Variant Multiclassing (1DnD) (v1.5)

by Rosgath

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Variant Multiclassing (1DnD)

Goals of this system

The rules presented here are designed as an alternate form of Multiclassing that removes some of the issues surrounding standard Multiclassing in 5e. Primarily:

  • Multiclass features not scaling well due to lack of levels
  • Dead levels caused by the current multiclass system (such as from Unarmored defense or Extra Attack)

This system operates under the UA ruling in OneDnD that all Subclasses will have standardized levels that their features are gained (3rd/6th/10th/14th). I will update this document should that change.


These rules are not designed to be used concurrently with default 5e multiclassing rules. For DMs, I strongly recommend choosing to use either this or default Multiclassing on any given character, not both.

Core Rules

When you choose a subclass for your class, you may choose instead another class to take a "multiclass" in. Each class now has a smaller Multiclass table in it's section, along with any special rules or exceptions when multiclassing into that class. Multiclass Ability Score requirements for each class are still in place, but you no longer need to meet your Primary class Ability Score requirements to multiclass.

Just like normal Subclasses, Multiclasses offer particular features at the appropriate levels. Additionally, new feats have been added to allow players to pick up a subclass from their Primary class or their multiclass and other feats are available to expand on their chosen Multiclass

When you reach 3rd level after having chosen a Multiclass, you also gain Proficiency with Some tools, Skills, Weapons, and/or Armor. These are listed below the associated Multiclass Progress table under Multiclass Proficiencies

Unless otherwise stated in the Multiclass Feature changes section under each class, any time a class feature refers to the Base Class level(Such as Base Druid or Base Warlock), use instead your Primary Class level.

The Multiclass Tables and Multiclass Spellcasting

These tables detail the features you gain as you progress in your Multiclass. Unless otherwise indicated, the features function identically to the normal class features.

For Multiclass Spellcasting, each class with a Spellcasting feature will have either the word Half or Full listed in parenthesis next to the feature in their own tables, along with an either Prepared or Known to indicate if the class prepares their spells each day, or has set spells known. A Full caster uses all of your Primary class levels as they progress on the Multiclass spellcasting table, while a Half Caster only uses half that. (anything lower than 3rd level is rounded up to 3rd).

If your Primary Class already has a Spellcasting feature, only use the Multiclass Table for your Spells known/prepared from your Multiclass, adding spellslots from the Multiclass Spells table to your existing spellslots only if your Primary class doesn't already have that many or more spellslots for the given level.

Multiclass Feats

At the bottom of this document you will see available a number of new Multiclass feats. These are available to players who wish to further invest in their Multiclass, or want to pick up Subclass features in addition to their Multiclass.

Extra Attack

Classes with the Extra Attack feature also have a second feature in parenthesis. If your Primary Class already has the Extra attack feature, you instead gain the feature listed in the parenthesis.

Pact of the Blade Warlocks

Warlocks who have chosen Pact of the Blade are considered to have the Extra Attack feature once they reach 5th level.

Multiclass Spells (Spellslots)
Primary Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
3 2(1)
4 2(2)
5 2(2) 1(1)
6 2(1) 2(2)
7 2(1) 2(2) 2(1)
8 2(0) 2(2) 2(2)
9 2(0) 2(1) 2(2) 2(1)
10 2(0) 2(0) 2(2) 2(2)
11 2(0) 2(0) 2(1) 2(2) 1(1)
12 2(0) 2(0) 2(1) 2(2) 1(1)
13 2(0) 2(0) 2(0) 2(2) 1(2) 1*
14 2(0) 2(0) 2(0) 2(2) 1(2) 1*
15 2(0) 2(0) 2(0) 2(1) 1(3) 1*
16 2(0) 2(0) 2(0) 2(1) 1(3) 1* 1*
17 2(0) 2(0) 2(0) 2(1) 1(3) 1* 1*
18 2(0) 2(0) 2(0) 2(1) 1(3) 1* 1*
19 2(0) 2(0) 2(0) 2(1) 1(3) 1* 1* 1*
20 2(0) 2(0) 2(0) 2(1) 1(3) 1* 1* 1*

Understanding Multiclass Spellcasting

Spellcasting can get to be a bit of a mess when it comes to Multiclassing. The above table is your primary reference for how it works under this variant.

Spells Prepared

The first number listed under each column is the number of spells you can prepare of any given level for a Multiclass Spellcaster that uses the table.


Unlike normal Spellcasters, the number of Spellslots you have available are much fewer than the number of spells you can prepare. The number listed in parenthesis in each column lists the number of spellslots you have of each level as you progress.

6th level spells and higher

Spells of 6th level and higher list a number of spells prepared, but no spellslots. This is because Multiclass Spellcasters do not, on their own, gain 6th level or higher spellslots. These spells prepared are only usable if you have the Empowered Spellcasting feat listed under the Multiclass Feats section, or if your Primary class already has spellslots available to cast the appropriate spells.

Unusual Spellslot Progression

Spellslot growth for Multiclass characters is distinct from normal classes in that a multiclass Spellcaster never has more than 4 spellslots without feats. Instead of only gaining more and more spellslots, Multiclass Spellcasters replace lower level slots with higher level slots as they progress.


Level Feature Rages (Rage Damage) Bonus Hit Points Weapon Mastery
3 Unarmored Defense, Rage*, Weapon Mastery 1 (+2) 2 1
6 Extra Attack(Reckless Attack), Primal Knowledge 2(+2) 4 1
10 Indomitable Might 3(+3) 6 2
14 Brutal Critical 4(+3) 10 2

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: None
  • Skills: None
  • Weapons: Simple, Martial
  • Armor: Shields

Multiclass Feature Changes

Bonus Hit Points

Multiclass Barbarians increase their maximum hit point total by the amount listed in the column on the Barbarian Multiclass Progress table. (The amount listed is the total increase to their Hit points)

Unarmored Defense

If you already have another Unarmored defense feature, you must choose to use either this AC calculation or your other calculation. These cannot be combined. You may change this decision whenever you gain a level.


A Multiclass Barbarian's rage is less potent than that of a full Barbarian's. Whenever you rage as a Multiclass Barbarian, instead of gaining Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage you instead gain Resistance to only 1 of those for the duration of that rage. You choose which type of Resistance you gain each time you rage.

If you are already raging, you may choose to expend a use of your Rage feature as a Bonus Action to gain 1 additional type of Damage resistance from Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing for the remainder of that Rage.


Level Feature Inspiration Die
3 Spellcasting(Full, Prepared) Bardic Inspiration d6
6 Expertise(1), Songs of Restoration d6
10 Font of Bardic Inspiration d8
14 Jack of All Trades, Expertise (2) d8

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: One Musical Instrument of your choice
  • Skills: One Skill of your Choice
  • Weapons: None
  • Armor: Light Armor

Multiclass feature changes


A Multiclass Bard knows only 2 cantrips initially. They learn 1 additional cantrip when they reach 10th level.

A Multiclass Bard may prepare a number of spells according to the Multiclass Spells table, plus an additional number of spells equal to their Charisma modifer. The additional spells they prepare based on their Charisma Modifier can be no higher than 5th level


Multiclass Bards gain only one expertise at a time. When you gain the Expertise feature, you choose one skill at 6th level and another at 14th level.


Level Feature Channel Divinity uses
3 Spellcasting(Full, Prepared), Channel Divinity 1
6 Holy Order 1
10 Smite Undead, Subclass Channel Divinity 1
14 Blessed Strikes 2

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: None
  • Skills: None
  • Weapons: Simple
  • Armor: Light, Shields

Multiclass feature changes


A Multiclass Cleric knows only 2 cantrips initially. They learn 1 additional cantrip when they reach 10th level.

A Multiclass Cleric may prepare a number of spells according to the Multiclass Spells table, plus an additional number of spells equal to their Wisdom modifer. The additional spells they prepare based on their Wisdom Modifier can be no higher than 5th level

Multiclass Channel Divinity

If you already have a Channel Nature or another Channel Divinity feature, you do not gain uses of Channel Divinity from this Multiclass. Instead, you may use your Channel Nature feature to fuel any of your Channel Divinity Features if you have it.

Subclass Channel Divinity

This feature is unique to a Multiclass Cleric. Choose a Cleric Subclass. You gain access to the Channel Divinity Option granted by that Domain at 6th level. You do not gain any other benefits from that subclass.

Blessed Strikes

This feature only applies to the first 2 attacks you make each turn, whether they hit or miss.

Divine Intervention

You use your Character level for determining your success with this feature, not your Cleric Level (if you have it)


Level Feature Channel Nature uses
3 Spellcasting(Full, Prepared), Channel Nature 1
6 Nature's Aid, Might of the Land 1
10 Aquatic Form 1
14 Aerial Form, Tiny Critter 2

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: None
  • Skills: None
  • Weapons: Simple
  • Armor: Light, Shields

Multiclass feature changes


A Multiclass Druid knows only 2 cantrips initially. They learn 1 additional cantrip when they reach 10th level.

A Multiclass Druid may prepare a number of spells according to the Multiclass Spells table, plus an additional number of spells equal to their Wisdom modifer. The additional spells they prepare based on their Wisdom Modifier can be no higher than 5th level.

Channel Nature

Multiclass Druids only have 1 use of their Channel Nature feature initially, and gain an additional use when they reach 14th level.

If you already have a Channel Divinity Feature, you do not gain any uses of your Channel Nature feature. Instead, you may use your Channel Divinity feature to fuel your Channel Nature Features.


Level Feature Weapon Mastery
3 Fighting Style, Weapon Mastery 1
6 Extra Attack(Action Surge) 2
10 Weapon Expert, Second Wind 2
14 Two Extra Attacks 3

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: None
  • Skills: None
  • Weapons: Simple, Martial
  • Armor: Light, Medium, Shields, Heavy*

Mutliclass Feature Changes

Second Wind

Multiclass Fighters use their Primary Class level to determine the amount of hit points restored by their Second Wind feature and may only use the feature once before they must finish a Short or Long Rest to be able to use it again.

Heavy Armor Proficiency

You only gain Heavy Armor Proficiency from this multiclass at level 3 if you already have Medium Armor proficiency from another source.


Level Feature Ki Points Unarmored Movement
3 Unarmored Defense, Ki, Martial Arts 2
6 Extra Attack(Stunning Strike), Unarmored Movement 3 10ft.
10 Evasion 4 15ft.
14 Mind and Body 4 15ft

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: One set of Artisan's Tools
  • Skills: None
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, up to 3 Martial weapons of your choice
  • Armor: None

Mutliclass Feature Changes

Unarmored Defense

If you already have another Unarmored defense feature, you must choose to use either this AC calculation or your other calculation. These cannot be combined. You may change this decision whenever you gain a level.


The Multiclass Monk has a much smaller pool of Ki than the Base Monk, however a Multiclass Monk regains half of their maximum Ki points whenever they Roll Initiative (up to their maximum) or they recover all spent Ki Points whenever they take a Short or Long Rest.

Martial Arts

This feature functions as the normal Martial Arts feature, except that your Martial Arts die starts as a d6 instead of a d4, and only increases to a d8 at 10th level.

Mind and Body

When you gain this feature, your Dexterity and Wisdom scores both increase to 18, if they are lower. Alternatively, you may increase your Dexterity or Wisdom current and maximum score by 2. If you choose Dexterity, your current and maximum Wisdom score increases by 1. If you choose Wisdom, your current and maximum Dexterity score increases by 1.


Level Feature Channel Divinity Uses Lay on Hands pool
3 Spellcasting(Half, Prepared), Lay on Hands 10
6 Extra Attack (Divine Smite), Channel Divinity 1 20
10 Aura of Protection 1 30
14 Abjure Foes 2 40

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: None
  • Skills: None
  • Weapons: Simple, Martial
  • Armor: Light, Medium, Shields

Multiclass feature changes


A Multiclass Paladin only knows 1 cantrip from the Paladin spell list initially. They learn 1 additional cantrip when they reach 10th level.

A Multiclass Paladin may only prepare a number of spells according to the Multiclass Spellslots table, plus an additional number of spells of any level from the same list equal to their Charisma Modifier.

Lay on Hands

Instead of having a Pool equal to five times your Class level, your Pool for your Lay on Hands feature advances according to the Paladin Multiclass Progress table.

Channel Divinity

When you gain this feature choose a Paladin Oath. You gain the Channel Divinity options from that Oath and may use your Channel Divinity feature once per Short or long rest.

If you already have the Channel Divinity or Channel Nature class features you do not gain additional Channel Divinity or Channel Nature uses from this Multiclass. You may use your Channel Nature feature to fuel any of your Channel Divinity features instead if you have it.

In either case, you don't gain any of the other features of the related Oath.


Level Feature
3 Spellcasting(Half, Prepared), Fighting Style
6 Extra Attack (Favored Enemy)
10 Roving, Expertise(1)
14 Tireless, Expertise(2)

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: None
  • Skills: One Skill of your choice
  • Weapons: Simple, Martial
  • Armor: Light, Medium, Shields

Multiclass feature changes


A Multiclass Ranger only knows 1 cantrip from the Ranger spell list initially. They learn 1 additional cantrip when they reach 10th level.

A Multiclass Ranger may only prepare a number of spells from the Ranger Spell list per spell level equal to the number of spellslots they have available according to the Multiclass Spellslots table, plus an additional number of spells of any level from the same list equal to their Wisdom Modifier.


Multiclass Rangers gain only one expertise at a time. When you gain the Expertise feature, you choose one skill at 10th level and another at 14th level.


Level Feature Sneak Attack Dice
3 Sneak Attack, Expertise(1) 1d6
6 Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge 2d6
10 Expertise(2), Evasion 3d6
14 Reliable Talent 4d6

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: Thieves Tools
  • Skills: One Skill of your choice
  • Weapons: Simple, Martial weapons with the Finesse Property
  • Armor: Light

Multiclass feature changes

Sneak Attack

Multiclass Rogue Sneak attack functions under the same conditions that a base Rogue does, but they gain additional sneak attack dice according to their Multiclass Progress table instead.


Multiclass Rogues gain expertise at a slightly different rate than base Rogues. When you gain the Expertise feature, you choose one skill at 3rd level, another at 10th level, and a third at 14th level.


Level Feature Sorcery Points
3 Spellcasting(Full, Known*), Font of Magic, Metamagic 2
6 Metamagic 3
10 Arcane Eruption 5
14 Metamagic 6

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: None
  • Skills: None
  • Weapons: None
  • Armor: None

Multiclass feature changes


A Multiclass Sorcerer knows only 2 cantrips initially. They learn 1 additional cantrip when they reach 10th level.

When determining the number of Sorcerer spells you may have prepared each day, use the number of prepared spells in the Sorcerer class table rather than the Multiclass Spells table. When you do so, treat your Sorcerer level as equal to half your Primary Class level.

Your number of Spellslots and highest level of spell known still use the Multiclass Spellcasting rules.


A Multiclass Sorcerer only gains 1 Metamagic option each time they gain the Metamagic feature. Unlike Base Sorcerers, the first time each day a Multiclass Sorcerer uses a Metamagic option after regaining their sorcery points, the cost in Sorcery points of that Metamagic feature is reduced by 2 (to a Minimum of 0) for that application.

Sorcery Points

Multiclass Sorcerers gain Sorcery points according to their Multiclass Progress table instead of the Base Sorcerer class.


Level Feature Invocations Known
3 Pact Boon, Spellcasting(Half, Known*) 0
6 Warlock Invocations 2
10 3
14 4

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: None
  • Skills: One Skill of your choice
  • Weapons: Simple, Martial
  • Armor: Light, Medium

Multiclass feature changes


A Multiclass Warlock knows no additional cantrips not granted by their Pact Boon feature initially. They learn 1 additional cantrip when they reach 10th level

When determining the number of Warlock spells you may have known, use the number of prepared spells in the Warlock class table. When you do so, treat your Warlock level as equal to half your Primary Class level.

Pact Boon

All cantrips you gain from this multiclass use your Primary Class level as your Warlock level for the purposes of scaling effects.


Level Feature
3 Spellcasting(Full, Prepared*), Wizard's Spellbook
6 Arcane Recovery
10 Memorize Spell
14 Modify Spell

Multiclass Proficiencies

  • Tools: None
  • Skills: None
  • Weapons: None
  • Armor: None

Multiclass feature changes


A Multiclass Wizard knows only 2 cantrips initially. They learn 1 additional cantrip when they reach 10th level.

When determining the number of Wizard spells you may have prepared each day, use the number of prepared spells in the Wizard class table. When you do so, treat your Wizard level as equal to half your Primary Class level.

Your number of Spellslots and highest level of spell prepared still use the Multiclass Spellcasting rules.

Multiclass Feats

Listed here are the new Multiclass feats sorted first by General access to those players choosing to multiclass, then into specific classes. All of these feats require you to have chosen to multiclass (and chosen the Multiclass in the section they are listed under) at level 3, even if they do not otherwise list it as a specific requirement.

General Multiclass feats

Diverse Magical Study

Requires Multiclass with a Spellcasting Feature

  • Increase your total level 1 spellslots available by 1, to a maximum of 4.
  • Increase your total level 2 spellslots available by 1, to a maximum of 3.
  • You can take this feat twice. The second time you gain this feat, Increase your total level 3 spellslots available by 1, to a maximum of 3.
  • These increases also increase the number of spells you may prepare of the given level by the same amount from your Multiclass.

Empowered Spellcasting

Requires Multiclass with a Druid, Cleric, or a Mage

Requires level 16

You have learned a unique way to improve the efficiency of your spellslots, though it does require significant effort.

Once per day, you may cast a spell of 6th level by expending a 5th level spellslot instead of the normally required spellslot. Doing so is taxing, and as part of casting the spell (but before it takes effect) you suffer 2 levels of Exhaustion.

You may take this feat a second time. When you do, once per day you may choose to cast a 7th level spell by expending a 5th level spellslot, but doing so causes you to suffer 4 levels of Exhaustion as part of casting the spell(before the spell takes effect).

Specialzed Training

  • You have learned more specific abilities from either of the classes you have chosen to progress in. When you gain this feat choose a subclass available to either your Primary class or the base of your Multiclass. You gain the features normally granted by that subclass at level 3. You may choose this feat twice. The second time you take this feat, you must choose a subclass from the class option you didn't choose when you took this feat the first time.
Barbarian Multiclass Feats

Persistent Rage

Requires level 12

  • Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Persistent Rage feature, as per the Base Barbarian class.

Relentless Rage

Requires level 16

  • Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Relentless Rage feature, as per the Base Barbarian class.
Bard Multiclass Feats

Student of Magical Secrets

Requires level 12

  • Increase your Dexterity or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Magical Secrets feature, as per the Base Bard Class.

Dedicated Study

  • Increase your Dexterity or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • The size of your Inspiration die increases by 1 step (d6 to d8, d8 to d10). This affects all levels of your Bard Multiclass Table.
  • You gain Expertise in 1 additional skill of your choice
Cleric Multiclass Feats

Divine Connection

Requires level 12

  • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Divine Inspiration feature as per the Base Cleric class.
Druid Multiclass Feats

Beastial Attunement

Requires level 12

  • You increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Alternating forms feature, as per the Base Druid class.

Natural Resurgence

Requires level 12

  • You increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Wild Resurgence feature, as per the Base Druid class.
Fighter Multiclass Feats


Requires level 12

  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Indomitable feature, as per the base Fighter class.

Advanced Combatant

Requires level 12

  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Weapon Adept feature, as per the base Fighter class.
Monk Multiclass Feats

Pure Body

Requires level 8

  • Increase your Wisdom and Dexterity scores by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Purity of Body feature, as per the Base Monk Class.

Abundant Ki

Requirse level 8

  • Increase your Wisdom or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Your Maximum Ki pool increases by 2.

Unbreakable Soul

Requires level 16

  • Increase your Wisdom or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Increase your Ki point Maximum by 1.
  • You gain the Diamond Soul feature, as per the Base Monk Class.
Paladin Multiclass Feats

Radiant Weapon

Requires level 12

  • Increase your Charisma or Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20. Alternatively, you may increase your Lay on Hands pool maximum by 10 instead.
  • You gain the Radiant Strikes feature as per the Base Paladin Class.

Pervasive Presence

Requires level 19

  • Increase your Charisma or Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20. Alternatively, you may increase your Lay on Hands pool maximum by 10 instead.
  • You gain the Aura Expansion feature, as per the Base Paladin Class.

Healing Touch

Requires level 8

  • Increase your Charisma or Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20. Alternatively, you may increase your Lay on Hands pool maximum by 10 instead.
  • Your Lay on Hands pool maximum increases by 10 points. This can stack if you chose to increase your Lay on Hands pool with the first part of this feat.
Ranger Multiclass Feats

Camo Expert

Requires Level 16

  • Increase your Dexterity or Wisdom Score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain Expertise in 1 skill of your choice.
  • You gain the Nature's Veil feature, as per the Base Ranger Class.

Unparalelled Senses

Requires level 16

  • Increase your Dexterity or Wisdom Score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Feral Senses feature, as per the Base Ranger Class.
Rogue Multiclass feats

Subtlety Expert

  • Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain Expertise in 1 Skill of your choice.
  • Increase your Total Sneak Attack Dice by 1.
  • You may take this feat twice.

Unerring Sneak

Requires level 12

  • Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Increase your total Sneak Attack dice by 1.
  • You gain the Subtle Strikes feature, as per the Base Rogue Class.
Sorcerer Multiclass Feats

Innate Sorcery

  • Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Innate Sorcery feature, as per the base Sorcerer class.


  • Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You learn a Metamagic option from the Base Sorcerer list of Metamagic options.
  • Your maximum Sorcery points increases by 1.

Endless Font

Requires level 8

  • Increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Alternatively, you may increase your Maximum Sorcery points by 1.
  • Your Maximum Sorcery points increases by 2. This bonus is in addition to the bonus point you gain if you choose to increase your Sorcery Point maximum with the first part of this feat.
Warlock Multiclass Feats

Pact Master

Requires level 8

  • Increase your Wisdom or Charisma Score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain 1 additional Pact Magic spell slot. This Slot is treated like any other Pact Magic Slots you have.

Eldritch Invoker

Requires level 8

  • Increase your Wisdom or Charisma Score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You learn an additional Warlock Invocation. You may take this feat twice.
Wizard Multiclass Feats

Spell Scrivener

Requires level 12

  • Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Create Spell feature, as per the base Wizard class.

Well Studied

  • Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain the Academic feature, as per the base Wizard class.

Commonly Used Terms

In this document are a few terms I use regularly. The way they are intended to be defined is clarified below:

  • Base _______: The ______ space can be filled with any class name where this term occurs. This refers to the class as it is outlined in the Player's Handbook.
  • Multiclass Progress table: This refers to the specific table you use to determine your Multiclass features and is listed here in this document.
  • Primary Class: This term refers specifically to the class you took at 1st level. Your Multiclass is the class you chose instead of a Subclass for your Primary Class.

Changelog v1.2

  • Updated for new Cleric UA. Channel Divinity is now just like Base class Cleric, Holy Order added, Smite Undead Replaces destroy undead, Blessed Strikes is now Base Cleric and not part of a subclass (changed accordingly), Divine Domain Channel Divinity renamed to Subclass Channel Divinity and edited according to when the Subclass would gain that feature.

Changelog v1.3

  • Updated Spellcasting progression. Spellcasting now advances based on Primary Class level instead of Multiclass Progress. This smooths progress out, and makes it less awkward, no longer jumping from 3rd level spells to 5th level at once.
  • Further added in Druid/Paladin UA and updated the Cleric to Match the Druid with their Channel progression.
  • Channel Divinity/Nature pools now blend. You just gain more ways to use those features rather than gaining more fuel for them.

Changelog v1.4

  • Removed the Artificer. This was because the 1DnD playtest is focused on PHB classes and will not see an update to the Artificer. To better focus this document, I chose to limit it to the same scope as the current 1DnD playtest.
  • Updated Multiclass Progress tables. All Multiclasses now work more similarly to standard subclasses, with specific levels for the features rather than a numbered progress table. It's clear that moving forward WotC plans to keep the 3/6/10/14 subclass pattern across all classes which makes this variant Multiclassing much easier to accomplish.
  • Added new Multiclass specific feats to accomodate the players who want to invest more in their Multiclass. These half-feats add specific features I felt could potentially be cut while also attempting to maintain the flavor of the chosen Class. Keep an eye out though, not all of the feats are Half feats.
  • Added a feat to allow players to choose a subclass from either class. This was a common complaint I had seen of previous versions. My biggest concern with these is power balance compared to other feats, which is why it remains a whole feat vs. the half-feats for other class specific features.

Changelog v1.5

  • Adjusted Multiclass Spellslot table. A common complaint I saw was that the previous table was too generous, specifically allowing access to higher level spells. While part of this Variant is meant to allow for higher level spells from Multiclassing, the previous table was still too much. The number of spells a character may prepare remains the same, but the number of actual spellslots they have has been dramatically reduced. Furthermore, being able to cast spells higher than 5th level with a full caster Multiclass now requires additional feat investment.
  • Further on the Adjusted Multiclass Spells, Spells known have been delayed an additional level. This means that a a Multiclass full-caster (such as Cleric or Wizard) learns spells at a rate 2 levels behind a non-multiclass character. For example, a non-multiclass Wizard gains access to 3rd level spells upon reaching 5th level. Someone who has chosen to multiclass into Wizard learns 2nd level spells at 5th level, and 3rd level spells at 5th level.
  • Between the strongly limited spellslots and reduced spellcasting progression, Multiclassing into a full-caster class should feel relevant at all levels but will never outclass a non-multiclass character.
  • Barbarians now gain additional hit points at each Subclass feature level. They gain 2 points at levels 3, 6 and 10 and 4 additional hit points at level 14.
  • Multiclass Barbarian Rage now only provides resistance to 1 damage type, vs all 3 of BPS as a Full class Barbarian.
  • Added Barbarian, Fighter, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard UA features to the tables.
  • Blessed Strikes now only applies to the first 2 attacks you make each turn. This should prevent Fighter/Cleric from getting too out of hand with the feature.
  • Sorcerers use the language of "Spells Known" vs. "Spells Prepared" to clarify between classic 5e and the UA language. This better matches the rules used.
  • Updated Multiclass Spellcasting section. While the underlying rules governing Multiclass spellcasting haven't changed, the specifics as they apply to each class have been moved to each class' Multiclass spellcasting feature. This should hopefully make it easier to parse.

Developers Notes

While I personally may not agree with all of the changes with each UA, this document reflects an adaptation of the materials presented therein. This is why even things which are generally unpopular (such as the removal of Warlock Pact Magic) can be found here.

Additionally, I do my best to include features for each multiclass I feel are indispensable to the class Identity. Features which feel less central to that identity but strongly thematic are available via the Multiclass feats.

I'd love to playtest this content myself, but I don't currently have any 5e games running, nor do I have any groups of players who would be willing to playtest any material at all for DnD. (most either don't have time to playtest, but those who do have the time have decided to move on to other TTRPGs) Anyone willing to test this, please let me know how things go!


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