Planeshift Subclasses
Designed to work with the Planeshift project by grzart

Land of Knights and Monsters

Eldraine is a medieval world filled with knights, castles, and magical creatures. Wild magic is woven through the heart of the plane and two opposing but intertwined sides battle over it, impossible to untangle one from the other.
The Realm used to be ruled by High King Kenrith. It is split into five courts that came to be after mankind rose and overthrew the Elven Lords that had enslaved them. These are Ardenvale, Vantress, Locthwain, Embereth, and Garenbrig. Here anyone, male, female or otherwise, might be knighted and become a "Syr". Two individuals are chosen each generation by the Questing Beast to possibly become High King and High Queen, both having to make a High Quest throughout the courts and become knighted in each to receive the honor. There was no High Queen, as Linden Kenrith had been unable to complete the last quest to Embereth.
Outside of the Realm lie the Wilds, a place of untamed magic where the fair folk roams.
A Brief History
Long ago the elves ruled the Realm. According to the humans, they were proud, arrogant, vain, and cruel, and they allowed any sort of magic to flourish unchecked. The elves asserted that those who were too weak to defend themselves should bend their knee to the more powerful ones in exchange for protection. Eight or nine generations ago, mankind rose and overthrew the Elven Lords that had enslaved them, and the five knightly courts were created. Some elves remained at Locthwain rather than withdraw with their brethren into the Wilds after the elven courts had lost their hold on the Realm.
More recently, the last rulers of Castle Ardenvale had turned their magic to petty, selfish, wicked purposes and betrayed the virtues they should have upheld. Many spurs of the Wilds were able to grow back into the countryside where they’d been eradicated long ago. Unsavory magic was left loose unchecked. Ogres and dragons rampaged and destroyed as they pleased because no two towns could agree on a joint effort to fend them off. Witches roamed wherever they wished and cursed people with evil gifts and terrible afflictions. The Wild Hunt rode through the Wilds.
After a two-generation-long interregnum, the Questing Beast chose the humble Algenus and Linden to quest for the high rulership and gave each a sword as the mark of its favor. While Algenus completed the High Quest and became High King, Linden had to interrupt hers to save the lives of his children, Rowan and Will. After she married Algenus, she took them in as her children.
The Realm became far more peaceful and orderly now that the High King ruled. Once he’d achieved the high rulership, Algenus hung up the gilded sword gifted to him by the Questing Beast and settled down to the less glamorous but more difficult task of ruling well. The courts cooperated because there was a single ruler to coordinate and administrate, but Ardenvale was still fighting to recover what was lost. Queen Linden had been working to improve relations between the five courts but noticed increasing activity and hostility in the Wilds.
The Wildered Quest
It turned out that a malevolent planeswalker was stirring the non-humans up. After the High King was abducted by Oko, the fey, and turned into a stag, Queen Linden struggled to hold the courts together. The Wilds were getting bolder, but with Algenus gone, the courts weren’t coordinating their efforts to fight the rising tide of attacks. Meanwhile, Queen Ayara took another route and sent an envoy into the Wilds to negotiate with the Council of Druids. When the royal twins turned eighteen, they set out on a quest to find their father.
The confrontation between the Realm and the Wilds culminated during the Wild Hunt at the location of the witch's cottage where the twins once had been born and had been killed by their natural mother. At that time, they had been saved by Linden's magical sword. At the cottage, the stag was killed and the Wild Hunt was brought to its ritual end. As the dead stag returned to the form of Algenus Kenrith, his wife was able to return him to life with the aid of his magical sword which at that time had been hidden in the well. Their children left on a greater quest to unknown regions, and they were expected to all live happily ever after.
Phyrexian invasion
Eldraine was part of New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse. Within days of the Invasion, the courts of the Realm had fallen, the Kenriths were dead, and Ayara had been compleated, along with her guards. Yorvo was able to escape his court's devastation. While Eldraine's resistance opened a massive chasm outside Locthwain, Torbran was tasked with luring the Phyrexians into the trap. Rankle inadvertently brought the plan to fruition just as the Phyrexians fell under the Wicked Slumber.
The Wicked Slumber
Talion, the fae Lord of the Wilds, along with the three witch sisters Agatha, Eriette, and Hylda, had cast the Wicked Slumber on the plane to halt the Invasion.However, the curse did not lift after the Invasion's conclusion, but instead began to spread to the plane's living inhabitants. Ashiok took advantage of this slumber to use the inhabitants' nightmares against those still awake, while the Kenrith twins, having lost their shared spark, pursued differing methods in reuniting the realms.
Will Kenrith took up his father's crown, declaring himself High King of the Realm, while Rowan sought magical power to regain control. The half-Fae Kellan was quested by Fae Lord Talion to defeat the three witches and lift the curse.
New Class Options
This chapter contains a number of new subclasses inspired by the cultures and magic of Eldraine. These subclasses correspond to the follow classes:
Class | Subclass |
Paladin | Oath of Knowledge |
Paladin | Oath of Eternity |
Barbarian | Path of the Wild Knight |
Warlock | The Questing Beast Patron |
Sorcerer | Irencrag Pyromancer |
Sorcerer | Irencrag Phobomancer |

Oath of Knowledge
The knights of Castle Vantress are obessesed with knowledge. In Vantress, knighthood is knowledge applied to the challenges of the world.
To become a knight, an aspirant must tell the Magic Mirror a secret it did not already know, and even then, the gift of knighthood is bestowed at the Mirror's inscrutable discretion.
Tenets of Knowledge
Preserve Knowledge Knowledge is the cornerstone of human civilization. Never willingly let any knowledge die out.
Defend the Innocent Those without knowledge may never learn it if evil ends them. Protect them that they may learn.
Use Knowledge Hoarding knowledge does nothing if it is not used. Use knowledge to improve the world.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Level | Spells |
3rd | Detect Magic, Shield |
5th | Detect Thoughts, Find Familiar |
9th | Clairvoyance, Call Lightning |
13th | Arcane Eye, Locate Creature |
17th | Animate Objects, Legend Lore |
Knowledge is Power
In Castle Vantress, one must always continue learning if one is to survive. When you gain this feature at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in any one skill of your choice. You may change this skill after a long rest. Additionally, you may add your Charisma modifier to checks using the selected skill.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following Channel Divinity option.
- Learning Blade As an action, you may imbue a weapon you are carrying with divine curiosity, using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, whenever you deal damage to a hostile creature with the imbued weapon you may learn either all of the creature's resistances, it's lowest ability score, or the statistics of a single action that creature can take, chosen by the DM. You choose which information you would like to learn.
- Magical Font As an action, you may unleash the arcane might you possess in a blast of power, by using your Channel Divinity. This functions as a magic missile spell, cast at the highest spell level you can cast.

Aura of Curiosity
You're skill and curiosity become a guiding light for your allies, mystically aiding them in acquiring knowledge. Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you may add your Charisma modifier to Investigation and History skill checks.
At 18th Level, the range of this aura extends to 30 feet.
Secrets from the Mirror
Starting at 15th level, you may call upon the wisdom of Indrelon, the Magic Mirror, to give you information you need.
Imploring Indrelon's aid requires you to use your action. Describe the knowledge you seek, and roll percentile dice. If you roll a number equal to or lower than your paladin level, Indrelon psychically contacts you and gives you all information it believes will answer your question, as determined by the DM. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Paragon of Vantress
Starting at 20th level, you may transform into to become a paragon of the Virtue of Knowledge.
Using your action, you may undergo a transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
- You may cast Counterspell as a third level spell, without expending a spell slot.
- You and allies within 15 feet of you gain advantage on attack rolls against enemies you have used your Channel Divinity feature on.
- As an action, you may choose one creature you have dealt damage to within the last 1 minute. You learn the creature's current hit points, AC, and motivation for fighting you and your companions.
What About Other Planes?
In planes other than Eldraine, I suggest using the equivalent god of knowledge, or magic, as a substitute for the source of the Knowledge paladin's powers.

Oath of Eternity
Black-aligned Castle Locthwain is the home of the most elegant, determined court on Eldraine, it's brave knights searching for the lost Cauldron of Eternity. You swore your oath on the Cauldron's name, and now, you are empowered to fulfill your quests to the bitter end. Even death will not prevent you from completing your goals.
Tenets of Eternity
Endure Hardship A paladin's word is only worth the lengths he will go to keep it. Never let hardship dissuade you from your duty.
Spare the Dying Death robs one of their chance to fulfill their duty. Save those who can still serve the good of the realm.
Find the Cauldron The Cauldron of Eternity has been lost since the earlist days of Locthwain. Find it, and eternal glory shall be yours.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Level | Spells |
3rd | False Life, Healing Word |
5th | Shadow Blade, Warding Bond |
9th | Animate Dead, Life Transference |
13th | Death Ward, Sickening Radiance |
17th | Danse Macabre, Enervation |
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options
- Persistance Beyond Death You can use your Channel Divinity to allow allies a second chance. As an action, you may touch one creature who has died since the end of your last turn. The creature immediately regains 1 hit point, and remains alive for one minute.
If the creature does not receive healing before the effect of this Channel Divinity ends, it falls unconscious and must begin rolling death saving throws, if able. Otherwise, it dies.
- Locthwain Enchantments You can use your Channel Divinity to imbue your weapon with the ancient enchantments of Castle Locthwain. As a bonus action, you give one weapon you are holding the following benefits: The weapon's damage type becomes necrotic, it deals critical hits on a 19 or a 20, and you gain half the damage you deal with the weapon as temporary hit points.
Aura of Eternity
Starting at 7th level, whenever a hostile creature within 30 feet of you drops to 0 hit points, you and allies within 10 feet of you gain temporary hit points equal to your paladin level.
At 18th level, the range of this aura extends to 30 feet.
Blacklance Paragon
At 15th level, your deeds have seen you inducted into the prestigious Order of the Blacklances, the most elite hunters of the Cauldron of Eternity. You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier to Persuasion rolls with members of the Realm.
Additionally, whenever you strike any opponent with a weapon affected by your Locthwain Enchantments Channel Divinity, you may use a bonus action to maximize the damage dice of the attack. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you may use it again.

Avatar of Locthwain
Beginning at 20th level, you embody the virtue of persistance to such a degree that you may invoke it's power to become a deadly avatar of Castle Locthwain itself.
As an action, you may transform into a large, humanoid form with spectral armor for one minute. You gain the following benefits:
- You become immune to critical hits.
- Allies within range of your Aura of Persistance become immune to critical hits.
- Whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points while in this form, you immediately regain half of your maximum hit points, and your transformation ends.
- While in this form, you are under the effect of a spirit guardians spell, with the spirits taking the form of spectral knights. You do not need to concentrate on this spell.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you may use it again.
Adapting outside of Eldraine
When using this oath outside Eldraine, I suggest allowing the Blacklance Paragon feature's social benefits to extend to a relevant faction's citizens.
Additionally, instead of having patron like the Cauldron of Eternity to empower the Oath, perhaps the paladin's sheer tenacity empowers it, and grants them magic.

Path of the Wild Knight
The Wilds are an enchanted environment with shifting borders, where distance, direction, time and the seasons all seem to be distorted and where both monsters and curses abound. However, even the Wilds has need of knights, brave elves, redcaps, and giants who defend their land from Realm intrusion and questing knights. Wild Knights draw on the magic of their realm to enter a battle-trance, perfect for dealing with their tricksome foes. Eventually, they come to embody the very Wild themselves, an avatar of the natural land.
The Wilds Arm Me
Starting at 3rd level, you may use a bonus action to create a weapon from the environment around you- thorn bushes twist into spears, or ice forms into a blade for your hand. This weapon takes the form and game statistics of any weapon you are proficent with, and counts a magical weapon.
The Wilds Defend Me
Beginning at 6th level, while raging, you ignore difficult terrain and you gain resistance to poison and psychic damage, as well as advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.
The Wilds Provide for Me
Beginning at 10th level, you ignore the first level of exhaustion you would gain, and do not suffer hunger or thirst while in a natural environment. Additionally, you do not need to roll to forage for food for others, as the very land provides for you.
The Wilds Hunt with Me
Also beginning at 10th level, you may use an action to summon a creature with the Beast type, of a CR equal to or lower than your proficency bonus, as determined by the DM and the terrain. This creature is friendly to you and your allies, and will fight alongside you, though it will not fight to the death. It takes it's action after yours, and is controlled by you.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a short rest before you can use it again.
The Wilds Are One with Me
Starting at 14th level, you may unleash the wrath of the Wilds, shaping nature itself to hinder your foes, roots and vines even breaking through stone floors to bind your enemies.
While you are raging, you may use a bonus action to choose a hostile creature you can see. That creature is considered to be in difficult terrain for the next minute, and cannot make attacks of opportunity for the duration of this feature. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficency bonus, and you regain all expended uses whenever you finish a long rest.

The Questing Beast Patron
Two individuals are chosen each generation by the Questing Beast to possibly become High King and High Queen, both having to quest throughout the courts and become knighted in each to receive the honor. However, the Questing Beast will sponsor many knights and aspirants, setting quests and challenges for them to achieve and overcome. Those who complete such a quest are empowered by the Beast, gaining great magical powers. Some have even entered into pacts with the Questing Beasts to call upon it's magic to defend Eldraine. In the wake of the Phyrexian invasion, the Warlocks of the Questing Beast have become more numerous than ever, helping to rebuild the shattered plane. They officiate ceremonies, give prophecies, and serve as a quasi-religious organization in Eldraine.
Expanded Spell List
The Questing Beast lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | Ceremony, Protection from Evil and Good |
2nd | Augury, Branding Smite |
3rd | Bestow Curse, Remove Curse |
4th | Divination, Polymorph |
5th | Dispel Evil and Good, Legend Lore |
Knightly Training
Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency with medium armor and martial weapons.
Quest Blessing
Before every quest, a wise knight seeks the wisdom of a servant of the Questing Beast, to bless their venture.
Starting at 1st level, you may use a bonus action to bless a nearby creature, granting them a d4 that they may add to their next attack roll. Alternatively, they may use the d4 to increase their AC as a reaction to being attacked, after the attack has been rolled.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this feature after you complete a long or short rest.
Nexus of Fate
Starting at 6th level, you may use a bonus action to replace the result of any d20 roll that you have rolled, or a hostile creature you can see within 30 feet has rolled, with your Charisma score (not modifier).
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.
Immortal Servant
Beginning at 10th level, the Questing Beast has granted you a portion of it's immortality to continue serving it's will.
You no longer age, and you cannont be aged magically. Additionally, you become immune to the poisoned condition.
Sigil of True Kingship
Beginning at 14th level, you can invoke the power of the Questing Beast to temporarily gain the authority of a king.
You may use an action to cast a geas spell as a 7th level spell, cloaking yourself in divine authority.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you use it again.

New Eldritch Invocations
Eyes of Fate
Prerequisite: 9th level
You may select a creature you can see within 30 feet. Roll an unmodified d20. On a 10 or higher, the DM reveals the following information to you.
- If the creature intends to harm you or your allies in the near future.
- The creature's alignment.
- The creature's current hit points.
Parrying Blade
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade
When you manifest your pact weapon, it has adaptations for parrying, such as a long blade, or a hooks. While wielding your pact weapon, you may use your reaction to increase your AC by 2 in response to an attack directed at you.
Heroic Choosing
You may cast the heroism spell without expending a spell slot a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses after you complete a long rest.
Dance of Heroes
While you are within 10 feet of a friendly creature, you may add your Charisma modifier to that creature's AC.
Outside Eldraine
If your DM is willing, and it fits the campaign they are running, the Questing Beast has been known to send it's champions across the multiverse, by ways known only to it, to fulfill it's enigmatic goals.

Irencrag Pyromancer
Born from the Irencrag, a massive boulder glowing with volcanic heat, your magic tells of heat and iron. Blades enchanted by you are supernaturally potent, and you of course wield incredibly destructive fire magic, powered by your emotions and passions.
Font of the Irencrag
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the table below. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Level | Spells |
1st | Twinfury Flame, Searing Smite |
3rd | Continual Flame, Heat Metal |
5th | Ashardalon's Stride, Fireball |
7th | Elemental Bane, Wall of Fire |
9th | Flame Strike, Immolation |
The Flames of Passion
At 1st level, you learn how to empower your magic with your strongest emotions.
You gain one Sorcery Point whenever you fulfill a condition from the following list. Once you gain a Sorcery Point from a specific condition, you may not gain another Sorcery point from the condition until you complete a short rest.
- You gain the Charmed condition.
- You gain the Frightened condition.
- You bring a hostile creature to 0 hit points with a spell or attack.
- You are dropped to 5 hit points or less by a spell or attack.
- A creature you consider a close ally becomes unconscious or is dropped to 0 hit points.
If you do not have Sorcery Points, you instead may gain 1 point of Inspiration for fulfilling these conditions instead.
Embereth Enchantments
Starting at 6th level, you may use a bonus action cast the flame blade spell, targeting yourself or a friendly creature within 30 feet that you can see. When cast this way, the blade appears to be made of of steel, with flickering sparks up and down it's length.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses whenever you complete a long rest.

Pyromancer's Shield
Starting at 14th level, you may use your reaction to conjure a shield of steel and fire to protect you for 1 minute. The shield has hit points equal to twice your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. Whenever you take damage, the shield takes the damage instead. If this damage reduces the shield to 0 hit points, you take any remaining damage.
While the shield has 0 hit points, it can't absorb damage, but its magic remains. Whenever you cast a spell that deals fire damage of 1st level or higher, the shield regains a number of hit points equal to twice the level of the spell.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a short rest before you can use it again.
Fury of the Realm
Starting at 18th level, you may unleash the true power of your spells by tapping into your deepest emotions.
Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that deals fire damage, you may maximize the damage dice of the attack.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. You regain all expended uses whenever you complete a long rest.
Outside Eldraine
To adapt the Pyromancer to other planes, simply ignore all references to the Irencrag. Emotion-based fire magic is common to many worlds across the Multiverse.
New Spell
Twinfury Flame
1st level Evocation
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: 60 feet
- Components: V, S
- Duration: Instant
You unleash a stream of fire at a pair of creatures or objects within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the highest AC between both targerts. On a hit, the targets take 3d8 fire damage. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Spell Lists: Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric

Irencrag Phobomancer
Sometimes, the magic granted by the Irencrag manifests externally, in a power known as Phobomancy. Phobomancers can feed on other's fear, overcome it, and even unleash a wave of pure unadultered terror. The knights of every realm fear the tread of Phobomancers.
Fear Manifesting
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the table below. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Level | Spells |
1st | Cause Fear, Charm Person |
3rd | Mind Spike, Silence |
5th | Hypnotic Pattern, Summon Shadowspawn |
7th | Phantasmal Killer, Raulothim's Psychic Lance |
9th | Dominate Person, Modify Memory |
Power From Fear
Beginning at 1st level, whenever a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see gains the frightened condition, you may use your reaction to end the frightened condition. If you do so, you may choose one of the following options:
- gain a number of Sorcery Points equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded up. This can not take you above your Sorcery Point Maximum.
- You may heal yourself for a number of hit points equal to twice your Charisma modifier.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you complete a long or short rest.
Fear Before Love
Beginning at 6th level, whenever one or more creatures would gain the charmed condition as a result of one of your spells, you may cause a single affected creature to gain the frightened condition instead. All other parts of the spell happen unmodified.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses after a long rest.

Fear Not
Also at 6th level, you gain immunity to the frightened condition.
Bane of Knights
Beginning at 14th level, you may spend 3 Sorcery Points to ignore immunity to the frightened condition for 1 minute. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses upon completing a long rest.
Terror Manifested
Beginning at 18th level, you may use your action to force all hostile creatures within 100 feet of you to make a Charisma Saving Throw. On a failed save, they become frightened of you for 1 minute.
If any affected creatures are immune to the frightened condition, you may use your Bane of Knights feature on them as a part of this action.

The Age of Exploration

Ixalan is a plane full of uncharted jungles where dangerous beasts, magnificent ruins, and lost treasures lie waiting to be discovered.
A Brief History
On this plane, the planeswalker Azor created a powerful artifact, known as the Immortal Sun, to trap the evil Nicol Bolas. For this reason, Planeswalkers could enter Ixalan, but until 4560 AR could not leave.
The Immortal Sun was once guarded by holy custodians in a mountaintop monastery on the continent of Torrezon. Its presence gave the local monarch disproportionate influence in regional matters. The monastery fell under attack by the forces of the rival king Pedron the Wicked who stole the Immortal Sun but lost it to an unidentified winged being. Eight hundred years ago, the mountainous nation called Torrezon (it later gave its name to the whole continent) split into three parts when its monarch died, with each portion ruled by one of the monarch's children. A long religious war ensued. It raged on for three centuries, before the first vampire, Elenda of Garrano, ended it. After the unification, many of Torrezon's nobles undertook Elenda's transformative ritual, and it became known as the Rite of Redemption by the church. The United Legion of Dusk began a series of wars and eventually took over the whole continent. When the last city-states were conquered, its inhabitants took to the sea and formed the Brazen Coalition.
On the continent of Ixalan, the River Heralds was once the dominant inhabitants of Ixalan with a large power of their own, and their strength was once enough to keep the Sun Empire out of the interior. The Sun Empire was first founded from Orazca by Chacanto Intli, who united the various city-states into a central empire. Following a devastating war with the River Heralds under Apatzec Intli I, who had gained possession of the Immortal Sun and used it without restraint, their civilization was reduced to a few coastal cities, with Orazca being lost to them. The empire still confronted the Heralds on its borders. The latest emperor, Apatzec Intli III asserted control and is expanding again.
The Sun Empire recently was besieged by pirate raids by the Brazen Coalition and the advance of the Legion of Dusk which is seeking the Immortal Sun. All factions close in on the Lost City of Orazca, which is said to hide the ancient artifact. The Immortal Sun was found by several of the factions, but then was stolen and removed from the plane by a henchman of Bolas. The barrier was now broken and several planeswalkers left the plane. With Orazca retaken, the Sun Empire pushed the Legion of Dusk back to the sea, capturing and reverse-engineering their fleet in preparation for an invasion of Torrezon. Forests were felled to raise a new fleet, known as the Dawn Fleet. Hundreds of ships were built, and nearly ten thousand soldiers and sailors crewed them. The ships were launched to Torrezon, and their last known location was the midway point between the two empires.
Phyrexian invasion
In 4562 AR, the plane mobilized against the growing New Phyrexian threat. Ixalan was a target in New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse, seemingly invaded by the Alabaster, Copper and Furnace hosts.
In the early days of the invasion, the sun was blocked out by smoke and falling ash from constant fires burning across the plane. After the elder dinosaur Etali was compleated, severe hurricanes began forming just off the coast of the continent of Ixalan. The skies flashed with red lightning, and the wind sparkled with razors, preventing aerosaurs from flying.
A dozen towns along the northern barrier of the continent of Ixalan were wiped out, with a thousand reported dead. In the south of the Sun Empire, Atzocan, Otepec, and Little Pocatli suffered similar fates. The Sun Empire, pirates, and the Legion of Dusk banded together to fight the invaders, and Etali was finally felled by Zacama after injuring Zetalpa.
In the aftermath of the Invasion, the plane's core was discovered underneath the cities of the Sun Empire. Ixalan's surface factions quickly moved to harness the newly-discovered resource cosmium.
New Class Options
This chapter contains a number of new subclasses inspired by the cultures and magic of Ixalan. These subclasses correspond to the follow classes:
Class | Subclass |
Druid | Circle of the Shaper |
Barbarian | Path of Exultation |
Paldin | Oath of the Sun |
Bard | The College of Captains |
Fighter | Quetzacama Knight |
Circle of the Shaper
Among the River Heralds, the Shapers are spiritual leaders and battle-shamans. Every tribe is lead by a Shaper, and in battle the River Heralds summon crushing waves and drown their foes in the cold waters of the river.
Bonus Circle Spells
Your mystical connection to the land infuses you with the ability to cast certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to circle spells connected to the land of Ixalan.
Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
Level | Spells |
3rd | Crashing Wave^, Water Blast^ |
5th | Hurricane Slash^, Dancing Wave^ |
7th | Waterspout^, Wall of Water |
9th | Storm Sphere, Summon Elemental |
Spell Note
Some of these spells come from Kibbles Elemental Spells 2.0, linked here. These spells are marked with a ^.
Servant of the Rivers
Starting at 2nd level, you may expend a use of your Wild Shape to summon a loyal spirit in the form of a servant of the rivers, using the provided stat block. Note that parts of the stat block change depending on your individual statistics.
The servant takes a vaguely humanoid form, made of water, leaves, vines, or other available natural materials. The spirit appears in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you. The spirit is friendly to you and your companions and obeys your commands.

In combat, the spirit shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. The only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If you are incapacitated, the spirit can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge.
The spirit manifests for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit points, until you use this feature to summon the spirit again, or until you die.
Servant of the Rivers
Medium Elemental
- Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
- Hit Points 10 + five times your druid level
- Speed 40 ft, 30 ft swim
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)
Damage Resistances Fire
Damage Immunities
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, prone, restrained
Languages Understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus Equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Rock Hurl. Ranged Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 60 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage.
Water Lash Melee Spell Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 10 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d8 + PB slashing damage.
Crashing Tide
Starting at 6th level, all of your spells that deal bludgeoning damage deal an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Additionally, you may cast them through your Servant of the Rivers as if they were a familiar. The additional damage from this feature increases to a d8 at 12th level, and a d12 at 18th level.
Soul of the Rapids
Beginning at 10th level, you learn to heal others with the run-off of magical energy from your spells. Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you may use your bonus action to heal a friendly creature within 30 feet of you that you can see by an amount equal to the twice the spell's level + your proficiency bonus.
You may use this feature a number of times equal equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
One With the Wind
Beginning at 14th level, you and your Servant of the Rivers are always under the effect of a freedom of movement spell. Additionally, you may use a bonus action to gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for one minute. Once you use this feature, you must complete a short rest before you can use it again.

Path of Exultation
The vampires of Ixalan regularly undertake the Blood Fast, in which they starve themselves for a period of time. When this is over, they enter a state known as the rapture, in which they revert to an animalistic trance and attack anything in sight. Many such vampires gain the Exultation after many such Blood Fasts, allowing them to take to the sky to hunt
Racial Restriction
This barbarian path is only open to those who have taken the Rite of Redemption and become an Ixalan vampire.
Blood-Fueled Frenzy
Starting when you choose this Path at 3rd level, while you are raging, you may take the dash action as a bonus action, as long as you are moving towards a hostile creature by the shortest means possible.
Additionally, when you jump while raging, you can make a Strength (Athletics) check and extend your jump by a number of feet equal to the check’s total. You can make this special check only once per turn.
Breaking the Fast
Beginning at 6th level, you may use your Feast of Blood trait as a bonus action whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Using this feature does count as a use of your Feast of Blood racial trait.
Exultation in Blood
At 10th level, you have finally achieved the vaunted level of holiness required to perform the Exultation, turning the bottom half of your body into black smoke, and taking to the sky as a holy predator.
While raging, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for the duration of your Rage.
Bloodsoaked Bladework
Also at 10th level, your masterful blade skills allow you to carve into your foes vitals far easier. While you are wielding a sword, you score a critical hit on a dice result of 19 or 20.
Blood Smite
At 14th level, you may invoke your faith and smite unholy creatures with the shadows of your exultation.
While raging, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can use your bonus action deal necrotic damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. This damage is equal to your Barbarian level + your proficiency bonus.

Oath of the Sun
The Sun Empire worships the sun, which they believe to display three aspects. Temples to various aspects of the sun exist, but even places where so much as sunlight touches the ground are considered sacred.
Kinjalli is the Wakening Sun, who created humans from clay and baked them with the sun's warmth. It is associated with order and structure, as well as the rainy season. It is the patron of the empire's founder.
Tilonalli is the Burning Sun, associated with ferocity, fire, and passion. It is associated with anger and love, as well as the hot season.
Ixalli is the Verdant Sun, who fosters growth in all things. It is associated with fertility and community, and associated with the cold season.
Avatars of the Threefold Sun manifest on Ixalan as Dinosaurs. The mighty dinosaur Gishath embodies all three aspects of the sun (creative, nourishing, and destructive) in one terrible form, earning a healthy mix of reverence and fear from the soldiers and priests who seek to harness his strength against their enemies.
Sun Paladins fight for the Sun Empire on every border, and within the empire serve as great cultural heroes. Many have taken up traveling, competing for the title of warrior-poet by experiencing as much of the world as possible.
Tenets of the Sun
Preserve Life: Life is sacred. Kill only the most monstrous, irredeemable creatures of evil.
Protect the Empire: The Sun Empire is chosen by the Threefold Sun. Ensure it's people are safe, and it's cities whole.
Live Life to the Fullest: Life is the Threefold Sun's gift to all, do not waste. Sing, drink, and live for the sun.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Level | Spells |
3rd | Faerie Fire, Charm Person |
5th | Blindness, Heat Metal |
9th | Daylight, Fly |
13th | Sicking Radiance, Wall of Fire |
17th | Flame Strike, Summon Celestial |

Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
- Cleansing Ray: You may use your channel divinity to unleash a powerful bolt of holy magic. As an action, you can force a creature you can see within 60 feet to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d6 radiant damage, and 3d6 fire damage, or half as much on a successful save. You may expend spell slots to apply your Divine Smite damage to this damage roll as well
- Rebuke the Unfaithful: You can use your Channel Divinity to reveal the suns majesty, terrifying those of unpure heart. As an action, you present your holy symbol, and each creature of evil alignment within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Aura of Sheltering Light
Beginning at 7th level, you radiate soft golden light in an aura of peace. You create dim light in a radius of 10 feet, and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have resistance to necrotic damage.
At 18th level, the range of this aura extends to 30 feet.
Sunbird's Invocation
Starting at 15th level, you have such a strong faith in the Threefold Sun that you can overcome death.
When you would fail your last death saving throw, instead of dying, you instantly regain half your maximum hit points, and hostile creatures within 30 feet of you take 3d10 radiant damage as holy flames explode out from you, as you are reborn like the glorious Sunbird.
Once you benefit from this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can benefit from it again.
Star of Extinction
At 20th level, you invoke the aspect of Gishath, the avatar of all three forms of the Threefold Sun, becoming a force of cosmic might, and indomitable fury.
As an action, you may cast shapechange, without using material components. When you cast the spell this way the only form you can take becomes a Tyrannosaurus Rex (MM, pg 80), with the following additional traits;
- You have immunity to radiant and fire damage
- You retain your own hit points and AC
- Additionally, you can ignore the verbal and somatic components of your paladin spells, as well as any material components that lack a cost and aren't consumed by a spell.
This transformation lasts for 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

College of Captains
The Brazen Coalition is a society of pirates that answers to no one and lives on the Stormwreck Sea of Ixalan. They are a diverse bunch, including humans from a wide variety of backgrounds as well as members of three nonhuman races: goblins, orcs, and sirens. Accordingly, captains of the Brazen Coalition are exemplars of leadership, forging disparate parts into a fearsome, cohesive whole.
Whether through fear or popularity, all Captains are larger than life figures.
Bonus Proficiencies
Starting at 3rd level when you pick this College, you gain proficiency with Water Vehicles, Rapiers, and firearms.
Captain's Command
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn maneuvers that are fueled by your Bardic Inspiration dice.
Maneuvers: You learn two maneuvers of your choice from the Battle Master maneuver list. Many maneuvers enhance an attack in some way. You can use only one maneuver per attack. You learn two additional maneuvers of your choice at 7th, 10th, and 15th level. Each time you learn new maneuvers, you can also replace one maneuver you know with a different one.
Saving Throws: Some of your maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)
Extra Attack
Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Buccaneer's Bravado
Starting at 14th level, you become immune to becoming frightened and whenever you use your Countercharm, friendly creatures become immune to being frightened or charmed instead of have advantage on saving throws against these conditions.

Quetzacama Knight
Dinosaurs (or quetzacama) are important to the Sun Empire's sense of national identity. The empire's people use dinosaur feathers as decorations and as inspiration for design motifs in everything from jewelry to architecture. They believe that the Immortal Sun first gave their priests the ability to call and command the dinosaurs, so maintaining this command is a way of clinging to their ancient heritage.
These creatures are not domesticated. Whenever a dinosaur moves through a Sun Empire city, it is under someone's direct control — and there's always the risk of it breaking free. This is part of the Sun Empire's worldview: nature (embodied in the dinosaurs) is a tool to be wielded, bent to human will, but it is a constant test of will and strength. Nature can't be tamed, but when humans live alongside nature they are made stronger.
Scion of the Sun Empire
Beginning when you select this subclass at 3rd level, you are honored with a dinosaur companion to train and fight beside.
This dinosaur may be of a CR up to half of your level, and whenever your companion dies you may spend 8 hours in a ritual calling a new one, which may be of a different CR than your original companion.
In combat, the beast acts during your turn. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action.
That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. You can also sacrifice one of your attacks when you take the Attack action to command the beast to take the Attack action. If you are incapacitated, the beast can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge.
Finally, you are always under the effects of the beast bond spell with your companion.
Some examples of possible mounts and their CR:
- Pteranodon (CR 1/4, MM pg 80)
- Allosaurus (CR 2, MM pg 79)
- Anklyosaurus (CR 3, MM pg 79)
- Triceratops (CR 5, MM pg 80)
Bonus Proficiencies
Also starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Animal Handling and Persuasion skills and one additional language of your choice.

Knight of Pachatupa
Starting at 7th level, whenever you are within 5 feet of your dinosaur companion, you have advantage on attack rolls.
Additionally, while your and your companion are on the same plane of existence, you may call upon it's innate magic to cast one of the following spells, without using material components. Your spellcasting modifier is Charisma.
- searing smite
- zephyr strike
- earthbind
- pass without trace
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you take a long rest.
Pious Interdiction
Beginning at 10th level, whenever an attack would reduce you to 0 hit points, your dinosaur companion may use it's reaction to magically absorb the damage instead. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Sun-Crowned Hunters
Starting at 15th level, you and your companion are paragons of the Sun Empire.
You may use your action to force all hostile creatures within 30 feet of you or your companion to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they take 2d12 radiant damage and are frightened of you and your companion for 1 minute.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you take a long rest.
Tilonalli's Champion
At 18th level, you reach an apex of power due to your connection with your dinosaur companion.
You and your dinosaur companion gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage while within 5 feet of each other, your companion adds three times your level to it's hit point total, and you may use the spells from your Knight of Pachatupa feature at will.
Additionally, citizens of the Sun Empire consider you a great hero, and will go out of their way to support you and your allies. You never need to roll for (Charisma) Persuasion checks on citizens of the Sun Empire. You are considered to have rolled a 12 if you would normally be required to roll.
Finally, whenever you attack a creature that is frightened of you or your companion, you crit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Land of the Future

The world of Kamigawa, positioned far from any other world we know, is governed by the interplay between the mortals and the kami, minor gods or spirits of the world. The Kakuriyo (kah-koo-REE-oh)[2] or Reikai (RAY-kye) is the spirit world where the kami dwell; its other half is that of the Utsushiyo (oot-soo-SHEE-oh) where mortals live. Together they form a sphere that makes the whole of the world.
A Not-So Brief History
In the many millennia before the Kami War, the denizens of Kamigawa gave no thought to a place called the spirit world. They believed that the kami lived in the material world, the only world that mortals knew. The kami existed invisibly and imperceptibly, blessing those who lived simple and devout lives.
Once in a great while, a kami would "make itself visible" - or so the mortal world thought. The result would be a glowing light deep within a forest of bamboo, for example, or a disembodied shadow on the ground at dusk. These fleeting manifestations bolstered mortals' belief and encouraged their shrines, offerings, and oblations.
But the truth was more complicated. The veil between the utsushiyo and the kakuriyo, the material and spirit realms, was complex and variable. Each world could influence the other: Kami grew more powerful based on the number of mortals who worshipped them, and mortals could draw power from the kami through arcane means or through strong faith.
In Kamigawa, every person, idea, and object had a kami, and the veil between worlds was no exception. In fact, the kami of the veil was perhaps the greatest kami of all, because without it, there could be no difference between flesh and spirit, between mortal and god. That kami was O-Kagachi.
The Kami War
Around 3200 AR, damage caused by the ringing of the Apocalypse Chime on Ulgrotha weakened the veil between the material realm and the spirit realm. This enabled the daimyo Konda and his moonfolk accomplices to use powerful magic to pull an aspect of O-Kagachi, the supreme kami of all kami, through the veil, thus beginning the Kami War.
Lord Konda's act greatly enraged the spirits, who turned against the physical world with a vengeance. The kami began to attack the physical world to reclaim That Which Was Taken, though most mortals knew nothing of Konda's crime nor understood why their gods had turned on them. Fearful and confused, humanity fought back, but the kami's numbers were endless. And since many spirits who manifested in the physical world could be defeated in battle but were able to return for future conflicts, it was ultimately a losing battle for the mortals.
With each spirit that manifested in the material world, the veil frayed a little more. After many years of these small breaches, the nature of the divide between worlds began to change. Mortals began to wield arcane energies that were never accessible to them when the veil was intact. Spirits took shape in ways that seemed to ignore the difference between life and death.
Shinen, "spirit fire," had become a hallmark of danger during the early years of the Kami War, because it heralded the arrival of a spirit in the material world. Whenever the veil between worlds was breached, there was a chance of flares of ectoplasmic energy. In the days of old, this energy was harmless, like foxfire. But as the war continued, the flares grew in size and intensity until they resembled raw mana, with the power to blind eyes, burn flesh, or taint minds.
The war finally ended in its twentieth year when Princess Michiko Konda, with the aid of the black magician Toshiro Umezawa and other allies, managed to free the kidnapped scion (which took the name Kyodai) and defeated O-Kagachi and Lord Konda. The death of O-Kagachi caused the barrier between the two realms to break down, thus precipitating the merging of the two realms (Kakuriyo and Utsushiyo).
The Shattered States era
After the prosperous reign of Michiko Konda, her descendants worked tirelessly with the great kami Kyodai to maintain her legacy and uphold order and justice in Kamigawa. However, as generations passed, these noble pursuits gave way to dynastic in-fighting.
Eventually, an emperor died young without an heir, creating a crisis of succession. Some believed it should be her brother, others her husband. With no guidance, Eiganjo descended into all-out war, and it spread across the kingdom when local lords saw the opportunity to seize individual power, fed by the Myojin of Grim Betrayal. Many died, noble and peasant alike.
The Yamazaki clan had served the Konda military for decades and earned a reputation for their unshakeable sense of duty to their citizens. A young Yamazaki soldier felt the two warring successors were betraying and endangering the Kamigawan people. Inspired by his own ancestor's story of challenging a deadly imperial decree, he took it upon himself to end the contest for the throne. He successfully assassinated the late emperor's husband, but when he went for the brother, he found his target armed and ready for battle in the throne room.
Upon seeing such confrontation in her chambers, Kyodai had enough. She stripped the Konda family of their hereditary duty as rulers. From then on, they would be ordinary citizens, and the emperor would never again be chosen by blood. Now, the kami would elect rulers for their noble qualities and commitment to the nation.
The dragon-kami previously had been some of the mortal realm's strongest protectors, and with most of them lost in the Kami War, malevolent forces soon began to wreak havoc. During the Shattered States Era, a wave of oni attacks swept across the land, culminating in a devastating event known as the Night of Withering that threatened the entire Plane.
To fight back, the orochi enacted a powerful ritual to resurrect Jugan, their original protector. The ritual was successful, and together Jugan and Ryusei defeated the oni incursion.
The Era of Enlightenment
With the guidance and wisdom of Kyodai, the Imperials ushered in an age of collective peace and prosperity. The arts flourished until performers lined every street, and strides were made to improve relations with the kami so mortals could live a harmonious life filled with magic. Minamo Academy was rebuilt with the promise of transparency to conduct research that would improve lives. New laws were written to ensure fair treatment of every citizen—mortal or spirit—renewing the faith in their leaders.
As decades and centuries passed, the mortals of Kamigawa noticed an increasing number of kami inhabitants sharing their homes. A few of these kami were friendly, but many more were upset, even dangerous. Having spent their lives in service to the kami, the monks of the Order of Jukai went to investigate. They discovered strange rifts in the atmosphere that ejected confused kami onto the Plane. The mortal and spirit realms had begun to overlap, and they would eventually merge into a single unified realm.
The Jukai brought this discovery to Eiganjo and Otawara, and they collaborated with the Imperials and Minamo to develop what would later be known as "merge gates." The Minamo scholars used their knowledge to invent the gate mechanisms. The Imperials used their infantry to erect them. But it was the Jukai who would greet the kami and welcome them to their new home. Through their combined effort, the mortals built gates around every new rift, ensuring the kami could safely become part of a new unified Kamigawa.
The Modern Age
For much of Kamigawa's history, power was concentrated in the hands of the elite: the Imperials who ran the Plane with Kyodai's blessings, various warlords, and those who could channel the power of the kami. More recently, however, Kamigawa has found itself facing significant disruption to this status quo as new innovations have made access to power more widely and cheaply available to all. Key among these innovations were two: enhancers invented by the akki artisans of Sokenzanshi, and the method invented by the Saiba Futurists of drawing power directly from the spirit realm.
The akki artisans had a long tradition of invention and ingenuity, as well as effectively using their scarce resources to great effect—including kami-granted powers. Thanks to the enhancer, even though few people had as deep relationships with the kami as some Imperials and the Order of Jukai, they were now able to apply more efficiently whatever powers they had been granted.
At the same time, the Saiba Futurists were conducting experiments with merges to test the nature of the spirit realm. As an unintended side effect, they discovered a way to draw on magic directly, without needing to form a bond with kami. Though the Sokenzanshi artisans and the Futurists weren't directly working together, these two technologies soon combined to form the basis of the boom in new technology that exploded across the Plane.
However, all this modernization isn't without its detractors. The Imperials have been trying to control the flow of new technology, attempting to maintain the stability that they see being pulled out from under their feet. And the boom of all this technology has seen the rise of a new group that calls itself the Order of Jukai, who believe that this unrestrained use of technology is drawing on power in a reckless, dangerous manner that threatens to irreparably damage the fabric of the two realms.
Among the kami, opinions are mixed. Some kami are resistant, while others are more eager to see how things will change. Whatever their opinions, though, many see the appearance of new kami aligned with technology as a sign that the soul of Kamigawa itself has been irrevocably altered by this changing landscape of technological and social upheaval.
Neon Dynasty
More than 1,200 years after the events of the Kamigawa block, the two realms of Kamigawa are merging, and one day they will exist as one. Some wonder about what's beyond the merge gates, or how denizens of both realms will be affected when the merge is complete.
The Imperials are still the main power in Kamigawa. The Kamigawans have discovered electricity, experienced an industrial revolution, and entered a computerized era. The Utsushiyo has transformed into a futuristic world of cyberpunk ninjas and samurai, where tradition and modernity meet. The kami feel threatened by the growth of the modern city of Towashi. Many have fled to the remains of the Jukai forest, and are hostile to humans. For this reason, Eiganjo trained many kami diplomats to try to keep the peace between the mortal and spirit realms. Some Kami have adapted to the electricity, taking on industrial-style bodies.
Seeking information on the spirit realm and the planeswalker's spark, Tezzeret was sent to Kamigawa by the New Phyrexian praetors to investigate. Clashing with the Emperor, he destabilized her spark with the prototype Reality Chip before escaping. Years later, Jin-Gitaxias traveled to the plane himself to continue his research, eventually unlocking the secret to compleating planeswalkers before implementing it on his first subject, Tamiyo. The Emperor was able to briefly stabilize her spark, reconnecting with Kyodai and ending the Asari Uprisers' rebellion before naming Light-Paws her regent and departing again.
Phyrexian Invasion
Kamigawa was a target in New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse. Because of the pace of Kamigawa's development, Jin-Gitaxias's intelligence on the plane was already outdated when the invasion began; however, the slow uptake from the Samurai meant those on the front lines were the first compleated, whereas the more technologically-inclined ninjas were better suited as defenders. With the citizenry familiar with the idea of interplanar assault, no time was wasted on skepticism. The Kami, incompleatable, were simply slaughtered, shrouding the streets with their residual mists.
During the invasion, the Boseiju District was the invasion force's prime target, and Boseiju itself was corrupted by the compleated planeswalker Tamiyo. The tree burst apart, and glistening oil ran from between the splinters. The trees lower branches, usually inhabited by kami, were split apart. Tamiyo was then faced by Kaito and her adoptive son Nashi. After trying to recruit Kaito and Nashi to the ranks of New Phyrexia, Tamiyo engaged Kaito in battle. At the last possible moment, the Wanderer appeared and killed Tamiyo. However, a spiritual memory of what she once was manifested and comforted her son, and later took up residence in their home. The Wanderer somberly realized that Tamiyo had chosen her own death, as she had halfheartedly aimed her attacks and had silently beseeched the Wanderer to look after Nashi in her stead.
With Kyodai distracted from her duties guarding the barrier between realms, oni began escaping into the mortal realm.
In the aftermath of the Invasion, the Wanderer lost her spark in the Great Pruning. Now relegated to Kamigawa, the Emperor chose to travel the plane while Light-Paws continued ruling as regent in her stead.
New Class Options
This chapter contains a number of new subclasses inspired by the cultures and magic of modern Kamigawa. These subclasses correspond to the follow classes:
Class | Subclass |
Rogue | Shinobi |
Fighter | Mech Ace |
Druid | Circle of the Spirits |
Monk | The Way of Jukai |
Artificer | Saiba Futurist |
Ninjas, also called Shinobi (shee-NO-bee), are masters of both stealth and armed combat who may find employment as spies, warriors, mercenaries or assassins; they are famed for their versatility.
Secretive in the extreme, some ninja practice magic that further enhances their abilities of infiltration. Some ninja come together in clans, though many others are solitary rogues.
The Arts of Stealth
Beginning at 3rd level, you may cast a spell from the following list without using material components. Your spellcasting modifier is Wisdom.
- expeditious retreat, shield, mirror image, invisibility
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you take a long rest.
Additionally, you gain a climbing speed of 30 feet.
Lethal Exploit
Starting at 9th level, whenever you make an attack of opportunity against a hostile creature, you may apply your Sneak Attack to the attack. Whenever you attack from at least 10 feet above a hostile creature, you may also apply your Sneak Attack.
Master of Swirling Mist
At 13th level, you master the finer combat arts of your clan. You add the following spells to the list you can cast with your The Arts of Stealth feature: misty step, cloud of daggers, water walk.
Urban Parkour
Also at 13th level, you have advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks made to climb, leap between, and maneuver through buildings.
You are Already Dead
At 17th level, you learn how to unleash a deadly strike that can kill an opponent outright. As an action you can make a single melee attack against a hostile creature. If you hit and the creature has less than 100 hit points, it dies. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Mech Ace
On Kamigawa, mech warfare is increasingly common, even as Imperial forces attempt to reach a peaceable solution to the many problems of the plane. As such, Imperial troopers, Saiba Futurists, even Asari pilots are represented among the aces of Kamigawa.
Bonus Proficiencies
Starting at 3rd level when you select this subclass, you become proficient with all vehicles, and you gain an additional skill proficiency of your choice.
Piloting Expertise
Also at 3rd level, you have expertise with all vehicles, and when using the attacks in any vehicles profile, you gain expertise with that attack.
Anytime you see Expertise mentioned in this document, it is short hand for adding your proficency bonus twice to something.
Hot-Shot Repairs
At 7th level, you have learned how to make quick repairs to your vehicle in the heat of combat. You gain an additional use of your Second Wind feature, which may only be used to heal the vehicle you are piloting. You may use your regular Second Wind uses to repair your vehicle as well.
At 10th level, you can push your vehicle to it's limit, allowing you to take one of the following actions, at the cost of the vehicle taking an amount of necrotic damage equal to your level x2;
- You may use one of the actions in your vehicle's stat block an additional time.
- You may make an additional Dash action with your vehicle.

Beginning at 15th level, you can modify magical items to fit within your vehicles.
The magic items must require attunement, and the items are magically melded with the vehicle. When they are unattuned they return to their original form.
Each vehicle may only attune two items, and the effects of the magical items becomes a part of their statblock.
One with the Machine
Beginning at 18th level, you may select one action from a single vehicle's statblock, typically your favored vehicle. You may use that action as if you were the vehicle, magically manifesting anything needed to perform the action.
Additionally, you gain an additional use of Second Wind for your Hot-Shot Repairs feature.
Optional Rule: Fearsome Mechs
As an optional rule to make mech combat more focused on mechs fighting other mechs, you can give all mechs an additional trait; Mechanized Warfare: This vehicle has resistance to all damage except that inflicted by another vehicle.
Sample Vehicles
Sample vehicles can be found in Chapter 5 of the Planeshifted Guide to Neon Dynasty
These include:
- The Bankbuster
- The Brute Suit
- Cyberbike
- The Dragonfly Suit

Circle of the Spirits
On Kamigawa, the kami are a part of all things, and the Order of Jukai does their best to preserve the old ways of Kamigawa, working to preserve nature and the kami alike. Accordingly, many druids number amongst them, calling upon the blessings of kami magic to further Jukai goals.
Abjure Technology
Beginning at 2nd level, you may expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to dispel the effect of any magic item within 30 feet of you for 1 minute.
Soothe the Kami
Also at 2nd level, you may cast calm emotions without expending a spell slot. When you cast the spell this way, it can only target creatures with the kami subtype, and they have disadvantage on the Charisma saving throw to resist the spell's effects.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a short rest before you can use it again.
Beloved by Kami
Beginning at 6th level, you are protected by the spirits you work with.
You may use an action to summon a number of vector gliders (Planeshifted Guide to Kamigawa, page 98) equal to your level. These tiny kami will use their pester action against the most recent creature to attack you, and will change the focus of their actions if another creature attacks you.
All summoned creatures take their turn after yours, and will not take any actions other than as described above. They will stay for 10 minutes before leaving.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you use it again.
Suggestion to DMs
When using this subclass in a setting that does not have kami, consider changing all references to the kami subtype to fey, instead. This allows it to be useful even outside of Kamigawa and similar worlds.

Dance of Two Worlds
Starting at 10th level, you have learned to step through to the world of the kami through the use of a secret ritual.
As an action, you can cast the etherealness spell with this feature, without expending a spell slot. Beginning at 15th level, when you use this feature, you cast etherealness as an 8th level spell.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest
Kami Relic
Beginning at 14th level, you may perform a sacred ritual to coax a willing kami into an item, creating a magic item.
This ritual takes one hour to perform, and requires material components worth 1000 GP per rarity level of the item being created. Additionally, the DM may require you befriend a specific kami related to the item you wish to create.
At the end of the ritual, the kami enters the item, making it function as the chosen magical item. Said item cannot be a unique item or artifact. If the item requires attunement normally, you must still attune to it.
Additionally, during the ritual to create the item, the kami will set a single condition for the wielder of the item to avoid.
If that condition is met, then the kami becomes offended and will leave the item, rendering it useless. This condition, called the item's ban, is unique to every item.
You may only have one Kami Relic created at a time.
Optional Rule: Timed Relics
If you are worried about the power of this feature, I suggest adding a time time limit to how long the kami is willing to inhabit the item, in place of a ban. In this way, you maintain the limited nature of this feature, while keeping it relevant.

Way of Jukai
For much of Kamigawa's history, power was concentrated in the hands of the elite: the Imperials who ran the Plane with Kyodai's blessings, various warlords, and those who could channel the power of the kami. More recently, however, Kamigawa has found itself facing significant disruption to this status quo as innovations have made access to power more widely and cheaply available to all. Key among these innovations were two: enhancers invented by the akki artisans of Sokenzanshi, and the method invented by the Saiba Futurists of drawing power directly from the spirit realm.
The boom of all this technology has seen the rise of the Order of Jukai, who believe that this unrestrained use of technology is drawing on power in a reckless, dangerous manner that threatens to irreparably damage the fabric of the two realms. When the orochi Shigeki bonded with a nature kami, he experienced a prophetic dream of the spirit realm shattering. He vowed to stop the vision from coming true and named his new Order after the moment when the Jukai forest expelled all mortals, including his ancestors. The Order grew swiftly as others had similar visions of the spirit realm's destruction. They actively despise the Saiba Futurists and desire to destroy their floating headquarters.
As a monk of the Way of Jukai, you bond with a kami who grants you deadly power, and can even be called upon to fight alongside you at the heights of your bond.
Kami Bond
Starting at 3rd level when you select this Way, your bond with the kami grants you the following benefits:
- You gain proficiency with one skill, which you can change after a short or long rest.
- You may spend 1 ki while attuning to a magic weapon. If you spend ki to attune this way, the weapon counts as a monk weapon for you.
- You gain a climbing speed of 30 feet.
Additionally, you can always communicate telepathically with your bonded kami, who has it's own personality and free will, though it is generally friendly to you.
Jukai Battle Techniques
At 6th level, you gain the following ki features:
- Spinning Wheel Kick: Whenever you take the Attack action, you may spend 2 ki to apply the attack to all enemies in a 10 foot cone in front of you.
- Master's Rebuke: As a reaction, whenever you are attacked by a hostile creature with a melee attack, you may spend 1 ki to immediately make a single counterattack, which may be enhanced with other ki features.
Boon of Bosejiu
Beginning at 11th level, you may use an action to bring your bonded kami into the physical world, merging with it to form a powerful battle-form that resembles a fusion of yourself and your kami, gaining the following benefits:
- Your size becomes Large.
- You gain a +2 bonus to your AC.
- When you enter this form, you regain a number of ki points equal to your proficiency bonus.
This transformation lasts for one minute. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Harmonious Emergence
Beginning at 17th level, you may bring your kami into the physical world as an action. Your bonded kami uses the statistics of a kami of transience (Planeshifted Guide to Kamigawa, page 83), although it's appearance is unique to it.
The kami is friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys your commands. In combat, the shares shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action.
That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If you are incapacitated, the kami can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge. The kami remains until it is reduced to 0 hit points, until you use this feature to summon the kami again, or until you die. Anything the kami was wearing or carrying is left behind when the drake vanishes.
Once you summon the kami, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Additionally, you cannot use your Boon of Bosejiu feature when your kami is embodied using Harmonious Emergence. You may use a bonus action to dematerialize your kami.
Jukai Master Techniques
Also at 17th level, you gain the following ki features:
- Invoke the Ancients: As an action, you may spend 5 ki to cast the summon elemental spell without using material components.
- Teachings of the Kirin: As a bonus action, you may spend 2 ki to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied square you can, arriving in a bolt of lighting. Creatures in the area take 3d6 lightning damage.

Saiba Futurist
The driven, highly secretive Futurists are a technocratic elite at the forefront of technological innovation on Kamigawa. They believe strongly in innovation and pushing the boundaries of possibility, claiming impartiality to how the rest of the plane views their research.
Most Futurists prefer not to rely on kami magic because they see it as putting themselves at the whim of the kami. They would rather be free to experiment and explore on their terms.
Nevertheless, some individual Futurists have chosen to experiment with kami magic and the very forces that govern reality.
Tool Proficiency
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with hacking tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.
Futurist Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the following table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare. Note that some of these spells are from the Planshifted Guide to Kamigawa, marked with a ~
Level | Spells |
3rd | Voltage Surge~, Magic Missile |
5th | Kinetic Jaunt, Short Circuit~ |
9th | Fly, Tongues |
13th | Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Summon Construct |
17th | Passwall, Wall of Light |
Starting at 3rd level, you may modify your own body with kami-tech, allowing you to store up to three artificer spells of up to 4th level that you can cast and have prepared within your body, allowing you to cast the chosen spells once each, without using material components. You regain expended uses upon finishing a long rest.
These stored spells manifest as semi-organic kami that interface directly with your body.

Hacking the Weave
At 5th level, you may use hacking tools to perform the following action:
- Whenever a creature you can see within 60 feet of you casts a spell, you can use your reaction to attempt to counter the spell. Make an Arcana check with a difficulty equal to 12+ the spell's level. On a success, you counterspell the original spell.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a short rest before you can use it again.
Inventive Iteration
At 9th level, you have learned how to quickly switch out your Infusions in the heat of battle. As a bonus action, you may touch an item currently benefitting from one of your Infusions, and change that to another Artificer Infusion you know, that it qualifies for. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a short or long res.t
Quick Infuse
At 15th level, you have learned how to quickly install your Infusions. As long as you have hacking tools available, you may infuse an item at the end of a short rest, instead of a long rest.
New Infusions
Item: Any
The item can be concealed with a bonus action. The DC to spot with a (Wisdom) Perception check is equal to your spellcasting modifier.
Item: Any ranged weapon
The infused item now does half of it's final damage on an attack to all hostile creatures within 5 feet of the original target.

Land of Khans and Dragons

Tarkir is a wartorn world ruled by five clans, each with its own dragonlord. Regions differ from arid desert plains to humid tropical jungles to frigid snow-covered tundra.
A Brief History
Original timeline
In 4559 AR of the original timeline, dragons were extinct, leading to Sarkhan Vol's fascination with them as a planeswalker. They had been hunted to extinction long before Sarkhan's time.
1280 years earlier, the clans were locked in a war against the dragons for their survival. When Ugin's twin brother, Nicol Bolas, confronted and killed him, the elemental storms that gave birth to the dragons ceased and no new dragons were born, changing the tide of the war. Ultimately, the warriors of the clans were able to destroy them all.
In the centuries that followed, the five warrior clans claimed dominion over Tarkir, and are fighting over every scrap of territory. While some khans are content to rule their homelands, some wish to rule all of Tarkir. The clans have co-opted ancient draconic magic to disguise their strength and best their foes.
Alternate timeline
A remnant of Ugin's spirit was able to transport Sarkhan back in time to prevent the dragon's death during the duel with his brother. When Sarkhan traveled back in time, he saved Ugin after his battle with Bolas. Ugin was preserved in a hedron cocoon as he regained his strength. During this time, the dragon tempests grew in intensity, with the dragons growing more numerous and powerful and eventually overtaking the clans in an event known as the "Khanfall". In the aftermath, the word "Khan" was abolished among all Clans and five dragonlords and their broods rose to dominate the humanoid races, forming new clans over the remains of the old, though knowledge of the clans still exists in the new timeline. These new clans continued to clash with each other over territorial disputes.
Phyrexian invasion
Tarkir was a target in New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse. While Sarkhan espoused the dragons' might against the Phyrexians, many dragons were compleated, such as at least one of Kolaghan's brood, and many of Silumgar's brood. Surrak and Goreclaw, Zurgo and Ojutai, and Atarka shamans loosely banded together to defend the plane.
New Class Options
This chapter contains a number of new subclasses inspired by the cultures and magic of original Tarkir. These subclasses correspond to the follow classes:
Class | Subclass |
Fighter | Kin-Tree Paragon |
Monk | Way of Ghost-Flame |
Ranger | Heartpiercer Conclave |
Cleric | Temurer Whisperer |
Wizard | Naga Necromancy |
Kin-Tree Paragon Fighter
The Abzan Houses are resilient warriors that fight in tight-knit groups. Their homes are on the harsh, rugged desert plains.
The Abzan Houses model themselves after familial units to survive their harsh environment. Family as a concept is of extreme relevance to the Abzan, believing it to be the institution that allows them to thrive in the harsh desert environment.
Each Abzan family bears a kin-tree, a sacred fruit-bearing tree to which the dead members of the family are fed and where their names are carved, zealously guarded by the firstborn child, known as a "tree warden/caretaker"; younger children are free to choose other paths, and eventually plant their own kin-trees and families. The spirits of the ancestors can be summoned from these kin-trees, and the Abzan carry/consume resin, sap, or amber in order to connect with the spirits.
As a Kin-Tree Paragon, however, you do not sit around simply guarding your family's kin-tree, instead going out into the world, adventuring to bring new stories to your family tree. However, you carry a small relic of some form, which allows you to call upon the kin-tree's magic to aid you in your adventures.
Dragonscale Boon
Beginning at 3rd level when you select this subclass, you gain dragon-like scales all over your body whenever you invoke the natural healing magic of the Abzan.
Whenever you use your Second Wind feature, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your level. These temporary hit points last for one minute.
Additionally, you gain a number of special dice called Channel Dice. You gain Channel Dice at certain levels according to the table below, and they grow in power according to the same table.
You may expend and roll a Channel Dice and add the result to a single skill check, as your ancestors lend their wisdom to you.
You regain all expended Channel Dice whenever you complete a long rest.
Level | Channel Dice | Size |
3rd | 2 | d4 |
7th | 3 | d6 |
10th | 4 | d8 |
15th | 5 | d10 |
18th | 6 | d12 |
Dazzling Ramparts
Starting at 7th level, you may use your bonus action, and expend at least one use of your Channel Dice to glow with magic, forcing all hostile creatures within 60 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC of 8 + half your Fighter level.
On a failed save, they take 2d4 + your Channel Dice in radiant damage, and have disadvantage on attack rolls against any creature other than you, for one minute.

Channel Harm
Beginning at 10th level, whenever you would take damage, you may use your reaction to expend a single use of your Channel Dice, rolling the Channel Dice and adding it to the damage you would have taken, and then the hostile creature who attacked you takes that damage.
Retribution of the Ancients
Starting at 15th level, you may call upon the spirits of your kin-tree to take up arms and battle once more.
As an action, you may expend any number of Channel Dice. For every expended Channel Die, one sword wraith warrior (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, page 241) is summoned within 30 feet of you, appearing in random spaces.
These ancestor spirits are friendly to you and your allies, but act on their own. They will attempt to kill all hostile creatures they can perceive, and will fight until they are discorporated by hitting 0 hit points. They discorporate automatically when they can no longer perceive a hostile creature for longer than 1 minute.
Abzan Ascendancy
Starting at 18th level, when you roll initiative and you have no Channel Dice available, you regain 3 Channel Dice.
Additionally, whenever you use your Second Wind feature, all friendly creatures within 30 feet of you regain the same amount of hit points as you.
Finally, at this level, you can give commands to your kin-spirits summoned by Retribution of the Ancients, and they will follow them to the best of their ability.

Way of Ghost-Flame
The Jeskai Way is a clan of martial artists, mystics, and monks. The clan focuses on strategy over strength, planning battles against the other clans from their remote monasteries in misty mountain lakes.
The Jeskai believe that they alone understand the true nature of reality. As taught by Ugin, they speak of six fires that light the way to Enlightenment.
These are the white soulfire, the red bloodfire, the blue mistfire, the black deathfire, and the green vitalfire. While vitalfire and deathfire are taboo for the Jeskai Way, mastering the other three opens the way to the sixth fire: the colorless ghostfire.
Ghostfire, also known as the Breath of Ugin, is an invisible colorless flame. As a Ghostfire Warrior in training, you are expected to master the three orthodox fires, before you achieve the pinnacle of your power. However, the choice to master vitalfire and deathfire are always there, though they will mark you as a heretic to the Jeskai Way.
The First Step
Beginning at 3rd level, you select one of the following options.
- Bloodfire: Whenever you use Flurry of Blows, you may make an additional attack by using your reaction. Additionally, you may make the damage of your unarmed strikes Fire damage, if you wish.
- Soulfire: Whenever you use the Patient Defense ki feature, you do not need to see attackers to apply the benefits of the Dodge action to their attacks. Additionally, you may make the damage of your unarmed strikes Radiant damage, if you wish.
- Mistfire: Whenever you use your Step of the Wind ki feature, you do not need to cross the distance you travel, teleporting to your destination in a burst of mist. You never provoke attacks of opportunity when using Step of the Wind. Additionally, you may make the damage of your unarmed strikes Thunder damage, if you wish.

The Second Step
At 6th level, select one of the options below. You cannot select an option that shares a name with an option you have selected with one of this Way's features before.
- Bloodfire: Whenever you deal damage with your unarmed strikes, you may choose to deal maximum damage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest. Additionally, you may spend 4 ki to cast fireball without using components.
- Soulfire: Whenever you use your Deflect Missile feature, you may choose to treat the roll as a 10 on the 1d10 used for the feature. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest. Additionally, you may spend 2 ki to cast shield without using components.
- Mistfire: Whenever you use your Unarmored Movement feature, you may choose to increase your movement speed by an additional 10 feet. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest. Additionally, you may spend 3 ki to cast thunderstep without using components.
The Third Step
At 11th level, select one of the options below. You cannot select an option that shares a name with an option you have selected with one of this Way's features before.
- Bloodfire: Whenever you deal damage to a creature, you may choose to ignore any resistances or immunity to the damage type the creature may possess. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest.
- Soulfire: Whenever a hostile creature you can see within 30 feet of you regains hit points, you may use your reaction to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to half the healed hit points the hostile creature regains. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest.
- Mistfire: Whenever you move at least 30 feet and make an attack roll in the same turn, you may choose to gain advantage on that attack roll. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest.
Jeskai Ascendancy
At 17th level, choose one of the options below.
- Ghostfire: Your unarmed strike's damage cannot be reduced in any way, and your Martial Arts die becomes 2d12.
- Vitalfire: You may use your reaction to gain temporary hit points equal half of the damage you deal with an unarmed strike. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest.
- Deathfire: When you make an unarmed strike against a hostile creature, you may give them the deathmarked condition for 1 minute instead of dealing damage. Additionally, whenever you strike a creature with the deathmarked condition, you may spend 5 ki to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, f the creature has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies
- Master of (X)Fire: You may choose one additional option for all previous features, ignoring the restriction of choosing an option that shares a name with an option you have selected before.
New Condition: Deathmarked
A creature suffering from this condition has disadvantge on all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. A restoration spell can get rid of this condition early.

Heartpiercer Conclave
The Mardu Horde are fearsome warriors that live for the heat of battle and thrive on the rocky wastes of Tarkir. They routinely conduct vicious raids against the other clans and regularly combine lightning magic and archery to strike at their enemies.
The Heartpiercers are the Mardu Horde's foremost horse archers, mixing magic and archery to a ferocious degree.
Mardu Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the table below. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know. Some of these spells are from Kibble's Elemental Spells, marked by a ^.
Ranger Level | Spells |
3rd | Guiding Bolt |
5th | Thunderwave |
9th | Lightning Bolt |
13th | Jumping Jolt^ |
17th | Sky Burst^ |
Master of Mounted Archery
Starting at 3rd level, while you are mounted, you ignore disadvantage on attack rolls for making ranged attacks at a target using the Dodge action. You may also mount and dismount as a bonus action, and doing so only costs five feet of movement, instead of half your movement.
Fast Retreat
Also at 3rd level, you and your mount do not provoke attacks of opportunity while mounted. Additionally, your mount gains 10 feet of movement while you are riding it.
Howl of the Horde
By 7th level, you have mastered the signature warcry of the Mardu. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill, and if you are already proficient in it, you gain expertise in it. Additionally, you can use a Intimidation (Charisma) check as a bonus action in combat to reduce a hostile creature's Intiative by 2. The DC for this check is equal to 10 + the hostile creature's proficiency bonus + the hostile creature's Wisdom modifier.

Ride Hard, Ride Fast
Starting at 11th level, you may add your proficiency bonus to initiative rolls. Additionally, you may use your bonus action to spur your mount to great speed. Whenever you use this feature, your mount automatically uses their bonus action to Dash. This feature has a number of uses equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon completing a short or long rest.
Reaction Shot
Beginning at 15th level, you may use your reaction to make a single ranged attack with a bow, longbow, crossbow, or javelin against a creature that you can see that moves within 30 feet of you.
Mardu Ascendancy
Also at 15th level, you achieve the fierce pinnacle of Mardu warfare, gaining expertise with shortbows, crossbows, and the Animal Handling skill.
Additionally, whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points or less, you may immediately use your Howl of the Horde feature on a creature you can see, even if you have already used your bonus action for the round.
Temur Whisperer
The Temur are fierce, rugged survivors that live in the harsh arctic environments of Tarkir. Embodying the aspect of savagery, the Temur are often forced to fight as feral animals would, doing anything they can to survive.
Shamans are seen as living links to the ancestors who are frozen in time. They are referred to as whisperers and have a special relation to time. They are led by the One Who Whispers Twice, who travels with the Dragonclaw to advise them. The art of Whispering was taught by Ugin to the ancestors of the tribe.
Domain Spells
Cleric Level | Spells |
1st | Fog Cloud, Frost Fingers |
3rd | Locate Animals or Plants, Rime's Binding Ice |
5th | Counterspell, Spirit Shroud |
7th | Guardian of Nature, Ice Storm |
9th | Reincarnate, Wrath of Nature |
Bonus Cantrip
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the guidance cantrip if you don't already know it. This cantrip doesn’t count against the number of cleric cantrips you know.
Heart of the Frontier
Also at 1st level, you gain resistance to environmental cold, fire, and bludgeoning damage (such as a snowstorm, or a desert). Additionally, you gain expertise in Survival.
Channel Divinity: Call the Ancestors
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to call upon the ancestors of the Temur, calling them to aid you in battle.
As an action, you present your holy symbol, and summon a specter for 1 minute. The specter is friendly to you and your allies, and will follow your commands to the best of it's ability. In combat, the specter takes it's action after yours, and you may command it with a bonus action.
At 5th level, you summon two specters, at 10th level you summon three, and at 15th level, you summon four specters. They all act on the same initiative.

Protection of the Ancients
Starting at 6th level, the ancestors rally to defend you when your foes strike at you. You may use your reaction to gain resistance to a single damage type, in response to being attacked.
This feature has a number of uses equal to your proficiency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon completing a short or long rest.
Potent Spellcasting
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
Nexus of Fate
Beginning at 17th level, you may cast reality break without using material components, calling on the whisperer's unique relationship with time to thrust a creature into a nightmare.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.
Temur Ascendancy
Also at 17th level, you gain immunity to environmental damage, and you always have resistance to cold and fire damage.
Winds of Qal Sisma
2nd level Abjuration
- Casting Time: 1 Reaction
- Range: 25 feet
- Components: V, S, M (A handful of dirt from the Qal Sisma mountains)
- Duration: Until the start of your next turn
Calling upon the powerful elemental winds of the wild Qal Sisma mountains, you wreath all friendly creatures within range in these potent winds. All affected creatures gain an additional 10 feet of movement speed, and have half cover against ranged weapon attacks, as the winds batter away your foes' arrows and bolts.
Spell Lists: Cleric, Druid

Naga Necromancy
The Sultai Brood is a decadent and merciless clan that lurks in ancient palaces in the steaming jungles of Tarkir. After striking a deal with the demonic Rakshasa, they employ necromancy to fuel their schemes of dominating the other clans. All Sultai wizards learn this dread necromancy, but the naga are it's most fervent, and skilled, practitioners.
Naga necromancy focuses on the raising and manipulation of undead, with a focus on creating servants designed to protect the necromancer. However, they are also noted connoisseurs of life-essence, using it to fuel their own lives.
Reach of Shadows
Beginning at 2nd level when you select this school, you gain the ability to reap life energy from creatures you or your minions kill. Once per turn when you or an undead creature under your control kill one or more creatures, you regain hit points equal to the slain creature's number of hit dice.
You don't gain this benefit for killing constructs or undead. You may only benefit from this feature once a round.
Shambling Attendants
Beginning at 6th level, you may cast animate dead as an action. Undead raised with this spell gain the following benefits:
- The creature may benefit from your Reach of Shadows feature, if you choose.
- The creature's hit point maximum is increased by an amount equal to your wizard level times three.
- The creature gains resistance to nonmagical piercing and slashing damage.
Will of the Naga
To a naga necromancer, your minions are your shield. Starting at 10th level, whenever you would take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points or less, you may use your reaction to have a friendly undead creature that is under your control take the damage instead.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Sultai Ascendancy
Beginning at 14th level, whenever you cast a spell that deals necrotic damage, you may expend any number of hit dice and add them to the damage roll of the spell. You can regain these expended hit dice as normal.
Additionally, any creatures killed by a spell enhanced by this feature automatically are raised as if by an animate dead spell, benefiting from all features you possess as normal.
Drain Essence
3rd level Necromancy
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: 60 feet
- Components: V, S, M (A ruby worth at least 100 gp)
- Duration: 1 hour
You drain the life essence from a creature within range, empowering your own magical strength in the process. Make a ranged spell attack roll against the selected creature. On a hit, you deal 4d8 necrotic damage, and you gain a d8 that you may add to a single spell attack roll or spell saving throw. This d8 disappears at the end of this spell's duration.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.
Spell Lists: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock

Land of Constant Horrors

Life on Innistrad is dominated by the single moon in its sky. Though the inhabitants of the plane know little about it, the moon drives the seasons and also the hunting patterns of the monsters, harvests of the Humans, etc.
Human society is dominated by religion with the Church of Avacyn promising protection from the evils that lurk in the night. The church is named for an Archangel who helped to drive back the monsters that preyed on Humans. When she went missing, the power vacuum created was rapidly being filled by Demons. A secret cult of Demon worshipers named Skirsdag also emerged from this. When Avacyn was released from her prison, the Helvault, she rallied her troops to contain the Demonic threat and, ultimately, to cleanse Innistrad of all these infernal creatures.
A Not-So Brief History
Birth of Vampirism
More than 6000 years before the Great Mending, an aging human alchemist named Edgar Markov was experimenting with ways to achieve agelessness for himself and his family. When famine was sweeping the land, the demon Shilgengar convinced Edgar to start experiments with blood. Markov and his sons trapped the angel Marycz in his laboratory and exsanguinated her, prepared a decoction from her blood, and created a ritual that caused his subjects to feed on the blood of other beings. It provided sustenance to those few, but the demand for blood also culled the overall population, reducing the number of hungry mouths to feed. However, when he forced his grandson Sorin to turn, the trauma of the transformation caused the boy's planeswalker spark to ignite, sending Sorin away from the plane and his grandfather for the first time. However, worried about the state of his homeplane, he would frequently return to visit his home.
Creation of Avacyn
Over the centuries, as vampires spread further into human lands, Sorin spent more and more time away from his homeworld, sometimes disappearing for years at a time. Vampires became disdainful of the race from which they had spawned, hunting mortal humans more and more boldly, and Sorin became distant from his lineage. From his world-hopping perspective, he could see the changes happening within his homeworld. As the vampires gained more and more power, the humans were being driven further and further back, suffering under the boots of his grandfather's legacy, and it would only be a matter of time before the vampires wiped out their former kin. When confronting his grandfather with this newfound knowledge, Edgar brushed it aside, saying they had eternity, or close to it, to find a solution.
For humanity to survive and to keep vampires from cannibalizing each other once humanity perished, Sorin committed an act that forever marked him as a traitor to his race: Borrowing from long-held beliefs about the moon and the afterlife, Sorin forged a warrior who could hold back the vampires and other threats that threatened the extinction of humanity on Innistrad. He named this creation Avacyn and tasked the angel with protecting the plane in his absence. Through her, the magic of faith would create true power to fend off the darkness. She was half of the protective measure he created to protect Innistrad. The other half was the Helvault. The Church of Avacyn was born from Sorin's act, and while some of the vampires understood, most reviled him as a traitor.
Unknown to Sorin, the Eldrazi stirred on Zendikar, but Nahiri had to deal with the situation alone. When she later came to Innistrad, Sorin explained that her signal for help had likely been absorbed by The Helvault, but displayed no remorse for his oversight. When Nahiri confronted him with the gravity of his mistake, Sorin became offended and angrily reminded her of who raised her as a planeswalker and advised her to pester Ugin, instead. Nahiri saw this as a betrayal of their bond and chose to physically threaten Sorin. This resulted in Avacyn's intervention, who felt the threat that Nahiri posed to Innistrad. The two clashed until Sorin called the battle off and banished Nahiri into the Helvault.
The demon Griselbrand eventually came to the Helvault, defiantly challenging Avacyn to combat. The two battled for days, out of view of all but Avacyn's host, the Lunarch, Mikaeus, and his most trusted bishops. Finally, in an act of desperate effort, Avacyn used all of her remaining strength to drive Griselbrand into the Helvault. However, as his final act, Griselbrand threw his spear and impaled his angelic nemesis. The binding spell backlashed as she was impaled, and Avacyn became imprisoned in the Helvault alongside every other demon that had been trapped within. The angel's disappearance endangered the humans of Innistrad and shattered the carefully-constructed balance between humanity and the creatures of the night.
Avacyn's return
Liliana Vess visited Innistrad in the hopes of destroying Griselbrand, with whom she had made a demonic pact that would result in her soul's enslavement. To this end, she opened the Helvault by forcing an ultimatum on Thalia, its guardian: either she'd destroy the rock, or her soldiers would die. This resulted in the release of both the demons and Avacyn, restoring mankind's defense against the darkness.
The Cursemute
In the aftermath of her return, Avacyn led Innistrad's humanity into a time of prosperity and peace that lasted roughly a year. After her return, the people of the remote village of Gatstaf appealed to Avacyn for aid in breaking the lycanthropic curse. Avacyn appeared to them in Gatstaf Grotto, where many had gathered to strike down what they saw as their scourge. Avacyn's message was short and simple: she could not break the curse of lycanthropy. The curse mingles the human spirit with the spirit of the wild, and the wild spirit could not be destroyed without also destroying the werewolf's humanity; those afflicted with the curse would forever have it. However, Avacyn offered the Gatstaf werewolves a special place at her side. If they promised to serve as guardians of humanity, she would transform their curse, fusing the two warring aspects and allowing them to dwell in the light of her blessing. The lycanthropes at the Grotto accepted her offer, and she transformed them into the wolfir. In a powerful wave of spells that would become known as the cursemute, Avacyn's magic spread through the plane, transforming many werewolves and many of the world's foul curses. The wolfir emerged as a new race of great wolf creatures dedicated to the principles of the Church of Avacyn. However, some of the afflicted humans were fully cured and allowed to lead normal, non-hairy lives.
The Travails
When the Helvault broke, Nahiri fled back to Zendikar, only to find the Eldrazi unleashed, continents laid to waste, and her allies seemingly having forsaken her. Enraged, she swore vengeance against Sorin, vowing to make Innistrad bleed in the same way Zendikar had suffered. She attacked Markov Manor, destroying it with lithomancy and imprisoning its vampires in a state of perpetual agony within its walls.[9] While active on Innistrad, people turned to worship her, some ironically believing her to be an ancient vampire. She created cryptoliths across Innistrad, using them to channel Innistrad's leyline energy to summon Emrakul to lay waste to Innistrad as the Eldrazi had laid waste to Zendikar before it. As the focal point for summoning, she built the Drownyard Temple with help from Gisa's ghouls.
Upon his return, Sorin found Markov Manor in ruins, twisted into impossible shapes, its inhabitants embedded in the masonry. Nahiri had left this declaration in stone as a warning of her vengeance. Realizing his past had come back to haunt him, he hoped to gather the aid of the other vampires to confront the threat to Innistrad. A difficult task, because he was shunned by his kind. His search brought him to the remote estate of the powerful Olivia Voldaren, to entreat her aid in calling the bloodline.
To secure the help of the other vampires in battling Nahiri and reclaiming Markov Manor, Sorin reluctantly agreed to destroy Avacyn. He was just in time to save Jace Beleren and Tamiyo from being overcome by Avacyn in Thraben Cathedral. Though, when he saw Avacyn was intent on their destruction, he politely offered to let her kill them before they had their talk. Upon speaking with his creation, he saw the depths of her madness and how Nahiri had turned his most precious creation against him. And despite the deal Sorin had made with Olivia Voldaren, he initially tried to reason with his angel, to take her down to the cathedral's cellar, where he could cleanse her mind of madness. Avacyn, in a moment of lucidity, blamed him for what happened, for having her made weak and corruptible so that she could be turned against the innocent. She condemned him as Innistrad's greatest evil, believing that he, her creator, was responsible for everything that she could do, and therefore was responsible for her madness. They fought a battle that nearly tore the cathedral apart. In the end, Sorin overpowered Avacyn, draining her blood and slamming her body through the chapel floor, all the way down to the cellar. There, he once again pleaded with her, offering to make her anew and cleanse her mind. But whether due to her madness or a personal revelation about her nature, Avacyn refused, stating that "If I am not the daughter you want...then we must battle again, and again, forever. For I will never yield. I am no monster's instrument. I will not be altered by the likes of you." And so, one thousand years after creating Avacyn to maintain the balance between humans and the supernatural, Sorin was forced to unmake his corrupted guardian in the same spot where she was born. Head bowed with anguished regret, he looked away as he dissipated his progeny into an ashen cloud. With Avacyn's destruction, the last of Sorin's magical protections woven over Innistrad was broken.
With Avacyn gone, Jace tried to speak with Sorin about why he had destroyed Avacyn. But as Jace spoke, Sorin suddenly realized what Nahiri had been doing and that he had played right into her plan. Promptly, Emrakul arrived on Innistrad. Sorin and Olivia assembled a vampire army and went to war against Nahiri, while Liliana Vess tried to save the populace with a zombie army. Sorin and Nahiri battled in Markov Manor, where he was bested by the Lithomancer and encased in stone. Nahiri planeswalked away, leaving Sorin to watch Emrakul devastate Innistrad. Olivia Voldaren then taunted Sorin by proclaiming herself the new lord of Innistrad. She relieved him of his sword, leaving him to his fate. In the end, the Archangel Sigarda took control over the uncorrupted angels who stand watch over humanity, while Emrakul was banished into Innistrad's silver moon.
Fear of Eternal Night
Around two years after the Travails, and Emrakul's defeat and sealing, the Eldrazi Titan's direct influence on the plane started to wane. However, when Emrakul entered the Innistrad Moon, the day/night balance of Innistrad was disturbed. With the sun rising later and setting sooner each day, and the days getting colder, Werewolves went mad and tried to take control of the plane. With the unnatural darkness came too a weird magical frost that started covering the world. Left without Avacyn, the Humans of Innistrad started to focus on more ancient and traditional means of protection, such as sorcery. Fearing the Eternal Night, the citizens turned to the hope of the Harvesttide festival and a ritual with Warlocks of the Dawnhart Coven to restore the balance.
During that period, the fallen archangel Liesa was resurrected, amassing a new flock.
Reign of Olivia Voldaren
The Dawnhart ritual was disturbed, first by Werewolves, and then by Olivia Voldaren. The Eternal Night commenced, plunging all Humankind into despair. In the dark, the Vampires of Stensia started to collect daily blood tithes from the Humans. To cement her victory, Olivia sought to take control over the vampiric bloodlines by marrying the charmed Edgar Markov, uniting the most powerful bloodlines under her control and thus being able to overtake Innistrad. Furthermore, she captured Sigarda and planned to utilize an ancient artefact, the Moonsilver Key, combined with the archangels' blood, to take control over the angelic flights.
Her plan was foiled when the spirit of the head of the Dawnhart Coven manifested and broke Sigarda's confines. This disrupted the wards of Voldaren Manor and allowed the planeswalkers of the Gatewatch to intervene. Olivia was forced to relinquish the key and flee for own life. The key was delivered to the coven, who managed to finish the ritual and caused the Eternal Night to end and the sun to rise again, ending Olivias' scheme.
Phyrexian Invasion
After the balance of night and day was restored, Teferi warned Arlinn to watch out for "mechanical creatures." She and Sorin worked together to protect Innistrad, preparing it for a possible Phyrexian invasion. Eventually Innistrad was invaded by New Phyrexia. Thalia and the Gitrog monster became allies while Gisa and Geralf Cecani defeated a powerful Phyrexian invasion force attacking Havengul. As the glistening oil first affects the living mind, Innistrad's zombies were immune to phyresis, making them crucial to the plane's defense. Phyrexians, conversely, resisted both ghoulcalling and stitching. Nonetheless, thousands were killed across the plane.
New Class Options
This chapter contains a number of new subclasses inspired by the cultures and magics of Innistrad. These subclasses correspond to the follow classes:
Class | Subclass |
Warlock | The Dawnheart Pact |
Blood Hunter | The Order of Avacyn |
Sorcerer | Church of Avacyn Archmage |
Fighter | Vampire Bruiser |
Artificer | Skaberen |
Additionally, a new race, the Innistrad Angel, is included as well.
New Race
Innistrad's angels were born from a shared essence in the "dawn times" of that plane, and the leaders of its four flights considered each other sisters. Much later, roughly 3560 AR, Sorin Markov created the archangel Avacyn to maintain an equilibrium between humans and the monsters that preyed on them. Innistrad's native angels were unable to sense Avacyn as they did each other, but followed her out of respect for her power and confidence.
Recent events have split the flights vastly. Depending on when your game is set, all of these flights could be available, or perhaps only the Flight of Herons has survived Emrakul's devastation.
Additionally, there are two optional flights- the mad flight of Moonsilver, and the terrible, corrupted flight of Nightmates.
Note that these traits represent the angels of Innistrad, and might not necessarily work for angels of other planes.
Angel Traits
As an angel of Innistrad, you gain the following traits;
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age: As celestials, angels do not age.
Creature type: Your creature type is celestial instead of humanoid.
Alignment: The angels of Innistrad generally skew Lawful Good, but angels of the Flight of Herons tend towards Chaotic Good, willing to disobey the supreme Archangel of their world for humanity. Additionally, the Flightsof Moonsilver and Nightmares tend towards Lawful and Chaotic Evil, respectively.
Speed: You have a walking speed of 30 feet, and a flying speed of 20 feet. You may not use your flying speed if you are in heavy armor.
Size: Your size is Medium.
Subrace: Flight Choose one of the Flights below. These function as a subrace for you. You may change your Flight once chosen, but you must convince Avacyn and both ruling Archangels of those flights that it is necessary.
Necrotic Vulnerability: As creatures of pure white mana, angels take double damage from Necrotic sources.

Flight of Goldnight
Led by Gisela, these angels were associated with the sun. Once a year, during the Harvest Moon season, the sun will not dip below the horizon for two full days. Known as the Feast of Goldnight, this is the holiest day for the humans. These were the most battle oriented among the flights, also overseeing the training of cathars. They sided with Avacyn in turning against humanity.
As an angel of Goldnight, you gain the following traits:
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 1.
Cathar Battle Training: You gain proficiency with two martial weapons of your choice.
Goldnight Magic: You learn the true strike cantrip, and you learn the wrathful smite spell. You may cast wrathful smite once per day using this feature without expending a spell slot, and can cast it as normal with any spell slots you may possess.
Flight of Alabaster
Led by Bruna, these angels personified the Blessed Sleep, and were associated with the Hunter's Moon season. They created and mantained the magical wards that protected cities and holy sites and prevented the desecration of dead humans. They too sided with Avacyn and turned en masse against humanity.
As an angel of Alabaster, you gain the following traits:
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Corpse Sense: You automatically sense desecrated corpses within 30 feet of you, and you may use an action to use the divine sense paladin feature, but only sensing undead. After using this feature, you must complete a long or short rest before you can use it again.
Alabaster Magic: You learn the toll the dead cantrip, and you learn the bane spell. You may cast bane once per day using this feature without expending a spell slot, and can cast it as normal with any spell slots you may possess.
Flight of Herons
Led by Sigarda, these angels symbolized birth, rebirth and purity, and were associated with the New Moon season. Their magic is said to ward humans against harm in life (as opposed to the Alabaster host, which wards against harm in death). They were the only flight to side with humanity against Avacyn, avoiding corruption.
As an angel of Herons, you gain the following traits:
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Defend the Innocent: You may use your reaction to interpose yourself between an ally and a hostile creature's attack, taking the damage of the attack as long as your movement would allow you to reach the targeted friendly creature in a single turn.
Heron Magic: You learn the spare the dying cantrip, and you learn the shield of faith spell. You may cast shield of faith once per day using this feature without expending a spell slot, and can cast it as normal with any spell slots you may possess.

Flight of Dusk
One thousand years ago, these angels were led by Liesa. They associated with monsters such as vampires, witches, devils and even demons, ostensibly learning about them in order to defeat them more handily, which made them distrusted and disliked by other angels. Liesa eventually crossed the line by forming an alliance with a demon lord, earning the condemnation of her sisters and Avacyn, who declared her a heretic and destroyed the entire flight, forbidding the very mention of her name ever since.
As an angel of Dusk, you gain the following traits:
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Knowledge of Monsters: You have advantage on Intelligence checks to recall knowledge about fiends, shapechangers and hags.
Heron Magic: You learn the word of radiance cantrip, and you learn the false life spell. You may cast false life once per day using this feature without expending a spell slot, and can cast it as normal with any spell slots you may possess.
Flight of Moonsilver
A new flight created after Avacyn's descent into madness due to her corruption by Emrakul. These angels wield a spear made from a shard of the Helvault, and serve as Avacyn's honor guard, aiding her in her genocidal rampage against humanity.
As an angel of Moonsilver, you gain the following traits:
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength increases by 2.
Moonsilver Magic: You learn the mind sliver cantrip, and you learn the inflict wounds spell. You may cast inflict wounds once per day using this feature without expending a spell slot, and can cast it as normal with any spell slots you may possess.
Flight of Nightmares
After Avacyn's death at the hands of her creator Sorin, Emrakul successfully entered Innistrad and began corrupting the remaining angels into horrific abominations, forming the "Flight of Nightmares" led by Brisela, the twisted amalgamation of the broken bodies and minds of Bruna and Gisela that served as Emrakul's messenger.
As an angel of Nightmares, you gain the following traits:
Creature type: Your creature type is Abberation instead of celestial.
Radiant Vulnerability: This trait replaces Necrotic Vulnerability. You take double damage from Radiant damage sources.
Eldrazi Magic: You learn the infestation cantrip, and you learn the dissonant whispers spell. You may cast dissonant whispers once per day using this feature without expending a spell slot, and can cast it as normal with any spell slots you may possess.

The Dawnheart Pact
Dawnhart witches are mostly green and white-aligned warlocks that follow primordial, pagan traditions. After Avacyn's death, they have taken to organizing large festivities, hoping to beat back the darkness and lengthen the days. Members of the coven seem to have made a pact with a god called Ghrin-Danu. The magic of life and growth, protection and transformation are the craft of the Dawnheart witches.
Expanded Spell List
The Dawnheart Pact lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | Ceremony, Sanctuary |
2nd | Augury, Whither and Bloom |
3rd | Conjure Animals, Magic Circle |
4th | Divination, Aura of Life |
5th | Dawn, Hallow |
Rituals of Ghrin-Danu
Starting at 1st level, you can spend 1 minute performing a ritual to Ghrin-Danu on yourself or another creature, beseeching them for aid and protection. You may cause one of the following effects:
- For 1 minute, bright light emanates from the target of the ritual.
- For 1 minute, undead, fiends and shapechangers have disadvantage to attack the target of the ritual.
- If performed on a corpse, the corpse may not rise as an undead creature.
- For 1 minute, the target of the ritual becomes invisible to undead, fiends and shapechangers.
You can target a number of creatures or corpses equal to your proficiency bonus with this feature. This feature may be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a long or short rest.
Extra Cantrip
Also at 1st level, you learn the dancing lights cantrip. This does not count against your maximum number of cantrips known.

Sun Font
Starting at 6th level, the power of the sun radiates through your spells. Whenever you cast a spell that deals radiant damage, you may add your Charisma modifier to the damage.
Nourished by Dawn
Beginning at 10th level, you are nourished by the magic of the sun and dawn. You no longer need to eat. Additionally, whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with a spell or attack that deals radiant damage, you may regain one spell slot. You may use this feature twice. You regain expended uses upon completing a long rest.
Great Rituals
Beginning at 14th level, you add the following options whenever you use the Rituals of Ghrin-Danu feature:
- For 1 minute, all friendly creatures within 60 feet of you have advantage on attack rolls against undead, fiends and shapechangers. Additionally, they deal radiant damage with all attacks against such creatures.
- You may conjure a fascimile of the sun for 1 minute, which acts as the normal sun, including harming vampires and triggering Sunlight Sensitivity.
- You may use the turn undead channel divinity. It's effects last for 1 minute.
Child of the Pact
The Dawnheart Pact is powered by community, and the greatest witches of the pact return to safeguard it even in death. Also at 14th level, if you die, you return as a spirit, gaining the undead type, and the incorporeal trait. If you die as a spirit, you can never be resurrected again.
New Eldritch Invocations
Shielding Blast
Prerequisite: Eldritch blast cantrip
When you cast eldritch blast, you may choose for any number of the created beams to target friendly creatures within range. For any beams targeting friendly creatures, you do not roll an attack roll, but you roll damage as normal. The friendly creature gains temporary hit points equal to the damage roll.
Gift of the Sky
Prerequisite: 12th level
You can cast fly without expending a spell slot or material components. You must finish a long rest before you can use this invocation again.
Witch Vision
Prerequisite: 7th level
You can cast arcane eye once using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Katilda's Teachings
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome, 7th level
A new page appears in your Book of Shadows. With your permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your proficiency bonus.
You can cast Otiluke's resilient sphere targeting a creature whose name is on the page, without using a spell slot and without using material components. A creature may only benefit from Otiluke's resilient sphere cast this way, once per long rest.
As an action, you can magically erase a name on the page by touching it.

Order of Avacyn
Cathars are the elite warriors of the Church of Avacyn, but the most dedicated of her cathars may take up the practice of holy hemocraft. Deemed heretics by all but the most fanatical of Avacynian worshippers, the Order of Avacyn nonetheless hunts in the shadows.
During The Travails, the Order fought many corrupted angels, and went through a transformation- angelic blood mixed into the rites of the order has made them something not wholly human. They have nominally allied themselves with the Dawnheart Pact, taking part in the Harvesttide festival, fighting in the shadows to protect the innocents of Innistrad.
Rite of Radiance
When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the Rite of Radiance as part of your Crimson Rite feature. When you activate the Rite of Radiance, the extra damage dealt by your rite is radiant damage. Additionally, while that rite is active on your weapon, you gain the following benefits:
- You gain a bonus equal to your Hemocraft modifier to all saving throws against fear and charm effects.
- Undead, fiends, and shapechangers that take damage from your Rite of Radiance are poisoned for 1 minute, as holy magic floods their bodies.
Angelic Instincts
Also starting at 3rd level, the blood of Avacyn's angels that is infused in you grants you the following benefits: You can speak, read, and write Celestial and gain proficiency in two of the following skills: Insight, Religion, or History.
Celestial Hemocraft
At 7th level, the celestial energies coursing through your veins is potent enough to invigorate yourself and others.
When you use your Blood Maledict feature, another creature you touch gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your Hemocraft modifier. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Brand of Inquisition
Starting at 11th level, your Brand of Castigation causes the branded creature to shed bright light in a 10 foot radius, and it has disadvantage on Stealth checks for the duration of the brand. Additionally, the creature takes an additional 1d4 radiant damage anytime it takes damage while branded.
Blood Curse of Searing Light
At 15th level, you hone the stolen blood in your veins to tear corruption from the minds and bodies of creatures of darkness. You gain the Blood Curse of Searing Light for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.
Dance of Herons
At 18th level, you gain resistance to radiant damage. Additionally, whenever you are engaged in combat with more than one hostile creature, you may roll an additional Hemocraft dice for any feature that requires one, taking the higher number.
New Blood Curse
Blood Curse of Searing Light
Prerequisite: 15th level, Order of Avacyn
As a bonus action, you cause a creature within 30 feet of you to gain Sunlight Sensitity. The cursed creature can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the curse on itself on a success.
Amplified: The creature takes 3d6 radiant damage when you invoke this curse, and again each time that they fail the Wisdom saving throw to end the curse.

Church of Avacyn Archmage
The Avacynian archmages are gifted spellcasters with the inborn ability to channel some of the divine power of the archangels. Each lineage of the archmages practices unique techniques passed down from master to student for generations, ultimately tracing back to the archangels and Avacyn herself.
Magical Knowledge
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the tables below. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. Use the table associated with your Lineage of Power choice.
Spearsage Knowledge
Level | Spell |
1st | Magic Missile, Witch Bolt |
3rd | Flame Blade, Scorching Ray |
5th | Lightning Bolt, Wind Wall |
7th | Dominate Beast, Wall of Fire |
9th | Dawn, Summon Celestial |
Moonsage Knowledge
Level | Spell |
1st | Detect Evil and Good, Sanctuary |
3rd | Gentle Repose, Warding Bond |
5th | Glyph of Warding, Magic Circle |
7th | Guardian of Faith, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere |
9th | Dispel Evil and Good, Planar Binding |
Springsage Knowledge
Level | Spell |
1st | Bless, Cure Wounds |
3rd | Healing Spirit, Geist Banishment |
5th | Aura of Vitality, Remove Curse |
7th | Aura of Life, Death Ward |
9th | Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds |
Lineage of Power
At 1st level, you have begun your training, learning from a master of one of the great linages of angelic power. Choose one of the following options, which also effects your Magical Knowledge feature.
- Spearsage: The battlemages of the church of Avacyn, spearsages are experts in evocation magic. Whenever you cast an evocation spell that deals damage, you may cause it to deal radiant damage instead of it's original damage type.
- Moonsage: Warders and guardians of the dead, Moonsages are experts in abjuration magic. You can cast abjuration spells with a casting time of 10 minutes or less, as an action instead.
- Springsage: The healers of the church, springsages are wandering monks and healers. You can cast any spell that heals hit points as a bonus action.

Holy Vestments of Avacyn
Beginning at 6th level, you are empowered by by your holy symbol, and you clothing while wearing the symbol of Avacyn becomes as hard as steel. Your AC can never be lower than 18.
Face of the Faith
Also at 6th level, you are the public face of the Avacynian faith, and as such you gain Expertise with Diplomacy, Intimidation, and Deception checks against members of the faith.
Increasing Devotion
By 14th level, you are an exemplar of magical prowess. You may learn a number of additional spells equal to your Charisma modifier of the highest level you can cast. Whenever you level up, you can exchange these spells with other spells you can learn.
Intangible Virtue
At 18th level, you inspire those around you to true heroism and virtue. All friendly creatures within 10 feet of you cannot be reduced to 0 hit points while you are conscious.
Geist Banishment
2nd level Abjuration
- Casting Time: 1 hour
- Range: Touch
- Components: V, S, M (a holy symbol)
- Duration: Instant
Channeling the power of the archangels, you force a possession spirit to exist it's host, chosen by you upon casting the spell. A spirit expelled this way may make a Wisdom saving throw to resist. A spirit who fails this roll also takes 4d8 radiant damage.
Spell Lists: Cleric

Vampire Bruiser
The vampiric bloodlines that govern the Innistrad province of Stensia reap the benefits of the isolation in the region. Many vampires learn a unique fighting style, taking advantage of their unique blend of speed and strength.
Blood Rage
Starting at 3rd level when you select this archetype, you learn to harness your natural blood-rage, gaining a number of special dice called Blood Rage dice.
You gain a number of Blood Rage dice at certain levels according to the table below, and they grow in power according to the same table.
Whenever you use your Second Wind feature, you can expend and roll any number of Blood Rage dice, and add the result to the amount of hit points you regain.
You regain all expended Blood Rage dice whenever you complete a long rest.
Blood Rage Dice
Level | Rage Dice | Size |
3rd | 3 | d4 |
7th | 4 | d6 |
10th | 5 | d8 |
15th | 6 | d10 |
18th | 7 | d12 |
Vampiric Fighting Style
Also at 3rd level, you adopt a particular style of vampiric fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
Bloody Technique. You learn one maneuver of your choice from among those available to the Battle Master archetype. If a maneuver you use requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver's effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice.) You may use your Blood Rage dice in place of any Superiority Dice required by the maneuver.

Claw Fighting. Your unarmed strikes can deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you aren't wielding any weapons or a shield when you make the attack roll, the d6 becomes a d8.
- At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to one creature grappled by you.
- Additionally, whenever you deal damage with an unarmed strike, you can expend and roll a Blood Rage dice, and add the result as additional slashing damage.
Blood Dervish
Beginning at 7th level, you harness your predator's instincts to fuel your rage in combat. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points or less, you can use your bonus action to regain one expended Blood Rage dice.
You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses whenever you complete a short rest.
Grace of the Eternal Hunter
Also at 7th level, you gain proficiency in Deception. If you are already proficient in Deception, you gain Expertise instead.
Racial Restriction
You must be a vampire or dhampir to choose this fighter archetype, unless you have GM permission.
Powers from the Blood
Beginning at 10th level, you have unlocked some of the more overtly supernatural powers in your blood. You may expend Blood Rage dice to use the following effects:
- Until the end of the round, you gain an additional 60 feet of movement, moving almost faster than the eye can follow. You gain the benefits of half cover if you move at least 60 feet this round.
- For 1 hour, you gain a flying speed equal to your normal walking speed.
- You may cast any of the following spells, by expending a number of Blood Rage dice equal to the spell level: cause fear (1st), silent image (1st), detect thoughts (2nd), misty step (2nd), wither and bloom (2nd)
Master of Combat
By 15th level, you are an expert with the deadly weapons of the vampiric fighting style. You gain expertise with rapiers, longswords, whips, and your unarmed strikes.
Master Sangromancy
Also at 15th level, you can cast the following spells as part of your Powers from the Blood feature: freedom of movement (4th), hold monster (5th), steel wind strike (5th)
Endless Rage
At 18th level, whenever you die, you can expend and roll all available Blood Rage dice to immediately heal a number of hit points equal to the result. You can use this feature once, and must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Innistrad is a plane partially infested with Zombies. Zombies, or unhallowed, come in two variants. On one hand, there are the common shambling corpses associated with the color black, called ghouls. Reanimated by necromancers and ghoulcallers they go about making more zombies, killing the living, and devouring their flesh.
The second variety is in the vein of Frankenstein's Monster, the failed experiments of insane mages who attempted to toy with life itself, associated with the color blue. These are called skaabs, and their creators are called skaberen.
Skaabs are created by stitching together corpses and attaching binding plates to key locations, keeping the body's donors from ripping themselves apart when called back to life. The body's blood is then replaced by viscus vitae, and finally, the vox quietus is chanted to awaken the creature. While ghouls burn at the same rate as living flesh — not quickly — skaabs are notoriously flammable.
Many skaabs are enhanced with runes and magical infusions, empowering their minions.
Tool Proficiency
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with alchemist's tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.
Skaberen Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Skaberen Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
Skaberen Spells
Level | Spells |
3rd | False Life, Ray of Sickness |
5th | Blindess/Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement |
9th | Animate Dead, Revivify |
13th | Blight, Shadow of Moil |
17th | Danse Macabre, Raise Dead |

Create Skaab
Also at 3rd level, whenever you cast Animate Dead, you can choose to infuse the created zombie with your infusions that have an item of skaab listed. Infusions on skaabs count towards your total infused items. Unlike regular items. a skaab can have more than one infusion on it. Each infusion a skaab has counts towards your limit separately.
The Horde Unleashed
Beginning at 5th level, whenever you command a skaab to use the Attack action, they can make one additional attack as part of that action.
Skaab Legions
At 9th level, your mastery of animating skaabs is unparalleled. Whenever you cast Animate Dead, you can choose to make the casting time 1 hour. If you do, you can raise a number of additional undead equal to your Intelligence modifer, and all creatures created by that casting count as a single infused item for the purposes of determining how many infused items you can have at a time.
Mad Scientist
At 15th level, your creations will defend you with undying loyalty. You have resistance to all damage while you have a skaab within 5 feet of you.
New Skaab Infusions
Extra Arms
Item: Skaab
The item has extra arms grafted on to it. It gains the grappler trait.
Item: Skaab
The item is armored and plated. It's AC becomes 18.
Vicious Muscle Memory
Item: Skaab
The infused item gains a +1 bonus to melee attack and damage rolls.
Bloated Bodyguard
Item: Skaab
The infused item's size becomes Large. It gains a number of additional hit dice equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Wolfblood Infusion
Item: Skaab
The infused item's size gains the pack tactics trait.

City of Guilds

Ravnica is a plane whose main planet is covered in a large city, eponymously known as Ravnica Ravnica is a worldwide cityscape; an ecumenopolis consisting of a patchwork of grand halls, decrepit slums, and ancient ruins, with layer upon layer of stonework.It is one of the most densely populated planes in the Multiverse. Law magic and the metaphysics of hierarchy are deeply woven into the very fabric of the plane, enabling cooperating leaders to achieve feats of greatness
A Not-so Brief History
Almost ten thousand years before the events of Ravnica, the plane of Ravnica boasted untold violence and brutality, with various factions constantly waging centuries-long war against each other. Realizing that this neverending war would ultimately destroy everything, a council between ten factions was held, where the leader Azor I suggested establishing a living, breathing enchantment that would end the violence and ensure the survival of the factions. While some of the order-phobic factions had initial disagreements, the other nine leaders eventually concurred that such a pact was the best chance of survival. Each of the ten factions signed the Guildpact, and over time, these factions became the ten guilds of Ravnica.
The power of the Guildpact was subtle; it prevented any guild from dabbling into the business of any other guild or disturbing the stable power balance among the ten by twisting circumstance and coincidence to nullify the disruptive guild's actions. While the Guildpact was credited with bringing relative peace and prosperity to the plane, sporadic clashes between guilds still occurred. Despite any conflicts between the guilds at a particular time though, the anniversary of the Guildpact's signing was celebrated every year with a day-long festival, where all the people laid down their weapons and made merry. This celebration was called The Festival of the Guildpact.
Not all of Ravnica's citizens are a member of a guild; about half of the population is guildless. However, the guilds are a required part of daily life, and their presence is felt everywhere on Ravnica
The Decamillenial
During the Decamillennial Celebration of 10,000 ZC, the Guildpact was broken. The ancient balance was shattered, and Ravnica was thrown into chaos.
The Interregnum Eventually it came to pass that the guilds were officially disbanded. Many of the guilds were forcefully torn down due to the long-simmering unrest the guildless held towards their masters. There were, however, remainders of the guilds present.
The former guilds, however, were not long to rest, and they reestablished, many under new leadership. Some adopted a new purpose, as the original Guildpact had bound them to a specific task for over ten thousand years, and the guildless had grown weary of some of their morally questionable activities. Most guilds, however, follow the same basic structure they always had, as habit and traditions are forces at least as strong as the Guildpact.
In 10,075 ZC, the Izzet guildmaster discovered that Azor I had created a contingency plan that would take effect if the magic of the Guildpact was ever broken. An intricate network of leylines sprawled across the districts Ravnica called the Implicit Maze, offered a test to the guilds. If they would cooperate to solve the maze, they would secure the power of a new Guildpact. That power was eventually bestowed upon Jace Beleren, who became the Living Guildpact. Any law that he verbally confirms becomes legally binding.
As Jace is a planeswalker, his attention never remains focused on Ravnica for long. During his absences, the guilds return to their old habits of fighting with each other over the smallest scraps of influence or territory. Meanwhile an outside influence has taken control over several guilds, for reasons yet unknown. After Niv-Mizzet reveals his knowledge of the existence of other planes, planeswalkers, and the threat of Nicol Bolas, he has Ral Zarek turn Project Lightning Bug into a beacon to call other planeswalkers to help fight Bolas.
The Guild Summit
Ral's efforts to convince the Ravnican guilds to cooperate with Niv-Mizzet's plan were met with resistance from every quarter. Even bringing them together for a single meeting seemed next to impossible. Every guild had some members who supported cooperation and others who opposed it. At last, a guild summit was convened at New Prahv to discuss the growing tensions between the guilds. Isperia proposed a radical idea: cooperation. After a contentious discussion, Niv-Mizzet arrived to reveal the real threat they were facing. The Firemind then proposed to implement the "fail-safe" and grant him the power of the Living Guildpact. Although Niv offered to leave the Izzet League and become a guardian of Ravnica, many distrusted his motives. With that, the summit was adjourned until the following morning.
That night, Vraska met Isperia alone in the conference chamber. Simultaneously fulfilling Bolas's demands and achieving personal revenge, Vraska petrified the sphinx. In the morning, the guildleaders reconvened, only to find Isperia turned to stone. All hopes for cooperation now seemed shattered.
Not long after, Ral Zarek activated the Interplanar Beacon and at the same time Nicol Bolas arrived on the plane.
The War of the Spark
As the precarious accord among the guilds teetered on the brink of collapse, Domri Rade led the Gruul in a concerted effort to tip the world into chaos. He amassed an enormous mob to rampage through the city streets, making sure that every guild suffered painful losses to keep them at each other's throats. Some members among the Gruul, especially among the Zhur-Taa clan, thought this to be the End-Raze.
The fight between Nicol Bolas and the Gatewatch turns into an all-out planeswalker war. Dozens of powerful planeswalkers, from many disparate realities, unite against the elder dragon, who has claimed dominion over Ravnica and is perilously close to completing the spell that will grant him godhood. As they fight alongside the Gatewatch—led by Chandra Nalaar, Jace Beleren, and Gideon Jura—against Bolas and his relentless army of Eternals, nothing less than the fate of the multiverse is at stake. Little do the Gatewatch suspect that Bolas has not only accounted for their interference, but he is practically relying on it.
Bolas arrives and attacks the cityplane, leading to the death of Niv-Mizzet, as well as creating a citadel and a statue of himself. As a reaction, Ral Zarek activates the Interplanar Beacon to call other planeswalkers to Ravnica. Dovin Baan later activates the Immortal Sun to trap the planeswalkers as Bolas unleashes his army of Eternals to conquer the plane and harvest the planeswalkers' sparks. Heavy damage is done to the city, including the destruction of the Vitu-Ghazi and the Chamber of the Guildpact, with much loss of life, both from citizens and planeswalkers. In the end, Bolas was defeated and a resurrected Niv-Mizzet became the new Living Guildpact.
Phyrexian Invasion and Aftermath
During New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse, Vraska led the Phyrexian invasion force against her home plane, first directing Realmbreaker toward the Azorius Senate's guild hall, New Prahv, and the jail in which she once was imprisoned. As vengeance for her fellow gorgons whose eyes were removed, she ordered for Ravnicans to be blinded, letting them scrabble upon the glistening-oil-slicked streets. The Golgari were the primary converted force, with the Simic and Izzet foolishly examining the oil. Parts of the Undercity were raised into its streets, exposed to sunlight for the first time in centuries.
Various planeswalkers, notably Teyo Verada and Ral Zarek, helped to repel the invasion, with Zarek able to defeat Vraska and her forces with a sonic weapon attuned against the oil. Bolstered by the power of the Guildpact through the Guildpact Paragons, the guilds and their leaders also fought to defend Ravnica. In the invasion’s destructive wake, Ravnica's balance of power saw a massive shift. Though the Firemind reaffirmed his position as Ravnica’s supreme authority and protector, the Golgari were almost totally compleated, the Dimir are rumored to be gone, and distrust of the Simic and Izzet are at an all-time-high.
New Class Options
This chapter contains a number of new subclasses inspired by the cultures and magics of Ravnica. These subclasses correspond to the follow classes:
Class | Subclass |
Wizard | Azorius Lawmage |
Paladin | Oath of the Arrester |
Druid | Selesyna Guildmage |
Rogue | Ledev Guardian |
Sorcerer | Legion Firefist |
Ranger | Swiftblade Vindicator |
Unless you have GM permission, you must be a member of the related guild to take one of the following subclasses.
The Azorious Senate
Founded by parun Supreme Judge Azor I, a sphinx lawmage who authored the original Guildpact, the Azorius Senate functions as Ravnica's official government and creates Ravnican laws.
Believing their legislation to be the singular force that prevents Ravnica from descending into chaos, the Azorius Senate mediates and regulates the activities of all of the other guilds and of the plane despite their numerous decrees being ignored. The Azorius Senate are characterized as being aloof, bureaucratic, excessively formalistic, and fastidious, spending hours upon hours with legal documents and ensuring action, if any should occur, stringently adheres to protocol. For such reasons, the Azorius are deeply disdained by Ravnicans, whom the Azorius believe will effect a change and subsequent crime, chaos, and general decline in civic life. The Azorius are said to act through inaction.
The Azorius Senate works alongside the Boros Legion and Selesnya Conclave to see to the enforcement of the law, and the Orzhov Syndicate to see to the provision of advocates and lawmages for accusers/claimants/complainants/plaintiffs and defendants. Ultimately, however, the Azorius advocates for blind justice, peace, and the status quo, doing so via their intrinsic involvement in all affairs on Ravnica and with their legions of knights and paladins as well as mages adept in countermagic, magic to disable and hinder those who would break the law, and other law magic.
The Columns
The rigid hierarchy of the Azorius Senate is reflected in the guild's triangle-shaped crest; most Azorius functionaries report to one superior, and are reported to by two subordinates. The Azorius are divided into three Columns which are together ruled by a "Grand Arbiter," generally a former leader of one of the three columns, who chooses an honorary name from among past leaders and rules until death or retirement.
- The Sova Column is led by Leonos II. They act as judges and arbitrators. The column employs legal aides, pages, librarians, experts on precedent, advocates for the accused, public prosecutors, and judges.
- The Jelenn, led by a vedalken lawmage named Uzana, act as scribes and elocuters. The term elocutor covers all communication functions, from simple messengers — who are often spirits — to conflict mediation. The Jelennn write and enact the laws of Ravnica, involving the efforts not just of the designated legislators but also a network of bureaucrats: aides, writers, researchers, lobbyists, clerks, and so on.
- The Lyev work as lawmages, hieromancers, nullmages, investigators and enforcers. The Azorius military, which belongs to this Column, can be broadly separated into hussars (mounted soldiers) and infantry. Arresters specialize in preventing or stopping things from happening. The Lyev Column is also venturing into the work of managing surveillance and precognition. The Lyev were commanded by hussar commander Sarvis, until Dovin Baan removed him from office.
Azorius builders and architects are among the best in the world, and konstructors are those who enhance and/or accelerate their building projects with magic.
Azorius Magic
Azorius magic manifests as glowing runes, either in the triangle sigil of the guild or in spirals, and glowing lawrunes are their most spectacular display of power. Verbal components tend to consist of quoting subsections and bylaws of Ravnican law, enforcing the will of the mage through the law. Material components must be requisitioned through the guild, and most Lyev will spend hours filling out paperwork to have the components their spells need.

Azorius Lawmage
Lawmages (aka Advokists) are specialized mages under the employ of the Azorius Senate and Orzhov Syndicate. They draw upon the binding power of the Guildpact to restrain criminals and then serve as lawyers once those criminals are taken to court. Azorius lawmages are typically the prosecution, while Orzhov lawmages are the defense.
Code of Constraint
Beginning at 2nd level whenever you select this school, you begin your training in lawmagic. You add spells to your spellbook at the levels shown in the table below, and these do not count against the number of spells added to your spellbook normally via level up.
Lawmage Bonus Spells
Level | Spell |
3rd | Command, Sanctuary |
5th | Hold Person, Zone of Truth |
7th | Counterspell, Intellect Fortress |
9th | Charm Monster, Lawmage's Binding |
Emergency Powers
Also at 2nd level, you can invoke emergency laws to empower yourself in the most dangerous of times. Whenever you have less than half of your total hit points left, you may use an action to activate this feature. When you do, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage, and your spell save DC increases by 2. This transformation lasts for 1 minute.
Once you have used this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Code of Constraint
Beginning at 6th level, your powerful containment magic can render foes unconcious. If a creature fails a saving throw against a spell you cast that causes that creature to gain the restrained or paralyzed condition, and that creature has less than 50 hit points and can fall unconscious, then the creature falls unconscious for the duration of the spell.
Lyev Decree
At 10th level, you are such a paragon of legal knowledge that you can proficiency with the History and Diplomacy skills. If you already have proficiency in either skill, you gain Expertise instead.
Summary Judgement
At 14th level, whenever you use your Emergency Powers feature, you gain Expertise in spell attack rolls as well.
New Spell
Lawmage's Binding
4th level Enchantment
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: 60 feet
- Components: V, S, M (An Azorius guild signet)
- Duration: Instant
You wrap a creature in binding chains of lawrunes. Choose a creature that you can see within range of Large size or smaller. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.
Spell Lists: Azorius-aligned Wizard, Sorcerer, and Cleric

Oath of the Arrester
To be an Arrester is to be the fist of the law in Ravnica. Unlike hussars, who are the patrollers and guards of the guild, Arresters are active, performing investigations and searching out lawbreakers and threats to the guild. Uniquely, this means they are willing to make temporary alliances with chaotic individuals in order to further investigations and bring in their quarry.
Tenets of the Arrester
Preserve the Law: Life is sacred. It is preserved best through preserving the law.
Show Mercy When Lawful: Lawbreakers can never make restitution if they are dead. Strive to bring justice to the living, and sometimes, to the unliving too.
Never stop Studying: To become stagnant is to lose the pulse of the living law. Always learn and improve yourself.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Level | Spells |
3rd | Detect Magic, Shield |
5th | Blur, Immovable Object |
9th | Fly, Slow |
13th | Compulsion, Locate Creature |
17th | Geas, Wall of Force |
Arrester's Zeal
Beginning at 3rd level when you select this Oath, you have advantage on saving throws against fear and charm effects, such as charm person or cause fear
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how Channel Divinity works.
- Sentinel's Mark: As a bonus action, you can use your Channel Divinity to mark an item. For 8 hours, you can temporary send your senses into the Mark, seeing and hearing things as if you were there. You are blinded and deafened in your original body while you are sending your senses to your Mark.
- Halt!: As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to force all creatures within 30 feet of you to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is stunned until the end of it's next turn.

Arrester's Admonition
At 7th level, you have learned the best way to punish mages that attempt to flaunt your authority. When a creature within your reach attempts to cast a spell, you may use your reaction to make an attack against that creature.
Supreme Verdict
At 20th level, you gain the ability to harness the full weight of the Guildpact itself. As an action, you can magically become an avatar of control and order, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute:
- At the start of each of your turns, you regain 10 hit points.
- You gain truesight with a range of 120 feet.
- Whenever a creature damages you with a spell, you may use your reaction to cast command on that creature.

The Selesnya Conclave
Founded by parun Mat'Selesnya, a female humanoid elemental formed via the fusion of dryads, the Selesnya Conclave is a decentralized collective variably described as a "selfless, nurturing, spiritual group" or a "brainwashing nature cult." It involves itself in the establishment and maintenance of peace, life, and unity in Ravnica. The territories held by the Selesnya are open and sunny, full of green spaces and gardens, with white stone buildings which are often open to the air. The towering world-tree of Vitu-Ghazi once served as the guild's Guildhall.
Despite their appearance of being "good" and "peace-loving", in truth the guild has a sinister streak. The Conclave used to employ its quietmen and other members to silence the civilians of Ravnica. The defenders of the Selesnya are the Ledev Guardians. Equenauts ride pegasuses, combining the role of mounted warriors and scouts. Sagittars are elven archers that defend key guild locations.
The Conclave is organized in enclaves called vernadi, which are communes built around central trees, like smaller versions of Vitu-Ghazi. A dryad, called a voda, is called forth to be the leader of the community, connecting the vernadi to the Worldsoul and the will of the entire Conclave. The vernadi are a harmonious union of nature and civilization. Their houses are created by woodshapers and are like living gardens without doors, carefully tended and abundantly fertile. The Selesnya are proud of their wurms, which are used by shamans called wurmcallers to travel underground. The wisest clergy (including many Loxodons), are sometimes called hierarchs, although there is no official hierarchy in the religion. Spellcasters fill both military and religious roles, calling their magic Doruvati ("The gift" of Mat'Selesnya).
Selesnya leadership is composed mainly of dryads. The "guild leader" of Selesnya at the time of the decamillenial was a collective mind known as the Chorus of the Conclave, with the top members of the guild as figureheads.
After the decamillenial, the Selesnya gradually lost their connection to the World Tree and had to rely on their high priests organized as the high council. During this time the high council consisted of the following members.
Mat'Selesnya now resides, dormant, within Vitu-Ghazi, having offered herself to preserve order in Selesnya. Suniel helped three dryad sisters to fuse together into Trostani to function as the direct voice of Mat'Selesnya and as new guildmaster. After the Resurgence, the Selesnyans are reorganized into vernadi, small communes led by dryads who speak for the worldmind. However, while Trostani was in discourse during the events leading upon the War of the Spark, it was upon Emmara Tandris to run the daily affairs of the guild.
Selesnya Magic
The magic of the conclave, or Doruvati is heavily nature themed, and manifests as golden or green streams of energy, constructs of rock and vine, and natural elements. Verbal components consist of prayers to the Worldsoul, while somatic components are often large, sweeping gestures that encompass the collective nature of the guild.

Selesyna Guildmage
Selesynan guildmages call on the power of unity, and they wield that power for the good of the conclave. Most guildmages are important members of their vernadi, serving as priests of Mat'Selesnya, healers, battlefield commanders, builders, and dozens of other functions.
Circle Spells
Your powerful link to your guildmates and your ability to tap into their united strength grants you access to certain spells. At 2nd level, you learn the Guidance cantrip.
At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Selesnya Guildmage Spells table. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
Selesnya Guildmage Spells
Level | Spell |
2nd | Guidance |
3rd | Bless, Sanctuary |
5th | Earthbind, Warding Wind |
7th | Beacon of Hope, Mass Healing Word |
9th | Aura of Life, Storm Sphere |
Strength of the Conclave
Beginning at 2nd level, you can draw on the strength of your allies to empower your spell casting. Whenever you cast a spell, you may choose for it to receive a free metamagic effect, based on the number of creatures within 15 feet of you. To determine the effect granted, consult the table below.
Number of Creatures | Metamagic Effect |
3 | Seeking Spell |
5 | Distant Spell |
10 | Careful Spell |
15 | Quickened Spell |
20 | Empowered Spell |
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficicency modifier, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest.

Guildmage armor training
Also at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor. Not that Selesnyan druids have no issues wearing metal armor or using metal weapons.
Pack's Favor
Beginning at 6th level, you are favored by the beasts of the wild, and they heed your call.
You learn to speak, read, and write Sylvan. In addition, beasts can understand your speech, and you gain the ability to decipher their noises and motions. Most beasts lack the intelligence to convey or understand sophisticated concepts, but a friendly beast could relay what it has seen or heard in the recent past. Creatures with the Beast type are friendly to you and your companions unless provoked or controlled by a third party.
March of the Multitudes
At 10th level, when you cast any spell that has "Summon" in it's name, you summon an additional number of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Sprouting Renewal
Starting at 14th level, whenever you cast reincarnate, you may choose a result from the reincarnation table instead of rolling. Additionally, you may cast reincarnate once without expending a spell slot or using material components. If you cast it this way, you may not do so again for 7 days.

Ledev Guardian
The Ledev Guardians ("Knights of the Road") are an order of Knights, who were sworn to defend routes of commerce and travel on the plane of Ravnica.
Ledev guardians are skilled in fighting with both bows and swords on foot and while mounted on large intelligent wolves the size of bears. They share a deep bond with their wolves that is often mistaken for telepathy. Ledev are also capable of performing a limited "lay on hands" style of healing magic.
Ledev Combat Training
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in medium armor and longbows.
Selesnyan Knight
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills if you don't already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies.
Additionally, you gain a wolf companion who trains, lives and fights alongside you. It's friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys your commands. See its game statistics in the Ledev Wolf stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places.
In combat, the wolf shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If you are incapacitated, the wolf can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge.
If your companion ever dies, you can spend 8 hours and 100 gp worth of incense to perform a special resurrection ritual, which returns your companion to life in a new body.
Additionally, whenever you gain the Ability Score Increase feature, your wolf companion also gains the Ability Score Increase feature.
Whenever you reach 9th level, your Ledev Wolf becomes Large.

Chant of Vitu-Ghazi
Beginning at 9th level, you may use an action to heal yourself or your Ledev Wolf companion for a number of hit points equal to your Sneak Attack + your Wisdom modifier.
You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses whenever you complete a short rest.
Extra Attack
Also at 9th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Scatter the Seeds
Beginning at 13th level, you may use your action to take the Attack action against a number of creatures equal to your proficiency modifier, that are in range.
If this attack is with a ranged weapon, you have advantage on the attack rolls.
You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses whenever you complete a short rest.
Trostani's Judgement
At 17th level, you may use an action to infuse yourself with the power of the Worldsoul, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute:
- You and your Ledev Wolf companion gain the benefit of your Chant of Vitu-Ghazi feature at the beginning of each round. This does not consume your uses of that feature.
- If your companion is within 5 feet of a hostile creature, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
- Your ranged weapons do not need to be reloaded, as ammunition is magically created ready to use.
Once you have used this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.
Ledev Wolf
Medium Beast
- Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
- Hit Points 10 + five times your rogue level
- Speed 40 ft, 30 ft swim
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)
Damage Resistances
Damage Immunities
Condition Immunities charmed
Languages Understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus Equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Keen Hearing and Smell: The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Pack Tactics: The wolf has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: your melee attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d6 + PB bludgeoning damage.

The Boros Legion
The Boros Legion was founded by parun Razia, a militant flaming-sword-wielding archangel capable of using flame and light magic who fervently and firmly believed in harmonious coexistence on Ravnica, even if lives were lost and blood was shed in achieving this. The Legion functions as the righteous and zealous constabulary and standing army of Ravnica, as the League of Wojek and Boros Army, respectively, and enforces Ravnican laws created by the Azorius Senate. The Boros Legion is known to use many fire spells.
The Guildhall of the Boros is Sunhome, a combined fortress, barracks, and place of worship.
Old Hierarchy
As it was originally envisioned, the Boros Legion had a complicated, contrived, and highly stratified hierarchy, with the upper levels comprising angels and guildmages and lower levels comprising the League of Wojek and the Boros Army. A Boros could only employ the spells of an equal or lesser power band.
The Interregnum
During the days of the Interregnum after the death of Razia and many other high-ranking officials of the guild, the Boros mainly worked as paid bodyguards and security officials for the highest bidders, mostly Orzhov families. Many were discontent with this new style of leadership under guildmaster Feather and gathered under the war-leader Aurelia, who argued that no disgraced angel should lead the Boros.
The new Hierarchy
After Aurelia assumed the office of guildmaster, she established several changes to the way the guild was run. While she maintained both the army and the Wojek, angels were now encouraged to mingle with the lower ranks and Aurelia enforced practicality over tradition among them.
In addition, Aurelia has split leadership of the bulk of the legion into four "theatres" that mainly deal with threats to the public order:
- The Theatre of Order: tasked to fight against Rakdos incursions and their clubs. The Theatre of Integrity: tasked to find the sleeper agents and hidden refuges of the Dimir and root any members of this subversive guild out A subdivision, the Dead Brigade, is tasked to neutralizes spirits.
- The Theatre of Fortification: tasked to increase Boros weapons and battle effectiveness. Its commander is Tajic. The Warmind Initiative is a conjoined effort of the Izzet and the Boros to develop new technologies for the Boros to use to keep the peace.
- The Theatre of Recruitment: having the objective to find and indoctrinate members among the guildless that seem suitable to serve in the Legion.
Further decentralization
The most sweeping recent change has been the reorganization of the guild into countless small local forces. Boros forces are now distributed into garrisons, each of which performs all the functions formerly divided among the theaters. Each garrison has little knowledge of the activities of the others, and secret plans are not shared. Thus, if one garrison is infiltrated by spies from another guild, the caused damage is limited to that garrison alone. The Warleader Angels coordinate the efforts of the garrisons, with the Battleforce Angels as their liaisons. Firemane Angels walk regularly among the soldiers, rooting out any hint of deception or corruption.
Boros Magic
Boros magic manifests as light and flame, often infused into weaponry and armor. Somatic components are usually martial in nature, highly aggressive movements. Verbal components are often prayers and divine speech.

Legion Firefist
Among the Boros legion, it's guildmages, the Firefists, are martial paragons and the highest mortal members of the guild, venerated second-only to the angels. Their magic focuses on flame and protection, emboldening their allies and leaving smoldering ashes of their foes.
Font of Holy Flame
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the table below. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Level | Spells |
1st | Cure Wounds, Searing Smite |
3rd | Branding Smite, Flame Blade |
5th | Beacon of Hope, Crusader's Mantle |
7th | Fire Shield, Justice Strike |
9th | Flame Strike, Summon Celestial |
Legion Combat Training
At 1st level when you select this origin, you gain proficency with the Intimidation skill, and you become proficient with heavy armor and martial weapons.
Martial Glory
At 6th level, your mastery of weaving combat and spells is unmatched by most guildmages. You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can cast one of your cantrips that deals fire damage in place of one of those attacks.
Light of the Legion
Also at 6th level, whenever a friendly creature you can see is reduced to 0 hit points or less, you gain 1 Sorcery point, which can only be spent to use the Distant Spell metamagic. Any sorcery points gained by this feature disappear after 1 minute.

Chance for Glory
By 14th level, you are a noted leader in the Boros Legion, and your skill at inspiring your allies is legendary. You can spend 10 minutes making a speech encouraging up to 5 friendly creatures who can hear you. Afterwards, those creatures are under the effects of a bless spell that lasts until the next sunset.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a short rest before you can use it again.
Searing Meditation
Starting at 18th level, you no longer need to sleep. Instead, you meditate, causing heat and light to radiate out from you. While you are meditating, you and all creatures within 30 feet of you are immune to enviromental conditions, and creatures that rest within your aura gain a point of Inspiration.
Additionally, you become immune to fire damage permanently.
New Spell
Justice Strike
4th level Evocation
- Casting Time: 1 bonus action
- Range: 60 feet
- Components: V
- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack before this spell ends, the weapon gleams with holy radiance as you strike. The attack deals an extra 3d6 radiant damage and 3d6 fire damage to the target. A creature damaged by this spell cannot regain hit points until they take a short rest.
Spell Lists: Boros-aligned Paladin