Magic Items: Enchanted Chalk

by FishBusLegacy

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Enchanted Chalk

Chalk is a common tool of magic, valued for its ability to create arcane sigils on a variety of surfaces while being easy to store, transport and use in a pinch. Some chalks, however, are more magical than others. Specially enchanted chalk sticks are a powerful boon to any adventurer, offering them the chance to reshape situations in their favour - so long as they possess the wherewithal to prepare in advance.

Sensing Chalk

Wondrous Item (uncommon)

This simple stick of white chalk is flecked with sapphire, and smells faintly of ozone.

As an action, you can use this enchanted chalk to draw an eye, ear or nose on a suitable surface. The chalk has 12 uses before it is fully expended. Drawing an eye, ear or nose requires 1 use. Once drawn, you can use an action to perceive through the senses of your symbols. When you do so, choose up to 1 of each kind of symbol that you have made. You can see through an eye, hear through an ear and smell through a nose as if you were standing at the point they occupy until the start of your next turn. During this time, you are blind if perceiving through an eye, deaf if perceiving through an ear and cannot smell if perceiving through a nose, with regard to your own senses.

These symbols can be drawn at any angle, however they cease to function after 24 hours or if they are moved more than 10 feet from where they were drawn. Any physical disturbance to the chalk, such as kicking through it, flooding it or otherwise breaking the symbol will also cease a symbol's function.

Barrier Chalk

Wondrous Item (rare)

This simple stick of white chalk is flecked with silver, and sends strange tingles through your hand on contact.

As an action, you can use this enchanted chalk to draw a line on a suitable surface. The chalk has 12 uses before it is fully expended. Drawing a 10-foot section of line requires 1 use. You must move to occupy each section of space you draw a line on as you draw it. Once drawn, a 60-foot, invisible barrier extends perpendicular to the surface the line was drawn on, stopping where it meets a solid object or structure. Creatures who attempt to cross the barrier must use their action to make a DC15 Strength check. On a failure, they cannot pass over the line. Objects and projectiles are unaffected.

These lines can be drawn at any angle, however they cease to function after 24 hours or if they are moved more than 10 feet from where they were drawn. Any disturbance to the chalk, such as kicking through it, flooding it or otherwise breaking the line will also cease a line's function. Due to the nature of the barrier, physically disturbing this chalk requires a DC25 Strength check.

Blasting Chalk

Wondrous Item (rare)

This simple stick of white chalk is flecked with ruby, and seems to hum with a soft sound when held.

As an action, you can use this enchanted chalk to draw a cross on a suitable surface. The chalk has 12 uses before it is fully expended. Drawing a cross occupying a 5-foot space requires 1 use, drawing a cross occupying a 10-foot space requires 2 and so on. You must move to occupy each section of space you draw a cross on as you draw it. Once drawn, you can use a bonus action to snap your fingers, causing any crosses you have drawn to magically detonate. Creatures standing within the space of a cross must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC15). Targets take 6d8 force damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. Nonmagical objects and structures that aren't being worn or carried have vulnerability to damage from these detonations.

These crosses can be drawn at any angle, however they cease to function after 24 hours or if they are moved more than 10 feet from where they were drawn. Any physical disturbance to the chalk, such as kicking through it, flooding it or otherwise breaking the line will also cease a line's function.

Gateway Chalk

Wondrous Item (rare)

This simple stick of white chalk is flecked with gold, and feels ice-cold to the touch.

As an action, you can use this enchanted chalk to draw a circle on a suitable surface. The chalk has 12 uses before it is fully expended. Drawing a 5-foot diameter circle requires 1 use, a 10-foot diameter circle requires 2 uses and so on. You must move to occupy each section of space you draw a circle on as you draw it. A creature who enters a circle drawn with this chalk on their turn can choose to teleport to another circle drawn with this chalk within 300ft, as long as they are wholly within the circle, and both circles are large enough to accommodate them.

These circles can be drawn and accessed at any angle, however they cease to function after 24 hours or if they are moved more than 10 feet from where they were drawn. Any physical disturbance to the chalk, such as kicking through it, flooding it or otherwise breaking the circle will also cease a circle's function.

Wizard's Chalk

Wondrous Item (legendary)

This weighty stick of white chalk is somehow inscribed with patterns of black runes. It begins to numb your hand with extended contact

This powerful enchanted chalk replicates the properties of all other kinds of enchanted chalk. As an action, you can draw with the chalk on a suitable surface. The chalk has 36 uses before it is fully expended. Drawing certain symbols can produce magical effects.

Senses: You draw an eye, ear or nose. Once drawn, you can use an action to perceive through the senses of your symbols. When you do so, choose up to 1 of each kind of symbol that you have made. You can see through an eye, hear through an ear and smell through a nose as if you were standing at the point they occupy until the start of your next turn. During this time, you are blind if perceiving through an eye, deaf if perceiving through an ear and cannot smell if perceiving through a nose, with regard to your own senses.

Line: You draw a line. Drawing a 10-foot section of line requires 1 use. Once drawn, a 60-foot, invisible barrier extends perpendicular to the surface the line was drawn on, stopping where it meets a solid object or structure. Creatures who attempt to cross the barrier must use their action to make a DC15 Strength check. On a failure, they cannot pass over the line. Objects and projectiles are unaffected. Due to the nature of the barrier, physically disturbing this chalk requires a DC25 Strength check.

Cross: You draw a cross. Drawing a cross occupying a 5-foot space requires 1 use, drawing a cross occupying a 10-foot space requires 2 and so on. Once drawn, you can use a bonus action to snap your fingers, causing any crosses you have drawn to magically detonate. Creatures standing within the space of a cross must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC15). Targets take 6d8 force damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. Nonmagical objects and structures that aren't being worn or carried have vulnerability to damage from these detonations.

Circle: You draw a circle. Drawing a 5-foot diameter circle requires 1 use, a 10-foot diameter circle requires 2 uses and so on. A creature who enters a circle drawn with this chalk on their turn can choose to teleport to another circle drawn with this chalk within 300ft, as long as they are wholly within the circle, and both circles are large enough to accommodate them. Circles can be accessed from any angle.

These symbols can be drawn at any angle, however they cease to function after 24 hours or if they are moved more than 10 feet from where they were drawn. You must move to occupy each section of space you draw a symbol on as you draw it. Any physical disturbance to the chalk, such as kicking through it, flooding it or otherwise breaking the symbol will also cease a symbol's function.

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