Autera: Crafting

by Zakarizero

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Autera: Crafting


Table Of Contents

Part I: Crafting

Basic Crafting




Part II: Weapons


Weapon Types

Weapon Enhancement

Weapon Parts

Weapon Properties

Part III: Potions

Potion History

Potion Creation

Potion Rarities

Basic Potions

Primordial Tears

Part IV:


Chapter 1: Forged in Flame

Unleashing the Art of Blacksmithing

Ignite the Anvil, Shape the World This chapter delves into the ancient craft of blacksmithing, guiding aspiring artisans through the transformative power of fire and metal. From the basics of heating and shaping to the mastery of intricate designs and magical enchantments, discover the secrets of forging legendary weapons and armor. Unleash your creativity, hone your hammer, and become a master of the anvil.

Chapter 2: From Wood to Wonder

The Artistry of Woodworking

Carve, Craft, Create: A Symphony in Timber In this chapter, embrace the beauty and versatility of wood as you delve into the world of woodworking. From carving intricate details to constructing sturdy structures, learn the techniques that transform raw timber into exquisite works of art. Explore the harmonious marriage of form and function as you shape the natural essence of wood into furniture, instruments, and architectural wonders.

Chapter 3: Potions and Elixirs

Secrets of the Alchemist's Laboratory

Stirring Cauldrons, Brewing Wonders Uncover the mysteries of the alchemist's craft in this chapter, where ancient recipes and arcane ingredients intertwine to create potent potions and elixirs. From healing balms to transformational concoctions, discover the art of mixing, boiling, and distilling in pursuit of extraordinary effects. Master the delicate balance of ingredients, harness the power of rare herbs and magical components, and unlock the secrets of the alchemist's laboratory.

Chapter 4: The Mystic Forge

Unveiling the Art of Enchantment

Harnessing Magic, Empowering Creations Step into the realm of enchantment in this chapter as you learn to infuse ordinary objects with extraordinary magical properties. Delve into the ancient rituals and incantations that imbue weapons, armor, and trinkets with potent enhancements. Unleash the power of runes, sigils, and arcane symbols to amplify the capabilities of your creations. Master the art of enchantment and wield the force of magic in every crafted item.

Chapter 5: Threads of Destiny

The Intricacies of Tailoring

Stitch by Stitch, Fashioning Dreams Embark on a journey of elegance and style as you explore the art of tailoring. From designing exquisite garments to weaving intricate patterns, learn to shape fabric into expressions of individuality and grace. Discover the secrets of draping, cutting, and stitching as you bring forth custom-made clothing that embodies the essence of each wearer. Unleash your creativity and let the threads of destiny guide your hands.

Chapter 6: Illuminating Artistry

Mastering the Craft of Scribing

Ink, Quill, and Imagination: Words that Transcend Enter the realm of the written word in this chapter dedicated to the art of scribing. Explore the delicate craftsmanship of calligraphy, the intricate design of illuminated manuscripts, and the magical properties of inscribed spells and scrolls. Learn the techniques of ink-making, parchment preparation, and precise lettering to bring your words to life. Let your imagination flow from quill to page, creating works that transcend time and space.

Chapter 7: Weaving the Elements

The Art of Elemental Manipulation

Fusing Fire, Water, Earth, and Air in Harmonious Balance Delve into the elemental arts in this chapter, where the forces of fire, water, earth, and air come alive through your craft. Learn to harness the raw power of the elements and infuse them into your creations. From flaming swords to water-filled orbs, discover the secrets of elemental manipulation and create objects that embody the very essence of nature's primal forces.

Chapter 8: The Artisan's Arsenal

Crafting Weapons and Armor

Forged in Steel, Wielded with Honor In this chapter, explore the realm of weapons and armor crafting. From the intricacies of forging blades to the meticulous craftsmanship of armor, delve into the art of creating tools of war and defense. Discover the secrets of selecting the finest materials, honing techniques to perfect balance and durability, and imbuing your creations with protective enchantments. Forge steel with skill and honor, creating artifacts that become an extension of their wielder.

Chapter 9: The Alchemy of Runes

Carving Ancient Mysteries

Symbols etched in Stone, Magic Unleashed Unearth the ancient art of rune carving in this chapter, where symbols etched in stone hold great power. Delve into the mystical properties of each rune, understanding their meanings and the spells they invoke. Learn the ancient techniques of stone carving and the secret rituals that imbue these symbols with magic. Unleash the true potential of runic magic, unlocking the mysteries of the past and shaping the course of destiny.

Chapter 10: The Essence of Creation

Sculpting with Magic

Breath of Life, Sculptor's Touch Step into the realm of sculpting, where the artist's touch brings life to form. In this chapter, explore the art of shaping clay, stone, or even magical materials to create breathtaking sculptures. Learn to infuse your creations with the essence of life, imbuing them with animation and sentience. Harness the magic within you and breathe vitality into your sculpted masterpieces, blurring the line between art and reality.

Chapter 11: The Jeweler's Legacy

Precious Gems and Exquisite Designs

Gems Unearthed, Beauty Unveiled Unveil the dazzling world of jewelry making in this chapter, where precious gems and exquisite designs merge. Explore the art of gemstone cutting, metalwork, and intricate settings to create breathtaking pieces that capture the light and ignite the imagination. Learn the secrets of working with rare and valuable materials, and craft heirloom-quality jewelry that tells stories of elegance, power, and legacy.

Chapter 12: The Art of Restoration

Reviving and Repairing

Brought Back to Life, Anew and Reimagined Embark on a journey of restoration and repair in this chapter dedicated to breathing new life into worn and damaged items. Discover the techniques of cleaning, repairing, and refurbishing objects to their former glory. From delicate tapestries to ancient artifacts, learn the art of preservation and the secrets of reviving forgotten treasures. Let your hands become the catalyst for transformation as you bring new vitality to the world.

Chapter 13: The Culinary Canvas

Gastronomic Artistry

A Symphony of Flavors, Delights for the Palate Awaken your taste buds and ignite your culinary creativity in this chapter celebrating the artistry of gastronomy. Delve into the realms of spices, herbs, and flavors as you craft masterful dishes that tantalize the senses. Discover the alchemy of combining ingredients, the precision of knife skills, and the mastery of culinary techniques. Let your dishes become a canvas for artistic expression, creating edible masterpieces that leave a lasting impression.

Chapter 14: The Essence of Nature

Weaving with Botanical Wonders

Tagline: Nurturing Life, Crafting with Nature's Bounty Immerse yourself in the natural world as you explore the art of crafting with botanical wonders. Delve into the realm of floral design, herbal remedies, and natural dyes. Learn to harness the healing properties of plants, creating potions and salves that soothe and rejuvenate. Discover the intricate techniques of flower arrangement and the ancient wisdom of herbalism. Let the beauty and power of nature guide your hands as you craft with its abundant bounty.

Chapter 15: The Architect's Vision

Designing the World

Blueprints of Dreams, Structures of Inspiration Unleash your creative vision and shape the world around you in this chapter dedicated to the art of architecture. Explore the principles of design, the balance of form and function, and the structural integrity of buildings. Learn to draft blueprints, construct models, and bring your architectural dreams to life. From grand palaces to humble abodes, let your imagination soar as you become the architect of awe-inspiring structures.

Chapter 16: Advanced Crafting Techniques

Exploring more complex crafting techniques, such as intricate engravings, filigree work, and advanced material manipulation. Unlock the realm of mastery in crafting with this chapter, delving into intricate engravings, filigree work, and advanced material manipulation. Learn the secrets of precision craftsmanship as you explore techniques to elevate your creations to new heights. Discover the art of ornate detailing, intricate inlaying, and expert metalwork. Expand your repertoire of skills and delve into the realm of true artisan mastery.

Chapter 17: Magical Infusions

Delving into the process of infusing magical properties into crafted items, including enchantments, elemental effects, and other magical enhancements. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of magical infusions as you learn the process of imbuing crafted items with extraordinary properties. Uncover the secrets of enchantments, elemental effects, and other magical enhancements that can elevate your creations to new levels of power. From the delicate art of spellweaving to harnessing the forces of elemental magic, discover how to infuse your crafted items with extraordinary abilities that defy the mundane.

Chapter 18: Mastering Artisan Tools

A comprehensive guide to various artisan tools and their specific uses, including blacksmithing, woodworking, alchemy, and more. Become a true master of your craft as you delve into the comprehensive guide of various artisan tools and their specific uses. Explore the world of blacksmithing, woodworking, alchemy, and more as you gain a deep understanding of the tools that shape your creations. Learn the techniques, tips, and tricks passed down through generations of skilled artisans. Elevate your craftsmanship to new heights by honing your skills with the tools of your trade.

Chapter 19: Crafting Consumables

Discussing the creation of consumable items such as potions, scrolls, alchemical concoctions, and magical ammunition. Unveil the secrets of creating potent consumable items in this chapter, where you will discover the art of crafting potions, scrolls, alchemical concoctions, and magical ammunition. Dive into the realm of alchemy and scrollcraft as you learn to mix ingredients, inscribe arcane sigils, and create magical elixirs that provide aid and advantage. Master the art of crafting consumables that can turn the tides of battle or unlock hidden mysteries.

Chapter 20: Legendary Artifacts

Unveiling the secrets of crafting legendary and mythical artifacts, including the materials, rituals, and intricate processes involved. Step into the realm of legends as you uncover the mysteries behind crafting legendary and mythical artifacts. Journey through the annals of history and delve into the materials, rituals, and intricate processes involved in the creation of these revered items. Learn the ancient techniques and unlock the secrets that allow you to forge items of unparalleled power and significance. Harness the wisdom of the past to shape the future of your crafting legacy.

Chapter 21: Crafting for Adventurers

Providing insights into crafting equipment and gear tailored for adventurers, including weapons, armor, and magical items. Tailor your crafting skills to meet the needs of adventurers in this chapter, where you will gain insights into crafting equipment and gear specifically designed for those who brave the unknown. Dive into the creation of formidable weapons, resilient armor, and magical items that will aid adventurers in their quests. Learn to infuse your creations with enhancements that enhance combat prowess, provide protection, or unlock hidden abilities. Craft items that become the trusted companions of those who face the perils of the world.

Chapter 22: Crafting with Exotic Materials

Exploring the use of rare and exotic materials, such as dragon scales, celestial feathers, elemental essences, and more. Venture into the realm of rare and exotic materials as you explore the creation of extraordinary items. Discover the techniques and processes involved in working with dragon scales, celestial feathers, elemental essences, and other mystical components. Unleash the true potential of these unique materials as you craft items that harness their inherent properties. Learn to harness the raw power of the extraordinary and create artifacts that defy imagination.

Chapter 23: Construct Creation

Unleashing the secrets of constructing magical constructs, golems, and automatons, covering the necessary components and animating rituals. Unlock the secrets of constructing magical constructs, golems, and automatons in this chapter dedicated to the art of bringing inanimate objects to life. Explore the necessary components, intricate rituals, and animating processes involved in the creation of these wondrous creations. Learn to infuse them with purpose, imbue them with magical abilities, and command their unwavering loyalty. Become a master of the craft as you breathe life into your own mechanical marvels.

Chapter 24: Elemental Forging

Expanding on the manipulation and infusion of elemental forces into crafted items, from flame-forged weapons to frost-imbued armor. Harness the raw forces of the elements in this chapter, as you explore the manipulation and infusion of elemental powers into crafted items. Discover the secrets of flame-forged weapons that ignite with fury, frost-imbued armor that grants resilience, and other elemental manifestations that enhance your creations. Learn the delicate art of harmonizing with the primal forces of nature and channeling their might through your craftsmanship.

Chapter 25: Runecrafting

Delving into the ancient art of inscribing runes onto items to imbue them with various magical effects, ranging from protection to elemental control. Embark on a journey into the ancient art of runecrafting, where you will uncover the power of inscribing arcane runes onto items to imbue them with extraordinary magical effects. Delve into the lore of ancient symbols and their inherent power as you learn to carve, etch, or paint runes onto your creations. Discover the diverse range of runes, from those that offer protection to those that grant elemental control. Master the art of runecrafting and unlock the true potential of your crafted items.



Crafting & Creation

Artisan's Legacy: Mastering the Craft of Creation


Crafting, the age-old practice of creating and shaping objects through skill and ingenuity, has been a fundamental aspect of Autera's history since time immemorial. From the simplest tools to the most magnificent works of artifice, the realm of crafting has shaped the world in profound ways. In this tome, we delve into the rich tapestry of craftsmanship in Autera, exploring its origins, risks, rewards, and the limitless possibilities it holds.

A History of Craftsmanship:

Throughout the ages, civilizations in Autera have thrived through their ability to harness the power of creation. From the earliest tribes fashioning primitive tools from bone and stone to the grand civilizations constructing awe-inspiring structures and magical artifacts, crafting has been a driving force behind progress and innovation. Ancient legends speak of master artisans whose skills were revered and sought after, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of history.

Risks and Rewards

Crafting is not without its perils. The pursuit of mastery often requires relentless dedication, countless hours of practice, and a deep understanding of materials, techniques, and arcane secrets. The path of the artisan is fraught with challenges, as one must navigate the delicate balance between risk and reward. Missteps can result in wasted resources, shattered dreams, or even catastrophic consequences. However, the rewards are equally immense. The skilled craftsman wields the power to shape the world, to imbue objects with magic, and to leave a lasting legacy through their creations.

Delving into the World of Crafting

In the following chapters, we invite you to journey with us into the fascinating world of crafting. Explore the diverse array of crafting disciplines, from blacksmithing and woodworking to alchemy and enchanting. Uncover the secrets of ancient techniques and discover new frontiers of innovation. Witness the exquisite beauty of masterful creations and the raw power of magical artifacts.

But be warned, for the path of the artisan is not for the faint of heart. Only those with unwavering passion, unwavering dedication, and an unyielding spirit can truly unlock the limitless potential that crafting holds.

Come, fellow traveler, as we embark on this extraordinary journey through the realms of craftsmanship. Let us uncover the hidden knowledge, master the ancient techniques, and ignite the fires of creation that dwell within us all. The world of crafting awaits, and its secrets are ready to be unveiled.


Basic Crafting

The Divine Pantheon Of Autera

Crafting is an art that intertwines skill, imagination, and ingenuity, allowing individuals to shape the world around them. In the realm of Autera, basic crafting forms the foundation of creation, enabling aspiring artisans to bring their visions to life.

Basic crafting encompasses a wide array of disciplines, including woodworking, blacksmithing, leatherworking, and more. From fashioning simple tools to creating practical items, the possibilities are endless. With dedication and a keen eye for detail, one can transform raw materials into invaluable treasures.

The beauty of basic crafting lies in its versatility and accessibility. Aspiring crafters can delve into the realms of carpentry, stitching, or metalwork, among others, honing their skills as they embark on their crafting journey. With the right tools, materials, and knowledge, even the most novice craftsmen can create remarkable works.

Within the realm of basic crafting, artisans can fashion everyday items that enhance and simplify life. Examples include sturdy wooden chests to secure precious belongings, hand-carved walking sticks that provide support on long journeys, intricately woven baskets for storing goods, or finely crafted kitchen utensils to aid in culinary endeavors. These creations serve practical purposes and showcase the craftsmanship of their makers.

While basic crafting may not yield the awe-inspiring wonders of legendary artifacts, it is the foundation upon which greater feats of craftsmanship are built. Mastery of the basics unlocks the potential to delve into more advanced techniques, allowing artisans to create intricate weapons, enchanted armors, or even magical items imbued with arcane power.

Aspiring craftsmen, take heed! Within these pages, you will find the knowledge and guidance to embark on your crafting journey. Discover the joy of transforming raw materials into objects of beauty and utility. Unleash your creativity, hone your skills, and unlock the vast potential that lies within your hands.

Welcome to the realm of basic crafting, where even the simplest creations have the power to shape the world and leave a lasting mark upon Autera's rich tapestry of history.



The Blueprints Of Creation

In the realm of Autera, where the art of crafting and invention thrives, the discovery of a schematic is akin to unlocking a hidden treasure trove of knowledge and possibility. Schematics are rare and powerful blueprints that serve as guiding beacons for craftsmen, artificers, and inventors alike. They hold the key to unlocking the secrets behind the creation of remarkable items and wondrous inventions.

A schematic is not merely a simple set of instructions; it is a meticulously crafted document that details every aspect of the item's construction. It encompasses a wealth of information, providing the crafter with crucial insights into the materials, tools, and techniques required to bring their vision to life. Within the pages of a schematic, one can find the exact specifications for each component, the precise measurements, and even the intricate steps needed to assemble and shape the final product.

Materials are the building blocks of any creation, and schematics leave no stone unturned in detailing the necessary resources. They provide a comprehensive list of materials, specifying the types of metals, woods, gems, or other substances required for the construction. Furthermore, schematics often offer invaluable insights into the procurement of rare or exotic materials, guiding crafters on where to seek out these coveted resources.

Equally important as the materials is the workbench, the sacred space where craftsmanship comes to fruition. Schematics shed light on the specific tools, equipment, and workspaces needed to bring the item to life. They may recommend specialized workbenches designed for intricate enchantments, mechanical contraptions, or the forging of legendary weapons. Crafters must heed the requirements of the workbench outlined in the schematic to ensure the successful realization of their creation.

Time, effort, and skill are integral components of any crafting endeavor, and schematics serve as a compass to navigate these intricate domains. They outline the intricate steps, the labor-intensive processes, and the necessary abilities to complete the construction. Whether it is the mastery of delicate enchantments, the precision of clockwork mechanisms, or the expertise in hammering metal, the schematic serves as a map guiding the crafter through the arduous path of creation.

In the world of Autera, schematics are more than mere documents; they are the key to unlocking the full potential of craftsmanship and invention. They are rare treasures, coveted by those who seek to push the boundaries of their abilities and leave their mark upon the world. With a schematic in hand, a crafter possesses the means to shape their imagination into reality, transforming raw materials into extraordinary works of art, powerful artifacts, or groundbreaking inventions.

As you embark on your journey through the realms of crafting, delve deeper into the allure and significance of schematics. Unveil the secrets they hold, wield their power with care, and let your creations illuminate the world of Autera with their brilliance.

Schematics: Examples

In this section, there is a list of example schematics, including details of materials, binders, power sources, and the process needed. Some items will be simpler to craft based on their rarity. There are other schematics, however, that are exponentially more complicated and difficult to create.

Arcane Resonator

The Arcane Resonator is a potent magical device that harnesses the raw energy of arcane forces. It is crafted using a combination of intricate metalwork and arcane enchantments. The resonator emits a faint, pulsating glow and emanates a subtle humming sound. When activated, it amplifies the spellcasting abilities of the wielder, enhancing the potency and range of their spells. It is a coveted item among spellcasters seeking to push the boundaries of their magical abilities.


Main Material: Enchanted Crystal Shard

Binder: Arcane Infused Resin

Power: Arcane Runestone

Workbench: Arcane Rune Workbench

Time and Process:

Time: 3 days


Step 1

Place the Enchanted Crystal Shard on the Arcane Rune Workbench.

Step 2

Mix the Arcane Infused Resin with precise measurements of the Arcane Runestone, creating a binding agent.

Step 3

Apply the binding agent to the Enchanted Crystal Shard, carefully coating its surface.

Step 4

Utter the ancient incantations inscribed on the workbench, channeling arcane energy into the crystal.

Step 5

Allow the resonator to rest undisturbed for 72 hours, allowing the magical properties to harmonize within the crystal.

Step 6

Test the resonator's functionality and stability, ensuring its readiness for use in arcane rituals and amplification of magical energies.

Reinforced Battleaxe

The Reinforced Battleaxe is a formidable weapon designed for warriors who favor brute strength and devastating strikes. It is expertly crafted using a combination of high-quality materials, such as reinforced steel and sturdy hardwood. The battleaxe's head is adorned with intricate etchings and reinforced with enchantments that grant it exceptional durability and a heightened impact. Its weight is perfectly balanced, allowing for swift and powerful swings that can cleave through armor and sunder defenses. The Reinforced Battleaxe is a symbol of martial prowess and is highly sought after by warriors seeking to dominate the battlefield.


Main Material: Forged Steel

Binder: Dwarven-forged Rivets

Power: Elemental Core (Fire)


Metalworking Workbench

Time and Process:

Time: 2 days


Step 1

Heat the Forged Steel in the intense flames of the Metalworking Workbench's forge until malleable.

Step 2

Shape the heated steel into the desired battleaxe form, using precision hammering techniques.

Step 3

Secure the components together using the Dwarven-forged Rivets, ensuring the utmost stability and durability.

Step 4

Imbue the Elemental Core (Fire) with the essence of flames, harnessing its fiery power to enchant the weapon.

Step 5

Temper the battleaxe in the forge, infusing it with the elemental properties of fire and strengthening its structure.

Step 6

Allow the weapon to cool and harden, taking care to maintain its balanced weight distribution. Perform meticulous quality checks to ensure the battleaxe's structural integrity and elemental enhancement.



Materials, Binders, & Power

In the realm of crafting within the vast world of Autera, the journey towards bringing extraordinary creations to life begins with the harmonious union of three vital components: Materials, Binders, and Power. Each element plays a crucial role, shaping the quality, strength, and functionality of the crafted item. Aspiring crafters and inventors must understand the intricate interplay of these components to master the art of creation.

Materials, the foundation upon which the craftsmanship is built, encompass a vast array of substances, each with its own unique characteristics and properties. Among the diverse spectrum of materials, we find the familiar embrace of wood, sturdy and versatile, capable of forming the framework of a creation with its natural beauty. Stone, with its resolute presence, offers solidity and durability, suitable for enduring structures. Metals, ranging from common alloys to rare and precious ores, bring strength, conductivity, and aesthetic allure to the crafted object. Let us not forget the arcane runes, imbued with mystic energies, which infuse the creation with magical potency. With diligent study and careful selection, crafters can harness the inherent qualities of these materials to shape their vision.

Binding together the chosen materials lies in the hands of Binders. Binders, like the invisible threads that weave a tapestry, bring cohesion, stability, and strength to the creation. Whether it be the humble adhesive that secures delicate pieces, the intricate leather wraps that interlace and support, or the robust nuts, bolts, and screws that firmly hold structures together, the choice of binder is of paramount importance. It is through the meticulous selection and application of binders that crafters breathe life into their designs, transforming disparate components into a unified and functional whole.

Power, the driving force behind many crafted marvels, infuses life and purpose into the creation. A power source fuels the mechanisms, animates the enchantments, or empowers the functions of the crafted item. The possibilities are as diverse as the imagination allows. From harnessing the energy of the sun through solar power, to tapping into the arcane crystals pulsating with mystical energy, or even embracing the ingenuity of steam technology, the power source grants life and potency to the creation. Crafters must navigate the realm of power, choosing the appropriate source that aligns with the intended purpose and functionality of their creation.

With an understanding of the three essential components—Materials, Binders, and Power—the path towards mastery in crafting unfolds. Aspiring crafters must immerse themselves in the knowledge of the various materials at their disposal, exploring their attributes and limitations. They must study the art of binding, delving into the vast array of binders, mastering the techniques of joining and securing materials together. Lastly, they must explore the realm of power, seeking out sources that match their vision and imbue their creations with extraordinary capabilities.

Armed with these essential components, the journey of the crafter advances to the next phase. They stand at the precipice of creativity and innovation, ready to bring their vision to life. The world of Autera awaits the marvels that will spring forth from their hands, each creation a testament to their skill, ingenuity, and mastery over the art of crafting.

In the chapters that follow, delve deeper into the intricacies of materials, binders, and power. Uncover the secrets they hold, explore the endless possibilities they offer, and let your imagination soar as you venture further into the realm of crafting within Autera.

Gathering Components

The materials that can be used for crafting are separated into three categories: main, binder, and power. Each category represents a different component of crafting needed to complete a schematic and craft an item. For example, a rifle is composed of wood and metal, binding by metals strips, and powered by gun powder.

Main Materials

There are many categories of main materials and they often make up the "body" of the item. The general main materials are broken down into four groups. There are other rare and exotic materials as well. The four general types are:

  • Metal. Metal covers a vast range of different types of metal. Each metal has its own benefits and durability. Often items crafted with stronger metals like steel, adamantine, or starmetal are stronger and last longer than those made of copper or aluminum. If a scematic lists a particular metal, that is the metal you must use. However, if a schematic lists a general metal, you can use any type you like.

  • Precious Metals. When a schematic specifies a type of metal, its generally a Precious Metal, such as gold, silver, quicksilver, metallium, etc. These metals are harder to find and more expensive to acquire, but in addition to increased durability, they often grant other benefits to the item's user.

  • Stone. Dirt, soil, rock, stone, granite, all of these naturally occuring substances can be used for stone. Stone is not a common component, but its essential in rudimentary items like spears, arrows, etc.

  • Wood. Wood is similar to metal in that there is a vast variety, all with different durabilities and benefits. Most of the time when a schematic calls for wood, it specifies what type.

Exotic Materials

Rare items

  • Glass. One of the most fragile components for crafting, glass can be purchased or created. To create glass, you will need a schematic and materials.

  • Arcane Scrolls. At times you will want to enchant an item with a spell. If you know the spell, you do not require a spell scroll, otherwise, each time a spell is enchanted it requires a spell scroll, which the creation consumes.

  • Action Scrolls. Similar to spell scrolls, Action scrolls give the user additional ways to use abilities, like using a bonus action to take the Dash action.

  • Blood & Bone. Depending on your focus and study, blood and bone, along with other bodily components can used to in crafting. These components are not generally sold, but acquired.


Collecting materials to create an item is useless unless a survivor also gathers binding agents.

  • Adhesive. Adhesives are some of the earliest bindings used when crafting. From tree sap to rubber trees, even sovereign glue.

  • Cordage. Cordage bindings generally wrap around an item, holding it together. Most cordage is made from rope, vines, twine, or even the rare wire.

  • Welding. This advanced skill is taught to adept craftsman as a technique to forge metals together. Its uses incredibly hot fire and a steady hand usually only endured by blacksmiths.

  • Fusion. Not commonly used, this skill is primarily used in high tech creations and crafting, but can be used to fuse less advanced projects as well.


Not all creations are going to require power, but those that do will mainly use one of the following options:

  • Gunpowder. Black powder is not readily available everywhere, but when acquired, can be used to make ammunition such as bullets, cannon balls, even explosives.

  • Elemental. Using the elemental force of wind, the heat of fire, or the speed of lightning, using elements to power crafted items is a common practice.

  • Steam. One of the newer forms of power, steam is used in steam trains, powersuits, and air ships to name a few. Certain artificers have also implemented them into weapons and armor.

  • Arcane. Enchantments, scrolls, spells, and other forms of arcana have power items since the discovery of magic.



The Birth Of Creations

In the realm of creation, where dreams take shape and imagination knows no bounds, the humble workbench stands as a gateway to the realm of crafting mastery. A haven of tools and possibilities, the workbench beckons artisans, inventors, and crafters to embark on their creative journey, unleashing their talents upon the world of Autera.

A workbench is more than a mere piece of furniture; it is a sanctuary of craftsmanship, an essential tool that elevates the act of creation to new heights. It is at the workbench that raw materials transform into extraordinary works of art, intricate mechanisms, and awe-inspiring inventions. The workbench becomes the heart of the crafting process, providing a stable and organized space where the crafter's vision takes tangible form.

Each workbench, as varied as the crafts it serves, possesses unique properties and capabilities tailored to specific disciplines and materials. A metalworking workbench hums with the heat of a forge and the metallic clang of hammers, accommodating the shaping and molding of molten metal into formidable weapons and sturdy armor. An artisan's tool workbench harbors an array of precision instruments, allowing crafters to carve, chisel, and etch intricate details onto their creations, breathing life into their visions. An ammunition workbench presents a meticulous arrangement of molds, presses, and materials, enabling the crafters to manufacture a steady supply of lethal projectiles. And in the realm of arcane crafting, an arcane rune workbench crackles with the energy of ancient symbols, facilitating the delicate inscription and enchantment of magical artifacts.

The workbench not only provides the necessary tools but also imparts its unique qualities to the crafting process. It serves as a foundation, offering stability and structure to intricate creations. With its designated tools, it grants the crafter greater precision, efficiency, and control over the materials at hand. A well-equipped workbench becomes an extension of the crafter's skill, amplifying their capabilities and expanding the boundaries of what can be achieved.

However, the workbench is more than just a physical space. It is a realm of knowledge and expertise. To truly harness its potential, the crafter must acquire the necessary skills and understanding of the specific workbench they seek to utilize. Mastery over a metalworking workbench requires knowledge of metallurgy, heat manipulation, and precise hammering techniques. The artisan's tool workbench demands a keen eye for detail, mastery of sculpting tools, and an understanding of various materials. Each workbench holds its secrets, waiting to be unlocked by those dedicated enough to invest their time and effort in honing their craft.

Aspiring crafters must embark on a quest to seek out and utilize the appropriate workbench for their chosen discipline. They must familiarize themselves with the tools, techniques, and intricacies specific to each workbench, unlocking the full potential of their creations. Through dedication, practice, and the pursuit of knowledge, they will witness the evolution of their craft, their workbench becoming a conduit through which their creativity flows freely.

Within the following chapters, the wonders of various workbenches await discovery. Delve into the realm of metalworking, delve into the artistry of the artisan's tool, delve into the precision of ammunition crafting, and delve into the arcane mysteries of rune workbenches. Let the workbench become your sanctuary, your companion in the journey of creation, and a testament to your craftsmanship.

Take hold of your tools, open your mind to endless possibilities, and let the workbench be your guide as you navigate the intricate world of crafting within Autera.

Work Bench

Work Benches

Now that you've acquired the schematic, needed materials, and gold, you need the final component. A great deal of beginner schematics only require artisan's tools to craft. However, as you begin to use higher level schematics, they will also require the use of a Work Bench. Work benches can be found in different places, such as artificer or tinkerer shops in cities. Blacksmiths, armorers, and weapon makers also use work benches:

Work Bench Level Proficiency Items
Artisan's Tool Bench 1st level Proficiency with tools A set of those tools/ standard items
Ammunition Bench (Arrows/ Bolts) 1st level Simple/ martial weapons Arrows, bolts, specialty arrows
Ammunition Bench (Firearms) 3rd level Firearms Bullets, explosives
Metal Bench 5th level Tinkerer's tools Weapons, armor, metal schematics
Component Bench 5th level Spellcaster Spell components that lack a gold cost
Steam Power 7th level Tinkerer's Tools Steam schematics, weapons
Component Bench 10th level Spellcaster Spell components less than 100 GP
Fusion Bench 13th level Fusion Batteries, high tech items


  • Work Bench: This is the type of work bench. For Artisan's Tool Bench, if you have proficiency with the same tools, you can use the bench to produce anything those tools could produce. You may also produce 1 set of those tools, after which the work bench cannot be used for 5 days.
  • Level: The minimum required level before you can use the work bench.
  • Proficiency: Some work benches require proficiency with tools, other require you to be a certain level, and some other other requirements. Requirements must always be met before you can use a work bench.
  • Items: Example items that work bench can produce.



The Birth Of Creations

In this section of the Autera Crafting book, we delve into the time-honored tradition of weapon crafting, a skill that allows characters to forge weapons of their own making, imbued with both craftsmanship and purpose. Drawing inspiration from the wealth of knowledge found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, we embark on a journey to master the art of weapon creation using Smith's Tools.

We begin by exploring the rich history of weapon crafting, tracing its origins to ancient civilizations and legendary blacksmiths who shaped the course of history with their masterpieces. From the forging of legendary swords that became symbols of power and honor to the crafting of deadly axes that struck fear into the hearts of enemies, the story of weapon crafting is intertwined with tales of heroes and conquests.

To begin the craft, we familiarize ourselves with the essential supplies needed for weapon creation. From a sturdy anvil and a well-maintained forge to a variety of specialized hammers and tongs, each tool has its place in the meticulous process of transforming raw materials into weapons of deadly precision. We delve into the selection of appropriate metals and alloys, emphasizing their specific properties and how they contribute to the overall quality and functionality of the final product.

The chapter then delves into the step-by-step process of crafting different types of weapons using Smith's Tools. We provide detailed instructions on shaping and tempering a variety of weapons, such as swords, axes, and longbows. From the precise measurements and proportions required for a balanced blade to the intricacies of crafting a sturdy haft or a tensioned bowstring, we guide aspiring craftsmen through the nuances of each weapon type.

Throughout the chapter, we emphasize the importance of patience, precision, and attention to detail in the art of weapon crafting. We share expert tips and techniques garnered from master artisans, providing valuable insights to enhance the quality and aesthetics of the final creations.

Join us on this remarkable journey into the world of weapon crafting, where you will learn to shape metal, breathe life into steel, and leave your mark on the annals of history. Discover the satisfaction of creating your own arsenal, where every strike and every swing resonates with the craftsmanship of your own hands.

Weapon Types

Depending on the weapon, there are certain parts that you can enhance or enchant. Each part can only receive one enchantment and it cannot be removed. The enchantment you use must also be used on the appropriate part of the weapon.

Ranged Weapons

String Weapons

Stringed weapons encompass the traditional ranged weapons that rely on a tensioned string mechanism to propel projectiles. This category includes longbows, shortbows, crossbows, and hand crossbows. Stringed weapons are known for their accuracy, range, and versatility. They require skilled marksmanship and often utilize ammunition such as arrows or bolts. These weapons are commonly favored by rangers, hunters, and skilled archers.


Firearms represent a more recent advancement in ranged weaponry, featuring explosive propellants to launch projectiles. This category includes pistols, rifles, explosives, and even larger weapons like cannons. Firearms offer increased destructive power and are capable of delivering significant damage. They require proficiency in firearms and ammunition, such as bullets or explosive charges. Firearms have become popular among gunslingers, mercenaries, and those who embrace the cutting edge of technology.

Laser Weapons

Laser weapons represent an ultra-rare and highly advanced category of ranged weaponry. Harnessing powerful beams of focused light, laser weapons deliver devastating energy-based attacks. This category includes laser pistols, laser rifles, and even antimatter rifles. Laser weapons offer unique advantages such as bypassing certain defenses and dealing energy damage. They require specialized knowledge and often rely on rare power sources. Laser weapons are the epitome of futuristic technology, and only a select few have the privilege of wielding them.

These three categories of ranged weapons each bring their own distinct characteristics, advantages, and lore to the world of Autera. Stringed weapons emphasize precision and skill, firearms introduce explosive firepower, while laser weapons embody the cutting edge of advanced technology. Adventurers and warriors of Autera must carefully choose their ranged weaponry based on their preferred combat style, available resources, and the threats they may face.

Ranged weapons, excluding laser weapons, generally do piercing damage.

Melee Weapons


Bludgeoning weapons are designed to deliver crushing force and impact to their targets. They typically have a solid, heavy construction and are ideal for dealing damage through blunt force trauma. Examples of bludgeoning weapons include warhammers, maces, and clubs. Bludgeoning weapons excel at bypassing certain types of armor and are effective against enemies with tough hides or heavy armor. They are favored by warriors who prefer raw strength and the ability to shatter bones and crush foes.


Piercing weapons are designed to deliver precise, penetrating strikes to their targets. These weapons typically feature a sharp, pointed tip that allows them to pierce through armor or tough hide. Examples of piercing weapons include rapiers, daggers, and spears. Piercing weapons are known for their ability to find weak points in an opponent's defenses, inflicting critical wounds and bypassing certain resistances. They are often favored by agile and swift combatants who rely on precision and accuracy.


Slashing weapons are designed to deliver sweeping, cutting attacks to their targets. These weapons feature sharp, bladed edges that are capable of inflicting deep cuts and gashes. Examples of slashing weapons include longswords, axes, and greatswords. Slashing weapons excel at causing bleeding wounds, severing limbs, or sundering armor. They offer a good balance between raw damage and versatility in combat. Slashing weapons are favored by warriors who favor aggressive, devastating strikes and desire a balance between offense and defense.

These three categories of melee weapons offer different tactical approaches in combat, with each emphasizing a unique style of attack and damage type. Bludgeoning weapons focus on crushing impact, piercing weapons prioritize precision and penetration, while slashing weapons excel at delivering wide, sweeping cuts. Adventurers in Autera must consider the strengths and weaknesses of each category, as well as the opponents they are likely to face, to choose the most suitable melee weapons for their individual fighting style and objectives.


Weapon Enhancement

The Birth Of Creations

In the diverse realm of weapon crafting, the art of modification and alteration holds great potential for those skilled in the craft. Within this section of the Autera: Crafting book, we delve into the fascinating world of weapon enhancement, where even the most basic of weapons can be transformed into masterpieces of form and function. From the graceful archer's bow to the deadly precision of a rifle, we explore the various parts of these weapons that can be exchanged, enhanced, or altered to suit the needs and preferences of the wielder.

For the bow, the body and string serve as the foundational elements that can be refined and customized, while the crossbow offers opportunities to modify the body, stock, and arms for improved performance. In the case of the compact crossbow, the body and grip can be adjusted to achieve optimal balance and maneuverability. Melee weapons, such as blades or blunts, present the chance to craft personalized designs for both the striking element and the handle, ensuring a perfect fit and enhanced combat effectiveness.

For firearms, be it the sleek pistols or the formidable rifle, there are specific components that can be modified. The barrel allows for precision and accuracy adjustments, while the chamber or magazine can be tailored to accommodate different ammunition types. The grip offers an opportunity to create a comfortable and ergonomic hold, enabling superior control over the weapon. Additionally, the rifle provides the option to attach scopes for enhanced targeting capabilities, granting a clear sight picture and improved accuracy.

In this section, we will guide aspiring craftsmen through the process of altering and enhancing these weapon parts, providing insights into the materials, techniques, and tools required for successful modifications. Whether you seek to fine-tune a weapon's balance, increase its damage potential, or customize it to reflect your own style, this chapter will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to embark on a journey of weapon crafting mastery.

Weapon Enhancements

Weapon enhancements can be applied to nonmagical weapons and can take many forms. The abilities and benefits bestowed by the enhancement can provide the user a minor advantage or a massive boon and everything in between. The following is a list of examples and possible enhancements.


Precision Grip: Provides a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Elven Sight: Grants advantage on perception checks that rely on sight.

Stormcaller String: Adds 1d6 lightning damage to each successful hit.

Fey Marksmanship: Once per long rest, you can cast the spell "Hail of Thorns" without expending a spell slot.


Quick Draw Mechanism: Reduces the reload time by one bonus action.

Shadow Weave String: Creates an area of magical darkness around the target upon a successful hit.

Venomous Arrows: Adds poison damage equal to your Dexterity modifier on hit.

Swift Shot: Allows you to make an additional attack as a bonus action once per short rest.

Crossbow, light

Sniper's Scope: Increases the weapon's range by 50 feet.

Piercing Bolts: Ignores the target's resistance to piercing damage.

Mechanized Reload: Allows you to reload the crossbow as a bonus action.

Bloodseeker: Deals an additional 1d6 necrotic damage to targets below half their maximum hit points.


Steady Aim Barrel: Grants advantage on the first attack roll made with the pistol each round.

Elemental Rounds: Allows you to choose between fire, ice, or lightning damage for each shot.

Quick Reload Holster: Reduces the reload time to a bonus action.

Piercing Shot: Ignores the target's bonus to AC from cover.


Sniper's Scope: Increases the weapon's range by 100 feet.

Thunderous Shot: Deals an additional 1d8 thunder damage and pushes the target 10 feet on a hit.

Burst Fire Mechanism: Allows you to make two attacks instead of one as an action.

True Aim: Once per long rest, you can add a +10 bonus to a single attack roll made with the rifle.


Vicious Edge: Adds an additional 1d6 damage on a critical hit.

Lifestealer's Haft: Allows the wielder to regain hit points equal to the damage dealt on a critical hit.

Spinning Blade Guard: Grants a +1 bonus to AC against melee attacks.


Shadowstrike Blade: Allows the wielder to teleport up to 30 feet as a bonus action once per short rest.

Venomous Edge: Adds poison damage equal to your Dexterity modifier on hit.

Dagger of Returning: Automatically returns to the wielder's hand after a successful attack.


Fencing Master's Parry: Grants a +1 bonus to AC against melee attacks.

Rapier of Precision: Provides a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Whispering Blade: Allows the wielder to cast the spell "Silence" once per long rest.


Thunderous Impact: Deals an additional 1d8 thunder damage and pushes the target 10 feet on a hit.

Dwarven Runesmith's Mark: Ignores the target's resistance to bludgeoning damage.

Warhammer of Smiting: Adds an additional 2d6 radiant damage against undead and fiends.


Giantslayer: Deals an additional 2d6 damage to creatures of the giant type.

Crippling Blade: Reduces the target's movement speed by 10 feet on a hit.

Greatsword of Fury: Allows the wielder to make an additional attack as a bonus action once per long rest.


Reach of the Reaper: Increases the weapon's reach by 5 feet.

Whirling Strikes: Allows the wielder to make a bonus action attack against a different target once per turn.

Glaive of the Sentinel: Grants advantage on opportunity attack rolls.

Weapon Parts

Depending on the weapon, there are certain parts that you can enhance or enchant. Each part can only receive one enchantment and it cannot be removed. The enchantment you use must also be used on the appropriate part of the weapon. Below is a list of parts of weapons.

Ranged Weapons

String Weapons








Ammunition Capacity


Laser Weapons



Elemental Charge

Power Source

Melee Weapons



One Handed



Two Handed


Second Grip



One Handed


Damage Face

Tower Shield


Damage Face



Weapon Properties


In the world of crafting and weapon creation, understanding the various properties that define a weapon is crucial. These weapon properties not only determine how a weapon functions in combat but also provide valuable insights for crafters and adventurers alike. Each property signifies a unique characteristic that can greatly impact a weapon's effectiveness and versatility. Autera, a world rich in crafting traditions, recognizes and explores these weapon properties with great detail. From the balance and reach of a weapon to its potential for dealing elemental or special damage, the weapon properties open up a realm of possibilities for artisans, warriors, and enchanters alike.

This section of the Autera: Crafting book delves into the intricacies of weapon properties, providing comprehensive explanations, examples, and guidance for harnessing their power. Whether you seek to create masterful weapons or choose the perfect tool for your adventures, understanding the weapon properties is an essential step toward unlocking the full potential of your craft.

Weapon Properties


Ranged Weapon

As a bonus action, you can forgo half of your movement speed for this turn, and gain advantage on your next attack roll made with this weapon. If the attack hits, the target takes additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus.


Finesse or Ranged Weapon

When you hit a surprised creature, or a creature who has not acted in combat yet, this weapon deals additional damage. The damage is a number of d6's equal to your proficiency bonus.


Melee or Ranged Weapon

When you have advantage on an attack roll with this weapon, you can also add 1d4 to your attack roll.


Melee or Ranged Weapon

You always use your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls with this weapon.


Melee or Ranged Weapon

When you damage a creature with this weapon, the next attack roll it makes is at disadvantage.


Melee or Ranged Weapon

Once per turn, you can cause a creature that you hit with this weapon, that creature can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.


Melee Weapons

At the start of your turn, you can transfer some or all of the weapon’s bonus to your Armor Class, instead of using the bonus on any attacks that turn. For example, you could reduce the bonus to your attack and damage rolls to +1 and gain a +2 bonus to AC.

The adjusted bonuses remain in effect until the start of your next turn, although you must hold the sword to gain a bonus to AC from it.


Melee Weapons

When you land a critical hit or exceed a target's AC by 5 or more, you deal additional damage equal to half your level.

Elemental Enhancement

Melee or Ranged Weapon

This weapon is enhanced with elemental power. Choose an element from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder. On a hit, this weapon deals an additional 1d6 of the damage type.

Enfeeble Strike

Melee Weapon

This weapon opens up a target, or pokes holes in their defenses, the first time you damage a creature with this weapon in a turn, it must subtract 1d4 to it’s next attack that it makes before the end of your next turn.


Melee Weapon

These weapons excel at finishing enemies that you have already essentially beaten. When you damage a prone or stunned creature with this weapon, you can add additional damage equal to your level.


Melee or Ranged Weapon

When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of Strength or Dexterity for the attack rolls and damage rolls.

Hostile Reach

Melee Weapon

Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you when they enter or leave your reach.

Mage Slayer

Melee or Ranged Weapon

When making an attack with this weapon, it ignores any AC bonuses granted by the spells Mage Armor and Shield.


Melee Weapon

This weapon ignores damage reduction from armor and shields.

Neutralizing Strike

Melee Weapon

When you hit a creature with this weapon, the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw and on a failure it cannot take the Attack action on its next turn.

Improved Critical

Melee or Ranged Weapon

This weapon excels at finding weak spots, or making its own. Your critical hit range is increased by one for your first attack each turn made with this weapon.


Piercing Weapon

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack that deals piercing damage, the weapon's damage prevents the target from regaining hit points until the end of your next turn.


Finesse or One-Handed Weapons

When you make an attack roll with this weapon, you may take a penalty to the attack roll equal to your proficiency bonus. If the attack hits, it deals additional damage equal to twice your proficiency bonus.


Melee Weapon

This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it, as well as when determining your reach for opportunity attacks with it.


Slashing Weapon

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack that deals slashing damage, the attack causes a grievous wound. At the beginning of each of the target's turns, it takes 1d6 slashing damage. A creature can use its action to succeed a Medicine check (DC = 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) to end this effect.

Repeating Shot

Ranged Weapons

This weapon ignores the loading property if it has it.

If you load no ammunition in the weapon, it produces its own, automatically creating one piece of magic ammunition when you make a ranged attack with it. The ammunition created by the weapon vanishes the instant after it hits or misses a target.


Melee Weapon

You have advantage on opportunity attacks with this weapon.


Bludgeoning Weapon

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack that deals bludgeoning damage, the resonating damage disrupts the creature's ability to function. Until the end of your next turn, the target cannot take reactions and its movement speed is halved.



The Art and Alchemy of Potion Making

In the enchanting world of magic, where spells weave intricate patterns and wielders of arcane arts shape reality, potions stand as a unique and potent form of mystical concoctions. These liquid elixirs, imbued with the essence of various ingredients, hold the power to bestow extraordinary abilities or produce miraculous effects upon those who consume them.

The origin of potions traces back to the ancient days of Autera, where legends and tales entwine with the fabric of time. The first potion ever crafted is attributed to the renowned alchemist and sorcerer, Vindor the Wise. Vindor, a scholar of great wisdom and curiosity, spent years delving into the secrets of nature, exploring the depths of magical energies, and seeking to unlock the mysteries of transformation.

It was during his tireless pursuit that Vindor stumbled upon a rare herb known as Starbloom. Intrigued by its radiant glow and whispers of its enchanting properties, Vindor set out to harness its essence. After countless experiments and countless trials, he succeeded in extracting the essence of the Starbloom, combining it with other potent ingredients and infusing it with his own magical prowess.

The result of Vindor's groundbreaking alchemical endeavors was the creation of the first potion known as Elixir of Insight. When consumed, the Elixir granted the drinker a heightened perception and clarity of mind, allowing them to see through illusions and gain profound wisdom for a brief duration.

News of Vindor's extraordinary creation spread like wildfire throughout the realm, capturing the imagination of mages, adventurers, and scholars alike. The art of potion-making soon flourished, with alchemists and herbalists dedicating themselves to the craft, seeking to uncover the secrets of nature's bounties and create elixirs that could bend the laws of reality.

Since that fateful day, potions have become a staple of magical practices, revered for their versatility and power. From healing draughts that mend wounds to elixirs that grant strength, speed, or even temporary flight, potions have found their place in the arsenal of adventurers, providing them with a vital resource in their perilous quests.

However, the creation of potions is not without its challenges. The art of potion-making requires a deep understanding of herbs, minerals, and magical essences, as well as precise measurements and delicate procedures. Mastery of the craft demands a keen intellect, a steady hand, and unwavering patience.

As you delve deeper into the realm of potions within this Autera history book, you will uncover the fascinating tales of renowned alchemists, ancient recipes, and the incredible range of elixirs that have shaped the world. From the humble beginnings of Vindor's Elixir of Insight to the myriad potions that have evolved since, the chapter ahead will unveil the enchanting art and science of potion-making, bringing you closer to the wondrous realm of mystical concoctions.


Potion Creation

Harness the Essence, Unleash the Magic

In the vast realm of magic, where the boundaries of reality blur, potion making stands as a revered and intricate craft. It is a discipline that requires not only a deep understanding of herbs, minerals, and magical essences but also a keen intellect and a steady hand. The art of potion making is a journey of both knowledge and skill, where aspiring alchemists embark on a path of discovery and transformation.

To begin the pursuit of potion making, one must first acquire a solid foundation of education. This involves studying the properties of various herbs, minerals, and other components that form the building blocks of potions. Understanding the intricate interplay of these ingredients and their magical properties is crucial to creating potent and effective elixirs. Aspiring potion makers often immerse themselves in the study of botany, herbology, and alchemical theory, delving into ancient texts and learning from experienced masters of the craft.

But knowledge alone is not enough. Potion making demands practical skill and dexterity in the delicate art of brewing. A steady hand, a discerning eye, and meticulous attention to detail are essential qualities for a successful potion maker. The precise measurements of ingredients, the timing of each step, and the controlled application of magical energies all play vital roles in the creation of a potion. Mastery of these skills comes through practice, patience, and a deep connection with the magical forces at play.

Potion makers must also possess proficiency with specialized tools of the trade. A skilled alchemist wields an herbalism kit, a collection of essential instruments and vessels necessary for potion brewing. This kit includes mortar and pestle for grinding and crushing ingredients, alembics and retorts for distillation, measuring scales for precise quantities, and a host of other tools specific to the craft. These tools serve as extensions of the alchemist's hands, aiding in the delicate manipulation of ingredients and the infusion of magical energies.

Crafting the correct potion requires a nuanced understanding of the desired effects, as well as the knowledge to select and combine the appropriate ingredients. Each ingredient carries its own properties and magical essences, and the potion maker must possess the discernment to choose the right combination that will yield the desired outcome. The blending of herbs, minerals, and magical reagents is a delicate alchemical dance, where the potion maker must harmonize the elements to unlock their transformative potential.

As you embark on this chapter of potion making in the Autera history book, you will delve into the secrets and intricacies of this ancient craft. From the foundational education needed to begin your journey to the development of practical skills and the mastery of specialized tools, you will uncover the fascinating world of potion making. With each step, you will come closer to the elusive balance between science and magic, unlocking the potential to create elixirs that can heal, empower, and shape the world around you.


Potion Rarities

Potions Unveiled: A Journey through Rarities and Power

Step into a world where vials brim with enchantment and elixirs hold the essence of extraordinary power. In this section of the Autera history book, we delve into the realm of potions, exploring their rarities and the untapped potential they contain. From the humble beginnings of Common potions to the awe-inspiring might of Legendary concoctions, we uncover the secrets and marvels that lie within.

The journey begins with Common potions, those accessible to novice potion-makers and adventurers alike. These potions offer a taste of the mystical arts, providing simple remedies, temporary boosts, and mild enhancements. As we ascend the ladder of rarities, we encounter Uncommon potions, where their potency begins to flourish, offering greater effects and aiding adventurers in their perilous endeavors.

Venturing further, we encounter the realm of Rare potions. These elixirs embody the artistry and intricacy of potion-making, their properties bestowing remarkable benefits upon those who partake. They are coveted by alchemists and sought after by seekers of power, for within their delicate glass vessels lie secrets capable of turning the tide of battle and bending the laws of nature.

As our journey continues, we reach the realm of Very Rare potions. These elusive treasures hold within them the essence of true marvels. The power they bestow is awe-inspiring, allowing adventurers to perform feats once thought impossible. Legends are forged through the consumption of these potions, granting immeasurable strength, heightened senses, and an edge in the face of formidable foes.

Finally, we come to the pinnacle of potioncraft—the Legendary potions. These rare gems are the epitome of power and the stuff of legends. Utmost caution must be exercised in their creation, for their effects are nothing short of extraordinary. Consuming a Legendary potion is akin to wielding the might of deities, unraveling the fabric of reality itself, and unleashing forces that can reshape the course of history.

Join us as we explore the vast spectrum of potion rarities, unveiling their hidden potential and the wonders they bestow upon those who dare to embrace their magic. Through ancient knowledge, alchemical prowess, and relentless curiosity, we strive to understand and harness the powers contained within these exquisite brews. Welcome to a world where the rarity of potions determines the magnitude of power—a world where legends are made, and the extraordinary becomes reality.

Basic Potions


Common potions are relatively straightforward and widely available. They provide moderate benefits, such as restoring a decent amount of health, granting temporary resistances, or offering simple enhancements like climbing or breathing underwater.

Potion of Healing

Restores a moderate amount of hit points.

Potion of Climbing

Grants the ability to climb surfaces for a limited duration.

Potion of Resistance

Provides temporary resistance to a specific type of damage.

Potion of Water Breathing

Allows the consumer to breathe underwater for a limited time.

Potion of Invisibility

Renders the consumer invisible for a short period.

Potion of Animal Friendship

Enables communication and rapport with animals.

Potion of Growth

Increases the consumer's size and strength temporarily.

Potion of Lesser Restoration

Cures various ailments and removes minor afflictions.

Potion of Fire Breath

Grants the ability to exhale a cone of fire as an attack.

Potion of Poison Resistance

Provides temporary resistance to poison damage and effects.


Uncommon potions offer greater potency and unique effects. They provide significant healing, heightened speed, limited flight, and abilities like mind reading or detection of invisible creatures. These potions are less common but still accessible to adventurers.

Potion of Greater Healing

Restores a significant amount of hit points.

Potion of Speed

Enhances the consumer's speed and agility for a limited time.

Potion of Flying

Allows the consumer to fly for a limited duration.

Potion of Heroism

Temporarily grants additional hit points and immunity to fear.

Potion of Mind Reading

Allows the consumer to read surface thoughts of others.

Potion of Thunder Resistance

Provides temporary resistance to thunder damage.

Potion of Diminution

Causes the consumer to shrink in size temporarily.

Potion of Invulnerability

Grants temporary damage resistance against all types.

Potion of Gaseous Form

Transforms the consumer into a cloud-like, gaseous state.

Potion of Darkvision

Grants the ability to see in complete darkness for a duration.

Basic Potions


Rare potions are more difficult to find and possess powerful effects. They provide substantial healing, allow temporary control over time, grant etherealness or mind control abilities, and offer resistance to various forms of damage. These potions are highly sought after and can turn the tide in challenging encounters.

Potion of Superior Healing

Restores a large amount of hit points.

Potion of Speed Burst

Grants a burst of incredible speed for a brief period.

Potion of Invisibility Detection

Allows the detection of invisible creatures and objects.

Potion of Etherealness

Allows the consumer to become ethereal for a limited time.

Potion of Mind Control

Gives limited control over the actions of another creature.

Potion of Time Stop

Temporarily freezes time for all except the consumer.

Potion of Lightning Resistance

Provides temporary resistance to lightning damage.

Potion of Heroic Endurance

Temporarily grants increased durability and fortitude.

Potion of Absorption

Absorbs magical energy and converts it into temporary hit points.

Potion of True Sight

Grants the ability to see through illusions and magical disguises.

Very Rare

Very rare potions are exceptionally rare and possess extraordinary effects. They restore substantial health, grant powerful transformations like elemental forms or flight mastery, provide wish casting, and offer protection against death or force damage. These potions are coveted treasures with incredible potential.

Potion of Supreme Healing

Restores a substantial amount of hit points.

Potion of Elemental Form

Transforms the consumer into an elemental being temporarily.

Potion of Greater Invisibility

Renders the consumer invisible for an extended period.

Potion of Wish

Allows the consumer to cast the Wish spell once.

Potion of Flight Mastery

Grants the ability to fly with increased speed and maneuverability.

Potion of Mind Blank

Provides immunity to mental effects and divination spells.

Potion of Force Resistance

Provides temporary resistance to force damage.

Potion of Time Rewind

Reverses time to a previous moment, undoing recent events.

Potion of Death Ward

Grants temporary protection against death and negative energy.

Potion of Godhood

Temporarily elevates the consumer to the status of a deity.



Primordial Tears

The Potions Of Divinity

In the distant past, during a cataclysmic event that shattered the boundaries between realms, a convergence of divine and primordial energies occurred. It was during this moment of cosmic upheaval that a fragment of the essence of a long-forgotten god, the last remnant of its power, was captured and preserved by an ancient order of mystics known as the Harmonium Conclave.

Realizing the unparalleled potency contained within this fragment, the Conclave sought to harness its extraordinary power. Through meticulous rituals and alchemical experimentation, they infused the divine essence into the purest form of astral energy, collected from the depths of the Astral Plane. The resulting concoction became known as the Primordial Tears.

The Primordial Tears, in their raw and unrefined form, possessed an otherworldly luminosity, shimmering with a mesmerizing array of colors that shifted and danced within each vial. These potions held the distilled essence of the god's domain, resonating with incredible power and potential.

However, the creation of the Primordial Tears came at a great cost. The Conclave's obsession with harvesting and exploiting the divine essence led to their downfall. Their hubris and unquenchable thirst for power ultimately attracted the attention of divine entities who saw their actions as sacrilege. In a swift and devastating act of retribution, the Conclave was wiped out, their knowledge lost to time.

Only a few of these precious potions survived the destruction, scattered throughout the realms and hidden away in forgotten vaults, treasuries, and the hands of secretive collectors. The Primordial Tears are now the rarest of relics, coveted by those who seek to harness the unfathomable might of the divine.

Those who possess a vial of the Primordial Tears gain access to the incredible power contained within, allowing them to cast a single predetermined 9th level spell. However, the use of such a potion comes with great risk and consequences, for the power they hold is both awe-inspiring and perilous. The origin of the Primordial Tears remains a mystery, lost in the annals of history, a testament to the eternal struggle between mortal ambition and the forces of the divine.

Potion of Foresight

The Elixir of Omniscience is a potion contained within a crystal-clear vial, shimmering with a faint golden glow. When the potion is uncorked, wisps of ethereal light swirl within, creating a mesmerizing display. As you drink this potion, a surge of otherworldly knowledge fills your mind, granting you unparalleled foresight and awareness of events to come. Your senses become heightened, and time seems to slow as you gain glimpses of possible futures and the ability to navigate the twists and turns of destiny.

Potion of Blade of Disaster

The Draught of Chaotic Ruin is a dark, swirling potion contained within a vial of shadowy glass. The liquid appears to be in constant motion, with faint whispers of malevolent energy emanating from its depths. As you consume this potion, an overwhelming surge of chaotic power courses through your veins. Your body becomes infused with an aura of swirling shadows, and your grip tightens around an ethereal blade of pure destruction. With each swing, the blade rends reality itself, unleashing devastating strikes that can sunder even the sturdiest defenses.

Potion of Mass Polymorph

The Transmuter's Elixir is a vibrant and sparkling potion contained within a crystalline flask. The elixir seems to shift and morph, taking on the colors and textures of various creatures. As you drink this potion, a surge of transformative energy fills your body, granting you the ability to shape and manipulate the forms of those around you. With a simple gesture or incantation, you can transmute a group of individuals into an array of creatures, altering their identities and abilities to suit your whims.



Primordial Tears

The Corrupted Relics

Potion of Psychic Scream

The Elixir of Tormented Minds is a swirling potion contained within an intricately etched vial. The liquid pulses with raw psychic energy, emanating an unsettling aura. As you consume this potion, an overwhelming surge of mental energy floods your consciousness. Your mind becomes a conduit of psychic turmoil, allowing you to unleash a cacophony of haunting screams that shatter the sanity of those around you. The sheer force of your psychic assault can leave even the most stalwart minds reeling in agony.

Potion of Ravenous Void

The Abyssal Draught is a dark and viscous potion contained within a vial that seems to absorb all light. The liquid within appears to be an inky void, swirling with eldritch energies. As you consume this potion, an insatiable hunger awakens within you. Your body becomes a conduit for the abyssal forces, transforming into an avatar of voracious darkness. With each strike, you unleash tendrils of consuming void that devour both flesh and soul, leaving behind only empty husks.

Potion of Power Word Kill

The Essence of Annihilation is a potion contained within a vial made of obsidian-like glass. The liquid within pulses with a sinister crimson glow, as if infused with the very essence of death. As you drink this potion, a surge of raw power courses through your veins, suffusing your words with devastating might. When you utter the command word, a wave of pure annihilation is unleashed, obliterating any creature that hears it, regardless of their strength or vitality.

Potion of Gate

The Riftmaster's Elixir is a shimmering potion contained within a vial etched with intricate runes. The elixir glows with an otherworldly light, as if a gateway to distant realms lies within. As you consume this potion, a surge of arcane energy envelops you, granting you mastery over interplanar travel. With a gesture, you can tear open a portal to any plane of existence, allowing beings to pass through or summoning creatures from beyond to aid you in your endeavors.

Potion of Imprisonment

The Essence of Eternal Chains is a dark and ominous potion contained within an iron flask adorned with enigmatic sigils. The liquid inside seems to writhe with spectral energies, evoking a sense of confinement and imprisonment. As you drink this potion, a chilling aura of binding magic surrounds you. With a touch or a word, you can imprison a creature of your choosing, binding them in unbreakable chains of ethereal energy and sealing them away in an extradimensional prison of your design.

Potion of Invulnerability

The Draught of Adamantine Resilience is a radiant potion contained within a vial forged from the purest adamantine. The elixir emits a radiant glow, emanating an aura of invincibility. As you consume this potion, your body becomes infused with impenetrable energy. Your skin turns as tough as the legendary metal, rendering you impervious to harm. Blades shatter against your skin, spells dissipate upon contact, and even the mightiest blows fail to leave a mark.

Potion of Shape Change

The Metamorphist's Brew is a swirling potion contained within a vial adorned with arcane symbols of transformation. The liquid inside appears to shift and morph, taking on the colors and textures of various creatures. As you drink this potion, an all-encompassing transformation overcomes you. Your body becomes malleable, allowing you to assume the form of any creature you desire. With each transformation, you gain their abilities, strengths, and even their supernatural powers.

Potion of Time Ravage

Chronomancer's Draught is a pulsating potion contained within a vial crafted from fractured time crystals. The elixir emits an eerie, distorted glow, as if time itself is in flux. As you consume this potion, a surge of temporal energy surges through your veins, granting you control over the flow of time. With a mere thought, you can distort the temporal fabric, aging your foes to decrepitude or rewinding their existence to a state of primordial chaos.




This book is dedicated to all the crafters, inventors, artificers, tinkerers, and anyone else creating and breathing life into the world.

This book is merely a drop in the bucket when it comes to crafting and anyone interested in pursuing it should seek additional sources of information.

Cover Art: Skiorh

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