COMET Main Job Book [8.0.0]

by TheNewAdventuresOfCOMETDM

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Bolded Terms

If you see a term written in bolded text in this book, like this, this is a sign that a description of the term can be found in the System Terminology section of the COMET RP System Book. Please read these descriptions! These terms have specific meanings, and might not mean what you think they mean.

Stats, Flavor and You

As you read through the Jobs described in our system, keep this close in mind - the Jobs are merely a set of mechanics meant to guide RP Combat. The flavor of each Job is meant to be adaptable to unique ideas.

Which of the three main attack stats (STR, DEX, and MP) you use for your attack and healing rolls is generally quite flexible. Similarly, most Jobs in our system are not tied to a particular stat.
Want to play as a magic-user that channels spells through their fists, and be an MP-based Monk? You can!
Want to play as a Red Mage that uses DEX instead of MP, with swift strikes and healing potions and not spells? You can!

You don't have to pick the same Job your character plays in game (assuming they fall mostly under one of the ones that already exists). Your character may be a Samurai, but maybe you don't like how Samurai works in our system. That's ok! You might play as a Lancer + Swordsman/Gladiator that's still a Samurai in-character and uses a katana, you're just borrowing the mechanics from other Jobs in the system.
Did you want to be a Dark Knight that uses light-based magic instead? You can do that! As long as the abilities remain mechanically the same, you are allowed to change minor aspects and details.

Magical Aspects

Some jobs (such as Conjurer, Red Mage, Dark Knight, Black Mage, and White Mage) have the ability to tap into specific elemental aspects due to their lore in the game. [For example, Conjurers have Air, Water, and Earth spells, while Thaumaturges have Levin, Fire, and Ice spells]. Because of this, these jobs do have an ability to cast basic incantations of these elements (such as creating a flame to light your path, creating a small gust of wind to move something light, ect). However, this does not mean that you are unable to do so with other jobs if such abilities belong to your character. So long as the abilities chosen make sense, you should be okay.


Usually as a part of their Passives, a few Jobs have access to certain "Stances". A Stance functions similarly to any other Passive, but there are some differences. Primarily, it is only possible for a character to have a single Stance active at any one time. This includes any and all Stances you may have access to from any Jobs your character may have.


A character has both the Illusionist and Thaumaturge Jobs. Illusionist gives them access to the Aid and Hinder Stances. Thaumaturge gives them access to the Astral and Umbral Stances. This character can only have two of these four Stances active at one time. If they have Astral Stance active and Aid stance on, their Hinder, and Umbral Stances cannot also be active.

Switching between Stances, unless stated otherwise, takes your character's Passive Action on their turn.

Bound Jobs:

As a Bound Job, the Freelancer, Blue Mage, Beastmaster, Time Mage, Green Mage, Judgemagister, and Gold Mage are unique in the way they're played, (much like in-game.) Because of how powerful they are, these Jobs are limited to their own spells and abilities and cannot be paired up with another Job.

If you decide to pick a Bound Job for your character, you will not be able to pick a second Job. This is to ensure that things are balanced. To counter this limitation, the DM's have made the abilities for these Jobs VERY strong.

Formatting Errors:

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Aether Manipulator -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Manipulation [Passive] You may sacrifice your Movement Action on your turn to either move any Tarrach or Alekhine you have placed, assuming it has 2 seconds of movement, or give a single target an extra 2 seconds of movement on its next turn.
Torre [StA] Make a single target attack that deals no damage. If successful, mark the target for 2 rounds. Whenever they attack you they take half the damage intended for you, rounded down, even if the attack is blocked, dodged, or otherwise negated. 3 turns
Redirection This ability can be used as a Standard, Swift, or Reaction. This ability has 3 effects (See Chart). This ability will not go on cooldown until all effects have been triggered, but you cannot use the same effect twice. 4 turns
Tarrach [SwA] Place down a Tarrach of one type anywhere you can see (See Chart). This Tarrach must "charge" before it activates at the start of your next turn. Once activated, this Tarrach is considered a Summoned Companion for its duration, has 1 HP and no HC, and cannot attack. If one of your Tarrachs is destroyed, this ability immediately comes off its cooldown. 3 turns
ULTIMATE: Alekhine [SwA] Place down an Alekhine anywhere you can see. The first enemy that moves over this space triggers an AoE explosion that hurts all enemies within melee range of it. They take Flat damage equal to the HP you were missing when you placed the Alekhine, plus +1 damage for each turn it was on the field, to a maximum of +3. 2PL

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The Aether Manipulator

Where others see a battlefield, the Aether Manipulator sees a chess board. Friend and foe alike are but pieces to be directed, every move bringing them one step closer to checkmate. Even the Aether Manipulator themselves is but another pawn in their grand strategy.


Number Effect
1 You move one target to a spot within 2 seconds of movement of their current position.
2 You may redirect a single attack in a single designated direction in a straight line with a width of 2 yalms and a length of 10 yalms. Attacks directed in this fashion will hit whatever targets are in the line. This line must be pointed at a target it can hit, and it cannot be the one making the attack.
3 You may switch your position with that of another ally. The next time that ally would take damage from an attack, you take the damage instead.


Type Effect
Support Allies standing on this Tarrach take -1 damage from all sources. The first time they take damage while standing on this Tarrach, they are healed for 2 Flat HP.
Move Pick a direction as you place this Tarrach. Any target that stands on or moves over this Tarrach is forced to move for one second in the chosen direction. This effect only works once on each target.

Important Notes:

Your Tarrachs and Alekhines have the same size and shape as an in-game waymarker. It is highly recommended that you use waymarkers to keep track of their placement, if you can!

You cannot move targets vertically, only horizontally. If you attempt to move a target in such a way that could deal grievous harm to them, such as into a pit of lava or off a cliff, how this works (or if it does) is entirely up to DM discretion.

Arcanist -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or STR)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Arcanima Training [Passive] Summon a Carbuncle (Summoned Companion) of a single element (Fire, Water, Levin, Earth, Wind, Ice, Light, Dark, or Unaspected). You may choose either a Melee, Ranged or Defensive Carbuncle.
Bio [SwA] Your next successful Basic Attack applies Poison to one enemy, and your Carbuncle's next successful Basic Attack applies one elemental DoT of your choice. 5 turns
Rouse [StA] For the next 2 turns, your Carbuncle gains a +3 damage bonus. 4 turns
Elemental Affinity [SwA] Your Carbuncle’s next successful attack will cause the enemy to gain a WEAKNESS (+1 damage taken) to its element for three turns. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Aetherflow [SwA/RA] Expend one stack of Aetherflow to use one of your Aetherflow abilities (See Chart). You begin combat with 2 stacks of Aetherflow, and all stacks are refreshed at the start of every third turn you take.

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The Arcanist

Once, the Arcanists were relegated to the tasks of overseeing the trade going in and out of the ports of Limsa Lominsa's docks--checking for illegal substances, halting the trade of fraudulent goods, and dismantling the trade of free peoples in Vylbrand's territory. However, with increasing dangers to the lives of these arcanists, a lack of bodies to guard them, and massive leaps within the field of geometric magicks, the Arcanist evolved from a simple paper-pusher to a force of strategy and power to be contended with. With their summoned companion by their side and a large sum of tactical knowledge, there are few challenges that can stand in the way of the Arcanist.


  • Physick: [SwA] Roll to heal a single target.
  • Drain: [SwA] Deal 3 Flat damage to a single target and heals you for 1 Flat HP.
  • Reform: [RA] Reroll any roll you have just made.

Arithmetician -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEF)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Indivisible [Passive] If you or an ally roll a prime number, mark that target with “United”. As a Swift Action, you may remove “United” from a target to grant them +100 to their next attack or heal with +1 to damage or healing.
Doubling / Halving Function [StA] Mark an ally or enemy with either Doubling Function or Halving Function. Their next roll is either doubled or halved. If used on an ally with United, it may be removed to also double their bonus damage or healing for that roll (damage cap still applies, no effect if not an attack/heal). 4 turns
Sinusoidal Wave [StA] Make a single target ranged wave attack that oscillates between an enemy and an ally. Simultaneously deals damage to one enemy while healing one ally with the same roll. If the healed character has “United”, they may remove it to immediately make an Auto Attack against the selected enemy as a Free Action. 5 turns
Asymptotic Barrier [RA] Create a barrier of infinite physical impossibility between a character and enemy, causing a STR or DEX attack currently being made against them to count as if it were rolled as a 0. If the character is marked by “United”, it is removed and the attack is reflected instead. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Divide By Zero [SwA] Your mathematical hypothesis was proven to be false, so back to the drawing board. Reset all of your Arithmetician cooldowns. OPL

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The Arithmetician

With keen eye and sharp mind, the Arithmetician weaves their aether, bending the very laws of fate themselves...albeit for a short while. By twisting the aether through their surroundings, the Arithmetician can influence the abilities of all that cross their path, for good or for ill.

A chart of Prime Numbers

Astrologian -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEF)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Benefic Edict [Passive] You gain +1 to your next heal for every card you draw, capping at +3. Resets after a heal is made.
Draw [SwA] Roll for a card effect, then use it immediately. May slot a single card for later use as a SwA. All card effects last 1 turn. (See Chart) N/A
Divination [SwA] Grant up to 5 allies +1 damage for 2 turns. 4 turns
Sleeve Draw [StA] Draw a card and either play it or slot it, and then immediately draw a second card to play or slot. Only one card may be slotted at a time. 6 turns
ULTIMATE: Earthly Star [StA] Deploy an Earthly Star on the battlefield. It can be activated as Swift Action, healing up to 5 allies and damaging up to 5 enemies within the explosion radius at no penalty to the roll, with a single roll for both damage and healing. Heals +1 and deals +2 damage. This counts as an Auto Attack. OPL

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The Astrologian

Initially developed in the far northern lands of Sharlayan, Astrology took root in the city-state of Ishgard for its ability to predict the movements and temperments of dragons, via the Dragon Star. However, the true nature of Astrology has yet to be unlocked, even by the Old World. Sharing close ties to the art of Geomancy, Astrologians tap into the energy of the heavens themselves, channeling it into potent healing.

Roll Card Effect
0-200 The Bole Ally gets a 2 HP Shield.
201-300 The Balance Ally's next attack has +2 damage.
301-400 The Spear Ally's next attack has +2 damage & is an Auto Attack.
401-500 The Arrow Ally can make a Basic Attack on their next turn as a Free Action.
501-600 The Ewer Reduces an ally's CDs by 1.
601-700 The Spire Ally has +50 on next roll.
701-800 The Lord Ally gets +3 damage to next attack.
801-900 The Lady Ally gets +3 to next healing on them.
901-950 The Chariot Heals 1 ally back to their Max HP.
975+ The Fated Grants all allies Haste.

Bard -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Song [Passive] You have access to several songs that you can start as a SwA. (See Chart)
Performance [StA] Begin playing an instrument of your choice, adding +100 to all allies rolls until the end of your next turn. You cannot act or move and your HC is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn. N/A
Troubadour [SwA] Grants additional effects to Song for two turns, the effects depending on what song is currently being sung. (See Chart) 6 turns
Crescendo [PA / RA] After you roll initiative at the start of combat, make a Raw Roll. Send this number to the DM and ensure they know this is your Crescendo roll. You may switch out an ally's or enemy's roll with your Crescendo roll. OPC
ULTIMATE: Encore [RA] Force a target to repeat an action it just took. This can be an ability, attack, movement or heal, ignoring its cooldown. This has no effect on "Once Per" abilities. OPL

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The Bard

The word "bard" ordinarily puts folk in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords. Few know, however, that bards in fact trace their origins back to the bowmen of eld, who sang in the heat of battle to fortify the spirits of their companions. In time, their impassioned songs came to hold sway over the hearts of men, inspiring their comrades to great feats and granting peace unto those who lay upon the precipice of death.

Song Effect Troubadour Effect
Mage’s Ballad Grants +50 to all magic rolls. Grants +1 to all magic damage.
Army’s Paeon Grants +50 to all physical rolls. Grants +1 to all physical damage.
The Wanderer’s Minuet Grants 1 stack of “Requiem” per turn this song is sung. Grants 1 additional stack per turn sung.
Foe Requiem All allies receive +1 healing and deal +1 damage. This effect must be maintained (Actively sung) by the bard to continue and may be performed until the bard has exhausted their stacks of Requiem. Extends duration by one turn.

Beastmaster -- (BOUND JOB)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Calling the Wild [Passive] You begin combat with 5 Wild Points (The max you can hold is also 5). Whenever you make a roll in which the Raw Roll is less than 400, you gain 1 Wild Point. You may summon one Beast (Summoned Companion) as combat begins, spending Wild Points to do so (but this does not trigger Allies of All Sizes). You may summon a new Beast, replacing your current one, by using a SwA and Wild Points. Positive Status Effects you grant your Beast cannot be affected by Spread.
Allies of All Sizes [Passive] You may begin a leve with a Small or Medium Beast. Other Beasts can only be summoned during combat. Whenever you have an Epic Beast summoned, you suffer from Winded until it is gone. Once combat has begun, for each Beast you summon after your initial summon, the new Beast will gain a +1 damage bonus. This effect stacks. Whenever your Beast attacks, if the Raw Roll is at least 700, this attack applies one of the Negative Status Effects your Beast is capable of using.
Nature's Bounty [SwA] Either grant your current Beast two Positive Status Effects (Bravery, Faith, Libra, Stoneskin, Shell, Protect, Haste, Inspired) OR roll to heal it with +3 to the heal. 4 turns
One With The Beast [StA] With or without your Beast, you are a hunter within your own right. Make an attack that varies based on what type of Beast you have active...or if you have none at all. (See Chart) N/A
Untamed Spirit [SwA] Call upon your Beast's power for a special effect, depending on their size. (See Chart) 3 turns
ULTIMATE: Wild Hunt [RA] Attune with your Beast, allowing them to perform their "Power Move" (See Chart). On your next turn, you and your Beast gain a +2 damage bonus. OPL
Beast Type One With The Beast
No Beast A Basic Attack at +100 to hit and you gain 1 Wild Point if successful.
Beastkin A Basic Attack that deals +1 damage for each stack of Bleed upon the target.
Cloudkin A Wind or Water Basic Attack that increases your movement by 2 seconds for this turn.
Scalekin A Basic Attack that grants you and your beast +50 HC for this turn.
Seedkin A Basic Attack that afflicts a random Negative Status Effect between: (1)Poison (2)Blind (3)Paralyze (4)Silence (1-4 roll).
Vilekin A Basic Attack that causes you to swap locations with your Beast if successful, and grants a +150 to hit to your Beast's next attack this turn.
Wavekin A Water-aspected Basic Attack that heals you and your Beast for 1 HP if successful.
Chimera A Basic Attack that grants your Beast a random Positive Status Effect from the Nature's Bounty chart above (1-6 roll, no Haste or Inspired) for 2 turns on a successful hit.
Dragon A Basic Attack that grants 1 stack of Gaze of the Brood if successful. Upon hitting 4 stacks, all stacks are reset and your Beast gains Trance.
Beast Type Untamed Spirit
Small Distract your opponent, causing their next attack against you to miss.
Medium Deal 1 Flat damage to 1 target, also lowers their HC by 100 until the end of your next turn.
Large Afflict a Negative Status Effect on up to 3 targets (See Chart).
Epic Deal 3 Flat damage and afflict a single target with one Negative Staus Effect (See Chart). You may split the damage across multiple targets.

The Beastmaster

With their companion in tow, there is little that can stand in the way of a proper Beastmaster. Whether by way of fear or friendship, the Beastmaster and their summoned ally strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, channeling the wild power of nature through their souls, aiding their party through precise strikes and powerful support abilities. It takes a significant amount of concentration and discipline to keep their called creature in line, however...

As a Beastmaster, using your passive, you have the ability to call forth any creature from the Bestiary to your side, and are free to add any beast your character has to it! In addition, Beastmasters are free to capture creatures found during leves to add them to the Bestiary! Each beast comes in a variety of sizes and types--and each has their own flare! Each species has its own unique features. The status effects listed by the species name reflect the status effects that can be afflicted by your companion.

Calling Dragons & Chimera

Exceedingly rare creatures--one taking years to get close to, the other decades of research-- acquiring either of these companions will require a fairly good reason behind them!

Beast Size Summon Cost HP HC Attack Modifier Other Modifiers
Small 2 Points 3 300 +50 +50 to Attacks and Heals
Medium 3 Points 5 250 +100 +100 to Attacks
Large 4 Points 7 350 +150 +100 to Beastmaster HC
Epic 5 Points 10 400 - +200 to all rolls
Beast Size Power Move
Small Deals +1 damage & 4 Status Effects
Medium Deals +2 damage & 3 Status Effects
Large Deals +3 damage & 2 Status Effects
Epic Deals +5 damage & 1 Status Effect

Beastkin (Bleed/Daze/Knockdown)

One of the largest and most diverse classes, Beastkin are most commonly characterized by their warm bodies and blood, their thick hair-covered hides, and the unique method in which they give birth. Unlike other fauna, which are laid as eggs and then gestate outside the mother's body, beastkin grow within the mother's womb, and emerge fully functional. Some of the more docile Beastkin take well to domestication and can be raised for labor or food.

Cloudkin (Elemental Curse (Water, Wind) Confuse)

The one feature shared by all Cloudkin is their capacity for flight, be it wings, aether, or gas-assisted. There do exist some rare species that, in their long line of evolution, have forsaken the skies for the land or even the seas--the Apkallu being one such creature.

Scalekin (Elemental Curse (Fire)/Bleed/Knockdown)

All members of this class bear rough, scaly hides that serve as armor to protect against claws and jaws of hungry predators. That said, most all scalekin are, in act, better defined by their subclasses, the most popular being cloudkin and wavekin. Scalekin are also speculated to have distant relations with dragons, as can be attested by the ease at which the spoken can manipulate their cousins' minds, driving them to servitude.

Seedkin (Poison/Sleep/Bleed/Confuse)

To be classified as seedkin, flora must exhibit the capacity for controlled mobility with the purpose of hunting, defense, or reproduction. Said reproduction is most commonly carried out with seeds or spores, those seeds requiring a medium or host within which to grow until mobility (most commonly seen in a seedkin’s developed root systems) is achieved.

Vilekin (Poison/Bleed/Paralyze)

As it is suggested by the name, vilekin consist of all manner of worms and pests, be they terrestrial or winged. One unique characteristic of creatures falling into this class is a multistage lifespan that sees them develop from a grub-like larvae into beings that belie their original state--a process known as metamorphasis.

Wavekin (Elemental Curse (Water) Paralyze/Silence)

The defining characteristic of a member of the wavekin is its uncanny ability to breathe while under water without the use of magicks, be it for limited duration, such as is the case with the amphibious efts and toads, or for the entirety of their lifespan, such as the case with most fish and cephalopods. While most wavekin are extremely timid creatures, the following is a selection of those which exhibit little fear towards man and will oft turn the aggressor should they feel threatened.

Chimera (All available to others.)

Chimeras are creatures created by conjoining the flesh from two or more different beings. The process is highly complex, and was only perfected in the waning years of the Allagan Empire—the culmination of nearly an entire era’s biological research. Despite recent findings which have shed more light on the process, replication of chimera-manufacturing techniques with today's science is impossible.

Dragons (All available to others.)

The race of dragonkind is nigh immortal, with some creatures enduring through millenia of existence. These long-lived beings are often the majestic subjects of romanticized myth and legend, but for the peoples of Ishgard, dragons are historically seen as maruading beasts that serve only to perpetuate the horror of the Dragonsong War.

Black Mage -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or STR)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Enochian [Passive] If you did not perform a Stance Change (if you have it) or make a Move Action (if you don't) last turn, any Magic Damage you deal is increased by +1. N/A
Leylines [SwA] Create a small, stationary area around you which lasts for 3 turns and grants you a +100 to your attack rolls so long as you remain in that area. So long as this area persists, you may use your Swift Action to instantly teleport to it 3 CD
Swiftcast [SwA] On your next turn, you may make a Basic MP Attack as a Swift Action. If you are on a Ley Line, you may negate a single active Cooldown (other than Ley Lines or Paradox), making the ability usable next turn. (Does not allow OPL/OPC to be reused) 4 turns
Amplify [StA] Deal 1 Raw Damage, and generate a stack of Polyglot. You may store this power, and use it in one of the ways listed in the Polyglot table. After using Amplify, your next Fire, Thunder, or Ice attack will inflict the elemental DoT associated with it. N/A
ULTIMATE: Paradox [StA] Defy the laws of Magic. Make a single target MP True Strike, at Advantage. Select 3 Elements which you can use; apply their DoT and Weakness statuses. You may consume a Polyglot Charge as part of this action. If you do, additionally inflict Bleed. Can only be used on a Ley Line. 5 CD
Polyglot Table
Stacks Effect
2 Polyglot Stacks Change 1 Basic MP Attack to a True Strike
3 Polyglot Stacks Foul (StA) - Make a True Strike AoE with no penalty
3 Polyglot Stacks Xenoglossy (StA) - Make a single target True Strike attack that deals +4 Damage. You must be in a Ley Line to use this effect.

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The Black Mage

In days long past, there existed an occult and arcane art known as black magic—a potent magic of pure destructive force born forth by a sorceress of unparalleled power. Those who learned to wield this instrument of ruin came to be called black mages, out of both fear and respect for their gift. Yet great power served to corrupt the judgment of mortal man, and so he unknowingly set out upon the path of ruin. Adventurers who take the black will become agents of devastation, capable of annihilating those who oppose them through little more than the force of their will.

Blue Mage -- (BOUND JOB)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Ability Points [Passive] You start each combat with 10 Action Points, automatically regaining one at the end of each of your turns, with a cap of 10. These Action Points may be spent with Execute (see below).
Learn [StA] Make a Raw Roll to attempt to learn an ability from a targeted enemy. If 500+, learn one of the abilities from the Blue Mage chart at random. Only 3 learned abilities may be retained at once, so learning a new one beyond 3 requires removing another. 7 turns
Execute [StA] Use one of your learned abilities. (See Chart) N/A
Meditate [SwA] You gain 3 Action Points. 4 turns
Overcharge [SwA] Your next use of Execute costs no Action Points. OPL

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The Blue Mage

Twisting the aether around them to mimic foes of their past, there are few more powerful and more versatile than the Blue Mage. With their ability to learn the powerful spells of enemy forces they encounter and bring them into the battlefield in a clutch moment, there are many situations where the Blue Mage shines!

Innate Blue Mage Spells
Ability Name Spell Effect Action Point Cost
Slap Make an attack that deals -2 damage and generates 1 Action Point 0
Bomb Toss Make an AoE attack on up to three targets with no penalty to roll. 2
Mighty Guard Become untargetable, immune to Negative Status Effects, and immune to damage for 1 turn 2
White Wind Roll to heal up to three targets at no penalty to the roll. 4
Triple Trident Make three Basic Attacks at -2 damage each. 4
Bad Breath Spew debilitating effects to up to three targets in a frontal cone. Ailments inflicted is based on roll. Each tier inflicts all previous tiers. (See Chart Below) 4
1000 Needles Inflict up to 10 points of damage, spread out between any number of foes within AoE range. Automatic Hit. Cannot exceed 5 DMG on a single target, for every +2 DMG buffed allow 1 extra DMG past 5 on single targets. 7

Bad Breath:
Roll Effect
1-200 Poison
201-400 Blind
401-600 Paralyze
601-800 Silence
801-1000 Confusion
Learn Mechanics

When a Blue Mage uses the learn ability they roll a /random, if it's over 500 they at random learn one of the abilities from the following list. Roll a d20 to decide what skill is learned. Only 3 learned abilities may be retained and learning a new one pushes the oldest from your memory.

Ability Name Spell Effect Action Point Cost
Water Cannon Single target attack that deals +1 Water Damage to one enemy. 1
Flame Thrower Deal +1 Fire Damage in a cone from you to friend and foe alike, inflicting Ignite if it hits. 3
Chelonian Gate Create a gate before you, which will take the next 5 damage intended for you. On gate death, it ushers forth a tidal wave, dealing 5 Raw Damage to up to 2 different targets and inflicting Dropsy. 8
Frog Legs Use Provoke an all nearby enemies. 5
Tatami Gaeshi Kick out the ground before you, creating a 2 HP Shield for yourself while making a single target attack that afflicts Daze if successful. 7
Self-Destruct Deal your Max HP as Raw Damage, plus damage bonuses, on the 5 closest targets in melee range, then reduce your HP to -3. 4
Toad Oil Reverses up to [2] Negative Status Effects on the Blue Mage. DM Discretion. 2
Ability Name Spell Effect Action Point Cost
Revenge Blast Make a single target attack with +1 damage for each 1 HP you lost since the start of your last turn. 6
Alpine Draft Make an AoE attack in a 15 yalm line from you at no penalty. Deals +2 wind damage to up to 5 targets. 3
Cold Fog Shroud yourself with frost for three turns. While allies stand near you, their attacks are automatically changed to Ice-aspected. If you are struck with an Ice-aspected attack while this is active, deal 3 Flat damage to the attacker. 3
Loom Teleport to a designated location within both 15 yalms and in sight. Can be used as a RA. 3
Gobskin Grants Reflect on up to 3 nearby targets within 15 yalms. 5
Choco Meteor Rain kwehtacular hellfire from on high, attacking all foes for 1 Flat damage on a hit (One roll vs all foes HC) If a chocobo is present in the leve, the damage is increased to 2. 3
Protean Wave Make a single target attack with +4 Unaspected damage and deal half that to 3 targets around your target. 6
Pom Cure Roll to heal a single ally with +3 healing. 3
Missile Make a Raw Roll. If the roll is even, deal damage to one target equal to half their Max HP (10 Flat damage instead if the target is Tier 6+). If it's odd, deal 3 Flat damage instead. 6
Condensed Libra Make an attack against an enemy that debuffs based on your roll. If you roll an even number, enemy takes +1 damage from all Unaspected attacks, if you roll an odd, enemy takes +1 from all Aspected attacks. This occurs whether you hit or miss, and lasts 1 round. 6
The Ram's Voice Make an AoE ice attack on up to 3 targets, without penalty to the roll, around you. If it hits, apply Gelus. 5
Ability Name Spell Effect Action Point Cost
Aetherial Mimicry Choose a member of the current leve, and grant self a +50 rolls using their highest stat. IE: If an ally has a t5 STR, gain a +50 to all STR rolls for the duration of the leve. Stacks. 3
Sticky Tongue Make a single target attack that pull your target to within melee range of you. Target cannot be further than 15 yalms away. 2
J Kick Move to a single enemy and make an attack against them and all nearby foes at +2 damage, max 5 additional targets. 7
Ice Spikes Shield a target in ice for 3 turns, any physical attack on them deals +1 ice damage back to the attacker. 2
Level 5 Petrify Choose a target whose Current HP is a multiple of 5. Make a Raw Roll. If this roll is 800 or more, the target is afflicted with Petrify. 5
Song of Torment Make an AoE attack on up to 3 targets without penalty to roll that deals no damage. If it hits apply Frenzy and Disable. 5
Diamondback Grant a target Faith, Bravery, Libra and Regen. 6
Matra Magic Make an eight-fold attack against a single target. This skill counts as a single attack in regards to buffs. Max damage: 20. 10
Devour Make an attack roll against a single foe at +2 damage, healing yourself for half the damage dealt while casting Learn. 10
Angel's Snack Make a healing roll on up to 5 targets with no penalty to the roll. Those healed also gain one stack of Angelic Snack. They can spend this stack with a Movement Action to heal themselves for a Flat 2 HP and gain Regen. 6
Magic Hammer Make a Basic Attack that deals -2 damage. If the Raw Roll was 800 or more, you gain 6 action points. 1

Chemist -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEX or MP)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Mix [Passive] Mix [Passive] - Take time either inside (SwA) or outside combat to mix together a haphazard (Negative) or beneficial (Positive) potion. This effect is decided via Raw Roll. Only 3 potions can be stored at one time, and potions created in this way can only be used as Swift Actions. You gain the option to use any other Items as Swift Actions instead of Standard Actions. In addition, each month, you may procure two Basic Items from the Item Shoppe for free aside from Remedy, Panacea, or Crystal of Memory.
Elixir [StA] Shorten one ally's cooldowns by 2 turns. 5 turns
Vitality Potion [StA] Increase one ally’s max HP by 2 for 3 turns. Then roll to heal them with +1 to healing and apply Regen to them. 4 turns
Synthesize [SwA] Synthesize two stored potions into one. Choose the effect of one of them to double in duration or effect, sacrificing the other. 3 turns
ULTIMATE: Grand Hyper Mega Elixir [StA] The most powerful potion of all. Pick a single target, granting them any number of Positive Status Effects you choose from the full list of these effects. However in exchange, you or another ally must be afflicted with an equal number of Negative Status Effects, which you can also choose from the full list of these effects. OPL

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The Chemist

A carefully placed drop of a volatile poison can mean the difference between life and death...a power the Chemist knows all too well. With their knowledge of plants, animal parts, and chemicals, the Chemist can easily turn the tide of battle, becoming a boon to their allies and a sore spot for their opponents.

Roll Negative Effect Positive Effect
0-200 Bind Bravery, Faith, or Libra
201-400 Addle, Silence, or Paralysis 2 HP Shield
401-500 Poison or Bleed Vanish or Reflect
501-600 Slow Inspired
601-700 Knockdown Hidden
701-800 Disable Grant ally 2 extra secs movement next turn
801-900 (+1 elemental, non-Unaspected damage taken (3 turns) Stoneskin
901-949 Winded Grant ally 1 extra SwA next turn
950 + Haste (All Allies) Haste (All Allies)

Chevalier / Chocobo Knight -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEX, MP or STR)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Mounted Companion [Passive] Select a Melee or Defensive companion from the "Summoned Companion" section. (Page 79.) This companion may attack your target once per round with a basic attack and no modifiers to their rolls. Your Movement Action gives you 3 seconds of mounted movement. (No flight. If you cannot be mounted due to location, you have 5 seconds of movement instead.)
Mounted Focus [SwA] You mark a target. While marked, you gain +1 damage a +100 to all rolls against that target, but suffer -2 damage and -200 to all rolls against any other target. This mark persists until the target dies, or you change targets. The ally chosen for "With Us, Friend!" gains the same benefits for attacking the marked target. 2 turns
Run Them Through! [StA] You make a running charge (this charge distance must be counted in seconds) towards a target in a straight line, causing all those riding your mount to make a single target Basic Attack with +1 damage added for every second of the charge's distance, max +3 damage. 4 turns
Battle Kweh [SwA] Your mount lets out a triumphant cry, granting those riding it a bonus to their next three attack rolls. This bonus increases by +50 for every second of movement the mount makes on the turn of that attack, and an additional +50 if attacking a different enemy than they targeted with their last attack. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: With Us, Friend! [StA] Grab a willing ally, and pull them atop your mount for 3 turns. You are in control of this ally's movement for the duration, as they move with you, though they may dismount during their turn, ending the effect early. ALTERNATIVELY For your next 3 turns, your Mounted Focus grants you +2 damage and +200 to your attack rolls, the damage of your Run Them Through is doubled (rounded up), and your Battle Kweh's bonuses are increased from +50 to +100. OPL

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The Chevalier/Chocobo Knight

To some, their mount is merely an implement to carry them from one locale to the next, but to the Chevalier/Chocobo Knight, it is a stalwart ally that guides them through battle, inspires them to greatness. Working in tandem with their mount, the knight is brought to greater heights of speed, ferocity, and maneuverability, and allows them to bestow those benefits to a second rider for a small amount of time!

Commando -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Divide & Conquer [Passive] You gain +50 to attack rolls against a target that has been previously attacked by an ally between this and your last turn. Allies gain +50 to attack rolls against a target you have attacked between this and your last turn. This does not count for AoE attacks.
Commander's Strike [StA] Make a basic attack against a target. All allies who attack this target before your next turn deal an additional 1 damage to it. 3 turns
Battle Litany [SwA] You and two allies gain Bravery, Faith, or Libra (you must all choose the same buff). 5 turns
Strike Team [StA] You and two allies may make a basic attack against either the same or different targets. Additional attack and damage bonuses do not apply to this attack (raw stats only) 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Cerberus [StA] For the next three turns, you and two allies gain +1 damage and can take attacks for each other so long as you stay within arm’s reach of one another. OPL

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The Commando

Before their conquest by the Garlean Empire, the nation of Werlyt held a most formidable army of their own -- one capable of tending with the likes of the Ala Mhigans in times of eld. Front and center to these forces were the Commandos: infantrymen who had proven themselves in feats of courage and strength of many forms. Trained to cooperate with any ally on any battlefield, no matter the conditions, the Commandos are capable of withstanding any odds so long as they stand together with their comrades in arms.

Conjurer -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Calming Spirit [Passive] When you heal a target, you may reduce the duration of a Negative Status Effect on the target by 1 turn. If the target is already at full HP, you may instead reduce the duration of a Negative Status Effect on the target by 2 turns instead. When healing multiple targets at the same time, only one target may benefit from this ability. A Negative Status Effect cannot have its duration reduced to less than 1 turn by this effect.
Presence of Mind [RA] Your next single target heal or attack can be made as a SwA. 5 turns
Dispel [SwA] Make a Raw Roll. If it is over 400, remove all Positive Status Effects on a single target. 5 turns
Wall [StA] Grant Shell, Stoneskin and Protect to a single target. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Hastega [StA] Grants a single target Haste and reduces their cooldowns by 2 turns. OPL

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The Conjurer

Well-versed in the ways of base conjuration magicks, the conjurer plays a key role in the daily lives of many a denizen of the Black Shroud. Though many of their number are pacifists, many who have been taught the ways of this field of magic have taken to the fields of combat, largely as healers, soothsayers, and medics. Their refreshing magicks allow their allies to delve into the fray more easily...though do not discount the caster themselves as a conjurer of cheap tricks; to underestimate the power of these particular mages is to taste the bitterness of defeat.

Corsair -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Pistol & Cutlass [Passive] You may choose between Blade Stance and Gunner Stance. Each stance grants +50 to a stat of your choice (these cannot stack) and cannot be changed once an event has started. When you land attacks, you generate a "Corsair's Shot". You may carry up to 6 Corsair's Shots. (See Chart)
Lucky Loader [SwA] Generate shots corresponding with the amount of HP you sacrifice. If used in Blade Stance, you may sacrifice shots to heal yourself 1 HP for every shot you use. 3 turns
Double Down [N/A] Sacrifice either a StA, SwA, or RA in order to deal double damage on your next attack. 4 turns
Blindsided [StA] When in Blade Stance, attack twice using your SwA and StA. When in Gunner Stance, deal +1 and +2 additional damage to your next two attacks. These attacks cannot miss. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Hoist the Colors! [StA] drop a Powder charge that releases Blinding smoke around the Corsair, if in Blade stance Taunt all enemies, if in gun stance in make an Attack against all enemies at +4 damage OPL

Corsair Shots:

You can use your Corsair Shots to add +1 damage or healing to your next ability or basic attack for every 2 shots sacrificed. Additionally, you may sacrifice all 6 shots to negate an attack that would hit you as a reaction.

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The Corsair

With salt wind at their backs and the roaring sea below their feet, the Corsair is no stranger to difficult odds; for this is where they most thrive. Daring crusaders of the ocean with little fear for the unknown, a Corsair is most home in the midst of danger, weaving through their opponents without a care. Here to risk it all for the sake of everything, these blade and cutlass combatants are the very definition of burning bright for a brief time.

Dancer -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or MP)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Closed Position [Passive] At the beginning of combat, designate a single ally as your Dance Partner, giving them a constant bonus to attack rolls based on a Raw Roll. Upon switching a Dancer Partner [SwA], you must roll again. You may only use this ability twice per leve. [See Chart]
Saber Dance [StA] You and your Dance Partner may immediately make a single target attack against the same target at +1 damage. 3 turns
Curing Waltz [StA] Roll to heal yourself with +1 to healing. Your Dance Partner is healed for the same amount. 3 turns
Devilment [StA] You and your Dance Partner get a +150 bonus to your next attack roll. 3 turns
ULTIMATE: Technical Finish [StA] Make a performance by you and your Dance Partner that disorients foes; for 2 turns any attacks at the pair suffer -100 and they gain +100 to all rolls. During this time they may intercept damage for one another as a Free Action. OPL

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The Dancer

From the Near Eastern nation of Thavnair comes a troupe of bewitchingly graceful performers. Though certainly elegant and beautiful, their movements also speak of martial discipline─of a pulsing, persistent energy whose rhythm can inspire souls and soothe troubled hearts. Inured to the hardships of the road, these dancers have learned to land throwing weapons with the same exacting precision as their footfalls, removing any who would obstruct the endless beat of the dance.

Dance Partner

Roll Bonus
1-400 +50
401-800 +100
801-950 +150
951-1000 +200

Dark Knight -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEF)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Darkside [Passive] You can passively aspect your attacks to the Dark element. Dark aspected attacks add your MP bonus, on top of the bonus they would already use. If the attack is already MP, add MP twice
Dark Mind [RA] Intercept a MP-based attack directed at yourself or an ally, and convert the damage that would have been taken into a Shield. This Shield lasts 2 turns. 3 turns
Souleater [StA] Make a single target attack that heals you equal to the damage dealt. In addition, inflict Elemental Curse: Dark on the target. 4 turns
Living Dead [RA] If you would be reduced to 0 HP, you may instead be reduced to 1 HP. At the end of your second turn after activating this skill, if you have not been healed for a total amount equal to your Max HP, you will instantly be reduced to -3 HP. 4 turns
Ebony Shadow [SwA] For 3 turns, a shadowy doppelganger appears. Whenever you make any Basic Action or use a Job ability, your doppelganger will make the same action with your same bonuses on the same target(s) (if applicable). (Cannot Copy OPLs.) OPL

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The Dark Knight

In too many a land, in too many a realm, there are souls who cry out for justice, their pleas unheard by laws and courts of tyrant leaders and corrupt figures. For the Dark Knight, it is delivering these neglected souls their deserved succor that fuels them...but it is hardly the only thing. Peering into the abyss of the self, tapping into the aspects of dark, Astral magicks, the Dark Knight uses its combination of aetheric power and natural defenses to both strike at their foes with force, as well as keep their allies safe from would-be harm.

Dragoon -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Blood of the Dragon [Passive] Each turn that you attack, generate 1 Blood of the Dragon at the end of the turn. When expending a Blood of the Dragon to enhance an attack, if the attack’s raw roll is 600+, one charge is refunded. (Max 4) You may use one stack when using a Dragoon ability to enhance it, or use two stacks to negate the cooldown of the ability and enhance it.
Jump / High Jump [StA] Leap into the air, becoming untargetable. At the start of your next turn, you land, making a single target attack. Becomes High Jump under BOTD. 3 turns
Elusive Jump / Mirage Dive [RA] Leap out of the way of an incoming attack, negating its damage to you. 4 turns
Geirskogul/ Nastrond [StA] Attack up to 5 enemies before you without penalty to the roll and give them -100 to their HC for 1 turn if this hits. Becomes Nastrond under BOTD. 6 turns
ULTIMATE: Dragonfire Dive / Stardiver [StA] Make an attack with +2 damage on up to 5 enemies without penalty to roll, and inflicts Ignite on them for two rounds. Becomes Stardiver under BOTD. OPL

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The Dragoon

Of all the things that are symbolic of the nation of Ishgard, few are more recognized than the dragoon. Born amidst the timeless conflict between men and dragons, these lance-wielding knights have developed an aerial style of combat, that they might better pierce the scaled hides of their mortal foes. Taking to the firmament as though it were an extension of the land, they descend upon the enemy with every onze of their bodies behind the blow. It is this penetrative power that characterizes the dragoon.

Blood of the Dragon

  • High Jump: Take to the skies, becoming untargetable. At the start of your next turn, you land, making an attack on two targets or with +1 damage to one target.
  • Mirage Dive: Make a single target attack that deals Raw Damage.
  • Nastrond: Make an attack with +2 damage to up to 5 enemies in front of you with no penalty to the roll.
  • Stardiver: Leap to the heavens, crashing down on your enemies akin to a blazing star. Make an attack with +3 damage to up to 5 enemies without penalty, and inflicts Ignite on them for three rounds.

Elementalist -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Elemental Shift [Passive] At the start of your turn, enter one of the following forms: Lightning/Fire - Attacks deal +1 damage. Earth/Ice - Increase HC by +100. Water/Wind - +100 to attack rolls. You must enter a different form than you were in on your last turn. Basic Attacks can be aspected to one of the elements of your stance.
Elemental Bolt [StA] Shoot a bolt of elemental energy. The element and effect is determined by the stance you’re in (See Chart). 3 turns
Elemental Burst [StA] Launch of burst of elemental energy. The element and effect is determined by the stance you’re in (See Chart). 4 turns
Absorb Element [RA] When struck by an attack, take half the intended damage, and inflict the "Elemental Weakness" of one of the elements of your next stance. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: One with Nature [StA] You activate all elemental forms for the next 2 turns, gaining the benefits of each. The current CD of Elemental Bolt and Burst are reduced by 1 turn, and when you use Elemental Bolt or Burst, you can choose two of the effects from two different forms and use them both at the same time. OPL
Element Elemental Bolt Elemental Burst
Lightning Discharge: Make a single target Lightning-aspected attack and apply Daze if successful. Thunderclap: Make a Lightning-aspected attack on up to three enemies without penalty to roll and inflict Paralyze if successful.
Fire Fire Whip: Make a single target Fire-aspected attack and inflict Elemental Curse: Fire if successful. White Flame: Roll to heal up to three allies without penalty to the roll and apply Regen.
Earth Earth Heal: Roll to heal a single target and apply Stoneskin. Heavy Dust: Make an Earth-aspected attack on up to three enemies without penalty to the roll and inflict Bind if successful.
Ice Ice Knife: Make a single target Ice-aspected attack and inflict Disable if successful. Glaciate: Make an Ice-aspected attack on up to three enemies without penalty to the roll and inflict Silence if successful.
Water Sliprain: Make a single target Water-aspected attack and inflict Sleep if successful. Downpour: Make a Water-aspected attack on up to three enemies without penalty to the roll and inflict Elemental Curse: Water if successful.
Wind Shining Air: Make a single target Wind-aspected attack and inflict Blind if successful. Miasmic Wind: Make a Wind-aspected attack on up to three enemies without penalty to the roll and inflict Poison if successful.

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The Elementalist

Ranging from respected shamans of secular tribes to hermits who grew to view nature as their companion, the Elementalist is one who has learned to not only harness the powers of nature but to live and breathe them. One may mistake them for a Gridanian Conjurer, but their disciplines differ in multiple ways. Elementalists believe all things to have a spirit, and it’s through their communion with the spirits of nature that they are able to temporarily borrow its gifts. The discipline is said to have originated from Viera soothsayers who left their homes in the near east, but its true origins are unknown.

Eruditus -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Praeteriens [Passive] Your elementally-aspected actions are unaffected by enemy Resistances. However, you cannot benefit from effects that would increase an individual element's damage.
Accession [SwA] Your next Heal may be used on up to 3 targets without multi-target penalty, provided the Ability does not specify Single Target. 3 turns
Manifestation [SwA] Your next Attack may be used on up to 3 targets without multi-target penalty, provided the Ability does not specify Single Target. 3 turns
Enlightenment [StA] Choose to either Attack or Heal. The effects of this roll will gain +1 to their outcome, and will place a「Signum」status on the target(s). At the top of the affected target(s) turn, 「Signum」will be removed, and re-apply the same outcome of this action. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Tabula Rosa [StA] Reset Job Cooldowns. For the next 2 Rounds, all rolls are made with +1. Does not reset OPL Actions. OPL

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The Eruditus

In the times leading up to the XIVth Legion entering Eorzean land, there was a wavering peace between Sharlayan and Garlemald. This led to documents changing hands, and the beginning of the latter-named somanoutics finding themselves in the hands of a young lux Asina. Though he later found another path, the bending of corporeal aether through foci was retooled by others, evolving into something more readily used by the Medicus Veteranus, in need of a way to protect themselves on the field as much as to keep the Legions in fighting order.

Evoker -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Mobile Totem [Passive] Start Combat with 5 Totem Charges. Enemy defeat (including abnormal additionals, such as generators) add an additional Totem Charge to your pool. Maximum 5 Charges.
Channel Totem [SwA] Gain an additional Totem Charge. N/A
White Standard [StA] Spend 3 Totem Charges to summon an untargetable companion Totem which moves with your character. Allies within melee range of your character (including self) gain a Positive Status Effect, which re-applies at the top of their turn if they are still within range. CHOOSE: Regen, Protect, Shell. N/A
Black Standard [StA] Spend 3 Totem Charges to summon an untargetable companion Totem which moves with your character. Enemies within melee range of your character gain a Negative Status Effect, which re-applies at the top of their turn if they are still within range. CHOOSE: Elemental Curse, Elemental Weakness N/A
ULTIMATE: Symbolic Burst [StA] Burst power through your Totems with a chant, spreading their effects across the entire battlefield. As per the Totem abilities, only Allies gain the Positive Status Effects, and Enemies the Negative Status Effects. OPL

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The Evoker

In times of strife and chaos, when an emotion or idea burns brightly, it can rarely become crystalized...a tangible object of an otherwise formless entity. Through these methodologies, Carbuncles, Egis, and Faeries were generated through the much more ancient tradition of the Evoker -- a mage who channels these concepts to aid their allies and bring devastation to their enemies. Whether calling forth the memories of warriors long past, or materializing their prayers for the future, one should never underestimate the power of an Evoker.

Fencer -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Bleeding Blade [Passive] Inflict Bleed on a target when hitting them with a rolled attack that is at least 100 greater than their HC.
Checkmate [StA] Make a single target attack at +100 to hit. If successful, consume all applied Bleed stacks on the target to gain +1 damage on the attack per stack, then inflict a single stack of Bleed. 4 turns
Rapid Thrust [StA] Targeting an enemy with Bleed, make two attacks at -2 damage (minimum 1 if hits). For each attack that hits increase the duration Bleed on the target by 1 round. 4 turns
Opportunity [SwA] Until the start of your next turn, increase the damage of all Unaspected DoTs inflicted by yourself and allies by +1. Each Bleed stack counts as its own DoT for this ability. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Vorpal Blade [StA] Make three single target attacks. Each successful attack made this way also applies Bleed. OPL

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The Fencer

With rapier in hand, few are more deft at the sword than the Fencer. Though niche in who is taught their ways, those that take up the practice are of quicker pace than the average sword-swinging vagabond. Akin to the Red Mages of Gyr Abania, sans their prowess in the magical arts, the Fencer focuses primarily on their fencing stances, their goal to quickly strike at their enemies. Though their attacks may be lacking the broad power of an axeman or greatsword, the goal of the Fencer is not in the immediate kill, but a slow and often agonizing bleed to the bitter end.

Freelancer -- (Solo Bonus +5 Your Choice -- BOUND CLASS)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Free Spirit [Passive] Pick 6 abilities from the list of freelance available abilities, only one of these can be from the restricted section. May also rearrange as many abilities as you want once per month. 1 Month
Oversoul [Passive] You gain a single custom Passive, which can be created in the Item Workshop on the COMET forums. This effect can be almost anything (within reason), you just need to work with COMET's Creation Team to get it made and approved. Once finalized, you may only change this Passive once every two months.
Slot 1 -
Slot 2 -
Slot 3 -
Slot 4 -
Slot 5 -
Slot 6 -

The Freelancer is a unique class, allowing for players to pick and choose the abilities they want from other Jobs, and to make their own Passive to help tie them together and/or represent some unique part of their character that does not exist anywhere else in the COMET system. This much freedom and power allows you to be more creative about the intricacies of your character's combat style, however, you are limited in that you cannot utilize the Passives or Ultimates of any other Job.

Freelancer Chart

For balance reasons Freelancer has a number of restrictions as to the abilities they can take and what combinations they can take. Unrestricted abilities you can choose any number of, restricted abilities you can only pick one of. Click Here for the full chart of Freelancer abilities.

Foebreaker -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Voltunas [Passive] When being inflicted with a status effect, you're granted a passive +1 to your damage while under the effects of a negative status effect, up to a maximum of +5 damage.
Defaceo [SwA] Consumes a debuff on yourself, add +1 damage for as many turns as the debuff timer had. (Maximum of 5 turns) 3 turns
Vindication [SwA/RA] Redirects the next negative status effect onto yourself from any source. 2 turns
Periculosis [All] Inflict yourself with [1] negative status effect of your choice from the following effects -- [Silence, Addle, Paralyze, Bind, Blind, Confusion] No CD
ULTIMATE: Martyrdom [StA] Consume up to [3] debuffs from your allies or yourself, using the same rules as Defaeco to enhance your next 3 attacks. This stacks with your passive if debuffs remain on you. (Maximum increase of 5 turns, +1 damage per debuff absorbed.) OPL

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The Foebreaker

The Knights of old Landis were infamous for their runic magicks, though it was the Foebreakers who served on the front lines of their numerous conflicts before their conquering by Garlemald. Mighty swordsmen who could turn the tides of battle with their mere presence, what allowed the Foebreakers of eld to stand out throughout the ages was their ability to fight through tremendous amount of pain to bring that agony tenfold onto their opponents.
Only a great fool would stand between a Foebreaker brimming with ailments and their intended target...

Gambler -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEX or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Luck Pool [Passive] [RA] You begin every leve with 3 Luck Points, and you cannot hold more than 5 Luck Points at once. A Luck Point can be spent to increase or decrease any roll by 100. You can spend any number of them at one time. Whenever you make a roll in which the Raw Roll is less than 300, you gain 1 Luck Point.
Take A Chance [StA] Tempt Fate itself, making a Raw Roll and taking its result, whether great or terrible. (See Chart) 3 turns
Scapegoat [RA] All the damage you would take for one round is taken by a single ally instead. If that ally would be reduced to -3 HP or less, this effect immediately ends and the ally is reduced to -2 HP instead. 4 turns
Lady Luck's Kiss [SwA] Pick an ally. You both share each other's Positive Status Effects for 3 turns. 3 turns
ULTIMATE: Lucky Strike [RA] Make a single target attack on an enemy in response to an attack roll they have just made. You may spend Luck Points to alter the attack roll you make this way. You may then choose to swap your attack roll with the enemy's attack roll. The attack you make this way deals Raw Damage. OPL
Roll Name Effect
0-100 That's Not Good… Applies Haste to all enemies.
101-200 Mysidian Rabbit Until the end of your next turn, when anyone (allies and enemies) fails to hit with an attack roll the Mysidian Rabbit deals 2 Flat damage to them. For AoE attack rolls, every target it fails to hit activates this effect.
201-300 3 Card Monte Pick 2 allies. They may each make one Basic Attack immediately.
301-400 Prismatic Flash Everyone takes -150 to their rolls, because everyone happens to enjoy shiny lights.
401-500 Chocobo Stampede If even, all enemies take 4 Flat damage. If odd, all allies take 4 Flat damage.
501-600 Joker's Death You are immediately reduced to -3 HP.
601-700 Loaded Dice The next time you use your Luck Points to aid an ally, you may spend them as though you had extra Luck Points equal to half the last number in the roll that triggered this effect, rounded up. However, an enemy of the DMs choice will gain the same bonus to their next roll.
701-800 Joker's Doom You gain Inspired, Shell, Protect, and Stoneskin, but also a two turn Doom that cannot be cleansed or removed.
801-900 Royal Flush Immediately make another Take a Chance roll. If you get Royal Flush again, you may immediately make 3 single target attacks that deal Raw Damage.
Roll Name Effect
901-949 Lucky Break! Applies Regen and a 1 HP Shield to everyone on the field (including enemies).
975 + Jackpot! Applies Haste to all allies & deals 3 Flat damage to all opponents on the field.

Geomancer -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEF)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Gaia [Passive] You may make a Raw Roll at the start of each of your turns, transforming the battlefield's ground to a random domain (See Chart). You may freely aspect all of your attacks to match the element of your current domain. All attacks matching the domain’s element deal +1 damage.
Gaia's Fury [StA] Make a single target attack that inflicts a DoT (that deals 1 damage per turn) of your current domain’s element for 3 turns if successful. 3 turns
Gaia's Protection [RA] Summon an elemental wall in front of your allies in response to an attack, absorbing 2 damage for up to 5 targets for a single attack. 4 turns
Planewalker [SwA] Teleport yourself, an ally, or an enemy to any empty space within the current domain created by Gaia. Teleporting an enemy requires a successful attack roll, but deals no damage. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Calamity [StA] Up to 5 enemies within your domain automatically take 4 Raw Damage of the element of your domain, plus your current bonus to damage. OPL

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The Geomancer

Similar to its cousin, the Astrologian, the Geomancer channels the aether from its surroundings in order to aid their allies, and harm their foes...though in a slightly different and more physical sense. Instead of drawing from the heavens, as the Astrologians, the Geomancer focuses on the "Heavens Within The Earth"--the very essence of the planet itself. The Geomancer can transform the battlefield at will, giving bonuses to elements of its allies and enemies alike.

Geomancer Gaia Ability:
Terrain Effect
0-200 Volcanic Inferno (Fire)
201-400 Icy Tundra (Ice)
401-500 Levin Plains (Lightning)
501-600 Windy Meadows (Wind)
601-700 Arid Desert (Earth)
701-800 Swampy Deluge (Water)
801-900 White Auracite Sea (Light)
901-949 Black Auracite Sea (Dark)
950 + Blessing of the Earth
Blessing of the Earth

Hearing her beloved's cries Gaia rises up to protect and empower the caster and their party. All allies gains +100 HC and +1 damage and healing.

Green Mage / Enhancer -- (BOUND JOB)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Green Word [PA] You gain Wisdom Points by using actions (StA, SwA, RA), each granting you 1 point, up to a maximum of 10. You may spend points (using a SwA) to augment your single-target healing, or to reset the cooldown of Incantation. You may augment your heal up to five (5) times. [See Chart] Additionally, all positive status effects last twice as long on yourself. If these effects are shared or spread, they have their normal duration.
Incantation [StA] Spend 2 Wisdom Points to grant any allied target you can see a buff of your choice. You may spend 1 Wisdom Point to lower the Cooldown of this ability by 1. [See Chart] 5 Turns
Emerald Envoy [StA] A the beginning of the Green Mage's turn, they may spend their StA to enter a trance, offering boons depending on what they choose. [See Chart -- this EXCLUDES VANISH AND REFLECT] These boons are an aura effect, and only last for one turn. If a Standard Action is used for anything other than this ability, it ends, and goes on cooldown. This ability does NOT generate Wisdom Points, and cannot be effected by Wisdom Points. 4 Turns
Valor [StA] Grant a single target Bravery, Faith, Libra and Inspiration. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Wood's Whisper [StA] Link yourself to three (3) targets, sharing your buffs with them for as long as all three of you remain in the same position as when this ability was cast. You must use your SwA every turn to keep this ability running. (This does not generate Wisdom Points.) If the link is broken, the cooldown of this ability begins and buffs are removed from your linked targets. 4 turns

Inner Wisdom:

Points Spent Effect
1 +100 to your next attack/cast
2 Your heal grants one positive effect

Positive Status Effect Access:

Bravery, Faith, Libra, Haste, 2 HP Shield, Inspired, Reflect, Regen, Stoneskin, Vanish, Protect, Shell

Neutral Status Effect Access:

Hidden, Spread

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The Green Mage

Many a student of magic would tell you that spells falling under Green Magic are minor incantations, helpful, harmful, but not altogether as powerful as something akin to the Black or White Mages. Those people would be wrong. It is the smallest seeming of things, the most overlooked spells, that can signal doom or victory, and it is the Green Mage that wields this power in both hands.

Gold Mage / Saboteur -- (BOUND Job)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
The Golden Rule [Passive] When you hold an enemy stat bonus for more than two (2) turns, you gain Haste. [3 turn CD] Additionally, you may imbue your attacks with up to 3 negative status effects once per round. (See Chart) You cannot inflict the same status effect twice in a row, and status effects cannot be reapplied until all status effects inflicted that round have completed. If an enemy is immune to a status effect you've inflicted, you gain a shield equal to the amount of turns the effect would have been.
Wound [StA] Make a strike against an opponent, taking a single stat bonus from that target. On your next attack, add this bonus to your roll. 2 turns
Shatter [StA] Afflict a target with a negative status effect without a roll. You may choose either to SPREAD this status effect, or sacrifice this ability for its CD to ensure your next attack lands successfully 4 turns
Fool's Gold [StA] When activating this ability and landing a strike on your target, you may elect to store their stat bonus to use for another time. Additionally, you may trigger this ability again (it must be done in the same round as it was activated) to combine this stored bonus with your current bonus in exchange for sacrificing your ability to gain additional bonuses for the next 2 turns. This attack cannot miss. 4 turns
Fair Trade [RA] When struck by an attack, trigger this ability. The difference between the attack and your Hit Class is added to your next attack. Alternatively, you can sacrifice your current bonus to either 4 HP self heal or negate 1 enemy attack on yourself. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Gold Experience [RA] Strike a target, dealing +1 damage for every negative status effect placed in the last 3 rounds of combat and using the highest stat bonus stolen for this combat session. OPL

Negative Status Effect Access:

Addle, Bind, Blind, Elemental Weakness, Elemental Scourge, Confusion, Curse, Disable, Frenzy, Oil, Paralyze, Silence, Sleep, Sap

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The Gold Mage

Where Green Mages hold the power of creation and life in their palms, the Gold Mage's focus is...slightly different. Capable of crippling their opponents with a variety of status ailments, in addition to stealing the power of their foes for underestimate a Gold Mage is to dig your own grave with ignorance.

Gunbreaker -- (Archetype STR, DEX, or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Royal Guard [Passive] Increase Str bonus, Dex Bonus, and HC by 50. Additionally, several of your abilities use Cartridges. You may hold up to 3, and generate one at the beginning of each round. Cartridges may be spent at any time to roll an attack at advantage.
Brutal Shell [StA] Spend a Cartridge to make a Basic Attack. If you hit, grant yourself or an ally Regen. 3 turns
Heart of Corundum [SwA] One ally gains +50 HC, heals for 2 HP, and gains a 2 HP Shield for 2 turns. You also gain 1 Cartridge. 4 turns
Continuation [StA] Expend Cartridges to execute Continuation Strikes (See Chart) N/A
ULTIMATE: Lion Heart [SwA] Unleash an Auto-Attack on a single target, removing any debuffs it has, and dealing +1 dmg for each debuff removed. Any creature (other than you/allies) in melee range of the target takes (1+any dmg buff applied to this attack) damage automatically. OPL

Cartridge Additions:

  • Rough Divide (1): Move up to your speed and attack a target.
  • Fated Circle (1): Make a Multi-Target Attack with no penalty.
  • Blasting Zone (2): Attack a target. If you hit, force it to move a number of yalms equal to the damage dealt. If the target cannot move the full distance, target is instead moved as far as possible, then Dazed.
  • Relentless Rush (1-3): Make a number of Basic Attacks equal to the number of Cartridges spent, plus one.

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The Gunbreaker

Through magicked ammunition and sheer force of will, the Gunbreaker strikes fiercely at the heart of their enemies--to them, the best defense, is a good offense. Most famous of all thesse hardened warriors were the Queen's Blades -- a fighting force within Bozja who served the nation's queen before her untimely passing, many of their number being brutally and swiftly cut down for fear of retaliation by the Imperial waves. With their gunblade in tow and a powerful desire to protect the innocent, the Gunbreaker can shatter any obstacle in their path.

Hussar -- (BOUND Job)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Exert Control [Passive] Enemies within Melee Range of you lose half their movement, or must end movement if they enter it during their turn. Allied attacks against enemies affected gain +1 damage. You may attack up to 3 enemies in this range without incurring Multi-Attack penalties.
Blinding Might [StA] Deal Half of your Max HP as Damage to 3 Enemies. If there is only a single target on the field, double this damage. 3 Turns
Spring Awakening [RA] Gain Regen and Doubled Healing. The Doubled Healing applies to all incoming healing, and lasts 3 Turns. 5 Turns
Roar of Battle [SwA] Let out a fearsome shout, and make a True Strike against one target. The target of this attack is pushed directly away from you, but if movement is impossible due to geography (Such as being against a wall), increase the damage dealt by 2. On successful pushback, the HSR moves with the enemy. 3 Turns
ULTIMATE: Feats of Heroism [RA] Yourself and two Allies gain the effects of your Spring Awakening, without incurring CD. Additionally, you gain an additional MA, which can be used as part of this skill or saved for your turn. OPL

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The Hussar

As the Garlean Empire tore across the continent, few armies put up such a fight as The Hussars of Nhalmasque . Though their nation was naught more than a castle, and did not carry the same level of military technology, the ferocity of their battlefield commanders, often painted as winged in poetry and song, made them a portrait of rebellion in the provinces. Now, as the Empire falls, the provinces lay in wait, hoping to hear--or create--new works of art for the patron saints of smashed metal.

Illusionist -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Master of Trickery [Passive] You begin combat in one of two Stances - [Aid] or [Hinder]. These Stances only function to alter the effects of your Illusionist abilities.
Illusory Fae [StA] [Aid]: One ally is healed for 2 Flat HP for every action they take. Lasts 2 turns. [Hinder]: One enemy takes 2 Flat damage for every action they take. Lasts 2 turns. 4 turns
Counterfeit Landscape [RA] [Aid]: Grants one ally Vanish. [Hinder]: One enemy takes +1 damage from all sources for one round. 4 turns
Phantom Bonds [SwA] [Aid]: Grant one ally two stacks of Phantom Bonds until the start of your next turn. Whenever they take damage, one stack is removed and they are healed. The first stack heals for 2 Flat HP when removed, the second stacks heals for 3 Flat HP when removed. If either stack is removed by an attack that was critical (950+ roll), they are also granted Regen. [Hinder]: Afflict one enemy with two stacks of Phantom Bonds until the start of your next turn. Whenever they take are successfully attacked, one stack is removed and they take damage. The first stack deals 2 Flat damage when removed, the second stack deals 3 Flat damage when removed. If both stacks are removed by the same attacker, the enemy is afflicted with Bleed. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: False Vanguard [StA] [Aid]: All allies get +200 to their attack rolls until the end of your next turn. [Hinder] All enemies suffer a -200 to their attack rolls until the end of your next turn. OPL

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The Illusionist

Numerous times throughout history battles have been won with cunning rather than brute force; the use of Aether is no different in this aspect. An illusionist in place of directly attacking their foes or supporting their allies instead manipulates the senses of others to shift the flow of battle to their desired ends.

Judgemagister -- (BOUND Job)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Jurisprudence [Passive] Set three laws when combat begins from your Law's Order chart. Enemies who perform these actions gain 1 Crimson Penalty. Allies who perform these actions will gain 1 Saffron Card. Unless performing an ability from the Judge roster, A JUDGE CANNOT DEFY THEIR OWN LAWS. You may use any non-movement action to reset your laws.
Law's Order [StA] Spend 1 Saffron or Crimson stacks generated on allies or enemies for positive or negative effects, respectively. This ability cannot be used on targets that have NOT broken or followed the law. You may sacrifice any of these cards to negate the CD of this ability by 1 as SwA. 3 CD
Sentence [RA] Sacrifice all Crimson and Saffron cards in order to convert them to Judge Points. You may spend these points on the "Sentencing" chart as any action. (See Chart) N/A
Renew [SwA] Sacrifice 5 stacks of either Crimson or Saffron to grant yourself three positive status effects. Your AoE effects no longer have a penalty, and the amount of Crimson/Saffron stacks generated is doubled for 3 turns. This ability and its effects cannot be spread. On your next turn, an enemy is inflicted with Reverse. 6 CD
ULTIMATE: Ultimate Judgement [StA] Select a target to be trialed. You may invoke a 4th law when this occurs. You may select either a "Bench Trial" or a "Jury Trial". For every round of combat this ability is active, you will take 3 damage. You will not go unconscious in any way until this ability has ended. OPL

Sentencing Chart:

  • Sprohm Prison: [2 Points] Vanish the target. Remove one stack of Crimson Penalty from the target.
  • Sure Justice: [3 points] Perform a True Strike at Advantage
  • Double Jeopardy: [4 points] Attack your target, and immediately use Law's Order, ignoring its cooldown, inflicting the Negative Status effects of the last 3 Laws that were broken.
  • Constructive Malice: [5 points] If your enemy is subject to two Crimson Penalties, deal Raw Damage to the target. If the target has three Crimson Penalties, roll this Raw Damage with Advantage. If the target has more than three Crimson Penalties, automatically deal 15 damage.
Law's Order
Law Ally Enemy
Inflict Elemental Damage NulElement BarElement
Inflict Magic Damage Faith Silence
Inflict Physical Damage with a STR Roll Bravery Addle
Inflict Physical Damage with a DEX Roll Libra Paralyze
Heal a target for more than 3 HP at once, or Bestow Regen 2 HP Shield Sap
Damage a target for more than 5 HP at once Inspired Disable
Inflict a Negative Status Effect Shell or Protect Stoneskin
Bestow a Positive Status Effect other than Regen Spread Daze

Subpeona Effects:

Bench Trial:

All attacks you make against the Accused are True Strikes. …But, all the attacks the Accused makes against you are also True Strikes. So long as the Bench Trial is occurring, you may respond to an attack roll by the Accused with a Reaction, changing the attack’s target to you. (Area Effects targeted this way instead center the AoE on you).

Jury Trial:

You name your allies as Jurors. You and your Jurors are unable to be effected by a single negative status effect when afflicted by them, instead rolling at disadvantge for the duration of the status effect while the Jury Trial is active. Additionally, Jurors immediately receive the Positive Status associated with all active Laws.

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The Judgemagister

Though home to many an art of war and magic...very few are as iconic and as imposing as the Judgemagisters of Landis. In the days before their conquest by Garlemald, it was the Judgemagisters who served as bringers of peace and keepers of order in the smaller nation-state of Ilsabard...and when reason and law could not conquer an opponent, it was the terrifying might of the Judge which brought all before them to heel.
Judges gain their strength from enforcing these principles of order across the realm, and to those who dare to oppose their binding laws, there can only be one end -- judgement.

Kingsglaive -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or MP)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Warp [SwA] Teleport yourself to a specified area you can see. This must be used to traverse meaningful amounts of distance and does not evade damage in any shape or form. You also gain Unstable Makeup (+1 damage taken from all sources until the start of your next turn). 2 turns
Dual-Wielding [StA] On your next turn, you may make two Basic Attacks with only one Standard Action. If Warp was used prior to this ability, you can make three Basic Attacks instead. These extra attacks can only be used once for each use of this ability. 5 turns
Warp Strike [StA] Teleport to any target you can see, and make an Auto Attack at +1 damage on them. If Warp was used prior to this ability, this attack deals Raw Damage. 3 turns
Shift Weapon [RA] Shift your weapon into a different form: STR, DEX, MP, or DEF/EVA. Gain a +50 bonus to rolls you make with that stat on your next turn, or +50 HC for one round if DEF/EVA was chosen. If you used Warp on your last turn, gain a +100 bonus to the chosen stat instead. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Oathkeeper [SwA] For the next four turns, your can ignore the cooldown on Warp and you can use it with your Movement Action instead of your Swift Action. OPL
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The Kingsglaive

Trained from an early age in the art of war and sworn to the service of a monarch, a nation, an ideal, or even another person, the Kingsglaive holds a position of power and respect in many lands, often serving as the voice and justice of the ones they hold fealty to. Never caught unarmed, the Kingsglaive is the literal interpretation of using the power of their sworn as a weapon.

Creating this weapon is the core of the Kinsglaive, and with it, they are a deadly combatant. Versatile and varied, they can be found in all shapes and sizes, wielding blades unique to the wielder and customized to fit the needs of the Kingsglaive. Fluid in function, the Kingsglaive has mastered how to alter their weapon to fit the situation, bringing power and versatility into any combat.

Lancer -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Blood for Blood [Passive] Whenever you make a melee attack, it deals +2 damage. After you successfully hit a target with an attack, you take +3 damage from the next attack that hits you. This does not stack.
Feint [SwA] You sweep your weapon in a fake attack, throwing the enemy off guard and granting yourself Bravery. 5 turns
True Thrust [StA] Make a Basic Attack. If it hits, grant yourself Inspired. 6 turns
Invigorate [SwA] Recover from one Negative Status Effect of your choice. You can use this even if you cannot otherwise act. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Life Surge [SwA] Your next single target Basic Attack deals Raw Damage and heals you for 4 Flat HP. OPL

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The Lancer

Courage and fury are the hallmarks of the Lancer, their resolve parallel to none. Whether a trainee from the Lancer’s Guild in Gridania, a member of the lancer legions of Ala Mhigo, or a knight of Ishgard, they strive to master their weapons as an extension of their body. They are a raging storm upon the battlefield, capable of delivering devastating thrusts and slashes while throwing themselves into great danger, maintaining their composure and resolve in the throes of conflict.

Machinist / Engineer -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEX or STR)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Custom Gadget [Passive] You begin combat with one of your four Custom Gadgets. [See Chart]. Only one of your Custom Gadgets may be active at once. These last until changed. SwA to change Custom Gadgets.
Tinker [SwA] Overcharge your Custom Gadget, granting a bonus effect depending on which Custom Gadget you are currently using [See Chart]. 4 turns
Heated Barrage [StA] Make three single target attacks, each dealing only a maximum of 1 Fire-aspected damage before damage bonuses. After the third attack, your Oil and Ignis are consumed for +2 Raw Damage each if applied. 5 turns
Blazing Shot [StA] Make a Basic Attack that also applies Oil and Ignis if it is successful. 3 turns
ULTIMATE: Bombing Run [StA] Make three AoE Fire-aspected attacks that deal a maximum of 1 damage each on up to five targets, before damage bonuses. For each target chosen, these attacks get a +1 damage bonus. OPL

Custom Gadgets:

  • Targeting Goggles:: +50 to attack rolls
  • Reactive Armor: +50 HC
  • Experimental Compounds: +1 to healing received.
  • Gel Packs: -1 damage taken.


  • Targeting Goggles:: Your next attack this turn becomes an Auto Attack.
  • Reactive Armor: Become untargettable for the next attack made against you this turn.
  • Experimental Compounds: Roll to heal yourself.
  • Gel Packs: Create a 3 HP Shield upon yourself.

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The Machinist

Focused on shots from a distance and afflicting harmful status effects on their enemies, the Machinist comes fully loaded with gizmos created by their own bare hands. Woe betide the foe that elects to ignore the Machinist--for enough shots placed on their target can end with them erupting into painful flames...for the rest of their very short life.

Mammeteer -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or STR)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Activate [Passive] Call forth a single one of your Mammets (Summoned Companions). While active, each type also provides a Passive effect.
Restoration [StA] Restore one of your Mammets to full HP. 5 turns
Commander's Voice [SwA] Order your Mammet to use its Command ability. [See Chart] 3 turns
Commander's Grace [RA] Order your Mammet to use its Grace ability. [See Chart] 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Mammet Chorus [StA] Trigger your current Mammet's Decree ability. OPL
Mammet Chart
Mammet Passive Command Grace Decree
King [Defensive] You and your Mammet gain +100 HC. Use the Defender - Shoulder to Shoulder action. Use the Defender - Blink action. You and your Mammet are immune to damage for 2 turns.
Bishop [Ranged] You and your Mammet have +1 to healing. Roll to heal one target. Apply Regen to one target and heal them for 2 Flat HP. Reduces damage taken by -1 and increases healing received by +1 on two targets for three turns.
Queen [Melee] You and your Mammet deal +1 damage. Single target attack with +2 damage. AoE attack with no penalty to roll, up to 3 targets The next 2 attacks made by you and your Mammet that would miss are Auto Attacks instead.

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The Mammeteer / Puppermaster

A goldsmith tinkers carefully with the intricate pieces of a mammet, hardened by battle, eager to fight once again. As the Mammeteer, you and your automaton fight side by side in unity, dealing blows to your foes, and supporting one another along the way. Don't underestimate the power of these small robotic beings--for the strength of cooperation shines through better than one might expect.

Marauder -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Defiance [Passive] Whenever you are successfully hit by an attack, you gain 1 stack of Defiance. If the damage dealt by this attack is 6 or more, you gain 2 stacks instead. You may spend any number of stacks as you make an attack to give it a bonus to damage equal to the number of stacks spent. You cannot have more than 4 stacks of Defiance at once.
Bloodthirst [SwA] When you successfully attack a target, you are healed equal to half the damage dealt, rounded up. Lasts 2 turns. 4 turns
Vengeance [StA] You take -1 damage from all sources, and when you are successfully hit by an attack you deal 2 Flat damage to the attacker and gain one stack of Defiance. Lasts 3 turns. 5 turns
Shake It Off [RA] You gain a Shield equal to your current stacks of Defiance. Using this ability does not consume your stacks of Defiance. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Berserk [SwA] You gain a +3 damage bonus to all attacks you make, but also take +3 damage from all successful attacks against you. Lasts 3 turns. 4 turns

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The Marauder

With weapon in hand and the gentle shake of the seas beneath their feet, fewer are more feared as Limsa Lominsa's army than the staple--the Marauder. A key point in many a ship's offense and defensive membership, the Marauder is a fearless assailant, and a stout body able to take a considerable amount of damage when they hit the brink of their limits.

Marksman -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEX or STR)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Aim [Passive] When a target is afflicted with Bleed and Poison, gain +100 to attack rolls against that target. Additionally, at the end of your turn, you gain a stack of Aim. At two stacks, you may turn one Basic Attack into an Auto Attack with +2dmg. You cannot hold more than two stacks of Aim, and you gain no Aim stack the round you spend them N/A
Iron Jaws [StA] Make a Basic Attack that refreshes the duration of one Bleed effect and one Poison effect. The Target's HC is also reduced by 100 until the end of your next turn 4 turns
Quick Nock [StA] Make a Basic Attack that refreshes the duration of one Bleed effect and one Poison effect. The Target's HC is also reduced by 100 until the end of your next turn. 4 turns
Venomous Bite [SwA] Your next Basic Attack applies Bleed and Poison 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Sidewinder [StA] Make a Basic Attack. For each unique negative condition on the target, gain +50 to this roll and +1 to its damage, up to a cap of +200 and +4 OPL

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The Marksman

Regardless of which tool, be it the magitechnical advances of the pistol, the rifle, or the tried-and-true bow, there are few opponents more dangerous from nearly every angle than a Marksman. Their sights do not falter, and their aim hardly faults--attempts to escape are immediately harried as their prey scrambles for some measure of cover. Deadly combinations of powder and poisons both harrow any foe's endurance, playing the long game until the Marksman, ultimately, lines up for that perfect, final shot.

Medic -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP, DEX, and END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Touch of Life [Passive] When rolling to heal, double the bonus to your roll. The extra bonus gained this way cannot be greater than +300. However, all your heals must be made at melee range. Non-Melee healing does not gain this bonus.
Lethal Injection [StA] Make a melee attack on a single target. If it hits, inflict the target with Poison and they take +1 damage from all sources of damage for one turn. 5 turns
Onze of Prevention [SwA] Mark an ally in melee range with Preventative Medicine for 3 turns, disappearing when it activates. Should they be afflicted with a Negative Status Effect, it is prevented. Should they drop to 1/2 of their Max HP, they are healed for 3 Flat HP. 3 turns
Ponze of Cure [StA] Roll to heal a single target. For every 3 HP they have lost, add +1 to this heal, capping at +4. If you heal at least 6 HP with this ability, reset the cooldown on Onze of Prevention. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Tonze of Triage [MA] Immediately move to the side of any ally you can see. For the next 3 turns every time you heal an ally directly or through Onze of Prevention, add +1 damage to your next attack. Healing multiple targets at once only counts as a single heal, and the damage bonus caps at +5. Attacks made with this bonus are Auto Attacks. Any bonus to damage gained this way that is not used persists after Tonze of Triage ends, until you make an attack with it. OPL

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The Medic

Taking a hands-on approach to the art of healing, these combat ready physicians are never afraid to go to the frontlines. Their exact tools and technique vary greatly - some may employ tremendous strength to staunch the flow of blood with tight bandages, some use dexterous movements to stitch wounds closed, and others the power of magick to tend to their allies. But what unites them is their dedication to preserving life, their minds ever on the future health of their allies - though most would agree that bringing a quick end to battle is the surest way to do so, and the Medic is not afraid to get their hands dirty…

Mime -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Gift of the Dramaturge [Passive] You are able to copy abilities used by your allies in combat, and use them with Imitate. You cannot copy Archetype Perks, Legendary Weapon Effects, Passives, Seeker Skills or Ultimates. Once you have used a copied ability with Imitate, you cannot copy that ability again for the rest of that combat.
Imitate Use a copied ability. The action type of Imitate matches that of the ability copied. 2 turns
Duplicate [SwA] You are able to replicate a Positive Status Effect from one target onto another. You cannot replicate a Positive Status Effect onto yourself. 2 turns
Copycat [StA] One ally gains the raw stat bonuses of another ally, overwriting their own raw stat bonuses, except any stat bonuses that are lower than their own. [Raw stat bonuses do not include any bonuses from effects such as Bravery, Libra, or Faith.] 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Mimicry [StA] All allies gain a bonus to their stats equal to half of your current modified stat bonuses for 3 turns. [Modified stat bonuses include things like Bravery, Libra, or Faith.] OPL

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The Mime

Throughout Eorzea, few are able to fully imitate and copies one actions like the Mime. Mimes are often those shrouded in mystery, choosing to support their strongest of allies to great success. Ware those who duplicate the abilities of their friends and foes, for they are more clever and quick of mind than any could imagine...

Monk -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Inner Chakra [Passive] Your Basic Attacks generate a chakra of your choosing -- Thunder, Wind, Rain, Solar, and Lunar -- to a maximum of five (5).
Spiritual Fist [SwA] Spend Chakra on abilities. [See Chart]. N/A
Six-Sided Star [StA] Make a single target Auto Attack that increases your movement speed by 1 for this turn. Grants Wind Chakra 3 turns
Thunderclap [MA] Move to any target you can see. If an enemy was chosen, you can also make a single target attack against them. Grants Thunder Chakra & 1 additional of your choice. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Masterful Blitz [StA] Tap into your innermost power, making a single target attack that deals Raw Damage with an additional damage bonus equal to the number of Chakra you have spent in the last three rounds of combat. OPL
Spiritual Fist Chart
Chakra Combo Ability Name Effect
3 Chakra: 1 type Elixir Field Make an AoE Auto Attack on up to 5 targets in melee range. Grants 1 Lunar Chakra.
3 Chakra: 2 types Celestial Revelation Make a single target Auto Attack with +1 damage. Grants either 1 Solar or Lunar Chakra (your choice).
3 Chakra: 3 types Rising Phoenix Make a single target attack that deals Raw Damage. Grants Solar Chakra
5 Chakra: 5 types Phantom Rush Make three single target Auto Attacks.

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The Monk

The city-state of Ala Mhigo once boasted the greatest military might of all Eorzea. Among its standing armies were the monks—ascetic warriors as dreaded by foes on the field of battle as the city-state's great pikemen. The monks comprised an order known as the Fist of Rhalgr, and it was to this god—the Destroyer—that they devoted their lives of worship. By mastering seats of power within the body known as chakra, they are capable of performing extraordinary physical feats.

Necromancer -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Raise Dead [Passive] Spend 2 HP to summon up to 3 Ashkin (Summoned Companions) with 2 Current HP and 5 Max HP as a SwA. They share half of your raw stat bonuses and convert half the damage they deal to HP, either healing the caster or themselves. You cannot control more than 3 Ashkin. All Ashkin attack using the same roll.
Death Mark [StA] Mark one target for 2 rounds. Ashkin attacking the marked target get +50 to attack rolls and a +1 damage bonus against them. 4 turns
Scourge [StA] Afflict a target with Scourge; it will take 2 Flat damage the first time they damage one of your Ashkin, 3 Flat damage the second, and 4 Flat damage the third. Lasts 3 turns. 6 turns
Sacrifice [RA] Order an Ashkin to defend you against an attack using its body. If damage exceeds its Current HP, you take the remainder. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Dying Gasp [StA] Deal a Flat 10 Raw Damage, which you can split among up to 5 targets. If you choose at least two targets with this ability, the targets are also afflicted with Elemental Curse: Dark and Bleed. Can only be used when all 3 Ashkin have 5 HP. OPL

The Necromancer's Ashkin

Like other Job's Summoned Companions, Ashkin attack after their owner. However, they are exceedingly fragile, starting with only 2 HP with a Max of 5, and have half of their owner's stats.

EXAMPLE: If the Necromancer has +100 to MP rolls, the Ashkin would get +50.

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The Necromancer

It was the Thanalan nation of Belah’dia. that began the process of mummification for their dead, believing it to be a more humane way to honor the dead. Built as a land dedicated to protecting those who held magic in their blood, it did not take too long for less conservative mages to begin meddling in the art of animating those who had been buried alongside their rulers...a means of protecting them and the secrets they held, long after the time of their nation had passed. And so it was that Belah’dia. became lost to the sands of time...but the art of Necromancy lived on, breathing new life into those who had since passed on.

Ninja -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEX or MP)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Ninjutsu On your turn, you may begin forming handsigns with either your StA, SwA, or RA. Every additional action you use of these three allows you to add another handsign. You may then either use one of your Ninjutsu abilities, based on the type and number of handsigns chosen (See Chart) or save these handsigns to use with Ninjutsu on your next turn. If you perform any other action or take damage while you have saved handsigns, you lose them. When Ninjutsu has been successfully used, on your next turn you may use your SwA to activate the Taijutsu effect (See Chart) associated with the last used Ninjutsu. 1 turn
Assassinate [StA] Instantly teleport behind an enemy, then make an attack against them. If you are under the effect of Hidden, this attack does +2 damage. 4 turns
Substitution [RA] Substitute yourself with a dummy, negating all damage to you from a single attack. If you currently have saved handsigns from Ninjutsu, using this ability will not cause you to lose them. 6 turns
Kassatsu [StA] Allows the casting of any one, two, or three sign activated Ninjutsu, adding +1 to damage and an additional round to any status effect inflicted. Does not affect Haste. This ability ignores Ninjutsu’s cooldown. 6 turns
ULTIMATE: Ten Chi Jin [StA] Immediately cast a one, two, and three sign activated Ninjutsu. This ability ignores Ninjutsu’s cooldown. OPL

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The Ninja

Hailing from the war-torn lands of Doma and the Far East, the secret arts of the ninja were born of necessity, and have since given rise to a unique breed of highly-trained combatants. Able to manipulate energies of the land, the air, and living beings, they manifest their power through the weaving of signs, unleashing a wide array of attacks against their foes.

Ninjutsu Chart
Sign Ability Effect
Ten, Chi, or Jin Fuma Shuriken Make a single target Auto Attack.
Ten/Jin -> Chi Raiton Make a single target Lighting-aspected attack at +2 damage.
Chi/Jin -> Ten Katon Make an Fire-aspected AoE attack with +1 damage on up to 5 targets at no penalty to the roll.
Chi/Ten -> Jin Hyoton Make a single target Ice-aspected attack at +1 damage that inflicts the target with Slow if successful.
Ten/Jin -> Ten/Jin -> Chi Doton Roll to apply Sludge on up to 5 targets in melee range at no penalty.
Chi/Jin -> Chi/Jin -> Ten Huton Grant yourself Haste and +50 to hit on your next turn.
Chi/Ten -> Chi/Ten -> Jin Suiton Make a single target Water-aspected attack and grant yourself Hidden if successful.
Taijutsu Chart
Ability Taijutsu Effect
Raiton Fleeting Raiju Close the distance between you and a target, making a single target Levin-aspected attack with +1 damage on them.
Katon Hellfrog Medium Make a Fire-aspected AoE attack which inflicts Ignite if successful.
Hyoton Hyosho Ranryu A single target takes 2 Flat Ice-aspected damage and is afflicted with Freeze.
Doton Hollow Nuzuchi When Doton’s Sludge effect ticks, enemies afflicted have -50 to attack for that turn.
Huton Phantom Kamaitachi Extend your +50 to 2 turns instead of 1.
Suiton Dream Within A Dream Grant yourself Haste and +50 to hit on your next turn.

Paladin -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEF or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Shield Oath [Passive] You gain +100 to HC but deal -1 damage on all attacks. Additionally, when you take damage for an ally, they are healed 1 Flat HP.
Holy Shelltron [SwA] Reduces the damage you take until the start of your next turn by -1, and grants a single target of your choice Regen. 3 turns
Cover [RA] Take all damage intended for a single ally for 2 rounds. 4 turns
Requiescat [StA] Make a single target attack with +1 damage. For your next 3 turns, you may combine your STR and MP bonuses when making attacks and heals. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Confiteor [StA] Make a single target Auto Attack with +2 damage. Under the effect of Requiescat, the bonus to damage is increased to +4. After making this attack, your next three attacks have +1 damage and grant a stacking +1 to your next heal. The third and final attack also applies Elemental Curse: Light. OPL

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The Paladin

There are few more loyal to one's cause than that of the Paladin--formed first of the Sultan's Sworn elite, bound to the will of whoever ruled over Ul'Dah in her fledgling days. In time, the numbers of the Paladin, as well as their arsenal for protecting those who could not otherwise fend for themselves, grew more and more powerful. Possessed of highly umbral magicks and stout protective prowess, few are more sturdy when taking the brunt of the assault than the Paladin. Their focus on both defense and support make them highly valued in many a party setup, and while they lack the might of many other of their kind, they make up for their losses in an astounding amount of utility.

Pictomancer -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Canvases [StA/SwA] Outside of combat you can choose a Motif to paint for free. In combat spend a turn to create and paint a Motif (Weapon, Landscape or Creature) after a Motif is created you can immediately cast the effect. N/A
Umbral Hue/ Astral Hue (SwA) After attacking three consecutive times with MP based rolls, gain access to either Holy in White or Comet in Black. (You must use either one and cannot use the other twice.) Holy in White may stun a target while Comet in Black gives a plus +50 to the next MP attack roll. 3 turns
Subtractive Palette (StA) For one turn, you can free cast 3 attacks at once and refreshes the cool down of your Umbral/Astral hues 4 turns
Rainbow Drip (StA) Cast a MP damage based line AoE that grants a free use of Holy in White, however its stun effect is removed. 3 turns
Magnum Opus (RA) Allows the use of the finishers of the Muses final ability and allows a free cast of Cavases OPL
Motif Chart:
Name Effect
Striking Muse Locks you in a attack only state but next 3 attacks are +1 damage and can't miss.
Creature Muse Paint a creature part ,each piece of a creature each has a different effect (See Below)
Landscape Muse Paint a beautiful Stary Sky and plant a AoE circle below you. You cannot move the circle but remaining inside it grants the Pictomancer Haste and party members a +50 to there next roll

Magnum Opus:
Muse Name Finisher Effect
Retribution of the Madeen Line AoE dealing +1 damage & resets Creature Motif
Starry Sky: Star Prism Light AoE around you, healing 1HP per damage on an enemy to all allies in range & Resets Landscape Motif
Polishing Hammer: Granados Hammer Grants Faith & Bravery to your character & Resets Weapon Motif

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The Pictomancer

Masters of this arcane discipline follow in the Archon Realm's footsteps, wielding vibrant hues of aether to invoke all manner of fantastical beasts, weapons, and landscapes from their mind's eye─for the source of a pictomancer's power lies not in their artistic skill, but the richness of their imagination, with which they strive to paint a brighter future.

Pugilist -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Forme Change [Passive] If you used Style Strike, switch forms next round as a Free Action. You may not use the same form back-to-back. [See Chart]
Style Strike [StA] The effect of this attack is determined by Forme. (For the purposes of Job Interactions, all Style Strikes count as Basic Attacks) 3 turns
Shoulder Tackle [SwA] Attack an enemy, moving to their position in melee range. Counts as a Basic Attack. 1 turn
Uppercut [RA] If an enemy attempts to attack you, but fails, make a Basic Attack as a Reaction. Cannot trigger if the failed attack is the result of an ability used by someone else. Counts as a Basic Attack. No CD
ULTIMATE: Forme Without Thought [SwA] Invokes the effect of all three stances at once for 2 rounds. During this time, Style Strike can be used with 0 Cooldown. OPL
Forme Style Chart
Form Passive Style Strike
Opo-Opo Defend as a SwA 1000 Fists: Deals 3 Attacks at -100/-1, inflicts Daze if at least 2 hit (Counts as 1 Basic Attack)
Raptor Help as a SwA Dragon Kick: Deals Damage and inflicts Disable
Coeurl Concentrate once per round as a Free Action Snap Strike: Make a True Strike

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The Pugilist

Known as the Knuckledancers in Ala Mhigo, the art of Pugilism is older than most schools of magicks...and, one could potentially argue, equally if not more powerful in the proper hands. It is often remarked that while a Pugilist must needs make themselves in close proximity to be efficient, it's typically soon after stated that while magic is effective at a only takes one swift hit to the noggin to bring most casters to a complete stop.
Underestimate the quickly-adapting Pugilist at your own peril...for swift of feet, agile of hand, and cunning of mind is a dangerous combination indeed.

Raptor -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEF)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Counter [RA] Counter when attacked, dealing Flat damage to the attacker equal to half the damage dealt to you, rounded down. 3 turns
Trepidation [RA] Take damage intended for an ally, and heal yourself for half the damage they would have taken. 4 turns
Battle Cry [SwA] You and a single ally both gain +150 to your next attack roll. 3 turns
Unscarred [StA] You are immune to all damage and effects until the start of your next turn. During this time, you may use Counter even if you have already used your Reaction for the round, and this use of Counter deals the full damage that would have been dealt to you instead of half. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Power Crush [StA] Choose from either: Remove one StA, SwA, or RA that the enemy has used before for 3 turns OR Remove the bonus to rolls the target has based on their Tier for 3 turns. During the time that Power Crush is active, you can ignore the cooldown of your Counter ability. OPL

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The Raptor

A strategist to rival that of the Scholar, the Raptor is a master of striking their enemies where it truly hurts, while parrying and redirecting damage to precise targets in order to maximize their combat efficiency. In the times of eld, Raptors were used by many a nation as military leaders to crush foreign enemies and political rivals with their viciously planned assaults.

Ravager -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or MP)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Army of One [PA] If an enemy uses a reaction in response to you, they cannot stop your damage being dealt. All other effects of the reaction play out as normal.
Cold Blood [RA] Move behind an enemy attacking you. (At DM's discretion, this movement can negate the triggering attack.) Immediately resolve a True Strike against your attacker. 5 turns
Last Resort [SwA] Inflict Disable and Bravery upon yourself. 3 turns
Full Assault [StA] Perform an attack, dealing Raw Damage to your opponent, using any damage bonuses you have. You are Disabled and Winded (3 turns) after performing this technique. (No C/D, cannot be used while winded)
ULTIMATE: Blast Wave [SwA] Designate a 5-yalm cone. Resolve a True Strike against all entities in that cone. Targets take additional damage equal to their Tier. After this attack resolves, you are Winded (5 turns), Disabled (1 turn), and take -100 to Strength rolls for 3 turns. If you use this ability while Winded, you immediately drop to -3 HP OPL

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The Ravager

Upon the first strikes of Garlemald against Werlyt, the armies of the coastal nation quickly deployed their forces against the invaders -- primarily made up of the impressively powerful Ravagers, the potent Commandos, and sturdy Sentinels.
Weapon in hand, the Ravagers' primary focus was collecting the whole of their being into devastatingly powerful attacks, often exhausting themselves in the process. The few who were able to survive such an onslaught would, of course, do their best to capitalize on the moment and deal a counter-blow...only to be met with devastatingly powerful assaults in return.

Reaper -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Call of the Void [Passive] You have a summoned companion called an Avatar. (See Avatar for details) In addition to Basic Attacks, you can command your Avatar to perform your Reaper Job abilities through itself. Additionally, you and your Avatar may make Basic Attacks as RAs or SwAs. (You/your Avatar may only make one additional Basic Attack in this way.)
Hells Interdiction (MA) Change places with your Avatar. 1 turn
Executioner (StA) Make a melee attack (this can be a multi-attack, if you possess the ability to perform those). If a target of this attack does not have line of sight to you, this is a True Strike (or Raw Damage, if it would already be a True Strike). 3 turns
Soultaker [StA] Make a melee attack. If you miss, this ability does not go on cooldown. For every point of damage you deal, reduce the cooldown of a RPR Job Ability by that amount. If you have unspent damage, apply half the remaining value as a Shield to yourself and your Avatar. CD = Damage Dealt
ULTIMATE: Harvest Moon [SwA] Select a single target, and perform a Raw Damage attack against it. Afterwards, perform a True Strike on up to 5 targets. You may reduce the number of targets to gain an equivalent bonus to damage. (Your Avatar may not activate Harvest Moon) OPL
A Note on your Passive:

If you dismiss your Avatar, you are considered Enshrouded. Being Enshrouded changes your abilities (see table). While you are Enshrouded, you are subject to the Disable status.

Enshroud Table:

Hells Interdiction > Hells Journey: Track a straight line to your destination. Any enemy within melee range of your path takes Elemental damage equal to your MP Tier (minimum 1).
Executioner > Reaping: The next attack you make against this ability's target is made at Advantage.
Soultaker > Lemure's Strike: Gain HP equal to half the damage dealt. Alternatively, apply half that value as a heal to a chosen ally.
Harvest Moon > Communio: The damage dealt to your initial target is increased by an amount equal to your MP Tier. The True Strike you make becomes Raw Damage instead. After using Communio, you immediately lose Enshroud. Your Avatar must be manually resummoned

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The Reaper

When the old farmers of Garlemald were routed from their homes, they turned to darker powers to give themselves an edge against their oppressors, and to protect them and their people from catastrophe. Their answer was found in the Void. Traditionally fighting with scythes, the Reaper fights in tandem with a voidal Avatar- the conduit for which their power festers and grows- in exchange for the essence harvested from their fallen enemies.

Red Mage -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR, DEX, or MP)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Jack of Trades [Passive] You gain a +25 bonus to melee attacks when using ranged attacks or healing, and a +25 bonus to ranged attacks and healing when using melee attacks. This effect stacks, but caps at +100.
Zwerchhau [StA] Either make a single target melee Basic Attack that increases your next ranged attack or heal potency by +2, OR a single target ranged Basic Attack or single target Basic Heal that increases the potency of your next melee attack by +2. 3 turns
Dualcast [StA] Make your choice of one single target Basic Heal and one ranged single target Basic Attack, two ranged single target Basic Attacks, or two single target Basic Heals. 2 turns
Corps-a-corps [SwA] Pull yourself within melee range of a target while dealing a Flat 1 damage. After using this ability, as a Reaction, you can move outside of melee range, and deal another 1 Flat damage to that target. 3 turns
ULTIMATE: Scorch [StA] Make a single target ranged Auto Attack which gains +1 damage for every stack of Jack of Trades you have. OPL

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The Red Mage

On the eastern edge of Abalathia's Spine lies the mountainous region of Gyr Abania.

It is in these elevated lands that people took shelter, when a burning star guided them away from the Sixth Umbral Calamity's treacherous floodwaters. The survivors gathered from near and far, and amongst them were refugees of the sorcerous cities of Mhach and Amdapor.

These sworn enemies buried their history for the sake of the future, and cast aside their vestments of black and white. Upon the remnants of their arts a new discipline was built, and the first red mages stepped forward with rapiers in hand to fight back against the rising tides of destruction.

Riftcaller -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Contract Summon [Passive] Call forth a Minion as combat begins, granting you a Passive effect from the chart below. These Minions cannot make any action outside their Passive effect, nor do they have HP or HC. You may only summon one type of Minion at a time, and all Minions vanish after their Passive is completed. You may call forth a new Minion using your Passive Action.
Aethersup [StA] Make a single target attack that heals you equal to half the damage dealt. 5 turns
Pact [SwA] Sacrifice 2+X HP to gain a +2 damage bonus for the next X turns. 4 turns
Tainted Blood [StA] Spend your own HP as you use this ability, up to 4 HP. You gain a Shield equal to half the HP spent, rounded up. For the next three successful attacks against you, the attacker will automatically take X Flat damage, where X is the amount of HP you spent. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Nightmare [StA] You and your Minion release a wave of energy, dealing 1 Raw Damage on up to five targets per 2 HP spent, up to a maximum of 4 damage for 8 HP, plus damage bonuses. If you choose only one target, the damage is doubled. Your Minion does not act this turn. OPL

Contract Summon

  • Melee: For the next two turns, every attack you make, your Minion makes an attack with a +50 to hit. These attacks can copy your attack’s elemental aspect.
  • Defensive: For the next two turns, you gain +50 HC. If an attack misses you, your Minion attacks back at a +0 to hit.
  • Ranged: For the next two turns, your Minion locks onto an ally and rolls to heal them at the end of your turn with no bonuses. They cannot change targets until resummoned.

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The Riftcaller

In the depths of the Aetherial Sea lay the many shards of our realm, split into fourteen by the sundering long, long ago...long since have people with exceptional skill been able to slip their hands past the veil, to call upon creatures of other realms in order to do their bidding...provided the price is right, of course. Whether forced into servitude or a deal formed, be it from the shadow-ridden world of the 13th or the light-swamped realm of Norvrant, the Riftcaller is never truly alone on the field of battle...or anywhere else, for that matter.

Rune Knight -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or MP)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Enchant Rune [Passive] At the start of each of your turns, you may enchant your weapon with a rune or change its rune. Depending on the element, you apply Elemental Curse on your next attack based on the rune you have on your weapon. In addition you gain +50 to all elemental-based attacks.
Greater Rune [StA] Grant all allies within melee range the current rune affixed to your weapon for 3 turns. 5 turns
Barrier Rune [RA] Sacrifice your current imbued rune to affix a barrier on yourself or a target, blocking a single attack. When this barrier is broken, the enemy takes damage equal to the number of turns this rune was affixed to your weapon. 4 turns
Explosive Rune [StA] Detonate the runes on your weapon, clearing the effect you have and creating a blast. Make an AoE attack that deals Raw Damage on up to 5 enemies in melee range at no penalty, spreading your current rune's Elemental Curse to foes hit. This attack has an extra damage bonus equal to the number of turns you have maintained this rune this combat. The rune sacrificed this way has a 3 turn cooldown. 6 turns
ULTIMATE: Climbhazzard [StA] Make a single target attack that deals Raw Damage, with a damage bonus equal to ½ the damage the Rune Knight has taken in the last 3 turns (rounded up). If the target is weak to the current rune, deal an additional +3 damage. OPL

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The Rune Knight

A long-held practice in the former Republic of Landis before the Garlean Empire's invasion, there are few living who can proclaim themselves as true Rune Knights in these modern times. Their aether running through the ancient markings of their weapons, the Rune Knight is able to subtly change the very essence of their power to the most finite detail--primarily, the element of said aether. With sword in hand, the Rune Knight is equal parts destructive force and supportive ally, granting protections to their party while shearing the enemy with element-based detriments.

Sage -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Maim & Mend [Passive] When you successfully attack a target, you gain Mend (Your next direct heal grants the target(s) a 1 HP Shield OR The next Shield you apply has +1 HP). When you directly heal or apply a Shield to a target, you gain Maim (+1 damage to your next attack). These effects do not stack.
Kardia [SwA] Grant one target Kardion. The first successful attack you make each turn heals this target for 2 Flat HP. Kardion lasts indefinitely, but you can only mark one target with it at a time. If you use it again on a different target, the previous target will lose Kardion. 2 turns
Pepsis [SwA] Remove a Shield on an ally. That ally is healed for an amount equal to the HP of the Shield when it was first applied. 2 turns
Haima [StA] One ally gains a 1 HP Shield and 5 stacks of Haimatinon, which lasts 3 turns. Whenever this ally does not have a Shield, one stack of Haimatinon is consumed and they gain a new 1 HP Shield. When the duration of Haimatinon ends, the ally effected by it is healed for an amount equal to the number of stacks of Haimatinon that remain on them. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Eukrasia [RA] Expend one stack of Eukrasia to enhance one of your actions or abilities (See Chart). You begin combat with 3 stacks of Eukrasia, and gain one more every third round of combat, but cannot have more than 3 stacks at once.
Eukrasia Effects:
Name Effect
Eukrasian Dosis Your next successful single target Basic Attack deals half the damage it would normally deal, but also inflicts the target with Eukrasian Dosis (an Unaspected DoT that deals 1 damage per turn and lasts 3 turns). Whenever this DoT deals damage, the target you have marked with Kardion is healed for 1 Flat HP.
Kardia Zoe The next time the Kardion effect is triggered, it will heal the effected target for 4 Flat HP instead of 2.
Pepsis Vivify The next time you use Pepsis, the target of it gains Vivify (the next Shield applied to you gains an extra +2 HP). Vivify lasts 2 turns and cannot stack.
Panhaima The next time you use Haima, it takes both your Standard Action and Swift Action to use. Instead of its usual effect, this Haima grants up to 5 allies a 1 HP Shield and 3 stacks of Haimatinon, which lasts 3 turns. Besides this, the ability functions the same as the original Haima.

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The Sage

Sages hail from the land of Sharlayan, utilizing their unique spells to efficiently heal and harm. With the art of Somanoutics, the Sage aligns "mystical stones" around a target to aid or afflict. The appearance of the art has changed dramatically over time, but the power of the Sage has ever been outstanding.

Samurai -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Sen [Passive] Gain 1 Sen at the end of each round of combat if you dealt damage during that round. If one of your attacks hit a vital point (800+ Raw Roll), gain 2 Sen instead. You cannot store more than 5 Sen.
Hissatsu: Shinten [StA] Make two single target Basic Attacks with +1 damage. Costs 2 Sen. 3 turns
Iaijutsu [StA] Spend your Sen points on any one of the abilities listed on the Iaijutsu Chart below. N/A
Meikyo Shisui [SwA] You gain 5 Sen. On this turn OR your next, your attacks treat the target's HC as 0. OPC
ULTIMATE: Kaeshi [SwA] Can only be used directly after a skill that expends Sen. Repeat that action, assuming the same amount of Sen has been spent for skills that scale using Sen. For Higanbana, place a second DoT that deals 2 damage per turn for the same duration. OPL
Sen Ability Effect
1-2 Higanbana Place an Unaspected DoT on a target for 2 turns (if 1 Sen is spent) or 4 turns (if 2 Sen is spent) that deals 1 damage per turn.
3-4 Tenka Goken Make an AoE attack with +2 damage on up to 3 (if 3 Sen is spent) or 5 (if 4 Sen is spent) targets with no penalty to roll.
5 Midare Setsugekka Make a single target attack at +5 damage.

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The Samurai

Far across the rolling waves, towards the rising sun, there lies the island nation of Hingashi.

In the distant past, the realm's great lords vied for supremacy over its sea-girt confines in a long and bloody conflict. And taking to battle in their lieges' names were noble swordsmen whose art was forged in the crucible of war: the samurai.

Eventually, the nation was unified under one banner, and these warriors came to wield their katana not upon fields as part of an army, but upon streets as protectors of the peace.

But as a neglected blade grows dull with rust, so too do men forget their purpose. Amidst waning memories of the old ways, a determined few hold fast to their convictions, hands by katana grips, awaiting the moment for steel to sing.

Scholar -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Fated Fae [Passive] Summon Eos or Selene as combat begins. You may use a Swift Action to switch between faeries. These faeries cannot attack or heal, and do not have HP or HC, but grant the benefits listed below (See Chart).
Chain Stratagem [StA] Grants +100 to each ally’s next roll on a target, and Scans the target. 4 turns
Adloquium [StA] Roll to heal a target with +1 to healing, and grant a Shield to the target equal to the amount healed. 3 turns
Dissipation [SwA] Sacrifice your faerie to gain a +200 on your next heal and restore one Aetherflow stack. You cannot resummon a faerie (as a SwA) for the next 2 turns. 2 turns
ULTIMATE: Advanced Aetherflow [StA] Expend stacks of Advanced Aetherflow to activate one of your Advanced Aetherflow abilities (See Chart). You begin combat with 3 stacks of Advanced Aetherflow. Advanced Aetherflow can be recharged by using a Standard Action to make a Raw Roll that is 300+.
A Scholar's Faerie:


  • Whispering Dawn [SwA]: Grant up to 5 targets Regen. (6 turn cooldown)
  • Illumination [PA]: Grants +100 to heal rolls.


  • Silent Dusk [SwA]: Applies Silence and Paralyze to an enemy. (6 turn cooldown)
  • Caress [PA]: Grants +50 to heal and attack rolls.
Advanced Aetherflow

  • Lustrate: Heal a single target for 5 Flat HP. (May be used as a Swift Action, but only heals for 3 Flat HP)
  • Indomitability: Heal all allies for 2 Flat HP.
  • Energy Drain: Deal 3 Flat damage to a target and heal an ally for 2 Flat HP.
  • Sacred Soil: Reduces damage dealt to up to 5 allies by -2 for the next 3 turns. Requires three charges of Aetherflow. (May be used as a Reaction, but only last 2 turns.)

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The Scholar

In the Sixth Astral era, there once stood the nation of Nym, home to the finest of Warriors and students of magick--the Scholars. Dedicated to the art of protection magicks, the companion and signature of the Scholar--the Faerie--was not initially used for augmenting their summoner's magicks, but instead used to deliver messages and tactics from across large distances. As the years passed however, the Faerie became more practically applied in the fields of combat.

Sentinel -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEF/EVA or MP)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Aegis & Liniment [Passive] While in Aegis stance, you gain +50 HC, stacking for each time you are struck, and falling off to 0 if you take no damage. While in Liniment stance, all healing is granted +1 for every target you have healed in the previous round, falling off when the heal is made. Unlike other jobs, abilities of Sentinel will not go on cooldown until all effects have been triggered, but you cannot use the same effect twice.
Barbed Challenge / Curasa [StA] [Aegis] For the next round, force all enemies to attack you at a -1 to hit. /// [Liniment] Heal up to 3 allies for the amount of damage you have taken in the round.
Steelguard / Swiftcast Cure [RA] Make yourself invulnerable to either physical or magical damage for the remainder of the round. /// Counter damage with a quickly casted heal to an ally in danger. (Cannot be used on self.)
Mediguard / Copied Esuna [SwA/RA] While in Steelguard stance, heal yourself for +1 for each attack dealt to you. (4 attacks = 4 HP gained) /// Purify a single ally’s last two debuffs with a quickly casted Esuna. (Cannot be used on self)
ULTIMATE: Deathward / A Moment's Reprieve [RA] When an ally is set to take damage that would otherwise put them to either 0, -3, or -7, intercept this damage automatically, dealing it back directly as an auto-attack of raw damage. /// When an ally is set to take damage that would otherwise put them to either 0, -3, or -7 cast a heal on them equal to the total amount of heals you have made in combat thus far. (5 heals = +5 to the heal.)

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The Sentinel

The nation of Werlyt is known for its rolling cliffsides and lovely coasts, but little can be understated for its powerful fighting forces, which gave Garlemald much pause in its conquest of greater Ilsabard into Aldenard. Pivotal among those forces were the Sentinels; the front lines and medics of their greater armies, equal parts protector and mender alike. Capable of withstanding ample punishment and keeping their allies on their feet, the Sentinels make for formidable opponents indeed.

Shikari -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEF/EVA or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Risk & Reward [Passive] When you strike an opponent successfully, you gain 1 Risk. Risk can be spent in a variety of ways, granting specific effects, and is gained from successful attacks, being buffed, or incoming healing (all generating 1 Risk). You start each instance of combat with 2 Risk. (This does not carry over to other encounters) [See Chart & Abilities]
Break Arts [SwA] Spend Risk to generate the following effects. [See Chart] Each level of risk costs 2 Risk. For each level of risk, you take 1 additional damage + the level of risk.
Battle Meditation [StA] Spend 3 Risk to negate damage on yourself or an ally for a round of combat. The next round, you will take +2 damage from all sources.
Nothing to Lose [RA] Swap your Risk with an opponent, forcing them to take the additional damage you would have taken for this next round of combat. 4 turns
ULTIMATE: Extinction Pulse [RA] Your next attack generates 1 LB coin that must be used within this round of combat. For the next 2 rounds of combat, you take +4 damage from all sources. OPL
Risk Level Reward
1 Add +100 to the next roll of your choice for yourself or an ally
2 Gain a single positive status effect [Regen, Haste]
3 1 Extra STA/RA/SwA for your next turn
4 Your next attack does True damage

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The Shikari

Hailing from the Dalmascan region of the star, the Shikari were once a legion of fearsome assassins in service to the crown. Once the Princess was slain, however, and the Garlean Empire took control of the land, many of their numbers were cut down, went into hiding, or were put in service of the Emperor's hand. Deadly and efficient, the Shikari take elements from the infamous Doman Ninjas, though seem to be lacking in their ancient arts of hand sigils.
Assessing the risk of each assignment they take and every target they strike, the Shikari are dangerous to ignore, and potentially lethal to not just others, but themselves if they become careless.

"Reckless Shikari never live to see the sun." -- Dalmascan Proverb

Summoner -- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or STR)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Egi Attunement [Passive] Allows for the creation of up to three Egi (Summoned Companions). You may summon forth a single Egi as combat begins. You can use your Passive Action to switch between your three Egi.
Astral Flow This ability can be used as a Standard, Swift, or Reaction. Trigger the Egi Favor or Egi Enkindle effect of your current Egi. This ability will not go on cooldown until all effects have been triggered for all of your Egi, but you cannot trigger the same effect twice. 4 turns
Siphon [SwA] Flat 1 HP heal to self and Flat 1 damage on a single target. You gain 2 stacks of Enhanced Aetherflow. 4 turns
Enhanced Aetherflow [StA] Expend one stack of Enhanced Aetherflow to use one of your Enhanced Aetherflow abilities (See Chart). You begin each combat with 2 stacks of Enhanced Aetherflow, and cannot hold more than 2 stacks at once. N/A
ULTIMATE: Trance [SwA] You gain the Trance status effect, and must choose either the Trance of Rites or the Trance of Catastrophes. Until the Trance effect ends, the only Standard Action you can make is Basic Attack. Your Basic Attacks can be replaced by either Trance of Rites or Trance of Catastrophes, depending on your initial choice (See Chart). Your Egi leaves the field during Trance, and returns once Trance ends. OPL

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The Summoner

The beast tribes of Eorzea worship and summon forth beings known as primals. Yet, what is a God to one man is a demon to another. For time immemorial, there lived mages who had not only the power to summon the primals, but also the means to transmute the primals' essences, thus binding them to their will. Known simply as summoners, the existence of these men and women and their arcane art there thought to have been all but lost.

Summoner's Features:

Egi Favor abilities

  • Defensive: Wall: The first 2 damage you take each round is taken by your current Egi instead. Lasts 3 turns.
  • Ranged: Vortex: Your Egi makes a single target attack that deals no damage but applies Bleed and Poison if successful.
  • Melee: Strike: +3 damage to your Egi's next successful attack.

Enhanced Aetherflow

  • Fester: Make a single target attack with +1 damage. If the target is afflicted by both Bleed and Poison, deals +2 damage instead.
  • Painflare: Make an AoE attack roll without penalty to the roll on up to 3 targets.
  • Bane: Spread a single Negative Status Effect from one target to others, up to 3 additional targets.

Your imagination is the limit!

When you choose Summoner as your Job, you are allowed to create up to 3 different "Egi" (Summoned Companions) to switch between.

The Element (Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Lighting, Ice, Dark, Light, Unaspected) and Summoned Companion Type (Ranged, Melee, Defensive) of each is up to you to decide. You could have a diverse trio (Lighting+Ranged, Dark+Melee, and Water+Defensive, for example) or you can focus more on one Element or Type (Lightning+Ranged, Lightning+Melee, Lightning+Defensive, for example, or Lightning+Ranged, Wind+Ranged, and Light+Ranged, as an alternative).

Keep in mind that each Egi can only use the Enkindle that matches its single Element, and the Egi Favor abilities are tied to the Summoned Companion Type of each as well.

Special Note - Once you have created your 3 Egis during character creation (or when switching your Job to Summoner) you can never change them again. So choose wisely!

Ultimate: Trance
Trance Type Effect
Trance of Rites A single target Basic Attack that is treated as an Auto Attack. You can add +2 damage to this Basic Attack, but doing so immediately ends the Trance.
Trance of Catastrophes A Basic Attack that heals all allies for 1 Flat HP if successful. You can make a Basic Attack that heals all allies for 2 Flat HP if successful instead, but doing so immediately ends the Trance.

Egi Enkindle Table
Element Type Enkindle Effect
Fire Your Egi makes an attack on up to three targets that deals no damage but applies Ignite if successful.
Earth Your Egi applies a 3 HP Shield to one target.
Wind Your Egi deals 1 Flat damage to 3 targets, then pull them towards you or pushes them away from you (they move for 2 seconds in the chosen direction).
Water Your Egi applies Regen on up to 3 targets.
Lightning Your Egi makes an attack on up to three targets that deals no damage but applies Shock if successful.
Ice Your Egi makes an attack on up to three targets that deals no damage but applies Bind if successful.
Dark Your Egi makes an attack on up to three targets that deals no damage but applies Blind if successful.
Light Your Egi applies Stoneskin on up to 3 targets.
Unaspected Your Egi makes a single target attack with +2 Unaspected damage.

Swordsman / Gladiator -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Fighter's Instinct [Passive] Whenever you deal damage through basic attacks, the player gains a stack of Fighter's Instinct. At a maximum of 5 stacks, you automatically dodge the next attack against you. All charges are consumed once you dodge an attack.
Double Take [RA] When you miss an enemy with an attack, roll the attack again at to your roll. This counts as a basic attack 3 turns 3 turns
Cleave [RA] When you successfully hit an enemy with a melee attack, follow up with an extra melee Basic Attack. 3 turns
Warmonger's Triumph [SwA] After successfully landing either Double-Take or Cleave, follow up with an extra melee Basic Attack that afflicts the target with Daze if successful. Warmonger's Triumph also reduces the cooldown of the ability used to proc it by 1 turn. 6 turns
ULTIMATE: War Banner [RA] After dodging an attack, bellow out a war cry that increases your rolls by +100, and your damage by +2 for four turns. Reduce cooldown of gladiator's skills by 2 turns. OPL

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The Swordsman / Gladiator

Skilled with an assortment of weapons, from the traditional blade, to the eccentric flail, the Swordsman is a well-rounded physical combatant. Their skills focus primarily on reacting to the movements of their opponents, attuning to the flow of battle, and seeking out their enemy's weakness in a single, perfect moment of opportunity. To underestimate the Gladiator, though their arsenal may seem simplistic, is a drastic and often deadly mistake.

Synergist -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Radical Repositioning [Passive] Once per round of combat, you may choose to observe the flow of battle and adjust your tactics, at the cost of your safety and focus. Pick a single target and adjust where they fall in the turn order. To change targets, you must sacrifice 3 HP. This can be used on opponents. You cannot move the same target twice in a row, and they cannot be moved to positions they have already been in for 2 rounds.
Penultimate Play [N/A] Sacrifice your turn to allow an ally of your choice to attack in your stead. This does not use up their turn if they have not yet taken action this round. 3 turns
Generous Gambit [SwA] Link to a target for 2 rounds, copying positive and negative status effects they have onto yourself while taking any damage they take. As a reaction, you may elect to move status effects from yourself to a second ally. 3 turns
Stationary Stratagem [RA] Quickly move an ally forwards or backwards in the turn order, granting that target Haste, but placing Slow on yourself. 3 turns
ULTIMATE: Fatefinder [RA] See what lies before you and risk it all to change your fate. Reorder the initiative as you see fit, but drop to -3 HP as a result. OPL

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The Synergist

To many, the ebb of battle is chaos -- but the Synergist looks at the nature of the blood and sweat, seeing perfect order...and where there is no order, they are there to bring it. Strategy and coordination bring the Synergist both joy and victory alike as they change the very fates of their allies and enemies...for better or for worse.

Thaumaturge -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Astral & Umbral [Passive] Choose a Stance at the start of combat. [Astral Stance:] Grants +1 damage to Levin, Fire, and Ice attacks. [Umbral Stance:] Your Levin, Fire, and Ice attacks apply the corresponding Elemental Curse.
Transpose [SwA] If you are in Astral Stance, your next MP Attack deals its Elemental DoT. If you are in Umbral Stance, your next MP Attack deals +1 Damage. (Remains on Cooldown until you Switch Stances) No CD
Manaward [RA] If you would receive Magic Damage, treat that instance as dealing 0 Damage. 4 turns
Scathe [StA] Make an MP Attack (Unaspected Damage) and change Stances. Astral > Umbral: +1 Damage for each turn you were in Astral (Max 3). Umbral > Astral: Select an Elemental Weakness and Elemental DoT to apply. No CD
ULTIMATE: Aetheric Collapse [StA] Select a Target which has an Elemental DoT. Remove it, and make a single Basic Attack Roll (+300 for each turn the DoT had left). Treat the target's HC as 0 for this attack. OPL

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The Thaumaturge

Spawning from the ancient magicks of the Belah'dian Empire, the Thaumaturges are a school of study disassociated with the Black Mages of eld which spawned them, electing instead to focus on the elemental, astral, and umbral aspects of their magicks rather than the costly and immoral walks of Voidsent ritualization.
But a lack of Void Magicks does not make for a weakness in the Thaumaturges, as any in Ul'Dah would attest. To dismiss one out of hand would be your folly...and your downfall.

Thief -- (Solo Bonus Archetype DEX or STR)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Nimble Fingers [Passive] You’re able to open any basic lock without fail, and gain advantage on complex locking mechanisms. You may also use this Passive with a Basic Attack for a chance to pilfer an item from an enemy (See Chart). Each item can only be obtained once per combat and either takes immediate effect or can be used as a SwA (depending on the item). If you roll an item you have already obtained, gain +50 to your next attack. N/A
Mug [StA] Make a single target attack that will sunder your enemy, stealing one stat bonus of your choice to add to your own bonuses for three turns. Caps at +200. (Ex: If the enemy has +300 to STR, you will steal +200 to STR from them and they will keep a +100 to STR). 6 turns
Dirty Tactics [StA] Make a single target attack at +1 damage. If successful, lower the target's HC by half your Raw Roll until your next turn. (Round to the nearest 50) 6 turns
Stowaway [SwA] Make a Hide roll. For the next 3 turns, when you attack an enemy while Hidden, if the Raw Roll was 950+ you afflict the enemy with Daze. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Thick as Thieves [SwA] Make a Hide roll, or make your next Hide roll with Advantage if already hidden, and share your stolen stat bonuses from Mug with all allies for two turns. In addition, for two turns, all attacks made by all allies under the effect of Hidden gain a +2 damage bonus. OPL

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The Thief

The darkness of any city hides the fingers of a desperate soul, looking to take from another so that they might survive, but the Thief is a thing of an entirely different caliber. They take, though not for survival's sake alone, but with a reason behind every theft, every missing item, and every robbed coin. With deft hands, quick feet, and a cunning mind, the Thief takes opportunities to strike where their opponents are often careless in the midst of a fight--their personal belongings. Regardless of what their intent is, however, the Thief will always find their mark, even in the most dire of situations...

Pilfer List T0-T5 Enemies

Roll Boon
0-100 Weak Vigor Potion ([SwA] 2 Flat HP heal on any target.)
101-150 Pouch of coins (You gain 1 Commendation)
151-250 Throwing Dagger ([SwA] Make a ranged DEX attack.)
251-350 Antidote ([SwA] Cleanse 1 Negative Status Effect from any target.)
351-450 Chunk of Armor (You gain +25 to your HC for two rounds)
451-500 Failed attempt to steal enemy weapon (Enemy disarmed for one round, -100 to their attacks)
501-650 Strength Tonic (You gain +1 damage to your next attack)
651-750 Written Battle Tactics (Automatically Scan the target)
751-850 Smoke Bomb ([SwA] Inflicts up to 5 targets with Blind, requires a successful attack roll but does no damage, +200 to your next Hide roll.)
851-950 Fine Alcohol (You gain a +50 bonus to STR/DEX, but -50 to your HC for three rounds)
951+ Weapon Steal (Enemy disarmed (-100 to their attacks), +100 to your offensive rolls when using the weapon, enemy may steal back their weapon on a successful attack roll against you.)

Pilfer List T6+ Enemies

Roll Boon
0-100 Vigor Potion ([SwA] 3 Flat HP heal + Regen on any target.)
101-150 Hefty Coin Pouch (You gain 2 Commendations)
151-250 Leystone Grenade ([SwA] Make an AoE attack that uses your DEX+MP modifiers with no penalty to the roll, up to 5 targets.)
251-350 Reflex Booster (You gain a +50 bonus to your DEX and HC for two rounds.)
351-450 Pouch of Coated Daggers ([SwA] Your next successful attack inflicts Paralyze or Addle.)
451-550 Written Battle Tactics (Automatically Scan the target)
551-650 Pouch of Mysterious White Powder ([SwA] Inflicts one target with Frenzy and Bravery.)
651 - 750 Vial of Vile Liquid ([SwA] Inflicts one target with Poison and Sap for two rounds, requires a successful attack roll but deals no damage.
751 - 850 Unknown Script (Adds +100 to any target's next attack roll)
851 - 950 Enhanced Strength Tonic (You gain +1 damage for three rounds)
951+ Ethereal Key (???) Can only be received once.

Ethereal Keys

"What an enigmatic item! I wonder what it could be used for...?"

The Ethereal Key is an item that, when used on a chest or other similar object, will generate a random Specialty Item...but where do you find chests???

It's a mystery!

Special Note: After obtaining the Ethereal Key, all future Pilfer rolls in all future RP events that are against T6+ Enemies and are 951+ will grant the Thief an Enhanced Strength Tonic instead.

Time Mage (BOUND JOB)-- (Solo Bonus Archetype MP or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Around the Clock [Passive] At the start of combat, make a random roll out of 12. You gain the Passive associated with that Hour (See Chart). At the end of each of your turns, your current Passive is replaced by that of the next Hour on the list, in ascending order to 12. After 12, the Hour becomes 1.
Hand of God [StA] Use the active ability of the current Hour (See Chart). N/A
Time Dilation [SwA] Increase or decrease the duration of a status effect on one target by one turn OR move the Hour up or down by one, changing your current Passive effect. 4 turns
Long Awaited [StA] Attune to time's flow, doubling the Passive effect of the Hour on your next turn and reducing the CD of Time Dilation by two turns. 2 turns
ULTIMATE: Our Finest Hour [StA] For one turn, share the Passive effect of the current Hour with all allies. At the start of your next turn, change your Hour to any you wish. OPL

• • • • • • • • •

The Time Mage

While experimenting with the concept of time, a Sharlayan named Quan tried to reverse their age, but failed. In this failure, however, a new breed of magicks was born, and other mages found the fruit of time's power through the manipulation of reality. The catalyst element known as Time existed before the dawn of man, and having the hours resemble the Twelve, these mages harken to them, bringing forth their power to control the battlefield!

Around the Clock

Time Mage has the unique playstyle of having a different effect depending on what "hour" you're in!

Hour Passive Effect Active ability
Halone -1st Hour Driven by the Fury, gain +1 to damage and +100 to attack rolls. Make two Auto Attacks, or make an ally's next attack an Auto Attack.
Menphina -2nd Hour Cared by the Lover, attacks against you are at -100. Afflict one enemy with Slow and reduce their HC and bonus to hit by 100 for one turn.
Thaliak -3rd Hour Taught by the Scholar, gain +150 to MP. Grant one target Foresight, allowing them to automatically dodge/block the next attack made against them.
Nymeia -4th Hour Garbed by the Spinner, gain +150 to HC. Reverse one ally's HP to the HP value they had at the start of their last turn.
Lymlaen -5th Hour Guided by the Navigator, gain an additional second of movement. Warp space around two allies, switching their positions and increasing their next roll by +100.
Oschon -6th Hour Freed by the Wanderer, at start or end of this turn, reduce all your CDs by one turn. Cause one target to Float just above the ground, increasing their movement by one second and HC by +50 for 3 turns.
Hour Passive Effect Active ability
Byregot -7th Hour Forged by the Builder, reduce damage taken by 1. Grant one target Haste.
Rhalgr -8th Hour Powered by the Destroyer, gain +150 to STR. Crush an enemy with gravity, make a STR + MP attack with +2 damage if the target is above 50% HP, or +1 otherwise.
Azeyma -9th Hour Balanced by the Warden, gain +100 to your rolls. Summon a specter of an ally to make one Basic Attack or heal using their stats +100.
Nald'Thal -10th Hour Paid by the Traders, automatically damage an enemy equal to half the damage they deal to you. Inflict an enemy with Countdown for 3 turns, a 3 damage DoT status effect that does 1 additional damage for each turn it is active.
Nophica -11th Hour Tended by the Matron, gain +1 to healing and +100 to healing rolls. Grant one target the effect Undo for 3 turns, a Regen-like status effect that does 1 more healing for each turn it is active and starts by healing 3 HP.
Althyk -12th Hour Seasoned by the Keeper, the next ability used this turn has no CD (Does not work on OPL/OPC abilities] Select an ally to repeat the StA + SwA from their last turn, using the same rolls and targets. (Does not work on OPL/OPC abilities)

Transfigurist -- (Solo Bonus Archetype Any Combat Stat)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Form Shift [Passive] You may begin combat in one of four Stances: [MP], [STR], [DEX], or [DEF/EVA]. While in one of these Stances, you gain +200 to all rolls made with the associated stat (and +200 HC in [DEF/EVA]) while reducing all of your other stat bonuses (except END) by -200 (including reducing your HC by -200 in [MP], [STR], or [DEX]).
Raze [StA] Use your current Stance's Raze ability (See Chart). 4 turns
Restore [SwA] Use your current Stance's Restore ability (See Chart). 4 turns
Reactive Shift [RA] Shift to a different Stance. When shifting into [MP], [STR], or [DEX], you gain a +1 damage and healing bonus for 1 round. When shifting into [DEF/EVA], you take 1 less damage for 1 round. 3 turns
ULTIMATE: Overdrive [SwA] Take on a second Stance for 2 rounds. You get both of their bonuses, and use both of their Raze or Restore abilities. While this is active, Raze and Restore have no cooldown, and you may combine your MP, STR, or DEX bonuses when using them. Stances with identical effects for Raze and Restore will stack. OPL
Raze & Restore Chart
Stance Raze Restore
[MP], [STR], [DEX] Make a Basic Attack with +2 damage. Roll to heal yourself and cleanse one Negative Status Effect you have.
[DEF/EVA] Provoke a single target. Roll to heal a target and give them Regen.

• • • • • • • • •

The Transfigurist

Transfigurists are the truly adaptable sort, able to channel aether through their bodies in order to take on physical characteristics, shifting their forms in order to better take control of a situation. However, moving such an enormous amount of power leaves other parts of their bodies vulnerable...Thus do Transfigurists go into battle with as much care as they do courage.

VIPER -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Swiftscaled Each turn you make a Basic Attack, you may lower the CD of ONE Viper Ability of your choosing by 1 Turn.
Dreadwinder [StA] Make an Attack at +1 Dmg. At the end of this attack, change between Dual Blades, or Twinblade Stance, affecting your other Abilities. You will always begin combat in Dual Blades Stance. 2 Turns
Legacy/Generation [SwA] Dual Blades: Deal 2 Flat Damage. Twinblade: Make two successive Attacks at +100 3 Turns
Ouroboros [StA] Dual Blades: Make two successive Attacks, dealing True Damage. Twinblade: Make an AoE attack to 3 enemies within melee range at +1 Damage, without Multi-target penalty. 4 Turns
Reawaken [StA] For the next 3 Turns, you may make a Basic Attack using StA, SwA or RA. OPL
The Viper

Within the New World of Tural, there are a select few creatures that awaken to preternatural powers, becoming what is known as Tural Vidraal. In order to protect the land and its people from the dangers that the Tural Vidraal bring, there are those who rose up to the occasion to hunt down and slay such beasts. Vipers fight through the use of dual blades, often combining their blades into one weapon to tear through their opponents. Their ways of fighting can only be described as agile, swift, and as deadly as the serpent that inspired their way of fighting.

Warrior -- (Solo Bonus Archetype STR or END)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
The Beast Within [Passive] Choose one of two Stances as combat begins - [Deliverance]: You gain a +100 to STR rolls. [Convalescence]: You receive +1 HP from all healing.
Nascent Flash [SwA] Choose a target. You and that target are healed for an amount equal to the damage you deal this turn. 3 turns
Thrill of Battle [StA] Your Max HP is increased by an amount equal to 1/2 of your current Max HP for 3 rounds. You are healed for this same amount when this skill is activated. 3 turns
Inner Chaos / Equilibrium [StA] Choose one - Make a single target attack. For every turn your [Deliverance] has been active this combat, you gain a +2 damage bonus to this attack, up to a maximum of +6. OR Roll to heal yourself. For every turn your [Convalescence] has been active this combat, you gain +1 to healing for this roll, up to a maximum of +3. 5 turns
ULTIMATE: Holmgang [SwA] Chain yourself to an enemy, moving as they do for 3 turns. While this effect is active you cannot drop below 1 HP. OPL

• • • • • • • • •

The Warrior

Up in the high mountains of Vylbrand and in the peaks of the Old World, live a line of battle-hardened brawlers whose fear is erased in the puring fires of what many call the "Inner Beast"--a force so ancient and primal, that all sense of self is lost within. Many a mortal soul have cowed at the very idea of delving into such a maddening, potentially deadly power, but the Warrior brandishes it with pride and control. There are few and far in-between that can match the sheer strength of the Warrior in raw power, and the sight of one streaking across the battlefield in a blood-frenzied rage is a sight many a poor soul could go a lifetime without witnessing again.

White Mage -- (Archetype MP or DEX)

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Dia [Passive] You may freely make any of your attacks Light Aspected, and your Light Aspected attacks also afflict the target with Lux if successful.
Glare [StA] Make a single target attack. If successful, the target has -100 to their HC until the end of your next turn. 5 turns
Medica [StA] Heal up to 5 allies with no penalty to the roll and give them Regen. 6 turns
Benediction [StA] Immediately heals 1 ally back to their Max HP. 7 turns
Ultimate: Holy [StA] Make a Light-aspected AoE attack at +1 damage on up to 5 targets in melee range without penalty to the roll. Enemies hit are afflicted with Daze and Disable. 5 turns

• • • • • • • • •

The White Mage

In times of eld, when the Sixth Astral Era had begun, the realm beheld an ancient and powerful sect of magic-users, known as White Mages. Through their Light-aspected spells, they were able to achieve feats long since considered impossible--from bringing stone to life, to curing the most horrible and unthinkable ailments of both body and soul. Alas, in their hubris, and for all their might, the White Mages were wiped away with the rejoining and the Calamity of Water, their numbers near to naught. The little that remains of the White Mages now are held in safekeeping by the Padjal of the Black Shroud, whose goals of keeping history from repeating themselves have kept the potent magicks--of both healing and destruction alike--from the hands of many who would use them.

Pets & Summoned Companions:

Summoned Companion Roles

Hit Class:

  • Melee: 300
  • Ranged: 250
  • Defensive: 400


  • Melee: 10
  • Ranged: 8
  • Defensive: 12

Additional Bonuses:

  • Melee: +50 to STR rolls
  • Ranged: +100 to DEX or MP rolls (not both, pick one.)
  • Defensive: -50 to All Attacks
Summoned Companion Rules:

Summoned Companions are "pets" within the COMET system which fight beside their owner. Several Jobs have Passives that enable them to call forth a particular kind of Summoned Companion. Each kind of Summoned Companion -- Carbuncles, Egi, Mammets, Mounts, Ashkin, and Beasts -- has its own turn, directly after their owner's turn.
During its turn, the only thing a Summoned Companion can typically do is make a single target Basic Attack using its stats. Any other abilities it may have are typically triggered by certain Job abilities, and usually do not take up the Summoned Companion's turn to be used.

If your character is dual-classed with two Jobs that each have a Summoned Companion [like Mammeteer+Arcanist] you may have both Summoned Companions at the same time, but at the end of each of your turns only one of the two (your choice) will get its own turn.
All things in the COMET system that affect "all allies" do not affect Summoned Companions. Things that affect "an ally" or "a target" can be used on Summoned Companions, however.

While the majority of Jobs with Summoned Companions can begin combat with their Summoned Companion at their side, it is possible to dismiss your current Companion and summon a different one. "Dismiss" is a Swift Action, and "Summon" is a Standard Action.
A Summoned Companion must first be dismissed before a new one can be summoned. (Note, however, that Beastmasters and Summoners have ways around this restriction).

If a Summoned Companion is reduced to 0 HP, it is automatically dismissed. The "Summon" Standard Action may be used to re-summon it, but it will be at 1 HP. Note that Summoned Companions can be healed.
Each Summoned Companion of each type is counted as a separate entity. A Mammeteer's King Mammet, for example, has a separate HP pool from their Bishop Mammet.

This system is a constant work in progress.

For the Latest Updates, check the Public System Roleplaying Discord

It is highly recommended you not deviate too hard from these jobs if you elect to use the COMET system, as they are precariously balanced by the staff. While you technically could add or subtract or even combine jobs in this system for your own flavor or style,

COMET adds, balances, and names jobs based on need, not request. If you have suggestions, comments, or questions, we recommend directing them to the Public RP System Discord. Please do not beg us for jobs. We have considered each addition and balance carefully.


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