Exalted Emperor's Artifact - Aurelia's Protective Breastplate
Armor (breastplate), artifact (requires attunement)
Credit: Eldenring
A magnificent golden breastplate, adorned with a roaring lion's mane on the front and shoulder protection fashioned in the likeness of a majestic lion's head. This breastplate seems to emit a divine radiance, and repels all harm that would come to the wearer
- While wearing this armor, the wearer gains the following benefits:
- +3 bonus to their AC
- +3 bonus to their Constitution score, plus an additional +1 bonus to Constitution for every other Emperor's Artifact they are attuned to. Additionally, the wearer can raise their Constitution score beyond 20 up to a maximum of 26 while attuned to this item.
The breastplate has charges equal to the level of the character for the following properties. The breastplate regains all expended charges after the wearer honores Aurelia in one of his temples.
- (1 Charge) The wearer can use his reaction to cast the Shield spell without expending a spell slot. Additionally the wearer can now use his reaction when a friendly creature within 50ft. of him is hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell to cast Shield on this creature.
- (2 Charges) The wearer can use his reaction when a friendly creature within 50ft. of him receives any kind of damage, to take all of this damage himself.
- (3 Charges) The wearer can use a bonus action to get resistance to all damage types for the next 10 minutes.
- (5 Charges) The wearer can use his action to cast the Invulnerability spell without expending a spell slot and without it's material components.
When the character is attuned to all four Exalted Emperor's Artifacts:
The wearer can use additional charges equal to the properties charge cost when using an property of this armor to share the benefit with another creature within 50ft. of him.