ATLA Homebrew

by Bulldozer56

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Avatarverse Homebrew

ATLA and TLOK Homebrew

D&D 5e Homebrew for Avatar The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra and the Chronicles of the Avatar Novels

Homebrew created by Bulldozer56, adapted from the Avatar Legends TTRPG created by Magpie Games

Table of Contents


Hello, my name is Bulldozer56 and I am an avid fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA), The Legend of Korra (TLOK) and the books. I was so excited when Magpie Games decided to create a tabletop for the Avatarverse. Although I was one among many other backers, once it was released, I realized that it really wasn't my cup of tea. This is my first attempt to make anything homebrew for D&D however heavily taking inspiration from Avatar Legends, already set in stone abilities of D&D and combining everything with a little bit of my homebrew and homebrew of the community, I was able to create some semblance of Avatar as a tabletop that may work for D&D. Nothing has been play tested yet and some things may need adjusting. Enjoy!!!

Index and
Homebrew Rules

  • Jing: Jing is a term that describes the myriad of options one has during battle on how to direct their energy, both internally and externally. Although no single individual may be constricted by their lineages chosen jing pattern.
    • Positive Jing: Positive jing is an aggressive expression and outlook on combat. Generally consisting of overwhelming and preempitve strikes against your opponent. Firebenders tend to exhibit positive jing in combat and in their personalities.
    • Neutral Jing: Neutral Jing consist of observing your opponent and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Individuals that have an Earth Kingdom lineage tend to exhibit neutrality in all aspects of their lives.
    • Negative Jing: Negative Jing practitioners believe that facing your opponent or combat is only used as a last resort and they tend to avoid or deflect direct conflict at all cost. Air Nomads are the greatest practitioners of Negative Jing, remaining pacifist even in the most dangerous situations and only breaking their composure as a last resort for survival.
  • Techniques: At their cores, techniques are spells that benders can use in a fashion reminiscent of casting a spell.
  • Multi-Classing: Non-Benders can multi-class into non-bending fighting styles but they can't multi-class into bending fighting styles, however Benders can multi-class into non-bending fighting styles. Fighting styles with sub-classes (Tech-Engineer, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending) can multi-class into their own classes. More of this is explained in the "Character Progression" section.
  • Elemental Affinity Saving Throw: A saving throw made with the ability that is respective to the element. For example, the elemental affinity saving throw of Firebenders is Strength and Earthbenders is Constitution.
  • Up-Casting and Down-Casting: Techniques can be used at a lower level then a character knows them however they can not be used at a higher level than the individual knows, unless abilities specify otherwise. To use a technique at a lower level, you must spend two technique slots from the previous level to use them. For example, if you want to use a Mastered level technique at a lower level you must expend 2 Trained level slots. If you want to use a Trained level technique you must expend 2 Practiced level slots. To use a Mastered technique from your Practiced level slots, you must use 4 Practiced level slots. If you do not have the equivalent amount of slots on the lower technique level, then you can’t use the technique.
Benders may only master up to 6 Techniques

1 Trained slot=2 Practiced slot
1 Mastered slot=2 Trained slots=4 Practiced slots

  • Training : PC’s and NPC’s can attempt to train themselves further in their techniques or in other forms of bending. Training is a core part of the ATLA universe and it is a means to get better.
  • To level up a Technique; The characters must use the technique either in combat or out of combat. If a PC is attempting to level up a specific technique, they must declare their intention of “Training” that technique (for PCs maybe putting a “T” next to that technique might make you remember that you are training to improve that technique). You can only have 2 techniques being trained at once. If you were to switch one of the techniques you are currently training to another technique, you lose the progress you made in the previous technique.
    Each time PCs want to use a technique that they are training, they must make an Elemental Ability Check (ability check that is your respective bending ability) with a DC 15. On a success, they gain a Training Point (TP) in that ability and on a fail they don’t. If a 20 is rolled for these checks, they gain an additional TP. When you get 5 Training Points, the Technique levels up to the next level. On a fail, the DC decreases by 1 and they don’t get a Training Point (TP).
    For a character to level up their Learned techniques, they must find guidance from a master of that element. Training alongside with the master for some time, following their guidance or being tasked with something by their master to go on a journey that may help them unlock their potential in that technique are some examples of mastering a technique. During this entire time, the technique they are trying to Master is marked as a “Trained Technique” and consumes a training slot. Once their training, journey or guidance has been completed they have to make an Elemental Ability Check of DC 25. On a success, the technique becomes Mastered level. On a fail, the DC decreases by 1 and the PCs can repeat the Elemental Ability Check once per day to attempt to Master that Technique.
  • To learn a Sub-Bending style (Optional Rule): If a sub-bending style has been experienced in some way by the PCs or NPCs, they may attempt to learn the bending style using the same mechanics to Training as it is written above.
    Once the PCs of NPCs have completed their training in the respective sub-bending style, now that sub-bending style is unlocked for them and they can invest levels into that sub-bending style.
    If you want to go a certain build or perhaps multiclass into a different you can keep your levels when you level up so that you can invest them in a different sub-bending style. However, you won’t gain the benefits of your current bending style if you don’t invest the levels into that bending style.
  • Feats: Some of the existing feats have been altered or removed to better fit the setting. You can find more information on feats in the "Feats" section.
  • Skill Checks: Arcana checks are considered as investigation toward bending that is currently active in the scene or bending that has been done previously, instead of the usual 5th edition Arcana check.
    Religion checks are considered as a character's connection to the Spirit World and their core bending. Thus Religion checks use your Wisdom Modifier instead of your Intelligence Modifier. Generally the stronger the religious connection the character has, the stronger their connection to their core bending connection is.
  • Death: One a creature dies, if their spirit isn't corrupted, their spirit travels onto the spirit world. A dead creature can not be resurrected in any mortal way. Powerful spirits may choose to lend some of their power or all of their power to stabilize and bring a creature back from the brink of death (similar to how Princess Yue was healed by the Moon Spirit Tui) however this may have unforeseen consequences for both the character and the spirit. However, the spirit of the creature can return back to the material world by reincarnating into an animal.

Information on Creatures in Avatar

There are 3 types of creatures in Avatar: Humans, Animals and Spirits.

  • Animals: Generally animals in the Avatar Universe are hybrid of two or three animals in real life. Examples of this would be Hogmonkeys, Tigerdillos, Platypusbears etc. However this doesn't mean that any normal animal can not be found, such as just bears or foxes. Animals tend to not know bending with the exception of some animals such as Badgermoles being the first Earthbenders, Dragons being the first Firebenders (not the fantasy looking ones, these dragons look more like the Far Eastern mythological dragons) and Flying Bison being the first Airbenders. A curious exception is made for only 1 animal who is the only known Energybender other than the Avatar, the Giant Lion Turtle. Lion Turtles are extremely calm, wise and are the only known animal to speak Common other than humans. However, don't let their calmness lead you astray, if they are provoked they will not hesitate to strike down their opponents.

Animals behave as any animal would in real life and they can not speak Common whatsoever (with the exception of Lion Turtles). That being said, due to animals being a hybrid of two they tend to behave as the more dominant species. Tigerdillos behave more like tigers while still exhibiting armadillo like behavior; Platypusbears behave more like bears while still exhibiting platypus like behavior etc. You can find more information on the animals of Avatar on this wiki page

  • Spirits: Spirits come in a wide range of forms and sizes. One spirit can look like a humanoid and another may take the form of a centipede. Spirits can generally talk and interact with other spirits and humans that travel into the Spirit World however, it has not been displayed that they can bend. Spirits possess the ability of merging with another creature, assuming the form momentarily and taking over their personality as well however, this is dangerous for the creature it merges with because this merging may end up killing the creature. Although this is rarely seen, some spirits may merge with creatures as a form of punishment. If the creature survives, the creature now possesses some sort of ability and visual representation of the spirit that merged with it i.e their arm becomes that of a lemur after merging with a lemur spirit. In addition to merging spirits may choose to relinquish their immortality and enter the material world by becoming an animal. By doing so they can be killed, that being said they may not die of old age.
    Spirits may be good or evil (dark spirits) and behave/interact with others as such. Some spirits can have extraordinary abilities, like Father Glowworm being able to tunnel between the Spirit and Material World. You can find more information on both the Spirit World and the known Spirits on this wiki page
  • Humans: Humans are well, human. Some humans can bend and some can not that varies with their connection to their spiritual self and their family bloodline. Although this may be true, non-benders can not learn how to bend unless some major cosmic balance has been struck (i.e opening of the second spirit portal in The Legend of Korra). Finally, throughout the nations and the Spirit World only 1 language is spoken and that is Common.

Information on the World of Avatar

The world of Avatar houses a specific form of “magic system” known as bending, where people who can bend an element generally can bend due to their genetic structure of their parents. As the Avatar Wiki suggests: “One important known factor in determining the likelihood of a person to inherit bending abilities is the genetic history of the family. It can be considered a recessive gene, since it is possible for a person to inherit bending skills even if they have two non-bending parents…” Although this may be true, one must also be spiritually inclined to further improve their bending abilities. The wiki further suggests that in cases where an individual has parents that bend different elements, the offspring may bend either but never both i.e Mako and Bolin bending Fire and Earth -respectively- due to their parents being fire and earth benders. Thus a conclusion may be drawn where both spirituality and genetics have an effect on the individuals bending capability and abilities.
There are four elements to bend with each element being respective of its own nation: Water is from the Water Tribes, Earth is from the Earth Kingdom, Fire is from the Fire Nation and Air is from the Air Nomads. Each creature can bend only one element, however only the Avatar can bend and master all four elements and every generation one individual is reincarnated as the next life of the previous Avatar. Additionally, only the Avatar possesses the ability to bend a 5th element known as Energy where they can bend the energy of the cosmos and use it in ways that they desire, such as to take away someone's bending permanently. The Avatar is known throughout the world as a beacon of good, hope and a conduit or bridge to the spirit world. The sole purpose of the Avatar is to bring about peace within the

material world and to strike balance between the material world and the spirit world. How they attempt to bring about that peace and balance and what to focus on while doing so is completely up to the Avatar.

Before the era of the Avatar the material and spirit world was seemingly in harmony. It was a frequent occurrence to see different spirits in the material world. Humans thought the spirits were dangerous and built their communities on top of giant creatures known as Lion Turtles. In the past, people couldn’t bend. They were given the ability to bend by respectfully asking the lion turtle they lived on and if the lion turtle approved, whatever element the lion turtle could bend through energybending gave the humans. As centuries went by, eventually the Avatar Cycle started with the first Avatar which lived on a firebending lion turtle, Avatar Wan. Avatar Wan’s greatest feat, other than being the first human to master all of the elements, was to pay back the debt he owed the spirit of light and peace (which is also the Avatar Spirit) Raava by defeating Vaatu during Harmonic Convergence. He continued to broker peace through communities and pushed towards a peaceful world. After his death, Raava and Wan swore to each other that they would broker peace throughout the planes and so the cycle continued with the elemental order being fire, air, water, earth.
After humans descended from the Lion Turtles, bending wasn’t easy to come by. Thus people turned to nature and eventually discovered the natural sources of bending. For water, the natural source is the Moon; For earth, the Badgermoles; For fire, the Dragons and for air, the Flying Bison. Humanity re-learned how to bend through these media and bending came into fruition for humans once more. As a part of this, some natural events can inhibit or strengthen a benders bending capability. An example of this can be a full moon. During a full moon waterbenders can bend water easier compared to when there isn’t one. Another example may be a solar eclipse, where firebenders lose their ability to bend fire.

The material world is relatively self explanatory. There are 4 nations, everyone can only bend one element (with exception of the Avatar) and other creatures that are found in the world are generally hybrids of two real animals on Earth (for example: Hog Monkeys, Eel Hounds, Polar Bear Dogs). On the other hand, the spirit world is far more complex. The spirit world is home to many spirits that live throughout the lands. There are good and evil spirits, weak and powerful spirits, all of them come in many shapes and sizes. Some notable spirits are Koh the Face Stealer, The Mother of Faces, Father Glow Worm etc. The spirit world is a plane where the emotions of an individual affect the surroundings. If a creature is angry, the surrounding area may turn evil while if they are calm it may not.
Creatures can travel in and out of the spirit world either by meditating into the spirit world or by traveling through one of the spirit portals located at the north and south poles of the globe. If a creature travels into the spirit world through meditation, they can not bend in the spirit world however if they travel through one of the portals, then they can bend and use their bending in the spirit world. Air Nomads generally have the practice of traveling into the spirit world through meditation and they can guide others into the spirit world as well. During the solstices, due to the barrier between the material and spirit world being the weakest one may travel into the spirit world much easier on those days. If one travels into the spirit world through meditation, their body remains unconscious as long as they remain in the spirit world. However, those who travel into the spirit world must be careful, for if their spirit ends up being corrupted by an evil spirit or they end up in the Fog of Lost Souls, they may never return to the material plane. It is highly advised that individuals who travel into the spirit world at least have some prior knowledge or a guide. If a creature's spirit is corrupted while they are still alive, the creature immediately dies and doesn’t enter the spirit world.
When a creature dies, their spirit travels into the spirit world. A spirit is immortal but still open to corruption. Spirit may choose to remain in the spirit world or return to the material world as an animal and be reincarnated, relinquishing their immortality. Although a spirit relinquishes their immortality, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are affected by the effects of aging; they are only open to be killed once more. Primordial spirits such as Tui (Moon Spirit) and La (Ocean Spirit) relinquished their immortality and live their lives in the spirit oasis found at the Northern Water Tribe.
Depending on which era you decide to play, some characteristics of the world change. For era’s before Avatar Korra, it is rare to see spirits in the material world due to the fact that the Southern Spirit Portal that was closed by Avatar Wan and hasn’t been opened yet. If you would like to make a lore accurate campaign, you can find further information on Avatar from the Avatar Wiki

Character Creation

Now, we move on to the actual character creation part. There is only one living sapient species in the world of Avatar, humans. Thus, every living character you create will be human. In addition to being human you also have a lineage, the nation you originate from. This can be any of the four nations as listed in the Lineage section. Although an overview is given of each nation in the Lineage section, any one character doesn’t need to be constrained by the factors and characteristics of their lineage. For example, you do not have to have strong community ties just because you are of Water Tribe lineage. However, let's assume that you want to create a character with parents of two different lineages. In this case, you must choose which parent the character takes after and assign the character's lineage accordingly. If, however, you want to create a character that possibly has characteristics of both parents, talk it over with your GM. Maybe your character can have the Unarmored Defense ability in addition to Lessons of the Schools ability. Practice creativity when choosing your characters lineage and backstory, not every person is just one type of individual.
Once you have your Species and Lineage bonuses written down, now it’s time to choose a fighting style, or in other words class. First you must decide whether you want to be a Bender or Non-Bender. If you choose to be a Non-Bender, fighting styles such as Weaponsmaster and Tech-Engineer are available to you. However, due to your lack of bending you will not be able to choose any of the fighting styles that involve bending. On the other hand, you can choose to be a Bender. Depending on your lineage, you are assigned to your respective elemental fighting style. Waterbenders have the Waterbending fighting style and Earthbenders have the Earthbending fighting style (don't worry you can choose your sub-bending style later on at level 3). Once you have your bending fighting style chosen, you can now choose your bending techniques found in the bending techniques section.
And there you have it, you have created your own Avatarverse character. Now you can go out and have wonderful adventures in the world of Avatar.

Character Progression

As you will see, each lineage has their own fighting style or otherwise known as "class", however the sub-bending styles of each lineage are given as Paths, Traditions, Principles or otherwise known as "sub-classes". If they know-seen-heard or experienced it , each character can choose the sub-bending style they know however if they don't know any they are obligated to choose their respective elements sub-class (this is an optional rule that I have added for extra realism however this rule isn’t required to play).
An added twist to the mix is multi-classing into your own class. Since benders can only bend 1 element they can choose to multi-class into their own class if they want to. The only restriction being your respective Elemental Abiltiy Score (i.e Constitution for Earth, Intelligence for Tech-Engineer etc.) must be at least 13. Similar to multi-classing, you will start from level 1 of your class and gain levels in your class as you level up. Once you reach level 3, this time you can choose another sub-class that isn't the one you have chosen initially.

So, for example let's say you are level 8 in the Earthbending Class and you chose Tradition of Earthbending as your first sub-class which you already have 5 levels invested in and you decide to multi-class into the Earthbending Class but this time choosing the Tradition of Lavabending sub-class. By multi-classing into your own class, you only gain the benefits of the Earthbending Class by up to level 5 and thus you'll only be considered a 5th level Earthbender with the Traditions: Earthbending and Lavabending. This means, you will only have the benefits of a 5th level bender class with the abilities and technique slots of the class up until level 5. However, returning to our previous example, let's say that you reach level 13 in Earthbending with the same 5 levels into Tradition of Earthbending and the other 8 into Tradition of Lavabending. At this point you will be considered an 8th level Earthbender with the abilities and technique slots of an 8th level Earthbender.
To summarize it:

  • Classes with sub-classes can multi-class into their class to attain the other sub-classes so long as they meet the Elemental Ability Score of 13 for their class.
  • If you multi-class into a sub-class of your class, you will only have the abilities and technique slots of your class, for which you have more levels in sub-class (i.e 8th level, 5 levels in Tradition of Earthbending and 3 in Lavabending = You are a 5th level Earthbender)

The same also applies for Waterbending Paths, Firebending Principles and Tech-Engineer Specializations as well.

Sadly, Non-benders are born without the ability to bend thus they can only multi-class into Non-Bending classes. Benders on the other hand can multi-class into both Bending and Non-Bending classes.

GM Discussion

Dear GM, before you start your adventure I would recommend you ask yourself "Do I want to make a lore accurate adventure?" if yes, this homebrew adaptation gives you all the knowledge you need to know to quickly start and you can find out more information from the Avatar wiki that I provided above. However, if you really want to get into the nitty-gritty lore of Avatar I would recommend you choose an Avatar Era before you start. This is due to the fact that the world of Avatar is much different at different Avatar Eras. For example, if you want to run an adventure in eras before Avatar Aang, metalbending doesn't exist yet and the Tradition of Metalbending will not be available to the players. Furthermore, some of the Creative Mind Contraptions of the tech-engineer class will be less accurate to the class description due to the fact that technology really takes off during and after the era of Aang. Although these may be true to the lore, as a GM you gain more options as to manipulating the political climate of a nation or the world. For example, before the era of Avatar Szeto the Fire Nation archipelago was dominated by clanism. Similarly, during and before the era of Avatar Kyoshi daofei would reign and rampage accross the Earth Kingdom. Even furthermore, Airbenders do not exist during Aang's era (however they make a return during Korra's era after Harmonic Convergence when she keeps the Southern Spirit Portal open). Below you can find short descriptions of the known Avatar Eras:
  • Era of Yangchen: An era where the Earth Kingdom rescedes into isolationism due to the Fire and Water nations supporting a coup against the king. People around the world suffer from poverty (at different degrees) and trade is heavily monitored after the isolationist politics are employed. Technology of the era is similar to that of 600-900 AD. Combustionbending exists however no information is known about the other sub-bending types. Spiritual Prohection has existed among the Air Nomads for eons and Lavabending exists before the era of Yangchen. You can find more information here.
  • Era of Kuruk: An era of peace across the globe however due to Avatar Yangchen dealing mostly with human affairs, the dark spirits have been kept unchecked. Avatar Kuruk combats and tries to keep the dark spirits at bay while the globe lives a peaceful era. Technology of the era is similar to the Era of Yangchen. The era of Kuruk is a short era due to the fact that he died at the age of 33. No information is known about any of the sub-bending styles (except Spitisbending and Healing which have existed in the Water Tribes for eons). You can find more information here.
  • Era of Kyoshi: An era of dao fei and unerground organizations rising up across the globe. Due to Avatar Kuruk neglecting humanity and dealt primarily with spirits, the balance of the world shifts once more. The Earth Kingdom is plagued by dao fei and the Southern Water Tribe is mostly plagued by Marquess of the Eastern Sea, Tagaka. The technology of the era is roughly the same throughout the era of Avatar Kyoshi which lasts for 230 years. First era where Lightning Generation is sighted. You can find more information here.
  • Era of Roku: An era where the Fire Nation starts the Industrial Revolution, strengthening their army with battleships made of metal, airships and tanks. An era of relative peace across the globe with the exception of the Guiding Wind, an Air Nomad renegade group states that the Air Nomads have become to materialistic and should revert to their old ways. The era ends with the death of Avatar Roku at Crescent Island after his best friend Fire Lord Sozin leaves him to die. The end of the Roku Era also results in the Air Nomad genocide and the start of The Hundred Year War by Fire Lord Sozin's usage of a comet passing near Earth, later known as "Sozin's Comet". Technology in the fire nation is similar to that of the Industrial Revolution and across the other nations about 1400-1600 AD. You can find more information here.
  • Hundred Year War Era: An era of massive conflict across the globe. No Air Nomad is present in the early stages of the war. Towards the end of the era about, the Earth Kingdom is conquered by the Fire Nation with the fall of Ba Sing Sae. The Avatar after Roku, Aang is discovered to be alive and the only survivor of the Air Nomad genocide. Metalbending is invented, Lightning Redirection and

Bloodbending are sighted for the first time. You can find more information here.

  • Era of Aang: The end of the Hundred Year War sparks healing across the nations. Generations of Fire Nation settlers refuse to leave the Earth Kingdom which results in minor tensions between them. Conflict between benders and non-benders heat up. Avatar Aang constructs Republic City in Earth Kingdom territory as a symbol for uniting the nations under one banner. Technology of the era improves towards a more steampunk-modern asian setting. You can find more information here.
  • Era of Korra: The start of the era is of relative peace across the globe. Republic City has an uprising of non-bender vs benders. Followed by the openning of the Southern Water Tribe spirit portal which results in a shift of balance across the world. The balance shift results in previous non-benders getting the ability to Airbend. Guru Laghima's techings of true weightlessness (or flight) is rediscovered. Zaofu, a city made of metal and comprised of metalbenders is erected. The Earth Kingdom Queen is murdered and the Kingdom falls into turmoil. The fall of the kingdom results in Kuvira, the grand unifier to unify the Earth Kingdom under a dictatorship. Avatar Korra defeats Kuvira, however the true heir to the throne brings democracy to the kingdom. Technology of the era if steampunk-modern asian with mechas. There is a boom in metalbenders. You can find more information here.

tl:dr: Spiritbending, Healing and Spiritual Projection have existed for eons. Each technology era is different thus think carefully about the era you want to run your adventure if you want to make it extremely lore accurate. And if you don't, thats fine as well. Just have fun, be creative.

The world of Avatar is unlike any other fantasy universe. It is much more simple however it lacks some of the high fantasy magical bravado that some may desire. There are spells, magical incantations or items that would give the world an extra dimension. However, what it lacs in fantasy it reinforces in realism, logic and creativity. Although I tried to sum up the majority of "spells" any character can do at any given point, it is not confined by these. Listen to your players, if they want to do something that isn't listed as a Bending Technique first question if it is logical. Ask yourself "Can a bender of their knowledge bend their element in that way?" if it seems logical, I would suggest you go through with it. Many wacky, cool scenarios may play out when you add player creativity into the mix.
Due to a lack of magic that is otherwise found in high fantasy universes magical items or potions also do not exist (however I though of adding health potions as "tea brews" idk just a thought). Thus, it may be troublesome when trying to balance out an encounter due to the fact that when a character dies, they are dead no second chances. As a consequence of this hurdle, I would recommend at least one party member being a healer.

I also want to touch on technique mastery. As I've mentioned before, characters require a teacher or master to teach them to master a technique. However do not think of this "teaching" as actual practice of the technique. The insight they provide may be realized in the long term. For instance perhaps the mastery condition that they give to one of the characters is one of the following:
  • Defeat a specific foe in combat: Useful for when the character would otherwise run from that foe or has difficulty standing up for themselves. Example: Take down the leader of the dao fei, that left you an orphan.
  • Surrender: Useful for when the PC is bold or overly brave and needs to learn a lesson in humility. Add “to a specific foe” to push them to a particular enemy they only ever want to fight. Example: Hold your fist back the next time you face your backstabbing brother. Example: Surrender to the local enforcers for the crimes you have committed and rid yourself of guilt.
  • Lose your balance: Useful for an overly careful player character, who never exposes themselves, who never shows vulnerability throughout many sessions of play. Add “in a specific situation” to make it more directed. Example: Don't be afraid to show vulnerability and confront your emotions next time you fall in love (or just, try to fall in love).
  • Be taken out: Useful for when the PC has never faced defeat in battle for they think it will bring disappointment and shame upon them. Add “in a specific situation” to make it more directed. Example: Be taken out outside of combat.
  • Seek a specific mystical or ancient location: Useful for when the overall group of companions travels quite a bit, and when the technique is strange, draws on lost wisdom or draws on new wisdom unknown to the character. Example: Seek the Sun Warriors in their hidden city and learn from them.
  • Find and listen to an opposing teacher: Useful for when the teacher presents a highly polarized view of the world, challenges the world view of the character and the PC needs to learn the lessons at the opposing end of the spectrum. Example: Find the only other student of the same teacher and let them complete your training. Example: Change your world view and see the world for what it actually is.
  • Build a structure of spiritual or local import: Useful for when the player character is much more of a fighter or a destroyer, or even an evader who tends to run from problems, than a builder who constructs. Add “with/without using particular tools” to make it more poignant or challenging. Example: Construct defenses around the whole of the village without your bending.
  • Tell a specific person a specific, difficult truth: Useful for when the player character’s issues have a lot to do with making decisions, or trying to hide things about themselves. Example: Admit to your other teachers that you don’t want to live up to the person your family or community wants you to be.
  • Use the technique in an exchange in a particular way: Useful for when the player character is reluctant to make use of a technique or when the technique is particularly powerful or focused. Example: Defeat an opponent using this technique as the final blow or use a devastatingly powerful technique in the least damaging way.
  • Don't use the technique/weapon: Useful for when a character uses that technique or weapon consistently and always relies on that technique or weapon. Example: Learn to live without that technique or expand your weaponsmaster knowledge my mastering other weapons, a master of one weapons is only strong wielding that weapon.

Finally, I would like to say that although throughout the adventure there will be combat with other people, animals or spirits, the adventure shouldn't be focused on combat. This is a journey that your players will take, develop and grow throughout the adventure. So when crafting your adventure rather than making combat encounters, I would recommend you create an adventure that gives room for character growth and progression. Making it a more roleplay heavy adventure rather than having a TPK in session 3. I'm not saying don't put any combat encounters, its just that due to death being the final decider for a character I would recommend you think three times before you finally set up combat. However, if in one of your players dies perhaps show their spirit in the spirit world if someone from the party travels to the spirit world or maybe talk with the player to reincarnate them as an animal of their choosing that sticks with the party while they play their new character, a nice bittersweet moment or reconnection.


Economy in the world of Avatar is a little different than other settings. Gold and platinum is highly valuable due to their applications and worth. To get a sense of their worth, for about 1500 gold pieces one can buy a nice house in the upper ring (the aristocratic/rich ring) of Ba Sing Sae. Thus, most transactions are either done with copper or silver pieces. When buying or selling items, please consider the worth of gold. You may not want your players to be filthy rich at the start of an adventure. I would suggest you give each player the following amount of wealth:
2d4 x 10sp


Due to PCs being soley made up of Humans creatures, they will benefit from the Human lineage which has had a name change in this module as species. For simplicity, you can find the information on being a human as a species found below:
  • Ability Score Increase: Your ability scores each increase by 1.
  • Age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
  • Alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
  • Size: Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.
  • Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common.
  • Fighting Style: You can choose one of the fighting styles depending on your lineage and bending ability. If you are a non-bender, you must choose a fighting style from the non-bender category regardless of you lineage - however if you are a bender you must choose a fighting style from the category that is respective to your lineage (i.e Water Tribesman bender can choose a Waterbending Fighting Style). You can choose a sub-bending style so long as you meet the prerequisites.
Variant Human
  • Ability Score Increase: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
  • Skills: You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
  • Feat: You gain one Feat of your choice.


Alongside the benefits of your species you also must choose a lineage, a country of origin or a nation you take after. Even if you do not live in that nation, you must choose a lineage that signifies your characters roots.

Water Tribes

Brave the power of the seas within your hands. Water Nationals are fierce warriors as they are compassionate individuals. They choose to flow like water through the jing scales instead of residing on a singular plane. Individuals of the Water Tribe generally have an unusual jing pattern that shifts through Positive jing, Neutral jing and Negative jing. Water Nation citizens are among the most diverse individuals and put family and community above all else. Individuals that have left their community or in some way betrayed their own kind are frowned upon and either are accepted back into the community under harsh conditions or are never accepted back into their community.
The Water Tribe has 3 primary locations in which they reside: The Northern Water Tribe, The Southern Water Tribes and The Foggy Swamp located in the southwestern region of the Earth Kingdom. The political structure of the tribes is chiefdom. The Northern Tribe tends to exhibit more wealth and a much more comfortable lifestyle compared to the Southern Tribes. The Southern Tribes generally hunt

for their food and express less wealth due to their distance to any other nearby nation. They also have multiple chiefdoms that form a Council of Chiefs among their tribes. The Southern Tribe chiefdoms accept that the Northern Tribe chief is the true leader, however they are autonomous.
The Northern and Southern Tribes tend to dislike each other although forming alliances during tough times. The Northerners tend to believe that they are superior to the Southern Tribe and the Southerners dislike the North for both such behavior and previous unrests that happened while the entire water tribe resided in the north.
The Waterbenders that live in the Foggy Swamp, however, are unlike the other tribes, living away from civilization and the conflict or politics that come with it. Although they can bend the water, they also have been seen to bend the vines and plants that reside in the Foggy Swamp. No true political structure is observed among the dwellers of the Foggy Swamp.

Hit Dice: 1d10 per level
Lvl 1 Hit Points: 10 + Constitution Modifier
Hit Points for Higher Levels: 1d10 + Constitution Modifier per level above 1st

Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Bolas, Boomerangs, Bows, Crossbows (light and heavy), Nets, Spears, Slings, Short Swords, Scimitars, Tridents.
Saving Throws: Charisma and 1 of your choosing.
Tools: Choose 1; Alchemist’s Supplies, Poisoner’s Kit, Navigator’s Tools, Cartographer’s Tools
Skills: Choose 2: Animal Handling, Intimidation, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Performance, Persuasion

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a wooden shield or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a scimitar or (b) any simple melee weapon
  • Leather armor, an explorer's pack and a Net

You find strength in family and community. If a a creature of Water Tribe lineage is fighting alongside you during combat, one of your damage die is always the maximum value.

Creating a Character with Water Tribe Lineage

When creating a character from the water tribes, think of which tribe they originate from: The North, The South or The Foggy Swamp. Although indivuduals with Water Tribe lineage have a strong sense of community, does your character share that same sense? Are they a loner or are they trying to re-find their family? Are they banished from their community or are they trying to make their community proud? Do they have an obligation to their family or are they trying to escape any obligation?
The open seas may harbor comfort for many tribesman, but what led your character to leave their tribe and seek adventure? Was it war, to find a banished or missing loved one or a sense redemption they wish to fulfill? Perhaps they are just a free soul, seeking to uncover more about the world and to experience adventure? Or they want to tell epic tales of their adventures if they eventually return to their tribe?

Earth Kingdom

Hail from the largest nation in the world. Stand firm and sturdy like a stone while pummeling your enemies with devastating boulders. Earth is the element of substance and people of the Earth Kingdom are as diverse as they are resilient. Citizens of the Earth Nation are persistent and enduring. They are among the most formidable allies and dangerous enemies. Their approach to life is neutral and their neutral jing fighting style reflects this. In almost every situation traditional Earthbenders choose to adapt their approach to whatever situation crosses their path, keeping neutrality in combat and waiting for the opponent to strike first.
The capital of the Earth Kingdom, the famous three walled city of Ba Sing Se is divided into 3 different segments. The largest portion, known as the lower ring, is where the lower class individuals live and where the capital does most of its agricultural projects. The middle ring is where traders live and conduct their business. The smallest ring, known as the upper ring, is where the wealthiest of individuals and the kingdom’s palace resides.
The Earth Kingdom as the name states, is a kingdom. However, as a consequence of being the largest nation among the rest, the king and the kingdom's power has had trouble many times in the past to stretch across the entire nation. A nation heavily populated by underground organizations known as “daofei” it is not uncommon in the kingdom for riots and uprisings to occur against the kingdom. Some uprisings are stopped while some get out of hand. Most, however, never achieve their purpose of toppling the kingdom.
The underground organizations of the Earth Kingdom have a custom known as Lei Tai. Two combatants duel on an elevated platform. Anyone of any lineage may enter however

bending or non-bending during the Lei Tai must be decided beforehand and both combatants must follow the rules or else the rule breaker is immediately declared the loser. All armor is removed prior to the duel, remaining in only simple clothing. The Lei Tai ends when the clear winning combatant declares so, which means that even if one of the combatants are badly injured the other may continue to duel them regardless of the circumstances. There are also bender exclusive tournaments where the first person to get knocked out of the arena loses.
Many daofei operate in different forms. Some choose to pillage villages and trade routes, some choose to infiltrate the political and what little religious structure there is of the Earth Kingdom or local government. One must always have eyes in the backs of their head when living in the Earth Kingdom.

Hit Dice: 1d12 per level
Lvl 1 Hit Points: 12 + Constitution Modifier
Hit Points for Higher Levels: 1d12 + Constitution Modifier per level above 1st
Armor: Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Axes, Greatswords, Hammers, Longswords, Mauls, Scimitars, Spears ,Shields
Saving Throws: Constitution and 1 of your choosing.
Tools: Choose 1; Thieve’s Tools, Smith’s Tools, Disguise Kit
Skills: Choose 2: Athletics, Aracana, History, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Nature, Perception

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a halberd or (b) any martial melee weapon
  • (a) two spears or (b) any simple weapon
  • An explorer's pack and four javelins

Being of Earth Kingdom lineage, you also gain the following abilities:
Unarmored Defense
As a member of the Earth Nation, you are naturally resilient. When you aren’t wearing any armor your armor class is equal to 10 + Your Dexterity Modifier + Your Constitution Modifier.

Lay of the Land
Land may be comforting but home is where you feel your best at bending. Starting at level 1, choose one type of favored terrain: Arctic, Forest, Swamp, Desert, Savannah, Hills, Mountains, Underground, Volcanic. When you make an Intelligence or Constitution Check related to your favored terrain, you add your proficiency bonus to that skill check if you aren’t proficient or your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are proficient in that skill.
While traveling in your favored terrain for at least 30 minutes you gain the following benefits:

  • Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.
  • If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
  • When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would.
  • While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.
    At level 6 and 10 you can choose 1 additional favored terrain.

Creating a Character of Earth Kingdom Lineage

The Earth Kingdom is home to many different classes of people with very different life styles. When making a character of Earthen Lineage you have multiple places to choose as an origin. You could be a part of a Sandbender Tribe from the Si Wong Desert or perhaps from Omashu or Ba Sing Se. Did your character grow up in the slums of the kingdom or were they or their family rich? Did they inherit the wealth or did they fight for their wealth? Does your character have a connection or obligation to their family or an undercity daofei organization and if so, are they trying to break free of their bonds with them? Perhaps your characters

parents were taken by the daofei and you sold of to the heighest bidder? Was your character a slave to a diplomat that broke free or are they hunted by the law for being lawless? Maybe you are devout to the king or perhaps want to bring new order to the Earth Nation.
Planting roots and being able to call a place home is a great feat, however what drove you away from our home or town, what is the reason why you are on this adventurous path? Was it the daofei? A general sense of adventure? Or perhaps a need to spring roots different than your family? Do you have a blood related family or do you have a group of friends you call family?

Fire Nation

Honor above all. Fire Nation individuals are as scary as they are cunning. They rarely talk behind others backs and face their fights head on. Fire is the element of power and Fire Nation citizens usually approach life with Positive jing mentality, head on. They have the desire, will and energy to achieve what they want. The holders of the most unstable of elements choose to overwhelm their enemies to overcome their problems.
The Fire Nation’s political structure is based heavily on clans that have had a foothold in the region for decades or centuries. Although the Fire Lord is the final decider in running the country, high ranking leaders or individuals of clans try to manipulate the Fire Lord at every chance they get to favor their clan. This has led to political discourse within the nation previously.
For people of Fire Nation lineage, hair is a badge of honor which is generally put in a top-knot. Some individuals may shave parts of their hair after losing an Agni Kai or to mourn a loved one, however the top-knot remains untouched. However, in cases where someone of this lineage exhibits acts that are considered dishonorable or wrong by their clan or by the entire nation, they cut off their top-knot no matter the circumstances to display to others that they have committed a dishonorable act and so they are treated accordingly.
Finally, benders that are of Fire Nation lineage know of the sacred and honor driven duel known as Agni Kai. The process is as follows:

  • One combatant challenges another to settle a dispute or outright challenge the other.
  • If accepted, both individuals remove their armor (optional) around their torso and arms to fight with light clothing only and move to an arena or any available open area with their backs facing each other. To reject an Agni Kai can be frowned upon and the rejector may be labeled as weak.
  • The duel start at the sound of a gong or some other notifier if a gong isn't available and the duel ends when one combatant burns the other, however one combatant may choose to spare the others life before burning them to end the duel prematurely.

Hit Dice: 1d8 per level
Lvl 1 Hit Points: 8 + Constitution Modifier
Hit Points for Higher Levels: 1d8 + Constitution Modifier per level above 1st

Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Bows, Crossbows (light and heavy), Daggers, Glaives, Longswords, Scimitars, Shortswords, Rapiers, Whips
Saving Throws: Strength and 1 of your choosing.
Tools: Choose one; Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, Poisoner’s Kit
Skills: Choose 2: Athletics, Acrobatics, History, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival, Persuasion
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a rapier or (b) a shortsword
  • (a) 30 throwing weapons (kunai, knives etc.) or (b) a shortsword
  • (a) a burglar's pack, (b) dungeoneer's pack, or (c) an explorer's pack
  • Leather armor, two daggers and a Disguise Kit

Being of Fire Nation lineage, you also gain the followwing abilities:

Lessons of the Schools
Fire Nation schools have taught you well from the start. At level 1, choose two of your skill proficiencies, or one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with the tool of your choice. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.

At 6th level, you can choose two more of your proficiencies (in skills or with thieves' tools) to gain this benefit.

Dragon’s Fury
Each time you make two attacks or use a technique on a creature, you can force them to move 5ft away from you.

Creating a Character with Fire Nation Lineage

Clans are a major part of Fire Nation social structure. When creating a character of Fire Nation lineage consider the clanistic history of the Fire Nation. Do you strongly belong to the clan your were born in to or are you trying to step away from kinship with your clan? Did you betray your clan and leave? On the other hand, perhaps you are deeply connected to your tradition and support your clan and its structure. Is your purpose to represent your clan against other clans or across the world?

Honor also plays a strong role in the Fire Nation social structure. Are you an honorable person? Did you commit acts that may be considered dishonorable? Have you secluded yourself from Fire Nation society due to your dishonor? Do you have long hair (honorable individual) or short hair (dishonorable individual)? Perhaps you were banished from your town or island and are seeking a way to restore your honor.
Finally, what is the reason you are out there exploring? Like I said before, maybe you are trying to find a way to restore your honor or perhaps you are on a diplomatic, militaristic or clan focused mission to aid your people? Maybe you are in search of the meaning of Firebending and trying to find a reasonable explanation to both the destructive and life giving nature of fire?

Air Nomads

Air is the element of freedom and Air Nomad values reflect that. The Air Nomads mostly aim to detach from earthly values and reach enlightenment through meditation and spiritual practice while remaining non-violence throughout their lives. They tend to be kind and loving and are trusted around the world with diplomacy due to their principle of always speaking the truth, however not all must follow their traditions. They are also known to not have their own currency and use the currency of other nations during their travels outside the Air Temples.
There are four locations where the Air Nomads live known as Air Temples. These temples are: The Northern, The Southern, The Eastern and The Western Air Temples. The Eastern and Western Temples primarily housed female monks and airbenders while the Northern and Southern Temples housed the male monks. Although, regardless of their sex children of all kinds were welcome at every temple.
The philosophy of spirituality the Air Nomads follow dates back to an Air Nomad guru and poet known as Guru Laghima. His philosophy states that to reach complete enlightenment one must completely detach themselves from earthly desires and become on with spirituality itself. His famous quote being “Let go of your earthly tether, empty and become wind.” It is even said that he was able to achieve true enlightenment and completely detach himself from earthly desires and learn how to fly.
The other end of the coin and Laghima’s opposing and less popular philosophical ideology was introduced by Guru Shoken. He proposed that to reach true enlightenment, one must not only question themselves but question enlightenment itself. He implied that to achieve enlightenment, to acquire all the answers you seek may result in further greed which would pull you further away from true enlightenment. Shoken’s ideology however, wasn't looked kindly upon and disregarded as heresy. Miniscule amount of sources remain from his writings.
Throughout the centuries, the Air Nomads remained peaceful and harmonious with the outside world with very few organized individuals attempting to cut ties with the rest of the world completely. The political structure of the Air Nomads revolves around the Council of Elders where

the wisest and oldest Air Nomads would semi-govern according to Air Nomad tradition. Although they weren’t present at every temple at all times, Head monks or abbots (at the Northern and Southern Temples) and individuals known as Mother Superiors (at the Eastern and Western Temples) assisted them in governing the temples.

Hit Dice: 1d6 per level
Lvl 1 Hit Points: 6 + Constitution Modifier
Hit Points for Higher Levels: 1d6 + Constitution Modifier per level above 1st

Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Light Bows, Light Crossbows, Daggers, Glaives, Whips, War Fans, Quarterstaff.
Saving Throws: Wisdom and 1 of your choosing.
Tools: Choose one; Herbalism Kit, Navigator’s Tools, Potter’s Tools,
Skills: Choose 2: Acrobatics, Arcana, Animal Handling, Deception, History, Insight, Medicine, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Persuasion

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a quarterstaff or (b) two daggers or (c) 20 arrows and a light bow
  • (a) a priest’s pack, (b) a diplomat's pack, or (c) an explorer's pack
  • Air nomad silk robes

Being of Air Nomad lineage, you also gain the followwing abilities:

Negative Jing
Air Nomad tradition implores you to practice pacifism at all times. Growing up with or studying this belief has taught you to instead flow with opposition rather than resist it. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash or Disengage.

You can nimbly dodge out of the way of attacks. When an attack or technique hits you:

  • If it is a technique: You can switch the required Saving Throw into a Dexterity Saving Throw with the DC being their Bending Save DC. On a success you take no damage and on a fail you take half damage
  • If it is an attack: You can make an Acrobatics Check vs the attack roll to reduce the damage by half.

Creating a Character with Air Nomads Lineage

First thing to consider when making a character of Air Nomad lineage, first consider the sex of your character. Are you male or female? If your character is male you are either from the Northen or Southern temple and if your are female your are either of Eastern or Western temple, however your character may not be confined to these temples. If you live at a different temple, why are you there and what is your purpose? Perhaps you are there to be a teacher, head Abbot or head Monk? Perhaps you are there on diplomatic connections between temples.
Once you have your temple of origin set, next comes your connection to the nomadic teachings. Are you deeply invested in the teachings and live by them word for word or were you deeply invested and no longer are? Perhaps throughout your time at the temple you accidentally desecrated life and was extradited from the temple or maybe you willingly desecrated life out of curiosity. Once your left your temple did you break bad and decide to kill instead of being a pacifist? Do you choose to resolve conflict through dialogue or have you changed your nomadic ways and choose violence? Perhaps you joined a daofei organization or some other underground organization. Maybe you are on a diplomatic mission to establish stronger ties with the other temples or other nations. Maybe you are an emissary or representative of your temple?

Important Note: If you are trying stay true to the lore of Avatar I must note that all individuals of Air Nomad lineage are airbenders. Thus you can't be an Air Nomad and not be a bender. However, you can choose a different lineage and adopt the Air Nomad doctrine.

Fighting Styles (Classes)


Non-Benders of any lineage tend to show their culture and lineage on their weapons, adding motifs such as the their nation Sigils or symbols and coloring their weapons according to their lineage drawings. For example, Non-Benders of Water Tribe lineage tend to have blue colored weapons with motifs of waves or the moon. Tech-Engineers tend to exhibit such behavior as well, designing their inventions according to their lineage.
A Non-Bender is unable to become a bender howwever you can hold your ground against other Benders and Non-Benders alike. As a Non-Bender, you may choose two of the following paths:
  • Weaponsmaster
  • Tech Engineer


You can multiclass into or out of this Fighting Style if you have a Strength or Dexterity Score of 13 or greater. Benders can multiclass into this class.
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Universal Technique Slots Combat Expertise Points
1st +2 Adapted Fighting, Journeyman’s Lesson, Universal Techniques 3 1
2nd +2 3 1
3rd +2 Action Surge 3 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Journeyman’s Lesson Feature 3 2
5th +3 Extra Attack 4 2
6th +3 Universal Techniques Improvement 4 3
7th +3 Journeyman’s Lesson Feature, Quickdraw 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 3
9th +4 Interrupt 5 4
10th +4 Adapted Fighting Feature, Journeyman’s Lesson Feature 5 4
11th +4 Superior Critical 5 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 5
13th +5 Journeyman’s Lesson Feature, Universal Techniques Improvement 6 5
14th +5 6 5
15th +5 Survivor 6 6
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Journeyman’s Lesson Feature 6 6
17th +6 Action Surge (x2) 7 6
18th +6 7 7
19th +6 Journeyman’s Lesson Feature 7 7
20th +6 7 8

Weaponsmasters are versatile and clever individuals. In a world where bending is the dominant force, they use their intelligence, wisdom, speed and strength to strike down their opponents. Underestimating a Weaponsmaster could prove to be a grievous mistake.

Save DC= 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Dexterity Modifier

Whenever you have to make an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw, you can choose either to make it with Strength or Dexterity

Technique Bonus= 2(x Technique Level)
Trained Technique Attack Modifier= 2(x Technique Level) + Proficiency Bonus + Weapon Appropriate Modifier
Mastered Technique Attack Modifier= 2(x Technique Level) + Proficiency Bonus + Weapon Appropriate Modifier

Adapted Fighting
Benders are strong, thus you have adapted your combat style to be on an equal playing field with them. Starting at level 1, on your turn when you make an attack you can choose to spend a Combat Expertise Point to give the creature an ailment or give the attack a bonus in addition to the normal damage of the attack:

  • Focused Fighting: You gain advantage on your next attack roll.
  • Daze: On a hit, the creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature you attacked has disadvantage on attack rolls until their next turn
  • Disarm: On a hit, the creature must make a Strength Saving Throw vs your Save DC. On a fail, the creature you attacked drops their weapon or can’t use their bending on Opportunity Attacks.
  • Sweep the Leg: On a hit, the creature must make a Strength Saving Throw vs your Save DC or be knocked prone.
    Each creature can only be affected with one ailment per turn.
    At level 10, you can use Adapted Fighting on attacks you make with your reaction.
    You regain all your Combat Expertise Points after you finish a long rest.

Journeyman’s Lesson
Throughout your adventures you keep your mind keen to learn and improve yourself. At 1st level, you can choose a basic Fighting Technique from the list above. Every 3 levels, you can choose to get a new Basic Fighting Technique, swap a Fighting Technique that you already use with another Basic Fighting Technique or level up an existing one to Trained. You can not level up Fighting Techniques to Master using Journeyman’s Lesson. To level up a Fighting Technique to Master, you must find a master trained in that Fighting Technique and complete their lesson, guidance, request, quest, lesson etc. You can look at the Fighting Techniques on the Fighting Techniques section.

Universal Techniques
Starting at level 1, you can learn 2 techniques from the Universal Techniques list under Bending Techniques. Everytime you level up, you can swap out 1 technique for another, you can not have 2 of the same technique. You can use these techniques a number of times that is shown in the Known Techniques Slots column.
At level 6, you can choose 1 more technique.
At level 13, you can choose 1 more technique.

Action Surge
Starting at 3rd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level you may increase one of your abilities by 2 points or two of your abilities by 1 point. You can’t increase your abilities above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.

Starting at 7th level, Weaponsmasters can add their proficiency bonus to their initiative. They can also sheathe a weapon and unsheath another as a single object interaction on their turn.

Starting at level 9, if you are within striking distance of a creature that knows bending you can use your reaction or you can spend a Combat Expertise point to attempt to stop the creature from using a technique. Make a Dexterity Check. The DC to interrupt the technique is 10 + 3x(the technique’s level). On a success, you interrupt the creature's attempt and they can not use the chosen technique. On a fail, the creature is able to use the technique.

Superior Critical
Starting at 11th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

At 15th level, at the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier if you have no more than half of your hit points left. You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points.

Weaponsmaster Build Suggestions

Depending on your weapon of choice, your highest ability score should be the ability modifier your weapon uses (Dexterity for ranged weapons and Strength for melee weapons). Due to the amount of Fighting Techniques available you can mix and match techniques as you level up with Journeyman's Lesson to craft a character suited to your playstyle. That being said, it is wise to focus on one Fighting Technique at a time and Master the Fighting Techniques one by one instead of trying to upgrade all Fighting Techniques at the same time.
You the next ability you should focus on is Constitution. A single bender can deal a lot of damage with a single Bending Technique and you may have trouble fighting against them if you do not have that many hit points. With the Earth Kingdom lineage it is possible to get a great sum of hit points however take into consideration the lineage specific abilities as well. An air nomad weaponsmaster may prove to be more deadly than an earth kingdom citizen due them being harder to land a hit on.
Non-benders are sometimes oppressed and looked over during battle. Consider taking the Bender Bender feat to prove those benders wrong and gain the upper hand against benders in battle. Or maybe take the Alert feat to attempt to go before the benders go. Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter may also provide you with some extra support and damage against benders.


You can multiclass into or out of this Fighting Style if you have an Intelligence or Wisdom Score of 13 or greater. Benders can multiclass into this class.
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Universal Technique
Spark Points
1st +2 Creative Mind, Nimble Wit, Universal Techniques 3 1
2nd +2 3 1
3rd +2 Specialization 3 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 2
5th +3 Creative Mind Feature, Extra Attack, Nimble Wit Feature 4 3
6th +3 Universal Techniques Improvement 4 3
7th +3 Salvage, Specialization Feature 4 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 4
9th +4 5 5
10th +4 Analyze Hostile 5 5
11th +4 Creative Mind Feature 5 6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 6
13th +5 Specialization Feature, Universal Techniques Improvement 6 7
14th +5 6 7
15th +5 Inferior Creatures 6 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Creative Mind Feature 6 8
17th +6 7 9
18th +6 7 9
19th +6 Specialization Feature 7 10
20th +6 7 10

The ever changing technology and innovation of the world has caught your attention and pulled you into this path. The Tech Engineer is a person that has boundless creativity and tools to accompany such creativity in furthering technology. They use their inventions to assist themselves throughout their lives. Perhaps further specializing in a branch of innovation.
Life teaches us many things. As a Tech Engineer, you use your Intelligence modifier for some of your class and subclass features. However, with your GM’s permission, you can choose to instead use your Wisdom Modifier for all your engineering features that use your Intelligence modifier by default.
Save DC= 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Your Intelligence Modifier

Nimble Wit
Brains may be sharper than blades. Unlike other fighting styles, you do not have an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw, making you an easy to hit target during combat. Starting at level 1, you can add your Spark Points to any Saving Throw that you aren’t proficient in, 2 your roll increases by 2 for every 1 Spark Point spent. Additionally, you can swap out the Wisdom Modifier for your Intelligence Modifier on Survival Checks and Insight Checks. Finally, you can gain proficiency with any type of weapon as long as you spend 2 weeks using the weapon.
Starting at level 5, you can spend a Spark Point to add your Intelligence Modifier to your attack roll. Whenever you roll a critical on your attack, gain 1 Spark Point.

Creative Mind
Bending is a powerful tool, however you hone your mind to create equipment that permits you to stand up to even the toughest of benders. Starting at level 1, you can craft equipment that can give you the upper hand without needing any material components unless specified otherwise. Choose a level 1 gadget from the Tech Engineer gadget list. As you grow as an engineer, you can further learn more gadgets to craft at levels 5, 11, 16th. You don’t have to attune to these gadgets however if you give these gadgets to other creatures they must attune to them to use them. You can only choose one of the gadgets.

Universal Techniques
Starting at level 1, you can learn 2 techniques from the Universal Techniques list under Bending Techniques. Everytime you level up, you can swap out 1 technique for another, you can not have 2 of the same technique. You can use these techniques a number of times that is shown in the Known Techniques Slots column.
At level 6, you can choose 1 more technique.
At level 13, you can choose 1 more technique.

As you become more knowledgeable in engineering you gain proficiency in one of the following tools: Tinker’s Tools or Smith’s Tools, your choice. You realize that specializing in a specific engineering technique may prove to be more useful. When you reach level 3, you can choose 1 field to specialize in:

  • Armor Specialist
  • Weapons Specialist
  • Multidisicplinary Specialist
  • Gadgeteering Specialist

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level you may increase one of your abilities by 2 points or two of your abilities by 1 point. You can’t increase your abilities above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack
When you reach level 5, you can attack twice in a turn instead of once whenever you take the attack action.

On the go, resources are limited. When you reach level 7, you have advantage on the Investigation Checks you make when you are searching a creature, searching for crafting resources or salvaging equipment from a wreck. Additionally, you can use likewise resources instead of the required resource when crafting.

Analyze Hostile
When you reach level 10, you can spend a Spark Point to succeed an Intelligence Check, Skill check that uses Intelligence, Intelligence Saving Throw or succeed on a tool check if otherwise you fail. If you roll a critical failure, you have to spend 2 Spark Points.
Additionally, you can spend a Spark Point to gain insight into a creatures statistics and can learn one of the following:

  • Armor Class
  • Strength Score
  • Dexterity Score
  • Constitution Score
  • Fighting Style
  • Current Hit Points

You remember this information clearly for 24 hours. If you come across the creature again after 24 hours, you must succeed on a History Check with a DC of 8. The DC increases by 1 for each day that passes.

Inferior Creatures
In a flash, you can analyze the weak points in your environment. When you reach level 15 as a part and once per turn by spending a Spark Point, you can point out the weaknesses in a creature to give advantage on the next attack towards the creature. As long as the creature has more than 0 hit points, you gain +3 on your attack rolls against that creature for 24 hours. If you used Analyze Hostile on the creature before and can remember the information, you get +5 on your attack rolls instead. You can only point out the weakness of a creature once.

Tech-Engineer Creative Mind Contraptions

Level 1 Contraptions

Cleats: You craft shoes that allow you to traverse mountains and walls easier. Your speed remains the same when you aren’t walking on terrain that is completely horizontal. The cleats weigh 2 lbs.
Throwable Weapons: You can craft small throwing knives, darts, stars or needles. Each weapon deals 1d4 + your Intelligence Modifier slashing or piercing, your choice. Every 10 throwable weapon, weighs 1 lbs. You can hold up to 20 throwable weapons.
Mocking Box: Using gears and metal plates you create a wind up box that imitates the sound an animal of your choice makes. The noise can be heard in a 100/300 ft range centered on the box. Creatures who are further than 100 ft away from the box must succeed on a DC 15 Perception Check to hear the box. You can set the box as an action. The mocking box weighs 1 lbs.
Magnificators: You craft glasses that magnify the world you see around you. You can add your Intelligence Modifier whenever you make a Perception Check.

Level 5 Contraptions

Chronometer: You craft a makeshift timepiece that allows you to always tell the time of day regardless if you are above or underground. The Chronometer weighs 1 lbs
Map: You draw a rough map of a location, city, province or continent you know, your choice. You can mark off places on the map. You can hold up to 6 maps and they retain the marks you made on them. Each map weighs 0.1 lbs.
Capacitors: You craft a pair of capacitors using half of a metal plate. The capacitors can store electricity and lightningbending. You can use capacitors to craft other equipment. You can hold up to 10 capacitors. Each capacitor weighs 0.2 lbs.
Grappling Hook: You craft a makeshift grappling hook that has 20/60 ft range. Whenever you use the grappling hook to climb, you can add your Intelligence Modifier to your Athletics Checks. You can’t grapple creatures with the grappling hook. The Grappling Hook weighs 4 lbs.
Pocket Tool: You craft one type of makeshift tool from the tools listed in D&D 5e. You can use them as normal however you aren’t proficient in them. On a critical failure the Pocket Tool will break. Whichever tool you choose to make, you can only use that tool as long as the Pocket Tool doesn’t break or is discarded. Once the Pocket Tool breaks or is discarded, you can not change the tool you chose to make. The Pocket Tool weights 3 lbs.
Throwables: You craft either of the 3 throwable pouches from below using natural ingredients and highly reactive material. You can carry 3 pouches at once. One throwable may be used as an action. Each pouch is 1 lbs.

  • Flash Pouch: When shaken the chemicals react and cause a minor explosion that emits light. Creatures within 10 ft of the pouch must make a Constitution or Dexterity Saving Throw, their choice, vs your Save DC. On a fail, they are blinded until the end of their next turn.
  • Explosive Pouch: When shaken the chemicals react and cause an explosion. Creatures within 10 ft of the pouch must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, they take 3d8 thunder damage and on a success half as much.
  • Sticky Pouch: When shaken the chemicals react and cause an explosion spraying sticky goo around in a 10 ft radius. Creatures within 5 ft of the pouch must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, their movement is halved until they attempt to clear off the goo as a bonus action vs your Save DC. The ground around the pouch is considered difficult terrain.

Level 11 Contraptions

Deep Backpack: You craft a large backpack that allows you to carry more materials, equipment etc. The Backpack can hold up to 100 lbs. You are only encumbered when the backpack is full.
Net Gun: You craft a ranged weapon that allows you to shoot out nets and bolas that has a range of 100/150 ft. When aimed at a creature, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature is restrained. The creature can attempt to break free with a Strength Saving Throw. You must have a workshop to craft a net gun.
Battery (Requires 10 Capacitors): You craft a fully functioning battery that can be used for electrical equipment. A battery doubles the lifetime of electrical equipment however once it is empty it must be recharged.
Bear Trap: You craft a bear trap. The bear trap can restrain creatures whose size is Large and below. You can set or set and throw the trap. It takes you a bonus action to set the trap and an action to set and throw the trap. The bear trap has an AC of 15 and 50 HP. The trap weighs 30 lbs.

  • If you throw the trap: You must at least have a strength score of 15. The range for the trap is 30/60 ft. The affected creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature takes 6d8 piercing damage and is restrained.
  • If you set the trap: If the trap is covered the trap can only be seen by a creature on a successful Perception Check vs your Save DC. When the trap is triggered, the creature takes 6d8 piercing damage and is restrained.

Injections: You craft either of the 3 consumable injections from below using plants and natural medicine. They all last for 1 hour. You can carry 2 injections at once with each weighing 1 lbs however, as an action each creature may be injected with only 1 injection. If two or more injections are injected into a creature, for each injection after the first the creature must make a DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw that increases by 5 per injection after the first. On a fail, the creature falls unconscious.

  • Adrenaline: The injected creature can add your Intelligence Modifier to their Strength Checks, Strength Saving Throws.
  • Immune Booster: The injected creature gains temporary hit points equal to 10 + your Intelligence Modifier.
  • Sleep Inducing Tincture: The injected creature must make a DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw. On a success, the DC increases by 1 for each turn after a creature is injected and they must make a Constitution Saving Throw at the start of their turn. On a fail, the creature falls unconscious.

Level 16 Contraptions

Glider: Taking inspiration from airbenders you craft a glider. The wings of the glider move seperately, allowing you to maneuver the user in any direction. The glider can carry up to 170 lbs and you need a running start of at least 10 ft to glide. You can use the glider as a melee weapon, it counts as a martial weapon. The glider weighs 1.5 lbs. The Glider deals 1d8 + Intelligence Modifier bludgeoning damage and has the Finesse and Two Handed properties.
Shock Gauntlet: You craft a gauntlet that can store electricity in it. If you target a creature in melee range of you with the gauntlet, make an attack roll. On a hit, the creature takes 5d8 + your Intelligence Modifier lightning damage and must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature is stunned. At the start of each of the creature's turns, the creature can make a Constitution Saving Throw vs your Save DC to end the stun. On an attack roll of 5 or lower, the gauntlet breaks and must be repaired in a forge with a workshop. The gauntlet has 3 uses and must be recharged after it is completely used. If you expend 5 capacitors to create the electric batons, the lightning damage increases by 2d8 and you get 1 extra use. The gauntlet weighs 3 lbs.
Electric Batons: You craft batons that can shock creatures that touch the end of them. The batons deal 2d8 bludgeoning damage when you hit a creature with their blunt side and 3d8 lightning damage when you hit a creature with the ends. If you hit a creature with the ends, the creature is stunned until their next turn. Each baton has 2 uses and must be recharged after it is completely used. If you expend 5 capacitors to create the electric batons, the lightning damage increases by 2d8 and you get 1 extra use per baton. Each baton weighs 2.5 lbs for a total of 5 lbs.

Tech-Engineer Specializations

Armor Specialist

You recognize that outlasting an enemy may prove useful in stick situations. You can upgrade any piece of armor by adding modifications to the armor. Applying a modification takes 8 hours, however this can be reduced by other means. Forge reduces crafting time by 2 hours, Workshop reduces crafting time by 4 hours, Workshop with a Forge reduces crafting time by 6 hours.
If any piece of armor has 3 or more modifications on it, from here on the armor uses your Intelligence Modifier instead of the user's Dexterity Modifier.
Starting at level 13, you can repair any broken piece of armor. Repairing armor takes 8 hours, however this can be reduced by Workshops, Forges and Workshops with a Forge as stated above.

Beginner Upgrades
Starting at level 3, beginning to specialize in armor, you can apply one and only one of the following upgrades to any piece of armor. Material costs to apply these modifications are either of the following: 1 Metal Plate, 1 Half-Leather, 1 Half-Hide or 100 silver pieces worth of materials. It takes you 8 hours to apply one of the following:

  • Thickened Layering: Give the armor +1 AC.
  • Flexible Joints: Give the armor flexible joints. The wearer of the armor can add half of your Intelligence Modifier to Acrobatics checks.
  • Versatile Layering: Give +5 speed to the wearer of the armor.
  • Insulated Layering: The wearer doesn’t get affected by cold temperatures.

Experienced Upgrades
Starting at level 7, you can further upgrade any piece of armor with one and only one of the following modifications. Material costs to apply these modifications are either of the following: 1 Metal Plate, 2 Half-Leather, 2 Half-Hide or 150 silver pieces worth of materials. It takes you 6 hours to apply one of the following.:

  • Camo: While the wearer of the modified armor isn't in the direct line of sight of a creature who can see them, they gain advantage on Stealth checks.
  • Greater Versatile Layering: Give +10 speed to the wearer of the armor (doesn’t stack with Versatile Layering).
  • Composite Layering: Give a piece of armor bludgeoning damage resistance
  • Shifted Layering: Give a piece of armor piercing damage resistance.
  • Extra Layering: Give a piece of armor slashing damage resistance.

Masterwork Upgrades
Starting at level 13, you now have mastered the careful weave of armor craftsmanship. You can further upgrade any piece of armor with one and only one of the following modifications. Material costs to apply these modifications are either of the following: 2 Metal Plate, 4 Half-Leather or 2 Full-Leather, 4 Half-Hide or 2 Full-Hide or 200 silver pieces worth of materials. It takes you 4 hours to apply one of the following: Lighter Materials: You can remove the disadvantage on Stealth checks for any piece of Heavy Armor.

  • Metal Coating: Give any piece of armor fire damage resistance by applying a metal coating to it. The metal coating applies resistance to fire damage, however the armor becomes vulnerable to lightning damage.
  • Insulated Interior: Give any piece of armor lightning damage resistance.
  • Charge Station (Requires Battery): Connect the Battery to an armor. It charges whenever the wearer is struck by lightning. The battery charges by ¼ whenever the wearer of the armor is struck by a lightningbending attack and charges by half when struck by a lightningbending technique.
  • Rooted: The wearer of the armor can not be knocked Prone.
  • Greater Thickened Layering: Give the armor +2 AC (Doesn’t stack with Thickened Layering).
  • Ballistics: The wearer of the armor gains resistance to thunder damage.
  • Grotesque Form: The wearer of the armor gains advantage on Intimidation Checks but disadvantage on Persuasion Checks.

Pioneer Armorer
You are now among the best in the world in armor weaving and modifying. When you reach level 19, you can craft any type of armor from scratch and add only one tier of any upgrade that is listed in the Armor Specialist list. Material costs to apply these modifications are either of the following: 3 Metal Plate, 6 Half-Leather or 3 Full Leather, 6 Half-Hide or 3 Full-Hide or 400 silver pieces worth of materials. To craft armor from scratch you need either of the following materials in addition to the materials required to apply a Pioneer Modification: 1 Metal Plate, 2 Half-Leather, 2 Half-Hide or 200 silver pieces worth of materials.
Removing an existing modification has a 10% chance of destroying the modification slot and every slot you attempt to remove increases the percentage by 5%. Roll a percentile die, on a roll higher than the destruction percentage the modification slot isn’t destroyed. On a roll lower, the slots are destroyed.
Your modification times decrease to 2 hours per modification. You can also add one and only one of the following modifications to any armor:

  • Tank: The armor gains damage resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
  • Pioneer Thickened Layering: Give the armor +4 AC (Doesn’t stack with both Thickened Layering and Greater Thickened Layering).
  • Battering Ram: If the wearer of the armor has moved at least 10 feet in a single direction, they gain an extra 1d6+your Intelligence Modifier bludgeoning damage to their melee attacks. For every 10 feet they move in a single direction the extra damage they deal increases by 1d6.
  • Oiled Joints: The wearer of the armor can add your Intelligence Modifier to their Acrobatics checks and Dexterity Saving Throws in addition to their other modifiers.
  • Thorns: When a creature attempts an attack of opportunity on, the creature takes 1d6 +your Intelligence Modifier piercing damage.
  • Back Plating: The wearer of the armor doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when they break combat with a creature.

Weapons Specialist

You recognize that the best offense may prove to be the best defense. Starting at level 3, for every 2 modifications you apply to a weapon you can choose to give the weapon +1 to attack or damage rolls. Applying a modification takes time however this can be reduced by other means. Forge reduces crafting time by 2 hours, Workshop reduces crafting time by 4 hours, Workshop with a Forge reduces crafting time by 6 hours.
Starting at level 13, repair any broken weapon. Repair time is 8 hours, however this may be reduced by other external means such as Workshops, Forges and Workshops with Forges as stated above.

Beginner Upgrades
Starting at level 3, beginning to specialize in weaponry modifications, you can apply one and only one of the following upgrades to any weapon. Material costs to apply these modifications are either of the following: 1 Metal Plate, 1 Half-Leather, 1 Half-Hide or 100 silver pieces worth of materials. It takes you 8 hours to apply one of the following:

  • Martial (Simple Weapons only): You can modify a simple weapon in such a way that the damage die of the simple weapon increases to the next die tier. Example: Damage die of the weapon is d4, it becomes a d6.
  • Deeper Quiver (Ammo Based Weapons Only): Increase the amount of ammo held on person by 10 of an ammo based weapon by shrinking the ammo size.
  • Convert Piercing: Change the damage type of a weapon to Piercing damage.
  • Convert Bludgeoning : Change the damage type of a weapon to Bludgeoning damage.
  • Convert Slashing: Change the damage type of a weapon to Slashing damage.
  • Switcheroo: Change the ability bonus for a weapon from its current ability modifier to a different ability (i.e change Strength Modifier bonus to Wisdom Modifier).

Experienced Upgrades
Starting at level 7, you can further upgrade any weapon with one and only one of the following modifications. Material costs to apply these modifications are either of the following: 1 Metal Plate, 2 Half-Leather, 2 Half-Hide or 150 silver pieces worth of materials. It takes you 6 hours to apply one of the following:

  • Two-Hands (Single handed weapon only): Apply the “Two Handed” condition to a weapon. The damage die of the weapon increases to the next die tier. Example: Damage die of the weapon is d4, it becomes a d6.
  • Flexible: Apply the “Versatile” condition to a weapon. If the weapon is used with two hands, add an extra damage die of the weapon to the attack.
  • Limitless: A weapon with the “Thrown” condition gains an additional 30 ft max range or a weapon that uses ammo gains an additional 30 ft max range.
  • Hooked Edge (Melee Weapons only): Shape the end of a blade to resemble a hook. As a bonus action, the wielder of the weapon can attempt to Grapple the target. When grappling this way the wielder adds their weapon attack bonus to their d20 instead of an Athletics Check to grapple.
  • Camo: Blend the weapon into the surroundings to make it harder to spot. Creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Perception check to spot a concealed weapon.
  • Lightweight: Remove the “Heavy” condition on a weapon. Must have a weapon with “Heavy” condition to use this modification.
  • Deeper Quiver + (Ammo Based Weapons Only): Increase the amount of ammo held on person by 20 of an ammo based weapon by shrinking the ammo size (Stacks with Deep Quiver).

Masterwork Upgrades
Starting at level 13, you can further upgrade any weapon with one and only one of the following modifications. Material costs to apply these modifications are either of the following: 2 Metal Plate, 4 Half-Leather or 2 Full-Leather, 4 Half-Hide or 2 Full-Hide or 200 silver pieces worth of materials. It takes you 4 hours to apply one of the following:

  • Shielded Weaponry (Melee Weapons only): Apply reinforcement to a melee weapon. While the weapon is equipped, the creature gets +2 AC.
  • Bleeding Edge : Sharpen the ammo or edge of a weapon and make it deadlier. Weapons that have this modification deal an additional 2d6 slashing damage on hit.
  • Jolt: You strap microbatteries to a weapon or ammo, giving it an extra 2d8 lightning damage on hit.
  • **Limitless + **: A weapon with the “Thrown” condition gains an additional 60 ft max range or a weapon that uses ammo gains an additional 60 ft max range.
  • Coarse Grip: The wielder of the weapon can not be disarmed.
  • Deepest Quiver (Ammo Based Weapons Only): Increase the amount of ammo held on person by 30 of an ammo based weapon by shrinking the ammo size (Doesn’t stack with Deep Quiver +)

Pioneer Weaponsmith
You are now one of the pioneers in weapon crafting and smithing. Starting at level 19, you can craft weapons and add only one tier of any upgrade listed in the Weapons Specialist modifications list. Your modification times decrease to 2 hours per modification. Material costs to apply these modifications are either of the following: 3 Metal Plate, 6 Half-Leather or 3 Full Leather, 6 Half-Hide or 3 Full-Hide or 400 silver pieces worth of materials. To craft a weapon from scratch you need either of the following materials in addition to the materials required to apply a Pioneer Modification: 1 Metal Plate, 2 Half-Leather, 2 Half-Hide or 200 silver pieces worth of materials.

Removing an existing modification has a 10% chance of destroying the modification slot and every slot you attempt to remove increases the percentage by 5%. Roll a percentile die, on a roll higher than the destruction percentage the modification slot isn’t destroyed.
You can further upgrade any weapon with one and only one of the following modifications.

  • Reach (Melee Weapons only): Your melee reach becomes 10ft
  • Brutal Critical: When you roll a critical hit on your attack roll, you can roll 3 extra damage die of the weapon.
  • Punch Through (Ranged Weapons only): Modify the firing mechanism of a weapon to let it shoot faster and stronger. Each shot deals an additional 2 damage die of the weapon. On a critical hit, if there is a creature within 5 ft behind the targeted creature, the damage is also applied to the second creature.
  • Weight Balance (Melee Weapons only): Each attack after the first attack on the wielder's turn gains additional damage, starting at d4+your Intelligence Modifier and increasing in die tier up until d12+your Intelligence Modifier (If the weapon has Switcheroo the modifier becomes Strength).
  • Double Tap (Ranged Weapons only): A weapon with this modification allows the user to make 2 attacks with 1 attack once per round.

Multidisciplinary Specialist

You recognize that although treading a path of engineering may prove useful, a more beneficial outcome may arise from the fusion of engineering and intelligence of weaponry.

Starting at level 3, choose a Basic Fighting Technique from the Weaponsmaster Fighting Technique list. Every 4 levels after the 1st, you can either choose another Basic Fighting Technique, you can swap out the technique you use for another Basic Fighting Technique or you can level up the technique you use to Trained. You can’t level up Trained Fighting Techniques to Mastered using Adaptive. You can level up only 1 technique to Master with the assistance of a master of that Fighting Technique by completing their lesson, guidance, request, quest, lesson etc.

Tactical Cover
Starting at level 7, as an action you can choose to create a makeshift knee length cover where you stand. The cover has 15 AC and 30 HP and gives half cover bonus to any creature that hides behind it. You can create 2 covers per short rest.
At level 10, you can create a cover that gives any creature that uses it ¾ cover.

Improved Critical
Starting at level 9, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Brains and Brawns
Starting at level 19, when you take the attack action you can spend a Spark Point to gain a +1 bonus to your AC or +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls for each Spark Point spent until the start of your next turn. You can only choose to increase your AC or attack and damage rolls, not both.

Gadgeteering Specialist

You recognize that relying on the inventions you make may prove to be more useful than to upgrade existing mediocre equipment.

Starting at level 3, you can choose one extra Creative Mind Contraption when you get to the required level. Additionally, the component requirements for anything you craft is reduced by half (excluding Creative Mind Contraptions).

Innovative Contraptions
Starting at level 7, you can upgrade one Creative Mind Contraption without requiring any components. You can upgrade one contraption per level you acquire them. Every 3 levels after 7th level, you can upgrade one more contraption that you have chosen from any level.

Level 1 Upgraded Contraptions
Upgraded Cleats: While you are wearing cleats, you are no longer affected by difficult terrain that is made of earth, difficult terrain created by lava and other ways still affects you. You can add your Intelligence Modifier to your Athletics Checks if you are climbing while using your cleats.
Upgraded Throwable Weapons: You can craft small throwing knives, darts, stars or needles. Each weapon deals 1d8 + your Intelligence Modifier slashing or piercing, your choice. Every 10 throwable weapon, weighs 1 lbs. You can hold up to 30 throwable weapons.
Upgraded Mocking Box: Using gears and metal plates you create a wind up box that imitates the sound an animal of your choice makes. The noise can be heard in a 300/500 ft range centered on the box. Creatures who are further than 300 ft away from the box must succeed on a DC 10 Perception Check to hear the box. You can set the box as an action. The mocking box weighs 1 lbs.
Upgraded Magnificators: You craft glasses that magnify the world you see around you. You can add your Intelligence Modifier whenever you make Perception Check and double the modifier for Investigation Checks.

Level 5 Upgraded Contraptions
Upgraded Map: You draw a detailed map of a location, city, province or continent you know or heard, your choice. You can mark off places on the map. You can hold up to 12 maps and they retain the marks you made on them. Each map weighs 0.1 lbs.
Upgraded Capacitors: You craft a pair of capacitors using half of a metal plate. The capacitors can store electricity and lightningbending. You can use capacitors to craft other equipment. You can hold up to 20 capacitors. Each capacitor weighs 0.2 lbs.
Upgraded Grappling Hook: You craft a makeshift grappling hook that has 60/100 ft range. Whenever you use the grappling hook to climb, you can add your Intelligence Modifier to your Athletics Checks. If you want to grapple a creature, they must make a Dexterity Saving Throw vs your Save DC. The Grappling Hook weighs 4 lbs.

Upgraded Pocket Tool: You craft one type of makeshift tool from the tools listed in D&D 5e. You can use them as normal and you are proficient in them. The Pocket Tool will break if you make 2 critical failures with it. Whichever tool you choose to make, you can only use that tool as long as the Pocket Tool doesn’t break or is discarded. Once the Pocket Tool breaks or is discarded, you can not change the tool you chose to make. The Pocket Tool weights 3 lbs.
Upgraded Throwables: You craft either of the 3 throwable pouches from below using natural ingredients and highly reactive material. You can carry 5 pouches at once. One throwable may be used as an action. Each pouch is 1 lbs.

  • Flash Pouch: When shaken the chemicals react and cause a minor explosion that emits light. Creatures within 20 ft of the pouch must make a Constitution or Dexterity Saving Throw, their choice, vs your Save DC. On a fail, they are blinded until the end of their next turn.
  • Explosive Pouch: When shaken the chemicals react and cause an explosion. Creatures within 10 ft of the pouch must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, they take 6d8 thunder damage and on a success half as much.
  • Sticky Pouch: When shaken the chemicals react and cause an explosion spraying sticky goo around in a 20 ft radius. Creatures within 10 ft of the pouch must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, their movement is halved until they attempt to clear off the goo as an action vs your Save DC. The ground around the pouch is considered difficult terrain.

Level 11 Upgraded Contraptions
Upgraded Deep Backpack: You craft a large backpack that allows you to carry more materials, equipment etc. The Backpack can hold up to 200 lbs. You are only encumbered when the backpack is full.
Upgraded Net Gun: You craft a ranged weapon that allows you to shoot out nets and bolas that has a range of 150/200 ft. When aimed at a creature, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature is restrained. The creature can attempt to break free with a Strength Saving Throw vs your Save DC. You must have a workshop to craft a net gun.
Upgraded Bear Trap: You craft a bear trap. The bear trap can restrain creatures whose size is Large and below. You can set or set and throw the trap. It takes you a bonus action to set the trap and an action to set and throw the trap. The bear trap has an AC of 20 and 50 HP. The trap weighs 30 lbs.

  • If you throw the trap: You must at least have a strength score of 15. The range for the trap is 50/80 ft. The affected creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature takes 6d8 piercing damage and is restrained.
  • If you set the trap: If the trap is covered the trap can only be seen by a creature on a successful Perception Check vs your Save DC. When the trap is triggered, the creature takes 8d8 piercing damage and is restrained.

Upgraded Injections: You craft either of the 3 consumable injections from below using plants and natural medicine. They all last for 1 hour. You can carry 4 injections at once with each weighing 1 lbs however, as an action each creature may be injected with only 1 injection. If two or more injections are injected into a creature, for each injection after the first the creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw vs your Save DC that increases by 5 per injection after the first. On a fail, the creature falls unconscious.

  • Adrenaline: The injected creature can add your Intelligence Modifier to their Strength Checks, Strength Saving Throws, Dexterity Checks and Dexterity Saving Throws.
  • Immune Booster: The injected creature gains temporary hit points equal to 20 + your Intelligence Modifier.
  • Sleep Inducing Tincture: The injected creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw vs your Save DC. On a success, the DC increases by 2 for each turn after a creature is injected and they must make a Constitution Saving Throw at the start of their turn. On a fail, the creature falls unconscious.

Level 16 Upgraded Contraptions
Upgraded Glider: Taking inspiration from airbenders you craft a glider. The glider can carry up to 340 lbs and you need a running start of at least 10 ft to glide. You can use the glider as a melee weapon, it counts as a martial weapon. The glider weighs 1.5 lbs. The glider deals 2d10 + your Intelligence Modifier bludgeoning damage and has the Finesse and Two Handed.
Upgraded Shock Gauntlet: You craft a gauntlet that can store electricity in it. If you target a creature in melee range of you with the gauntlet, make an attack roll. On a hit, the creature takes 8d8 + your Intelligence Modifier lightning damage and is stunned. At the start of each of the creature's turns, the creature can make a Constitution Saving Throw vs your Save DC to end the stun. On an attack roll of 3 or lower, the gauntlet breaks and must be repaired in a forge with a workshop. The gauntlet has 5 uses and must be recharged after it is completely used. If you expend 5 capacitors to create the shock gauntlet, the damage increases by 2d8 and you get 2 extra uses. The gauntlet weighs 3 lbs.
Upgraded Electric Batons: You craft batons that can shock creatures that touch the end of them. The batons deal 4d8 bludgeoning damage when you hit a creature with their blunt side and 5d8 lightning damage when you hit a creature with the ends. If you hit a creature with the ends, the creature is stunned until their next turn. Each baton has 3 uses and must be recharged after it is completely used. If you expend 5 capacitors to create the electric batons, the lightning damage increases by 2d8 and you get 1 extra use per baton. Each baton weighs 2.5 lbs for a total of 5 lbs.

Tech-Engineer Build Suggestions

Your first ability score your should focus on is the one your chose initially when making the character: Intelligence or Wisdom due to your abilities and contraptions using that ability's modifier. Next consider making Dexterity or Constitution your highest modifier.
Taking a look at Contraptions, I would recommend taking either Cleats or Magnificators as a level 1 choice. At level 3 as a Specialization if you want to upgrade your existing equipment perhaps take either the Armor Specialist or Weapons Specialist. If you want to toy around with your Creative Mind Contraptions consider taking the Gadgeteering Specialist route. If you want to be more up close and personal with your foes, consider following the Multidisciplinary Specialist's path.
Further contraptions you decide to make are of course up to you however I particularly like the Grappling Hook or Pocket Tool for level 5, Battery or Injections for level 11 and the Shock Gauntlet for level 16.
To fight off the benders, consider taking the Weaponsmaster Initiate feat to give you that extra edge in combat.


Born with the gift of manipulating one of the elements, a bender can only bend one element that is respective of their lineage. If you are from one of the Water Tribes and a bender, you are a Waterbender. Similarly, if your lineage is from the Fire Nation and you are a bender, then you are a Firebender. However this doesn't mean you can not learn the sub-bending types of your lineage, if you follow the correct teachings you can become the Bloodbender or Metalbender you desire.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Known Techniques Practiced Technique Slots Trained Technique Slots Mastered Technique Slots
1st +2 Bending Feature 2 3 0 0
2nd +2 --- 3 3 0 0
3rd +2 Bending Teaching 4 4 1 0
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 1 1
5th +3 Bending Feature 6 4 2 1
6th +3 --- 7 5 2 1
7th +3 Teaching Improvement 8 5 2 2
8th +3 Bending Feature 9 5 3 2
9th +4 Ability Score Improvement 10 6 3 2
10th +4 Teaching Improvement 10 6 4 2
11th +4 Bending Feature 11 7 4 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 11 7 4 3
13th +5 Teaching Improvement 12 8 5 3
14th +5 Bending Feature 12 8 5 4
15th +5 Teaching Improvement 13 8 5 4
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Bending Feature 13 9 6 4
17th +6 --- 14 9 6 5
18th +6 Teaching Improvement 14 10 7 5
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Bending Feature 15 11 7 5
20th +6 --- 15 12 8 6

Using Techniques

The table above shows how many technique slots you have to use your techniques of Practiced level and higher. To use one of your techniques, you must expend a slot of the techniques level or 2 slots from a lower level. You regain all expended technique slots when you finish a long rest. You prepare your list of techniques that are available for you to use, choosing from your respective Elemental Technique list or the Universal Technique ist (i.e Waterbender chooses techniques from the Waterbending or Universal Technique List). When you do so, you can choose up to a number of techniques that is respective of your level. For example, if you are level 5 you can prepare up to 6 techniques each time you take a long rest. Techniques that you know at a higher level than Practiced remain at that level even if you don't prepare them for that day. However if you have a technique that you are currently training and you don't prepare it for that day, that technique will be removed from your training slot and will not level up until you complete your training. You can continue your training from where you left off once you prepare it once more.


You are Proficient in Waterbending and your Bending Ability is Charisma. Due to the triple nature of water - ice, water and steam- you may roll an additional Charisma Check (DC Equal to your Save DC) at any point on your turn to modify the water you control in your attacks. If a bending ability specifies water but you change the form of it, talk it over with your GM to see what happens. Be creative with water, things that you may not think would work might work.
As a waterbender you naturally need water to make attacks, use abilities and techniques. Throughout your adventure you will come across different sources of water that may be similar to these listed below:

  • Small Water Sources: Waterskin, Small Barrels, Puddles, Slight Rain etc.
  • Medium Water Sources: Large Waterskins, Medium Barrels (2 Small Barrels), Large Puddles, Rain etc.
  • Large Water Sources: Large Barrels (2 Medium Barrels), Heavy Rain, Ponds, Seas, Oceans etc.
  • 1 Large Source = 2 Medium Sources, 1 Medium Source = 2 Small Sources

Should you choose to do a basic attack with waterbending without using a technique, you can do so by rolling a Bending Attack Roll adding your Bending Attack Modifier to the roll. On a hit you deal for 1d8 + your Charisma Modifier damage.

Basic Attack Damage: 1d8 + your Charisma Modifier
Elemental Affinity Saving Throw: Charisma
Bending Save DC: 8 + Proficiency Modifier + Charisma Modifier
Bending Attack Modifier: Proficiency Modifier + Charisma Modifier

Starting at level 1, you can use Waterbending Techniques that aren't classified as Bloodbending. If you are using a Waterbending Technique that requires concentration you can make a Charisma Check with a DC equal to your Spell Save DC. On a success, without breaking concentration you can use a different technique that also requires concentration. On a concentration check, make a Charisma Saving Throw instead for each technique with a DC equal to half of the damage you take - unless specified otherwise. On a fail, you lose concentration of that technique and on a success you maintain concentration of that technique. You may only concentrate on 2 techniques at once, if you attempt to concentrate on a 3rd you break concentration on whichever you used first. If you fall unconscious or become incapacitated you immediately drop concentration in both techniques. After you willingly break concentration of both techniques, you gain a point of exhaustion.
Naturally, your waterbending extinguishes fire however Raging Fire can not be extinguished with 1 action.

Additionally, you can also choose to change the state of matter of water to ice or to (hot or cold) vapor. Whenever you choose to do so, make a Charisma Check. On a 10 or higher you are able to change the form and on a 9 or lower you can’t. If you change it into ice, deal an additional damage die of that waterbending technique or attack. If you change it into vapor, you deal 2 less damage die of the technique or attack but the creature you attack gets disadvantage on their next Saving Throw. Techniques that require concentration no longer require concentration if you change the state to ice.
Finally, you can also do the following abilities as an action:

  • Part Water: You can cause water in an area to move apart and create a trench. The trench extends across an area of maximum 30ft, and the separated water forms a wall to either side. The trench remains until you break concentration or you choose a different effect. The water then slowly fills in the trench over the course of the next round until the normal water level is restored.
    At 5th level, maximum trench distance becomes 60ft.
    At 10th level, maximum trench distance becomes 150ft.
    At 15th level, maximum trench distance becomes 300ft.

  • Redirect Flow: You cause flowing water in the area to move in a direction you choose, even if the water has to flow over obstacles, up walls, or in other unlikely directions. The water in the area moves as you direct it, but once it moves beyond the abilities area, it resumes its flow based on the terrain conditions. The water continues to move in the direction you chose until you break concentration or you choose a different effect. Make a Charisma Check before you use this ability to see how well you can bend it.

  • Filter Water: You can concentrate up to 1 minute to cleanse a source of water of earth and make it drinkable.

  • Manipulate Vapor: You can concentrate for up to 30 minutes and manipulate any vapor you can see within 120 ft of you into any shape, place or form you want.

Shape Water
You choose an area of water that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You manipulate it in one of the following ways and it happens instantaneously:

  • You instantaneously move or otherwise change the flow of the water as you direct, up to 5 feet in any direction. This movement doesn’t have enough force to cause damage.
  • You cause the water to form into simple shapes and animate at your direction. This change lasts for 1 hour.
  • You freeze the water, provided that there are no creatures in it. The water unfreezes in 1 hour.

If you use this ability multiple times, you can have no more than two of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.

Waterbending Teachings
When you reach level 3, you can choose a teaching best suited for your waterbending style.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level you may increase one of your abilities by 2 points or two of your abilities by 1 point. You can’t increase your abilities above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Tidal Efficiency
Through time you have learned to efficiently use water in situations where water isn’t present. When you hit level 5, you are now able to treat abilities that require medium water sources as small water sources.
At level 14, you can treat large water sources as medium water sources.

Rare Techniques
Starting at level 8, you can now attempt to learn Rare Techniques

Oceanic Master
Flow like water and cut like ice. When you hit level 11, when you choose to change the form of the water to ice or steam you can choose to re-roll your dice on a Charisma Check. You must use the new roll. You can do this on 3 rolls and they replenish whenever you complete a long rest.
At level 16, you can do this 5 times before requiring a long rest.

Call of the Waves
Your connection to the water and ocean has heightened and now you feel the Ocean Spirit La’s presence at all times. At level 19, you can use the air of the climate you are in to generate a water source. Regardless of the weather dryness of the climate, you have an infinite water source of that kind:

  • Wet Climate: Large Water Source
  • Moderately Wet Climate: Medium Water Source
  • Dry Climate: Small Water Source
  • Extremely Dry Climate: Small Water Source

Waterbending Teachings

Path of the Waterbender

Starting at level 3 you feel the spiritual energy of the seas and the moon flow within you. When you use a Waterbending Technique, if you use the same body of water twice you can reroll an attack or you can reroll the damage of the technique, you must use the new roll.

Fluidity in combat is one of the greatest strengths of a waterbender. Starting at level 7, you have advantage on Charisma Checks that are related to shifting water to ice or vapor.

Cutting Edge
Furthering your mastery, you can now create sharper icicles while waterbending. Starting at level 10, whenever you change the state of water to ice instead of rolling 1 additional damage die, you can roll 2.
At level 13, you can roll 3 additional damage dice.

La’s Calling
Your mastery of waterbending has strengthened your bond with the ocean spirit La. Starting at level 18, once per long rest you can use a Trained level Waterbending Technique at Mastered level.

Path of the Healer

Energy Balancing
Starting at level 3, you have a number of d6 dice equal to your level. When you heal a creature with a Technique or as a bonus action by using Energy Balancing, you can choose to spend at most half of your dice pool to heal them for additional hit points. Roll the dice and add them together. The target regains a number of hit points equal to the dice total + your Charisma Modifier. If you are using a Technique, the target regains a number of additional hit points equal to the total of the rolls.
At level 10, when you heal a creature on a creature you can either clear poison effects or unblock chi paths if you previously knew if they were poisoned or blocked. If you previously didn’t know that the creature had been poisoned or had blocked chi paths, you have to make a Charisma Check vs the DC of the poison or blocked chi path when you heal a creature. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Healer’s Kit.

Water Swell
You extend an arm of healing water to those in need. When you hit level 7, you can heal creatures within 30 ft of you by extending an arm of water towards them. When you use Water Swell you ignore abilities or techniques that have a range limit below 30ft, and can heal creatures within 30ft of you.
At level 13, you can heal creatures within 60 ft of you.

Field Medic
Your practice of healing has pushed you to learn how to heal even in the most dangerous situations. When you hit level 15, you can use any Waterbending Technique to heal a creature in range of Water Swell. The damage of the technique is converted to healing + your Charisma Modifier.

Body Heat Manipulation
Even when faced with death, you can stabilize the worst of cases. When you hit level 18, you can manipulate the body temperature of a creature.

  • If you use this on a creature with 0 HP to heal, bring them back to life with 1 HP.
  • If you use this on a creature with 0 HP to damage, automatically fail their death saving throws and kill them.
  • If you use this on a creature with more than 1 HP:
    The creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or Constitution Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature's remaining hit points are halved and its Paralyzed. On a success, the creature’s remaining hit points drop by a quarter.

At the start of their next turn, the creature can make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or Constitution Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature remains paralyzed. On a success, the paralysis ends and they have disadvantage on skill checks, saving throws and attack rolls. You can use Body Heat Manipulation twice before requiring a long rest. You gain a point of exhaustion each time you use Body Heat Manipulation.

Path of the Bloodbender

Starting at level 3, you can use Bloodbending Techniques, Waterbending Techniques and can bloodbend. You gain resistance to poison effects. Additionally as an action, you can use water around you to heal yourself for 1d6 + your Charisma Modifier. Every time you heal, clear a point of exhaustion. You can not heal while you have all of your hit points.
At level 7, your healing dice becomes a d8. You become Proficient in Bloodbending and you can now bloodbend when there is a half moon.
At level 13, your healing dice becomes a d12. You can bloodbend without requiring the moon. However you can only bend at night.

Chi Clotting
Starting at Level 7, you can attempt to block the chi path of a creature within 5ft of you.
Each limb has 3 chi points. As an action, you can attempt to block 2 chi points. For each chi point you want to block, if your target is a Bloodbender they can make a Charisma Saving Throw to resist; IIf they aren’t a Bloodbender but a Waterbender then you must make a Charisma Check vs their Bending DC. If they are neither, then the ability just takes effect. Successfully clotted chi points remain clotted for 20 minutes. For Arms:

  • If you block 1 chi point, the target isn’t affected.
  • If you block 2 chi points, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls.
  • If you block 3 chi points, the target can only attempt to Unarmed Strike using that arm and can not bend using that arm.
  • If you block both arms, the target can only attempt to Unarmed Strike at disadvantage.

For Legs:

  • If you block 1 chi point, the target isn’t affected.
  • If you block 2 chi points, the target has disadvantage on Saving Throws.
  • If you block 3 chi points, the target uses twice their movement per 5ft and can not bend using that arm.
  • If you block both legs, the target falls prone and remains prone until the Chi Clotting effect ends.

    For every 3 chi points you block, gain a level of exhaustion.

At level 15, the number of chi points you can block increases to 6.

Starting at level 10, you can move any creature that you see that is affected or has been affected by your Bloodbending in the last hour to a location within 60 ft of you. Additionally, you can use a creature that is currently under your Bloodbending effect to attack or Grapple another creature. If the creature is using a weapon, you must roll for an attack in place of the affected creature adding your Bending Attack Modifier to the die. On hit, the normal damage of the weapon applies. If the creature isn’t using a weapon (i.e bender), the creature makes an unarmed strike.
You also gain advantage on Intimidation checks towards creatures that are or have been affected by your Bloodbending in the last 24 hours. This ability has a range of 50 ft. Each time you use Puppeteer you gain a point of exhaustion.

Psychic Bloodbending
Starting at level 18, you gain a point of exhaustion for every 2 Bloodbending Techniques or abilities you use instead of after 1 technique or ability. You can now use any Bloodbending technique or ability without the required Somatic component, meaning that you can bloodbend with your mind. Additionally, you can Bloodbend in daylight.

Waterbending Build Suggestions

Waterbenders are charismatic by nature and they use Charisma as their Bending Ability. Thus your highest ability score should be Charisma regardless of your Waterbending Fighting Style. Next, I would recommend Dexterity or Strength. Due to your Flow ability, the Soldier feat will help you a lot on your adventures so don't forget to pick it up along the way.
Path of The Waterbender is basically the warrior path for waterbending. Thus, high damage output could be looked upon as more favorable.
Path of the Healer is a (and I can not stress this enough) essential and necessary part of any party. Due to characters not being able to be revived once they are dead, you are the lifeline that keeps everyone alive. Although you can heal creatures for a good portion with Energy Balancing, perhaps you might want to take some offensive techniques to maximize the healing you do through Field Medic.
Finally, Path of the Bloodbender is the most lethal and physically taxing class. A bloodbender is extremely lethal however every technique and ability you use will cause you to gain a point of exhaustion. Thus, you may want to use it only when absolutely necessary. Perhaps take more water based bending techniques rather than taking mostly bloodbending techniques.


You are Proficient in Earthbending and your Bending Ability is Constitution. When you use a bending ability, if you are directly effecting a target make a Bending Attack Roll. Should you choose to do a basic attack with earthbending, metalbending or lavabending without using a bending technique, you can do so by rolling a Bending Attack Roll adding your Bending Attack Modifier to the roll. On a hit you deal 1d8 + your Constitution Modifier bludgeoning damage.

Basic Attack Damage: 1d8 + your Constitution Modifier
Elemental Affinity Saving Throw: Constitution
Bending Save DC: 8 + Proficiency Modifier + Constitution Modifier
Bending Attack Modifier: Proficiency Modifier + Constitution Modifier

You are naturally drawn to the call of the land. Starting at level 1, you can bend any Earthbending Technique that has the “Ranged” property in a 35 ft radius sphere centered on you. This is your maximum bending range. You can still bend abilities that have a range increment larger than your bending range however you can only bend them at your maximum Grounded range. You can not bend beyond the range of Grounded.
At level 5, radius is increased to 60 ft.
At level 10, radius is increased to 100 ft.
At level 15, radius is increased to 120 ft.
As a bonus action you can move earth that has been artificially created in any direction within your range.

Additionally, you also gain the following abilities within you grounded bending range:

  • Terrain Creator: Earth you create remains in place unless manipulated by nature or another earthbender.
  • Material Manipulation: Earthbending is not limited to rock or soil alone. An earthbender can also manipulate coal, gems, crystals, chalk, salt and other earth-based materials, like meteorites and jennamite.
  • Earthen Hut: As an action, jut out two slabs that cross each other to create shelter if needed. The maximum area of the hut can be 30 x 30 ft.

Move Earth
Starting at level 1, as a bonus action you can move up to 10ft cubed of earth, sand, crystal or clay (if your a metalbender or lavabender, metal and lava as well) to any location within your Grounded bending range. It is considered a projectile. If you move it to an occupied location, all affected creatures must make an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw. On a fail, they take 1d8 + your Constitution Modifier bludgeoning damage per 5ft cubed of earth you hit them with.
Earthbenders can attempt to stop the Earth you move by making a Constitution Check vs your Save DC. On a fail, they take full damage however on a success they take no damage. The amount of Earth you can move increases by 10ft cubed each time your Grounded bending range increases.

Earthbending Tradition
When you reach level 3, you can choose a tradition best suited for your earthbending style.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level you may increase one of your abilities by 2 points or two of your abilities by 1 point. You can’t increase your abilities above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Rare Techniques
Starting at level 8, you can now attempt to learn Rare Techniques

Neutral Jing
Starting at level 5, you have advantage on your Saving Throws against any creature that takes their turn before you in the initiative order.
Additionally, attacks you make by using your reaction have advantage.

Hold your ground even against formidable force. Starting at level 11, whenever you are knocked prone you can use your reaction and choose to make a Constitution Saving Throw vs the attack roll, Athletics Check or Save DC of the technique. On a success, you aren’t knocked prone.

Earthbending Traditions

Tradition of Earthbending

Terrain Engineer
Starting at level 3 any area that is considered difficult terrain doesn’t affect you. Additionally, as a bonus action you can transform any patch of land within your Grounded bending radius into difficult terrain. The patch of difficult terrain has a maximum of 10 ft diameter.

Reflect Missiles
Waiting for the perfect moment to strike is at the core of Earthbending and you fight by such principles. Starting at level 7, you can use your reaction to attempt to send a projectile that you can bend, back at a creature. Whenever you do so, you take 1d6 + your Constitution Modifier + your Earthbending level less damage from the projectile and send it back at a creature. The projectile counts as a basic attack and you must roll for a new attack for the projectile, on hit the damage is increased by an amount equal to the roll above.

My Turf
Starting at level 15 if there is difficult terrain in your Grounded bending radius you can further vandalize that patch of land and turn it into Hard Terrain. Creatures on hard terrain, in addition to the negativities of difficult terrain, have disadvantage on their Saving Throws if they are on the ground. Creatures that are flying aren’t affected by Hard Terrain.
Additionally, whenever you apply difficult terrain to terrain that is already difficult terrain the terrain instantly becomes hard terrain.
Additionally, you are no longer affected by difficult terrain.

Badgermole’s Endurance
At 18th level, once per long rest if you are ever reduced to 0 hit points you can use your reaction to instead drop to 1 hit point. Additionally, you gain advantage against effects that would paralyze, stun or make you unconscious.

Tradition of Metalbending

To choose this Earthbending Tradition, You must forgo one use of you Ability Score Improvements feature however your gain the Seismic Sense feat.

Refined Earth
Starting at level 3, you can use Metalbending Techniques in addition to Earthbending Techniques and can bend metal you can see around you within range of Grounded however you can not bend Platinum or other highly refined metals. To make basic attacks with Metalbending you must have metal you can see within range of Grounded. You can also fuse and disconnect pieces of metal that are no more than 4 ft apart and if metal is available, you can choose to use Metalbending or Earthbending Techniques at your leisure.
At level 7, you become Proficient in Metalbending and can now bend metal at a distance equal to half of your Grounded bending range.

At level 13, you can now bend metal within you entire Grounded bending range.

Iron Will
Starting at level 10, you can now also integrate metal into any armor that you wear over the course of a short rest. Integration of the metal requires no tools however you do require at least 1 Metal Sheet component to integrate metal into the armor you wear. You can integrate up to 2 Metal Sheets into your armor. While metal is integrated into your armor you are vulnerable to lightning damage but resistant to heat damage and your AC increases by 1 for each Metal Sheet integrated. You can use the integrated metal to use Metalbending Techniques, however each technique uses 1/4 of the metal sheet. If you use 4 Metalbending Techniques you will lose 1 AC bonus given by the Metal Sheets until the end of combat. Additionally, you no longer have disadvantage on Stealth Checks when you are wearing Heavy Armor.

Fleetfooted Earthbending
Starting at level 15, three times per long rest you can add your proficiency bonus to a Saving Throw you are not already proficient in. You gain the ability to transform liquid metal into solid metal and vice versa. Additionally, you can use one of your charges to force a creature to reroll their saving throw against a Metalbending Technique. They must use the new roll.

Starting at level 18, you can extract elements of metal from nearby earth around you. As a bonus action you can use Metallurgy to create bendable metal to use in your Techniques. You can use Metallurgy twice per long rest.

Tradition of Lavabending

Starting at level 3, you can use Lavabending Techniques in addition to Earthbending Techniques and you can bend lava. You gain the ability to manipulate the state of earth from solid to magma and -vice versa- giving you the ability to shift earth and Earthbending Techniques into lava and Lavabending Techniques. To do so, roll a Constitution Check each time. The DC of the Constitution Check is 10 + 1 per 5ft of earth or lava. On a success, you are able to shift the phase state of earth and on a fail you can’t. If you are attempting to solidify lavabending attacks made by a bender, the DC you have to make is their Bending Save DC.
Any attack you make with lava bending deals fire damage instead of bludgeoning damage. This also applies to Earthbending Techniques that you have manipulated into lava.

Lava Pool
Starting at level 7, as an action you can create pools of lava anywhere within your Grounded bending range. The pools of lava can cover a total of 15 ft and each lava tile must be connected to at least 1 other tile (except for the first tile created). Creatures that walk through the tiles with lava take 1d10 fire damage per 5ft traveled. If a creature starts or ends their turn on lava they take 2d10 fire damage. You can use Lava Pool twice per short rest.

At level 13, as an action you can cover up to a total of 25 ft. Additionally, twice per short rest as a bonus action you can extend the range of any pool of lava you can see within your Grounded bending range by 10ft.

Fluid Motion
Starting at level 10, as an action when you are going to use a Lavabending Technique you can instead choose a Waterbending Technique that isn't a rare technique. You ignore the requirement of water sources when you use that technique. Anything affected by the Waterbending Technique takes fire damage instead of bludgeoning damage.
At level 15, you can choose rare Waterbending Techniques as well.

Hot Spot
Starting at level 18, you have advantage on all attacks and can reroll 1's on technique damages against creatures standing in or within 5 ft range of a lava pool.

Earthbending Styles Build Suggestions

As an Earthbender you have to be sure footed. Constitution should be your highest modifier. Next, I would recommend Strength or Dexterity. Perhaps take the Tough feat to boost your hit point maximum and become the face-tank of the team. On the other hand you may choose to go more damage oriented, perhaps the Sharpshooter feat may prove useful when chucking rocks at your foes.
In general, Earthbending Traditions are extremely neutral and do not pull in any particular direction on the damage - no damage scale. You can build any Earthbender with any Tradition to deal high damages or to cause difficulties for your opponent by manipulating the terrain, giving yourself and your team the upper hand. Choose your Bending Techniques according to what you want to focus on. I would recommend altering the terrain and giving your foes a hard time, hence do what Earthbenders do best.


You are Proficient in Firebending and your Bending Ability is Strength. Should you choose to do a basic attack with Firebending without using a bending ability, you can do so by rolling a Bending Attack Roll adding your Bending Attack Modifier to the roll. On a hit you deal 1d10 + your Strength Modifier fire damage, on a crit the target is inflamed.

Basic Attack: 1d10 + your Strength Modifier
Elemental Affinity Saving Throw: Strength
Bending Save DC: 8 + Proficiency Modifier + Strength Modifier
Bending Attack Modifier: Proficiency Modifier + Strength Modifier

The Flame Within
The source of one's firebending originates from a burning purpose or massive gut from within. Starting at level 1, You can’t be affected by cold temperatures however freezing temperatures do affect you. You can produce flame from your hands and ignite torches at will. The flames you produce shed bright light for 10 ft and dim light for an additional 10 ft. You can also ignite torches by using this. Additionally, you can also create minor flames that are no larger than campfire flames that deal no damage to anything in its surroundings. Naturally, your firebending melts ice or evaporates water that aren't being bent.

Dragon’s Blessing
Starting at level 1 whenever you make an attack with Firebending, if the target flammable, your attacks set the target on fire. The target can extinguish themselves by spending a bonus action at the start of their turn, extinguishing the flame deals 1d4 fire damage to them. If the target doesn’t extinguish the fire, the target takes 1d10 fire damage at the end of their turn.

At level 5, extinguishing the flames now deals 1d6 fire damage to the target. You gain advantage on Intimidation Checks against creatures who are on fire.
At level 14, you can use your bonus action to pressurize the flame before using a technique to deal an additional damage die of the technique.
At level 20, the target must make a Constitution Saving Throw (vs your Bending Save DC) at the start of their turn or lose their entire turn.

Action Surge
Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Starting at 16th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.

Firebending Principle
When you reach level 3, you can choose a firebending principle best suited for your firebending style.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level you may increase one of your abilities by 2 points or two of your abilities by 1 point. You can’t increase your abilities above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Starting at 5th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a water jet stream or a technique. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Rare Techniques
Starting at level 8, you can now attempt to learn Rare Techniques

Firebending Principles

Principles of the Firebender

Positive Jing
Advance and attack whenever you see an opening. Starting at level 3, whenever a creature you can see fails a saving throw you can use your reaction to make an attack against them. You have advantage on the attack roll.

Jet Stepping
Beginning at level 7, you can use fire to boost your mobility around the battlefield. As a bonus action you can create jets of flame beneath your feet to give yourself extra movement. When you activate jet stepping you can either gain +10 walking speed or +20 flying speed but not both.

Dragon’s Flame
Starting at level 10, if a flammable target is already inflamed when you make a basic attack or use a Firebending Technique on it, the fire becomes a Raging Fire. Dragon’s Blessing’s end of turn fire damage becomes 2d10 for targets that have Raging Fire applied on them. You can manually make Raging Fires twice before requiring a long rest.
At level 15, the damage becomes 3d10 and you can manually make it 4 times before. Additionally, an inflamed target must spend an action to extinguish the fires.

Eternal Flame
At level 18, fires you create can only be put out by Benders equal or greater in level than you.

Principles of the Combustionbender

Telekinetic Firebending
The volatility and tranquility of Combustionbending has drawn you in and you choose to brand yourself with a focusing sigil. Starting at level 1, you can use Combustionbending to attack alongside Firebending and Firebending Techniques. Attacks you make with Combustionbending deal 1d10 + your Strength Modifier thunder damage. Your Combustionbending attacks can travel to a maximum range of 60 ft and each attack you make has an explosion radius of 5 ft centered at the point of impact. If you are hit on your focusing sigil, you are unable to use Combustionbending attacks or Techniques for 5 minutes.
At level 5, you can now use Combustionbending Techniques. Your Combustionbending attacks and techniques that have the Ranged property can now travel to a maximum 100 ft.
At level 13, your Combustionbending attacks and techniques that have the Ranged property can now travel to a maximum 150 ft.
At level 18, your Combustionbending attacks and techniques that have the Ranged property can now travel to a maximum of 300 ft.

Collateral Damage
Starting at level 7, deal double damage against terrain that is in reach of your Combustionbending attacks and Techniques. If there is a creature behind a piece of terrain you destroy, the creature takes half damage from the attack or Technique regardless if they succeed on the saving throw.

Eye Can See You
Starting at level 10, you can now curve your Combustionbending attacks and Techniques behind terrain. Creatures that have total cover bonus instead have ¾ cover bonus against your attacks and creatures with ¾ cover bonus have half cover bonus against your attacks. Creatures with half cover bonus lose their cover bonus against your attacks.
At level 15, creatures with ¾ cover instead don’t get any cover bonus and creatures with total cover only get half cover bonus against your Combustionbending attacks and techniques

Sparky Sparky Boom Boom
Starting at level 18, you can manipulate the stream of combustion to travel faster or be more impactful. Before you make a Combustionbending attack or Technique you can choose to:

  • Make the beam travel faster, giving the creature you attack disadvantage on their Saving Throw against that Technique.
  • Give more combustive energy into the beam, dealing an extra 1d10 + your Bending Attack Bonus on the attack or Technique.
  • Create a larger combustive energy beam, increasing the explosion radius of the attack or Technique by 5ft. You can use Sparky Sparky Boom Boom twice per long rest.

Firebending Styles Build Suggestions

As cunning as you are lethal, Firebenders can dish out high damage in a short period of time. Strength should be your highest ability score as it is your bending ability. Next I would recommend either Dexterity or Constitution so you can have some semblance of survivability.
If you end up choosing Principles of Firebending your opponents may attempt to take cover against your attacks due to your high damage output, thus I would recommend taking the Precise Bender feat to snuff out everyone behind cover. Combined with the National Teachings feat you will become a force of nature nobody wants a taste of.
Principle of the Combustionbender, is a powerful sub-bending fighting style. That being said, chosing that principle intially or multiclassing into Combustionbending should be a massive turning point for your character due to the fact that Combustionbending requires much more focus compared to traditional Firebending. However, assuming you are or have levels invested in Combustionbending, alongside the previously mentioned feats consider taking the Resilient feat or the Observant, Alert feats. As a Combustionbender, being aware of your surroundings proves to be a powerful tool.
If you chose Principles of the Firebender, you may want to learn Lightningbending as it is a devastatingly powerful weapon. Thus, whenever you can consider taking feats associated with lightningbending. However, if you chose Principles of the Combustionbender you may not require lightningbending as you are already a force to be reckoned with.


You are Proficient in Airbending and your Bending Ability is Wisdom. Should you choose to do a basic attack with airbending without using a bending technique, you can do so by rolling a Bending Attack Roll adding your Bending Attack Modifier to the roll. On a hit you deal 1d6 + your Wisdom Modifier thunder damage.
As an Airbender, you use your Wisdom modifier for some of your class and subclass features. However, with your GM’s permission, you can choose to instead use your Dexterity Modifier for your Elemental Affinity Saving Throw, Basic Attack and Bending Save DC.

Basic Attack Damage: 1d6 + Wisdom Modifier
Elemental Affinity Saving Throw: Wisdom
Bending Save DC: 8 + Proficiency Modifier + Wisdom Modifier
Bending Attack Modifier: Proficiency Modifier + Wisdom Modifier

Spiritual Maledict

Airbenders are individuals that have a strong connection to nature, the spirits and their higher self. It's been documented on many occasions that an Airbender which strays away from their spiritual self becomes a weaker airbender, needing assistance with other equipment such as staffs or war fans to achieve their previous strength. Conducting such maledicts listed below over time can weaken your airbending so be careful:

  • Willingly killing a creature or plant.
  • Disrupting the balance of the world through evil acts.
  • Not assisting those who require aid unless you know that they aren't telling the truth.

If you're airbending ever weakens, meditating or conducting acts that are considered good will assist in reaching your previous strength.

Spiritual practice is found at the core of airbending practice. Meditation allows you to further connect to your spiritual self and achieve enlightenment. Starting at level 1, every long rest you can choose to meditate. When you meditate, you won’t get your Technique slots back; however after you meditate, the following day your Wisdom Modifier increases by 1.
At level 5, while you meditate you can assist one other creature into meditation and allow them to further connect to their spiritual self. Creatures that meditate with you do not have their Technique Slots replenished; however for the next 24 hours they have their Wisdom Modifier increased by 1. Any creature's Wisdom Modifier can not be increased to no more than 6. The modifier benefit doesn’t stack if you meditate more than once within 24 hours.
At level 11, you can assist two other creatures into meditation, also increasing their Wisdom Modifier by 1.
At level 16, you can assist three other creatures into meditation, also increasing their Wisdom Modifier by 2. You can now meditate during a short rest. Your Wisdom Modifier can not be increased no more than 7.

Starting at level 1, at any moment you can seize the air and compel it to create one of the following effects at a point you can see within range:

  • One Medium or smaller creature that you choose must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 5 feet away from you.
  • You create a small blast of air capable of moving one object that is neither held nor carried and that weighs no more than 10 pounds. The object is pushed up to 10 feet away from you. It isn’t pushed with enough force to cause damage.
  • You create a harmless sensory effect using air, such as causing leaves to rustle, wind to slam shutters shut, or your clothing to ripple in a breeze.

Temperature Regulation
You innately know how to regulate your body temperature through your breathing. Starting at level 1, you can’t be affected by extremely hot, hot, cold or freezing temperatures. Additionally, whenever you use an airbending technique you can control the temperature of it, potentially solidifying liquid objects or melting ice to water.

Extension of Body
Starting at level 1, you can use certain weapons as an extension of your airbending. You can use staffs, pikes, whips and war fans as an extension of your airbending. Whenever you do so, you gain +10 ft of range on that technique or ability.

Spiritual Companion (Optional)
All airbenders create a life-long bond of friendship with a flying bison. Starting at level 1, you have a flying bison that counts as your animal companion. During combat, your companion has the same initiative order as you and you can command them to do something as a bonus action. The flying bison can be of Medium (baby flying bison), Large (young flying bison) or Huge (adult flying bison) size - your choice.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level you may increase one of your abilities by 2 points or two of your abilities by 1 point. You can’t increase your abilities above 20 using this feature.

Feather Fall
Starting at 4th level, you can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your Airbender level. If you want to, you can choose to suspend yourself at a specific height while falling by making a Wisdom Check with DC equal to 10 + (1 point per 10 feet you have already fallen).

Mastery Tattoos (Optional)
Whenever you Master a technique, you can choose to tattoo your body with traditional airbending tattoos if you know someone that knows a way to tattoo them.

Stillness of Mind
Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to end the frightened effect on yourself.
At level 12, you can use your bonus action to clear the frightened effect on yourself and you can spend an action to clear the frightened effect on a creature that has meditated with you within 24 hours.

Rare Techniques
Starting at level 8, you can now attempt to learn Rare Techniques

Quick Reflexes
Starting at level 10, you can add your Wisdom Modifier to your initiative roll.

Last Resort
Patience can be found plentifully within you, however running out of it may prove to be a grave mistake for your foes. Starting at level 11, if you have not damaged a creature (regardless if it is a plant, animal, spirit etc.) for 2 consecutive rounds, when you make an attack or use a technique on your 3rd turn, double the dice you get for your damage roll.
At level 15, you can triple the dice from your damage roll.

Another Path
Starting at level 18, as a reaction you can use any technique.

Airbending Styles Build Suggestions

When playing an airbender consider making your Wisdom score your highest score due to it being you Bending Ability. Next, I would recommend Dexterity or Charisma. Due to airbenders primarily resolving conflict through dialogue, Charisma will give you that extra push to make good conversation while Dexterity will give you extra survivability whenever conflict is necessary.
Consider taking the Fortuneteller, Observant or Spiritual Projection feats. With them, you could easily transport your consciousness elsewhere and tell clearly when others aren't telling the truth.


For the feats to better fit the setting, some feats have been taken out. The list of feats taken out are:

  • Aberrant Dragonmark
  • Adept of the Black Robes
  • Adept of the Red Robes
  • Adept of the White Robes
  • Divinely Favoured
  • Dragon Fear
  • Dragon Hide
  • Drow High Magic
  • Dual Wielder
  • Dwarven Fortitude
  • Elemental Adept
  • Elven Accuracy
  • Fade Away
  • Fey Teleportation
  • Flames of Phlegethos
  • Gift of the Chromatic Dragon
  • Gift of the Gem Dragon
  • Gift of the Metallic Dragon
  • Infernal Constitution
  • Initiate of High Sorcery
  • Linguist
  • Martial Adept
  • Metamagic Adept
  • Orcish Fury
  • Ritual Caster
  • Sentinel
  • Shadow Touched
  • Strixhaven Initiate
  • Strixhaven Mascot
  • Bountiful Luck

However, to better fit the setting some feats have been changed, some new homebrew feats have been added and the rest were kept the same. Those are:

Bender Bender (Mage Slayer)
You have practiced techniques in melee combat against benders, gaining the following benefits:

  • When a bender within 5 feet of you uses a technique, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.
  • When you damage a creature that is concentrating on a technique, that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against techniques used by creatures within 5 feet of you.

Bending Master
Prerequisite: You must be a bender with at least 4 Mastered Techniques
Through rigorous training you have Mastered your bending style:

  • Increase your element's respective bending modifier by 1.
  • You are now considered a bending Master and can assist others to increase their technique levels to Master. You can Master any technique that you already have at Trained level by using the Training Move.
  • You can master 7 techniques rather than 6.

Educated Bender
Prerequisite: You must be a bender

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You can choose 3 more techniques from your respective bending list.

Efficient Bender
Prerequisite: You must be a bender

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Once per day, you can use any technique that you know without expending a Technique Slot.

Engineering Initiate (Artificer İnitiate)
You’ve learned some of the Engineer’s inventiveness:

  • You can craft one Creative Mind Contraption that you have the required level for without requiring any components.
  • You gain proficiency with Tinkerer’s Tools

Fortuneteller (Telepathic)
You delve into the world of reading fate and the cosmos

  • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Choose 2 of the following: Persuasion, Insight and Deception. You gain proficiency in the chosen 2. If you already have proficiency, you gain expertise.
  • You can accurately tell the time of year and what fates might be in store for yourself and others by looking at the stars. You can read a persons energy to give them insight on what may happen to them in the near future.

Improved Seismic Sense
Prerequisite: You must have the Seismic Sense feat.
Through training you have improved your Seismic Sense perception, you gain the following benefits:

  • Creatures don’t get any bonus against you while they’re flanking you.
  • Creatures don’t get any bonus against you while you are prone.
  • Your Seismic Sense tremorsense distance is now equal to your Grounded bending range.

Lightning Fast
Prerequisite: Must have the Lightning Generation feat.
Quickness in the generation of lightning may prove to give you the edge in battle, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Lightning Bending attacks no longer take an action to use. When you take the Attack action, each attack made with Lightning Bending now only takes 1 attack.
  • Each Lightning Bending technique no longer takes a whole turn to use. You can use Lightning Bending techniques as an action.

Lightning Generation
Prerequisite: Must be a Firebender
You learn the dangerous practice of lightning generation. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You can now use Lightning Bending attacks and Techniques. Each attack is considered an action and deals 1d12 + your Bending Attack Modifier lightning damage.

Lightning Redirection
Prerequisite: Must have the Lightning Generation feat.
You learn the most dangerous practice of Lighningbending, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • As a reaction, you can redirect Lightning Bending attacks and Techniques made against you to a direction of your choosing. Whenever you want to do so, make an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw. The DC is either the Attack Roll or the Bending Save DC of the creature. If it's an attack, on a success you redirect the attack with the same attack and damage roll in a different direction. If it's a technique, you redirect it in another direction with the same damage roll. In both cases you take half damage damage.

Master of Weaponry
Prerequisite: You must have 1 Mastered Fighting Technique You have proven yourself to be a master weaponsmaster, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength, Dexterity or Intelligence score by 1 point, to a maximum of 20.
  • You can Master 1 more fighting technique. For only the technique to be Mastered, you can make Training Checks to master it.

National Teachings
The teachings of the Fire Nation have captivated you, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence, Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You know about the way of life, political system and surface level traditions of the Fire Nation.
  • Choose a lineage: Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, Air Nomads or Fire Nation. Your critical window for your chosen nation increases to 19-20.
  • You know the weaknesses in the structures of the chosen lineage and deal double damage against them. You also know the social structure of the lineage in detail.
  • If your lineage is Fire Nation: You deal double damage to every structure from the other lineages. This doesn’t stack with other abilities or techniques that deal double damage to structures as well.

Nomadic Teachings
The teachings of the Air Nomads have enlightened you, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You know the lifestyle of airbenders. Their diets, traditions and social system. You know the locations of the Airbending Temples and the significance of each respective temple.
  • If you shave your head you can feel the flow of air around you better. When you are bald, you can double your proficiency bonus on any Saving Throw against techniques that are used towards you from behind.
  • If your lineage is Air Nomad: While you are meditating, you can spirit walk into the spirit realm with other creature that meditate with you. You can choose a location you know or go to a random location in the spirit world. The bodies of those who spirit walk remain unconscious as long as they spirit walk.

Precise Bender (Spell Sniper)
Prerequisite: You must be a bender
You have learned techniques to enhance your attacks with certain kinds of techniques, gaining the following benefits:

  • When you use a technique that requires you to make an attack roll, the range of the technique is doubled.
  • Your technique that can be used at a range ignores half cover and 3/4 cover.

Seismic Sense
Prerequisite: Must be an Earthbender
Your connection to the Earth has grown stronger and you adopt the principles of the mighty Badgermoles:

  • Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • As long as a part of your body touches a piece of earth or metal, you can see through the Earth. You gain a Tremorsense equal to half of your Grounded range (rounded up). Images you see through your tremorsense are clearer and sharper the higher your Passive Perception.
  • As a bonus action, you can slam the earth or metal with your foot or hand to give yourself advantage on a Perception Check you make with your tremorsense.

Soldier (War Caster)
Prerequisite: You must be a bender
You have practiced bending in the midst of combat, learning techniques that grant you the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.
  • You can perform techniques even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
  • When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to use any technique on the creature, rather than making an opportunity attack. The technique must have a casting time of 1 action and must target only that creature.

Sovereign Teachings
The resilience of Earth Kingdom citizens has shocked you, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Constitution or Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You know about the way of life, political system and surface level traditions of the Earth Kingdom.
  • Once per day, whenever you are knocked prone you can make a Constitution Check of DC 15 to resist being knocked prone.
  • If your lineage is Earth Kingdom: Once per day, you can decrease the damage of any attack or technique by 1d10 + your Constitution Modifier.

Spirit Cleanser
Prerequisite: You must be a Waterbender
You learn the practice of Spiritbending:

  • Increase your Charisma or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You know about the Northern Water Tribe practice of Spiritbending.
  • As an action, by concentrating for 5 minutes you can cleanse the corrupted spirit of a creature or spirit. When you attempt to cleanse the spirit of an unwilling creature or spirit, they must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or a Constitution Saving Throw (if they aren’t) vs your Bending Save DC. On a fail, they are restrained. At the start of each of their turns they can attempt to break free. If the creature or spirit doesn’t break free, their spirit is cleansed. You must have a medium water source to cleanse their spirit.

Spirit Destroyer
Prerequisite: You must have the Spirit Cleanser feat.
Although a healing practice, you learn to manipulate Spiritbending to corrupt others. You gain the following abilities:

  • Increase your Charisma or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • As an action, by concentrating for 5 minutes you can destroy the spirit of any creature. When you attempt to destroy the spirit of an unwilling creature or spirit, they must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or a Constitution Saving Throw (if they aren’t) vs your Bending Save DC. On a fail, they are restrained. At the start of each of their turns they can attempt to break free. If the creature or spirit can not break free at the end of 5 minutes, their spirit is destroyed and they immediately die. Their spirit doesn’t cross into the Spirit World. You must have a medium water source to cleanse their spirit.

Spiritual Projection
Prerequisite: You must be an Airbender
You learn to project your spirit into places around the globe:

  • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you meditate, you can choose to project your spirit to a location you have been or know for certain (i.e where Ba Sing Sae is located). When you want to project yourself, make a Wisdom Check with a DC determined by the GM according to the distance you want to project yourself to. If you don’t have the bonus provided by Meditation from the previous day, you can’t add the Meditation bonus to the roll.
  • You can speak with and hear other creatures however you can not interact with any physical object. Your body is ethereal at the location you project yourself and has the same statistics as you, with the exception of it having 1 HP. You can move up to 1000 ft away from the initial point you project yourself.
  • You can project your spirit once per day.

Spirit World Enthusiast (Fey Touched)
The beauty of the spirit world has pushed you to learn more about it:

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You know how the spirit world operates and its relationship relative to the material world and you know the names or given names of powerful evil and good spirits.
  • You know of important locations in the spirit world and the material world alongside their significant meaning behind them such as: The Spirit Portals, Realm of Koh, The Fog of Lost Souls, Forgetful Valley, Spirit Oasis.

Prerequisite: Must have the Seismic Sense feat.
You Seismic Sense has improved and you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency for Insight and Perception. If you are already proficient, you gain expertise. Using Seismic Sense, you have advantage on Insight and Perception checks within half of your Grounded bending range (rounded up).

Tribal Teachings
The culture of the Water Tribes have humbled you, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence, Constitution or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You know about the way of life, political system and surface level traditions of one of the Water Tribes of your choice. You can always catch fish when you go fishing.
  • If you fight alongside a member of your lineage, once per turn you can reroll an attack you make; however you must use the new roll. For techniques you can reroll a 1 on your damage.
  • If your lineage is Water Tribe: You can reroll twice.

Weaponsmaster Initiate (Fighting Initiate)
Prerequisite: Proficiency with a Martial Weapon You decide to improve upon your martial training and better yourself with a technique:

  • You learn a Basic Fighting Technique from the Weaponsmaster fighting technique list. You can train yourself further to become trained in it, however you can not master the technique.
  • Whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace the fighting technique with another one from the fighter class that you don't have.

Weaponsmaster Fighting Techniques

Basic Fighting Techniques

Archer: Gain a +1 on attack rolls with a ranged weapon.
Two Handed Fighting: When you are using both hands to use a weapon that doesn’t have the Two Hands property, add +2 to your damage rolls. Before an attack, state to the GM that you are using this Fighting Technique.
Thrown Weapon Fighting: When using a thrown weapon, you can attack twice with 1 attack.
Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage with two-weapons during combat, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. Protector: When a creature you see attacks a target other than you that is within 5ft of you, you can use a reaction or Combat Expertise point to leap in front of the attack and choose to block it:

  • If the attack roll is lower than your AC the attack will be blocked.
  • If the attack roll is equal to or greater than your AC, you take the damage instead.

Shield Attacker (Requires Shield): While you have a shield equipped, attacks you make with your shield deal 1d6 + your Strength Modifier damage.
Backstabber: While you are flanking a creature and attacking it, on hit you deal 2d6 + your weapon ability modifier extra damage.
Team Player: While a creature that you consider friendly is attacking the same creature as you, when you attack the same creature on your turn, as a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise Point gain +1 to your attack and damage rolls.
Interruptor: As a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise Point, strike at a creature and roll 1d4. The attack roll of that creature is decreased by that amount. If you attempt to interrupt a technique, then the damage is halved if the technique doesn’t require a Bending Attack Roll.
Parry: When you are attacked, as a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise Point, you can make an attack roll. If your attack roll is at least equal to the creatures attack roll, you parry that attack and take half damage.
Opportunist: If a creature that is hostile towards you or a friendly creature, fails a Saving Throw- as a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise point you can make an attack on the hostile creature if they are within range.
Grappler: As a part of your action, if you have a free hand you can attempt to Grapple a creature. If you manage to grapple the creature, you grapple them with your free hand and can continue to attack with your other hand at disadvantage.
Pummeler: When you take the attack action, you can expend all of your attacks within the action to attack once with an increase in damage. If your attack hits, you deal an additional damage die of that weapon.

Intimidator: When you hit a creature, you can instill fear in them. The creature you hit must make a Wisdom Saving Throw with DC 14. On a fail, they are frightened by you. On a success, they aren't frightened. A creature that has been frightened or succeeded their save can’t be frightened by using this Fighting Technique for 24 hours. They can attempt to shrug off the fear at the start of each of their turns by repeating the Saving Throw.
Haphazard: You attack a creature without careful calculation. You can choose to make two attacks with one attack. Each attack gains a -2 to their attack roll.
Unarmed Fighting: You choose to use your own strength instead of the assist of weaponry. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength Modifier bludgeoning damage.
Chi Blocker: With precise strikes you aim to subdue hostiles. When you attack with an unarmed strike, you can choose to block the chi paths of a creature. Each strike you make counts as an Unarmed Strike and you have to roll separately for each strike. Each limb has 3 chi points:
For Arms:

  • If you block 1 chi point, the target isn’t affected.
  • If you block 2 chi points, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls
  • If you block 3 chi points, the target can only attempt to Unarmed Strike using that arm and can not bend using that arm.
  • If you block both arms, the target can only attempt to Unarmed Strike at disadvantage.

    For Legs:
  • If you block 1 chi point, the target isn’t affected.
  • If you block 2 chi points, the target has disadvantage on Saving Throws
  • If you block 3 chi points, the target uses twice their movement per 5ft and can not bend using that arm.
  • If you block both legs, the target falls prone and remains prone until the Chi Clotting effect ends.

Fortifier (Requires Shield): You can place your shield on the ground and hide behind it to create half-cover for a creature. Creatures can remove the shield from the ground as a bonus action.If the shield is placed, the shield has 14 AC and 30 HP. When the HP of the shield reaches 0, it is knocked over and no longer provides cover bonus.
Ricochet (Thrown Weapons Only): You throw your weapon in such a way that not only do you hit a creature, you also make it ricochet back to your hand. You must be within the maximum range of the weapon to use this.

Trained Fighting Techniques

Trained Archer: Gain a bonus on your attack rolls with a ranged weapon equal to your Technique Bonus.
Trained Two Handed Fighting: When you are using both hands to use a weapon that doesn’t have the Two Hands property, add your Technique Bonus to your damage rolls. Before an attack, state to the GM that you are using this Fighting Technique.
Trained Thrown Weapon Fighting: When using a thrown weapon, you can attack two times with 1 attack. The second attack deals additional damage equal to your Technique Bonus.
Trained Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage with two-weapons during combat, you can add your Ability Modifier and Technique Bonus to the damage of the second attack.
Trained Protector: When a creature you see attacks a target other than you that is within 5ft of you, you can use a reaction or Combat Expertise point to leap in front of the attack and choose to block it:

  • If the attack roll is lower than your AC the attack will be blocked.
  • If the attack roll is equal to or greater than your AC, the damage you take is reduced by 1d6 + your Technique Bonus.

Trained Shield Attacker (Requires Shield): While you have a shield equipped, attacks you make with your shield deal 1d6 + your Strength Modifier and Technique Bonus damage.
Trained Backstabber: While you are flanking a creature and attacking it, on hit you deal 3d6 + your Technique Bonus extra damage.
Trained Team Player: While a creature that you consider friendly is attacking the same creature as you, when you attack the same creature on your turn, as a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise Point gain a bonus equal to your Technique Bonus on your attack and damage rolls.
Trained Interruptor: As a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise Point, strike at a creature and roll 1d6 + your Technique Bonus. The attack roll of that creature is decreased by that amount. If you attempt to interrupt a technique, then the damage is halved if the technique doesn’t require a Bending Attack Roll.
Trained Parry: When you are attacked, as a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise Point, you can make an attack roll. If your attack roll is greater than the creature attacking you, you parry that attack and take no damage. If it's equal to the attack roll, you parry and take half damage.
Trained Opportunist: If a creature that is hostile towards you or a friendly creature, fails a Saving Throw- as a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise point you can make an attack by adding your Technique Bonus to the roll, on the hostile creature if they are within range.
Trained Grappler: As a part of your action, if you have a free hand you can attempt to Grapple a creature. If you manage to grapple the creature, you grapple them with your free hand and can continue to attack with your other hand normally.

Trained Pummeler: When you take the attack action, you can expend all of your attacks within the action to attack once with an increase in damage. If your attack hits, you deal two additional damage die of that weapon.
Trained Intimidator: When you hit a creature, you can instill fear in them. The creature you hit must make a Wisdom Saving Throw with DC 17. On a fail, they are frightened by you and you can additionally add your Technique Bonus to your attack rolls vs that creature. On a success, they aren't frightened. A creature that has been frightened or succeeded their save can’t be frightened by using this Fighting Technique for 24 hours. They can attempt to shrug off the fear at the start of each of their turns by repeating the Saving Throw.
Trained Haphazard: You attack a creature without careful calculation. You can choose to make three attacks with one attack. Each attack gains a -4 to their attack roll.
Trained Unarmed Fighting: You choose to use your own strength instead of the assist of weaponry. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Technique Bonus bludgeoning damage.
Trained Chi-Blocker: With precise strikes you aim to subdue hostiles. When you attack with an unarmed strike, you can choose to block the chi paths of a creature. Each strike you make counts as an Unarmed Strike and you have to roll separately for each strike. You can reroll the lowest attack roll but you must use that roll. Each limb has 3 chi points:
For Arms:

  • If you block 1 chi point, the target isn’t affected.
  • If you block 2 chi points, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls
  • If you block 3 chi points, the target can only attempt to Unarmed Strike using that arm and can not bend using that arm.
  • If you block both arms, the target can only attempt to Unarmed Strike at disadvantage.

    For Legs:
  • If you block 1 chi point, the target isn’t affected.
  • If you block 2 chi points, the target has disadvantage on Saving Throws
  • If you block 3 chi points, the target uses twice their movement per 5ft and can not bend using that arm.
  • If you block both legs, the target falls prone and remains prone until the Chi Clotting effect ends.

Trained Fortifier (Requires Shield): You can place your shield on the ground and hide behind it to create ¾ cover for a creature. Creatures can remove the shield from the ground as a bonus action. If the shield is placed, the shield has 17 AC and 30 HP. When the HP of the shield reaches 0, it is knocked over and no longer provides cover bonus.
Trained Ricochet (Thrown Weapons Only): You throw your weapon in such a way that you can hit two different creatures that are at most 10 ft apart before the weapon returns back to you. You only roll 1 attack and damage roll for the attack, the attack and damage roll apply to both creatures. You must be within the maximum range of the weapon to use this.

Mastered Fighting Techniques

Mastered Archer: Gain a bonus on your attack rolls with a ranged weapon equal to your Technique Bonus.
Mastered Two Handed Fighting: When you are using both hands to use a weapon that doesn’t have the Two Hands property, you can add your Technique Bonus to your damage rolls. Before an attack, state to the GM that you are using this Fighting Technique.
Mastered Thrown Weapon Fighting: When using a thrown weapon, you can attack three times with 1 attack and gain bonus damage equal to your Technique Bonus on the second and third attack.
Mastered Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage with two-weapons during combat, you can add your Ability Modifier and Technique Bonus to the damage of the second attack and you can make 1 extra attack with your second weapon.
Mastered Protector: When a creature you see attacks a target other than you that is within 5ft of you, you can use a reaction or Combat Expertise point to leap in front of the attack and choose to block it:

  • If the attack roll is lower than your AC the attack will be blocked.
  • If the attack roll is equal to or greater than your AC, the damage you take is reduced by 1d12 + your Technique Bonus.

Mastered Shield Attacker (Requires Shield): While you have a shield equipped, attacks you make with your shield deal 1d10 + your Strength Modifier and Technique Bonus damage.
Mastered Backstabber: While you are flanking a creature and attacking it, on hit you deal 5d6 + your Technique Bonus extra damage.
Mastered Team Player: While a creature that you consider friendly is attacking the same creature as you, when you attack the same creature on your turn, as a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise Point gain a bonus equal to your Technique Bonus on your attack and damage rolls.
Mastered Interruptor: As a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise Point, strike at a creature and roll 1d10 + your Technique Bonus. The attack roll of that creature is decreased by that amount.
Mastered Parry: When you are attacked, as a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise Point, you can make an attack roll. If your attack roll is greater than the creature attacking you, you parry that attack, take no damage and deal 1d4 + your Technique Bonus damage to the creature. If it's equal, you only parry and take no damage.
Mastered Opportunist: If a creature that is hostile towards you or a friendly creature, fails a Saving Throw- as a reaction or by spending a Combat Expertise point you can make an attack by adding your Technique Bonus to the attack and damage roll, on the hostile creature if they are within range.
Mastered Grappler: As a part of your action, if you have a free hand you can attempt to Grapple a creature. If you manage to grapple the creature, you grapple them with your free hand, can continue to attack with your other hand normally and the creature provides you with a half-cover bonus. If you choose to attack the grappled creature, your attacks automatically critical.

Mastered Pummeler: When you take the attack action, you can expend all of your attacks within the action to attack once with an increase in damage. If your attack hits, you deal three additional damage die of that weapon.
Mastered Intimidator: When you hit a creature, you can instill fear in them. The creature you hit must make a Wisdom Saving Throw with DC 20. On a fail, they are frightened by you and you can additionally add your Technique Bonus to your attack rolls vs that creature. On a success, they aren't frightened and you do not gain the bonus.. A creature that has been frightened or succeeded in their save can be frightened twice in 24 hours by using this Fighting Technique. They can attempt to shrug off the fear at the start of each of their turns by repeating the Saving Throw.
Mastered Haphazard: You attack a creature without careful calculation. You can choose to make three attacks with one attack. Each attack gains a -5 to their attack roll. Each attack that hits deals additional damage equal to your Technique Bonus.
Mastered Unarmed Fighting: You choose to use your own strength instead of the assist of weaponry. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 + your Technique Bonus bludgeoning damage.
Mastered Chi-Blocker: With precise strikes you aim to subdue hostiles. When you attack with an unarmed strike, you can choose to block the chi paths of a creature. Each strike you make counts as an Unarmed Strike and you have to roll separately for each strike. Attack rolls that are lower than 10 are considered as 10. Each limb has 3 chi points:
For Arms:

  • If you block 1 chi point, the target isn’t affected.
  • If you block 2 chi points, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls
  • If you block 3 chi points, the target can only attempt to Unarmed Strike using that arm and can not bend using that arm.
  • If you block both arms, the target can only attempt to Unarmed Strike at disadvantage.

    For Legs:
  • If you block 1 chi point, the target isn’t affected.
  • If you block 2 chi points, the target has disadvantage on Saving Throws
  • If you block 3 chi points, the target uses twice their movement per 5ft and can not bend using that arm.
  • If you block both legs, the target falls prone and remains prone until the Chi Clotting effect ends.

Mastered Fortifier (Requires Shield): You can place your shield on the ground and hide behind it to create ¾ cover for a creature. Only you can remove the shield. You can remove the shield as a bonus action.
Mastered Ricochet (Thrown Weapons Only): You throw your weapon in such a way that you can hit three different creatures that are each within 10 ft of each other before the weapon returns back to you. You only roll 1 attack and damage roll for the attack, the attack and damage roll apply to both creatures. If you think the attack won’t hit, you can reroll the attack roll but you must use the new roll. You must be within the maximum range of the weapon to use this.

Bending Techniques

Universal Techniques

Rare Technique: *

Cutting Words


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Use your wit to distract, confuse, and otherwise sap the confidence and competence of others. When a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or technique damage, you can use your reaction to subtract 1d10 from the number rolled from the creature's roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature makes its roll, but before the DM determines whether the attack roll or ability check succeeds or fails, or before the creature deals its damage. The creature is immune if it can't hear you.

Do the Thing


  • Casting Time: 1 Turn
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You scream out at a friendly creature that can hear you to do the thing. Until the start of your next turn, that friendly creature can use their reaction to use any technique that has a casting time of less than 1 turn.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Embed fear into every creature that can see you in a display of power. You show off your ruthlessness upon a creature that can see or hear you. The creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature is Frightened and has disadvantage on attacks and ability checks as long as you remain in their line of sight. At the end of their turn, the creature can make another Wisdom Saving Throw to shrug off the effect. If the creature succeeds on its saving throw, you can't use this feature on that creature again for 24 hours.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You repair a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 4 feet in any dimension, you mend it by bending your respective element or by using components, leaving no trace of the former damage.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Rant a bit about yourself to discourage your foes in the middle of combat. When you use this technique, until the start of your next turn you gain a 1d10 die. Until the start of your next turn you can choose to roll this die and add it to an attack roll, saving throw, skill check or technique damage. Once your next turn starts, you can no longer use this die.

Motiavtional Speech


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Duration: 3 hours

Make an inspiring speech to friendly creatures that can hear you. Every friendly creature that can hear and understand you gains 1d12 + your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 5) temporary HP and has advantage on Wisdom Saving Throws for the duration.



  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V
  • Duration: 3 hours

You attempt to compel a creature into attacking you. One creature that can see or hear you within range must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature succumbs to your taunting and starts to attack you. On a success, the creature has -1 to all attacks, techniques and damages it deals. If one creature uses this technique more than once on the same creature, the effect doubles and stacks (i.e if you use it on your next turn, you apply -2 for a total of -3). The effect ends if you attack any other creature.

Vicious Mockery


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You unleash a string of insults at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll or technique saving throw, whichever comes first, it makes before the end of its next turn. At Trained level, the creature has disadvantage on 2 attacks or saving throws until the end of its next turn. At Mastered level, the creature has disadvantage on 3 attacks or saving throws until the end of its next turn.

Waterbending Techniques

Breath of Ice/Vapor


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Breathe freezing winds upon your enemies.When you use this technique, you manipulate water in the air to breath ice onto a target. The target must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the target is partially frozen and is considered restrained. The target can make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t) vs your Bending DC to break free of the ice at the end of their turn. The ice is considered a small water source.

If you breath a cloud of vapor onto a creature. When you use this technique, you manipulate the water in the air to breath out a cloud of vapor onto a location. Targets in the vapor cloud have disadvantage on their attack rolls as long as they remain in the vapor cloud, their visibility decreases to 5 ft and they use 2 ft of movement for every 1 ft of movement. At Trained level, targets in the cloud also have disadvantage on saving throws. At Mastered level, cloud radius increases to 10 ft. The cloud is considered a small water source.

Circlet of Water


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 60ft, Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 2 hours

Create a singular ring of water around your waist. When you use this technique, you create a ring of water that's size equivalent to the water source that you created it from. Using this ring you may use other techniques.

Creeping Ice


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Extend a sheet of ice towards and beneath your foes. When you use this technique, the ground in a 60 ft cone becomes coated with ice. The ground is considered difficult terrain.

Crushing Grip of the Seas


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 2 hours

Throw tendrils of water to wrap a targeted foe and hold them in place. When you use this technique, the creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw (only if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t) vs your Bending DC. On fail the target takes 3d6 damage and is considered Grappled. If you grapple a flying creature, the creature falls to the ground at 20 ft per turn. The target can attempt to break free at the start of their turn. If the target can’t break free and you continue concentration of the technique, as a reaction you can constrain the target further dealing the same damage. For each level above Practiced the damage increases by 1d6. Must have a small water source around to cast this.

Fog Cloud


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 2 hours

You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of fog centered on a point within range. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. You may concentrate on the fog cloud to keep it stable or move it around as a bonus action. Creatures within the cloud have disadvantage on attacks and have their visibility reduced to 5ft. Fog Radius increases by 10 ft for each level above Practiced.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft Cone
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A burst of icy cold energy emanates from you in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Charisma Saving Throw or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d8 cold damage and is Restrained in ice for 1 minute or until a creature uses its action to break the ice off itself or another creature. Creatures that are frozen have their AC increase by 3. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t Restrained. For each level above Practiced, damage increases by 1d8. At Mastered level, you freeze the target with perfect accuracy and the target doesn’t gain an increase to its AC if it is frozen.

Ice Claws


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Cover a creature's fingers in sharp ice. When you use this technique, the creature's next unarmed strike deals an additional 2d8 piercing damage. Any creature can use the claws to climb, gaining advantage on Athletics Checks related to climbing. For each level above Practiced, the damage increases by an additional 1d8 piercing damage. Must at least have a small water source to cast this.

Ice Disc


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Create a disk of ice. When you use this technique, you create a disc of ice that uses the same statistics and properties as a Boomerang. From a small water source you can create 1, from a medium source you can create 2 and from a large water source you can create 3 discs. Each level of ice disc counts as its respective source. To attack with the disk, you must take the attack action. For each level above Practiced, the number of discs you can create increases by 1 per water source size.

Ice Gauntlet


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Cover someone's hands and forearm in a sheathe of ice. When you use this technique, cover a creature's hands in ice. On their next unarmed strike, they deal an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage. For every level above Practiced, deal an additional 1d8 damage. Must have a small water source to cast this.



  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Using the water nearby you can create shards of ice. Each attack throws two shards of ice and for every 2 shards you throw, make a Bending Attack Roll. On a hit, each shard deals 1d4 + you Charisma Modifier piercing or slashing damage (your choice, you must determine the damage type before you attack). With a small water source you can throw 4 shards, with a medium water source you can throw 8 shards and with a large water source you can throw 12 shards. At Trained level, you can create 2 additional shards per water source. At Mastered, you can reroll 1 attack Bending Attack Roll once per turn, you must use the new roll.

Quite Grip of Ice


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Use water on the ground to freeze a creature's foot in an icy hold. When you use this technique, you shape ice around a creature's foot. The creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature is considered Grappled and must spend an action to break free. The creature can still attack normally while Grappled. Must have a small water source within 5 ft of a creature to use this.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Encase a target in water. Their image becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see them. For the duration, any attack towards the target has disadvantage on attack rolls. An attacker is immune to this effect if it doesn't rely on sight, or can see through Seismic Sense. If you shift the state of water to ice, the target's AC increases by 1 and this technique no longer requires concentration but they have disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws. Must at least have a medium water source to cast this. Every level above Practiced, the AC increases by an additional 1.

Slip Over Ice


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Shift ice beneath your foes. When you use this technique, you shift ice to another location. You may reposition the ice in a 60 ft dome centered on you. If there are creatures present on the ice, they must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, the creatures are moved to wherever you choose. On success, the ice moves but the creatures stay put.

If you drop the ice onto a location, for every 10 feet the ice travels it gains 1d6 bludgeoning or piercing damage (your choice) on impact. Creatures affected by the falling ice must make a Charisma Saving Throw (only if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t) vs your Bending DC. On a fail, they take full damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage but are still knocked prone. If the ice was created with a small water source, you can hit 1 creature; If it was created by a medium water source, you can hit up to 2 creatures that are within 5 ft of each other; If it was created by a large water source, you can hit up to 4 creatures who are within 5ft of each other.

If you attempt to hit a creature with the sheet of ice, make a Bending Attack Roll. On a hit they take 1d6 bludgeoning or piercing damage (your choice) and are knocked prone. If the ice was created with a small water source, you can hit 1 creature; If it was created by a medium water source, you can hit up to 2 creatures that are within 5 ft of each other; If it was created by a large water source, you can hit up to 4 creatures who are within 5ft of each other. For multiple creatures, you must make a Bending Attack Roll for each creature. You must have ice to be able to use this technique.

Water Jab


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You surround a creature's fists in water and the next 2 unarmed strikes you make shoot out a stream of water up to 5ft from your fist. Unarmed strikes made by the creature can either extend behind the target by 5 ft or extend towards the target by 5ft, your choice. If you choose to strike 5ft behind the target, creatures within 5 ft behind the target take 1d8 damage. If you choose to strike 5ft towards the target, the creature with Water Jab around their fists can make an unarmed strike from 10 ft. Whichever creature's fists are covered in water, they must make an attack roll by adding your Charisma Modifier + their Proficiency Bonus. On hit the target takes damage equal to 1 + Your Strength Modifier and an additional 1d8 damage. For each level above Practiced, add an additional 1d8 damage. Must at least have a small water source to cast this.

Water Stream


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft, Steam Diameter 5ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Push a high powered stream of water from a source. When you use this technique, creatures affected must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the target is knocked prone and takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage. Must at least have a medium water source to cast this. For streams you want to bend with larger radii than 5ft, a large water source is required and the damage increases by 2d6 for every 5ft width. For each level above Practiced the base damage and the increased width damage increases by 1d6. At Mastered level, the reach of the stream is extended to 60ft.

Water Whip/Water Rope


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Lash out two tendrils of water. When you use this technique on a creature, the creature makes a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, you deal 2d8 bludgeoning damage. For each level above Practiced, deal an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage.

Additionally, you can choose to Grapple the creature without dealing damage. If you grapple a flying creature, the creature falls to the ground at 20 ft per turn. The creature can attempt to break the grapple by making a Charisma Saving Throw (if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t) at the start of each of their turns.

You can also use Water Rope to hold on to a wall or object that is within range and pull the object towards you or pull yourself up the wall. You can pull objects that are twice our weight towards you, for objects with greater weight than this you must make a Charisma Check. When you pull yourself up a wall, you pull yourself upwards at a speed equal to your walking speed.

Iceberg Strike*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft, Cage width 5ft x 5ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Incase a foe in ice. When you use this technique, you use water on the ground to create an iceberg prison of ice around a creature (or creatures). The creatures must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the target takes 5d8 piercing damage and is considered Restrained. At the start of their turn, creatures inside the prison must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t) to break free. Iceberg is created from water that travels to the creature. If water is on the ground and you use this technique, each creature that is in contact with that stream of water must make the saving throw as well. On a fail they take the damage however they aren’t restrained. Must at least have a large water source around to cast this. For icebergs larger than a 5ft width a large water source is required. For each level above Practiced the damage increases by 1d8.

Ice Shards*


  • Prerequisite: Mastered Icicle
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Divide the ice and create shards of ice to use at your mercy. When you use this technique, any ice within a 60ft of you can be shattered to turn into shards of ice. You can embed the shards in terrain -expanding all of them in the process- to create difficult terrain of 5 ft per shard or you may use them to attack creatures. A small source can create up to 3 (the sum of shards count as a small source), medium source can create up to 5 (the sum of shards count as a medium source) and a large source can create up to 7 (the sum of shards count as a large source) shards of ice. When you use the shards to attack a creature, you roll a Bending Attack Roll for each shard. On hit, each shard deals 1d6 piercing damage. For every level above Practiced, the amount of shards you can create increases by 1 and the damage of each shard increases by 1d6.

Mist Stepping*


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Take to the skies by stepping on tiny forms of water you create. When you use this technique, you manipulate the moisture in the air around you to scale upwards without leaving a trace of water behind. While Mist Stepping, you can choose to increase your walking speed by 1.5x (rounded to the nearest power of 5) the amount or gain flying speed equal to your walking speed. At Trained level, you can choose to increase your movement by 2x or gain flying speed equal to 1.5x (rounded to the nearest power of 5) of your movement. At Mastered level, you have advantage on Charisma and Dexterity Saving Throws and your flying speed is doubled while Mist Stepping.

Octopus Form*


  • Prerequisite: Trained Water Whip
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self, 30ft Whip Range
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

When you use this technique, surround yourself with eight tendrils of water. Enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls againsts you. Each time a creature rolls a successful attack against you, you can use your reaction to expend a tendril to reduce the damage by half. You may attack with the tendrils by making a Bending Attack Roll and use 2 tendrils per attack to deal 2d8 bludgeoning damage to a creature. You can also use 1 tendril to grapple a creature within range. For each level above Practiced, tendrils deal an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage. Must have a large water source to cast Octopus Form.

Rings of Water*


  • Prerequisite: Trained Circlet of Water
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

When you use this technique, create up to 2 rings of water that surround your body. You may shoot out jets of water that are equal to the size of small water sources from these rings by making a Bending Attack Roll, on hit dealing 2d6 bludgeoning damage per jet. Each ring can shoot up to 2 jets of water before being completely expended. You may also use these rings as a medium water source to cast other abilities. Each ring is only considered a medium water source if they haven’t shot out any jets of water. A ring that has shot 1 jet of water is no longer considered a medium water source but now is considered a small water source. For every level above Practiced, deal an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage per jet. Must have a large water source to use this technique.

Surf the Wave*


  • Prerequisite: Trained Water Walk
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30-100 ft, Wave Width 10ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Create a giant wave to surf and wash away foes. When you use this technique, you create a giant wave of 10 ft and surf it to a location of your choice. Creatures caught in the wake of the wave must make a Charisma Saving Throw (only if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw. On a fail, all creatures within the waves wake take 5d10 bludgeoning damage and are pushed back 40ft from their initial position in the direction of the wave. On a success, they take half as much damage and remain in their position. Must have a large water source to cast this. This is considered a Mastered level technique

Wall of Water*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Bend a wall of water from a nearby source to create a barrier. You can make the wall up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The water from the wall falls on the ground when you break concentration. The wall’s space is difficult terrain. If you create the wall in an occupied space, creatures affected must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 5d10 bludgeoning damage and are restrained. On a success, only the damage is halved.

Any attack that is made through the wall’s has disadvantage on the attack roll, and fire damage is halved if the fire effect passes through the wall to reach its target. Each time the water wall is attacked, you must make a concentration check starting at a DC of 8 and increasing by 1 for each attack made on or through the wall; techniques increase the DC by 2. If you shift the water into ice, sections of the wall that you freeze have 15 AC and 50 HP. Frozen sections of the wall that have a connection to terrain may be broken or shifted by other techniques to bring the wall down depending on where the wall connects to terrain.

Ice that passes through the wall causes the area of the wall they pass through to freeze solid (at least a 5-foot square section is frozen). Each 5-foot-square frozen section has AC 5 and 15 hit points. Reducing a frozen section to 0 hit points destroys it. When a section is destroyed, the wall’s water doesn’t fill it. Must have a large water source to cast this.
For each level above Practiced the initial concentration DC decreases by 2, length increases by 15 ft and the damage increases by 3d10.

Water Cloak*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

When you use this technique, surround your body in water. You take half damage from all sources of damage dealt towards you. While Water Cloak is active you can also attack with tentacles that form around your arms. Each tentacle has a reach of 10 ft. You can make an attack if you take the Attack action, make a Bending Attack Roll whenever you want to attack with the tentacles. Each tentacle counts as 1 attack. On a hit, each tentacle deals 3d8 bludgeoning damage. If you shift the water into ice, your AC increases by 3, you lose the damage reduction gained from Water Cloak and for every 1ft of movement you spend 2ft instead. Must at least have a medium water source to cast this. Water Cloak may be used as a medium water source. At Trained level, the damage increases by 1d8. At Mastered level, you can use this technique as a bonus action.

Water Dome*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self, 20ft Radius
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Bend the water around you in a dome like shape to create a shield from the outside. When you use this technique, you bend nearby water to form a dome-like shield around an area. Creatures on each side of the dome can see through it. Each time the water dome is attacked, you must make a concentration check starting at a DC of 8 and increasing by 1 for each attack made on or through the water dome; techniques increase the DC by 2. The dome doesn’t occupy space however, creatures that try to pass through the dome must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they can’t pass through. This technique requires a large water source. The dome is considered a large water source. This is considered a Mastered level technique.

Water Pillar*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft, Pillar height: 20ft - Pillar Width 10ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Create a pillar of water at a location within range. Creatures affected by the pillar are pushed up 20ft in the air on top of a 10 ft square pillar of water. The creature can make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t) to resist being pushed up the pillar. The creature on top of the pillar ignores difficult terrain. If the pillar is used in a situation where the height is less than 20 ft, the creatures take 5d12 bludgeoning damage. Each time the water pillar is attacked, you must make a concentration check starting at a DC of 8 and increasing by 1 for each attack made on or through the pillar. If you choose to turn the pillar into ice you can end concentration. The ice pillar has 15 AC and 50HP. You can create 1 pillar from 1 medium source of water.

Water Spout*


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self, 20ft height
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Propel yourself upward from your position levitating above a spiraling spout of water. When you use this technique, you bend a water source you see to propel yourself upward 20 ft. Creatures within 5 ft of you must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they are a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they are pushed back 10 ft and take 3d8 bludgeoning damage. On a success, they only take half damage. The water spout acts as a large water source and can only be cast when there is a large water source. While active, you can move into spaces of other creatures. If a creature starts or ends their turn in your spout radius, they must make the same saving throw as mentioned above. On a fail, they take 6d8 bludgeoning damage. Each time the water spout is attacked, you must make a concentration check starting at a DC of 8 and increasing by 1 for each attack made on or through the water spout, techniques increase the DC by 2. If you lose concentration of the water spout or if the water spout is cut off from any point beneath you while in the air, you fall and take 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 ft you fall. If you shift the water into ice you remain on top of the ice pillar and the ice pillar has 15 AC and 50HP. For each level above Practiced the concentration DC decreases by 2.

Water Pinwheel*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Create a pinwheel of water vertically around your body. On cast, you manipulate the water to create a translucent pinwheel or running water vertically around your body. The pinwheel acts as half cover for the front and back of your body. Each time the water pinwheel is attacked, you must make a concentration check starting at a DC of 8 and increasing by 1 for each attack made on or through the water pinwheel; techniques increase the DC by 2. Creatures can still attack you with no cover from the sides of the pinwheel. The pinwheel is considered a medium water source and you can cast techniques using the pinwheel. If you shift the water into ice, the ice pinwheel has 15 AC and 50HP. At Trained level, the pinwheel acts as ¾ cover and at Mastered level total cover.

Watery Sphere*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 90ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You conjure up a sphere of water with a 5-foot radius on a point you can see within range. The sphere can be hollow or full, your choice. If the sphere is hollow, creatures inside can breathe in it for up to 1 hour with a small water source, 3 hours with a medium water source and 6 hours with a large water source. The sphere can hover in the air, but no more than 10 feet off the ground. The sphere can also be created under water. The sphere remains until you break concentration.
Any creature in the sphere’s space must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a successful save, a creature is ejected from that space to the nearest unoccupied space outside it. A Huge or larger creature succeeds on the saving throw automatically if the sphere was made using a medium water source or smaller sources. On a failed save, a creature is restrained by the sphere and is engulfed by the water. At the end of each of its turns, a restrained target can repeat the saving throw. The sphere can restrain a maximum of 2 Medium or smaller creatures or one Large creature. If the sphere restrains a creature in excess of these numbers, a random creature that was already restrained by the sphere falls out of it and lands prone in a space within 5 feet of it. As an action, you can move the sphere up to 30 feet in a straight line. If it moves over a pit, cliff, or other drop, it will remain in the position you designate it and will remain there as long as you don’t break concentration. Any creature restrained by the sphere moves with it. You can ram the sphere into creatures, forcing them to make the saving throw, but no more than once per turn. When you break concentration, the sphere falls to the ground and extinguishes all normal flames within 30 feet of it. Any creature restrained by the sphere is knocked prone in the space where it falls.
At Trained level, you can create a bubble large enough to hold 4 medium sized willing creatures or 2 large creatures or 1 huge creature. At Mastered level, you can create a bubble large enough to hold 8 medium creatures or 4 large creatures or 2 huge creatures.

Water Walk*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 10ft Radius Centered on you
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 3 hours

Bend the water beneath you to move across any water based surface – such as water, mud, snow - as if it were normal terrain. Creatures can choose to dive underwater. Creatures that are within 10ft of you may also walk on water.



  • Casting Time: 1 Minute
  • Range: 100ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Create a devastating wave of water from nearby water sources. When you use this technique, you create a minor tsunami that moves to a location you choose. You can make the wall up to 100 feet long, 100 feet high, and 30 feet thick. The wave lasts until you break concentration.
When the wave appears, each creature within its area must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d10 bludgeoning damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
At the start of each of your turns after the wave forms, the wave, along with any creatures in it, moves 30 feet in the direction the wave was moving. Any Huge or smaller creature inside the wall or whose space the wall enters when it moves must succeed on a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or a Strength Saving Throw or take 4d10 bludgeoning damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round. At the end of the turn, the wall’s height is reduced by 25 feet, and the damage creatures take from the spell on subsequent rounds is reduced by 1d10. When the wall reaches 0 feet in height, the spell ends.
A creature caught in the wall can move by swimming. Because of the force of the wave, though, the creature must make a successful Strength (Athletics) check against your Bending Save DC in order to move at all. If it fails the check, it can’t move. A creature that moves out of the area falls to the ground. Firebenders can not make attacks or use techniques while in the wave. This is considered a Mastered level technique.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 100ft, 20ft radius
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Shift water into a location of your choice within a 100 ft radius centered on you. When you use this technique, you shift a large body of water to a location of your choosing and conjure up a whirlpool. Creatures caught in the effect radius of the whirlpool must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creatures are pulled in 10 ft to the center of the whirlpool and suffer 4d6 bludgeoning damage. On a success the damage is halved and they resist the pull. Creatures that end their turn in the Whirlpool must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t) or be pulled 10 ft to the center and take 4d6 bludgeoning damage. If a creature is pulled to the center or ends their turn at the center of the whirlpool, they take an additional 4d6 bludgeoning damage. As a bonus action, you can move the whirlpool. For every level above Practiced all damage from this ability increases by 2d6. You must have a large water source to cast this.

Water Glove


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You have practiced the teachings of the Northern Tribes. Cou can concentrate spiritual energy through water to heal a creature in touching distance. Apply water to a wound to heal a creature. Creature is healed for hit points equal to 2d6 + your Charisma Modifier. You must have a small water source to use this ability. For each level above Practiced, the heal increases by 1d6.



  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 2 hours
  • Ritual

Submerge a creature in water, only leaving their head afloat and use ancient healing techniques to nurture them to health. When you use this technique, you heal the submerged creature's wounds by placing them in water. Make 2 Charisma Checks. The creature heals for the total amount of those rolls. You can heal 1 creature at a time. If you heal two creatures within 1 hour by using this technique, you gain a point of exhaustion. At Trained level, you can make 3 Charisma Checks. At Mastered level, you heal the creature completely and no longer gain points of exhaustion from this technique.
When you use Submerge as a ritual, you can heal a creature completely over the course of 4 hours.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 50ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes

Drain the blood from the brain of a creature. When you use this technique, you drain the blood from the brain of a creature you can see within range and make them lightheaded. The creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they aren’t) at the start of their turn as long as the effect persists on them. On a fail, for every 1 ft of movement they use 2 ft for 30 minutes. On a success, there is no effect. If a creature fails their saving throw 2 times, they also have disadvantage on attacks and techniques. If a creature fails their saving throw 3 times, they also have disadvantage on their saving throws. If a creature fails their saving throw 4 times, they immediately fall unconscious. You gain a point of exhaustion for every 2 turns you maintain concentration. A critical failure on any of the saving throws immediately progresses the effects by 1 extra level and you do not gain a point of exhaustion that turn. At Trained level, they also have disadvantage on their attacks and techniques if they fail once. At Mastered level, if they fail 3 times, they immediately fall unconscious.

Impair Sight


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 50ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Drain the blood from a creature's eyes and make them temporarily go blind. When you use this technique, you drain the blood from the eyes of a creature you can see within range. That creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw (if they’re a waterbender) or a Constitution Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature is blinded for 1 minute.

Animate Corpse


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 50ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Reanimate a corpse and use it as your personal puppet. When you use this technique, you reanimate a creature that has died within the last 2 hours. As an action, you can use the creature to make strikes with a weapon they have, they get or objects they have, You can also use them to lift up objects etc. If the creature was a bender, you can’t bend using their corpse. As a bonus action, you can move the corpse 30ft to a location within range. At Trained level, you can animate corpses that have been dead for 6 hours. At Mastered level, you can animate corpses that have been dead for 12 hours.

Blood Twisting*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 50ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes

Use your enemies blood against them. When you use this technique, you twist the limbs of a creature you see within range bringing them agonizing pain. If the target is a waterbender, they must make a Charisma Saving Throw and if they aren’t they don’t need to make a saving throw they just take the damage. On a fail, the target takes 8d8 necrotic damage and is considered Restrained as long as you maintain concentration. On a success the damage is halved but they are still Restrained. If the target is a Bloodbender and they succeed the Saving Throw, they are also not Restrained. You gain a level of exhaustion on the turn you use this technique and each turn thereafter you concentrate Blood Twisting. This is considered a Mastered level technique.

Freeze Blood*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 50ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes

Use bloodbending to freeze a target in place. If the target is a waterbender they must make a Charisma Saving Throw and if they aren’t they don’t need to make a saving throw they just feel the effect.. On a fail, the target is considered Paralyzed. If they’re a waterbender, at the start of their turn they can make another Charisma Saving Throw. They can repeat this process until they break free. On a fail, they lose their turn. On a success, the target is no longer Paralyzed however they are Grappled and for the next 5 hours have -5 on all attacks, techniques and damages they deal. If the target is a Bloodbender and they succeed the Saving Throw no condition is applied to them. You gain a level of exhaustion each turn you concentrate on Freeze Blood. This is considered a Mastered level technique.

Blood Boil*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 50ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes

Bring the blood within a creature to near boiling temperatures. When you use this technique, you bring the blood within a creature you see to near boiling temperatures. If the target is a waterbender, they can make a Charisma Saving Throw. On a fail, the target takes 10d10 necrotic damage. On a success, the damage is halved. If the target is a Bloodbender and they succeed the Saving Throw the damage is reduced to a quarter of the total damage. You gain a level of exhaustion each turn you concentrate on Blood Boil. This is considered a Mastered level technique.

Earthbending Techniques

Eat Dirt


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When you use this technique, chuck a pile of dirt at a creature. The creature takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage and is pushed back 5ft. The creature can choose to resist the movement by rolling a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or a Strength Saving Throw (if they aren’t). Alternatively, you can choose to throw rubble or sand straight onto the eyes of a creature within range. The creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw or be blinded until they succeed on their saving throw on their subsequent turns. For each level above Practiced an additional 1d10 bludgeoning damage is dealt. At Mastered, you can attempt to blind 2 creatures that are within 5 ft of each other.

Earth Block


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Create slabs of earth that momentarily block out incoming attacks. When you use this technique, you create a block of earth in front of you or a creature within range and attempt to protect them. Make a Constitution Check vs the attack roll or the Save DC of the creature that used the technique. On a success:

  • If it’s a technique, that creature doesn’t make a Saving Throw; however the damage of the technique is halved.
  • If it’s an attack, the damage is halved.

Earth Hand


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Create replicas, mannequins or fake models of creatures or objects at locations you choose within your Grounded bending range. When you use this technique, make a Constitution Check to see how realistic you can make the sculptures. For creatures to be fooled by your creations, the DC will be your roll.

Earth Launch


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Using earth, jut out a pillar of earth and launch everything at that position. When you use this technique, choose a location within your Grounded bending range to temporarily stick out a 5ft x 5ft pillar of earth and launch everything on it to a location within 30 ft of the pillar. If there are any affected creatures, they must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, you launch the creature and everything within 5 ft of the creature 30ft in the air to a location within 30 ft of the pillar. The launched targets take 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 ft they fall above a 10 foot height. On a success the creature takes half as much. For every level above Practiced, the distance you launch them in the air and the position you can launch them to increases by 10 ft.

Earth Smash


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Ranged (Self)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Smash a projectile made of earth sending it to pieces. When you use this technique, you can smash a projectile made of earth to negate the damage by 1d6, + your Constitution Modifier. At Trained level, you can negate 2d6 + your Constitution Modifier. At Mastered level, you can negate 4d6 + your Constitution Modifier.

Filter Water


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Cleanse a source of water of earth and make it clean.

Ground Shift


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (Radius 10ft)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Shift the ground and take everything on it with it. When you use this technique, you can move a 10ft x 10ft patch of land within your Grounded bending range to a location within your Grounded bending range. You move the patch of earth without lifting it out of the ground. Any creature on the patch of earth you move can make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an Earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t) to resist moving with the patch of earth. They can choose to fail the saving throw. For every level above Practiced, the dimensions of the land at which you can move increase by 5ft (at Trained 15ft x 15ft and at Mastered 20ft x 20ft).

Makeshift Gauntlet


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Wrap the fist or arm of a creature you can see that is within your Grounded bending range in rock, crystal or metal and strike.

  • If you wrap it in Rock, the creatures next Unarmed Strike or Off-Hand Strike deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage
  • If you wrap it in Crystal, the creatures next Unarmed Strike or Off-Hand Strike deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage
  • If you wrap it in Metal, the creatures next Unarmed Strike or Off-Hand Strike deals 1d12 bludgeoning damage (Requires Metalbending)

Pass Without A Trace


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self, 30ft Range centered on you
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You bend the earth around you to better accommodate for stealth for every creature within 30ft of you. For the duration, each creature you choose within 30 feet of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can’t be tracked. A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its passage.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (5ft Radius)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Turn the earth in an area into quicksand with a 5 ft radius. All creatures within the circle must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or a Strength Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature's feet are pulled down and are restrained. Creatures that end their turn in Quicksand must also make the saving throw. Creatures that are restrained can repeat the saving throw at the start of their turn. Every level above Practiced, the radius of Quicksand increases by 5 ft.

Rock Column


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (Column Width: 5ft, Column Height: 20ft)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Pin up to 3 creatures with a column of earth. When you use this technique, the creatures must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they are an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creatures are lifted up 20ft. The creature can choose to fail a save. If the column is cast in a situation where the height is less than 20 ft, the creatures take 3d12 bludgeoning damage. On a success, the creature is still pushed up but the damage is halved. Each column has 5AC and 20HP. At Trained level, an additional column may be constructed. At Mastered level, you push the columns up faster to deal an additional 1d12 bludgeoning damage if there isn’t enough space for the column.

Rock Glove


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (Self)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours

Create a glove made of rock around your hand. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage as long as you maintain concentration. Additionally, you can throw the glove at a target within your Grounded bending range to pin it to a surface or grapple them. The affected target must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage and is either pinned to a surface in the direction the glove is traveling (if any) or is grappled, your choice. A pinned creature's movement becomes 0 and must make an Athletics Check vs your Bending Save DC. Earthbenders can make a Constitution Check instead of Athletics. At Trained level the damage is increased by 1d8. When this ability reaches Mastered, you can throw 2 rock gloves, the damage increases by 1d8 per glove and you can attempt to grapple two different creatures or restrain one creature.

Rock Hanging


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Ranged (Self)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Solidify your footing in terrain where otherwise you would fall. When you use this technique, you can bend earth around your feet or hands on terrain that otherwise makes you fall such as walls or ceilings. While Rock Hanging is active, you can not move however you have advantage on Athletics checks that are associated with climbing. At Trained level, you can move across walls or ceilings at half speed. At Mastered level, you can move across walls or ceilings at normal speed.

Sand Spout


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (5ft Radşus)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Create a localized cyclone made of sand. When you use this technique, you create a small cyclone of sand. You can use this sand to propel Sand Sails. If there is a creature at the location you create the spout, the creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they are an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). Sandbenders have advantage on their saving throw. On a fail, the creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage. At Trained level, as long as the creature remains in the spout, they are blinded. At Mastered level, you can create a sand spout with a radius of 10ft.

Shape Ground


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (5ft Radşus)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You choose a portion of dirt or stone that you can see within range and that fits within a 10 foot cube. You manipulate it in one of the following ways:

  • If you target an area of loose earth, you can instantaneously excavate it, move it along the ground, and deposit it anywhere within your Grounded bending range. This movement doesn’t have enough force to cause damage.
  • You cause shapes to appear on the dirt or stone, spelling out words, creating images, or shaping patterns. The change stays unless earthbent by someone else.
  • You can cause the ground to become normal terrain if it is already difficult terrain. This change stays unless earthbent by someone else.
  • You can open up the earth and tunnel through an opening you create.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You touch a stone object of Medium size or smaller or a section of stone no more than 5 feet in any dimension and form it into any shape that suits your purpose. So, for example, you could shape earth into a weapon, idol, or coffer, or make a small passage through a wall, as long as the wall is at most 5 feet thick. You could also shape a stone door or its frame to seal the door shut. The object you create can have up to two hinges and a latch, but finer mechanical detail isn’t possible. If you shape a weapon, the weapon has the same stats and properties as the normal version however the damage is converted into bludgeoning damage.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action or Reaction
  • Ranged (20ft Effect Radius)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Instantly shatter earth you can see. When you use this technique, a piece of earth you can see shatters into shrapnels of earth in each direction. Each creature 20 feet within the shattered earth must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, they take 3d10 piercing damage and on a success half as much. For every level above Practiced the damage increases by 1d10 and at Mastered the effect radius increases by 10ft.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 2 hours

Jut out a slab of earth to ride it upwards or downwards. When you use this technique, you create a slab out of a nearby semi-vertical or vertical terrain. You can move the slab up or down with a speed equal to twice your total walking speed. This technique requires concentration, however if your concentration is broken at any point during transport, the slab doesn’t disappear it just stops in place. You can carry up to 3 people or a total of 540 lbs of anything on the slab. At Trained level, you can carry up to 5 people or a total of 1080 lbs of anything. At Mastered level, you can carry 8 people or a total of 2160 lbs of anything.

Subtle Misdirection


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

As a reaction, shift the earth near a creature to redirect an attack or technique in another direction. The creature must be touching earth to use this technique. If a creature is in the wake of an attack, the initial attack roll is applied. If a creature is in the wake of a technique, the damage is halved and they can roll the saving throw to instead take no damage. At Mastered level, when you use this before a technique is used, every creature that would initially be affected by the technique has advantage on their saving throw.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Catch a grounded creature's foot in stone. When you use this technique, you bend the earth around a creature’s foot to impair their movement. The creature has disadvantage on Saving Throws and its movement becomes 0. On their turn, the creature can make an Athletics Check to break free of the snare. Earthbenders can make a Constitution Saving Throw vs your Bending Save DC to break free. At Mastered level, you can catch a flying creature’s foot and drag them towards the ground at 20 ft per turn.

Tectonic Rift


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Create a narrow rift that extends from your location to a location within range. When you use this technique, you create a narrow rift of 10 ft diameter. Creatures that are on the location where the rift is created must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they fall into the rift and are restrained. To clear their restraint, they must climb out of the rift by making a successful Athletics Check or use a technique that lifts them out.
At Mastered level as a reaction, you can constrain creatures in the rift and deal 5d6 bludgeoning damage.

Thick Mud


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Transform a 10 ft of earth in an area within your Grounded bending range into mud. That area is considered difficult terrain. At Trained level, as a bonus action you can blind a creature within the mud, they can clear the blindness as a bonus action on their turn. At Mastered level, as a part of this technique you can solidify the mud around the feet of a creature to bring their movement to 0, they can attempt to break free on their turn with a Constitution Saving Throw (if they are an earthbender) or a Strength Saving Throw (if they aren’t).



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You cause a tremor in the ground in a 10-foot radius. Each creature other than you in that area must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a failed save, a creature takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a success, the damage is halved and they aren’t knocked prone. If the ground in that area is loose earth or stone, it becomes difficult terrain until cleared. For every level above Practiced the damage increases by 1d8 and at Mastered gain an additional 10 ft range.

Dust Cloud*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self, 20ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Slam the ground and kick up dust to create cover. When you use this technique, you slam the ground and create a dust cloud with a 20 ft diameter centered on you. Creatures inside the dust cloud have their visibility reduced to 5ft. Creatures outside the dust cloud can’t see inside and have disadvantage on their attacks and techniques against creatures that are in the cloud. The cloud can be blown away by strong enough winds such as airbending techniques. As a bonus action, you can move the cloud to a different point within your bending range however this decreases the diameter of the cloud by 10 ft. Every level above Practiced, you can create the cloud with a 10 ft increase in diameter. At Mastered level, the cloud doesn’t shrink if you move it.

Dust Stepping*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 2 hours

Create thin pillars of dust beneath your feet and take to the skies. When you use this technique, you create small cylinders of dust to step on and gain flying speed equal to your walking speed. At Trained level, you can cast this as a bonus action. At Mastered level, this ability no longer requires concentration.

Earth Armor*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutees

Gather earth, crystal or other bendable earth around you to fully encase a creature in a suit of armor.

  • If you use earth as armor, their AC increases by +1
  • If you use crystal as armor, their AC increases by +2
  • If you use any sort of metal as armor, their AC increases by +3



  • Prerequisite: Trained Tremors
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (30ft Diameter)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Connect with the terrain and create ripples in it with massive force sending out shockwaves in all directions. When you use this technique, you become prone and a location you choose within your Grounded bending range starts to send out shockwaves in all directions. Every creature within a 30 ft diameter of the location you chose must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, each creature takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage and on a success half as much. The ground in the effect diameter becomes difficult terrain. If you concentrate for 2 turns, the difficult terrain immediately becomes hard terrain after your turn. If you choose to use this technique without concentrating, at the end of your action you are no longer considered prone. Each level above Practiced the diameter increases by 10 ft.

Earth Skating*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self, 5ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours

Bend the earth beneath your feet to seemingly skate across the ground. When you use this technique, you form mounds of earth beneath your feet that lift you 10ft off the ground and you can move at your will. Your walking speed increases by 10 ft. As you move, any creature that you pass by that is within 5 ft range of you or in front of you must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they are knocked back 5ft (if you pass beside them) or are swept away in your direction (if they were in front of you). Targets that are swept away with you take 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 5 ft of travel. For each level above Practiced, your walking speed increases by 10 ft and at Mastered level, you can use Earth Skating as a bonus action.

Earth Sinking*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Sink a creature into earth. Creatures must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or a Dexterity Saving Throw (if they aren’t).. On a fail, the creature becomes restrained and is pulled completely under the ground. Once the creature is completely underground, only earthbenders may release the creature as an action by making a Constitution Check vs your Bending Save DC. Non-earthbenders must find other ways or dig for 30 minutes. The creature that is underground initially suffers 1d10 bludgeoning damage. Each turn the creature remains underground, they start to suffocate taking 1d6 damage after 2 turns and increasing as 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 2d12, 3d12, 4d12 etc. each turn thereafter.

Land of Spikes*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (20ft Effect Radius)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Transform the earth in an area into spikes of pyramids. When you use this technique, you create spikes of pyramids on a patch of terrain you can see. Creature’s affected must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creatures take 6d6 piercing damage and the terrain is transformed into difficult terrain. On a success the damage is halved. For each level above Practiced the damage increases by 1d6 and at Mastered level you can choose to roll a Constitution Check with DC equal to your Save DC to immediately create hard terrain.

Meteor Fall*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (10ft Effect Radius)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

From a height of at least 10ft, drop down with massive force. Creatures beneath you must make Dexterity Saving Throws. On a fail, the creatures take 5d10 bludgeoning damage and are knocked back 5ft and are knocked prone; The ground beneath you becomes difficult terrain. You have advantage on Intimidation Checks made against creatures that were affected by Meteor Fall in the last hour. For every level above Practiced, the damage increases by 1d10. At Mastered, you can increase the effect radius by 10ft.

Preserve Earth*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Slam your palm against a surface to preserve tracks or buildings in the form they are. When you use this technique, you can preserve any form of tracks within your range regardless if they are on a wall or on the ground.

Rapid Tunneling*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Dive into the earth to pop out in a new position. You can move to any position -granted there is earth present at the entry and exit- in your Grounded range from your initial casting position. You can choose to create difficult terrain within a 10ft radius of the entry and exit point of the tunnel. If a creature is present at the entry and exit point, the creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the affected creatures take 5d10 bludgeoning damage and are knocked Prone. Every level above Practiced, the damage increases by 1d10 and the radius at which you can create difficult terrain increases by 5ft. You can also use this technique to create tunnels as you go, pushing the earth forward to make a circular or rectangular tunnel of 10ft width.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (10ft Effect Radius)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Immediately slant the earth around a point of your choosing. When you use this technique, 10ft from the point of your choosing becomes difficult terrain. Creatures caught in the effect range must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature is pulled into the center of the sinkhole and is knocked prone. On a success the creatures remain in their positions however they fall prone. At Trained level the effect radius increases by 10 ft. At Mastered level the affected creatures take 2d10 bludgeoning damage.

Stone Shield*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Raise a defensive shield of stone at a location you choose. When you use this technique, a stone cube of 10 ft height, 5 ft width and depth rises in a position of your choice within your Grounded bending range that can be used as total cover. The stone cube blocks attacks however can only block 1 directional or projectile technique that’s dealt towards it. The cube doesn’t block techniques that have an area effect. Alternatively, you can create a moveable shield. Any creature can pick up the shield to use it as a shield that gives total cover. When this ability becomes Mastered, 2 cubes or shields may be erected that block 1 technique each as specified above or a single cube or shield may be erected that blocks 2 techniques.

Summon The Storm*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (20ft Effect Diameter)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Call up small gravel, dust and sand all around you and fill the air with swirling grit. Each creature in the gravel storm is Blinded and the area of the storm is considered difficult terrain. Creatures that stay in the storm for 2 rounds take 5d12 bludgeoning damage. You can move the storm to a different location as an action. An earthbender may choose to roll a contested Constitution Check to counteract or take control of this technique if they already know Summon the Storm.

Wall of Stone*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A wall of solid stone springs out from the ground at a point you choose within range. The wall is 6 inches thick and is composed of ten 10-foot-by-10-foot panels. Each panel must be contiguous with at least one other panel. Alternatively, you can create 10-foot-by-20-foot panels that are only 3 inches thick.
If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall (your choice). If a creature would be surrounded on all sides by the wall (or the wall and another solid surface), that creature can make an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw. On a success, it can use its reaction to move up to its speed so that it is no longer enclosed by the wall. The wall can have any shape you desire, though it can’t occupy the same space as a creature or object. The wall doesn’t need to be vertical or resting on any firm foundation. It must, however, merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. Thus you can use this technique to bridge a chasm or create a ramp.
If you create a span greater than 20 feet in length, you must halve the size of each panel to create supports. You can crudely shape the wall to create crenelations, battlements, and so on.
The wall is an object made of stone that can be damaged and thus breached. Each panel has AC 15 and 30 hit points per inch of thickness. Reducing a panel to 0 hit points destroys it and might cause connected panels to collapse at the DM’s discretion.
If you maintain your concentration on this technique for its whole duration, an earthbender must make a Constitution Check vs your Save DC in order to bring a panel of the wall down. The wall remains even after you stop concentration.
At Trained level, HP of each panel increases by 20. At Mastered level, the creature has disadvantage on its saving throw.

Cone of Lava


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (45ft Cone)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Turn the ground into a mix of magma and earth. When you use this technique choose a location within your Grounded bending range. From that point spew a 45ft cone of lava in a targeted direction into a mix of magma and earth. Each affected creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re a lavabender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throws (if they aren’t). On a fail, each creature takes 5d6 fire damage (on a success half as much) and the area becomes difficult terrain. For each level above Practiced the damage increases by 1d6 and at Mastered level the range increases by 45 ft.



  • Casting Time: 1 Turn or 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Erupt lava in a cylindrical pillar from an area you choose. When you use this technique, choose a location in range and erect a pillar of lava with a diameter of 20 ft. If the terrain you choose doesn’t have lava present on it the cast time of this technique is 1 turn however if there is already lava present the cast time is reduced to 1 action.Every creature caught within the lava pillars diameter must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re a lavabender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the targets take 8d8 fire damage and on a success half as much. For each level above Practiced, the damage increases by 1d8.

Fissure Vent


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (20ft diameter)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Turn terrain you can see into an active zone of lava. On cast, you transform a patch of terrain you see into lava. The lava melts its surroundings slowly and causes the terrain to become difficult terrain. Creatures on the difficult terrain take 2d8 fire damage if they start their turn there. For each level above Practiced the damage increases by 1d8.

Blazing Fissure*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (line)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Create a thin fissure on the ground in front of you. When you use this technique, a thin crack of 5ft width rips through the earth in a 60ft continuous line, erupting with magma. Each creature on and within 5ft of the fissure must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they’re a lavabender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a failed save, creatures that were on the fissure take 4d6 bludgeoning damage and 6d6 fire damage while creatures within 5ft only take the fire damage. Every creature that fails their saving throw is inflamed. This is considered a Mastered level technique.

Lava Star*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Create a spinning lava star that can cut through anything. While using Lava Star, metal objects aren't considered resistant to fire damage. You can make a bending attack roll whenever you want to affect a creature with the Lava Star. On hit, the lava star deals 1d6 slashing and 3d8 fire damage. Lava Star deals double damage against objects and structures. For every level above Practiced, the lava stars slashing and fire damage increases by 1d6 and 1d8 respectively.

Lava Wave*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Raise and push a wave of lava from the earth around you. When you use this technique, you create and bend a wave of lava in a direction. The wave travels for 60ft from the point you bend it. Any creature caught in its path must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they're a lavabender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren't). On a fail, they take 9d8 fire damage, are pushed in the direction the wave is traveling and are Restrained. On a success, the only take half damage. The wave destroys and sets fire to anything in the environment that it touches. This technique deals double damage to objects and structures. This is considered a Mastered technique.

Bend Weapon


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When you use this technique, you concentrate on a metallic weapon you can see within range and bend it to make it less effective. If the wielder of the weapon isn’t a metalbender, the technique immediately takes effect. If the wielder of the weapon is a metalbender, they can make a Constitution Check vs your Bending Save DC to stop you from bending the metal. On a fail, you bend the weapon and any attack that is made with that weapon has a damage decrease of 1d6 once the total damage has been calculated. If you use this technique while touching the weapon, the technique immediately takes effect. At Trained level, the damage decrease becomes 1d8. At Mastered level, the damage decrease becomes 1d12.

Cable Storm


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Bend nearby metal into cables and swirl them around. When you use this technique, you manipulate thin cables of metal to create a 10ft diameter cylinder of cables at a location. The cables swirl around in that location as long as you maintain concentration. Creatures caught within the cylinder must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they are an earthbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 4d10 bludgeoning damage and on a success half as much. Nobody can pass through the cylinder to get in or go outside of it. If the cables are attacked, you must make a concentration check. You can choose to center Cable Storm on you however you do not take any damage if you do so.
At Trained level, the diameter increases by 10ft. At Mastered level, the damage increases by 3d10.

Grasping Metal


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 hours

You bend nearby metal that you can see within range. When you use this technique, you can direct the metal to lash out at a creature within 30 feet of it that you can see. That creature must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw (if they are a metalbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they are wrapped in the metal and are considered grappled. The grappled creature can attempt to break free with an Athletics Check vs your Bending Save DC. Metalbenders can make a Constitution Check instead.
As long as the creature is grappled, you can move that creature to any location within your Grounded bending range. The creature can make an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw to resist being moved. A creature can choose to fail being moved.
As long as you maintain concentration as a bonus action, you can shift your target however the grapple ends on the creature if you shift your target. At Mastered level, the creature is restrained.

Metal Bindings


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 hours

Catch a target in metal you control. When you use this technique, you attempt to wrap a target's hands or arms in metal. If it's a creature the creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw (if they are a metalbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t) to resist being restrained. On a fail, they are restrained and on a success they aren’t. The target can attempt to break free at the start of their turn by making a Strength Check, if they are a metal bender they can make a Constitution Check. If the target can’t break free, as a bonus action you can move the target to any location you choose within your Grounded bending range on your turn. If they collide with terrain or a structure, the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 ft they are moved in a single direction.



  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self (Shard Range: 80ft/Maximum Grounded Bending Range)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 hours

Create metal shards as sharp as knives. When you use this technique, you create 3 thin shards of metal from nearby metal. As a part of your attack action you may throw up to 1 metal shards per attack with each dealing 3d8 slashing damage. Roll a Bending Attack Roll for each shard. For each level above Practiced, knife count increases by 1.

Firebending Techniques

Blazing Arc


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

In a sweeping kick or arm movement send out an arc of fire. When you use this technique, you send out an arc of fire against a target that strikes both your target and other targets that are within 5ft of your target. Make a bending attack roll against a target within 60 ft range of you. On hit, the arc of fire deals 3d8 fire damage to your target. If your bending attack roll also hits nearby targets, they also take 3d8 fire damage. You can choose to shoot out the arc vertically or horizontally, your choice. For each level above Practiced, the damage increases by 1d8 and the range increases by 15 ft.

Blocking Fire


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Use your own fire to suppress a technique or attack. As a reaction, you can use Blocking Fire to reduce the damage of a projectile 1d8 + your Strength Modifier. If you attempt to block a projectile made of earth the dice becomes 1d6. At Trained level, you can reduce the damage by 1d10 + your Strength Modifier for projectiles made of earth the dice becomes 1d8. At Mastered Level, you can reduce the damage of any projectile created by and attack or technique regardless of the element by 1d12 + your Strength Modifier.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 150ft, 20ft Explosion Radius
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Throw concentrated flame from your palm to a location you can see creating an explosion of fire. The Fireball explodes on impact with an object or creature. Each creature in a 20-foot diameter must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). A target takes 6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Every level above Practiced, the damage increases by 2d6.

Fire Blade


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Swipe out with a thin blade of flame that can cut through terrain and damage creatures. When you use this technique, make a bending attack roll. On hit, your target takes 2d6 fire damage. This technique deals double damage against objects and structures with the exception of metal objects and structures, you deal normal damage to them. You can use Fire Blade to shape any object into your desired shape. For each level above Practiced, the damage increases by 1d6.

Fire Stream


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Pour fire upon a target. When you use this technique, unleash a torrent of flame in a straight line from your hands or feet with a diameter of 5ft. Any creature affected must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, creatures affected take 3d10 fire damage. On a success the damage is halved. For each level above Practiced, the damage increases by 2d10 and at Mastered the range increases by 30ft.

Fire Whip


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Create and lash out a whip of flame. When you use this technique, a whip-like stream of fire forms in your hand and you can use it to lashes out to a target. You can attack creatures as a part of your attack action by making a bending attack roll, on a hit dealing 1d6 fire damage. For each level above Practiced, the damage increases by 1d6. At Mastered level the range increases by 30 ft and you can create 1 whip for each hand which allows you to make an additional attack with your offhand whip when you take the attack action.

Flame Charge


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Remaining Movement
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Charge at a creature with enormous speed and force. When you use this technique, you charge up a ball of fire and move into melee distance with a creature within range of your remaining movement. The target must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature takes 4d10 fire damage. When you use Flame Charge you take half of the damage however you can choose to make a Strength Saving Throw vs your Bending Save DC to take no damage instead. Every level above Practiced, the damage increases by 1d10 and at Mastered level, the dash distance increases by 10 ft in addition to your remaining movement.

Flame Knives


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Create jets of concentrated fire from either end of your fist. When you use this technique, jets of fire form at either end of your fists that resemble the shape of knives. You can create one knife. Make a bending attack roll. On a hit, a creature takes 1d8 fire damage. At Trained level, create 2 knives that you can attack with 1 attack when you take the attack action. At Mastered level, the damage increases by 1d8.

Heat Metal


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 hours

Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of heavy or medium metal armor, that you can see within range. You cause the object to glow red-hot. Any creature in physical contact with the object takes 2d8 fire damage when you use this technique. Until you break concentration, you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage again.
If a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it doesn’t drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.

Heat Manipulation


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 hours

Transfer the heat of a source through your body, extinguishing it. When you use this technique, you use your body as a conduit and allow the heat of the source to pass through your body, ejecting it from your fingertips as a cloud of smoke of 10ft radius on the other side -eventually- extinguishing any flame. The time it takes to extinguish the flame depends on the size of the fire. You can only extinguish flames that are stationary and you must be within 5ft of the flame to extinguish it. You can redirect the heat of the flame that is ejecting from your fingertips as a cloud of smoke in any direction within 60ft of you. If there is a creature in that direction, the creature must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 2d6 fire damage and are blinded as long as they remain in the cloud of smoke. On a success, the damage is halved. The creature can move out of the smoke to clear the blindness, a strong gust of wind can disrupt the smoke cloud. At Trained level, extinguishing time is reduced by half of the original value and you can choose to either increase the damage by 2d6 or increase the radius of the smoke cloud by 5ft. At Mastered level, the extinguishing time is reduced by 3/4'ths the original value and you can choose to either increase the damage by 5d6 or increase the radius of the smoke cloud by 5ft .

Redirect Fire


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Use the fluidity of firebending to your advantage. As a reaction, you can attempt to redirect a firebending projectile to another location or creature. Make a Strength Check against the attack roll or Bending Save DC of the creature. On a fail, you can’t redirect the projectile. On a success, you can redirect it to a location within 60 ft and take no damage in the process. The projectile retains its attack roll and if you redirect it towards a creature the initial attack roll of the projectile is valid. At Trained level, you can reroll your Strength Check but you must use the new roll. At Mastered level, you have advantage on your Strength Check and can reroll the attack of the projectile by making a bending attack roll.

Shield of Fire


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: Self, 5ft diameter
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Use volatility to your advantage and create a shield of flame around you. When you use this technique, you create or manipulate fire around you to forge a spherical shield around you in a 5 ft diameter. The shield blocks 1 attack completely or halves the damage of 1 technique. Creatures within 5ft of you must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 2d6 fire damage and are pushed away from you by 5 ft. On a success, only the damage is halved. At Trained level, the damage increases by 2d6. At Mastered level the shield can block 2 attacks or 1 technique completely techniques.

Trip the Light


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Get on your back and whip your legs to create a circular fire ring in all directions. When you use this technique, you send out a ring of fire centered on you that expands outward. Each creature within 30 ft of you must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). Creatures that fail take 4d8 fire damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they only take half as much damage. You can use this technique while prone. At Trained level, the range and damage increases by 30 ft and 2d8, respectively. At Mastered level, the damage increases by an additional 2d8.

Wall of Fire


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120ft (length 50ft, width 1 ft, height 15 ft)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Burn the ground or manipulate fire on the ground in a line to create a wall of flames. When you use this technique, you spew or raise flames on a location you can see within 120 ft. You can make the wall up to 50 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 ft thick. You can shape the wall in any way you choose so long as it makes one continuous path along the ground. Attacks made through the wall have disadvantage however on hit they pass through the wall and creatures on each side of the wall can see the distorted silhouette of other creatures that are within 15 ft of the wall. If you create the wall on an occupied space or if a creature attempts to pass through the wall, the creature must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creatures take 4d8 fire damage and they don’t pass through the wall. On a success, they pass through the wall and the damage is halved. For each level above Practiced, line length increases by 5ft and the damage increases by 2d8.

Breath of Fire*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 15 ft, 45° angle
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes

Channel your inner flame to -quite literally- breathe fire. When you use this technique, you exhale a cone of fire that reaches 15ft in front of you at a 45° angle. Each creature in front of you within range must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature takes 6d10 fire damage and is frightened. Frightened creatures can not approach you and must spend their movement to get further away from you. For each level above Practiced the cone increases by 15 degrees and the damage increases by 1d10.

Fire Bomb*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch, Explosion Radius 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Pour out a massive amount of fire at point blank range. When you use this technique, every creature in range - including you- must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, every creature that failed takes 10d10 fire damage, is knocked prone and creatures within 10ft of the blast are pushed away from the blast by 10ft. On a success the damage is halved. The terrain in the explosion radius becomes difficult terrain. When you use Fire Bomb you take half of the damage however if you choose to you can make a Strength Saving Throw vs your Bending Save DC to take no damage instead. At Trained level, you have advantage on your saving throw against Fire Bomb. At Mastered level, the damage increases by 5d10 and you take 3/4'ths the damage instead of half on a failed save.

Fire Comet*


  • Prerequisite: Mastered Fire Stream
  • Casting Time: 1 Turn
  • Range: 120ft, 40ft blast radius
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Charge up a massive ball of fire and throw it. When you use this technique, you control fire you create or bend and extinguish fire already present on into a dense ball. The comet explodes on first contact. Any creature affected by the comet or the explosion must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, the creatures take 10d10 fire damage and on a success half as much. The comet deals double damage to objects and structures. This technique is considered a Mastered Technique.

Fire Missiles*


  • Prerequisite: Mastered Fire Stream
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 100ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Scorch your target under homing streams of fire. When you use this technique, you send out 3 homing streams of fire at 3 targets of your choosing. The targets must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 6d8 fire damage. On a success, they only take half the damage. Targets that have cover bones lose their cover bonus against Fire Missiles. The missiles are so hot that they can burn down objects and structures, dealing double damage against them. This is considered a Mastered level technique

Fire Pinwheel*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 100ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 3 hours

Create a concentrated spinning disc of fire. When you use this technique, you create a concentrated disc of fire that you can use at your leisure. This technique deals double damage against objects. If you target a creature the creature must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creatures take 6d8 fire damage. On a success the damage is halved. For each level above Practiced, the damage increases by 1d8.

Fireball Barrage*


  • Prerequisite: Practiced Fireball
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Bombard your enemies in a barrage of fireballs. When you use this technique, you fire 3 fireballs at a creature or at multiple creatures you can see or know the location of. The fireballs act according to the Fireball Technique and each fireball deals fire damage equal to your Fireball level. At Trained level you can fire 4 fireballs. At Mastered you can fire 5 fireballs.

Pyre Wall*


  • Prerequisite: Mastered Wall of Fire
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Erect a rectangular wall of fire to block incoming attacks. When you use this technique, you create a wall that is continuous along 20 ft and has maximum dimensions of 150 ft height, 20 ft length and 5 ft thick. No normal attack can pass through the wall and every arrow, thorwable weapon, water, earth or air is is unable to pass through to the other side of the wall. Whenever the wall is attacked with a technique, you must make a Concentration Check. If a Waterbending Techniques used against the wall, you make the Concentration Check at disadvantage. Creatures on each side of the wall can not see each other's silhouette and the wall is impassable. If the wall is created on an occupied space the creatures must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 10d10 fire damage and on a success half as much. This technique deals double damage against objects and structures and can push movable objects or structures in the direction the wall is moved.
As a bonus action, you can move the wall from the position you created to any position that you can see, leaving a trail of fire behind. If there are creatures within the wake of the wall they must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail they take the same damage and on a success half as much. At Trained level, you no longer need to make Concentration Checks for basic attacks. This is considered a Mastered level technique.

Spiral Flare Kick*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 100ft, 10ft Explosion Radius
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Flip forward or backwards and lash out jets of flame. When you use this technique, you flip in the air with both legs and unleash a ball of fire of 10ft radius. The ball will explode on first contact. Those that it’ll impact must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a firebender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creatures take 5d10 fire damage and are knocked prone. On a success the damage is halved. At Trained, the blast radius increases by 5ft; At Mastered, damage increases by 3d10.

Twin Fireball Blast*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 100ft, 30ft Explosion Diameter
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Launch a massive blast with twin fireballs circling each other as they hurtle toward your target. When you use this technique, you bend two massive fireballs that travel in a 100ft line with 10ft width that impact and explode in a 30ft diameter on the first target hit. Creatures affected by the technique must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, they take 10d10 fire damage and are knocked back 30ft and fall prone. The creature that the fireballs impact against are knocked back in the direction the fireballs were traveling. The creatures in the explosion zone are knocked back away from the impact zone. This technique deals double damage to objects and structures. This is considered a Mastered technique.

Energy Guidance


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Ritual

Bend the energy paths in the body of a creature to heal a wound faster than normal. When you use this technique, you touch a creature’s wound and bend the energy within it to heal the creature. When you use healing, make a Wisdom Check of DC 15. On a success, you heal the creature 5d4 + your Wisdom Modifier HP and on a fail you deal 2d4 damage to the creature. At Trained level, you no longer damage the creature. At Mastered level the healing increases to 8d4.
When you use Energy Guidance as a ritual, you can heal a creature completely over the course of 4 hours.

Stunning Strike


  • Casting Time: 1 Turn
  • Range: 100ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Shoot out a weak bolt of lightning at a creature. When you use this technique, you generate and strike a creature with a non-lethal bolt of lightning. The affected creatures must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature is stunned and they take 5d8 lightning damage. On a success, half as much damage is dealt. The creature can repeat their saving throw at the start of each of their turns. At Mastered level, the creature has disadvantage on their subsequent saving throws.

Arc Lightning*


  • Casting Time: 1 Turn
  • Range: 150ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within range. Three bolts then leap from that target to as many as three other targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts.
A target must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a lightning bender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a failed save, the initial target takes 10d8 lightning damage and is stunned until the start of their next turn. On a success, half as much damage is dealt. Each bolt that chains to other targets deals 3d8 lightning damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. You gain 1 point of exhaustion. At Trained level, the lightning chains 1 more. At Mastered level, you no longer gain a point of exhaustion.

Lightning Blast*


  • Casting Time: 1 Turn
  • Range: 100ft, 20ft Explosion Diameter
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Channel lightning through your body against a target. When you use this technique, you shoot lightning from your fingertips in a direction of your choosing. If any creature is in the direction the bolt is traveling and any creature within the blast radius of the bolt must make a Strength Saving Throw (if they’re a lightningbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature that was struck by lightning takes 6d10 lightning damage and creatures within 10 ft of that creature take 3d10 thunder damage. On a success, the damage is halved. You gain 1 exhaustion point. This technique deals double damage against objects and structures. For each level above Practiced, both damages increase by 1d10.

Blinding Light


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When you use this technique, you focus your firebending on your focusing sigil launching a beam of energy. You launch the concentrated beam of energy and periodically cause explosions on the way. For every 20ft that the beam travels you roll a Strength Check. On a success, you continue your beam but on a fail, the beam explodes at that distance and takes effect. Wherever the beam ends, the beam lets out a blinding flash of light. Any creature that has a direct line of sight with the point of explosion that isn’t more than 100 ft away must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a fail, they are blinded. The creatures can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of their turns. At Mastered level, you have advantage on the Strength Checks.

Concussive Blow


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (10ft Explosion Diameter)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When you use this technique, you focus your firebending on your focusing sigil launching a beam of energy. You launch the concentrated beam of energy and periodically cause explosions on the way. For every 20ft that the beam travels you roll a Strength Check. On a success, you continue your beam but on a fail, the beam explodes at that distance and takes effect. Wherever the beam ends, any affected creature must make an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw. On a fail, creatures within 10ft of the explosion are stunned and deafened until the start of their next turn. At Mastered level, you have advantage on the Strength Checks.

Explosive Blast*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Ranged (20ft Explosion Diameter)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Fire a concentrated beam of energy that explodes when it reaches the target. When you use this technique, you focus your firebending on your focusing sigil launching a beam of energy. You launch the concentrated beam of energy and periodically cause explosions on the way. For every 20ft that the beam travels you roll a Strength Check. On a success, you continue your beam but on a fail, the beam explodes at that distance, dealing half damage to anything within its blast radius. A creature affected must make an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature takes 10d10 thunder damage. At Trained level, the damage increases by 3d10. At Mastered level, you have advantage on the Strength Checks.

Airbending Techniques

Air Bubble


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

You create a bubble of air around the head or the body of one willing medium sized creature you can see within range. The bubble is filled with fresh air that lasts until you end concentration. At Trained level, you can create a bubble large enough to hold 4 medium sized willing creatures or 2 large creatures or 1 huge creature. At Mastered level, you can create a bubble large enough to hold 8 medium creatures or 4 large creatures or 2 huge creatures.

Air Blast


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Shoot a quick blast of concentrated air and send everything in front of it flying. When you use this technique, you blast concentrated air from your palms and push back anything that is either:

  • The same size or smaller than you
  • At most 5x your weight

If any creatures are caught in your air blast, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they are pushed away from you to the maximum range of Air Blast. On a success, they are only pushed back 10ft. For example, if a creature is 20ft away from you and they fail, they are pushed back 40ft. If anything that is blasted away hits a structure or wall, they take 1d8 bludgeoning damage for every 10ft they traveled. At Trained level, the range increases by 30ft. At Mastered level, you can now push away creatures 1 size larger than you or objects with 10x your weight.

Air Cushion


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Create a cushion of air at a target location. When you use this technique, you bend the air at a target location within 60ft of you so falling objects or creatures don't impact as hard as they would. Any object or creature that was falling has their fall damage reduced by half if they fell from a height less than 100ft.

Air Jab


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of using a technique by sending out pressurized air. When a creature you can see is attempting to use a technique, make an ability check using your Bending Ability. The DC equals 10 + 2x(the technique’s level). On a success, the creature fails to use the technique and has no effect.

Air Shield


  • Casting Time: 1 Action or Reaction
  • Range: 20ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

When you use this technique as an action, you bend the air within 20ft of you and create a dome of air up to 20ft in diameter centered on you. The dome doesn't run out of breathable air. Ranged attacks that would pass through the dome are made at a disadvantage however on a hit, they suffer -2 to their total damage roll. Any creature can enter or leave the dome at any point.
When you use this technique as a reaction, you send out a 20ft dome of air outward originating at your position. Any ranged attack made against you or anyone within 20ft of you at the moment of you using this automatically doesn't hit.
Every level above Practiced, the diameter of the dome increases by 5ft.

Air Stream


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Blast out a column of air. When you use this technique, you blast out a 5ft width stream of air from your palm, fist or foot in a direction of your choosing. If there is any creature in that direction they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 2d8 bludgeoning damage and are pushed back 20ft from their position in the direction the stream is traveling. On a success the damage is halved and they aren't pushed back. If anything that is blasted away hits a structure or wall, it takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage for every 10ft they traveled. If you concentrate on this technique, any creature in the line must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves when moving closer to you. The gust disperses gas or vapor, and it extinguishes candles, torches and flames that are in its effect area. It causes protected flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50 percent chance to extinguish them. As a bonus action on each of your turns before the spell ends, you can change the direction in which the line blasts from you. At Trained level, the damage increases by 2d8. At Mastered level, if they fail the saving throw they are also knocked prone.

Air Scooter


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Condense air and ride it. When you use this technique, your walking speed increases by +20 and you aren't affected by difficult terrain that is on the ground. If you are attacked by an attack or technique while you are on the air scooter, you can make a Wisdom Saving Throw instead of a concentration check to maintain concentration, the same concentration rules apply. On a fail, the air ball beneath you dissipates and you fall prone off the air scooter. On a success, you remain on the air scooter and take half damage from the attack.

Air Spout


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self, 5ft Diameter
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Spiral air around to propel yourself upward. When you use this technique, you create a column of air and propel yourself upward by a maximum of 30ft, remaining stationary in the air. While Air Spout is active, you can move into spaces that are occupied by creature no larger than the height of the Air Spout. Creatures that you pass over with the spout and creatures that start or end their turn within the spout must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 3d10 bludgeoning damage and on a success half as much. You can move with the spout as a bonus action. If at any point the spout is or you are attacked, you must make a concentration check. On a fail, the spout dissipates and you start to fall. For every 10ft you fall you take 1d6 bludgeoning damage. At Trained level, the diameter of the spout becomes 10ft and you can propel yourself up to 100ft. At Mastered level, you can propel yourself upward to a maximum of 300ft.

Air Swipe


  • Casting Time: 1 Action or Reaction
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Send out a crescent of air. When you use this technique as an action, you send out a vertical crescent of air. Make a bending attack roll. On a hit, the crescent deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage and the creature is pushed back 5ft. On a success, they only take half damage. This technique impacts and stops on the first target in its path.
When you use this technique as a reaction, you can deflect a projectile that is aimed at you, that isn't made of earth and that is no larger than half of your size back in the direction it came from. Make a Wisdom Check vs the Attack Roll. On a success, you deflect the projectile taking no damage. On a fail, the attack hits and acts as it would. Every level above Practiced, you deal an additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage.

Air Wheel


  • Prerequisite: Trained Air Scooter
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Create a rapid stream of air around you that can be used offensively or defensively. When you use this technique, you create a stream of air around you that gives you half cover against attacks made from in front or behind you; however you do not have cover bonus against attacks made from your sides. You gain +10 walking speed. When you move, you can crash the Air Wheel into a creature or object dissipating it. If it’s a creature, the creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, they take 3d8 + 1d8 per 10ft you move in a straight line bludgeoning damage and half as much on a success. At Trained level, you gain an additional +10 walking speed. At Mastered level, you gain ¾ cover.

Breath of Wind


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft, 30° Cone
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Inhale and exhale pressured wind in the direction you choose. When you use this technique, you breathe out a strong gust of air. Creatures affected by this technique must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or a Constitution Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, affected creatures are pushed back 10ft, knocked prone and take 3d8 bludgeoning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. If the creature collides with an object, they further take 1d8 bludgeoning damage. At Trained level, range increases by 30 ft and damage increases by 2d8. At Mastered level, the damage increases by an additional 2d8.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Remaining Walking Speed
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Using air propel yourself forward toward a location. When you use this technique, you charge forward to a location of your choosing that is within a distance equal to your remaining walking speed. If there is a creature in your path, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or a Dexterity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 4d10 bludgeoning damage and are pushed back 20ft. On a success, they take half as much damage and are pushed back 10ft. If the creature collides with an object, they further take 1d8 bludgeoning damage per 10ft traveled. You take the position of the creature you push back. At Trained level, you can travel +10ft in addition to your remaining walking speed. At Mastered level, the damage increases by 3d10 and you can travel +10ft in addition to your remaining walking speed.

Concussive Wake


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Use your momentum to your advantage and send out a silhouette made of air outward once you stop. When you use this technique, you send out a silhouette of yourself made of air that travels for 30ft in the direction you were moving. If there are any creatures affected, they can make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the silhouette deals 1d8 + 1d4 per 5ft you moved continuously in the direction you used this technique, bludgeoning damage. On a success, half as much. At Trained level, the distance traveled damage die becomes 1d6. At Mastered level, the distance traveled damage die becomes 1d8.

Control Winds


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 300ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You take control of the air in a 100-foot cube that you can see within range. Choose one of the following effects when you use this technique. The effect lasts as long as you concentrate, unless you use your action on a later turn to switch to a different effect. You can also use your action to temporarily halt the effect or to restart one you’ve halted.

  • Gusts. A wind picks up within the cube, continually blowing in a horizontal direction that you choose. You choose the intensity of the wind: calm, moderate, or strong. If the wind is moderate or strong, ranged attacks (except for rocks made with earthbending) that pass through it or that are made against targets within the cube have disadvantage on their attack rolls. If the wind is strong, any creature moving against the wind must spend 1 extra foot of movement for each foot moved.
  • Downdraft. You cause a sustained blast of strong wind to blow downward from the top of the cube. Ranged attacks (except for rocks made with earthbending) that pass through the cube or that are made against targets within it have disadvantage on their attack rolls. A creature must make a Strength saving throw if it flies into the cube for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there flying. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone.
  • Updraft. You cause a sustained updraft within the cube, rising upward from the cube’s bottom edge. Creatures that end a fall within the cube take only half damage from the fall. When a creature in the cube makes a vertical jump, the creature can jump up to 10 feet higher than normal.

Directed Funnel


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 5ft, 5ft diameter
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 hours

Create a funnel of air that empowers ranged weaponry. When you use this technique, you create a funnel at an unoccupied location within 5ft of you with a 5ft diameter that propels weapons in the direction of the funnel. Ranged, ammo based, throwable and improvised weapons (such as rocks) that pass through it +2 additional damage. If a melee weapon is placed within the funnel, the melee weapon deals the maximum possible damage. At Trained level, the damage increase becomes +4. At Mastered level, ranged, ammo based and improvised weapons also deal the maximum possible damage.

Freedom of Movement


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours

Choose a creature you can see within 60 ft of you. As long as you maintain concentration, you bend the air around that creature. The target’s movement is unaffected by difficult terrain and other techniques or abilities can neither reduce the target’s speed nor cause the target to be grappled or restrained.
The target can also spend 5 feet of movement to automatically escape from non-bending induced restraints, such as manacles or a creature that has it grappled. Finally, being underwater imposes no penalties on the target’s movement or attacks. At any moment during concentration the distance between you and the target becomes more than 60 ft, the effect ends on the target. At Trained level, the range becomes 90 ft. At Mastered level, the range becomes 120 ft.

Fog Cloud


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You create a 20 ft radius sphere of fog centered on a point within range. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. You may concentrate on the fog cloud to keep it stable or move it around as a bonus action. Creatures within the cloud have disadvantage on attacks and have their visibility reduced to 5ft. Fog Radius increases by 10 ft for each level above Practiced.

Gale Slice


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Cast forth a thin, cutting edge of wind that can pierce even the toughest of materials. When you use this technique, you send out a crescent of air in the direction you choose. The crescent impacts and stops on the first target in its path. When you use this technique, make a Bending Attack Roll. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage. On a miss, the target takes no damage however its AC is reduced by 1 point. This technique deals double damage to objects and structures. At Trained level, the damage increases by 2d8. At Mastered level, the damage is increased by an additional 2d8 and the AC reduction becomes -2.

Gliding Takeoff


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Spring up and land at a location you choose. When you use this technique, you bend the air around you to force yourself upwards and out of harms way to an unoccupied location within 30ft. When you use this technique, you don’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Pass Without A Trace


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self, 30ft Range centered on you
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You bend the air around you to better accommodate for stealth for every creature within 30ft of you. For the duration, each creature within 30ft of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can’t be tracked. A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its passage.

Small Funnel


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Create a small vortex of air in a location. When you use this technique, you create a small funnel of air at a location within range. If there is a creature on the location you use this, the creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creature takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage, is restrained and is lifted 10ft from the ground. On a success, they only take half as much damage. At Trained level, the damage increases by 2d6. At Mastered, they are lifted 30 ft from the ground.

Smooth Stride


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Move at incredible speeds by manipulating the air resistance around you. You gain +30 speed of any kind, your choice. At Trained level, you gain +40 speed. At Mastered level, you gain +60 speed.

Stunning Stance


  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Flow with the attacks against you and strike back with stunning speed. When you use this technique, you strike back at 1 creature that is hostile towards you. The creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature is stunned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of their turns. On a success, they aren’t. This technique impacts and stops on the first target in its path. At Trained level, you push the creature 10 ft away from you. At Mastered level, if there is a creature within 5ft of the one you use Stunning Stance on, that creature must also make a Constitution Saving Throw or be stunned for a minute. That creature can also repeat their saving throw at the start of their turns.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

When you use this technique, you bend the air in a 20ft sphere within 60ft of you so that no sound escapes that area. As long as you maintain concentration, no sound can be pass through the sphere although objects and creatures on the inside can still hear each other and make sound. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Pull an object towards you by creating a vortex of air. When you use this technique, you create a small funnel of air that allows you to pull objects towards you. The object must be at most 30lbs. If the object is a weapon that a creature is holding, the creature must make a Strength Saving Throw. On a fail, they drop the weapon and the weapon is pulled into your hand. You must have line of sight of the object. At Trained level, you can pull objects up to 80lbs. At Mastered level, you can pull objects (or creatures, creatures must make a Wisdom Saving Throw if they're an airbender or Elemeental Affinity Saving Throw if they aren't an airbender) up to 200lbs.

Twisting Wind


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 5ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Flow around foes like the wind. When you use this technique, you can choose to do either one of the following:

  • Gain +10 walking speed per creature that is within 5 ft of you.
  • You can bash two creatures together that are within 5 ft of you. When you bash two creatures, both creatures take 1d10+ your Wisdom Modifier bludgeoning damage. You can spend your movement to increase the damage by 1d10 per 10 ft of speed you spend.

Warding Wind


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Bend strong winds (20 miles per hour) around you in a 10-foot radius that moves with you, remaining centered on you. The wind lasts for the duration. The wind has the following effects:

  • It deafens you and other creatures in its area.
  • It extinguishes unprotected flames in its area that aren't on creatures.
  • The area is difficult terrain for creatures other than you.
  • The attack rolls of ranged weapon attacks have disadvantage if they pass in or out of the wind.
  • It hedges out vapor, gas, and fog that can be dispersed by strong wind.

Wind Run


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 hours

Race at high speeds around creatures. When you use this technique, you gain +20 walking speed. While you are moving, if you pass within melee range of a creature the creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a fail, they take 2d8 + your Wisdom Modifier bludgeoning damage and are pushed or pulled in the direction you were moving by 5ft and knocked prone. On a success, they only take half damage. You still provoke attacks of opportunity when you move within range of a creature. If the creature collides with an object, they further take 2d8 bludgeoning damage. At Trained level, the damage increases by 1d8. At Mastered, the damage increases by an additional 2d8 and the pushback range increases by 5ft, you can now also run across water while Wind Run is active.

Air Cocoon*


  • Prerequisite: Air Shield
  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Rapidly spring around yourself a thick layer of air that protects you from incoming damage. When you use this technique, you form a layer of air resembling the shape of a small tornado that partially negates incoming damage. When you use Air Cocoon, you take half of whatever type of damage you were initially going to take. At Trained level, the damage of weapons and bending based basic attacks are completely negated. At Mastered, when you use this technique you can move up to 10ft in any direction.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes

Bleed your enemies dry of air, keep them gasping for it as the light fades from their eyes. When you use this technique, you focus and concentrate on 1 creature you see. At the start of that creature's turn, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw if they’re an airbender; if they aren't, they are instantly affected. Airbenders can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of their turns until they are cleared of the effect. However, if you use this technique on a non-airbender, they must land an attack against you with disadvantage to attempt to break your concentration.
When a creature fails their saving throw or you are able to maintain concentration of Asphyxiation at the start of their turn, they take 1d10 force damage and have disadvantage on attacks and techniques. If they fail their saving throw or you are able to maintain concentration for 3 turns, they have disadvantage on saving throws as well. After 13 turns and beyond, they become incapacitated. For every and at the start of their turn that they fail the saving throw or you are able to maintain concentration, the damage is multiplied by 2 (i.e 2 turns 2d10, 3 turns 4d10 force damage etc.). A creature that dies by Asphyxiation doesn’t fall unconscious, they immediately die. This technique is considered a Mastered technique.

Cushion the Forceful Fist*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Bend the air around a creature to cushion incoming damage. When you use this technique, you create a zone of air around their body, a creature's body or an object to soften the impact of incoming attacks and techniques. While Cushion the Forceful Fist is active, you or the creature you use this technique on gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. Every time an attack hits that creature it instead hits the air around him and for every attack you must make a Concentration Check. At Trained level, the creature gains resistance to thunder damage as well. At Mastered level, you no longer need to roll a Concentration Check whenever an attack hits against the creature while they are affected by Cushion the Forceful Fist.

Explosion of Air*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Compact air then let it lose, blasting outward with great force. When you use this technique, you bend the air around you to create a compact ball and suddenly release it, letting off an explosion around you. Every creature that is within 60 ft of you must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 8d8 bludgeoning damage, are pushed 20ft away from you and are knocked prone. If they collide with an object, they take an additional 3d8 bludgeoning damage and are stunned as well. On a success, they take half damage and are only knocked prone regardless if they collide with anything. Every level above Practiced, the explosion damage increases by 3d8.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 100ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Bend the air beneath you and levitate a willing creature or target. When you use this technique, you bend the air around and beneath a target within 100ft of you and make it levitate off the ground. The target will remain suspended in the air as long as you maintain concentration. You can levitate objects that weigh no more than 220 pounds.
You can levitate willing creatures however they can not spend any movement while being levitated by you, only you can move them anywhere within 100ft of you. If you want to levitate a non-willing creature, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they're an airbender) or a Constitution Saving Throw (if they aren't). On a fail, you levitate them and can move them anywhere within 100ft. Attacks and saving throws made by a levitated creature have disadvantage.
Furthermore, while you're levitating any creature if they conduct any rapid motion (such as using a technique or ability and making an attack) you will have to make a Concentration Check.
If you use levitation on yourself, you gain flying speed equal to your walking speed and can carry objects that weigh no more than (Total carriable wight - your weight). You do not have disadvantage on your attacks or saving throws while levitating.
At Trained level, you can carry targets that weigh no more than 440 pounds. At Mastered level, you can carry targets that weigh no more than 880 pounds and you gain +10 flying speed if you use levitation on yourself.

Reed in the Wind*


  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Adjust your movements to perfectly match and avoid the movements of a foe. When you use this technique:

  • Melee: Melee attack against you gains a -15 modifier applied to it.
  • Ranged: Every ranged attack against you has -10 and you gain advantage on Saving Throws against techniques.

You gain +10 walking speed. This technique is considered a Mastered level technique.

Returning Wind*


  • Prerequisite: Mastered Small Funnel
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 5ft eye, 30ft effect radius
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Race in circles to create a cyclone designed to pull in arrows or other hurled objects. When you use this technique, you create a minor stationary tornado that can pull in or hurl objects. Any ranged attack or technique that uses a projectile that is made within 30 ft of the tornado or any projectile that gets within 30ft of the tornado gets caught up in it. When a projectile gets caught up in the tornado, roll a d20 and the outcome is determined by the table below. Hurled projectiles and deal their respective damage + your Wisdom Modifier. While you concentrate on this technique, you can not use your movement to move to a different unoccupied space nor can the tornado be moved. Firebending and Waterbending attacks and techniques that get within the tornado dissipate and have no effect (unless they are solid like ice or combustionbending). You gain a point of exhaustion after you use this technique. At Trained level, the tornado can hold up to 5 projectiles. At Mastered, the tornado can hold up to 7 projectiles.

d20 Effect
1-5 The projectile remains in the tornado
5-10 The projectile hits the nearest creature to the tornado
10-15 The projectile is sent far away from everyone, possibly hitting a cabbage merchant
15-19 The projectile leaves the tornado but doesn't hit anything
20 The projectile hits the creature that sent it

Sense the Blow’s Wake*


  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Attune yourself to the flow of wind around you and connect with it. When you use this technique, you sense the air around you with utmost care. While Sense the Blow’s Wake is active, you can use a reaction without expending it. Additionally while this technique is active, you can choose another Practiced level technique to use on your turn. This technique is considered a Mastered level technique.



  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 100ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Leap into the air and hurtle back to the ground, sending a massive burst of pressurized air all around you. When you use this technique, you leap 20ft into the air and slam down on the ground, creating a circular shockwave with a radius of 30ft. Every creature affected must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, every creature affected is pushed away 30ft in the direction the shockwave is traveling and takes 6d8 bludgeoning damage. On a success, the damage is halved and everyone is pushed away by half of the failing value. When Shockwave is used, attacks of opportunity will not trigger against creatures that leave each other’s melee attack range. If any creature or object impacts with a wall or terrain when they are pushed back they take an additional 6d8 bludgeoning damage. At Trained level, both damage instances increase by 2d8 and the radius increases by 20 ft. At Mastered, both damage instances increase by 2d8 and creatures are pushed away by an additional 20ft.



  • Prerequisite: Mastered Air Spout
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self, 10 ft diameter - 30 ft affect radius
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Create a miniature tornado beneath you that propels you upward. When you use this technique, you create extremely strong winds beneath you and allow them to propel you upward by at most 300ft. Every creature that starts their turn within 30 ft of the spout must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, they take 6d10 bludgeoning damage and are pulled 10 ft into the tornado. On a success, they only take half damage.
If a creature is pulled into the eye of the spout, attacks and techniques against them have disadvantage. However, if you move while someone is in the eye of the spout, they must repeat the saving throw. On a fail, they take full damage and on a success half as much. This is considered a Mastered level Technique.



  • Prerequisite: Mastered Small Funnel
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Move your entire body in circular motion around a point and slowly form a devastating tornado or hurricane. When you use this technique, you start to form a tornado or hurricane (your choice) of 60ft height. Creatures that are within 60 ft of the eye must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw (if they aren’t). On a fail, the creatures are pulled in 20ft. Every creature that starts their turn within 60 ft of you must repeat the saving throw. Creatures that are pulled into the eye of the tornado take 4d10 bludgeoning damage at the start of their turn and are pulled up 20 ft. Creatures that are in the eye can repeat the saving throw at the start of their turn to escape the center. Each turn the creatures in the eye fail their saving throw, they take 4d10 bludgeoning damage and are pulled up further by 20ft. Creatures in the eye can use techniques however their attacks and saving throws have disdvantage.
The tornado/hurricane reaches its peak strength after you concentrate on it for 5 Actions. Once the it reaches its peak strength, the effect range and height increases to 120 ft, each creature that fails the saving throw is instead pulled in by 40 ft and takes an additional 4d10 bludgeoning damage, for a total of 8d10 bludgeoning damage. Creatures that are within the effect radius of the tornado/hurricane while its at peak strength are pulled up by 40ft and take 8d8 bludgeoning damage if they fail their save, half as musch damage on a successful one. Once peak strength has been achieved, no object nor creature can escape the tornado/hurricane.
This technique can be used in unison with other airbenders that know this technique. For each airbender that assists you, the damage increases by 1d10 and the effect radius increases by 30 ft. For every airbender that assists you in creating the tornado/hurricane you decrease the required time to reach peak strength by 1 action. It reaches peak strength at the start of the first airbender’s turn that is in the initiative order.
While using this technique, you remain stationary and can not spend any movement to move in any direction. Additionally, the tornado can't be moved from the position you started using the technique unless you have another airbender other than you that is assisting with the technique. If other airbenders are assisting you, every airbender assisting can move up to half of their movement each turn. This technique is considered a Mastered technique.

Thundering Gust*


  • Prerequisite: Mastered Air Stream
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 5ft/10ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Jab at the air around you to send it hurtling forward at incredible speed, catching even the heaviest foes and tossing them aside. When you use this technique, you quickly bend the air around a target you can see, condense it and release it towards them, blasting them far away from you. The affected creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw. The affected creature makes the saving throw with advantage if they are 40 or more feet away from you. On a fail, the creature takes 4d10 bludgeoning damage and is pushed back 100ft in a line colliding and dragging other movable creatures or objects with it. If the creature collides with an object or another creature the 2nd creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 1d10 bludgeoning damage per 10ft the first target has traveled and be pushed in the direction of travel by 30ft and fall prone. On a success, they only take half damage. The initial target also takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage per creature or object it collides with. If the initial target collides with a structure they take 6d10 bludgeoning damage and if any other creature or object that has been affected by this ability other than the initial target collides with a structure, they take half of that. If you use this technique directly on a structure or object, you deal the maximum possible damage and you deal double damage to the structure or object. This technique is considered a Mastered Technique.

Wind Wall*


  • Prerequisite: Air Shield
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

A wall of strong wind rises from the ground at a point you choose within range. You can make the wall up to 50 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot thick. You can shape the wall in any way you choose so long as it makes one continuous path along the ground. The wall lasts for the duration or until strong winds disperse it.
When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (if they’re an airbender) or an Elemental Affinity Saving Throw. A creature takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The strong wind keeps fog, smoke, and other gases at bay. Small or smaller flying creatures or objects can’t pass through the wall. Loose, lightweight materials brought into the wall fly upward. Arrows, bolts, knives, projectiles made of fire and air or other ordinary projectiles launched at targets behind the wall are deflected upward and automatically miss (Boulders hurled by Earthbenders or siege engines, and similar projectiles, are unaffected.). At Trained level, you can make the wall an additional 10ft longer. At Mastered level, you can make the wall either an additional 10ft longer or 4 ft thicker. If you choose to make the wall thicker, projectiles made of earth that weigh less than 180lbs also can not pass through the wall.


Simple Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Throwing Dart 10cp/per 1d4 piercing 0.1 lbs/per Ammunition, Finesse, Light, Range 30/60, Thrown
Throwing Knives 20cp/per 1d4 piercing or slashing 0.1 lbs/per Ammunition, Finesse, Light, Range 30/60, Thrown
Throwing Stars 10cp/per 1d4 slashing 0.1 lbs/per Ammunition, Finesse, Light, Range 30/60, Thrown
Martial Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Boomerang 10 sp 1d6 bludgeoning or piercing or slashing 3lbs Finesse, Range 30/120, Return, Thrown
Throwing Axe 20cp/per 1d6 slashing 0.5 lbs/per Ammunition, Range 30/100, Thrown
Name Cost Weight
Metal Plate 100sp 40lbs
Leather 50sp 0.5lbs
Half-Leather 25sp 0.25lbs

Credits and References

  • Almost all of the names of the techniques, with the exceptions of already set in stone Dungeons & Dragons spells, are from Avatar Legends TTRPG created by Magpie Games.

  • The Learned-Trained-Mastered spell system is from Avatar Legends TTRPG created by Magpie Games.

  • Cover photo (sorry don't know the artist, if you do please let me know so I can properly credit them):

  • Images for the nation's logos (sorry don't know the artist, if you do please let me know so I can properly credit them):

  • Images throughout the pdf are from Nickelodeon's Avatar the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.

Thank You,


I dedicate this homebrew to the entire Avatar fandom. I would like to say a major thank you to the creators of this magnificent show/universe Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko and for filling it with wonderful lore. Throughout the shows and the books I want to thank everyone that has helped expand this universe. Finally, I would like to thank Magpie Games for creating an Avatar TTRPG and all of their efforts.

This homebrew took about 8-9 months to complete I hope you and your party enjoys it. After taking a little break I'll start to work on a Monster Manual of somesort for this Homebrew so stay tuned :).

Created for  

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition


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