Ammunition, Firearms, Feats

by Dweebie

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Ammo, Guns, and Feats

Ammo Types

Pistol Rounds   Cost: 1 gp
Rifle Rounds    Cost: 2 gp
Shotgun Rounds  Cost: 3 gp
Pellets (x)     Some pellet weapons take more
                rounds than others to fire,
                indicated by the x.
                Pellet Cost: 1 gp/50 pellets
Elephant Rounds Cost: 8 gp
Adamantite      Applicable to all prior types.
  (Uncommon)    Deals magical damage.
                When firing at a target you only
                need a 19 natural roll or 9 above
                their AC to crit. You still need
                a normal crit against Adamantite
Dragon's Breath When you fill your blunderbuss
  (Rare)        or hand blunderbuss with this
                shot, it fires a cone of energy
                similar to a dragon's breath
                weapon. The ammo deals 6d6
                damage of the appropriate energy
                type. Creatures may make a saving
                throw against the shot as normal.
                A successful save causes half
                damage. There are five types of
                dragon's breath: black (acid),
                blue (lightning), green (poison)
                red (fire), and white (cold).
                Each shot is easily identifiable
                by the color of the pellets.


Bandolier       This equipment allows the player to 
                reload bonus round per action. No 
                bonus is given to bonus action 

Weapon Properties

Reload y (x)        The weapon can reload y number
                    of bullets in x actions or 
Reload Bonus y (x)  the weapon can reload y number
                    of bullets in x bonus actions.
Critical (xdx)      The weapon deals xdx dice
                    instead of it's typical damage
                    when getting a crit on a nat
                    20 or 10 above their AC, this
                    damage is also doubled as it
                    is still a crit.
Accurate            This weapon adds this modifier
                    to hit as long as the attack is
                    an accurate attack.
Misfire             If the player rolls a natural 1
                    or a nat 2-5 and does not hit
                    the target, the weapon misfires
                    requiring a bonus action to
Loud (x)            The weapon can be heard at 
                    x distance.
Quickdraw           The weapon can be drawn and
                    fired at the same time.
Versatile           Can use INT or DEX as modifier.
Ranged              Uses INT as modifier.
Quartered           Uses DEX as modifier.
Ready               The weapon requires more than
                    two hands to operate 
                    effectively. You must have 
                    two hands free to fire this
                    weapon. When firing the weapon
                    if you have not moved this turn
                    and spend your bonus action to 
                    ready, reducing your movement 
                    speed to 0, you get ready on
                    this attack. Not having ready 
                    decreases your range 
                    significantly, and you do not 
                    gain your accurate bonus when 
                    not rested.
                    (Min Range/Max 
                    Range; Min no ready Range/Max
                    no ready Range)
Double Action       In one attack, this weapon
                    can fire two times.
                    The second shot has


Lever Action Rifle (5 mag size)
Martial Weapon
1d6 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d10)
120 feet range
14 lbs, heavy, 100 gp
Accurate +4
Misfire, Loud (40 feet), Two-handed
Reload 3 (1)
Reload Bonus 1 (1)
Ranged, Rifle Rounds
This weapon has disadvantage at less than 20 feet.
Revolver (6 mag size)
Martial Weapon
1d4 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d8)
40 feet range
4 lbs, 75 gp
Accurate +2
Loud (35 feet)
Reload 4 (1)
Reload Bonus 1 (1)
Versatile, Pistol Rounds
Double Barreled Shotgun (2 mag size)
Martial Weapon
1d4 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d6)
15 feet range (cone)
10 lbs, 100 gp
Loud (60 feet), Two-handed
Reload 2 (1)
Quartered, Shotgun Rounds
This weapon deals 1d4 to the target and any two 
adjacent enemies. Other enemies in the cone must 
roll a 10 DC CON or take 2 damage.
Hip Shooter (5 mag size)
Simple Weapon
1d6 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d8)
20 feet range
4 lbs, 75 gp
Loud (35 feet)
Reload 2 (1)
Reload Bonus 1 (1)
Versatile, Pistol Rounds
Harquebus (1 mag size)
Simple Weapon
1d10 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d12)
Ready (30/90; 20/60)
8 lbs, 100 gp
Accurate +4
Loud (60 feet), Two-handed
Reload 1 (2)
Ranged, Pellets (1)
Can have a bayonet attached to it which allows 
melee attacks as a bonus action. Can have a knife 
or shortsword attached.
Blunderbuss (1 mag size)
Simple Weapon
1d10 Piercing Damage
10 feet range
10 lbs, heavy, 125 gp
Accurate +4
Loud (120 feet), Two-handed
Reload 1 (2)
Quartered, Pellets (10)
Fires in a cone. DC DEX for 
(8 + DEX mod + prof bonus)
If beyond 10 feet, up to 20 feet, deals 1d4 to all
targets in a large cone.
Gun Shield (1 mag size)
Martial Weapon
1d8 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d12)
Ready (5/45; 15/30)
18 lbs, heavy, 200 gp
Loud (75 feet), Two-handed
Reload 1 (1)
Versatile, Pistol Rounds
This weapon grants you +2 AC until the start of 
your next turn after firing a Ready shot.
Pepperbox Pistol (6 mag size)
Simple Weapon
1d4 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d6)
40 feet range
6 lbs, 75 gp
Accurate +2
Loud (45 feet)
Reload 3 (1)
Reload Bonus 1 (1)
Double Action
Versatile, Pistol Rounds
Pepperbox Rifle (4 mag size)
Martial Weapon
1d6 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d8)
Ready (15/80; 10/40)
12 lbs, heavy, 75 gp
Accurate +1
Loud (60 feet), Two-handed
Reload 2 (1)
Double Action
Ranged, Rifle Rounds
Pocket Pistol (2 mag size)
Simple Weapon
1d4 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d8)
10 feet range
2 lbs, 50 gp
Accurate +4
Loud (30 feet)
Reload 1 (4)
Double Action, Quickdraw
Quartered, Pistol Rounds
This weapon is tiny and you get advantage on
stealth/sleight of hand checks attempting to 
conceal it.
Barrel Chain Rifle (14 mag size)
Martial Weapon
1d6 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d8)
40 feet range
10 lbs, heavy, 200 gp
Accurate +1
Loud (40 feet)
Misfire, Reload 14 (2)
Versatile, Pistol Rounds
Elephant Gun (2 mag size)
Martial Weapon
2d10 Piercing Damage
Critical (2d12)
10 feet range
25 lbs, heavy, 400 gp
Loud (360 feet)
Reload 2 (2)
Quartered, Elephant Rounds
Firing this weapon requires all creatures in a 80 
feet radius to make a DC 12 CON saving throw or 
go deaf for the next round of combat. 
This includes the person firing.
Fire Lance (1 mag size)
Simple Weapon
2d4 Piercing Damage
Critical (2d8)
Ready (15; 5)
15 lbs, 300 gp
Loud (120 feet)
Reload 1 (1)
Quartered, Pellets (5), Reach
Fires in a cone. DC DEX for 
(8 + INT mod + prof bonus) 
If failed by 6 or more, damage crits.
Gun Cane (1 mag size)
Simple Weapon
2d8 Piercing Damage
Critical (2d10)
20 feet range
8 lbs, 50 gp
Loud (60 feet)
Reload 1 (10)
Quartered, Rifle Rounds
This weapon functions as a cane and is from the 
outside completely undetectable as a weapon. 
When a button is pressed the leg of the cane 
drops off and it turns into a single shot 
weapon. This weapon can otherwise be used 
as a melee weapon with the same stats as 
a quarterstaff.
Harnomica Pistol (10 mag size)
Martial Weapon
1d6 Piercing Damage
Critical (1d8)
40 feet range
8 lbs, 100 gp
Misfire, Loud (60 feet)
Double Action
Reload 1 (1)
Versatile, Pistol Rounds
Extra clips for this weapon can be bought for 50 gp
or crafted with appropriate resources and 25 gp
by an Inventive Gunslinger. These clips are 
preloaded and take 1 action to reload all 10 
rounds. Reloading rounds without clips takes 1 
action per round.
Flintlock (1 mag size)
Simple Weapon
2d6 Piercing Damage
Critical (2d10)
100 feet range
3 lbs, 75 gp
Misfire, Loud (50 feet)
Reload 1 (1)
Versatile, Pellets (1)

Magic Weapons

Coin Cannon



No Attunement Required

(1 mag size)

2d8 piercing damage

Critical (2d10)

Loud (30 ft)

40 ft range

4 lbs

Reload 1 (1)

This weapon deals magical damage.

This weapon uses coins as ammunition.

The damage of this weapon decreases to 1d6 when using copper coins. It’s critical is 1d8.

The damage of this weapon is 2d8 when using silver coins. It’s critical is 2d10.

This weapon can fire gold coins which grant +3 to hit. The weapon deals 1d4 extra damage with gold coins.

This weapon can also fire platinum coins. When firing platinum coins you gain +3 to hit, it deals 1d6 extra damage and crits if you hit more than 5 above the target’s AC instead of 10.

Gun with no Name

Weapon (any rifle or pistol)

Rare (requires attunement by a warlock)

This firearm has runes spread along the side of it. When you are attacked with a magical weapon you can cast absorb elements as a reaction without expending a spell slot. You can choose to expend this magical energy absorbed when firing this weapon instead of with a melee attack.

This feature can be used 6 times per day.

The Proclaimer

Weapon (any rifle, musket, or pistol)

Very rare (requires attunement by a cleric)

This firearm is dedicated to and blessed by a particular deity. You gain a +2 on attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit an undead with it, you do an extra 2d8 radiant damage. The Proclaimer also has 7 charges. If you are a cleric dedicated to that deity (or on otherwise friendly terms if not worshiping that particular deity), then you may expend one of the charges when making a ranged attack with the Proclaimer against an undead creature. If the bullet hits, then in addition to dealing normal damage, the Proclaimer affects the creature you hit and all undead within 30 feet of it are affected as if you had used your Channel Divinity class feature to turn undead (this does not count as a use of your Channel Divinity). The Proclaimer regains 1d6 + 1 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the Proclaimer loses its magic. You must perform some service for your deity in order to be deemed worthy to have the Proclaimer restored.


Weapon (any pistol)

Very Rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

+1 bonus on attack rolls made with this weapon.

You can prepare this weapon with charges each day.

You can choose to prepare this weapon with a number of weak charges equal to your intelligence modifier or 1 strong charge.

When you make a successful attack with this weapon you can choose to use your charge.

Using a weak charge deals 2d6 force damage and knocks the target back 5 feet.

Using a strong charge deals (2 * your INT mod)d6 force damage and knocks the target back (5 * INT mod) feet.

The Chimera

Weapon (Revolver)

Very Rare

Revolver (3 mag size)

Critical (2d10)

Accurate +2

Loud (60 ft)

Reload 2 (1)


2d4 Fire Damage

100 ft range

4 lbs

Pistol Rounds

Shots fired from this weapon crit on a 18-20, or 8 above AC. If using adamantium rounds it will crit on a 17-20 or 7 above AC.

When hitting with this weapon the target must make a DC 16 Con save or be paralyzed until the start of your next turn unless it is immune to the poisoned condition. On a critical hit the creature fails automatically.


Fire a fiery blast from the front of this weapon in a 15 foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dex saving throw, on a failed save they take 4d6 fire damage and are pushed 15 feet away. On a successful save the creature takes half damage and is not pushed back. The fire ignites any object in the area that isn’t being worn or carried.

This consumes all 3 shots at once.


Weapon (two pistols)

Legendary (requires attunement with a blood offering from the attuner and a soul for each revolver.)

The left songbird has a red tint and runes.

The right songbird has a purple tint and runes.

These runes do not start glowing until their respective souls have been taken.

Both weapons have double the ammo of their non-magical counterpart.

These weapons can be fired back to back as if you were using the double action property.

Both weapons have a +3 to attack and damage rolls.

When dealing damage with the left songbird you heal life equal to the damage you dealt with the weapon.

When dealing damage with the right songbird enemies are locked in place, decreasing their speed on their next turn by half of their total movement speed.

Getting a kill with the left songbird makes it crit on every attack for the next 10 rounds of combat.

Getting a kill with the right songbird causes the killed creature’s flesh to contort and reanimate into a pile of flesh that lasts for 15 rounds of combat.


Greased Lightning.

You are exceptionally fast with multi-shot firearms, whether it be your quick aim or your ability to fan the hammer.

You gain the following benefits:

  • Add 1 to your Dexterity ability score (maximum of 20).
  • When using a firearm that has a capacity greater than one, then you may treat it as if it has the double action property.
  • If the firearm already has the double action property, then you may ignore the disadvantage normally applied to the second shot. You may do this once per round

Mounted Musketeer.

You are frightening on the battlefield when mounted.

You gain the following benefits:

  • Any mount that you are riding can take the Dash action as a bonus action (otherwise, you would use your action to spur it to Dash).
  • You don’t suffer from disadvantage when making a ranged attack against an opponent within 5 feet of you.


You are a master of wielding multiple firearms.

You gain the following benefits:

  • You can dual wield firearms and fire both of them as if you were using double action.
  • If both weapons are the same kind and they have double action, your second shot does not have disadvantage.
  • When dual wielding your accurate bonus on each weapon is increased by 1 but only applies within a 15 foot range.

Silent as the Night

You are a master of firearm stealth.

You gain the following benefits:

  • Proficiency in Stealth.
  • You can sneak up on a target and place the firearm on their back, if it’s loud tag is less than 40 ft it can only be heard from 10 ft away as a quiet sound and crits without having to make an attack roll.

Quickdraw Reactions. You are a master of speed.

You gain the following benefits:

  • All firearms become versatile.
  • All firearms have no minimum range.
  • You can now move before readying for a weapon with the ready property.

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