Poisonous Fist - Pugilist Club

by BoneJackGlitz

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Poisonous Fist

Many brawlers rely on the might of their muscles or fighting techniques, but you aren't above dirty tricks like using poisons and powders on your weapons and fists to get more bang for your buck.

Bonus Proficiency

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with either alchemist's supplies or poisoner's kit (your choice).

Brawler's Toxin

At 3rd level, you learn two Brawler's Toxins. Brawler's Toxins are poisons, fumes, and powders which activate through your attacks.

Only you know how to use your Brawler's Toxins properly, they will have no effect if another creature tries to use them. You can't sell them, as they obviously lack the finesse expected from poisons.

As long as you have a free hand, Brawler's Toxins can be applied to a pugilist weapon or your unarmed strikes as an action. You can spend one moxie point to apply brawler's toxins or a different poison as a bonus action instead.

While you have a Brawler's Toxin applied, the next time you hit an attack using that weapon or your unarmed strikes against a creature, the toxin activates. Brawler's Toxins loses their potency once they activate, one minute after it is applied, or if you apply another Brawler's Toxin.

The saving throw for your brawler's toxins is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

You learn an additional Brawler's Toxin at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.

There's no mechanical limit to the number of Brawler's Toxins you are carrying. It is assumed that you make "at least enough" to last you until your next rest, or you're able to make it on the fly.

Your DM may rule that there are reasonable limits. For example, ruling you can't apply one every minute during travel.

Dramatic Dosage

At 6th level, your poisons become more powerful. Your Brawler's Toxins ignore resistance to the damage type.

Additionally, when you apply one of your Brawler's Toxins, you can spend one moxie to give it an Extra Kick, which gives an additional effect depending on the toxin.

Chemical Survivor

At 11th level, your body has adapted to all the toxins you use. You have resistance to poison and acid damage, and are immune to the poisoned condition.

Poison Pummeling

At 11th level, you can make your poisons keep their efficiency after activating. Whenever one of your Brawler's Toxins activates, you can spend one moxie point to prevent it from losing its potency, allowing it to activate again on another strike.

If it is an Extra Kick version, it costs two moxie points to maintain the Extra Kick. You can spend one moxie, to have it become the normal version.

Innate Venom

At 17th level, you've applied so many poisons to your hands that it has been absorbed into your skin and blood to make your hands innately poisoned. All of your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 poison damage

Brawler's Toxins

Baffle Fume: The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or take psychic damage equal to two of your fisticuff dice, half on a success. Also on a failure, it is poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned this way, it acts randomly. It rolls a d6 to determine how it uses it's action. After this, it can move and use a bonus action as normal.

1-3: The creature can use its action normally.

4: The creature does nothing with its action.

5: The creature makes a single melee weapon attack against a random creature within its range. If there is no creature within range, the creature does nothing with its action.

6: The creature uses the dash action to move in a random direction, as determined by a d8.

Extra Kick: Whenever the target rolls the d6 to determine its action, it rolls twice and you decide which result is used.

Blast Powder: Each creature within 10ft of the target (including yourself) must make a Dexterity saving throw or take fire damage equal to three of your fisticuff dice, half on a success.

   Extra Kick: The radius of the effect increases to 20ft.

Burning Acid: The target must make a Dexterity saving throw or take acid damage equal to three of your fisticuff dice, half on a success.

   Extra Kick: The damage increases to five of your fisticuff dice.

Everbleed Venom: The target must make a Constitution saving throw or take necrotic damage equal to one of your fisticuff die, half on a success. Also on a failure, it is poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned this way, it takes necrotic damage equal to one of your fisticuff die at the start of each of its turns. It may remake the save at the end of each of its turns.

   Extra Kick: The damage on subsequent turns increases to two of your fisticuff dice.

Hallucinogenic Powder: The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or take psychic damage equal to two of your fisticuff dice, half on a success. Also on a failure, it is frightened for 1 minute. It can remake the save at the end of each of its turns.

   Extra Kick: If the target fails the saving throw, it also drops anything it is holding. While frightened this way, the creature uses its action to dash and movement to move away from you via the safest route available.

Lockup: The target must make a Constitution saving throw or take poison damage equal to one of your fisticuff die, half on a success. Also on a failure, it is paralyzed until the end of its next turn.

   Extra Kick: The creature is paralyzed for one minute. The creature can remake the save at the end of each of its turns

Manbreaker: The target must make a Constitution saving throw or take necrotic damage equal to one of your fisticuff dice, half on a success. Also on a failure, the next time it takes damage, it takes necrotic damage equal to the damage dealt, to a maximum of three times the highest value on your fisticuff die (before factoring in the target's resistance to necrotic damage). This effect ends at the end of your next turn or when it takes damage.

   Extra Kick: The maximum necrotic damage increases to five times the highest value of your fisticuff die.

Sense Wrecker: The target must make a Constitution saving throw or take radiant damage equal to two of your fisticuff dice, half on a success. Also on a failure, it is blinded for 1 minute. The creature can remake the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

   Extra Kick: On a failed throw, all of the target's senses are interrupted. While blinded this way, the target is also deafened and can't use any senses, such as tremorsense or blindsight.

Slow Slime: The target must make a Constitution saving throw or take acid damage equal to one of your fisticuff dice, half on a success. Also on a failure, it is poisoned. While poisoned this way, the creature's speed is halved and it can't take reactions. The creature can remake the save at the end of each of its turns.

   Extra Kick: While poisoned this way, the target's AC is reduced by two, and it can only take an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both.

Slumber Dust: The target must make a Constitution saving throw or take poison damage equal to one of your fisticuff dice, half on a success. Also on a failure, it falls asleep and remains unconscious for 1 minute. It wakes up when the target takes damage or another creature uses its action to wake it up.

   Extra Kick: Whenever the target takes damage or another creature uses its action to try and wake it, the creature may make the save again, rather than automatically waking up automatically.

Wonder Booze: The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or take poison damage equal to two of your fisticuff dice, half on a success. On a failure, it is poisoned. While poisoned this way, it is also charmed. The target can remake the save whenever it takes damage.

   Extra Kick: While poisoned and charmed this way, you can make a suggestion to have the target attack a creature of your choice as a bonus action. So long as the creature can hear you, it must make a Wisdom saving throw or use its next action to make a single weapon attack against a creature of your choice within range.

Pugilist Class by Benjamin Huffman

Art from Baki, written and illustrated by Keisuke Itagaki


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