5e Warlock Patron--The Hierarch

by APKlosky

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Warlock Patron: The Hierarch

Your patron is a powerful outsider, representing cosmic law and perfect mathematical order. You may have bound yourself to a powerful Inevitable, a fallen deity of order, or even Primus itself: the modron embodiment of precision and purity. Your pact with that being allows you to tap into esoteric arcane principles based on sacred geometry and truths unknowable to all but the most disciplined minds.

Imbued with this power, you may find that your personality changes. You are driven to seek stability, evenhandedness in your dealings, and the dream of a perfectly ordered utopia. You may even seek to become a Constant in the Great Equation, providing an island of serenity in the chaotic sea of life.

Expanded Spell List

The Hierarch lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

1st Level -- Command, Tenser's Floating Disc

2nd Level -- Enlarge/Reduce, Zone of Truth

3rd Level -- Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle

4th Level -- Arcane Eye, Fabricate

5th Level -- Circle of Power, Synaptic Static

Bonus Cantrips

At 1st level, you learn the Mending and Guidance cantrips. They count as warlock cantrips for you, but they don’t count against your number of cantrips known.

One With the Machine

The pact you have sealed with The Hierarch manifests in bodily changes, slowly transforming you into something more akin to a machine than a humanoid. The more secrets you learn and the stronger you grow, the more these changes manifest:

At 1st level, your body undergoes subtle changes-- your skin may take on a burnished, metallic hue, your hair may turn wirey and stiff, or your blood may take on the appearance of oil. Your creature type changes to Construct (living), if it is not already, and you are immune to effects that only target humanoids, such as Charm Person. However, you are still able to be healed by spells like Healing Word or Cure Wounds, and you must still eat, sleep, and breathe.

At 6th level, your mechanized frame becomes reinforced by arcane sigils. If you are struck by a critical hit, you spend your reaction to roll a d20. On a 10+, that critical hit becomes a normal hit. On a 20, the attack misses entirely.

At 11th level, your emotions are partially suppressed. You can no longer be Frightened, and you have advantage on any saving throw against an effect that would directly alter your emotions in any way.

At 16th level, your apotheosis completes and you become more machine than creature. You are now resistant to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage against non-magical attacks. You no longer need to eat, sleep, or breathe, though you do require at least 4 hours of downtime as a long rest, to refresh your spellcasting and other abilities.

Unseen Angles

At 6th level, your understanding of the forgotten geometries inherent to the Multiverse allows you new insight.

If you cast a non-cantrip spell that would affect a single target, you may spend a hit die (regaining no hp in doing so) to alter that spell's effect, becoming a line that extends out to that spell's full range. If the spell requires an attack roll, only roll once for the attack, comparing the result to each target's AC to determine if the attack hits.

Further, when you cast a spell that would create a line effect (including by using this ability), you may shape that line effect to its full length, making the line go around corners and reach areas not in its typical area of effect. You may add a number of angles, changing the line's direction, equal to your proficiency modifier.

Harbinger of Order

At 10th level, you gain one of three abilities, based on your role within the Multiversal Hierarchy.

Choose one of the following three abilities:

Automaton's Focus

Your mind exhibits a laser-like focus, capable of rivaling even the most advanced thinking engines of Mechanus.

You gain advantage on Constitution checks made to maintain concentration on spells you cast. In addition, you may maintain concentration on two spells, rather than one. To do so, you must spend a hit die (regaining no hp in doing so) when casting the second spell. If you are maintaining concentration on more than one spell at the start of any subsequent turn, you must spend an additional hit die (again, regaining no hp in doing so) to maintain concentration on both spells; allowing either spell to expire eliminates the need for you to spend the hit die to maintain Automaton's Focus.

You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier.

Inevitable's Judgement

Your body is honed to track those who have broken their oaths, delivering the iron-bound justice of your Inevitable masters.

You gain proficiency in the Perception and Survival skills, if you do not have them already. If you already have one of those skills, you instead gain Expertise in that skill instead.

You also add the Hunter's Mark and the Scrying spells to your Spells Known. While under the effects of your Hunter's Mark, your target cannot benefit from any spell or magic item that would disguise or mask their location from you.

Messenger of the March

A diplomat and scholar, you serve as a liason between mortals and modrons, preparing the planar pathways for the Great Modron March.

You gain proficiency in the Insight and Persuasion skills, if you do not have them already. If you already have one of those skills, you instead gain Expertise in that skill instead.

You also add Compulsion and Hypnotic Pattern to your Spells Known. If a creature would succeed at a saving throw against your Compulsion or Hypnotic Pattern, you may use your reaction to spend a hit die (regaining no hp in doing so), to force that creature to reroll its saving throw. The creature must use the result of the second roll.

Eldritch Equation

At 14th level, your mastery of arcane mathematics allows you power over the fundamental forces of time and space themselves. Three times per day, you may invoke the Great Equation to create one of the following effects:

  • After you and up to 10 allies roll initiative, you may reassign those initiative rolls to an order of your choosing.
  • After a creature you can see makes an attack or saving throw, you may use your reaction to replicate that roll. Your next d20 roll becomes identical to the number just rolled.
  • After you make a d20 roll, but before you learn the results of that roll, you may flip your d20 upside down. You instead rolled the newly revealed result.

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