The Kal'dar (DnD 5e Race)

by ArtOfTheVoid

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"We are strong! We are one! We are Kal'dar!"
—Nhoriks Varr, Kal'dar Warlord


The Kal'dar are a massive race of beings that inhabit the planet of Variks in the Xolaris system. Every 35 years, an imperial election occurs and the Kal'dar vote for a new warlord. They are currently at war with the Skaarj. The warlords wield massive warhammers called the Kabal.


The Kal'dar are an organic race that are known for their insane sizes. They are broad shouldered and have large fangs. Most Kal'dar wear a lot of armor and heave 2 eyes that are either red, blue, or green eyes with yellow being very rare.

Kal'dar Names

Male: Khatar, Khalus, Ghaul, Mhoraks, Thaniks, Nhoriks,

Female: Kaiata, Khaeya, Nhoir, Zallah, Gharan, Ghura

Kal'dar Traits

As a Kal'dar, you have the following traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Dexterity score increase by 1 each.

Age. The Kal'dar live insanely long lives. The Kal'dar live to age 2400 and reach adulthood by age 190.

Alignment. The Kal'dar are honorable and follow a moral code. Most of them are lawful or true neutral.

Size. The average height of a male Kal'dar is around 10ft and the average female height is 9ft9. Your size is large.

Speed. The Kal'dar have an average walking speed of 30 feet.

Languages. As a Kal'dar, you can speak, read, and write Varikan as well as 1 other language.

Darkvision. As a Skaarj, you can see up to 60 feet in the dark.

Laser Eyes. The Kal'dar's eyes are made of a material known as Sturm which can create lasers out of energy. the lasers deal 1d4 + Constitution modifier.

Subrace. There are 4 subraces in the Kal'dar civilization and you must choose 1.

Subrace Flavor
Rhu'tal The Rhu'tal are the largest of the 4 subraces. They have broader shoulder, larger limbs, and commonly have blue eyes. You get a +2 to you Constitution score.
Khar'jal The Khar'jal commonly have red eyes and are slimmer than the others. They are faster and more agile. As a Khar'jal you get a +2 to your Dexterity score.
Rhalk The Rhalk are sized between the Rhu'tal and the Khar'jal. They are the most common of the 4 subraces and if you choose to play as one, you get a +2 to your Strength score.
Xe'vok The Xe'vok are larger than the Rhalk but slimmer than the Rhu'tal. They commonly have green or yellow eyes and are the least common. As a Xe'vok, you get a +1 to 2 stat scores of your choice.
Unbornhexa Credit
  • This credits box was made by Unbornhexa.
Art Credits
  • Page 1: Searching by Andree Wallin
  • Page 2: Searching 2 by Andree Wallin
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