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# Ranged Attacks for Every CR Comparatively few 5e monsters have ranged attack options. Spice up your combats by adding a flavorful and fun ranged option to existing stat blocks. The following abilities scale according to challenge rating using the actual scaling in the monster manual, rather than the suggested guidelines. See this excellent [blog post]( on for the proof. The stat blocks below include scaling for challenge rating 1 or higher. For example, a CR 5 creature has a to hit bonus of +(4+CR/2). This evaluates to +6 (always round down). Similarly, for a CR 3 creature damage is CR d6 + 5, meaning 3d6+5. Note: attacks with special effects may deal less than typical damage. Attacks are divided into categories by flavor. 1. Brutes 2. Monstrosities and Beasts 3. Elementals and Spellcasters 4. Fiends and Celestials 5. Fae 6. Soldiers 7. Undead 8. Aberrations 9. Oozes 10. Plants \columnbreak ## 1. Brutes Brutes include giants and thugs that do most of their damage by clobbering (except when they chuck stuff). ___ >### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The brute makes two chuck stuff attacks. > > ***Chuck Stuff.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 15 + (CR x 5) feet, one creature. The brute chucks a nearby small or tiny object at a small or larger creature, vehicle, or structure within range. *Hit.* CR d6 + 5 damage. > > ***Barbaric Yeet.*** (Recharge 5-6)The brute chucks or rolls an object of up to one size smaller than the brute within reach such as a boulder, barrel, piece of furniture, or a grappled creature of up to one size smaller. Creatures in a CR x 5 foot line must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or take CR d6 + 5 bludgeoning damage and be knocked Prone. A yeeted creature takes CR d6 + 5 bludgeoning damage and is prone. \pagebreakNum
### 2. Monstrosities and Beasts Monstrosities and beasts have natural weapons such as spines that can be flung or acid or poison spit. They can also take advantage of their surrounding terrain by kicking or blowing sand, dirt, water or leaves to blind enemies. ___ >### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The monstrosity or beast makes one blind foes attack and one fling spines or spit attack, typically targeting blinded creatures. > > ***Blind Foes.*** The monstrosity or beast kicks or thrashes to sent a blast of nearby material toward enemies in a (CR x 5) foot cone (max 60 feet). Creatures in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or be blinded until beginning of monstrosity or beast's next turn. > > ***Fling Spines.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 15 + (CR x 5) feet, one creature. *Hit.* CR d6 + 5 piercing damage. > > ***Spit.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +(4+ CR/2) to hit, range 5 + (CR x 5) feet, one creature. *Hit:* CR d6 + 5 acid (monstrosity) or poison (beast) damage. ### 3. Elementals and Spellcasters Elementals and spellcasters deal magical damage of a type that fits their flavor. Elementals traditionally deal acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. Earth elementals could also deal force instead of bludgeoning. In the case of the spellcaster, the elemental lance and elemental spray attacks could be expendable spells of level CR/3 (max 8), which could be counterspelled, rather than be recharging abilities. \columnbreak
___ >### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The elemental or caster makes two elemental blast attacks or one elemental lance or elemental spray attack that deals elemental damage of a relevant type: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder.. > > ***Elemental Blast.*** *Ranged Spell Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 60 + (CR x 10) feet, one creature. *Hit.* CR d6 + 5 elemental damage. > > ***Elemental Lance.*** (Recharge 5-6) The elemental or spellcaster emits a beam of destructive elemental energy in a 30 + (CR x 5) foot line. Creatures in the line must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or suffer CR d6 elemental damage; half on a success. > > ***Elemental Spray.*** (Recharge 5-6) The elemental or spellcaster emits destructive elemental energy in a 10 + (CR x 5) foot cone. Creatures in the cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or suffer CR d6 elemental damage; half on a success. \pagebreakNum
### 4. Fiends and Celestials Beings of the lower and upper planes have innate magic that deals necrotic or radiant damage. In addition, fiends deal fire or cold elemental damage while celestials deal thunder and lightning damage. Since ranged attackers often fill multiple roles including battlefield control and support, a compelling twist is for these creatures to be able to use the life energy or soul they reap from attacks to strengthen their allies or regenerate. ___ >### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The fiend/celestial makes two soul sear attacks. > > ***Soul Sear.*** *Ranged Spell Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 60 + (CR x 10) feet, one creature. *Hit.* CR d6 + 5 radiant (celestial) or necrotic (fiend) damage. > > ***Harvest of Souls.*** (Recharge 5-6) The field/celestial conjures a CR/2 (min 1) x 5 foot radius aura destructive to the souls not of its type (fiend/celestial) at a point within 15 + (CR x 5) feet. All creatures in the aura that are not a fiend/celestial must succeed on a Constitution saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or suffer CR d6 necrotic/radiant damage; half on a success. Fiends/celestials in the aura regain CR/3 (min 1) d6 HP. > >### Reactions > ***Divine/Hellish Wrath.*** As a reaction to taking damage from an attack of a creature within 15 + (CR x 5) feet, the fiend or celestial lashes out with a beam of destructive power dealing CR/2 (min 1) d6 elemental damage (cold/fire or lightning/thunder). \columnbreak
### 5. Fae Fae channel the forces of nature and the mind. ___ >### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The fae makes two vine attacks. > > ***Vine.*** *Ranged Spell Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range (15 + CR x 5) feet, one creature within 5 feet of the ground. The fae conjures a spiny vine that lashes wildly at a creature on the ground within 15 + (CR x 5) feet. *Hit:* CR/2 (min 1) d6 piercing damage plus CR/2 (min 1) d6 poison damage. > > ***Fatal Bloom.*** (Recharge 5-6) The fae conjures a blossom a point within 15 + (CR x 5) feet which blooms with toxic pollen that spreads to CR/2 (min 1) x 5 foot radius. All creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or suffer CR d6 poison damage an be poisoned until the end of their next turn; half damage an not poisoned on a success. > > ***Psychic Swarm.*** (Recharge 5-6) The fae conjures a CR/2 (min 1) x 5 foot radius aura of insectoid spirits at a point within 15 + (CR x 5) feet. All creatures in the aura that are not fae must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or suffer CR d6 psychic damage; half on a success. \pagebreakNum
### 6. Soldiers and Constructs Soldiers use ranged weapons to harry foes from a distance. The type of weapon depends on the adventure setting. Flavor the weapon description according to the enemy role and the setting genre. Each solider has a special munition for dealing area of effect (AoE) damage. These attacks are designed for CR 1-9. ___ >### All Soldiers > ***Multiattack.*** The soldier makes one (CR 1-3), two (CR 4-6) or three (CR 7-9) ranged weapon attacks, one of which can be a special munition (if recharged). The soldier ignores the loading property of firearms. > > ***Bow/Firearm/Blaster.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 100/400 feet, one creature. *Hit.* 3d8/3d10/3d12 +5 piercing/force damage for CR 1/2/3 or 4/5/6 or 7/8/9. ___ >### Fantasy Special Munition > ***Alchemist's Fire Arrow.*** (Recharge 5-6) The soldier fires an arrow tipped with a vial of alchemist's fire to a point within 100 feet. The vial shatters on impact spreading burning alchemists fire over a 10 foot radius. Each creature in the area must succeed on on a DC 11 + CR/2 Dexterity saving throw or suffer CR/2 (min 1) d6 fire damage; half on a success. Each creature that failed their safe suffers an additional CR/2 d4 fire damage at the end of each of their turns unless that creature uses its action to extinguish the flames. ___ >### Modern Special Munition > ***Fragmentation Grenade.*** (Recharge 5-6) The soldier hurls a grenade to a point within 100 feet, which explodes in a 15 foot radius. Each creature must succeed on a DC 11 + CR/2 Dexterity saving throw CR/2 (min 1) d6 piercing damage; half on a success. Each creature that failed their save suffers the Deafened condition. The creature may attempt a DC 11 + CR/2 Constitution saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns to end the effect. > > ***Flash Bang.*** (Recharge 5-6) The soldier hurls a grenade to a point within 100 feet, which explodes in a flash of bright light and noise within in a 20 foot radius. Each creature must succeed on a DC 11 + CR/2 Dexterity saving throw or suffer the Blinded condition. The creature may attempt a DC 11 + CR/2 Constitution saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns to end the effect. ___ >### Steampunk Special Munition > ***Acid Vial.*** (Recharge 5-6) The soldier hurls a vial of acid to a point within 100 feet. The vial shatters on impact spreading burning alchemists fire over a 10 foot radius. Each creature in the area must succeed on on a DC 11 + CR/2 Dexterity saving throw or suffer CR/2 (min 1) d6 acid damage; half on a success. Each creature that failed their safe suffers an additional CR/2 d4 acid damage at the end of each of their turns unless that creature uses its action to remove the acid. ___ >### Cyberpunk/Scifi Special Munition > ***Disrupter Grenade.*** (Recharge 5-6) The soldier throws or launches a grenade to a point within 100 feet which erupts in a wild arcs of lightning in a 10 foot radius. Each creature in the area must succeed on on a DC 11 + CR/2 Constitution saving throw or suffer CR/2 (min 1) d6 lightning damage; half on a success. Each creature that fails their saving throw has disadvantage on skill checks and saving throws to maintain concentration on spellss until the end of their next turn. \pagebreakNum
### 7. Undead Undead are particularly lacking in the ranged attack department. Undead that can strike from a distance will strike fear in the hearts of their victims. ___ >### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The undead makes two mote of corruption attacks. > > ***Mote of Corruption.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 15 + (CR x 5) feet, one creature. The undead flings a mote of corruption such as a bit of rotten flesh containing a parastite or disease or ball of necrotic power containing a devouring spirit. *Hit:* the mote latches onto the creature and begins digging into is flesh, devouring, and infesting it. The target takes CR d6 necrotic damage. A creature hit by a mote of corruption must succeed on a Constitution saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or gain a level of exhaustion. Every 5 HP of healing a creature receives reduces this exhaustion by one level. A creature reduced to 0 HP by this attack becomes a zombie under the control of the creature that cast the mote of corruption. > > ***Grave Eruption.*** (Recharge 5-6) The undead summons from the ground groping skeletal hands in a 10 + (CR x 5) foot square within 60 feet which drain life. Any creature that is not undead in the areas must attempt a Strength saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2. On a fail, the creature is restrained until the end of their next turn and suffera CR d6 necrotic damage; half damage and not restrained on a success. ### 8. Aberrations Aberrations exist to consume and corrupt. Their ranged attacks bear out the innate urge to return all to the void. ___ >### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The aberration makes two disintegration ray attacks. > > ***Disintegration Ray.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 120 feet, one creature. *Hit:* CR d6 + 5 necrotic damage. > > ***Twisting Void.*** (Recharge 5-6) The aberration warps space and time in a 10 + (CR x 5) foot square within 120 feet. Creatures in the area must succeed on Wisdom saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or suffer CR d6 psychic damage; half on a success. Creatures that fail the saving throw have disadvantage on ranged weapon and ranged spell attacks and Wisdom (Perception) checks until the end of their next turn as their view of the space around them is warped. \columnbreak ### 9. Ooozes Ooozes and slimes are the epitome of the creature to run away from and hit it from range. Until... ___ >### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The ooze makes two globule attacks. > > ***Globule.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 15 + (CR x 5) feet, one creature. The ooze projects a globule of acid at a creature in range. *Hit:* CR d6 acid damage. The creature must suceed on a DC 11 + CR/2 Strength check or be grappled by the sticky globule. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the grapple on a success. A creature hit with two globules is restrained and has disadvantage on the strength check to escape. > > ***Spew.*** (Recharge 5-6) In vesicular burst, the ooze expels the remains of creatures and objects it has devoured into a 5 + (CR x 5) foot cone. Creatures in the cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 or suffering CR d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone; half damage on a success and not prone. \pagebreakNum
### 10. Plants Typically relying on spores to affect creatures outside their reach, these plants break the mold (ha-ha) with these unique actions. ___ >### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The plant makes a two attacks, in any combination of fruits and nuts and/or stolon attacks. > > ***Fruits and Nuts.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 15 + (CR x 5) feet, one creature. The plant throws a hard nut, fruit, or seed pod at a creature. *Hit:* CR d6 bludgeoning damage. > > ***Stolon.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +(4 + CR/2) to hit, range 5 + (CR x 5) feet, one creature. The plant sends out a thorned vine that runs along the ground and attempts to squeeze a creature within range. *Hit:* CR d6 piercing damage and creature is grappled. Creature may attempt a Strength saving throw of DC 11 + CR/2 at the end of each of their turns to end the grapple. > > ***Wild Thrash.*** (Recharge 5-6) The plant thrashes all the vines which are grappling creatures. Each grappled creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or suffer CR d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone; half damage and not prone on a success. >### Feedback Please! >Have questions, comments, playtest feedback, or **requests for additional content** or changes? >Need more encounters, NPCs, or maps? >Missing attribution? >Broken ability that needs nerfing? >Did you enjoy this supplement? >I need your feedback! >Contact Dan at ****. \columnbreak ### Credits Original artwork (Midjourney, hyperdrift). ### Change Log | Date | Change | |:-|:-| | 2023.03.29 | Proofreading | | 2023.03.17 | Initial release |