of Origin Feature 2 d4 2 - - - - - - - - 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 d4 2 1 - - - - - - - 4
5th +3 - 2 d4 2 1 - - - - - - - 4
6th +3 Elemental Plane (x1) 3 d6 2 1 - - - - - - - 6
7th +3 - 3 d6 3 1 - - - - - - - 6
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 d6 3 2 1 - - - - - - 6
9th +4 - 4 d6 3 2 1 - - - - - - 6
10th +4 Plane of Origin Feature 3 d8 3 2 1 1 - - - - - 8
11th +4 Elemental Plane (x2) 4 d8 4 2 1 1 - - - - - 8
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 d8 4 3 1 1 1 - - - - 8
13th +5 - 5 d8 4 3 1 1 1 - - - - 8
14th +5 Plane of Origin Feature 5 d10 4 3 1 1 1 1 - - - 10
15th +5 - 6 d10 4 3 1 1 1 1 - - - 10
16th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 d10 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 - - 10
17th +6 - 6 d10 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 - - 10
18th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 d12 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 - 12
19th +6 - 6 d12 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 - 12
20th +6 Beyond this Earth 6 d12 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 14

Class Features

As a planewalker you gain the following class features.

Plane of Origin

1st level Planewalker feature

You were born with or granted a connection to a plane beyond this world. While you can step into other planes, most of your magic is derived from this one.

You have access to a Plane of Shadows, you gain more as you level up. (as seen in the Planewalker Table.)

You gain features as you level up with your Plane of Origin. It also grants additional options for Plane of Shadows choices.

Choose From:

Mechanus, Mount Celestia, Elysium, Olympus, Limbo, Abyss, Hades, or the Nine Hells.


1st level Planewalker feature

As a planewalker you have the ability to cast powerful spells. You are especially talented at using teleportation and plane spells.

Planar Magic

2nd level Planewalker feature

You gain access to Planewalking Die, which are used for your plane of origin and plane shadows, they increase as you level up.

You also gain planar. These points are replenished after you finish a long rest. When you use a teleportation or plane spell, you can regain a spell slot you have expended, to do so you must expend a number of planar equal to the level of the spell slot you regain.

Elemental Plane

6th level Planewalker feature

You can choose an elemental plane, you gain access to this plane's spells. (As specified in the spell section.) You also gain a feature dependent on the plane. You can choose a second plane at 11th level, but it must be adjacent to the previous one. You will also gain the mixed plane spells from the combination.

Choose from:

  • Fire. you can set your weapon ablaze when casting a fire spell. This lasts 1 minute and makes your melee attacks deal 1 planewalking die extra fire damage.
  • Magma. (Fire + Earth) you can use mold earth to turn stone into magma.
  • Earth. you can expend a planar to create a weapon out of stone. This weapon lasts for an hour and deals 1 planewalking die additional bludgeoning damage.
  • Ooze. (Earth + Water) you can use shape water to turn water into acid or poison. This acid deals 1d4 acid damage when poured on someone.
  • Water. you can expend your bonus action when attacking to create a whip out of water, dealing 1 planewalking die additional slashing damage.
  • Ice. (Water + Air) you can use shape water to freeze water at will.
  • Air. you can expend 1 planar to deal 4 planewalking die extra force damage.
  • Smoke. (Air + Fire) you can use any fire cantrip to create smoke instead of flame.

Beyond This Earth

20th level Planewalker feature

When you cast a 9th level spell of any kind, you can expend 9 planar to gain 2 8th level spell slots. These spell slots above your maximum expire when you take a long rest.

You can cast astral projection as a ritual without expending any spell slots, but it takes 4 hours to cast.

Planes of Origin


The magic of the mechanus grants powerful spells. You are an experienced user of technological magic.

You gain proficiency in Tinkerer's Tools when you choose this Plane.


1st level mechanus feature

when using a ranged weapon, you can expend a planar to gain a planewalker die to hit and damage.

This feature can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest.

Dashing Intelligence

3rd level mechanus feature

When making intelligence checks, you can choose to use your wisdom modifier instead.

You can also add a planewalker die to any wisdom check you make while any of your spells are active.

Relentless Assault

10th level mechanus feature

The mechanus empowers your spellcasting, when you cast a mechanus spell, you gain a number of planewalker die equal to the level of the spell cast temporary hit points.

Final Embezzlement

14th level mechanus feature

When you hit 0 hit points, you are instead set to 1 hit point and all your 1st-5th level spell slots are regained. But you expend all of your remaining planar.

This feature can be used once per day.

Mount Celestia

The paradise from far away, the origin of all that is lawful. But with lawfulness comes a price.

Planewalkers with a Mount Celestia origin tend to be more lawful, following a strict code.

Law of Self

1st level mount celestia feature

When you cast a spell, if your usage is strongly in line with your moral compass, you gain a planewalker die extra to any d20 roll you may make with it, if it is strongly in opposition with your moral compass, you subtract a planewalker die instead.

Those Who Stand

3rd level mount celestia feature

You can use dash as a bonus action if you are moving towards an enemy with it. Once you have used dash you cannot make any movement away from that enemy.

Valiant Night

10th level mount celestia feature

After using dash and moving the full distance, you gain one planewalker die to your AC until your next turn.

This feature can be used a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.

Iron Will

14th level mount celestia feature

Your AC cannot be below 16.

If you take damage, you can use your reaction to heal one planewalker die. You can do this a number of times per long rest equal to your Wisdom modifier.


The paradise of the afterlife. Planewalkers that originate from here are experts of healing and care for others, especially those who have to pass from the mortal relm to the afterlife.

Divine Blessing

1st level elysium feature

You can expend planar points to gain spell slots when you use a healing spell as well as teleportation and plane spells.

Improved Healing

3rd level elysium feature

When you cast a healing spell, you can use planar points to upcast it's level. You can also add your proficiency bonus to any healing you give.

Evasive Maneuvers

10th level elysium feature

When you cast a healing spell, you can cast misty step as a bonus action.

You also can cast misty step without expending a spell slot a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.

Snapshot Healing

14th level elysium feature

You can cast beacon of hope as a reaction when an ally takes damage.


The many gods that exist in the realm of Olympus are so powerful the realm is filled with untapped energy. Olympus planewalkers can channel the untapped energy into lightning.

Volatile Lightning

1st level olympus feature

When casting a lightning spell, you can choose to deal no damage and instead have the target make a DC 8 CON saving throw or take eight planewalker die lightning damage instead.

Alternatively, you can upcast lightning spells with planar and use your planewalker die instead of the usual damage.

Deadly Light

3rd level olympus feature

You can cast shocking grasp on yourself, dealing no damage but causing lightning to arc around your body. This lightning produces bright light for 30 feet and dim light for another 15 feet.

Any creature that attacks you with a melee attack while this is active will make a CON save and on a fail take the damage from shocking grasp.

This effect lasts 10 minutes, or until you are hit by a creature that fails the CON save.

Port in a Storm

10th level olympus feature

When you take lightning damage you can use your reaction to absorb it, taking no damage and gaining planar equal to (the damage you took/22).


14th level olympus feature

You can cast absorb elements as a concentration spell, the spell slot is only consumed if concentration is interrupted.


A land of complete and total chaos, Limbo is a wild and powerful land. Planewalkers from limbo tend to be chaotic and have no order in their lives. Their spells can explode violently.

Volatile Spells

1st level limbo feature

You choose 8 metamagic options from the sorcerer class when you pick this plane. When you cast a limbo spell you roll a d8 and the spell is affected by one of the metamagic options.

When casting a saving throw spell, you can also roll a d20, on a natural 20 the damage is a crit.

Complete Chaos

3rd level limbo feature

You can expend a spell slot to roll a d4 (1: fire, 2: earth, 3: water, 4: air) and cast a random spell from that level of that spell list.

Planar Shadows

10th level limbo feature

You can choose any 4 eldrich invocations, when you want to use any affect any of them have, you must roll a d4. If you roll a 4, you can use the eldrich invocation, otherwise you cannot. Upon using an invocation, if you attempt to use it again and fail you cannot use that invocation again until you long rest.


14th level limbo feature

When you cast spell you can choose 4 other spells, roll a d4 and cast that spell. This costs planar equal to the level of the spell cast.

This feature can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.


The land of tortured souls, the Abyss is the most painful place for mortals. As such planewalkers from this plane tend to be more desensitized and sometimes evil.

Murderous Intent

1st level abyss feature

When you kill an enemy you can choose to sap their life, taking one planewalker die damage and regaining a sixth of your planars.

This feature can be used a number of times per long rest equal to half of your proficiency bonus. (rounded down)

The Harsh World

3rd level abyss feature

If a nearby allied creature drops to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to expend 4 planar to heal them one planewalker die health.

Stone Cold

10th level abyss feature

You can expend a planar to change the roll on any charisma check to whatever value you want if the check involves you scaring or intimidating them.

Undying Will

14th level abyss feature

When you drop to 0 hit points, you can expend one planewalker die for the (20 - your current level)th level worth of planar to continue to live for one planewalker die rounds, before passing out and gaining two levels of exhaustion. You can still die permanently as per normal.


The home of evil balanced between lawful and chaotic, planewalkers from Hades are capable of being entirely evil. This distinct evil associated with Hades leads to powerful magic and deception.

Master of Lies

1st level hades feature

When you use deception you can expend two planar to add two planewalker die to the result.

Otherworldly Presence

3rd level hades feature

When you cast an illusion spell you can add or subtract an illusion die to or from any d20 roll made because of the spell. This costs one planar.


10th level hades feature

You can cast wildshape by spending a planar.

This feature can be used once per short or long rest.


14th level hades feature

When using summon steed, you can summon a Cerberus as one of the options.

Nine Hells

The unholy creatures of the Nine Hells see disorder and chaos as a necessity for the world. These agents of chaos tend to be more evil, but what they do have in common is their chaotic nature and magic.

Shadowy Wilds

1st level nine hells feature

When casting infestation the creature affected has disadvantage on attacking you until your next turn.

Black Shadows

3rd level nine hells feature

You remain invisible for 1 round after attacking when you cast invisibility.

Targeted Strike

10th level nine hells feature

You can target your enemies organs, if you expend a planar point you can gain advantage and one planewalker die to hit.

Fiery Devils

14th level nine hells feature

When you use any ability that summons creatures you can choose a point in 25 feet to summon it at, when you do this the effect of fireball is cast on that area at the level of the summon spell. It doesn't affect the creatures you summoned.

This costs 2 planar.

Plane Shadows

Planewalker Spells

Base Spells


  • message
  • mage hand

1st Level

  • absorb elements
  • comprehend languages
  • detect evil and good
  • find familiar
  • goodberry
  • magic missile

2nd Level

  • misty step
  • vortex warp
  • arcanist's magic aura
  • flock of familiars
  • see invisibility

3rd Level

  • thunder step
  • blink
  • counterspell
  • elemental weapon
  • phantom steed
  • speak with dead
  • spirit guardians
  • tiny servant

4th Level

  • banishment
  • dimension door
  • locate creature
  • private sanctum

5th Level

  • far step
  • teleportation circle
  • tree stride
  • bigby's hand
  • contact other plane
  • rary's telepathic bond
  • planar binding
  • conjure elemental

6th Level

  • arcane gate
  • scatter
  • transport via plants
  • globe of invulnerability
  • planar ally
  • tasha's otherworldly guise

7th Level

  • dream of the blue veil
  • etherealness
  • plane shift
  • teleport
  • reverse gravity
  • tether essence

8th Level

  • clone
  • demiplane
  • dark star
  • reality break
  • telepathy

9th Level

  • astral projection
  • foresight
  • gate
  • imprisonment
  • ravenous void

Fire Plane Spells


  • control flames
  • create bonfire
  • fire bolt
  • produce flame

1st Level

  • faerie fire
  • burning hands

2nd Level

  • aganazzar's scorcher
  • flaming sphere
  • flame blade

3rd Level

  • flame arrows
  • flame stride

4th Level

  • fire shield
  • wall of fire

5th Level

  • flame strike
  • immolation

6th Level

  • investiture of flame

7th Level

  • fire storm

8th Level

  • incendiary cloud

Magma Plane Spells (Fire + Earth)


  • magic stone

1st Level

  • hellish rebuke

2nd Level

  • continual flame
  • heat metal
  • scorching ray

3rd Level

  • erupting earth
  • meteor swarm
  • melf's minute meteors

4th Level

  • widogast's web of fire

9th Level

Earth Plane Spells


  • mold earth

1st Level

  • earth tremor
  • mage armor
  • shield

2nd Level

  • earthbind
  • maximillian's earthen grasp
  • pass without trace

3rd Level

  • galder's tower
  • meld into stone

4th Level

  • stoneshape
  • stoneskin

5th Level

  • passwall
  • transmute rock
  • wall of stone

6th Level

  • bones of the earth
  • flesh to stone
  • investiture of stone#### 8th Level
  • earthquake

Ooze Plane Spells (Earth + Water)


  • acid splash
  • decompose
  • poison spray

1st Level

  • acid stream
  • detect poison and disease
  • ray of sickness
  • tasha's caustic brew

2nd Level

  • melf's acid arrow

4th Level

  • sickening radiance
  • vitriolic sphere

8th Level

  • abi-dalzim's horrid wilting

Water Plane Spells


  • shape water

1st Level

  • create or destroy water

3rd Level

  • wall of water
  • water walk

4th Level

  • watery sphere
  • control water

8th Level

  • tsunami

Ice Plane Spells (Water + Air)


  • frostbite
  • ray of frost

1st Level

  • armor of agathys
  • frost fingers
  • ice knife

2nd Level

  • rime’s binding ice
  • snilloc’s snowball swarm

5th Level

  • cone of cold#### 6th Level
  • otiluke's freezing sphere
  • investiture of ice
  • freezing sphere
  • wall of ice

7th Level

  • create geyser

Air Plane Spells


  • booming blade
  • gust
  • thunderclap
  • mage hand
  • shillelagh

1st Level

  • thunderwave
  • feather fall
  • fog cloud
  • jump
  • longstrider
  • zephyr strike

2nd Level

  • levitate
  • shatter
  • air bubble
  • gust of wind
  • warding wind

3rd Level

  • wind wall

5th Level

  • steel wind strike
  • control winds
  • freedom of the winds

6th Level

  • wind walk
  • investiture of wind

7th Level

  • whirlwind

Smoke Plane Spells (Air + Fire)


  • true strike

1st Level

  • cause fear
  • unseen servant

2nd Level

  • cloud of daggers
  • darkness
  • shadow blade
  • pyrotechnics#### 3rd Level
  • gaseous form

4th Level

  • shadow of moil

7th Level

  • delayed blast fireball

8th Level

  • maddening darkness

Mechanus Plane Spells


  • on/off
  • virtue
  • mending
  • encode thoughts

1st Level

  • alarm
  • catapult
  • disguise self
  • grease

2nd Level

  • aid
  • arcane lock
  • enlarge/reduce
  • magic weapon

3rd Level

  • house of cards
  • protection from energy

4th Level

  • fabricate
  • otiluke's resilient sphere
  • leomund's secret chest

5th Level

  • animate objects
  • creation

6th Level

  • contingency
  • magic jar

7th Level

  • forcecage
  • mordenkainen's sword

8th Level

  • antimagic field

9th Level

  • invulnerability### Mount Celestia Plane Spells


  • guidance
  • light
  • sacred flame
  • word of radiance
  • spare the dying

1st Level

  • bless
  • cremony
  • divine favor
  • heroism

2nd Level

  • warding bond
  • zone of truth
  • spiritual weapon

3rd Level

  • blinding smite
  • daylight
  • crusader's mantle

4th Level

  • aura of purity
  • staggering smite

5th Level

  • destructive wave
  • geas
  • dispel evil or good

6th Level

  • harm
  • heroes' feast

7th Level

  • symbol
  • divine word

8th Level

  • control weather

9th Level

  • power word: heal

Elysium Plane Spells


  • Dancing Lights
  • Resistance
  • Spare the Dying
  • Word of Radiance

1st Level

  • cure wounds
  • healing word
  • shield of faith
  • detect magic

2nd Level

  • lesser restoration
  • prayer of healing#### 3rd Level
  • aura of vitality
  • beacon of hope
  • revivify

4th Level

  • aura of life
  • death ward

5th Level

  • greater restoration
  • mass cure wounds

6th Level

  • heal
  • word of recall

7th Level

  • regenerate
  • resurrection

8th Level

  • holy aura

9th Level

  • power word: heal
  • mass heal
  • true resurrection

Olympus Plane Spells


  • lightning lure
  • shocking grasp

1st Level

  • witch bolt

2nd Level

  • darkvision
  • dragon's breath

3rd Level

  • lightning bolt
  • lightning arrow
  • call lightning

4th Level

  • storm sphere

5th Level

  • dominate person
  • legend lore

6th Level

  • chain lightning

7th Level

  • temple of the gods

8th Level

  • illusory dragon

9th Level

  • storm of vengeance### Limbo Plane Spells


  • mind sliver
  • prestidigitation

1st Level

  • chaos bolt
  • chromatic orb
  • color spray

2nd Level

  • levitate
  • snilloc's snowball storm
  • tasha's mind whip

3rd Level

  • clairvoyance

4th Level

  • polymorph

5th Level

  • synaptic static
  • wall of light

6th Level

  • mental prison

7th Level

  • crown of stars

8th Level

  • abi-dalzim's horrid wilting

9th Level

  • mass polymorph

Abyss Plane Spells


  • chill touch
  • toll the dead
  • decompose
  • sapping sting

1st Level

  • cause fear

2nd Level

  • ray of enfeeblement
  • false life
  • inflict wounds
  • blindness/deafness
  • gentle repose
  • wither and bloom

3rd Level

  • animate dead
  • feign death
  • spirit shroud
  • summon undead
  • vampiric touch
  • life transference#### 4th Level
  • blight
  • shadow Of moil
  • spirit of death

5th Level

  • contagion
  • danse macabre
  • enervation
  • negative energy flood

6th Level

  • circle of death
  • create undead
  • eyebite
  • harm
  • soul cage

7th Level

  • finger of death
  • resurrection

8th Level

  • abi-dalzim's horrid wilting
  • antipathy/sympathy

9th Level

  • time ravage

Hades Plane Spells


  • friends
  • minor illusion
  • sapping sting

1st Level

  • color spray
  • disguise self
  • distort value
  • hex
  • illusory script
  • silent image

2nd Level

  • blur
  • calm emotions
  • enthrall
  • shadow blade
  • magic mouth
  • nathair's mischief
  • zone of truth
  • find steed

3rd Level

  • fear
  • hypnotic pattern
  • major image

4th Level

  • greater invisibility
  • phantasmal killer#### 5th Level
  • creation
  • mislead

6th Level

  • mental prison

7th Level

  • mirage arcane
  • project image

8th Level

  • illusory dragon

9th Level

  • weird

Nine Hells Plane Spell


  • blade ward
  • green flame blade
  • infestation
  • primal savagery

1st Level

  • arms of hadar
  • bane
  • compelled duel

2nd Level

  • dragon's breath
  • detect thoughts
  • mind spike
  • invisibility

3rd Level

  • haste
  • hunger of hadar

4th Level

  • mordenkainen's faithful hound
  • summon greater demon

5th Level

  • infernal calling
  • insect plague

6th Level

  • primordial ward
  • summon fiend

7th Level

  • crown of stars

8th Level

  • maze
  • mind blank

9th Level

  • blade of disaster

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