}I{ Biolance 2 Character Creation }I{

by TheTranMan

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=== Biolance 2 Character Creation ===


The following Information is paired with Important Game Rules v6 and the Drict Mega-Document.

All Bans:

Anything from Official D&D 5e Content is allowed. Homebrew and UA can be brought to the DM to be discussed for use. However the following content is banned / changed:

  • Variant Human from the PHB and Custom Lineage from TCOE are not allowed.

PHB Bans:

Classes & Subclasses

  • Beast Master Ranger is banned. All Rangers are innately given an Animal Companion.


  • Any Conjure ___ Spell: Conjure Animals, Conjure Celestial, Conjure Elementals, Conjure Fey, Conjure Minor Elementals, Conjure Woodland Beings are all banned from being selected by any Spellcasting Player Character.
  • The Guidance Spell is banned.
  • The Wish Spell is banned from being selected by any Spellcasting Class. It still exists in the Campaign, but Characters must go on epic end-game quests to seek out a way to cast it.
  • The Simulacrum Spell is banned. DM's get the most headache if players actively go out to break the game by doing Simulacrum or Clone spams. That's not what I'm here for, so it's not selectable by Spellcasting Characters.
  • The Forcecage Spell is banned from being selected by any Spellcasting Class. Characters will have to seek out uses of Forcecage, either from scrolls or other magic items.

XGtE Bans:

  • Gloomstalker Ranger is banned.


  • The Summon Greater Demon and Summon Lesser Demons spells are banned from being selected by any Spellcasting Player Character.

TCoE Bans:

  • The Peace & Twilight Cleric Subclasses are banned.

Spell Changes

  • The Summon ___ Spells have their Material cost removed.

Creating a Character

In a Couple Steps

Choose your Race

Select a Character Species (and Subrace if it has one) from the Biolance Species Document. Record down the Ability Score Increase of the Race, or just take a floating +2 to one Score of your choice, and a +1 to one different Score of your choice.

Generate Statistics

The Statistics for Characters will be generated through Point Buy. Characters have 35 Points to spend in this way. The Maximu Purchasable Attribute before Special Bonuses is a 16, which costs 12 Points. Remember the Tasha's Cauldron Main Stat-Swapping is in effect, which means any +2 or +1 goes to any other one Statistic that isn't already being increased (so no +3 in one Statistic).

Select a Lineage

Select a Lineage, which is a variant of your Character's Race.

Do Not Select A Background

Your Character does not aquire the Feature from selecting a Background. Typically, I never find them to be useful in-game, and they generally get handwaived. Instead, you may gain the following from your "Background", which is reasonably anything you consider which grants you the following:

Select a Class

Select any Official Class (and potentially Subclass) that isn't banned. Your current Character Level is Five (5). Instead of rolling for Health or taking Average, you take the Maximum Health of your Class's Hit Dice.

Acquire a Starting Feat

We will be using Feats, including Starting Feats and Expanded Feats. Regarding Feats, all Characters gain both an Ability Score Improvement and a Feat at the Levels when those are available..

Pick Spells

Select Spells if you are capable of Spellcasting. The following Documents are also available to you when considering spells to pick:

Finishing Details

Do a once-over of thinking about your Character, and consider any late tweaks to their backstory as time passes, even after you've played the Character for a while.

Lastly, consider your Character's Magic Item Wishlist, or the Magic Items you would like your character to hopefully find in the world. You do not need to specify a Magic Item from the DMG or other sources, and can just reference a thing like "Fire Sword" or "Armor with Spikes on it" or "Doc Ock's Arms from Spiderman" and I will probably homebrew something for you if I can't find an item closely equivalent. Start with the following items for your wishlist:

  • 5 Uncommon Magic Items
  • 3 Rare Magic Items
  • 1 Very Rare Magic Item
  • 1 Artifact or Legendary Magic Item?

And then we'll probably go from there.

Select your Vehicle

Select a Starting Vehicle from the following Document: The Biolance Vehicle Statblock Examples of the following:

  • A Motorcycle, Motortrike, or Uni-Motor
  • A Civilian Automobile or Civilian Truck
  • A Light or Medium Tank
  • A Civilian Helicopter
  • A Fighter Jet
  • A Formula Skell

Biolance Mechs operate under the 'Transformers' Rules, and are able to transform between a conventional Vehicle or a Mech. The starting Formula Skell can transform into any vehicle listed above it.

You can also choose to have a Starship instead, though it will be of Class Fighter (less than 100 feet in any dimension). The overall party has one Personal-sized Starship, which is the Ship of only one party member's, or as none of them and is instead piloted by a trusted NPC.

Work with the DM to identify the core traits of your Starship or other Vehicle. A character is considered Proficient with the Vehicle they select.

Purchase Equipment

Starting Wealth = 10,000c (gp)

Purchase all manner of Equipment varying from Spell Components, Armor, Weapons, or Magic Items. When it comes to mundane equipment, reference the PHB except for Armor and Weapons, which you can reference below:

The following is also available for Characters as well, which is all sourced from the Biolance Super-Reference:

Biolance Variant Rules

Action Adrenaline

All Characters gain the Fighter's 2nd-Level Feature: Action Surge equal to half a Character's Proficiency Bonus (min 1). The exception is that these only recover on a Long Rest, instead of the Fighter Class which recovers them on a Short or Long Rest.

Exertion Action. A Character without any uses of Action Surge, can immediately regain 1 use of Action Surge by sacrificing half of their Hit Point Maximum. A Character who takes a Long Rest regains their original Hit Point Maximum. A Character who does this twice, dies after that Action is taken, and cannot be revived.

Hyper Healing Surge

As an Action or a Bonus Action, a Character can use a Hyper Healing Surge and spend up to half their Character's Level in Hit Dice (rounded down). For each Hit Die spent in this way, the player rolls the die and adds the character's Constitution modifier. The character regains Hit Points equal to the total. The player can decide to spend additional Hit Die after each roll.

Biolance Variant - Hyper Healing: Healing Surges no longer require a Character to finish a short or long rest to use again. Characters can just Healing Surge as long as they have Hit Dice and Actions to spend.

Action Healing Surge: Healing Surges used as an Action instead recover the Max of the Hit Dice, instead of rolling. This does include out-of-combat healing as well.

Martial Maneuvers

The following Martial Characters:

  • Barbarian
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue

Gain access to Battlemaster Maneuvers. You can read this Document: Martial Maneuvers to learn more.

Parrying Power

Any adjacent Parry-type Reactions, now work against any Attack---including Melee, Ranged, or Spell Attacks.

Rounded Saves

All Characters gain half their Proficiency Bonus (rounded down) as a bonus to all Saving Throws they are not Proficient in.

Spells Unshackled

The One Leveled Spell and One Cantrip on a turn restriction is removed.

Super Sneak Attacks

Sneak Attack has been modified in the following ways. Here is the difference in text:

Original Sneak Attack

Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.

You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

New Sneak Attack

Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. On your turn equal to your Proficiency Bonus, you can activate Sneak Attack and can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse weapon, ranged weapon, or spell attack.

You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Ultra-Upcasted Spells

When a Spell of 1st Level or Higher is Upcasted with a Spell Slot above its original level, the spell instead of being affected by the upcasted rules, is cast an additional time equal to the spell slot above its original level. Such Spells can also be chosen to affect ally creatures instead of yourself within 10 feet times the slot above original level. Similar to Twinned Spell, you can only Concentrate on one spell, even though you've affected multiple targets with the casting of it.

Here are some examples:

  • A 2nd-Level Shield affects you and one ally within 10 feet.
  • A 3rd-Level Mirror Image manifests 6 Mirror Images, instead of just 3; or a 3rd-Level Mirror Image manifests 3 Mirror Images on you and one ally within 10 feet.
  • A 4th-Level Fireball creates two 20-foot Radius Spheres within Range.
  • A 5th-Level Hex is casted on up to 5 Creatures of your choice.

Exceptionally Homebrew. This Rule will probably be lent only to DM fiat, but as a rule of thumb, no Mechanical Numerical Bonuses will be able to stack, only the number of targets---such as not getting a +10 to AC from a 2nd-Level Shield, or no +20 from a 3rd-Level Pass without Trace, but you can have 6 Mirror Images from a 3rd-Level Mirror Image.

===== Rest Changes =====

Terminology for Rests are unchanged, including recovering various Resources from them. The following changes are as followed:

Short Rest

A character recovers the various benefits from completing a Short Rest:

  • A Character regains half of their Maximum Hit Points, as well as half their total Hit Dice (which can be spent after the Rest has completed).
  • Spell Recovery. A Spellcaster Character regains half their Level in Spell Slots, similar to the Arcane Recovery Feature. A Character can only recover Spell Slots in this way an amount of time equal to their Proficiency Bonus before requiring a Long Rest to be able to do this again.

Long Rest

A Long Rest can only be completed in a "Place of Safety", such as the Party's Ship, or similar bastions of Civilizations---such as Hotels, Cordoned-Off Locations, or a Demi-Plane.


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