Pitohui Familiar

by PipFizzlebang

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Pitohui Bird

Tiny beast, neutral good

  • Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 2 (1d4)
  • Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft.

1 (-5) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)

  • Skills Perception +3, Stealth +8
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Pitohui Poison (Recharge 5-6) The Pitohui is coated in a neurotoxin that causes numbness & clumsiness. When a creature would touch it, they must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they become poisoned, and gain a resistance to Psychic Damage while poisoned in this way. The creature makes an additional save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.


Combat Nuzzle. The Pitohui rubs against a target creature in touch range. That creature is subject to the Pitohui Poison, if it is charged. Otherwise, nothing happens.


Numbing Nuzzle Your Pitohui can use your reaction to protect you from pain. When you would take The Pitohui may immediately move up to its movement speed, but must end its movement adjacent to you. It then nuzzles your face, using its Combat Nuzzle against you. You may automatically fail your initial save against it, if you choose. Any resistance gained through this reaction applies to the triggering damage.

REAL Pitohui Facts

The Pitohui bird is a real, brightly colored bird native to New Guinea, a tropical island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The bird is about 20 cm in length, with a short, rounded tail and a plump body. The Pitohui's most striking feature is its vibrant coloring. Its back and wings are a bright orange-red, while its head, neck, and underbelly are a deep black. The feathers on its wings are tipped in white, creating a striking contrast with the orange-red color.

The Pitohui is also known for its sharp, curved beak, which it uses to catch insects and other small prey. Its legs are short and sturdy, with sharp claws that allow it to grip onto branches and climb through the dense forests of New Guinea.

However, despite its beautiful appearance, the Pitohui bird is also known for a unique and potentially dangerous trait. The bird's feathers and skin contain a neurotoxin that can cause numbness and tingling when it comes into contact with human skin. This toxic trait is thought to have evolved as a defense mechanism, protecting the bird from predators who might otherwise try to eat it. As a result, the Pitohui is one of the only known poisonous birds in the world.

For more D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e creatures

Pitohui Bird
Specific Familiar

Required Number of Abilities 4
Granted Abilities flier, fast movement (fly), Pitohui Poison (unique, listed below), resistance (mental & alignment)
Pitohui Poison Fortitude
Maximum Duration 3 rounds;
Stage 1. Resistance to Mental & Alignment Damage equal to half your level, Clumsy 1 (1 round);
Stage 2. Resistance to Mental Damage & Alignment equal to half your level, Clumsy 1. (1 round);
Stage 3. Resistance to Mental & Alignment Damage equal to your level. (1 round);
25 feet; Fly 40 feet
Numbing Nuzzle You take Mental or Alignment damage
Your Pitohui can use your reaction to protect you from pain. The Pitohui may immediately Stride using its Fly Speed or Step up to 10 feet using its land speed, but must end its movement adjacent to you. It then nuzzles your face, using its Combat Nuzzle against you. You may automatically fail or critically fail your initial save against it, if you choose. Any resistance gained through this reaction applies to the triggering damage.
Combat Nuzzle The Pitohui brushes against a target creature, delivering its contact Pitohui Poison.

REAL Pitohui Facts

The Pitohui bird is a real, brightly colored bird native to New Guinea, a tropical island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The bird is about 20 cm in length, with a short, rounded tail and a plump body. The Pitohui's most striking feature is its vibrant coloring. Its back and wings are a bright orange-red, while its head, neck, and underbelly are a deep black. The feathers on its wings are tipped in white, creating a striking contrast with the orange-red color.

The Pitohui is also known for its sharp, curved beak, which it uses to catch insects and other small prey. Its legs are short and sturdy, with sharp claws that allow it to grip onto branches and climb through the dense forests of New Guinea.

However, despite its beautiful appearance, the Pitohui bird is also known for a unique and potentially dangerous trait. The bird's feathers and skin contain a neurotoxin that can cause numbness and tingling when it comes into contact with human skin. This toxic trait is thought to have evolved as a defense mechanism, protecting the bird from predators who might otherwise try to eat it. As a result, the Pitohui is one of the only known poisonous birds in the world.

For more Pathfinder 2e and D&D 5e creatures