Ancient Sith armor

by AtudayNaque

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Ancient Sith Armor

Type Armor, Enhanced,
Prerequisite: Force Sensitive
Requires Attunement: Yes

It consisted of a segmented torso armor shaped like a humanoid rib cage. Square, rigid-looking pauldrons covered the shoulders, the armpits, and part of the back. A flat-topped, visorless war helmet protected the head with a large, heart-shaped opening. A protective skirt of blade-shaped strips was worn around the waist.

At the time of the Cold War, many of those ancient suits of armor were still on display in the tombs of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban. When they were still an apprentice, the Empire's Wrath found one such armor in the Tomb of Naga Sadow. It lay in a Sith sarcophagus along with an ancient lightsaber, still containing the corpse of a long-dead Sith Lord. Another was stored amongst other artifacts in Darth Thanaton's private library.

Sith Armor

Premium: You have advantage on saving throws against light side force powers, You have a +1 bonus to force attack rolls for dark side powers. You also gain a +1 bonus to your force save DC for dark side powers
Prototype: You have a +2 bonus to force attack rolls for dark side powers. You also gain a +2 bonus to your force save DC for dark side powers, You have advantage on saving throws against force powers
Advanced: You have a +3 bonus to force attack rolls for dark side powers. You also gain a +3 bonus to your force save DC for dark side powers, You have advantage on saving throws against force powers, You have resistance to damage from lightweapons.
Legendary: You have a +3 bonus to force attack rolls for dark side powers. You also gain a +3 bonus to your force save DC for dark side powers, You have advantage on saving throws against force powers, You have resistance to damage from lightweapons, you constantly exude an aura of malice. All hostiles on first seeing you in this armor must make a wisdom saving throw against your force caster DC or become frightened for the one minute. A target with 25 hit points or fewer makes the saving throw with disadvantage. A frightened creature can repeat this save at the end of each of its turns, ending this effect on a success. This power has no effect on constructs or droids.
Artifact: as legendary plus You can cast the Rage force power twice per long rest without expending force points. Additionally, the casting time for Rage is one bonus action when cast in this way. You can cast the Shroud of Darkness force power twice per long rest without expending force points. Additionally, the casting time for Shroud of Darkness is one bonus action when cast in this way.


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