When you select a fighting style it should be a meaningful choice and grant you new features upon level up.
Sacrificing an ASI to do things like using your shield to bash the enemy is incredibly insulting.
This update is intended to bring more realistic balance to non-magical characters in a high-fantasy game.
General Overview ...................................................................3
Part 1 - Exsisting Fighting Styles .............................................. 4
Duelist Fighting Style......................................................... 5
Two-Weapon Fighting Style.................................................... 5
Great Weapon Fighting Style........................................... 6
Archery Fighting Style.............................................................. 7
Protection Fighting Style .................................................. 8
Defence Fighting Style............................................................. 9
Part 2 - New Fighting Styles................................................ 10
Stoic Fighting Style................................................................. 11
Athletic Fighting Style ...................................................... 12
List of Effected Classes
Fighter | |
Ranger | |
Paladin | |
Barbarian | |
Rogue | |
Monk |
General Overview
Additional Features
Martials now have equal access to a fighting style, to give a much needed boost to the more "simple classes" and give a more fantasy feel.
Rogues, Barbarians and Monks now have access to one choice of fighting style, at level 4.
All Fighting styles will now receive additional features at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.
Fighter (Champion)
The Fighter class is exclusively given one additional Fighting Style choice; this will keep their identity unique.
Additional Fighting Style gained at:
- level 17 for Champion subclass
- level 11 for all other Fighter subclasses
Martial Classes
Fighter | |
Ranger | |
Paladin | |
Barbarian | |
Rogue | |
Monk |
Specific Applications
Skip the rest of this page if you aren't interested in nitty-gritty rules-lawyer stuff.
For people continuing to read; there are a few interactions that are not accounted for or intended.
The general idea of this update is for martials to match the power and plethora of meaningful choices casters receive; while keeping "resource" tracking to a minimum.
I have included 2 new optional fighting styles (Athletic and Stoic fighting styles) which can be happily left out to decrease options as it may be too much for newer players.
Martial flavour remains as it was but these changes allow new players to choose the "easy" class (champion fighter) and not feel like they made the wrong choice later on.
Utility and out of combat disparity is not properly addressed with the these fighting style changes.
This update will likely not work with multi-classing or things like war caster but this is up to DM discretion. Some of these features will interact very poorly (ridiculously over tuned) with spells so rangers, arcane tricksters and paladins or others may need to have extra care taken before giving certain fighting styles as an option.
Barbarian/paladin may become a little out of balance with some of these styles and may need specific tinkering or restrictions before use.
Monk can be given 1 additional fighting style if not using a weapon of any kind (as damage is a little lacking). 2nd style at level 11.
Feats removed
You should remove these feats from play:
- Pole Arm Master
- Great Weapon Master
- Sharpshooter
- Crossbow Expert
- Shield Master
- Dual Wielder
- sentinel/charger
- or others as per dm discretion
The above feats have mostly been absorbed and should not be available outside of martial classes as this update is not intended to strengthen magic users but to keep martials unique.
Existing Fighting Styles

Duelist Fighting Style
Level | To hit/ Damage | Features |
X | 0/+2 | When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. |
4th | 0/+2 | You are ambidextrous and can swap your weapon from hand to hand during combat, as a bonus action. Doing so grants you advantage to hit if your offhand was empty. |
8th | 0/+4 | You can take the disarm action as a bonus action. If weilding your dueling-weapon. |
12th | 0*/+4* | *If your target is using a two-handed or heavy weapon gain +1 to hit and +1 to damage with your dueling weapon. |
16th | 0*/+8* | Dueling-weapon damage +6. Using your reaction; non-Magical ranged attacks that are going to hit you, can be deflected with your dueling weapon nullifying the attack. |
20th | 0*/+8* | When you hit a target using your dueling weapon you can choose to disarm their weapon or shield once per turn, they take no damage from this attack. |
The features listed above are restricted to when your character is wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no weapon in the other (Unless otherwise stated, a shield and sword allow duelist features).
Two-Weapon Fighting
The features listed above are restricted to when your character is wielding two light melee weapons (unless otherwise stated).
Two-Weapon Fighting Style
Level | Off-Hand attacks | Features |
X | 1 | When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. You can now draw or sheath two weapons at once. |
4th | 2 | You can attack with your offhand as part of the attack action. |
8th | 2 | You can make 1 weapon attack with each hand as part of an attack of opportunity. |
12th | 2 | You can use non-light one handed melee weapons while Two-Weapon Fighting. You gain +1 AC while holding two weapons. |
16th | 3 | You can attack twice with your offhand when using your bonus action to two-weapon fight. |
20th | 3 | You can two-weapon fight while holding a two-handed or heavy melee weapon in each hand. |
Great Weapon Fighting Style
Level | Attacks of Oppurtunity | Features |
X | 1 | When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a Great Weapon, you can reroll and must use the new roll. |
4th | 1 | OverKill: On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a Great Weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action. |
8th | 1 | Before you make a melee attack with your great weapon, you can choose to take a penalty to the attack roll equal to your proficiency bonus. If the attack hits, you add 2x your proficiency bonus to the attack's damage. |
12th | 1 | If you critically hit or roll max on any damage die; add your proficiency bonus to the damage. |
16th | 1 | Cleave: If you hit a target with your Great Weapon all other enemies within your reach take 1d4+str mod damage. Once per turn (on your attack and attack of opportunity) |
20th | 2 | Gain +5ft reach when wielding your Great Weapon. If your weapon has the Heavy property deal additional damage equal to its weight. |
Great Weapon Masters
The features listed above are restricted to when your character is wielding a melee weapon in two hands (Great Weapon).
The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property.
Archery Fighting Style
Level | Multi-Shot targets | Features |
X | - | You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with bows or crossbows. |
4th | - | No loading. When you use the Attack action and attack with a one-handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a hand crossbow you are holding. |
8th | - | Ranged attacks made within 5ft of a hostile creature, no disadvantage. Before you make a ranged attack with a bow or crossbow, you can choose to take penalty equal to your proficiency bonus to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add 2x your proficiency bonus to the attack's damage. |
12th | 2 | Multi-Shot: With any ranged weapon, you can choose to hit two targets within 20 ft. of each other, with a projectile each. Each target hit, takes half total damage + your proficiency modifier |
16th | 3 | As a reaction or bonus action you can deflect one physical projectile smaller than a 4ft cube (and weighing less than 50lbs) using your ranged weapon. This stops the projectile from hitting its target. No roll required. |
20th | 5 | Bull's Eye: One attack from your bow or crossbow hits it's target and critcally hits. It cannot be impeded magically or otherwise. At minimum; 1 inch of metal, 6 inches of stone or 1 foot of earth is needed to stop this projectile. You may achieve this level of bow-manship once, before taking a short or long rest. |
Protection Fighting Style
Level | Shield Damage | Protect | Features |
X | - | 1d4 | Protect; While holding a shield and when a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d4 + constitution mod + proficiency bonus. You take half the damage that was reduced. |
4th | 1d4 | 1d6 | Your shield now counts as a simple 1d4 melee weapon for you and you are proficient when making attacks with it. You also can make an attack with your shield using a bonus action. If it has any +1/2/3 modifier, it applies to the attack and damage. |
8th | 1d6 | 1d8 | You can add your shield's ac to your strength and dexterity saving throw if you are not incapacitated. |
12th | 1d8 | 1d10 | When you make a dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to take only half damage on a failed save and no damage on a succesful one. This also apply to all allies who received cover due to you being between them and the attack's point of origin. |
16th | 1d10 | 1d12 | You can equip or remove your shield with a free object interaction. Your shield also gains the thrown property. It automatically returns to you after you miss your target. |
20th | 1d12 | 2d20 | Turtle; While you are holding a shield, you and all creatures you choose within 5 feet of you have 3/4 cover from ranged spell/weapon attacks. You must be conscious. Costs your bonus action. Duration 1 round. |
Defence Fighting Style
Level | AC Bonus | Dodge AC Bonus | Surrounded hp | Features |
X | +1 | - | - | Gain +1AC. If hit by an attack matching your AC reduce damage by 1+constitution mod+proficiency mod. |
4th | +1 | - | 1d4 | Surrounded; When within 5ft of 3 or more enemy targets, at the start of your turn, gain temporary hp equal to 1d4 + constitution mod. This temp hp expires after you are hit by an attack or take damage. |
8th | +2 | +1 | 1d6 | When an enemy enters your reach it provokes an attack of opportunity. Taking the dodge action adds an additional +1AC until the start of your next turn. |
12th | +2 | +1 | 1d8 | If damage done in one round does not deplete your temporary hit points to zero, restore your temporary hp. (Includes temp hp gained by other means) |
16th | +3 | +2 | 1d10 | Rebound; When a melee attack fails to hit you, you can shove the attacker 5ft away from you. If your STR is 20+ then distance pushed is 10ft. DC = 8 + constitution + proficiency. Uses per round = 1+constitution modifier. |
20th | +4 | +2 | 3d10 | You are now immune to all shoves and pushbacks. Surrounded activates when you are within 10ft of any number of enemies. |

New Fighting Styles

Stoic Fighting Style
Level | Oppurtunity Attack Damage | Features |
X | - | Gain +2 to wisdom savings throws. Gain +2 to constitution saving throws. |
4th | 1d8 | When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. Opportunity attacks that hit the target deal an extra d8 + your proficiency bonus. |
8th | 2d8 | Sentinel; Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach. When a creature within 5 feet of you makes an attack against a target other than you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature. |
12th | 3d8 | Gain +5 to strength saving throws. Gain advantage on saving throws against being frightened. |
16th | 4d8 | When a creature you can see within 30ft. of you makes an attack against a target other than you, you can use your reaction to move up to your speed toward the attacking creature and make 1 melee weapon attack. |
20th | 5d8 | You now have 1 additional oppurtunity attack per round. You have such strength of will that when stunned/paralyzed your speed on that round is now 10ft instead of zero; allowing you to inch slowly in any direction. You are still incapacitated. |
A few calculations are below showing that at the highest level D&D isn't far off real life speeds.
- 30ft per round is equal to 5.5km/h (walking)
- 100ft/round is equal to 18km/h (sprinting)
- 200ft/round is equal to the fastest human sprint speed (standing start).
Optional Speed Restrictions
DM's may want to include a 10ft. Run-Up requirement before allowing these extreme speeds introduced by this Fighting Style.
Exhaustion mechanics may want to be employed during chase sequences such as 3x your constitution modifer number of dash rounds consecutively before needing to walk.
Athletic Fighting Style
Level | Speed Bonus | Dodge AC Bonus | Features |
X | +5ft. | - | Gain +5ft. to your speed. Gain +2 to dexterity saving throws |
4th | +5ft. | - | Gain +3 to acrobatics skill checks. Moving through a hostile creature's space is now possible (although difficult terrain). When moving out of a creatures reach you can take an attack of opportunity using your reaction. |
8th | +5ft. | +1 | Charger; When you use your action to Dash, you can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack or to shove a creature. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking this bonus action, you either gain a +5 bonus to the attack's damage roll (if you chose to make a melee attack and hit) or push the target up to 10 feet away from you (if you chose to shove and you succeed). |
12th | +10ft. | +1 | Gain +5 on all athletics checks. When moving without taking the dash action; moving through a target's space allows you to use 1 weapon attack against that creature. |
16th | +15ft. | +1 | Using 70ft. or more of uninterrupted movement in a line allows you to leap 25ft. vertically or 50ft. horizontally in the direction of your movement. If this leaves you with less than 0 movement at the end of your leap; you land at the end of the next creature in intiative’s turn. |
20th | +20ft. | +1 | When you use your action to dash you may move 2x your normal walking speed (30ft base speed = total movement when dashing 150ft.). Advantage on dexterity saving throws. Moving through a creatures space is no longer difficult terrain. |
A multitude of additional features to generate a more balanced non-magic user in your Dungeons and Dragons world!
Maalunar and CGARcher14 from r/dndnext
Cover Art: Bob Kehl